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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3761: Nuclear Edition Anonymous 08/24/2022 (Wed) 05:42:20 Id: c93af5 No. 296936
Sizewell C: Government expected to approve funding for new nuclear plant in coming weeks https://news.sky.com/story/sizewell-c-government-expected-to-approve-funding-for-new-nuclear-plant-in-coming-weeks-12678442 Liverpool shooting: Hunt for Olivia Pratt-Korbel gunman https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-merseyside-62655200 Did anti-Putin Russian group plant car bomb blamed on Kyiv? Violent opposition faction claims it was responsible for attack that killed activist's daughter https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11139811/Violent-Russian-opposition-faction-group-claims-responsibility-Darya-Duginas-death.html
watched the news last night and they were sowing the idea that it wasn't the ukies who killed dugina but was actually some faction within the putin govt, zero evidence for it of course but its only a conspiracy when it goes against nato/zog/nigger matrix narrative, so sick of it tbh.
schmorn, keep waking up after 5 hours sleep even though I've got no toil, then when I do have toil I could sleep 12 hours and still be tired, convinced I'm being specifically targeted tbh.
>>296938 hohols are good boys lad they dindu nuffin >>296939 smh
https://twitter.com/lizthegrey/status/1562229273007509512 some chink beast who I think is a tranny trying to get kiwifarms shut down, it lives in canada too kek.
>>296941 That tranny keffals, who I'd never heard of until sargons lotus grifters, is trying to get them shut down because he was breaking canadian law sending prescription meds and controlled substances to minors, i.e. hrt to confused youth.
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>>296943 >tranny fart dominatrix
>>296942 He's probs a peed also considering that he had underagers at his 'catboy ranch' or whatever the fuck it was called.
>>296946 Tbh. The cycle of noncing as he's claimed he was sexually abused. Nothing to do with him being a troomer though.
the trannies are autogynephiliac perverts with the sexual fantasy of castrating themselves which they then do before realizing that now that their testosterone production is gone they have no libido and their entire motive of trooning out in the first place is gone. so then they either wage a war against white western civilization as revenge for failing to protect them from their own perverse desires, or they just neck themselves
I, the slayer of SA, have become SA. In other words, found another funny, seethy twitter thread, lads. https://twitter.com/twinkmodin/status/1562190680457617410 Reminder that fascism is when you name and shame thieves and the police arrest shoplifters and you get your stolen stuff back. t. commies
morning lads fresh very important video on the consequences of hyperinflation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqasJcCUAA8
>>296951 smorb lad luv a bit of ssethkino tbh
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The Science is now talking about mass-vaccinating wild animals with "self-disseminating vaccines" https://www.euronews.com/next/2022/08/22/vaccinating-wildlife-not-humans-could-this-be-the-way-to-prevent-the-next-covid-or-monkeyp
some interesting phrases from this article >Whether we choose to fully acknowledge it or not, we are living in a so-called "era of pandemics," as experts have described it. whether you like it or not, goy, here's the new narrative we're shoving down your throat >But as not even the impending collapse of our climate can induce humanity to make a significant, immediate change in the way we treat our planet "our climate" is "collapsing", whatever the fuck that means >Two biologists at the University of Idaho in the US have raised the question: if we know where these diseases might come from, why not act on their sources and vaccinate wildlife against these diseases? why not? just do it already! don't ask about the consequences!
>>296953 no way this could have unintended consequences tbh sounds perfectly safe
>>296955 >inb4 they make a law that all livestock have to be vaxxed >inb4 they vaxx the game animals
There's not enough to chocgolet around.
going shops >>296956 eat the vaxx or eat the bugs it's your choice
>>296953 They've been talking about this for a while tbh.
>>296959 buy nonperishables to prepare for the pozpocalypse also tinnies
slept wrong or something yesterday and my lower back has been really painful since
>>296962 make it worse on purpose and get more bennies
>>296963 Based proto-Deano uncle fucked his back jumping out the window during a burglary as a youth in the 70s, always had problems, then by coincidence had a slip and fall in the 2000s at a supermarket car park, and was able to get compensation for his back and bennies/some kind of tax cuts. Tbh the man we should all aspire to be, along with his dozen spawn. At least 2 or 3 last time I heard from other women too. Total breedchad.
>>296964 keeeeeeeeeek based he hit the jackpot
one day brothers we will all slip in the supermarket car park and injure our backs inshallah
Found the archive of stuff from February when every one was still around to film it. Absolute kino.
>>296967 Find you some bitches.
>>296967 interesting to think about how wars are getting more and more well documented tbh
>>296969 the Chinese must be studying the hell out of this war to see how all of the US equipment performs and whatnot
just got up
>>296970 the whole world is tbh >>296971 morning lad
China is the cornerstone of America's military, in terms of anything and everything with PCB in it. American is so fucked.
>>296973 The us will just have to go back to mechanical gyroscopes
now do nosegangers
>>296975 >people with similar appearances have similar genetics and therefore similar thought patterns and behaviors you don't say...
>>296973 and america is the cornerstone of china's economy tbh or more like the west in general china and the usa are joined at the hip and the idea of one suddenly losing the other is an existential threat for both of them >>296975 phrenology vindicated at last
I both despise and appreciate how cadbury bars have been made to look like a poo
>>296978 next step: bristol stool types
No, I entirely despise it. It's just not satisfying. British chocolate is as much about texture as flavour. That's why mong Yanks can't understand the concept of the falke. >>296979 keeeeek smh
>>296980 tbh luv a good aero or flake
>Time Out >Discontinued 2016 >In the UK it was replaced with a single-bar version called Time Out Wafer which has more wafer and less chocolate than the original Time Out.
>>296981 tbh, craving sweeties now smh >>296982 the death of this and the galaxy caramel cannot be forgiven, the jews will perish
>>296982 smh used to like those
>>296978 yank scum ruining everything, should be illegal to have bars of choccy come in anything other than simple rectangles, like the old days, the taste is utter shite now too, tunnocks is still going strong though.
Also getting rid of liquorice gums in sports mixture.
you vill savor ze vomit flavor t. newyank
>the bastards got rid of these
>"95% percent of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces group is now on full alert." ~Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces Sergei Karakayev
>>296987 Not quite. I'll freely admit American "chocolate" is utter shit that I would feel bad feeding to pigs. That being said, you WILL eat the Maccees burger, and you will thank God for America.
time for more ffvii
yarg walk the plank to davy troons ACKer
The pound is reaching parity with the dollar
>>296995 Finally. Maybe now you'll start to see the pound as redundant and just start using dollars like you should have been doing the whole time.
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this guy is so fucking annoying with this retarded bullshit America is TRASH and I already explained it so I'm not going to do it again. you're just plain WRONG
a couple days ago my skin looked like total shit I take 2 showers, applying skincare product afterwards, and now my skin is almost perfect, only 1 papule that's slowly going away
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>296995 Smh that gif is moving even though I haven't clicked to enlarge. Didn't know they were allowed to do that
need to force myself to go to sleep, just want to stare at myself in the mirror, I looked so gross the past few days but today I buzzed off my facial hair and showered so I look good again also I tallied up all the females I interacted with within the past 6 months and about 50% indicated some interest in me. 2/3 of the hottest 3 did not (although one of those two clearly intentionally exhibited her fat buttocks to me, which indicates that she was flattered by my gaze and therefore did not view me as less than dirt), and the majority of those that indicated interest were of average attractiveness (4-6/10), but still, that's fairly encouraging nini >>297000 even .png's move nowadays
>>297000 Welcome to the 2020s, lad
>America is so obviously bad that it needs daily sneedthe effortposts with propaganda paintings, otherwise you wouldn't know it was bad, because it's just that bad Jej. Keek even
>America is bad >Here, watch this 90p video filmed by a shitskin as he kills a white American >Surely this will convince you America bad Very compelling! Still probably gonna bask in the splendor of are America though lad.
>i'll show him, i'll just reduce it to three images per post Still a lot of effort lad. I'm not sure it is enough though. Maybe if you go back to four pics it might convince me to stop basking in the splendor of are america.
america delenda est
>>297005 America is fucked lad, and the sooner it dies the better
>Maybe if you go back to four pics it might convince me to stop basking in the splendor of are america.
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>>297009 ohhhhhhhh! je qeeq! the editing is awful! the direction is wickedness!
lads wtf is this story >14 year old mixed race kid in belfast >single mother >lived nextdoor to homeless shelter >went biking one day to meet his classmates for a project >was caught on cctv leaving his home on the bike with a bag >10 minutes later hes seen biking without his bag >10 minutes later he's seen completely nude riding his bike >a few weeks later body found 1,000m deep in a storm drain underground. >police investigation reveals his bag had his laptop, Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life and had been emailing Jordan Peterson the day before his death. https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7dkgy/he-was-seen-cycling-naked-through-a-housing-estate-and-then-he-vanished
>>297013 half castes are the biggest fucking incels out there lad, look at Andrew Tate
https://youtu.be/CguCKkiXZAs >6:20 >Han Nig Nigga Nigcoon KEEEEEEEEEEEK
Jordan Peterson sent him this in an email moments before his death.
does anyone have that leaked governement comissioned document on climate change and net zero? The one that shows they basically don't want anyone to travel? I saw it posted here and thought I saved it but can't find it
>>297017 >The one that shows they basically don't want anyone to travel based if true
>>297018 yeah, no travel *for poor people* the rich will be able to continue as normal obvs
>>297019 90% based then but still based
*points lazers at planes that fly over my house, directing their trajectory into nigger parts and mosques*
>>297016 >before his death Remember lad niggers get the pronoun it, in this case "its", as they are not properly human. Closer to animals tbh
>>297020 you'll be living in the pod eating the bug
>>297023 no, i won't . . . oh weight, i believe one and therefore must believe the other because a mongo like you has been mentally conquered by the anti-legs society a subsidiary of the anti-aryan modes of travel international hyper-force
Acceptable forms of travel >Trains >Legs >Boats >Animals >Trams >Busses >Pogo stick >Comically long stilts >Submarines Unacceptable forms of travel: >The personal motor-car >The bicycle >The aeroplane >Hot air balloon >and shit
>>296975 >uses a picture of non dopplegangers, 90% of their simalarity coming fro beard, glasses and hairstyle
No normal person should be allowed to leave the country other than to conquer foreign shitholes for living space
airships are kino though tbf
>Citizens in Bangladesh have also received their energy bills. They don't seem very happy. <Amatrice 6 years after the earthquake. In Italy there is money to buy weapons to send to Zelensky, there is money for the high salaries of politicians, there are billions of euros to spend on illegal immigrants. There is no money to rebuild houses and restore dignity to Italians. >German farmers also rise up. Today in Berlin the headquarters of the Minister of Agriculture besieged by many tractors to protest against the EU climate policy which is destroying the entire European agricultural sector. <Thousands of doctors in Nuremberg to demand compliance with the Nuremberg Code which requires people to consent to medical treatment voluntarily and not by coercion, as happened with the Covid vaccination in Mario Draghi's Italy with threats, discrimination, lies and obligations. >Wow! "We hope to keep feeding you!" Respect for Dutch farmers.
>drug gang murders nine year old >this is the fault of guns not drugs, a thing we at vice wont stop celebrating.
>>297013 Jordan Peterson is a psyop to get young men to take hard drugs.
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not sure why I got a site (you) from this lad's post
>>297033 (Not You) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⠞⠉⢉⠩⢍⡙⠛⠋⣉⠉⠍⢉⣉⣉⣉⠩⢉⠉⠛⠲⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡴⠁⠀⠂⡠⠑⠀⠀⠀⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⠀⠀⠐⠁⢊⠀⠄⠈⢦⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⣠⡾⠁⠀⠀⠄⣴⡪⠽⣿⡓⢦⠀⠀⡀⠀⣠⢖⣻⣿⣒⣦⠀⡀⢀⣈⢦⡀⠀ ⣰⠑⢰⠋⢩⡙⠒⠦⠖⠋⠀⠈⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠉⠀⠘⠦⠤⠴⠒⡟⠲⡌⠛⣆ ⢹⡰⡸⠈⢻⣈⠓⡦⢤⣀⡀⢾⠩⠤⠀⠀⠤⠌⡳⠐⣒⣠⣤⠖⢋⡟⠒⡏⡄⡟ ⠀⠙⢆⠀⠀⠻⡙⡿⢦⣄⣹⠙⠒⢲⠦⠴⡖⠒⠚⣏⣁⣤⣾⢚⡝⠁⠀⣨⠞⠀ ⠀⠀⠈⢧⠀⠀⠙⢧⡀⠈⡟⠛⠷⡾⣶⣾⣷⠾⠛⢻⠉⢀⡽⠋⠀⠀⣰⠃⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠑⢤⡠⢂⠌⡛⠦⠤⣄⣇⣀⣀⣸⣀⡤⠼⠚⡉⢄⠠⣠⠞⠁⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠓⠮⣔⡁⠦⠀⣤⠤⠤⣤⠄⠰⠌⣂⡬⠖⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠒⠤⢤⣀⣀⡤⠴⠒⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
he's done me he's absolutely done me
>log in 23andme >more Jewish than last time
>>297036 I think they over exagerate the extent to which people have Jewish DNA to make them more sympathetic to Jews
>>297040 Nah, I can get an Israeli passport.
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>>297039 Thinlads cucked again
At least there's a new cousin-wife.
>log in 23andme >no jewish
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1.2% Balkan though, probably Greek. I am descended directly from Brutus.
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Don't go all silent on me.
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>>297049 I wondered where SA went!
if you got vaxxed you now have AIDS. okaythankyou
>>297051 cheers @ENDILLUMINATI, very cool
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>>297052 the mRNA jabs literally induce immune deficiency though lad, so it's correct
>>297054 cheers TuCkEr CaRlSoN, very cool
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>>297056 he's quoting scientific journals lad did (You) get vaxxed?
>>297057 cheers (((scientific journals))), very cool
>tfw all the vaxxed are going to die slow painful deaths
>we will be dancing in the streets after all the jabbed NPCs are dead
>the age of the chud is just beginning
Martin Lewis' MSE explains aisles where brit/pol/ ‘hides’ the worst posts For example, the website claims incel rants can be 27% cheaper in the 8chan thread, while deano blog posts are up to 70% cheaper per gram in 4chan /brit/pol.
Everything alright lad?
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Joe Owens - Kensington & Fairfield Is Full…!!!
ANOTHER VAXXED BITES THE DUST!!! >Rab Wardell dies from 'cardiac arrest' two days after winning Scottish mountain bike title, aged 37 https://uk.yahoo.com/sports/news/rab-wardell-dies-cardiac-arrest-073935444.html
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>>297053 based nonce
>>297058 did. you. get. vaxxed?
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God, they actually put out propaganda this bad and people still got vaxxed https://youtu.be/sSkFyNVtNh8
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>this anti-vaxx sperg
>>297071 he can't keep getting away with it
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vaxxcucks itt
>>297072 HE GOT VAXXED!!! enjoy your slow decline and death
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>>297064 Keek what a strange exchange
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>>297076 okay thankyou
so did the Jews make up all the stuff about Michael Jackson being a nonce in revenge for him speaking out about them?
one thing I never really understood about Michael Jackson was that he was born a black man, yet all the kids he allegedly had with his maid came out whiteish....
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disgusting smear campaign against a true patriot
>>297081 forgot what a grotesquely ugly freak he is tbh
>>297078 Wasn't he a castrati, can't imagine he'd have much of a sex drive if he was?
>>297083 >Wasn't he a castrati, can't imagine he'd have much of a sex drive if he was? I secretly believed that tbh
the left will never recover
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>>297086 bins: always at front line of politics
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The Bins to Neet ratio is an economic indicator showing the amount of waste produced per household vs the number of neets on our streets. Whilst bins have been building up for years, Neets have remained in secular decline. Should we have a high bins to neet ratio, it would be evidence that the economy has been flooded with too much money into the hands of the neets. One thing I'd like to know, where have all the neets gone?
>>297020 young woman will still be able to travel and move away due to things like onlyfans
>>297092 Therme Theryou.
Was sure Teresa was spelled Theresa. JUST fuck my joke up.
Just realised how blasphemous "Life of Brian" was and how subversive those subhuman cunts of Monty Python really were tbh, the surviving members should be beaten to a pulp >>297083 Castratus is the singular
>>297092 Here's the retard who has to inject his incel shite into every fucking issue.
>>297096 Was it intentional with them though? Always seen it as riding a cultural wave already in full force, and so to them (and me watching it the first time) it's just a silly parralel to a familiar story, not actually mocking Christianity. Were there any bits that were actually blasphemous? Can only remember the gag being everyone mistakes him for the messiah despite him denying it, and the biggus dickus bit.
>>297094 I think that (You) was meant for me
>>297097 he's right though Arab, Jewish, and chinese billionairs will pay for your sister's private flight to be their personal sex servant after showering with them with gifts on only fans and they will go to, to escape Prison Britain
>>297101 Thanks Brexit.
>>297102 they blame this one one Putin, not Brexit
No film night? >>297099 Yes, it was. Smh.
>>297103 gay meme
>>297105 could do, it'll be a late one though got anything in mind?
>>297107 Nah. Just wondering. Given I missed a good sounding one for not checking recently (that Thor vs Poos film).
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>ginger lass has a jet black african bf
terrible thread today. so long.
>297109 *cum sussy tibb plays who do you obsess over now? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zc6KUlXP--M
>>297109 Do a racism in front of them and assert your dominance of the sissy negro race, then fuck her in the arse and say, look, I can make a nigger baby for her too!
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>>297113 Keeeek. I've been RUSED.
>>297109 Black people don't live in Dorset
>>297109 >ginger lass has a jet black african bf
>>297118 t. homo
>>297119 who the fuck are you?
>>297120 Anonymous.
>>297122 t. sucked off men before
>>297123 no lad
>>297124 You have, Bins. Or was it them sucking you off?
>>297125 stop being disgusting
Stop being a homosexual.
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smh dorset ruined his beautiful shirt
>>297128 What the fuck's going on here? A retard?
>>297127 >Stop being a homosexual. yeah you
Typical Bins response. Nothing will change the fact he has sucked men off.
>>297131 you're just making shit up are you Anprim?
Why does it matter who I am?
Omg all these poor repressed eggs so sad. ;-;
Considering taking up Zumba dauncing, tbh.
So, why haven't any of you saved the white race yet?
nigga be like "why do u even care chud?"
>>297138 I save those races that will save themselves, lad.
>>297139 Such blatant child abuse. The alphabet mafia are so brazen now, they gloat over abusing children and getting away with it, and the cucked authorities will even harrass those that call a spade a spade.
Dorse are you alright lad?
>>297139 >Tfw he detransitions & becomes a psychopathic chad.
FARAGE SAYS THIS IS AN INVASTION!!! https://youtu.be/juyXEDvyyuQ
>>297139 all this does is intensify my resolve
The flight rationing is part of their anti travel agenda.
>>297146 travel rationing, food rationing, water rationing, energy rationing they basically want to grind us down to be a peasant class in their neo feudal world order
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Might shave my head tbh
7 minutes until midnight manatee
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>>297151 So close...
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Forgot the boards clock is fast tbh
>>297151 exactly what the thread deserves
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>>297155 that was so loud I think my neighbours heard it
>>297156 careful, might get your pops in the wankin' mood
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>We Arabs are here to take over your fucking country you Swedish whore >This isn't Denmark, it's Pakiland
>>297159 they all have to go back to the dusty shit holes they came from
>>297161 but why do they hate us so much? we're the ones in the position of weakness that are being victimized, so it makes sense for us to hate them, but them hating us can only be explained by their own feelings of inferiority
when whiteoids colonized north america, we made reservations for the natives. not that I agree with that but it's a historical fact these shitskins are not gonna make reservations for the whites, they're more interested in killing us off than taking our land anyway
yeah its never going to get to that level shitskins are less than 20 percent of your populations they are going to be exterminated because wignatism is already happening. even in shartica there is a large area in this country where the shitskins don't have the numbers to do anything and we are less than half white nordic/anglo
>>297162 >but why do they hate us so much? it's normal for people from differnet ethnic groups to hate each other they have been given no incentive not to behave this way too, in fact the media encourage it with all their anti-white messaging
>>297159 Thinking about how this makes womens pussyrinos wet. God I hate them
POV: you are looking over your shoulder on your flea bitten mustang on the way to some god forbidden scrub praire in south dakota
https://youtu.be/x-EZjrSKIFI got this song stuck in my head again lads
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sick of my sister's dog i'm going to shoot it today
>>297164 I wish but I don't really see any indication that more than say 5% of the white population gives a damn. those that do care are few in number and powerless while the rest are inoculated against in-group awareness remember all those stories of parents whose anti-racist daughter got killed by muds and then they say 'this is what she would have wanted, we forgive the perpetrator :<)' type shit. also look at modern south africa were you simultaneously have farm murders and bleeding heart libtards
>>297170 the npcs just sit about and do nothing once a wignat movement gains enough power amongst the actor type people and pseudo-npc types (3-10 percent of the population) then the mudskins will be thrown out
>>297172 what is that supposed to mean
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>mid 80 to 90 percent white its over guys >shartica: probably high to mid 40 percent white >le christian nationalism white civil rights chud trump shite
>>297174 I love these poljak edits of classical works
>>297159 he should have told them his arabcel sons would end up as troons
smh one of my old childhood friends from school "randomly" just died out of nowhere. smh vaxxoom shite why did so many people get teh vaxxoom
Biden has just forgiven student load debts People that already paid off their debts don't get anything though
Tbh this kind of thing is good for foids to hear https://youtu.be/CBhgHN8lGg4
>>297179 there are no foids here lad what's this about?
>>297177 smh I'm still worried about some of my vaxoomie family members
>>297181 you have to be prepared to let them go lad
>>297181 yeah me too tbh
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>a literal cold war >>297180 How to manage the transition from dating to marriage in a patriarchy
Mark Steyn questions why young healthy people are dying across the UK https://youtu.be/gkQ7LsHPASA
>>297182 based poljak one day all the weak people are gonna look up to poljak for safety and he won't be an incel then. he will be the type forming man because the boomer party life will be over
>>297177 go to his funeral and reconnect with your old frens lad
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>>297186 hail victory brvther
>>297187 he was living in arizona and I only heard about it from his older brothers friend who is the village dentist type guy
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Every single member of my family has been vaxoomed except me, most more than once, and they have ALLhad covid, except me
I love this meme
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was getting bantered really hard at boomer toil today about bidung doing student loan relief. just bantered back that the boomers should all take out loans and get boob jobs
>>297193 >take out loans and get boob jobs i don't get this
>>297193 to make it fair, they ought to give cash to all the people that paid off their lones they are basically punishing people that were fiscally responsible, and rewarding those who were careless
>>297195 >they are basically punishing people that were fiscally responsible, and rewarding those who were careless welcome to how the government works, lmao
>>297195 yeah you mean just print money and cause inflation? yeah they are doing that
>>297197 it's clearly a pre-election bribe too doing things like this ought to be illegal
https://youtu.be/_voeDUF3xLE I miss when the elites would dress us all up in cut uniforms and make us kill each other instead of this gayass vaxx and race replacement shite. bring back brother wars
>>297198 >it's clearly a pre-election bribe too welcome to how the government works, lmao #2
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Nothing like waking up at 3am and having a pint.
>>297191 The virus hoax made me realise that lots of big strange changes are still happening in the world, even more than the Russian invasion has. It predated it too, but the psychic impact was more imo
smorning lads >>297204 based
wish we could skip the cringe decline part where the elites are at war against the plebs and go straight to the based part where a strongman seizes power and declares himself dictator for life
>>297208 i believe it
my sister is asleep but she took the dog to bed with her, so i can't kill it today
>>297159 >that second one Guy at the start makes a fair point tbh. Still want to murder them all.
>>297210 Don't kill your sister, lad.
Burma just nicked the British ambassador.
>>297195 They have to pretend to be doing something so they don't have to sort out the educational system financial pyramid scheme that a developed country wouldn't have allowed to exist in the first.
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I had a dream that I had sex with my mother. Seems to happen once a year or so.
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>>297207 >the based part where a strongman seizes power and declares himself dictator for life tbh, except 99% chance it will be the prophesied 1000 year Toryreich
>>297216 If you want a vision of the future imagine the sound of a teflon suit shuffling up and down a barren concrete council estate
>>297019 >all shipping nuclear powered based
Fallout 4 is incredibly shite.
keek I thought the topless photos were just shitposting from 4chan to stir the pot but she really is a cokewhore lisa simpson that somehow became PM
>>297220 tbh it's disgraceful that she was allowed to climb that high
>Jerry-Yankoid helmets
>>297223 *protects her*
>big nose >weird eyes >weird nose >weird teeth >ginger female Mark Collett phenotype my goddess
>got out of politics altogether based?
>Also 8.4% of Germany's GDP will be spent on gas
>>297227 Wew frozen German products will be real cheap this winter.
>>297223 >(1) A-are you the ginger lass?
This year has been so kino.
>calls out Brexit
>>297232 She's a fucking JEW!
>>297199 At least in the past the elites had the decency to fight and die alongside the peasants tbh
>muh Brexit even after sanctions backfiring into a catastrophic likely end of the EU
>>297232 >her posture
>>297233 have another
That discourse won't survive for long now that reality in knocking on the door tbh.
>>297239 Tbh the wog looting and violence will only intensify as everyone gets poorer.
>>297237 He should have let Rinder go on a tirade then said "As a homosexual Jew, you would say that".
>>297237 clown world smh >>297239 >>297240 tbh tbh
good schnafternoon, looks like a good day for sneethe.
>chav cunts blasting shite music again
>>297243 >>297244 schnaft lad play your own music even louder tbh >>297245 keeeeksmh
Might try this
>normies actually watch videos like this all day
Just finished Hitchen's The Abolition of Britain suggested from the book thread, was pretty good. Looking for something else again focused on Britain but perhaps more forward looking rather than a reminiscence of a better time, maybe even something hopeful. Any suggestions lads?
>>297251 >maybe even something hopeful wouldn't even know where to start looking tbh
I'll write a manifesto for you lad x
>>297255 based
>>297245 not going anywhere near that piece of shit new show tbh
the british really are the superior race tbh
>>297256 william cunt doesn't know there's a hardcore revival on lmao https://youtu.be/HTlhZRHQWzE
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>Got lots of interview offers now that I secured the rNHS job I want to die
>>297259 tbh unironically >>297261 you've been accepted into the brahmin caste lad you're hot property now and everyone wants a piece of you
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>>297262 >you've been accepted into the brahmin caste lad you're hot property now and everyone wants a piece of you Clap for me.
>>297263 keeeeeeeek forgot that was a thing tbh
unrelated pics there was a big spider in the sink, I picked it up with a paper towel slice and let it outside on the windowsill unharmed. proud of myself, I usually get the mummer to do that because I have mild arachnophobia
>>297265 good lad ahimsa is an essential aspect of dharma
who tf makes this shit
found my old vidyascape account details in a .txt file while digging through my folders time for comfy >>297265 >ban on the sale of new gasoline cars by 2035 inexplicable surge in car sales reported in colorado, nevada, arizona - regulatory bodies baffled >>297267 keeeek pioneerball sounds like the shittiest sport ever
>no /brit/ dodgeball tournament
>>297249 hate accents where the voice goes up at the end like its a fucking question
>>297248 is that really a fuckng BUG in their kitchen
>>297270 don't ever come to australia then lad smh it's everywhere here
>>297272 lots of people do it in britun too smh
>Nigel Farage reveals his children have struggled to deal with abuse during his political career
>worst korea has a birthrate of 0.81
>>297277 That's a good thing to be knowing, lad
>>297277 Jesus. Doubt we'll be any different in a few years. I wonder what the actual white birthrate is outside of migranterinos
>>297276 pretty typical tbh they'll happily go after any easy target that's tangentially related to who they hate >>297277 it's a feminist hellhole ruled by a cult lad honestly i'm surprised it's not lower speak to any sane korean male and he'll tell you he wants to get out
>>297249 >>297248 these people should be beaten to death
How many women that do the anal with huge dildos block their toilets with the massive girthy shit logs they plop ? How ever thick the dildo is basically decides how thick their shitlogs become. So there are millions of women who poop massive shitlogs. Plumbers must be in high demand to unclog their bogs. Or do they have custom toilets that are twice as wide for their massive shitlogs?
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>>297277 >Nork birth rate >14.35 >1.91 children born/woman
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>>297283 14.35??
>>297285 err give us some examples love
>>297285 are lass tbh
smartnigger is in fact psychonigger
>>297289 wdhmbt
>>297289 >asked how he knows this >admits he never actually did the experiment >repeats the results again in may 2011, july 2012, may 2015, and december 2016 where was he living during these months? do we have crime statistics for these places?
oh he's making a not clever comment, again and again
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>>297292 there are more grains of sand on any beach on earth than there are atoms in the entire universe don't believe me? count them yourself and see
>>297291 People aren't crabs. Lot of work for a nigger to do, dissecting people that finely.
>>297296 >People aren't crabs substantiate these claims lad
watching old declassified training videos and in this one the cia has the gall to act innocent but still has to bring up the united fruit company smdh >>297298 rip but also keek bring back the isolationist usa tbh
>>297294 I am currently rotating a hyper-realistic 3D apple in my brain.
wish i was on a minecraft RP server tbh
>>297301 want a game of fifa?
warzone royale duos it is then
I can't sleep 'cause of the stupid fucking light. I have the curtains closed and taped to minimize it as much as possible and it's still so damn bright, plus I'm not even tired really it's so fucking dumb that there's the stupid sun in the damn sky shining the dumb fucking everywhere! fuck off! go away! we don't want the damn sun! get rid of it! we're supposed to be living in caves with no light other than a small fire
wew >>297306 why would anybody want the sun? it creates uncomfortable warmth and light via hazardous rays which destroy our skin and our vision
>>297307 BOOBA
>>297305 get some blackout curtains lad they're not that expensive looked it up online and ikea sells them for fifteen australian dollary-doos you can make a day of it and go get some swedish meatballs with lingonberry jam while you're there
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>spig failing to understand the sun is vital to life
>>297309 the light doesn't really penetrate the curtains themselves, it's the rings that attach it to the rod and the same seams along the sides, which I've tried to tape but still not good enough >>297310 to plants, not to mammals directly, only indirectly through consuming plants and plant-consuming mammals
>>297307 they're so far down
How will you get your grass fed beef if the sun doesnt exist
>>297312 because they're heavy. imagine the weight on your face >>297313 just use artificial light to grow the grass
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>just use artificial light to grow the grass i refuse to believe you are a real person this is perhaps your most dumbest post to date
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>>297310 you don't understand lad if an ultraviolet ray touches his skin he'll turn into a swarthoid and he won't be able to post here any more >>297311 you need to hang your curtain rod higher and you need it to be wider tbh but most importantly it needs to be closer to the wall this is a diy project that can be done on a single weekend for less than $100 tbh sometimes i doubt that you actually care about your skin at all smh you don't seem to want to put in the work
>Far beneath the world of man, in halls lit by a light owing nothing to that of day. There they dwell, they who weave the webs. There it walks, that ought to crawl.
stop indulging and/or acknowledging him it's the only way he'll learn even this post is too much
>>297319 Mate it's fucking funny.
How is spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)ven going to breed if he can't go outside because of the sun?
>>297320 tbh >>297321 he'll lure tourist lasses into his lair with promises of instagram followers
*whips up anti-druggie hatred in the newspaper comment sections*
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>>297317 this is the situation. the curtain rod is attached at the top of the window and the curtains are taped to minimize the light escaping through. most of the light gets through through the rings at the top, which I have the lower part of taped really the only way to improve this would be to get long blackout curtains and like.. nail them directly to the wall above the window and make a complete strip of tape all the way down. but this would permanently fuck the wall with holes from nails and then the paint would rip of if you ever remove the tape >>297321 I can leave the house at night without exposing myself to premature skin aging. when I do occasionally leave the house, lots of grills show interest, in fact some months ago when I went to a store to buy a skincare product the hot blonde cashier was all flirty, if I chose to go for it and handled the interaction well I might've got her number
>>297325 don't be so drastic lad the curtain rod needs to be higher smh that's all
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his delusions just get even worse the older he gets
>>297326 that's the only way to make the curtain rod higher, it's at the top of the window, the only way to get it higher would be to attach it directly to the drywall >>297327 just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen to me
>>297325 >get long blackout curtains and like.. nail them directly to the wall above the window and make a complete strip of tape all the way down my mummy used to do that then sleep all day, only waking up at 8PM to give me some beans. I reckon that's one of the reasons I'm short tbh
If I weren't a short, racist, cripple I'd join the police and be the dirtiest copper on the streets crushing smackheads' bones and that tbh
>>297328 lad do some diy and install a new curtain rod higher up on the wall put it up as close to the ceiling as you can get it tbh make it wider than it needs to be then hang some real blackout curtains on it it's a very simple problem with a very simple solution smh >>297327 tbh sad smh >>297330 smdh sorry to hear that lad smh you deserved better
>We're gonna build a whole new world for ourselves. Look, the sun touches us and we're damaged and brown, right? So, we gotta make a new life where it'll never touch us. You know where? Underground. You should see it down there, hundreds of miles of drains, sweet and clean now after the rain, dark, quiet, safe. We can build houses and everything, start again from scratch. And what's so bad about living underground, eh? S'not been so great living up here, if you want my opinion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93JArmMY3n4
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11144799/Baby-snatched-stranger-mother-turned-ten-seconds-South-African-supermarket.html NIGGER STEALS WHITE BABY IN SIF IFRIKA >>297332 >smdh sorry to hear that lad smh you deserved better cheers lad, luckily nanny stepped in and raised me semi-normally smh
>>297333 fucking keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>297332 there's also the issue that the curtain is right up to the wall on the right, there's no space at all on the right, and at the top there's only some 2 inches of drywall before you reach the ceiling. maybe I could just get a lightweight blackout curtain and tuck it into the ceiling tiles? never thought of that before
maybe you should try and keep your OCD delusions in check, hm?
>>297337 ocd doesn't make you delusional, it just gives you the strong urge to unnecessarily check, clean, and organize things
>>297338 >it just gives you the strong urge to unnecessarily check, clean, and organize things wrong, this is the meme media created image of OCD, ocd has nothing to do with cleaning things.
>>297339 I have it, lad, cleansing rituals are a part of it. that's why I have such an issue with my oral hygiene routine, and why I prefer to lather soap over my whole body rather than just the areas that actually need it. fortunately I have oily skin, so I don't get dry/irritated except for my lower back area sometimes if I shower twice in a day
>>297336 Could you not put some poo on the windows? That weigh you'd have a delightful yellow has like in Mexikino
ocd has nothing to do with cleaning you retarded mutt
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>If people like you are in the marines that would explain why the British army has been losing wars lately. You're actively trying to belittle the idea of the community uniting against the drugs trade and informing the law whenever they see anything. >I would spit on you if I saw you face to face soldier boy, and you'd run away from me like you ran from the Taliban. Rat.
>>297333 keeeeeeeek choon that >>297336 put the new curtain rail right up against the wall and you can just screw the new curtain right into the wall tbh flat against it the outside side of the curtain doesn't actually have to move at all >>297338 >>297342 tbh it's just compulsive repetitive rituals to make things "perfect"
>this thread
>>297345 >this thread lad it's every thread
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>this jew
No contrition for the conduct, just that it was recorded and publicised.
>>297347 tbh >>297348 all of this is just echoing what people daren't say aloud the only people who should be prime ministers are dour bitter old men in their mid-50s or older should literally be a mandatory wrinkle count before you can hold public office >>297349 post 23&me lad you recent jew fellating is worrying
>>297348 Meant to upload this one, her subtitled address
>>297351 > be a mandatory wrinkle count before you can hold public office Does this not advantage men like Hugo Weaving?
>>297352 Je qeeq. A statesman must be a statesman at all times tbh
>>297353 hugo weaving would unironically be a better finnish pm than sanna marin
>Far Cry 6 has a cock fighting mini game I will now purchase your game. Even if it is full of hideous lesbian creatures.
even at nighttime, there are still a small amount of the suns rays, so spig is a retard for even going outside at all
>>297357 He shouldn't be within 150ft of the surface tbh, I hear that's how far down UV penetrates.
>>297325 >if I chose to go for it and handled the interaction well I might've got her number Why didn't you?
>>297351 I'll only post the map.
>>297359 Because he hasn't reached the maximum stage of looksmaxxing yet, duh
>>297361 keeeeeeeeeeeek >southerners really do be like this
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My auncestors poverty assured their racial pvrity. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the ethnostate.
>>297361 60% ashkenazi 20% eastern european 20% north african?
>>297356 >purchase
>>297366 make a cock fighting game and i shall give you my money
>>297367 Pirate it, lad.
>>297357 >even at nighttime, there are still a small amount of the suns rays uh no the sun is down actually, it's nice >>297362 this but unironically. also though whenever I have opportunity to get gf it forces me to seriously think about what that would entail... you spend your time and money on the girl, basically simping, with the intention of being granted access to her body after you've entertained her enough, like some sort of circus clown. I don't really get it. my only gf experiences were in high school when it was this wholesome cute thing, but it can't be like that in adulthood. frankly I don't even understand how/why adults socialize, having friends, going out, dating, none of it makes sense. all I understand is the physiological need for puss
>>297369 When will you get a gf, and why not do it now? Do you want to have children ever? Do you think maybe your current views have been created by being inside and isolated for so long?
>>297369 >none of it makes sense You are a materialist lad, no emotions. Such is autism. >>297368 No lad, they put cock fighting in their game. They deserve my money.
>>297369 tbh w*men are shite smh bring back arranged marriages >>297370 this except without the zoophile projecting his words onto the dog smh look how it cries smdh poor creature tbh he truly was a monster
>unhide a few of cuck's posts >he's a literal kike mutt I'm not the least bit surprised. A keek from me none the less. >>297357 Vampires btfo.
>>297373 >that pic of a dog tied down to a table with its anus visible
>>297356 Bit gruesome, lad
>>297375 lad smh God willing all furries will die of monkeypox
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>I will give money to proponents of lesbianism >Why? To see two COCKS go at it! >>297377 Tbh.
Donetsk are playing Leipzig and Real Madrid in the Champions League keeeeeeeeeeek, there won't even be a Ukraine by May 2023!
>>297380 They just drew Celtic too lmao I hope Celtic get bombed by are Putin
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>>297379 keeeek goodlad
Still in shock that the population of 16th century Strasbourg was only 20,000. Its now more than ten times that. People need to be in the countryside or nowhere basically
>>297371 >When will you get a gf, and why not do it now? idk. if I meet a girl that shows interest in me and is sufficiently attractive to dispel whatever reservations I have about the whole thing >Do you want to have children ever? of course- at least 6, at least 3 of which must be male >Do you think maybe your current views have been created by being inside and isolated for so long? yes, I have no frame of reference for how the so-called normals live >>297372 I don't have autism though
>>297384 tbh cities are a cancer that needs to be excised
>>297386 Suburbs too
>>297387 >Suburbs too suburbs especially tbh
>>297387 >>297388 nah, suburbs are comfy, the highest population density settlements that should exist
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>>297389 They're fucking ugly cancer and hives of de-racination. The middle class should be forced to live with the working class. Vile gray slab sprawls have no place In Britain. >>297390 I would slit her Jewish throat without a second thought.
>>297391 Good lad.
>>297390 >it just kept getting worse
>>297387 tbh tbh just remove six billion people and let the rest live in villages 100% sincerely >>297390 like i always say tbh women should be lobotomised at birth
>>297391 suburbs don't work in Britain because it's too small, there's not enough land for medium-density settlements. you either pack them in like sardines or you leave it as countryside or nature in North America, suburbs make much more sense because there's plenty of land to go around >The middle class should be forced to live with the working class class structure is also different in UK and in the US. you complain about the middle class being libtard snobs but here 'the middle class' are just all of the ordinary non-wigger white people with an IQ over 100. the 'working class' here are just trashy and dumb, they listen to Eminem and live in single-floor dwellings with poorly-maintained lawns, you wouldn't understand

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this is the dichotomy I'm talking about here. Steiner thinks pic 1 is "based"
>that wholesome music >the way she speaks about as if it is healthy and normal I hate them so much
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>>297396 this is the next level above upper middle class, the mcmansion
if you live in upper middle class house or better then women get wet for you if you live in middle class then you can get married, probably if you live in lower middle class then you can probably only get a trashy wiggerish woman that listens to Eminem
>>297396 >Steiner thinks pic 1 is "based" unfair tbh let him speak for himself >>297398 hogwarts/10 would happily live in until the next tornado
Suburbia delenda est!
>>297400 >unfair tbh let him speak for himself he's essentially said as much, he thinks the poor midwestern redneck is the optimal north american white, he complains about 'middleclassoids' all the time
>>297396 They're all ugly, the suburb is the opiate of the white american
>>297402 already several drinks in the hole tbh can't really provide a cogent defence smh suburbs are shite but it's bad form to take shots at someone who isn't here tbh
Just consumed a Sif Ifrikan orange. What about that lil spiccy?
>>297405 bit risky lad smh
https://youtu.be/lz8hx6JuZWE WOULD YOU LIKE SOME CHICKIN!?
>>297400 >hogwarts Really is an eccentric sort of melange. That building was in an architectural "horror gallery" a while ago.
>>297407 keeeeeeeek and the award for the most gullible woman goes to...
>>297409 watching Coronation Street now and they've put the fittest bird with some paki thing
>>297408 was an architectural horror gallery from the moment it was first made tbh >>297410 smdh coronation street has fallen
shut up FAGGOT
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Hey Steiner everybody!
>>297413 looks like they are all having a good ti me. Why does this upset chuds so much?
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>>297412 stop talking to yourself lad
https://youtu.be/QT9_CJOw7E4 Summer in the NEETbarn
>>297413 smdh horrific
>Canadian camping e-celeb I like wifes died suddenly in her sleep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FAh_9IZMUc
>>297418 >lads watch the same snideos as moi basedino also, smdh RIP lass
Where is Wessica?
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WATCH OUT RACIST >that boar emblemerino
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>>297424 vile slags
>>297232 she is hunched over that podium like some kind of carrion bird
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where the fuck is gingerlass going to at this time of night? she just got home as well
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>>297425 quite right lad now come camping with me
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>>297246 tbh did a massive shite in the portashitter at boomer toil this morning, literally vid related tier
>>297427 going to see her black bf remember: >>297113
smh forgot to spoiler sorry
>>297423 was the white boar a symbol from the tudor era?
>>297430 thats not me
>>297433 how do we know you're not you or are you?
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>>297434 you dont youll just have to take my word for it
>>297429 >429 (8.80 MB 1920×1080 qdroppatiotsareincontrol.mp4)
>>297429 kind of wish the shit had slid down on her balls like in that pig pic haha
>>297432 Plantagenet. Richard III used it
>>297437 post ur tits lass
tbh the white boar is a good britnat symbol tbf
>>297437 haha imagine that fart gas going straight into your mouth
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god please make me a monk
>>297440 yeah lions as well
out of the blue today my dad told me be blames himself for me being a failure.
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>>297445 I have experienced the first 10 seconds or so of this Plus I have had sex so not like it matters
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>>297447 meanwhile my dad has repeatedly said hes going to retire in a couple of years and leave the country, which would make it next to impossible for me to see him
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>>297448 sex is gay
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>>297447 >>297449 meanwhile my dad is a satan worshipping drug user who abandoned me in the womb and whose voice i've only ever heard through his occult death metal music
>>297450 i agree i wish i could be asexual and celibate >>297451 wew....
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>>297447 good news tbh unironically it's either that or he blames yourself for him being a failure he's a good lad tbh lad be grateful
>>297454 good lad imagine chaining her up in the basement and showing her your powertool collection
>>297456 women dont even deserve that attention, tbqh
https://youtu.be/-flMtUT4zdw been jamming out to this at boomer toil recently
well I think I have to move from my hometwon and reinvent myself. which city do you guys recommend? seriously.
>>297459 LONDON
>>297459 I didn't move away even when b*sexual ex gf convinced her friends I was a rapist and DV'er. Why do YOU need to reinvent yourself?
i dont think there are any parts of the UK left that are nice to live in. wog hives or poz hives, as a wise man once said, its over.
>>297447 Why does he think you’re a failure?
>>297465 he caught him browsing here
>>297465 because I am but i've felt like im doing better recently.
seriously fuck boomers, so sick of their shit. boomers wouldn't last a minute in 2022 as youngfags.
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>>297470 not me
oneetuses are pure cancer and you need to move on lad because they are the best easiest way to time travel your 20s away and get nothing out of it
It feels like there's these weird bursts of anti-migrant sentiments at random in this country based off bringing up old already known facts. usually grooming gangs and black crime followed by videos of such activities or government inaction in the face of them. we're going through one now, and I remember 2018-19 being a big year for that also. but they just fade and nobody exists to capitalise on them.
>>297472 i know lass, i just want to destroy her for destroying me just want to be /comfy/ in a little monastery somewhere, be a pilgrim, an adventurer, forget about wombyn entirely, be a good boy to God and not be a wretched sinner piece of shit loser
you don't have to do anything special or go anywhere to become a cringetow, society will just make you feel shit because you don't have some parasitic foid in your life though
i want to escape society
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the LORD's mercy endures forever, and ever
>>297477 >>297478 just stop drinking lad
>>297479 i have
I made a great post and nobody here responded to it, oh well, a bit out of this lots league I suppose.
>>297481 you'll have to do a bit better than that, lad
the only good boomer
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got really sweaty hands tonight hope I'm not turning into into a werecel
>>297483 I feel the same way at 32 tbh
>>297484 Young, Angry and White.
>>297486 despair is a sin lad I am entirely certain in our inevitable salvation.
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Had to double take at boomer hobby as there was a new lass that seemed a bit troomerish. Was just old, haggard, and her skin had actually gone an off colour, probably from smoking. Thought at first her grey tinge was a stuble, but it was all over her face and hands. Grim. Was ready to "join the 41%" post irl. False alarm. But I will be vigilant. I will be ready for them.
>>297492 holy based
Early to rise early to toil
Я забыл мои Дискорд открывает слова ;~;
dog killing update: dog still alive dug a hole and leash is tied around a near-by tree will shoot with an sks later tonight
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Almost had it back on track
>>297497 good lad
>>297497 >>297498 never mind lad. up early in the morning
weekend though
>>297501 weekend?
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>>297502 god she looks like the perfect midwestoid slutty dumb cunt
>>297503 lol, true.
as I have gotten older I realize that dumb women are the smarter women because they don't delude themselves into thinking they are smart and end up falling into the lisa simpson npc program
>>297505 maybe you should stop thinking about women
>>297507 have sex. just enroll in artschool and impress foids with your philosotakes.
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NEWS from France: Arab youtuber who bragged about damaging a Generation Identitaire banner hung on a rooftop is arrested for raping a child: https://twitter.com/DamienRieu/status/1562761290837151744
>>297510 smh misread that as him being hung by identitarian chuds at first glance
>>297511 now THAT would be based but GI were outlawed in 2020
two chuds convicted of whitmer kidnapping case after being found not guilty because the AG tried them in a "diverse" courtroom. remarkable
>>297514 remarkable how the powers that be finds allies in the "most powerless" communities. i.e NIGGERS
some tranny swatted Marjorie Taylor Greene, false flagging Kiwifarms, and the dumb bimbo chimps out about it and goes "luv muh police" swatting being possible is already beyond retarded, it should not be possible for somebody to just dial 911 and get armed police to go to somebody's house without a warrant, but doing that to a sitting representative? what the fuck? the cops don't see that it's a politician's house and ignore the call? and then the dumb bitch has to frame it as "oh noo the democrats oh the lawlessness, they want to defund the police, we need more police" blah blah
>>297513 dana nassel the attorney general is a mossad
>>297516 how do you know a troon did it?
>>297518 1. trannies are currently waging war against Kiwifarms under their Dictator of the Dilatariot 'Keffals' 2. read pic 2, it says the motive was pro-child-trannyism and they blamed a right-wing user of the site
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В Британия снег немного обычной, зато я думаю Путин есть погода контрольная. Это зимой будет плохой снег и снеед. Хо хо хо.
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hope your mummy finds all these awful videos on your computer
>>297524 kek mummy walked in on one of bbk fisting spam sessions
El Paso Walmart shooter trial possibly in jeopardy due to embattled DA Yvonne Rosales https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/08/patrick-crusius-el-paso-walmart-shooter-3.jpg >The Texas district attorney in charge of the high-profile trial of suspected El Paso Walmart shooter Patrick Crusius is facing legal trouble of her own amid accusations of incompetence. >El Paso District Attorney Yvonne Rosales is the subject of a petition to have her removed from office, as well as accusations of “official misconduct and continued incompetence,” the El Paso Times reported. >A complaint was filed by local defense attorney Omar Carmona with the El Paso District Clerk’s Office. He wants Rosales to have to go before a jury that would determine whether she should keep her job. >In the filing, Carmona accuses Rosales of “mishandling” the Walmart mass shooting case against suspect Patrick Crusius, who is accused of gunning down 23 people in August 2019. The 24-year-old from Allen, Texas, allegedly drove 9 hours to El Paso to shoot Hispanics. Crusius wrote in a racist manifesto that he believed Hispanics were “invading” the country and he feared they would become voters. Authorities believe Crusius cased the Walmart before he opened fire on shoppers. >Just this week, special prosecutor John Briggs, who was hired by Rosales to lead the trial against Crusius, was either removed or resigned from his post. >The petition to remove Rosales also cites her dismissal of hundreds of pending criminal cases and accusations of “prosecutorial vindictiveness,” alleging she dismissed a murder charge last year. >Rosales said she intends to fight the petition in a statement provided to the El Paso Times. >“These types of attacks have taken place since the first day the first female District Attorney in the history of El Paso took office,” said the statement. “Never has there been so much hateful rhetoric or tactics used against any predecessor.” >Rosales is handling the state of Texas’ case against Crusius, which is a death penalty case. The feds have a separate case against the alleged mass murderer for hate crime charges that could begin in January 2024.
dog killing update: dog is dead
>minimum daily protein Interesting statistic, useful for meal planning
>>297523 giwtwm
>>297528 Good lad, his suffering is now over. The white female's depravity knows no limits. Smh.
>>297513 Isn't that the one literally involving FBI undercovers who were inciting in the first place (entrapment being illegal)?
>>297459 Move to the next town over. Unironically. >>297468 It unironically is partly his fault and you should have doubled down and told him off for it. >>297473 >but they just fade and nobody exists to capitalise on them. tbh, the biggest problem we have is nationalist apathy. >>297523 keeeeeeeeeek
>Daddy long legs setting up shop near my bed WHY WON'T THEY JUST FUCK OFF REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Mad Max is better than all the sequels
>>297523 I don't get what's so bad it's just jelly being shredded?
new 'toss
>>297540 I don't get it.
>>297541 burger schools do a daily pledge of allegiance to the flag every morning with hand over heart. one kid kneels in rebellion, like the handegg niggers kneeling when the national anthem plays before handegg games. the flag is revealed to be the colored-tranny-gay anti-white male alliance and the liberal teacher appears perturbed
>>297539 The joke is the woman having a loud orgasm lad
>>297540 pebbledash
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>>297540 Seen one of those flags outside a school near where I work
>>297543 Well erm, i guess i wouldn't have noticed for that is a sound so common in my life.
>>297548 What is it with niggers just fighting in the streets?
>>297536 Perkele
>Daddy long legs are not actually spiders, though belonging to the arachnids they are closer related to scorpions Fear levels: MAXIMISED
>>297552 He did nothing wrong
>>297551 >though belonging to the arachnids they are closer related to scorpions Interesting. Also heard that sea spiders are about as closely related to spiders "as a sea horse is to a horse".
>>297542 Yeah I got all that. Where's the joke?
>>297546 Tear it down and piss on it.
>>297555 stonetoss comics don't have 'jokes', they're political cartoons
>>297557 Political satire is supposed to be funny, lad.
>>297558 fuck off you mong
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>>297560 I like some of them. Oh no so heckin sorry for pointing out this one is shit. Here, have one of their okay ones.
you are the mong bisexual ex gf poster nobody cares about your mong opinion, mong.
This passive aggressive not (You)ing each other is getting out of hand. >>80085 (You) This (You) is meant for everyone equally. :)
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Thanks for the you.
>>297566 Anytime lad. Shame it was a thigh post and not 80085 tbf.
Literally nothing wrong being a thighfag.
https://youtu.be/PdybnTzMoD4 AUSLAD'S ON THE LOOSE!
>>297568 Not at all lad. Though I implore you to check the number I sent a (You) at tee hee hee.
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>>297542 >burger schools do a daily pledge of allegiance to the flag every morning Absolutely American
https://youtu.be/fXGl5FEvcRs >nooooooooooooo!! you can't call out Macron as a bad friend!! Guardian readers should be put to death
>>297572 She's just trying to do boring Maggie Facher larp
>>297573 *makes bland statement in order to create controversy* I hate the Tory Reich
>I can't afford to heat my home! Put more clothes on??
>>297575 people live too comfortably, tbqh same with food problem is, the "solutions" are to live in the pod and eat the bugs instead of living how we are supposed to
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i despise sex and sex havers and society
It spells ~ ho ho he he hoo harr ~ it it spells hoo hee hahaha boobs! >>297577 Have incel.
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I keep hate reading that casualuk sub on reddit. This country is personified cringe, man.
>>297579 something to keep in mind theres a lot more non whites posting as "British" on the internet than you realise
tbh bri'ish people on the internet are cringe
>>297579 None of the opinions there are genuine because using Reddit is just coming up with takes that max the social credit counter. The social credit counter is then guided by the algorithm tuners and the network of approved jannies.
>>297535 >These spiders gravitate towards debris-filled areas TIDY YOUR ROOMS, YOU SONS OF BITCHES
>>297584 What kind of retard doesn't want spiders, enjoy all the actual problem insects going unchecked I guess.
>>297585 What have YOU done to exterminate the problem insects?
>297585 >replace annoyance with larger annoyance Retard alert.
anyone wanna coom to the ole pub with i tonight?
90% of songs I put into my yt music playlist get deleted within a few weeks
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Cor blimey I do like a cup of tea, yanks are absolute eejits because they have guns lol imagine having a gun you'd have to be afraid of a little knoife.
>dad complains about no money but goes to the pub several times a week
>>297595 its fucking over chud bros
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>>297595 I have not been paying attention at all to this show.
Couple of Spanish girls were being very loud on the bus (In Ireland) and I said : "Seniorita, hablo tranquilo por favor". They figured out what I meant lol.
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>>297594 I'll be your daddy instead, lad
>>297599 Were you asking them to suck your dick?
wew mummy and daddy are going full bully mode on me lately. Im meant to meet them for dinner next week but i really dont want to.
>>297595 literally seen nobody actually complainging about this
wish bins was permanently banned forever, completely wiped out, no trace whatsoever of him
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https://youtu.be/8yguvArZCUI >degeneracy is le funny yikes
>>297601 My life isn't a constant porno movie tbf, I have to take a break sometimes. I was just telling her off for talking too loud.
>>297602 how have they been bullying you lad?
>>297604 How can you say that about the most beloved man on /brit/?
well, bigots?
>>297608 yesterday it was this >>297447 and today my mum told me to see my cousin because I obviously dont have any friends and she doesnt want me to be lonely. I hate them all.
same with 22st, just eradicate him entirely
>>297611 >87 UIDs >don't have any friends Lad.
>>297612 smh just want to kidnap you
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>>297612 we know you don't really smean it lad
>>297614 let's do it
>>297607 >My life isn't a constant porno movie tbf big letdown tbh
Man sang homophobic and transphobic slurs into a microphone in Sefton Park https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/man-sang-homophobic-transphobic-slurs-24862476 >Police were called to reports that a man carrying out a hate crime, opposite Oasis café, at around 12.35pm on Sunday, August 21. Officers attended and arrested a 52-year-old man, from Liverpool, on suspicion of a Section 5 Public Order offence. >"This occurred on a Sunday afternoon and Sefton Park would have been very busy with people out and about enjoying the sunshine. If you saw or heard anything, or captured any footage on mobile phone then please let us know. Information you hold could be vital to our ongoing investigation." >Detective Inspector Alan Nuttall said: "We simply will not tolerate such hate speech on Merseyside and I’m sure the overwhelming majority of people would agree that such vile hate has no place in our communities."
They want to grind us down to subsistence living while they continue to lord it over us in private jets
>>297618 this is... le BAD
https://youtu.be/ARo7jW7J33I keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Sam Hyde is back on banter form
https://youtu.be/Bk5t0plvReE >sneep snorp creature is a schizo smdh
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Anyone got any film suggestions for tonight?
>>297621 >candy they don't call it that in Ireland
>>297624 That's what I call anus
>>297623 The death of stalin.
developed a resting chud scowl.
>>297627 develop you some bitches
is tbbk gay for niggers as a joke or for real?
>>297629 Only gay thought I ever had was of raping a nigger boy tbh, woke up from the dream and had to use all my willpower not to wank to the thought of him crying his nigger noises while I bounced his round wog nigger cheex
>>297630 >cheex keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Stealing this one
>>297630 >>297631 gay for niggers AND a samefag? for shame
>>297535 Got me laffin at setting up shop ngl why's that funny
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>>297626 seen that, it's a bit boring tbh
Just found out autism determines your facial morphology. People can identify you as autistic just solely on the shape of your face. It's so over.
this guy is a perfect example of autistic facial features. you all look like him.
>>297632 >punitive gay rape >gay OK, zoomer. >>297633 it's safe now, mummy cam home from work and he is slain
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>>297605 It's binsy bonka!
>>297635 >>297636 If he cheered up, got a better haircut, stopped dressing like Woes and worked out for a year then I'm sure he could make it. He looks young for a 20 year old.
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>>297638 it's smeeeeeeeeeeeeee
thinking of putting this on tonight
>>297638 the only skyrimlad webm I ever laffed at
>>297641 Didn't they copy the bus fight scene from The Joker?
>>297643 dunno did they? let's find out
>>297643 >Bus fight scene amnesia.jpg
>>297645 Yeah you really got me. It was a train and not a bus.
>>297639 he'd still have autism.
>>297639 >He looks young for a 20 year old. androgynous and neotonous features are a symptom of ASD
>>297652 Wasn't this admitted ages ago? Span as just following law enforcements orders on not publicising an active investigation or misinformation or some bullshit. Is the Zuckbot saying he made an error in doing as he was told? Can't be arsed listening to Steppe Chief Rogan.
Autistics are nonces btw.
>>297653 seems more relevant now that the FBI is being exposed as explicitly politically partisan
>>297641 It's actually quite good. Was sure we all watched it together once before? There's some cringe and very memi worthy bits but overall good fun.
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>the 'girl' in my guild i assumed was a troon is actually a femcel from lithuania i should ask her out
>>297656 >Was sure we all watched it together once before? no lad, I've not seen this
>>297657 doit.jpg
>>297657 guild?
>>297660 Final fantasy 14 MMO
>>297661 ah le noncelad
>>297662 lithuanian lass is a tall bunny girl actually so there
don't like baltic lasses. Allegedly there are white looking people there, but I've only ever met lanky swarthy lads with slav faces
>>297664 tbh, i've also noticed slavs have zero sense of humour
>>297667 >didn't even watch the film keeeek this one reeks of incelitus
>>297669 there are some good things about the film, but it's not a scratch on the original the lead girl looked too soft bodied and just did stroppy face throughout, didn't have the gravitas of someone capable of killing a predator all in all a shit film
>>297667 Prey was a good film. They entire point of Predator was the same as with Aliens, that these supposed "badasses" actually weren't that smart or badass after all. Apart from Arnie.
>>297670 >the lead girl looked too soft bodied Sargon.. is that you?.. I KNEEL
nice cover that filipina lass sent me https://youtu.be/Cfe-VlEJ_bg
>>297671 >They entire point of Predator was the same as with Aliens, that these supposed "badasses" actually weren't that smart or badass after all. Apart from Arnie. Not really, the badasses in Aliens still did better against the Xenomorphs than the colonists did who were all wiped out except for newt it's not that the badasses weren't tough, it's that the foe was so much tougher
she's not bad looking
>>297672 I said her body was too soft while we were watching she didn't have the body of someone that had lived a tough life hunting, she looked like a spoiled millennial/zoomer from beverly hills
>>297675 yeah, they had to get someone that looked nothing like a native american
>>297676 No, Sargon said that
>>297677 yeah her mother's from Thailand
>>297674 the iconic firing guns into nothingness scene was intended to show how frightened and undisciplined they were
>>297680 shut the fuck up and kill yourself
>>297681 WOAHHHHHH! That's not on actually please mate!!
>>297681 how uncouth
I will not apologise for impotent incel rage
>>297684 *pretends to be blind and sues them*
>>297667 The pacing and the lead's acting were both awful in prey, but so far as the concept, it was similar to the first film. Remember it's Arnie that strips back to the primative to beat it. Can't out tech them, you have to become like a clever animal.
>>297677 my ancestors raped that
>>297675 doesn't even look at all like a north american injun
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>>297688 And your other ancestors were that, and got raped. Sissy little chug chud.
>>297680 >the iconic firing guns into nothingness scene was intended to show how frightened and undisciplined they were no idiot, you just saw them take out an entire armed militia's base, showing how badass they actually are but when facing the predator, they are completely out-matched that's the point you stupid twat
>>297678 I said it while we were watching, before Sargon made his video or had even seen it
>>297692 He's right you fucking twat arse faggot mong!! Shit yourself!!
>>297686 >Arnie that strips back to the primative to beat you idiot, in Prey the lead does the exact opposite, she uses its own technology to beat it somehow she figured out how its laser self guided missiles worked and aimed them at him yeah really
yike y'all a lot of folks being utter cockwombles in this thread
>>297694 dick head arse tits gay motherfucking spastic mega twat
>>297695 no! no! NO! you fucking buffoon! How dare you write these words! they are wrong! they are worse than wrong, they are lies!
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>>297698 yes I did write those words I wrote them all, and I meant every single word I wrote yes I did
>>297697 >>297697 >>297699 sneed, if you will
>>297695 doesn't even look like a chug the last lass in these pics actually looks at least half chug because of facial structure
>>297695 But she uses le magic native cool your blood herb to hide first, like caking herself in mud without doing anything. She also hacks at it with her axe on a string a bit before tricking it into blowing it's own brains out. They are similar conceptually. Didn't say it was good.
I wish I was having sex right now
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>pushed a hard poo out and was pretending to be a mumkey >mummy pulled the poo out of my anus as I climbed the stairs majestically JUST FUCK OFF!!!!
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Binscel, are you watching Nobody tonight or another? Getting a bit late tbh.
https://youtu.be/kSl7cqtJaPg wish this game wasn't pozzed tbh some absolute ch00nz
sister's pissed about the dog thing
>>297712 YOu finally kill it?
>>297713 yeah, shot it after dark everything went perfectly. just lost a round in the grass, that was it. found it just now, getting off work
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>>297717 Prophecy of Pengdor
let's get this party started https://youtu.be/B-AP3N48ihE
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>>297719 luv that sound
not bad huh? oooo uhhh thats not good
>>297724 Based Hybrid Vigour
tell me, will i b put on a list for buying Dugin? Or are there downloads for him?
>>297726 you cant buy dugin
>>297726 Pretty sure you can get his books on libgen
>>297727 how do a nigga read that nigga if that nigga ain't availanigga? >>297728 nigga, i will check that nigga shit out my nigga
*kills 34138a*
a nigga be dead onah heeya
Also, are we watching the sam hyde fight tomorrow lads?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WizNXQGBMEk >>297733 wasn't aware he was fighting not going to watch it
>>297734 he's fighting under the persona of an irishman, might be unironically funny
>>297705 >Meux & Co's Horse Shoe Brewery Feels like there's a seed and feed reference in there somehow

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