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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3654: Slava Negotiating Table Edition Anonymous 02/27/2022 (Sun) 12:36:08 Id: 59189a No. 213536
Ukraine conflict: Liz Truss backs people from UK who want to fight https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60544838 Lords criticise plans to remove UK citizenship without warning https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/feb/27/lords-criticise-plans-to-remove-uk-citizenship-without-warning UK braces for 40mph gusts as Atlantic front looms with barrage of rain https://www.express.co.uk/news/weather/1572571/BBC-Weather-UK-rain-Atlantic-front-gales-forecast-this-week-vn
really getting tired of the "muh nazis" politicking tbh
>>213534 >🇷🇺⚡Kadyrov turned to Putin with a request to give permission "to start a large-scale operation in all directions and on the territory of Ukraine": >"I ask the leadership of the country, the Supreme Commander of the Russian Armed Forces Vladimir Putin, to give all special forces the appropriate order so that they can finish with the Nazis and, of course, with the terrorists who killed our women, old people and children in the Chechen Republic." What did Kadyrov mean by this? Ukrainians were in Chechnya?

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>>213449 RIP if true I loved that giant lass
>>213541 why do they care about chechens? wouldn't they be better off without them?
>>213542 >eat >sleep >all we ever see is eating
>>213543 wew that second one so big it looks like it's going really slowly and shouldn't be able to fly >>213544 it's just good politics
>>213544 Kadyrov IS a Chechen, he's the leader of the Chechen Republic.
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>>213541 I just looked it up and saw that in the 90's, Chechens were used by Ukrainians to attack Russian Chechnya So maybe that's what it refers to. >Seasoned Chechen fighters, whose combat experience often dates back to the 1994-96 and 1999-2000 wars, fight on both sides in east Ukraine, adding to the complexity of a conflict in which the West says Russian troops are involved. >Some of those in the "Death" unit said they had initially fought against Russia in Chechnya but later switched sides and were amnestied by a former Kremlin-allied head of the region, Ramzan's father, Akhmet Kadyrov. https://widerimage.reuters.com/story/chechen-fighters-in-ukraine
>>213543 tbh proper embodiment of BIG >>213546 marvel of engineering really >>213547 they should send him somewhere very dangerous
>>213549 Thanks. What a mess.
when are we going to see some filmed rape war crimes smh
>>213552 would be surprised if that happened, haven't all the women fled the country already? except for the ones that haven't, of course
>>213553 There's always Ukranian men
I get incredibly horny when I'm alone in a house where a breeding age female lives. Feels so naughty smh
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>>213555 After knowing women, I just feel disgust around them these days. They're like poison dart frogs, outwardly beautiful or charming, but actually poisonous.
>>213554 sorry to burst your bubble, but they aren't on keto >>213555 how often does this happen
>>213558 I want to conquer them >>213559 rarely, but when it does it's exhilarating smh
>>213557 thanks lad was worried i'd be left hanging
>tfw 3/4 of a year since I had sex
>sex-havers itt
if i went and fought i'd be guaranteed to meet a grateful ukie qt who'd let me sleep in her bed, right?
More on Ukrainians in Chechnya >During the first Chechen war, around 200 Ukrainian Nationalist fighters went to war-torn Chechnya to assist the separatist cause. The most well-known of them was Olexander “Sashko Biliy” Myzichko and Oleg “Berkut” Chelnov. Both of them were awarded the order of the Chechen Nations Here known locally as the “Qoman Turpal”.
>>213563 lad, i just said i'm NOT having sex, smh
>>213566 small men or big bullets?
>>213567 sons of the Midge of Kyiv. essential for transporting ammunition unnoticed. I heard some are used to run underneath russian tanks and plant magnetic mines
>>213565 Myzichko: >During the First Chechen War he led the UNA-UNSO "Viking" group. UNA-UNSO was a precursor to Right Sector
>>213565 imagine unironically fighting for churkas have some self-respect smdh >>213566 >>213567 ukranian soldiers carrying belts of 5.56mm ammunition to a machine gunner
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>🇧🇾🇺🇦⚡Zelensky had a telephone conversation with Lukashenka. >🇺🇦🇧🇾🇷🇺⚡The Ukrainian delegation is going to Gomel for negotiations with the Russian side, Interfax reports with reference to the Belpresscenter. Video caption: >🇷🇺🇧🇾🇺🇦 “We were about to leave, but literally around 15:00 we received information from the Ukrainian side about the interest and confirmation of the negotiations”: Medinsky said that Ukraine agreed to talks in Gomel
>>213571 getting the feeling that zoglensky thinks he's playing hardball by doing this tbh
>>213572 It just looks like he lost a game of Chicken.
It really seems like somebody Western twisted Zelensky's arm when he came out with the idiotic "not meeting in Belarus, but how about Poland Hungary, etc."
>>213573 >>213574 even worse (for him) tbh
>women who have been on the dating sites for 4 years All it takes to get a man is one hour on a dating site. What are their standards?
>>213576 >What are their standards? billionaire underwear model powerlifter with a PhD who cooms chocolate-coated diamonds and earns eight figures a year you know lad normal stuff
>>213575 He may end up in prison
foids have fallen for social media hook line and sinker tbh they see high-status males on the internet and they all think "yeah i could get one like him" and decide to never settle for anything less >>213578 keeeeeeeeeek might be the first funny thing he's done in his entire career as a comedian
women aren't that bad tbh you just have to know how to spot their bullshit and not take any of it and kinda treat them like shit truthfully, you just have to become high value yourself, this in turn gives you the confidence needed to say no to women
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-qQ_brIsfY Nth for thot metal against ukie steiners.
>>213580 Get back in line
>>213580 tbh treat them like children when they're acting like women.
>>213580 I don't consider it worth it though. They're just so thick that it's a pain talking to them
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Caption: ⚡️Bucha, liquidated the column of the Russian Federation 🤟🏻 And so it will be with every Russian pagan.
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Caption video 1: - The man just went out into the street, they will kill him now. - P .... we were given weapons. - We pi ... c. Territorial defense officers in Kyiv check passers-by. Caption video 2: A man who violated curfew was shot dead in Kyiv. Territorial defense officers reportedly shot in the legs when the man tried to escape.
>>213587 smh hohol military turning into huge rulecuck niggers and shooting their own people for not being patriotic enough is this just something that's embedded into slav dna?
any innocent people would've escaped before the borders closed tbh the fact that these men are still in the ukraine means that obviously they are russian saboteurs why else would they stay?
remember that everyone you see in these videos is probably drunk
>>213590 tbh imagine actually fighting a war sober smdh horrifying thought
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Caption: An aircraft was shot down near Chernobyl, whose and who fired is still unknown
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Caption video 1: Putin ordered the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff to transfer the containment forces to a special mode of combat duty. What would that mean? Caption video 2: -We just followed the commander in front, and that's it. We were not given any tasks. They said we were going to the site. We don't know which object. -Is there any connection? No, they took everything from us. Both documents and phones Well, what can I say? Putin - you are a murderer and a war criminal
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Caption video 1: 🔥Cycle: Dementia and Courage In Berdyansk, a man with a cigarette in his teeth moved with his bare hands and threw a mine from the road to the side of the road Caption video 2: A column of Russian soldiers was defeated near Sribny in the Chernihiv region. Our trophy weapon is used on other occupiers.
>>213596 Aren't mines illegal?
>>213596 wew the stones on the lad in that first video >>213597 iirc mostly yes but under certain circumstances no but you have to keep careful track of where you put them so they can be removed when the conflict is over take that with a grain of salt though
>>213597 Anti-personnel ones are, anti-vehicle no.
depends on the country. Russia and the US aren't members of the treaty banning them
>>213600 and this just extends to mines for people, not vehicles
>>213600 >The three biggest powers aren't signatories but almost everyone else is Strange.
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There are reports that a Jewish man is in control of the Ukrainian state, he's being called the Kike of Kyev
>>213603 Kiev Kyev Kyiv Kiyv Kivk Kiek Kike
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>>213596 This goes with the second video
>>213607 so how long until he ghosts this one?
this is like some medieval parlay
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>>213610 War... war never changes.
>>213610 tbh keeeek
>>213587 this is more cringe than arabs, hol hols devolving into nigger tier retards shooting their own citizens while on facebook live
>>213608 Lol I think he will meet by the end of the day if that's what you're asking. It's 4:34 PM locally.
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Caption: ⚡️Prague now
More like Slava Nagila
>>213615 >Elite are doing the Terry Davis niggercattle speech while laughing
Many such Hs.
holy shit 4chud is overrun with hol hol shills and rebbit shills combined with /ptg/ boomer neo con subhumans.
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remember no ukrainian
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>Ovid’s story goes like this: the sculptor Pygmalion is horrified by seeing prostitutes, whom he condemns as “obscene” and “shameless”. He is so disgusted that he spurns all female companionship and instead begins to carve a woman out of ivory. He makes her more perfect than a real woman could be, and falls in love with her. >The two marry and produce a child. They live, theoretically, happily ever after. >For one thing, it’s actually a story within a story, narrated by a bitter and grief-stricken Orpheus. >Still, others (myself included) have been disturbed by the deeply misogynist implications of the story. >As for Pygmalion, I accepted him exactly as Ovid made him. The term incel wasn’t in wide circulation when I wrote this, but Pygmalion is certainly a prototype. For millennia there have been men who react with horror and disgust to women’s independence, men who desire women yet hate them, and who take refuge in fantasies of purity and control. What would it be like to live with such a man as your husband? There are too many today who could answer that. But that is the mark of a good source myth; it is water so wide it can reach across centuries. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/books/what-to-read/pygmalion-first-incel/
>>213623 tfw no horsefoid "academic" gf
>>213623 im so sick and tired of interacting and being bombarded with this endless lisa simpsonoid nagging disguised as "philosophy". incels really need to coopt the idea of emotional labor, in that we should be recompensated by society in the form of money or other resources because there is literally zero reason to participate in society anymore. pretending to care about or that any of these people "leading us" are going to do anything except flee or collapse into a ball during times of trouble is just another layer of stress on top of not being a successful male. the absolute state of the classics at uni is pathetic. imagine getting a PHD in the classics and all you can contribute is middle school tier takes about how boys are smelly.
>totally ignorant boomeroid woman at mummies church just blurted out that america started another war during church keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek the reflexive anti neo con beliefs just caused a total mindfuck from everyone
>>213621 Thank God for this bunker.
>>213623 >whores are... le good Der ewige foid.
>>213627 yeah 4chud gives me a headache now its full of complete normalfags sometimes its good for happenings but its generally just cancer. hol hols are shilling the most baghdad bob tier takes on the war and leafs are meming on them with shit like the downie of dontesk who got 56 kills and then literal retards will repost it on twitter/reddit thinking its real
>>213623 >Pygmalion is horrified by seeing prostitutes, whom he condemns as “obscene” and “shameless” >men who react with horror and disgust to women’s independence whores=independence good to know
>>213628 fun fact she probably wants some kind of perseus type chad to choke fuck her but she just spouts this mindless post structuralist drivel to keep her do nothing university job full of other disinterested pseudo-secret agentfags who just spout leftoid shit because they love living as a perpetual student
>>213630 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>westoid media copes smh thread is dead and 4chud is full of NATOshills
>>213564 Yes lad, flying out to join our Azoz bruthers
>>213556 keeeke i was the one who saved that with that filename
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>>213638 Where's the lie?
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i wonder what he knows but can't say without risking his life
>>213638 westoidic managerial class is living in the zoil bubble and cannot see that they are pretty much universally reviled by 99 percent of the world
>>213640 god I need some fresh alegs rn
>>213640 I assume this is from around Jan?
>>213644 oct 2021 apparently
>>213645 Woah.
>>213644 no he said this last year
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270-300 losses so far according to the Russian MOD
>>213652 Now multiply it by 10, chud.
>Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko's response when asked if there are plans to evacuate civilians from the city...after a few seconds silence...."We can't do that, because all ways are blocked," he finally said. "Right now we are encircled." https://twitter.com/robcrilly/status/1497990061547216907
>>213536 >Ukraine conflict: Liz Truss backs people from UK who want to fight >Govt suddenly supports foreign fighters when it suits them fucking anarcho tyrannical scum >>213615 hate how slavs and eastern euros are so pro eu, fucking mongs hopped up on economic growth. >>213625 tbh
>unexpected visitors causing me to be trapped in my room again
>>213656 smh 'ate them
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>>213656 haha good job I live on my own and never get any visitors
bank run in moscow
>>213660 how does a CRT "shrek" tv even work now? isn't all tv digital today?
>>213661 what kind of question even is this, why would a crt not work
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>>213661 why did you put shrek in quotes?
>>213651 NatSoc rising. I'm telling you right now Dickie Spencer has been hitting the nail on the head this entire time. Fascism in the west will stem from liberals internal psychosis.
>>213664 Reminder, it's not swamp it's sywamp
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Slava Ukraini. Ukraine will be the white mans Syria and now our government won't even go after us for joining up with Nationalist paramilitaries.
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>>213667 Your time to join was 2014-15 tbh they don't want a bunch of polcels turning up just for the meme of it they want ex soldiers preferably ones who can speak ukrainian/russian
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>>213664 I was trying to emulate the shrek "ears" on the tv
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kikes being kikes truth doesn't matter - LIES are what matter
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>>213672 This is why men think pussy is so good
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>>213674 >This is why men think pussy is so good
>>213677 Breaking news #IncelOfPol fucks 10 women
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this is the first world war over LGBTQ rights
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>>213678 >Breaking news #IncelOfPol fucks 10 women
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>>213679 love these
>Eu banning RT and sputnik UK soon to follow fuck sake becoming a totally ideologically homogenous totalitarian leftist shitehole
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>>213680 Ukie has /pol/chin >>213683 worst part is Russia doesn't even allow VPNs smh
>>213683 Is that just the TV channel, will they ban the web address ?
>>213683 >ban As in prison sentences for viewing their youtube channels ban or just revoke the loiscence RT easily got to be aired in Britain on freeview and sky boxes etc.
Because not even the former would surprise me at this point tbh.
https://youtu.be/rWflrCrwUSw What you lads listening to during the invasion?
Someone is feeling vindicated right now
>>213681 Nothing like a pair of jeans that fit just right
>>213690 keeek
>>213689 What I faggot, I'm switching sides because of him
Chinese high-ranking officer says it's time for Taiwan to come home-
there are anti-Russian messages before the sportsball games now after players take the knee of course
>it's from 2021
>>213695 we'll have to wait another week for his stale take on rus/ukraine
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>Ukie BRDM-1 >In service 1957–1970s WEW Grime
UA is the new BLM moment
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I mean Grim. Fresh map.
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>walking around the house naked >shit myself but the shit have little hand and crawls down my leg >it's about 15 inchers wrong and GREASY >crawls under the sofa so I grab the brush to whack it to death >it's nowhere to be seen >can hear it crawling now and then but when I run to check it's still ot there >can hair it laughing at me hilf
>>213702 >tfw poo >made a mess of myself >poo all on my hairy bum >tfw at work so i need to wrinse it with soap >feel self conscious after
>tfw globohomo has turned the youth against putin smh
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>>213702 >tapeworms evolving to have hands crawl about outside the bowels Capture it and sell it to some scientists at your local uni or something, lad.
why are they putting cellotape over the eyes of the prisoners?
>>213705 i'll make a stick and box trap to get it, i'v carefully placed a trail of worthers originals to lure him
Zerohedge is getting DDOS'd
>>213670 depends how long this goes on for, by the end they might want anyone that can hold a rifle.
>>213693 Wew this is one that America can't back out of.
>>213711 But it's from 2021.
>>213711 It's from 2021.
Still true though.
Taiwan has reported no unusual activity from the Chinese military so far really.
can someone pill me on the tank running over le car incident? lots of fags arguing that russia le bad because of that. i didn't really have anything to say about it when they did
>>213717 It was Ukie AA caught in a firefight between Russian Spec ops in disguise and Ukrainian regulars.
>>213715 don't understand why people are just accepting it all as true
>>213719 soyim are soyim
for me? it's how it takes less than a minute to deboonk the press' lies
Relatives were discussing it today, i wish they wouldn't as it's boring. Has Wessie gone to xoomer dinner?
>journos expecting the Vatican to send in the Swiss Guard
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>In Dnepropetrovsk, Ukrainian soldiers accidentally shot representatives of territorial defence. Of course, this will be presented as the elimination of Russian saboteurs.
>>213722 >wessie having to defend based putler at dinner after shitting on him for being zogged
>>213718 errrm, right ok
>Russian counter-battery hitting Azov rocket arty. Also >Russian Naval Infantry are going to storm the beaches
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that settles it, I'm fully supporting Russia
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>>213729 Would like a gf out of this but I know she'd leave me once she adjusted to here.
>>213731 if she's an ukie then she's probably a coalburner anyway lad
https://podbay.fm/p/history-unwritten This podcast is pretty cool >>213732 Can't understand why they find black culture so attractive.
>>213712 >>213713 Taiwan has to be a redline for America now. Chinks can wait till 2050 the US will still have to be committed to defending that island.
>>213733 seems to happen to all migrants coming from conservative nations, look at the arabs and pakis that turn into whores when they reach the west not sure why slavs always go for niggers though
>>213726 A Ukie national guard Strela 10 went a bit mental because he got caught between Russian Spetsnaz and SBU
Russian rocket arty, Kakhovka, Kherson Oblast.
Or the strela ten was nicked by Russian infiltrators those are the competing narratives.
>>213733 Looks interesting lad. May give it a listen.
>>213737 >spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
>>213736 news is still saying it was a russian tank so i'm gonna wait to speculate on it, if it was a ukranian apc then i feel someone would be saying it other than chuds on here
>>213742 Definitely Ukie we just don't know who was in it.
>>213737 >Kyiv state agent moment
>>213742 Russian uses Buks and S-400/500s not strelas and have Z, V or O on their equipment.
smh norf fc is KIA
>no president has ever sipped some coffee
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>Russians V column pouring into Kyiv Oblast
feels like old times on the steppes, jews, poles, cossacks and russians
ugh Kyiv
1/6 of the year gone lasses
>Kharkov Mayor Terekhov calls for an agreement with the Russian military and to save the lives of people and the city
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Fresh low effort OC.
>Melitopol says goodbye to Ukraine
>>213754 keeeeek
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>Russian heavy arty spotted
did the russians actually take kharkiv?
>>213759 just believe the opposite of what western press is saying
>>213759 The mayor is trying to surrender the city before it goes too far.
https://youtu.be/ZPNJBqIW22E Remember when reatrd niggers did this?
>>213763 david davis' daughter
what's the oddest thing you've seen during this last week
goodseethening lads god I hate women marinated pork and chicken with purple broccoli, leeks in butter, mash and carrots and various leftovers followed by peach crumble and ice cream and it was very nice >>213722 >>213725 surprisingly no pookrainian conversation beyond "oh yes the war is on" I guess they just think it's a telly drama at this stage of booming >>213754 a keekette, if you will
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>>213767 What does this mean?
mummy actually got upset about the heckin 5 niggerinos being denied entrance to pooland from ukraine. then she had the gall to get upset at me for asking why would poland take in boot lipped niggermonkey baboon animals.
>>213772 I don't have yankbrain so I've no idea
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>>213773 based
>>213777 The victories keep coming closer and closer to home!
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>woman acts like I sent her a pic of my god rod when I said I want children
>>213779 call her a dry womb baren slag and block her son
22st please stop with the attention seeking posts.
>>213780 Based
barren karens be like "noooooo i don't want to reproduce i'm retarded wibble!"
>>213780 what did her son do to deserve this?
>>213785 Sold feed & seed off license
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Didn't know he was of actual Ukranian descent. Maybe Putin should nuke them
vomit club for afters the taste just gets more noticeable
>>213789 reminds CRP is an anti-white mutt faggot
>>213790 >Gonzalo yeah no shit lol
>>213790 I think I remember that faggot being on trs bragging about how he has a totally based and trad ukie wife as if she isn't just a gold digger. unbelievably embarrassing.
>>213781 agree, but u can't talk to him like that, he has meme credentials that exceed yours and mine
>>213794 he's a billy big breaches memeing that he can talk to girls and WE can't smh
not really seeing any russian tanks in action. all the footage from kharkiv is just lightly armoured vehicles.
>Turkish backed Syrian militias in Afrin are seeking to be sent to Odessa to support Syrian-Ukrainian businessman and local crime boss Tariq al-Jasim
>EU states to provide Ukraine with fighter jets >Putin stated that those who provide destructive capability to the Ukrainian military will also be targeted.
i thought they were getting round the table?
after Russia wins this decisively in a week or two i can't wait to chudmax all my co-toilers. i'm going to pretend to be really confused that russia won and passive aggressively remind them of all the ukraine winning propaganda they spouted over the past 2 weeks
>>213798 i dont even think ukrainians can fly any planes we can give them that weren't formerly used by the soviets lol.
https://youtu.be/h8XbayIhHjU I fancy the secretary lass in this
>>213799 i suppose it wasn't mensa be
>>213800 goooood laaaaaad
>>213796 They are being held back so the Ukies waste assets on soviet shit taken out of storage.
>"The Ukrainian conflict provoked the unfreezing of other "hot spots"" - Bosnia
they arent even fucking trying
My friend's sister's boyfriend is Ukrainian. Apparently the guy's brother is complaining that he wants to desert (he was drafted with absolutely no military experience or training) and his mother and sister are hiding in a chalet somewhere complaining that the government curfew means that they can't go out for food so they just make bread using a bag of flour they have and eat nothing but homemade bread.
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>Serbs putting Zz on their cars KEEEEEK
>Something massive just exploded in Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine. real? https://twitter.com/Caucasuswar/status/1498038593373224961
there was a pipeline that exploded recently that sent up a mushroom cloud but i can't remember where it was
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Liz Truss has given carte blanche for UK citizens to fight in Ukraine, so if you feel like killing eastern europeans, now is the time
>>213814 just a few weeks ago the government announces counter terror checkpoints for "le far figth" people suspected of going to fight for ukraine lmfao. life in a schizo-state.
the toilet at my local soy market has a putin face on it and is called poo tin
>>213809 those separatist flags are pure tingpeng
https://youtu.be/4m7RPjQxjmA This is us except with 40 shillings on the drum and fat come race war day
>>213811 holyshit lol
wyatt the twitter coomer is coping hard and saying IT'S OVER for putin and the EU will definitely save jewkraine god I hate yanks should be banned from commenting on european affairs
can they go for five fucking seconds without being reddit
>>213820 don't call a nigga out like that dawg
>>213820 Mutts have been cooping and seething since day one, because Russia is doing what American did in a month.
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>>213820 What did Cumbria do to deserve this treatment?
>The Poles are pulling triggers at civvies now
>>213824 a keek! yes, hahahaha, a keek!
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https://youtu.be/vDjbZVawd68 listening to it again
>>213825 based poolan. think this is from lasts years migrant crisis tho.
my arse on the grass while wind i pass
Lily Putin
>>213828 for me it's the VIP pre-toil palpitations mix https://vocaroo.com/1go4xMpTgxZQ
>>213833 I heard a song like this but it sounded like lots of homer simpsons saying "toil toil toil" wish I knew what it was smh
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>>213834 this?
>>213836 there aren't words to describe how much I fucking hate yanks
>>213836 It's day three
>>213837 keeeeeek alot like that but it was a normie song at a wedding smh
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RuAF air strikes in Odessa
>>213836 t. mong
>>213842 keeeeek niggercattle tier smh
wish cunts would just shut up and observe tbh
odessa is one of ukraines few nice cities I hope it doesnt get btfo
>>213842 fuuuuuucking hell
>>213811 Iskander Ballistic Missile strike on a Ukie munitions dump.
kill them all restore the Tsar
this is what you do when you're winning
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>>213849 >The Rape train has no brakes
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>>213850 A TOAST
>>213850 lmfao
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it's over lads the checkmarks said so >>213854 KEEEEEK
>>213836 >>213842 That is defo heavy cope, disappointed in him.
>>213717 media were making a big deal about it for some reason even though its literally from 2 days ago and is a minor incident.
>>213857 he has always been retarded
>>213855 God I fucking hate all these larping "intelligence expert" faggots on shitter, they watch yank documentaries on history channel and think they know anything about anything.
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>Jen Psaki says Biden wants to reduce our dependence on foreign oil by using green energy, not by expanding U.S. energy production The US is absolutely fucking routing itself.
not heckin wholesome eu nato pilled of you
>>213862 KEEEK god I hate niggers
>ukraine wins the war >gets crushing sanctions for being heckin racist >forced to pay reperations with 100% of their gdp
>>213862 >"Ukrainians" in quotes at the first opportunity KEEEEEEK simultaneously trying to rouse popular support for a war and denying the ukies their own rights as an ethnic group.
>>213865 Yes, that's what they're fighting for though.
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Russian Propaganda is so wholesome and human compared with ukie "le jet kiev 💅💅💅" tweets. >Sergei Sidorov saw his parents after 8 years of separation. He left Stanytsia Luhanska for the militia in 2014. Only when she was released was she able to come and see her house, hug her mother. (Reunification of people, families and Slavic lands)
>>213867 Odysseus tier, wonder if he had a shooting competition with the local vodniks
>>213867 whitepill tbh
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>>213869 guys, guys...
Joe Biden's gulags claim another victim, Matthew Perna killed himself in his cell after pleading guilty to charges of trespass and being informed that there were further charges coming. Biden is a dictator.
>>213875 rip trumptards
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>big booby fire cupping asmr
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>>213824 not a real county
>>213878 >WHO CARES IF IT'S NOT REAL says the people who spent 2015-2021 fact-checking absolutely fucking everything
>>213880 whiter than you mohammed
>>213670 Beggars can't be choosers
absolute fucking copium
>>213888 keeeeeeeeek luv ben unironically
>Cumbria vored Westmorland when the jews made the country hideous in the 70s
>>213887 smh how will putin recover
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forgot image
for me? it's Copeland
>>213890 >>213892 smh tbh bring back old counties
>>213892 it will never be a county just like you being a woman >>213894 tbh, kino af
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>when the lass moans
you're a niggger >213896 >>213894 Yeah, disgusting what they did to Lancashire in particular and poor old Huntingdonshire
>>213898 >you're a niggger fake county, fake vagina
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Apex cringe just dropped. Compare this to the lad hugging his mum after eight years. Fucking hell.
>213899 Julie Bond: No Time to Dilate, nigger
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>>213900 smh >>213902 nigger
>>213901 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek wtf
did this Joe video not get poosted earlier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxkpOCDcSXc
>>213906 good lad
>>213904 ohhh you meant fake and gay Cumbria vore not Cumbria Cumbria
>>213908 Cumberland, Cumberland yes
>>213909 Cumbria and Cumberland are synonyms, my deer mong
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>>213906 Good lad
>>213912 they're not. Cumbria was an ancient kingdom. Cumberland's etymology was derived from it, but they never referred to the same area
>these 2 schizos arguing
>>213916 geography autists, thank you very much
>>213906 based
rutland is the best county. no i've never visited.
>>213916 These weirdos are talking about British geography in /ruswar/
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>my deer mong
I believe that he will win I believe that he will win I believe that he will win I believe that he will win I believe that he will win I believe that he will win I believe that he will win I believe that he will win
the fucking state of reddit
>>213924 they are honestly so fucking retarded, a fucking total war campaign can take weeks
>>213925 Every war has to be won in 38 minutes like the Anglo-Zanzibar war or else it's a disaster
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DAILY REMINDER; The Russians won when the Ukies shot their Su-27 out the sky over Kiev in front of the international press.
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>>213924 >>213925 no sweaty. Not completely overrunning the country in 4 days means they've lost terribly
US invasion of Panama took over a month
Ukies shot their own Su-27*
>>213925 >>213926 >>213928 The invasion of Iraq in 26 days was considered recklessly fast, Russia is doing so against a stronger opponent with less preparation and reached the capital within a few days It's such massively stupid cope
smh the gif didnt crop properly
has there been any pro-russian actions from the russian-ukrainian population so far?
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>>213933 It cropped perfectly since it covered 4 days of operations for comparison
>>213935 keeeeeeeeeeek didn't even notice that, worked out favourably after all lel
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>>213935 Same scale maps.
>>213934 no idea tbh
>>213937 granted Russia had an ally along the border near Kiev but they still managed to surround the capital within a few days
>>213939 wasn't there a peshmerga uprising in the north when the US invaded also?
i saw this from a ukie mp but don't know if any of it is true >Ukrainian Member of Parliament Illia Kyva accuses the government of "fascist tactics", using civilians as "human shields", says Zelensky knew about the coming war & refused diplomacy https://twitter.com/RWApodcast/status/1498058783309840394 >I'm not a specialist on Ukr politics but Kyva was a member of Right Sector and served in the hot phase of the Donbass war, also publicly argued for violent ukrainization of Donbass >He's now a member of the vaguely pro-Russian party tho... also former socialist... idk ukr politics are weird https://twitter.com/RWApodcast/status/1498060830843281416
>>213937 wrong, russia's made gains since this morning
>>213939 America had Jordan and Kuwait Also don't forget that the Z column is made up of old Soviet stockpile brought out of storage, compared with what America had against an Iraq that had less than what Ukraine has,
>>213943 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>213944 yeah russia hasn't really used any of their new tech, they're basically just testing the waters and they are winning keeeek
>According to the founder of the Belarussian Solidarity Foundation Andriy Stryzhak, Belarusian paratroopers received an order to invade Ukraine at 28.02 at 5:00 am. Belarusian VDV in the mix
>>213947 why weren't they a part of this day one? why did chechens only join the fight two days ago? feels like this thing was poorly coordinated.
The Chechens raping their way through Ukraine reminds me of Franco's Moroccans doing the same in Red Spain
right now is meant to test the waters, test the system, disorganisation plays to our side at the moment. rest your head cupcake
>sir we've seized urkaines banana reserves what's our next move? >Spasibo, initiate full withdrawal
>feels like this thing was poorly coordinated. Why do mongs keep making totally baseless assertions, theres literally no way for us to know what is actually going on until well after the fact
The Z stands for Zerg
>>213665 yeah his take is actually pretty galaxy brain, wignat redemption arc is sharting and optics gaypers will seethe
>Russian President Putin has put Russia’s nuclear force on high alert.
the war was a foregone conclusion from the moment the US refused to back the Ukraine. the real question is, how is Russia going to solve this "Ukraine" problem in the long-term? this huge population of East Slavs that have been brainwashed into this retarded "Kievan Rus" cult where they hate Russia and want to join the EU so a billion niggers can come to the Ukraine? how do you fix these people's brains? I think they should just round them up and deport them to Siberia, resettle the lands with Russians. how else could this be fixed?
ukrainian volkstrum doing war crimes https://streamable.com/xec7kw
>>213952 propaganda
Russian mounted troops spotted along roadside south of kiev
>>213955 one can hope
>11 transport ships of the Russian Federation, each containing one battalion, are heading to Odessa, there will be an attempt to land an assault - Arestovich. Russian Naval infantry and Spetsnaz are going to storm the beach.
someone should do a maus comic but the ukrainians are pigs and the russians are monkes.
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>>213955 Sadly it won't actually happen probably
>>213964 i think he did it hours ago tbh
Russian saboteurs escaping central Kiev with the help of pro Russian Ukrainian after being spotted by western "advisers" aka special forces
>>213747 pretty sure abe lincoln did this except it was like a bible reading because he was the same race as his soldiers and not a larping kike
"Nor hope that this new blunder Will end our woes by rending Tellus herself asunder In one bright burst Of preposterous splendour." - C.S. Lewis
>>213958 Woman - "Here I am on the balcony. There is a curfew. And a dude decided to go out." Armed Man - (I can't hear him clear at first, think he says "Ты чё такой?!"x2 - roughly "Why are you this way?!" or "Весь никакой!"x2 - very very roughly "You don't seem normal" Sorry, it's hard to translate slang) hit with a gun and kick a dude "SHOOT IN THE HEAD! FASTER" Dude starts running Armed man - "SHOOT, BRO!" (bratan is bro) shots fired Dude falls and moans saying "My god.." Armed man - "What a mess. ... War."
translation courtesy of leddit
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when Russia nukes us
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>>213972 I live right next to a great view of London, it'd be pic related
>>213807 this is all the westoid elites have anymore, media lisa simpson larps
>>213975 hol hols need that cope vape
they even rolled out the bombs aleppo lass to support ukraine
>>213979 >Invasion is so last century >Unless it's Syria :)
https://youtu.be/uzI5mUQWjnI video of ukrainian infantry defeating russian saboteur by pretending to lose, he will win after being vored by becoming poop which will be stepped on by russians so that ukraine will win
>>213981 >tfw free Eurasian wives in the Nazbol state
>>213983 its real
>>213981 keeek wish that richard spencer and him would do a e celeb pigfight over the collapse of globalist thelassocrat larping
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>>213981 Can't fault that message at all tbh, too heckin' inspiring. Guess my destiny was always a chinky lass smh
>>213987 noooooooooooooooooooooo
russians got berdyansk. odessa will be encircled by the day.
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>>213986 send me a bongland 10/10 slag and you can fixate on gooks
>>213987 Russian soldier tortures Ukrainian child circa 2022 (colourised)
>>213836 >double shot and boostered vaxfag weeb yank has shit takes don't know what you lads were expecting
>>213989 Nice, Russian Navy landings are going to push their shit in from the sea.
>>213994 Such a fun time.
atlanticism will never die richard spencer's anglo saxon phoenix empire will come
>>213996 I'm not sure we deserve the right to continue being the international gangster after this.
what are the chances this is still a nothingburger lads?
>>213998 it was past the point of being a nothingburger like 72 hours ago
>>213998 It's nothing yeah, rest your head cupcake
the russians are in berlin!
omg we need to support the waffen ss to stop the russians from attacking transgenders, if you are a good liberal join the waffen ss to defend europa from the mongol hordes so that gays and niggers can tell us what to do!
>>214001 Hideki Tojo has resigned.
Neville Chamberlain has resigned.
Ukrainian special forces have captured Russia's femboy battalion. this isnt looking good. https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1497852840982757376
err lads caesar just defeated pompey
Egypt has capitulated to Alexander.
>>214009 wew lads its over republic bros I am moving to parthia and getting a parthian gf
>>214012 good lad.
oliver cromwell just defeated the covenanters at dunbar still might be a nothingburger though bros t. catholic confederationfag
>>214014 keeeeeeeeeeeek
> Russian troops are trying to resume the attack on Kyiv through Polissya. A pontoon crossing is being prepared near Demidov across the Irpin River, - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Rest your head hohols poland will be coming in 2 weeks with the cavalry, hogs are at work.
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A veritable feast tbh
>>213999 >>214000 Crimea was a nothingburger tbf
what the fuck is holhols problem?
>>214021 all because the west wants to spread the zog empire
onions on islamo-centrism?
>>214023 Fuck me it's all so transparent.
>>214021 its a slav thing
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>Belarus says constitutional referendum passes, revoking its non-nuclear status and paving the way for Russian nuclear weapons in the country >Also the referendum makes LGBT illegal um based
>>214032 no no lad its jew 4d chess belarus is actually totally pozzed
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>>214032 >ywl to see the death of globohomo
>>213981 fuck this iude loving kabbaloid cunt
>>214032 >hol hols literally killing their fellow slavs in order for men to be able to put their b*nis in poopy and for blacked.com
>>214039 tbh richard spencers take is more relevant to westoids
The whole pandememic in the West is looking more and more like a massive Thucydides Trap cope tbh.
>>214042 explain what you mean by this lass?
>>214040 weimart is doing its utmost to make this about globohomo keeeek
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>boomer political scientists think that just name dropping an author means you came ups with some epic concept
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wtf I did sparta directly move all its economic activity to athens so that its elites could make more money and avoid regulations?
finally local governments are defecting to and collaborating with the russians https://twitter.com/skudelia/status/1498080287183577093
>>214043 I don't have to I'm retarded, America weak.
It's over Zelenksy!! I have the CHAOS EMERALDS!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
not clicking that
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>>214052 keeeek tbh
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>most thought the war would last 3 days or less >most thought the war would last 4 days or less >most thought the war would last 5 days or less >most thought the war would last 6 days or less >most thought the war would last 7 days or less
>>214056 heckin right on reddit we did it! we supported NATO war mongers like programmed pavlovian mask wearing NPCs! *licks paw*
>>214056 It's like they think "how long it takes to drive across an area" = "how long it usually takes to conquer an area in war"
>>214058 >Russian troops move to their designated target, take it, and dig in for the night >western journos: "AHA LOOK RUSSIAN TROOPS HAVE RUN OUT OF FUEL THEY'RE STUCK IN THE MUD AHAHA"
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gn lads if the war is over tomorrow i'll be disappointed
>>214064 Goodnight, either way there's gonna be seethium mines.
>>214064 unlikely >Russia-Ukraine negotiations are delayed, the fear is that Putin will not stop in Ukraine. Huge military convoy is heading to Kyiv. Ukranians prepare for a difficult night. #UkraineRussiaWar https://t.co/RGFJlBvrEG
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>Fighters took off from Belarus.
>>214057 That's what's so unsettling about all this tbh
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>>214067 >ywn get to penetrate her deepest darkest Peruvian jungle dressed as Paddington Baer why live?
Daily Fail saying Poo Tin will shart out WW3 with a bum blast of nuclear propootions. Is the truth contained in these words?
If war planes are taking off from Belarus for Russia's cause, then the peace talks are cancelled. So Russia must have really needed those fighter jets smh
>>214071 Nukes don't exist
>>214074 It's like trying to hide a poo in a bum of glass . . . cannot be done . . . strategies need to be examined to dissemble the data silos
>>214073 it's to support the Belarus VDV who are attacking soon.
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Caption video 1: Mass looting in Mariupol! After #RussianArmy takes over the city. John Sullivan (YouTube) Caption video 2: 🇷🇺❌🇺🇦⚠ — On Tonight, February 27, 2022, as Symbol of the takeover/liberation, the Russian Armed Forces in Melitopol lowered the National flag of Ukraine from its place in the Centre of the city. Alongside it, they also hanged the Victory Banner, the banner of the Soviet Red Army's 150th Rifle Division that was raised on top of the National Socialist Germany's Reichstag in Berlin, which marked the end of the World War 2 and started the process of the then-called "denazification" of Germany - Via CIG Caption video 3: Ukrainian soldiers state that are preparing "for the landing of the Navy in Odessa": "Odessans for Rusny will hold an event" May 2 - we can repeat ". Every Russian who dares to attack Odessa-Mama will burn like real cotton wool! " >>214076 Smh Ukies shouldn't have missed the meeting yesterday
>Armed with 'happiness cocktails', the villagers all set for battle: From hiding road signs to making petrol bombs, IAN BIRRELL meets the Ukrainian DIY army ready to halt Russia in its tracks
>>213663 Where are the other 5 tweets?
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Caption video 1: A Ukrainian school burning to the ground due to #RussianArmy Message from a Telegram channel: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said that evacuation from the city is impossible, Kyiv is surrounded Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡The work of the MLRS systems of the Russian Armed Forces on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kherson region Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡A powerful explosion thundered in Mariupol — Readovka
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Caption: 🇧🇾🇷🇺🇺🇦 Fighters took off from the territory of Belarus. Hohols wake up
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>>213987 >bear just ignores the pig's screams brutal
>>213922 he's already won hasn't he? he took the country, meeting very little resistance, and nobody in the West did a thing about it
>>214072 >Dutton and Dickie praising Jewlensky for his bravery keeek
>>214085 and all in four days now
>>213676 keeekk I was memeing this yesterday
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Caption: Zelensky said in a telephone conversation with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson that the next 24 hours will be critical for Ukraine, Reuters reported, citing a Downing Street spokesman. Johnson assured Zelensky that the UK and its allies would do everything they could to ensure defense aid reached Ukraine, a Downing Street spokesman said in a statement. Johnson also added that his country will transfer an additional 40 million pounds to Ukraine. This money will be directed to medical supplies for Ukrainians.
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Caption images 1-3: Looks like Russain Networks are targeting the Ukrainian military installations #UkraineRussiaWar Caption video 1: Looks like Ukrainian soldiers caught a Russian Invader 🤔 #RussiaUkraineWar
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Message from Telegram channel 1: 🇦🇺🚫🇷🇺💰⚠ — Australia announced the imposition of sanctions and a ban on entry into the country for Putin and members of the Russian Security Council Message 2: 🇨🇾🚫🇷🇺⚠ — Cyprus has closed air links with Russia, the civil aviation authority of this country said. Caption images 1-2: 🇷🇺❌🇺🇦⚠ — Abandoned "Tunguska" vehicles of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Kharkiv region. https://t.me/milinfolive/77319 Caption video 1: 🇺🇦🇵🇱⚡Border of Poland and Ukraine Caption image 3: 🇺🇦❌🇷🇺⚠ — Military Situation in Ukraine on February 27, 2022 by
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>RT @ZelenskyyUa: Thank you for the warm conversation, Your All-Holiness #Bartholomew. Your words are like hands that hold us up in this difficult time. Ukrainians feel the spiritual support and strength of your prayers. We hope for the soonest peace Caption: >🇬🇧🇺🇦 Sounds of shelling in Kharkiv. #Russia #Ukraine #Kharkov
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Caption: ❗️Kharkov now Ukrainian air defense is constantly working. Shelling of the airport and r
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>BREAKING: Russian media reports Moscow is working on a plan to evacuate Russian nationals from Europe amid countries closing their airspace
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Caption image 1: ⚡⚡⚡In Kharkov, Ukrainian formations shot two local residents, after which they declared them saboteurs. Message from Telegram channel 1: BIG BREAKING NEWS 🇷🇺⚡🇺🇦 Belarus 🇧🇾 has ordered it's units to be on combat readiness. Message 2: 🇺🇦⚡🇷🇺 Fighter jets for Ukraine from EU will be in Ukrainian skies "within the hour" according to a Senior Advisor to the EU Parliament. Message 3: 🇷🇺⚡🇺🇦 Civilian death toll from war in Ukraine rises to 352, including 14 children, health ministry says. Caption videos 1-2: In Melitopol, local residents have been "looting" several stores since the morning. How much was taken out until the forester came with a gun is unknown. Videos of KalitaAlex Kalita
American just confirmed Belarus invasion of Ukraine. ?BREAKING: The Washington Post reports a US official saying Belarus is set to join Russia's invasion by sending troops
>>214099 Russia plays the Belarusian fighter jet card, Ukraine pulls the EU fighter jet card. In the end, it all balances out and nothing happens.
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Caption: ❗A rocket hit a residential building in the center of Chernihiv, the lower floors caught fire twice, the number of injured is still unknown
>>214073 >So Russia must have really needed those fighter jets smh you are such a mong
>>214100 It's boots on the ground.
Those jets the EU must be sending must be getting flown by EU pilots, the ukrainian pilots won't be trained for those specific jets most likely, also what type of jets will they be the crème de la crème of just junk that will get btfo by russias anti air.
>>214102 No you
>>214104 It'll be all the old soviet jets that was left behind in the 90's
nvm apparently it'll be mig 29s and su35s, total waste of time considering russia already blew them all out of the sky and its all outdated shit anyway
Any seen the theory about US biolabs creating weapons based in Ukraine and that Russia is moving to secure these places?
>>214108 made up schizo shite probably
>>214108 There are alleged US documents floating about on the facilities, however, they're no real secret, fuck knows about whether they're moving on them though. >>214109 fucking nigger
>anons in the thread living vicariously through russia in pathetic ways rather than enjoying the show for what is, and working to make change through their own lives NGMI, smh
Sensing some newfag and yank energy ITT right now
Why bioweapons though? They're stupidly dangerous to everyone.
>>214108 >>214109 Russian are securing Ukie NPPs because the Ukies are trying to make repeal the Bucharest Memos and making nukes is not schizo though.
>>214108 Could be a symbol for the way the Jesuit-dominated West is using diplomacy to weaken everyone with bad "contagious " ideas
>>214115 They have the industry to do that?
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>>214117 Yes, and scientists.
Looking stalingrad tier in kharkov
>>214114 Escalation, because everyone else is at it, and neutralisation. There is a network of NATO biosurveillance labs in that region too.
>>214120 not nato
Genuinely baffled as to why redditors/twitter fags seem to think things are going so badly for russia just because they haven't taken the whole country on day 4,how can they be this ignorant, do they seriously think military campaigns are like TDM on cod or something, or is it tiktok eroding peoples attention spans.
Just develop bioweapons on another states front door.
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>>214117 Ukies even have forces dedicated to NPPs, it was memory holed yesterday.
>>214123 tbh there was a whistleblower a few years ago from the region around the time of the Salisbury Skripal thing who went into detail about it, can't remember her name though.
wait so russia took mariupol already?
Ukrainian having whole battalions and two Spetsnaz groups to protect NPPs, highly sus tbh.
>Ukraine will not “capitulate” to Russia, Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said on Sunday ahead of negotiations between Moscow and Kiev. Fucking mentalists aren't even trying.
Why are people getting so invested in a distant war to begin with, picking favourites and then supporting them like they were a sportsball team? Do they think there will be material or even strategic benefit if Eastern Europe changes some flags round?
>214130 shut it poof
>>214130 there will yes.
>Dude why are the germans even supporting franco its literally hundreds of miles away do you really think that shit matters mong
Brit larper in action
>>214130 You've got to support your ruling class pillaging and profiteering, via supporting the allotted team lad, or if you're a dissident supporting the opposite team saying they're based and covering up how kiked they are.
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>Ukraine will not “capitulate” to Russia, Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said on Sunday ahead of negotiations between Moscow and Kiev. >Ukraine confirms peace talks with Russia today: The Kyiv Independent Schizo as fuck.
Alleged tb2 drones btfoing russians
>214131 >sodomite with no sense of his own productivity calling others what he is guilty of No (you) for the useless eater >>214133 Ad hominem defensiveness, it means you're empty >>214132 You hope so, but you really can't depend on it. It's a small hope too, since the real change will have be domestic. Why are you just going along with the enthusiasm, is it your nature to need to pick a side when observing?
e0dc1f is schizo
>>214135 Bitter insults coming from someone isn't a sign that this person is having fun. It's a sign of dysgenic mental/spiritual imbalance >>214136 Tbh. A lot of a beta male types just following the shiney right now.
Attack on russian vehicle with molotovs from van
>>214138 The only effective means the Ukies can do tbh.
>>214140 >nooo, i can't stand somebody disagreeing with me! Now i'll spit some bile in hopes that he goes away!! Unbelievably weak of character, tbh Anon
>>214143 epic but ultimately useless. i think ukraine is trying to get as many of its civilians killed at this point
>>214144 I'm surprised they drones aren't being taken out by manpads.
>constantly calling people Anon deffo a q nigger schizo retard tbh
>>214147 I haven't seen the Russians have MANPADs except the ones captured off Ukies.
>>214122 its because soys like generating this bubble of fake reality around themselves and by living far away from things they can never be confronted with reality
>>214150 You'd think they'd have a few people equipped with igla.
>>214152 I've only seen Buk systems.
guys did the downie of dontesk make it out and link up with the ghost of kiev?
(I meant lads)
>>214153 I've seen tor missile systems and tunguskas
ukrains using isis drive by tactics now
anyone know how to grow back hair on the temples and forehead? i don't want to microdose finasteride as that's insane and could leave me with a permasoft willy, although maybe i'd become less of a materialist if that happened. i also heard minoxidil has side effects and makes your forehead a greasy mess when you use it.
>>214157 this is standard soros shit, get paid ununiformed guys to get lots of situations where civies are being attacked and then claim muh war crime
>>214157 epic and cool
Captured russian soldier and apc being pulled
>>214156 my boollocks are fuelled by the power of one thousand Tunguskas >214158 fuck off bbk
>>214162 bbk is a dayfag lad, i'm genuinely wondering if ladderinos have tips on hairloss, i'm a wizard and you're all zoomers though so really i should be giving you tips smh. anyway back to the ukraine discussion i guess. threads have been good since this war started
im hearing the russian southern column is being held up by slippery roads, likely the work of the coomer of kherson.
The surrendered soldiers who were supposed to have died on snake island
>>214163 It sounds like something bbk would come on late at night and say thinking he was being funny. I'm not going to go bald lad, none of my family goes bald, and I'm most definitely not a zoomer thank you very much.
captured ukrainian gear, looks like the shit uk gives them
>>214166 good lad, i wouldn't wish baldness on you. it's shit getting to the prime of your life and then seeing your hair go down the shower drain before you've even coomed in a lass
>>214167 yeah british nlaws, only capable of firing once.
>>214168 Sorry to hear that. Is baldness that much of a curse? Everyone I know that went bald said they felt better when they owned it properly.
>>214170 >Everyone I know that went bald said they felt better when they owned it properly. maybe when they fully accepted it and stopped trying to giga cope with styling their hair but they are all lying if they say they aren't seething about losing their hair, 99% of men look much better with hair.
north of kiev, no soy but reminds me of bf3-4
>>214171 fair enough tbh
>President Putin will soon address the nation about the situation around Ukraine
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All this baldy talk reminds me of An Idiot Abroad when he got a hairpiece. He was beaming about it, so sent a selfie to his wife and she went into absolute meltdown over it. Probably because he looked about 10 years younger and she was getting worried. Kek.
>>214175 KEEEEEEEEEEK yeah kino tbh, she probably thought he was looking too high value.
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Caption video 1: ❗️Kyiv, Lukyanovka. Air defense works Message from Telegram channel: ‼️ ATTENTION! Air raid sirens in Kyiv! Please proceed to the shelters! Caption image 1: ⚡️Actual map of the scale of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
>>214177 Women truly hate seeing men happy. His face dropped after she went into one.
>>214175 yeah right I see, he looks less like a retarded orange-potato hybrid
>During the shelling of Gorlovka, the VFU disrupted the operation of the water conduit from the filter station #2. Water supply stopped in the Central City District: ⛔ st. Lenin; ⛔ st. Ostapenko; ⛔ Gaevogo St.; ⛔ Pushkinskaya st.
>Looks like all 🇷🇺 Advances have been halted. >A very Eerie silence!
I think russia really fucked the initial invasion. Even Igor Girkin, the guy who started the pro-russian uprising in the east is saying so. Don't think it's over for them but it will be a tough slog from now on.
>214182 >214183 unsubstantiated reddit shite
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Berdyansk, the next city west down the coast from Mariipol.
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Caption video 1: Looking at the footage of the work of the Russian MLRS from Kakhovka and Tavriysk on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the northern bank of the Dnieper #UkraineRussiaWar #RussianArmy Caption video 2: Baltic and #nuclear missiles headed toward Ukraine #RussianArmy
>>214182 Because Russians are dayfags.
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>🇷🇺🇺🇦🇧🇾The Ukrainian delegation, which left for negotiations with the Russian Federation, is already on the territory of Belarus - Sputnik Belarus sources >🇷🇺🇺🇦 All according to the rules of the road. Nobody crosses the barriers.
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>Panic in Kyiv has reached critical proportions: people are being shot in the streets for literally no reason #UkraineRussiaWar #russianinvasion
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Caption video 1: Another video of strange military equipment...? 🤷‍♂️ Caption video 2: Ukrainian prisoner. To surrender to the DPR army, he fled from his own and walked for three days John Sullivan (YouTube)
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In the city of Dnepropetrovsk a civilian car was shot. The military mistook the driver for a Russian saboteur.
>Kiev Independant >Telegram comments Your posts are shit and you're a retard nigger.
Oh no my internet reputation is ruined. I'm going to filter you since others here are better company. Please do announce yourself next thread so the improved environment may continue unimpeded.
You're posts old and stale too.
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Caption: A car painted with the inscriptions: “People, get up!” and "This is War" crashed into a fence on Pushkin Square and caught fire. Details of the incident are not yet known. UPD. The police detained the suspect. His motives are still unknown.
"Why are people getting so invested in a distant war to begin with, picking favourites and then supporting them like they were a sportsball team? Do they think there will be material or even strategic benefit if Eastern Europe changes some flags round?" >continues to posts, old, boring shit about it You're a fucking nigger, BBK.
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>Azov using schools as cover
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Caption: There is a shortage of food at the stations of the Kharkiv metro. The inhabitants of the city have been hiding in fear that after they go to the surface for food, they will not be allowed back to the shelter.
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>The offensive of the DPR army on Mariupol and Volnovakha.
>>214202 Fucking kino screen shot, lad.
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the fucking state
>>214205 >punks not dead fuck me, there's absolutely no standards for anything.
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More cope cringe.
It's probably an unofficial ceasefire while negotiations are happening. >🇺🇦🇧🇾🇷🇺❗Negotiations between Russia and Ukraine should start within an hour
>>214208 The Ukie FM have already said they won't surrender yesterday and ghosted that last three talks as the Russians are mobilising against Azov Mariupol, you stupid nigger.
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Caption: Russian troops are trying to resume the attack on Kyiv through Polissya. A pontoon crossing is being prepared near Demidov across the Irpin River, - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Also, a large amount of Russian military equipment was seen in Borodianka, presumably heading towards Kyiv
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>23/02/22 14hrn >Now; 40hrn
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>>214208 >It's probably an unofficial ceasefire while negotiations are happening.
>The Russian military has gained air supremacy over all of Ukraine and taken control of the territory around the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
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Caption video 1: Sirens going off in Kyiv Caption 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The defeat of the ukrov column near Novayadar. LPR. Message from Telegram channel: 🇷🇺🇺🇦❗The Russian military has gained air supremacy over all of Ukraine and taken control of the territory around the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
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BBK (e0dc1f) is such a fucking nigger.
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Fresh map of Russian advances in the North Ukraine.
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Luhansk People's Republic is credited for establishing control over settlements Also: >🇷🇺🇺🇦❗All civilians in the city can freely leave the capital of Ukraine along the Kyiv-Vasilkov highway. This direction is open and safe -- Ministry of Defense of Russia >🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡⚡️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have taken control of the cities of Berdyansk, Energodar — Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation >🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Armed bands of marauders, robbers and nationalists are rampaging in Kyiv — RF Ministry of Defense
>>214219 >Armed bands of marauders, robbers and nationalists are rampaging in Kyiv based
>Russia is claiming 314 Ukie tanks
This is a pretty nice flag, especially the part that looks woven..comfy natural vibes
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CIA did demographic market testing, it clearly showed that it needed to appeal to the AWLF cat women.
>🇷🇺🇺🇦 Medinsky: We are waiting for the arrival of the Ukrainian delegation. The place is agreed with the Ukrainian side next to the Ukrainian border. We did not sleep all night, we were waiting for their arrival, unfortunately, they have very complicated logistics. The arrival time was postponed several times. We have just received information that they will arrive in about an hour. Accordingly, at 12 we will sit down at the negotiating table.
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>🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Russian Air Force aircraft in the sky of Ukraine. Su-34 in action.
>The Russian military are advancing in the vicinity of the Zhytomyr highway to Kyiv
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The Russians are breaking out on the Kherson front.
>The Office of the President of Ukraine declares that his main goal of negotiations with Russia is an immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of Russian troops The talks have failed before thay have even begun/.
>>214231 no lad the russian troops will all pack up and go home if zelensky asks nicely
A T-72B in Borodyanka, Kiev Oblast just pull the trigger.
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>>214232 smh Tatiana of the 69th Feederov Sneedsiya Guards Division just sucked and fuck over 6 gorrilian Russians to death.
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Finally Iglas spotted.
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>Zelensky demands 'immediate' EU membership for Ukraine
Caption video 1: 🇺🇦⚡Food fight in Kharkiv Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡ Advance of the NM DPR in the Mariupol direction. Caption video 3: 🇺🇦 Looting in Kharkov Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Thunderbolts work near Kharkov.
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>Ukraine's Zelensky says prisoners with military experience and who want to fight the Russians will be released
>>214237 You're reposting your own old stuff, lad.
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Caption: Berdyansk. The anthem of Ukraine is played in front of the equipment of the occupiers in Berdyansk Resistance is not broken. Let's return all the cities temporarily occupied by the Russian occupiers!
>>214240 >Resistance is not broken Clearly it is.
>>214240 >Resistance is not broken. Let's return all the cities temporarily occupied by the Russian occupiers!
morning lads live civic retard sexpat war report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ShKg2zdqSk
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>>214243 Tbh with the food shortages it looks as if the bigger cities will fall and then the rest of the country will follow, barring some kind of magical event at the negotiations. Caption videos: Massive shelling of residential areas of Kharkov. Caption images: Kharkiv now
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Caption: In the shops of Kyiv - big In the shops of Kyiv - big problems with food. Empty shelves with bread and sausages. In addition, huge queues at the entrance to supermarkets (those that work)
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listening to Russian girl ASMR to leech my energy off in a productive direction. I usually like Romance languages for ASMR but Sliv-tongue sounds pretty good actually https://youtu.be/W8NwpAuE_J0 >>214245 sounds like war drums >>214246 blyat, it's another holodomor!
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>Talakovka came under the control of the DPR Soon.
The arty strike got confirmed as being Kharkov.
>>214246 As it always goes in sieges.
>Kremlin says Russia will ride out Western sanctions
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>>214247 >not welsh ASMR
>>214205 >>214206 Where does it say punks not dead? Could just be a regular old lady blueing her hair so it isn't grey. Just old enough to remember when they did that as a little lad smh all those moral pre boomer lasses are dead now smh.
>Ukrainian army fled from Shchastia
(1.17 MB 540x360 40lb_box_of_rape.webm)

>there has been massive amounts of rapes to gun point in Kiev thanks to Zelensky
>>214247 Why do you give your loosh to these vampires? Fucking slap yrsel tbh lad.
>>214256 it's probably spicposter
>>214257 based bolt thrower, used to sing fake bolt thrower lyrics to my little brother, which was just just made up dorkhammer stuff.
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Ukies are shelling Donetsk.
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>Roman Abramovich is involved in Russia-Ukraine peace talks
>>214260 keek smh the same as declaring them independent tbh >they're not our civilians any more so it's okay to bombard them, we're not traitors to our populace or anything
Just going start stealing stuff from the shops, I encourage every right-thinking dafty to do the same.
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Caption: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Negotiations have begun.
>>214263 It's because the Donetsk's army is only 5km from Azov in Mariupol.
>Just heard a rumour that Zelensky was no longer in Ukraine and under the protection of CIA Niggers
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>>214266 Caption: When they sat down at the table, they had never had a fight. We hope this is a good sign
>>214266 >>214268 >jewinsky isn't there
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>>214261 >*The price you commoners have to pay Also pic related.
KA-52 over Kiev Oblast.
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡ Russian Ka-52s work in the Kiev region Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Akhtyrka, tank repairing factory destroyed Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 LPR army shows trophies in liberated town
>>214274 Thanks, 2/3 of that was already in the thread.
https://archive.vn/XuKjQ >Risk of Russian banks defaulting on debts highest since Crimea
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>>214276 It was interesting to see that Russian rhetoric about how "Pearl Harbor was caused by sanctions"
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>50s APC in 2022
>>214278 it's true too
>>214279 ukie or russ?
>>214281 Ukie, Russians have the Z on them.
>>214223 It's fucking hideous lad
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Caption image 1: 🚨BREAKING - Russian Forces with DPR forces have begun an Offensive on the city of Kramatorsk. Caption image 2: 🚨BREAKING - Russian forces have started to push from the northern front in the city of Chernihiv
>>214279 smh poor van lad
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A new tank for Russia.
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Caption: Our army attacks only military facilities, civilians will not be harmed - Putler See what his orcs do with the cities of Ukraine, and civilians suffer
>>214287 >going about his business like there's no war His fault tbh.
>>214288 that's a chick
>>214288 but also tbh tbf, if I was Ukie I'd be in a bomb shelter
>>214286 Gm lads Wondering when they'll start deploying the actual tanks, the Armatas haven't been seen yet. Really does seem like poot is just throwing away all the oldest machinery first [manned by teenagers and retards] in order to wear down the Ukies before sending in the real military.
>>214291 13,000 strong tank fleet, I'd want to cut it down too.
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Kherson region, downed helicopter of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Caption video 2: 🇷🇺⚡🇺🇦 Current scenes ongoing in Chernihiv.
in fact I haven't even seen a single T72 or T-90 yet, wtf
Daily Fail talking about nukes
>>214295 >Rusting probably faulty Soviet era nukes landing around some cities that're just full of wogs anyway Nothingburger
>>214294 I've seen something get hit by a T-72B, but not the T-72B smh
>>214296 Wouldn't the dust cloud from a full nuclear strike kill everyone on earth anyway? Even countries not involved and also the country that launched them would suffer apocalypse tier events smh
>>214233 Oh nvm
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Wog representative of Ukraine is David Arahamiya
>>214298 This is why there's no way putin will nuke ukraine. In fact it's probably the "safest" place to be if your only concern is nukes. It would be utterly pointless for him to invade a place only to turn it into an irradiated wasteland, and it's not like they're struggling without nuclear force anyway
>>214294 I've seen both.
>>214302 Where are the T-90s then?
>A company of US Marines in Lviv to protect Zelensky
posting pictures of dead soldiers to own the other side is cringe, especially because the other side can do the exact same thing smh the back and forth propaganda is so cringe in this war
>>214298 It would cause worldwide famines and firestorms but it probably wouldn't kill everyone just a big population culling that or the day of judgement happens as they land but can't be sure tbh
>>214303 Previous threads, there's been plenty of footage.
More Grads on Kharkov
>>214291 That was aT-90, not exactly archaic gear.
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Captured a tank of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Captured a tank of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 destroyed and captured Ukrainian armored personnel carriers
>>214256 I don't coom to ASMR, I just listen to it in the background (or sometimes half the screen) for something pleasant on my ears as an alternative to silence. sometimes I listen to music but often times that's too mentally stimulating, distracts from reading etc. so that's where ASMR comes in >>214257 >>214259 baste >>214291 yeah no reason to waste brand new tanks and seasoned men to all the rocket launchers and shit GAYTO has been giving the Jewgayne when they can use up all of the old outdated crap to achieve the same result
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Caption video 1: Will the National Guard be long without an order? Berdyansk. Caption video 2: Ukraine cannot be defeated! During the bombing in Kyiv, the trumpeter went to the balcony and sang the anthem🇺🇦 Orcs, did you really think you could take us in 24 hours?
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>>214310 Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Captured a David Davis of the Armed Forces of David Davis Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Captured a David Davis of the Armed Forces of David Davis Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 destroyed and captured David Davis personnel carriers
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Caption video 1: - Kharkov. Park House. Kharkiv get up this is genocide against Caption video 2: The newest Russian anti-aircraft missile system "Shell", captured in the Kherson region. Caption video 3: Another trophy of Ukrainian peasants, Russian SAM Osa Russian idiots still do not understand what kind of people they are fighting!
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FEMA tells burgers to wear a mask if they have go to a fallout shelter due to nuke isn't this taking it a lil far? even for clown world? gee whiz
>>214315 >he didn't get his third booster Um this why Putler nuke us sweaty
>>214315 Continually amazed by normies' ability to not get bored of stale fake narratives.
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gonna be like Afghanistan where all the shit they give the oinks is gonna get captured by Russia https://twitter.com/ASBMilitary/status/1497941501959102468?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw this is good article https://dailystormer.name/ukraine-war-the-level-of-disinformation-is-making-me-sick-is-there-even-a-war/
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>Ethnic Hungarians might secede to Hungaria proper >They appealed to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban with a request to protect them from genocide, violence and humiliation. Big if True.
>The United States suspended the work of the embassy in Minsk The talks just failed.
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>war is... le bad except when we do it >>214319 I would LOVE that, holy fuck. Hungarians are only majority in a small part of Zakarpatia though, the border areas
>>214322 but even the Rusyns would be better off in Hungary, where they will have a distinct identity, than the Jewgayne, where they erase their Rusyn identity and just call the 'Ukrainians'
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>>214322 >When you invade a sovereign nation, that is a war crime
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Caption video 1: Energodar. Local residents "meet" the column of invaders Caption video 2: 🔞🔞🔞Kharkov. Metro Kievskaya Caption video 3, images 1-2: A few more Russian "liberators" met by our terrorist defense near Kiev
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>🇺🇦 In Chernihiv, the city's largest hypermarket is on fire. In social networks they write that there were no hits, but there was arson in the course of looting. >🇺🇲🇧🇾⚡The United States suspended the work of the embassy in Minsk
>>214322 > Hungarians are only majority in a small part of Zakarpatia though, the border areas tbh, split it between Slovakia and Hungary so it doesn't look like Slovakia has had its tail cut off
>>214328 That's not BBK I'm afraid you are suffering BBKDS (BBK Derangement Syndrome), I advise you to seethe and dilate
women are writing erotic fanfiction about Russian gangrape on leddit shock = imagined
>Russian Defense Ministry: DPR forces complete the blockade of Mariupol And we're live
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>>214327 this would be good.. Hungary gets the Hungarian border regions stolen by Triannon and Slovakia gets their 'tail'
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Footage of Donetsk after being shelled by retreating Ukies.
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>all the kino HD footage to large to post Russian news is using C&C:RA OST and Wagner for the reports too smh.
Iron Curtain is back
>>214337 suspicious noses on the russian side too smh
Caption: 🔞Kharkov. People went out for water and did not have time to return. It's just a nightmare.
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>NOW - Putin begins his emergency economic meeting in response to sanctions and labels the West as an "empire of lies."
>🚨BREAKING - DPR forces have seiged Mariupol from the west & parts of the north. Russian troops are heading up from the south.
>>214342 David Davis has besieged the Monday Club
>>214339 >he cried out for a drink of water #UkraineIsGeorgeFloyd
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>I remind you: if the negotiations fail, R.A. Kadyrov said the rest; >R.A. Kadyrov saying the rest
>>214344 Smh their countrymen aren't letting the dead rest with dignity
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Russian counter battery for shelling Donetsk..
>>214347 tbh, imagine get blown to pieces and the last thing you see is some instagram foid filming your dying for internet points
>>214349 That's already actually happened tbf
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Russia banned exports of nitrogen fertilizer until June 2022. China has banned phosphate/urea exports until June 2022. Belarus under US section since Dec 2021 Absolute train wreck, fucking with energy and food.
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Caption image 1: Kharkov. Saltov meat processing plant distributes products to those in need. We are ready to help organizations in need (orphanages, schools, etc.) - write to Irina 0676720608 Caption image 2: The Russian propaganda media claim they are surrounding Kyiv. The artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine gladly corrects and corrects the lost orcs. In the photo, more than 20 cars of the occupiers are burning at the same time
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Caption: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡They shelled on the liberated town Bugas and immediately received a response. For reference, Bugas is a kilometer to Volnovakha and the highway to Mariupol.
>>214354 Nice DDHR.
One of the ways to keep focussed on the local politician who affects your life is to agree with the fact that "whoever is elected, and no matter what is happening in the world and around this person in office, this person has the obligation to do the right thing"
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Caption: Berdyansk - you are heroes.🇺🇦
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>United States of America has suspended operations of its embassy in Minsk, capital of Belarus and all American staff have departed Belarus.
>>214352 We're all going to starve.
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Dnepropetrovsk Volksturm.
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Caption video 1: #Russia #Ukraine 🇷🇺🇺🇦: Ukrainian singer "Andriy Khlyvnyuk" joined Territorial Defense Unit in #Kyiv. He also posted a video while singing the folk song "The Red Viburnum in the Meadow". In the video, he appears to be carrying a plum AKS-74 rifle with tape-wrapped stock. Message from Telegram channel: 🚨BREAKING - Negotiations between Russia and Ukraine have reportedly finished Caption video 2: The "Russian world" has been here! On the video - Kharkov. There, a huge shell of the invaders hit the apartment. Luckily it didn't explode. Caption video 3: ❗️Berdyansk does not stop.
>>214363 >Negotiations between Russia and Ukraine have reportedly finished Okay, what's the result? Nothing?
>>214364 >>214366 Mediocre haul tbh.
>>214365 jewkie cunts tanked it again by being niggerfaggots and immediately giving the ultimatum of "leave immediately poo tin and give us back the country so we can finish asset stripping it" despite being in a position of weakness
>>214368 They'll have every Ukrainian fight to the death before negotiating on reasonable terms.
>>214369 Globohomo stubbornness and religious mania
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epix win
>>214371 We did it, reddit!
DPR is now attacking the positions of terrorists from the Azov Regiment https://files.catbox.moe/bimxpj.mp4
>>214373 Why you calling Azov terrorists?
>>214374 They fight for the globohomo and are Varg tier retards.
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>>214375 they are only "terrorists" if they lose right now they are freedom fighters it depends how this all turns out tbh
in the unlikely event they win the daft cunts will just be liquidated by zog as being too much of a threat to be left alive tbh
>>214365 >⚡️ Negotiations between Russia and Ukraine have reportedly finished (Sky News) >UPDATE: Sky News’ announcement is believed to be wrong – the delegates leaving talks for a break only.
>>214377 >in the unlikely event they win the daft cunts will just be liquidated by zog as being too much of a threat to be left alive tbh yeah tbh
Azov crucified and burned alive Christians, they deserved to get their shit push in by Muslims.
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Caption: 🇷🇺❌🇺🇦⚠ — Russian Armed Forces Armored vehicles Iveco LMV "Lynx" with ATGM "Konkurs" entered Kherson.
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>>214381 source tbh
>>214381 >Azov crucified and burned alive Christians evidence?
>>214381 x for doubt
>>214383 >Europe's Dreams They mean the Jewish dream of absolutely blarting the entire continent with niggers and sucking whitey's wealth dry and then genociding whoever's left?
>>214381 >literally calling for the death of nationalist whites by Ahmeds They'll come for you next sandnigger
>>214388 calling this out as bullshit
>>214388 uploaded 2 days ago lol after the invasion obvious propaganda is obvious
>>214391 it's explained in the comments
>>214392 you mean the ones calling them "operation gladio"?
"I published this to show why Putin attacked Ukraine. For eight years, neo-fascists from Bandera have been harassing Russians in Ukraine!" t. pookrainian uploader >>214393 they are referring to azov btn itself as being part of that probably
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Caption video 1: "SHO boys, tanks stalled?" From the village of Podlipne, Sumy region, the "invincible warriors" abandoned their equipment and are walking home. Caption video 2: 👏 Residents of the Ukrainian village of Dobryanka went to the border with Belarus and said that they would not let Russian or Belarusian troops through. And then they sang the anthem of their country!
>>214375 It's possible to fight your country and not for globohomo lad.
>>214394 >they are referring to azov btn itself as being part of that probably we know Azov are being armed and funded by nato, so yeah
Asov are literally the only paramilitary white nationalist organisation in Europe. Speak volumes about you if support putins eurasian racemxing fantasies over European self-determination.
>>214400 Our own countries support them and arrest us, that's the only reason why moron.
>>214380 It's nice that there's still some good LoTR content coming out, since mainstream companies haven't touched it for over a decade now, and still aren't touching it
>>214400 dubs of truth: checked
>>214389 No shit they already do that every day of our lives
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>Lads supporting NATO backed anti-christian Slavs larping as Jerries because le based windmill
Same idiots posting about white Jihad and changing their pfp to Iran or China.
>>214408 >azov is le bad because uhh...
>>214408 Are you that retarded that you think just because you formed your own paramillitary org to defend your own homes that you someone support the globohomo agenda? Asov views on these issues are very clear. And what are they meant to do, blow off nato support so they can get steamrolled? You are a fucking larping retard who picks which ever side is trending on twitter. Asov are racist, so are you, ergo you should support asov.
>>214410 They're a bugmanish marvel tier escapist medium for losers in countries where it's illegal to say nigger.
>>214407 good lad need a new thread
>be ultranationalist nartzee militarised group >do everything literal jews say they could at least have been doing political assassinations and trying to gain control of ukraine for themselves if they were actually based and not stooges for actual jews like the israeli that funds them
If you weren't a larper who just posts on imageboards all day you'd realise Asov, Cossack house, and Misanthrope division have been doing bits all across Europe and even in North America promoting pro-white groups. They've held Conferences and organised with NRM, Skydas, Casapound, Generation Idenity, to name just a few. Just because you are fighting on the same side of the war with globhomo doesn't mean you support it.
>>214417 proofs
>>214417 >If you weren't a larper who just posts on imageboards all day Funny, because apparently that's how you managed to organise initially
>>214418 You can google it. They even came to the UK to organise with a past proscribed organisation but deemed them retards.
>>214417 100% doubt, GI came out of a nazbol group and doesnt associate with wignat types.
Message from Telegram channel: 🇷🇺📞🇫🇷 — Putin told Macron that a settlement with Ukraine is possible only if Russia's legitimate security interests are unconditionally taken into account, including: - Recognition of Russian sovereignty over Crimea - Demilitarization and Denazification of the Ukrainian state - Ensuring the neutral status of Ukraine
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>Asov are racist, so are you, ergo you should support asov. I'm racist enough to know that Slavs larping as Jerries for a Jew and a defence pact that puts out stuff like this should be killed en masse.
>>214423 KEEEEEEK that's fucking awful VILE
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Caption video 1: Remember that face: "Master class on the denazification of Ukraine from the Donbass commander of "Bely". Talokovka. Our days." - Russian Commander #UkraineRussiaWar #StopWarInUkraine #StopRussia #StopWar Caption video 2: Tonight the Russian military is patrolling the central streets of the city of #Berdyansk in the Zaporozhye region #StopWarInUkraine #UkraineRussiaWar
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I wish all Ukrainians a very pleasant DCS flight simulator run. Maybe next time Russia will invade the Ukrainian metaverse.

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