>With an attitude like that you'll find it hard to get a woman to like you.
it isn't "attitude" that causes attraction from the opposite sex, it's physical appearance
cleaner, physical sunscreen, and retinoids are worth using. cleanser is just soap for your face, zinc sunscreen is necessary to reduce sun damage (the primary cause of premature skin aging), and reinoids are just synthetic vitamin A that tells your skin to churn out new cells much faster which makes your skin smooth and prevents acne and wrinkles
how else are you going to acquire a breeding sow?
nah he's a degenerate christoid wigger homo, and he's not even white
he does a show for 2000 gay zoomers (and Kiwifarms who laughs at him) and has a few cryptogarchs that send him boatloads of money in crypto, which I assume he donates some of to Andrew Anglin for favorable coverage on Daily Stormer because Anglin shills him for seemingly no reason
what, moka.png? I posted this image like 2-3 times tops, that's not avatarfagging. and it's a girl. my shitcord avatar is
https://seikonnoqwaser.fandom.com/wiki/Ekaterina_Kraeva_(Kurae) who is also female. pic 2 and then 3-4 are cosplays
>One lad didn't keep up with moisturiser and his hands started bleeding so now he's on a repeat prescription of different steroid creams keeek
he needs to watch out for 'topical steroid addiction', you can't use those things long-term or if you stop then your skin will burn like hell. I've heard of people having to basically spend months sitting in cold baths or sitting in front of a fan blasting cold air just to tolerate the burning pain as they recover from topical steroid addiction
and for each turbine they pour a giant slab of concrete into the ground that's practically impossible to remove...
smh the shitcord era is well and truly ogre. the site won't even load for me anymore, gets a white screen, they must have done something retarded to it that makes it impossible for Pale Moon to load
imagine how uncomfortable it must feel to sit on such a bony ass. idk where these anorexics get the idea that men all want super skinny, when it's only strange perverts that are into severely underweight women. it's such a mental sickness, on myproana.com you have women that are skinny with big tits saying they hate their tits and they make them feel fat... what the fuck? why do they want to be so skinny, to the point where they want to get rid of something that makes them attractive? they should be forcefed