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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3660: Full Alert Edition Anonymous 03/06/2022 (Sun) 21:38:33 Id: 2c49a3 No. 218268
UK grants 50 Ukrainian refugee visas so far https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60640460 Thousands detained at anti-war protests across Russia https://www.rt.com/russia/551376-russia-protest-ukraine-military-operation/ Martin Roberts breaks down in tears outside Costco after trying to buy Calpol for Ukrainian children https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10583215/Martin-Roberts-breaks-tears-outside-Costco-trying-buy-Calpol-Ukrainian-children.html British floor-fitter, 65, drives battered Citroen van 1,300 miles across Europe to rescue Ukrainian wife, 51, and her cat 'Lucky' from war-torn homeland https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10583403/British-floor-fitter-65-drives-Citroen-van-1-300-miles-Europe-rescue-Ukrainian-wife.html ARCTIC BLAST: Brits set for snow in days as Met Office warns ’20 inches’ could fall and freezing -3C temperatures https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/17790825/weather-forecast-snow-uk-met-office/
>>218268 20 inches of snow?? we'll all surely perish
>>218268 >>218270 verygoodlads
>>218268 Good lad
new map
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Russians have found NATO IT assets with a Right Sector Volunteer Army Unit, which is not an official Ukrainian unit with the MoD nor Ministry of Interior.
>>218275 >two weeks in
>>218277 wew lad
>Full Alert also the name of a good Hong Kong action movie
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May be if Putler played more gsg he would have conquered Ukraine by now.
>>218281 a little concerned this may be leading into a covid 2.0 narrative for another couple years of sterilisation and genocide
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Kiev looking fucked tbh.
>>218284 are the russians finally getting their shit together?
hope they take the hydroelectric plant soon and we get another livestream
>>218284 I really hope jewinksy and his zogpigs are arrogant enough that he is still in the city and has to be airlifted out by black helicopter in a russian version of the afghanistan affair
>>218285 On the Kiev offensive, yes it seems so.
>putin is Q
>>218289 >Q column is sent into Ukraine armed with the latest of Russian military hardware >They lock up Zelinsky who is actually Hillary in disguise trust the plan fellow Qossacks
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pajeet news keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>218292 love them
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>>218280 full contact film night pleesh
>>218292 keeeeeeeeeeek its like the brass eye video
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with sound
>>218292 do the needful
>>218299 >woman cucks out even further shocker
imagine the kind of fucked up shit the goblin jew will have made her do to get a crumb of his power
>>218299 That was a given like two weeks ago.
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>jews and women
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Also the Russians are broke out west of Kharkov.
>>218300 She isn't cucking out further by moving further in our direction lad, Marine is not a Jew but she may as well be considering her actions over the lasst five years. Especially kicking Jean-Marine LePen out of his own party
>>218303 >...save evropa
Many Sirs kindly served
Hot buttered pancakes with maple syrup
>>218300 >>218306 Zemmour is at least rhetorically much more right-wing than Marine. Marine is a joke and the FN constituency hates her now Zemmour is a Jew so ~100% chance that he's lying and wouldn't do anything if elected obviously but Marine doesn't deserve a vote either. at least Zemmour is entertaining in a Trump sense, he says things that 'you aren't supposed to say'
LIVE RICHARD SPENCER VS JOEL DAVIS https://odysee.com/@keithwoods:e/SpencerVsDavis:2
>acknowledging Implicit Dick >in CY+7
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>Russian Defence Ministry: SBU with Azov militants are preparing a provocation with possible radioactive contamination of the area in the Kharkov region. >“Nationalists mined a reactor at an experimental nuclear facility located at the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology. The SBU and Azov battalion militants are planning to blow up the reactor and accuse the Russian >Armed Forces of allegedly launching a missile attack on an experimental nuclear facility. It is noted that on March 6, foreign journalists arrived in Kharkov to record the consequences of the provocation with the subsequent accusation of Russia in creating an environmental disaster. >RIA Novosti
>>218312 >CY+7
>>218310 he's a system release-valve, like Trump. The right's advances are directed into a kike that no doubt will try his hardest to splinter the nationalist base (see the Q retardation in the US) while doing nothing, and render the right even less effectual
Half way through woes' latest gram and hes said literally nothing, zoomer tier attention span, fucking mong.
>>218318 keeeeeeeeeek
do not want to toil on the morrow one bit
https://youtu.be/ZNeXl-9vepM >>218320 why should be melancholy whose business 'tis to toil
>>218297 >>218304 high energy tbh
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Latest autism.
>>218323 good to see some progress
late night porridge, just saw an ad on the telly and the skinny lass in it had nipples protruding from her top, very nice but how is this allowed on tv
lads who trade here you should buy EVRAZ stocks tomorrow
>EVRAZ plc is a British multinational vertically integrated steel manufacturing and mining company with headquarters in London, England. It has operations mainly in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Italy, Czech Republic, the United States, Canada and South Africa.
>>218327 gamble with me lad, it'll be fun. i have no idea if it's a good buy tbh but i saw it mentioned on /biz/ and it's -90% or something mad like that
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>Today's the first day of the war that Donetsk hasn't been shelled by Ukrainian artillery
>>218326 are you even allowed to buy them anymore?
>>218326 >>218327 >>218331 What do you use for trading?
>>218331 evraz is on the london exchange so unless it's been halted i think you can yeah >>218332 just use your banking app and set up a trading account, you need to do that first
day traders are mongs
>>218327 >As of 2015, the ultimate beneficial owners were Roman Abramovich (31.03%), chairman Alexander Abramov (21.59%) and CEO Aleksandr Frolov (10.78%).
>>218333 cheers, I usually just get S&P 500
>>218323 where do you find this map?
>>218334 tbh the successful ones are hedge funds.
>>218272 >no audio For shame lad smh
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smh flood again
i'll have to check the mannarino mri before i pull the trigger
>>218341 almost
look, i said it was gambling alright
Boris must be delighted about the Russian's special military operation. No one brings up his lockdown garden parties and he gets to play the statesman again.
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the only winner in the jew casino is shaitan
>>218341 This is fine
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>>218328 hmmmmmmst it's been in decline for over a month
>>218351 keeeeek
Brent crude oil surges to $130 a barrel
>>218353 >SURGES >£10 increase why is this a big deal?
>>218354 cost of oil has a direct impact on cost of everything else at the shops
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>>218354 >>218355 Compounded with fertiliser price, it's happening.
if you don't own any commodities stocks, you're fucked tbh
greg's telling me to buy commodity etf's, gas, oil and defence contractors
LBC host just said that Putin installs gas chambers in Ukraine
>>218357 shut up you poof
>>218358 he's selling you a fantasy buy a chicken and grow your own food if you want to survive what's cumming
Did see that my usual sweeties at the shop have went from £1 a month ago to £2.60
Saw some talk on youtube yonks ago (wish I could find it now smh) where the dude claimed that civilisation was basically fucked because everything we use is ultimately reliant on oil, if not just as a raw material then as a highly concentrated energy source. He talked about the energy implicit in consoomer products and how even with the best renewable energy sources we won't be able to manufacture those kinds of products because the energy is too sparse. >>218357 I-I'm sure my biotech shares will cope >checks them for the first time in forever >halved in value
>lads playing in the Gulag Casino mh
>>218364 whitepill tbh. the machine destroying the world has a life expectancy and we're rapidly nearing it.
>wagies thinking their chump change investments doing a 50% means anything when the elites use that level of money as toilet paper for a laugh the only way to get money is through either an incredibly good idea which goes viral or investment from already rich people.
>>218362 smh a crime against supperposting
>>218367 a few million pounds is all you need to never work again
>a few million pounds is all
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>the EUR
>nigger elf has the most boomer retard take on ukraine
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>>218359 Leaked MI5 intelligence confirms the Putin regime is transporting gas to Ukrainian gas facilities.
knowledge of the land is all ou need to never work again, just gotta give up /brit/
>>218373 mmm look at that sweet, sweet gas. imagine an Ubergrossgermaniums that had all of that gas to itself
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Revealed: Shocking footage of Russian guards gassing Ukrainian innocents Videos contain graphic imagery some viewers may find upsetting
>>218376 brapposting went too far, meme responsilbly
>>218376 I officially declare you an enemy of the white race.
>>218376 boring post
>218376 females should not do such things on film or in the presence of males
>>218375 Better not be spigposter
>Pop legend Shakin' Stevens guilty of hitting snapper with microphone >FORMER pop star Shakin' Stevens was fined yesterday for striking a press photographer with a microphone at one of his concerts. I know nothing about him but if he throws things at journalists then I like him
Missed this. A walking gorilla called Paulette Hamilton got elected MP in Brmingham openly talking about ethnic communities ballot stuffing, race war and advocating for an armed uprising of niggers againt whites.
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>>218386 They'll jump ship if things get the slightest inconvenient for them tbh.
not enthused about being called a poof out of nowhere earlier itt
Her constituency is 69% White British. I wonder if her advocacy of ethnic ballot stuffing is why she won.
doubt tbh
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Fresh Ukie Highway of Death in Kherson Oblast.
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>>218386 >Whoever comes in say hold this one, tick, postal vote comes back Literally can't decipher the precise meaning of this shit tbh. What the fuck does even mean? It's English words but clearly a different language. And it's funny how dem effnic communities got it locked down, I guess their turnout must be really high huh.
>>218392 ukrainian trucks
>>218394 No shit, retard.
>>218393 lefty activists get entire wog families postal votes then instructs them on how to vote.
>A coronavirus conspiracist who distributed anti-Semitic hoax theories has been given an extended jail sentence of more than 12 years. >He was also made subject to a counter-terrorism notification order for 30 years. >Matthew Henegan, 37, from St Neots in Cambridgeshire, was found guilty of possessing, distributing and publishing documents to stir up racial hatred. >Cambridgeshire Police searched his home on 17 April 2020 and found a large number of leaflets. >The judge said Henegan had previously undergone a mental health assessment after he shot himself with a gun. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-60594718 wew.
>>218399 >Henegan had previous convictions for inciting a child under the age of 16 to partake in sexual activity good riddance
>>218400 he should've gotten 12 years for that not the leaflets.
>>218401 inb4 it was his 15 year old gf when he was 17
>australians have already finished monday toil and are drinking tinnies and having a bbq rn
looks like he actually got just over 5 years in prison, still insanely high, but he has a ton of previous convictions
>>218405 how is that?
sounds like a massive autist tbh >>218406 8 year prison sentence, he will automatically serve 2/3 minus time on remand so prob <5 years
>>218407 well it's extended to 12, what does that mean?
>>218408 bullshit probation requirements, he has to meet probation officer and tell them where he is working etc
>>218409 but thats the jail sentence is it not?
Don't terror convictions need to serve 3/4ths now too
>>218411 he wasnt found guilty of terrorism so no
>>218412 its an absurd sentence in any case tbh
>>218413 yeah, hopefully he can appeal
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>BREAKING: Russia says Ukrainian security agency and the Azov battalion are planning to 'blow up' a nuclear reactor in Kharkov and accuse the Russian military of 'launching projectiles' at it >the western media has finally picked up the story
>every russia got cancelled keeek I thought we were supposed to be past teh wacism
>>218417 >every russia got cancelled
>Zelenksy just openly saying they are going to kill all russian artillery men now too >redditfags celebrating le heckin epic war crimes while calling every russian bullet fired a war crime
>>218418 check the news m9 >no visa cards >all sports stars cancelled etc etc
>218420 "every russia cancelled" is a nonsensical statement you spacker
>>218419 its so absurd how these westoid reddit zombie people are just sleepwalking into open jewish terror
Never knew the guy who ended Apartheid, De Klerk's, wife was brutally raped and murdered shortly after lmao >On 3 December 2001, de Klerk was murdered at her Dolphin Beach apartment in Blouberg, Cape Town. It was originally reported that the former first lady had taken her own life.[14] >Her killer, 21-year-old Luyanda Mboniswa, worked as a security guard in the luxury secure complex where de Klerk was living. Mboniswa violently gripped de Klerk's neck, breaking several bones in her throat and causing a blood vessel to burst in her eye. A steak knife was found embedded in her back and she also suffered several wounds to the head.[1] Mboniswa was acquitted of a rape charge but a pathologist was not able to rule out penetration.[15] >Her ex-husband had, at the time of the discovery of her body, been in Stockholm for a celebration on the centennial of the Nobel Peace Prize, and quickly returned to South Africa to issue a statement saying "I have learned with great shock and sorrow of the circumstances of the tragic death of my former wife Marike." Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, by then divorced from her husband Nelson, made a speech at the former First Lady's funeral in Pretoria, saying; "As a woman, I identify with the exhaustion of her emotional resources in helping to shape her husband's career."[16][17] She had chosen to attend de Klerk's funeral rather than the funeral of ANC stalwart Joe Modise.[citation needed]
>>218421 he meant russian you retard
Sanctions on Russia is just destroying NATO's soft power over Russia.
>>218425 tbh, also their economy tbf
>>218424 what are you his boyfriend, fuck off. >>218423 kek yeah he was such a cuck faggot who stabbed his own people in the back to get western upcummies
though once its sanctions you can do no more except war. if russia survives this its off the plantation for good.
>>218428 tbh, they need to keep their stock market closed for months and figure out new allies and probably lots of reindustrialisation, could be a really good thing for the country
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https://mobile.twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1500553480548892679 >#Russia began active preparations for disconnection from the global Internet >No later than March 11, all servers and domains must be transferred to the #Russian zone. In addition, detailed data on the network infrastructure of the sites is being collected.
Nexta is CIA front founded during/for the failed coup in Kazakhstan btw.
Belarus, sorry.
"I'm thinking of adding Russians to my personal list of boycotted escorts / sex workers. So that would mean no Roms, Brazilians (nationality, not pubic hair grooming) and Russians on my boycott list. Going to seek out Ukranians, Poles and Baltic Country girls for now at least. (tongue in cheek of course before I get shot down) Not sure my personal boycott is going to have much effect unfortunately. Seriously though, I guess the Russians over here are going to run into visa issues as they won't be able to get home anytime soon. " kekking hard
how will putin recover from this
Kyiv Independent and Nexta glow in the dark real hard.
>>218436 all the OSINT twitter types amazingly believe everything that meets the American Empire's interests.
>>218431 So Russian will end up between China and North Korea
>>218403 the majority of Europe's fertilizer is produced in Kola peninsula
>>218432 can't really be arsed to fret about schizo shite like this lad. i just want to get drunk enough to fall asleep in the next 2 hours, but not drunk enough that i sleep through my toil alarm. nexta is very low on my list of things i care about tbh
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>>218440 It's Belarusian news corp based in Poland, pure CIA lad.
>>218441 whatever lad idc
happenings are great but this is /brit/ not /pol/
Also if you can't understand the implications for the UK, week and half in, you're a massive mong.
>>218443 Then post so called /brit/ stuff then, your spastic.
>>218443 nothing noteworthy happens in Britain- just slow, boring decay
>>218447 i won't argue that, all western countries are fucking boring now, nothing ever changes
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Caption video: Consequences of the explosion in Kharkov after the airstrike Caption image: Kharkiv Railway station.
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>It's not only "funded" but also run by the US. Nominally, these labs are managed by the country, but in reality, only US researches have access to the hard stuff going on in them, Russian sources say. Together with the nuclear ambitions of Kiev, there's much more of a WMD case here, than the US had in Iraq: >The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation reported about the military biological program being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the United States. The ministry said that the development of biological weapons components was carried out in Ukraine.
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>Unconfirmed news about significant clashes in/around Nikolayev: A call for blood donations has emerged in the city, which means that the Ukrainian Forces have had heavy losses
>>218426 >also their economy tbf Maybe not if Russia still trades with non-Western civilisations
>BREAKING: Brent crude oil back over $130
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Fresh Su-35 kino; https://files.catbox.moe/x5muk0.mp4 Looks like hypersonic missiles.
>ex Royal Marines You can see right through them.
>BREAKING: Copper hits $5, an all-time high.
>>218458 >stocks, crypo, FIAT down >real estate, food, precious metals, oil/gas up so... how do we make money on this?
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Caption videos 1-2: Another video of the aftermath of the morning shelling ‼️ There are many shells around the city that did not explode. Never approach, lift or attempt to move them yourself. Call the pyrotechnicians at 101, 102. Caption video 3: Tanks of Ukraine yesterday afternoon moving from the north to the Antonovsky bridge, where the battle will take place. The entire Colon will be destroyed a little later in the day! Caption image 1: #ukraine #russia 🇺🇸 American Global Hawk monitors the situation in the Black Sea
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>>218460 Video 3
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>Attempts by the Polish authorities to occupy Russian real estate in Warsaw are illegal, if they are implemented, Moscow will respond adequately, the Russian Foreign Ministry told RIA Novosti Just start shooting the cunts if they try and take your home/business tbqh.
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Caption: 👹But this Russian turntable didn't wake up today👹
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>The ex-GRU employee, Colonel Sergei Skripal, who allegedly became a victim of the toxic substance Novichok, is being deported from the UK because of the understatement of his position regarding Russia's military special operation in Ukraine. >"Mr. Skripal was the first of the Russians who received political asylum in the UK needs to to condemn Putin and his adventure in Ukraine. We gave him a salary, a house, cable TV, we saved his life after being poisoned with a chemical warfare agent. And as a result, he secretly watched RT and drank champagne for every bridge blown up by the Russian occupiers. He will be immediately expelled from the UK," British Foreign Secretary Elizabeth Truss said.
>>218464 kek. I remember the hysteria about that incident well too.
>>218457 Be a shame if he was a good lad caught up in westoid propaganda that he's parroting. Probably glows in the dark though.
>>218399 Hate anarcho tyranny so much.
>>218466 Nah, they're genuinely too retarded for SBS/SAS. They are giddy seeing themselves in the news too.
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This goes along with the Readovka map that's always getting posted
>>218294 Full Contact is great too. Ringo Lam films in general are great
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>The price of gas is already $2713 per thousand cubic meters!
>>218464 keeeeeek >you must think how we want you to think or you will be deported >RT is banned Truly, we are a free country. Not that deportation of furriners is a bad thing.
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Morning, lids
>>218475 bit gay
>>218474 Tbh tbh. >>218475 Smorning lad.
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>Gas just hit over $3000 p/m³
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It's happening, were on the train and there is no brakes.
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>Food Fucked >Energy Fucked >infrastructure Fucked >Housing Fucked >Wages Fucked >War Djibouti Shootie
It's ogre
>>218475 morning you rotter
>>218440 nigger
>all the twitter cunts ganging up in Peter Hutchens for a 2013 speech at the University of Bristol Why I Like Vladimir Putin as well denying the Holodomor as a Ukie fable Most of these leftie cunts a week and a half ago would have rolled their eyes at Holodomor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeO44STvnJw
>>218482 alright lad
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>"Kiev has refused to open humanitarian corridors proposed by Russia" - Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk They know Kiev is ethnic Russian and won't the civvies flee to Belarus.
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>>218464 Cool, so you can be deported for this whilst the government imports an endless stream of outsiders who hate us and want to kill us. Nice to know where you stand.
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>UnionPay, an international payment system founded in 2002, received international status in 2005. Headquartered in Shanghai, the company reportedly operates in more than 180 countries across the globe, including Switzerland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Germany, Mexico, Cyprus, Thailand, India, Israel, Portugal, Croatia, Poland, Serbia, Hungary and Austria. So what, is the plan to spread Chinese financial institutions so the moneymen can jump ship more easily?
going to the gym soon
>Russia’s lead forces have been ‘decimated’ - head of Britain’s Armed Forces It's over.
>>218491 propaganda?
>>218492 he then went on to say >but aggression could be ramped up with more indiscriminate killing So probably. kek.
>>218492 Of course not lad, Putin lost and Russian forces are all retreating, war's over.
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very pleasant sensual french breathing https://youtu.be/is_DPAsfdzw
would like to beat you to death with a stale baguette, d'accord merci
What a sad cunt
seen her porn tbh
>>218500 >no bush what a letdown
backup link lads? I couldn't access the site for about half an hour there
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this meme is fucking vile
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>>218504 Commander of 1/3 Division
>>218503 blame the poles, I think they started it
>>218505 keeeek >>218506 it makes me want to vomit and laugh at the same time
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Caption video 1, image 1: 🇩🇪⚡US & German tanks were spotted mobilizing in the city of Frankfurt. Messages from a Telegram channel: 🚨BREAKING - A Russian ship has been targeted & hit in the Black Sea - Spokesman of Operational staff of the Odessa military administration. 🚨BREAKING - A Russian ship has been targeted & hit in the Black Sea - Spokesman of Operational staff of the Odessa military administration. 🚨BREAKING - The Russian delegation is en-route Belarus for the third round of negotiations Caption image 2: ❗️🇬🇺⛔️ Russia will completely disconnect from the global Internet on Friday, March 11th. This is reported by the American financial company Market Rebellion. Russians will only have access to websites and servers in the Russian zone. In March 2019, the Russian Federation already conducted tests during which they disconnected from the rest of the world, but maintained an internal Internet connection for their citizens. At present, the Russian authorities have already begun to send relevant documents to all owners of telecommunications services (portals, resources, websites). Animal grin of Cheburnet is already on your doorstep, Russians Caption video 2: ‼️⚡️This is how people are evacuated from Irpin in the Kyiv region - they are transferred under a collapsed bridge. In two hours, about two thousand people left the city, fleeing from the "Russian world". Caption video 3: ❗️ Captured Russian invaders in one day. And this is only in Sumy!💪 And what? Ukrainian captivity is a good thing. We even have a global Internet in captivity. So, Russian mothers and wives, your warriors will contact you soon. Unless, of course, your commander-in-chief doesn't block calls. Caption video 4: 💥Strike on Nikolaev this night - why did it explode so much ???
>>218508 >🇩🇪⚡US & German tanks were spotted mobilizing in the city of Frankfurt. >❗️🇬🇺⛔️ Russia will completely disconnect from the global Internet on Friday, March 11th. This is reported by the American financial company Market Rebellion. holy heckin kino ahead
>>218508 I wish we could disconnect from the world internet smh
After the revolution of course
>>218509 It's a really big move to disconnect. Like something a wounded animal might do, in desperation. But if there is so much anti-Russian sentiment being published then perhaps the planners are making the wiser choice, if indeed there is such follow through and suddenly no more everyday Russians on our internet anymore.
>>218511 Good thinking. Luddism is the way forward tbh
>>218512 it's the based and prudent thing to do tbh, protecting their citizens against globohomo poz like the chinkies do
>>218514 Oh the Chinese have it in place already. That does make it feel more safe. Chinese are pretty strong relatively speaking lots of overseas activity.
>Islamic terrorism Blaming muslims is le bad >Chinese bioweapon Blaming chinese is led bad >Russia reconquista Ban Russians from competing in the paralympics
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>Wessex missed out on PA's Spring 2022 Conference complete with a 3 course meal He's never going to recover from this
>>218517 imagine the smell did Noseley talk about anything important or are they still impotent?
their review https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/Patriotic-Alternative-Spring-2022-Conference-Review:a meatybraps looks like she's been replaced with a diffferent actor here tbh
>>218519 face blindness? she looks the same as always
>>218516 In the mind of the Boomer the Cold War has started up again so fast, and Boomer finds himself on the losing side. Combine that with a deep seated white guilt which extends to all white-looking people making power moves.
>>218521 Boomers fucking love that Cold War nostalgia. Makes them feel young again.
>>218518 He probably talked about how covid conspiracies where terrible while mischaracterising them like a fucking normigroid.
>>218497 >ASMR no
Tesco Value Bag Nationalism
>>218525 based
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Caption video 1, image 1: 🇺🇦 Residents of Chaplinka (Kherson region) do not get shot. Stink on your land. The stench is not afraid. Caption video 2, image 2: 👏🔥Another Russian rear column destroyed
>>218527 >Stink on your land. The stench is not afraid. luv these literally translated insults tbh makes me smile
>>218522 There are "people" on the internet unironically seething about this being the return of the commies. Day of the pillow when?
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>>218326 >its gone up 45%
post-toil snack consisting of a chorizo and some cheese
>>218528 The stench of resistance.
I quite like Maajid tbh. I hated him at first, but I ended up liking his Sunday show (although we disagree on many things ofc).
>>218517 >>218518 >>218519 She's doing keto. Women can lose a lot of weight right after pregnancy, if they play it right.
>Joe saying spear >valensky instead of zelensky Based
>>218534 but lad he's furrin >>218537 how will he ever recover
>>218538 he's a foreigner and should go back, but I started liking him after he spent 30 minutes talking about Commodore 64.
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Looks more like Bibi Netanyahu
>>218534 Don't trust him because he's an ex-muzzpoo turned explicit zogling thinktanker tbf. Stinks of controlled opposition tbh.
>>218539 okay yeah that is based >>218540 keeeeeek yeah tbh >>218541 tbh leading his audience down some civic centrist dead end road
>>218533 Cheers
>>218541 >>218542 It is possible to like someone without agreeing with them.
>>218544 got nothing to do with liking him
when it comes to commodore though for me it's playing games on my dad's amiga back when i was a wee un >>218544 tbh true
or agreeing for that matter. spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
>>218539 missed this, fairplay tbh
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>>218549 why do they do it lads
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Times are hard and friends are few, there's a chinky lass just for you.
>>218551 keeeeeeeek
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This age is miserable and stalwart comrades few Adieu, My Friend, Adieu
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>>218553 keeeeeeek good lad
boomerposting tbh talked about wanting to invest my savings and asked about their financial advisor and if I could get a referral but they wouldn't go there smh, I guess a mere 5 digits isn't enough for playing with the big boys grandad was happy that the xoomer's inheritance funds went up 160% over 14 years nice knowing they've got all that cash to piss away they also asked if I had ever thought about buying a house which made me go clownmode internally
>>218555 dont care
>>218555 five figues is an alright start but unless you have an actual source of income they won't recommend that you take the risk. They'll likely recommend you but a unit trust or OEIC which is what you should be aiming for if you have less than £100,000
>>218555 sick of boomoids tbh all acting as though they're the last generation to ever live
now doing CV work got some examples of what the latest set of email senders expect and their CVs are complete shit and covered in spelling mistakes and so on, very obviously zero effort put into it but I'm expected to find them helpful and inspirational >>218556 thank (you) for the (you) regardless m'lad >>218557 yeah that's what the banklass said tbh, that or premium bonds feel like anything I do at my level (only just entering 5 figures) will be a mistake and not return enough to be worth it smh
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>five figures
>>218560 I'm about £3 away from going under that keek smh probably already happened since I got my bank statement last month think my savings account brings it back out again though, all those years of earning about 5p a year finally paying off
cuckdeau on the telly being given a platform by the BBC despite being an evil totalitarian dictator smh can't take him seriously after that pic where he's fleeing to his holiday home and not gussied up for the cameras
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>>218561 Since you're so rich, lad...
>>218562 >cuckdeau on the telly being given a platform by the BBC despite being an evil totalitarian dictator Tbh and unironically tbh smh.
>>218563 reminds me of those cattledeanos spending 10k on gold plated burgers flipped by some negro eceleb who's thing was sprinkling salt on them or whatever keeek
>>218566 based
I wonder were all those dim witted end of history liberals have slinked off too.
Oh right they're on twitter demanding war.
>>218570 And accusing Tories of being Russian plants.
>>218569 >>218570 you're just jealous to be on the wrong side of herstory
Anyone got the Memri Albanian memi?
>>218572 At least they're admitting history hasn't stopped now.
>dude francis fukuyama was wrong riveting
mad lad is salty he missed the steel company pump.
Is schizo back? Or is it just aggnonce in a strop?
>>218577 What are you talking about? I see no schizooming and not even glorious leader is that quick at deleting poosts.
>>218578 just the snappy butthurt comments
>mmm yes francis fukuyama, bit silly in restrospect if you really think about it
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>snappy butthurt comments >must be schizophrenia
the funny thing is it wasn't even a comment on fukuyama. More on the people using twitter.
that's not what I said you fucking spakker
>history is happening right now >let that sink in
>>218584 this post, is now history.
https://youtu.be/7rBH9tjJWdU *humiliates manlets on live tv*
madlad only pays his aunt £2 a week to live with her
>>218586 >knowing french disgusting habit tbh.
>>218584 It's a bigger version of what happened in Georgia
>>218589 Nothing has happened in Georgia, those borders have always been like that, the US State department in conjunction with CNN said so.
>arrogant liberal elites thought that history had ended... smart nuanced unherd reads know the white working class
What is unherd?
>>218586 Luv French women. 'Ate French women.
>218591 >the bigbrain pointing out the low-hanging fruit snooze
Oh so unherd is basically just a libertarian news website.
>>218595 its more blue labour anti woke types. adam curtis the website.
>>218592 Some online rag that gives voices to those #cancelled based TM opinion having people like Brendan O'Neil (pro abortion leftoid freezed peach extremist) and weirdly I think Dianne Abbot and Peter Hitchens have wrote in it once.
>>218596 >adam curtis who?
>>218598 >adam curtis Yeah I just had to look him up.
>>218590 Looking forward to this war being over so that these "historians" who can only keep one thought at a time, will have that mental space available for more local issues.
>>218599 intimidated by this normie lad tbh
>>218600 I don't think you can mobilise anything here without someone asking about how it relates to Russia atm.
Not sure what Adam Curtis has to do with unherd, or blue Labour anti wokeists, which sound suspiciously like a code for Blairites.
There's only one Curtis I like
granny having a coughing fit but not drinking anything birds getting bold enough to feed while I sit next to the window with the feeders on it though
>indict >you don't pronounce the c wtf how is it pronounced
>>218603 I thought most of new labour signed on for the identity politicking and tranny dick sucking?
>>218606 Time to move in and secure grannies funds before your mum can get to them.
>>218608 So have all the anti-wokeists. They just realise wokeism is too blatant and repulsive to Bazza and Deano on't street.
>pigeon notices me moving just as it flies in >does a hummingbird impression flapping back and forth sideways while it decides over food or fleeing and eventually settles in the hedge keeeeeek dumb birds
>>218610 So they're going to pretend like they give a shit about the norf instead of wogs to regain it for another election cycle.
>>218597 Dianna Abbot is one of those really bizarre broken clocks tbh.
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Woke vs anti-woke is the most meaningless shadow boxing in British politics, which is entirely meaningless shadow boxing. Okay, thank you.
>>218614 You're white and British supremacist or your gay simple as
>>218614 It won't be when they use the policies involved to turn the country SA tier politically, socially and economically.
>>218615 What if I'm all three?
>>218618 You'll be hanged last?
>>218619 Sounds fair.
>filters self from thread *poof*
>>218618 wanna see my cock
gay niggers
>>218623 mmmm where?
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Caption video 1: 🇺🇦 Kakhovka today We are proud of the people of Ukraine! Caption video 2: "Glory to Ukraine, motherfuckers!" This is how a Russian train with military equipment is greeted in Melitopol. They say that Ukrainian farmers have already started refueling tractors. Caption image: ⚡️Photos from negotiations Caption video 3: "Get up, Melitopol!" A grandiose march in the captured Ukrainian city. No one greets the invaders with flowers. Caption video 4: ❗️Nikolaev now. The occupiers covered the residential microdistrict Balabanovka in the southern part of the city with hailstones Probably there are NATO bases and a lot of gay Nazis threatening the Orthodox Russian
>>218625 smh I thought the march was going to be a kino russian military parade just like in the old days and not some gay globohomo shitstain soyim walking around with their phones out larping as superheroes and taking selfies for updoots
>Dublin, Ireland. A man in a truck rammed the gates of the Russian embassy. The driver has now been arrested
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>mum >understands how anti-white the media is, and the constant lying/wog loving >trusts them on everything else. I'm going fucking insane.
>>218627 taigs and their rapacious desire for yankee cum
>>218627 wew smh hate how much power the conspiracy has over the cattle smh idiots like that should be ramming their trucks into migrant barracks and tranny clinics etc not embassies
>>218627 >that swastika Every war revolves around Hitler. Based
>>218627 >>218627 shame he wasn't shot by security
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Caption video 1: -1 column of fuel trucks of the occupiers. Somewhere near Pryluky. Caption video 2: Territorial defense continues to establish its own rules ... The main thing is who has weapons - apparently, this is how events will develop in the near future in Ukraine, where civilians have been given tens of thousands of "barrels" in their hands. You don't have to look far for an example - representatives of the Chernihiv theodefense smash the shelves of a store with alcohol, and also promise to shoot everyone they see "with booze" in the legs. Is that why we give them weapons? Maybe it's time to clean up? Caption video 3: Nikolaev today there are fights all day Message from a Telegram channel: ❗🇷🇺 🇺🇦 Russia will agree to stop the military operation, if Ukraine follows the proposed points put forward by Russia that is - 1) Appoint Yuriy Anatoliyovych Boyko as the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Zelenskyy will remain pro forma President. 2) Declare DPR & LPR as independent countries 3) Declare Crimea as a part of Russia. 4) Give a written guarantee that Ukraine will not join NATO. These points will be discussed in today's negotiations. Caption video 4: A huge amount of military equipment is moving in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Many people are suspicious of this Caption video 5: Putin needs to be stopped look at the now fatherless families 😭
https://files.catbox.moe/c1gpm2.mp4 >🇷🇺❌🇺🇦⚠ — Footage shows Ukrainian abandoned trenches in Donbass
>>218555 scum the lot of them
>>218626 The wog is holding his selfie camera like a mirror smh
>>218628 How many hours of telly does she watch every day?
>>218637 Too fucking much
If only Martin could drive a lorry now, we could pick up a whole lorry load of holhol brides as our refugees. Wessie could ride shotgun.
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>>218639 Just 5 more months
>>218639 They'd see those 2 and walk back towards the Russian tanks. smh.
Don't like the look of Ukie lassies tbh. Prefer my russians me
>>218640 wew do HGVs drive wih snow chains on in Norg? Doesn't that absolutely destroy the roads?
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>>218643 I guess. Ironically the roads where you need chains most of the time doesn't seem that bad. There are two mountain passes on our main road(E6) which in winter gets snowed over and to get over them you have to line up and drive in a column with a truck with a plough at the front. Korgenfjellet and Saltfjellet are nationally known as notoriously bad to drive over smh. Boys in the pic are waiting for a plough truck
>>218645 > mountain passes kino
putting chains on was enough exercise for a year tbh >In winter you have to do it almost every day , and probably multiple times mummy
>>218644 this is from a year ago
>people in class talking about how Russians are going around executing civilians as a way to cull resistance AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHY CAN'T THEY THINK LOGICALLY
>>218649 The media is just making up bs atrocity propaganda, really puts the whole holocaust thing into perspective
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Finally some Russian combat footage that isn't propaganda.
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>>218653 Huh I had this exact reaction I just didn't type it
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>>218656 >demoscats
Strangelove is such a crap film
>>218659 Making the Kissinger clone a Natzi was subversive tbh.
Ear has been completely blocked for 3 days lads, can't hear anything out it
>>218661 Poke it with stuff
Deplatforming an entire country
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hate how a decade of /pol/ schizo shit has made me sometimes see schizo shit in mundane shitty TV shows
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"Kiev will return to Russia" - Harry Potter
>>218669 keeeeeeeek
>>218668 It's still preferable to the other side of the coin
>>218671 keeek yeah being a hylic
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>Mummy talks about donating clothes to Ukraine >Ask her if she's ever even met a Ukrainian, and asked her why she didnt donate clothes to the millions of shitskinm countries the US bombed and invaded >Just starts laughing >Sisters take on it all is that Putin is just swinging his dick and those poor Ukrainian families >Tell her to imagine if a country was arming scotland and scotland started talking about invading london would she just sit there and do nothing >Uh yeah Nuclear war is the best option
I hate being cursed with having the right opinions
>>218675 literally smhsmh
It was the same when covid hit and georgey boys death I eventually broke them down
>>218633 >❗🇷🇺 🇺🇦 Russia will agree to stop the military operation, if Ukraine follows the proposed points put forward by Russia that is - 1) Appoint Yuriy Anatoliyovych Boyko as the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Zelenskyy will remain pro forma President. 2) Declare DPR & LPR as independent countries 3) Declare Crimea as a part of Russia. 4) Give a written guarantee that Ukraine will not join NATO. These points will be discussed in today's negotiations. I hope this isn't true, Russia should impose much harsher terms than that. Don't declare DPR/LPR independent, annex both oblasts into Russia. Don't let Zelensky remain in the Ukraine at all, kick his ass back to Israel. Written guarantee is not good enough, the Ukraine should become a Russian satellite state that is permanently occupied by the military.
>>218678 not like the ukraine will accept those terms anyway, they want to squeeze all the blood they can out of the ukro population
>>218678 having the breakaways be indie is important because they then form a buffer between russia and pookraine, lets russia do some polishitical tricks and stuff that just annexing more clay into le blob doesn't
>>218680 Kharkiv, Sumy and Chernihiv Oblast's all border Russia aswell.
Kharkov is kicking off big apparently.
>>218681 a set up for something like france and germany and le blitz through the netherlands around the maginot line I guess
>>218683 what are you on about?
>>218684 pootine might want those breakaway states because then his technical border with ukraine is shorter and they could act like the netherlands did in the events I describe if he had to go to war with west zog again dunno tbh
I'm in so many Russian telegram channels, hop I don't get v& by the big boys for being vile.
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I no longer feel comfortable on the internet as a wignat. There are no safe spaces anymore. Everything has been co-opted by religious nutjobs and "trads"
>>218687 smh he went to the wrong side https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Gordon russia has always been a safe haven for celtoids
the guy with the neckbeard looks like he is from the shidwest
>>218689 what do you mean lad are you being called cringe and put in the cringe cage by larping gayper spics?
>>218690 The Scottish built the Russian Navy. Scottish-Russians are a real thing.
Lynda Baron has died lads
My boomer boss was going on about how terrible the Russian invasion is and how it came out of nowhere. I said that it was more or less expected what with ongoing armed conflict between Ukrainians and Russians since 2014. Then he goes on about how terrible war is and how a doodlebug destroyed a local church in WW2, poor civilians etc. etc. Fucks sake. Not everything is WW2. I will never care about Ukrainians as if they were Englishmen.
>evraz up 28% it's over
>>218694 smh nurse Gladys was so peng lads not fair

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Fresh sneetheharvest.
>>218698 I'd let her touch my bum ngl
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>>218694 Weird show now I remember it. Why was a middle aged woman taking her fur baby on a plane she flew on kids tv every week? >218699
>>218698 >dedicate yourself to Amadeus >can't even fuck without plastic instruments
>>218698 this makes me want to vomit
>>218702 *Asmodeus
I hate this shit with the "playing" with "toys", it's so juvenile, literally a jew trying to convince white people to shove things up their ass instead of making babies and women specifically just eat it up, so EMPOWERING
>>218704 Yeah was going to say jewgle just came back with amadeus being love of God.
>>218706 To be honest I thought it was something to do with Mozart's supposed scatological obsession.
>>218706 >>218707 jewgle "corrected" it, didn't check properly. Asmodeus is the prince of lust.
I hate cooming and losing coom energy since women don't even have kids anymore all they do is steal coom energy and waste it, women should stop acting slutty since all they do is waste coom
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>>218686 >deports you to Belarus for sympathising with the enemy
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shut up incel
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>when you coom and the stars are not in alignment and then your bollocks ache for the rest of the day.
>>218709 men have the power to set things straight but we are dominated by people who want nothing but corruption
roast pork with crackling and buttered leeks and roast tatoes and yorkies and carrots and purple broccoli and apple sauce and gravy and it was very nice except for where I mostly got rubbery pure fat bits instead of proper slices of meat followed by meringue with fruit and cream and it was very nice
>>218714 Sounds lush lad
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>>218714 good lad
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finished first day at new warehouse (workhouse) toil. some boomoid going on about how tommy robinson is a russian agent and that darkies are "alright" because of le based corner shop man. mental how much prog shite has trickled down to the working class.
also a clone of mine was driving the bus back HOWEVER the high street was occupied by a wigger-nigger-raghead-wog-foul-urbanoid-dangerous-hoodie-asbo-teenager warband of at least two dozen idlers and it was scary >>218717 at least warehousetoil is pretty decent get on that forklift license lad
>>218717 a steady diet of reality tv and sportsball will do that
also not sure why he started talking to be about this. might be getting gangstalked tbh.
>>218716 big tiger that
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>>218721 You probably are tbf
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That lad got me cruising wiki pages and remembering just how messily but definitively linked Christianity, Judaism and Islam are, and to the various regional Pagan religions, mythology and superstition. The Christian God was almost certainly originally a kind of King or Emperor of 'all the Gods'. Realising that Catholics were praying to saints as if they're spirits that interfere in worldly events was weird as a kid. Tbh could do with Bartholomew's help as the adversary of the demons of laziness. Keeek. Smh.
>>218701 don't ruin it
Anybody got a link to that do it to yourself and now your in hell incel song?
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Fresh Autism.
mummy has discovered rumble and schizo qoomers
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>Ruskies getting absolutely slaughtered by brave Ukie resistance >Ukies need our help from big bad Russians
this is a consequence of censorship tbh if they'd have just let her have her rt show none of this would be happening
>>218694 >the crisps episode was banned
>>218728 steer her toward steinhog
>>218728 Link her Steiner's channel lad
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I bet they're niggers Poland wouldn't let in.
>>218735 Keeeeek but for what pvrpose do yov poost this lad?
>>218736 one week into lent tbh. feeling it
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>>218737 What did you give up?
>>218740 it's not hard to figure out, lad
>>218738 Also; >"Da, zkhszllzit shfyak gzitlzmen"
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>>218740 seed oils, sweeties, chocolate, cooming and alcohol
>>218741 Wanking? Spoonfeed me I'm an innocent troglodyte
>>218743 Good luck lad, that's a very tall order.
>>218744 yes, most likely nocoom
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Fresh uncut Slavic turbo autism.
>>218745 thanks lad. I've got more energy but all that's transferred to is extra seething so far
>>218748 Yeah I think the hardest bit is ingraining new good habits.
>>218717 just bully his gay opinions out of him instead of seething online. why are you such a sissy?
>>218738 >wordswordswords >zoomerdoomerwojak gay
you okay agg? Your nan die or somthin?
feel like half the lads I speak to these days are suffering from some weird combination of ear and jaw problems
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>>218753 Had an ache in my jaw a few days ago tbh came as soon as the eye twitching stopped
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then my worst fears are confirmed
>>218753 lads didn't gigavax
>have to fill in 8 forms for new job interview/agency interview (forgot what I'm even fucking applying for at this rate) >Some of them she wanted me to edit in word doing it in pen and scanning it on fuck them
>>218756 >can't tell if the screencap is satire or not >>218757 good lad don't even use word smee I'm not paying a fucking subscription fee for a word processor microshart can suck jewpoo willies
>>218758 >subscription fee for a word processor tbh, it's £80 for a year subscription
use textmaker
>>218759 keeek smh it's basically a global megacorporation scalping boomers who don't understand computers properly really playing into their new indian ethos
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just don't bother with any of it
>Youtube has blocked all the Russian TV channels
Wew I didn't think the great firewall would go up that fast.
>>218760 I use open office tbh >>218762 *scans my willy to them and demands a job* >>218763 it's absolutely cringe
>>218763 it looks like odysee has cucked on RT it's only on rumble now
What's more cringe is thinking that blocking jewflix and yidsney plus are going to cow the Russians. They do realise that Russians torrent the shit out of everything?
>>218765 >>218764 It's a piss take, Russian TV often uses YouTube to stream live TV and for on demand, now you need a Russian IP to watch it all.
>>218751 yeah 'memes' have really taken a massive nosedive in quality since 8chan went down, not much good oc anymore
>they actually did an update on the honkers steiner will be pleased https://odysee.com/@RT:fd/people's-convoy-protesters-head-to:f
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LibreOffice is the best free office software, tbh.
>>218769 livestream is down
rule 34 already firing up
>>218776 >old_disgusting_man.jpg
>>218709 on day 4 nofap smeeself, its easy enough so long as you avoid stimulation but its everywhere so very difficult
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mfw women
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Russia recruiting Syrians to fight hohols kikes mad
>>218782 >ywn b a humble onion dryer
>>218777 >ugly bastard meme vtuber does independent journalism by photographing faggot soyim prootesting about ukraine keeeek
oh it's in london which is why it's relevant
>>218784 >wessex easily self-inserts
>>218786 KEEEEEK smh
>>218783 kek it sounds like satire >The Equestrian Club which is now a military base for Russia >The Onion Drying Factory
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The common misconception is that it is the winners who write history. In reality, history is written by historians. We don’t always get everything right and our craft always strides for nuance and perfection. However, we know that our colleagues will get this one right, immediately. Over the next years, historians will write about a tyrant whose only bid for greatness is the fact that he was born on a pile of oil and nuclear weapons. They will write about Russia’s vile and unjustified invasion of Ukraine, fueled by ambitions of grandeur from a madman – Vladimir Putin. They will write about the unified reaction of the free world, which while it doesn’t get everything right all the time, is at the very least on the right trajectory. But most of all, historians of today and of the future will write about the heroic defiance of Ukraine and its people who are standing tall in the face of invader, demonstrating valor that will live for generations. While there is little that many of us can do directly, we can promise that the truth of this event will not be forgotten. Our video on the ancient history of the Kyivan Rus talks about the common history of three fraternal peoples and we will donate part of the revenue from that video to the humanitarian causes helping Ukraine in this situation. We make a plea to our dear viewers to consider donating as well to these causes. Here is the link: https://help-ukraine.carrd.co/
My pappy broke his back down at that ol' onion dryin' factory for damn near 40 years
Historians should be dispassionate and impartial tbh dgaf
>>218789 >>218790 keeeeek love these poosts >>218791 tbh empirical history only and it's okay because we (the good guys) are always right and our views always align with reality
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>>218793 keeeeeeeek
*lies on top of woman*
>The Utah prisoner of war massacre (headlined by Time as Midnight Massacre[1][2]) took place after the end of World War II in Europe at midnight on July 8, 1945 at a German and Italian prisoner-of-war camp in Salina, Utah. Nine German prisoners of war were murdered and nineteen prisoners were wounded by American private Clarence V. Bertucci, who was on active duty in the camp. After a night out, Bertucci returned to camp around midnight to assume his night duty at the guard tower. Bertucci subsequently loaded the .30-caliber M1917 Browning machine gun on the tower and fired at the tents of the sleeping prisoners. After the massacre, he revealed his motivation was that, "he had hated Germans, so he had killed Germans." Six Germans were immediately killed, two died in Salina's hospital, one died in an army hospital, and nineteen were wounded.
>>218796 such a lust for blood... MMUUUUTTT!
Russians can afford themselves to be wanting on TikTok, but they can still achieve the operational success.
>keep reading wikis on leftist terrorists >they are all supported by academics and lawyers and politicians at least partly at the time >even when they murder several people they usually get 20 years in jail before being released after 5-10 years on parole liberal "democracy" at work
>>218799 academia is cancer
>>218799 still seething about the cardiff bomb workshop duo that got almost no punishment compared to the dafties given a decade and a half in the same year
https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/jul/18/neo-nazi-group-national-action-members-jailed Matt and Chris might be out soon if they let you off on good behaviour too
https://tellmamauk.org/national-action-man-accused-of-belonging-to-banned-neo-nazi-terror-group/ Another person has been arrested on suspiscion of belonging to a group that disbanded December 2016
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>>218802 >While attending preventative intervention programmes, Coulson dressed in camouflage and claimed “all Jews should be exterminated”, prosecutors said. what a mong
>>218806 fucking keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>218809 They can't even get it right, his mum was from Syria-Palestina and he and his father were from Cappadoccia in Grease Also, >ensure our freedoms Name one keeeeek
>>218810 To stick your willy up another man's bumhole.
>>218806 keeeeek >jewsdid911.com is already taken shame
>During a police interview Coulson had described Adolf Hitler as his “leader”, the court heard.
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BORIS'S PLAN TO END THE WAR!!! >Support Ukraine's efforts to defend itself >Rendew diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the crisis hmmm, those sound like mutually incompatible goals there Boris you silly clown!
>>218810 freedom to taunt the whitey
>>218814 Boris is starting to look like middle aged woman pembs
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>>218814 no one remembers about his birthday cake right now
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>>218817 omg he must resign over that hecking cakerino!!!
>>218816 >Boris is starting to look like middle aged woman pembs he's had his fun, now looking to settle down
https://youtu.be/j-s-5U45OHo if i could bomb the entire niggers iwould
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put a bullet in it
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Lurking foreveralonewomen rn
>>218821 That really him? Wew.
>>218821 is there a longer version of this?
>bossman cancels the cheeky half day he promised earlier so now its a full day of gruesome toil tomorrow and I'll be out the house for 10+ hours plus the 2 hours of pre toil prep.
>>218825 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPT4oGTOHRo there is also one where he plays a piano with his cock
>>218826 yikes
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>>218832 keeeeeek lad
>>218829 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>218832 very good lad
>>218827 god it's not only gay, but also really really bad why is a president doing stuff like this?
>>218832 Good lad
four (you)'s on a david davis post
>>218837 the jews
smh hope the flood warning doesn't snatch it again
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Boogie2988 sentenced to death over the Frank Hassle incident jk he pleaed out to probation
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>>218843 >>218844 think I need to give it a miss for a night smh the captcha check keeps messing it up
>this website is a whole 15 secs off
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worst thing about this war is that the nazis really are the bad guys - the are fighting for globohomo
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daily reminder that hol hols fuck off
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>>218270 I had a skim through these - how are these definitive proof of US funding virus labs in Ukraine?
>>218781 that muskrat is not goin
>>218850 Because of the DoD contractors and subcontractors, and their history as DoD contractors going back to the 1950s. .
>>218852 that doesn't prove they are making viruses though
lads are the white hats gonna get me a fit gf?
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>>218854 They were researching them. Did I say they were making them?
>>218672 fuck non-schizoid posters tbh
>>218855 no they're all getting sent to the Tel Aviv sex mines
reflexive anti-conspiracy posting is nigger-brained cope
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>>218789 >the free world
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>As an adult, she has studied Kabbalist teachings. Oh no, she's a gnosticfag.
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oops I did it again
leave brittany alone
>218862 Cringe it up yank, the mischling synarchy has its boot in your neck and you will continue being a miserable incel. >>218869 >doom with stupid voices
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Bit worried Globohomo is winning against Pootin
nah just woke up in a bad mood >bad lad
no, it's a media spin. I can believe they're taking heavy casualties but it's impossible for Russia not to 'win'. worst come to worst they can unleash the chechen rape gangs and crush their morale. probably will end up happening because hohols seem very committed to their "we'd rather die than submit" retardation, not just jewboy's government but the common steppe peasant as well
>cupcakes itt
>>218872 Couple of US Globohomomaster lll’s heading east >jews still picking up jews in Romania
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>hol hols >winning keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
I honestly wonder if Ukraine is being hung out to fry so NATO has the time to mobilise.
One of the flight trackers Flightradar and a few more around Spotted plenty of SIGINT aircraft yesterday as well as Hercules and Chinooks flying too near wester pookraine Must be dropping off mercs and special needs troops https://globe.adsbexchange.com/
>>218879 It's Yemen 2.0 they're probbaly providing a wide suite of EW intelligence as well as back line CAC.
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>>218876 I think Putin has won the land war, yeah But globohomo might be winning the propaganda and economic war, that's what I'm worried about I hope not though
>>218878 shartica is doing a great job destroying its own economy with sanctions
>>218887 its literally just a coven of ancient oligarchs who are zoil retards insulated by their lisa simpsons to the point where they think anyone supports them beyond reddit echo chambers
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can't wait to live out the rest of my life in a collapsed shithole
although tbf the midwest may be a bit more comfy than many parts of the world during a collapse
>>218890 It'll be alot better than here.
hope all the zoomers get drafted and gassed in some nightmarish meatgrinder in the fulda gap
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>>218874 Message from a Telegram channnel: 🇺🇦🆘🇮🇳👨🏽‍🎓 — Ukrainian Government has helped to evacuate 20,000 Indian students from Besieged cities - 🇺🇦📜 Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Caption video 1: Someone is sending yellow signals over Odessa... Messages from a Telegram channel: 🇺🇦⚡No progress in talks according to the Ukrainian delegation. RT @biannagolodryga: The Kremlin has approved a list of countries who have been “unfriendly” to Russia. They include: Australia, UK, EU countries, Iceland, Canada, Liechtenstein, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Korea, San Marino, Singapore, USA, Taiwan, Ukraine, Montenegro, Switzerland, Japan RT @SkyNews: The mayor of the Ukrainian town of of Hostomel has been 'shot dead by Russians' while out distributing aid 🇷🇺🕊🇺🇦 — 🇷🇺 Sputnik: The Russian delegation brought draft documents for negotiations, but they were not signed According to the head of the Russian delegation, Medinsky, the Ukrainians took the documents with them to Kyiv/Kiev for study Caption image 2: 🇺🇦⚠ — 🇺🇦 Ukraine 24: "While trying to cross the border with Poland, the SBU captured Ukrainian MP Shevchenko (the same one who went to "bow" to Lukashenko) and took him to Kyiv, pro-Russian media reported." Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 A Russian SU-25 operating over the city of Krivoy Rog. The threat of MANPADS is still strong, hence the low altitude. Caption video 3: 🇺🇦👨‍🚀♀️ — On today, March 7, 2022, on Ukrainian social medias, a video from what seems to be a Women-only Battalion, supposedly from Ukraine's Territorial Defense Forces, started to spread, calling for Feminine volunteers to join the Territorial Defense Forces and the Struggle against the Russian Federation Forces. Remarkable that tomorrow, March 8, 2022, is the day that feminists (and its diverse ideological variants) from all world annually celebrate the 'International Women's Day' Caption video 4: The base of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the outskirts of Berdyansk was liquidated. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation learned about the military unit from local residents #UkraineRussiaWar
they're gonna electromagnetic pulse the planes whatever the fuck that means
>>218895 >5th image piratechads win again
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Caption video 1: Broken Aryans vsu. #UkraineUnderAttaсk Caption video 2: 🇺🇦❌🇷🇺⚠ — Footage from social medias show what reportedly is a Ukrainian Rapid Operational Response Unit (KORD) team firing ATGM 9M113 'Konkurs' from the roof of a building towards Russian Armed Forces mechanized positions near Mykolaiv/Nikolaev Caption video 3: 🇬🇧🇺🇦 Zelensky: I am staying in Kyiv. At the Bank. Not hiding. And I'm not afraid of anyone. As many as it takes to win this war!. Probably not a good idea to tell the enemy where you are but 🤷🏾‍♀️ Caption video 4: #Breaking #Ukraine tank factory in the Zhytomyr region in flames Caption video 5: #Russia #Ukraine 🇷🇺🇺🇦: A few hours ago, 5 missiles were spotted over #Vasilkov (#Vasilkiv), #Kyiv in the direction of #Chernihiv. The missiles appear to be possible 3M14K (SS-N-30A)/3M14T "Kalibr" cruise missiles
Lots of heavy stuff being dropped off in Rzeszów this morning >3rd longest runway in Pooland
>>218897 a jew hiding in a bank protecting his finance
>>218897 >jew hiding in a bank keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>Fuck you
>>218901 Keeping the unspoken rule an unspeakable, unspoken rule
>>218891 yeah great shitain is so overpopulated I have no idea why the elites are allowing shitskin migration there
>>218902 A few Yank Hebe Neocohens and a campaign of CIA/MI6 leaks to media outlets during the Trump era started this fucking midwit retardation contagion tbh. Fucking sickens me. One could say, turns me into a madlad.
>>218894 smh lisa simpsons with that corpo speak "degrading" the enemy. >its only a thermonuclear warhead but it has black lives matter on the side and it sat in a meeting about inequality
It's not like Russia doesn't push some quite hard leftist and pro-migrant orgs too. The based Russe meme is as stupid neolib/socdem take that Tories or Republicans are Russian plants.
I wash my hands of niggers and their wrangling.
>>218901 the worst was all the propaganda of foids with guns saying "vee vill foight the rassans " and then the second the butt matrix goes down they all revert to camp follower status
Oh dear > Tucker: We are at war with Russia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PC7DzTRS7A
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Caption video 1, images 1-4: #Russia #Ukraine 🇷🇺🇺🇦: Russian Forces captured various weapons/vehicles from Ukrainian Forces in #Berdyansk, #Zaporizhzhia. SNAR-10 "Leopard" (1RL232) Ground-based radar station, BTR-60 1V18 "Klyon-1" APC/FO vehicle and five 152mm 2A36 "Giatsint-B" field guns were recovered. Caption video 2: 🇺🇦⚡Ukrainian TB-2 Bayraktar taking out a Russian BUK system. This BUK Air defense system was reportedly providing Air cover to the 60 km long Russian Convoy which is stationed outside Kyiv.
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>>218913 Video 2 >>218912 Is it confirmed that fighter jets are being sent?
is russia still making gains?
>>218915 Yes, right now Russia is forcing the Ukranian cities to evacuate non-combatants.
>>218916 nice, all the xoomers at toil are going on about how russia is getting btfo constantly, to the point where i started to doubt myself, i hate everyone born before 1983 tbh
Inflation bad, let's make it worse by doing blm style Ukraine hysteria
>>218918 errr, schizo?
youd might have forgotten lent but a true wyt man refrains eating the choccy noms til after holy week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYdmqu6Q1FE
>>218912 Did you watch it? He's not switching to the side of hysterical warmongers. He makes a lot of good and clear points. Luv Tucker tbh.
>>218922 Miles better than someone like Sebastian Gorka who is actively stirring base pro-Russian idiocy amongst smooth brained Gopniks.
>>218919 do not take my name in vain smooth brain

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>he's retvrned
>>218920 https://youtu.be/-wLOitawHEE >>218925 I am the re-instauration of his cosmic spirit if you will, not him specifically, his new avatar.
>fake schizo
I'm good as the schizo-enjoyers are going to get tbh. Something snapped in me last week, when I noticed a shit-ton of retards call normal theories schizo. Probs 77th or other aids-ridden losers tbf, given that it was the high of the Ukraine stuff. I've been quite angry tbh.
>>218928 >a shit-ton of retards call normal theories schizo. Probs 77th or other aids-ridden losers tbf tbh
>The price of nickel on the LME for the first time exceeded 100 thousand dollars per ton
some BBC news headlines from the website homepage today >Chaos and exhaustion for Ukraine's disabled children >PM urged to ‘step up’ on women’s safety >Sandra Oh on celebrating Pixar, puberty and periods >Why misogyny is at the heart of S Korea's elections >Ghusl: The young Muslims learning the funeral tradition fucking kill me
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>>218934 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>218934 Let me guess Protestants?
>>218936 I'm trying to find out.
>>218938 urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr morning
>>218938 keeeeeeeeeek morning lad can't tell if those reddit posts are taking the piss or not tbqh
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Morning, lids
>>218941 smorning lad
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Progress into Mariupol.
>>218944 >confederate flags
>>218945 >2014+8 >not knowing about Novorossiya
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tfw no bobs or vagene
>estate agent jews send me email >they want a review >under my public name and email address etc on jewgle maps fucksake evil cunts holding me over a barrel guess I'll just ignore it
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>>218950 keeeek
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>>218947 >that DOOOOOOOOOOOOOT Based and Indo-hEuropean
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This is what real politics looks like.
Based hindu socialist and pound shop hitlenin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4VXWdWMLvA
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>>218938 >rusing me Starting to think fake edits like this are a glowie psy-op to distract from the real shit they do tbh
>>218953 proves that politics comes from the barrels of guns smh wish we had a proper crisis here that let us have kino dafty militias instead of just eastern european arab and nigger smugglers selling firearms to roadmen so they can shoot eachother and small children >>218955 maybe they took it down because the article was clearly retarded tbhf
>>218956 Love Nazbol and theocratic dafties me.
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It's so schizo, I love it.
>>218895 >use crypto because your money can't be interfered with for political reasons >it gets interfered with for political reasons #yesallrussians >>218956 Even if it was real if there's no archive of it anywhere then it might as well not have existed.
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>Zelensky said that he had "cooled" on the issue of Ukraine's entry into NATO, it became clear that the alliance was not ready to accept the country
>The LME halted trading in nickel after a 111% jump in prices. Due to fears of interruptions in supplies from Russia, the price of the metal soared in trading on Tuesday to $101 per ton.
>>218895 >>218959 their money was on Coinbase, not in their own crypto wallet. defeats the entire purpose. if they held Monero in their own wallet then nobody can mess with it as long as they don't share or lose the codes
>>218962 smh they should have jumped ship when coinbase turned on noseley and meatybraps
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>>218961 the kino keeps coming
>>218962 >>218959 Even Brand is noticing the concerted effort to control it >>218954
>Qatari flight to Quebec over Ukraine
They really want this war
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>Poltava is going to be evacuated
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How dare the US military continue to preform flights to nowhere, spewing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, in the midst of a climate emergency.
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The jew wanted this war.
>Bundeswehr Leopards spotted in Frankfurt
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>Looks more like an European collapse is on the horizon: Russia warns of a "global collapse." The Russian Foreign Minister warns the West against supplying Ukraine with weapons and volunteers, saying that this step will lead to a "global collapse." >The expression "Global collapse" in this case is used to mean "complete economic collapse and, possibly, nuclear war"
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>>218979 The global economic collapse is now inevitable, I think people are just playing the blame game atm using wars and covid as the scape goats.
>>218980 Perfect time to start keto.
I reckon we should have all been smart enough to buy into food and fertilizer commodity stocks.
>>218872 Nah, it's just the Daily Mail chatting shite. Ukraine are winning every day and pushing back the Russians yet we can clearly see the opposite >>218884 They'll win the propaganda war because they control the vast majority of information sources, economically it's hard to say really >>218975 kino
>>218976 >2 and a half hours of boring sperg ?
Look like I've got a job lads *evening shift toil face*
>>218985 If the whole economy grinds to a halt whoever has the ability to source most things locally wins.
I think China and Russia control the vast majority of manufacturing for basic things like steel as well.
>>218986 Who is that girl again?
>>218990 Natalia Poklonskaya
>>218990 One of Russia's top diplomats.
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>>218991 >>218992 Diolch yn fawr
>>218993 i want to make love to her
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>Diolch yn fawr I want to bomb Liverpool now.
>>218996 That should be the case anyway.
No just Meth.
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺 ⚡️The destruction of an anti-aircraft gun and armored vehicles by Ka-52 attack helicopters during a special operation in Ukraine. The crews of the army aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces successfully carry out their tasks, including at night and in any weather conditions. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 In the village of Sumy, a point bombing attack was carried out on the positions of the Nazis Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Zhytomyr Oblast. The tank farm is on fire Caption video 4: 🇺🇦‼️In Ukraine, graves are being prepared for the dead soldiers and officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine An eyewitness filmed a large number of graves that were dug for the burial of Ukrainian servicemen. This video material does not quite fit into the canvas of Kyiv's propaganda, which tells about the continuous successes of the Ukrainian army. Message from a Telegram channel: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡️ Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: – In order to safely evacuate civilians from settlements, today, from 10 o’clock Moscow time, a “silence mode” is introduced and humanitarian corridors from Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkov and Mariupol are opened – Over the past day, bomber and attack aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed 158 military facilities on the territory of Ukraine - On March 7, the airfield of the Ukrainian Air Force Ozernoye in the Zhytomyr region was disabled by high-precision long-range weapons. Fighter aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down two MiG-29s and one Su-27 of the Ukrainian Air Force in the air. - Also disabled: 2 Ukrainian divisions of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system, 3 Buk M-1 self-propelled firing systems, 4 command posts, 2 radar stations, 9 ammunition depots and 11 areas of concentration of weapons and military equipment. – In total, 2,482 military infrastructure facilities of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation Among them: 87 command posts and communication centers of the Ukrainian armed forces, 124 S-300, Buk M-1 and Osa anti-aircraft missile systems, as well as 79 radar stations. Destroyed: 866 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 91 multiple launch rocket systems, 317 field artillery guns and mortars, 634 units of special military vehicles, and 81 unmanned aerial vehicles. - The group of troops of the LPR, continuing offensive operations, took control of the settlements of Borsonino, Kremennaya, Peschannoye, Varvarovka, Pshenichnoye, Epifanovka, Novodruzhesk, Belogorovka. The advance was 9 kilometers – Units of the People’s Militia of the DPR established control over the Osaviakhim quarter in Mariupol
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 ⚡️ The Russian Armed Forces have captured one of the tank bases in central Ukraine. The equipment was recently removed from storage for participation in hostilities against the RF Armed Forces and is fully equipped. Now the Ukrainian tanks have been towed to the Russian military base and will soon enter the battle against the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Ministry of Defense showed the work of attack helicopters Ka-52 "Alligator" in Ukraine >🇨🇳🇺🇲 US policy of NATO expansion to the east played a major role in the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis - Chinese Foreign Ministry Caption videos 3-4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The consequences of shelling and strikes in Akhtyrka in the Sumy region. Caption video 5: 🇺🇦 Evacuation of foreign students to Poltava started in Sumy
>>219001 Hopefully most wogs will have the same reaction when it kicks off here.
>>219003 Why are there so many Chinese in Ukraine?
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>finally see a female of the front >it's Poklonskaya doing a humanitarian work
>>219005 >Why are there so many Chinese in Ukraine? They were preparing cheeky take-aways for the Russian lads.
>>219005 The gookniggers are most likely students. See I found this astonishing figure earlier regarding anothrr asian group. Had no idea so many were there 🇺🇦🆘🇮🇳👨🏽‍🎓 — Ukrainian Government has helped to evacuate 20,000 Indian students from Besieged cities - 🇺🇦📜 Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson
>>219006 She looks like she was shot at several times before they took that shot.
>>219008 It's like how our universities sell degrees but on steroids because Ukraine is so poor.
>>219006 Still a cutie
>>219005 Ukraine has a huge international student population. Courses in dentistry and other medical fields are especially popular, even among the UK students. Their courses are fully approved by medical bodies throughout Europe and USA.
>>219012 Like I said selling degrees.
>>219013 Bullshit business degrees yes, but medical qualifications are considered top notch although I am told you're practice with equipment from the soviet era.
>>219014 No doubt, I was not being disparaging about the quality of the degrees offered. It probably works in their favour as the highly educated Ukie pops probably immediately emigrate.
>>219015 Comparing with the West the costs of living are close to nil, education is internationally recognised and if you fail the exam you can always resort to взятка (bribe). I remember some students telling me that they always settle failed exams with взятка.
>>219017 Well that's a little disconcerting.
>>218936 Strongly Jesuit influenced individuals cannot honestly be called Protestant. Though indeed truthfulness is not something that Jesuits have ever seriously taken into consideration
>>219020 I think Vaush says whatever he likes now that his supply of Democrat activism and cocaine is guaranteed.
wew bumped into that global filter again.
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>🇷🇺🇺🇦 Zelensky for the first time began to discuss the possible recognition of the Crimea and the LDNR > “We can discuss this and find a compromise on how people will live there,” the President of Ukraine answered the question about the possibility of recognizing Crimea and the republics of Donbass. >🇷🇺🇺🇦 With regard to Izyum, the absence of reports of its capture in the summary of the RF Ministry of Defense indicates that the fighting for the city is still ongoing. The mayor's reports of severe damage to the city center indicate that it is covered by artillery and possibly MLRS. The enemy is trying with all his might to prevent the RF Armed Forces from gaining a foothold in the Izyum region, so that movement towards Lozovaya and Barvenkokov does not begin from there, which will create a direct threat of cutting the Donetsk-Pavlograd highway. Caption video 1: 🇺🇦🇵🇱⚡️Queue at the border to Poland. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Second-echelon units are taking over the previously liberated village of Babintsy, in the Kiev region. At the same time, the main strike groups of the Russian Armed Forces, which have advanced the front around Kyiv further from Babintsy by 15-20 km, are already fighting for control of the settlements of Irpin and Bucha. Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Ukrainians continue to film their destroyed equipment, calling it Russian. This time the BTR-70M was in the frame. Pixel camouflage is again visible on the nose and there is an upper flap characteristic of the Ukrainian armored personnel carrier. >🇺🇦⚡Zelensky said that he had "cooled" on the issue of Ukraine's entry into NATO, it became clear that the alliance was not ready to accept the country
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>Kh-101 Air-to-Ground cruise missiles This means that the Russians are hitting Ukie targets from with in Russian air space using Tu-95s and Tu-160s
>>219025 Brutal
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hey, that's cheating
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how do I stop hating women?
>>219029 Learn to suck your own cock
>>219029 Turn it into raw sexual energy and build a harem
>>219026 There not really trying. The Russians just roll out some their stuff and put it back in the box, just to say "we can do this". The first 48 hour Russian used S-400s to shoot down Ukie fighters right over Kiev all away from Belarus just because they could.
>>219029 Rape.
>>219032 It could be for intelligence reasons as well. They don't want nato EW intelligence learning to much about their radar and IR.
Politicians turned the civilians into combatants and now it the locals that have to suffer.
>>219037 same as it ever was
>>219037 seems pretty standard for war smh
wonder if the spanish government forced the frogs to start attacking the peasantry by hiding amongst them in order to get the peasantry to fight the frogs during the napoleonic wars
>>219040 the spaniards basically invented guerilla war during that war so i dont think they had to.
>>219020 Jesuits including Manuel Lacunza came up with Futurist school of prophetic predicition as a response to Protestant Historicism. So when we see people, outside of Romanism-Catholic, these kind of strange identities of Biblical prediction like the map in the picture the other responded to, especially internationally where the Jesuits play an oversized role nowadays, it can be said that these have gone over to the Jesuit side. As Jesuit influence has waxed in the centuries since the Counter Reformation more have fallen prey to them and their noxious influence has hurt society. I think Vaush is unfortunately right as far as how things have been going and how they will continue into the medium term. Huge American military budget means lots of favours to friends on either side of the Atlantic. Anarchy is obvious in the many institutional failures like medicine, capitalist exploits, bad theology and and community mistrust due to bad planning combined with technological proliferation hurting patriarchy.
>>219042 Anyway it's not all bad, just the way things have been set up. People don't have to go along with bad institutions as difficult as that sounds or can be.
>>219042 >a stateless united states lad...
the best if of course these letist-bolsheviks still believe in free shit for niggers only and abortion, ergo they believe in a state and taxation. this is just basic bolshevik strategy where they pretend to be anarchists to draw in moderate leftists and libertarians before disposing of them once they have power
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>>219046 Well I guess water resistant screws are going to get more expensive
>>219047 boomer bossman was saying how the price of framing lumber has doubled in price, its inflation and the psyops is to make it seem like supply shortages
>>219046 'ate how they always suspend trading whenever things start getting really spicy smh
>>219048 Yeah same here lumber has skyrocketed, I remember uneducated economist talking about how hedge funds were buying up lumber industry in the US after covid fucked the industry.
>>219036 Keep thinking how many years that couple spent together, and then just brutally wiped out in a few seconds.
>>219051 Yeah, it's hard to watch. Shame that region is destabilised. It has to get better eventually, right?
You think think a 30mm would do more terminal damage tbh. Love auto cannons me.
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Kiev not looking good, even on the OSINT maps.
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Caption image: 🇺🇦⚡Former pro Russian President of Ukraine Yanukovych addressed Zelenskyy: "Personally, you must stop the bloodshed at any cost and reach a peace agreement" Caption video 1: Who managed to do that... Caption video 2: 🇺🇦⚡Ongoing Airstrikes in Saltivka, Kharkiv. Messages from a Telegram channel: 🇷🇺❌🇺🇦⚰ — 🇷🇺 TASS: The Armed Forces of Ukraine lost more than 270 people in battles with the forces of the LPR from March 5 to 8, the People's Militia of the LPR said. ❌🇺🇦⚠ — 🇷🇺 RIA Novosti: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the LPR announced the liberation of almost the entire territory of the republic from Ukrainian troops, on Monday six more settlements were liberated Caption video 3: 🇺🇦❌🇷🇺📹 — Footage shows an Ukrainian Fighter using an NLAW Anti-Tank Guided Missile system on Russian mechanized positions from a rooftop. The projectile smoothly passes over the rooftop until the target. Caption video 4: 🇷🇺❌🇺🇦📹 — Footage shows a column of Russian Federation Armed Forces tanks and BMPs spotted in Bohdanivka village located 23km northeast of Kyiv/Kiev
>>219054 It can't be much longer
Where's that huge convoy currently?
>>219028 good lad bit ruined by gman at the end smh >>219041 didn't stop the frogs from mass murdering civilians in retribution though
>>219058 Yeah I was just reading about Dos de Mayo uprising.
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>ecelebs when's the next steinhog rant?
tfw an international conflict in eurasia was orchestrated by the american political elite in order to raise the price of petrol and make it too difficult for the honkers to keep honking
>>219063 It'd be great if the reason really was that banal.
>elderly/retarded care job lass emailed me for an interview straight off the bat without even myself properly applying I don't want to deal with this smh leaving it for another day
>>219065 smh stop being a workshy big baby
>>219065 it's too late lad you're already hired
>>219046 based the price of the shitcoins might go back up aagain.
>>219068 >Raminishvili >Ukrainian
>>219070 Would have said Georgian but idk
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>>218982 >keto yes brvther
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>le Jupiter man
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>>219074 Obviously she needs to do these sort of videos to destress after being on the front lines for so long
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Cunts need 5.45x39 zipped right through their faces.
>>219073 he will have posed for these photographs
>>219073 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>219075 I will find her and marry her and breed her
>>219076 I'm still convinced that's fake.
>>219082 welcome to the club.
>>219081 The rifle looks like it uses .177 steel BBs, but still he needs to get slotted in the face.
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They are bombing women and children.

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