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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3789: DEVS VVLT Edition Anonymous 10/15/2022 (Sat) 16:25:03 Id: a486e2 No. 318252
Vegan extremists trash Harrods, Fortnum & Mason, Whole Foods, Waitrose and M&S shops by dumping milk in call for 'plant-based future' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11318913/Vegan-extremists-trash-Harrods-Fortnum-Mason-Waitrose-dumping-milk-protest.html >The group co-ordinated the actions across multiple stores such as Waitrose, Whole Foods and Marks and Spencer throughout the country, including in London, Norwich, Manchester and Edinburgh, as horrified Saturday shoppers watched on. Chancellor warns of tax rises and squeeze on spending https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63268238 >Speaking to the Today programme, Jeremy Hunt said some taxes will go up, while government spending may need to fall. >In another dramatic day in Westminster, the prime minister also scrapped the plan to freeze corporation tax in another major U-turn. NATO will begin military drills practising the use of Europe's nuclear bombs on Monday after Putin warned direct clashes with Russia would spark 'global catastrophe' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11316987/NATO-begin-military-drills-practising-use-Europes-nuclear-bombs-Monday.html?ico=topics_pagination_desktop >Its annual nuclear exercise 'Steadfast Noon' will see up to 60 aircrafts take part in training flights over Belgium, the North Sea and Britain. Booklist promoting trans surgery for young teens sparks parental fury https://www.msn.com/en-gb/health/health-news/booklist-promoting-trans-surgery-for-young-teens-sparks-parental-fury/ar-AA12Zzuh >One full-page diagram annotates her body, describing her breasts as “fatty lumps that need to be gone”, her “hips from hell” and “my imaginary willy”.
>>318252 a fine fresh crop of seethe
MINECRAFT LIVE 2022 https://youtu.be/iM9KtHaDcUg
I just assume anyone over 16 playing Minecraft is a nonce tbh.
When Waardenburg syndrome and gayism collide
>>318262 Just called him a tranny freak over instagram. The white race is saved.
>>318263 good lad
he's got a nigger bf keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Nigger bugmen are particularly odd.
>funeral for the nigger and mongrel who died in ireland explosion >massive white crowd so sick of the nigger worship, ireland is fucked.
minecraft is so gay now for anything other than singleplayer comfy playing tbh, been banned from so many pvp servers for le wrongthink
>>318269 tbh, only ever played it single player
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>>318271 highly based. Didn't seem like a fair competition tbh
>Little Dorset, what a loon, >Tried to fuck a crazy troon, >Jocko was the tranner’s name, >Full of meds and quite insane >Strong and tall, a full foot bigger, >And been bummed by a glow nigger, >But are Dorset wasn’t picky, >He just wanted tranny dicky, >But alas ‘twas not to be, >The mad troon he did not see, >So no bumming came to pass, >And he went back to gingerlass.
>>318273 Nice poem, lad
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>>318266 yeah dragon ball z/naruto niggers always make me keeek
>>318276 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>318274 Ta lad
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>the maker of this meme gave Hitler a soyim chin
POOFS TO USE COW MUCUS TO AVOID AIDS >Personal lubricant made from cow mucus may protect against HIV https://www.newscientist.com/article/2342535-personal-lubricant-made-from-cow-mucus-may-protect-against-hiv/
>>318282 I think that original hitler was created to be used in jew made anti wignat memis
>>318285 explains why he's also wearing a gay hoody thing
>>318275 SA is back?
FILM TIME NOW Medieval (2022) https://app.kosmi.io/zx4cox
>>318288 What. Wessoid hosting?
>>318289 an anonymous goodlad
dpr bros...
NOW SHOWING SANADA MARU https://app.kosmi.io/zx4cox
Medieval (2022) cancelled for source not working
technical difficulties over NOW SHOWING MEDIEVAL (2022) https://app.kosmi.io/zx4cox
technical difficulties not over
>disabled all chatting along with extra mods >still can't fullscreen AUGH try 123movies lad
>refresh and now I get blackscreen KEEEK new lobby maybe
fullscreen now but can't see kosmi UI or chat and the subs are fucking awful and triply overlaid including in german
>>318298 ah i played it from a t
also >nigger in the background of the medieval polish film KEEEEK fucksake
>>318299 I had sound that time at least, from the torrent
need to enable the ui or chatting or whatever as OP I guess, probably disabled by accident while removing others' permissions?
I see the roman bdsm but no ui wha'ts going on lad
>>318302 how's the rome t?
>>318304 it's got sound as well
>>318305 it's an mp4
I don't know how to get the full screen of stream sites, we all tried when we had admin permission
you ragequit lad? think you were nearly there
>>318308 It just closed randomly ah,well i don't understand why I guess the plan is no movie night until we learn bins secrets.
or we can show barkskins or rome or whatver other torrent works
>>318309 showing a blocked page in the viewer to me try entering https://123movies-to.org/ into the url option and using the search bar to get to the right film
never mind I guess if you want to watch something you have downloaded I wouldn't mind
>>318311 tried it.
toil complete.
can't see any chat or user list
>>318317 there is probably a UI element somewhere for you to re-enable them I haven't hosted before tbh
>>318318 will restart the room
the normie british internet is so shite >le ronnie pickering >le... tea! >my le wife just put cream on her scone first, should we get a divorce xd
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>>318320 Stop posting that cap every night even when film night is on.
>>318322 I only post it when there is no film night on smh
>>318323 This medieval film is ghastly
>>318323 Then some other lad was rusing with it idk.
>>318324 you're watching it alone? thought it would be tbh the poo pallette was not improved when I noticed the poo person
>>318324 I imagine anything made in the current year will be.
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>>318321 i swear that 90% of the british internet is middle class williamoid soycucks that everyone thinks represents le britain
>>318329 *references le inbetweeners*
>>318321 Only like 2% of current year "British" people have ever even eaten a scone
Battle scenes are kinda good tho
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>>318331 *argues about how to properly make a scone while the country is being flooded* le fish n chips and doctor who omg so bri'ish!!
Iran's hell-hole Evin jail is on fire: Flames are seen and gunshots heard at notorious Tehran prison where hundreds of regime opponents are held and where Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe was locked up for years - after weeks of protests against country's rulers https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11319365/Fire-Iranian-prison-Gunshots-alarms-heard-jail-political-prisoners.html >A fire and gunshots were reported at an Iranian jail which houses political prisoners in the nation's capital tonight, as unrest in the country continues following the death of 22-year-old woman who was detained by police. hope they restore the Shah tbh
>>318335 isn't it a colour "revolution" globalist glowie shit thing tbhsmh
>>318335 Tbh You want compromise, how's this? Twenty years in the can I wanted manicott', but I compromised. I ate grilled cheese off the radiator instead. I wanted to fuck a woman, but I compromised. I jacked off into a tissue. You see where I'm goin'?
>>318335 it will just become some libtard revolution where some poz democracy exists for a few months before the entire country gets syria'd and splits into different factions and civil war
>>318336 The "revolutions" are so dumb. Suceeded in a coup in Ukraine in 2014, but then you've got the Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong, which was the gayest most pointless thing ever. Many exiled figures and opposition figures in the east are funded by US NGOs/CIA. Navalny, for example.
About 90% sure that I'm bipolar tbh
Spent today acting like I was Nicolas Cage in Face/Off, so tomorrow I'll probably want to die again. Didn't even drink anything. Mood swings are more noticeable when you're not alone I guess.
>>318339 Succeeded in outsting a run of the mill corrupt president that wasn't especially pro russian and ultimately plunging half the country into war for going on 8 years.
>>318342 Precisely. Good old yanks. There is no country they're not willing to turn into a hellhole in the name of "freedom and democracy"
Maybe Wess will now show some more humility towards the Great Bins
>>318345 "Great" in the sense of girth? Are they going to sumo wrestle each other?
>>318346 yeah...
>During Mohammad Reza's reign, the British owned oil industry was briefly nationalized by Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh until an Army coup d'état supported by the UK and the US deposed Mosaddegh, reinstalled the Shah, and brought back foreign oil firms under the Consortium Agreement of 1954.[5] The Shah went on to become a dominant figure in OPEC, promoting a surge in oil prices that crippled Western economies. keeeek pretty based tbh
some awful posts tonight
>>318349 nice >>318350 is it ever not so? Don't answer that. A rhetorical question.
Another win for treecels
>>318352 I've heard of morning wood but this is getting ridiculous
Perhaps it's more accurate to say that she took leave of her virginity. She didn't twig about the importance of her maidenhood. Ever see that tree rape scene in Evil Dead? Hilarious.
>318356 >1 day ago >2 hours ago this is extremely old news
>>318356 rip and tear
>>318358 >obsessed with history >hates anything more than an hour old The duality of Wess
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more.
>>318300 all medieval media is grim dark trash
watching the second to last twilight film before going asleep, night lads xx
>>318360 no you brainlet I mean the sharticles are years old at this point, not a day and two hours
WAR PROPAGANDA NEVER CHANGES >it was bullshit then and it’s bullshit now
>>318367 its okay if there is mass rape/child trafficking in mexico and on the border with mexico though
>>318335 >hope they restore the Shah tbh no you retard, fuck the shah. Iran has the most based government in the world. they say the state exists to destroy Israel
Why is nobody but me appreciating 1338fb ‘s hilariously witty posts
Fell down the stairs again
>>318371 >having to domestically abuse yourself
>>318348 Ah, the one that was obviously on drugs, is the one they make blaq…
>>318370 thanks lad, it's always nice to make people laugh
blueberry jam and nutella sarnie
Might try this defence one day…
there are literally no fun communities left online. everything sucks now
>>318375 you should try peanut butter and tuna fish mixed together
>>318377 > sucks
>>318379 have sex
>The new adam curtis has literal porn in it
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>>318384 good lad
>>318384 well done lad
>>318256 minecraft? for me it was runescape and neopets
putting in work and finding good music for /brit/ again https://silvesteralone.bandcamp.com/track/do-you-ever-dream
i hope the wind doesnt knock my fucking rubbish bins over
>>318391 love a bit of wind me, it makes everything so cosy when you can hear things blowing around outside
>>318392 feels like the roof tiles will come off
>>318376 We wuz niggers n sheeeeit
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>>318370 >talks about wit >'but me' instead of *but i
>>318273 keeeek epic poem lad puts keats to shame
shite poem, fuck off
friend bought me elden ring and ive spent an hour perfecting a pretty lassie in it smh
>>318398 put your flag back on dorse i can smell your seethe from a mile off
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>>318399 those eyes are massive lad also nose is odd but ive played around with elden ring character customization, and noses always look daft
Census data on migration and demography comes out at start of november, not long now.
>>318397 Thanks very much lad
learning how to use a multimeter
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>>318402 yeah all the noses kinda look the same, much prefer creators like monster hunter world where there are preset noses but they all look different >>318403
>>318403 smh about time
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Alaska snow crab season canceled as officials investigate disappearance of an estimated 1 billion crabs A 90% REDUCTION
I wish I was a vanman in some small english village in devon or cornwall or wales and just did comfy small jobs and took lunch at the pub and had a simple life
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neets don't know the tradesman feel of a days work done. almost as good as fapping
>>318413 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK that doesn't exist here, all those jobs are taken by foreigners and the police would harass you constantly and theres hardly anywhere you could go to get piece, living in the woods in a tent and moving constantly while robbing post offices is more realistic
>>318415 ok boomer
>>318416 smh thats too bad
>>318415 >of a days work done. only for it to start again the next day, now off to bed wagie
>>318416 >robbing post offices how lad? i'm out of options tbh
tbh i think americans are still living in a boomerlike economy compared to us, millennial americans can still afford to buy houses there
>>318421 just go in when its quiet then leg it to the woods with the cash and move onto the next area, scout everything out first tbh
Why do sharts immigrate to the uk, and they are always annoying hyper liberals and they are constantly shoving their americanisms in everyones face, annoys me almost as much as pakis, atleast they know we all hate them.
>>318422 americans are still pretty rich tbh, you can see it when you watch any youtube just how much shite they have relative to their IQ. like how can those mutts afford all these gaming rigs and dirt bikes
https://youtu.be/ePKNr89lffo instead I just have to enjoy midwestern culture
>>318422 yeah probably
>>318425 tbh, its like when I hear them say that getting paid 100k isn't much, bunch of richfags
Russia utterly btfoing hohols with suicide drones recently
if you want to emigrate I can get you 30 USD an hour working for big boomer on skullet boomers crew
>>318430 what kind of toil? carrying 4x8 sheets and general labour?
>>318425 yeah tbh makes me sneethe
>>318431 yeah and installing siding with a nail gun and also wood framing
>>318430 Should I become a fugitive I will take you up on that offer however I remain firmly rooted in the soil my ancestors toiled and bled over.
probably just need some shitty beater 2k pickup and have some beaner file a fake limited liability company under a fake name for you and you can just be like a white version of a spic
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>>318433 me "installing siding" for a lovely brown family with the boys
that doesn't look like an english flag on that guys shoulder. looks like some irrelevant europoor nation
>>318435 tbf i did see some richfag advice talking about how if you have a truck you can go around offering to clear people's front lawns of junk for money then sell the same junk to a junk disposal thing but once again people don't tend to leave junk piles in their front gardens here
>>318437 denmark lad, the third largest country in the world at the moment
I don't wanna hear about 'bricks' okay Limey? This house'll stand up to a 40 mile an hour wind just fine
>>318438 smh yeah scrapping is a huge grift here that immigrants/meth heads try to corner. you can also cut off catalytic converters they are going for almost 800-2000 a piece now I think
>>318440 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>318440 keeeeeeeeek I wish boomers let us wear helmets and safety glasses
>>318438 they do its just that the gypos take it
keeeek I should take a pic, they used cardboard as the backer for a fake brick ashlar type decoration on the front of this one mcmansion keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>have the last 6 steinhogs to binge
>>318446 can you link the ones most recent?
>>318409 does this mean society is finally about to collapse
>>318449 I hope so lad
Kek just found out they made a series on breveik in addition to the film, watching it tbh
wonder what happened to all the snow crabs, chinamen i'd assume smh
>>318373 good lad
got woken up by a group of drunk slags screaming at each other outside and one of them suicide baiting. then the police helicopter was up for an hour and i had 4 hours sleep last night ok thank you
>>318455 you could've coomed in one of them and bred, but you didn't have the courage to go outside and try lad
>You're safe in here with me lass
>>318456 they sounded old and fat
one was called debra
>>318459 keeek, they must've been in their 50s
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*eats the same thing 3 days in a row*
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>>318466 another thread suppressing post that other threadniggas don't know how to reply to
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>>318469 think this is fake, way too on the nose and I can't find it anywhere on the guardian site, these fake screenshots are created by leftists and glow niggers specifically to discredit right wingers who then use these fake screenshots as evidence
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>>318473 many such cases
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should i breed her, lads?
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remembering that war a few years ago where young armenians got btfo'd by azerbaijan and lots of the lads were born after 2002
>>318481 did you see the recent video of armenian pows being shot? the not so hilarious thing is it was largely ignored but when people took notice it only pressured the fucking azeri government to "conduct an investigation" which we all know will mean absolute fuck all
>>318481 was a few photos of russian soldiers ID's that I saw recently and there was some 03s and 04s tbh
Prefer the video of the syrian soldiers executing opposition and dumping them in a mass grave tbh
>>318482 didn't see that and don't want to, i feel sorry for armenia because they're in a geographic position that obstructs azeris and turks from re-forming the ottoman empire which obviously the muslim niggas want to do
>>318486 post proof
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kek nigger serial killer killed 6 whites over the last few months and got caught now
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>>318491 howling
two kilos of blade steak for seventeen dollars very successful yellow sticker hunt >>318491 based
>>318494 seventeen dollaridoos?
>>318495 had to break a nine hundred dollarydoo note and the lass at the checkout wasn't happy
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>>318497 didn't actually lad i made that up
>>318481 >>318482 >>318485 it's very sad for Armenia, they have no leverage, no control over the situation. Russia and Iran kind of support them but they aren't willing/able to do much of anything aside from set very lax red lines. Armenia is small, poor, they've lost favor with Russia due to western color revolution and traitor shill Pashinyan, their military is weak, and they are surrounded by Turkey and Azerbaijan that literally want to genocide them I have a suspicion that Russia made some behind the scenes deal with Turkey & Azerbaijan that they would turn a blind eye to Armenia and in return Tu/Az would be more favorable to Russia. you see Turkey resisting NATO, blocking Sweden/Finland, enabling pipelines, not sanctioning Russia, all they do is offer a venue for negotiations and sell drones to the Ukraine. Armenia doesn't have much of anything to offer Russia other than a stategically-located military base feels like the 'good guys' always lose and nothing good ever happens
>>318498 damn, you got me there
>>318499 tbh it's not looking good for them >I have a suspicion that Russia made some behind the scenes deal with Turkey & Azerbaijan that they would turn a blind eye to Armenia and in return think you might be right tbh
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kind of want russia to lose in ukraine over backstabbing armenia tbh
>>318502 from Russia's perspective, Armenia backstabbed them first by electing the globohomo guy Pashinyan that tried to suck up to the USA and dump Russia and you should never support the wrong thing. always want what the Jews don't want
i just don't like muslims, thet's why i support armenia simple as
>>318504 it's not even that. I support Armenians because they are my Aryan brothers, I oppose t*rks because they are our racial enemies. if Armenians were Moslems and Azeris were Christians I would still support the Armenians
Are you pro Albanian or pro Serbian?
>>318507 bit of a clusterfuck smh
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>>318508 Serb. good question, because I am a Slavophobe, but Albanians are much more subhuman that Slavs. in fact, they have a lower IQ than Turks. they are inbred mountain tribal people that have gangs that sex traffick white girls to Israel and the Gulf Arabs, they floated jars filled with gouged our Serbian eyes down the river, they are very very savage and subhuman
>>318508 Albanians are truly the worst
>>318510 >>318511 I have a greater Albania flag including some Greek island (Crete). I also got a Kosovo is Serbian t shirt. I want to do a false flag somehow
supposedly lions existed in europe into the 20th century. last one was killed in albania in like 1910. it's unclear whether this was a relic species of cave lion or whether it was just inbred and looked so bad it was mistaken for a relic species
severely autistic post that smh
>>318514 thought it was interesting tbh
I liked both Albania and Serbia but did get the sense that the Albanians were a bit madder
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ffs had a funny image that would fit this post perfectly but I can't find it on my computer or online, think I deleted it and it got scrubbed off the web too- nvm I found it >>318512 >I have a greater Albania flag including some Greek island (Crete) it's Corfu
bins and his gang seething about Christians in his discord because the pagans get BTFO every time they post
>>318518 what do you mean by this?
>>318519 somershite is fwightened to post because we'll bully him
post your /pol/ screencap with the total pwn4ge greentext pagans, betray to us that you haven't got a fucking clue what you're talking about with your modalist understanding of the trinity
off to Church, lads, keep watch. there are curs playing at wolves in our fold.
>>318524 Soundgarden is great
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>>318522 >>318523 who cares about this cringe shite? it's all about the white race though I do unironically believe in Kek and I like to pray to the clock on my stove whenever it is 11:11pm, the digits are like an altar. ideally I would have a swamp with frogs and I'd make a frog shrine in the swamp with a digital clock and play Shadilay and make offerings to Kek at 11:11 (p.m. only)
>The 20th quinquennial Chinese Communist Party National Representatives Congress https://youtu.be/GpDbKnteBek
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Based but also cringe. The duality of man, or frog.
They've stopped asking us to pray for Ukraine at church so that's something I guess
I can recommend milk oolong tea. Not as nice as passion fruit though
>>318526 God is more important than the white race.
>>318530 Ours have always asked us to pray for an end to the war
>>318532 God is white
>>318534 God the father precedes race, the Holy Spirit is spirit, and Christ was a Jew
>>318532 no, there is nothing more important than the white race. anything which leads you to believe otherwise is wrong >>318535 >Christ was a Jew this is cancer. you at least have to do the mental gymnastics and say >"the Jews" are not Jews, they are Pharisee Satanists that murdered Christ that is how you make christianity compatible with antisemitism. otherwise your worldview is incoherent
>>318535 Jews are white, lad.
>>318533 that's reasonable. Mine was more along the lines of "think of the poor refugees".
the christoid narrative is supposed to be that "Jewish" identity is defined by their rejection of the messiah, not "Christ was a [modern] Jew"....... retarded >>318537 they are inbred shitskins from southern Iraq
>>318535 >God the father precedes race Adam who was made white, was made in the image of God. This means God is white
The jews that matter most today are from europe and are light skinned (ashkenazis). Not especially likeable but they often pass as white.
>>318542 >they often pass as white to absolute mongs
>>318543 keeeek
>>318536 God is above the white race. You've been utterly consumed by the current political situation. As for Jewry, you haven't even got the most basic grip on the Jew question like most LARPers we've accumulated in the movement. Christ was ethnically Jewish. End of. Those who were religiously Jewish rejected him. I don't want ethnic nor religious Jews to inhabit my country and control it's monetary system, media, etc. I don't want a large body of Jews inhabiting this country and building enclaves which can only ever be parasitic as with any other out group. There is no contradiction. >>318539 You're a retard who can't discern between ethnic Jewry and religious Jewry. Religious Jewry rejected Christ. That's why they have their own religion. Ethnic Jews belong to many religions though mainly to Judaism. >>318540 Christ was born of the Father before all ages, meaning if you take a literal reading of Exodus that Adam was made in the image of Christ. However, it's not literal.
>>318543 Yes mempiro looks white. I think you're drawing too much meaning from the word. Slavs are white, but still niggers.
>>318542 They're austral caucasoids so it's no surprise, many Iraqis, Persians, North Africans, etc. can pass as white too
See how bins seethes so hard that he can't help but start turning to absurdity? His poor little pagan IQ can't handle criticism of his house of cards so he spams things like this: >>318541 Pagans can seethe on their little discord.
whoever the fuck keeps banning people needs to be demodded now >>318546 >God is above the white race no. anybody that thinks like this is not loyal btw >Ethnic Jews belong to many religions though mainly to Judaism. all modern ethnic jews are either into judaism or have a secular attachment to the ethnoreligious judaic identity. why are you muddying the waters? >>318548 I'm not bins
And by from europe I mean it's where their ethnic identity and culture developed and distinguishes them from the remaining middle eastern jews even in Israel where they dominate the others to this day >>318547 Exactly.
>>318549 God is above the white race. >all modern ethnic jews are either into judaism or have a secular attachment to the ethnoreligious judaic identity. why are you muddying the waters? Yeah, all modern Jews today. Times and people change. Jesus was an ethnic Jew. This is fact. I don't understand what your problem is with these statements. Use your fucking brain. You glorify the persecution of the Church again I'll straight up ban you until Auslad demods me. I am the Bum Bum King.
>>318552 >God is above the white race. if there's no white race then what is the point of god? the universe necessarily revolves arond us, it exists for us to experience it. and if there is a god then he exists to create us and a world for us
>>318553 You've deified material because you're an imbecile. The stupidity of your post speaks for itself. The white race is not eternal. It's fleeting. It's mastery should be nurtured and prolonged but one day it too will die just as it emerged from the mass of hominids who settled here ten thousand years ago. It would be more sensible to worship the sun than to worship the race. Fucking idiot. Try developing a hobby outside of politics because you've developed a mental illness.
>>318552 >God is above the white race God is white
>>318551 Pro science nerd BTFO
>>318554 again, if the type of being that I am no longer exists to experience reality, then what is the point of anything else? oneself and one's own should be above everything
spic ip hopping smh
>>318521 She clearly hasn’t heard about homofascism yet
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>>318561 Is this real?
>>318561 it's true my dad works at the Vatican
Nonces and bum boys all around, what a shame.
spic should fuck off forever
>>318558 You're a low IQ aspie who can only think in binary terms. You're either all this or nothing. God is above everything, including the white race. This does not mean in any way that the white race should perish or accept the current political menace which aims at our destruction. Pull your schizo head out of your schizo arse. >>318565 >(1)
we need to get more lads in here tbh.
>>318560 ecksqeuse me! gayist nartzees are a myth, ok thank you
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went into the pub for a wiz and some baz and his skinny mate are already on the bag smh how can we build the ethostate like this?
>Breaking video shows Ukrainians soldiers gang rape Russian POW >Breaking video shows Russian soldier castrating Ukrainian POW in muddy field >Breaking video shows Ukrainian soldier eating rotting corpse of Russian soldier >Breaking video shows gay necro orgy competition between Russian and Ukrainian soldiers im so sick of slavic "people"
>>318573 They're insane, Hitler was right about them.
>>318573 this they make mudshits seem like civilized ubermensch.
why are slavs so obsessed with filming the dead?
>>318576 Humiliation ritual. It doesn't really work when both sides are dying in a high volume sneedocaust.
smh morgoth was citing the american faggot zeihan in his last video. I wish i never head of zeihan. he is a total mong
Who remembers Martin Amess MP?
>>318573 They are gang raping a male POW? Isn’t that a self own? Means they are gay now
Richard Spencer was right?
>>318581 only remember mp david amess mp from brasseye tbh
Published the same day…
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>mummy got another jab Fuck sake, I don't want to inherit an unpaid mortgage.
Fresh UKIP just dropped Let's end the woke nonsense!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiTmJrPvQes
Saw loads of Iranians marching today in town keek
>>318589 >embed >see niggress >remove >filter ID
>>318589 >>318591 CHIMPERIUM
>>318591 You can’t filter Isle Of Man that’s basically a bannable offence
>>318589 I prefer old UKIP
>>318596 what's with the dildo wands?
>all this pagayn shite ITT
>>318597 Hagrid gave verbal support for JK's anti troon crusade.
I'd raise my wand for JK Rowling ;)
>>318599 ah, wacky tbh
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK fucking STATE of this, willing to sacrifice her son since shes got a daughter anyway, what a fucking mess.
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just dont like jews me
Given how arrogant the Ukies are I'm unironically supporting Putin at this point. Don't give a shite otherwise.
https://youtu.be/DE8_DgSSKCA The trannies have changed the name of Quidditch to quadball
>>318599 So the obscenity is meant to be insulting, not immediately intuitive since raised phallus usually has opposite meaning
>>318604 tbh they really think the world should revolve around them
>not feeling well but know groomee will cut me loose if I reveal any weakness smh
>>318608 Tell her you got sick deliberately to show dominance over the viruses
>>318609 yeah I will survive this
>>318602 He was a nice looking lad, and now he’s that monstrosity instead All troon lovers take note (Dorset)
>>318608 Very true lad Weakness is a feminine trait, she must never see it in you
>>318602 weird how we have had so many trannies here and I still don't understand why they do it. One is a literal schizo(Jocko), TTPW.. was definitely the autistic kind, Luna probably also autistic, Pembs..? and probably another i forgot
>>318613 I think pemb’s parents were druggies and he got damaged in the womb Not sure what Lew’s excuse is, some say he’s just poor and using pembs for money
>>318614 Well something like bad parents is an excuse, but it doesn't explain why psychologically. How do they think that it will be good for them smh
>>318616 They groom each other in to it
people become trannies because they are being brainwashed by society to think its an acceptable behavior instead of just being a gross faggot who is going to die in their 40s from having a ruined anal cavity and loads of vile illnesses and a ruined immune system because their anal cavity was wounded by trauma and introduced large amounts of infected pus, feces and other types of bacteria directly into their blood. homosexuality is repulsive and its only through carefully curated brainwashing pornography and curated memes promoted through media that it seems like a viable life choice when in reality its a lifestyle on par with huffing wasp killer behind walmart in a cardboard box
https://youtu.be/PES362RFnVo kino if you lads missed it. not british politics though
mummy gretchen is gonna own this mongoloid RINO bitch who torpedoed her own campaign with her autistic abortion statements
>>318619 True, a lot of positive reinforcement >>318621 Was it kino though? >>318620 yeah but it's so irrational it's hard to fathom for a based rationalist liberalist like smeeself
>>318622 autistic abortion statements? She wants to kill Autists?
>>318624 uh oh
>>318624 no she made lots of purist abortion statements blanket banning it
>>318626 Didn't know u were anti autist Steiner
the beautiful christmas truce during the Ukraine war where both sides entered no mans land to have gay sex with each sides dead soldiers.
hol hols already ate all the dead then they went home and killed their families with hammers and posted it all on /b/
>tfw your son videocalls you from ukraine and when you answer it you can see his floating apparently cooked head and hear slavic laughing in the background
I bet the hol hols eat each other if they get hungry enough
Been seething quite a bit that Mutterica thinks it can have a proxy war in Europe.
>>318632 >thinks it can
>>318632 yeah because you lads never did things like that
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>>318594 I lied.
it was much more kino back then though
>>318636 caring about womens perspective on reality is bonobo tier
>>318636 is that woman account real? Seen her face associated with a lot of baitey posts
imagine writing patriotic poetry for ukraine in the trenches like the tommies did "the sound of child prostitutes of kiev, the joy of krokodil addicts in spring, the smell of my neighbour cooking and eating his mother out of boredom.... home"
Should I have a wank to bookend the week?
I don't thyink it's wank smell as much as wank facial expression tbh
>>318640 keeeeeeeeeeeek hol hols don't make poems they are too busy burning their books to get the meat hot enough to burn the prions out of it
thinking about that holholerino who threatened to come to my house and beat me up for denying the current hololocaust
Starting to think the royal mail agency are trying to keep me on the lower payrate over xmas by denying me shifts in the run up to xmas rush. Or maybe, they don't like that I'm observing the strike days.
>>318645 Don't worry lad bossmen always got your back
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>>318647 wow he's floating
>>318644 you should have reported him to the authorities for being a racist and had him deported lad
>>318649 kind of fear the holhol mafia tbh. Don't want to end up as a piece of boiled meat
>>318646 Yes Angard's loyalty to their workers is infamous
>>318650 yeah you should they are like jews. lots of hol hols in canada as well.
>>318639 >burkina faso flag is this the new current thing?
Judging from Spic's posts, I don't think europe has much to fear from the new majority in america, they seem to be bounties.
>>318636 but is it a good or bad smell? maybe before a date lads need to hyper coom to have a dominate smell?
>>318620 based post >>318628 KEEEEEEEEEK
>>318655 spic?
>>318598 Christ was kinda based but Yahweh isn't.
>>318659 They're one in the same, retard.
>Very distinct entities somehow being the same thing somehow just because.
Jesus... Odinson?
sneevening lads spent the whole day with mummy cleaning the flat tbh, inspection on the morrow immediately after voluntoil and job centre
If you love the Levant so much fucking go there & leave us alone, invalid xenophile bullies. Wessie fuck your irrelevant blogposts.
fuck off
>>318663 good lad
>>318664 yeah christianity has absolutely nothing to do with england or its history. gay mong
who mentioned the levant
>>318661 Take five minutes to read about the trinity. I know we've been over this before but at least have the basics down, yeah? Or are you gonna post your faggy 4chan screencap? >>318664 If you love Odin so much join him in . . . Oh wait, our ancestors converted en masse.
fresh history of the west collapsing Siege of Malta 1565 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXMkUkrFyCI
thinking about civic heaven again lads...they're up there
>>318670 wogs don't have souls lad
>>318670 much to think about
What is pagan afterlife like?
>>318669 the editing in these videos is fucking irritating puppet tool slapped on pic related with stock video and sound effects, with some shitty epig music. >the shattering graphic when someone dies with that fucking noise (ad intro) smh
>>318673 a brief stay in a paradise-equivalent followed by reincarnation of some type I think >>318674 keek yeah smh, still the least pozzed history channel I know of (it's still pozzed)
>>318670 >>318671 >>318672 The souls of people of all races are in Heaven (and Hell). The same will be so in the New Heaven and New Earth on the resurrection. The principles of nationalism are that the wogs of various varieties are here. They shouldn't be because breeding with them is destructive and they put pressure on our various resources leading to violent competition (i.e. the race war). In both Heaven and after the resurrection there are neither of these problems because there will be no need to eat nor drink nor mate. The racial struggle is important for now in our present lives. It is the struggle of our time. Greater is the struggle against sin. Greater is the struggle against Satan. Remember that you will die.
>>318673 Like burning in n-extinguishable fire but never numbing to it nor perishing.
>>318677 *screams*
Reminder that the largest reverses of demographic change in Europe were driven by christian religious fanatics who justified every action with Christianity. The Greek war of independence and the Reconquista were race wars played out through a religious lens and they were wildly successful.
>pagans vanquished
>his groomer
>>318687 it's ovER for newborncels
for the longest time I thought "the missionary position" was something colonists did to breed the natives smh
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>why won't my baby stop babbling about the 'bonobo baboon buttmatrix'?
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sorry ma'am I developing a new aesthetic
>>318692 >every single person in that picture has some variety of autism
>>318694 Neurotypicals are the inferior beings.
>>318695 I think at the very least there is something to the idea that functioning schizophrenics find new ideas and autists develop them vanguardism through mutation or something
>>318696 Honestly I just think of tism as a defect with no upsides. The creative or intelligent and successful ones are the way they are despite it. The dysgenic supergenius meme doesn't hold true as there are lots of good looking, social and even athletic scientists and engineers etc.
>>318680 Reminder that every white supremacist state in history was Christian to its core. There has never been a white supremacist pagan state. The demographic changes have been driven by atheist materialists whose obsession with material has led them to bastardise the master race and create a brown slurry consumerist hell-scape in its place. Atheists like pagans who LARP at believing in Woden or Thor but have zero knowledge of the faith they proclaim to hold nor the one they attack. Your attempt to re-define the Reconquista and any other Christian war as racial is also absurd to anyone who knows even the most basic information about these events. >>318682 They were vanquished a thousand years ago and largely by their own choice (with a few deserving exceptions). We aren't dealing with pagans. We're dealing with crypto-atheists.
>>318697 probably they case tbhsmh
>>318697 I think people that hold high skilled jobs are on the whole more intelligent without any tisms so on the whole are just more successful
*types out effort post before deleting after remembering mongs enjoy the same tedious religious flamewar over and over and just have to be filtered*
hot choccy with honey milk bikkies for supper tbh >>318701 don't even know what started it this time tbh, wasn't paying attention
>>318698 >Your attempt to re-define the Reconquista and any other Christian war as racial is also absurd to anyone who knows even the most basic information about these events. mong alert look up the origin of the term "blue blood" and the expulsion of the moriscos.
almost live cannibal yank Jason Köhne Confronts Mayor | M.D.s Oath Combat Whites | Gov. to “Tattoo” Whites with Wristbands |GF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLGkFeI80FU
really didn't want to continue this discussion after waking up but he's still going so I have to reply >>318569 >God is above everything, including the white race why? what has this god ever done for us? >>318573 when the Russians do such things to the Ukrainians, it is good. the hohols are fighting for everything evil in the world and thus any action against them is justified. it's just like the allies in WWII where Dirlewanger's rampaging in Poland/Belarus and the Luftwaffe destruction of Coventry was very based >>318617 this nigger and Candace Owens (consevative nig female Ben Shapiro employee) said "white lives matter", Kanye says he's going "death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE", and now they're coming out with this thing that says BLM is "The Greatest Lie Ever Sold" which is obviously a dogwhistle nodding to the Hitler documentary, "The Greatest Story Never Told". wicked >>318620 they do it because being a woman is a million times easier and more enjoyable than being a man and they're in denial about the fact that they can't change >>318666 yeah it replaced the traditional religions of the britons (druidism) and anglo-saxons (germanic paganism) with this "we must pray for the salvation of the nigger souls" faggotry >>318676 anything that reduces the perceived importance of the racial struggle is bad. your religion does not pass a cost:benefit analysis >>318680 in both cases the entire foreign racial population was moslem. in modern Europe, half of the shitskins are christian. also, Greece let in some christian turks that were expelled from anatolia and they now live in athens, the only turks allowed in greece >>318704 yes also "cleanliness of blood laws" and "new christians"
I think the packet of sausages is back.
>spic are ancestvrs would eviscerate and burn you alive tbh >>318708 didn't he convert to judaism?
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>>318702 a mong posting bongo drama this morning >>318518
>>318711 yeah. if it's ever possible to do so, the graves of allied soldiers should be dug up to get DNA samples from their skeletons and then we should fill asteroids with solar-powered robot-maintained 'pain farms' that would endlessly clone the allied DNA and plus their brains into torture computers that would zap all of their pain receptors at max intensity for their entire life and make it so that each second feels like 100 years. so for each allied soldier you'd have a million clones getting ultimate-painshocked for all eternity
>>318712 keek smh I'm pretty sure binsanism is mostly about buff homosexuals anally annihilating eachother in the woods and not leading the revival of the DRVIDS against the cross
https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/400118358 pol seethe thread on the french lass, lots of fed posting, its trite to say but if the races were reversed they'd already have riots in france
looking like it was probably the same type of shite with the grooming gangs here tbh
"guilty of crimes against the thread...the sentence is death"
cannibal yank seething apoplectically because some young chad got to sex his teacher
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National Socialist negro billionaire goes nuclear on the jews, then Trump makes a vaguely threatening 'truth' against american jews and infowars posts an article about the interview https://www.revolt.tv/show/2019-09-17/102454/drink-champs/ https://www.infowars.com/posts/yall-done-poked-the-bear-too-f-king-long-ye-goes-off-on-jewish-media-in-controversial-interview/
>>318518 I haven’t even been posting I’ve been out for supper Had four hour cooked beef brisket, with sautéed leek in rich cheese sauce, baked spinach, tender stem broccoli and onion gravy, served with a bottle of red wine, followed by a pot au chocolat, and tea for afters Was delicious ngl
>>318722 for me? it was a cheese and onion ginsters slice
had lamb korma with rice, naan and mango chutney followed by sticky toffee pudding with custard for pub lunch with mummy though, and it was very nice
>>318714 > keek smh I'm pretty sure binsanism is mostly about buff homosexuals anally annihilating eachother in the woods and not leading the revival of the DRVIDS against the cross Reminds me, Jack Donovan has a new book out
also a glass of lemonade and coconut rum
>>318722 why do you always eat dessert? this is why Sperg said you were pudgy, despite being on keto for so long otherwise sounds like a very nice meal though
>>318727 > this is why Sperg said you were pudgy, despite being on keto for so long Sperg didn’t say that tho
>>318728 I remember when Bins and Sperg were raging at eachother and Bins posted fizeek, Sperg said he didn't look fit. don't remember the exact wording
>>318729 > Sperg said he didn't look fit. Sperg was just being rude to everyone and starting a schizo argument about how we should all be doing plant based vegan diets, she didn’t say I looked pudgy or unfit
bbk you are pathetic >>318698 >There has never been a white supremacist pagan state britain before christianity would have been considered "white supremacist" by any modern standard. you're talking out of your fucking arse
reminder that christians set europe back 500 years through their utterly retarded suppression of science and free thought and several centuries later murdered tens of thousands of innocent men women and children under accusations of witchcraft. christianity is a religion for literal niggers and jesus is gay lol
christianity is anti white and your arguments hold no water so you resort to censorship bans because you aren't intelligent enough to have reasonable debates about your contradictory desert ideology
Sneed tight, sneethlings. >>318732 Absolute bait post.
>>318732 >reminder that christians set europe back 500 years through their utterly retarded suppression of science and free thought this see as far as I'm concerned it's just whatever's good for the survival of whites. does christianity pass a cost:benefit analysis for that purpose? it does increase birthrate but it also reduces in-group loyalty, since christian dogma insists that non-whites have souls and all of this shite about le niggers in heaven blah blah... that's not what we need right now, we need whites to become racist
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what the heckerino happened?
spic gets it must be embarrassing for you guys
>>318720 what?
>>318735 you mongs lose every argument but you just keep spamming the thread anyways. no point arguing with mixed race spics and literal homosexuals tbh.
>>318737 >must be embarrassing for you guys
>>318741 see what i mean
just filter spic and move on
Has any politics been happening today?
>>318740 outright banning people without even responding to them doesn't count as winning the argument buddy
>>318740 I went to bed and people were still talking about religion when I woke up and it was mostly the pro-christoid mongs still going on about it. don't blame me >>318744 the biggest thing that is happening right now is >>318721 mainstreaming of "jews own media"
>>318746 >>318745 every argument you mongs ever get into shows how little you know about christianity or history and you get humiliated and then start spamming the thread. this happens every single time and you're both literal homosexuals. like you actively have gay ERPs in discord, shut the fuck up.
again: Kanye West and Candace Owens released a film about BLM called "The Greatest Lie Ever Sold" after wearing "White Lives Matter" t-shirts they are National Socialists. this is a nod to 'The Greatest Story Never Told', famous Hitler documentary >>318747 shut uuup why are you still doing the broken record thing? you don't even make an argument about why it's good you just say "you wrong me win hahaha"
>>318747 > you're both literal homosexuals. like you actively have gay ERPs in discord, shut the fuck up. Why the need to lie if your faith is on such solid philosophical ground?
The Greatest x y-ever -old that's not a fucking coincidence, they're black NatSocs, these are based nigs
The Greatest x -ever -old*
>>318750 bins is a literal homosexual
everybody who uses bongo is a faggot and should be banned on site.
>>318748 Kanye vs the Jews Hasn’t he already been massively cancelled? Banks closing his account and such?
>>318755 yes they're removing videos of his latest interview from youtube and he's banned from Chase bank and they're cancelling his concerts. he's going full death con 3, he says the jews own the media and they own "the black voice", they are handlers for celebrities and black rappers and everything, they undermine they family they are anti-jesus they promote sexual degeneracy, black hebrew israelites, ice cube, he's going all out it's nuts this nig has billions of dollars and is very popular pop 'musician'
>>318753 > bins is a literal homosexual Why are you lying?
he says the jews have been fucking with him for too long, they have poked the bear too many times, he doesn't care if he dies, his life purpose is to incite the blacks against the jews
>>318759 I especially recommend reading Matthew 15:21-28.
>>318747 so you can't actually disprove our points? i have not spammed at all. the only one being humiliated is you, also, i'm straight and you don't even know who i am. the only thing that happens every single time is the christian mods get triggered when we ask reasonable questions and ban us immediately.
>>318756 Where is he saying all this stuff?
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>>318748 >>318751 you're a mong spic
>>318756 usually they just assassinate such people but to do so to kanye would just remove every last bit of plausible deniability, good for him
>>318758 Listened to some of this and Kanye just sounds retarded, saying Jews did this and that bad thing, then saying he’s jewish himself as are all blacks who have the “blood of christ”
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>>318766 he seems to be trying to use black isralite shit as a defence against accusations of anti-semetism which is retarded and won't work
if Ye starts making ragga jungle it's over for babylon
>>318768 mild keek
>>318773 reckon the safest course of action if you get pulled up by the shartican zogbots is to just draw first and blast em
>>318770 honestly cant believe he posted a satire pic thinking it was a legit argument
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>>318777 based
>>318777 holy seacow
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>>318777 good lad.
>>318763 see revolt.tv link >>318721 >>318764 could be either I guess >>318766 >>318767 it's the most effective narrative to rile blacks up against the jews, it doesn't have to make sense
>>318668 Oh right, yeah. Le father le son & le holy spirit but NOT in a modalist way yeah I had brain fog this morning. No comment on that because spare me the ensuing tantrum,
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Battyman Bins
Anybody else here an Earth Rocker?
im a bed rocker hehe procreating to make a CHRISTIAN household, with CHRISTIAN values lest my spawn be reduced to odin/atheistic boy-loving and gayisms
bumboys the lot of you smh
new footage from vegas shooting shows helo with shooter
>>318790 looks fake tbh, this is a better video
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the future is female (male)
>>318794 another fake headline, fuck off
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i am obsessed with organising food and cooking cant stop thinking about things like shopping lists, how to stack my cans of food in the cupboard, when exactly to eat something, etc
3 bowls of beef stew and a cup of tea
can't stand being hungover like this
stop drinking then
>>318798 take a hair of the dog, like half a shot or just eat a banana and drink a bunch of water and a pinch of salt
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>>318800 >when someone told me that bananas cure hangovers, but i didnt have to "eat" the banana
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>>318802 you do eat it, it's for potassium (electrolyte) and generally sugar/carbs/calories to feed your brain
i don't have any bananas
stupid mong not understanding the meaning of what i said
time to lift again...
shouldnt you be banned?
>>318808 I don't acknowledge unconstitutional bans
>admitting to ban evading stupid mong, hope you get perma'd for it
>>318810 I'll just evade that too, duh
this bum bum king fag needs to be demodded. he is not mentally healthy, he engages in fedposting and he also has spammed miscegenation pornography on numerous occasions
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>>318796 used to be like that with prepping etc, its a comfy packrat compulsion
>>318814 tbh probably a good thing with how society is going
>>318801 smh my backlog now at 7 steinhogs, really need to stop procrastinating and watch
rumble encoding takes forever
Always digging tunnels underneath my town and planning escape routes in my head too tbh and gaming out all the scenarios, I remember when I was in primary school I used to draw top down pictures of fake armies and how much stuff they had, also used to set constantly build forts and bases and sit there prone with a bb gun until someone walked past and I'd ambush them
wish i could have sex listening to heavy bass music tbh
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK was that a house with a poopenis flag and israeli flag
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tfw have to wait at least a month for sex
>>318818 very based
pjs have a hole where my arse is keek
>>318823 too much brapping smh
>>318822 lad you need to unmod TBBK, he is banning people like crazy. also idk if you know his history but he has a penchant for fedposting and spamming miscegenation pornography, he's mentally ill, certainly not the kind of lad that should have moderation powers
oh god, i didn't sleep for the second night in a row
>318825 ignore this post, auslad
>>318825 those bans were earnt tbh be pagan if you want but don't be anti-christian also the recent bans were by woesist not tbbk
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spic needs to learn his place he is a creatura colonial that belongs under the boot of his anglo masters its OUR board, not his
>>318828 bans should only be used to stop people from spamming obscene shit, not policing thought
>>318830 nobody's policing thought lad
>>318831 the expression of thought though, that's what I meant
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a short ban for everybody involved is reasonable if people keep doing the religion debate nonstop for more than a thread but outright saying "if you make anti-christian post then you deserve to be banned" is ridiculous
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it's a christian board anti-christianity(anti-whiteness) is not tolerated
You say something pagan boi?
>>318835 it's /brit/-/pol/ not /brit/-/christ/
it's /brit/, not /mutt/
and /pol/ means white race, Hitler, fascism, anti-degeneracy, Jewish question, etc. not explicitly pagan nor explicitly christoid and insisting either way is imparting your individual biases >>318838 I'm 43.75% British
Say it again boy
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your "british" ancestors gave up their right to be british when they mixed with the moors
>>318841 >conflating moor-slayers with moors low iq. meanwhile the english, who themselves are a british-german hybrid, actually got frenched up so hard it radically transformed the language
ever notice how spic always finds ways to insert anti-anglo stuff?
>>318843 >factual statement >"anti-anglo stuff"
>>318843 tbh not sure why he even comes here when he clearly only has disdain for are heritage
he thinks that british cities being bombed and british civvies dying is somehow based should be permabanned for such an opinion
>>318846 during WWII yes, same goes for any allied country. WWII was an instance of absolute moral goodness v.s. absolute moral evil. 'this specific country' or 'that specific country' has nothing to do with it, it was a struggle for survival for the entire European race. if you're making it into a 'specific country' thing then that is disingenuous
a struggle for the survival of the european race.. by destroying the european race.. hope you die horrifically you disgusting piece of shit
>>318848 >by destroying the european race how? it was a power struggle. if Germany won the war then they would dominate Europe, the allies did so now the Jews dominate Europe
auslad, ban this sick filth right now if you dont, you're anti-british
>>318850 >won't explain his argument >demands censorship
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*summons bbk*
got a video interview for a job coming up not sure how they expect me to do that smh haven't got a webcam
>>318854 have you considered... buying one?
>>318854 use phone front facing camera
One who is familiar with philosophy can determine the loyalty of a hierarchy to orthodoxy of any given school of philosophy by noting the references made in the different levels of the hierarchy's committees or publications. This can be used to test a hierarchy's integrity as well as, naturally, its missionary direction
>>318855 no >>318856 oh yeah keeeek forgot phones have those
>>318858 I put electrical tape on mine 99% of the time
>>318859 based
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auslad_on_video.jpg >>318801 good lad looking forward to this one after the neet toilture day
>>318862 bit immoral smh >>318863 keeeek
not slept tbh
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>>318792 hate these cunts, notice how he's wearing Primark tier polyester clothing? >>318825 seething trannies detected
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>that house in steiners vid with the israeli, gay and ukrainian flag
ah yes, if you're against race-mixing, then you are a tranny
>>318868 I've actually seen that flag where it's the gay rainbow with the triangle with the black and brown and tranny flying on people's houses IRL. also churches with gay rainbow flags
>>318865 based
>318869 you are the result of racemixing kkill yourself
>>318704 Look up the history of the reconquista >>318706 God is above the white race. I will put my eternal soul over the concerns of this brief life. You're so obsessed with politics it's destroyed your mind. Reminds me of the mongs in NA who called themselves race warriors and went off praising Odin while the rest of us put some work in on the street. >>318718 The French are unironically more willing to put the work in than we are over here. I would expect at least some response from them. >>318731 Britain before Christianity was under Roman rule and before that could not even be considered a state. Nor would it have been considered white supremacist except by accident of it not having any niggers. Every actively white supremacist state in history has been Christian. >318732 >318733 Too retarded to warrant a serious response. Like all pagans and atheists you have to delve into the absurd. >>318745 You've been demolished at every corner and devolve into spam/emotional outrage. >>318759 Jesus says none of the things claimed in this cringe image >>318762 Every one of your points have been disproven. >>318783 Yeah precisely lad, now you're getting it. Or is adding "le" to the argument supposed to be a refutation? I thought you were a towering intellect bins?
>>318869 If your argument against race mixing is sticking your cock in an arse then . . . yeah . . . you're a tranny matrix fag
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why are you still bringing this shit up, stop >>318874 I'm against homosexuality
>>318875 Go and seethe in your discord, homo
>>318876 I'm not bins you mong
>>318877 Who said you were? Homo.
ban him, forever, lad
it's like kicking a retarded dog smh
>>318865 I can guarantee that you've had a better night than me
>>318879 >>318880 he's fun to kick tbh >>318881 tell us the story lad
>>318883 stupid kitchen cupboard doesn't have enough room for glasses. Cheap shitty wine glasses hang upside down and below are normal glasses. Tried to get out a glass for dindins, knocked a wine glass and it smashed, managed to get a lacerated palm through to the muscle. Had to wait many hours at hospital, then they took ages suturing it. Quite painful, very bloody. When it finally heals I'll have a big scar on my hand. Left home at 6:30, didn't get back until 3am
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A message from the LORD not to imbibe wicked poisons.
>>318884 based "emergency rooms" with a response time measured in days tbh still remember waiting hours in one with a borderline gangrenous leg ulcer after doing vanlad toil keeksmh
>>318886 the nurses were friendly at least. No filipinas though. At one point a chinese lady came in and said she was positive for covid, they told her to fuck off and buy some cough mixture from a pharmacy
>>318887 keek sounds like they are just as tired of the larp as us at this point
>>318888 they know it's bullshit more than anybody else. empty hospitals, remember? and then they see the people coming in with the myocarditis and POTS
What supermarket do you frequent, lads?
>>318890 Sainsbugs
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>>318894 >tattoo
I see the late night, early morning seethe has spilled over into the day shift.
>>318896 the seethe is eternal
>>318894 I don't like tattoos on women but as long as they're not TOO obnoxious, it's not THAT big of a deal. I think people overreact a bit. it's stupid and we should discourage them from getting them but still
>>318898 meant to reply to >>318895 was confused as to why I was (you)'ing myself
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>>318900 you're telling me you'd turn this fine specimen down due to a bit of ink on her arm? she'd look better without it, but come on...
Never understood the appeal of painted on eyebrows.
>>318902 I don't get why they do it either, that's worse than tattoos tbh
>>318902 Furrin women do it when their actual eyebrows are either very bushy and they want thin ones or when their actual eyebrows are quite wispy and they want to pretend they're more substantial. Basically they're insecure about having shitty natural eyebrows
god just FUCKK OFF stop ruining my /brit/ FUCK OFF
>>318884 smh sounds nasty tbh >>318901 hideous reature. can imagine her brown hideous foreigner nipples
nothing is uglier than brown nipples
*does a dance*
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>>318906 >>318907 ghost nipples are best, but there's an appeal to darker ones too. women's nipples get darker during pregnancy and lactation you know
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just finished the first seaon of this anime, it is pretty good https://myanimelist.net/anime/34599/Made_in_Abyss
>>318911 More suffering the deeper you go with that series.
>>318911 Noncechads
>>318912 seems like it, the last episode got very dark, that's what bumped it from a 4/5 to a 5/5 anime for me
>>318914 I was told the manga is worse for child torture and amoral actors.
tried watchign that anime like 3 times
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cor blimey
namefags always end up becoming obsessed with ruining their own communities. this happens everywhere and will always happen because namefags are innately narcissistic troons in waiting
>>318919 Literally every lad here has a name . . .
>>318921 ni la
>>318920 Not every lad. . .
>>318919 Damn, you've done me
generally successful food shopping at Lidl today
>>318925 based
the lass that works at the till looks nice
>>318920 I don't
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>>318928 You are literally called Anonymous
>>318928 I dub thee masterbumcheeks
i wonder if mbc (masterbumcheeks) uses lynx africa?
artists rendition of masterbumcheeks
when you ask a groomee whether she has a diagnosis or is retarded and in the care of a guardian she has to answer truthfully, right?
>>318932 love it, it's canon now
>>318933 fucks sake stop preying on vulnerable women
>>318884 >managed to get a lacerated palm through to the muscle Sounds unpleasant lad
sneed chippos at voluntoil today the officefoids couldn't be bothered to do their own academic work and gave me a 120 year old antique book to transcribe, without any protective equipment job centre went fast although I may have talked myself into having to apply for night shift packing work smh and inspection went well at least Incel Rant 83 was so good I might send it to mummy for real tbh she was pretty decent yesterday when we had a pub lunch and talked poolitics until she gets home and switches on the news and gets instantly reprogrammed again I guess
>>318938 sell the tv and remove her car radio lad its those types of power moves which can drastically shape your household in your own design
or better, put channel locks on all news platforms and only allow her to watch movies4men
>>318938 why would you need protective equipment for a book lad? >until she gets home and switches on the news and gets instantly reprogrammed again I guess hate how that happens smh makes it impossible to make any progress at all
>>318941 120 years isn't that old I guess but it was fragile enough that I wanted gloves and a visor or something so I wouldn't get fingerprints and hand sweat/grease, moist breath on it etc just a cheap mass produced thing for the sector back in the day but the quality of paper and printing was really good compared to our shitty acidic paper today
kino "made for his majesty the king and the government of the british empire" marks with elaborate heraldry printing and everything
>>318942 nothing's made with any effort any more smh the only effort that goes into anything is in the never-ending search for new corners to cut >>318943 based
also had a really good chapter listed in the idnex that I didn't get to read, titled something like "on the necessities for interacting with savages" keek are empire was still based and racial supreme in 1902, probably described how taxmen in egypt could be allowed to shoot fuzzywuzzies if they didn't pay up or smth >>318944 yeah it was a sad contrast when I had the book next to a modern one
made me think about how quickly everything changed again my mummy's grandmummy would have been a victorian and all of that, and the same generation just followed on with all the changes post-ww2
>>318945 wew keeeeek based >>318946 yeah smh the decline has been pretty sharp smdh
had to put the itchy jumper on tbh
>>318948 how many layers do you wear in winter?
>>318949 right now I'm wearing three tshirt, shirt, sweater will probably escalate as the temperature drops, I already have two duvets on the bed
would like to get a black polo neck when I am thinner tbh
>>318950 Nice. Why don't you just sit under the suvet all day? One nice woesian trick is putting a heater under the duvet, kind of like how that japanese table+heater+blanket thing works
>>318952 might try it when it gets colder tbh
>>318953 oh it'll keep you warm
>>318954 keek smh well you know what they say, teach a man to light a fire and he's warm for the rest of his life, set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life
>>318955 Keeek
>go on /pol/ >see some demoralising degenerate shit *screams*
>>318957 it's like that isn't it think there is something to the power of mental state and such tbh it's just hard for polface incel autist thinker types to maintain a positive attitude
cup of meatybrap tea and the last of the italian honey milk bikkies tbh
and continuing to work through the dbdr backlog of incelpills
*posts again just for the thrill of it
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woes is speaking at an event hosted by a BASED tranny. fuck sake, lad.
>>318963 He was a homo in the past, and is just a too kind in a way
>>318963 this is the nomos event? haven't heard any trannies on the channel yet tbh
>>318965 evelyn is a scottish tranny lad, didn't you know?
>that based tranny who has been hitting the debate scene lately who has his cock and balls and arse out on the internet
>>318966 don't know whomst that is, listened to a few uploads from whatever retarded named channel it is and it was just two guys
smh you got me talking about trannies again *screams* just stop
>>318968 the organizers of Nomos are evelyn and scrump (the uploads are on scrump's yt channel)
at least this god awful lotr series will bring some love to Tolkiens' works and the LOTR films. I am shocked at how bad the series was
>>318971 has it finally ended?
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pic related is them. scrump is the lad with the shaved head, blonde troomer is evelyn, and the one in the hat is an english troomer from twitter absolute state of the british movement tbh
>>318970 keeksmh just found their co-hosted telegram channel and there is a pic of man hands with fake black nails holding some aut-right book wish trannies would fuck off from the white race saving scene, they can't even save their own bollocks
>>318972 Yeah, can't wait for the next 4 seasons
is it explicit becuause he fuck the tranny's manhole?
>>318974 tbh shame on woes for giving these freaks attention
>>318963 theposterformerlyknownasdorset will like to go, maybe he could shout sneed for us during the speech
The Maths of Coins and Currencies https://youtu.be/RztY56nfYxo Annoying woman but still interesting.
>>318816 tbh, been catching up myself, got to the bit where steiner misunderstands the origin of the "peace symbol" in 81. He got the bit about the inversion of a life rune correctly, but there's a gap he missed after that: What most people think of today as the "peace symbol" originated in Britain as the logo of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, and anti-life was the point there because they were protesting what represented the possible annihilation of western civilisation. Sadly, the same boomers in the CND then passively allowed that destruction to take place in the time since, by other, darker means, as he has noted.
>try to talk with dad >he turns the ngbungu box up
>>318963 >BASED tranny Oxymoron.
>>318984 those scientists sure do look trustworthy
>>318968 you literally posted a link to their channel a few days ago
that tranny is the one who was interviewed by dutton
>just remembered we'll never get a second season of the dark crystal
>>318986 yeah but I didn't see any evidence of a tranny on it yet have only listened to the speaker interviews (woes and some hat guy) so that's probably why
unsubbed after finding evidence of the troon on the telegram anyway
woes is now into september with his gram uploads
>gram 36-37 are missing whats he hiding
THE MET POLICE IS INSTITUTIONALLY RACIST AND MYSOGYNIST KEEEEEEEEEEEK they say its racist because black officers are more likely to face misconduct allegations
>>318887 >no filipinas in the hospital what's the point to life?
Royal mail strike on Thursday, wonder if the agency will fuck me again and give me no saturday shift so they can deny me accumulationg of the higher payrate for christmas
>>318994 I know right
don't know why a nurse would kill babies tbh. almost seems fake, but she probably did do it for some bizarre jealousy emotion
>>318997 to help save the planet, obviously https://youtu.be/rcx-nf3kH_M
fucked up my cheap shitty wok even more by cooking cheesy pasta broccoli mix in it and now I can't get the burnt bits at the bottom off without destroying the finish
>>318999 >cucked by le teflon memi smh, many such cases
>>319000 umm no sweaty those jobs are for women and the pet chads >>319001 yeah smh it was a "present", another case where I tell people what I like and want every year and every year get shit I know that proper bronze or copper or iron or whatever the fuck cookware is expensive but come on it's still not more than £40 or whatever, instead I get the £10 or less amazon ordered chinkshit that probably is giving me cancer as well as xtreme microplastics
>>319002 >pet chads that's why i got the joob
>>318999 >>319002 Love u Wessie. I'm starting to write my Xmas list this year too
>>319004 good lad maybe father christmas will actually deliver this year
>not even the spooky day yet it was all mummy could seethe about, we went shopping multiple times over the past week and every time she saw the christmas displays and had sneethdowns in the aisles about consoomerism
>>319006 you should have bought her some christmas decorations.
>>319002 >it's a family buying you cheap shit that you don't want and then expecting your gratitude episode tbh, sick of this from mummy... come_out_and_eat_your_teflon_encrusted_fried_corn_syrup_we_have_you_surrounded.png >>319005 King Wenceslas gonna go bankrupt this year with the cost of living manufactured crisis.
>>319007 keek tbh just a little jape, a little jest >>319008 yeah part of the cleaning up yesterday involved digging up christmas pressies of years past that were just taking up space and being useless, stuff like children's toys and a cheap clock (both subtle insults from aunty I think tbh) I call them courtesy presents like xoomers expect to have to hand them out or be looked down on by their social group
should have bought some mince pies keeek at pub dinner yesterday mummy admitted she broke her gastric band by being too much of a lardfat
>look up uni reference >he's become a freelance artist making etchings this is getting well out of fucking hand
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Watching old CanAm footage and the difference of testosterone in the typical Male narrators voice vs today is just staggering

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