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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3769: Are Chas Edition Anonymous 09/10/2022 (Sat) 07:48:14 Id: af19ec No. 302998
Charles III will be formally proclaimed king at a historic ceremony at St James's Palace at 10:00 BST https://www.bbc.com/news/live/uk-62842089 Royal rebranding: What will happen to stamps, coins, banknotes and passports? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-59596996 Queen's death: What is the Accession Council and how does it proclaim a new monarch? https://news.sky.com/story/queens-death-what-is-the-accession-council-and-how-does-it-proclaim-a-new-monarch-12693574
>>302996 Unironically consider it a goyim genocide being orchestrated by jews on both sides because they hate all Europeans.
>>303000 probably true tbh
The queen's death really invigorated Wessica but Dorsie was completely absent last night. I guess because it was Friday, Dorsie is a well known party animal.
want scientist gf
Don't we all lad
>>302996 >How depopulated will Ukraine become between the thots being shipped west and lads being buried? millions annexed into Russia, millions of predominately female emmigrants, hundreds of thousands of dead soldiers, tens of thousands of dead civilians. they will go from 40 million population to under well 30 million
>>303004 Who is she?
>>303007 Dr Ling Felce, killed by lorry driver Imagine going to the trouble to get a PhD and then dying in a car accident.
There seems to be quite a lot of east asians in Oxford, I guess because it's a University city
>>303008 https://youtu.be/F5YVkgxP_Rw Yea, better to live like this tbqh
>>303009 can't move for east asians where i live. so many rich chinese ladies.
The look on his face. So fearful, so stressed, so bored. Imagine becoming a king, but knowing that your reign will be the shortest and final reign of the British monarchy, and all that you will be remembered for is people freezing to death and mass food riots until your country is swiftly annexed into the loving, warm embrace of are America.
>>303011 where is this fabled paradise?
>>303014 that poor elephant smh
>>303016 Chinese pussy overseas is difficult tho lad. Just buy a ticket to China once it reopens or go to SEA and get them blandaad up chinese puss.
>>303017 Depends who you ask. Some chinese women are absolute slags. Having dated a decidedly non slag SEA woman it's pretty much as you'd suspect though, she disliked the English countryside and even the suburbs due to not enough of her own kind. They form their own little asian bubbles in the cities. Also she would exclusively eat asian food 24/7 if left to her own devices. Dating any furrin lass is more trouble than it's worth. Unless she's French.
>>303018 One of the best girl groups for sure. Blackpink is highly overrated
>>303019 yea date them in their own areas or countries. Even with the supposedly loyal ones like Filipinas, there's big issues with their family dynamics and yea they tend to ghettoise into ethnic groups. Maybe an individualistic chinese woman is the best option. >>303020 Yea, their pelvic areas look great in that vid
Even second or third generation asians would rather have noodles than a pub lunch
>>303016 choon that >>303018 choon this
>It's a nationalists talking about dating asian women episode
>Members of the public have been admitted from The Mall into Friary Court to bear witness to the proclamation of King Charles III. >They come, carrying their pets, clutching flowers, a toddler in spiderman pyjamas, the infirm on mobility scooters. From the suited to those in cycling gear. >toddler in spiderman pyjamas Yo that's literally me wtf
>>303025 keeeeeek
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Are Turks white?
>>303027 no even slightly lad but they do have some based moments
>>303027 no, they're mosty sand people, mixed with eastern european
why do so many women have tattoos, piercings, dyed hair, noserings? Disgusting
>>303030 Satan's mark, they're witches lad.
>>303030 goodscreen said it was good lad
Looked out of my window for a second, immediately saw a wasp fly into a spiders web, the spider pounced on it within a flash but the wasp got away just as fast.
I went to Enver Hoxha's grave in Albania. I met 2 young Italian communists there who laid flowers for him and his wife. There's a lot of fringe types out there.
>>303030 Not sure, known some very pretty women who have ruined their looks with such things, sad. Always assumed it was an effort to stand out.
>>303027 some western turks are almost greek (and some greeks are almost turks), but most are wogs. eastern turks are complete shitskins, except for eastern black sea region, where there are some turkified pontic greek moslems
>>303036 Greeks looked whiter in general but Edirne and even antalya had a lot of huwhites.
Shit I've left the oven on
>>303033 i was there i saw this reincarnation >>303034 looked him up and he sounds based tbh played the soviet union and china against each other for more gibs like the child of divorced parents
>>303038 keeek
smorbing lads toiling on a saturday Kiwi Farms Finale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTtU5P8d0PU Second Life | A Spirit Realm Ballad: PART 2 - TREACHEROUS ENDS (trolling) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnzACTZZbxs
>>303041 smorbing kino that first one
>>303041 keeeeeeeeeeeeek smh second life autistes are so special
>>303041 keeek tbh I love them
started doing reality checks (counting fingers eg) while awake and immediately have been getting much more kino dreams just want to snoooooze forever tbh
>>303045 So how many fingers do you have then?
just ate 4 sausage rolls, give me validation
>>303046 five (four and a thumb if you want to be pedantic) but while dreaming it can be variable, like how text changes between one glance and the next it's supposed to help with lucid dreaming but I never get that far, just generally more coherent plotlines last night I was back at university trying to find medical reference texts and a soyfag started arguing with me about polishits keksmh just simulating reality >>303047 based and nevergonnastarvepilled
>>303044 keeeeeeeeek kino >>303045 been sleeping with too many blankets lately and the fever dreams between sleep and waking have been kino tbh that's the recipe tbh you have to be too hot at the moment when you emerge from deep sleep and then you get kino dreams every time >>303047 good lad
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The Russian MoD mobilised parts of the Western Military district as far as Moscow.
>>303050 what happened to the X and Y columns smh
>>303051 They have been mobilising more columns too as as well with a second O and Z.
>>303050 You'd think the Russian would do things in a rush.
>>303050 Good for them it's only SEPTEMBER
>>303050 I guess that counter attack did do some damage.
previous opinions are probably right in that this is being intentionally mismanaged to kill more slavs now the parasite is almost done with the west and is moving over to the chinks, it only makes sense to weaken their neighbours
>>303054 Russia has already destroyed Ukraine's economy and over 122,000 Ukrainian personnel with only 200,000.
>>303055 Most of it will be Ethnic Russian civilians killed by the SBU and then they will proclaim Russians were killing Ukrainian civilians en masse.
>>303058 me on the right
>>303000 yeah I see it that way too
kek what?
>>303064 Something about all the energy intensive mining of the coins.
>>303065 something about notional independence from the globalshite dollar
>>303027 They've done quite a bit of cheeky genocide over the last century, enough to qualify as honorary white I reckon.
>>303066 yeah, this is the real reason Climate Change is a fucking scam, it's all about fleecing the public and keeping them poor while the ruling class increases their wealth and retain their private jets, yachts, and 4th homes around the globe all the while making the plebs believe it's for their own good
>>303068 >only 4 homes Laughing_Jews.jpg
>>303064 can't just detach from the petrodollar tbh that's bad for business
playing cardwars on obisidian conflict alone tbh it's a bit like bm_sts for sven coop but with hl2 npcs very comfy
>>303070 >bad for business no lad, it's bad for "climate change"
shnight lads
>>303073 night lad
>>303073 night
The rumour is Ukrainian MoD just put out an order to limit the KIA announced to 500 per day following the Kharkov-Izym offensive.
considering a Rocky marathon
>>303078 Snever sneen snenny of snem smee snelf.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l6YzRyau14 >Woman Comes Back Home From College With A Bull
just one of those days where I don't want to get up smh
>>303081 smh here have a (You) lad
>>303077 just wait until the russian counter attack
>>303083 it's going to be epic
>>303084 imagine if they had image boards in 1942 we are at the part where everyone would be timoshenko spamming and posting wehrmacht ack trannies because muh breakthrough
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slept for 12 hours
>>303086 Starting to unironically come round to the incredibly unpopular/viewed as schizophrenic view that technological progress is just evil. Like demons taught men metal work and women how to use makeup, and a few thousand years later the splitting of the atom was so wrong in essence, for man to have that power, that it's where God finally abandoned us and no longer even looks on what goes on down here. The devil's greatest victory, and he's only just getting started with his revenge.
the apple of knowledge
Izium.... has..... fallen
>>303091 это ни здесь или там два более недели
>>303079 nice IP you have there
Ah wait it's a fake name, the (You) isn't italicised.
>>303091 civilians in any town taken by the ukrops are fucked, ukrop policy is to KOS anybody found in territory that was Russian-occupied because they're a "collaborator" for not throwing molotovs or whatever
fuuuuccckkk ukraines making some big gains
this is what we get for ever trusting the competence of slavs.
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just bought cider, forgot I prefer beer now
Lads calm down, The winter is coming and Europe will be under maximum pain economically, support for Ukraine will dry up. Also Russian soldiers get a +2 to all stats in the snow.
I'll never understand why the russians only invaded with a 100,000 men split between the north and south?
>>303099 Russia will win in the end but this is just embarrassing, they never even took out the electricity in the Ukraine. they are literally letting a nuclear power plant operate and trying to sell the electricity to the Ukraine... shut the thing off and let them freeze in the winter, fuck's sake, it's war >>303100 it's volunteers only, the Ukraine is doing mass conscription and made it illegal for men to leave the country. they set up checkpoints at places where people need to go regularly, like gas stations, where they will grab them and haul them away to boot camp why is Russia taking this milquetoast approach of not declaring war, not mobilizing, saying it's only a special military operation with barely any troops? I have no idea, it's retarded
>>303101 They clearly want to annex Ukraine and keep the population sympathetic, that can be the only explanation for giving them power. Would love to be a fly on the wall in the Kremlin, what on earth are they thinking with committing so few troops.
>>303102 >They clearly want to annex Ukraine and keep the population sympathetic yeah but I think as of a couple months into the war it became obvious that they are totally brainwashed and that isn't going to happen. they can only take Russian-majority areas, kick out Ukrainian speakers, and bring in Russian settlers. all of the natural resources and everything valuable is in the southeast half of the region anyway
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comrade stalin I took izium
Is Red Dead 2 worth getting for £27, is it gay or what?
>>303107 its shit the main voice actor is like nails on a chalkboard. the setting is cool but its like reddits idea of what the west would have been like, with based niggers, strong women and some gay reddit main character who is casually athiest and non bigoted in 1870
>>303109 never played it but I saw one clip of a suffragette (who is in shartica for some reason) whinging about feminismshit and everyone clapping instead of stoning her to death and disregarded the game
>>303109 Ugh, I'm not sure I can be bothered with it in that case. Wish they'd port Red Dead 1 to PC, that was a kino game.
I liked just riding the horse around and playing poker and disregarding the entire gay reddit storyline. modern games are incapible of making convincing or interesting characters in their gooms. tbh.
>>303109 >>303110 Arthur is supposed to be from somewhere up north but he sounds like a southerner for some reason. the goom is only worth pirating to ride around with scripts that let you lynch niggers, the game ignores segregation in america as well and prevents you from killing chugs
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>time period where niggers were not allowed to even enter certain parts of villages or engage in business practices >niggers just casually are cowboys who tell white people what to do and interact with them on equal footing >casual athiesm when in reality outside of intellectuals like mark twain and ambrose bierce it was extremely shameful to be an athiest in shartica
https://files.catbox.moe/drd87q.mp4 greeks shooting at turks
>>303115 hope the slightly less brown ones win tbh
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Watching the telly with mum, it was nice to see how english the people were who crowded around to see and be acknowledged by charles' spawn and their respective foids in front of windsor castle. Just good to see some strong segregation cues and markers that are still enduring. It gives a leaf a glimmer of hope.
>>303002 I was at a karaoke
>>303112 *kills an entire town without question* but remember, racism is... le bad
>>303119 Did you sing anything lad?
>>303118 *immediately pisses on the glimmer of hope it's something of a confirmation bias unfortunately smh although I guess just having certain people interested in that sort of thing is good on its own one of my voluntoils is like that, where I do data entry and 99% of the names I record are proper british ones, but then only proper british people are interested in it in the first place
>>303121 No keek
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heres to hoping king charles starts a new civil war
>>303122 Keek, no worries lad, its best to entertain no glimmers. Theres no tenacity behind it, just a vague affinity. Yet...
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>>303124 >the next cromwell is one who doesn't want to eat the bugs because its WEF idolatry
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>>303127 cringe
The Sam Hyde Cinematic Universe Presents MDE: CIVIL WAR
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One execution? 2 Executions? How about I'm doin none of em
>>303131 One parliament? Two parliaments? How about I'm callin' none of 'em
so fucked to think that a parliament used to be something that happened maybe once a year and all the ruling got done during that period having it going year-round is one of the purest expressions of bureaucrat corrupt shitter deep state shite going imo
my soviet era watch was a complete waste of money. has a problem where the hands stop moving intermittently and to fix it I'd have to pay double the price of the watch for a service. Utter bollocks. Don't buy old watches.
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accidentally messaged a lad i know who also knows gingerlass and he said shes a minger
Filipina lass keeps on sending me jokes and texting me despite being too busy to see me for two and a half fucking months. I don't get women at all
>>303136 keeeeek
>>303125 Good lad, Wessex, you are a keeper of much lore on /brit, but tbh let he here who is wankless, cast the first stone. Dorset go forth and wank no more (than you do on average)
>>303136 >accidentally messaged a lad i know who also knows gingerlass and he said shes a minger lad that's good, it means less sexual competition also if SHE starts to think she's a minger she will become more needy and easy to shag this is a win win
>>303141 yeah but i also sent her something fucking retarded
>>303143 oh shit didn't mean to post that yet
>>303142 what did you send her lad?
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>>303135 tbh learned that mistake when I was about 12
>>303146 dick pic?
it was the mushroom edit wasn't it
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send her this dick pic
no keek just demanded she reply to me with a :sob: face
https://www.unz.com/article/gods-and-generals-and-remembering-who-we-are-as-southerners/ another great wouldn't happen in the south thread that is ripe for trolling
>>303107 just torrent it, why would you even consider buying a single player AAA game ever?
>>303154 probably a consolefag
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>>303135 just buy a £15 casio next time lad
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>>303159 I have a decent lorus watch, I just needed to get the strap replaced and thought it would be neat to have a spare one that has some historical significance. In retrospect, a stupid idea. £60 wasted.
>>303086 The Right People Z is fucking mong like ZradaXXII.
I deleted the pictures of filipina lass from my phone so I'm not always looking at them and I don't miss her as much. Fairly effective tbh
How the fuck does it cost £20 to replace a watch battery anyway
>>303125 qeeeeq that second one
no way ukraine could have made so much progress without russia willingly giving it up tbh doubt theres been any fighting over it
>>303153 Cant help but think that modern CSA sympathizers are all totally retarded tbh. Not that I particularly dislike them, they should just stay offline and do redneck shit. Its for the best
>>303161 it's a fair mistake lad, you couldn't have known >>303164 you can do it yourself easily, so long as you know what battery to get. quartz watches are very simple
The most of the fighting Russia is doing on the Kharkov-Izym front is ground attack and artillery.
>>303168 yeah I mean I wish them all well but its just the most cringe thing ever thinking that the CSA was anything other than richfag slave owners throwing a bitchfit that they couldn't expand nigger populations into the west. the CSA was also more culturally similar to hispanic civilization than anglo. they had some gay racial caste system that leads to mongrelization and they wanted to join with the spics. it was degenerate. also run by the jews. also they continued the war for 2 years longer than it needed to entirely out of vanity leading to the death of millions of white men and also the end of slavery.
>>303171 based gayreeks going to get btfo
>>303171 eumenes is at the hellespont, where is craterus?
for me its antigonus monophthalmos
smh seleucus with his gay elephant spam at ipsus prevented antigonus from actually allowing the empire of alexander to continue even though he was 81 at ipsus and the satrapy would probably not have all pledged to support his son. smh
>Erdogan doing that over Azeri merchant sailors
Wish Turks would deport Erdogan back to Georgia tbh.
I hope the greeks exterminate every single last churka on earth and recolonize mikra asia
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>>303152 >oh I'll put on some Rocky >great not interested don't need to check /brit/ at half 8 >puts on this kino instead BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNSSSSS
BLM IMPI DESCENDS UPON LONDON ISSUING EXTERMINATION ORDER FOR WH*TOIDS https://twitter.com/AntiRacismDay/status/1568582651732439052
>>303181 well they have a very good bass section mind, but no top tenors thats for sure.
>>303181 It's so bizarre seeing this exported here. They even sound unsure compared to the shart wogs way of chanting. Maybe it's just their Bri'ish wog accents. Would quite happily ram a van into them in minecraft. Anyone who attends that march is no doubt scum.
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dont care about saville dont care about epstein dont care about him wanting to be a tampon dont care if hes a WEF shill i will side with him to btfo libtards
sneedvening, have had to endure seeing qt lasses doing extreme buttmatrixing all night, so sick of having to look at women.
>>303187 What are you on about, schizo?
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>>303187 good lad
>>303189 are charlie
>>303191 >implying he's not a libtard himself
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>>303192 hes a Traditionalist like adam wallace
>>303194 sounds based to me
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charles probably knows about bowden
>>303188 All night? Where were you lad?
>>303172 Ty lad, thats good stuff to ponder. I didnt know about their feelers to the beaners tbh
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remember reading about some chink siamese twins that moved to the south and owned slaves and had white wives with like 20 kids who fought for the south in the war
>>303194 tbh same old shite. Charles doesn't want to rock the boat.
>>303200 Old Blair just looks naturally very sinister
>>303201 Jefferson Davis gave some speeches and attracted crowds in Ontario post war from what I read, and there was something of a klan here too. We probably had something of a black population before Michigan ever did.
>>303205 keeek yeah they all wanted to go up there and get there freedom. nigger slavery was so degenerate
>>303208 kino tbh, despite them all being traitors, imagine if it was all based lads, need an NA pepe edit
>all those traitors closely packed together imagine a bomb going off in that room and vaporising them
How is Major still alive?
>>303211 hes 79 lad
what did he mean by sharting?
>>303214 he's gordon brown
>>303215 keeek brown pants
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>>303219 good lad
>>303220 tbh it counts
>>302640 The change happens more subtly, as a man is warmer spiritually warmer than a woman is, people watching will inherently realise the importance of agreeing or disagreeing, not ignoring what's being said. That's what you know innately and that is why the monarchy will become more controversial or less present as the oligarchy doesn't want people thinking too much >>302750 Oh no hahahahaha
Truss is probably drinking quite a lot right now, along with consuming other medicinal remedies
Gove is getting a quarter of flake in last minute for Diaz vs Ferguson
>>303207 mmmm now its a two for one deal
>>303207 this woman is so pathetic tbh just some worn out aging thot who is coping about being a spinster
half the videos are just for her to watch so she can convince her self "im happy"
>>303225 >don't cover my face with an old lesbian street?
>>303225 You can see the slightly pained tension round Hanks' eyes as he has to suffer the ugliness of beholding a subsaharanigger
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>spanish, the language of the aztecnigger
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>>303180 I *asked* if people wanted to watch Rockym said I was considering it but there wasn't much postiive response, and this other film I'd not seen - The Last Duel - was requested in bongo so I went with that it turns out it's really fucking good, I had no idea, sorry you missed it
>>303222 >The change happens more subtly, as a man is warmer spiritually warmer than a woman is, people watching will inherently realise the importance of agreeing or disagreeing, not ignoring what's being said. That's what you know innately and that is why the monarchy will become more controversial or less present as the oligarchy doesn't want people thinking too much this sentence is a bit too long and convuluted, I'm not sure what you are getting at... that charles is secretly based, or that he isnt?
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https://youtu.be/IhfZfCO2wlI >>303171 what happens if a NATO cunt attacks another NATO cunt? >>303172 the South was >the last stand of the libertarian ideals that the US-Gay was founded on. not that I agree with those ideals but they were a lesser evil to what the north became. it was basically a second american revolution >fighting to uphold the supremacy of the white man over the negro the North >slayed countless whites to free the niggers and set them loose on the white population you are coping with your settis, just like when you imply that yellow hair nullifies amerindian admixture >>303206 >nigger slavery was so degenerate it was the economic reality of pre-industrial cash crop agriculture. slavery wasn't the problem, it was the religious schizo cucks like quakers that thought they were humans with souls
>it has arrived time for bed tbh
>>303235 Getting at? Philosophy is about observation..
being objective is a part of being based. if you cannot disregard your own individual identity and analyze the world like a machine would, then you will not accuratately determine the correct position to take on issues "muh jerrycuck" because muh britain and "muh union" because muh shitigan are both incorrect opinions originating in irrational identity-derived bias just disagree with the jews and you'll always be right, basically. if you ever find yourself in agreement with the jews, then you are wrong
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>>303239 >just disagree with the jews and you'll always be right, basically. if you ever find yourself in agreement with the jews, then you are wrong tbh
wow gichimookin, you just have so many big beads wow, all the weak little braves never have that many beads
>not being jewish So as far as edible plant based products there are-- besides the often inedible vegetation and seeds-- the three major categories of legumes, starches and fruits And fruits are either bland or sweet
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Swedish general election today lads. Here's ar' Jimmies campaign video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yseFnoQb4c
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how badly would you beat this man, if ever you got your hands on him?
>>303244 swedish nationalists are makitafags based
Anti-segregation rhetoric from nationalists is so nauseating
>>303246 Ive been stuck on the Dewalt track since I bought their battery framing nailer 7 years ago. Dewalt - it's yellow. Its clunky. It all works pretty good tbh. Team Rigid?
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joe biden said that he always liked that one song by the queen where he says Gonorrhea Gonorrhea, Gonorrhea figaro magnifico or something like that or was it we are the champions, anyway the queen she was a really good lady
>>303249 lad you should be a paslodefag because they are a leaf company but it seems like everyone in north america is dewalt because of how they are kind of do it all. alot of there stuff kind of sucks compared to the good european stuff and japanese stuff IMO
>>303250 Much presidential.
>>303251 Yeah if more than a couple tools were fading in tandem Id really consider a change of brand.
>tradecucks yeah just do back-breaking work that pays shit like a mexican, that's based, not like getting some comfy overpaid white collar sit-down job so you can pay dumb mexicans to do those kinds of things for you
>>303253 I got the poorfag makita tool line the lxt ones but I got some of the black makitas too and they are good for the price I tried the milwaukee stuff but its too pricey for me compared to the makitas. I don't know whats more common in canada. I thought you guys had alot more access to european tools like hilti which are rare at least where I live. alot of richfags around here are getting into using that festool stuff. we have been installing that james hardie siding on these mcmansion boomer retirement houses and james hardie corporation made some cool saw under a name roan tools, but its kind of nice its has this cyclonic motor on it that draws all the dust into a collection chamber on the back of the saw so it minimizes silica and other dusts by quite alot without a vaccuum. it will probably fall apart really quick once it gets dropped a few times. I think that rigid brand had one as well but you had to hook the saw up to a cumsock
leaf don't reply to spic please
>>303256 where is spic, so i can filter him
>>303257 its 7628fe
really wish i could bust his knees >>303258 thanks
i want to pierce dozens of little fishhooks through his face, tie them together to form a rope, hitch it to an ATV, and drag him through the bush
>>303260 kek I want to lock him outside with a bunch of mexican roofers until he is well done and is just as brown and swarthy as them
>>303261 after that, i want to put him in gang colours, bind his arms and legs then drop him off in the 'wrong' neighbourhood
>>303262 yeah put one of those jalisco new generation uniforms on him and throw him across the border with a poster taped to him saying in beaner speak, "fuck the gulf cartel"
or a sigh that says "I bet you can't saw my head off I mew"
smorning lads
>>303264 >bet you can't saw my head off I mew lmao
>>303265 morning
i wonder how many kicks that mew'd jaw of his can take before it sets to the back of his skull where it belongs
>>303260 Its for his own good tbh >>303255 Just been doing my own small jobs for the past five or so years so I dont get exposed to all that many crews. Electricians might have milwaukee, crew of Mennonite steel roofers i was working beside were using Makita for drills/drivers and skill saws. Hilti seems like its most common for specialty fastening, though high end guys might roll a bit differently idk. Never seen a festool on a job, but I sold a girl some solid dovetail furniture that she fixes up for Lisa Simpsons with stencils and Marilyn Monroe appliques and such and I ran into her at Lee Valley and she was buying a festool hepa vac. Smart, tbh, lads and lasses should protect their lungs.
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>>303270 Snigh lad
>>303270 ni lad
>>303265 Good Smornin lad
>>303273 hullo lad
>>303274 I was wondering if schitzolad was visiting here a short while ago? See. >>303242 et all
>>303275 no idea tbh does seem a bit strange
>>303275 >only accepts low quality posts Unironically sad
>>303276 Indeed
Been coming to this board pretty regularly every day for several months now, I leave for a few days and come back to find there's a new King. Now that makes me feel strange
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Gnite Auslad, thanks for cooking the bread, good night to all non bots
>>303280 ni lad
Tbh wonder if that lad who turned his flag on was upset I disagreed with integration. There's definitely a cuckservative element that has integrated such a talking point into its mind as sacrosanct. Treacherous scum tbqh
Unless it's just a nigger
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going shops >>303284 choon that
>>303286 Happy current day
>consume some Sargon media >he starts attacking incels
>>303287 keeeeeeeek luv that picture tbh
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luv him so much lads.. just want him to be happy and unjust'd
>>303290 ahhhhh
watched moneybone the other day. kino film tbh
>>303293 what's it about lad? can't find anything about it
>>303294 Our Brendan is a comic artists who's just signed a deal to get his character, monkeybone a cartoon but he gets into a car crash and is stuck in a coma. in the coma his character monkeybone (which is actually is alter ego of sorts) is real and helps him escape his coma.
good visual and a lot of practical sets. early 00's kino. my waifu tbh tbh tbh
>>303295 sounds comfy tbh
>>303288 Raising incel awareness
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Patch_Tobacco_Wars Putting in work, maybe Steiner could do a rant on this topic
schmorn, toast for brekky
>>303299 comfy pigfight kino >>303302 schmorn lad
kino marching in the accession on tv just now tbh
>>303304 based
>trad lads marching through a landscape completely fucked by zog rule and modernity
about to fire some artillery
>>303306 >the zog flags deliberately put in the window to be provocative
>women soldiers
>>303309 smh surprised there isn't a pookraine flag >>303310 smh
>>303312 please do the needful sirs
very grotty and devilish looking dragon tbh
>>303312 they've been seething about it everywhere online, also SA bantu niggers claiming a big diamond that was mined by anglos 100 years ago is theirs and was "stolen", bunch of subhumans tbh.
>>303314 >literally the bbk dragon
for fucks sake lmao this midget biddy looks so wrong having foids larping and ruining the aesthetic like this smh
>>303317 they fucked up the god save the king part too, total farce
>>303317 just embarrassing tbh
>they let soldiers have dreads in the army now
>>303320 >not even a nog
>>303320 wew smh grim >>303321 the pride never ends lad
>>303320 it would be culturally insensitive to the privates bumbaclaart otherwise
seething taig and complete retard
>>303326 keeeeek smh just rabid frothing tbh
>>303326 >>303327 tbh, the seethe from the anti monarch lot is not based on reality tbh its pure concentrated fenian and wog seethe
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It's Assad's birthday today.
>>303328 tbh >>303329 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>303330 hope he continues to outlast all his detractors for many more years to come tbh
chiyoshoma vs oho in makuuchi really impressive throw
>>303329 Kek Awesome, lad
lazy sods haven't even taken down the tattoo seating it's been a month
>>303330 God bless him
>niggers in scottish uniform
I thought I knew most of the locals but I don't really recognise anyone at my local church now. Everybody's moved on
very strange topsy-turvy sort of schizo here smh
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don't understand this one tbh but since it's in yankcoin I assume it's negative
>>303346 yanks who think they're irish are insufferable
>>303337 Typical jocks
keeeeek for fucks sake there's a faggot police cunt in his gay flourescent vest peacocking up and down behind the soldiers couldn't stand not being the centre of attention could he
>All these niggers Just fuckoff
Fuck I forgot to curtsey when entering the thread
Lads it's just the Goths sacking Rome and thinking they can become Romans if they dress up as them, except in slow motion.
>>303351 keeek
>>303352 yeah smh
I'll be impressed with AI when it can auto generate and actual full game from those Facebook AD game preview videos.
TOOTing has begun
>>303351 keeeeeeeeek
>synchronised bonnet tipping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlxfDvSyPKA
more larping cunts
Keeek what's this
>>303359 god I fucking hate women, they clearly never have a clue what they are doing during all these either
>>303306 >>303321 thats cardiff ive been in that cashino before
night lads
>>303363 night lad
>>303363 Lad wtf it's 2pm.
>>303365 >he isn't snoozemaxxing
>count to 30 and I'll get out of bed >get to 30 and still not getting out smh. Did that for years, but lately I have started the count and forced myself out before I even get to 30 since I know future me will just trick me anyway
>>303359 >state of the Royal Fartillery
another goblinoid hall monitor bitch such an ugly shit non-aesthetic they could at least have the proper old police uniforms and helmets on while they oppress us >>303369 keeeek
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>FAB-1000 being used on Ukies
morning lads happy september 11th
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>>303372 happy lucky larry day lad >>303371 they'll win any day now
>>303373 this makes me keek every time because of the opening sounding exactly like BBK
>>303359 JDIMSA
>>303374 Russia already won, just a matter of when.
why do women pretend like they are soldiers lads?
its the same shite with boomer toil, they love to dress up in all the gear but when everyone has to grab a shovel the women sort of wander off and loiter around the trucks pretending to be busy
>>303379 innate egotism I guess smh making me sneethe about the office job shit where enormous sections of society are dedicated to doing nothing and looking productive while not having childrne
I just cannot describe how ugly it all is The amount of fluorescent hi-vis yellow, the ridiculous crap the public are stood about wearing, the constant noise of foreigners talking to each other in hindi, everything, it's all so ugly I know its obviously not the funeral procession but y'know, just c'mon for christ' sake
>>303381 no sense of class any more dead society tbh
>>303381 Well said lad. Niggers if I do say so myself.
Can't believe Maeglin betrayed Gondolin like that.
Honestly we should behave like elves and hide ourselves in little xenophobic kingdoms.
>>303372 Morning lad. How was your trip to Poland?
>>303381 People today lack forbearance--its just a big capitalist money-grab. Happens in every oligarchy
Watched Lotr Por, who wants to discuss it?
The orcs are still English which is racist imo
>>303366 I've done it before and it just exacerbates my back pain. If you stay in bed for long enough you reach a point of semi-consciousness where you drift in and out of sleep. It can become maddening, not knowing what's real. I had full on imaginary conversations with people in dreams, as real as anything. There is also of course the need for food and water, without which your stomach will convulse and be painful, you will become less and less lucid and will eventually just not want to eat because you feel sick.
>>303390 still not seen yet but ep 3 is aparrently good
>>303381 What is the solution for such things?
>>303393 It was lad.
>>303394 mmmm bum
what does bun mean?
>>303396 so true
>>303388 based
>>303394 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
it's a farce in public but I wouldn't mind a lass in a sexy trad uniform in private tbh
do not check the liveuamap
>>303403 whipping my gonads with her horse whip etc etc
>>303406 mutant lizardjew hybrid with no toes
>>303394 this is like something from that sean bean sharpes series
>>303406 keeek mutt marble gets mogged so hard by are kate

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wish i lived in the napoleonic era
>>303413 did u play warband napolonic mods?
>>303414 yes good times been playing NTW3 mod for napoleon total war lately
something happening on the corpse tour again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH5biEr8aNw
never mind they switched back to the motorway
>>303417 keeeeeek idk why this is so funny to me
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>>303420 comfy tbh only way it would be better is if she was vacuum wrapped in plastic like the comfiest piglet
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it would be even better if they took her on a rally car track and got those cars up to 120 kph
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>>303420 Kino.
https://youtu.be/BakfHsvmBlg oh golly, the queen is making a move on earnhardt
>>303423 >hearse doing donuts on the horse guards parade ground while the coffin knocks about
snunday sninner time I guess schlater schlads
>>303420 I wish I was a deceased 96 year old queen now
>>303425 smh was expecting them to be flattened
smh I hope they do something more kino for the old queen than just drive her around and have the weird safety vest autism police march around.
LIVE: The Queen is making her final Quarter Mile
>>303431 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
smh it would be properly anglo burial where they have them drive the hearse right into a barrow at 200 mph and fill it with paki laborers to be her slaves for all eternity and then as soon as it crashes in the barrow dump some earth on it and start the concert. its what she would have wanted
https://youtu.be/YxBD2fngz14 the queen is just going crazy on the track today lads
kino architecture on the royal mile tbh
Look at these fucking faggots
>>303438 noticed that too tbh, absolute cattle
>the women doing the "woooo" shite
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>>303438 yeah modern aesthetics is so shit. I am used to seeing how shite america looks but the neon vest things just makes this seem like the bureaucracy is staging some little event for the plebs while they pay omage to the irrelevant past but the bureaucracy is worried that one of their wage slaves might get hit by a car and file an insurance claim and that would make the numbers go down on the spreadsheet and so many emails would have to be sent out.
Hardly any of them dressed with a sense of decorum.
its like society is too busy for truely great moments. it is odd that this is occuring during the burgershart jochiam and boaz masonic jew towers fall down anniversary as well
police could have easily put the ceremonial uniforms on, disgraceful tbh
>>303444 >society is too busy for truely great moments this tbh
>>303445 tbh its like they are too busy getting ready for their next week of mindless wagecuckery to try to have some profound national moment or something. wonder if any country in the west is even united enough anymore for that kind of shit
they should have had some niggers from nottinghill twerk for the queen
>>303448 dont fucking jinx it lad
>all e celebs putting their content behind paywalls
Just found out most protestants in the Irish Republic are fucking Anglicans. Disgusting,
kino marching rn except for the niggers tbh
disgusting seeing all those black niggers fuck off back to your countries scum
Literally why are they driving her corpse around the country? Not like anyone gets to see it, or would want to tbh.
>no comfy secessionary crisis and massive civil war with peasant uprisings, famine and explusion of foreigners
>>303455 asserting dominance over parlimentarian civic nationalist plebs maybe
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would be cool being in an ultrareactionary faction in a civil war tbh
>>303460 It'd be a faction of about 30 people half from this board.
We have a food, water, economic and energy crisis though, the Queen's death stopped the momentum of a general strike.
would be cool doing anything other than my shite life tbh
>>303462 >a general strike. literally who cares about anything in this country, all the "opposition" is run by leftist scum, poofs, trannies foreign darkies, women etc etc so it doesn't make a fucking difference.
>>303460 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz,_Duke_of_Bavaria can't this old boomer be a stuart king or am I wrong?
>>303465 yes but the queen had stuart blood anyway so its pointless
we could have him lobotomized and be our puppet and we could be like antipater and perdiccas and be regents lad
what about plantagenet? lad surely there is some leper downs mong who could be made puppet?
>that (1) out of nowhere being nihilist faggot
>>303469 quit the (1) posting you larping kike, its called being realistic.
>>303470 no more foreigners
the lack of aesthetic in this whole affair is really making me seethe tbh
>>303471 Kill yourself then kek.
>>303449 Why not, I can't think of anything more appropriate.
>being newfag who didn't know I wasn't already a kike
>just openly admitting it now fuck off back to the bongo you subhuman rat
>>303478 I'm not on bongo, you mong.
I don't care, kys snarky kike
Oh is the nihilist on the blob kek
>303481 > the nihilist is this some new gimmick you disgusting kike
not sure whats worse a jew or a scouser
>literally who cares about anything in this country >is this some new gimmick you disgusting kike >>303483 The Scouser is a fucking retard.
>decontextualizing my earlier comment lol typical kike
>literally who cares about anything in this country >it doesn't make a fucking difference. >I don't care >you're decontextualizing my earlier comment TL;DR >WAH WAH WHA YOU'RE KIKE
fat kike rat mong kys
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>>303456 Yeah I get it's one big national funeral procession, but doesn't anyone's mind turn to how off she'll go with the time it'll take? It's bizarre.
>>303489 The coffin is full of adrenochrome
https://twitter.com/Lewis_Brackpool/status/1568916605224067072 >Here is South Wales Police phoning a citizen journalist asking him to take down a post he posted online because he used the words “illegal alien”. >South Wales police explain that if somebody sees the post and finds it offensive, it will be a hate crime.
switzerland is paying people 200 swiss francs to snitch on their neighbors for setting their heat at 19 celcius
>>303491 Surprised they didn't just show it to a jew and ask if he was offended and then make a move like they already wanted to, like with Herr Dankula's verbal holocaust/digital atrocity.
covid 19 rulecuckery already proved to me beyond a doubt that continentals asiatic rulecucks (barring maybe some of the nords) and that anglos/british are the main characters of the white race
why is there a royal goat? is that supposed to be satan?
keeeeeeeeeeek at the dysgenic power chair noble woman
smh did everyone ITT die
Yeah, there is a (1) poster fishing for thread drama.
god this is so unaesthetic with them marching over the fag flag and the military guys in multicam all disheveled and not even marching
the queen is nearly at holyroodhouse lads they got a new track record https://youtu.be/cO-2mL_caug
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>russia completely withdrawing form kharkov oblast just two more weeks, right russiabros?
>>303501 smh bet the ukies will have putler surrounded in his fuhrerbunker in only a matter of days
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i miss the old internet, lads
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>proper forums >msn messenger >all the based lads on youtube >google hangouts >reading the chanology threads on /b/ like tears in rain...
>>303505 tbh the internet is a completely different place today and its only getting worse
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>>303505 back when you could easily talk to a lass and not be.. ignored
>>303381 kind of the queen's own fault, no?
>chanology can't say I look back on that time too fondly given that it started a lot of the cringey "hacktivism" and the flood of normalfags to imageboards
based old codger weights in on how Liz's death show wogs are even shitter than we thought https://youtu.be/vxSLNpYVXX0
>>303510 the people mourning seem to be absolute deanos tbqh
https://youtu.be/GRsA-0ckZCA Autistic Deano here for example
I'm surprised there aren't a more apparent Deano class in the States.
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>Russian cruise missile launches on Ukraine can be seen from Kazakhstan's Caspian coast
>>303514 he's just like me. kek the face is spot on
>>303514 pretty accurate
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>>303518 keeeeek
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>>303520 pathetic nigcels have a meltdown anytime they aren't being talked about
>tfw literally don't care
https://youtu.be/g63COf3Wl1M Look a new Assassin's creed
>russians ruining the kino by being an incompetent corrupt shithole
>>303524 haven't cared since black flag which was the last good one which wasn't even that good for an AC game
>>303526 same thing with blm, it's literally so boring now. wish the incel movement would start actually doing something guess all we have to look forward to tonight is wessies' night blog.
>>303527 you'll have to play beady mikes xcom mod where you can only make a team consisting of white nazis fighting zog when he releases it
>>303520 god niggers are just the worst
sneethening chaps sunday dinner was pork and chicken with yorkie pud, mash, green beans and a shitload of leeks followed by cherry crumble and ice cream and it was very nice and the xoomers weren't there so it was just the boomers watching the news which was slightly bearable for once what with the funerary stuff, only a small about of pookraine propaganda unfortunately on the way to their place I discovered that beggars have once again infested the streets, and been pushed further than ever before thanks to a new gang of around 15-20 poo coloured indigents wearing baggy hoodies with their hands concealed loitering on the public benches and scowling at people yet more new britons come to stab me in my sleep and rob me of my worthless hoard of spare change I suppose
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>>303518 Keeek. >>303520 Tbf 96 is a good innings. Fuck that dead nigger though. Not literally, BBK.
Can't believe Steiner cucked out of having a cougar take his virginity
>>303534 I imagine she was rancid wine aunt tier smh nobody wants that no matter how desperate
>qt lass got up and moved away from me on the train
>>303532 keeeeeeek
>>303536 did she scowl at u too? Love the lasses who scowl at me when i look at them
should have let out an extremely loud, long sad brap to admonish her tbh
>>303534 it was like the michelin man but if he was full of cottage cheese and covered in fake tan
>>303541 KEEEEEEEEEEEEK might have been an mutt-alien hybrid lad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bukxq2uVfYk
>>303525 What have they done now ???
https://youtu.be/3ymwOvzhwHs A whole Korean girl band (attractive and biologically female) are going take my virignity.
>>303544 left the kharkiv area
>>303546 Is it worse than the news from a couple of days ago?
>>303542 wew also just thought it was some kind of a setup and I was gonna get robbed or sold into organ trafficker shite. felt like silence of the lambs in her flat
>>303547 the frontline is collapsing kharkov has fallen
>gang of 14-16 yo lasses all dressed like this out in public so glad I am not a youngcel anymore so I don't have to deal with that shite as often fucking hell
(please consult the graphs) >>303548 I believe it tbh
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>>303549 this stuff? or worse?
>>303552 I don't actually pay attention to politics or anything lad I was just memieng
it's difficult to say it's all that bad when the russians preserved their forces and managed a safe withdrawal. definitely a ukranian victory in the area, but it doesn't really seem to be so significant ukranians managed to relieve the defenders around kharkiv and sloviansk, but shortened the defensive line russians still have their army and have their reserves available for any further defensive operation
>>303552 they took kupiansk I think, retreated from whole kharkov area
russia really needs to sort themselves out though tbh this is embarrassing
>saw a qt goth lass with a gook too truly horrific tbh this is why I don't like going outside, its madness whats happening to evropa
>>303556 holding ground like it's sacred will get you in a far worse position than cutting your losses and finding a better solution
>>303555 > they took kupiansk I think, retreated from whole kharkov area They’ve been retreating a lot during this conflict, usually to draw the enemy in to a trap. You sure it’s not that tactic again?
>>303550 I hate how women "dress" for sports and working out now. its so over the top
>>303560 lad they weren't "working out" that was just what they were wearing to go out socialising with friends
>>303561 yeah zoomer sluts seem to just walk around in black lyra panties now with over sized shirts. its disgusting
>>303557 saw like 6 or 7 wm/af couples just walking to and from my local supermarket.
>>303562 i filmed a chinese thot on an escalator from behind in her oversized shirt and panties combo
incel rage... rising...
always make sure to stare as obviously as possible at thots tbh make them as uncomfortable as they make you
how long until women walk around with leashes on and thongs and tassle cups over their nipples for casual wear lads?
>>303568 whatever year the LoGH intro is set I guess
my life is so retarded, just being miserable as SOCIETE crumbles while me the lonely incel toils while normalfags and sluts dance around me like they are in some degenerate play, fuck this gay societe.
"fresh" scamboxing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwuZWXFtBOk >>303570 yeah smh respect to steiner for making it this far
>>303567 Maybe we should do as the Indians do and literally mob thots.
>>303570 take a vacation and then neet it up
>media and aussie politicians already seeding the idea of getting rid of the monarchy
>>303572 keek yeah please miss please we must do the needful it is a sexual emergency
>>303573 that sounds awful but thanks
>>303570 tbh yeah I know >>303571 feel like if I wasn't living with parents I would anhero already just because of how pointless society is
Don't like the way East Asian foids think they're more sophisticated than western piggus.
>>303571 sams boxing match was pathetic he should move on from it. he boxed like a typical art student who went to rizdi.
>>303579 I hate pretty much all non whites.
>>303580 he's got to milk the cattle for all they're worth especially since the NFT scam probably isn't as successful as he was hoping and the videogame scam hasn't even begun
>>303578 >>303571 >>303570 Without a family, we're not even real men or Knights as it were, we're iuvenes or youth perpertually. western society doesn't have nay use for secular men without children.
>>303583 yeah smh and soysciety and birth family makes that literal with the "perpetual children" type of behaviour
>he didn't iron his flag smh rookie mistake
>>303583 yeah its so pathetic how our lives our in this worst gangster police state
Found out that mummy was infantilising me and making me look like a loser faggot behind my back yet again by telling acquaintances that she is "concerned" about whether or not I have friends and get out of the house enough, this was then used to belittle me by said acquaintances, what I really need is a group of stalwart comrades, a cadre for the difficult years to come. Her unconscious foid hive-mind is clearly trying to neg me to prevent any chance of breeding
>>303588 condolences smh I think they all do it my mummy keeps trying to get me to join hipster faggot cults because "you are into alternative living"
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NEET mindset tbh
Anyone know who this is?
>>303589 >alternative living
>>303591 an ambulant amalgamation of STDs
>>303591 unless shes a pornstar shes just lying for attention, only the most promiscuous homosexual have that many sexual partners
https://youtu.be/plWZG7j2m2A Sargon got beaten up in Lotr
>>303587 I remember Mr CoolMug from youtube comments years ago. He was always a raging bender, defending gayism in all forms tbh.
>>303585 imagine getting a shot to be on TV boxing and you don't even know how to throw a left hook
>>303592 yeah keeek she just translates everything I say into her own shit worldview or forgets it entirely so when I say "I want to live in a supermajority indigenous nation in a small village where the air is safe to breathe and the water is fit to drink and food isn't pumped full of ehemicals" she hears "I want to go live with a bunch of dreadlocked multiculti faggots who smoke weed all day and live off of their trust funds while pretending to be sustainable living farmers" >>303596 smh
>>303588 yeah iktf
>>303595 looks like an ad for one of those shite mobile games, horrible.
>>303591 she is going to end up in her 50s trying to shag handymen and boss them around like she is hot stuff because nobody talks to her except her cat and she just sits in her flat watching TV until she dies
>>303598 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK yeah mummy does this too, I tell her something and a week later I'm hearing it completely differently from someone shes spoken to like its chinese whispers
https://youtu.be/izGwDsrQ1eQ Was George Michael white?
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>>303603 no he was a poof
>>303601 like what happened to you?
food is unironically bad and feeds sin lets make a pact, a fasting pact no food for 3 days
>>303598 >yeah keeek she just translates everything I say into her own shit worldview god I hate this my dad does this with every single thing I do in life. its like they put you in a little hamster cage and everything you do is just quant and interesting from the perspective of boomervision
>the alterboys and girls at canterbury cathedral were all niggers
>>303608 eternal infantilisation again smh probably going to have an incel moment next year, my younger sister is getting married >>303609 were they in tutus, tiaras and heels?
>younger sister getting married
>tfw some lads will finally get to start living life when they're 50-60 based off boomer inhertitances..
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Incel Mafia.Ruleset 1. Never rat on an incel, always keep your mouth and trousers shut except for wanking. 2. Pay tribute to the incel king, the supreme gentleman. 3. Reputation is everything, make your views known, make sure women around you are uncomfortable and tense 4. Stay indoors, protect the NHS (not having sex), save lives
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Okay that doesn't make text bold, it just makes it hidden
>>303613 based tbh >>303614 you want '''
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Well sir, on first sighting the Gingerlass I naturally gave the order to advance, that's my style sir. Dorshit knocked on her door and engaged the Gingerlass. Dorshit panicked, so then fell back in good order and destroyed his chances, sir.
>>303616 ""keek""
>>303613 HELL YEAH
had a wank over gingerlass just now
>>303620 slideshow wank?
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not convinced there is a gingerlass
>>303622 youve seen the pictures
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>>303622 yeah, they are dragging this arc on too long, it's got boring even worse than bin's hipster cafe arc, which also went nowhere smh
dorsey can u post the coomer grim pic that u like to post?
>>303628 thanks sending to a lass now
dorsey can u post the dishevelled frog pic that u like to post?
>>303626 well my attempts to message her failed smh
>>303631 write her a love poem
>>303632 none of the messages are even delivered, just sent, smh
>>303631 its ok lad shes just having a little sex I'm sure she'll get back to you when shes done.
o ginger lass I really wish to sniff your pubes you filthy bitch
>>303634 shes a minger, lad
>>303637 smh if only he maintained that level of basedness
>>303637 Iran has a nukes now? lol okay God I'd love to go back 21 years and be adult then.
>>303520 send him in.
>>303641 smh that's the van lad who didn't even manage to do anything and some fat cunt paki had a heart attack and he's been jailed for life right
>>303635 good first draft tbh
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>>303640 please consult the graph
>>303640 >God I'd love to go back 21 years and be adult then. why?
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If my life was a stock it would be close to breaking key resistance levels, but I think we see a bounce from here to above the 2019 level, then perhaps retest the 2021 highs. >>303644 Ah I see, thank you. >>303645 Get to enjoy the beginning of the internet at the ground floor I suppose, everything seemed more authentic before every single person had access to it.
>>303645 emo scene girls
>>303647 So true.
Just spent hours and hours coding something that was completely pointless. When you are on the road to recovery, what is the first good step? It has to be physical training, seems to be the only way to get rid of the brain fog properly.
>>303647 >saw 2 teen avril lavign lookalikes with skateboards with male counterparts also with skateboards last week
>>303649 recovering from what lad
>>303651 milleniyule
>>303652 KEEK look, it's really hard okay, it's draining
>>303651 Just being a you know, your general ... you know your general kind of nigger you know generally speaking
what is it about jews that makes them impossible to defeat?
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>>303655 Teamwork.
>>303655 they're chosen by god lad
>>303657 God's scarecrow
>>303655 the foolishness of the goyim. ukrainians and poles are still going on about "muh katsap" "muh fried roosters" blah blah blah. the goyim are so eager to die for the jews, it is the greatest honour
You've got a cute way of talkin' You got the better of me Just snap your fingers and I'm walkin' Like a dog hangin' on your lead I'm in a spin, you know Shakin' on string, you know You make me feel like goyim I wanna shabbos the west away You make me feel like goyim I'm gonna shabbos the west away You make feel like goyim
so whos joining me for 3 days nofood? will post update every night
you could go a whole month without food
The queen stuff isn't going end until the 18th
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>>303662 mummy made me a second dinner to take home
good results from sweden lads. the islamist party might have siphoned enough votes from the left bloc to mean the nationalsits get a coalition government.
>>303662 lad, not sure you should post such a thing here, it'd just make it harder on you do it in secret and post here about it afterwards
>>303669 I need accountability
steak is overrated as well
Resent normies so much, they are so boring yet have sexua partners by mere chance of their face.
>>303669 don't really get hungry looking at pictures of food tbh
>>303670 I'll give you accountability on discord
>>303672 thats not true lad
>>303675 why don't u have a sexual partner lad?
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>>303671 >>303673 I've already had dindins today and looking at that steak still made me hungry luckly I have steak for dindins tomorrow
>>303676 i dont have friends
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>>303678 I'm your friend
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>>303678 so no-one on /brit is your friend?
doing some massive braps ngl lads must be all of those leeks >bins actively doing homosexual grooming in thread smh
>>303681 youre online acquaintances, saying people here are your friends is a pure cope
>>303681 he says these things to hurt us lad
so sick and tired of hearing mongs cry about not getting pussy. please get new content.
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>>303683 > saying people here are your friends is a pure cope wtf is wrong with coping? it's better than not coping
i'm not hurting anyone but i sure hope i fucking hurt you, turd pusher
>>303685 >so sick and tired of hearing mongs cry about not getting pussy. please get new content. new content? like willy instead?
>>303685 pusssies are gross only reason i want a gf is to be seen with her in public
>>303678 >>303683 tbh same for people you goom with >>303685 this, the gall of an incel poster calling anyone else boring
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>>303687 >but i sure hope i fucking hurt you, turd pusher that's it, I'm going to hunt you down and bugger you senseless you little tease
>>303687 last time u had a real life friend? I'm surpised u don't count Wessex as an actual friend.
>>303685 FUCK YOU
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>>303692 i have a lifelong friend who i speak to/see maybe once a year i still send messages to a couple of people i went to school with now and again other than that, just acquaintances irl, nobody i regularly see or meet up with its rather bizarre, i would say i have hundreds of acquaintances, cant go out without somebody saying something to me, but to be my friend? nope. i say i have no real friends, so they say i should go out with them, but they never invite me or do anything to bother
>>303637 bush-obama era jones was god tier
>>303662 you really ought to build up to that, lad. do a 14-16 hours long fasts every day first
>>303699 i usually do
>>303699 you shouldn't fast every day, better to fast every other day
>>303645 so you could be a gen xer subhuman brainwashed goyim and have your entire life destroyed in your 50s by current events in 2022
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>>303655 like e michael jones says, its their little kike theater club that "creates reality" so that zelensky can do some bullshit thrust right into a cauldron and then the kike shills and tranny kike shills will spam with bots for days about how a iran-iraq war tier offensive somehow won the war. kikes will be spamming memes how they are winning when the last one of them is pitched right into the real gas chambers. they only rule through the false reality paradigm.
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>>303708 is charles based or not, what's your opinion lad?
>>303709 both him being an absolute monarch would be far better than anything weve had for nearly 100 years
>>303710 hope he kicks the wogs out tbh
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the only thing the news has been saying about him is muh climate change shit so I am afraid he will be used to push the WEF agenda we already suspected of him and reduce us to bug eating pod living serfs, or at least to switch off the leccy and gas for the proles
>>303713 gas isn't really necessary in the uk tbf. it never gets that cold
>>303713 been thinking about buying one of those big expensive power pack things in case of blackouts this winter
>>303712 tbh its obvious that russia is withdrawing for something big, but for what?
>>303712 chin in this lass
the referendum is gonna be held in kherson shortly too right? so when they join russia, they could potentially mobilise because ukraine is technically invading russia
so dumb that russia is our unironic perfect ally in the world but our foreign policy has been so pozzed for ages
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>>303715 but where does the electricity come from?
>>303712 Copium straight from Putin himself, thanks mister. Flied is almost the same as floor, just "pol" with an e at the end smh. >>303717 strap her to the hypersonic missile to make it more penetrating tbf
>>303716 >tbh its obvious that russia is withdrawing for something big, but for what?
>>303720 Enoch Powell knew, perhaps the last British politician to understand why Russia and Britain are perfect allies smh.
>>303721 you charge it up while the power is on, use it when the power goes off
>>303716 Russia just took out the Ukraine's electric and water grid.
>>303722 >Copium straight from Putin himself, thanks mister. lad, Russia hasn't even engaged 10% of their forces
at least we're not being drafted, small mercies
>>303727 I know lad, I'm just kidding. This unironically isn't even their final form.
>>303728 wouldnt work in western countries
>>303730 would work, would just take longer.
>>303731 not really would be a selective draft only a small minority of men would be called up retard
>>303728 >at least we're not being drafted, small mercies if they give me a gun and tell me to fight, I'm not going to kill any Russians with it... but there will be deaths
>>303732 lol, would u be exempt?
would just be a repeat of ww2 where most men worked in factories n things
Most men do pointless jobs and are not in factories though
>>303734 probably tbh smh
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Maybe the real reason the West imported thousands of fighting age men, was to conscript them and send them off to fight in Russia? doubt it though
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>>303735 >A nation of finance advisors, sales reps and team leaders working in factories building our tanks KEEEEEEEEEK can you imagine the quality we'd produce
>>303738 thats also one reason conscription wouldnt really work
all I want is for Britain to get into a huge war so I can go into recruitment stations every day and go "Oh you want me to go fight for ZOG while you fill up my videos games with women and minorities? Not likely!" "Oh so you think i'm going to go die so all the tv ads can get even more niggers in them? Not anytime soon" "Oh so you think i'm going to go fight the Chinese so pakis can rape 6,000,000 kids a year? When pigs fly!"
>>303739 tbh i bet even in ukraine most people still have their normie jobs that contribute nothing to the war effort kind of like how it was before ww1
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No more half measures Putin, You've gotta take out their gas and electricity Putin. You've gotta mobilise if you wanna get this thing done right, I told you from the start but you wouldn't listen.
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>>303726 >>303712 monkechads we're back
>Tonight Russia destroyed 50% of Ukraine's electrical and thermal heating grid in 2 hours and a half
>>303740 >thats also one reason conscription wouldnt really work how do you mean lad?
>>303746 giving guns to millions of wogs?
>>303745 >all those pookrainians who can't shitpost now war is hell
>>303748 hopefully those hohol youtube channels cant function despise them
>>303708 kino af, even if he is a globalist I hope he has it in him to do some boomer banter at the uppity cunts invading your country
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Cant hack it to midnight tbh
>>303747 >giving guns to millions of wogs? I get that, but they could tell illegals they can have citizenship if they fight
>>303751 it is monday tomorrow after all the most important toilday of the week get some rest my boy, you'll need it
>>303717 polish phenotype
>>303752 why would they do that they get citizenship anyway
>>303716 probably a big pincer and belarus doing a concert invasion deep battle shit to cut off the head in kiev
not that citizenship matters dont even need it
>>303750 i think its impossible to determine his true motives dont think hed kick out wogs tho
>>303756 maybe feel bad for all the russians that the army has left behind and are at the mercy of the hohols smh
Also Iran hinted that Russia may have bought a bunch of Shahed-191s and Shahed-129s.
>>303759 I don't really believe hol hol propaganda but that is the russian way as well big sweeping movements pissing away slavs in the grinder. honestly don't think much anything can stop the soviet deep battle strategic model in eurasia. I doubt even bush era shartica or even JFK era shartica could have stopped motor rifle spam and t- model tank spam
>>303760 'ate this new meme of irrelevant shitskins acting like they are game changers behind the scenes as if the previous century wasn't just big USSR and big USA bullying everyone on the planet
I have faith in the russkies, they are like one of those boxers that is the comeback kid, they did it everytime in the end. just always with horrible suffering
America couldn't even win a war against Iran at this point tbh.
>>303761 tbh.. on a grand scale the kharkov area is tiny just looking at how frontlines changed so often in wars, losing land doesnt mean losing, like
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Finish the Fight
>>303765 yeah its pretty pathetic although iran is kind of a meme its population is basically just a bunch of degenerate westernized redditsoys seething under the rule of aging boomer islamists who secretly don't want to defeat israel because then they would have no reason to exist
>>303766 russians lost kharkov really bad against the krauts 2 times and still ended up basically removing germany as a world power forever
>>303768 tbh its funny how westernised they are despise hating the west
>>303770 I hate westernized iranians so many of those fucks up in leafland now
>>303771 would rather they be full on islamists tbh >>303769 tbh
persian girls are peng tho
just want shartica to become a based semi-fascist christian nationalist country and throw out all the jews and spics and put the niggers in containment zones and then not bully anyone except the spics tbf
>>303759 also all of the civilians in towns like Izyum are going to get Bucha'd. hohols already said they're doing "filtration" which is a euphemism for basically wiping out whole villages for "collaborating" with the Russians (hiding in their homes instead of throwing molotovs). this sort of thing is the new normal in the ukrop military, they execute their own soldiers by the dozens for abandoning positions due to artillery. WWII Red Army-tier >Ukraine’s State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) announced on Friday that it had begun conducting a “filtration” of civilians in Balakleya, a town in Kharkov Region reportedly re-taken by forces of the Kiev government. SBI agents will be checking for those who “may pose a threat to national security,” the agency said. >“The purpose of the measures is to prevent the subversive activities of the Russians and their allies,” the SBI said on social media, adding it would “carefully process information about persons who cooperated with aggressors” and hold “collaborators and traitors strictly accountable.” >“The time of reckoning has come,” the SBI concluded. https://www.rt.com/russia/562530-ukraine-balakleya-filtration-civilians/ >>303766 >losing land doesnt mean losing, like it does seem like a negative development overall but the ukraine took 12,000 casualties (4,000 KIA) in the past 5 days so it's not as one-sided as it seems. they took land but at a heavy cost. and if this gets Russia to wake up and kick things into high gear then it will be a strategic mistake for the Ukraine
>>303772 yeah I hope iran exterminates all kikes and destroys turkroaches
>>303774 keeek was in some mp discord today and some american leftists were there and they genuinely are afraid thats going to happen
>>303775 then the hol hols will get westoid kikes to shill that russia did it. its insane how brazen jewry has gotten in the anglosphere. they are more or less treating anglosphere as satrapies
Ukraine lost over 3000 in Russia's retreat in Kharkov, so Ukraine has lost at least 4000-5000 in 11 days. >>303773 tbh even the mummies
>>303778 god I hope mummy dixon beats mummy gretchen and bans abortion in shitagain. so many coastfags and other filth will self deport and the state will get better since the jewish resettlement services will most likely leave the state and somali and afghan colonies will stop being established here
>>303773 >peng
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>>303781 just want things to kick off before im an old man
>>303780 see >>303775 >the ukraine took 12,000 casualties (4,000 KIA) in the past 5 days forgot where I read that, RT or Southfront, can't find it
invading ukraine would be peng tho frfr no cap
>>303783 >just want things to kick off before im an old man you could be the one to get things started, lad...
then again looking at combat footage of most wars and most of the soldiers there look in their 30s and 40s at least
>>303782 I've been enjoying the word "peng", I say it in my head a lot now. "those lasses are peng" "peng lasses tbh". wanna tell a girl that she's peng, and she'd be like, "what does that mean?" and I'd have to explain it
>>303788 its a disgusting word lad and you should stop saying it
russians are going to go in like its iraq '03 I believe. they are gonna drop the "good guys" act and do it 5 eyes style and just media shill after they blow the fuck out of everything like they did in churkastan in the 90s
>>303788 > wanna tell a girl that she's peng, and she'd be like, "what does that mean?" and I'd have to explain it wow she will think you are so cool
do you lads reckon greece and turkey will go to war?
>>303792 no, is there any reason to think they might?
>>303792 yeah I think we are going to have a world war as shartica collapses honestly. probably going to be some kind of fucked up super mega war here on the new world continent tbh
>>303794 comfy
>>303790 There is a rumour Russia is going mobilise further in Oct/Nov.
>>303793 erdogan said something the other day something over greece militarising the islands when theyre supposed to be demilitarised
wonder if columbia is gonna finally challenge brazil over the meme countries in northern south america as well/ hueniggers have been dumping venezuelan migrants on columbia. and columbia has been one of the most zealous allies of shartica in the world
>>303797 Greece stopped cooperating with Ukraine to protect it's own borders today.
>>303660 >(1) So much victimhood in this post tbh
>>303789 I like it, it's very tasteful >>303798 didn't some socialist get elected in CULOmbia though? they might not be as much of a dog of the US as they have been going forward
>>303788 nigger
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>>303801 its literally a nonwhite word
There's a lot of shit happening except IT.
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>>303803 is it really? doesn't sound like it it's pronounced like the "peng" in "penguin", right?
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fuckin mong
I did it and with a webm too night lads
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>Bro, this nectarine galette is peng what kind of non-white would ever utter the phrase "nectarine galette"?
>>303810 >hat kind of non-white would ever utter the phrase "nectarine galette"? when calling their child
>>303809 night lad good job
>>303805 good lad that'll put a smile on his face tomorrow
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some say seacows are the puppers of the waves
lmao what a horrible drawing
>>303801 no thats boliva lad evo morales. columbia has to fight the indio communist FARC. alot of the right wing spics in south america want a strong shartica to help them win the race war against indios
>>303818 nah I mean colombia, look it up, their last election
>>303805 Champion
>>303820 smh the other guy was based. not good that fag was even a former guerilla m-19 guerilla. I bet they will still want all that shartican kit to fight FARC though
>>303810 it's jamaican
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see you later
>>303823 bombaclat
>>303824 nini lad
smh seems like columbia cucked out 'ard. well so much for any of those faggots stopping brazil from becoming shartica 2.0 and annexing rio de la plata
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could kill for some food rn
>Reuters: Water cut off in several regions of eastern Ukraine.
new thread?
swiping in harare tonight
https://youtu.be/KlgvObUciU4 the current president was part of these fags
Going tell them I'm a rhodesian remnant
>>303830 lad you only just started smh
listening to the tucker webm
>>303830 which one, I didn't see it
>>303839 from the last thread
>>303835 I fucking hate Biden
https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1568034996622970880 also jejjing at steiners encounter with a buttmatrix mini boss
>>303840 repost it lad
>>303841 yeah he has basically just allowed the jews to do whatever they want while letting everything in shartica's sphere collapse. as much as alot of people hate shartica. the shartican empire really did help prop up white hispanic culture from the indio hordes in south america. columbia was always IMO the most based south american country *except for drugfag shit with the CIAniggers and clintons* and FARC was always IMO behind the commie crap just indios revolting against the spanish diaspora
>>303842 oh that one
also a strong columbia helped prevent brazil or mexico getting too strong in the region and a global super power brazil is gonna be so much more shit, don't want the return of the spanish armada type era where spics are bossing everyone around. smh in my short story I am writing in the future the south americans are a global super power fighting a world war type thing between the united bolivar imperial confederacy and the hueniggers who are a proxie of east asia combine
>>303847 thanks
>>303845 he's so obvioulsy a slimy piece of shit, right the way through disgusting man
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>>303842 damn poos are seething so hard. can't wait until the pooacaust starts in leaf land. I want to slaughter so many pajeet subhumans infesting canada like cancer cells. I hate poojeets almost more than kikes, almost...
https://youtu.be/-_OzymdJ03c >"britain used to be more than just a regional banking center and refugee camp" -tucker wew
https://www.aftonbladet.se/valresultat2022/ Right wing coalition has won in Sweden lads. The nationalist SD will get into power in a coalition for the first time ever (as the biggest party) Reply to this post with Swedish Win.
>>303854 is it happening
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>>303823 is it really? that's very disappointing if true. but that doesn't mean we can't make it racist >>303824 nini >>303827 brazil is either going back to right wing military government or Lula. maybe Bolsonaro could win outright but I think it will be rigged just like a US election. idk what you're going on about with them annexing land >>303845 Colombian/Venezeulan women are also the most attractive mestizas because they have a bit more European blood on average and North Andean chugettes are less ugly than Aztec/Mayan/Mapuche etc.. more dolichocephalic face and hapa-looking than mexicans with their Squantoesque square faces >>303854 SWEDEN NO!
is this spic?
>>303854 Swedish Win
Spic is here
*gives thanks to the NOOOOOOOORTHERN gods*
libtards crying on stream
>303856 spic
if you don't know about rio de la plata don't larp as a conquestador lustianian hispanic civilizationfag mong
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>>303854 >>303865 I hope they turn things around, to show us it can be done.
>>303869 yes it's the river but I don't see what you're saying about Brazil annexing things. even annexing Uruguay which almost became part of Brazil is not on the menu
no its not a river you fucking mong the basin is the geographical choke point of south america which is where all its major wars have taken place. fucking brainlet zoomer queer
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fuck off, spic
when civnats and wignats unite nothing can stand in our way
>>303872 yes but what you said was >stopping brazil from becoming shartica 2.0 and annexing rio de la plata that doesn't make any sense, there is no talk of Brazil invading Argentina, this is completely out of nowhere ridiculous LARP. what might actually happen is a rigged election where Lula "wins" like Biden "won" but then unlike USA the Brazilian army takes over and keeps Bolsonaro in power. that's the biggest happening that can happen, not another Paraguayan War or whatever
god spic is such a mongoloid filtered
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>some hypothetical war is going to happen because muh 100 years ago historical precedent that is completely irrelevant to modern geopolitics >it just is, okay?
who cares make a new thread
It's Monday morning toil fags

Quick Reply