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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3611: Monke Monday Edition Anonymous 01/10/2022 (Mon) 20:10:41 Id: 0aefc0 No. 181859
Cod crisis on East coast as Brit fishermen outflanked https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1545246/brexit-news-fishing-latest-paul-lines-east-coast-brixham-fish-market-update Liz Truss: I’ll use Article 16 if EU won’t bend on Northern Ireland Protocol https://twitter.com/i/events/1480080426395844609 Woman who toppled Colston statue slams Tory ‘war on woke’ https://metro.co.uk/2022/01/09/woman-who-toppled-colston-statue-slams-tory-war-on-woke-15889030/ Covid: Fact-checking the doctor who challenged the health secretary https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/59929638 Novak Djokovic released as supporters clash with police in Melbourne after court overturns Australian government’s decision to cancel the athlete’s visa https://twitter.com/i/events/1478514840897347584 COVID-19-themed boutique selling high-priced 'essentials' to wealthy shoppers in high-end malls https://www.businessinsider.com/covid-19-essentials-boutique-store-high-priced-face-masks-2020-10
reminder that auslad is the shadow BO and helmers is waiting to come back with britriots at the helm if we trust the plan
>>181864 tbh just two more weeks to complete the transfer of power
>transfer of power
>>181859 >Rangies and Wang chun GOOD lad GOOD thread
>>181860 This is literally just tactical nihilism, if its not important SA wouldn't care and you wouldn't have spent the last hour defending him like a pathetic apparatchik >banned for disagreeing with the regime back to square one with this shit, a week from now he'll be denying he even did this
shit thread. goodlad keeping atandards
>>181867 luve that game, made me think miami was comfy when its just a cuban colony where there are no dixiebros, only jews and spics
>banned again mongs are really gonna just ignore this and act like its not happening
>>181868 wow lad you were banned for an hour after being an insufferable sperg for about the same amount of time but just hopped IP anyway, that's tyranny that is
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93 people sign petition to save the Marble Arch Mound Derided as a ‘monstrosity’ and Britain’s ‘worst attraction’, the mound is nonetheless now the subject of an unlikely bid to save it https://metro.co.uk/2022/01/09/93-people-sign-petition-to-save-the-marble-arch-mound-15890055/ >The petition describes the construction – which went heavily over budget and faced widespread mockery from locals and visitors – as an ‘icon to Londoners and tourists alike’. >‘This icon of modern London and celebration of life during the Covid deconfinement period should be preserved and the many happy memories people have enjoyed on it should continue to take place’, the website argues – quite possibly with tongue firmly in cheek. >‘The Mound is both a piece of art and a piece of community – it must not be cut down in its prime especially in light of the money and joy already invested into it’, it adds. >And an associated Save the Mound Twitter account – which insists it is ‘not a joke’ – brands the landmark ‘Britain’s most important cultural heritage site’.
>>181873 the sperg doesn't understand that the more he seethes the less of a shit lads give
>>181871 smh poor bbk can't spam anal fisting
first for buidling a big staircase over the lamppost so we can poo on SAs face while he hangs
>>181876 careful, madlad might break out the pictures of his own anus that he sold to boomers on the internet
>had a late poo and shower >am I still banned? >living in SA et al's heads rent free regardless
>>181874 i love that it is empty and meaningless.
>>181880 it was such a pointless structure, the only use for it would be to get a bit of a better look at the top of Marble Arch, you wouldn't be able to see much else as it wasn't taller than the nearest buildings
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Saw two grown men with novelty masks today one was batman and the other was a lion face smh
'100 invited' to Downing Street garden lockdown drinks As many as 100 people were invited to a "bring-your-own-booze" drinks event in the Downing Street garden during the first lockdown, it is understood https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-59930733 >bring-your-own-booze Didn't one of the MPs try defending the party by saying they didn't have booze?
>can't even filter SA for being a boring glownigger because he made the new thread JUST. >>181882 Only reason I've not made a clown mask is I don't ever maskooom.
>>181877 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Speaking of maskooming, time to flagoooom. Dr Wessex said it was so on the telly. It's for others and for my safety, as the SA bullshit particles are less likely to be transmitted to flag faggers. Can't wait for my booster shot of literal poz in my neghole at the Templar toilets, then maybe glorious leader will let me discuss something other than his shit takes and twitter screencaps! He promised after all. He'd never break a promise, or lie. No no no. Not our glorious leader. *kisses his glownigger faggot boots soaked is hepatitis b piss from the templar toilets*
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>he's still seething fucking obsessed
please no more seethe
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>>181888 Because, trips aside, you are a tyrant. You've nervously relaxed your tyranny to calm things down, but you will ramp it up again sooner or later. You can't help yourself. You must be forcefully removed, and/or killed by me, with a bronze sword to the sturnum. It is the only way. I wish it were not so, but fate has taken the choice away from both of us. You will die by my hands. Make peace with Yahweh, Salty Anus. You're already dead.
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>nervously relaxed your tyranny you've invented an enemy in your head you fucking schizo
>>181892 You are very real. You are flesh and blood, mortal. I will pierce that flesh and watch the blood, your life essence, spill from your body. It will be very real. Only a matter of time. Make peace with yahweh.
skyrim wills it dovahkiin
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>>181894 Laugh. Jest. Your time will come after SA lies lifeless and still. Don't think I'll forget you took the tyrant's side.
I just wanna post for gog's sake
>>181897 How can you post, when you're already dead? Make peace with yahweh.
this is why you get mistaken for schizbot and get banned lad smh
Dead. Cold, lifeless, still. In the ground already. Worms move through the tunnels carved out by maggots, beetles, through your flesh. Grey, cold, rotting, stinking flesh. Only a matter of time, for both of you.
>>181900 women don't do something stupid for attention challenge (impossible)
>>181902 >she's getting a netflix series
>>181903 at least it's good old fashioned exploitative entertainment, like mocking the bearded lady at ye old carnival
>>181904 yeah but it's not really a freakshow, she's not a mutant just a stupid twat
bet geo wizard makes 50 grand for each of his straight lines
>>181867 great game great soundtrack
Cancel culture means more than half of Britons afraid to share their views A recent study of cancel culture has found that over half of Britons hide their views for fear of being criticised or ‘cancelled' - particularly when it comes to those that are not seen as progressive https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1547797/cancel-culture-politically-correct-cancelled-views-free-speech-jk-rowling-maureen-lipman >When YouGov surveyed 1,677 people on the effects of cancel culture, a total of 57 percent of them said that, at least sometimes, they stop themselves from expressing political or social views “for fear of judgment or negative responses from others”. Only 27 percent of them said they actually always express their views. >Out of all the categories, this was most common for people with views that might be considered “un-progressive.” >For example, while 90 percent of people with pro-immigration views said they don’t hide their views from others, 33 percent of those who are concerned about immigration said they do. >YouGov said that seeing high levels of immigration as bad for the country was: “the topic on which people are most likely to say they feel they have to keep quiet.”
>>181908 and the other half got here on a raft
>>181908 Unfortunately I have to work with furriners and my boomer boss is the type to say how he'd love to live in a different country so he can have a sunny Christmas. So I keep my love of country to myself. It's actually horrifying how even with a small business, a lot of the employees are foreign-born. If I ever ran my own business I'd only employ people who were born and raised in England.
>omicron protects you against death hol up
>>181910 They'd fine you into the dirty for it.
>>181911 immortality
flood detection doesn't work right.
>>181912 I'd still allow wogs to come for interviews, I just wouldn't hire them. They can't get you for that surely.
>>181913 should never have doubted Our Lady Of The Coof
Turns out Taoists were right, eating bats makes you live forever.
>>181910 then why does he not just move tbh, the people who go on about this are usually in a better position where they could just up and move to another country I think a lot of it is they just think it's trendy to punch Britain, "ohoho bad country ohoho bad weather ohoho ohoho bad food ohoho Brexit amirite", they don't actually want to move elsewhere, they just want to fit in
>>181915 They can, also have to hire women.
based dysgenic society selecting for everything but merit based people in all areas of life on the bright side these policies will destroy the society eventually
>>181920 tbh their entire focus is on diversity which leads to everything falling apart, the niggers they hire can't maintain roads and rails,
>>181918 there is literally no reason to move to a lockdown country/state/whatever. like buy a 4k tv, bt noise canceling heqdphones, that's your scenery + sounds. Now pick any apartment in the world. why get a fancy one? you're not getting married regardless.
>>181918 I think you're probably right on him just wanting to fit in rather than being serious. Still irks me though. >>181919 Sucks tbh
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>>181921 :^) let me show you the jan 6th leader of the Capitol Police, Yogananda D. Pittman.
>>181924 yeah it pisses me off also tbh, the ethnics that bitch about the weather are bad enough but the natives that bitch are far worse, they don't even do it in a jokey manner either
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I'm still on the edge of my seat, and HAPCON is still on 3
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>perma'd for a bollock busting post
thank you janny
>>181929 I mucked up and put the time in the message keeeek
>>181931 smh I was wondering what 10m meant as a code or something
>>181923 >all they had to do was block the street. smh
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>>181925 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/capitol-police-officers-give-vote-of-no-confidence-in-leaders/ar-BB1dItg2 >92% of Capitol Police officers voted that they had no confidence in Acting Chief Yogananda Pittman keeeeeeeek. looks like she's been replaced by pic related now
Basically the situation is Russia: Give us legally binding promises that Ukraine and Georgia won't ever join NATO USA: No So the question is whether the hubristic USA will budge by some miracle Or whether the Russians have the guts to start WW3
fuck weimshartica
>>181936 sorry, according to nuremberg 56% qualifies for a flat in yorkshire.
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Impressive how laughable the UK is tbh
>>181935 Putin won't actually start open armed conflict like that. He knows the US would never agree, he's just trying to get rid of western-backed forced & arms sales in the region.
>>181932 >JANNIE DOWN ON SHITPOST STREET WE HAVE A 10-M A 10-M SEND IN THE BO PATROL THE SITUATION IS DIRE <10-4 Jannie, defend the thread at all costs, extra cleaning supplies are on the way
>>181940 keeeeeeeeeek
>>181939 You think he's just gonna let NATO cuck him all the way up to his borders? Maybe to avoid nuclear armageddon
>>181942 ummm wow bit racist to imply that the criminals target you because of your race
>>181942 keeeeeeeeeeeek stupid chinks
>>181945 >>181946 >it will keep happening as they are too scared/stupid to point out who it is
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>>181948 Choon that
>>181944 Even if war were to break out, unlikely that all members would strongly retaliate. Ukraine probably wouldn't join anyway. NATO is just used as a supplement to US military adventures to give them an air of international legitimacy. Divided body, US always has to push big for action, and even then the degree to which other member countries actually participate in operations can be quite limited.
>>181950 Interesting
>US goes to war >Expends their stocks of missiles and drones in 72 hours bombing random peasants, fields, mountains >FOBs full of trannies and gays massacred to the last "man" by local yokels armed with hunting rifles >Kabul 2.0 from operation command, this time not even the mcdonalds workers are spared
NATO has no parliaments, no laws, no enforcement, and no power to punish individual citizens. As a consequence of this lack of sovereignty the power and authority of a NATO Commander are limited. NATO Commanders cannot punish offences such as: failure to obey a lawful order; dereliction of duty; or disrespect to a senior officer.
Ramirezza, defend the Kiev SRS clinic!
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>>181955 Blood curse for murdering Christ, they must be eternal rebels now They even have that proto-feminist myth about Lillith who left Adam to be a stronk independent womyn
>>181859 Good lad good edition
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>>181956 Even a Jew can still choose to recognise Christ
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>>181958 What's the allure to Christianity apart from homoeroticism?
>>181925 what a joke
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>(2) >Same ID as Auslad
Evening lads
>>181908 SA's hotpocketry means more than half of /brit/ons afraid to share their views A recent study of hotpocket eating faggotry has found that over half of /brit/ hide their views for fear of being banned or 'cancelled' - particularly when it comes to those that are not supportive of irl glownigger tyranny. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1547797/hotpocket-eating-politically-correct-cancelled-views-freezed-peach-mummy-rowling-tbh-lads
https://youtu.be/PB3p2_e9dP4 found a video of puglad
>>181964 >hotpocket-eating-politically-correct-cancelled-views-freezed-peach-mummy-rowling-tbh-lads keeeeeeeek
https://youtu.be/chH7CnYfh4g subversive leftoid shite making fun of britlads for being localists using goom references
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>>181964 keeeeeeeek
>>181967 Love that monke soy clip, because 'fuck off back to the EU' is now a valid response. Also, Dunmer and their demonic gods are literally evil. Having fun as one because of this ngl.
looks like they are pushing for this to all be over sharpish
>>181972 Hopefully. Someone said "I think it's over" when they ended furlough, but it's been hanging around like a bad cold
>>181972 I think some of them are becoming afraid of the nowork chads
>so far £6billion has been spent on test kits fucking hell >>181973 yeah they wouldn't be able to end the gibs while continuing the lockdowns, we haven't had any serious measures implemented since furlough ended but they haven't declared it over still it's like they would have done a Christmas lockdown had the tories party not been exposed >>181975 tbh
ban me
>>181977 >that second one why would you want to live in an advert
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>>181982 Almost
>>181982 very close lad
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Hope she’s not talking about black men
>>181974 what was some of the depraved content?
lads i just covided and now i can't taste it smell basically anything
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>>181991 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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mornin lads
Fresh Fat Poombs Smh he really let himself go
>>181995 >Linda, 43, lost her entire life savings after being duped in a romance scam by a Turkish waiter
>>181995 want someday
need to create a tinder profile using pembs pics
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https://youtu.be/TMEQISo40yU bowdens last big speech >Jonathan Bowden, 'Western Civilization Bites Back'
>>182000 i.e. wants kids someday
>>182002 you want your son to grow up to be a sterile fat troomer?
>>181997 keeeeeeeeeeek smh
>>182000 he looks like the kind of lass that is 40 and puts "wants kids someday" on their tinder profile
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>>182001 wish he was still alive tbh
somebody should make a dating profile as a femoid and say poombs in that pic is 27 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>182005 oooohhhhhhhhhhh I get it now >>182007 kek yeah I can post all the fat poombs pics so it can be done
it will still get 30 messages a day from thirsty betas
27 years young, I’ve had my fun, now looking to settle down. Love cats, red wine and Netflix, looking for someone to share boxes of chocolates with. No Tories or Brexit voters. Want kids some day.
>>182012 >I’ve had my fun awful how common this type of bio is, utterly vile how brazen they are >"I've ruined my body and soul for years and now I'm a husk who wants a beta bux"
would keek but it's too real
meant to put 37 years young, not 27
>>182012 tbh need that in a lass smfh
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>>182013 >>I’ve had my fun awful how common this type of bio is, utterly vile how brazen they are yeah literally binned a lass after i fingered her after she said that on our first time together
never gonna find a lass that hasnt been finger or fucked by at least 1 lad in this world
>>182019 you're another notch on her belt, imagine seeing her in 10 years married with children and knowing "I've fingered that"
they dont even count fingering
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>>182019 >binned a lass tfw
>>182022 they don't count anything except penis in vag
>>182021 smh cant imagine anyone coming near my private parts as anything other than a notch >>182024 tbh
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>>182024 and sometimes not even that if it was just a one off or happened on holiday
>they don't count anything except penis in vag even then, you should time that by 10 when they give you the talk
>>182026 yeah tbh
>>182027 a woman has never once told the truth when a man has asked her how many she's fucked, they ALWAYS lowball it, only trust her if shes tied to a polygraph machine
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>tfw unintentionally started a women hate thread
>>182012 based she will get hits from hundreds of coomers
>looks up from cellphone OMG brad is such a sigma >looks back down at phone
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>break up with long term gf >few months later she wants to get back together >ask if she slept with someone else in the break >"yes but not very many times" dropped but I shagged her one more time first
>>182033 >>few months later she wants to get back together >ask if she slept with someone else in the break >"yes but not very many times" many such cases, makes me seethe
its the contrast of them being cute and innocent looking but doing utterly depraved sexual acts in private, sickening, its like I'm in a stage play everytime I speak with a foid, I'm supposed to keep up this act as if I don't know.
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>>182034 indeed some rich lad invited her on holiday to his parent's skiing resort, and she wanted the holdiay and slept with him, but it seems he didn't want anything long term so she found herself single again
>>182036 >some rich lad invited her on holiday to his parent's skiing resort, and she wanted the holdiay and slept with him, but it seems he didn't want anything long term so she found herself single again furniture
>>182035 some of them are genuinely innocent ||some of the time||
the men who do that should be punished too tbh, they are waging a form of class warfare against lower class men
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>>182037 it has a happy ending though, kind of I looked her up a while ago to see what she's up to now, and she's hit the wall HARD, and is single and childless It'd be just desserts, except for the fact that it's another white womb wasted to liberalism
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>>182040 too much time on discord, I got the formatting messed up smh
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>>182039 >the men who do that should be punished too tbh, they are waging a form of class warfare against lower class men kind of agree, big irony was that she used to make a big deal out of her working class credentials, and how she'd made it "on her own" by getting to university and getting a decent job in the state sector doing fuck all useful
>>182035 its why you don't talk to them and only talk around them it drives them nuts they want to be seen as "equal"
>>182039 tbh fuck manwhores
manwhores are why we are ruled by women
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maybe we should watch this as a filmnight just for the pure adulterated seethium pun intended
>>181991 literally no. i can't even taste black pepper
real grape juice tastes like sugar water.
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>>182049 love william pearce, me
<ever using discord hiv positive for sure
>>182048 >i can't even taste black pepper can't taste? you got the coof lad?
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>>182052 lad, for a time when 8chan was nuked, it was all we had I had to find my brvthers once again, and discord helped smee do that
>>182053 getting over it. didn't cough much actually. it started as a funny noise, then mild throat annoyance then fever and aches, then bronchitis-like pain. then, it went away and my taste vanished overnight, like the goblins at daybreak in Kingdom.
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>>182056 I hear vitamind D and zinc help a lot apart from that it's little more than a nasty flu so long as you're not fat or already at death's door, most people are fine
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>>182058 good grief
>>182055 sorry about the hiv, you can always ask for another try after you die from it
>>182057 yeah, I'm well basically now. just can't smell, basically. or taste. i can almost taste blueberries, but I'm not sure.
>>182059 drugs. never do em
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>>182062 blueberries dont taste of anything
>>182064 hold on, you're saying I crossed over?
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the cattle have proved themselves to be dumber than even I thought possible
>>182066 >everyone should be so lucky as to give a child to quetzelcoatl
covid is absolutely flying through the us lmao
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covid really in omicron has an unstoppable power. it's evidence of courteroffensive in bio war
look at the far right of the image. it should be labeled "smoking gun". sure glad whoever made omicron didn't want to kill us. we'd all be dead.
try to imagine a Jerry breaking the sound barrier, or 1 trillion elephants dancing to a country&western tune. it's not subtle lmao
>A Venus from Moravany nad Váhom, which dates back to 22,800 BC
>>182072 <no feet unevolved tastes.
can't wait for the tanks to roll on london. ngl
If a God loved you, you'd have a gf by now.
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the Albericht in Karajan's Rheingold is absolutely wessian
>>182079 keeek based
morning lads >>182078 wew
>>182081 morning lad
skip 100% of flag fag posts. always the best use of your time!
>>182081 morning
>>182081 hope you read through the earlier posts in this thread and the last thread to see what havoc you've wrought
in all the real countries it's night
>>182072 there is a theory that this is a self-portrait. it's supposed that since the head is not modelled and the breasts/arse are oversized that it's from the perspective of looking down at yourself
>>182086 smh it always happens while i'm asleep
>>182089 speak for yourself
>>182091 ok. i'm neutral about this theory--i don't believe it but i suppose it could be true
>>182089 probably. that kinda implies all women worldwide have some innate urge to produce images of themselves.
>>182092 i diagnose you with gender dysphoria
reposting from previous thread
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waiting for a poo that never comes
>>182099 yes because you just eat carbs
>>182100 copious amounts of cheese too
>>182101 oh ok nvm that should be fine then
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even the derros are feelin the pinch.
>>182103 truly we live in a society
>>182103 god I wish this was me
>>182104 any progress on fresh toil or that religious exemption lad?
>>182103 i can tell he's no longer drinking tap water
>>182106 been procroostinating smh still haven't done anything about that
I have almost gone off like this before
the best is the boomer coward maskoid just looking downward like a worthless coward.
>>182110 make sure you video it
>>182110 good lad >>182109 smh leave it too late and they might forcevaxx you or maybe aus bennies are worth just leaving
>>182112 keeeeek it wouldn't be as kino midwesterners don't have cool meltdown voices like coasties and southerners we just get all autistic rage mode like leafs but probably more cringe
>>182103 this man is a profit.
<he signs into jewtube
>>182103 how come none of them got up and told him to just have sex
>>182118 the women wear a mask and believe the shouting people will not be believed. big mistake in human thinking is ignoring dunks. sometimes drunks and crazies have information.
>>182116 keeeeeeeek the way the pigs all run away
>>182120 have a seat retard. it has come to my attention you utilized phone attached normie services
>>182116 smh poor lad
Who's ready for el mentira 2.0?
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>>182123 >more virus shite change the fucking channel smh nothing but reruns
>>182122 you can only see that if you put your phone on Google
>>182124 tbf knowing soviet history with them it could prob be somewhat deadly this time
>>182127 it's a shart op
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>>182128 maybe sharts dig themselves too deep this time? likely not though smh
I see niggers, I don't click
fuck niggers was hoping it was gore or something with dead nigger smh
>>182129 solid.
I only wanna see BIG BOOB house nigger sluts that want make sure massa is doing okay
>>182135 kek i remember him
smh its too bad your politicians can't become lobbyists and stay in the limelight for half a century like sleepy joe
hoping for a tony blair arc where he administrates the internment camps
he was so much more evil looking than W.
>>182137 instead they just take highly paid fake job positions with corporations that bribed them during their terms so they can continue sucking all the blood from the nation
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>>182139 got any blood?
>>182141 just a sip for an innocent old well meaning politician who made a tiny mistake with that whole war thing
>>182141 he looks like he vores kids
I could see blair crawl up the wall like a spider while his head rotates to track you
>>182144 probably true tbh can't wait for full mask off unrepentant evilmaxxing mode with esoteric cultist trappings an order of magnitude greater than what we already have with schwab and the cern cult
bush is a cunt too same with all of those freaks worst IMO is michael chertoff
*makes alexs jones sound effects of blair*
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Arise, arise, superchatters of Mark! Wallets shall be emptied, pay walls be paid, a good lad, a white lad, and the white man awakens! Pay now, pay now, pay! Pay for podcasts and the vidya stream PAYYYYYY
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>>182150 going to see the morning shift retoilees in a bit tbh
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>lass want to be my gf before meeting me Not allowed to change her mind tbh
>>182152 "lass"
>>182124 >>182127 Those lab are full with Anthrax and Chem weapons, not viruses. Kazakhstan is a world leader in anthrax research,
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>welsh priest who used to talk about how evil washing machines were
>>182154 like you've inspected it
>>182156 It's called reading.
>>182157 believe whatever you read, better not read.
>>182154 don't know if that means kino or not tbh don't really know much about anthrax at all smh
There was, overnight, and in the past few days, big changes of attitude from the MSM. And now this project veritas report came out 5 hours ago. The big news is the leak that intelligence (spying on the chinese) revealed the gain of function research proposed in 2018, and rejected by DARPA for being probably gain of function, was being carried out.
>>182153 Lass?
the brown lass...
>>182163 i remember right after the xumpf election, there was a time when using the word based was cringe because it was so heavily associated with redditors. somehow it made its comeback. guess its become cringe again
>>182097 goodlad
>>182129 Apex keek. >a white englishman would get prison time for this Shunt be daft. Simple as. t. our glorious leader
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so hungry I feel sick smh like a starving african
>>182169 You won't die of starvation. Not of starvation. No.
trying out nicotine pouches and they're quite nice actually.
>dr*g addicts itt
>>182171 the local chenists used to do free samples of that chewing gum for smokers. my sister used to take lots of it, so we had free gum. Needless to say they soon stopped giving free samples.
>>182174 Because they'd already hooked you and your entire family. Fools.
Those that chew gum are not human and get what they deserve (ruined digestive system, mouth cancer).
>>182171 have sex incel
posts here are so bad now, especially at night. >Those that chew gum are not human just shut up lad
>>182173 qeq >>182176 'ate urban areas and being around educational facilities and that sort of thing what with the hordes of cattle chewing their cud and gobbing it onto the pavement, leaving almost impossible to remove stains and grime one of the worst contributors to making british towns look grotty imo, the contrast with clean jap streets makes me sneethe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8ekz_CSBVg That lad that kept posting this one good song they have has made me think of it every time I think of /brit/ or the white race for that matter.
>>182175 it was pretty rubbish gum tbh, prefer Wrigley's >>182176 I used to get those big tubs of spearmint gum and chew 3-5 at a time continuously for the whole day whilst studying
>>182178 t. gum chewing nigger cattle
Oh, another subhuman gum chewer.
>>182180 no problem lad
>>182178 well let you stay if you chew quietly.
The first, and only time I tried chewing gum, I was given the 'patrician' variety. Juicy Fruit. The first 2 or 3 chews, an acceptable flavour. After that, like chewing cigarette ash mixed with plasticine. Horrible. I spat it out (into a tissue). No wonder it was all over the pavements. My stomach growled. Unsatiated. Unsatisfied. I knew I had tasted a poison that only niggercattle could learn to love. Those that chew gum are not human.
>>182180 amazing how totally irrelevant all pop music is for me.
this tarq going off on gum is undoubtebly the same fag that blows up whenever we say "peng"
well, really all music, any with words
>>182189 Your mum is pretty peng ngl fr fr.
It's a shame she didn't give birth to a human being.
posting approaching schizo tier tbh lad
>182194 Dead men don't post. Filtered.
thought the same, it's him
smh poor lad too far gone it'll be alright
>>182194 no croissants run today lad
>182198 >182196 Nigger. Cattle.
>>182200 chew gum, incel
bit concerned about the 'mancslad turns violent schizoid' arc, don't remember him being like this previously >>182199 I got inferior jewsbury ones tbh
Wessex is dead. SA is dead. In the ground. Coming for you both. Make peace with yahweh, you kikes.
the whole thread is meta posting now, don't know that it can be fixed. we could move i guess. could be an attempt to get sa to hand over power so some group could get access to all our ips or something
could just be someone using his flag hoping that's the case we'll know if he posts fresh skyrim webms I guess
>>182205 no surrender tbh
>uses yahweh to refer to the Lord >calls lads kikes
I have no need to prove I exist to dead men.
Zeus, we can him Zeus.
yeah I'm pretty sure this is schizmutt trying a new tack and hopping IPs tbh can't believe mancslad would change like this
>>182212 well don't let me keep you from sodomizing him.
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I left school at 17 and have not worked for longer than a month since. im turning 25 next week. what the fuck should i do?
>>182217 yikes
>>182217 have sex incel
honestly just go and toil on a building site, sooner you start the sooner you can become pic related
cheeky 7 years of nothing down the pan without a single accomplishment.
theres lads in that position who are much older
My name is Chuddius Virginius Incelius, commander of the YWNBAW spammers of 4chan, General of the /pol/ raiders, loyal servant to the true based and redpilled alpha male, Donald Trump. Son of a set of disappointed parents, laughingstock of the stacies from school. And I will not have sex, in this life or the next.
A 27 year old man from Manchester has been detained under the Mental Health Act for the murders of two men The Daily Mail has obtained exclusive footage of his arrest and subsequent incoherent, expletive ladden rant, but will not show it as we do not wish to upset any members of the BAME, LGBT or Bioluminescence communities. Concerns were raised by government ministers over why the man was not arrested under the Terrorism Act. The Mail understands that one man killed, a disabled and vulnerable autistic man from Wessex, who had become radicalised by the rise of Donald Trump and the Brexit vote, was a reformed Prevent informant. The other man, from London, slain in the most brutal fashion, using a bronze age replica sword - set to be banned by ministers on Friday - was a rising star in Mi5s online counter disinformation and deradicalisation program. And the first openly gay, mixed race and pedosexual member of Mi5. >BREAKING: man from Liverpool arrested over telling passers by in the street that the murders were "pretty based, not going to lie" and then refusing to elaborate further.
Russians are pulling out of Kazakhstan soon since it's Mission Accomplished(tm) Still no progress on NATO promising not to expand
glowniggers on suicide watch
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>tfw ywn be a post-Stalin era prison gang that makes it big during the Yeltsin years driving around in Mercs
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>>182228 Parliamentarian, 75, is found alive after resigning for a MONTH, surviving on only berries and wild mushrooms.
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wont smoke unless its superking size simple as
>>182231 >inhaling the carcinogenic jew >ever
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>When you find a way to exploit the AI it's just good business
>>182233 Darth is famous for his good AI, that's how he got famous as a Total War modder in the first place
>>182146 That's why they're legalising all the evil things they do in secret, so they can come out of the shadows
>>182169 do keto
>>182234 shame the AI ends up spazzing out a lot still >Venice sells Morea to the Cherokees and you have injuns in Europe >Dagestan becomes protector of half a dozen minor nations on the first turn
>>182234 im not playing total war???
>>182237 If only they made Empire as moddable as Medieval 2 or moreso, it'd massively increase the lifespans and relevance of their games (Weird how some yellow fellow made a Shogun 2 mod which adds Korea & China but you can't do it with ETW)
>>182238 Darth made the Ultimate General series. He was originally famous for modding Total War games and making the AI better, the scale larger, etc., but he switched to making his own games for the dev freedom that gave him.
>>182239 I'd be happy with just the "liberate" function from NTW being put into ETW, I don't want to babysit the entire map when I can make them into protectorates instead
>>182241 Iirc, you can do a complicated workaround by raising taxes in the relevant region, then letting them revolt into nations, then warring+vassaling them
>>182240 oh yeah shit thats pretty cool the AI in this is pretty good, especially with the mod i'm using when I said exploit, there's a way to make the enemy army smaller, since their size is based upon your average brigade size, all you have to do is create an extra corps(which you wont use) of 500 men(minimum brigade size) and the AI will then think your army is tiny, its just good business, especially when youre already outnumbered 2:1 >>182241 ye you could create ideal borders with that tbh
How did Hitler find out about jews without imageboards and infographs?
>>182244 he lived in vienna
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>>182244 >How did Hitler find out about jews without imageboards and infographs? back in those days people used to actually meet in public and have conversations
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>>182246 >people actually used to go to pubs and speak to strangers and friends spontaneously rather than just sitting at a table on their phones until the pre-arranged group arrives
>>182242 yeah that's what I currently do and it sucks tbh, you have to spend a fortune vassaling them and you end up having a bad relationship from the start >>182243 >ye you could create ideal borders with that tbh Yeah I'd take Morea from the turks, get them to riot so they form Greece, then take Istanbul from the turks and offer the region to Greece in return for them becoming a protectorate, all just to stop the turks and their gamebreaking bullshittery ideally there would just be the "liberate" function so I don't have to get the region to riot and then bribe them to become a protectorate
>>182248 why did they never fix that bug fucking hell
>tfw dont have enough guns to equip my army, not even enough flintlocks
>>182250 oh no
>>182249 darthmod drastically improves it and it gets rid of it causing the game to freeze up, but they still end up flooding the map with endless one unit armies, it seems as though it's just the muslim nations that do it as well, meaning you've incentive to crusade their shit to stop the game from breaking later TW games have it so you can't just spawn individual units as an entire army, but that's kinda shitty cos I like having single cavalry units to run around destroying enemy settlements
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>>182252 why does anyone care about this guy?
>>182254 always thought this was based of chinkies tbh they were using sword and board and repeating crossbows in their home defence militias in the same period
better than the dumb LDV/home guard meme here with the "let's tape knives to broomhandles" stuff because we forgot that old tech can still be useful
>>182259 mostly stopped visiting his profile because he endlessly retweets annoying boomer tier toil motivation stuff tbh
>>182259 haha no pankcakes for the under 18s
>>182260 he's fucking pathetic, he'll crop the dates out of decade-old articles so he can post them and act as though it's breaking news and Britain is le doomed he's a spastic that ran off to Chile and feels the need to continue seething over Britain
>>182259 >wales probably thinks he's taking he piss out of southron poshos but he's actually taking the piss out of brave taff warriors who will overthrow the english yoke just like they did in braveheart when Mel Gibson btfo the sassenachs
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need to go shopping for food today because mummy is sick but I'm sick too feel like i want to wear a facial nappy, not for coof, but because i dont want anyone to see my face
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>he's a spastic that ran off to Chile
>>182265 I still want to put holes in UN helmets with some African rebel group
>>182269 The new caste system is super gay
>>182267 >that last one PHWOAR
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>>182271 LAD!!!!!
>Economic Marxism: praises the workers but actually rich Jews are in charge >Social Marxism: praises blacks, but actually rich Jews are in charge Woah
>>182272 not watched it already predicting that fat "academic" is going to say X or Y roman emperor was black even though it's bullshit
>>182277 They're saying he's African because he was from the Roman province named Africa He was Punic ffs
>>182277 Ian Smith was an African too So was P.W. Botha and the other leaders of Apartheid WAKE UP AFRICANS THEY'RE HIDING YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS
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>>182223 keeeeeeeeek >>182280 everyone on earth was a black woman until the early 1910s when white men started to materialise from the arctic ice and began migrating southward
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>>182282 kazakh lad up first and he wins effortlessly portentovs tbh >>182283 not looking good lad
Can’t believe tibbs is cheating on smeeeeeee
unironically ban bins
yeah I'm thinking he's filtered >>182286 to be fair you shouldn't write such things either lad that is pretty suspect
i am not gay
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>>182292 Ikr The true face of tibbles smh
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>Did you know that in the Roman Empire the lingua franca wasn't Greek it was a tribal african language called "jabubu".
fucking hate bins stupid fucking shitstirring behaviour tbh absolutely shameful to be approaching old age and still acting like a little bitch school drama queen tattletale
I guess faggots can't help it though smh attention-seeking narcissism seems baked in
>>182296 tbh smh
>>182294 sending prayers to that chair hope it survived smh
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>>182295 >>182296 bit harsh lad?
in his 40s and isnt married with kids yet i mean come on
poorly tummy tbh
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>>182300 I'm not in my 40s you little liar
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>tfw thinking about Bins' sister
>>182303 why? she's dead
>>182305 rotting in the ground, lad
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>>182303 are there pics?
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Dorshit is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat But call him bisexual and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: Ive been found out
>>182272 lad we already talked about this like yesterday. needless to say the BBC was torn to shreds and will never do it again.
I've never hidden my attraction to traps
Please please can we just have a normal non-degenerate thread and not just Discord on 8chan
,might have to quarantine dorset too smh that was too far >>182312 tbh
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>>182313 nobody dares post news any more, because they are scared you will David Davis them
just got up
>>182315 You didn't miss anything, good afternoon
>>182315 might go to bed tbh
>>182315 morning lad
I will be in bed again in 8 hours
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>>182311 why do you do this?
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>>182321 a trve drunkchad tbh taking someone else with him
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>>182321 It's in their national psyche to treat life as disposable.
>>182278 >black >child in that same pic is the same colour as the mother
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>>182326 >51.5% keeek this is boooosted and fooortified just like the original vootes there were articles about how he was at or below 40% late last year
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>>182327 That's the disproval rating, not approval rating which is at 49.4%.
>>182327 it says disapproval lad
>>182320 smh the evidence just keeps mounting up
49.5%* One scandal way from oblivion, and I'm sure it will be the market shitting the bed in Q3-4 '22.
>>182329 >>182330 I'm a vooter I know my rights
>>182225 rt's chiron says "mission completed". pretty dire assessment given the track record of that kind of statement.
>>182247 gotta have bucks and a brag to shag m8
>>182335 the composite of a tracing method
>>182335 much to think about
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just pondering about Collett's sisters' tits tbh.
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>the job shop >missed calls >(5)
>>182328 Q predicted this. There will be no option but for Trump to walk back into office before the next election.
>>182339 who breeds her?
>>182339 phwoar
Hey hey! Ho ho! 22 and bins have got to go!
>>182340 call back half an hour after they close
anyone have a girlfriend here who can show me how you talk with her in a chat?
>>182344 >(1) err
>182347 Er (2) ayckshually bich
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>>182348 all your posts are bad
>>182349 Yeah, I'm just now getting over it. I lost my taste :/
omicron was designed the military as a vaccine. Cobid Alpha was unprecedented in its power and speed, in all of human history (fastest pandemics ever). Delta beat it. Then Omicron nuked it. 14th century plague: 43 days Alpha doubling: 14 days Delta doubling: 11 days Omicron doubling: 2-3 days
https://youtu.be/H25hhyb5EJ0 b-but you already made that video
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>control+f bbk in the last thread >SA bullying some lad and calling him me >Wessex being a little bitch and defending SA's actions Sad, sad little board.
Reminder that SA has been a rancid little tart since we left 4chan
there are living humans with dreams and ambitions being born in brazil this very moment
>>182359 SA has sucked them all off too, the nonce
>>182359 >incels don't exist in Brazil
*evades capture*
>>182359 tragic tbh
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>>182364 How are you, cuc/k/? Still being a little bully victim bitch who loses every single argument?
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>>182365 keeeek not surprising in the slightest that they'd do a nigger worship dlc tbh that piece of shit game was pozzed right from the start
>>182365 *posts image of nigger in made up outfit standing next to european colonial period architecture*
looks like bongocancer is in the thread today lads
>A gang of six men sexually exploited and abused vulnerable young girls after luring them over Facebook with the promise of drink and drugs, a court heard. >The group are accused of forcing the underage victims - aged between 12 and 15 - to engage in sexual activity between 2013 and 2017. >Abdul Hussain, 21, Usmaan Asghar, 22, Arslan Tazarab, 25, Ethashan Tazarab, 21, Usman Ali, 28 and Numan Mohammed, 23, went on trial at Worcester Crown Court. >They are charged with a total of 24 sex offences going back almost ten years - including sexual assault and sexual activity with a gang of niggers. https://archive.fo/BGAyY >>182370 it has infected the archive link, smh
>tibbs Literally whomst? In fact, I don't care. Bongo faggots all get the rope.
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>>182377 Whatever became of sharts?
>>182378 I think he joined a cult.
>>182376 keeeeeek
>>182376 I vaugely remember this Williamoid. Semi based, for a gayist. Wessex must die. Maybe this man of action can handle that while I murder SA at the exact same time. Would be kino if we both livestreamed it and everyone could hear wessie and SA's screams and gurgles as we cut into their throats like musical conductors.
>not knowing moonfat
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>>182379 Arigato. I shall use this information. Have this manual.
the bongo boys are making fun of us again smdh
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The worse things get the more I just feel like unironically pic related would've been a better outcome
bing chilling
>>182385 >jerrycucking
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>>182381 moonfat is a gayist?
>>182385 keeeeeeeeeeeeek what the fuck is this?
>>182390 What covld have been...
>>182389 unfortunately so, he has a thing for the ladyboys
@everyone they are bullying us in the thread
>>182390 hoi4 mod where your supposed to btfo the facist epic style
>>182388 keeeeeeeeeeeeek classic kino right there
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>>182387 Unironically think about a world where we are occupied and have to learn German and heil moustache man and honestly it doesn't seem as bad as today is getting. I say this as a proud Brit as well.
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fuck off bongofag
>>182394 *Play as Albert Speer and create Nazi Germany with £1tn gdp in 1970
>>182396 yeah I guess it would have been based but what if it still led to people being civic?
>>182396 We would not have had to learn German at all except maybe as a second language
Jews are responsible for all wars in history including wars they had nothing to do with
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>>182401 tbh 'ate the bastards >>182402 tbh
>>182404 keeeeeeeek
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Come on... come on... come on...
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>>182326 RIP Ian, all could have been avoided if he'd just gotten some basic first aid training before firing that RPG inside a small machine shop.
>>182408 At least we can still post on /brit/ if the international cables are severed
Oh wait this site isn't hosted in Britain is it brainlet.png
>>182406 need a happening so badly smh
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White race, saved
slept through toil alarm and woke up at 2
>>182416 poor lad
wes watsons new videos are completely unhinged, this nigga needs to go back to prison.
>>182416 Based. >that time mummy came crying into my room and woke me because my bossman had called her with a worried voice saying he can't reach me and was wondering if maybe I had crashed(he had her number in case something like that happens) since I did not show for toil >I had overslept and the phone was just dead
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>>182416 #SigmaSleepSet, DozeDecodillionare, KeepTheDreamAlive
>>182420 unironic megakeeeeeeeeeeek
>>182419 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK embarrassing, hate overly dramatic mummies, did you get in trouble for that
>>182422 No. Everything fell apart because I didn't show for work and it only made people realise how much they need me. Love mummy me
>when mummy wakes me up crying because she lost a brother and another time when she lost a nephew and she is coldly hugged by her emotionless son for comfort smh
people imply Israel is taking a placebo vaccine, but then why do they report adverse effects from it? Are they just making those adverse effects up?
Problem with foid family members or old women crying is you don't get the same desire to shag them like you do when normal women cry
>>182426 lad you're not supposed to shag mummy
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>>182416 Good lad I accidentally left my toil laptop on after I had finished and got a call from a higher up in America that I wasnt prepared for and I probably came off like a dickhead tbh
need a sound proof tent in my room tbh hate people listening when I groom
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>>182425 If the placebo still requires an injection the nurses could still be using an incorrect sized needle.
>>182427 where did I say that you degenerate freak, you did that the other day as well, porn brained degenerate
>>182427 pretty sure that's how neolothic incels warmed their dicks before wanking was invented
>>182430 what does that do?
>>182433 Apparently it can cause muscle damage if the needle is too long compared to your arm width / fatty tissue.
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Did you lads hear about the first irl manbearpig
>>182431 you said it's a problem that you don't get the desire to shag family members bit sus lad ngl
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>>182435 I'm literally part hecking pigerino
>>182436 no I didn't you mong
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>>182438 right here lad >>182426
sussy big chungus pog
>>182440 learn some reading comprehension, you taking that meaning from my post shows your degenerate mind
>saw family watching some shite show discovery of witches >the ending is a thinly veiled promotion of race mixing and multiculturalism and an attack on white men >the hero that causes this ending is literally a yank foid witch
>>182441 People on 4chud think morgoth is from Sunderland
>>182443 >Problem with foid family members or old women crying is you don't get the same desire to shag them like you do when normal women cry lad you literally posted that you think it's a problem that you don't get the urge to shag foid family members normal people think it's a good thing to not have that urge
Think I'm gonna win the battle, just about
>>182448 based
>>182447 thats clearly not the meaning of that sentence you thick colonial cunt it means when female family members cry its annoying but when normal foids do its less so
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>>182449 lost like 60% of my army not even finished the battle yet i'm gonna finish it later >>182451 fr fr no cap
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Coughed so hard I gave myself the hiccups
>>182451 when did that hairstyle become associated with mulattos rather than lesbians?
>>182450 you're just back-pedalling now smh don't talk about getting the urge to shag foid family members and then seethe when somebody calls you out on it >>182451 sheeeeeeesh
>>182456 go watch porn you disgusting kike freak
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>>182399 Think the plan was to strengthen the waffen ss so that they could just greenlight anybody who tried to go civic once the war as over.
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reminder that there are people with sisters and daughters who post there who worry about them whoring themselves out or racemixing, yet they won't try to hook them up with a based /brit/lad
>Paki, 16, accused of stabbing 18-year-old Paki to death during a fight on a footbridge in London denies murder as he appears in court https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10391387/Boy-16-accused-stabbing-18-year-old-Afghan-refugee-death-denies-murder.html
>>182460 men are prohibited from match making in the west
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Do these things they have injected themselves ever leave the body? more than 99% of women must have been vaxxed by now
zog getting ready to stomp on sharts again lads
>>182466 >pineland resistance movement is that referencing eco-fascists or pacific northwest anarchists?
>>182466 not even trying to deny it any more
>>182460 yeah this always weird me out all these lads who have sisters yet as soon as the thought of them dating anyone from these communities comes up they recoil in outright disgust and get super defensive and these are our "friends" smh
>>182465 we'll not even notice female infertility because of the vaxx for years because western women refuse to have children
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>>182470 I finally got a gf... and then this happens
you lads would feel different if you had sisters
https://youtu.be/Xt3dkUKMWMc kek at the opening seconds
>can hear mummy watching one of those aussie soaps that airs in the UK >some foid attacking a lad for something he posted on 'social media' >he tells her look at the responses, people get it >she says they're just feeding off your anger or some shit >"you've crossed a line into trolling" >"what if you get arrested for harrassment?" >sad and unsettling music
>>182471 stop saying you have a gf when you don't
>>182476 Okay. I am talking with a girl who wants to be my gf but who I haven't met yet
>>182478 Is her 1st language Tagalog?
>>182479 It's bokmål norsk
>>182480 shes just pulling you into her orbit to play with for a while, until you meet her multiple times shes not your gf
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>>182475 Me after arresting the seventeenth incel criminal this month.
>>182474 >foreign coomer called onut explodes his lorry (but survives, wut?) and kills 3 boomoids >8 years 10 months At least he got slightly more than pakis get for multiple rapes and human trafficking over several decades.
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>dad keeps repeating the same thing on the phone
>>182484 Ask if he's having a stroke. Ask if he's having a stroke.
>>182484 he's been replaced
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/brit/'s just fine, Dorsie. Where are you?
>>182487 I feel strangely unaffected by images like those, I think because the government is so obviously alien from us to begin with and has been for decades
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forgot her surname isnt connor
>>182488 keeeeeek
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>loses a war to Slovenia >decides to start two more with Croatia and Bosnia grindset.
>>182493 You maybe know this, but just in case anyone here doesn't, Slovenia wasn't really important, the crucial thing was protecting his Serbian kin in Croatia and Bosnia, both had huge Serb populations His whole war started when some Serbs were attacked by a crowd of Albanians, and the Serbs told him about it, and he replied "They won't punch you any more."
>>182494 yeah was just watching the bbc doc on it. it all started over albos starting shit and then all the other yugoslavs decided to brother wars over it and now kosovo is 90% albo. smh.
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>>182488 >Your board is dead
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Anti-vax podcaster dies after catching Covid at superspreader conspiracy conference Doug Kuzma, 61, was a vocal supporter of conspiracy theories including QAnon, Covid denial and election fraud https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/anti-vax-podcaster-dies-after-25877088 >Mr Kuzma, who hosted a programme on the far-right "FROG News Network" – FROG which stands for Fully Rely on God – and called his listeners "froganites", had posted images from the conference on social media showing large crowds in confined spaces without practising social distancing or wearing masks.
ar' slob really fucked up with slovenia though. why would he think you could import serb nationalists to croatia and slovenia to bully politicians into doing what you want? why not just cut your losses with croatia and focus on bosnia and kosovo. use all the displaced serbs to flood the albos and bosniaks. they were winning so much and then they over extended and lost everything.
>>182496 keeeeeeeeeeek
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>>182497 >obese 61 year old >having any reason to even believe he died of it when the authorities have been so schizo over what a coofid death is
>>182498 Based perfidious Anglo scheming
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Serbia's average IQ is like 90 btw
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>>182497 >Mr Kuzma
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couldn't imagine crashing a lorry while browsing the shag today app at 60 mph but there you go
More psychological warfare prep on lichess.
Listening to it again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdgIN0wahIo Always reminds me of a Tales from the Crypt episode on a beach that was kino. And it makes me think of what I will do to SA and Wessex.
>>182510 >Kind of enjoying the music >Start listening to the lyrics Wew
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*watches hours of advanced guitar lessons but never plays what i've learned*
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looks like shite
why do women pretend to care about their fertility when they take 15 plus years of birth control and abort their children?
>>182514 it's another way of stringing along men >>182513 hope this gives them a really bad financial year tbh
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>tfw crypto bogged out last week and now i won't ever be able to afford an indian surrogate mother/wet nurse and 2 german donor eggs
>>182388 whats the tune at the end
>>182518 darude sandstorm
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>>182520 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
officefoids are thinking about bullying me into doing slave labour shovelling manure as 'volunteer experience'
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>>182513 ahhhhhhhhh
>>182524 I wanted to do farmtoil when I was in the countryside and slightly more fit than now but they only wanted scab immigrant labour smdh set up to fail
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haven't shaved my head since before christmas tbh looking like this atm
>>182513 >trying to market bug food to souf fc fans i'm worried it could work
>>182527 yeah same me and my brother used to do hay harvest but then the boomer just hired mexicans to do it instead
>Africa is going to get Chinese nuclear power plants They had better hope the staff are Chinese too
>>182525 >>182526 >crazy life >life in turmoil >life disintegrating >life out of balance >a state of life that calls for another way of living JUST >>182528 good lad, let it out and become megagrotty >>182530 'ate kulaks me
>>182528 the norwood reaper is hastening his progress with my hairline, drastic measures will soon be required
>>182531 would be kino if they blew up and the fallout drifted across india and hopefully china too and actually made a dent in the wog hordes
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>>182515 >>182523 all this vegan crap is so overloaded with oils and thickeners to disguise the fact it tastes of nothing
>>182531 Oh jesus Nuclear power should be a right granted only to the finest countries capable of handling them with competency. If you aren't worthy of it you shouldn't have it ourselves included
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>>182529 it may have worked were it not for the price these "alternatives" will never replace meat products whilst they keep making them so stupidly overpriced
>>182535 it's a uniquely evil new type of fucking with people some vegetarian/vegan stuff can be nice when made out of normal things and not trying to pretend to be something else, used to like linda mcartneys sosijes and that sort of thing
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>>182527 Farming is inherently based
>>182539 yeah but only when done by locals and smallholdings instead of giant land baron seethoid cunts who mass import scab labour instead of supporting the local population
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>>182531 Oh they will be chinese alright Apparently the railroads that the chinks have built in africa only hire africans to be the manual labourers, but the officer caste is entirely hand picked from the orient itself
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>>182538 if you look at that and actually buy it you get what you fucking deserve plastic toy bacon looks more realistic than this shit
>>182538 vegitards still haven't worked out all the traditional Buddhist meals are vegetarian.
spent 40 minutes trying to get a nice clean shave
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>>182545 ive embraced growing it out again tbh
>>182546 yikes, can't grow a proper one yet mesnelf anyway
for me it's keeping it long enough to hide a goat in
>>182548 god i wish that were me
god I hate dieting, making my way though this woes catalogue and nothing would hit the spot quite like a dairymilk and milk right now, food is literally my only sense of enjoyment left yet I torture myself by going without.
>5% of australia is chinese
>>182551 And their style of governance is 100% Chinese
>>182482 based
Don't even bother having children unless you ban them from the internet tbh
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how do i access the darkweb lads?
>>182556 simple turn your screen brightness down to minimum and then open internet explorer
>>182556 youre already on it
>>182557 Cheers mate, nowi can finally get in on some of that Democrat activism!
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>>182558 based
>>182560 >Democrat activism keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek first time seeing this filterino
I need to find new awesome content creators. Who are your favourites?
>>182564 matt easton jill bearup pewdiepie
My father plays black metal and it is the only time I have heard his voice smh
>>182564 >content creators you mean people who have never had a real job and spend their miserable existence posting low effort shite on the internet to get ad revenue money and grift some patreonbux?
Don't like these obvious spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) posters
>all these sussy green ids
eating out of microwaved plastic tonight tbh
so many (1)s
>>182571 My IP resets constantly too So many UIDs
>>182569 tbh. don't lump me in with them though >>182570 what're you having lad?
>>182570 don't even own a microwave tbh
>182572 >182573 these 2 are obvious spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine), my ID just resets because I turn my vpn off whenever I don't post then turn it back on again when I do
what is the safest email to use for incelism lads?
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>bush gone >Helmer gone >No cyclops >No monarch >Return of Dorset Shite trade deal tbh
>>182575 there was a third green id lad. But yes you're right I'm putting in overtime at GCHQ so that I can buy more jpop CDs
>>182487 matter of time before a rag runs an article on him and he's banned
>>182576 one with a condom. now stop being a twat.
nobody misses monarch
https://youtu.be/Ci_PqoyaXz0 thought "she" was a tranny
>182580 williamoid post
>>182577 bush is a twat
>>182577 >no emokiddeh or TTPW
Its another bongo raid
>>182583 what can I say, I can't be funny all the time
>more greenies
>>182587 sneed
>>182589 KEEEEEEEEEEEEK this must be 8 years old
I want the final Better Call Saul series to come out already
I come into the thread and find the aliens are posting
>>182563 What did it filter
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>>182573 >>182574 ||waitrose|| spaghetti carbonara wasn't bad at all but couldve done with a bit more salt

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