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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3793: Shameful Conquest of Itself Edition Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 20:50:20 Id: c48cce No. 321213
Rishi Sunak could be crowned Britain's next Prime Minister tomorrow after Boris Johnson sensationally QUITS Tory leadership race with his only remaining rival Penny Mordaunt well-short of 100 backers threshold https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11346057/Rishi-Sunak-crowned-Prime-Minister-tomorrow-Boris-Johnson-QUITS-leadership-race.html >As of this evening, 228 out of 357 Tory MPs have gone public with their support. Mr Sunak is understood to have 147 backers, while Mr Johnson had the support of 57 MPs and Penny Mordaunt just 24. Nigger Takes Over as Doctor Who https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-63348825 >Russell T Davies commented: "The path to Ncuti's 15th Doctor is laden with mystery, horror, robots, puppets, danger and fun! Southern England Warned By The LORD's Wrath https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11345839/Met-Office-warns-thunderstorms-bring-flash-floods-sweep-southern-Britain.html >Nearly a month's worth of rain is understood to have fallen today as wet weather brought much of southern England to a standstill, with reports of major airports including Heathrow facing mass disruption. Miss Hitler Set for Release https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11315043/National-Action-member-freed-jail-extremist-Alice-Cutter-set-release.html >A key member of the same group of far-right National Action supporters as Miss Hitler beauty queen Alice Cutter has a parole hearing next week and could join her in winning freedom.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:45:51.
>>321205 >>321207 I have outlined why he was banned in these 2 posts
>>321216 what is the ban duration?
>>321213 good lad
>>321219 good lad
>>321219 it's clearly not a just ban because the guy isn't a dyed in the wool conservative, he literally said it was just for the freebies and he made a good point about secretagentfagging as a member to reduce chances of being gulaged
>>321222 >he literally said it was just for the freebies and then he made up some other nonsense justification for being a member of a criminal organisation which you are now also defending based on literally zero evidence, he is a snivelling coward traitor rat looking for anything to justify his behaviour
>>321222 (checked) Yeah, stifling political debate on an image board seems a bit retarded
BO makes the rules Mods enforce said rules Mods can't make up their own rules
the thunderstorm was so comfy and peng earlier
on examination of his post history I have found the subject in question has posted kpop I withdraw my defence >>321224 tbh
>>321221 Looks like it was an unpopular move Auslad or bbk will likely reverse the ban
Looks like I win again
I still think it's retarded to ban an inoffensive (except to madlad) poster on a board of less than 20 people though tbh
>>321228 the yes won until a bunch of No votes suddenly came in, it was obviously IP hopping and bongo brigading, this is not a democracy.
>>321231 It was about even when I voted tbh
>>321221 every william counts for three votes this isnt fair
>>321230 >inoffensive many others agreed with me and I don't see how it was not offensive when he's promoting an occupation organisation
>>321230 Absolutely Important also to have more general argumentation to keep our points sharp
sorry meant for madlad not you wessie
Bans should be for important stuff tbh, is madlad the same as mancs?
>18 votes >10 UIDs nobody should be banned though
the mod wars continue
The people who promote the "nobody should be banned" libertarian approach are the homosexuals bins and 22st and the bongo users
just mention it to auslad when he shows up and he can reverse it if it's a perma or more than a few hours ban I guess
>>321243 bbk already reversed it
>>321243 don't worry lad I'm already unbanned
*emerges* the bans are undone tbh, the NEETs have spoken in a democratic non-binding referendum. also a permaban is probably too much for what was likely just a spot of banter tbh *goes to bed, leaving you at the mercy of a maddened madlad*
>>321244 >bbk is the voice of reason unsettling times tbh but we soldier on
>>321246 good lad we'll suffer in silence anon
madlad and bbk need to have a knife fight in tescos car park
Wessex has a pathological hatred of me which will lead him to defend the most abhorrent of posters out of spite and malice
>>321246 cheers lad
>>321242 22st isn't a homosexual, he is a based groomer bans should only be used to prevent spam and obscenity, not ordinary posting
Always knew BBK was a william
>>321213 > Boris Johnson sensationally QUITS Tory leadership race with his only remaining rival Penny Mordaunt well-short of 100 backers threshold keek imagine being a MP and getting rused into supporting Bojo
>>321252 are you bins?
>>321250 I don't hate you lad I just see you fly off the handle far too easily and jump to unreasonable conclusions and actions because of it don't like that kind of behaviour but that's the extent of it
>spic never mind all my previous comments BAN HIM BASED MADLAD BAN HIM NOW
>>321253 Pretty sure BBK has been more active in real life badthink and naughtyboyism than any other lad here tbh
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>>321258 Madlad and I are bros, remember when I defended him over the cum thing? you're shit outta luck, chief
just did a three-brap salute in honour of the king tbh
Did someone say a footfag was around?
>>321262 night too
>>321265 night three
>>321256 you are mischaracterising my behaviour, classic jewish tactic,
>>321259 according to himself
>>321267 can you genuinely not recognise this character trait in yourself? why do you think your nickname is "mad (as in angry) lad"?
>>321269 1.that moniker was invented by 22st and the newbrit cabal 2.don't change the subject this is about this specific banning incident 3.I am one of the greatest posters to ever grace this board
>>321270 it fits you well and you do indeed use the banhammer too readily egocentric as well, I'll add it to the list
cunt mummer undercooked the eggs again
>unfilter post in curiosity that maybe it was something interesting >mummyblaming maybe just.... do your own cooking...
>>321273 that would require time and effort it's better to eat undercooked eggs but not have to spend any time or effort preparing them than to make them myself and have it come out good
>>321271 >you do indeed use the banhammer too readily this is just an outright lie, you are a snivelling fat coward
>wessie chastising others for mummy blaming truly an odious individual
whoever has been banning needs to stop, I don't know what the link to the logs is but we can't have bans. Auslad should demod all mods
>>321277 you are a foreigner you don't get a say
>>321278 I'm 43.75% British
It’s over
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Wish I was the Penguin but in it to save the huwhite race.
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>pol has Z flags now
>>321242 >The people who promote the "nobody should be banned" libertarian approach are the homosexuals bins and 22st and the bongo users Me and b are based fashists, everyone knows that
>>321255 I’m bins
>>321285 To balance all of the yank meme flags a little
https://archive.ph/U5ppJ >Net migration is set to hit more than 300,000 this year, returning it to the record levels of the mid-2010s, despite manifesto pledges to reduce it.
truss bros... its over
>>321292 you lads are about to have your own version of obongo, welcome to the JUST club
>>321278 tbh, shocking that such an awful poster would want to get rid of anyone who could keep him in check
First brown PM. The Left are the real racists.
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can't wait until biden calls that little manlet hadji and tells him about the guys at the supermarket that sell him the snow cones at the 7-11
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so sick of participating in this meme societe, would rather go through apocalypse and die after living in the woods for a year, atleast then I'd be free
>>321300 well done mate
>>321300 good lad
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Mummy Penny can still win
maybe we should just flee
they've been pushing for a trade deal with india and this will seal it
1 billion pajeets on their way
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https://imgur.com/a/uMHtdUY looks like some whores got exposed, western men are expected to marry this
>>321308 the end of the toryreich and the beginning of the poojeetreich
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>Outgoing PM Liz Truss partying at Chequers >Liz Truss is holding back-to-back parties at Chequers this weekend to thank ministers and staff who supported her doomed premiership fucking state of this bint, country is over
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white man just won't give up his burden
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>>321300 Good lad. Shame not even this will save us.
How would you fuck her?
>indian PM on diwali >census results in 2 weeks >ww3 coming up >winter with rolling blackouts and 10% inflation ahead >economic collapse next year
>>321321 >indian PM on diwali indians will go mad
>>321324 *resists nothing*
>>321294 not happy about this
>>321325 dunno lad, the anti-lockdown anti-vax protests were pretty fucking massive, it's just the MSM didn't cover them at all
>>321329 >yeah, but at least they didn't die from Covid.
>There's lads in this thread that happily went along and got vaxxed.
fresh bob
>>321296 >The Left are the real racists. "Winning is everything, Chud."
(6.82 MB 1280x720 trannydick.mp4)

tranny dick live on channel 4
holy shit is this real?
>>321331 not sure there are any vaxxed lads here actually
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>321333 >trips for me again I post so infrequently. Damn, I look good!
>>321336 yes, there are.
agnonce is vaxxed. some other lads took it for work i think
"Whiteness: A Problem of Our Time": Nurse Sues NHS For Racist Class Saying Bible & Whites Are Racist https://youtu.be/zQlG1WxfG74
>>321340 pretty sure SA got vaxxed
More proof this place is full of soy that talk big but couldn't even avoid the vax.
>>321343 yeah all you had to do was nothing kek
surprised as many as 3 lads from here got vaxxed I bet it was the troons
>>321346 wish memes like this could spread on the surface web
FRESH DOSE OF REALITY >Objections to Biblical Materialism Answered https://youtu.be/ic7ATn1zKPM
>>321348 Southern Israelite?
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>why can't zoomers make the 'th' sound. what the heck.
>i fink its fursday, or somefink late stage england is a nightmre smdh
>>321351 fr, i sometimes feel a bit sorry for those lil niggas. they aren't very well educated
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>>321354 nice music
Unban tory lad NOW
>>321349 What about him, lad? Are you going to say his name sounds too Jewy or something?
tory boys finna start a riot
Or no, I got it. Anon was sniffing at me saying like "who is this literal nobody whom you find worthwhile?" As if Anon's opinion really matters a whole lot.
net-zero is bullshit
>>321359 >Are you going to say his name sounds too Jewy or something? yeah
>>321360 imagine being like this
>>321364 bad or good?
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oh look a new theme and it's horrible
>>321368 turns out he's also a trans activist that goes in to primary schools to indoctrinate the young in to his perversions
>>321354 smh surface dwellers don't know that feel
post some ones with wasp killer
>>321363 Welcome to people who take the Bible seriously, I guess
>women will literally have sex with a fat faggot who huffs inhalants behind a walmart but won't even talk to me
>>321378 they would talk to you though
whats with the gay theme?
>>321380 it's moes birthday
*pulls up beside you while you queue to pay respects to the queen*
To learn who poos over you, look at who you cannot shitandwipe.
US military lands in Haiti https://twitter.com/AcrossMediums/status/1584219198388989953 Haitian rioters done Russian flags and paint to protest American peacekeeping operation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y57ULeO0CdE
>>321385 hype, we're going to get more Haiti kino like from 1994
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>>321387 keeeeek imagine the fear this music must instill in williams when they're out and about
stable diffusion keeps making my cunnies jacked
this ones cool tho
>>321385 Wew. Why though? They don't have oil, and Biden and dems generally don't care about nigger on nigger massacres. Just desperate for some bloodletting and they want to lower the difficulty settings this time for 80 IQ zogbots?
the lads
italian fascist dominatrix with italian background
wish i was a boomer and i knew how to fix things lads, *shakes head*
>>321395 keeeeeek based and comfypilled >>321397 it's usually not as complicated as you think it's going to be lad what are you trying to fix?
>>321375 i.e. kikes
There is a special place in hell for anglo-kike OT larpers.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96ttj4f4VkY miss this guy, nobody on the internet is real anymore >>321399 electrical, i understand the basic premise of electricity but don't know how to do anything to code
>>321403 Wonder how many conscripts are dead. Still feel sorry for 16 year olds thrown through the jew comedian's meat grinder, call me soft.
>>321402 what are you trying to fix that needs code? most modern electronics aren't really user-serviceable anyway smh beyond basic stuff like checking for bad solder joints or replacing bad capacitors >>321403 grim smh pus even if the casualties end up ten times that number they're still all doomed to inceldom tbh doubt the refugee princess hoholettes are going to go back home once the war is over >>321405 tbh
>>321407 smh even grimmer poor lads are getting totally justed all so their head hebrew can suckle at the western military-industrial teat and larp as rambo
>>321407 peng tbsh (to be shamefully honest)
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>>321410 smorbing lad >>321411 think that's just a slav thing tbh >>321413 keeeeeeeek
>>321413 impressive tbh
>>321413 is this real?
based autist chad still working on his shitty flash game sequel after like 20 years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5gqVFBCuc8
>>321419 pvre sovl smh nothing's ever going to fill that flash-shaped hole in the internet tbh the autistes who would've made flash games are making phone apps nowadays
"alexa, navigate my web browser to crazy monkey games dot com and load pandemic two. name my virus "nigger aids four twenty" words of a deranged madman
zoomoids don't save music files either, they just listen to music in weird apps where they don't own the actual file and just stream it every time
>>321423 keeeek i know a zoomer, i'm going to test him on this
>>321422 >>321423 in terms of tech they're beyond saving smh they grew up in the walled gardens that are generation tried so hard to avoid
i'm still on xp pro so there's no way he'll be able to use my computer
>>321421 did a heart keek tbh
>>321426 based
playing bloodborne and accidentally killed the brain fluid lass too early thereby cheating myself out of the memi cauliflower head rune smdh >>321429 keeeeeeeeek based and toilpilled
>>321334 how is this allowed
>>321431 it forwards the agenda lad propaganda is never censored
>>321430 what's your take on permabannig torylad lad?
>>321433 He got banned? Based mods.
>>321435 fuck off madlad
>>321436 It's mancs. Shilling for based tories tm unironically should be bannable.
>>321433 against it tbh it was a kneejerk ban smh he clearly wasn't some tory true believer tbh just in it to have slightly more say in his governance than the average vooter and to make a slight profit by converting membership fees into amazon vouchers this is allegedly a politics board so if we ban every slightly divergent opinion we'd have nothing to talk about except reading the news and telling each other what we had for dinner >>321437 it wasn't shilling lad he clearly explained the hows and whys of his position and not once did he actually endorse the party
>>321439 smh phwoar
>>321439 Foul Get a real western woman
>>321442 he's right tbh first past the post is pure shite not like proportional representation is much better though smh the cattle will still be trapped in red team blue team bullshit but at least there's a glimmer of hope there that a democratic solution is possible if the general public magically stopped being subhuman somehow
thinking about pulleys tbh such a deceptively simple invention that enabled so much
>>321392 The were probably requested by the dominican republic
>>321438 >if we ban every slightly divergent opinion we'd have nothing to talk about except reading the news and telling each other what we had for dinner I think we've already arrive at that destination lad.
>>321446 tbh keeeek
We’re being shafted. Whip hand over us is a manlet poo Simply intolerable
>>321448 I hope we continue to have a revolving door of leaders until they all give up and call a a ge.
>>321449 Don’t even want him for one day so he pozzes the history books
>>321450 tbqh doesn't even matter if he's only in office for one single day tbh first brown pm is a black mark that can't be erased
>>321453 This. A permanent skid mark - and the Tories have already soiled this country in the past 20 years in a way that can never be changed even if there is a bloody revolution. Will have to endure years of smug pakis knowing that one day they can and will have their India 2.0 in Britain.
>>321454 smh it never ends >>321455 yeah smdh
remember that there's legions of bored mummies across the british isles who'd support "dishy rishi" simply because he's allegedly handsome can't see it myself tbh his ears stick out too much and he always looks a little cross-eyed
>>321457 Exactly. This was a total psyop on dumb women and it worked for the most part. Reality is he’s a smelly paki manlet.
>>321459 keeek never knew he was a manlet
>>321444 Yeah tbh, that and gears
>>321461 tbh all the systems for mechanical leverage really all so simple in hindsight but imagine being the first to figure it out
>>321457 never in my life have i haired anyone say such a thing tbh, must be just twitter mongs >>321462 yeah, it must have been such a huge technological leap
>as Chancellor steers country into economic crisis, >fined by police for breaching Covid regs >left £bns of fraudulent loans unpursued, >failed to ensure that BoE kept inflation below 2% >collapsed a government during a global crisis >reneges on manifesto pledge to maintain the Triple Lock >plotted behind the backs of Johnson and Truss >Was a US green card holder when working in Downing St. >wife is a massive tax dodger >WEF stooge >is this third time lucky? >gave his wife money from the tax payers purse He should “fuck off to help out”
>>321464 He's the reason for the current crisis. All those things and printing a shit ton of money is what got us into this mess.
>>321466 He should be in the Tower of London awaiting deportation in several pieces tbh
>>321464 smh he shouldn't even be allowed to walk down downing street tbh much less contemplate living there
"I don't care about his race or religion just his ability to do the job!"
>>321469 want to press my thumbs into the eye sockets of everyone who says this ngl
mt comment on the daily mail saying I'd never vote for an indian got deleted after getting a like to dislike ration of 3:2. It had about 40 or 50 likes.
>>321471 they can't keep silencing dissent forever tbh it has diminishing returns but it's their response to everything
>>321458 bit jealous of all those forests that burgers have tbh must be nice
I'm making a woman in blender tbh, want to make a 3d diorama of my local area in the old days tbh
>>321475 Hate superhero shite tbh, only really like batman because he's just some rich nutcase seeking vigilante revenge rather than a proper super hero
>>321474 sounds kino lad keep us updated on your progress
>>321476 kind of hate batman when I think about what he does tbh but I enjoy the filmerinos
voluntoil done but mummy is coming over and then there's two hours of jobcentre neet humiliation tomorrow
>>321480 smh they leave you no time to yourself smdh it's inhumane
FRESH NON ALT-SHITE CONTENT >Peter Hitchens' Half Hour | 24-October-22 https://youtu.be/aAs1XkoDC_w
getting blackpilled by playing bloodborne smh nobody builds kino timeless beautiful architecture any more the big clock tower that features prominently is based on the prague astronomical clock built in 1410 smdh that's over six hundred years ago and standards have only gone down big glass rectangles are not impressive and they are not beautiful not every building has to be a wonder that'll stand the test of time but nobody even tries any more
Out by Christmas, mark my words Filthy furriner
>>321482 >the country's going to shit because too many people are on bennies smh wessie's on the firing line >>321486 we can only hope
So Labour = Paki Conservative = Indian
How come minority rule is okay for here but not SA?
>>321490 reverse colonialism is reparations lad
Daft times ahead
>>321491 Ah got it, so because we gave them infrastructure and the rule of law they get to come here and destroy ours.
So is Charles going to do anything or is he going to be like Lizzy?
>>321493 basically smh every act of kindness performed towards a subhuman will be disproportionately retaliated against the white man's burden is a load of bollocks tbh they should've been exterminated to the last man upon first contact trying to give civilisation to the swarthoids Is like trying to teach a chimpanzee to read - you might get it to perform a few tricks in exchange for treats but ultimately it's just biding its time until it can bite your face off and take all the treats right now >>321494 he won't do anything smh
wish i didn't have to be racist tbh but the unrepentant savagery of the swarthoids makes it an essential survival skill >>321496 keeeeeeeeek >>321497 every brown "person" needs to have his head bashed in with a brick
The weird thing is that Orientals while Asian are not brown enough to really appreciate the victory, but will see it with a mix of horror and optimism, after all they themselves have invested so much into Western anti-culture, ex. Modi exclusively wears traditional ethnic garb, while no oriental leader does
wait rishi sunak is the new prime minister? didn't they need to have an election within the tory party or something?
>”Go full Modi, Rishi” - 1922 Committee of nigger riggers
>>321501 keeeeek no lad we live in a post-democracy world elections only happen when the law explicitly demands that they happen >>321502 been a problem for a long time as far as i remember tbh women should only be allowed to travel with her husband or father's permission tbqh
King Wank Carlos should reject Sunak as PM and force a GE.. Show some balls you gout ridden git
>>321502 I used to work with a morbidly obese women, the kind of fat scouse bird who's so fat and loud they become basically black and she's married to a 20 year young african fob.
>>321505 tbh what's the point of being a king called charles if you don't dissolve parliament >>321506 disgusting
god if i had a chest freezer i'd fill it with so many half-priced meats smh my sub-zero cup would quite literally runneth over
smh just want to drink beer through a deer
this world the injustice I cant stand it
>>321510 *screams*
>>321510 tbh it shouldn't be like this >>321511 tbh
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I“I am glad you are here with me. Here at the end of all things, /Brit/.”
>>321231 just woke up, and while I disagree on principle with banning your political adversaries, I put in a late yes vote because fuck bongoniggers >>321279 <50% British blood should be a bannable offence >>321300 good lad >>321343 wasn't wess getting regularly guilt-brigaded into it by his family? poor lad but fuck every spineless cunt who took it tbh >>321350 tbh https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shibboleth >>321410 morn >>321441 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >>321510 tbh, but how can we turn this to our favour, and guide rishi's friends to enrich Bradford and Leicester? and then take all their lasses as concubines
Morgoth's take from telegram: >If I’m honest about it the feeling of belonging to a conquered people has become more acute today. >I realise the policies won’t change and some would even question how “white” Boris Johnson was, but there’s no dressing up the fact we are now openly and obviously ruled by foreigners, it is different, it does matter.
why does he call himself Morgoth?
>>321517 Its like saying "the view from hell", and I'm not sure if he is the one calling himself " hell" as much as others abbreviating him t. Dislike tolkeinism just applying an inference
>>321519 < >>321520 >dropped out for (((some reason))) feel the bern
poverty... pollution... hatred...
FARAGE REACTS TO PM SUNAK!!! https://youtu.be/8VYKStOvmc4
>>321517 He's said several times if he could do it again he would have called himself Tom Bombadil's Review It just happens that when he was banned from the Telegraph comments section and set up his blog he was called Morgoth's Review, I think
>>321520 She didn't get enough nominations from the parliamentary party members. They want Sunak even though he's electoral suicide.
>>321517 >>321518 he explained that on milleniyule 2019 4:56:08, he used to troll the telegraph comment section and kept getting banned so much he decided to pick random LOTR names so people could tell its him when he came back with a new account. mong.
This is a fucking disaster
ban this nigga
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>the Tory MPs are so retarded they think a midget pajeet would help them not be obliterated at the next general election
Bad toil day, feel like I'm cursed to be a temp forever
>>321531 it's a globalist coup, they don't actually care if Labour comes in next election because they are globalist too - and might even make us rejoin the EU
>>321531 He's cancer. They think the hand out shite is going to win the red wall voters but in reality the fact that it was him who crashed the economy will lead to a massive loss and a Labour government.
as a plus side, one way or the other we'll either have accelerationism or the Tories replaced with something less gay
If PA existed as a political party they could take advantage of this moment.
Too bad it's a scam.
I'm going to vote reform. dont get why nobody here talks about them.
>>321539 I'm not interested in voting for civic nationalists.
>>321540 that's retarded.
>>321541 Fuck off SA.
Many women want to be treated as special individuals yet, demanding conformity, they especially don't like alarming surprises
Maybe we should all vote for le ebig frog maymay man again like it's 2015 too.
We need an openly racial nationalist party yesterday.
>>321539 >I'm going to vote reform. dont get why nobody here talks about them. Yeah I will vote Reform too if they stand here Richard Tice is a bit of a bell end though, called for an end to online anonimity when that wog killed David Amess MP, even though that had nothing to do with his murder and is just another aspect of the globalist agenda to shut down any dissent
>loser jumped IP to shill for reform
A lot of time was wasted by cunts here on UKIP. Especially because that wanker SA would ban anyone questioning why we should vote for or support a party which wouldn't achieve our core goals.
just been the shops to get a bottle of commiseratory cider and there was a whole swarm of skeletal, open mouthed junkies with their stolen bikes, going into the shop one at a time to buy fizzy pop. one of them was standing right behind me at the till and I was ready to engage for the anglo race, luckily for him he backed away. >>321548 its so retarded as well because the tories can just hijack the success of any civnat party, as they've done before, and then just disgard the ideas for the same old, same old. We need a party with a radical edge that won't just lose out to some conservatard suit stealing the 'muh british values' talking points.
at this point you should only vote for someone if they will scrap first past the post, because without that a nationalist party will get nowhere with all the possible pajeet gerrymandering
Vote for whoever is the closest to our position on the ballot. If no choice? Spoil the ballot. We really fucking need a new machine. Nosely is leading lads down the "let's go camping!" dead end road.
Martin Sellner really has the best position when it comes to realising our political aims. We're opposed to the great replacement and the policy positions to do that are simple. Our ultimate goal is remigration, that's more complicated but can be done even under the political norms of our time. We have to work incrementally when it comes to policy, this idea that there's a swing-back in politics is ahistorical, losing just means losing and it's bad. Winning even small victories is essential as it means your enemy is gradually becoming unable to stop your will and emboldens your supporters to demand more. We need someone in power to first stop mass migration and then start the process of remigration. The first goal is achievable by a civic nationalist party. The second process can begin gradually under a civic nationalist government. A significant amount of immigrants that enter our country leave after a short stay and if they were simply stopped from entering altogether then remigration would already be in progress in a small way. As recent immigrants leave. Around 50% of British-Pakistani marriages are to Pakistani's from aboard. This dynamic is present in practically all immigrant communities though less so than Pakistanis & Bangladeshis. Simply making the trafficking of wives and husbands from abroad for British resident minorities would force many to go home for marriage sake and prevent the making of highly fertile recent immigrant families. Then we can implement hostile legislation like banning the burka's in schools, and then in government offices and eventually on the streets as it was done in France (2004), Bulgaria (2016), Austria (2019) and Denmark (2018). We can then expand to the Hijab, as is being done in Austria. Then prohibit the building of Mosques, as is done in Greece (not a single legal Mosque has been built in Greece in 200 years). Once the building of new mosques is banned or made unfeasible we can use anti-terror and anti-organised crime legislation to start shutting them down, as France has done to literally hundreds of mosques with little opposition since 2017. Simply getting them riled up and seeing our country as a hostile place would do wonders to create voluntary remigration. All of this is achievable under a mild nationalist government and has been done in nations WITHOUT nationalists in charge.
Not reading that lad
>>321553 this is why our race is dying lad
Our race is dying because of civic apologists like yourself. It's bullshit. It's defeatism.
>>321551 >Vote for whoever is the closest to our position on the ballot. this is the obvious thing to do tbh
>>321555 actual 80 IQ seethe mong
a2176b is a midwit who thinks we can win by half measures. We can't. Nobody ever has. A slow death is a slow death.
>>321558 half measures are better than no measures
>>321550 amazed that nobody's campaigning for it already tbh it's a bipartisan issue that most people would support and it's as simple as forming a party with the goal of implementing proportional representation and then immediately calling another election >>321552 good post tbh rome wasn't built in a day
>>321558 there will never be a light switch moment where we get everything we want from being useless seethe mongs like you. The great replacement is an active process, our first goal is to stop it and then reverse it through migration.
>>321561 *remigration
>>321559 Half measures may as well be no measures.
>our first goal is to stop it and then reverse it through migration. Ahh right, and a civic nationalist party will absolutely do that Midwit cunt.
>>321564 I literally just explained how you mong
>>321565 And your explanation is bullshit.
>>321566 NOT. AN. ARGUMENT
>>321563 >Half measures may as well be no measures. what are your full measures then lad? tell us the plan
>>321560 tbh, Rick Falkvinge wrote an entire free book on how he built a single-issue party with a clear route to election victory like this: https://falkvinge.net/2013/02/14/swarmwise-the-tactical-manual-to-changing-the-world-chapter-one/ https://archive.org/details/Swarmwise1.1 party-politic chads should take heed, having multiple unelected PMs is exactly the time that FPTP should be a hot topic
FULL MEASURES NOW OR NOTHING! this is how we win!
>>321567 >>321568 >>321570 We need a Politcal Machne that openly advocates for forced repatriation and the principles of Fascism. As a Fascist I believe this. I know, it crazy!
Being won over by madladism here tbh
>>321571 >We need a Politcal Machne that openly advocates for forced repatriation and the principles of Fascism. As a Fascist I believe this. I know, it crazy! you get it set up then lad, and we will vote for it until then we have to use the tools we have
In 1939 Kazakhstan was 37.8% Kazakh. in 1989 it was 39.7% Kazakh In 1999 it was 53.5% Kazakh In 2009 it was 63.1% Today it's 70% Kazakh Was this achieved by Kazakh incels having an epic race war? Was there some massive genocide of Uzbeks and Russians in Kazakhstand? Do seeethemongs have any answer? It was largely achieved by Nursultan Nazarbayev simply forcing the exclusive use of the Kazakh language in schools and all public sector jobs, gerrymandering Russian and Uzbek areas to give disproportionate power to the Kazakhs and ending dual citizenships. That's it, and they went from a minority to majority in a lifetime.
>>321569 looks interesting
>>321573 I'm hoping on Nosely to do it, facetious little prick. >>321574 It was achieved by mass exodus of Russians, my retarded cunthole of a friend. Nothing remotely comparable to the situation in Britain. Name one part of Europe where the principle you propose has been successful.
Look at Hungary. Near 1/10th of the people there are fucking gypsies but retards think it's all alright because the civic nationalist talks big. Civic Nationalism is stasis at best, slow death more commonly.
>>321576 Yes you mong, Nursultan Nazarbayev implemented policies that made being Russian in Kazakhstan intolerable. At this point you know you're wrong you just want to have a seethe because you feel impotent (you are).
>>321576 >I'm hoping on Nosely to do it, facetious little prick. until Nosely has PA set up as a political party, even he will advocate voting, for the most far right option available mong
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night lads
The Pajeets played the long game and they've done us.
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>>321581 Sunak was appointed by globalists, he hasn't won anything the fact this has happened shows how pointless all those leadership debates we had for months were - it didn't matter at all the membership chose the "wrong" candidate so she was got rid of, and sunak installed instead
Rishi being made PM without a vote by the party membership is massive. I'm pretty certain this is the absolute death of the Conservative party. Done and fucking dusted. Something will have to replace them. The death of the conservatives is our first step to national rejuvenation. I'm so whitepilled right now.
>>321583 >Starmer takes downing street after calls for GE >Starmer resigns >Dianne Abbo takes the reigns without a vote
>>321582 >>321583 >>321213 >"crowned" >>321484 >"elected" smh dangerous misuse of language I for one would like to congratulate our new PM Alan Pootridge on his victory by default
>>321552 America will re democratise you at the merest whiff of your cunning plan lad First that war must be fought and won in Murico
mummy took me to shops and left me seething and waiting at the entrance for half an hour after I'd finished my shopping and when she got back I told her about how the way women dress is sexual harrassment to incels and she said "don't be like incels they are dangerous terrorists, the radio told me so" and then went on a feminist rant that culminated in berating me for not being tolerant and that's why I will always be an incel but it's okay because I'm just finding myself at the age of 27 and then at home she made me go through old photos of childhood that I can't remember because of traumatic memory loss from living in a broken home and said it was my fault that happened and that as a child I should have understood her need to ditch dad and find a richer betabux and uproot the house and move to another country because she was bored so sick of normiesplaining and womansplaining tbh lads one more day then I can go back to rotting alone in my coomcube with only unpaid toi, job centre visits and sunday dinner to upset things >>321503 >rishi sunak is as tall as a garden gate >>321514 >vax yeah but I never caved in >>321516 *screams*
>>321586 I think America will be a problem, but a number of European fellow liberal democracies have implemented in part all the policies I proposed.
>>321574 So he turned Russians into Kazakhs by taking away their Russian passports!? We should do that to the furriners and then they will all be British and we win!
>>321589 No the ethnic Russians mass migrated. That demographic is based off ethnicity not citizenship.
>>321585 smh, meant Alan Poo'stard, getting my sitcoms mixed up
>>321587 >yeah but I never caved in good lad
still thinking about peoplewatching in the supermarket some lasses with really big chebs and other nice looking types all not even noticing I was more than part of the scenery almost drew blood gripping my keys
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omg check out that morbidly obese neckbeard shopping with his mum we should go and talk to him
>>321594 yeah that is how things should be
palestinians "just you wait when we win we'll" seethe fantasies lmao.
>>321596 they're not wrong tbf
>>321597 >Palestinians >winning
>supporting zionism on /brit/ GET HIM MADLAD AAHHHHH
>>321598 fuck off agg
sneedvening, couldn't sleep all night after wanking so ended up sleeping til 5 smh
>>321602 bad sign tbh cooming is supposed to make you sleepy
got really bad chest burning sensation too then headache so had to take paracetamol and it took another hour to fall asleep
>all the whites on the news being interviewed are giving tepid criticisms >all the non whites saying they are happy because hes a wog
>spic >footfag shit
>>321606 nobody mentioning the total corruption then? clown society
>>321608 its just mong slags on the news asking people how it makes them feel that hes the first "poc" pm
>>321610 didn't know computer text could have print errors tbh there's a bit missing at the end of your sentence where it's supposed to say "the first poo pm"
>>321612 Gotham tonight ?
>>321614 >that ID colour
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>>321616 it's smeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>>321614 yeah lad
don't even goom any more, tried to get the old autist internet friends to do some shooter game and they haven't replied to me in a week think this might be it tbh >toil >come home and watch goyslop and eat goyslop >go to bed to toil in the morning and yet it's somehow worse than normal toil life because I don't get paid
>>321618 >tfw season 2 episode 4
>>321621 why aren't you watching it with us?
>>321622 Because you took too long to watch episode 8 or whatever ep it was when I decided to consoooom the first season.
>>321623 we took too long to watch one episode?
>>321625 There was a 4 day gap. Smh. Might rejoin for se1e17 to rewatch and sneethe at Barbara but with frens.
>>321614 What about Kill List?
would start watching at 7 tbh just nothing else to do
keek also told mummy about how only 60% of men through pre-20th century history ever got to breed and how much worse it is now and her only reaction was "oh that's interesting" (meaning "don't care, ignoring") god I hate women
>>321630 >son coping about not having a gf once again >oh that's nice, dear
>>321629 soz I've not eaten yet going to go cook now, will be back for 8pm
>>321631 she did the mummy cope lie thing and almost verbatim said something like "you're only 27 you still have time" just doesn't understand past life experience and how it fucks a nigga up or what it's like for a male and an incel in the current year she kept suggesting I join various groups to have a "social life" but they were all shit like mentaloid coper circles and associations for people with fucked up kidneys and other things that only xoomers and boomers go to
>>321634 I wish any of our politicians had that much agency.
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>>321636 Tatars are fucking that thing.
>>321636 >>321637 probably just a larping faggot filming in his backyard tbh
>>321638 No, he's there. Has been for months.
>>321327 Lol niggers
>>321636 keeeeek Isn't that the same one who was soyfacing at a corpse?
Stick a fork in this place. It's done.
>>321644 Go fork yourself
The Hindus used their shamanic magic (aghori and Shakti) on all of Sunak's opponents
>capeshit again
>>321630 thats not even a true stat though
sticky toffee pudding and cream and its very nice
>>321651 isn't it? thought it was because of how everyone's family trees converge onto some elite or other of their time, because the poorfag lines die out eventually despite breeding
He was right
>>321652 cherry cola bottles and coffee
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>>321654 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>321661 >bidding starts at £6k
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>>321661 How about that?
>>321663 Based materialism tbh
Feeling ready for rishi lads
Hahahaha >22st fucked RØD ALARM In Norgay > Mentaly ill? He can be an office assistant. >Penis mutilated? He can peel potatoes. >Downs syndrome? He can assist with inventory.
>>321666 another win for the based lads
>>321667 he's too old now >downs syndrome doing QM jobs keeeeek their supply chains would collapse in a day I have a hard enough time keeping my voluntoil warehouse shit organised and the other toilees are old women
>>321668 mild kek
the system in this country is so retarded that you have people like wessie doing unpaid voluntoil shite instead of just giving him a job
really unhappy that the PM of UK is going to be a shitskin lads
even obama was too much
>>321673 it was inevitable under globalism
>>321673 he already is, ITV were rebroadcasting an indian news channel celebrating it, also the fact that its diwali
>>321673 appreciated you're probably the only yank who isnt celebrating
yeah because once the british identity is gone or the anglo saxon identity is gone every aspect of the anglosphere will disappear and it will just jewish economic zone number 3
>>321677 sunak seems even more effete and degenerate than obungo but obama was just as bad. I fucking hated obama. fucking nigger, all american presidents were anglos or irish with lbj being the one kike and he was larping as an anglo. and then you have obama, the nigger
>>321679 fucksake at least bojew looked a bit white
even when they get the race right they get everything else wrong
https://odysee.com/@millennialwoes:4/Gram202240:d WOES HAS NOW REACHED INTO OCTOBER WITH HIS GRAMS
>>321683 unsettling tbh
>>321663 sick of seeing debarge in this tbh. why didn't he use a based lad
>>321687 keeeeeeeeeeek
ban him
>>321689 >for I am a wet fart, you know
>Caliban attempted to rape Miranda and gleefully confirmed that if he had not been stopped, he would have peopled the island with a race of Calibans
>>321689 really don't like this historical precedent, hope somebody frags that shitskin.
I still seethe about obama everytime I see his face on the presidents line up
>>321636 Westoids are almost as psycho over Crimea as Zelensky. Unless they're brainwashed or willfully ignorant enough to buy it isn't Russian, they clearly want to start murdering le bad guys civilians for the thrill.
hate how atleast a third to 50% of the british people don't want him as PM because hes a wog but they can't say that so they have to do these acrobatics to justify why they don't want him
>>321697 northern russians and belarussians are based
>>321696 I always mask it a little by still telling the truth; first prerequisite for being the bloody PM, before the competence meme, should be someone considers themselves to be my countryman. Aside from the extra insult he's a darkie, his family lived in 3 completely different countries, and indeed continents, over as many generations, and he until recently held an American greencard. Johnson is much the same and torybois pretend he's really British.
>>321699 sounds like he's part of an international cosmopolitan clique to me.
>>321700 yeah he is a WEF bum boy
sunak is just some rootless pajeet scum like hyper jews just all over the anglosphere. the VP of shartica is a pajeet as well. all shitskins should fuck off
>>321701 I know I was making a joke. Honestly he will just be a continuation of Bojo and I don't think he'll ever receive the recognition he deserves for printing us into potential hyperinflation or the more sinister part where he may have done that intentionally to force us onto a digital currency.
>>321704 yeah CBDC is the plan
https://youtu.be/cZfGSbG_1Qo based hopefully construction collapses so I can go back to neet
>>321703 I think there is also an element of kike "work place diversity" shite that's used to get certain useful wogs sped up the promotional ladder.
>>321706 two more weeks
>>321706 If construction collapses here (highly unlikely) it'd take a huge chunk of the economy and probably a large chunk of the tory doner base with it.
>>321706 Does you firm work on volume junk homes?
>>321710 yeah that is what I am doing rn, its shite. did I poost about how in america during covid they are sheathing houses with cardboard? (actual cardboard)
>>321711 Yeah I think so, I didn't think it was actual cardboard though. I remember you linking a video where they were cladding timber homes without a proper waterproof membrane.
>>321578 Wow, so Kazakhstan had some dictator push a troublesome minority out so we should advocate on behalf of Reform UK! At last I truly see! You want to support civic nationalists so that you don't feel impotent (your are). >>321579 Yes, as I said earlier you gormless blood shitter. However that does not mean we should advocate them or even support them. Shit for brained cunt. IF THEY ARE NOT WITH US, THEY ARE AGAINST US!
>>321712 yeah its actual cardboard with just aluminum foil on it.
>>321714 Wew, it'll be a bog in six months in a climate like Michigan's.
>>321716 >thermo ply >it isn't ply and it isn't an insulator.
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek imagine being a deano and literally living in a cardboard box
just want a 12 acre freehold farm built out of stone and not within audible distance of a motorway
>>321718 I'd just take it off and resheet the house in marine plywood and then shove celetex into the cavities. It'd be expensive but you wouldn't have to worry about it for 50 years.
>>321719 stayed in a lovely welsh former farmstead around aberystwyth that was so deep in the valleys there was no mobile phone signal.
tempted to grow my own facial hair back tbh
>>321718 there's a new build estate near me that is built on top of an old rubbish tip
>>321726 maybe it will end like that simpsons episode with the rubbish erupting from the ground.
>>321721 all that shit is preformed at the lumber mill too. american construction is so fucking retarded. its like legos but with wood
>>321726 keeeeeeeek
>>321724 peng but i'd probably rather be up on the valley walls than at the bottom
>>321729 it's a shame really, I really admire carpenters that can knot together a load of angles into a roof.
>>321732 There was a narrow gauge railway that ran along the hillside, you could watch it go past.
>>321732 is that a euphemism?
>>321733 yeah when skullet boomer is in a good mood its pretty impressive to see his little tequila soaked chipmunk mind piecing together shit
>>321731 grow out your chin beard
>>321739 suburb masterrace is 1920s-1950s midwest based around chicago and detroit style manufactured homes built by sears corporation suburbs pleb tier is 1970s-1980s proto mcmansions la luiz extinguida tier is 1990s-current year mcmansion
>>321739 that pic is awful that first house is literally just a garage with a room on top of it and its all conceiled by gay angles and shit. it looks dogshit. and its not real stucco thats james hardie crap
>>321743 yeah thats where american stacies grow up in their palatial mcmansion suburbs
does anyone have that kino pick of rain belting it down in some American 1980's or 90's suburb?
Poo Minister tbh
>>321739 >makes good use of space
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for me its lower middle classoid fred flintstone houses
>>321743 problem is, at some point a garden becomes to small to be of any use and is just a waste of space. there's so many houses here that just have a 25' square patch of grass for no reason
>>321746 aye lad. appalachian kino
>>321752 ty lad, love that image I do.
>>321752 looks like pennsylvania
>>321751 It depends what you do with them. When they get that small you're better off putting in some flowering plants if you enjoy gardening.
>>321756 Suburbs only seem to coexist with nature because it's more green than a city. They're probably more destructive in regards to actual nature and it's interaction with human settlement.
you get more privacy living in a flat than in a deanobox where the houses surrounding you can watch you from their top windows
Woes just announed a new series
>>321758 That has more to do with how limited space is in the UK and the elimination of legislation dictating how big a dwelling space has to actually be. All you have to do is look at the houses and flats we used to build in the victorian era to see how we've been forced into shoe boxes since.
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for me it's astoria oregon
>israel flag
>>321762 what you haven't worked on an Israeli grape farm for free, on your holiday, you anti-semite?
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>went shops to buy teabags >forgot to buy teabags
>>321761 corr i really like this kind of geography and this style. i'd love to live in a hilly Pennsylvania towne with an old wooden house
>no seacow
goodnight sweet prince
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>>321738 >my beard/sideburns/mop hair creature needs vanquishing with the clippers again
>>321767 toil has won again.
>>321767 it's the midnight manatee, not a seacow pretty sure it's never on time because so many lads mistakenly call it a seacow instead of midnight manatee
>>321769 22's final transformation into a lorry driving rape bastard.
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do not cite the deep magic to me zoomer I was there when it was written
>>321756 fucking spic is a mcmansion rootless deanoid subhuman. smh calling based ranch homes where the kids all played together "Wigger". fuck middle classoids
>>321773 good lad I miss doggoman posting tbh
>>321766 look up wheeling west virginia, or harpers ferry lad its peak kino
>>321725 Why did you ever cut it, you Bald-faced Babylonian (
>>321765 exurbs are pure fucking cancer. 2nd pic is literally sears roebuck 1920s manufactured houses. smh this must be spic
>>321778 it is
>>321778 is that red brick housing that I have seen exclusive to places that where part of the 13 colonies like Boston? Or have they all been demolished?
>>321772 >22st lorry driving rape bastard.
>>321772 I'm not 22st smh
>>321782 time to purchase a lorry lad.
>>321781 damn ai is scary.
A WHOLE HOUR OF NIGEL FARAGE https://youtu.be/6F1vQqixVJs
>>321783 Prefer LOCAL rapebastarding.
>>321785 I keep forgetting he uses the car dealer pic as a thumbnail
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>>321786 >LOCAL rapebastarding. good lad
>>321780 can you post a pic, no boston and new england was all wood, it wasn't until tidewater virginia expanded enough that they had access to clay works and began sending bricks up to NE, its why according to the albions seed guy the upper midwest became obsessed with wood buildings because the yankees that moved in the the catskills and great lakes all learned to build in wood due to scarcity of clay. in virginia and the southern coast brick was much more accessible. brick was a luxury item in the north until the civil war period
boston town of course had brick, I think alot of it was actually brought from england
>>321785 Any particularly good bits in it? >>321787 Ignorance is a bad look, Anon
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this is yankee puritan architecture. all the brick work is in the middle because of shitty lime deposits in the new england area, wasn't until indiana was colonized that north had access to good lime and granite at least as far as I remember from uni
>>321791 idk tbh not listened to it all yet
The Final Days Of Shartica'
>>321789 Like old colonial brick row stuff.
>>321792 kind of house a witch or haint would dwell in
>>321791 >Any particularly good bits in it? he rips in to Rishi Sunak quite a bit in the first 10 minutes
>get banned for supporting the only democracy in the middle east >meanwhile spics foot fetish raceplay fantasies are undeleted
>>321801 > supporting the only democracy in the middle east "democracy" just means rule by Jews lad, so of course Israel is a "democracy"
>>321801 You should be banned for supporting democracy.
Indians on twitter are such smug little arselickers. Wish our Aryan ancestors had never raped them into semi-sentience.
>>321804 tbh I seethed hard looking at their poost during the day
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>>321804 yeah, they have to go too all of them
kill yourself spic
>>321799 >>321785 That staring ahead business is more awkward than Ed Milliband
>>321809 yeah some people in the Dissident Right are a bit black pilled about it - oh no a brown PM - but I expect his premiership to be fraught with disasters for which he will be blamed, so I don't really mind
sardines then drizzled the olive oil on a piece of french bread and dipped it in some balsamic with salt and pepper
>>321810 It demystifies the nigger-man. Still there may be an aura around him as the press enjoys the trolling and the Cuckservative Party tries to boost its man. I think based Farage is sharp enough to be able to treat him like any other ultimately mistaken prime minister of late.
the coping begins
Conservatives with false advertising about what membership will give you
>>321814 Bit rude, lad.
kinky Kansas ho tries to defend Kang by sitting on his face but is brutally pistol whipped by rival Kang https://twitter.com/iamyesyouareno/status/1584459973932695552
There is something deeply wrong if are women would rather fuck niggers and dogs. Are /brit/burqas the answer?
STEINER! Is this true?
>>321819 disgusting
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>>321821 That’s a lie! He’s even too tall for his trousers!
fresh bob
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>>321822 Standard height for the top of one of those portable crowd-control barriers is 1.1m, sometimes less depending on the feet. >>321826 smh, disgusting.
>>321828 can't figure out if this is based or not
>>321830 screeching foids do not automatically ascend from being cringe to being based merely through utterance of the gamer word, lad
Good morning lids
>>321832 looking forward to being led by men of straw.
>>321835 rise and shine
>>321832 Quite the vengeful mongoloid isn't he

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>several times a week, at around 1am, gingerlass leaves in her car for 10 minutes or so then comes back i dont get it what the fuck could she even be doing nothing makes sense
she's probably just going to the shop for some freddos and milk
she a drug dealer
>>321843 that would be cool
emerging from NEETdom when i'm in my 40s is going to be unfathomably distressing. it will be true despair i reckon and i need to try and avoid that experience with what little time i have left
>>321846 wew smh you're in for a rough time
smorbing on this bitch of an earth lads >>321846 how will you unneet yourself at that age tbh already unable to get a job in my late 20s just because I don't have a prior record of being a constant toiler
the only things i even have a chance at are dead end subhuman basement toil jobs for sub-80 iq mongoloids who are content to spend 12 hours a day packing boxes and standing at a conveyor belt line that's not going to ever lead to a career or a home or a wife so what's the point
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>>321848 smorb lad >>321849 thought those jobs were impossible to get as a huwhite man tbh
>>321851 could be tbf, not risked applying for any yet but it's what I used to do as a temp toiler smh
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cant fucken breeth thru me nose
Honestly what the fuck is wrong with some of you? Stupid mongs.
>>321854 t. literal mouth breather
I don't want to toil today thirty minutes remaining
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>>321859 my eyes after waking up tbh smh
>>321860 for me it's locked in a permanent grimace at being force to comprehend the society we live in
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>>321863 luv this pepe tbh
>>321863 >>321864 can't believe things are so shit I actually aspire to be in the same line of work as this JUSTed lad
>>321866 the things they force spiritual NEETs to do while migrants get paid to go to the gym, swimming pool and social events like parties
>>321865 It's not that bad tbh. you can have some hearty keeeks in the office environment
Victoria 3 is out today in 6 hours. I wonder if it'll be a massive fail . . .
*does the cope shuffle at my bossman's command*
>>321870 >tell me you've never worked without having ever worked
>>321872 just do that job training thing where they pay you a minimal amount while you're there, and when you're done they just say they don't need you anyway.. before getting a new trainee slave smh
>>321875 I should not have clicked that link.
Wessex baby I hope I'm white enough for you
williamoid fake pajeet never even seen a pig fight
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>start picking up litter from the floor >3 pick ups done and still no end in sight I give up. Any advice for a NEET who keeps littering his roomerino? thought about a bigger bin but there's not much space
STOP littering your room
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smh I guess taking out the rubbish when the bin is full would be a start
>take out bin that smells like used nappies >come back to room >sill smells >the bag had a hole in it and has leaked into the bin itself *screams*
my life is made up of endless good deeds not going unpunished
Did he find the solution to the daughter problem?
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job centre extra-bullied me by sending an appointment email for 11:50 after I had gotten home past 11:50 and I had to run back to confirm it was just their janky pajeet coded system fuckup and not an excuse to make me miss an appointment and apply sanctions >>321877 >tattoo >>321879 small bin but compress everything in it down occasionally >>321886 hope some paki does the job britons won't do and murders him in the street tbh
>>321888 smh they're always doing that to you
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>>321889 wish we got the abo centrelink treatment and just got free bennies and housing and petrol to sniff smh
>>321890 assoom our shit is just as bad these days tbh
>>321890 smh >>321891 tbh if only
I was one of the lads saying Russia would win in two months. I might kill myself.
>>321894 think they will still win eventually or is this a purposeful forever war to destroy the last vestiges of western power?
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>>321892 no our legislation is different in that food providers have to prove it's safe rather than stuff being brought to market and then someone has to prove it's unsafe.
>>321894 I thought the same but slamming into the already mobilised Ukrainian army will slow any military down.
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found a lass for you lads
>eye twitching from all the poonak sneething AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA >>321900 wow whoa
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Thought I was developing a good gym routine but then slowed my rep down to the rate I've been breathing at yoga. Now pecs have been screaming for two days straight 😓
Having a curried English breakfast to celebrate the ascendancy of Rashid Soonak to the throne https://twitter.com/tldrnewsuk/status/1584831015683776512
Too much irony, unseemly
Manx lad needs to dub this over a Sanook video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2n-OeXZxK1U
Reckon there are about ten million pakis and pajeets in the UK now. Been coming in since the 50s tbh

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