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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3739: Shinzo Abe Assassination Edition Anonymous 07/08/2022 (Fri) 07:09:21 Id: 9e2798 No. 280610
Shinzo Abe: Japan ex-PM injured after reported gunshot attack https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-62089486 Boris Johnson resigns: First leadership bids to become next prime minister https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-62088847 Kazuki Takahashi: Yu-Gi-Oh! manga comic creator found dead in sea at 60 https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-62076080 Why Inter Milan Will Not Be In FIFA 23 https://earlygame.com/fifa/fifa-23-inter-konami
Edited last time by auslad on 07/08/2022 (Fri) 07:12:53.
auslad add an 's' to 'assasination' please
>>280610 good lad >>280612 sure thing lad
>>280613 thank you sir
>>280610 very good lad
4chan is banned in Turkey but 8chan is not. Based?
morbing two hours to do all my jobcentretoil and apply for jobs I will never get
>>280620 >alive Incredible. The shotgun was home-made, but appeared to be fired at point-blank range. This report goes in the face of the earlier ones which reported him deceased!!
>>280621 >letting you take paid toil when you already toil for free it's just good business
>>280621 Are the boomers/ boomers taking note?
>ordered by officefoid to do wikijob situational judgement test >takes less than five minutes and is for retards, pass on the first go smh hope she didn't expect me to do the 35 minute one which is just more of the same "make sure you arselick as much as possible and never ever take bossman's boot off your face" >>280624 the officefoids are so they can justify their existence I guess my own personal boomers are trying to monopolise even more of my time (all of thursday after I'm done with voluntoil) because they are feeling lonely and want to be validated by having someone to talk at I guess, had to fob them off yesterday after granny expected me to stay for dinner when I clearly and repeatedly said beforehand I was just coming up for a cuppa and to say hello and would see them as usual on saturdays >>280623 I would like to just do voluntoil and not bother job searching at the moment tbh it's not as if I need the money since I'm not niggercattle who partayys and orders takeaway five nights a week or whatever it is they do, but that's not allowed because it means the jobcentrefoids look bad
>gb news stirring up a hornets' nest From 13:30 https://youtu.be/UM1TWo3v6mY
>been so busy I haven't even had a denethor moment for a week >still losing significant parcels of hair every morning when I brush it
>>280628 >brushing your hair
also filling out a JD sports application and it's full of awful retarded prog shit where they simultaneously expect complete disclosure of "protected characteristics" (race, sex etc that you're not supposed to discriminate on) so they can discriminate against applicants and select more nogs >>280629 I use a brush for dog coats too keek, it works
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m6WdLw3PnT8 >Theresa May spotted dancing at music festival after Boris Johnson's resignation Kek
>>280631 She dances like she's been taken over by a skinwalker.
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>retoil application >literally first question >do you consider yourself as a Ukrainian Refugee?
>>280634 Honestly wess, just go abroad and teach English.
>>280636 can barely speak frog lad I'd never make it as one of those suspicious weeaboo types that go to asian countries to "teach" english and get an eyefull of real life yellow schoolgirls tbh
keeek remembering back in college days there was this one autisperg tardlad who could barely pronounce english properly without slobbering and spitting everywhere and he went on to be a tour guide at stonehenge for jap tourists
>>280637 English teaching expats aren't selected for foreign language ability, or even English language ability tbh. If you have a Micky Mouse degree I'm sure you qualify.
>>280639 have to get several years worth of anti-legsplosion pills from the NHS somehow and hope that my kidneys don't fail while I'm abroad though smh I'm shackled to the UK really since I can't afford healthcare anywhere else and am reliant on it
>>280640 Get well soon lad.
your next PM
the skin on my lower back / upper buttock is burning from taking two below-the-waist demishowers today (one after shitting, one after wanking) my bar soap is harsh and basic, one shower per day is fine but two and that area always gets red and burns
>>280640 get well soon bro
>>280643 don't do anal at the Templar
>>280630 just say "other"
>>280641 >>280644 it's genetic smh actually not sure if I could even get a transplant here anymore since almost every fellow huwhite is a niggercattle retard who took the vaxx and mutated their dna to the point that organ rejection is inevitable >>280646 yeah tbh I answer it all honestly anyway because it decreases the likelihood of getting hired for shit toil at pozzed and unbearable workplaces
fresh dutty professor copium The Rayner Effect: Why the Left Are Going to Get Stupider and Stupider https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F3fn_1P42A
>he's making fun of milf rayner and her big mummy mammaries destroy him, lads
>>280648 his show with Charlie Veitch was good too (on Odysee)
Haven't listened to Dutton in a while. Nice relax in the garden and a listen today.
>>280647 I always state "Other" since most of the ads have this or similar sentence: >We particularly encourage applications from people who identify as Black, Asian or from a Minority Ethnic background.
>23c outside today >shivering inside the least coombox landlord scum could do is make sure their boxes are habitable
>>280653 open your windows
>>280654 of course I have smh
After doing factory toil for a year, I think I will just try and take the ESL teacher abroad option tbqh.
>>280656 go to japan or China
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwoOzdHlq9w oh no, i hope this doesn't happen to more politicians.
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Rip Shinzo Abe confirmed dead
>>280659 I'm more interested in the motive than anything. was it some leftist jap? yakuza? NWO agent?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vta9XNsQss clairebros, she's bulking again.
>>280661 >a jew >dessert (non-food) >muh "kosher salt"
>>280658 yeah that would be tragic smh
>>280662 she's got a wonderful kitchen butt
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>>280627 >police response
>>280660 Tight lip so far
>>280664 post screenshots. I flipped around the vid but wasn't impressed
>>280666 Incel
>>280669 RIP based pro natalism nip man. I bet the glowniggers or should I say globeniggers were behind it.
>>280668 Why a former PM in that case though? Instead of idols or something
>>280627 Fucking cunts needs to be individually ambushed while off duty and hanged from lampposts in minecraft.
when will things turn around for Wessex?
>>280673 Death or a ministerial position in the new neet nationalist government.
>>280674 my money's on the latter
>>280660 Photo of the suspect
Everything's coming up dorsie
>>280676 you lied that's not the suspect
Can't believe they took are Abe smh
>>280678 He looks suspect to me lad.
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A performance in his honour: https://voca.ro/12NVsdoPu99a
>>280642 >whiter than you Muhammed
Breaking news: American tourist Sam Hyde arrested in Japan.
Basking Shark spotted swimming very close to sure in Whales.
>>280683 he couldn't keep getting away with it
>>280661 SHE'S FAT
Japan still has the death penalty, right?
>>280690 Yes. Death by Navy Neet
>>280688 damn he shut him up good
Was Japan's PM based?
>>280694 By comparrisson.
>>280690 Yeah. Ours got taken away by a jew. kek.
Shady weapon tbf. Shotgun shells? Black powder? Electronic triggers? Surely a Navy virgin could have got a gun?
Get your cunny in War of the Worlds tonight, then tomorrow catch a cab with le Taxi Driver!
Killed by a Chigyu. smh
>>280700 keeeeeeeek
>>280697 diy guns are based >>280700 keeeeeek
>"i will avenge you"
>>280700 wewlad smh
>>280703 Based
>I'm here for the job interview
Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner are CLEARED of Beergate fine: Durham Police say Labour leader and deputy have 'no case to answer' after being accused of breaking lockdown rules
>>280706 >meets diversity criteria
why would you have a paki on a wall?
Thotted not slotted
>>280709 You mean like a trophy head?
>>280681 keeeeeeeeek very good lad
rip baby abe
>>280710 Keek it sounds like a load of bollocks to justify recruiting a 23-year-old girl as his personal bodyguard tbh. Maybe Abe would have lived if he didn't choose his security with his penis.
wonder how the jap polfaces are reacting on 2chan
>troonjak freaks on twitter celebrating wholesome slanted have sex man's demise. why are they so wicked and evil bros?
went shops and got some good discounts then went pub as it was neighbour's birthday and he got me a BIG expensive half pint of orange gin and lemonade with lemon slices and mint and it was very nice starting to enjoy this nobeer thing tbh spirits only, dietary requirement you understand, for my health
was able to leave early too because my shopping was defrosting didn't get out of being cornered by the wine aunt and getting two (2) sloppy french cheek kisses
>>280719 very based tbh decided on rum myself tonight >>280721 keeeeek
>>280710 ffs hope the tomboy pussy was worth it
remembering back at uni when a friend had a big birthday shindig and his overly-supportive helicopter mummy was there and at the end of the night when almost everyone had left she bought all the stragglers a round of french martinis that came in these giant martini glasses the size of soup bowls got absolutely fucked up and spent two hours walking home singing the wine song good times https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=detOIeKuQwU
>>280725 >having fun at uni your incel card is revoked good lad tbh
>>280718 Such people really are miserable, anti life cowards just too afraid to kill themselves (yet). It explains all their political beliefs, actions, prejudices, everything.
>>280725 >auslad is a unifag >he has control of the board brit bros?
>>280728 don't worry he dropped out and bossman turned him into a full time toiler
>>280729 tbh >full time toiler keeeek if only was on the bare minimum to survive and they'd've given me even less if they could
>>280730 are you actually better off as a NEET now then? jobcentre cunts are always on about how it's better to do any amount of paid toil than just collecting, here
Why did Homler become the toiler meme when he's the one at the plant that never works? He's basically a welfare NEET for showing up on the day it opened.
>>280732 do not question the wisdom and decisions of the /brit/ gestalt lad
>>280710 Looks like Abe read too many manga books and thought female ninjas were a thing like in Naruto
>>280731 not really tbh bennies are marginally less than what i was earning and it was already a close call
shnight lads
brittan my son yuo must choose
>>280741 I choose a claw hammer, "bath salts" and 24 hours locked inside parliament with every MP and member of government
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I choose the era of jiggle politics
dumb coomerposter
>>280741 We are spoilt for choice.
>>280728 Nothing wrong with getting a STEM degree tbh.
>>280728 Most of us have degrees, no?
>>280747 keeeeeeeek based
>>280750 Keek that high pitched "EH?" at the end.
Rishi Sunak has put himself forward for PM.
Is there any way to go paki bashing on Minecraft without being banned by the admins?
>>280754 Alone or on a group server?
>>280755 Alone. I don't want to play with the big boys.
>>280756 It's smimple, corner one of them or through dynamite into their kebab base at 3am when nobody is around
Rishi Sunak favourite to be next PM
>>280756 Alone isn't a good idea. If there aren't local blockheads or whatever they are called in minecraft idk to organise with, getting caught by the admins is the least of your worries.
>>280758 Apparently this woman is the only Brexit voter in the top 3 jesus wept
>>280760 Evros ovt, Aryan Indians in!
>>280758 so many disgusting foreigners
vote for me, grommit!
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>>280762 tbh, when's that dumb fucking faggot going to get PA put down as a political party
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>>280758 its over
>>280765 your memes against PA didn't help
>>280766 all publicity is good publicity
Rishi-Dishi anyone?
>>280769 more donations and streams while they are working to complete it
>>280770 desn't he have a duel citizenship so he doesnt pay tax here or something?
>>280772 he had an american green card
>>280773 and so does his billionaire wife? all for tax avoidance stuff?
>>280771 tbh, the white race will be saved by talking about our favourite SNES games and how based they are
>>280774 yes, she's avoiding paying tax in the UK
>>280775 it's just entertainment noise while shitposting here and on /g/
>>280758 lmao he is even more astroturfed than kamala harris, the poojeets are too obvious in how they are just using the pay to play jewish power brokers that corrupt westoid politicals like bidet used to become in charge.
>>280779 paki was planning it for a while
>>280745 Vile cuckservatism tbh. Gove is the least worst imo
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>Gove is the least worst
>>280768 just notice he pronounces "because" as "bickers"
>>280768 just notice he pronounces "because" as "bickers"
>>280783 >>280784 How's Fashy Gordon doing these days?
>>280785 tried to erase himself from the internet smh green nothing productions website was still up last I checked but he removed most of the content
>>280785 tried to erase himself from the internet smh green nothing productions website was still up last I checked but he removed most of the content
site shit pant
>>280770 Wogs can clear off. For me it's Gove
site shit pant
borgar for dinner but the instructions say "grill under moderate heat for 16 minutes" and all I have is an oven and a baking tray and no griddle guess I'll just see what happens when I put them in the oven
borgar for dinner but the instructions say "grill under moderate heat for 16 minutes" and all I have is an oven and a baking tray and no griddle guess I'll just see what happens when I put them in the oven
woke up to the unexpected and rare japanese habbening, abe was a good lad smh.
woke up to the unexpected and rare japanese habbening, abe was a good lad smh.
might actually watch tonights film tbh, have half a lindt bar left as a treat, decent film choice too, love the BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP noises in that film.
>>280785 I would like to see him box Godwinson in the alt right creator clash tbh. Gordo is a roided up, 6'3" and has tard strength so i reckon he'd kill the Tory boy.
>>280785 I would like to see him box Godwinson in the alt right creator clash tbh. Gordo is a roided up, 6'3" and has tard strength so i reckon he'd kill the Tory boy.
WAR OF THE WORLDS(2005) AT 20:30
>>280793 Sneething at the twitter leftists celebrating it smeeself.
>>280795 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qJQlfMMNmw tbh tbh apparently they are just vikang gjallarbraphorns pitch shifted a bit smh
>>280795 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qJQlfMMNmw tbh tbh apparently they are just vikang gjallarbraphorns pitch shifted a bit smh
WAR OF THE WORLDS(2005) AT 20:30
>>280796 would pay to see Gordo stomp that faggot william's face until all his teeth fall out and his eyes are swollen shut
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This one shows the attack most directly of all of them
>Microplastics detected in meat, milk and blood of farm animals. Particles found in supermarket products and on Dutch farms, but human health impacts unknown. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/08/microplastics-detected-in-meat-milk-and-blood-of-farm-animals Why are the elites doing nothing about this, this shit affects them too AAAAAAAARGH
>>280804 god I wish that were me love that pic tbh >>280805 has anyone looked at what abe was doing recently? I know lads are saying he's based but afaik he was just another of the "us, but 40 years ago" pot boilers and he had actually relaxed immigration law and stuff >>280806 >july 08 2022 this will be used as an excuse to shut down the based dutchoid farmer revolt going on right now and seize their farms and shit it's all psyops all the way down lad
>>280806 all the hand sanitizer has benzene in it which causes lukemia
>>280802 Based. Will join.

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>>280810 verygoodlad
>>280806 >implying elites eat the same food as you and me
WAR OF THE WORLDS(2005) AT 20:30
They eat our children tbf.
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>we are going to expropriate you and you can't do anything about it lol >harassment is never the solution!1! >"until shit kills us"
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>>280797 >I would like to see him box Godwinson in the alt right creator clash tbh. Gordo is a roided up, 6'3" and has tard strength so i reckon he'd kill the Tory boy. tbh
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>Secessionist flag on the island of texel.
>>280812 they literally do though, they drink the same water too, theres no where on earth untouched by microplastics
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>excuuse me tens of millions of people but your birth rates are too low >it means "I'm going to lobby for flooding you with darkies to keep the cost of labour down" >>280807 You may be onto something
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-62090853 >Rainhill extremist who had bomb-making instructions jailed FRESH DAFTY interesting that the bbc article says that anarchist cookbook is "banned" never seen that before, can't you still buy it online
>Ben John, a 21-year-old student, was found guilty of possessing a copy of the book on a computer hard drive, where he was given a suspended sentence and told by a UK judge to 'read classical literature,' such as Pride and Prejudice; only for the Court of Appeal to rule that order unlawful, sentencing the man to three years: two years in custody, one year on licence.
>>280826 wasn't it some tory boy twat who deemed it fit to ruin the cunts life too
>>280824 le evil book meme
>>280826 At least he got his sentence reduced. Cruel and unusual punishment that first one.
>copy of the Anarchist Cookbook >extreme pornographic images >racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic views checks out tbh
>>280824 It's never been banned. Beebs bullshitting.
>>280831 it doesn't matter, you can be jailed for >collecting information useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism based on his possession of the book
>>280832 I know. But if they've said it's explicitly banned, they're lying. Leftists with peaceful kill the queen and blormphis blormphson belief's can legally own it.
potential habbening
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>>280836 so sweet >>280835 thanks lad, breaking my no fap
>>280834 based, hope the mound builder type kino makes a resurgence
>(2) posts >one yankoid vaxx shite >one coombait he's profiling us lads and you fell for it
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>>280838 Don't do it lad. Have a clip of Dorshit's gingerlass to dull the boner.
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>>280840 I'm just spicposter tbh
>>280841 cheers, it worked
>>280830 How do you define "racism" ?
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and for my dinner I had two (2) borgar with soft cheese and gherkin and it was okay except the buns I got had hard crusts and weren't the right type for burger and also I didn't put enough gherkin in and it took ages to get the jar open and the meat was too oily because I have no griddle to put on oven trays
>>280846 >"gherkin" [sic] on burger drowns out the flavor of the beef too much
>>280834 Looks like a gorilla skull tbh.
>>280845 midwest women are best women in shartica southkeks and coastcucks will claim all the based shit from the midwest but then say how its all boring and gay here when it suites them.
>>280848 its too big to be that, not to mention its in america
>>280849 there are half-decent whiteoids everywhere except Vermont
>>280850 Its not that big.
>>280852 >five candidates Why even bother with the larp of pretending it isn't a one party system larping as a two party system larping as a democracy?
>>280852 kek. democracy
>Tetsuya Yamagami, a 41-year-old suspect who was arrested, explained his motives for shooting former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe by saying, "I thought that Mr. Abe was close to a certain religious group.There was a grudge against the religious group."In the investigation so far, Yamagami said, "I thought I was going to kill former Prime Minister Abe.It is not a grudge against former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's political beliefs." https://web.archive.org/web/20220708141109/https://nordot.app/918118217387769856 does this mean that he considered Abe as serving the Jews? what other "religious group" could it be, the Buddhists?
>>280849 More likely its a rural thing >>280849
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>>280856 cunnyism
>>280853 its just rich piana's skull lad
>One of the hard drives was found hidden inside a sock when police searched his home, officers said. Fuck me, he had collected 67,788 extremist documents and the best encryption scheme he could think of was putting his hard drive in a sock. He was even a Criminology student. >It came after campaign group Hope Not Hate wrote an open letter calling for a review of the case. >In what was an extremely unusual case, the former student appeared today via video link, but had to leave for several hours to go to work in a butcher's shop, before returning to hear that he will, after all, be going to prison. >Nick Lowles, from Hope Not Hate, welcomed the new sentence, describing far-right extremism as "the fastest growing threat of violence in Britain today". Seething lads.
>>280862 >67,788 extremist documents >they found his meme folder full of illegal pepes smh HnH continue to be evil political terrorist cunts
>dutch friend on steam (based and talked about prepping for le rahowa, networking with ex-zogbots who own guns etc) >last online 5 days ago godspeed you clog wearing piece of shit
>>280864 >Samzuki Hydaiko >not Kentaro Ishimada smh doesn't even know his hydekino lore
>>280865 I hope this one doesn't peter out.
>>280867 tbh would hate to see it end up like the leaf riots
Instead of worrying about such things, invest in your own personal efforts to a place that can cannot be easily removed, namely your own learning. Politics is not the finality of worthy effort, indeed good politics only ever rests on a foundation of good philosophy, not limited to political philosophy.
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powerful japcel coomer energy
>>280824 >Although versions of The Anarchist Cookbook available for purchase online at Amazon and Waterstones, and British authorities have not banned the book outright, they have used terrorism laws to prosecute some for holding it, usually in cases where defendants have been involved in other suspicious activity >Section 58 of the Terrorism Act allows charging people for possessing a document “likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism” Its not banned. Our law is retarded and can convict people for hypothetical crimes.
Is your house infested with tiny thrips? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thrips
>>280805 It looks like navy neet missed the first shot. Abe didn't react in any way other than to look confused. After the second shot Abe stumbles and falls to his knees, but we don't see any wounding from that angle. sch*zo would have a field day telling us it's fake, there was no blood, no soldiers died in combat etc.
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>>280871 thought crimes are a thing lad
>making a cunt of a post like that to wind lads up smh hate thinking about tiny insects etc >>280874 thought it was pretty much confirmed he was one of those imageboard bots someone was testing on us smh
He should have been able to prevent traps tbh
>>280878 they are below 1mm in length
>>280824 >>280826 if someone tried to tell me white privilege was real in this country i'd tear their throat out with my teeth and stomp their head until their brains came our or the cops got me.
>>280884 usual nig nog behaviour
>>280862 everyone at HnH should be tortured until their slow death. state filth need to suffer.
Twitter deal is off >In short, Twitter has not provided information that Mr. Musk has requested for nearly two months notwithstanding his repeated, detailed clarifications intended to simplify Twitter’s identification, collection, and disclosure of the most relevant information sought in Mr. Musk’s original requests. >Based on the foregoing refusal to provide information that Mr. Musk has been requesting since May 9, 2022, Twitter is in breach of Sections 6.4 and 6.11 of the Merger Agreement. <Accordingly, for all of these reasons, Mr. Musk hereby exercises X Holdings I, Inc.’s right to terminate the Merger Agreement and abandon the transaction contemplated thereby, and this letter constitutes formal notice of X Holding I, Inc.’s termination of the Merger Agreement pursuant to Section 8.1(d)(i) thereof. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1418091/000110465922078413/tm2220599d1_ex99-p.htm
Kill all libs tbh
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if a lefty tried anything with me they'd get put in a bloody chokehold
>>280891 keeeeeeeeek
I'm a proper william but i'd actuall murder a libtard if they were within arms distance tbh
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>>280896 well done
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mummy ordered pizza and got me an extra order of cheesebread and I got to go and pick up the pizzas from the wagecucks comfy friday for piglet
>>280896 good lad
>>280900 >not having it delivered yikes, those are unhealthy too you'll need to hit the gym steinerino
>>280903 annoying but he seems kind of based now
>>280905 i remember watching him on yt over 10 years ago
>>280906 who is this semen demon?
>>280888 so this whole thing was just a publicity stunt
>>280911 great loss
>>280911 its over
>>280904 lad I have been outside all week carrying around fiber cement planks and building scaffold >>280906
>>280906 facial shape is still too spic to have that phenotype and its fucking with my brain
>>280909 pretty good >>280910 according to pol Musk may sue Twitter and win we shall see
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>>280911 Dont like all the death these past few days tbh something heavy hanging over this week
https://www.businessinsider.com/drones-russia-ukraine-war-electronic-warfare-2022-7 >Ukraine's drones are becoming increasingly ineffective as Russia ramps up its electronic warfare and air defenses
>>280920 Molodets
schnini lids
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>>280920 keek and shizononce thought drones were unstoppable, night lad
tonight he will face britnats facing him, not frightened little sheep like you.
just ate 5 pieces of piza and now getting /comfy/ and watching some alegs so I can catch up on all the schizokino
had a really good day
>>280930 cool, what did you do?
>>280931 the usual for a work day, but everything was perfectly easy and went off without any trouble
plus, i had an amazing breakfast
>>280927 >manlets are behind the abomination of architectural design in high rises
>>280933 what did you have for breakfast lad?
>>280935 had a denver sandwich, tater-tots (perfectly done and no grease), orange slice, watermelon, cherry, strawberry. it all went well together.
alegs is full blackpill
>>280928 >crusius, le silly Two indulgences have been deposited to your heretic account
>>280937 That's the correct read, lad. The wrong people still have way too much power, instability as it is works to their favour.
debit machines in canada have stopped working today
>>280940 he said shinzo abe was still in charge of nippon behind the scenes and he was offed by chicom MK robot because he was rearming japan
>>280942 smh grim if true
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>>280945 not clicking that
its on financealot on twatter
>>280942 You mean the status quo is a black pill. It's getting worse I think, if the Chinese and allied nations expand causing an unavoidable war, then neoconservative types will rally men to fight back and then to go overseas to die, which will leave the home front too weak to resist even more extreme corruption. This will probably happen after not too long.
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i hate women
we need more women in fiber cement siding cutting and scaffold building lads why aren't more women running masonry saws in 90 degree heat to fight for equality?
>>280919 >toxic taint pembs?
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>>280955 poombs probably sharts in westies bed
>>280953 >>280954 the video is literally her just doing carefree tradwife shite, she claims to be not doing okay and posts a thumbnail of herself in skimpy clothes and just gets 640k views, unreal >>280956 keeek
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>>280959 I hate women so much I can just auto seethe by remembering when my tooth was pulled out and I had dry socket and couldn't sleep I was in so much pain and some lad on here said to rinse my mouth with salt water and that was the only thing other than codeine which helped me and mummy yelled at me for using up all the table salt and then told me I was being "exhausting"
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>>280873 lately I've been wondering if there are tiny bugs living in my mattress because whenever I lie down I feel little itches in random places. but I'm feeling something similar right now and I'm not in bed, so maybe it's the laundry detergent, or my skin is just dry/irriated from harsh soap. I've tried looking up bugs in the bed but all that comes up is 'bed bugs' which are huge and give you big painful bleeding bites that you'd definitely notice, not itty bitty itches with no mark like it's just dead skin getting nibbled off >>280888 wtf? fucking elon, I thought he was going to do something good. instead he tries to haggle down the price and shitlibs at twitter manage to wiggle their way out of the deal wonder what'll happen to twitter stock now, probably crash >>280942 anybody talking about "chicoms" is a kike shill
>>280960 i told you that btw. thank me
ty ac651d
>>280874 As he turns round and the second shot is fired, look at his shirt collar. He's been hit in the chest for it to move like that.
>>280963 you're welcome. you're my little baby afterall
>china is a pagan gentile superpower with a supermajority of over a billion of its core ethnic group >truly sovereign and independent from globohomo JWO system >largest economy in the world, based on manufacturing and raw materials >#2-3 military in the world >building up nuclear ICBMs >not afraid to sink American aircraft carriers over Taiwan >digital yuan is biggest threat to world reserve petrodollar >alternative and increasingly preferred source of foreign investment for the third world >trades extensively with pretty much everybody the US doesn't like >rapidly growing middle class, soon the wealth of the average chinese will surpass that of the average european and some boomer retard that's too comfortable to say "jews" will say "muh chicoms" because they're seething with jealousy
>>280966 holy epic i love the slants at my local
>>280967 I don't like the chinese as a race and I don't want them to be here but the PRC is by far the biggest geopolitical problem for the globohomo jew elite, there is no conceivable way for them to force the country to submit, it is too big and powerful and with an upward trajectory
>>280968 the ribs tho
them red msg chicken bits in rice, corr
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>>280969 >>280970 haven't eaten chinky in like 10+ years but crag rangoons are pretty ebin
>>280971 come 2 chinkies with me lad. liverpoo; china twon gates 4 o clock tomorrow.
Chop Suey tbh.
why wont you come to chinkies with me lads? this is why the west is falling.
>>280972 >>280974 I legitimately would if I were in the uk
Chinese curry pretty decent, not too spicy. Chicken curry for lunch, nice - and a quid cheaper on the lunchtime menu too.
>>280966 t. anglin
i just got home
>>280978 welcome home, dorse
>>280979 thanksss mateeeee
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>>280974 *dresses up in Japanese clothes and uses Japanese words in the chinkies to connect with them*
Apple, Porridge, and a kit kat. Lifting complete. Niggers in fear. White race rising.
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>tfw ywn be rescued from the desert by a petite feral cutie with bared legs
For fuck sake, once again I ask it: Do you lads remember that chan which is just Fascist stuff?
I fucking hate pornography. You can't torrent shite all without some bitch covered in semen getting in the way. The pornographers need shooting.
>>280987 never heard of it tbh
Yikes. >>280989 just found /fascist/ on here with some good material
During my struggle for existence in Vienna I perceived, very clearly that the aim of all social activity must never be merely charitable relief, which is ridiculous and useless, but it must rather be a means to find a way of eliminating the fundamental deficiencies in our economic and cultural life, deficiencies which necessarily bring about the degradation of the individual or at least lead him towards such degradation.
>>280992 simple as
>>280993 I can fight only for something that I love. I can love only what I respect, and in order to respect a thing I must at least have some knowledge of it. Yeah, I'm thinking Hitler was RIGHT.
Reading is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. Its chief purpose is to help towards filling in the framework which is made up of the talents and capabilities that each individual possesses.
>protesting with the canadian flag
>>280994 tbqh >>280996 solidarity between lads in BIG vehicles
No means was too base, provided it could be exploited in the campaign of slander. These journalists were real virtuosos in the art of twisting facts and presenting them in a deceptive form. The theoretical literature was intended for the simpletons of the soi-disant intelligentsia of the middle and upper classes. The newspaper propaganda was intended for the massesNo means was too base, provided it could be exploited in the campaign of slander. These journalists were real virtuosos in the art of twisting facts and presenting them in a deceptive form. The theoretical literature was intended for the simpletons of the soi-disant intelligentsia of the middle and upper classes. The newspaper propaganda was intended for the masses
Within less than two years I had gained a clear understanding of Social Democracy, its teaching and its weapons. I recognised the infamy of that technique whereby the movement carried on a campaign of mental terrorism against the bourgeoisie, which is neither morally nor spiritually equipped to withstand such attacks. The tactics of Social Democracy consisted in opening, at a given signal, a veritable barrage of lies and calumnies against the man whom they believed to be the most redoubtable of their adversaries, until the nerves of the bourgeoisie gave way and they sacrificed the man who was attacked, simply in the hope of being allowed to live in peace. But the hope always proved to be a foolish one for they were never left in peace. The same tactics were repeated again and again, until fear of these ruthless fanatics exercised, by sheer force of suggestion, a paralysing effect on their victims. Through its own experience, Social Democracy learned the value of strength and for that reason it attacks mostly those in whom it senses real mettle, which is indeed a very rare possession.
I also came to understand that physical intimidation has its significance for the mass as well as for the individual. Here again, the psychological effect has been calculated to a nicety. Intimidation in workshops and in factories, in assembly halls and at mass demonstrations, will always meet with success as long as it does not have to encounter the same kind of intimidation in a stronger form.
When I was twenty years old I had learned to distinguish between the trade-union as a means of defending the social rights of the employees and of fighting for better living conditions for them and, on the other hand, the tradeunion as a political instrument used by the party in the class struggle. The fact that the Social Democrats grasped the enormous importance of the trade-union movement, secured for them a weapon which they used with success, whereas the bourgeois parties by their failure to understand it, lost their political prestige.
There were very few Jews in Linz. In the course of centuries the Jews who lived there had become Europeanized and so civilised in appearance that I even looked upon them as Germans. The reason why I did not then perceive the absurdity of such an illusion was that the only thing which I recognised as distinguishing them from us was the practice of their strange religion. As I thought that they were persecuted on account of their faith my aversion to hearing remarks against them grew almost into a feeling of horror. I did not in the least suspect that there could be such a thing as systematic anti-Semitism.
>>280999 >a veritable barrage of lies and calumnies against the man whom they believed to be the most redoubtable of their adversaries, until the nerves of the bourgeoisie gave way and they sacrificed the man who was attacked, simply in the hope of being allowed to live in peace. But the hope always proved to be a foolish one for they were never left in peace. people still haven't learnt
>>281003 Hitler was right and based. Though my feelings might rebel a thousand times, reason now had to draw its own conclusions. The fact that nine-tenths of all the ‘smutty’ literature, artistic ‘tripe’ and theatrical banalities, had to be charged to the account of a people who formed scarcely one percent of the nation could not be gainsaid. It was there and had to be admitted.
Morning lids
==Should the Jew, with the aid of his Marxist creed, triumph over the peoples of this world, his crown will be the funeral, wreath of mankind, and this planet will once again follow its orbit through ether, devoid of human life, as it did millions of years ago. Nature, the eternal, takes merciless vengeance on those who defy her laws. Therefore, I believe to-day that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In resisting the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord.==
>>281005 morbing lad >>281006 tbh
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aarrrrrghh my lower back is burning from the soap, I legitimately need to abstain from showering for a couple days because it's getting worse every time I shower >>281008 hmmst
>>281010 >even the japs are being subjected to deafcuck flappy retard arm cancer
>>281011 so stupid tbh there's subtitles right there smh
>>281012 the argument is that the deaf are too retarded to learn written language, so they need to communicate with hand signals
>>281005 If I had diplomatic immunity wherever this is, I would unashamedly rape her in view of the carriage.
>>281013 tbh all just post-hoc justifications for leeching more money from public institutions deaf hand-flappers are just diversity hires being given makework
>>281016 >chocolate nigger man kek
>>281016 keeeeeeeek
>>281015 that's a part of it, also >recruiting another demographic to the anti-white male 'diversity stack' >further abusing the average normal white person with obnoxious bullshit >further normalizing the culture of obsessive virtue signalling and pandering to the inferior to the point of absurdity
>>281011 you can only ship so many women off to american universities before the rot they bring back becomes terminal
Ngl sounds like an adventure tbh
last of the turkey burgers >>281019 tbh >>281021 would watch the film adaptation ngl
>>280769 I honestly think he is actually pissing about and doesn't really want to register as a party tbh
>>281026 Reading what Hitler says I think he is on of these blokes: >>280999 I don't trust him after the way he through National Action under the bus and was acting like he knew a lot about the situation when he didn't know fuck all. Nick Griffin fucked him off too. If PA does get off the ground I'd like to get involved for the other lads but I do not and will not trust Mark Collett.
>>281026 >>281027 a few years ago everyone here always used to call him out for being spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) tbh not really sure why that stopped
can't find the mark collett deus ex edit smh must be on my old laptop smdh
>read latest "online harms act" shit >basically allows OFCOM to harass any forum anywhere in the world like OFCOM could ever handle that much world lol the absolute state of this shit, everyone will just have to block uk ips to avoid being liable, and we will have to use vpn like we are in china or something lmao
>>281030 *work I cant spell
>>281030 time to permaban everybody here sorry lads you're too much of a liability steiner and spic can stay though
>>281028 Probably because he's literally the only nationalist figure doing anything at all right now smh
British Nationalism was getting huge about ten years ago when UKIP came on the scene. Fuck Farage. Stupid frog faced cunt.
They replaced a party that fought for many issues with a party that fought for one issue. When that issue was resolved there was suddenly no opposition and nationalist party because the BNP imploded itself.
Kemi Badenoch launches bid to be Conservative leader >Former equalities minister Kemi Badenoch has become the latest Conservative MP to enter the race to become the next party leader and PM. >Confirming her candidacy in the Times, Ms Badenoch said she wanted a limited government and to "tell the truth". finally, the Tories getting back to their roots of limited government, low taxes and free negress weave
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>>281019 There's been a craze of femoids learning it for no reason lately. They don't even know any deafoids just saw it on tiktok and wanted to learn something useless.
>>281037 I don't have faith in any Tory candidate
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>>281040 everything is social signalling for foids smh knowing sign language is instant clout w*men should be banned from communicating with each other if a lass needs to talk to another lass she can ask her husband or father to talk to her husband or father >>281041 tbh
>>281044 disgusting smh she should've shut the door on them though tbh never speak to police unless it's mandatory
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>>280996 is this the next big nothingburger lads? they had that one clogtrotter blonde whore on shartican chud news yesterday
>>281008 >japanese sign language lass is a fit jap milf instead of some fat cunt luv japanese people me, best nonwhites
>>281047 hope so tbh dutch farmers have been pretty good protestors in the past
>>281044 >Ukraine flag virtue signaller >was timid herself to just say it's pakis noncing white girls in that GBnews interview >going on GBnews >that posh accent Very sus ngl.
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shnight lads
shouldnt have wanked >>281052 nite
>>281028 he is still untrustworthy, but there is nothing else
>>281037 > "tell the truth" let's learn the truth about >holohoax >9/11 >7/7 >grooming gangs
>>281052 good night friend
>>280782 Not an argument, nor even close
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watching some x-trials stuff, did anyone ever play these as flash games in school? impressive stuff tbh
>>281060 >did anyone ever play these as flash games in school? yeah used to play those all the time
fresh /biz/raeli content creator You Will Eat The Bugs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_8LTUmHWP0
>>281060 for me it was a program called pivot or smth that let aspiring psychopathlads make their own stickdeath animations tbh
>>281060 trials hd xbox 360 those were the days
>>281063 keeeek me and one of my mates would make some naughty stuff in pivot
>>281063 I remember messing about on pivot on school computers, those xiao xiao stick fight animations that were 20 mins long and borrowed heavily from the matrix, and that stick animation called mudah.swf which I didn't know was jojo until years later
>>281067 Always been a supporter of moving some white bears to the antarctic to see how things would go
what made them good niggers lads? was it just a firm white hand? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnu2lMunSPY
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>sri lanka
>>281075 What do they want?
>>281076 to poo in loo sir
>>281075 There is an amazing video on twitter with some poo whooping and well chuffed as they're storming the building.
>>281069 What are they clarifying as both sides of the holocaust?
>>281005 imagine if that was just sweat from the heat and not being rained on haha
>>281079 no idea
>>281076 Food and fuel prices have shot through the roof due to some sort of government legislation, they deployed the military last week to protect petrol stations from being looted.
>>281076 Less corruption. The civil government went bankrupt there.
>>281083 They're being sold out to the IMF so things are only going to get worse.
>>281085 Having a good day lad?
>>281086 el coof or whatever is causing my emulation of are floyd has gotten worse and I have a horribly sore throat smh drinking apple vinegar and sucking on a calipso and having chicken soup for dinner etc
>>281087 sorry to here it lad, remember to die in a gp clinic just to fuck up some nhs workers day.
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Wish I was having a picnic with a cassowary lads
>>281088 tbh tbh >>281089 keek that face would be kino to go around with one letting it disembowel negroes with its BIG claw
>>281089 Don't they attack anyone near them?
>Another human death due to a cassowary was recorded in Florida on April 12, 2019. >The bird's owner, a 75-year-old man who had raised the animal, was apparently clawed to death after he fell to the ground. stone cold killer
>>281070 I don't have a problem with this. All Muslims should wear their traditional garbs and refuse any integration.
In fact, integration of foreigners into our culture shouldn't be encouraged.
>>281096 It isn't anyway.
corner yoghurt packs of six have been reduced to packs of four but the price remains the same
>>281100 >"it's a situation where a little slip up like a trip and fall definitely gave that large bird an advantage" >wildlife expert
>>281101 I wish I got paid for stating the obvious.
>>281046 COR >>281099 yikes smh miss those things the banana one is my fav
>>281100 >like the velociraptors in Jurassic Park phew my bugman brain was finding it hard to understand until they referred to a film
that segment is peak shartican surrealism the final "i'm bleeding to death" to show the manlet expert knows what he's talking about. they don't even mention that he died until 10 seconds before the end
>>281104 smdh did they really fucking say that they couldnt even have just said velociraptors because velociraptors are now property of universal studios just like thor was invented by marvel
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>>281106 No joke I read the letters section in a paper the other day where someone made an analogy to Asgard, "the home of Marvel superhero Thor". Not Thor, but Marvel's Thor
>>281108 both hope and fear that dutton is right that IQ will continue to implode into oblivion eventually destroying any possibility of the globalshite world order tbh
>>281095 Tbh segregation is nationalism at the community level
>>281108 may they burn in hell just like a furnace in minecraft >>281109 smh lad that's exactly what they want though the stupider people are the more willing they are to accept a soy dystopia that's why they want to destroy white people in the first place
>>281111 yeah smh just coping that they won't be able to hold things at the 80iq mutt machine operator level and instead the whole planet will return to monke retardation
>>281112 yeah I imagine the elite reckon the can automate enough stuff to just rule as a tiny technocratic digitised immortal supercomputer race controlling their neo-helot cyborg masses with direct brain stimulation using electrodes inserted at birth.
>>281112 yeah that's probably why they're pushing hard for automation tbh but its questionable if they really see the deeper consequences of not having anyone capable of thinking and breathing at the same time
>>281100 > they descended from a creature that went extinct wdtmbt
>>281100 > they descended from a creature that went extinct wdtmbt
>>281128 Yeah at best the raptor family were cousins of the ancestors of modern birds.
>>281122 They mean the creature they are descended from went extinct
>>281133 >white women
>>281133 Or just stop having sex with men too stupid to use contraception.
>>281137 hate that uploader tbh the nasty cunt is part of the SJW crowd and made some videos a while back calling certain kino autists racist, who developing some mods that were going to be really cool until they had to cancel because of the dogpiling
>>281138 smh wish these types of talentless poofs would leave neet modders alone
>>281140 Its not his account
>>281141 Wouldn't surprise me though, I never bother using that site to microblog because its so ban happy. Even Reddit is better because it has sections which are useful.
>>281080 i have a big sweat fetish myself, don't know what it means or where it comes from, just like sweaty lasses, maybe that is actually normal? a sweaty lass is kind of tired and vulnerable in a way
>>280618 keeeek Pidgin is the gift that keeps on giving
video unrelated
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make a fire tweet, some retarded thot makes a basic bitch reply to it. notifications: someone has liked a reply to your tweet x1000 fucking hate women, is there anything that isn't easy mode for them.
>>281148 get fuckin ratio'd, kid
>>281144 sweat contains a lot of pheromones tbh
>fire >thot >basic bitch
pheromones tbh
imagine getting owned by normalfags
is this that weird cunt who posted his reddit history?
>>281154 no one did that
>>281154 explain lad? my favourite subreddit was that spacedicks one back when it was le edgy, there were a few other good porn ones too but i'll withhold what they were called for board loosh preservation
>>281149 it wasn't even like a rebuttal, just rephrased my subtle witticism with writing out the same thing in basic terms. >>281151 i may have been on twitter too much
lads is sri lanka depopulating? heard some spooky things
>>281158 I heard they ran out of food and petrol, plus bankrupt and the president fled and resigned
>desi bengal sri lanka gf soon
>>281160 Yeah instability sucks. All those leeches will be fleeing their own civilisation like a horde of locusts
>>281161 there's only like 5 million of them tbh uk should just make it an overseas territory like the carribbean islands, don't know why we don't do this
evening lads can I feel like seething about femoids I am so sick of women wearing these slutty outfits to "workout" at the gym. I can't even imagine any of these whores have a healthy relationship with any male if they dress like this? how can you respect them? also its so tiring and boring having to constantly furnish sluts with attention and constantly appear like you are chad-ajacent when around them so you "measure up" to their fake and gay barbie matrix bubble. I literally don't care, outside of mummys half or more of them will never even have kids. I don't care what they have to say, I am so sick of "conversation" with femoids and listening to their easy mode lives and their mundane stupid conformist chatter and having to pretend I care about some stupid retarded thing like their gay fucking dog. women provide fucking zero benefit to a low status males life at this point, they are just another job. its just fucking labor being around a fucking thot. oh wow your butt is so big and its so amazing that you are dressed like a crack whore doing obnoxious squats right in front of me. oh wow you are so impressive financing every aspect of your lifestyle on credit and living like some depraved manic depressive hedonist
>>281163 every hour on /brit/ is incel seethe hour saw a couple walking down the high street yesterday and the buttmatrixbabooness was literally just wearing underwear, or what looked like it
>>281164 is this about sri lanka?
>>281166 aye, those niggas done goofed lad
other highlights included a single mother with her one child on a leash like a fucking dog
>>281167 i saw that the prime minister and president's homes were broken into and burned
>>281163 they've started coming to my gym later as well, like they think there's untapped attention potential when there's less other foids there, rather then just gymcels who want to be left alone. how is your whole routine sumo squats and hip thrusts? wish they would fuck off, think anglin is right that it's basically sexual assault as they make you feel uncomfortable in a public space.
Go on Arjuna my son
>>281100 Keek why is he putting on a excited morning news voice as he's describing's someone's death?
>>281172 that's how americans talk lad
ah yes, the gymfoid arc
can we have a feel good arc for once
>>281170 tbh yeah it really is, its not attractive in the "I want to have children and spend larges amounts of my life with this high quality mate" sense, they are just trying to get loosh from the most animalistic and depraved side of men and its really annoying. not all lasses do it either some just kind workout and then leave and don't do all these garish slutty outfits and etc.
>>281171 insurrection
>>281100 what a fucking mong
fucking southerners importing boas and releasing them and importing russian boars and releasing them. feel like coyotes would rekt cassowaries though
>>281100 could these survive in england?
>>281180 keeek I bet that mammals would rekt them because when the isthmus of panama was created north american mammals went to south america and rekt all their gay autism birds
oh yeah you lads don't have wolves or bears smh feel like american black bears would not be comfy around those things would probably just hide in trees around them and vore their babies in winter
>back still hurts from lifting injury >now likely have covid which is giving me a horrible headache and sore throat
>>281183 had a lifitng injury 12 years ago, never got good keeeek enjoy lad
the grey heron is unironically the finest predator the british isles (including ireland obviously) now have. inb4 some fag tries to tell me a badger or fox is better, but the grey heron literally matches those animals in terms of prey size despite only weighing a fraction of what they do, and not only that it vores its prey like a proper predator. honorable mention to the seagull
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>>281188 keeeek disgusting
>>281187 herons are pretty fierce tbh imagine if they were giant.
Hate these "online" "edgy" women who try to btfo incels by saying its just eugenics and Darwinism, god they are fucking retarded, women are so fucking smug.
>autism bird: I am the toughest animal around these parts >bear: *vores*
>>281191 yeah they are just womenIDF there is nothing "eugenical" about a flatline birthrate
>>281194 even if they were having children it wouldn't be eugenic, part of it is fisherian runaway but thats just 1 issue on top of many others.
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>>281195 tbh exactly there are so many layers to the degeneracy of "women's rights"

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>magapedes couldn't storm the senate >seamonkeys could it happened in the south
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By gosh janny, you've missed a bit
>>281192 is this some new jock grifter?
>>281202 he used to present one of those bbc nature programs i think, coast or something
>>281199 Sri Lanka isnt SEA lad it's the poo coming out of the prolapsed anus that is India
>>281177 They'll all be gulaged by IMF debt retrieval squads by the end of the year,
>>281205 vile bugmen
>>281203 yeah, they are usually half decent programs tbf, one of the few things I can watch with the boomers just comfy nature documentary stuff with a bit of LOCALism >>281205 classic tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S2nuZsBz8g
>>281202 What?
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>>281199 >The crapitol sneed
I don't post alt-righters
>281209 illogical that an adult man would be able to retrieve this from youtube for a post by memory
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>>281205 keek Gintama moment
>>281213 the puddi puddi song is such an ancient piece of 4chan history that I know of it by cultural osmosis rather than personal experience
>>281215 >that time when on /v/ they changed the css to puddi puddi
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watching it again
>>281217 what are they running from? i like to imagine it's the music making them do that
>>281217 Sir, Rob Criminal the 3rd
>>281218 it's the chicago cringecel shooter
the heat is bringing out the wild in the deano right now
>>281218 chimpcago chadcel shooter.
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You namefag once as a prank, but the consequences will always linger (in your browser cache)
>>281221 tbh they are all hooting at the park right now
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I'm seeing names like Choppa, BlamBlam, Staba and Crimo, I wonder what professions they might have held.
>>281225 why, doctors and engineers of course
I think it is you
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>>281217 this is like something from postal 2
posted that at 59:50 smh >>281231 good lad
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>>281236 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
postal film for sunday film night tbh
been reading about how san andreas is widely considered to be the best gta and it's made me slightly uncomfortable. that game was after my time as a ps2 connoisseur and i was always under the impression that vice city was the best one, a goom with which i'm intimately familiar. iterestingly basically noone considers gta4 to be among even the top 3 gta games
>>281240 san andreas is just "good" because its about niggers therefore it has to win because of racism lad
>>281240 >>281241 i thought it was 'good' because every kid and his dog had it for free somehow
>>281231 good lad
>>281231 good lad
I've just finished watching S01 and S02 of this tv show. It's very woke to the point of being ridiculous, but it is worth watching for the Chad. Yes, they call him Chad in the show.
>>281247 don't watch "shows" lad
>>281250 you forgot about Nick
>>281240 I never played any gta game, only saints row 2 (and watched 1 a lil bit at a friend's house)
>>281252 niggerzoomer
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>saints row
>>281251 Gonna build a car and mow down niggers with are nick shooting them aiming with his non-glass eye https://youtu.be/wK63eUyk-iM YOU KNOW I AIN'T BRAGGIN SHE'S A NIGGER KILLIN WAGON
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>>281254 one time at 3am the mummer burst into my room and I was in saints row 2 character creation and I made it a pigtails blonde with maximum size tits/ass and she saw it and said "that's sickening" of course that was the 5 minutes of the night I was being a naughty boy and the rest of the time I was just playing the game randomly....
if you console goomed after 2006 you're a different generation. only zoomers had the ps4
>>281257 wii / xbox 360 / ps2 / nintendo ds were the last consoles I had
ps2 for me
timesplitters 2
>used to play GTA1 and 2 on my neon coloured alien blow up chair If you don't remember the neon bubble chair you must be a sperm
Who told the military they could have their own opinions? these committee cucks are playing a weak hand
>>281263 My idea for solving Channel crossings is for us to become the leading exporter of transplantable organs and tissues in the world.
>>281256 smh i hate mummies no man looks at an unrealistically muscled behemoth in a videogame and says 'that's sickening' unless he means "thats one sick nastey cunt aye"
>>281262 keek, the inflatable ones. based btw, that was the gta that had the overhead view. you are also probably lying
>>281265 well I was obviously having a coomer moment with the character creation, I'm just pissed that she violated my privacy tbh and also at myself for not just turning the monitor off instead of trying to minimize it
>>281266 everyone laments old 4chan but really it was all just gay shite like this and "caturday" lolcats. fuck 2000s 4chan kek
>>281270 tbh 4chan wasn't good until the stormfags came
>“One of the great disappointments of Boris Johnson is that having got us over the line in strict legal form on Brexit, he’s done nothing to take advantage of the freedoms which that has given us“ UKIP Leader Neil Hamilton
where are the stormfags now though? i miss 2016
>>281269 the urge to look at big boobies is not unnatural or something to be ashamed of tbh obviously porn is unhealthy but women have demonised normal male sexuality to the point where we have a completely warped perception
remember him? UKIP's last MP
>>281274 >married >having kids >careers >or in jail
>>281275 yeah tbh meanwhile the mummer was reading 50 shades of grey and also one time I accidentally stumbled upon some bizarre massive spiky purple vaginal stimulation contraption women will pretend to be prudes when convenient but in truth they are bigger coomers than men
>>281278 smh disgusting i genuinely think they just have a holier than thou attitude about sex and feel the need to gatekeep their own sexuality [being private about it] whilst scrutinising the same aspect of men because their sexuality is truly the only power they hold over men, and it's quite literally a vulnerability to them
>>281276 completely un-memeable
>>281280 what about these two?
>>281277 >careers
>>281280 just you watch
>>281284 >our man in ukraine fucking end me, a boomer would read this and would immediately be programmed
>>281276 Carswell left the party in 2017
Carl in UKIP, this was the end
glad lads still remember the old ukip lore of /brit/pol. seems so cringe that we cared about politics back then but it wasn't so long ago that it was possible actually relate to politicians, it ended when the bnp ended i guess
Speaking of
>>281289 sorry lad, not interested Careswell is looking good bald
sooner or later, you'll be a he-man woman hater, it's inevitable
never heard of this group, spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) probably
good night chaps
>>281293 night lad
courtney hope is really not good looking
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holy shit
>>281295 >>281296 don't know lad
lots of the older yoomer millennials i looked up to when i was younger are now married to ugly women and don't seem happy. makes me so sad to see these lads who used to show me how to do misdemeanor crimes like blocking the road with a snow barrier then throwing snowballs at the boomer who got out and raged so sad. they've been domesticated i think, or maybe that's growing up. lads born in the early 80s always seemed so wild to me and now most of them are unhappy
maybe the trick is to get a qtgf and not a munter that your family likes
smorb lads >>281299 smh
>>281301 morbing
>>281302 hullo lad
>>281303 ty i love coffee
>281304 fagnonce
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>>281307 keeeeek
*stares at you*
>>281309 spooky
>suggested five year terms for prime ministers
>>281311 don't really see what five year terms would change at all tbh
The transition period is making me nervous the wogs won't get deported to Rwanda in a timely manner
thought it was 5 year term for le prime minister but they all resign in le shame or something? imagine being the leader of the country and bending to the will of the media. nick griffin would never have retired from office
>>281315 >imagine being the leader of the country and bending to the will of the media tbh seems like being spineless is the key criteria to getting the job
what happened anyway? >boris appoints some guy to some position knowing that he's a homosexual groper >the guy gets exposed as a homosexual groper >boris resigns is that an accurate description of what happened?
>>281317 tbh really not sure why exactly it happened
>>281314 As if deportations are on the cards at all. The deal is that Rwanda sends us people it doesn't want.
Good morning love from Kazakhstan I hate women so much it’s unreal
>>281296 keek chad facial structure >>281284 >Johnson securing peace in eastern Europe >Blair securing peace in the middle east I'm sure it will be fine
>>281321 smorn lad
The funny thing about the deafening silence from BBC on the Netherlands protests is that by staying so quiet, it suggests that the topic is considered to be very sensitive. I guess it makes the remoaners look bad, if EU policies are unpopular.
>>281324 Just like when there were huge antivax-mandate marches in the heart of london and not a single camera or report tbh
>>281325 The named personnel, Sharp and Davies, are Conservative Party appointees, but there is probably too much politics considering the makeup of the appointing committee to get a fairer product.
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>all these low standards lads saying good lad to the one second late seacow For shame. The thread is CURSED. CURSED. CURSED. CURSED.
>>281327 Is this what happens when they make niggers pay 20c to use the bathrooms at the train station?
>>281329 >having to pay to do a poo What next wypipo, having pay for water?
>fighter jets deployed to sweden and finland Repugnant. Today's internationalists are totally gay, just an excuse to keep people from local issues. >>281328 Who asked?
Really seems like a lot of wogs are letting their personal ambitions destroy the last amount of reputation the Conservatives had.
>>281332 not a big surprise tbh everything is a stepping stone to these people
>>281333 Embarrassing to see the party getting overrun so quickly.
>>281334 it was overrun when they were allowed to join in the first place tbh this is just the dam breaking
>>281331 >Rome expands military activities to the frontiers Wouldn't worry about it tbh
>>281315 imagine if based nick was PM that would have been so kino especially if it was him an trump and he just roasted trump all the time for being a zogbot
>>281274 We’re the stormfags now lad

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