If one is conscientious, it's not too hard to put together a meaningful and interesting life. Finding fulfillment is indeed more difficult, but that's part of the goal of the meaningful component.
The really significant difficulty is in watching normalfags constantly shirking the responsibilities which they ought to be honouring. So much indulgence, so very little self-sacrifice. As if truth means nothing and everything in their world is based on their interactions with others. How many minutes of reinforcing, 'validating' interactions with others does one need in a week? Is it wise to develop such interest in the various props with which one uses to entertain oneself?
The normong chronically, positively answers in the easiest way possible to such questions, there is no element of putting aside his pleasures in order to fulfill the available and entirely indispensable duty of advancing the truth.
So those who mix in easy lies will rise for a time as a compromise, the NPCs who choose the easiest way will be dominated by them, but not for ever, because, after a time, the purer elements will rise up carried by those loyal to them. These last will surpass all others, ushering a final, golden age. The path ahead is not obvious though it remains visible if only somewhat dimly.