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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3748: Beddy Byes Edition Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 22:49:14 Id: 5b2ce9 No. 287359
What is the right amount of sleep each night and how could missing it RUIN your health? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11046489/What-right-sleep-night-missing-RUIN-health.html Mum defends sleeping with children, eight and four, as well as husband https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/real-life/mum-defends-sleeping-children-eight-24589057 How to get the best night's sleep – 10 hacks to try if you're struggling to sleep https://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/health/how-best-nights-sleep-10-24876831
>juggling two groomees at once AHHHHHHHH WHY DO I DO IT. THE GUILT
>>287359 good lad
think I have parasites or something lads, almost passed out today a couple times today, light headed and catch myself feeling like im going to collapse. basically stuck in bed tired af 24 hours a day. doctors wont see me until next week.
>287361 filtered
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>>287364 Good lad
>>287359 good lad
Now naps, and definitely not Covid vaccines, might cause heart attacks
>>287367 its over for spics
BREAKING NEWS: THE ADL ARE ANTI-CHRISTIAN BUT PRO JEWISH okay I guess we all knew that already but maybe some normies still don’t get it
consulted the i ching and it told me to kill myself
>>287278 >She's not fatherless if you were her father Based and Fritzlpilled
>>287370 There is no hexagram that says that lad
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It counts
>>287377 keeeeeeeek
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>>287381 As the CEO of Rape, I approve this message.
Lads after I took the vaxx I think my knob has shrunk by three inches.
>>287385 tfw my 3 inch shrinks 3 inches
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>>287384 Typical day in Asia
>>287385 same here lad now mine's only 7 inches long smh
>the family-of-four now sleep in a giant bed, comprised of two double beds pushed together every night with every family member sleeping soundly through the night. Except the husband who can never have sex with his wife ever again.
>>287390 why not
>>287390 Smh here I was thinking it was a based trad paleo family practice but now I realise it's just a scummy breedfoid tactic to 'protect' herself from sex and deny the husband that gave her two children the chance to enjoy her waning body
he should just shag her anyway
>>287393 Niggerbrained >>287391 Noncebrained
Guess the kids would learn to sleep in their own bedrooms soon enough.
*rolls over and squishes spawn*
*doesn't go to bed because I don't want to wake up to my dentist appointment*
>>287384 Basket case, tbh
smorb lads >>287402 don't be racist lad that's a traditional ukranian pastime
>>287403 >>287403 >Truss says “freedom and democracy” >host collapses Symbolic tbh
>>287403 >uncensored >camera cuts out when something unscripted happens
God I hope this is true
Not that I want to [fed post] tbh but I do unironically really really want to [fed post] ngl
I wonder what made her feint?
>>287410 sudden vision of the future where either of the two become pm
>tfw host collapses >tfw economy collapses >tfw democracy collapses >tfw society collapses Truss moments
wish the vaxoids worked like fainting goats tbh sneak up behind a group of them and shout and then watch them all go stiff and fall over
>>287412 Fug I should have said “Truss the plan” that would have been wittier
>>287414 keeeeeek
>>287413 According the the vax skeptics we will see a gradually dropping off of population as the mRNA works it’s maguc, giving people more and more long term circulatory conditions that slowly kill them Athletes drop faster because they have strain their circulation more quickly, but eventually this will happen to all of them
>tfw host collapses >tfw economy collapses >tfw democracy collapses >tfw society collapses Truss the plan
There, that’s better
>>287416 hoping to see more people collapse on telly tbh that's always good fun >>287417 keeeeeeeeek can't believe it took this long for someone to come up with truss the plan tbh
>>287361 no reason to be guilty, men are naturally polygamous >>287416 I think the mechanism for an acute cardiovascular episode caused by vaxx heart damage is extreme exertion. athletes do this regularly, so they're more likely to have an episode. the average person, on the other hand, the most exercise they get is walking up a few flights of stairs or shoveling snow... hence the warnings about "heart attack snow"
>>287409 ngl tbh smh
>>287420 >>287420 Have you seen the stuff about vaccine death autopsies showing weird organic material building up in the arteries?
>>287422 nah but aren't those spike proteins supposed to stick to things with their spiky spikes? maybe it's that
>>287402 lets go brandon
>>287403 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>287407 the war in the vendee is the only example of chudrising and it wasn't as organized as it should have been to stop the masonics. hoping that my loud mouthed countrymen can prove their mettle but I am not holding my breath I think full niggerfaggot communism will be in swing in many places before the chudrising occurs
>>287428 >full niggerfaggot communism will be in swing in many places before the chudrising occurs tbh think they have to lose hope completely before they can let go of "but what if we could put the good guys in charge" there's always one more voot just around the corner that could turn the whole thing around
>>287429 yeah but so far alot of goodlad stuff has been going on in the background at least for govid shit
>>287430 yeah things do seem to be looking up
going to play spyro year of the dragon
>>287432 Based. Looks fun tbh. Think I only every played the first one.
>>287432 >>287433 year of the dragon's the only spyro game I played crash bandicoot's better though
>>287433 it's basically more of the same tbh >>287434 luv crash too tbh never had it as a youngun though smh
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>>287435 this though...
>>287410 The injections didnt help, but it's mainly her being a woman in a high pressure situation tbh. She has a colleague, who is a man, that would have officiated the debate with her but he had to cancel last minute because he took ill. So the producer took a chance-- because "women are fully capable human beings who just need to be allowed their opportunities to demonstrate their true competance"-- and paid the price. Women and the fools round them are destroying society; this is a microcosm of a much bigger problem.
This tweet, her reasonably feminine appearance, and the relatively intense and high pressure question which ended "likely to get worse" followed by Truss answering about "standing up to Vladimir Putin are all the clues needed to make this conclusion. She instinctively tried to push through her nervousness by tensing her muscles, by digging in and bracing for the discomfort to override her flight or fight response, the big leg muscles soaked up all the blood that her increased heart beat pumped and it didn't allow enough oxygen to her brain. I love women just don't want to see them and indirectly us being set up for failure
you're fooling absolutely no one
I do hope you aren't actually as upset as you sound
The Wessex bongo rumours are worrying. I sense a disturbance in the *force*
>Vax Maxxed
>>287441 you think he died?
I refuse to believe Wessex has passed.
>even the fake internet spy friends go away in the end
someone should loot his gaming pc
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the lass' plants all died
>>287407 I know which one I am
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>>287370 Did he ever get revenge on QUIAAN and reclaim his coins?
>In Amsterdam there were at least 100,000 people. Most of the Dutch support the farmers' protest. <Dutch farmers are not joking. Blocks in progress with sand, waste, hay bales and manure on highways A1 in Bathmen, A12 in Bunnik, A30 in Ede, A35 in Hengelo and A50 in Apeldoorn. Actions in progress other areas of the Netherlands. Many farmers are heading to Den Haag. >Dutch bloke in support of the farmers 👨‍🌾🚜🌾 tells the @bbc to fuck off 🖕 <'Even more so than health, controlling the food supply is probably the best way you can control people.' >Freedom Convoy support Dutch farmers. July 23rd, 2022 - Vaughn Mills, ON
>Fringe Minority! Support for Dutch farmers.. <Torontonians chant “No farmers, no food!” in front of the Netherlands consulate in solidarity with Dutch farmers. >Wow! Dutch farmers are not joking: "No farmers, no food, no future." <Canadian farmers support Dutch farmers' protest: "No fertilizers, no farmers, no food."
>>287452 That “fuck BBC” clip is from ages ago
>>287452 >>287453 luv these lads tbh
>>287454 You're welcome
>>287452 le BBC man really loves his air
Kind of glum to think about how much territory will be lost as the darkies colonise lands formerly posessed by human beings. Also thinking that this amounts to a sort of culling as the darkies degrade the land they've moved into and people see that they can't be supported as endless gibs are swallowed up by the dark ceaselessly hungry hordes, and those territories will have to be "amputated". The amputations will I am thinking cause enough of the idiot sleepers, who get excited about internationalist goals at the expense of the nation, to repress their grotesquely inappropriate internationalist ambitions and work to reinforce the new borders. There will be a lot of slow territory loss and it will be continue to be painful to see, truly needless, but these people who love the lie will just feel more pressure. The states which are already sovereign will have more justification to say no the madness seen happening to others. Make no mistake the darkies will follow like a horde of glacially slow locusts taking and truly "using up" as much as possible from the higher standards that only human beings can create.
>>287424 Authorised journalism only
>>287458 >territories will have to be "amputated" >There will be a lot of slow territory loss >some kind of boundary >not a continuum of widely dispersed chaos across Europa and civil wars over entire nations as the vermin are everywhere already >not a reconquest sweeping back to north Africa
>>287458 Give it a million years or so and a new sentient race will emerge from them. And this time there won't be any easily accessible resources for them to develop technological society, lucky fucks.
Dentist b like: HAND OVER THE MONEY
>>287459 >grifters
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>>287463 >when pay taxes for a national health service but still have to pay for health services
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>>287465 bit of a rip-off tbh
I think there were proposals to start charging for hospital beds now.
>>287468 bring an air mattress and lie on the floor
£8 a day, that's one way to sort the hospital crowding issue.
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Cringe with a dash of seethe for breakfast.
Used to have a mate that looked like a young Stuart Sutcliffe tbh.
Peter Sutcliffe
said he wanted to nailbomb a primary school, never did tbh
>>287474 smorn >>287475 choon that
>>287481 Looks fine to me. Cope harder incel.
>>287481 shes bred though, shame it was with a swarthoid.
fixed my schleep schedule, slept for 12 hours though smh, and still feel tired, another day and it'll be fine smeethinks, time for second bowl of crunchy nut now.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0aIl3eG8O8 *retvrns limiting imageboard visits and trying to improov myself tbh can't afford to spend all day shitposting now, also didn't want to poost in a nonce thread thanks for the updates about the vaxxoom and the farmers etc, I do like reading actual content not got much to say tbh, benefits cunts leaning hard and voluntoil isn't enough for them
>>287485 >slept for 12 hours though smh, and still feel tired hate that tbh >>287486 >trying to improov myself tbh good lad >also didn't want to poost in a nonce thread smh should've edited it but i kept forgetting
>>287486 You don't get to just not post, you have a duty, just post when you are able to nobody is telling you to be addicted to imageboards, you have no excuse for your absence.
>>287488 This tbh, reporting you right now.
>>287488 don't really want to do formulaic woe is me and seethe posts tbh they'll probably still come through anyway though
PIPING HOT FRESH GRAM OF WOES 20TH JUNE https://odysee.com/@millennialwoes:4/Gram202225:6
>>287491 does he say anything current or relevant? never watched a single video of his odysee content tbh
/brit/ is collapsing
>>287492 >never watched a single video of his odysee content tbh yet you'll watch nosely, he mostly just spends half the time expressing his shock at the current events of societe, then 20 minutes talking about an old tv show, then talking about how much he doesn't know, then 20 minutes navel gazing about how important he is, and reminiscing about being an e celeb in 2015.
>>287496 keeeeeeek
>>287495 keeeeek smh sounds about right I really only watch the PA monthly update streams to see whether or not they've saved the white race yet
>Wessex is back And now I wish he'd fuck off again.
>>287499 lunch break is almost over lad I'll be gone soon enough (not even toiling today except in the home tbh)
>>287501 >except in the home tbh) ?
shnight lads
>>287502 chores, cleaning etc have to figure out how to efficiently make my vegetable mush meals which involve far too much kitchenware and yet have to be done on about two feet of countertop space, that sort of thing >>287503 gnila don't let the abos bite
thats not toil and you know it, STOP
>>287486 Glad you're okay lad just keep us updated >>287493 smh hope not, don't know where I'd get my daily dose of seethe from
harvesting some concentrated seethe from the wessleg
>>287505 it is toil to someone who just wanted to be a comfy screen addict neet in a mouldcave with no worries denying myself and doing more now daily than at any point in the past four years smh doesn't feel good >>287507 I fucked up my legs even more on saturday, there was a parade on in the boomer's town and I forgot and had to power walk through it and to another village to catch a bus and I haven't been able to walk properly since
>>287507 we need a mosely/blackshirt britlad doing this to wessies leg edit, I'm too lazy atm.
>>287491 >PIPING HOT FRESH GRAM OF WOES Handle it carefully lad you might get incurable warts.
>>287495 >then talking about how much he doesn't know Hate it when e-celebs do this. It's ok to be a brainlet but can you give me your hot takes half-baked at least, not so unbaked that an opinion hasn't even been formed yet.
>The FBI accused a former US Marine of planning to sexually assault white women as a part of a neo-Nazi 'Rapekrieg' plot to increase America's Caucasian population. >Matthew Belanger was arrested on July 10 in New York and was charged with lying to a federal firearms licensee as a part of a plan to have somebody purchase an assault rifle and a handgun for him. Belanger, whose mugshot has not been released, pleaded not guilty to the firearms charges on Monday. >Belanger's alleged nefarious behavior went much further than mere gun charges, however, as a July 14 court memo revealed he was the focus of an FBI Joint Terrorism Taskforce investigation stemming from a history of neo-Nazi associations, and anti-Semitic behavior and plotting. >Some of that behavior included partaking in paramilitary trainings with goal of overthrowing the 'Zionist Order of Governments,' and plotting 'engage in widespread homicide and sexual assault' to reconfigure America's racial make-up, largely by raping 'white women to increase the production of white children.' >The memo pointed out that much of Belanger's neo-Nazi behavior took place while he was still enlisted in the US Marine Corps from 2019 to 2021. He is currently being held in a federal detention center in Honolulu, where he was stationed while still with the Marines. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11051559/FBI-accuses-former-Marine-planning-rapekrieg-attacks-white-women-Neo-Nazi-plot.html
>>287514 >reconfigure America's racial make-up, largely by raping 'white women Sadly he abandoned the project after he exhausted the supply of 6/10 Amerishart women in a matter of days.
Just want a 6/10 gf, tbh lids
>>287518 What do you have to offer?
>>287519 A prolific imageboard posting history
>>287520 how many cars and properties?
>>287521 A two bed terrace and a piece of shit Ford Fiesta
Glad wessex is still alive, I was worried the benny brigade had finally chained him to a Tesco's shelf and told him to stack for his freedom.
>>287522 Dating app time lad
>>287522 Doing better than me.
>>287523 tbh, I lock horns with him but I do love him. He is a faggot bootlicking, hag shagging, inbred. Still, I love him. I have met him, you know? Yes. On Crosby beach, St George's Day, 2016. I saw him first in the light of a large camp fire. Spoke briefly with him in a little bar. He was too fat to get passed the table so simply lifted it up. Next I know he's spouting internet memes in real life during an altercation in Bath. I love him.
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Think b*sexual exgfs lesbian friend got rid of her male dog because it wouldn't fug her and now has a smaller younger female dog to white woman.
>wednesday chav music blasting right on cue
>>287508 >Mummy asked you to clean the dishes >Toil
>(1) >thinks wessie lives with his mummy
>we still get newfags
>>287531 You're a (1) too you mong
>changing the subject >instigating aggression
>>287534 I'm now a (3) so my argument is thrice as valid as yours.
an argument, is that what you think you have?
>>287486 >also didn't want to poost in a nonce thread why do angloids virtue signal about this so much? I thought that thread title was weird also but to go so far as to abstain from posting in the thread, that's just autistic >>287510 absolute state
>>287537 >why do angloids virtue signal about this so much? Mentally conquered by hags into "thinking young women aren't attractive" (they are attracted to 14 y/o girls as much as anyone else, the taboo is part of the reason they react so hard: they need to single they're part of the in group and not le naughty man)
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>>287492 lad, you're back!!!
>287539 A tranny made this post.
>>287498 > to see whether or not they've saved the white race yet they've built the ethnostate lad for one weekend at a campsite
>>287526 You should have stabbed him tbh
>287540 I'm probably the least tranny person on this board lad
>>287543 You mean you're a real lass, lad?
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I missed* her window of fertility** lads.
>fugged the spoiler
>>287545 she has one child and is pregnant with her second
>>287545 weird pursed mouth. did she really post here?
>>287547 Really? Whitepilled if so. >>287548 >being this new
>>287549 >>being this new lad the ginny shit was over 5 years ago
>>287547 how do you know that?
>>287550 Anyone that hasn't been a part of our evolving and splitting community in some way for the last 10 years like smee is a newfag.
>>287543 >I'm probably the least tranny person on this board lad With your three exclamation points and homofaggot hugging
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>>287545 based gin gin her kid is kino phenotype like her
>>287552 BO is a newfag
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>forgot to delete a ">" thereby gifting HIM a (You)
>>287548 Pretty sure she actually has pics of one spawn on her facebook, it's not secret information, lad >>287551 Told me in the bongo
>>287553 >express care about are Wess >get accused of tranny gayism obvious fed is obvious
>>287557 >Told me in the bongo you share a bongo with Ginny?
https://youtu.be/gtbUB1XPW_o We must protect the gin gin childs >287558 >Being a faggot >Get called a faggot >Act like a tranny >Get called a tranny
>287560 >makes no useful posts >causes division and malcontent >is a fed >is a spy we're on to you you shit
my heart feels awful from lack of sleep idk if I'm gonna make it to 70 lads
>Brings up shit out of nowhere >Gets called a faggot >Calls homosexual obsession with an obese inbred a useful post >Gets called a faggot >Claims having faggotry pointed out is divisive >Gets called a faggot What a tranny.
>>287559 Yeah, she rarely posts
>>287564 which bongo is this?
>287563 >confirmed fed >obsessed with trannies >obsessed with gays >is a gay fed couldn't be more obvious
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>this thread
>>287567 didn't Bertie used to troll the fuck out of her?
>>287565 Half of what was /newbrit/
>>287570 Kaycord?
>>287575 Ginnie is in the Kaycord? I can't believe that
>>287576 she rarely posts. Wessex can confirm as he is a kaycordian
>>287566 >Confirmed tranny >Gets called a tranny >Confirmed gay >Gets called a faggot >>287573 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>287574 I know where you got that, you fukken spic.
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saw this big boy on the road today
>>287580 big arse snapping turtle.
>>287581 yeah he did not want to move I made a video but its not well filmed because he kept turning to lunge at my broom when I was pushing him out the of the road he could have easily broken a foot or limb if he got you keeek he must have weighed 70-100 pds shell was the size of my chest
>>287573 All he has to do is gain 6 and a half stone and get caught and this will all be true.
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>>287573 >and he's loving every minute of it
nearly 7 weeks nofap and I'm getting the urge to wank out of sheer boredom, not really noticing any positive effects either tbh, feels like its really just a meme, suppose I should wait til day 90 though since that apparently when you "reset".
>>287586 >not really noticing any positive effects either For me the effects were noticable. Mostly a lack of shame/exhaustion/soreness from wanking and also the ability to have regular proper morning wood and semis throughout the day. Does wonders for self confidence to know that your dick works on demand because you haven't spent every idle moment cooming to some vile pornography
Plus ejaculation for chronic masturbators is pathetic. If you come inside a woman, you really shouldn't be wasting sperm on porn.
>>287587 yeah I suppose the main effect is the lack of shame and knowing I haven't done it, Problem is theres zero pussy on the horizon at all so I could have to do this for years
fixating about muh alpha power masculinity is a sign of insecurity, literally just do what makes you feel healthy rather than good. if you coom all the time it makes you slow but if you spend all the time horny its also kind of bad
>>287590 I'm just a mess in general tbh, at least my back is fine now from the injury at the start of the month but I've still not restarted the lifting yet smh
yikes have you seen vaginas?? I'd much rather coom in a stinky poopyhole haha
>>287573 Except that isn't fat, that is obese. Fat is what prevents toxins, from this modern industrialised environment, from fully impacting the nervous system. People in the body mass index categories of "normal" and "underweight" are truly underweight and unhealthy for the abovementioned reason.
>this cunt again
>>287461 >don't talk about the coming amputations Its already happened before like whenever southern Europeans have been excluded for their lack of understanding, their corruption etc. Southern Europeans have more non human admixture compared to other places. Amputation is a good word. >>287464 better than dafties
>287594 >anti scientific whinging
>been brewing on a shit which I was looking forward to passing for over an hour and it turned out to just be air smh
>>287571 I think he did
>>287595 >better than dafties lad you could not be more wrong
>>287595 >better than dafties lad you could not be more wrong
>>287598 Bar some regular thread shitposting in 2016 he's not been involved in anything ginnie related, I know who and/or what you're probably thinking of though. Wouldn't overthink it, not much lore there
Feel like bickering with someone in the thread. Wonder who it will be.
>>287603 *stands up*
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Anyway that other lad was making ad hominem fallacy, not addressing the points made against the manosphere dafties. Don't you follow him in ignorance 159271
>GTA 6 Will Reportedly Feature a First Female Playable Character, and Add New Cities Over Time and shes latina too
niggers doing what they do best japan edition
>>287604 I think your posts are rubbish
>>287608 I think youre a filthy french.
>>287609 Don't start.
>/brit/ 99% bots and bbk by 2023
>>287610 Go eat a frog tbh.
nonstop rolling coverage of womens football, sick of this shite.
>>287606 >instead of fists, your default weapon is
>>287481 eugh shes probably had those tattoos for years, once you get ink, rotten is your pink
>>287481 Boobas
Feeling great lads, just put in lots of poo in the loo and getting that natural post-weight-loss high. WAGMI
>>287607 its translated into english because he is not accepted by japanese people. japanese people are the most chad isolationist race on earth.
https://youtu.be/6am157W9STk my new favorite channel on youtube I like to pretend I am a secret agent piglet incel rappelling from the attic to watch her clean up
>>287617 Good lad.
>>287619 phwoar I'd let her polish my bedroom alright!
https://twitter.com/katelinthicum/status/1552306358053126149?s=20&t=S0JNAjH8bqubqujtXOiYMw KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK I fucking hate spics so much lmao look at how much they seethe when anglos/gringos move into spicland, ay caramaba its another 1837!!
>>287620 ta lad, all we have to do is keep POOOOOOOOSTING >>287619 don't let your memes be dreams
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>>287619 Kind of spigian of you
>>287622 would have been nice if we ended up settling all of the americas
Filipina lass used that snapchat moustache filter thing on me and said I look like Hitler when I have a tache lol
>>287486 >limiting imageboard visits and trying to improov myself tbh traitor
>Filipina lass
>>287619 >average looking bint in yoga pants with fat pouring out of her armpits >watch me clean my mirrors and radiators fuck right off
"let me in wessie...i just want to talk."
>>287628 it happens. I posted a lot more when working from home
>>287633 number of chromosomes is just... a number
>>287635 IGGER
>>287634 she's lovely
>>287639 What happened to Dobby anyway? I gather that he had an asian wife that divorced him, beyond that don't really know
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There's a new feature, with the N bomb, when it's poasted in its initial N stage. Turning it 90 degrees turns it into a Z which riles neo-cons.
>>287640 he's on path nothing can stop what is coming
>>287642 ominous
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its along way to the top if you wanna rock 'n roll...
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>>287644 This is what I imagine /brit/ looks like. Peak inbred anglo autism phenotypes. Kino incarnate.
>>287626 yeah only if all the shitskins were exterminated like in america and leaf
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watching it again lads
fig rolls for supper
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all alone again all the lads have gone, i'm all alone again the life i love is posting on /brit/ with my friends and now they've gone and i'm all alone again
>>287653 Be quiet you.
Hell on earth
>>287650 Good lad
>>287655 lol imagine calling this "zero carbon" how are they going to build it? with solar powered JCB's? >immediate access to nature yeah, an empty fucking desert which will probably be burning and on fire when the sun reflects against the mirror >will house 9 million people so either the property is free or cheap right? yeah i doubt it good luck to them making any money on this, itll probably end up another half built failure and the only people who own any part of it will be the elites and rich fucks as usual
>zero carbon to save the earth >earth needs carbon to live
>>287655 What about nature/animals that pass across?
As well as animals being blocked from migrating through, won't sand just pile up on the side keeeek? It'll become one giant dune
>>287659 they can't >>287660 yes it seems like the kind of project you just wonder how literally anyone has allowed it to happen, probably a bunch of 65iq arab princes thought it sounded cool so they greenlit it
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david davis webm but schnight
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>>287664 Ups and downs lad normal schedule will continue soon
I haven't had any close friendships in my whole life.
>>287666 how old are you?
I had a couple of decent friends at uni when I was trying to be a normalfag but they are normalfags so I sort of stopped interacting with them
>>287669 smh yeah I feel like 19-23 is like a key period for that wolfpack of young lads to make good frens. tbh honestly I think you would make good friends doing tradefag shit or doing some kind of martial arts like jiu jitsu. if you are a sperg/ chud just be a secret agent and let other people be cooler than you. thats my advice
yeah 25-30 is harder to have close friends especially because most normalfags become bitch whipped at that age by their female and you just become some guy they bitch about their foid to. I just try to pretend like I am ishmael from moby dick, the 35 year old greenhorn no frens guy on the pequoit and he just has to learn everything from everyone else. but at the same time most people are shit today. this one info wars tier xoomer martial arts boxer guy who is my only kind of friend outside of co-boomer toilers gets boring sometimes when he goes on rants about poor whites and muh kumbaya based blacks republican shite >>287670
>>287670 I think if you spend too long alone you just don't trust people enough to make good friends with them. I have no problem getting along with people but they are always transient acquaintances based on convenience that dissolve the moment we aren't studying or working together. It doesn't help that I have to hide my face and self-censor, which leaves the feeling that normoids would be happy to watch my life destroyed if they actually knew me.
groomee of 55 days just ended it because she thinks I want to genocide her and her friends for being bisexual
*gets back up on the horse*
>>287675 you should have just conceded the 'le bisexual femoiderino' thing, that's not a hill worth dying on. I wouldn't mind dating a girl that munched some carpet, it's pretty irrelevant
>>287678 I'm like a Jedi... I can not help what I am I can't have a woman who think homoism is ok
>>287679 female "bisexuality" is a completely distinct phenomenon from male gayism, which is an extreme perversion where pleasure is derived from a masochistic enjoyment of the disgust response. I'm not going to pretend I understand the female "bisexuality" thing but I guess women's bodies are very sexual and when they see another woman that is 'in heat' they think that there must be some Chad nearby or something so they also become 'in heat'... something like that, some sort of evolutionary thing-a-ma-jig that makes sense
Lad talking past me, just not going to read his assumptions
>>287682 is that English?
it's british english
women are retarded
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ngl so sick of middle classoid/william secret agent polfags. so much of the secret agents on 4chan are just middle class bugmen who have zero impulse to alter society and the trad meme is just people patting themselves on the back for being normalfags and secret agents. for however long the alt-sphere has existed almost zero social changes from le manosphere/joe rogan/info wars fags have occured. the only people in the alt-sphere who have made any political impact are polface wignats. incels might change society a bit as things break down more but IMO the worst thing that can happen to an incel is they become a normalfag. society needs to change fundamentally
I bet most of them kept their bugmen jobs and took the vax and they all just pretend to be self employed coders who live on a mountain retreat with ford raptors that can fly
>>287686 >>287687 word salad think you're going off the deep end lad
going off the sleep end tbh
>>287687 of course. even lads on here took it
>>287690 the lad who did it is literally becoming a tranny as we speak, the other lad is a tranny enabler
>>287690 yeah tbh just so sick of edgyfags particularly sharts who couldn't even do basic bitch anti social shit like not comply with vaxxism and they instead go online and pretend they are chuck norris the guerilla leader of the white race militia and they also have a 4 kids and make 400k a year.
it was more fun when image boards were more for outsiders
>>287693 4chan is a completely different place now, no different than reddit tbh
>>287675 They don’t know your history
>>287695 Hm tell me
>>287694 tbh hate it
>>287696 Lad? Are you an innie b?
had to deal with a nigger today
smorning lads >>287699 smh
can't say what the nigger did, but he fucked up and everyone had to deal with his shit
>>287678 Enjoy your monkey pox then or did you think she wasn't also screwing her male bisexual friends?
https://youtu.be/MiblfuwAr1s keeeeeeeeeeeek the lisa simpson narrator at the beginning. our society is so fucking gay I don't even want anything to do with this gay niggerfaggot society
>>287702 women don't have sex with the fags that do the piss orgies where monkeypox spreads and in any case my whole point was that a woman licking some thot's bean is not the same as if some other dude fucked her, you're muddying the waters
>>287701 that's about par for the course tbh
>>287704 You're right, nobody's ever heard of a promiscuous bisexual.
keeeek do we have a simp here? women today are not anything like women in the 1980s tinder slags are basically like fags. med resistant syphillus exists now because of straight degenerates
>>287703 keeeeeek it's like she's doing a school presentation
>>287708 keeeeeeeeeek yeah
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>>287711 lot of seethe in the replies tbh
>>287710 absolute slog of a video tbh smh >>287714 baste
I'm actually starting to quite like some of GB News tbh
Cartoonist Bob just dropped a tasteful fedpost
>>287712 choon that >>287718 keeek based
>>287718 wew neat I didn't see the bottom part at first, really admired the top part of the image then scrolled down to comment and saw the rest. only thing that bothers me is mentioning "CO2" at all... so cringe
>>287718 >When a Funko Pop finally gets released but you're dead.
>>287720 > only thing that bothers me is mentioning "CO2" at all... so cringe yeah, but I think what he's saying is that the tree itself controls CO2, no need for taxes to do that, nature takes care of it on its own with plants
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time for some tattie scones
>>287723 good lad >>287724 smh
just learnt the woven web by animals as leaders on piano from memory but I can't record it because my parents are asleep
>>287655 >I'm going to build a road/train line and force everyone to live alongside it because it will maximise their access to transport and be le efficient. >The rent is Too Damn High for niggers. >NOOOOOOO why are you building tent towns next to my line?? How could this happen?! >>287659 >0:20 >That's a wall. They are building a city in a wall. >The Great Wall of Arabia, if you will. based and kino. >>287723 good lad. get yer tatties oot.
off to birkina tomorrow on a sex holiday. apparently the black lasses there are like the ebonys from porn and not the national geographic type. at least i hope so because ive spent a fair bit on this
>>287726 based
>>287726 >animals as leaders good lad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jpOBd949O4 you got any other recordings you could poost? started learning piano last year me, pretty pleased with the progress but still too shite to record stuff
>>287731 Donations are satanic?
>>287729 >>287730 i poosted one a few threads ago of some tracks from the dragon's crown OST, but I managed to record woven web after all though its full of obvious mistakes keek its a very fast song
i was learning from memory so its missing quite a few notes. fuck
>>287731 the first pic though.. isn't it kind of retarded? like really
>>287733 very nice lad sounds great >>287735 keek my teacher told me off for memorizing instead of following from the sheet, tho i was also looking at the keys tbf
Fresh cambrian arthropod just dropped
>>287737 cheers lad i can't read music so i basically have to do everything by ear anyway if i was a rich fuck i'd take up lessons for sure though and learn properly
>>287738 looks like a sosej dog tbh he cute
>>287739 You can play that well without reading ever sheets? thats fucking based tbh reading sheets came very quickly to me but playing by ear feels impossible kek
which one of these lads is panzie?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hjdhhc27_r0 Keek that southern lass complaining that everyone up norf is scruffy, lives on a diet of fish and chips takeaway and drinks every day of the week.
>>287738 I bet a snapping turtle would vore that thing
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>>287743 >that lass who looks about 19 and has a wedding ring on
>>287745 Times long past
>>287733 nice work lad
How can Wessex just quit?
>>287748 still shock that we lost him to self improvement of all things
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>>287742 me >>287741 yeah lad smh wish I'd stuck with lessons though i learnt up to like age 5 then stopped would probably be better if I hadn't >>287747 cheers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xqfTJsmn2c fresh nige didn't know blumpf was running for pres again but i'm excited for the fresh seethium
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>brit is on its last legs
>>287716 Cancer or AIDS
>the sharts are going to swap viktor bout for a foid wog basketball player
>>287758 niggers are their most treasured people
I still can't get over the fact that the Stonewall bar was full of underagers, ideological groomers and part of a mafia peed extortion blackmail racket and yet homos take the whole rebellion against the cops, (who were going to bust the peed extortion racket) as just.
>>287757 I like Ebola because it caused widespread panic and yet there was just one case in the UK and 11k deaths in west Africa, with most cases in an ex-British colony.
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>>287761 Ebola was probably caused by some kind of drug use, I'm no longer sold on germ and contagion theory after seeing corona hoax >image 3 https://www.reuters.com/article/kenya-electricity-idUSL6N0U81JB20141227
>>287752 Nige is a pound shop Piers Morgan.
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>>287764 They left in the exact same definition of recession but added that its a UK definition. What's the implication here? That they want to shift the definition of recession by a few months so it can be announced earlier but only outside the UK?
>>287765 i don't know i just wanted to make the steinhog webm
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Funeral director John O’looney shows blockages removed from blood vessels of a young man’s heart. Who died “suddenly”
>>287767 oh is that the pic that keeps floating around
>>287768 never seen a vid with an English guy before what are you talking about? poost it
>>287769 I don't have it. I just feel like i have seen a pic of what is in the bottle when it's taken out and laid on a flat surface
>>287770 yeah there is more than one, but they are hard to find thanks to google censorship
just watched matt walsh's What is A Woman documentary, the cognitive dissonance of these tranny ideologues is astounding, and all of them are horrifically gay in the head. pic related needs shot in the fucking head https://youtu.be/j8ZEGWGT2Og
>>287773 I've been meaning to watch that
>>287774 it really is just boiler plate takes, not worth it
>>287775 Morgoth said he thought it was great
>>287776 because?
>>287775 does he own the libtards?
>>287778 he shows they contradict I guess
>>287777 idk tbh, he didn't say. He mentioned it in passing
>>287776 >>287778 he asks exactly the right questions to make these cunts squirm, it is honestly really good. just torrent it
the fact that that gay gender studies prof even has a job in the first place is pure seethium tbh
>"you own the libtards. i make them own themselves."
>prince of pegging trending on twatter alledging William takes it in the arse by some other woman than Kate >literally no evidence provided >>287753 Who would make this? Keeeek.
>>287783 > just torrent it is it not available to stream anywhere?
>>287787 Its on Netflix.
>>287788 if it's on there it should also be on lots of pirate streaming sites too
>>287787 idk i saw the trailer and it was implied it was only available behind dailywire's paywall
>>287790 >>287788 I found it on a free site, could stream it this evening if there is interest
>>287791 I would.
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What streaming and torrenting site's do you lads use? Haven't been able to find any TPB, Yify mirrors that will load, or any 123movies or putlockers links that've had working streams of what I was going to consoooom.
>>287794 1337x and rarbg
>>287794 use the pirate proxy [site] and open it in tor, my browser has started not connecting to any of the TPB mirrors but it opens just fine in tor
>>287794 I use 1337x for flims and gooms
>>287796 Last time I tried tor it was ridiculously slow. That and the tor project dafties defend peados and drug dealers but not racists. >>287795 >>287797 Cheers lads.
>>287798 do you want free films or not lad smfh its just one website and then 2 more clicks
>>287800 Already 1% downloaded what I wanted to consooom from rarbg tbh.
>>287786 >degenerates excuse one-another to talk about their new sexual misbehaviour It is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret.
Twitter is literally an anti-British propaganda tool
>>287804 All mainstream social media is anti-entire western Europe's pleb's because the governments that regulate or indirectly threaten them to comply are.
>>287805 Care to say that again in English, dickhead faggot?
So many mongs in here tonight, bins seems to attract them.
>>287807 Is that how you came to be here?
>>287806 Twitter, being a part of popularily used social media, is influenced 1.) by government regulations, not just in the US, but in countries like Germany 2.) is constantly under threat of severe profit cutting penalties being written into law here, and it thus reflects that character of western governments that hate their own people, including the British. Okay, thank you.
>>287809 Good lad, except it's "O.K." not okay. O.K. thankyou.
fresh morgoth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGQNiqXBDhw >>287662 lads slept on this one smh got a heart keek out of smee >>287764 good cut too tbh
SHOWING SOON - WHAT IS A WOMAN (2022) >Matt Walsh's anti-tranny documentary probably around 8pm
>>287804 >people bullying us for our imperial past and its illegal for us to defend it
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>unending flood of wogs brought in and encouraged to "assimilate" >we will win in the short term because we get votes and cheap labour! Reminder that all who enable this destruction are enemy traitors or enemy foreigners!
BREAKING: the guy who attempted to kill supreme court judge Brett Kavanaugh was a redditer and a coomer.
>>287816 can't believe mongs actually search for shite like that.
>>287816 >most effective place to stab someone definitely a fed/mkultra
4cuck is cringe af
>>287819 havent been there in years mate last month when i got ISP range banned for no fucking reason
>>287820 it's full of predditors now, only useful board is /t/
>>287818 >muh feds some of us actually want to murder people don't you know?
>>287819 8chong is mong as fock tbh
>>287824 tbh, too many spics, coomers, and trannies
>>287825 I dare not click on any of the other boards in case I'm greeted by paedo vore or whatever it was I saw the last time I clicked on something.
>you ever watch those shark documentaries?
>>287826 ionly ever go on /interracial/ to raid it or willy wank!
*beats tbbk to death*
>>287829 what's wrong lad, i just like big black cocks fucking pale snow bunny bitches!
*filters tbbk before reporting him to home office for membership of a proscribed group*
>was making something in GIMP >abrupt crash and I didn't save AAAAAAHHHHHH.
*uses my big ebony schlong database to combat claims of racism*
does bbk want to be a nigger
>>287834 i want to prep the niggers and set them loose on the palest white women, i love the colour contrast and genocidal act!
clearly nonced as a child
i wish, by big back muscular cocks!
we having a funeral for wessie then?
>>287839 he posted yesterday retard keep up or stay in the bongo
>commonwealth games at 8
i wonder if bbk has seen my big white muscular cock. that would put him off niggers for life
>>287832 Its open source what's stopping you from fixing the bug yourself? Don't tell me you don't know C.
their toxin absorbing layer of outer slime will be nigh impenetrable to russian chemical weapons im sure. thank god theyre not thin and healthy. god bless are troops
Think the King is being false flagged tbh. >>287843 It's alright I'm back to where I was but better and saving every few minutes.
>>287846 lots of such posts lately tbh
>>287845 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>287848 Based. Can't wait to find out what a woman is.
she's seen it? have (You) ?
>>287841 >sommonwealth games you actually watch that shit? bread and circuses for the nigger cattle
he's just like me fr
>>287855 >its actually going to be kino
>>287859 He hotwired it from a villa in the LA hills while wearing a scorpion jacket.
https://youtu.be/xm-GBMsIYlU wessie could you defeat lee morrison in hema?
>>287861 Wessex is gone lad. We lost him to self improvement.
*beep beep beep beep*
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>"this man is dying" >"i am his only hope" >*beeeeeeeeeeeeep*
>watched the ukraine video of a screaming soldier having his cock and balls cut off in a muddy field
>>287867 post it
>>287868 I wouldn't recommend it but I can't stop you. https://files.catbox.moe/umfihn.MP4
>>287867 jesus christ, which side was the soldier on?
Ukrainian, the people doing it were Kalmyks apparently (asiatic looking).
>>287871 so possibly a civilian recruit too?
>>287872 idk, all I know is... war is.... le bad
>>287873 >idk, all I know is... war is.... le bad only if you lose
>half mexican half jap flexible footslut didn't realize I needed this so badly >>287773 >>287774 >>287776 I saw it when it came out. basic bitch flubservative takes, doesn't ask the question 'who is behind this?' >>287787 odyssey >>287794 https://1337x.to/ https://rarbg.to/torrents.php https://nyaa.si/ >>287867 >>287869 >>287871 khokhols btfo. shouldn't have served the Jew World Order
>the brap at 0:36
>>287827 good lad
MUNTER Have some dignity lads.
>that horrible mole or whatever on her left foot yikes, also mutt, also can't believe the shite women openly post these days, also STOP posting coombait
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ledditors are SALTY AF about the castration of le (((dumbocracy))) defender >>287881 >that horrible mole or whatever on her left foot it gives it character. she is lovely feets >STOP posting coombait I spoilered it so you really can't complain
ban this fucking mong tbh
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No sea cow tonight tbh early toil in the morn
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late night cornetto for me
>ukrainians fight a war to promote child trannies >get castrated by a Kalmyk it's meme magic, lads
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>>287889 fuck off your fat twat
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vnoz5uBEWOA it's a banger don't care what you say
>a literal cocksucker
>>287892 >sexually dancing with a spic
>>287895 >gold diggers that expect to be treated like queens just because they are women but this describes pretty much all foids
homos itt
>>287895 don't care about poles tbh they are not relevant to anglosphere and the poles have been just as bad as the jews in keeping american militiary in europe
>>287902 tbh I wish he was still with humanity so he could have helped us defeat the covid great resetfags but he left humanity behind
>>287903 why is slavic gore often the same as cringe? at least arabs and spics do gore they don't have this weird cringe aspect to it
>>287906 did you not see the video, he braps at 36sec perhaps as a last ditch defence mechanism
yeah he is having his genitals cut off lad you would lose control of alot of muscle function. ffs you actually watched men cut another man's balls off? why?
>>287905 we got leafbrah instead
>>287910 smh he was a manlet swarthoid jew and didn't he cuck out?
I think he was also a leaf spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) like simonsen and petersen are
>steiner in the moralfag part of his bipolar cycle You'll be posting about raping and dismembering women tomorrow and posting webms of women being beaten so don't act all self righteous with me you yank faggot, yes I watched a gore video.
coping seething faggot
I'm a shotcaller here so stay the fuck in line
imagine if they inflated his cock and balls like that one fag before cutting them off so that he blew around like a deflating balloon
>that one furry who froze his hands so they had to be cut off
>>287916 you take it in yer bum
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>>287911 idk anything about him except his wikipedia >he has engaged online in rhetoric regarding Holocaust denial and anti-semitism, anti-black racism, Islamophobia, homophobia and transphobia. >banned from twitter and instagram >suggested that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was justified...suggested the annexation of Crimea was justified as Crimea was always Russian property. He also suggested the Ukraine biolabs conspiracy theory was true
*demoralises you*
>>287921 he is still too swarthy to be a real canuck
bummers itt
>>287924 /brit/ has been full of them lately
>>287923 italian
>>287927 wew even chinese entertainment television is rekt
>>287927 k-pop bros...
>>287927 Jesus christ it hit him right in the face
nobody died
keek even chinky pop stars aren't safe from industrial accidents
no way that didn't cause brain damage, if it didn't kill him
>>287934 article says severe neck injuries
>>287932 https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/388689329#p388718763 lads we need some backup here help bully the spics
>>287936 smh why are there so many nonwhites on 4pol now
>>287937 its like 70-80 percent nonwhite now latin americans are the fucking worst they are like maggots especially now that hispachan died.
>>287927 One moment you're cavorting like an androgyne without a care in the world, the next you're laying on your back with your brains scattered about your ears. Why does fate have such a sense of humour?
>>287938 I see them everywhere online now, would be nice if the internet wasn't easily accessible in pooskin nations
>>287941 yeah 4chud full of dumbfuck beaners of every flavor weighing in on world politics like anyone cares what some ecuadorian thinks about ukrainian war
>>287942 exactly why we need to ban spic
KEEEEEEEEEEEEK half the fucking stadium was empty at those games, nobody gives a shit
>canada entrance to the games >team is full of indians and niggers its so grim
>>287947 depresses me when I think about canada. anything I see coming out of there is all chinks and poojeets
>lenny henry who is playing a hobbit in the new LOTR amazonshite show was on of the hosts of the commonwealth games >he made an unironic wakanda joke that bombed
https://youtu.be/xn_ecyH_3kQ >*HOOF ABSCESS POPS*
>>287949 >>he made an unironic wakanda joke that bombed his joke may have bombed, but that is funny
>>287951 turned it off within 5 seconds
british teams were all 99% white except the england team which was about 85% white
>>287953 Yeah I love cow hoof gore how could you tell?
https://youtu.be/LpuoSnVHCd0 >*COWS LEG BURSTS* At least he knows his audience
fuck off you vile sweaty nonce
disgusting 22st, stop
going to bed tbh
>>287947 yeah the worst is all the shitskins doing tourism around here telling me they are "canadian" and affecting the canadian accent too hard
>>287961 that must be jarring
>>287951 fascinating do all farmers do this?
>>287962 I just get angry about it, they are so arrogant one time a somali shitskin told some of us midwestoids he was swedish. meanwhile I have never really seen the world but worthless nigger subhumans can just globe trot on the government dime
average poster here
wew the poof that posts shit homo tunes filtered me, strike a nerve? Are you similarly dressed rn?
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https://youtu.be/tRMPlsNOwzQ golly folks, sorry I just got distracted there was this blinding white light reflecting off some kind of, how do you call them, fa, I mean californian or or or I mean sorry folks, I mean LGBBQ type fella or girl, no not a girl didn't have the scent, sitting on a pinic clothe like he was afraid his asshole might fallout if he stood up. lemme tell ya folks back in the 1980s, what oh yeah, freaking bike
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smorning lads >>287969 keeeeek
>>287971 G'day mate
>>287972 hullo la
time for spyro
https://youtu.be/csgJ1j5fSZw found a fresh slag, looks Slavic so may not adopt her as long term material
>she's a yank dropped. my music sounded out over her accent smh thought she was from England
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Was Modi always this white (hair)?
>>287978 it's this special indian technique called "aging" lad
>>287980 He's Indian?
>>287979 That's one gay nigger
>>287944 >BIG metal bull BASED! >female chain makers carrying chains to...represent le slave trade for some reason CRINGE!
The most feared man on the internet
>>287985 keeeeek based
fucking insane that theyve managed to shoehorn muh slavery nonsense into british social discourse, it has fuck all to do with us
does anyone actually know what the actual, up to date % of nonwhites in the uk is?
>>287987 tbh retards who think the entire west is america just blindly applying the scripts they were given and banging on about america-only grievances smh it's complete idiocy
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>>287987 All we did was trade them tbh, we're as guilty as the next Jew
>>287990 If I'm not allowed to take pride in the accomplishments of my ancestors then neither am I responsible for the sins of the father. Fuck Niggers And Also Jews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8VfziFZMGY
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also donna burke is a tasty top tier mummy
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>>287852 Did you find out what a woman is? Also does it tell you what a man is?
>>287956 Fvck k-pop
>>287984 looks like moloch to me
>>287996 yeah probably. looking back at it all the names scrawled on it are probably various aspiring rappers from the 1800s that we now have to worship
>>287997 I guessed those names were signatures by a bunch of retarded theatre students who built the thing, but you could be on the right track there
>>287997 probably slave owners but the fact it's all women chained to a deity that you feed new born children too is interesting.
>>287988 Not until about September when they release census info
That bull is a pretty impressive mech suit. If I was rich I would buy one and just do every day deeds in it.
I'm used to the water again after two hours of swimming. Having difficulty breathing during front crawl though. Backstroke was great but too many fat old cunts to do it for a length.
For me it's the one on the left.
"All I did that day was bully a chubby middle-aged woman who didn't understand the rules of LaserQuest, and I enjoyed it immensely. It was worth it." -the Dutty Professor fresh white race saving enormous nose having 20 years undercover grifter spy talk show https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR168:f
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>288005 Congratz. You killed the thread.
we need a new wessex to make up the short fall in the posting supply. Otherwise the (you) supply chain is in danger of completely collapsing.
No, no, no. It's precisely this kind of posting that envigorates the thread.
>PUS SQUIRTS OUT OF HUGE BULLS FOOT! https://youtu.be/3MhGdMhu8-k
>>288010 already watched it
>>288008 it's an unavoidable downturn in the (You) economy tbh more austere measures may be required
>>288005 what a good lass
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I will not get inside the shit sac, I will not crawl around with bugs, I will not take your semen.
Reminder they exist. >>288017 Good lad.
>>288012 Looks like we're heading for an unavoidable deflationary period in the (you) market. It may have been unavoidable given the artifical inflationary effect wessex posting has had.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqpZb5MFEPc Fresh joomer. I want to marry his daughter tbh.
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>kids playing outside
>Neighbours are chattering outside in foreign languages SHUT UP
even more dutty professor imminent BTFOment of Keet? More drama in the autistic-right? let's find out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi7Mc9Nuw5g
>288027 Awful post
I meant >>288027 Awful post
>>288003 for me it's brooke shields.
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>groomee screenshots chat right after I joke about kidnapping her
>>288030 Oh, je qeeq! Je qeeq!
shit thread filled with nonces tbh
>288032 Faggot post
>>288003 JenCon all the way
Why dole nonces faggots even post here? Oh wait, Dorset and Wessica have finally fucked off
not her as a kid tbh. That photo of grace kelly is her in 1955 according the image. She was 26
>>288032 tbh tbh, fagoots n aw tbh
>>288036 >26 So a new born child. Hopefully that chubby inbred doesn't fly off the handle when he fins out we posted a girl under 37.
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>>287950 I mean I guess the team is all white? are lad Cavendish is looking well
>>288042 Was it on her land?
Good day today low work load and got the chance to sleep in the sun.
>>288042 saw that last night, was fucking grimmed out tae fuck in all honesty
fresh woden's top larper thomas "survive the jive" rowsell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exlcT_iL9-U
SHOWING TONIGHT - PROMETHEUS (2012) >will post link around 8pm
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saw a snake voring a frog at boomer toil today lads
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>>288049 it didn't work it was all fucked up
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live noseley and meatybraps with a kino intro and some white race saving news followed by easy-inject tranny seethium https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/Drag-Queen-Story-Hour---PA-Protest-Update:a
Wessica and Dorshit have eloped to a hastily built roundhouse in Wiltshire where they have passionate gay sex all day every day.
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>>288055 could do with some sound tbh
I have a sleep playlist of women screaming to mess with the feds
>>288043 It sounds like it was, but it also sounds like there is some kind of overriding authority that can do things like that.
only half joking about the beast of bodmin and his twink tbh, where the fuck are they?
I like 28 days later but hate le virus zombie bollocks Make the zombies just dead bodies possessed by demons or fuck off
>>288054 i can believe it
>>288057 epic sexual emergency moment
>>288061 it's been 28 whole days since me and my men have had any sex, its time for some raping
I shall now go to sleep.
not posting in your shite thread tbh
>>288065 gn lad
>>288069 eat shit you fucking dosser

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