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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3609: Schizo Is A Gay Nigger Edition Anonymous 01/08/2022 (Sat) 23:25:37 Id: d1feb6 No. 180457
Wonder if its better to have had a gf in your teens who you did everything with except willy in vag or to have had sex with 2 slags, for smee I've only experienced the latter but would have preferred the former I think, although the agony of knowing after you've broken up that you didn't take her virginity and some other prick did would make me sneethe to no end
Only love for women allowed under this line, no haterino __________
>>180457 shit tier thread moron
A toast! A toast to bullyciding gay nigger boring schizo bot tier mutts! >>180457
>>180460 too late, I broke this threads hymen I decide what happens
Because what else am I going to do rn tbqhwyl
>>180457 based and accurate thread
>>180465 black cunt
>>180465 you can only suck the dick of the flag boys
>180461 nobody cares muttboy
lmao shitty posts 100%
tfw 50% trying to get a gf to save the white race, 50% to gloat about it on /brit/
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>>180468 No >>180467 No I'm white
imagine posting over 10 times in a thread then changing p total nigger behaviour
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beats up schizo
If the gay retard tyrant can avoid banning schizo again, I should wake to a nice tidy thread, having filtered him on sight already.
>schizo actually posting pics of his nancy boy legs LMAO what a gayboy
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>>180476 quite agree, and boy do you suck that mod dick hard.
>>180477 one thing safely in the hands of your father is your anal virginity.
>>180477 I'm a different lad I wouldn't dear post as much as current schizo
>>180473 faggot holy shit kill yourself
>>180475 Good lad. Aesthetic ID. Same colour almost as his tshirt, and the bbbbe is like beating. Portenteous. I think as he is also a yank you may meet him irl soon. Give him a skull fracture from me.
>>180480 Yeah I could tell straight away you weren't him. Idiots here begin to see him everywhere. You best change IP to avoid drama over it as this thread has another 1000 posts left before someone makes another.
All systems go.
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>>180473 looks like the back of a pigs ear swine confirmed
>>180485 >he doesn't have blonde hairs And I was the one accused of being a mutt
>180487 Filtered, scum.
>there are pigs actually using computers ITT rn kino https://youtu.be/SOJJf_zoPDs
>>180485 Your mother looks lovely nude. Sort of like a pig tho
>>180486 I have no interest, u were too stupid to provide a description.
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>>180487 >Nobody's even aiming at Gibbs Winner confirmed
>wipe arse 10 times >still pooey tissue
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>>180487 >Nobody's even aiming at Gibbs Winner confirmed
Nice router reset mid post smh
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Snight lads. Not going to sleep for a few more hours but this thread is already cursed and I cba. CURSED.
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>>180497 tbh is quite
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Mug of strong Assam tea and two Mr. Kipling deep-fill mince pies for second pudding
>>180498 BAME?
>just shat >feel another poo coming after I have gone the whole 10 feet and sat own in my room
>>180501 *does the throat thing*
>>180496 nobody gives a shyt post something INTERESTING u useless BASTARD
*Starts crying*
>>180500 sadly, you are the most interesting poster tonight.
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fuck the schizo shit just post /comfy/
>>180507 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>180503 Get 'em on board, I'll call it in
>>180485 kino we have an actual pigpooster here
>>180505 goodlad
>>180505 sharpie there will be none of that frilly lace crying business in the kings army, we only want killers and you should be cold its says so in the scriptures
thread sucks
>>180515 good lad tbh he will probably be bollock busted into oblivion for talking back to a subadar smh
you suck, so the thread SUCKS
help, i am surrounded by imbeciles.
>>180515 champ Amazed he's so calm
a beeze is blowing. yep, more shyt
your poop is better than u r
>>180519 Doctors have a proven higher ability to handle stress
>>180518 Don't listen to what they say lad you're a shooting star and your posts are valid
Eating the stuff crusts I couldn't earlier
wonder if the acidic shits that burns my arse would burn one of you if I pood on you
I retract that post
>me imagining all the people
>>180526 good otherwise you'd have to deal with me
thread reminds me of the old 4chan one where it was raided and the raiders posted centipedes that were really long posts and hard to scroll through
>>180527 imagine there is no heaven
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>>180525 you mother smells, man
>>180531 wish this seacow had actual power and could banish schizbot smh good lad
>>180529 I miss real 4chan so much.
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>>180531 EXCELLENT lad
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>>180531 GOOD Lad
>>180519 yeah all the little coven of nurses just guffah like cowards but the williamoid doctor stands up for his principles. undoubtedly as soon as the shitskin bossman left the room a notice was made and they reduced his position
>>180536 even better lad
>>180529 based that was in 2014 or so
>it's already Sunday
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>>180533 >>180535 tbh >>180536 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫ LOSERS
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>the scream at 0:10
>>180531 based > >180544 black
⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫ ⚠️🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨⚠️ retards alert retards alert
yes yes u2
shit thread by stupid shits
>>180551 go to a different one then
>>180531 well done mate
>>180553 based cupcakes putting in work ineffectually walking around and not doing anything to actually fight the zog
>>180553 >movement made up of incels
>>180553 they need to drop the shields tbh
>>180557 they need to get proper ones instead of larping as captain americas
>>180557 tbh, get full body armour and two-handed swords instead
it sucks that boomers and antifa appropriated the glowie meme and ruined it. bet none of those faggots even know its short for "glow nigger"
>>180558 what do you mean proper ones? those shields they have are the best for street battles, square ones are good for static formation fighting, they should just wear armour underneath a jack on their arms so they can block hits without it hurting
>>180552 you filthy retarded cracker i already posted that OLD NEWS OLD NEWS IT'S OLD YOU'RE OUT OF DATE
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I'm putting a team together
>>180560 Memes always get swallowed by normiedom in the end, unless they're super weird like Bane or they're clawed back into our hands like poo poo Pepe posting did with that frog
>>180561 just BIGger ones like the ones the Maidan lads had before it went hot
>>180561 there arent any blows to the body that's really going to take you out in a street fight. all they need are helmets and sticks wrapped in flags.
>>180566 I just explained why thats a bad idea
>>180553 these guys have really become cringe not really sure what they even do beyond this autistic overly polished marching crap.
>>180557 it's old news
>>180569 considering the reaction it gets I assume its just to get more members, they allegedly do community building stuff for young men, like a sort of mannerbund I suppose
>>180567 based greek polfaces. I miss them smh I wish greekoids didn't hate anglos so much
>>180540 did you have an alias when you were over there? were you yktd?
>>180568 nevertheless, it's an old topic, already posted, does not count toward thread quality.
>>180567 that's not redeeming u, cocksucker
>>180575 seething
>>180571 yeah learning boxing and other stuff. they would be more successful doing vocational training stuff in poorfag areas or all mass volunteering to build houses in poorfag white areas or in tornado cleanup.
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might get this to match Woes' leather coat
useless stupid thread. the worst I've seen in decades.
>still (you)ing schizo you should be banned
>>180579 How old are you?
>>180578 good lad, we need a third edit for this pic
>>180579 your moms pussy hangs down like basset hound jowls
>>180577 they can't be doing everything lad just accept them for what they are
you could feed all the world's gays with the suck of your thread.
>>180584 how about you stop drinking semen, eh?
>>180584 yeah but those things would actually help the white race whereas larping as COD characters doing wignat special ops missions is a waste of time
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imperium tbh
America Saw A Record 691 Mass Shootings In 2021, 0 Attacks By "White Supremacists" >The United States broke all previous records for mass shootings in 2021. None of the attacks had a white racial or terroristic motive. >The year closed with a total of 691 mass shootings and several hundred deaths related to these incidents in total, according to information collected by the Gun Violence Archive. Estimates reveal that the mass shooters are overwhelmingly black. >The FBI's resources are currently preoccupied with soliciting alleged victims of "hate crimes" and "confronting white supremacy," as violent threats to citizens continue to rise to all time highs. >2021 also saw at least 222 school shootings, another record, according to the Center for Homeland Defense and Security’s K-12 School Shooting Database. School shootings, also driven largely by black violence, have steadily increased in recent years, with 2018 and 2019 being the third and second most violent years for school children to date. >Assessing school shooter threats often falls under the responsibility of the FBI, though these cases are neglected if the FBI cannot uncover a nexus to white racialist or right-wing beliefs. Last November, the FBI was forced to pay a $130 million dollar settlement to the families of victims of the 2018 Parkland shooting after it emerged that agents showed negligence by ignoring the threat posed by Nikolas Cruz, who went on to murder 17 classmates. >With data-driven policing being declared "racist," the rising black crime wave that has locked Americans in their homes in 2020 and 2021 is bound to only get worse. https://national-justice.com/america-saw-record-691-mass-shootings-2021-0-attacks-white-supremacists Lepolfaces mere existence is causing ZOG to collapse.
>>180590 I wish this were true and we could be like the niggercattle with their gay covid shit where doing nothing is the way to get cummies and win
>>180589 Asians are just a meme.
>>180588 I've told you they don't just do that they are doing community building, it can take literal decades to build this shit up they've only been going since about 2017-18 I think.
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thinking about the monstrosities a cripple-cockee and a cleft paletee might spawn
Bring back the trenchcoat mafia
>>180595 > cleft paletee yikes, talk about dysgenic
>>180594 They aren't community building at all their organization structure literally makes that impossible. Every member is anonymous to every other member, they dont know each other and they were all recruited anonymously online. They've been infiltrated before and likely will be again because their only new members are anonymous people off the internet. Not to completely shit on them or anything, they still can do good things and they probably should focus on non letting anyone new in and creating localised cells for direct action after weeding out weak links/infiltrators.
>>180592 But love crosses boundaries
>>180597 your mom
>>180596 how about you keep it in your pants HOMO
>>180602 Dial 8
disgusting wanker
There was a new Sam Hyde https://youtu.be/xn52d_vTtSk
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amazing. they don't even hide it.
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>>180607 Is she telling that to me directly right now?
if you want to get a lass pregnant when is it best to coom in her pussy? talking about periods
>>180612 preferably when your willy is inside her
thread is still poop
>>180613 I hope it is long enough to reach
because you low iq bastards are so stupid
>>180612 look it up
like if I lay her on her back and push her legs back over her I should be able to reach right
>schizo changing IPs all the time hes learning, still a mutt though kek
>>180618 some advice, if you are in that position and the lass doesn't instinctively pull her legs back herself to help you it means she doesn't like you and views you as a betabux
>>180620 you are garbage. go to hell.
he will never come back.
keeeeeeeeek >it's a harelip lass rejects me because of my cripple cock episode of course. I have to find her beautiful, but it's okay to say I am a FREAK. She has to suck transbian dick but god forbid breeding with a regular man's fucked up dick.
he is in hell now.
>>180624 have you been telling all these women about your cripple cock, and what have you been telling them about your living situation
>>180626 that I live with my parents, what of it?
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>>180624 She's not worth more than a moment of your brainpower lad
>>180628 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK no wonder you won't get a gf with such a snarky attitude
>>180629 tbh basedlad. asked her now if she had hair on her pussy and pits and she said "luckily not in her pits" yikes quit shaving ladies >>180630 What the fuck is you rproblem=?
>>180630 o wow u are so worldly wise & full of knowledge
oh it's a (1) bully smh I fell for it
>>180631 I ask you basic questions and you seethe at me with a snarky post answering only the second question and then act all indignant like you don't know what you did, spiteful mutant tbh
wow these guys just know soooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH sbout sex
turns out they were using square shields and armour
wow we are going to learn so much now!
>>180634 What? I am kind. I just didn't pick up on there being two questions. Yes of course I tell them the truth. I'm a truthful lass.
seriously sex is kind of overrated
oh boy, i bet he's a real CHAD o wowzers
I legit do not care about sex, it does not interest me. I only care about politics and racism, post about those or shut up. >>180636 dumb tbh. atleast you can twat someone with the edge of the round shield.s
>>180636 that's a rectangle u knob
oh boy they are going to divulge the karnal knowledge
>>180590 that's ignoring the people killed by the failed white supremacist coup on 6th january
>>180639 how would you know virgin
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smh schizo has done like Agent Smith and spread onto each poster smh
>>180645 because ur posting here
>>180639 why would any girl go out with a lad who lives with his parents and has a cripple cock, you are a mong, theres probably incels just like you except they don't have cripple cocks or if they do they certainly don't tell the lass about it, I thought your cock was basically fixed anyway, she'd probably not notice anything was wrong
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Fucksake lad the least you could do is be entertaining
>>180648 more to the point, why do literally zero women have any fetishes?
>>180650 thats not true, but I don't see how thats "more to the point"
>>180648 yeah dude your 3 inch phantom limb foreskinrobbed burnt victim cock is totally normal and lasses won't notice How about just being an honest lad, lad? I thought we stood for the hecking trutherino. Well I do.
>>180649 black belt in csmcers old and new, 4chan u 2016.
>>180651 it's exactly true. take autistic girls. yep, some guy digs em. huge list. women all want the same few guys.
>>180652 you think all those lassies you speak to are being 100% honest, also you describe your cock like that but other times you describe it not as bad, I seem to recall you've also drawn pictures of it too, point is you could atleast go on a few dates before telling them, you'll never ever get a gf if you lead with cripple cock and live with mummy because why would a lass go for that when she can get incel who lives with mummy but doesn't have cripple cock
>schizo tricked me into replying to him with by starting with a normal post fuck off
crap dem feels. 2016 was 6 years ago. back then you could use 4chan in any isp.
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>>180655 let's be honest, legal sex just isn't for him
>>180655 I open with it so I don't have to waste time courting people who drop me because of the cripple cock. The lass I am talking with now actually doesn't mind either my cock or that I live with mummy. I exaggerated about she not wanting to be with me before tbh. Now I am telling the truth: she didn't mind either.
filtered again you dirty mutt
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>>180658 >there's a Morissons emoji Based
>>180660 >The lass I am talking with now actually doesn't mind either my cock or that I live with mummy. and you believe her?
>>180660 Who the fuck opens with I've got a weird Penis lololol
>>180663 yeah, why would she lie? She wants to get her hand on the fortune my mummy keeps for me?
>>180664 I groom them with other talk first, then hit her with the cripple cock when I feel it's appropriate
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>>180664 guys who get no replies. women seek average, repeat, basic, same things.
there are like 3 categories of guy, that's it. women are retarded animals
found some random lasses twitter account from an incel seethe screenshot and literally everything she retweets is some female empowerment feminist shite which is basically encouraging the worst behaviour that women engage in, fucking seething. The odds are stacked against good lads so much.
its perfectly consistent. women have no fetishes.
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>>180663 Because the dumpster is full of trash >>180667 Saw that earlier, now read the description
>>180652 I respect that you're being honest on those apps lad I found the song and dance you usually have to do on them a bit nauseating tbh
>>180673 Should clarify that's a general you tbh not (You) specifically
>>180672 this woman perfectly states my thesis. women don't have fetishes. she can rsnk men by the stats. >face (symmetric & big jawed) >body (muscular without deformity) >riches >status/influence/popularity that's the value. notice there's no personality here. the guy is to play as if he's a guy who nobody is. he's high value vut sees a little something in her so he half pays attention (unless beta a bucks scenario).
again, no fetishes in women. different is never good.
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let's slow down
>>180677 great example. there are guys with a fetish for that. Not women though.
>>180681 Peterson has a brain tumor
the fag flag boys vanished all at once, run out of cocks to suck?
>>180676 Rape fantasy is a fetish, no?
covid really knocked me on my ass
damn covid kicked my butt >>180683 schizo nonce is under siege. under lockdown.
>>180684 women just want a dominant guy. he conveniently is not only a rapist but also a mind reading lover.
>>180688 There's a lot of women out there and I'm sure they're not all the same, all I'm asking for is someone to kiss and cuddle with and to giggle with. I'm not asking for much but if it's too much I'm okay with it I'll back up if you want, it's just a statement not a demand I'm okay with things how they are no trouble on my end big guy, okay?
Can you imagine what pushy tastes like, ugh drives me wild lads, just imagining crawling up to it with panties on and taking a deep breath, just feeling the world around you before moving them to the side and fully plunging in
Biting her thighs, kissing, moving closer and closer before you reach her, fuck!!!!!
Tasting her clit as you stroke your finger up from the top of her pussy down then just straight penetrating her ahhhhhhhhhhhh
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>>180690 Tastes kinda like roast chicken flavour crisps, you're welcome
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Fuck lads and seeing her face all flushed kissing her lips, licking her nips
>>180693 I like that flavour tbh
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>pretending to be 22st to get (You)s
>>180689 sorry, there are no types, women all want either an alpha, will settle for a beta. betas are like rhe best friend of the cool guy (alpha). the "beta bucks" is a little inaccurate. the money guy could be a simp or a little less pathetic. but he is there for money. in accordance to the beauty of the woman is the man's pocketbook. all women are whores sad to say. but they'd rather an alpha or beta.
>>180699 I don't believe you, my true love is out there and we're gonna find each other
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>>180700 yes I'm also sure of it.
i reject violence of any kind, stomping included
great thread we are having tonight lads
>YouTube ads really shilling genshin impact Should I give it a go?
>>180705 have sex incel
>>180706 Are you offering yourself to me?
>>180707 you couldn't be female, you're talking to me
>>180708 I'm not female, I just thought you were gonna be the girl
>>180709 think lad, THINK!
>>180710 I'm fucking trying! Can't you tell me how?
>>180711 if you get on steiner's contact list you'll get a date in no time
wow gab has animated banners 🙀
>>180713 calm down those man guys in baseball hats will leave if you just assert yourself.
sex, only you don't have to pay for it, even though you're the guy and not rich or handsome or whatever.
imagine if there was a quantum supercomputer that could catalog the position of every atom and quark in the universe and then work backwards to le big bang and could re-simulate everything that's happened in between. you could go on the server and go back to any point in time and spectate on interesting moments
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>>180712 No! I won't let you tell me how to think only I can do that, no no no!
And I refuse to go on a date with steiner
he will wear the lipstick
that's what public records reflect
>>180719 Oh fuck have I done something by posting this little post, what have I done, what are the reproductions on steiner life? NO! He in control of himself not me! This post hasn't done anything
Schizo shouldn't even try and rival my energy tbh, I'll always be on top
>>180724 could be rotator cuff damage.
>>180717 Which means in that computer there's a another computer doing the same and inside that doing the same and ins...
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just got done defending a town in call to arms ostfront with my strafbatallion finally upgraded to get them decent tank destroyers had to rely on infantry guns direct firing on t-34s and KV tanks. based stug and marder II making mince meat of t-34/85s. even cheeky little outclassed czech tank panzer 38 managed to get a kill even though I just put him in because I was just needed some kind of infantry mower-downer chud to stop the slavic wave
>>180648 hate to defend 22st but he's the only lad here who's posted proof of having a gf (his chin and torso next to his ex-gf's chin and torso)
there's lads on here with wives and kids
>>180728 I am ginnie
>>180729 allegedly
not sure whether i should watch the new geo wizard kino or wait until it's released later. hmmm
what do you gays do for throat pain? covid fucked me in the throat.
spiderman for gamecube was kino
>>180736 oh sod off
I wish I was an anamorph and could turn into a pig and smell ginnie
and then vore her
>>180740 Would you horse bum smash her lad?
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strange energy in this thread tbh smh shame since last thread was very nice
>>180744 wild times
the ride of our lives as it were
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Just found out that Thatcher ruined Pubs too, by making it harder for Breweries to own pubs. Before Thatcher Pub landlords were employed by the brewery.
>>180749 it was just good business lad think of the economy yes she outlawed an inoffensive common-sense form of business arrangement and destroyed some people's livelihoods but more importantly she created necessary jobs for countless unproductive middlemen and increased the amount of red tape in doing so a win for everybody i'd say
>>180750 Thatcher really was an evil crone
completely turned off sex tbh
>>180752 choon that >>180754 good lad
>>180751 As much as I hate the leftoid 'Thatcher's dead' shite meme they are right in that she deserved it just not for the gay reasons they use
>>180756 tbh on the rare occasion that lot get something right it's always for the wrong reasons
>>180607 Luv Jewish women, me.
>>180756 >she deserved it Now lad, I wouldn't say she deserved to slip away peacefully, dying of old age.
>>180759 deserved the hate I should say, also maybe there's a chance she felt pain during the stroke or something idk
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also still keking at this ngl tbh
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The worst thing the IRA ever did was fail to kill Thatcher milk snatcher. Come at me Williamoids. >>180761 Keek my filename and everything.
time fo some church music https://youtu.be/PhoYBzaBjPI
>>180763 banger, dad and i listen to this and acdc
>>180762 killing innocent people was also pretty bad of them lad plus without a plan to fill the gap after killing thatcher she would have just been replaced by somebody else with identical policies also i doubt they would have had the luxury of making her suffer if they made an attempt on her life so it still would have been far quicker than she deserved tbh unless she was right on the edge of the blast from a car bomb and spent a few weeks in an intensive care unit while horribly maimed and struggling to breathe or something smh >>180763 choon tbh
>>180765 I was merely jesting tbh.
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heard the neighbours fucking this morning cor
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Half the rice went on the floor Salmon overcooked Out of rum
>>180769 House was such a great show
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>>180770 Black pudding in my tum. Lamb chops medium rare. Scotch and sherry full.
>>180770 poor lad >>180771 tbh
chewing my food 20 times before swallowing
>>180774 Chewing my food until enzymes in me gob predigests the food in me mouth.
hour and a half late to croissants smh hope there are some left by the time I get there was busy having a lewd dream featuring handholding and cuddling and I didn't want to wake up
>>180776 cant you just eat healthier?
>wessex rewards himself with croissants simply for waking up It is hard work for big and NEET lads I guess
>>180777 why deny myself the only small piece of pleasure I have left?
>>180780 Chocolate ones?
>>180774 >>180775 good lads slow and steady wins the race >>180776 >handholding and cuddling based
>>180781 I prefer just butter ones but like the choccy hazelnut ones sometimes too >>180782 also mummy bursting in on us and seething, activating superpowers and destroying the room before being btfo by a white biggie smalls with sound based powers keeeeeeek
right, I'm off croissants and strawberry nesquik the breakfast of kings need to go to another supermarket to get gold top though smh
Adele did an album about her divorce by age 31 Steiner did 55 incel rants about his social status by age 31 would love a new one please thanks
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>>180784 have fun lad >>180785 ackchyually he had been ranting for quite a while before he started to number them
>>180701 Good lad
It's sad that white men have been denied their self expression, always used to imagine Woes as the natural successor to David Dimbleby or being the voice of Radio 4.
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>>180780 Why indeed, what harm has eating ever done to anyone?
>>180788 tbh he'd be well suited to radio
"i don not fear the man who has chewed one thousand mouthfuls of food - i fear the man who has chewed one mouthful of food a thousand times" -orson welles, 2015 (yukon culinary festival keynote speech)
>>180791 been hearing lots of people talk about gomorra lately tbh what sort of show is it lad?
>>180793 Neapolitan Mafia, Zero Zero Zero is good too, that's about the connection between Los Zetas and the Calabrian Mafia .
>>180794 sounds interesting tbh
holy fuck shopping on a sunday afternoon was a mistake shop full of the smell of shit from single mothers towing their spawn around on leashes high street full of prime legal teenage meat sipping their coffees and looking with disgust at anyone not a zoomer, including a slutzilla hourglass in a crop top and a bookish tomboy walking around with a fucking paki zoomer perm afro holy shit I want to kill and die
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Geneva meeting tomorrow C'mon Russia, do a war
I mean a paki walking around with two lasses AAUUGH
>>180797 please please please bring the nukes out end it all please
>>180682 Did they cut the coward out of lobster man yet?
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>>180796 >slutzilla hourglass in a crop top you know what to do >>180797 tbh sick of all the posturing and proxy shite and totally organic uprisings just fucking declare war somebody please
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>>180798 you know what to do
at least there's nihongo pig fighting for a week now SUMO Hatsu Basho 2022 Day 1 Jan 9th Makushita https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAqNDC3Z9S8 Juryo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xultDzV4XqE Makuuchi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0SSA_-MwtU >>180801 >>180802 god I wish
>>180771 >that episode where he BTFOs antivaxxers
>lass sends me a preacher who tries to convince people that women can be pastors >watch it, sounds convincing, but at the same time just feel it is wrong >google his name and "gay" >he's also for gays and gay marriage huh, every time. You let women in, and suddenly it's a free for all gay and tranny church
>>180805 1 Timothy 2 "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."
>>180805 female priests are like female police they make me laugh because its so stupid
>>180806 Well yeah that is the verse they are talking about and they are using historical context. The historical context being that that city at the time had a huge pagan temple where women were the priestesses, and they were also fertility priestesses and prostitutes, who wore gold and braided their hair. And then they expected to be teachers in the new religion of Christianity as they had been before, and thus used their authority to teach wrong things. It's wrong because they taught wrong things, not because they were women. And then they say that that Paul mentions Adam and Eve as an example of poor teachings. It's not about Eve leading Adam astray, but that Adam hadn't taught Eve well enough about not eating from the tree.
>>180808 He never says anything about pagan temples, they're just coping. He goes straight to the original order of creation, "Adam was first formed, then Eve" probably to specifically ward off this type of subversion.
>>180809 No, but that is what that place at the time had. I hate it becuase if this is true, then all of the teachings in the bible would fall away if we were ever to be without the context, or lose the context, like people from the first centuries and up to now very recently were without.
>>180803 need to watch the pig fights this time around tbh i always enjoy it once i start to watch but i haven't been keeping up with it lately smh >>180805 traitors always feel an instinctual need to bring more traitors into a group to destabilise it and make themselves less of a target fact of life tbh but at least it means they can't resist giving themselves away >>180806 >>180807 tbh tbh
>>180810 If it was a temporary, subjective measure, he wouldn't have immediately gone to the order of creation. Something being older makes it more respectable in Biblical thought btw. That's why Paul also says not to insult your elders in 1 Timothy 5. So he's saying "maleness" is older than "femaleness" and gets authority from that.
>>180812 Then this preacher said that if we go by what came first, animals came before Adam. I do feel that is a bit odd and weak though as humans were created in God's image, and that Adam were to name the animals
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>x says x but actually if you consider the context x really means y
>>180813 God never gave animals rule over creation or humans, Genesis 1:28 says so. And priesthood is a ruling role, as Titus 1:7 says, "The steward of God."
At least a horse wouldn't teach heresy though
>>180817 keeeeeeek ye there are some saints like francis who preached to animals
>>180815 keeeeeeeek >>180817 or would it?
>>180808 >And then they say that that Paul mentions Adam and Eve as an example of poor teachings. It's not about Eve leading Adam astray, but that Adam hadn't taught Eve well enough about not eating from the tree. Looking at the verse this is such a dumb idea. Why even mention the order of creation if it has no bearing? Why not specifically state what you mean, why leave it up into interpretration when this is about how to "run" a church?
>>180819 1 neighcleatstiastes 7 thou shalt feed me many apples and sugarlumps for the sin of gluttony affecteth me not
Well? Don't go all quiet on me.
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quit horsing around
>horse god rod well they are pretty big
>>180824 How about Neight
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>>180825 >all those lasses with horse cock dildos
https://youtu.be/KCzwyFHSMdY man the accuracy of that kick
>>180827 do they even fit?. Hope my humble 3 inch does the job
>>180829 depends on the woman some of these tiny camwhores can fit 20 inch dildos inside them meanwhile my average cock made sperg bleed
>>180830 Well she was on her period. Smh. So disgusting
yes sex is disgusting unironically vile wish we could reproduce asexually
>>180821 keeeeeeek
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnC_hulhzLc >Sky News' Emma Birchley looks back at two years since COVID-19 arrived in the UK, as 150,000 people are confirmed to have died WITH it.
audden heavt nosebleeed not even pckingh covered in blood the desk, the sweater, sleaves, beard fucking cuntshit why still not stopped
>>180836 wew spooky I had that the other week, couldn't get to the tissues as I was bent over the sink trying to clean all the blood
>>180837 probably the mrna shit the vaxxtards spread around in public just by existing
>>180838 it was weird tbh, managed to stop it after a few minutes but it was bizarre how it just happened out of nowhere
huge thumb sized gobbets of squidgy dark red nasal cavity clotted blood
NHS doctor tells Health Secretary he won't get jabbed A Consultant Anaesthetist has told Sajid Javid that he will not get vaccinated against COVID and is unhappy at the mandatory requirement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOlEYcd1nyI
>>180841 Brexit Secretary tells Prime Minister he will get resigned
Those snakes and their slanted titles though Making it sound like he's a petulant child who "won't get jabbed" and is "unhappy at the mandatory requirement" When in reality he says the science isn't convincing and has rational reasons for his decision Minecraft
>>180836 smh >>180843 tbh sick of the propaganda
>>180841 Based understandibly nervous chad standing up to his bossman
>>180843 Rogue NHS doctor REFUSES vaccine as top health bosses call for his resignation The VILE quack has been linked to famous anti vax and anti semite nutter piers "on your bike kike" corbyn
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>>180843 >>180844 >>180845 >>180846 >realises he's not getting through to the doctor >tries getting the nurses to seethe with him >they just stand there silent Javid lost favour after his earlier spergouts and now he has to whine and beg to nurses to gang up on the antivax chad
>>180847 I love how this tiny event goes to show how shite democracy is. He has no counter argument beyond listen and believe, and he looks to others to back him up in number alone
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>>180847 >Javid lost favour do these poojeet functionaries have any favour to begin with? nobody actually likes them or approves of their existence smh they just somehow materialise inside the system and get given important roles
>>180672 lel I'm getting a distinct: chinky bitch who probably spurns lads from her own race is getting rejected by the whyte chads she actually wants.
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>>180852 but that would lessen his sacrific and just also be poor writing. Fuck's sake. Just because they want to wank to their favourite la creatura
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For me its the desert mouse
>>180852 >>180853 they literally clone him in the books
>>180855 so why cry about it then?
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>>180857 because they've not read the books
>>180832 This will happen if the Talmudists get their way.
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>article even mentions gholas creating clickbait should be punishable by torture and death
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pretty sure herbert only did it to appease crying faggots back in the day too
>>180860 Absolutely, journalists need to know and fear the consequences of their lies.
>>180859 Of course, since that's Gnosticism and the Talmudists are Gnostics
>>180863 Can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but there are plenty of gnostic reabsorptionist theological tendencies in the Talmud and the Kabbalah.
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>lass asking me "what are you doing?" every other hour of the day what are you even supposed to say
>>180865 just answer honestly like everything else preparing to toil, toiling, crying and sleeping before toil
>>180866 smh they don't get toillife, they manage to fool themselves into loving toil and everyhhing between >>180867 keeek
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Tell her you're reconvening drvid/pol/ to arrange a hearty sacrifice to LVGH
>>180867 I'll do that next time
>>180858 >books never bothered with the sequels tbh they get weird dune is a self-contained story perfectly capable of standing alone not everything needs sequels smh
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yeah dude don't screw shut the bottle cap I am sure the bottle won't fall over this time
>>180871 tbh would they even be able to effectively adapt the sequels into films
>>180874 for me it's having no room in the fridge and putting the milk in sideways and it leaks everywhere despite being screwed tight because the cap is shitty plastic
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>when mum calls you conspiracy theorist for calling Tony Blair a war criminal because Iraq and Afghanistan were honest mistakes
>>180877 Yikes
>>180877 Based
oopsie teehee I directly caused the deaths of tens of thousands but it was just a little mistake
No harm no fault tbh
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>>180877 i'm sorry lad you're going to have to take her to the vet and have her put down
>>180877 all those millions/billions/trillions from an honest mistake how fucking delusional can you possibly be
>>180877 Blair and Bush don't accept that Iraq was a mistake. Their argument is that even though were no WMD, Saddam Hussein was a dictator and a threat to regional/global security, so had to be removed. Dictators are bad, muh freedom, muh democracy. Gay rights, womens rights etc. He was perceived as a threat because of Kuwait, the attempted assassination of HW Bush and a refusal to give carte blanche to weapons inspectors.
>>180885 World police
lots of seethe already today I see
>>180871 the sequels are well-done in that they change the characters and circumstances significantly each time. Messiah was supposed to be the original ending of Dune and is really little more than an epilogue. The rest can hardly be called low effort sequels though.
>>180886 only against countries that can't fight back. They never dared force against the saudis & pakis
>>180890 Isn't it the sunk costs fallacy with SA more than fear? The only reason they could potentially fight back is because of westoids proping them up the last 80 something years.
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>>180891 it's because the saudis and israelis are butt buddies with eachother
someone come to dartmoor with me
>>180893 Same applies to the israelis tbh. Wouldn't exist without westoid backing. Of course now I think about it, there's no sunk cost there. It's all been good business.
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Is it the biggest myth of our time lads? Hmmst.
>>180897 this video will surely be the final nail in the coffin for the socalled progressive left
>>180887 schmornig lad >>180889 i don't think they're low effort tbf i just think that they drag the story out past what was an ideal point to end it >>180892 many such cases
>>180895 you going to jail?
>>180900 not yet
>>180836 >>180837 >>180838 >>180839 GET. YOUR. BOOSTER.
why would I boooooost if I never got the poz in the first place
just finished the latest steinrants, seething at the last one about having to upkeep the barbie princess lifestyle to have a chance with them, don't think its as bad in the uk since yanks seem to be richer but still it resonates.
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>>180904 Simple as
>>180905 Only London is as rich as the US average
>>180905 quick rundown on the barbie princess lifestyle
>>180908 the average woman
room stinks of coom again ffs
The original Metaverse ad was so creepy and occultic They'll definitely force that meme and make it the "future" https://vigilantcitizen.com/vigilantreport/the-occult-symbolism-of-the-creepy-meta-commercial/
>>180911 based
Q replaced zuckerberg with a body double lads patriots are in control
Can't believe this is a meme, literally every mention of patriot front online has magamongs talking about waist sizes and how none of them are obese
>>180914 they ain't real 'murricans if they can't down a gallon of corn syrup and a square foot of burger
>>180914 I saw the same thing with the Lincoln Memorial march, people were saying it's fake because they're too in-shape
they should hire me to march with them as well as a guy with a tuba to play while I walk that way the yanks will know they're legit
>toil tomorrow
>>180919 wow the reverend heckin fact checkers
>>180919 how can anything be objectively more than something else? Who decides that which is beautiful?
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>>180921 >Who decides that which is beautiful? Us We do Objectively, too
>>180921 beauty is objective though
>>180926 keeeek >>180927 Yeah?
>>180926 Yes, humans have an innate sense of beauty like we have a sense of hearing, taste, etc. The same way as the laws of logic are unbreakable, the laws of beauty are too
Updog is objective
>>180930 updog est godpud Gesualdus Britanniae
No offence but that doctor isn't that brave or important. I've said the same thing for 2 years and even tried the jab so i could give a more reasoned viewpoint on vacination
tbh the 'international style' and modernism are just jewish attempts to disrupt the aesthetics of western europeans. aesthetics are an expression of the race itself and come from metaphysical ideas of what is the ideal form. the purpose of "contrast" in building is to draw attention, and "constrast" in aesthetics is because its being done by outsiders. also its a way to use new material technologies
which you can invest in and cause monopolies
>>180934 International style buildings can be placed as an assertion of dominance by globalism, and the global spread of the style also serves as a preparation for one world government
>marion le pens father is a mossad agent
>>180936 tbh yeah also that brutalism stuff was probably a way to keep military trained architects employed or something
https://youtu.be/5-DS9vtLeEs Anyone going watch this? Ben Afflick
https://twitter.com/JaneAndersonCDG/status/1479506410992017416 black people are claiming Septimius Severus is black again.
>>180940 everybody was black in fact, white people dont even exist, theyre made up or soemthing
>>180940 amasing how normies can believe this but also know that northern Africa is brown not black at the same time
>>180939 looks awful
right this moment poo is being created inside you
>>180940 anybody who so much as knew of the existence of any part of the entire continent of africa or anything or anyone that has ever had anything to do with the continent of africa is black
the fact that there are real human beings who walk around every day and dont know that there's a difference between north and sub-saharan africa..
>>180944 Can confirm, in fact I can actually feel it right now trying to escape. The little fucker won't get its way.
>>180947 tbh, people react negatively when I say "neger" when talking about sub-saharan africans, but it describes them better than simply calling them "african" does smh
Its amazing how non whites somehow disappeared from the historical record of britain bar a few curiosities between when THEY WUZ THE ORIGINAL BRITONS and 1945 and then suddenly reappeared after ww2, they must've been hiding in some secret society like wizards
>>180940 they are more subversive than jews at this point
>>180944 my god you're right
>>180946 the pawnee were actually black
these mongs actually fall for the ignorant racist meme dont know that north africans are very much a different thing to sub saharans and would be upset if you said they were the same.
even though dances with wolves is kind of subversive and he goes against his own people to be with the chugs its still kind of a kino movie tbf
95% of historians are worthless lysenkoists who should be purged
>its a black man isn't it
just sick of these leftoids running rampant on national tv constantly, its a war being waged against us
>>180960 Haven't watched tv for ages me
The "historian" literally says verbatim "The bust of him would've been as he was, a man from north africa, a black man"
i guess the libyan slave trade is just more black on black crime smh
>This is supposed to be a nigger
>>180957 fuckin kino scene
playing new mincecraft update tbh
>>180957 smh chug bastards
>>180966 join eggys new server
Deano needs to get his lass in line smh >women
tbh I remember hearing of a lad who was convinced that the 10th earl of ormond was black because he was nicknamed "Black Tom" after his hair colour
>>180964 its another humiliation ritual that all the secret agent sycophants have to pretend to believe this stuff to further their careers, I think a large portion of the lisa simpson type femoids are sociopathic and just do whatever the system says is truth
>>180969 wasn't york founded by vikangs? smh vikings were black
>>180955 tbh >>180956 tbqh >>180966 good lad minecraft is the quintessential huwhite man's game tbh with its focus on exploring and taming virgin lands and constructing great works of beauty and function
Every reply is either a soyface bluecheck apparatchik, a foid or a stupid wog, theres even some yank spics in their complaining that "this should be taught in history its a whitewash"
>>180971 that's just women lad they follow whatever the strongest authority says is true
I want to know what their source is
>>180976 source?
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Is this what they call "banter"
literal 80 iq mongs
Noticed that ethnic minorities call others brothers much more than huwhites in london. ethnic minorities will call huwhites brothers too
>>180979 the J
There is literally an account of Septimius Severus coming across a black person for the first time and ordering him removed from his army for having an "ominous colour". He had never seen a black person in his life before coming across an Ethiopian even though he lived most of his formative years in Libya. That's how diverse Roman Africa was. >On another occasion, when he was returning to his nearest quarters from an inspection of the wall at Luguvallum in Britain, at a time when he had not only proved victorious but had concluded a perpetual peace, just as he was wondering what omen would present itself, an Ethiopian soldier, who was famous among buffoons and always a notable jester, met him with a garland of cypress-boughs. >And when Severus in a rage ordered that the man be removed from his sight, troubled as he was by the man's ominous colour and the ominous nature of the garland, the Ethiopian by way of jest cried, it is said, "You have been all things, you have conquered all things, now, O conqueror, be a god."
>>180978 god I wish the insurrectionists had killed all these kikes and shartica was totally collapsed so these pathetic careerists couldn't flirt with nuclear annihilation with black twitter tier commentary
>>180982 preferred the jomsvikangz version when they made a pair of niggers imported to pomerania dance with each other for a wedding ceremony tbh
>>180982 keeek
>>180984 would prefer if niggers never set foot in europe ever tbh
>>180982 looks like peter o'toole but with poop eyes libshartic museum/historyfags generally don't even read primary source shit anymore they just learn the basic uni reader which is "edited" of coursh (I don't know about in UK) but in shartica by the kike hive in california berkeley or columbia by mcgraw-hill (owned by maxwells family)
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me and tibbs are going camping to Dartmoor, who wants to join us?
any other london incels here? think we can agree, it's very over in our city and the youth are majority xeno
>>180988 kino can't imagine a place with no trees, makes me scared that some big bird is gonna get me
shit thread
>>180988 more gay sex in a tent, lovely
lads how do i stop thinking about women without resorting to lopping my balls off or going camping with gayers
>>180990 looks like shit from the lotr films tbh when they are chasing the uruk hai
>>180982 >And when on reaching the town he wished to perform a sacrifice, in the first place, through a misunderstanding on the part of the rustic soothsayer, he was taken to the Temple of Bellona, and, in the second place, the victims provided him were black. 7 And then, when he abandoned the sacrifice in disgust and betook himself to the Palace,​ through some carelessness on the part of the attendants the black victims followed him up to its very doors.
>>180993 become rich and buy sex from extremely attractive women until you desensitise yourself to it, otherwise just avoid all depictions of women
>>180993 stop watching tv, movies. banish womankind from your life. soon we will have ai that can block tgem out in realtime on websites too.
on here, filter anyone who discusses women. remember if they did, refilter on sight of thrm. whores rape men by the eyes.
>>180994 rohan
Ancient Greeks were aware of negroes differences in skull shapes too, they produced a whole genre of vases showing one side Greek and the other African. On this vase, the white side is labelled "beautiful" and the black "horrible". One of Aesops fables includes a story of a Greek coming across an Ethiopian and trying to help him by washing the black off him but to no avail. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washing_the_Ethiopian_White Gaius Petronius in Satyricon spoke about the differences between European and Africans, framing Africans as hideous: >Then we will stand by you with pleasure like Aethiopian slaves, without undergoing any tortures, and our change of colour will take in our enemies.[...] Suppose the stain of dye on the face could last for some time[...]but, tell me, can we make our lips swell to a hideous thickness? Or transform our hair with curling-tongs? Or plough up our foreheads with scars? Or walk bow-legged? Or bend our ankles over to the ground? The earliest Arab historians are by far the most accurate race realists and because of their work blacks were deemed too stupid and animal like to truly become Muslims and therefore were free to be enslaved by Muslims. The entire Arab-African slave trade relied on the belief that Africans were simply not smart enough to understand Islam and it affected millions of Africans and we're meant to pretend like racism was invented in the 18th century. Ibn Battuta, 14th century "We know that the Zanj (blacks) are the least intelligent and the least discerning of mankind, and the least capable of understanding the consequences of actions." Jahiz (d. 868 AD), _Kitab al-Bukhala' "[The people of Mombasa in East Africa] are a religious people, trustworthy and righteous. Their mosques are made of wood, expertly built." Ibn Battuta, A.D. 1331 "They [the Shu`ubiyya] maintain that eloquence is prized by all people at all times -- even the Zanj, despite their dimness, their boundless stupidity, their obtuseness, their crude perceptions and their evil dispositions, make long speeches." Jahiz, Al-Bayan wa`l-tabyin, vol. 3 "I met the qadi of Malli... he is a black, has been on a pilgrimage, and is a noble person with good qualities of character... I met the interpreter Dugha, a noble black and a leader of theirs... They performed their duty towards me [as a guest] most perfectly; may God bless and reward them for their good deeds!" Ibn Battuta, 14th century "Galen says that merriment dominates the black man because of his defective brain, whence also the weakness of his intelligence."
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>>180993 just go camping with the gayers you have nothing to lose tbh
>>180996 i would not recommend whores either tbh. ut will mess with your emotions, unless you ar sociopathic
>>180998 they are so ignorant and don't get that they are bantus and separated by a fuckhueg desert which is why they never had much interaction with moors
>>181003 all those tatoos and they have to wear diapers
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>>181004 >i would not recommend whores yeah and all women are whores avoid at all cost
>>181003 my ancestors
>>180996 >>180997 >>181003 cheers lads. incel camping and mushroom picking for me
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>>181002 >Mombasa in East Africa
>If you are struck by the appearance of any promised pleasure, guard yourself against being hurried away by it; but let the affair wait your leisure, and procure yourself some delay. Then bring to your mind both points of time: that in which you will enjoy the pleasure, and that in which you will repent and reproach yourself after you have enjoyed it; and set before you, in opposition to these, how you will be glad and applaud yourself if you abstain. And even though it should appear to you a seasonable gratification, take heed that its enticing, and agreeable and attractive force may not subdue you; but set in opposition to this how much better it is to be conscious of having gained so great a victory.
rentberg did me a favour when he took my heating a way really too cold to disrobe or muck around with cooming see
So sick of bins posting unironic gayism, he was doing it so brazenly on the movie night
then he was talking about racemixing with wogs
Auslad still isn't BO either, SA is too cowardly to face us
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>>181009 excellent another fresh young lad for the camping trip
>>181014 >>181013 blew my mind when martin said that bins is 45
According to Plutarch Romans murdered black people on sight because they were a bad omen.
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>>181014 hey she was a nice homely black lady
>>181014 That's when I left the stream "Tfw no black mummy gf" or whatever
>>181018 based thats how it should be
If they could see modern times they'd probably not change their opinion
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>>181020 >"Tfw no black mummy gf" or whatever I say these things to weed our the weak minded If you can't handle that, then you'll never handle the race war
>>181022 they'd go harder and do full scale genocides, proper ones not like the job they didn't finish on the jews
so wild that wogs think they would have had an easy time in medieval england or even victorian england when the peasantry and lower classes were living on oats and water and treated like disposable cattle. in shartica in the north when niggers ran away from the south to be "free" if anyone hired a nigger all the white men would walk out the job until they fired the nigger. outside of middle classoid abolitionist farmers nobody wanted to even be around a nigger and anytime news came that black slaves rioted in the south mass killings of blacks happened in the north. after the famous nat turner revolt in the south that niggers cope about, white men went through out washington DC and murdered niggers and hanged them and lit them on fire
>>181024 >proper ones not like the job they didn't finish on the jews it's weird to think, the jews that survived the Roman purge were probably the most weak and cowardly, that screamed like women as they begged for their lives, disgusting the soldiers so much that they spared them says a lot about how jews are now really doesn't it?
>>181025 amazing how much can change in a mere three generations of jewish control
>>181025 the good old days tbh
The world has an amazing lie: porn is the same as fucking a hooker. None of the ancients agree, though porn existwd then, for example erotic dances you could watch, paintings and drawings, and statues nude and having sex. They never equates porn or masturbation with actual sex. Masturbation is never a kind of sex in antiquity. There is the story of Onan who spulled his jizz, rather than umpregnate one of (sort of) his wives. but that's a completely different situation. Bottom line, what the world (including 100% of popes, churches, preachers, etc.) gets wrong about universal ancient morality is that if you have not had sex you have achieved something. They want to ensnare you by a false doctrine which they apply to nothing else. For example, if they watch a movie where there is a bad guy who does terrible thngs (Saw 2) they hold they are in the position of the good guy in the stoey despite enjoying the movie. but the same they do not afford the porn watcher. they don't say, "you who eatch porn, you qre the window curtains, or the microphone, or the lamp, or the uninvolved extra." so we see the nonsense. but you also can't say back "you are guilty just as much of murder if you watch movies with murders in them". stupid as well. theater existed for a long time. but you will notice there is no condemnation of theater or other types of scandalous productions. so, there are zero in all the world in any of the religions who has the least but of spiritual wisdom or power. they are ignorant of everything.
listening to granny and grandad talk about their parents and grandparents was kino but at the same time horrible torture because they kept on about how 'bad' they were for being racist and upper class and how much 'better' things are for me
>>181023 filtered
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Summer this was the year of good lads. bossman richard daley got his start in the boys club in chicago beating niggers with baseball bats as a zoomer in these riots.
>>181020 wise move. excellent.
>>181030 How is literally anything in your life better are they fucking blind, suppose all that matters to them is the nigger worship religion
>>181013 he is perhaps the least gay of their clique.
Queen Elizabeth's proclamation on the expulsion of 'Negroes and Blackamoors', 1601 WHEREAS the Queen's majesty, tendering the good and welfare of her own natural subjects, greatly distressed in these hard times of dearth, is highly discontented to understand the great number of Negroes and blackamoors which (as she is informed) are carried into this realm since the troubles between her highness and the King of Spain; who are fostered and powered here, to the great annoyance of her own liege people that which co[vet?] the relief which these people consume, as also for that the most of them are infidels having no understanding of Christ or his Gospel: hath given a special commandment that the said kind of people shall be with all speed avoided and discharged out of this her majesty's realms; and to that end and purpose hath appointed Casper van Senden, merchant of Lubeck, for their speedy transportation, a man that hath somewhat deserved of this realm in respect that by his own labor and charge he hath relieved and brought from Spain divers of our English nation who otherwise would have perished there. These shall therefore be to will and require you and every of you to aid and assist the said Casper van Senden or his assignees to taking such Negroes and blackamoors to be transported as aforesaid as he shall find within the realm of England; and if there shall be any person or persons which be possessed of any such blackamoors that refuse to deliver them in sort aforesaid, then we require you to call them before you and to advise and persuade them by all good means to satisfy her majesty's pleasure therein; which if they shall eftsoons willfully and obstinately refuse, we pray you to certify their names to us, to the end her majesty may take such further course therein as it shall seem best in her princely wisdom.
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>>181037 There were also some black ex-slaves, brought into London after the Revolutionary War, and they were mostly homeless beggars. They got deported to Sierra Leone
another class of nigger cattle brainwashed, hope it awakens some lepolface
remember lads that the most effective tool midwestoids used against nogs was to light all their homes on fire during the unrest so they would be homeless
>>181036 smh imagine btfoing niggers with your fellow local lads >>181038 what will westoid armies even do? have their troons control drones to stop the evil russians
and by effective I mean it ultimately failed 50 years later because everyone was stomped by the government
>>181037 based mummy
>>181039 they took some retarded white wimmin with them and they all died KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>181030 keeek smh sounds nightmarish >>181034 they're boomoids lad of course they're blind either wessie is living in the greatest period of harmony and prosperity and peaceful cooperation or else they dropped the ball somewhere and accidentally ruined everything you know which outcome they're going to choose to believe >>181041 >>181043 keeeksmdhsmh
>>181045 Yes, some big black nigger chief BTFO'd their expansion attempts
>>181013 sometimes he just randomly messages me gay stuff clearly messed up in the head
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>>181037 >1601 very old news David Davis has fucking resigned a lot since then jesus
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>>181048 traitor tibbs
Might do some sabotage for the russians if something kicks off tbh
>>181034 grandad said something like 'the thing I remember most about those days is that everything was so stiff and formal' yeah that's called having public morals and culture AUGH >>181037 I think this proclamation was written in response to the Portsmouth harbourmaster petitioning to her for the removal of only three (3) niggers or arabs who set foot on land and caused so much trouble he had to seethe about it to her for months really shows you how diverse England was keek >>181052 good lad, pootine might pay us 0.00 rubles for being based russian hacker terrorists
>>181052 don't poost shit like this lad the spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) actually like this kind of actionable list making tier statements
>>181053 >'the thing I remember most about those days is that everything was so stiff and formal' "OH IS THAT RIGHT GRAMPS"
>>181049 he's got to defend his half caste grandchildren
>Some consider Tusi one of the greatest scientists of medieval Islam,[6] since he is often considered the creator of trigonometry as a mathematical discipline in its own right.[7][8][9] The Muslim scholar Ibn Khaldun (1332–1406) considered Tusi to be the greatest of the later Persian scholars.[10] "If (all types of men) are taken, from the first, and one placed after another, like the Negro from Zanzibar, in the Southern-most countries, the Negro does not differ from an animal in anything except the fact that his hands have been lifted from the earth,--in no other peculiarity or property,--except for what God wished. Many have seen that the ape is more capable of being trained than the Negro, and more intelligent." Nasir al-Din Tusi (1201-74)
reading some more seethe inducing books tbh james herriot's books about being a vet in rural yorkshire in the 30s things were so much better then
>>181054 Everything I have ever posted on this forum has been sarcastic or ironic.
>>181057 the arabian nights is kino has so much le women stories in it and le nigger
tbh theres no way theres even any spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) here considering theres only about 30 actual posters and we are unlisted on a tiny site like this which itself is unlisted, bongo is more dangerous.
>>181061 yes mr (1) there are no spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) here
don't want to seethe anymore
the first story in it is even about the king being cucked by a worthless nigger slave
>>181064 >women
>>181064 smh that wasn't in the wholesome children's storybook version
>>181061 yeah tbh
It's Sunday
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>>180993 Follow the path of Zennism and achieve true nonattachment lad
another lisa training yet more lisas
>>181068 sunday bloody sunday
>>181061 honestly worried some lads who have poosted here throughout the years were taken away by spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
if you don't want to think about lasses just keep yourself busy with toil tbh
>>181074 this 6 or 7 day weeks keeps the mind and body pure
>>181052 meh, useful idiots always get bumped off. beat atay out of things, be amish
>>181073 would probably be seetheworthy anyway finding out that half of 16 year old lasses are being shagged up the arse by chad
why do people bum women?
feeling cheeky might leave a timed explosive in an inconspicuous duffel bag outside the house of commons (at the behest of a certain foreign government (not saying which one)) on the seventeenth of february set to detonate at 5:33pm idk
>>181079 Poower
>>181072 yeah if you get snatched by spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) atleast post a warning about it smh
>>181075 yes, oil hands and sailors are the most pure of all.
>>181080 for me it's activating the sleeper agent code name DD with the phrase "resigned from the cabinet" causing him to go on a shooting spree while parliament is in full session
>>181079 Maybe it's been inserted into the culture by Crowleyan thelemites since he loved it. I remember seeing a compilation of rappers being asked about it around 2000 and all being disgusted; but it's normalised now
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>>181079 >why do people bum women? Jews told them it was cool
>>181079 misread that as "why do people burn women" and then got sad when i read it properly smh >>181084 keeeeeek
>>181086 based
>>181079 power tbh
Normalising it also helped to normalise sodomy of course
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>>181088 I read it as "why do people ban women" the reasons for banning women should be self evident
>>180965 Why can't this be one film night?
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>>181093 I'd be up for watching it Think 22st has seen it already though and didn't like it - it might be a bit depressing
>>181095 Yeah I(the 22st) didn't like it
gangs of wasseypur tbh or the new sonic film(s)
then again it came out in current year, so it's been a while for my to change my mind on things
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Still don't believe a single human being that's ever lived has got a sensation of sexual pleasure from having something in their bum tbh. The 'enjoyment' must be psychological, and extremely rare. Most pornstars, even those known for 'loving anal', quite bluntly say in interviews that they never once really enjoyed it.
>>181091 normalizing what? i always thought morality was downstream of consequences.
this is why conservatives love Israel and are mad dog antiracists: conservatives are cowards who care only about self preservation.
>>181102 > conservatives are cowards who care only about self preservation. and they aren't even good at that tbh
look at pf. that conservative was not angry at pf for their positions. he didn't want to change their minds. he wanted to make sure that his 401k wasn't out into jeopardy by the antifa banks. he didn't scream at the members of black bloc when they blasphemed Christ. conservatives serve money.
>>181105 so true. conservatives are beaten wives doing whatever will stop the beating.
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>be pagang >start talking to a tree >tree tells me it's a christian >cut it down
>>181105 tbh old people just want to go back to the 1980s when it easy to hide from the fact that the white race was being destroyed rather than accept that the white race is being destroyed
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/family/life/west-stopped-having-babies/#comment smh can't read the comments for this potent suifuel
keep getting "the revenant" and "the grey" mixed up in my head tbh and i think "oh yeah it's that liam neeson film where he gets eaten by wolves" but then that clip gets poosted and i watch it and remember that actually it's a different film somebody should trademark the word "the" so i don't keep getting confused like this >>181105 >>181108 tbh they're just cowards who want to pretend that it's not happening once it becomes unavoidable i'm sure they'll find some way to blame it on millennials like they do for everything else >>181109 black powder is so kino tbh
>>181097 can't find a source for that gangs of wasseypur film tbh
>>181112 I got two torrents of it
>>181112 there's also Kesari, see if you can find that
was thinking of cutting up some of the smaller pieces of it
>>181012 You might lose some weight
>>181114 that's the poojeet fort film isn't it? would liek to see that one tbh
>>181118 yeah it begins with seething against angloids and coping about akshually loving muslims but then becomes a film about baste poos slaughtering thousands of muds
>>181116 is that nick with him? the balding and gained weight look is really bad for him smh
didn't mean to type "liek" lads really it was a typo i'm not that cringe i meant to type "like" smdh i mean it >>181116 always weirds me out seeing scambo and idubbbz talking tbh >>181119 sounds based
>>181120 Nick doesn't mind though, looking so jovial
>>181122 it was a surprise to see him getting back with sam I guess they just do this poodcast shit now while charls has his cult on twitch?
>[jew] Michael Lang, who organized the 1969 Woodstock Festival, dies at 77 everything bad has jews making money off of it
>>181123 Charls has a cult? Charls seems like a user.
woodstock was knowably to be used as a drug den. the police give criminal jews a pass as always.
>>181125 ngl you seem female since you are so superficial and dingy
>shilling their gay retard scamming NFT operation at the end of the clip
fuck these fucking yankee bastards with breech loading rifles i cant win shit with this
>‘So degrading’: Israeli woman recalls detention in Belarus for cannabis possession baste beautiful Belarus
>>180978 russia never fails to disappoint. they had the opportunity to accuse blinkin of raping kids
or accuse him of being an Israeli double agent
someone needs to make a blumf putin. putis is such a miga clown
>>181129 should have invested in better technology tbh lad smh imagine where you'd be if you'd converted all your antique muzzleloader pieces of shit muskets into super cool futuristic breechloaders snider-enfield style you'd be mowing down those union shites by the dozen
le smug yankee pay to win face https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmxQi1RSg_0
>>181136 I preferred it with the "POV you're Polish" title
>>181136 reminds me that mummy was going on about how my stebrother was learning about hitler and stalin in school and how 'they were as bad as eachother' and that 'it's great schools are teaching multiple viewpoints now'
>>181134 I did smh, most of my troops now have enfields, lorenz or captured springfields don't have enough decent breech loaders i can buy though, managed to capture a few but not enough smh next battle is 2nd bull run so i will btfo them behind defences https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cF_JBfXJN8
why does the covid variant stuff happen a full 1 month before in the UK before other countries?
>>181140 our elites have an even more docile and unquestioning population to rule over than other western nations, as well as more experience in manipulating and gaslighting them
i filtered all that trash out. thank you Jesus
>>181139 Revolvers don't leave spent cartridges That'd be useful information, if we were American
>>181143 blackpowder revolvers are one of the few kinds people are allowed to own in britain or at least politically inactive boomers who want to larp as john wayne occasionally on a firing range are allowed to own them after paying the exhorbitant license fees and storage fees or construction fees for wall safes
its not that hard to own a gun stop complaining
>>181146 tbh just pull up your bootstraps and take the bull by the horns
>>181144 >big chickens >cool
>jacob snider died in poverty at age 55 an ocean away from his home trying to get the british government to actually pay him for the work he did modernising their arsenal bunch of jews smdh despicable fucking smith-stanley piece of shit whig bastard >>181136 keeeek baste >>181139 do your best lad we're all counting on you
>>181145 Starting at 3:40, this is how long it takes to load a black powder revolver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k9_3NrK0Ps So you had better make those shots count Just for fun & contrast, here's how long it takes to reload a WW2-era Webley, with its complementary Prideaux Device (46s in) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYmc5o870Mk Impressive tech development
>>181148 I think all those dinosaurs are proven to have feathers. At least the two that fought at the end. Yutyrannus and deinocheiru
>>181149 >bunch of jews smdh despicable fucking smith-stanley piece of shit whig bastard its just good business
wow more posts by the stupid retards. just wow, such trash creatures, shut up already, fools!!!!
the real redpill is that whilst guns are certainly convenient they really aren't anywhere near as essential as the media makes them out to be you can wage a perfectly respectable guerrilla war with just crossbows and petrol bombs and don't let anybody tell you any different
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>>181154 Chinese special forces use crossbows, because they're waterproof and avoid detonating explosives on militants
>>181154 wasn't it just yesterday that the agitating for banning evil black coloured assault crossbows started smh
not reading your crap you useless clowns you couldn't make decent thread with silkworms
im so much better than they are
>>181109 cap and ball lad is so based, comfy hungarian in the sea of amerishart rednecks magdumping into watermelons
disgusting cracker in my presence - safely filtered tho
stupid useless fools:

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