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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3604: Schizocore Edition Anonymous 01/02/2022 (Sun) 14:58:19 Id: 49075f No. 176596
COVID-19: Data does not support more restrictions in England this week thanks to plan B, cabinet minister says https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-data-does-not-support-more-restrictions-in-england-this-week-thanks-to-plan-b-cabinet-minister-says-12507657 Covid: Workplaces told to plan for absences of up to 25% https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59848109 British-made lateral flow tests are BANNED in UK despite being cleared for use in EU... leaving the government relying on swab kits from CHINA https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10362195/British-lateral-flow-tests-BANNED-UK-despite-cleared-use-EU.html
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op of gold, op of shit
>>176596 good lad didn't realise the old thread was so full >>176598 luv this memi tbh
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WHY AFRICA'S DEMOGRAPHICS SHOULD MATTER TO THE WORLD >Africa's population set to increase 10 times by 2050 https://youtu.be/sAQaFGLRaC8
Hebrew > Pitman > Greg > Shavian > I can't sneedline
>>176596 good lad I also made a schizo thread smh
just got up
>>176608 morning lad
>>176604 tbh didn't either for a while >>176607 smh good lad all the same
>>176606 learn Hebrew, know your enemy
>>176608 Good lad
>>176608 good lass
the ricardo thread disappeared smh something's going on >>176605 literally just stop feeding them tbh it's that simple if you don't feed them they just sit around and eat dirt cakes until they starve they aren't real people >>176608 morning lad
filtering all the flags you'll never miss anything
>>176614 >literally just stop feeding them tbh it's that simple if you don't feed them they just sit around and eat dirt cakes until they starve they aren't real people tbh
>>176616 I think that was the intended result
>>176617 tbh larger populations mean more pressure on the toiler i.e. harder work and less complaints
retard is on filter for a reason. he has nothing useful to say, is always stupid and useless
everyone should be like me
>>176605 >evolutionary successful >because other races feed you this is so fucked up
>>176621 Well atleast this niche isn't going to last forever.
Just finished Gomorra Season 5 and it was absolute kino. https://youtu.be/17MBllYf6OY
>>176623 have sex incel
>>176624 nOOOOOOOOOOOO and I already did, it was just ok and now i just watch kinooooo and ignore foids
requesting more photos of AOC's boyfriend's feet
>176624 >176627 You like to dance close to the filter, don't you?
>>176628 why do /brit/ niggers filter?
>>176629 we filter cuz are post counts is bigger
>>176629 I only ever filter schizo because he fills the thread with his worthless poost
>>176632 poor lad smh w*men always toy with a lad's feelings just for kicks
>>176633 Just love finding these Filipina LDR mystery nationality combinations. Yea lad, bit like chatting to schizo
morning lads I see we are watching 'had to get a gook' vids
1 gook gf please ok thank you
>>176636 smorn lid
>>176637 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab0rbeu_HFE Smh, its absolute cringe, there are thousands of low status males working crappy jobs engaged in ldrs with filipino women because the west is morally bankrupt
>>176639 >because the west is morally bankrupt it's moreso because the dating market is so fucked that guys will resort to gooks so at least they can get some wet pooosey around their knob
>>176640 Yea but these lads don't even get much poosey, they literally get a pen pal
>>176639 that is one ugly sprog
Someone is going to have to tell western women to buck up their ideas pretty damn soon tbqh.
>>176643 *marries the state and has kids from 3 different men* Umm have sex incel
We're literally going to need breeding camps to save the huwhite race
>>176643 they'll just all hit the wall and become cat ladies and live off welfare tbh not a single one of them will learn anything or every have any genuine moment of introspection
>>176639 I don't see the appeal frankly, I would rather be alone than have sprogs or race mixed bastard kids. it just goes to show how broken white women are that 1) they aren't having children by in large 2) their sense of worth is so inflated beyond what they actually are (the berry picking herd cattle tribes women of white men). why not just get a 1/10 white woman instead?
>>176647 >. why not just get a 1/10 white woman instead? Have you encountered many of those on the apps?
>>176647 >by in large it's "by and large"
>>176643 tbh see so many of the girls I went to school with just fucking around in their late 20s early 30s toiling and doing fucking nothing as if its appropriate for them to just not have kids and be whores forever.
>>176649 fr fr
>>176647 nothing wrong with spawning a qt hapa lass for the lads to use later on tbh, if it's male though send to japan/skorea/china military school
I tried the asian dating apps and after I passed 30, i started getting a lot of contact from ones in their late 30s
>>176652 race mixing is un anglo
>>176644 can't stop keeking at this picture
>>176655 yeah underneath the bride of frankenstein hair is a 7/10 lass
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>>176656 nice tummy though >>176657 hullo la
>>176658 she is just making a weird face as well she is decent looking probably is a joke she is doing for social media
>>176659 >probably is a joke she is doing for social media hope so tbh i remember the days back when every lass would make that face for every photo
keeeeeeeeeeek yeah the duck mouth
had a wank, not a great idea in hindsight
>>176662 oyster up to replenish zinc
>>176662 sell it to spic
argh theres vaseline everywhere so hard to clean up
>>176665 why would you use vaseline, that's gonna give you bepis cancer
>>176666 will it?
>>176667 I wouldn't me smearing a petroleum byproduct on my dick.
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what about popping a viagra and then wanking?
tfw you finally escaped the ballsack and are going to breed but then you just end up in a tissue smh
ill bite why the fuck are you using lubrication for masturbation?
>>176671 keeeek
>>176672 tbh is he mutilated benis like me?
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>>176672 i pull my foreskin all the way back with one hand and use lube on the head with the other, feels so fucking good
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great content
err someone asked he answered
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wew this is what I come to /brit/ for.
glad to be a part of this community tbh
that was nothing compared to some of the vile nasty content posted here
fail to see how its that controversial tbh
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I've just remembered all the grotty leg and nob cheese positng 22 used to do.
>>176679 tbh >>176683 tbh barely even registers >>176684 tbh ask a question get an answer
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>grotty leg cheese
>>176688 yeah, I'm still convinced he's an skilled norge troll.
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>3 brightness too bright >1 brightness oddly hurts eyes too >2 brightness just right >that's 2 out of a scale of 100
Involuntarily retched irl at the reminder of 22st's leg sludge tbh
>>176691 based >>176692 keeeeek tbhtbh
>>176694 England is literally hyperboria
I don't want to complain but in some of the discords it feels like if you only lurk, you get booted from the discord after a while
>>176698 I wonder why
>>176698 I was booted for not doxxing myself. spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
>>176700 Oh the filter's working again, nice. That spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)s the board up
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>>176696 Mummy thought I was joking when I told her that putting people on ventilators can be itself lethal. It's probably what killed her Il Divo singer. Smdh. Trust the science but also hospitals can kill you because of nurses or even doctors not washing their hands after they take a shit, or because a surgeon drops a watch in your abdomen and forgets about it. Always instinctively loathed and feared those places of death.
>>176694 keeeeeeeeeeeeek >>176696 >go to hospital with el coof >get intubated >die of pneumonia >yet another covid death many such cases >176698 >bongo
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came across my oneitis today and she smiled at me. We haven't spoken to each other for 8+ years and before that she preemtively rejected me. Feel a bit sad tbh.
>>176702 the hospitals get paid >for every patient that tests positive for hoax virus >for every hoax virus patient that gets put on a ventilator >for every hoax virus patient that dies so they are just mass testing people with these bullshit tests, putting them on ventilators and blowing their lungs out to kill them for like $3000 from the government. this is what happens every time somebody tells you "I know somebody that got corona, they went to the hospital and got put on a ventilator and died". what is actually happening is that they caught the flu, were brainwashed by the tv into thinking it was something serious, went to the hospital and were killed by the doctors and nurses. if they just stayed in bed and ate chicken soup they'd be good as new in 2 days
>>176705 think i walked past gingerlass last night but couldnt see properly because of the dark smh
>>176707 Imagine how many children you'd have if your island was walled off and isolated
she had like pigtail plaits very cute might not have been her though
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>>176710 >plaits
thinking about how homos stick their dicks in arseholes, and laughing about it again
sneevening lads leftovers of blasted meat shreds and the normal sunday dinner stuff but with swede also, followed by christmas pudding with brandy butter and clotted cream couldn't finish mine and was falling asleep at the table while the cattle did their social performative upkeep going on about the latest mentira variant and boooosting and people locking themselves down because of muh coof tests and other such seethe, sprinkled with a bit of muh global warming seethe
mad how it's been almost 2 years of media hype restriction.s >>176713 Thanks lad
>>176714 no signs of slowing smh the middle class is really enjoying this and it's another way of letting them do nothing while the nation is dismantled around them until only niggers are left
>>176713 >the cattle did their social performative upkeep going on about the latest mentira variant and boooosting and people locking themselves down because of muh coof tests and other such seethe, sprinkled with a bit of muh global warming seethe what the fuck? when I visited family on Christmas there was no mention about any of this shit. except one relative that was having a whispering conversation with me agreeing about how it's all bullshit.
>>176713 >brandy butter and clotted cream
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>>176716 they're all boomers and xoomers and comfortable upper middle class, they secretly love it they love following the rules and being good cattle and praising eachother for being expert government penis suckers
alright, no more wanking this year new years begins tomorrow
>Initially, the Grand Viziers were exclusively of Turk origin in the Ottoman Empire. However, after there were troubles between the Turkish Grand Vizier Çandarlı Halil Pasha the Younger and Sultan Mehmed II (who had him executed), there was a rise of slave administrators (devshirme). These were much easier for the sultans to control, as compared to the free administrators of Turkish aristocratic origin.[1] hmm
>>176719 Yea, they were raised on tv lad
>>176720 good lad, save that loosh for ginger lass
>>176724 kind of looks a bit like her
>>176722 The Sultans preferred appointing non-Turkish Viziers (prime ministers basically) because they were more loyal than Turkish ones. This continued even after they lost Greece (appointed three more ethnically Greek Viziers) and the Balkans (32 Grand Viziers were Albanian) until the Young Turk revolution in 1908.
>>176726 something familiar about this modus operandi
chicken veg and tatties with gravy over all and some salt, then sticky toffee pudding with haagen dazs for dessert
god willing one day someone will get mongol on the pooscum by melting down some of those coins and pouring them into his gullet
>>176724 she will never even say hi to you
Good events in 2022 Feb- Census seethe April- Northman film viewing
>>176734 >Feb- Census seethe is it that close, totally slipped my mind
Greece was the Ottomans oldest European holding and the most Muslim besides Bosniaks and Albanians and yet was the first to successfully rebel in 1821 (Serbia in 1835, and Bulgaria in 1877-1878). Most Greek Muslims were either killed during the revolution or later deported in 1923. There's still 50,000 Greek Muslims in Greece called Pomaks. I've heard they're very patriotic.
Foidgeta, what does the babyometer say about his murder level!?
>>176736 > I've heard they're very patriotic.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Tooth filling broke off in the middle of supper for supper
>D-Day veteran Frank DeVita says he’ll never forget how tough it was to be the man in charge of dropping the ramp as his landing craft approached Omaha Beach. “This was our shield as long as it was up. And as we approached the shoreline where the water hits the sand, and the machine guns were hitting the front of the boat—it was like a typewriter,” DeVita, who was barely 19 on June 6, 1944, remembers. >When he was ordered to drop the ramp, he paused. “I figured in my mind when I drop that damn ramp, the bullets that are hitting the ramp are going to come into the boat. So I froze.” >But then the coxswain again yelled at DeVita to lower the ramp, and he followed the order. “I dropped the ramp,” he said. “And the first 7, 8, 9, 10 guys went down like you were cutting down wheat…They were kids.”
>>176739 have some ice cream lad
>>176740 it was worth it to stop that nasty hitler man >>176739 good lad
>>176736 >There's still 50,000 Greek Muslims in Greece called Pomaks. I've heard they're very patriotic. I thought the Greek Muslims were exiled to Turkey in the population exchange, 'became Turks', and are now Turkish-speaking, Turk-identifying Turks? Meanwhile, there is a small minority of Christian Turks in Athens, as Christian Turks were exiled from Anatolia along with the Greeks. I doubt Greeks would accept Greek Muslims as their compatriots, they would be viewed as traitors. >>176740 Good. Shit on their graves, too, allied vermin- they ruined everything. Everything wrong with the world is their fault.
>>176743 >and are now Turkish-speaking, Turk-identifying "Turks" meant to say it like this with the quotation marks
fug off spig
https://youtu.be/PYLbJ0H8zdc Mummy used to watch this man but now she watches Spector instead
>>176745 there is no counterargument so all you can do is ad hominem
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>>176665 Get real lube lad ffssmh.
>>176743 They were excluded from the population exchanges because they live in Thrace. >The Pomaks of Thrace were, together with Turks and Roma, exempted from the population exchanges provided by the Lausanne Treaty (1923). The treaty made no mention of their language, but declared that their languages of education should be Turkish and Greek. Recently the Community of the Pomaks of Xanthi, has announced its request to be treated equally and therefore to have the right of education in Greek schools without the obligation of learning the Turkish language.[68][69] Although they're almost certainly ethnically Slavic I recall Golden Dawn lied for their sake saying they were ethnically Greek and therefor could stay. Golden Dawn is a secular party because its filled with pagans. >Greek nationalist scholars and government officials frequently refer to the Pomaks as "slavicised" Greek Muslims, to give the impression that they are the descendants of Ottoman-era Greek converts to Islam like the Vallahades of Greek Macedonia
>>176748 jesus fucking christ why can't women see themselves?
>>176754 How much does a 3 minute message cost?
>>176755 £70 I think
>Did Jesus Experience Trauma? Experts Say ‘Yes’ For unto us a child is born into hardship.
>>176757 that last but is their quote
today, israel officially began the 4th jab, for over 60s.
counting the minutes until bedtime
>>176761 tight chest short breaths waiting for bossman to call me back
>>176762 what's the point of having a dog there?
>>176764 to bite the protesters
should have got the bazza brigades to bring their tysons, like
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>current year >women tattooing themselves like they are men who have spent years in an American prison
>>176767 like American prisoners they have probably been shtupped by schwarzes repeatedly
>>176768 based TBBKinian take
>Mormon missionaries baptising Paiute Indians this picture would probably give libtards an aneurism.
>>176770 keeek they're like cavemen
>>176770 disgusting tbh, but look how manly those white lads look, look at his forearm roughly holding the indiancel, they don't make em like that anymore
>>176772 They do but lads are psyopped into behaving like unhappy incels.
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>>176771 Tbh, pathetic unevolved people
>>176774 keeeek lad whomst is the other lad meant to be?
>>176775 "MERLIN'S BEARD"
>>176770 wish the kingdom of deseret took off, mark twains account of early salt lake city was so kino
>>176776 KEEEEEK
>>176777 it will one day lad
>>176748 so glad I am a virgin permaloner incel I don't want to be associated at all with this current society so when some gen alpha man is looking at me in old age I can say I had nothing to do with this
>>176779 mark potok and other kikes have noted that recently mormon and amish rates are down.
smh mormons allow shitskins in now so its pointless
>>176782 based universalism
wish I had a comfy reclining chair sofa thing wooden chair is really doing a number on my behind
>>176784 smh lad surely you can find something like that at the tip or some used furniture store
>>176782 >>176781 mormons were infiltrated some time ago, they've been becoming more and more leftoidic as the years have gone by
>>176785 not really got any room for bigger furniture smh living in a shoebox
>>176781 >The 2018 total fertility rate for Utah — the number of children each woman here would expect to have in her lifetime — has now dropped to 2.03 still pretty good, I expect the hardcore Mormons to have a way higher one than the libtard city slickers. >>176782 It doesnt really matter if it remains small and the White-Mormon birthrate remains high. The small group of polygamist radical Mormons will have an exagerrated effect on future generations. The Amish started with 200 people 400 years ago and are now 200,000. This guy already has 100+ descendants alone. There's 6-10 thousand members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints >The FLDS Church has been designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center:[9][10] citing leader Warren Jeffs' opinions on "blacks, women, gays, violence and the end of the world;"[11] and called them "a white supremacist, homophobic, antigovernment, totalitarian cult.[12][13] The group has been called a "polygamous cult."[14][15][16]
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>>176786 >infiltrated christoids always loved niggers, remember when the pope said slavery is a sin? when religious nutjobs smuggled runaway slaves to the north?
>>176788 based good white pill pic, loved seeing the amish come to town long chains of massive white families and all the men are BIG forearm chads
just want to have lots of wives and singlehandedly breed an army of freakish dysgenic children to rival the entire nation of pakistan, causing the NHS to finally collapse which takes the rest of the government with it, is that so wrong?
god I wish that was me
>>176788 If they believe the bible is fallible, who has the authority in the religion to say what is right?
There's a group of fundamentalist Mormons that lived inside their own mountain called Rockland Ranch.
>>176765 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>176788 <pretty good retard, it's extinction levels.
>>176796 this is like something from fallout NV
imagine what a /brit/ commune could do.
>>176801 all educational materials in Teeline.
>>176801 a lot of poos probably everyone dead by day 14 due to infighting
>>176794 if only there were a committee that jews cojld take over -sigh-
>>176799 2.03 is considered stable, the population will decrease very slowly if it remains exactly at 2.03. Its being brought down by the secular population in Salt Lake City who will in turn be replaced by the more conservative and fundamentalist Mormons.
>>176803 What do we fight about again?
yeah I'm thinking I'm going to bed >>176806 exactly just how based hitler was
>>176805 in modern terms. but, modern medicine won't be available to them soon enough.
>>176807 keeek yeah smh people would die on that hill
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>>176806 we fight over dibs on ethots
so as we emerge from the pandemic, what are your plans for the near future?
so there is a little girl missing in San Antonio Texas. maybe white, perhaps black, or Hispanic, right? Afghan.
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>>176813 poo take for plenty of reasons
*self inserts into incel kino* they're just like me
>>176773 false, t levels and forearm strength are way lower than back then >>176782 I remember seeing mormons on 4pol cupcake posting a few years ago
>>176806 >>176807 I would dominate all others in the commune and provide a firm hand for stability and to dole out justice and light a flame that the ages shall not extinguish
>Hardly any confidence left in Germany: Only 32% believe that the Covid figures provided by the government are correct. but who believes the poll numbers are correct?
>>176813 GAS YOURSELF FAGGOT 4chan is fake and gay, bans all mobile networks (thus no happenings)
It really is true that there is zero validity to the concept of democracy when a major candidate is blocked from discourse by a company possessing a substantial % of it.
MTG seemed more like a lolcow, buy she's actually opposed crenshaw, very impressive.
shut up
>>176822 go back to 4chan retard
international whites united
was eating pudding but then a big shart came on and I had to rush to the toilet so not the pudding isn't warm
>>176825 not your food blog filtered u bint
*starts crying*
was an impressive poo tbh
filters are great for just keeping the retarded stupid and useless dumbass dumbfuck shyt off the screen. stupider than the nigger on The View
>>176827 smh don't let schizo bully you
>>176829 >niggers in finland
>>176832 It's indeed quite sobering to remember our problems are shared now by Asians
>>176832 Yeah, thanks for that, *llied *nglos
>>176833 don't care, I don't have a Finnish gf
>hes here
Without googling, guess who tweeted this >Tonight I will oppose both compulsory vaccines for [medical] staff, and the introduction of vaccine passports. Both measures are counterproductive and will create division when we need cooperation and unity
>>176838 diane abbott
going to see how long i can go without masturbation this year. haven't done it yet
>Meet the Trump Supporter Who Says His Faith Led Him to Storm the Capitol on January 6th >Joe Smith (not his real name) wants to see a commitment to truth reorient his country and recover the witness of the American church. >Smith could see a little bit of the poliyicians inside the Caputol on January 6. He heard the flash-bangs go off on the steps and saw the polic beat a woman senseless. And he could feel the spiritual weight of what was unfolding. “I’m not one of these people that senses evil all the time or anything. It’s probably only happened maybe twice in my life,” the Californian activist said. “But I just felt a real darkness over this place, like a real evil.”
>>176841 won't get you a girlfriend.
>>176843 guess what
>>176813 eh women do those things because its a symptom of selfishness and wealth display and their ingroup whereas men who are low status have no in group and are outcast. also taxi driver was made by kikes so that people would associate incels with shooters and it was also a movie where kikes molested jodi foster. in the original script she was supposed to be pimped by niggers but that was too 'racey' so kikes self inserted
>>176829 just call them googles or joggers or twitters or something so kikes will censor another word
>>176846 twitter already has fast response software that identifies what they call "codes". that was revealed in the joe rogan tim pool interview. remember, since then they hav 5 years of secret development and a/b testing.
>>176844 2022 will be the year you finally recognize you're an incel?
Being an incel is hardly so bad as you may suppose. First of all, women are all retarded, so it's no insult that retards aren't impressed with you. But the greatest boon is that you can talk about and think about what you care about, instead of the stupid things idiots think and talk about.
One of my discoveries has been to discover that the tradition of Latin, and Greek, and soon enough Sanskrit (feminist communist fuckery is afoot in india too) are collapsing. Schools are abolishing classics, having last century disposed of their seminary and military roots.
Most racism is reverse racism. Racism is between groups, each perceives wounds and threat from history and attacks, alternayely. Original racism is hard to identify.
>>176852 filtered for stupid The Sun tier trash.
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>>176855 >I love my like 2921
>>176856 hes happier than you'll ever be
>>176762 1. The U.K. has vicious stray dog packs 2. The only effective pocket defense to them is a 9mm semiautomatic handgun. 3. Let's bring back Constitutional Carry in the U.K.
>>176859 what are you waiting for? shop now
>>176859 >variant if it exists comes from africa >africans coming into more contact with other africans >more getting hospitalised for this variant (if you believe it's being tested for, how and why?) >??? >whitey bad 'Ate the Daily Mail tbh.
>>176855 >3 Based and cuckqueen pilled.
watching videos of the police being despotic and sneething tbh
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>>176862 stupid boomer crack, totally useless stupid shyt
>>176863 however, you won't demand your pm stand for the right to Constitutional Carry
>>176866 Because all MPs are traitorous wannabe tyrants and would refuse. Duh.
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god i wish that was me
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also a lovely french mummy in this film
>>176867 some people get things out of mps. how?
>>176869 french mummies are the best
>>176869 imagine watching her while she thinks she's alone in the room and then rips a long nasty fart
>>176870 Extreme persistence and only wanting to get some sort of token scraps from them in the first place.
Starting to think 23542f is actually Fr*nch himself.
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>>176571 >One area where we don’t have to guess, and for which we have very clear and direct biblical discussion, is with female make-up and jewelry (1 Tim. 2:9–10; 1 Pet. 3:3). When was the last time you heard a sermon against braided hair, gold jewelry, and expensive dresses? When was the last time you heard mascara and lipstick examined in light of their “distinctively pagan origins”? In the Bible, these things are associated distinctively with Jezebel and with the collapse of godly civilization (cp. 2 Kgs 9:30; Isa. 3). Make-up and fashion confirmed for sinful
let's get this party started https://youtu.be/uWPahLc-j5w
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>>176852 >no. 4 Based and binsian
>>176880 Hey don't bully Bins
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But he makes it so easy
>>176880 >jake murphy funny how those types always turn out gay, lol
>>176884 he is a jew.
>>176885 thanks, detective
>>176886 you are spreading anti-irish lies.
as an irish quadroon i must stand up for my people.
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>>176878 yeah right, Christianity operates not as a brotherhood, there are no sisters in Christ, it's just a mantle or arrogant j'accuse.
>>176891 >who could not understand why europeans hated er how about being at the head of a mutt caste empire on europes door step and unleashing said mutt horde upon europe for hundreds of years, also ottomans basically upgraded their phenotype by taking white slaves and marrying them, bunch of copers
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>>176893 good lad
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>>176893 Goodlad
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>can't find the will to apply for toil
>The Dead Sea Scrolls refer to ancient Hebrew scrolls that were accidentally discovered in 1947 by a Bedouin boy in the Judean Desert. never happened.
>>176878 Thanks for posting this image before, (if that was you,) since it makes a good GMod spray
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For me it's a toss-up between big Bulgaria and big Georgia
>>176901 what are their covid policies like?
>>176874 yet jews get everything, not you
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>the arabian peninsula became a desert ~5,000 years ago
>>176904 >believe the jews
>>176904 Humans lived in the Sahara whilst it was verdant.
>>176907 who do you think makes that nonsense up?
>>176907 The world was created 2000 years ago and the Earth never changes because Adonai doesn't allow it.
acczbit pushes financial claptrap. he confuses futures contracts with holdable hedges. everything he says about finance is stupid shyt.
like criticizing liquidity. he probably thinks those stolen hermes bags are worthless since fences will have to move them to a foreign location. stupid.
>open page for entry level job application >proceeds to list all the entry requirements which preclude it from being truly entry level as I don't meet their minimum standards its over
>>176912 you can just lie lad
>>176912 that's why Americans have guns
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>>176915 diary. filtered.
>>176913 sometimes but not really for certain stuff tbh, difficult game that, would be a lot easier if they'd just give the fucking job then I wouldn't need to lie
not a job man myself it looks like a waste of time
>>176919 decline the ancient Greek definite article
>>176912 Probably bossman wants to pay entry level wages for experienced staff (or Karen in HR can't do her job properly, which is true for all HR departments without exception). All companies with over 100 employees should be forcibly closed and their owners fed into a woodchipper.
>>176921 no, bossman only hires foreigners. mystery solved dumfuk
>>176921 >video keeeeeek
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>>176924 god I wish I could talk to pigs like this
>>176925 You could try, you might be more metal than man by the end but you can try.
>>176927 Thank you lad.
Drunk so much tonight, time to try and sober up.
Reminder god hates you if you don't have a girlfriend. >God shows through his women whom he loves by how they dispose their devotion.
is keith woods based or cringe?
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>>176930 simp detected
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>>176932 Move beyond the false based-cringe dichotomy to attain true sneethelessness.
>>176932 hes on our side but some don't like him for infighting reasons, his one struggle takes are retarded, he also thought corona would be over by the summer
>>176935 is he a le epic genius or just a personality cult zoomoid like nick the spic but more erudite? thats the vibe I get
Who is Keith Woods? Quick jewgle revealed a twatter account for a "chief diversity officer" Keith Woods. Wew.
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>>176932 I mean, he's Irish a-doiszche
>steinhog can't form his own opinion needs to know what the cool kids think. wew.
>>176936 hes just an e celeb lad stop sneething, wunderkind I'd say but hes wessies age, hes a massive grifter though as soon as he got big enough he put ALL of his content behind paywalls, he also appears to have snubbed woes this year as he was scheduled to be on but was a no show
>>176940 thanks I have never watched any of his stuff but he does seem to be more based than many of the cringelords in the alt shite
>>176941 You worry too much, if something/someone is sus you'll soon know, lad.
>>176939 >>176937 are these the same posters
>>176944 then why did you use identical grammer and words at the end of your posts
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>176943 >what are IDs? Oh, it's a >(1)
>176946 how does this disprove my post, newfag mong.
>nobody has ever ended a sentence with wew before
>newfag mong calling me a newfag mong Wew.
>>176948 the grammar is literally identical and its within short succession
>>176949 how can you not know who keith woods is and not be a newfag, we had a newfag posting the other day asking weird questions too wessie pointed him out
>>176951 I know who Keith Woods is, if the other lad doesn't fair enough, but we are not the same lad.
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I don't pay much attention to ecelebs. Didn't know who kikemarez was for several years of people posting screencaps of him talking with Woes.
>>176953 fuck off, stupid useless retardo flagfag as per usual u stupyd bynt
>>176954 keith woods is far more notable than kikemarez
>>176954 it is always flagfags and (1)s who flog ecelebs
>176955 Filtered for gargling cum
>176956 Then why not answer the simple question? Want to play Guess Who with me? Is he American or English. Is he a zoomer, xoomer or boomer? Because I simply have not heard of him. If he is so important to you, perhaps discuss him more than a vauge he is based wait no he is cringe aha how do you not know Keith Woods? NIgger faggot.
deffo a newfag tbh
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look at this shitshow steiner started. Yanks out.
>if I IP hop and accuse other preemptively of IP hopping and call this oldfag a newfag I'll gain internet respect points and ascend to the bongo cabal and SA will finally fist my bussy UwU
>176962 >oldfag
>>176963 I have been on /brit/ since before it was /brit/, or brit/pol/ for that matter. It is nothing to be especially proud of tbh. I am also older than (You). Old enough that my bones hurt. Okay, thank you.
>that one lad who said he was 50
Didn't realise how late it is. Messed up my sleep schedule staying up for newyears. Of course there are a bunch of autistic yank spics on. Smh. Cheerio you racial abominations. You la creaturas. Heil Hortler, snort eceleb coom. Fist your own bussy and shit yourself in public with pride.
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>>176967 It's not like they were ever going to be a father regardless
Maury (((Povich))) It's just a humiliation ritual of the goy isn't it?
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek so many subhumans
>>176970 Those are your relatives, mate.
>that babies face at 5:51 in the background keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>176972 >was gud mug nigger?
the kike lord gets all the goyims to clap keeeeek america is so fucking shit
>>176972 Luv the contrast between the cute blonde babies even with ugly parents vs the 100% ugly nigglets
>that lads face
would luv to see steiney on this show after he accidentaly impregnates some uni foid he worked with in her amazon zoom cave after 4 months nofap
>>176977 I would wear a KKK uniform there on the show lad
>>176978 KEEEEEEEEEEEK based, shame we don't get jeremy kino here anymore
>>176967 jesus christ america needs to be nuked
>>176979 did that show end? >>176980 tbh
>>176981 kek yeah some lad roped a week after he was on it so its been permanently cancelled, think that was 4 years ago now, doubt we'll ever see that type of tv here again unless its imported, really I'm glad because it was very bleak and I always remember it was mummy or other family having it on on those horrible grey depressing mornings/afternoons and it was just a little too close for comfort since we live around people like that, watching foreign versions like maury is nice since its like looking at it from a long distance.
how is it legal to do that to a child lmfao??
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK they have it separated by race on yt https://youtu.be/sH-MTSwYrYc
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for me it's trisha
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>>176984 >when the hyperborea hits
>>176986 >Le pol face >in the case of Gunther...you ARE the father
>>176984 based treven owning femoid scum
KEEEEEEEEEEEEK he really is the phenotype
>>176987 it's all fake
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>>176984 >the blonde lass at 6:40 smh too much like lower class people in my extended family smh
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek its clearly a mulatto baby
>>176992 smh grim, the lower class here just become alkis atleast they don't end up associating with nogs, I'm sure its all changing now though
>>176993 shut up boomer tard
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek wigger with the samurai hair
bollock destruction at 10:30
>>176999 fuck off shit not worthy of the title white
filtering cancerous losers
has schzibot even slept or does he shit on imageboards 24/7 like a real chatbot smh would like to see a sustained banning campaign against him again tbh
try it and find out, you will miss nothing of any value by filtering name and flag fags, and those who act like them. nothing. they post only grstuitous useless garbage. they are like tv. if its on tv, you cannot benefit.
>>176898 the deformed animals are beautiful, in heaven.
>>177002 Don't expect much from SA lad, and shouldn't you be schleeping, would prefer your schleep schedule over mine tbh, I've procrastinated doing an application all night
>>177005 so being a shyt fuck and fill it out now
your heroes won't tell you this, but I will
>>177005 I always wake up at least once or twice for a piss every night smh went bed at 9 this time so six and a half hours was pretty good might try for a bit more before going shops for brekkie
can feel a 4am poo coming on too
>>177008 >I always wake up at least once or twice for a piss every night aren't you 26 smh, you are living like an old man in a run down tenement
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Withnail and I tier lifestyle except obese
>>177010 assinine fb whore talk. filtered for being a stupid daft chav
>>177011 needs some Brendan png overlays
yet again s fool with a flag they are always on everything they ever say of no use to me whatsoever
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>tfw one bollock
>>177016 notice there is nothing from those jews about the conditions of January 6th prisoners.
most men are women, these days, gay somehow. particular to it is shamelessness. and so you know they are not serious but stupid and useless. to the degree a man is a woman he is useless to me.
in other words that which occupies their minds is uselessness, so they are rubbish creatures.
anyone who is not a stoic is a fool, though types of stoicism vary. did you know a basic practice of stoicism is visualization?
if your goal is a degenerate past time, you will fail, because newer times have madder and fiercer dogs thay will put to shred your aims, by even greater degeneracy. You'll get dragged along barking as you do now, to ruin, pathetically. This is the meaning of Revelation.
The slippery slope is never ceasing. You can't slide up to a higher more refined level of slope. You may only be plucked by Eagle's wings to an austere home where you too may learn to fly.
>>177023 shut up agg
As long as you accept the degeneracy of name faga and flag fags everything you do will fail. their mental attitude wull cause you to take the same attitude, as you conform yourself to them. but they are incapable of improving you. of course! when has anybody who compelled in you attraction ever done you the least bit of good? name it to youraelf. the nature of man is attraction to garbage, but we, like dogs, can't rell it's garbage, it smells great to us!!!
He who has ears, let him hear!!!
ah yes, it is now half past 5 in the morning gmt and I've still not done my home toil, now is the perfect time for bed, I'm sure I will be well rested and fulfilled tomorrow
>Greenwich Mean Time is the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, counted from midnight.
>>177029 smh la
odd thing to specify though surely?
Just being formal for levities sake
>>177029 not your diary. filtered immediately
>>177030 is an alias. the operator(s) are Chinese
the thing westerners don't get is just how HUUUUUUGE china is.
the population of China is so great that it's bigger than the whole west combined.
now, considering that only a fraction of people are engaged online in any given month, you can see that manipulation by China is a highly manageable affair, but only with ai to guide them say that 5% of chinese perform 50 yuan duties. that is 34 million shills
you can have 100%confidence the Chinese have been operating here (is count is 10-50, they'll allocate some time).
the Chinese ship everywhere, and they aren't alone. israelis, including many Jewish orgs shill, and they focus their time on hotbutton issues, detected by their bots.
>>177039 >>177040 >>177041 china is the good guy
India's population is similar. they are less sophisticated, and less homogeneous. But there are so many of them, be assured they come here.
I don't have a Chinese gf, so I don't care about china.
But if I did, I'd recommend they strangle xi while nobody is looking, suggestion is tha games. lots of chances to garrote him. snal that neck of that fucker.
But I don't care, I don't have a Chinese gf.
offer him food, he's fat, he likes food.
hey fatty here's a chicken wing
then kick him down the stairs and stab him
you got this, use Zen magic.
Epic video of Hezbollah btfoing HTS (Formerly Al-Nusra) from their perspective https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/ru6g3c/insane_combat_footage_from_hts_in_syriapresumably/
>>177051 stop posting links and just post the actual video
>>177052 why? it's nothing of any use or any good.
2 years lads
>>177054 the retard flew on private jets. zero respect.
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for those not aware its time the real brits posted, "gmt" indeed.
checking the news for xi's demise
>In contrast to common assumptions, the 50 Cent Party consists mostly of paid bureaucrats who respond to government directives and rarely defend their government from criticism or engage in direct arguments because "... the goal of this massive secretive operation is instead to distract the public and change the subject.
this is consistent with what I see. instead of discussion of issues "bullocks destuction" gags and random videos of colored commandos.
the guy signing up for a job is fake. lots of fake stuff
this is standard chart bot behavior, since 10 years ago. they talk to each other, the operator may intercede to handle externalities, the aliases are established
essentially, they don't bother with stochastics
>>177016 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Gymnast who defected to South Korea by using his skills to get over the border flees BACK to the North https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10363573/South-Korean-attempts-rare-defection-North-despite-military-policy-shooting-sight.html
Recent developments in German far left extremism. >Since her arrest in November 2020, Germany has been captivated by the image of a tall woman in her mid-20s with a blurred face stepping out of a police helicopter. With no former criminal record, the graduate student from Kassel, known as “Lina E.” is charged with forming a criminal organization, assaults resulting in “dangerous bodily harm” to others, “a serious breach of the peace,” robbery, damage to property, and forgery. >After graduating high school, Lina moved from Kassel to the Connewitz borough of Leipzig and studied education at Martin Luther University just outside of the city in nearby Halle-Wittenberg. Upon completing her coursework in 2018, Lina submitted her undergraduate thesis, "On dealing with neo-Nazism in youth work - the NSU in the Winzerla youth club," she had multiple encounters with youth on the far-right fringe during her time as a volunteer in Kassel. >Simply put, Lina is accused of forming a militant autonomist cell, who spied on and violently ambushed members of Germany’s far-right scene, leading to the serious injury of 13 persons over multiple occasions. The fact that her group targeted perceived members of the far-right, along with increased attention from law enforcement upon extra-parliamentary left-wing political movements have naturally created tremendous support for Lina and her codefendants among the left in general. >The student and four other people are said to have attacked a sewer worker. E. was also accused of being involved in a serious breach of the peace in Wurzen. https://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/prozess-nach-politischen-gewalttaten-linksextreme-gewalt-angeklagter-soll-geld-von-demokratie-projekt-erhalten-haben_id_20927983.html https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article230801805/Neue-Vorwuerfe-Linksextremistin-Lina-E-bleibt-in-Haft.html Linda E was a social worker paid by both the state and directly by an anti-extremism NGO called Demokratie-Projekt. Her job was to de-radicalise "far right youth" and she in turn provided this information to left-extremists so they could ambush them. The only reason they were stopped was because they were caught on tape planning the murder of right-wing youths which forced the police to intervene. They were found to be in position of weapons and explosives also.
>didnt keep my head neutral when deadlifting >neck pain if i move it too much how long until this goes away?
>>177066 based
>>177067 >carries his piss bottle everywhere
just fuck my neck up fam
who need dey neckussy ate?
>>177010 yeah smh based decrepit organs >>177067 smh how can rightoids even compete
>>177067 Based Cartimandua, and naturally Rome will stand by and let it continue.
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>>176984 It's all fake and gay, like everything else broadcast on the Electric Yank. How people can subject their brains to this torture is beyond me.
toil from tomorrow, a new year of toil beckons
>>177074 hopefully this can be a turning point in ending the "dereadicalisation" franchise of the counter terror industrial complex.
I mean a counter-extremism employee literally using their position to plan acts of terrorism by murdering their "patients" is a good thing, its a vindication of everything we believe.
>>177079 >perhaps this can be a turning point in ending the Seljuq colonisation of Anatolia
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this picture almost feels 3d but it's not 3d, it's triple d
enormous khazar milkers huuuuaaaaarrrgghhhhh
>>177082 There is hope lad! Don’t give up! For example, this couple met when they were kids and, after she ignored him practically his whole life, they eventually married after she discovered she had AIDS
>>177085 Goy vey!
listening to innocent japs making pisslamcels seethe again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFM3bfKUusM
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>>177084 German nuclearphobes btfo by based Macron?
>>176967 Why do they always run?
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>based Dutch pigs attacking anti lockdown demonstrators https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-q4h46hHLA
>>177093 qeeeeeeeq
>>177094 Pig obviously doesn't know how to control the dog. >that brief moment he looks like he's going to wack the guy being bitten but thinks fuck that won't look good, so he hits the dog instead, and it still doesn't let go
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>find qt israeli girl who's interested in and talks about science and philosophy on her blog and twitter woah kino
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Comfy video
>>177098 22st hard at work delivering packages god I wish that were me
>>177098 There are people here who can't drive or fail theirtests, meanwhile a rangy drives free >>177099 yeah, until he hasto get out and put on chains in the freezing cold and snow reaching up to a quarter of the tyres smh
>>177100 but he's a viking and its ok and actually not much effortirino for him
>>177101 Me or the rangy? I'm the 22st
>she's right wing and talks about web3 ahh, she's perfect
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>>177105 KEEEEEEK chad neet cow
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Fresh Matt Easton
>>177109 is the film unironically good? could be another film night candidate
>>177110 Yes, its a 2 parter, the first part is best
>>177105 He's literally me
Going be working harder at finding kino this next year.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2UktJtKpFw Listening to leftypol Groomey Tunes again.
Any of you lads witnessed a real stabbing? I haven't. There was one right on my doorstep where I used to live years ago but I missed it. Young white lad I didn't know, killed by another underclass whiteoid. Smdh. People who did see it said it was (predictably) over in like 2 seconds and he never had a chance at defending himself. By all accounts it's how they always go.
https://youtu.be/LRvMpKFOyIM >>177118 Never lad, seen a road accident
>>177119 Me too. Only times I think I've seen a dead body irl it's been a heckin automobile incidenterino. They really should ban them. Smdh.
>>177086 Bit of a shame she's poisoned with the vax so now they're only for show.
>>177121 Isn't she preggo right now?
>>177122 She miscarried from what I heard.
Gommora Season 5 was incredibly good until the last few episodes the two protaginists duking it out with their prospective followers, just brilliant
morning lads
>>177126 snood smaftersnoon lad another slow day
>>177126 smorning lad
>>177127 based
smh can't handle melatonin every time or so when I take it my dreams are way too intense and lucid and its like I get feelings of unreality about waking life
>>177131 sounds kino tbh got some expired pills but I've never taken them
>>177118 Saw my friends cousin get stabbed in the back by a paki. He didn't even realize he was badly injured until we pointed out all the blood on his back. Didn't hit anything vital thankfully.
>>177131 Life is the waking dream lad.
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>>177135 I wonder fucking why
>>177135 >In the 1960s we were a youth movement that demanded to be heard. We marched on the Pentagon and occupied college administration buildings. In the 1970s we mellowed, listened to the Band and the Eagles, and read Charles Reich’s “The Greening of America.” In the 1980s we rebounded as yuppies. We became investment bankers and lawyers, and the women among us wore suits with padded shoulders. Thereafter we ascended to political power—not always wisely, truth be told. But our music had lyrics and melodies, and our protest songs took on real injustices. We cemented a civil-rights revolution for women and minorities and left a mark on all succeeding generations. >So, of course you don’t like us. We were carefree and exuberant, while you are dour and anxious. We had Woodstock; you have safe spaces. You are Alfred de Musset’s enfants du siècle, living in the shadow of an earlier, more exciting generation and conscious of having missed out on all the fun >What you’ve forgotten, however, is that it’s up to each generation to make its own mark. Defining yourself by your resentment of an earlier generation isn’t how to do it. So perhaps we still have something to teach you, ungrateful wretches that you are. >What we find missing in your generation, more than anything, is laughter. We grew up on Mad magazine, which taught us to appreciate great literature (“By the shores of Gitche-Gumee / Out near Feldman’s Bagel Factory”) and prepared us for Watergate and the Clintons. When we were a little older, we subscribed to National Lampoon, a magazine that knew nothing is funny unless someone is offended, and the more they’re offended, the funnier it is. We laughed at “Blazing Saddles” and “Animal House,” films you aren’t permitted to see unless you download them when no one is looking. >The last time we saw anything funny on late-night television was Norm Macdonald’s news updates on “Saturday Night Live” in the 1990s. Now we’ll marvel at how anything resembling humor has been surgically removed from “SNL” and the talk shows. Sneering at people you despise isn’t an amusing diversion. >The generation before us used to be called the silent generation. But they weren’t silent. They invented rock ’n’ roll, the music of our time, but a genre you’ve permitted to die. And they didn’t try to cancel anyone the way you do. You are the silencing generation. The only thing we wanted to ban was banning itself. And if ever we seemed to have gone too far, if ever we had a momentary regret, we called for madder music and stronger wine. >That rubbed our elders the wrong way. We offended people. You are perpetually offended. We were John Belushi’s Bluto; you are Dean Wormer. Perhaps that’s why we could roll with Donald Trump’s offenses against taste (up to Jan. 6 anyway). Your generation, not ours, elected Joe Biden. He looked like one of Holden Caulfield’s phonies to us, and we decided we could tolerate Mr. Trump’s mean tweets. So if you want to vaunt your moral superiority, we’ll grant you Mr. Biden. Although possibly you’re having some second thoughts about that. >Frankly, when I look at your generation and realize that you’re our children, I wonder where we went wrong. Except that when I think of our excesses, I can’t be surprised that you decided to rebel in your turn. We had thought we had seen the promised land before us, but it bounded away as we approached it. And you saw us fail. >And so we offer you our forgiveness, along with the wish that you’ll pardon our offenses. We’re bound together, across the generational divide that always separates parents and children, and over which we extend to you our love and hope for the future. >One last word of advice: You won’t believe what your kids will say about you. So spiteful and blind, acting like the average millenial represents what the media and academia spews
>>177138 Has there ever been a more conceited and brainwashed generation?
>>177138 and their swan song is mindlessly going along with mentira psyops to destroy all future generations
>>177138 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K61-tK7Xlzg big ol' industrial meat grinder, feet first for the cunt that wrote that
>>177140 They mindlessly when along with everything else.
I am dour though and it peeves boomers, its getting to the point in our lives where we get to start being the 'ardmen and several of the boomers I known since a boy are beginning to become more timid around me when I lose my temper when back 10 years ago they would have slapped me around
>>177143 >tfw ladies tell me i seem serious. There's a new sheriff in town Booomers!
>>177135 really sick of boomoids tbh >>177138 wew that's potent seethefuel
>>177118 No I saw (the aftermath) of a teenager getting stabbed with a broken bottle outside a pub when I was 13 walking home after smoking weed with my friends. I let him use my phone and then he got aggressive because he was a drunk chav so when I got my phone back I called my mummy to pick me up because I was scared.
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On my way to pay the landlord the daily rent
>>177147 Good work lad putting in that hard graft boomers talk about so they can use that money for their fourth cruise of the year.
>>177144 as if being serious was a bad thing keeek
>>177149 it's a neutral emotion bordering on negative because of pessimism and to niggercattle boomoids and soys any emotion that isn't happiness and positivity is badwrongthink
>>177133 what the fuck was his problem?
>>177151 It's how Pakis tend to greet whitoids
https://youtu.be/nIXhBkcobm0 What the boomers will try to do to us
>>177151 There was a group of pakis and he walked through the middle of them like a based lad and they chimped out, then one stabbed him in the scuffle. I was about 8 or 9 so i could only watch and shout racial epithets smh
>>177154 wow living around pakis must be unbearable. here's something to cheer you up
(1.17 MB 1280x720 ClipboardImage.png)

>>177155 this is why I wear armour under my clothes
>>177155 sm needed to upgrade ironflesh a bit and start out with facing some ruffians before trying to take on two elite wog raiders
>>177157 He was not ready for that redguards one handed skill level.
that article makes seethe so much because the boomers getting mad that us youngoids are "dour" shows that even in our suffering we annoy them. this attitude is transmitted to their daughters and its why the incel situation exists
>>177159 much to seethe about
>>177159 what will their daughters do once daddy boomer is expired? Just continue to tell us how daddy boomer would of liked it?
>>177161 they will do as they already do look to daddy government and mummy media to give them their opinions
>>177159 >dad making an offhand comment about how he wishes I had a house we could furnish it with the furniture we were throwing away, as if I could have bought a house and just chose to not do so yet Not a boomer, but still, completely blind to the current situation while at the same time complaining about prices rising.
The prices rising will be what kills the boomer thirst for lockdown
>>177163 tbh they all completely refuse to acknowledge that the world has changed
>>177161 tbh >>177163 yep and it never occurs to them until that moment that their own parents helped them score that job or get that initial mortgage and then they quietly forget the whole idea "what can you do?" the boomer says
>>177166 They're not going to grab your bootstraps for you, lass
>>177167 does anyone at all remember the phrase was originally "you CAN'T pull yourself up by your bootstraps" smdh
>>177155 How many likes did it get?
>>177170 who could have predicted this?
>>177170 how vibrant
>Facial reveals he’s still a jewish jogger
>>177170 What sort of food do hitmen have?
>’twas only a spot of child raep!
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finally a new gf
>>177176 is that a troll?
>>177178 it's cool that you're sticking to your heritage
>>177177 It’s a jew
>22st’s love interest has a jew fetish
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>>177176 >knees showing
smh didn't actually get a gf. It's a joke about how I'm a fat troll
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It's his year
ran into the chinese speaking radical feminists twittersphere and oh boy its not looking good.
>>177187 alert the chinese branch of I.N.C.E.L it's time for them to go loud
https://youtu.be/zj1sCDMIMhQ Is this a typical Shartican sweetie aisle?
>The 6B4T movement (Chinese: 6B4T运动; pinyin: 6B4T yùndòng) is an online radical feminist movement in China whose members organize in opposition to sexism and patriarchal structures. A notable aspect of the 6B4T movement is its members' commitment to never marry men or have heterosexual sexual relations, nor bear children. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6B4T_movement I spent like an hour and I saw A LOT of posts about cutting off baby boys dicks and refusing to date chinese men and instead dating foreigners. Chinese people can not handle liberalism.
>>177190 shouldn't this lower their social points
>>177191 the fact they're on twitter getting into fights with chinese Qanon accounts tells me they arent allowed on chinese platforms.
>>177190 wasn't this a thing in Korea as well? Something about bloody tampons and aborting Korean babies?
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smh shouldn't eat so many boogerinos
>>177146 Good lad. >>177133 At least he survived. 'Ate pakis so much. >>177190 >>177193 >>177194 Pure evil.
>>176790 We recognise that niggers are human beings, yes. They are rational beings who can comprehend the word of God and thus should be treated with human respect. Niggers do not, however, belong in our country. Mixing races causes hardship and civil dissension. There is no contradiction. I will pray for you, brother.
>niggers >rational beings
>>177199 Some just about meet the threshold tbh.
>>177188 A bit of trivia, the Chinese version of the KGB/FBI is just known as the "Relevant Department"
>>177201 keeeeek, I guess they make troublemakers irrelevant by executing them
Apparently the ninth legion probably got ambushed and destroyed in England rather than Pictland.
>>177203 another victory for the norf
>>177204 God I love these images.
has anyone got the norfmans last stand one based on that general marching into Sudan?
>>177206 this one?
Mort à 72 ans de Igor Bogdanoff, six jours après son frère jumeau Grichka (agent) #AFP https://twitter.com/afpfr/status/1478053141811769348
>both Bogdanoffs dead the devil will be making his final move now
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>>177210 smh... they couldn't live without eachother true brotherly love >>177212 what if they were assassinated by the forces of evil smh
>>177213 tbh within one week of each other
Global awakening >Visits to 'incel' websites increased six fold in nine months to 600,000 – with many users hailing Plymouth gunman Jack Davison a hero after horror attack and vile online rants about women https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10364685/Visits-incel-websites-increased-six-fold-nine-months-600-000.html
>>177215 >mutt shooter in UK what kind of psyop was it lads
>>177215 police already said the shooting was a result of his mother trying to have him sectioned. it literally had nothing to do with being an incel it was a murder-suicide of a diagnosed mentally ill man.
>>177218 I'll make a logo.
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Just heard the news
>Imran Ahmed, chief executive of the CCDH, told The Times: 'Make no mistake, incel communities are bound together by an ideology which preaches hatred of women, and has inspired deadly real-world attacks.
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How can there even be a debate?
>>177220 What did you hear?
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it didnt have to end like this
>this delayed reaction to something that was posted years ago in thread time
>>177221 >Imran Ahmed >making sweeping accusations about 'ideologies that preach hatred of women and have inspired deadly real-world attacks'
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>Two of the three sites are run by Alexander Ash, a shadowy figure who has previously contributed to academic papers on the topic of incels. I only know this one https://incels.is are there more?
>>177230 saved
>>177232 >a shadowy figure who has previously contributed to academic papers on the topic of incels so a spy running psyops
>>177232 he runs incels.co apparently. he also attends academic conferences on incels?? lmao?
>>177183 keeeeeek
>>177236 man the writing is so bad keeek I thought they just had no idea about computers or online culture, but the detectives actually threaten someone with sending them to guantanamo bay if they don't comply keeek
>>177236 a classic
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w/ driving music
>>177240 fully vaxed?
>>177240 hold_it_in_lads.jpg don't think it's started hitting the television or radio yet, or the cattle are too afraid to start talking about it irl >>177241 very based lad, forgot to download earlier and this is even better
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>>177241 Hail are people
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>>177121 then why bother with boosters?
>>177210 > The family did not wish to communicate on the causes of his death. Her twin brother, Grichka, died on December 28, after several days of hospitalization and a coma. Some relatives had assured that he was not vaccinated and that he had died of Covid 19 Dies six days later….What? Of Coofid? Le boolsheeeeeit
>>177239 >whites are the only race stupid kind enough to treat women as human >"white supremacism is misogynistic" H'what?
oh god, the cute philosophy lass i follow is now spamming my twitter feed with anti-capitalist rhetoric
>>177252 >women >thinking serves you right
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genuine quandry lads: All the attractive huwhite women have ejected themselves from the genepool through voluntary sterilization, leaving only the bell curve extremes of low iq ugly retards and high iq ugly autists. How is anyone able to start a family now?
>>177255 go for the autesses, lie back and think of england
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>he trusted a thot >she ruined his life >he let her escape by divorcing her Many such cases
>>177255 >How is anyone able to start a family now? we are expecting baby daughter >>177256 pretty much
>>177249 they have no test for norovirus.
>>177258 how will you keep her from becoming a slut?
>>177255 The fact is, if you don't have a gf, God hates you. So why bother trying?
God shows through his women whom he loves, by how they dispose their devotion.
>>177260 this is one of our biggest worries
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>>177250 the way they all just agree with her as if what she's saying is obviously correct and they all know that, but without explaining why to the audience psychological manipulation basically. "Everyone knows that white supremacy is deeply misogynistic" is the message they are sending, on purpose
Been down the shops tonight Wessie?
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>>177255 russian orthodox lasses
how can we complain of anything when we do not practice prayer and fasting? we have no right to complain of anything
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keeeeeeeeek Going through this lads channel is the funniest thing, he's got 50 of the comfiest most tranquil vids ever broken up by unhinged yelling at pigs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_K1-vn20AfU
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>>177266 lad, you'll never get to nofap island saying stuff like that smh
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>>177267 > how can we complain of anything when we do not practice prayer and fasting? we have no right to complain of anything I do practice prayer and fasting though
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>>177264 It's because they belive there are bad guys and good guys. All the good guys are all the good thinga the bad all the bad things. All evidence to the contrary is discarded. It's what Yuri Bezmenof called demoralization. And Wei Wei calls submission. they are taught to submit, not think. no amount of true information can change their minds.
>>177272 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>177264 And that's why I know you will learn Teeline .
>>177268 What’s your bodge number!?
>>177272 >that lad failing to do the one hand cocking of the lever gun at 30 seconds
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>>177271 ikr all those men, and no women absolute freedom
>>177275 >And that's why I know you will learn Teeline . thanks lad, I've been workign on it
>>177272 good lad for webbuming it, didn't bother earlier >the BIG jap lass
eating a big bowl of lentils thought i might make something with them when i set them out to soak but i didn't
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>>177278 when my friend visited me the other day he said how where i live would be perfect for a small monastery i believe!
>>177281 rip toilet
>>177283 i don't have that problem
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>>177269 >female cats are allowed in I spot a furry expemption.
Dastardly plan to chlamydia the jerries to death
>“They sometimes lead us to the bodies we think have no life in them, but when we bring them back to the doctors… they always find a spark,” wrote one surgeon “It is purely a matter of their instinct, [which] is far more effective than man’s reasoning powers.” >Other times, the dogs comforted the dying. They lay next to the fatally wounded man so that he didn’t die alone. https://twitter.com/AdamDemmer/status/1477798377890922497 >>177288 and now chlamydia and other STDs are at actual pandemic proportions and teenagers are given free test kits in colleges and pharmacies
I really wish operation sea lion had actually happened. I know it would've failed but it would've been so fucking kino..
>>177287 >Nothing from North Korea Based
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>>177290 more dead krauts
>>177287 Russia has thought this for ages, that's why they do what they like with proxy troops instead of focus on missile programs. US also knows this, which is why they only invade countries that can't fight back against their mainland and aren't that much of a threat due to poor economy/tech - Iraq and Afghanistan, but never Pakistan, which was the real source of Islamist threats, along with the Saudis, but could fight back and has nukes. China under Mao boasted that it could survive even nuclear war, what with such a large population and a strong resolve. They had massive networks of tunnels and bomb shelters for every building. Probably still do. They're just playing nice here. If anybody could survive nuclear war, China could.
I should clarify - the tunnels were for every building, and the bomb shelters were connected to the tunnels
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>>177289 >Last thing you feel is a cold wet nose and a warm tongue licking your wounds Based doggos. Using dogs as casualty hunters was a jerry invention
>>177296 keeeek
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Best Korea's goal in developing missiles and nukes is to put itself in a position of strength and ward off US threats. Korean unification will only be possible if the North feels that it has a good position from which to negotiate which will not lead to the US murdering the Kim dynasty and forcing the north to become the south. The US, being morons, continues the same strategy of trying to limit nuclear proliferation with alternating sanctions and incentives. This will never work.
Pembs just uploaded photos of his Christmas presents onto his twitter
Bare knuckle boxing sounds cool but its shit in practice. The fighters get injured way too quick.
>>177302 Training, practice and keeping your body in top condition help
>>177300 Their aesthetics are the best in the former red bloc imo, almost Nazi Germany tier
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>single mum woman leaving me on "read"
>>177305 You should make a film of your life
fresh noseley diving the future also btfoing trannies https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/2022PredictionsStream:7
>>177304 China and Russia military dress uniforms still look pretty good tbh
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>>177305 you gotta go in for the kill with those types
>>177307 Odinsee starting to feel like home
>>177307 Keeeeeeeeeeek opened it with 2x speed already on
>>177302 I heard they get injured less because you can't punch as hard without the gloves without messing up your fists.
>>177312 he's saying something about debating destiny on white genocide
Got hallenged for not wearing a mask today keek
>>177315 hope you stared at them while walking past and didn't put one on, or said medical exemption and did same
>>177316 I said I was medically exempt tbh, fuck them
>>177313 yeah they drop down from pain rather than being knocked out.
>>177308 What’s Paul Whitehouse doing there?
All 22st has to do is drive across the border at Kirkenes and he can find millions of russki thots. No excuses tbh
>>177320 I can just use online dating apps to find them tbh. Plenty ruskies. Levanger is quite far from Kirkenes.
>>177170 in 18th century london they would have just hanged all the foreigners and the problem would have been solved. these issues of "foreign 'ardmen" are only problems because the mass of niggercattle think that secret agentfagging is going to just make the problem go away plus white flight

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