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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3685: The Ancient Biccie Tins of ALBIVN Edition Anonymous 04/12/2022 (Tue) 20:18:30 Id: 7af1af No. 237781
Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak fined over lockdown parties https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-61083402 Putin's warning for the West: Vladimir vows 'consequences' for those who interfere in Ukraine as he threatens to create 'waves of migrants' in Europe https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10710541/Russia-moves-military-equipment-Finnish-border-warning-Finland-not-join-NATO.html War in Ukraine: UK 'working urgently' to verify reports of possible chemical attack in Mariupol https://news.sky.com/story/alleged-21-year-old-founder-of-cyber-criminal-marketplace-arrested-in-uk-12588639
about time
first for gilbert gottfried died smdh le funny jew voice man >>237781 good lad
>>237781 >UK 'working urgently' to fabricate evidence of possible chemical attack in Mariupol
>>237776 I knew a nice mulatto girl as a teenager that liked Kim Possible and gave me hugs and back massages and talked to me about Star Wars so I have a bit of a soft spot for mulatto girls. okthankyou
>>237781 >proper biccie tins
nothing is sold in tins anymore, if it is, it's a premium bougie product. makes you realise how cheapened everything has become
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>>237781 >threatens waves of migrants in to Europe Oh yeah, our leaders definitely don’t want that ffs
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>>237784 tbh smh sad stuff
>>237788 Biscuits are sold in tins, so are quality street, so are certain teas
>>237788 tbh >>237791 keeeeeeeeek
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>>237788 you can buy tins of Yorkshire Tea
>>237795 Yeah but dont because they supported BLM
>>237795 yorkshire tea supported blm lad
>>237796 >>237797 didn’t realise that. smh this board has ruined Sean Bean for me and Yorkshire Tea too
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>>237793 have not seen biscuits sold in tins unless they're the big expensive chocolate coated thingies. my point still stands >>237796 >>237797 even worse, pg tips uses a black man as their mascot
>>237799 what did seen been do?
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feck forgot to turn the spoiler off
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>>237803 >>237806 >R.jpeg >R (2).jpeg what did he mean by this?
>>237803 In Shakespeare's time manly actors played all the women's roles, don't know if this is or isn't a similar thing tbh
>he only has two images on his computer, one of sean bean in a dress and the other of a biscuit tin
>>237811 I think it was probably more of an acting challenge thing rather than Sean Bean supporting troomerism >>237812 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
sneevening lads second dinner of reheated chippy chips inna sandwich with sandwich sauce and chicken slices
broke: putting beloved products into old tins that aren't sold any more woke: shooting and stabbing the mp for batley & spen
>>237814 why would you put chips in a sandwich? what the hell is sandwich sauce?
>>237814 how many pounds of weight did you lose today?
>>237814 smorning lad sounds lush >>237816 it's a chip butty lad
thinking about tins just reminded me of the nigger who stole all my yugioh cards in year 4, so i told my mum and she convinced his mum to give them back, except they were all the wrong ones want to treat him to a cia style assisted suicide
>>237813 No see I looked it up; first noteable performance is Shakespearean
>>237816 chip butty is traditional English cuisine, lad
>>237818 >>237821 >>237822 chip butty is the kind of food americans laugh at us for having tbh, shouldn't encourage that kind of thing smh
>>237820 such is the case for many British actors of note.
And it was only a guess before, since he's already well know as an actor but not necessarily of plays from that earlier period in time
For me? It's a ot noodle butty simple as
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>>237819 track him down and beat him with a hammer lad by hook or by crook you must get your yugioh cards back >>237822 tbh bit worrying >>237826 ultra based and giga redpilled what flavour lad?
>>237822 we're like 50% non-brit
>>237817 put on a few probably brekkie of choccy bikkies and tea lunch of leftover smonday roast sninner dinner of chippy chips fish and onion rings (with curry sauce and mushy peas) followed by second dinner at home away from the boomxoom collective with leftovers I got because they overordered again
>>237829 no we bloody aren't
>>237828 >what flavour lad? The chicken one when I was a kid but nowadays the BBQ Pork to ward of judaism
>>237824 Unfortunate conclusion to have to make about the man of Sharpe fame. Smh there is a reason why nobody watches telly nor films these days, some of us don't even bother with vidya as it's too close to such cancerous forms of entertainment
>>237830 come on lad can't you at least try
>>237832 based
>>237828 tbh they're worth a fuck ton of money now tbh sold one like a year ago because people were paying £80 for them but i was a retard on ebay and put it up as a bid and only got £40
women really watch millions of 20 second tiktok videos all day
>enough chips left for one, maybe two more butties >>237834 not for takeaway or granny's cooking I'll diet... tomorrow....
>>237837 its actually pretty disturbing how much tik tok makes zoomers have autismal tics and disjointed behavior
>>237837 >>237839 it's just good business
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I love him lads and I wish I could live in his autism head canon utopian vision for the new world
>>237841 smh burgerland could have been so great
>>237837 tbh disgusting creatures >>237839 yeah they're brainwashing themselves and they're proud of it >>237841 >8th century based here's a man who understands that the n*rman menace was a detriment and should be purged not emulated
>>237842 did you ever see his autism drawings for how roads should have worked and how every so many "leagues" there should have been a town. he kind of predicted truckstop/crossroads towns, but his drawings were so much more comfy than the schizoshart nightmare that is urban planning today
>>237845 show us some lad
I use tiktok to look at females to pass the time in between sets when I work out
>>237845 >he kind of predicted truckstop/crossroads towns, but his drawings were so much more comfy than the schizoshart nightmare that is urban planning today proofs lad? this sounds like kino
jefferson was a masonic devil
>>237781 when you buy food in a tin like that, is the tin literally mate of the metal tin, that is to say the element with symbol SN (galaxy brain i know, i knew that off the top of my head) or is the tin just nicknamed a tin but actually made out of aluminium or stainless steel or lead or something? i guess what i'm asking is if you melted down those biscuit tins could you cast them into a bike frame or car part?
also >tfw smart enough to know the element symbol of tin, but not smart enough to know whether a tin is made out of tin
>>237850 >the element with symbol SN Sn
>>237850 i think the ones nowadays are stainless steel, they probably used to be made of tin, given how rich our tin mines were
>>237852 >>237853 yeah i'm not sure either, always been confused.
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>>237837 it's the sneeds feed and
>>237837 the main villain of the third Dark Tower book is called the Tick-Tock Man, so whenever TikTok is mentioned I just think of Stephen King books.
>>237838 Nobody likes a skinny wojak
>>237856 Tranny identified.
>>237856 https://youtu.be/2lG869hoQas yes, I enjoy his works
>>237860 Watch do you like more: his worship of magic negroes or his inclusion of gangbangs featuring 10 year olds?
>release of endorphins symbolised by balloons
>>237861 *what
>>237860 Ironic or another tranny?
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>>237858 >The genius who drafted the Declaration of Independence also espoused a far-ranging anti-urban philosophy
>237823 fuck off you spaz
>>237866 good lad defending are culture
>rich people must pay money to do things poor people can't do That will stop rich people!
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>>237800 Pg tipps and Yorkshire tea are owned by the same (((company))) You get these types of crappy goy kipple biscuits in tins - full of cheap grains, sugar and seed oils
>>237870 yeah the foxes type stuff is exactly what i was talking about, everything else comes in a (((plastic))) wrapper
>>237841 Isolationist fantasies were the inferior aspect of the Founders, those aware of the inevitability of progress ie technology and its consequences were far the wiser. To wish for something impossible is essentially retarded.
>>237872 >To wish for something impossible is essentially retarded. no lad who ever achieved anything great did so by dreaming of the merely possible, tbh
>>237870 In my ethnostate you'd be hanged for selling those and other obesity foods such as pizzas and sodas aka fizzy.
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>element Sn Sneedmium. To go with Cu copeium. Making Bruuuuuunze. Ahh why did we ever leave the based Bruuuuuunze age and go to the faggey Fe ferrum age. Reminder to all schizos that your tinfoil hates must be made of real sneedmium, just like the Brunze age Drvids used as protection against the demons the encountered in their magic mushroom rituals. Okay, thank you.
>>237872 >Isolationist fantasies were the inferior aspect of the Founders, wrong
I'm consuming hazelnuts. Not a one of you can make me cease.
>>237875 iron is based though smh, steel is holy in MY religion
>>237870 Foxs biccies are nice though
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>>237815 > broke: putting beloved products into old tins that aren't sold any more >woke: shooting and stabbing the mp for batley & spen This tbh Also: bespoke : blaming his murder on anonymity being allowed online
literally all of the sahel is in famine right now.
>>237870 Biscuits aren't even hard to make you just stir some shit together for 20min then cook them.
>>237879 Keto diet has put me off biscuits, i don't really see them as food anymore
>>237878 Tbh iron is power but it was demons who first taught us how to make wraught iron because they knew the destruction weapons of war made from the more abundant material would bring to mankind. The demon that taught man metal work also taught women to wear makeup and heels. Iron is our curse and responsibility.
>>237881 what? where are you getting that?
>>237880 giga based >>237881 luckily none of us live there
>>237883 Same but with veg diet and all foods containing egg
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>>237882 >stir You don't stir for biscuits you bafoon
>>237880 stroke of genius: resigning
>>237888 >he doesn't stir his biscuits
>"I view great cities as pestilential to the morals, the health and the liberties of man. True, they nourish some of the elegant arts; but the useful ones can thrive elsewhere; and less perfection in the others, with more health, virtue and freedom, would be my choice." not ashamed to admit it lads he was based
>>237887 sperg?
*eats a balanced diet and currently enjoys hazel nuts*
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>>237890 >stir his biscuits Stir last night’s haggis
>>237891 i wish there was an avenue for de-citification, it seems now that once urbania is created it's there forever
>>237894 arse-porridge
>>237895 tbh tbh lad for the briefest moment it seemed like chink flu was going to do that but then it turned out to be a mild-to-severe flu what a disappointment just want all the urban centres to be completely destroyed beyond recovery
>>237884 big brain tbh >>237887 vegans aren't welcome here tbqh woman moment
>>237897 > just want all the urban centres to be completely destroyed beyond recovery Thats what happens when all the white people leave and are replaced by niggers
>>237876 tbh we maintain isolation we maintain technological superiority.
It's exactly the same now.
>>237902 what book is that?
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>>237895 Nothing is forever. Given a few centuries it's quite possible that most of humanity dies from some new viruses that are actually deadly and not crap like covid. Or birth rates could decline until populations are small enough that urbanised countries return to being disparate, largely self-reliant agricultural areas.
>>237903 war crimes for dummies
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>>237899 yeah tbh smh just want that to happen while yt is still around though so we can reap the benefits instead of ceding territory to niggers >>237900 tbqh >>237905 >Or birth rates could decline until populations are small enough that urbanised countries return to being disparate, largely self-reliant agricultural areas. if only
even in the most niggered up cities in america there are nice, well policed, libtard areas where the manager class resides.
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You know what? I think I'll have a satsuma!
>>237909 Glory to the Emperor.
>>237909 It's nearly 11pm, why are you still eating?
wish i had a homestead in the appalachians lads ngl >>237908 the managerial class takes very good care of itself tbh those areas will stay nice right up until the very end >>237909 based
>>237911 Because I'm not fat and can afford to! >>237910 Arifato! >>237912 Having raisins too! keeeeeeeek
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>>237912 >wish i had a homestead in the appalachians lads ngl Tbh, I'm planning on walking the appalahcian trail next year myself
jap zoomers then: >50 students from Saigō's academy attacked the Somuta Arsenal and carried off weapons. Over the next three days, more than 1000 students staged raids on the naval yards and other arsenals. jap zoomers now: >licking the seats in diners that their female counterparts sat on
>>237914 >The rebellion was very expensive for the government, which forced it to make numerous monetary reforms including leaving the gold standard. governments always do this when will they learn that it's a death sentence? >>237916 sounds like pvre kino lad take lots of pictures and post them here please i want to see it
>>237918 >Financially, crushing the Satsuma Rebellion cost the government a total of ¥420,000,000 (£8,400,000),[5] forcing Japan off the gold standard and causing the government to print paper currency. >it raised Japan's national debt from £28,000,000 to £70,000,000. it's just good business
>>237919 War has been good business to creditors since creditors were invented.
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>>237903 It might be Manifesto For A European Renaissance by Alain de Benoist
>>237858 was interesting reading all of this
>>237865 This is late but, thb.
>>237922 worth a read? I remember seeing this guy at the dickie spencer conference in 2015
>>237858 Unless of course there is a reason for his insistence on the 6th divisional and multiparty.
Small organically formed towns with names harking back deep into antiquity for me
>>237927 good lad
>>237929 I can't imagine you exerting yourself.
>>237930 it's hard work hunting those frozen pizzas lad
>>237931 Fair enough, the frozen pizza index needs to be maintained.
>>237932 this song but it's about a NEET who livesi n his NEETcave and only comes out at night to buy frozen pizzas while riding a mobility scooter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6lrmxbPBqk
ate oatmeal to work out in a bit
https://youtu.be/DFkoXYoJoR4 We should start a choir and just sing random songs in public while casing the country for the race war
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>>237931 Wessexsaurus, wiped out during the great ice age, unable to heat it's frozen pizza this once unmatched predator was now withdrawn to the pages of history.
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>>237925 I read it, cant remember anything about it, but maybe im just a brainlet It is very short though
>>237936 keeeek smh reminds me that attenborough might still be alive despite dying at least 3 times now BBC employing the mandela effect to keep their big earners shackled to this mortal coil
>>237938 he looks like my grandma
>>237939 keek smh poor lass mine is finally going bald after holding onto her hair for 20-30 years after radiation treatment for cancer
>>237940 My Gran is in fine health she's simply reverting to amorphous blob she originated from .
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>>237938 > keeeek smh reminds me that attenborough might still be alive despite dying at least 3 times now We keep reverting to the shitty timeline where he's still alive, and the lizards still run everything We have to break out
business idea: defeat rentberg by wearing one of these and being sheltered wherever you are
>>237943 You could scare rentberg from his own property with on of those.
>>237943 Imagine the braps
>>237941 just got reminded that i will either die or grow old and die, smh
>>237941 based and blobpilled >>237942 reminds me I've been reading the long earth books again recently truly awful current year xoomer reddit slop baxter and pratchett shoving in all kinds of shite utopian leftoid futurism tropes along with alzheimers induced repetition from earlier works that they were too nice to terry to remove >>237946 >we are all growing old right at this very moment AAAHHHH NOOO ENTROPY STOOOOP
I wish earth had rings that'd be fun. Unless that came with radioactive consequence.
>>237947 completely agree with the Baxter and Pratchett review. Th eonly thing I'd add is if baxter has any influence the multiverse will be doomed somehow.
Something baxter entropy makes humans face their own inhumanity /end_baxter.exe.
Fuck it even banks had that nihilistic view.
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>>237943 heh, it's a simple method of obfuscation, you can't rent if you never leave work.
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>>237947 >>237949 lads, if you want an excellent science fantasy series that will hook you, i can't recommend Gene Wolfe's "Book of the New Sun" enough, starting with shadow of the torturer it's absolute kino, beautifully written, with zero poz
>>237953 getting tranny vibes from you lad
>>237954 wdhmbt
For me it's CS Lewis
>recommend book about a dude with a sword who fucks lots of women >tranny vibes fuck off
>>237953 will consoome and report back
>>237888 you don't put spaces in file names but dumbshit retards still try it.
>>237958 good lad
looks like a touched a tranny nerve.
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possibly the worst leftoid futurist trope is le ubermensch not even cool rightoid ubermensch style but "the future superman is just us but more perfect, because liberalism is the ultimate and most perfect ideology" never mind that to anyone not a fart huffing cunt it's the most insufferable trope in SF and loads of works are ruined by it one particular example is the "heorot" series, I really like the first book which is like a horror mystery and colonial survival thing where it's based man saving the retard niggercattle from le monsters and then the second book is just "oh our children all grew up to be communist leftoid sexual degenerates with no concept of morality or family values which is perfectly normal and they're great and look they are having an adventure and solving all the problems which the dumb normal boomers made" >>237953 putting it on smy list
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>ask a poster if they are sperg >poster immediately stops posting It was sperg
the trannies are seething because I called them out. poke the nest and the trannies come out like wasps. to bad they lopped their stingers off. stupid trannies.
>>237964 peace
>>237964 based. watch out for the trannies lad.
>>237965 tbh sorry for bullying you again sperg im sorry i love women's rights and men should be castrated. >237966 i have an abnormally large cock and it's not coming off any time soon
bedtime tbh going to read a chapter of metro 2034 which is mild kino despite the author being the pozzed variety of russian
poo & pee. abhorrent post. 15mb uncompressed video
>tranny admitting to wearing a strap on second thoughts ay? no wonder you over compensate with your homoerotic space fiction.
>>237970 I'll come up with you lad hold on
>>237969 I was talking about you though lad…
>>237900 The UK is turning nonwhite slower than the US, but it's happening.
>>237974 huh? you didnt reply to me and i didnt stop posting
How can schizo read metro 2034, his cellphone wouldn't get reception underground, sad phone posters have these delusional egotistical doomsday fantasy's.
>>237977 Im confused ngl
>>237978 >>237979 >one lad confuses wessex for schizo >another lad confuses me for sperg wtf is going on chaps
>>237963 spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)
Do you remember early Internet, where there was the idea that you had to be able to find a girlfriend, after all, there were millions of women out there. Back then we didn't know they are all exactly alike in what they want in men.
>>237980 I didnt confuse you for sperg, you confused yourself for sperg
the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) has found the virgin chicken breast, I repeat the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) has found the virgin chicken breast.
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>>237983 what the fuck are you on about i am not 7dac83, im panzie when i replied to your post with her pic in it, i replied to you whilst also sending a message to her in case she read it
>>237980 If you follow the breadcrumbs you'll see the connections, trust the plan - Q
i think e37bc3 must be bins, because only he makes reading comprehension errors like this all the time
>>237969 > i have an abnormally large cock and it's not coming off any time soon Lets see it then
Stop cyberbullies
might start filtering boring waffling posts as well as schizo just to be sure. even if it's just me and 5 other lads barely posting that's better than reading all the rubbish
Filtering is bullying.
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>>237953 Good lad. Rip Gene Wolfe. I might have to give this a (3rd) re-read at some point. It's the literally the only book that gets better with multiple re-reads. I didn't even realise that city was a floating spaceship thing untill I read it the second time
>>237969 Oh hai panzr
Odds a 10/10 hot babe will say hi to me in the next 30 years pretty good, since I'll be super old. The future is bright, lids
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Imagine cyberbullying on web 3.0 and it literally cost currency to just eviscerate your opponents online until they inevitably run out of e-coins because they're POOR.
imagine buying into the next meme conscienceless control.
>>237990 good lad
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-25 LINK
>>238000 He's still in office here.
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>>237993 very good lad, surprised someone else here has heard of it. I only just finished it and will definitely re read it soon, it's very rewarding. lots of realisations blew my mind tbh
>>237988 >>237994 hullo lad
>>238003 This image sold me on your gene wolfe recommend, ngl.
>>237898 Veg for vegetarian. Milk is the kind of ingredient that is too healthy to go without! >>237892 I'm sorry but what does the hidden text mean lad? It sounds like a rude word!
>238004 Proper nonce, you
>>238004 save LEGO slave-class male's LEGO marriage with this minifigure upgrade kit!
>>238000 Checked?
>>238006 > I'm sorry but what does the hidden text mean lad? It sounds like a rude word! Its obviously you smh
>women, bongo meta posting, homosexuality tinged with the brief hope these people are actually women.
>>238012 OK Jerg Anyhow I happen to be falling asleep for random hours now again. Think it has to do with paryankasana feels like a deep soreness in the hip socket joints ever since I started doing it properly, and sleep is the best way to heal the body. Don't know if I'll stop, most likely will try to ride it out and be stronger for it. Well it's that time ag again, thanks for all the (You)s !
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I simply let the posts filter themselves, fate cleanses the weak.
>>238015 tfw tummy hurtie
Did Jesus believe in reincarnation?
>>238017 He believed in back pain.
>>238014 What a strange post…
>>238017 filtered
>>238019 so is this one: >>238018
>>238020 Matthew 5:11 So I'm blessed, thanks.
>blue jay outside learned to imitate hawk call to scare the other birbs away from the peanuts that mummy puts outside for them
>>238017 Yeah, he said John The Baptiste was the reincarnation of Elija
>casual blasphemy
>>238026 Against the Catholic church and subsects?
>>238024 I should learn to mimic Jews so I can scare away launderers from my ill gotten tax money.
whats the best flavour of ice cream in the UK lads?
>>238030 choc ice
>>238030 Vanilla Blue Bell Ice Cream.
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>reincarnation doesn't exist >namefags don't die after one thread
>>238030 Vanilla , from Cornwall.
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superman ice cream taught me that if you mix all colors together it looks like poop
>>238035 punishment for betraying vanilla
is butter pecan equal to swarthoids?
059327 is schizo too, all weird nonsense posts, put im in the filter
>>238037 Is butter pecan's nipples pink?
>>238030 bubblegum flavour from one particular independent ice cream shop in yorkshire, but i won't say where
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>dark-skinned individual
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>>238033 *lights cigar* hey punk, reincarnate this
>>238042 right in the yoville office.
>>238043 he was protecting ms. obama
>>238040 Sorry Westie a cruise missile is already on the way. >>238044 I hope her caress was worth it.
i'll tell you a good, a good combination that not many know about. you have a bowl of vanilla ice cream and you break a dairy milk into pieces and put them in the bowl. quite delicious actually
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>>238046 sounds patrician
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>>238047 That's not a flavour you bongo furriner.
>>238049 I was really slow getting that joke.
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>>238050 I forgot they have to freeze dry the ice cream sandwich then cut it up and put it in a tiny pot with cutesy art graphics and soyscream or it won't meet r/jerry&Seinfeld's criteria for a real flavour.
>>238052 Frying ice cream is not a flavour.
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>>238053 They don't fry the icecream, they fry the Warburtons bun
If black people did not exist, nobody would have gotten shot on the New York subway - something to think about.
In all seriousness, what was the scribble thing schizo kept on about?
What would they call a train line specifically made to transport tea ?
>schizo referring to himself in the third person like a wrestler
>>238058 >you just did it
Schizo didn't used to use reaction images. Interesting change.
>>238059 I commenced the comeback, yet still something deep within beckoned me, would a novel style post written in the 3rd person narrative be funny, or simply left to wither in the midst of other more fortuitous posts ?
Is schizo using reaction images instead of scribbles now?
>>238041 he has a youtube channel complaining about white men having sex with black women plus we wuz kangs shit. perhaps the first nigcel attack?
>>238063 >88 a little odd for a nigger to use those digits
>>238063 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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lads we need a new nigger incel wojak
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>>238063 Dark incel
*deposits 1+ chud points to based nigcel*
>>238070 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>238063 thanks
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https://youtu.be/DyNLGQnejK0?t=577 this is the funniest thing i've seen all year.
>>238074 better save it before it gets scrubbed
https://youtu.be/j7R-V_lEdag keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek nigger got bantered to death by boomer bossmen
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>>238074 keeeeeeek hope I don't get arrested.
he was unironically redpilled bros wtf he wanted the niggerinos to go back to africa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXGwgtT6GRU
ngl his evasion skills are top notch.
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>>238079 the first 5 minutes is just mighty hot takes on 9/11 I've probably heard on wn podcasts.
>>238079 lmfao are swirlers black version of coalburners?
>>238079 >We are feral slaves, we are slaves running wild. That's all we are, at the end of the day.
FOUND IT >>238063 >>238063 >>238063 >>238063 >>238063 >>238063 HE IS AN ECO TERRORIST https://youtu.be/zhw2dsrMun4?t=865 ADMISSION HE'S PLANNED VIOLENCE BEFORE https://youtu.be/zhw2dsrMun4?t=894 >but at least i'm not gonna be at the point that i was a few years ago because a few years ago somebody was gonna die somebody has to die... at least i'm not gonna be at the point i was a few years ago
It's primarily Asians on that subway train right ? Looks like it from the video.
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The little girl came to talk to the Russian military. Liptsy, Kharkiv region. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡ Special forces from the Chechen Republic stumbled upon a group of Ukrainian military officers hiding in a building Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡DNR doctors provide assistance to wounded Marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who surrendered in Mariupol Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Special forces from the Chechen Republic continue to clean up the residential areas of Mariupol from the Nazis Caption video 5: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡ the Russian army destroys the artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Another Ukrainian captured Humvee with a medical module Burtek B4731 in Mariupol. In total, the armed forces of Ukraine from 2016 to 2019 received 60 Humvee Burtek B473 ambulances from the United States as military technical assistance. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 One more captured Ukrainian Humvee Caption videos 3-4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Liquidation of Azov militants hiding in basements Caption video 5: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The soldiers wounded in Mariupol are evacuated by helicopters to the "mainland" from Novoazovsk, after they are assisted by doctors.
More boring than CNN.
New information, the glock jammed lmao
>>238070 >crusius living rent-free in the mind of a papist interloper
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Caption video 1: Novoaydar. More than 40 units of equipment and more than 50 tons of BC of the Russian occupiers were destroyed. Caption video 2: The occupiers, fleeing from our military, left their "Tiger", along with the keys and fuel. Now it will serve for the benefit of our army. Caption video 3: Ukrainian children know well who our enemy is And is Putin trying to defeat this people? Caption videos 4-5: Personnel of the liberation of Nova Basana in the Chernihiv region
I bought a hdd in a used shop and now I'm undeleting it.
I seem to have stumbled upon macos default wallpaper. This person was a saint.
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Welp, found email, have her name.
She shops Amazon, ToysRUs and Macys. Need to get on the xmas list.
>over 1000 surrender in mariupol >fewer group pictures than earlier surrenderings of 100-200 Doubt. It makes sense to surrender, but there is very little evidence in the way of film for this one strangely
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commencing a 20 hour water fast to get some plaque out of the arteries. also huge brained health tip here: the plaque that forms on your teeth is the same as arterial plaque, so if you ever have bleeding gums, that tooth plaque can get into your arteries and your risk of heart attack jumps way up *returns to edging after bestowing my wisdom*
>>238103 fasting is le bad. do 25 navy seals then some bloodletting to get rid of the plaque and balance the humors
smh he was just a blackpilled nigcel polface who did an optics check on normalfag NYC subhumans
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek and he got zero kills
>the nigger is redpilled on pitbulls https://youtu.be/a3a3LX084kc?t=600
Us white folks got a duty to teach dem niggers how to shoot straight.
lmao he literally said he wanted to kill people lmao what is the nsa for anyway?
>>238074 entrapping redneck chuds with gretchen whitmer femdom roleplay email chains lad
meant for >>238110
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>the field HQ for Ukie forces in the Donbass >those who didn't died instantly burned to death in their tents
If America loses this war, it will be a wild ride.
>>238114 how can shartica win?
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>>238115 Nuking Europe from Iberia to the Urals.
i doubt that shartica can do anything other than collapse in a humilating way while the impotent retarded oligarchs run around fiending for more meth
Just caught up with the thread, some truly horrendous posts tbh, worst I've seen in weeks, and I wasn't here to defend brit smh
>>238117 that's loser talk jack. we're gonna win this hoedown. those uka- ukulele niggers won't know what's hit 'em https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NO-h9PFum4
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>>238120 Most popular president in US history
oh no
>>238122 oh my
1000 Ukies surrendered in Azovstal, the Chechens are mopping up by mag dumping and throwing grenades at whatever daft soul is left in the bowels of Azovstal
>>238120 okay, why didn't I vote for this guy lmaooooo
>>238122 Why is it taken on a cellphone from 2011?
>>238127 shut up you schizo monkey brain
>>238125 Please stop posting unexciting videos.
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shut up schizo no one cares
>>238130 As it happens, your opinion is of exactly no value whatsoever, and I'd rather you left tbqfwy.
Something that's always fascinated me is that asians think that winning is more important than truth.
Interesting how the people come here in waves.
>>238100 Ramzan Kadyrov, The Ministry of Interior for the DNR, the Russian MoD, The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and Rossiya 1. They all confirm it. The Ukies said that Russians used chemical weapons on Facebook, and no one believed them. So they surrendered. The Russian authorities are interviewing Lt. Col Rostislav Lomtiev, the XO of the Ukie 36th Naval Infantry.
Whoever designed digital tv was a fucking idiot.
>>238134 Aha, how exciting, they shoot him, right? Like you didn't just bring us a video of some dumbasses talking did you?!
Donbass? More like dumbass.
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>23,33st smh
>>238138 >lying on the internet
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>>238139 You caught me, just 21,81. I thought I could just take 140/6=23,33st, but apparently a st is 6.35 kilorinos
>can see my cock and balls in the reflection smh
toil sooon
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Kek it's CossackGundi Also the Russians doxxed his military records and are saying his a fag too. >The other day there was a sexual scandal in the 36th brigade of the Marine Corps of the AFU associated with foreign "volunteers" who serve in the airborne assault company, 1st battalion. The following foreigners tried to have same-sex sexual intercourse with two Ukrainian soldiers who had recently arrived in the 36th brigade: >- sailor, assistant grenade launcher, US citizen Alexander Tobiassen, born in 1993 >- sailor, grenade launcher, UK citizen, Aiden Aslin, born in 1994 >- senior sailor, senior gunner, a native of Watford (UK), UK citizen, Sean Pinner, born in 1995 >- senior sailor, senior gunner, native of Zagreb, citizen of Croatia, Vukoslav Prebeg, born in 1982
>>238143 Looks like a turk to me.
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>>238144 He's complete mystery meat.
wew lads, literally repeating the 2nd century roman empire period
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>>238141 But I don't see anything?
>>238149 >he actually looked keeeek found the homo lads
>>238150 Was just astounded that your heckin micro peniserino was so small it can't be seen with the naked eye tbph.
>>238146 Why would a person write this and then add that last paragraph?
>>238152 Tbh much seems wrong with it but that last paragraph is a real piss take.
>>238147 It's not okay when Russia does it.
>>238147 time to start a world war to stop the alleged genocide which makes no sense
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>register on weight loss website >weight only goes up over time
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https://youtu.be/-mrU5iwVNpQ?t=150 >randomly getting soap catfights recommended on yidtube
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>a fucking truck >#unitedwithukrine
if ukraine is western controlled how come zelenskyy is such a full retard and went against Germany's wishes? I guess because it's america controlled? idno tell me
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>>238159 Zelenskyy just wants as many dead hohols as possible, lad. It's simple.
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>>238160 Laugh every time I read "her penis" in MSM.
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why do my armpits smell like barbeque sauce immediately after coming out of the shower? this is a new thing, never used to happen, now I need to scrub the fuck out of my armpits with the soap soaking there two times or else they don't actually get cleaned. never had to do that before >>238148 mp4 >>238156 laaaaaaad >>238159 Germany relies on Russia for energy, America wants to cut off Russian gas from Germany so America can export their own energy there. America dominates the west, their underlings sometimes have a conflict of interest but it's almost always the American policy that gets enforced.
>get up >torture toil begins this time it's supermarkets explaining why it'd be great to work for them but that they're not going to hire me anyway
>Thompson was already on the sex offenders’ register before she had come out as trans when she was legally named Andrew McNab. >She has 17 convictions for 22 offences, including sexually assaulting an soccer mom in 2011. Every time.
Keeeek it was under-ageb& girl that got filtered.
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>>238093 >The occupiers, fleeing from our military, left their "Tiger", along with the keys and fuel. Now it will serve for the benefit of our army. Utter bollocks
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>>238163 >laaaaaaad I'm sure it's mostly muscle I've gained. Takes a lot of strength to move this body around
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>>238170 >asshole >even the site is foreign
Just want to see Zelenskyy & Co pounded into the ground tbh Sick of these hohol bastards. Greek girl told me last week that Greece is flooded with their women who marry retired Greek sailors who are loaded with cash and have fuck all to soend it on apart from hoholhole
>>238168 >woohoo yanks Fuck.Off Hope this fucker gets drone striked
>>238172 yikes that hole in front of the trousers making it extra nasty
>>238146 We are between 3 and 5 tbh
>>238145 America is a joke. Jews ran a proper number on it like they did Russia tbh
pretty sure it's the urban *nglo elite running things, not jews
>>238177 The urban anglo elite are being financially controlled by jews tbh. They’re all indebted to them
just mirroring what haz, an arab american said tbh, don't know anything about the anglo elite
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looks like the vaxx was (at least in part) designed to target white people with blood clots https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-04-vaccine-blood-clotting-result-genetics.html
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>>238178 >some bad eggs >statutory rape of a child Crazy how we don't end up with a parliament full of based ethnonationalists kek
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>sad trombone kek
Anyone got those tiktoks of Ukia thots in rome and poland? The one who was making twerking videos after her brother was made to stay in ukraine by the jew and got killed as a result?
what a shite thread
>New York subway shooter suspect has a youtube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCtl9pjnppooRbj_YssCKxsA
>Cabinet resignee David Davis has a youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/MPDavidDavis
>>238185 idk but I've been irritated ever since I learned that Warsaw is pronounced "Varshava". fucking poles
>>238190 that patronising and then that awful damage control. and she has thousands of men I bet simping for her ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>238192 the weird thing is how quickly she responded. you'd think there'd be a couple seconds of shock before the obligatory "omg I can't even" reaction, but she was on it instantly. was reaching for the mouse as soon as he said "no" too
>>238190 Keeeeeek based steinerian caller.
>>238193 I think they are all prepared for stuff like this because it's been commonly used to take people off
worst part is that they are actually held accountable for this stuff. Someone deliberately trying to ruin them and it works
>worst part *best
>>238197 yeah in the way that we can ruin them, but it sucks because it just teaching people how bad the n-word is. It's no longer just racist, it's now also punishable
>>238196 >Someone deliberately trying to ruin them and it works Would be even more funny. >Hullo police, I've just listened to and witnessed someone say the heckin n-worderino on a livestream hosted by ethotstreamer#6gorrilian. >Yes it was my perception that this was encouraged and condoned by the streamer, who immedietely condemned it. I know that the law states it is the perception of a victim or any other person that trumps that though. >You'll arrest her and have her strip and cavity searched by a trans officer right away? Wonderful. Yes, my name is Moshe Goldbergenstein. I own the jewelers in Golders Green.
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le yikes
Russians just defeated the Ukies in Pologi in Zaporozhe Oblast.
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>Sweden already second guessing NATO membership KEEEEEEEEEEEK
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>"Russia considers U.S. and NATO vehicles carrying weapons to Ukraine as legitimate military targets", says Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ryabkov.
Meanwhile; >UK bans imports of Russian iron & steel from April 14 >UK adds 206 more individuals and legal entities to its Russia sanctions list
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>Airbus CEO Gullaume Faury has urged the West to think twice over sanctions on importing Russian titanium, claiming it would damage Western aerospace manufacturing while barely affecting the Russian economy. >Russia is the world’s 3rd-largest exporter of the material, providing Airbus with about half its titanium, while Japan and Russia are key suppliers of American refined titanium, 90% of which is imported
if you kill your enemies.. they win..
shouting UH OH STINKY POO into the mysterious bathroom vent/mould access point tbh
It's icy out, but you have to drive late to pick up some things for bossman. You skid off the road, through some fencing, and plunge into an ice cold lake. The shock means there's little to no pain. You're fished out of the water by a bunch of Chinese men, in the middle of England. You begin to grumble at the bloody foreigners, when one of them shouts "I knew it!" The other China men look on in astonishment, muttering in mandarin. The English speaking one approaches. "You are real English man, yes?" Puzzled and annoyed, you say nothing. He pulls out a dusty old tome from a rucksack, scanning it to check his pronunciation. "I never hear someone else speak English before" he says. "What, not even on TV? You just learned by reading?" He erupts into excitement, crying tears of joy with his mandarin speaking friends. "You understand me?" He says. "Yes, I suppose you speak it well enough." Glowing with pride, he begins to explain that his friends and family thought it was pointless, learning a dead language like English. "But we pull you out of ice. I know. I see you true Englishman. I will win [chinese sounding] science award for you!" You drop to the ground unconscious as a tranq dart hits your neck. When you awake again, you're in a cage, dressed in tweed and a bowler hat. There's an argument between the Chinese and some strange Arabic-French speaking niggers. One of them, a man known as al Roi-Sheihk Ngubu, seems to not want to let the Chinese take you. The effects of the tranquelizer still present in your body, you lull off back to sleep. When you awake again, the Chinese are gone. There are crowds of niggers and mutt creaturas staring at you, the cage now on a stage with flashing neon lights that spell Bazza l'homme des glaces. 5000 ans! with some arabic like script you can't read attached. The niggers and creaturas begin soying and wooping and making chimp noises in excitement. A few stabbings take place. The smell of cannabis and shit fills your nostrils as the rest of your senses return. You wonder if this is all some terrible nightmare. Or if you drowned and are now in hell, facing the first of a serious of confusing torments. But the truth is far worse. You are alive.
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>EU to send another 500 million euros in form of weapons and equipment to Ukraine - Borrell
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Kino, the VDV entering Chernobyl back in February.
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cock cakes and testis tiramisu
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>Marine Le Pen said that if she is elected president, France will withdraw from NATO >At the same time, she doesn't intend to withdraw the country from the EU: "This is not my goal... But at the same time, I want this European structure to evolve".
>>238221 better than nothing tbh
>>238223 doesn't he live exclusively on raw meat?
>>238224 Yeah.
>>238224 he does actually eat a bit of fruit as well, but yeah raw meat
wish people would just be normal and live on a balanced diet of frozen pizzas
you know your life would improve a lot if you changed your shit diet
>>238222 Tbh a lot better than nothing.
>>238228 been eating pasta salads a lot recently the medical diet I need to follow is really fucked up and excludes normal healthy fruit and veg and stuff smh
state mandated carnivorism
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>fruit and veg >healthy
urgh actually feel sick watching that video jesus
I just drink milk tbh.
>>238234 hope its raw milk lad, unironically
>>238235 Saying that, there is a local farm that sells it tbh.
>>238220 Hung over again lad?
>>238237 nah im laying off the drink, and the caffeine, and the wanking just want to do pull ups and chin ups all day tbh and eat lots of meat
>>238238 Good lad come back to my server
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Just found the Turks used Leopard II tanks Syria and they got btfo with Soviet era ATGMs. Don't how Ukraine having this stuff is going to magically going to beat the Russians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YafzmkvVRiI
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German tanks cook off bigger than any slavshit does, fuck.
insane how places now expect £5 a pint lol what a waste of money unironically
>>238243 Good job you dont drink now, eh?
>>238244 Maybe they should stop sterilising us then.
>>238246 yeah, the other local is now £4.20 a pint just cba anymore, never worth it
Ukie Airlines AN-124 spotted taking off at Yokota Air Force Base in Japan.
>>238248 it's like 6.50 here.
>>238250 the fuck do you live
>>238251 Come on that isn't hard to deduce.
>>238223 Just finished watching this, cant believe anyone would want to be vegan after seeing it
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race war now
>>238256 makes me seethe every time
Proud Brits group when? to enter you have to name 5 different types of tea and doctor who episodes
>>238259 you must also come to the meetup at brighton beach and eat fish n chips
>>238259 anyone who knows anything about doctor who would be shot in MY club tbh awful show
U-U-UHURU >>238261 good lad
>>238256 Seems too much like bate but you know there must be people like this as well.
>In Serbian You're going to Canada is a euphemism for You're going to die now
snow is fallin all around me
>>238244 Let me guess, this is a fake news racist conspiracy theory and also it's a good thing.
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>>238221 >Europe united but not against yank imperialism instead of under it At this point I'm going to class this as based tbh
>>238085 Channel has been terminated smh. No mirrors?
return to sender address unknown no such number no such zone
>they took the nigcels channel down
>>238270 Elvis has entered the building
>>238228 Did that, just felt miserable.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlivViv4i_4 Samurai, like a banner flying in the storm stay cheerful even in suffering keep your spirit even in the worst situation Let me be remembered as another Samurai the same like my fellow warriors Samurai, running like the wind I was with a fellow warrior yesterday today, he is no more my life is coming to an end as well but my love will be with you always !
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>someone actually made this /brit/ tier porn parody Inb4 Davis Davis has handed his ejaculation.
>>238267 >his cordid isn't even nordid
>>238276 it's just good business
>>238276 can't imagine anything i'd rather watch less than that, the names are fucking great though >knickerless virgin >gladimhere putitin bet they pat themselves on the back for those keeek
>>238276 >jizza cwoarbyn
the buttmatrix must go on
Message from a Telegram channel: The Ukrainian side refuses to acknowledge the latest mass surrender in Mariupol, by the way. Presidential Advisor Arestovych instead claims that the Marines somehow teleported into Azovstal and reinforced the Azov fighters. The surrender is getting the Snake Island treatment. Ukrainian TG channel Легитимный says as much. >#Rumors >Our source informs that in regard to the mass surrender of Ukrainian soldiers in Mariupol, the Office of the President has decided to deny this fact, just as it was with the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Zmeiny Island. >At that time, the authorities called the Russians fake throwers, claiming that all the soldiers from Snake Island died at the hands of the Russians. (Although the General Staff immediately knew that they had surrendered, but it was not profitable to voice it). Now the scenario will be the same, it is important to bring down the positive information wave.
might go to the pub..
>>238279 >>238278 >>238280 Considering watching it without wanking just to keeek tbh.
>>238281 i'm very sick and they won't even give me an appointment, they merely said a doctor will give me a phone call on friday to see if i'm worthy of being seen GOD SAVE ARE ENAITCHESS!!! >>238283 dont do it lad....
>>238284 >without wanking
>>238286 Willpower over willypower. I'm not risking it tbh. Smh.
>>238285 maybe not. but i will go out
>>238288 good lad
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want to book a flight but too nervous too coz of covid restrictions
>>238292 woah so funny dude!!!
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>tfw try to be nice to people and do what they want. >tfw they just end up abusing you mentally.
>>238299 >reminding everyone that mushrooms are alien organisms
>>238258 Wtf, i know for a fact Mark Collett thinks Based Alasaka is a moron
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>>238300 keeek
>>238285 They won't call, they're just testing to see if you call back.
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Dorset, what do I say?
>>238306 not Dorshit, but ask if her fanny is freckled
>>238306 she looks like really hard work
>>238308 >>238307 Lucky I'm am introverted incel then. Was going say let's meet up since we're close.
we need to move to a new site
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>>238299 I'm glad I know the frequency of mushrooms tbh
>>238292 the pleasures of discord.
>>238281 why do women think men like breast implants when they're so obviously fake and look awful and don't count as boobs because they're not? the only time it would make sense to get breast implants is if there's a severe malformity or she loses a tit to cancer or something, then it makes sense to create a replica breast so she can look somewhat normal in clothing >>238304 yeah it's fucked, images wouldn't load at first, had to refresh
>>238314 We're getting 8kunned
>>238310 tbh with auslad in charge
>>238306 old maid how do all these lasses end up childless and single at this age while being 7/10 plus?
site's fucked
>>238314 a lot of them are richfags or richfag adjacent that are obsessed with their image and terrified of aging
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>>238299 Jarvis, play mushrooms
>>238311 >England is not finished, England is not dead.
>>238306 she's probably had at least 15 boyfriends
>>238322 yep and those were ones she "loved" not included in that number is random fucks she had which are probably 100 or so
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8uTKq8lTms potential nigger riot incoming following this nigger made good in shitagain
It's so hard to know what to type or say to women as an Autist
>>238325 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Show me your discord things
>>238325 with the teacher lass it's pretty simple. Compliment her on her looks, ask about her teaching job (primary or secondary, what's your favourite subject to teach, oh, you must be great with kids wink wink nudge nudge, perhaps talk a bit about what you do, then talk about good food places in London or something and try and get her to go somewhere with you. Tiresome. Women take too much effort.
>>238325 ask her if she watches mark felton
>>238314 nothing wrong with small boobs tbh
we need to move sites again, *posts cheesed to meet you for 2 years straight*
>>238327 >heavy bombers looking forward to pancaked ukie cities.
(1.10 MB 640x360 erika.mp4)

listening to it again lads >>238332 there's less boob, so they're less good
so why is the site broken? DDOS?
>>238336 maintenance apparently. Oh, you can no longer keep your bypass code without cookies apparently
>>238306 >female teacher from London Not BBK, but she's probably taken miles of 15 year old nigger dick in her extra cariculer activities with them. It's not grooming because she's a woman. Tee hee. And it's not cheating, it's just reparations. Go for it if you want to stir Ngublets porridge.
mutt's law
mutt's law
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>>238319 Tbh Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡The Russian military found an UAV with liquid containers and sprayers on the territory of one of the military units abandoned by the Armed Forces of Ukraine Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The tent camp of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed as a result of the strike of the Russian Aerospace Forces. Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Advance of Russian troops and forces of the DPR to the administration of the Left Bank district of Mariupol in the first person. Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Night strike on a building used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Caption video 5: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡The crew of a small missile ship of the Black Sea Fleet from the Black Sea carried out a salvo launch of six Kalibr cruise missiles at ground targets in Ukraine.
>>238248 do what vodkalad does
>>238339 >>238340 But I'm 100% beady eyed anglo Englishman. A female schoolteacher in London who is single and resorting to tinder to find le one has in all likelyhood slept with students, some if not most of them being niggers.
>>238327 fucking glow in the darks.
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fresh-ish castilian goddess. I'm behind on asmr https://youtu.be/ziMtiZPucp0
>>238345 *kills you*
For supper? One apple. One satsuma. Some pistachios. Some Hazelnuts. What of it?
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>>238327 >15 years for "betrayal" for actually caring about your people unlike your kike president Hope those assassination attempts were at least real and Zelenskyy fears for his life all the time because of them.
>>238348 hopefully more ukroids are starting to ask the question, "wait why are we fighting again?" instead of just masturbating their dopamine receptors with pictures of russian corpses on telegram
>>238347 Forgot what a satsuma was tbh. Always called them tangerines in my house. >what of it? Nothing lad. Sounds a nice, healthy supper.
>watching AvP Requiem >le multi racial gang of jock bullies bullying the fuckup loser at the beginning Reeee.
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back from the pub
>>238352 welcome back, dorse, hope you didn't drink any (((hopped))) beverages
>>238353 i had a pint of lager then some spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)d rum
>>238342 what does he do? >>238306 choke her filthy fuckin bitch has a decent jawline on her could get a chad son or two right?
>teacher >turtleneck everythime lass i met at the pub is a teacher and shee sdresses quite nice like that, wears skrits
>>238355 well vodkalad is also arclad so i take everything he says as an arc, but i think his arc about just buying a bottle of vodka and drinking it at home most nights is probably believable. i tried to do this because he made fun of me for the amount of tinnies i drank and said vodka is cheaper and easier. wonder if he still posts here
>>238357 i am going to buy some vodka and flavour it with some fruit i picked i prefer the social aspect of drinking dont like drinking at home tbhh
omg this veganism video is horrific. some cunt feeding her newborn grass sludge. literally grass she picked out of her garden
>>238359 the fuck? can't she at least eat the grass herself and then breastfeed? bet she thinks it's unnatural for mammals to drink their mother's milk or something
Which one of you was this?
>>238358 yeah i know, if a pint was still 2 or 3 pound i'd go to the pub more often. still do sometimes but i don't have friends anymore so it's a bit of a silly ritual >>238360 there's so much mental illness in the world now, it's actually a deeply disturbing watch
>>238362 you faggot >>238363 tbh tbh i try and drink before i go out, but in summer its nice to take some booze to the beach instead
>>238362 >2017 This is a david davis screen cap I've seen circulating on halfchan.
>>238362 Pussy bitch actually cried, lol. Never cried after sucking tranny dick myself. Would filter any lad who had.
>>238367 keeeek
>>238367 good lad
i have made the tranny cry by being a bit rough lol
With dorset, he is telling the truth, right?
>>238366 So peng. Wonder how big her banana is.
>tfw try to suck off pembs but can't get through the cage
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ahhh yes, another for my collection
>>238363 I still go to the local every couple of weeks but mainly as an excuse to meet up with friends. Bit shit spending £5 on a single beer, the food is cheap and good and they do free beers with burgers
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>>238375 I would be a bit rough and make pembs cry tbf.
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who's the tranny ?
the admins fear me posting
shut up schizo noone cares >>238383 this tbh
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just wanna be loved tbh https://youtu.be/g6fcSOgUoGo
>it's a catholic shamelessly talks about how he loves trannies episode
weird that i am like 2 miles away from gary glitter rn
>>238388 based
>>238388 go outside his window and shout "GARY! GARY! GARY!" like in the video
>Patrick Lyoya. His name is #PatrickLyoya. He was 26 years old. He and his family were refugees, fleeing Democratic Republic of Congo violence 7 years ago. He was a father of two. He was a Michigander. He should not have been murdered by a Grand Rapids cop. #BlackLivesMatter. https://twitter.com/jenelaina/status/1514331299946942470 nigger warbands enroute to steiners pig pen.
for me it's glam rock without the noncing https://youtu.be/gMxcGaAwy-Q
>>238392 errr lad hes in the prison
>>238395 So? I'll come down. We'll make a banner for him saying "YOU'RE STILL ARE LEADER!"
>>238391 keeeeeeeeeeek
are there any condom shops open during the holidays?
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>>238393 >congolese that left the airport 7 years ago >He was a Michigander
>>238398 condoms are so stupid, should not exist. reduces pleasure and prevents procreation... need I say more? what a retarded concept
bros... its too cold for the niggerinos to riot...
>>238401 ah, but how else can the promiscuous masses engage in copious amounts of meaningless consequence-free premarital sex? Must put benis in bagina without getting genital warts or babbies.
>>238401 I know but I am desperate and she's pretty and young. Maybe I can groom her before we get to sexing out so she'll be fine with me fucking her without le condom
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Pictured, me being a bit rough with pembs and making him cry.
>>238404 I can't even keep track of your groomees anymore, you're honing your craft
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>>238405 >implying
>>238407 well most of them end up just petering out. Not actually met anyone since my ex. Just gotten some pics and whatever. Twice I've gotten fucked by the dating site though by getting blocked and with no way of getting it back
>>238411 hey the new sonic film should be out
https://vw1.ffmovies.sc/film/sonic-the-hedgehog-2-2022/ >says it is out in HD >it's actually cam with ads
>238345 Don't post rubbish Anon Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 In the city of Popasnaya in the Luhansk People's Republic, Chechen fighters under the command of Anzor Bisaev and Magomed Tushaev, together with the power units of Russia and the LPR, are conducting cleansing operations from the surviving Bandera Nazis . Our warriors check every house, every building for the presence of bandits, weapons and ammunition. ⠀ In addition to military functions, servicemen also perform rescue duties - they evacuate civilians from the shelling zone of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, provide them with emergency medical care, take the injured to hospitals, and provide them with basic necessities. The population of Popasna treats the Russian military with great gratitude and welcomes them as long-awaited liberators. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Chechen special forces have begun large-scale work to eliminate mercenary groups in the Luhansk People's Republic. They now mainly include the so-called Ichkerian, Georgian and other battalions of criminals. Caption videos 3-4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 A missile hit something in Kharkiv
AUGH >>238414 maybe watch the first one first and a proper version will appear later
>>238416 you weren'tt here when we watched the first one?
Not recently, I meant back when it came out
Some absolute Tauruses on this board tbh
>>238417 no which is why I keep asking to watch it thought it was just ignored maybe I missed it smh
>>238421 you want to watch sonic? lad why?
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>>238419 Taurus is my lunar placement.
>>238422 because I haven't seen it and there are no other half decent light/animated films
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>>238423 based
>>238345 >crusius would want that Source? Put up or shut up degenerate pawn of the Jesuit papacy
>>238424 >>238425 Gemini meself, that's why I'm a BiT Ko0kIeE
>>238427 Keeeek I did that burning 22st too.
>>238421 we can watch it I guess, can try setting it up despite Bins being away for another week
>>238430 yeah I recognised your stylerino, lad. you're gonna make it
ok time to ban 22st again
>>238431 ta lad need some cwcino to settle me down after two weeks of disabled retard torture paperwork
>>238433 nah I thought it was funny >>238434 what day/time, lad?
>>238436 friday 8pm I guess
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>>238437 YOU HEARD IT HERE LADS SONIC AT 8PM ON FRIDAY sonic_getting_bummed_by_knuckles.webm
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>🇬🇧🇺🇦⚡The BBC states openly that the massacre at the train station in Kramatorsk was committed by Ukraine
>>238438 I hope jim carey snuck in some BASED anti-zorgnald goopumpf lines
>foid bitch neighbour is smoking weed and it's drifting into my flat again FUCK OFF JUST FUCK OFF
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shall i get a witch gf lads?
Caption video 1: 🇬🇧🇺🇦⚡The BBC states openly that the massacre at the train station in Kramatorsk was committed by Ukraine Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Marines of the armed forces of Ukraine surrendering Caption image 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 In Mariupol, lieutenant colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Rostislav Lomtev surrendered. He had previously surrendered in Crimea in 2014. https://files.catbox.moe/hw0c8o.mp4 🇷🇺🇺🇦 A fresh report from a Chinese TV channel from Mariupol (100 MB, 8 minutes) Caption images 2-3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Weapons seized in the Pohovsky district of the Zaporozhye region during a routine cleansing of the territory.
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>>238445 she looks like that botched restoration
my bell-end smells so grotty it's put me off having a wank
>>238448 Daily bathing if you're not being facetious
>>238447 You know the popularity of that botched painting is a sign that God himself is an "iconoclast "
>>238449 Kek Good lad
going back to 4chan fuck this
You have to bathe if you've been working out, i.e. actually worth listening to.
Indeed. Not doing so will cause a rash
ahh just had a very strong and satisfying sneeze
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You're a Taurus, you're just a fucking retard while you're at it.
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>>238459 You're more of a bouffalant
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strong possibility of killer shartnados
>>238462 The spirit of the buffalo crushing the shartican.
>>238462 kino that's a super early tornado photo there, i remember seeing that in an old book about tornados i used to obsess about. incredible they managed to photograph one in 1884 with the exposure time needed
>>238462 Read that as sharknado and imagined sharks carried by the tornado eating creaturas in flooded suburbs.
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Saw the lass today she avoided me instead of being overly friendly
might go maccas for a chicken mayo and vanilla milkshake
>>238468 You can make all that yourself.
>>238405 Haha get him b
>>238467 smh poor lad
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>>238472 goodlad
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might become an even bigger autist and act like ryan gosling in drive
>>238472 nice one lad
>>238408 Accurate tbh
>>238472 We’re winning
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Watching all elite wrestling tbh
watching comfy 'nado chase https://youtu.be/QhO3MCFmClE
they're battering down the hatches after predictions of a cat 4 chimp out. will it be enough?
>Protesters have now gathered outside a barricaded Grand Rapids Police Department demanding justice for Patrick Lyoya. The officer who shot and killed him has not been named or charged pending an ongoing investigation. #PatrickLyoya https://twitter.com/OmarJimenez/status/1514367228178743300
haven't been on all day lads, did another nigger in shartica die?
>>238467 she no longer exists as an entity lad. Just liek she can no longer harvest consequence free loosh from you through the hope of something more.
>>238488 *starts laying out sandbags & razor-wire*
You would also want a whole array of hidden cameras so you can raise legal havoc on the vandals/looters.
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so sick of the fucking site not working >>238487 hmm I wonder what happens if I click the 'show' button ah, a wrongpost
>One of the leaders of the protest just told demonstrators to remain peaceful, reminding them that's what the family of Patrick Lyoya has asked for. >A round of applause followed. https://twitter.com/byron_tollefson/status/1514394286607020043
>Protesters are now throwing projectiles at officers in Grand Rapids, MI. Tensions escalating very quickly. https://twitter.com/HunterJCullen/status/1514395300559003651
not interested until there's a gloomtube stream and fires
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>>238496 Ray Mears' disowned son. smh
>>238498 bongo phenotype
>>238497 main { loop [ run support_current_thing.exe ] }
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>browser deletes cookies upon exit >have to refilter everyone
not even schizo for company. it's over
Caption videos 1-2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The RT film crew (Vlad Andritsa and Aleksey Butsky) was the first to visit the destroyed areas of Popasnaya. During the retreat, the Armed Forces of Ukraine bombed to zero the areas where their combat positions used to be, covered by a human shield. Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 One of the last strongholds of the gangs of Ukrainian nationalists - "Azovmash" in Mariupol Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡The Republican Ministry of Internal Affairs repelled the breakthrough of Ukrainian marines from Mariupol On the night of April 12, units of the 36th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine attempted to break out of the surrounded "Ilyich Plant". Together with them, tanks, armored vehicles, self-propelled artillery and automotive equipment marched in the column. The servicemen of the joint combat tactical group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR foresaw an attempt to break through and, together with the Russian army, inflicted a fire defeat on the enemy. In total, about 70 Ukrainian soldiers were destroyed, another 42 were taken prisoner. Almost all the equipment of the Ukrainian army, walking in the column, was destroyed. Caption video 5: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The tank of the DPR army hits the firing positions of the Azov National Regiment in the quarters of Mariupol
>>238505 indeed
>>238508 fuck off
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>>238505 He usually starts complaining when I post, especially content from the war. Caption video 1: 🇩🇪🇷🇺🇺🇦 German armored vehicles are being transferred to Poland closer to the border with Belarus. Caption image: 🇷🇺🇺🇦🇬🇧 British mercenary Aiden Aislin is captured. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Mariupol. The shelling of the Azov people from the entrance. Caption video 3: 🇵🇱🇩🇪🇷🇺🇺🇦 A video from Poland has appeared online. The city of Wroclaw, vehicles are moving from Germany towards Ukraine. Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦🔥 The Russian Armed Forces completely liberated the seaport of Mariupol from the Azov regiment. All hostages held by the Nazis on port ships have been released. The remnants of the units of the Ukrainian troops and the Nazis "Azov" located in the city are blocked and deprived of the opportunity to escape from the encirclement, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
lads just got back from gym toil, easy comfy job plenty of lasses to simp. did the michiganoidic kneel nigger become a riot?
fuck this my life is falling apart. I might just start doing credit card fraud (in Minecraft). I don't even care anymore.
>>238513 is that still something you can do?
>>238512 The ghost of big floyd appeared and told everyone to disperse
>>238514 Nah not really tbh, there's too much risk. You can't just go on forums and buy dumps like back in the 2000's. However, I've seen a few yank wogs do carding and they even rap about it and shit. Russians also still do carding, it's mad like 100's of thousands of people in ex-soviet countries actively do crybercrime because you're basically immune as long as you don't target your own people. I was thinking though, maybe someone could learn Chinese and take advantage of their system.
>>238513 whats happening to you lad? iktf, boomer bossman has been sending me seethe texts all week rageposting about how I screwed him by quitting because now he can't just smoke bowls while I do the project.
king george always needs good lads for his war with the crapauds lad
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fuck king george
>>238519 >fuck king george bit gay lad
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>>238519 was bonnie charlie the zelensky of his day?
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>5/10 nice gym trainer lass teaching me how to repair treadmills today and I realized that was the first time I talked to a fertile age femoid in 2 fucking years
>>238522 >lass teaching me
>>238524 keeeeeeeeeeek
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I thought this lad reminded me of a penguin with a fluffy head. But now I'm doubting myself
https://twitter.com/rianru/status/1514378797096873989 Russian media confirms severe damage and possible sinking of the flagship Moskva after the Ukrainian army claimed to hit it with Neptune missiles
you know people talk a lot of shit about biden, and he obviously is shit, but everybody's forgotten that trump wanted to send the zoomer tranny army to iran of all places. mad that, maybe he was just flexing and never intended to do it but what a bloodbath that would've been
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love biden me
>>238528 trump was surrounded by zionist vipers, he pussied out on bombing iran at the last possible minute so I think his instincts were generally right tbh
>>238530 there's something to that i think but he wasn't jwoke in time
>>238526 the baby emperor penguin of kiev
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>>238532 it is tbh
>>238528 Trump was a hibernophile, a taig-enabler, that was his biggest fault. Biden is himself a taig
tbh taigism in shartican politics is a device to reduce you lads to being in the american sphere rather than vise versa
Drumph's taig legacy: Supreme Court picks, Kavanaugh and Barett Sec of Defense, Mattis Chief of Staff, Kelly Vice President, Pence at birth Press Secretary 2017, spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)r
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>>238536 And who could could forget adviser bannon
She's dabbing on volunteers now. keeeeeeeek.
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>>238541 cool webm sir i like this one, it's more local
wish there was sound though mind
>>238542 one on the right is definitely a seat sniffer.
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>this thread
>>238545 porblem?
morning lads
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>>238547 morning lad
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>According to unconfirmed reports, the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the cruiser Moskva, sank. The statement of the Russian Ministry of Defence, which appeared by 2 am, says that as a result of the fire, a partial detonation of ammunition occurred, and part of the crew was evacuated. According to information from Ukraine, which appeared long before the statement of the RF Ministry of Defence, the Moskva cruiser was destroyed by the Neptune anti-ship missile. According to our preliminary information, the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the Moskva cruiser, was indeed attacked by the Neptune anti-ship missiles from the coastline between Odessa and Nikolaev. Also, the forces of the ship were diverted to counter the Bayraktar TB-2 UAV. The blow fell on the port side, as a result of which the ship took a strong roll. After the threat of detonation of ammunition, the crew of about 500 people was evacuated. The buoyancy of the cruiser was complicated by sea weather conditions. As a result of all the combined factors, according to preliminary information, and unfortunately, the cruiser joined the Roskomos submarine satellite constellation.
>>238549 you should start chatting up the gym lass who's teaching you to fix treadmills lad >>238551 >the cruiser joined the Roskomos submarine satellite constellation. what's this referring to? there's satellites at the bottom of the sea?
>>238552 yeah Im gonna tbh just want a comfy homely looking lass who is basic to be my gf during the apocalypse
>>238552 It's Russian satellite array that tracks NATO subs and their missile launces, I think. And it has been BTFO so hard that the Moskva is in space. Flowery and literary Russian is very difficult to translate.
>>238555 literally-translated idioms and euphemisms from other languages are interesting to see tbh
>>238553 this is such a larp, if you breed with a 5/10 treadmill technician your offspring are going to be doomed to her genetics. at least you are lucky enough to be a galaxybrain imageboard shitposter. they won't be able to do that because their craniums won't be big enough
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>>238558 who would redpill a man before throwing him out of a plane
want to watch documentaries on ukraine but the information war prevents me. not enthused
>>238561 smh yeah it sucks how hard it is to find true information on anything even remotely political a massive globe-spanning information network at everybody's fingertips and all the good stuff just gets buried under propaganda and shite npc takes smh what a waste
Love Greek yoghurt me. and Greek lasses
>>238563 not a big fan of greek yoghurt myself tbh prefer the normal kind tbh though some peng lasses
which team were (You) on lads?
>>238565 these were both annoying gimmicks that inhibited the volume of cheese one could consume/time but you could throw the wax at others after a babybell at least
>>238565 Always have both to choose from myself
>>238566 >but you could throw the wax at others after a babybell at least keeeek yeah tbh >>238568 keeeeeeeeek
>>238568 any updates on this madlad?
>>238570 off to gulag
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>>238574 keeeeeeek good lad
>>238574 uncanny
Wonder what Russian military prisons are like for NATO fags?
imagine you go to le current war as a mercenary and your unit surrenders. next level life shitstorm that is. i guess the previous wars he fought with the kurds were obviously in their favour
Russians mopping up Azovstal.
finally the site works >>238577 they should send them to regular Russian prison so they all get lowered to rooster status
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>>238565 Cheese "products" are not cheese.
>>238581 tbh, fuck louis pasteur and america
>>238511 Germany is going to have no equipment in addition to no armed forces at this rate.
>>238581 tbh it's only fit for school lunchboxes moving on to real cheeses with actual names is a vital part of growing up luv cheese me wish it wasn't so expensive
Fuck me losing a cruiser is going to be expensive.
We don't know if the Moskva has sank yet tbh.
We don't know if Ukraine actually exists yet. All these videos could just be shot on film sets. Seriously, have any of you ever been there or met somebody who can attest to its existence?
>>238578 should do what medieval mercenaries did and offer to switch sides when youre about to loose keek
>>238588 side with the winner and it's literally impossible to lose
ball peen hammer domestic abuse gingerlasses
oh man it's already 4am, gonna have to go to bed in a couple hours, then I'm gonna eat breakfast which means my teeth are gonna get dirty again so I'm gonna have to brush them again. I just brushed my teeth like an hour ago and it's only gonna be another 2 hours before I time portal to the morning and have to do it all over again. fuck
sort your fucing life out
>>238593 what is there to sort out? I am keeping my mouth healthy the bedtime? I prefer night, it is quiet and dark. daytime has oppressive daylight which ages our skin and damages our eyes, best to stay indoors and cover all windows with blackout curtains to prevent sun exposure
lad you wear glasses
Couldn't you demand mummy clean your teeth for you?
>>238595 no I don't >>238596 I wouldn't trust that she'd do an adequate job
literally lying through your teeth i remember you said you wear glasses
going to start a new rdr2 game today i think
>>238599 stream it
>>238600 where?
>>238601 dno, you're the expert
>>238602 thats right im an expert you should trust me
>>238598 I never said that and I don't wear glasses >>238601 cytube maybe idk
>>238604 don't think you can stream on cy.tube, only link to twitch streams. What about d-live or wahtever?
I love black women.
>>238606 are you ok lad?
>>238607 I'm just horny and full of energy.
>>238607 he's deathly ill with jungle fever
>>238609 damn... this white boy sexy
this fucking site.
"slow down asshole" fuck off, we need a solution to this faggy problem.
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Can't wait for the cope once Mariupol comes under full Russian control.
>didn't want it anyway
>>238613 >m-muh Moskva! >nobody buying Russian gas!
>>238613 Russia already effectively gained Mariupol on the 18th of March. It's been cope ever since tbh Fun Fact: Fallujah is half the population of Mariupol, yet it took the US longer to conquer it.
>>238616 then why they hecking bombing it then??
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>>238616 They should have used a golden pokeball!
b-but everybody said the war would be over in 48 hours! that means we're winning, even though we're losing!
>>238618 >animated png How the fuck does that work?
Is 22st an actual retard?
>>238620 no idea where i got it or how it works smh
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>>238606 Good lad
>>238620 it's 'apng' or animated png
>>238623 >bandana to keep the weave from flying off smart lass
>>238624 nah man, that's a miracle
Morning. >>238577 Arserape. >>238579 Fucking ebin, goodlad. >>238621 Pretty much.
>>238627 morning lad
>>238579 this video is a good reminder why they're using tanks even though they're giving the hohols rocket launchers like candy. very intimidating. I bet that Z symbols strikes fear into the hohol as well, the survivors are gonna have Z-PTSD
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>>238621 just gullible
tarrantino movies are inconceivably cringe
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>In a recent official press release, the Russian Defence Ministry reports that the Moskva did not sink, but remains buoyant, the fire on it was localised, and ammunition fires were stopped.

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