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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3797: Failed State Edition Anonymous 11/02/2022 (Wed) 04:51:33 Id: fde368 No. 324188
Ministers 'war game' emergency plans to cope with WEEK-LONG blackouts: Whitehall documents warn food and water supplies, transport and communications could be disrupted for seven days in a national power outage amid fears of an energy winter shortage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11379823/Ministers-war-game-emergency-plans-cope-WEEK-LONG-blackouts.html ​'Thousands' of corrupt officers may be in police after vetting failures, watchdog warns https://news.sky.com/story/thousands-of-corrupt-officers-may-be-in-police-after-vetting-failures-watchdog-warns-12736131 Cost of living crisis: Staples such as tea bags, milk and sugar surge in price as food inflation races to new record high https://news.sky.com/story/cost-of-living-crisis-staples-such-as-tea-bags-milk-and-sugar-surge-in-price-as-food-inflation-races-to-new-record-high-12735976 Edit: Thread Number Fixed
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:47:08.
He was a gentle soul, let down by treacherous politicians.
>>324188 Good lad
schmorn, toil soon, kinder choccy for brekky
>>324192 > kinder choccy for brekky You sound like fatty.
>>324193 kys, you are probably bins or 22st
>>324194 no lad
That's very insulting to suggest such a thing.
>>324192 smorning lad
and then the weird niggery ones
>>324199 >>324200 luv these tbh
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>>324201 I'll post the rest then
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and a few that don't really fit to round out the post
https://youtu.be/Z1v8iEuuvvM >isn't it fascinating that for 200 or 500-600 years there was a law which meant that it was much worse to kill somebody who wasn't English in England than somebody who was an invader wdhmbt
>>324202 >>324203 >>324204 >>324205 >>324206 based >>324207 smh the government's been siding with the furriners since forever
>job is "disability confident" and "guarantees interviews" if you say you have some long-term impairment >get an email the day after I applied saying I wouldn't get the job and I wouldn't get an interview either it's because I filled out the mandatory divershity paperwork honestly isn't it
LIVE • MIKE GRAHAM https://youtu.be/MJ-fZmnLUyM
It's so fucking over
>>324212 Hate him.
>>324212 slimy cunt and absolute retard he actually managed to get btfo by PAmong tier callers keek >>324213 AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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Not really bothered at all by environmentalists, who while wrong, are one of the most benign of the progressive cults. >Truckers, farmers and patriots take Brazil. They ask the military leaders to arrest Lula: "We will not allow a corrupt criminal to rule us!" <Brazilian truckers and farmers block roads in many cities. They contest Lula's victory. >Europeans don't want to starve and freeze for Zelensky and Ursula von der Leyen. Germany, Dresden. <Thousands of people in Chisinau to protest towards EU and NATO. Protesters demand the resumption of trade with Russia and the resignation of the pro EU President Maia Sandu. Moldovans don't want to starve and freeze for Zelensky and Ursula von der Leyen. >Protesters in Chisinau clash with police. Protesters demand the resumption of trade with Russia. Moldovans don't want to starve and freeze for Zelensky and Ursula von der Leyen.
>>324215 Clear off mongo
>>324211 they want someone obvious lad they want a wheelchair or at very least some crutches someone they can put next to the gay and the muslim for the perfect diversity trifecta smh normal-looking lads need not apply
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its just all so soul crushing we cant even emigrate and form a colony and LARP about retaking our homeland
>>324221 tbh smh
>>324223 perhaps sausagelad or whoever it was could liaise with dodgy albanian gun runners who definitely aren't gchq plants ready to groom depressed autists into shooting random innocents in supermarkets
>>324224 lad all it takes to change history is a bit of pipe, duct tape, some nails, match-heads and a battery gun control is a joke but who can be bothered tbh
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omw to Dover to do nothing naughty
>>324227 good lad, get us a few duty-free tins would ya
tried taping my mouth shut last night, still have a bit of morning breath so idk if my mouth was even completely closed (I left a gap in the middle so I wouldn't get a subtle sense of 'my nose is my only lifeline' anxiety that could interfere with sleep quality) but it is less. however I had to scrub glue off my lips for like 10 minutes so I definitely have to find a different kind of tape. I used micropore tape which is what medical people use, you'd think that would be skin (or lip)-friendly
it's over lads, they killed us whites. we had a good run, but this was our last chance and it's gone
>us whites
might as well get a brown gf since if we have white babies they'll just get hacked up with machetes by blacks for being too pale
he chews old car tyres as gum, he's been known to tape himself into bed and some say he can smell the feet of a mulatto from over 14 miles away aaand into the filter he goes
She is right here though
>>324234 is she back on twatter?
>>324233 keeking tbh
Where the fuck is the census information?
Ethnic group, national identity, language and religion As part of our topic summaries releases for Census 2021, we will publish data about ethnic group, national identity, language and religion in England and Wales. We have set a provisional date of 29 November 2022 to publish this release. We will release the rest of the topic summaries throughout November, December and early 2023. The Welsh Government will also publish Census 2021 topic summaries information that is specific to Wales.
I want to know what the new fun fact is tbh, this one is years old >>324239 good lad
>heinously vanilla skyrim speedrunner inspired attempt 6 >make a Lokir of Rorikstead nord because want to RP him dodging those archers, joining the rebels and getting revenge on imperials for condemning him >helgen, hrothgar and dawnstar horsetilt time of about 7 minutes >actually get ghost tilting to work >time to discover several main quest locations, about 18 minutes >accidentally discover Rorikstead, fast travel back to get Erik the Slayer follower AAAAAHHHH I'M GOOOOOOMING.
First one to solve it gets a gf
>>324248 it's hard to think that this was made unironically
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>>324248 fixed the mistake
>>324251 ACK there is still a strip at the bottome
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>>324250 Good lad. Enjoy the gf
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>>324255 so Lew is the most alpha poster on this board?
>>324256 the maid has become the master
please stop both of you
>>324258 >both of you lad, I'm not agreeing with him ffs
you need to stop posting unpersons regardless bins you really do keep bringing them up nothing warrants it
>>324261 tbh stop reminding me these freaks exist
>>324256 cute couple
>>324262 in the immortal words of joe "Nobody cares, right!" they will kill themselves eventually, either of statistics or fag diseases we don't need to know about them
>>324256 Lew looking good with the beard tbh. Wish poombs had a beard too
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>>324264 >they will kill themselves eventually that will be longer after you depart lad
>>324266 >bins dies of old age before Poombs joins the 50%
>>324265 Only just clicked that the one on the right is pembs. Wew. Is it another faceapp or is he really hitting the trap wall that hard?
>>324268 im sure this will save the white rice
>>324261 >you really do keep bringing them up bringing who up?
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Serious question: why is Dorset allowed to post here at all?
Because I'm a believer in the white rice.
>>324268 keeeeek
>>324273 Stop being a gayist.
>>324275 he can't keep getting away with it
>>324275 I'm not a gayist.
Why is #TheNoticing trending on twatter? I feel like this is might be a trap.
>>324281 its been trending for at least 24 hours now Kanye's actions started it
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I have dustmites on the very top of my bookshelves, been dousing them with cleaner all day and bought a dehumidifier because the RH in my abode is 78%
>>324269 bad lighting tbh
plap plap plap plap
>When the brown bussy eye winks at you ITADAKIMASU!
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>>324288 Lew? more like JEW!
>burnt my tongue on the first onion ring ACK
>>324291 Are you one of the trannies lad?
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>>324287 >plap plap plap plap what was the purpose of this post?
>>324293 thats the sound of when you fuck thighs/bumcheeks really hard tbh
>>324288 god you're still so obsessed lol i wonder what your homosexual server is like 22st and bins
>>324294 yeah but what purpose did it server?
>>324296 what is the purpose of 90% of /shit/ posts?
>>324297 have you bummed jocko yet?
>>324296 /brit/ isnt your personal drama shitposting board when you get tired of talking about your favourite lgbts in your gay server dude
>>324299 Dorset's server is the gay one lad
>>324300 keep posting our pics on a board no one wants to see them lmao
>>324302 Are you a tranny?
>>324302 >keep posting our pics our? who are you? pembs? lew? jocko?
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>>324303 Dorset is summoning his troon hoard to defend him again
>>324292 No, why
>>324295 it's a funny joke about how he's going to eat the arsehole lad
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>He rides so fast >Upon the wind >The mighty one >The Bum Bum King! >With fearless stride >He heeds the call >Short thought nor pride >He'll save us all!
>>324309 Cool poom lad
>>324310 thanks lad
Kind of liked that cartoon that pic is from tbh, but they had to go and make characters dykes
>>324312 it was good when it started, once it was succesful they brought on diversity writers, who absolutely wrecked it many such cases
>bins watches cartoons for children he's so cute
>>324314 The robot in Andor, B2EMO is clearly named after BMO They call him B
>>324315 was going to say based but >andor
tfw ist and phobe
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63485073 qrd on the census, its grim but the real seethe seems to be getting released at the start of the month
>>324318 Not as bad as I thought tbh
*end of the month
Welp done with work and the board is back to fag drama.
>>324317 global-ist and russia-phobe?
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>>324322 You got b
Even the prospect of looking at the census date is getting me down.
make another "b" post and see what happens poofters
wish putin would nuke COP27 and take out all western "leaders" in one swift act
johnny b goode
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okay lads it's official, you NEED to do red light therapy. been doing red light therapy on my face and testicles and my skin looks great and I feel great, my testosterone is so much higher, I can feel it. my voice is deeper, I'm confident, everything is just better. based Tucker Carlson for bringing this up, I'm amazed at how much red light can do >>324256 Pembs' jaw is more square than Lews... also does Lew have a lazy eye? >>324281 there's a couple weeks of lapse in moderation on twitter before traitor Musk brings in the twitter sanhedrin to ban all whites off the platform >>324230
>>324327 one fell poop
>>324230 *screams*
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>he isn't supercharging his balls with the power of 10 joules of red light 1-2 times per day when there's literally no reason not to just buy the fucking panel and plug it in and charge up >>324331 whereforth art thou screaming, ladling?
>>324330 one small boop
>>324329 spig?
>>324332 idno lad he said the white race was over
>>324336 oh I thought he was (you)ing my new post about the red light therapy. yeah screaming about the twitter disappointment is bad. I'd say it's like a <25% chance that people will be able to talk about the jews on twitter.. he said he's gonna put the ADL on the content moderation council to "combat hate" and even "enforce its election integrity policies" which is one of the key things that I thought Musk was going to allow even if he still banned racisms. like I thought the whole point was to let Trump and his supporters back on twitter.. if you can't even talk about 2020 election fraud, nevermind jews/race then what's the difference from before? where is the new line and the old line? there's no difference
>lego fan complaining that lego packaging is plastic and not paper bit weird >>324339 Simply there being an obvious line you can walk without being banned would be an improvement I guess. Part of bannings and blacklistings now is that you have to guess at the rules and rulecuck yourself very hard, and even then you might still get banned
seems Musk is just buying twitter to drive the stock up and sell it for a huge profit and make tens of billions. he'll fire all of the incompetent weirdo freaks and hire competent white male programmers and make the site better, but not actually giving free speech, just bring up the price to flip it and get richer
>>324337 I've been thinking abotu getting a red light machine tbh
>>324343 do it, the benefits are real and significant, I'm convinced. bought it thinking 'maybe there is something to this, it can't hurt, worth a try' and now I'm like 'holy fuck that's powerful'
2019 perfect, she went way too far, damn feeder fags
spig has finally completely transcended sunlight altogether
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Why isn't Dorset perma banned?
>can't sort youtube channel videos by oldest anymore
>>324346 yeah. most of the benefits of sunlight are in the red light / near-infrared part of the spectrum which you can replicate with a red light therapy panel without the harmful ultraviolet radiation that damages your skin and eyes. red light therapy panel and vitamin D3 supplement, there's literallly no reason to ever be exposed to sunlight >>324349 shush
some absolute benders on this site. think i'll take my amazing posts elsewhere from now on.
>>324352 oh? where will you take them? hmm?
>>324352 stay with us aggnonce... but don't post that nasty little goblin. well, you can post what you want, but I don't agree with it
>>324353 why to the GCHQ tip line of course.
>>324329 the most beautiful women have square jaws and that's a fact proven by science
a-at least you can flee to Copeland
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>>324358 wtf the mersey doesnt exist on this map
bristol's fucked up too. what did they mean by this?
suicide, immediately.
>>324364 What are you talking about?
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>>324352 bye bye
homos that are anti-heeb > heteros that a heeb fetishists
>>324368 >homo-enabler
>homos aren't paedophiles
>totally misrepresenting me and defending agg-nonce
live pwr starring some immigration documentarian Patriotic Weekly Review - with Steve Laws https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR182:9
another week another comment about the EC and the "incomplete forms" being ignored
My war against the dust mites continues. They're largely dead. The smell of damp has gone. The de humidifier isn't working but I will give it time.
>>324375 What's with the really bad mixed fabric shirts in nineties dad colours in the dissident right?
>there is btw a yt channel dedicated to blk women femcels spreading anti black male messages. kinda cringe stuff. "Oh I found Brad and he treats me like a Queen" >>324378 keek I missed that
>>324378 Mark Collett is from 2002 where live streams are ground breaking politics
where the soy at?
>>324379 yeah they call themselves "swirl". don't agree with fucking sheboons though, it is actually beastiality. just look at the infographic, you can clearly see that they are a different species. yevvs are evil, nigs are beasts. other races, I don't care if white men fuck their women for recreation, provided they don't produce mutt offspring idk if I should get a gf or if I do if she should be fellow whiteoid or a lovely spicc, idk man. but this red light therapy is changing me, I'm just exuding chad energy, I have no doubts that I could get a gf in this state. I wish I got my testosterone tested before so I could test again 2 weeks later and see the difference because I really think that it like doubled my test which is not unheard of, I see 2-3x in other people's red light therapy results
Uncle seething in the family group chat because the pub he usually goes to for football turned him away because it's full of Croats. Made a cheeky comment about the census to set him off again.
>>324384 >spic gets an erection presente!
don't care about macaco politics
>>324386 a big crowd of European or predominately European-descended people Roman saluting with flags and a patriotic song is kind of a big deal lad, wherever it happens
UH OH STINKY A work by William Shakespeare. ACT I. Scene I. The zoo. An orangutan enclosure. Enter LE MONKE, a corpulent ape. LE MONKE Oh bother, a foul smell! Fecal matter! Ha-ha-ha, hilarious, defecate material. The ape laughs continuously. It screeches vociferously. LE MONKE Hooray for excrement! Congenial fecal matter! Defecation is jocular, ha-ha! Fecal matter pertains to my satisfaction, ho-ho. The maniacal creature continues to shriek vehemently in a nonsensical fashion. LE MONKE Oh bother-- I believe, perchance, I may have created indurated excrement originating from my posterior. The wretched creation begins to chortle ominously. LE MONKE Fecal matter in my trousers... without undergarments! This is exhilarating. By all the saints, my undergarments are stained with excrement. Ho-ho-ho. We yearn for fecal matter! We yearn for fecal matter! Fecal matter. Exeunt omnes. THE END.
>>324389 did you make that lad or did you paste it from somewhere else
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>>324390 Found it on reddit
>>324390 it was in my external hard drive in a notepad file marked "le monke" that is all I know >>324391 (You) too
>>324394 le bat pepe makes me keek each time smh guess it's the context
Having looked at some of the census data, I think I'd like to move to Pembrokeshire or similar. 99% white.
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>looking at job listings >freelance breast prosthesis fitting consultant
>>324387 spic shilling moortuguese shite
Very nearly lost my thumb at toil this morning I made a really stupid mistake in a split second panic and my hand got forced underneath a part of a machine, the part moves up and down and fortunately there was just enough room to whack my thumb then force it through underneath barely, had it been any lower my hand would've been pulled through but my thumb remaining stationary, tearing it off I guess Just need to type it out to better ingrain it into my mind for next time tbh. Good reminder into our fragility and how these large machines will not stop for a bit of flesh Maybe toils not worth it after all
>>324400 this post made me sweat. Is it fine then?
>>324401 Absolutely fine not a mark Bit of a coin toss tbh, either absolutely fine or absolutely not-fine
>>324400 lucky tbh never been around a bloody industrial accident but have seen factory fuckups smh they encourage subhuman production line toilers to cut corners and when things go wrong it's the toiler's fault for not following health and safety guidelines binmen business does the same thing
>>324399 t. Chief Seething Hog >>324400 that's rough >Maybe toils not worth it after all certainly not in a noisy manufacturing type environment where you can suffer grevious bodily harm in a split second accident like that. think about it... something like that happens, you'd be better off if you never worked one hour at that place, you'd give all the money back to heal the injury but you can't
my ear got clogged with earwax from putting in ear protection at toil and I had to get it irrigated at a clinic, and the super thicc nurse scarred up my eardrum and now sometimes I miss some speech from that. also my left cornea got a little sunburned from sunlight reflection, but the red light therapy is supposed to help with that. in either case I'd rather have just stayed home than work at those places and get permanent malus to body
>>324397 would rather have sheep for company than wogs
>>324402 Back to watching videos of chinks getting crushed, torn and bisected I guess
>>324399 hey steiner, how does pickup-truck culture survive niggers who would be likely to steal things off the pickup bed? does everyone have a locked rigid cover over their truck these days when not carrying planks or ladders, and is that not merely a cope for a situation where a van would be better? >>324407 sharing is caring lad
>>324408 I've seen pickups with added superstructure on the back to prevent stealing a bit even here in the UK keeek like having an extra-large boot I guess
>>324400 Sounds rough lad, glad you didn’t get any serious damage Be careful at work lad
looks like kiwifarms is ded
>>324412 it's working for me https://kiwifarms.net
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>>324394 Let me know what episode you land on. Lost track of time skyrooming again. Will have to catch up.
>>324414 I’m banned here again, unjust trumped up charges We finished on episode 16 today, so the next one we will watch is 17 (probably tomorrow). We tend to watch 3-4 episodes a night
>>324408 >does everyone have a locked rigid cover over their truck these days when not carrying planks or ladders, and is that not merely a cope for a situation where a van would be better? yes and yes. I keep a camping shell on mine with locks on it as my cope it basically made my truck into a van
butt matrix van life thots made shitty ford econo-vans 20-30k and the cool euro style ones you guys have are like 50k plus here for used even
and the power steering unit in my truck just died so I have to drive mummies little car to boomer toil again and get bullied
BBK save meeeeeeeeeeee!
>>324420 didnt you just buy a new truck
>>324422 no it was used not new it had 100k miles on it though 2005 silverado
>>324389 Inconceivably based >>324424 keek fucking other company shoppers
My face is like a razor blade tbh, good for scratching itches.
schnafternoon lads had a retoil interview today tbh think i aced it >>324425 >seated rodeo cor
https://mobile.twitter.com/SAshworthHayes/status/1587777415312560128 >The latest census data shows 1 in 6 people in England and Wales are first generation immigrants, with 40% arriving in the last decade. A brief reminder of what the Conservative party spent that period promising: >Instead, there were more arrivals between 2020 and 2021 than in the whole of the 1980s.
>>324429 So Dorshit was supposedly permabanned this thread even though he didn't even post anything ban worthy. What gives? Who did it? Don't like this style of modding at all. No reasons given, just outright permabans.
Bongofags must die
>>324431 Woesist hours
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>>324431 it's that BBK faggot he sees a post he doesn't like and he permabans. why the hell is he a mod? and apparently "Woesist" banned this poster too for criticizing moderation. Auslad get rid of these fucking mods
the only people who have been banned are dramafags like bins, 22st and dorshit and spic who has no rights anyway so we don't need a reason to ban him
>>324434 I'm BBK, last lad I banned was the lad posting little girls in slag costumes 29/10/2022 for 1 day
*deletes cookies and hops ip* you know what's worse than "bongoloids"? filthy fucking banfagging mods! >>324436 okay well you've done bad bans before so you should be unmodded too but pardon me for blaming woesist's bans on you
>>324435 so, like half the board?
Holy shit he has to go. I got permabanned for just questioning it.
>>324221 >>324430 really wish the vooter mongs would wake up tbh they vote tory to protect themselves from the things that the tories are doing smh useless cattle >>324431 >>324434 smh hang on a minute while i check the logs
Auslad don't listen to spic and the bongofags, they are poison to the board
>>324437 *bans you for mildly annoying smee*
keeeeeek based quads of banfagging
You are now being banned for lying, you were banned for 1.drama fagging 2.posting smut 3.being a gayist 4.being a foreigner with no rights stop acting like you have any say on the board, if it was up to you scum this place would look like 4/pol/
Auslad, please demod him. Permabanning me and deleting posts just for pointing it out.
Do you really want Dorshit and his goons to declare war on the board?
>>324446 I don't even know what halfchan /pol/ looks like because I've never used that website. you're the one that's trying to curate the board into what you think it look like in your mind
auslad making people mods is like elon musk putting the ADL on the content moderation board
>>324449 >because I've never used that website. then how did you get here
Auslad is a weak BO. We need a strong BO. We need BBK as BO.
Its literally just spic on 2 IPs now KEEEEEEEEEEEK even has the same writing style, fuck off you mutt prick you don't have any rights nobody likes you
I'm one of the only posters on here who actually posts anything of value
>>324451 8ch.net was my first IB >>324452 nooooooooooooooo auslad would be fine if he'd just be the only one with moderator permissions >>324453 no there are like 1-2 other people >>324454 I'm legitimately one of the better posters, in fact just today I explained the secret of how to supercharge your balls with red light therapy
>>324446 can't even see the bans smh lad did you lift them? also please don't permaban lad it's not like it stops people from posting tbh it just clogs up the ban list
>>324456 the bans are mostly lifted, some people just need to learn their lesson, they were banned for dramafagging in the thread, now its spic and this mong who posts about red light therapy seething because they were banned for trying to start drama again, just ignore them
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I issue an ultimatum to Auslad. You remove Woesist as mod within the next hour, as well as any permaban I may have. Failure to comply will lead to outright war with me and my goons. I hope you make the sensible choice.
bins, 22st and dorshit need to be regularly banned otherwise they get too uppity, and as you can see they have went and complained in a bongo to start yet more drama
We don't negotiate with terrorists
>>324457 i can't see what was banned though or why so now it's just he said she said smh >>324458 sorry lad i don't negotiate with terrorists >>324460 lad i was going to say that
dorshit is a mong, he was unbanned and now with that post hes banned again, hoisted by his own petard
>>324456 why do you insist on modding these people? just get rid of them, let the board be free >>324457 >its spic and this mong who posts about red light therapy I'm spic and I'm the one talking about red light therapy you mong. and I'm not "starting drama", you're starting drama by banning people. just leave the board alone, let people post, there's no problem other than the one you create >>324458 based, it'd be a shame if Jockette fires up the obscenity engines >>324462 you can't ban dorset you fucking freak
>>324461 Bad choice mate. I'm going to destroy this board. Stupid twat.
>>324461 >so now it's just he said she said someone who uses bongos word is worth a third that of a pure board only poster, and as a reliable poster and a mod you should believe me
Spic has been spamming feet pics all week and being uppity, if he wasn't kept under control he'd singlehandedly ruin the board, and dorshit keeps tranny posting and bins keeps dramafagging
>>324463 then we'll be overrun with gayists and troons and all other kinds of anti-brit brit posters >>324464 rude smh thought we were friends >>324465 tbh bongoloids are always shitstirrers smh
>>324464 Last time your trannies tried that they gave up after two minutes keeek
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NO MODS, NO MASTERS *beats the war drums* >>324466 I've never spammed anything. posting a pretty feetsie or two every so often is good, it uplifts the Aryan soul. I don't agree with the dorset tranny thing and bins can be a nuisance sometimes but banning is not the solution. just filter if you don't like somebody, you have no right to vandalize their posts or make them have to hop ips which also has the effect of disrupting filters >>324467 no we don't, only people that are already immersed in the board's culture even know about this place
110kg deadlift by accident tbh, had to move the loaded bar out the way to do my normal deadlift (there were two fully loaded bars in the deadlift area because of lazy cunts).
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it was not part of his blood, when the dorshit began to shake
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>>324469 >feet lad nobody wants to see it if there's a few who do they already know where to find it and that's not here >>324470 based
>>324473 people wanting to see or read a post is not a prerequisite for that post being made. just let things be and get rid of any mod that won't
>>324473 morning lad stay strong and put down spic and the shitstirrers tbh I'm going toil and can't stand to be around when 90% of activity is pure shit anyway
>>324476 smorn lad
>>324476 calling me a shitstirrer is a new low for you
>>324478 Says the lad who stirs jocko's shit
gayboys everywhere.
>>324479 yeah so what? have sex incel
>>324481 *looks at you in discussed*
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shoving my dick into jockos arsehole right now tbh
>>324483 Cool it with the homosexual remarks tbh
https://youtu.be/LZffPvUSiX4 *listens to ghost stories while awaiting job centre meating*
>>324484 literally stirring this beautiful flower of scotlands last nights haggis
Forgive me, sweet door shit.
>>324486 Are you feeling better now lad? Got it all off your chest?
>had a dream I was explaining to a bunch of cringecels that physically attractive people get away with more because of the universal that people forgive them more easily
>>324485 remember to hold one of the office foids hostage, it's a great way to show work ethic and secure a job.
2 nuts down 3 days in
toil calls good by
>>324491 smh rip lad
>nut retension therapy (NRT), also known as nofap, is a form of prostate and hormone therapy used to treat symptoms associated with effeminacy and degeneracy.
I'm gonna do it lads I'm going to get through this month clean after stumbling at the first hurdle.
>>324495 it gets easier after 3rd month
>>324495 good lad i stumbled too smh we're all gonna make it
Last time I no fapped I went ages, and even got succubused
>>324498 based
>>324499 Waking up covered in 2 months of jizz isn't based lad
>>324500 keeeek smh it's proof that you didn't go willingly lad
>Pretends to drown to grab some boob I'm too smart for the anti-incel beach task force https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90_yA8oejT4
>>324502 >raging because a guy took pics of your tits >call him disgusting >yet you have them out on the fucking beach
My half spent zoot got thrown out
>>324504 zoot?
>>324505 dapper tbh
>>324504 that's what you get for not fully committing lad fence-sitters get the bin bag
Not fond of beach culture in general tbh, I think it's degenerate and shits up the coast
>>324508 I wish I had a private beach tbh.
>>324508 depends on what you mean by beach culture tbh from what i've seen beach locals are very protective of their beaches and hate beachgoers too
knew i shouldn't've made those jack o'lanterns tbh smh developed a candle addiction that's very quickly spiraling out of control
>>324510 I mean bikinis and topless shite, things like flying kites and playing volleyball and so on are based and beside the seaside pilled https://youtu.be/aOUWSSMLdjI
>>324511 I should really be candle maxxing given were probably going to have rolling black outs this winter.
>>324512 trad audiokino that tbh smh thots will be thots tbh wish we were back in edwardian times back when improper behaviour was shamed >>324513 keeeeek tbh lad stock up now before the niggercattle empty out the shops
>tfw you get all the fiction you need for entertainment through studying the bad ideas of your enemies
>>324483 i knew it!!!
>>324488 it's true
>in-your-face aztecnigger degeneracy
>>324519 thats where spic belongs
>>324520 Like a lot young aztecniggers in USA, I don't think it speaks Spanish. Hence aztec rather than spic
That's a Spanish language board
>>324523 women, as a whole, were some of the biggest supporters of the national socialists because women just conform and go with the crowd, that's their way
just as I said that I had an awful fart that made thinking about anything sexual disgust me. How do homos do it
>>324526 They do it in the butt
Alistair Campbell has been fingered as coordinating the Albanian migrant invasion
>>324524 women were national socialists because it fulfilled everything women truly want: strong men with whom to breed
fell asleep and woke up with a huge erection smh, the sleep jews almost caught me
>>324527 oh yeah they plug it so the smell don't escape
I can now drive a lorryrino with a trailerino. WE did it, boys
>>324533 Proud of you lad. Now you can do something useful for the first and only time in your wretched, grotty existence; a lorry of peace visit to a rapefugee center.
>>324532 Keeeek
>>324533 good lad, you are unironically the most successful man here now
>>324533 well done lad
let's all post our bumcheeks in celebration of 22st's success
>>324534 but then I'd lose it again smh. I never want to take a driving test ever again. Has me so stressed >>324536 >>324537 Thanks lads >>324538 I'd appreciate that
toil done got "festive sausage rolls" at the coop which appear to just be regular sosij rolls but with a bit of cranberry sauce and twice the price coop prices in general are really fleecing the boomers who go in there keek everyone else shops at more sensible places >>324533 congratulations make sure to pick up lots of hitchhikers and make uncomfortable conversation with them until they ask to be let off again
>>324540 >make sure to pick up lots of hitchhikers and make uncomfortable conversation with them until they ask to be let off again traumatic past, lad?
>>324541 just think it would be funny tbh but also yes when I was toiling with vanlad and got an injury that needed me to to the ER I hitched a ride with a hare krishna cultist
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The old paki that joined the woodcarving group I'm in, after a boomer advertised for new members on faceberg, brought his 19 looking hook nosed paki son today. Dressed like le american nigger rapper. Can tolerate the harmless old paki but I immediately entered a fight or flight physiological response when I saw the son. Hate being reminded it's against the laws of our green and pleasant land for me to murder such racial alien interlopers on sight.
visited the grandparents and they said they were already consooming mince pies every week keeek
they've got 23andme for dogs and cats now https://youtu.be/lXYBYCNI5Dw
>>324542 keeeeeeeek >>324543 what are you carving lad?
>>324542 smh the origin of the leg hole >>324543 tbh had a related incident today, so tired I don't even care to write it tbh. nah not gonna share it
>>324545 all data must be collected we will not use this data for nefarious purposes
>>324547 tell the story lad
>>324530 >strong men with whom to breed breed? ||b?||
>>324543 >Hate being reminded it's against the laws of our green and pleasant land for me to murder such racial alien interlopers on sight. for now...
>>324549 Show up at the traffic station where my driving test will be and I have to tell them I have arrived and clarify that the payment will come afterwards through the jobcentre. I give this message to a pakipoo who speaks broken Norwegian, and I can tell she's struggling, so I clarify it twice. She says it's okay and that it's been registered. Then I get chewed out by the lad who will be conducting the test for not having done the necessary step, which is what I thought i did with the brown woman. Smh was already so stressed out and that just made it worse. Such a farce giving all these jobs to brown people just so it looks good on statistics even though they do a terrible job
>>324551 tbh, the normies are getting angry. I wonder what they'll do come the thnic release census. Getting extremely daft thoughts lately. >>324552 chop her fucking head off lad
Laura Towler just wrote on Telegram that the newly released census data tries to obscure the current ethnic make-up of the UK
officially endorsing these duck spring rolls
>>324554 ethnic data comes out later in the month, can't fill in a fucking form or read the census website. Might join PA and become its fucking leader at this point
>>324557 keeeeeeeeeek they really need a man of action
>>324558 https://youtu.be/oMqVckzhT50 The best response we have is these jokers smh
>>324557 >Might join PA and become its fucking leader at this point do it lad!
I want to do something on the day the data gets released. Something hilarious and local. I'm not sure what, however.
>>324562 >Something hilarious and local Burn down a migrant hotel?
>>324557 >further delay the most important results for a month >nothing fishy here
>bend over >sneeze and fart at the same time
>>324563 tbh >>324564 yeah, if PA weren't run by two fucking mongs they could make a huge fuss and do a massive protest on the day of data release
The only people fucking off are the Irish keek
>>324567 >population of almost 70 million >only 22 million marriages >most of those will be foreigners
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We need a merging of dissident parties. PA should be doing everything to network and merge with For Britain, BNP, English Democrats, disillusioned Ukip, etc. We need bodies willing to field candidates for based neets like wessica to vote for. Never had any nationalist candidate stand here in my lifetime.
>>324570 no lad, old women don't make autists, they make downies but it looks like she got away with it
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If the feds ever come for me I will blame all my edgy posts on (You) poster, and they won't know the difference
>>324571 It's at the point where I'm considering standing as an independent at this point. Fucking seething tbh, there is nobody out there taking any real action. Every nationalist is sitting around doing fucking live streams or going camping or whatever the fuck. Sick to the back fucking teeth of it. We're the only major European nation without some form of pro-native representation in government.
>>324569 have you caught up with chainsawman yet? new episode is out, we will watch this sneevening
It's this fucking conceit that we need to walk around the issue instead of tackling it head on. We need to contest elections.
>>324575 yeah I am up to date
>>324577 b is busy playing his stupid game until 9pm
>>324574 tbh hope you go through with it lad
>>324579 she's getting big
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>>324579 pushing your beliefs on your kids is bad by the way
>>324581 yeah, she's exceeding her carbon footprint how dare she
>>324585 oh this is from March
Getting officially nominated Whether you’ve been selected by a party or are standing as an independent candidate, you must make sure that you are officially nominated as the election date draws nearer. This means getting 10 people to sign your nomination papers (signatories must be registered electors in the ward where you wish to stand) available from your local council’s democratic services department. You must also give your consent in writing to your nomination. All the necessary documents must be submitted 19 working days before the day of the election.
>324588 >denies (You)
>>324591 no lad, you don't understand that was supposed to be *my* post and he stole it!
can't wait for dinner tbh sosij rolls and soupo
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flame grilled garlic chicken and fried veg for smee
Nigel Farage reacts to RNLI crew getting kicked out of a hotel to house migrants https://youtu.be/giMkUT8F3Go
>>324597 not watching but keeking at that headline >paticipate in traitorous human trafficking and enabling the invasion of our country >get replaced by the same people you brought in serves them right
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>>324592 >still bothered by the legacy of patrick crusius, years after his arrest >seethe posts crusius' caricature to deal with his misery of it What a weakling pawn of the Jesuits. Patrick will be alive for years more while those whom he attacked are gone for years.
>>324598 while they are not busy ferrying migrants into the country they are at "training courses" being put up at 5* hotels. absolute joke of a charity now tbh
>>324597 This turned into the story of the year, much bigger than any of the Conservative Party leadership theatre
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bzzz bzzz bzzz wheres the shites?
>>324603 we must secure the existence of our eggs and a future full of shite
Daily Dogshite blocked my comment saying that the ethnic British people need a voice.
>>324602 >stupid alt shite shill desperate to keep his metaphysical masters in power CRIIIINGE
>>324603 Yeah scatology just like the rest of what is in your heretic addled skull, wank stain
t. looks like a child drew a face on a packet of sausages
>>324609 Leave us all alone, tbh. No, the Vatican can't peaceable have all of the Anglosphere top political spots, who would be so limp as to allow that >>324608 >stop talking about my political affiliation that way!! >t. Nigger brain
sick of this fat faggot and his boring gimmick
>>324610 tbh, we need to form a crusius party in every anglo country to thwart the jesuits. celebrating his birthday every year is also a good idea. he did more than SHITLER ever did
the jesuits are outside! they saw my post! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
>>324612 Every generation needs its heroes. Was getting a bit triggered just now seeing Farage wearing the pin on poppy, for people who made a sacrifice @100 years ago
>>324613 OK u getting filtered
>>324616 A spear is a useful tool, can be thrown, etc
>>324616 imagine him standing in your way with a halberd to protect the dinghycels
>>324618 *stabs you*
I was banned! I was permabanned! The Jesuits control the board! Help us Wotan!!
>>324622 Smh lad why would they ban you?
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>>324622 I'm a Protestant, you heretics haven't won the Battle for the Bible. Go call the ambassador to Vatican City and complain
>>324623 I defended Crusius! They've infiltrated the thread! Madlad is a Jesuit! Bum Bum King is a Jesuit! Auslad is a Jesuit! We're in the belly of the beast!!
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>>324619 well if she hadn't been sexually assaulted by a migrant, a white man would have done it instead obviously
>>324625 It do be like this though.
Unironically, standing as an independent doesn't seem that difficult. It's what PA should be doing until they can get registered as a party.
>>324619 the reddit thread is surprisingly based. apparently the keks on r/ireland banned him and removed the post.
>>324625 >>324629 >t. Jesuitical scum
>>324631 A lot of surprisingly based stuff about recently tbh
it is the clam before the strom dare we hope that this will be.... A White Christmas?
*canned laughter plays
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>>324636 the sun has set on the /brit/osh empire
>>324430 like clockwork
>>324639 >literally just lying
>>324635 >clam before the storm ?
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>boy raped by migrants >white people to blame
>324431 >"Dorshit... didn't even post anything ban worthy." Leave the vicinity immediately, nigger.
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>>324494 >>324495 >>324496 >>324497 I haven't coomed since Halloween, not even close. gonna make it the whole month.. from red light therapy on testicles, good sleep last night, 3 days semen retention, my voice is the deepest it's ever been I think >>324533 big money for are toots
>>324644 there is no such thing as "ban worthy"
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>>324648 mmmmm latinas
>>324650 I disavow the frizzy haired nig ones though
>>324649 doing the jobs britons won't do and btfoing the piggies
>>324643 fucking hell. the gayest feature of twitter is that people can choose that noone can reply to their tweets so they can have their own little hugbox. shame elon was a washout..
>>324653 didn't know he'd done that yeah, that is gay
>>324654 twitter was already like that
>>324643 Wew fucking hell i thought that was a fake sneethe tweet. Baffling how that retarded nigger has been an MP for so long
>>324656 Her constituents are mostly low IQ gibsmedat groids.
>>324657 the perfect voter base.
>>324424 keeek yeah skullet boomers last laborer always roasted him for driving a ford and then skullet boomer rage fired him
>>324659 What's the Ford meme about? It was one of the original American car companies.
MORGOTH LIVE NOW WITH PATRICK CASEY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyoebEUVAg0
>>324660 its just a gay redneck meme mainly around whose truck is better. tbh ford makes way better trucks since they use aluminum bodies and General Motors was for a long time making really shitty ECM and wiring. also ford uses powerstroke which is an american made diesel whereas GM uses duramax which is japanese
literally if you ever go to a flyover state in shartica or leaf just start bantering about ford versus chevy and most people will imediately become your friend its like the only safe form of banter left in PC world
>>324661 But isn't it our goyslop time?
>>324661 >time between opening stream and morgoth mentioning le spenglo: 120 seconds
>>324662 >>324663 >steiner is a ford man ban this gayist!
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>>324664 yes it is, but b is playing his stupid game until 9pm
>>324667 Smh and I made sure to stop skyrooming before 8 today.
>1 million immigrants entered britain in 2021
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Someone just shot Imran Khan. Paki civil war is coming.
>>324671 great more refugees.
Imran Khan: Pakistan ex-prime minister wounded at protest march >Pakistan's ousted Prime Minister, Imran Khan, has survived a gun attack on his convoy while holding a protest march in the eastern city of Wazirabad. >He was wounded in the leg when a burst of gunfire hit his vehicle. One person was killed and at least five others were injured. >Mr Khan, 70, was leading the march, which was meant to end in the capital Islamabad. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-63496202 he was marching on islamabad like some kind of paki mussolini.
>>324673 He's married to a Jewess
>>324674 دا یوازې ښه کاروبار دی
>>324674 he divorced her
>Pakistan's population (2021): 225.2 million >Syria's population (2011): 21 million
>>324679 that is a lot of inbreeding
>parents car got stolen >police don't do anything about it despite having a tracker that reveals the exact location >tracker moves >police eventually find it in a bush, several hours after we reported the theft :|
>>324681 They should embrace esoteric legism.
>>324681 wouldn't want them to endanger themselves by going after a criminal lad much safer to wait until it's all over and they don't have to do any of that nasty arresting business
>>324681 should've called your cousins and uncles to pony up and hunt down the thieves like border rievers. frankly you deserve what happened.
>morgoth makes a game of thrones reference OOHHHH I'M SPPPPEEEEEEENGGGGLING
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>>324687 it's a special kind of keek that he admitted everything he said about le holoshart was fake on his deathbed, but it's still all taken as complete fact and illegal to question
>>324688 yeah the holohoax smdh
oh boy oh boy oh boy it's almost time to consoom some talmudvision with my iBalls
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off to the gym to take a gay yoga class in the hopes of talking to a nice lass lads wish me luck. then back home to play some stellaris and then sleep and wake up to toil. smh today at toil was shite we were working on a really redneck scaffold with a pick in between them with absolutely no safety gear doing a 2nd story gable end. good thing skullet boomer has more or less checked out and is letting a new boomer with a big beard manage the chudlets up on the scaffolds
>>324691 >public yoga based lad make sure to make the thots uncomfortable by staring for extended periods of time at their baboon butts in stretchy pants
https://youtu.be/oMqVckzhT50 listening to it again
>>324690 https://app.kosmi.io/room/j6uaek LAD GET IN!!! Chainsaw man first, then Goyam
>>324695 >Chainsaw man first Fug sake. Don't even watch that one. Could've skyroomed till ten.
>>324697 it's only 20 minutes lad
>>324698 oh I'll join then
https://infiniteconversation.com >An AI generated, never-ending discussion between Werner Herzog and Slavoj Žižek.
reading about jewish migration to Ottoman Palestine. >By 1908, thirteen Jews had been killed by Arabs, with four of them killed in what Benny Morris calls "nationalist circumstances", the others in the course of robberies and other crimes. In the next five years twelve Jewish settlement guards were killed by Arabs. Settlers began to speak more and more of Arab "hatred" and "nationalism" lurking behind the increasing depredations, rather than mere "banditry". smh hope they didn't allow arab supremacists and their replacement conspiracy theories to ruin the diverse and multicultural Palestinian society.
Just seen that UKIPs new deputy leader is a milktruck bimbo SCHLAAAG who starred in Big Brother Here's a photo of her with the Deano meme Sam Gowland YA COULDN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP, COULD YA, H'RIGHT??
>>324703 not a serious party
>>324704 I only ever get reminded of UKIP once every six months and each time it somehow gets worse and worse
>>324703 its over isnt it?
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>>324708 Just want to go back, lads
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>>324711 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Black men in adverts deboonked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V--iGzJ8BGw
>>324715 >draws a woman having her period
why do I sometimes get this gay fucking image shoved in place of all content on here after a while? are they serious about e-begging or just dredging up fossilised memes? refreshing or switching proxy does nothing, but sometimes it goes away by itself after a while, otherwise I need to clear the browser cache >>324684 tbh >>324703 reckon they're in the pocket of barrett homes now brexit means more brick debt-boxes
>>324709 a more innocent time
>>324713 getting tired of this demoralisation shite
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>>324703 is UKIP going to be the Deano party now?
>”Just pay us whatever you want, whatever you thinks it’s worth, Europe! No questions asked!” >t. Russia That’ll work
>>324721 so it seems, so it seems should I vote UKIP or Labour if I want to Accelerate things?
>>324723 yeah, things seem to accelerate *more* when the Right gains ground, it causes the Leftoids to freak out and double down
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Niggers steal an *entire* school in South Africa
>>324729 So this is what high level nigging looks like.
>>324730 possibly a peak nigger moment
>>324724 Watching
>>324733 they keep talking about this thing "levelling up" not heard that expression anywhere else, is it a Stoke thing?
24,440 NON-COVID UK excess deaths since May 2022 >We are now seeing more excess deaths a week than in 2020 or 2021. >Dr John Campbell goes through the government data
>>324724 I have heard it from time to time, in the social and political areas of life. It's a new phrase, true enough, but it's not particularly confined to any locale. Means to enhance something in a noticeable way. If I have to guess, the boomers heard about youngsters playing vidya so much that they took a phrase from that, and they believe that the youthful and technological connotations give it more value. From the video, at 38 minutes Farage says mass legal immigration and big corporations are too much. "Why far right instead of right by far?" following that, was a good turn of phrase by a questioner.
>>324728 got one
>>324738 just grew back in my disgusting walrus hair mustache again based anglo genetics
>>324741 based, grow it out into the full napoleonic sergeant-major's style joined-up walrus stache / mutton-chop cheeks and get a big harley to braaaap in the faces of butt matrix foids
>>324742 keeeeeeek I wish it would connect better i just ened up looking like the green shirt guy in the pic if I grow it too much. its not even based like shartin it just grows out sideways and doesn't cover my mouth.
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god I am getting a gut like that guy
>>324744 smh I hear that song everyday at boomer toil same with https://youtu.be/vsQzw_Ax8Cw that song is skullet boomers entrance theme he always smokes his cigar to that song and gets all moody keeeek america is such a ridiculous place.
>>324739 we watched that not long ago, it's actually pretty dull
>>324747 I do believe that the gentleman was joking on the basis of my previous post, good sir.
>>324749 keeek
shouldnt dorset still be awake
>>324751 I think they banned him
>Inside Nigeria's Biggest Slum (beyond crazy) >9.5M views · 10 months ago https://youtu.be/8NTIY8Qy2f0
>>324753 >cannabis smoker I literally predicted this.
>>324755 "far right", so he probably supported UKIP or something
>539,000 residents were born in romania
>>324753 poor lad smh
>>324753 >it's a real headline holy shit that is some next-level mail right there I bet half of it is bollocks also >his son died after covid jab and he lost his penis to cancer his actions are very understandable now did they intend this to inspire anything other than sympathy?
this clown world caption. keeeeeeeek.
>>324747 Yeah, I was there >>324748 Correct, 50 points to Gryffindor >>324753 >cannabis smh he was almost perfectly tragic >>324761 dayym white boi can dance *bites big nigger lip*
>jobcentre already on my neck about finding a job after I just got qualified yesterday That's it lads, rush it. Don't get a job you want to do or will last in, just pick anything so you make the local statistics look good
I hate slit eye men so much
>>324764 Are they bullying you?
K-Pop has done him.
>>324765 No, but they are all like where the white women be at, white people are so over privileged, and this is primarily a multicultural country. Of course I disagree, saying this was a white country based on white ideals and people. It just irks me they have the gall to say this.
>>324767 Not heard that tbh, are you talking about people talking shit online?
>that time chinks paid a white woman to fuck a chink man to own white men
>>324768 In real life, my work place is very international.
>>324770 Yikes. How does that even come up in conversation? Sounds very spician.
>>324771 About white women, every time me and an Asian guy are alone talking about women in general they will go muh white women won't fuck me. About this country, this slit eye was chuckling about white people not feeling represented by our Poo PM, because white people are so privileged how could they not feel represented. I said I wouldn't ever vote for a non-white, would China vote for a black guy or Niger would vote for an Asian? He said this is a multicultural country so it's different, to which I replied it is primarily a white country built on white ideals by white people.
>>324707 Loved Nuttal. But I'd nutalloverthemchebs.
>>324772 Based. Keep putting the slitcel in his place.
Sneethefinger He's the one, the one with the current affairs Posts one forbears Such a bold poster Beckons you to enter a constant seethe But floyd can't breathe Seething news he will pour into the thread But his (you)s can't disguise what you fear For a downtrodden poster knows when he's Davised It's the Davis of death from Mister Sneethefinger Low IQ beware the of news he's sold This post is old Seething news he will pour into the thread But his (you)s can't disguise what you fear For a downtrodden poster knows when he's Davised It's the Davis of death from Mister Sneethefinger Low IQ beware of the news he's sold This post is old He loves only seethe Only seethe He loves seethe He loves only seethe Only seethe He loves seethe
>>324774 It's kinda a shame as I used to like him, but he's been starting to say this shit recently. And I feel we are getting more competitive at work with the amount we get done. So I'm going to try to outshine him, which shouldn't be that hard.
keeeeeeeeek >munches biscuit, sips tea and gets hard
>>324775 >Ian Fleming partially based the title character of his original 1959 novel "Goldfinger" on the controversial Modernist architect Erno Goldfinger. When he learned that Fleming was naming the villain of his new James Bond novel "Goldfinger", the architect threatened to file a lawsuit against Fleming's publisher in an effort to stop the book's publication. Fleming's publisher then contacted the author to inquire whether Fleming might consider renaming the character, and the novel. Fleming replied that he'd be delighted to alter the name, if he could change the name of the character, and the novel, to "Goldprick". Fleming's publisher quietly settled the architect's lawsuit out of court. shitty jewnigger acts like a jewnigger because are lad based his character off of the jewnigger also his architecture is shit
>>324772 > this is a multicultural country so it's different Tell him he has no say in what this country is and neither do the kikes that made up that lie.
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Need to have dirt on high level jews if you want to run your mouth and be left alone
>>324781 I'm pretty sure ice cube is buck broken.
Apparently Harley is some kind of spook/plant/guardian to make sure stars don’t stray too far from the narrative
>>324779 I was in the middle of the office and my Chinese boss was sitting next to me and his boss was right behind me. If I go that hard in the open I'm going to lose my job, and the money is too much to throw away.
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>>324780 Say what you will about those kikes but they break bucks like nobody else yessir
>>324785 Do you t-t-thinkthey are the REAL hWHITE SUPREEEMISTS!!!
schmorn, went a bit mad with the tinnies yesterday but woke up fresher than I have in ages at a good time tbh, now a nice brekky.
>>324787 based luv it when a night on the tins miraculously has zero consequences tbh
>the guy who killed pim fortuyn was released in 2020
>”OMFG GUYS!!! ONLY KILL MEN!!! FFS YOU SEXISTS!!! https://www.twitter.com/UN_Women/status/1587777181081559041
>>324790 What a joke, how do you unironically write this
>>324790 god i hate women
Classic Dano
>>324792 I think they do it because they know they will get loads of retweets generating interest in womens issues - ignoring the fact it will generate equal or even more lib and foid h8. In their eyes it’s another genius win! Brilliant!
>>324795 >march 7th
retoil interview wasn't even really an interview the bossman just showed me the computer shit they use to maximise suffering for toilers then I got my bank statement on coming home and had to report myself to the dolewomen for having over 16k in savings and now they will dock my pay even further it's not right being punished for living frugally smh
Improve your Instagram, improve your life
>>324797 >giving sneethefinger (you)s Low IQ spotted
>>324797 Hey that's my birthday
>having over 16k in savings
wessie should really make a will passing that 16K to one of us in the event of his death
a reminder for those that don't read the thread before posting Sneethefinger He's the one, the one with the current affairs Posts one forbears Such a bold poster Beckons you to enter a constant seethe But floyd can't breathe Seething news he will pour into the thread But his (you)s can't disguise what you fear For a downtrodden poster knows when he's Davised It's the Davis of death from Mister Sneethefinger Low IQ beware of the news he's sold That post is old Seething news he will pour into the thread But his (you)s can't disguise what you fear For a downtrodden poster knows when he's Davised It's the Davis of death from Mister Sneethefinger Low IQ beware of the news he's sold That post is old He posts only seethe Only seethe He posts seethe He posts only seethe Only seethe He posts seethe
>>324796 smh we always lose >>324798 yeah they are basically enabling those retards who buy the latest telly and computer and whatever normoids buy who keeps them perpetually poor and never owning a houserino
>>324804 Too long for me, I prefer the keeks or sneethe to be triggered in one or two sentences
>>324772 both China and Niger are very diverse tho
for fucks sake it's worse than I thought >If you and/or your partner have £16,000 or more in savings, you won’t be entitled to Universal Credit. guess I'm going to the job centre today
>>324808 >have to waste money to get money great idea
>>324808 just go to a casino take out your savings in chips play around for a bit then cash them in and put all your cash under the bed. tell the benniestapo you're a gambling addict.
>>324808 lad you should've been withdrawing your savings and hiding the cash under your mattress about 10k ago tbh
just do like Bins and buy multiple houses and rent them out
>normalfags promote homosexuality
>>324808 I told you this on at least 3 separate occasions over the last 5 years wessie this is just learned helplessness at this point
>>324807 Tbh Orientals are the slimiest of slime. Don't understand weebs at all tbh
If we work together we could probably find manxlad's chest of gold on le isle of le man
>>324817 I've dug it up tbh I'm in the middle of moving
>>324818 Where are you going, lad?
>>324808 Shit tbh yeah move the money into something else they can't see
went to see the officefoids all I can do is spend and once I am officially a poorfag again then I get back on the bennies fucking stupid system tbh
>>324819 Just moving in with someone, rented for now but I might be moving to Northern Ireland in the near future because that's the last place I can actually buy a house in (~a quarter the cost of IoM, at the expense of losing my job). One option is to buy a house there now but not live in it, carry on working here, ideally if a letting agency can keep an eye on it and rent it out. Such an enormous gamble but I guess the money will be worthless before long anyway, so I should just try for the hell of it? Very miserable watching all the savings that I've given up my youth for just disappear
>>324822 what's are NHS like in NI tbh I'd move into your letted house and pay you rent in bennies
It's over
>>324821 Are you able to Spend it on "goods/services" in cash, and then just keep hold of the cash? Even down to £14k to give yourself a 2k benniebuffer?
>>324825 probably tbh I keep trying to get back to cash only spending but never managed it fully, only got to the stage of doing cashback at tills of course now I am off bennies they will be suspicious if I suddenly spend lots and switch to cash only smh, would probably have to keep meticulous records for at least the initial accounting to reestablish bennies
>>324822 I like that idea, I think Bins would know a thing or two about doing this
madlad is right tbh it is learned helplessness don't know what to do now, got at least a month before my savings are wiped out enough to get back on bennies not like any business will hire me maybe it's finally time to join PA
Is this the best the white race has to offer?
>>324829 keeeek never saw this one
>>324830 maybe I'll hire an albanian hitman to cut the brake line on your lorry
hope steiner can do some kino donuts this year tbh
>>324833 westmen unite
>>324823 absolutely zero idea I've never so much as set foot in NI. I've only got a pair of NI friends that can advise on what areas are more republican and where to avoid. Besides that I know fuck all about it Because properties are so cheap though so is renting, there's two-bed semi's with gardens like picrel that are getting letted out for ~£500/month, dunno if that's similar to what you're paying now but for probably a lot more space/comfort
>>324837 I'm on £415 for two rooms and a closet shitter I think NI is on universal credit too so it would probably work once past the buying and moving shite stage
>>324838 sound lad The difference from here to there is just fucking unreal though Left >NI - 4 Bed detached House with stables - £129,000 Right >IOM - 2 bed (1 and a closet really) Third floor flat in commie block - £132,000
Oh there was a 1-bed flat advertised for £17,000 a while ago, you could buy that outright and then be under the threshold for UC
>>324839 based landlordchads fleecing the citysoys tbh would prefer to live rural smyself but need the public transport and vuh health service smh
>>324840 wew might have to seriously consneeder this
>35 bedroom hotel for £535,000 Keeek Alright lads time to make a whip round, get everyone here in
>>324843 would tbh muuauaaghh the /brit/nostate
>>324843 >spend the winter in are very own shining hotel
/brit/lads posing outside the hotelnostate
>watching film set in Edwardian era >half the population of london is niggers >theres nigger police officers even though the first one was in the 60s hate that this is how all films are now
>>324849 Chud/incel spotted
>>324850 Forgot how ugly that dyke nigress companion was.
>>324852 Batshit but hardly new or surprising. >muh wokeism gone too far So sick if this NPC reaction.
The World's Gone Mad™
>>324852 >No Surrender the Good People of the UK/GB 🇬🇧👌🏼👍🏼. Merry Christmas 🎄 👌🏼👍🏼. hate this 'no surrender' bollocks, it used to mean something, now it's just boomers repeating slogans as they surrender every single fucking time on every single issuse.
woesist went mental on the bans i see
>>324856 uh oh
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New study out of Sweden shows the vax really does alter DNA
it's bins' facebook history it's bloody bins' facebook history
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>>324860 why yes!
>>324859 ought to reduce his peoples population by 100%
>>324859 can't just all the evil people die instead smh
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>>324864 >can't just all the evil people die instead smh bit antisemetic lad...
a black woman sent a smiling emoji at me on the dating site
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>>324868 I sent her my big throbbing purple cock
>>324869 Yeah that will pit her off
hey Spiccy
I will be 50 by 2052. What kind of world will that be? Can it be worse than we expect?
>>324872 It can be worse than we can expect, it can be better than we expect. All we can do is keep fighting until the day we are dead.
regret telling mummy I didn't want any sweets
>>324859 Be careful sharing this as it can discredit us. The video is edited, it cuts between World [cut] by 50% He actually said >reduce the number of people in the world who could not afford Pfizer’s medicines by 50%
>>324875 I saw a good documentary on how bill gates is a Darwinian eugenicist.
>>324876 Well this is the thing innit, we shouldn't HAVE to be editing words to spread what they're planning, there's plenty enough out there that won't discredit us
>>324877 tbh, i think it's bad actors doing it deliberately to muddy the waters and bait people into stupid positions.
>>324878 Probably actually yeah, good point
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>>324879 Found it
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>>324881 Love me some nightcrawler https://youtu.be/M_clHokKG_w
still keeking t my cousin doing a masters then doctorate in dog psychology do the doggies come in and sit on a little red couch and talk about their depression
>>324883 As if psychology itself isn't already bad enough
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>and these thoughts about sausages, you have them constantly?
went to an expensive pub for dinner £20 for pie and mash with veg and a coffee flavour rum-and-coke aside from a few deanos every one else were xoomers the lasses on the bar and serving were all young and pretty and called me sir I sat alone and scribbled in my notebook for a bit, ate quickly, finished my drink and got up and left after saying thank you to one of the lasses all in all a riotous night out immediately made worse by wogs and yobs being loud aggressive cunts all around the high street
>>324887 >this video isn't available
>>324888 Just move to Norway to watch it then
need my fix of goyslop already tbh
>>324890 Bins is a busy man, dubya
>>324884 tbh, it's a pseudo science >>324885 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>324891 I need distractions from living in a society NOW AUGH
I would like to donate to the Albanian hitman fund for 22st.
>>324893 tbh *turns on the telly but it's just more of socity*
>>324894 smh all these cankle biters
>>324897 doesn't your belly get in the way of you doing that?
>>324898 no I'm tall enough that I'm not a complete hamplanet .4 stone away from getting under 22 now
time wasn't kind to the jailbait catwoman
>>324900 MUTTED
>>324900 spic tier agin
>>324902 she is a spic
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what's dorshit doing?
>>324906 think he was perma'd tbh
>>324871 just hang weights on it and use a penis pump
>>324907 he seemed to want it in the end.
>>324909 iktf tbh
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the niggers are waking up
>>324911 remember what steiner said they are fickle and idiotic and are not to be trusted because they will turn on us at a moments notice this is some mild schadenfreude but nothing more
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>>324911 kekekekek
>>324912 I'm quite happy to watch from a distance as the golem goes chimpmode 6 on the kikes.
>>324911 that clip is years old tbh
>>324916 they've been outright owned by the eu and zog for like eight years now lad probably more the whole debt crisis thing
>>324917 Yeah tbh I didnt follow it that closely but assoomed that there would be some push back following the crisis but it seems they are as downtrodden as us
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>>324916 smh need golden dawn to take over
>>324918 golden dawn made some headway and then was unilaterally declared evil unpersons and hunted down for life imprisonment etc
>>324916 the right wing New Democracy party retook power then banned Golden Dawn.
>>324921 ah yes, the democracy system where if people start voting wrong they'll just ban the party
Should I try Active Imagination or is it one big LARP?
>>324923 don't even know what the fuck that is unless you just mean daydreaming
>>324923 try explaining it lad
>>324924 >>324925 >As developed by Carl Jung between 1913 and 1916, active imagination is a meditation technique wherein the contents of one's unconscious are translated into images, narratives, or personified as separate entities. It can serve as a bridge between the conscious "ego" and the unconscious. This often includes working with dreams and the creative self via imagination or fantasy. Jung linked active imagination with the processes of alchemy. Both strive for oneness and inter-relatedness from a set of fragmented and dissociated parts. This process found expression for Jung in his Red Book. >The key to active imagination is restraining the conscious waking mind from exerting influence on internal images as they unfold. For example, if a person were recording a spoken visualization of a scene or object from a dream, Jung's approach would ask the practitioner to observe the scene, watch for changes, and report them, rather than consciously filling the stage with one's desired changes. One would then respond genuinely to these changes and report any further changes in the scene. This approach ensures that the unconscious contents express themselves without undue influence from the conscious mind. At the same time, however, Jung was insistent some form of active participation in active imagination was essential: "You yourself must enter into the process with your personal reactions: ... as if the drama being enacted before your eyes were real". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRVlWEwmbfQ
>>324923 >>324926 Larp yeah. Why are you considering it?
>>324928 my life is collapsing and my potential has fallen.
>>324929 thought that had already happened to everyone here tbh
>>324930 I, atleast, used to be normal before covid tbh.
sounds like a good way to get invaded by DMT monsters
>quarter past eight >no goyslop smh I want an excuse to eat popcorn
>>324926 >is this word salad a larp dunno lad
>>324907 all of madlad's bans have been overturned so he can return when he pleases
>>324906 Ravaging gingerlass, I'm sure of it.
>>324929 so do something that isn't LARP >>324933 already deep in a bag tbh have to cope because of lack of goyslop smh Bins did this
literally me
>>324935 smh he's probably deep into the tranny bongo now. we may never see him here again
>>324938 *adopts (You)*
>>324935 is madlad woesist? who is woesist? smh big if true, I thought madlad was cool
>>324939 hope not
Love Madlad, love Woes. Neither of them would want me banned. Woeist is a poserino
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>>324941 I think woesist is madlad yeah but not sure, I did ban dorset for an hour when he got too trannyist tbf
>>324947 Based and stalkerpilled.
he's here
>>324948 the guy in the video, or smee? just like the content even if a lot of it is injokes for groups I'm not in, I like remembering that the old /brit/osphere lads are still around
It has been actual years tbh lads. YEARS! At least 4. Likely 5 at this point. How are we all? Any of the OG lads still here? Also, to any government agencies reading this, I have never been a member of a far right organisation, I do not advocate violence of any kind, political or otherwise. I am simply here out of morbid curiosity. >>324950 No, you for posting my videos lol.
>>324952 years since what lad?
>>324952 HRH The Bum Bum King is a mod. SA is dead and his pet cuc/k has fled. Auslad has taken the board and banned the tranny horde. Also, yes we're trapped in stasis
original 8/brit/ went down in 2019 thats only three years. but we did lose a lot of people.
>>324952 >4 or 5 years you were right to leave tbh gone by in a flash, here things changed but stayed the same hope you are doing well in life
>>324950 Sorry lad neglected to read your post fully. We are still about and a few of us chat on the dreaded cord of discontent. We all do well. Life goes on. I for one welcome are new pagan Hindu satrap and I will take the mark of the beast that his overlords demand he force upon us. I actually love the return of Christ who promises us worldly riches and butt stuff. Truly, God is back! But nah seriously I HATE THE ANTICHRIST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I WILL DIE BEFORE I TAKE THE MARK I HATE THE ANTICHRIST AAAAAAAAAAA
>>324957 verygoodlad
>>324953 Since I have been here. I have looked at maybe 2 or 3 threads since old 8chan days. >>324954 I cannot believe BBK is a mod what a world we live in. Absolute lad. RIP SA gone and truly forgotten. It seems exactly the same as before ngl just the posting has dried up substantially. >>324955 I was gone well before that tbf. >>324958 I have committed fully. I will go into the woods with my tent and starve or freeze to death before I get the mark.
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Probably need to establish some kind of passover-style ritual where violence and terrorism is disavowed, to keep the disavowal both confirmed and contained.
>>324959 besides seething there isn't a whole lot to post about these days
>>324959 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lknW2mzXMMY been confronted just today with how many different marks there are tbh and reminded I should have taken the cashpill and not been suckered by the convenience of using a card to pay for everything
>>324962 keeeeeeeeeeek great chudjak
>>324959 Good to see you lad, hope you're keeping well
fuck lads you have to help me
>>324965 Keeeeeeeek same happened with me, backed off when I told him that threatening people like that isn't a good idearino
>>324967 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>324967 they were youtube livestream debates lad.
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>>324960 Just mention it with every new ID is probably best. I am genuine in that though. I will not tarnish my soul with blood. I will simply die of natural causes or be a martyr and there is nothing they can do about it. >>324961 I have not seen a single post here about covid or anything. Did I miss much? It was an absolute hell for me. Family kicked me out for Christmas Eve it was truly my lowest point. >>324962 Just use cash now lad. I will save this Chud for later as is somewhat poignant tbh see my previous reply. >>324964 I am, my fella. Enjoying the return of Common Filth. I have fully fallen off the deep end and my psychological state will never recover from the personal, social, and spiritual trauma I have endured over the last two years. It is truly over and every day I ask God for forgiveness for my many sins because I know that He is the only constant in my life.
>>324971 never really got into the vaxxsneed stuff myself, what was that all about?
>>324972 Just a trial run for the mark I expect. Some of those injections had some seriously bad stuff in it. I know people personally who have some chronic health conditions because they took it.
>>324971 >kicked out of christmas for being unvaxxed? happened to smee tbh one of my cousins is an IT guy and a complete soyim, refuses to be in the same house as me even now keeek keep truckin on >>324973 normalising the invasion of bodily autonomy tbh that's why there's already all this shit about some new world ending bird flu plague or whatever, they will just keep doing new scares to pump idiots full of new drugs and the casualties will mount until one day they perfect some delayed reaction euthanasia concotion
I thought bertie was sopranos poster tbh
>>324975 he had many gimmicks I remember startrek posting the most
>>324974 I slept in my car on Christmas Eve after going to a midnight mass. Maybe the worst night of sleep in my life lol. Was more or less homeless for a while tbh. Still didn't take it. All the cowards who did because of muh job abloo bloo bloo can fuck off. Yes it's normalising that and I imagine it will be a continual flow of these injections, each one crippling or killing maybe a small percent of the population until Malthusian calculations are satisfied. >>324975 I can confirm that Sopranos poster and lamb poster aka Northern Ireland poster are the exact same person. He is my fren on the cord of discontent. >>324977 That was my gimmick tbh. Yonks ago that. >>324977 Saved keeeeeeeeeeeek.
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>star trek
>>324979 Star Trek is a nonce magnet and I still am unsure why. There is nothing overtly nonce in the show which I have seen.
>>324980 probably just the "utopian" and tolerance themes taken to extreme and the modern day cult of personality stuff around ex-actors like gay takei I enjoy reading a bit of soytrek stuff online and the soyim who write it never seem to understand how dystopian le federation actually is
>>324970 based
>>324981 Might plan a comfy Red Dwarf binge this Christmas. Yes it is utopian and therefore evil so this makes sense. I always took the view that the Federation was based tbh. >maintain ethnic homogeneity of planets and civilisations >actually has genuine freedoms >generally does not interfere with the lives of people outside of Starfleet, let's them live exactly as they wish to do >racism is acceptable as long as it is against enemies of the state such as pointy eared Romulans and SPOONHEADS
I did not mean to have an apostrophe in lets smh.
>>324983 you probably have a better understanding of lore than smee tbh, never actually watched any of the series in full except for jewjew's films because shaun of the dead guy was in it kekesmh
>>324772 just call him a gook next time or start calling him charlie or jap. and make jokes about british malaya and tell him you are gonna make him build a bridge on the river hull. all foreigner faggots especially middle classoid ones can fuck off and die
>>324986 KEEEEK would be worth getting fired to do this tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfAvoELaktc
>>324985 The first one was alright as was the third tbf. Lore wise the Federation has flaws. It cares more about geopolitical aims than people's struggles tbh. The Maquis are a good example of this.
>>324986 >all foreigner faggots especially middle classoid ones can fuck off and die tbh they're some of the most arrogant
>can't find the klingon toast ytmnd thingy on youtube any more they just constantly make their site shittier smh >>324988 I suppose no utopian soylish IP will ever match the Culture anyway so on balance they are better than most https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Culture collected a few of banks' books and they are super degenerate smh
>>324987 tbh yeah pull shit up like this on your phone and laugh and show it to the gook when they shoot gooks in the scene https://youtu.be/SBGL1tFtCuM
Did you breed Daftie yet?
4 years, that's 4 children, at least
>>324990 Might have to read them. I would recommend Hyperion if you haven't read it. You will need the required companion piece of everything Keats ever wrote. >>324992 Not yet. Next year maybe when things are a bit more settled. >>324993 We are both young still tbf. Got lots of time.
>>324994 >keats goodlad very trad been reading poe off and on for a few years smyself, for the cosmic horror scene
>>324995 Keats is an actual character in Hyperion lad. No I will not elaborate, you will have to read it for yourself. Love some cosmic horror me. I have read every short story Lovecraft wrote but not a single bit of anybody else in that scene. Must check his work out.
>>324992 Also I would bet good money on you being 22st.
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>>324996 it's on ym list there are BASED lads trying to revive the cosmic horror and pulp fiction genre these days that someone on here went and bought from, might be worth a look https://thebizarchives.com >>324997 yeah keek
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>>324990 I never understood how having your future completely in the hands of giant ai ships was somehow progress for the humanoid collective of the culture. Just the end of existence is endless hedonism of sentient metal slabs until the universe burns out?
>>325001 yeah because hedonism good and I guess banks is one of the mildly self aware anartards who realise that it's not achievable without basically having all-powerful babysitters anyway (which makes it not actually an anarchy so he is a retard after all)
>>324955 8/brit was the best time of my anon life tbh
>>325002 It sounds like the same technocratic transhumanist shite spouted by our current elite.
Just hand your existence over to this completely alien intelligence.
>>325005 but of course all media associated with the mainstream in any way or capacity is going to echo their views because the writers are cattle just like their readers
birdman tomorrow night perhaps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJfLoE6hanc
So how are people finding this board given knowledge of it's existence is probably the perview of 15 people including 2 GCHQ agents 1 russian FSB operative and a special branch entrapper?
>>324998 Bizarchives is interesting. I remember seeing a booba lady on one of the covers lol. >>325004 Wherever you are 22st hope you have sorted it out somewhat fella. Quit being a NONCE. >>325009 I used to be a regular years ago. I am friends with a regular who linked me to the thread because my video was posted.
>>325009 personal connections eg daftie or another lurker who is primarily in bertie's group saying "hey look they're talking about you", like how when a dorset-bins spat brings up the troons, and this repeats through various different circles making a big web of second and third hand connections just how social circles operate tbh, not that I would know except through observation
>>325010 I'm not 22 I just found it funny as fuck how you fingered him right away.
>>325011 It was Manx tbh. >>325012 I see him in every shadow. He haunts my dreams and nightmares.
>>325009 >steinhog video gets shown on Eggy's stream >start watching steinhog >google "steinhog" in quotes (so the index will only show me pages with an exact match) because it's an funny name and I wonder if it's a reference to something >board in results
>>325011 The SVR agent got ya.
>>325014 keeek I remember that I don't think eggy even lasted 5 minutes into the steinkino smh
>>325014 Eggy is still going strong which is nice. He is a good lad. We used to be friends years ago and chat regularly. Still pop into his streams and he recognises me which is nice. Proper good lad, shame he fucked that tranny that one time. Somehow not had a single sexual thought in 5 days. Absolutely based?
>>325009 I am a different persona every few hours
>>325017 >Somehow not had a single sexual thought in 5 days. Absolutely based? I'd be panicking thinking my balls had gone kaput. As loathsome as sexuality might be, the beastly power that accompanies it is a real boon.
>>325014 i hope this is fucking bait and brit wasnt found in 2022 through eggy
>le sexo talk
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>>325024 KEEEEEEEEEEEEK now this is advanced shitposting
Goodnight lads. I am unsure if I will return. Good luck and for the love of God, do not comply with anything they demand of you. Even if your life depends on it. Better to die in God's truth than live without His love.
>>325026 night lad
>>325026 bye lads thanks for visiting say hullo the rest of the ex-britlads for us
>enters thread >calls you a nonce >leaves *screams*
>>324661 thanks for posting, im listening to it right now
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>>325032 goodlad
>>325033 you are still a nonce.
>>325034 et tu
4chan is so shit tbh dont know why I still bother
>>325038 do the unpaid overtime you stupid goy
>>325036 Fuck you bossman, you want more you pay me more.
>>325036 I work maybe 3h a week, I write some meaningless emails and browse /pol/ for the rest of the week.
>>325042 You and everyone else that works in an office.
>>325043 office life sucks
>>325044 I gathered
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>>325042 tbh but replace browsing /pol/ with spending up to an hour on the toilet
>>325046 how much do you charge these days?
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>>325048 good lad
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the retoil interview I had today showed some truly dystopian systems tbh because they use handheld scanners every individual item a toiler picks or stocks is recorded and both bossman and offsite-bigger-bossman gets to see, and the efficiency of individual workers is automatically computed so if you fall below a 99.5% task completion rate or take too long to do something you get instantly fired
>>325048 close enough
>>325051 are you working for Amazon?
>>325054 supermarket
no guarantee yet but it mgiht be shit enough a job they hire me without further delay shift starts 6am and the only reason it doesn't start earlier is because the bossmen don't want to pay night wagie hours keek
>>325055 >>325057 you're gonna make it lad
>>325058 He's not. He's going to be buck broken and his bones reshaped into those of a crab.
>>325059 maybe...that fate won't be so bad after all.... then I can do the wagie dance for bossman all the time
are you ready to be raped?
>>325063 Smh for some of these cucked and bored normalfags that would excite them
I will just leave it here https://odysee.com/301_01:f?src=embed
Absentee voting methods are safe and legal in most states, according to fact-checkers
there's compilations of iranian simps smacking the turbans off (or in some cases beating up) random shia imams because of muh womens rights. sick world, it's over, aryana has fallen.
>>325069 smh don't like mudsharts but those lads are better than pathetic simp zog slaves
Iran is as based as it gets nowadays, I support Iran 100%
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>>324193 >t. Walking talking skeleton

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