I feel like bullying faggots
>Xtianity is the religion that celebrates weakness and equality
It doesn't at all. It celebrates strength in all it's forms but principally spiritual strength. It recognises the differences in sex, race, gender, social status, etc. but teaches that judgement in the Kingdom of Heaven pays no head to arguments of "it's OK that I sinned because I was X".
>It's christian charities that fund such things and also welcome rapefugees in
Some certainly do, you're right, and I would argue that their ideas of charity are grossly misplaced. An incorrect way of living out doctrine does not disprove the doctrine. Moreover, it's the secular governments who are the most hard line advocates of these policies. It's seculat anti-Christians who champion the cause of rapefugees, trannies, homosexuality, etc.
>Its chief icon being a literal Jew from a far off land who loved to kiss men's feet
Yes, our LORD was Jewish. Certainly, not one of those corrupted by 1,700 years wandering the Earth but Jewish.
>It's christianity that raped and robbed us of our ancient traditions and culture, all we have left are holidays which christians took and repurposed as their own
If it were not for Christians writing down some of it Woden would just be a week day. The "religions" of the old world were disgusting and full of falsehood. They deserved to be destroyed. It's worth noting that it was mostly destroyed by Europeans turning away from offering barley to a rock and replaced with new traditions. It's also a lie that Christians repurposed pagan holidays. There is no evidence at all. Give me one example.
>Christianity will never be compatible with true ethnic nationalism
Christianity has been the hallmark of ethnic nationalism in Europe for a long time. From Ireland to the Balkans. Utterly ignorant statement.
>That picture
God manifested in human form to give us an example of how we should live and how to reach Heaven. Our "original sin" is the knowledge between good and evil. God reached out to acknowledge our struggle in wielding a powerful gift. Which is the better prize? The one simply given or the one achieved through struggle? Typical LARPagan raging at God because of his own failures.
What's your failure lad? Trannyism?
People are mocking you because your ignorance is beneath contempt. At least present good arguments.
Pagans were utterly butchered by Christians that's why the faggot Gods are in the dust.
Augustine's argument is sound and true. If they have the capacity to tell good and evil, to practice philosophy even in a rudimentary sense, they have souls like our own.
You're problem is that you cannot see beyond the present political struggle. Don't let such a weak notion consume you lad.