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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3801: Kikes BTFO Edition Anonymous 11/10/2022 (Thu) 06:29:36 Id: a82e71 No. 327258
Circumcisions, tummy tucks and liposuction are among 13 operations which will stop being funded by the NHS in a 'crackdown' on wasteful spending in a bid to save £2bn a year https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11410577/Circumcisions-tummy-tucks-liposuction-operations-stop-funded-NHS.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:48:22.
>>327260 tbh for someone so high profile i sure hope he has the good sense to not live in shartica it's hard to tell which out of the us or the uk has outlawed dissent more smh they both excel in different areas >>327261 tbqh as much as i miss toil i don't miss toil in the slightest
*never has sex*
>>327263 retroactive outlawing isn't permitted under common law tbh they just did that because they're the government and nobody can say that they can't the us government does seem to be unique in how actively it's at war against its own citizens though smh >>327264 that was based though because he's a jew and it spearheaded a campaign against other powerful hollywood men (who are also all jews)
>>327261 >>327262 called in sick for voluntoil today tbh emotional distress and all brekkie, shitpills that won't save me, and back to bed again because I spent another night waking up every half an hour with existential dread
i've had meself a poo accident
>>327269 get mummy to clean it up
>>327268 good lad got to make use of those toilee rights tbh >>327269 very based lad now go on public transit and make it everybody else's problem
will unironically give you my left kidney if you do the bureaucratic legwork and cover my travel costs lad not joking
>>327272 think I could just book a flight and a cargo container for your poosessions tbh, le commonwealth subject stuff should suffice to live and claim bennies in uk will look into it a little more once I'm up again it's just good business
>>327273 might open a casino only for women tbh i could offer 80% odds of winning and they'd still find some way to lose >>327274 keeeek tbh i ought to compare the different bennies rates to see who'll give me the better deal
*doesn't get out of bed*
going shops for tinnes >>327276 based
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can't go out and smoke bc the lock on the backdoor slams with a loud gunshot bang, uh-oh! then comes the approach of angry mummy elephant stomps and bitching. I am a caged suppressed male. being a light sleeper is immoral, and im not afraid to say it!!!!!
>>327278 yeah I don't feel sorry for sm*kers
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>>327281 >comparing himself to Woes the Great
walked past the chinky-run sushi place as they were getting rid of the day's wares so i bought some accidentally dropped it but it was all fine except a soy sauce packet spilt out and went flying then the shop lass quickly scooped it up and immediately gave it back to the shop owner keeeeeeeeeek imagine unironically being a chink smh little yellow jews
>>327284 curvaceous
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https://youtu.be/p3GVMyS_rlA >that pause before he shoots the nigger in the head execution style
>>327286 umm thats total overkill why didn't he just shoot the knife out of the niggerinos hand?
>>327287 >(1)cel
>>327288 The (2)cel has arrived and im gonna fucking kill (You)
>>327289 keeek
>According to Christopher, Tolkien was bothered by this scene because Lewis was distorting and sentimentalizing the myth ("Narnian Exile" 41). He suggests, "[I]f Lucy had really met a faun--that is, a satyr--the result would have been a rape, not a tea party" (Christopher, C.S. Lewis 111).
>>327260 The font of that "United States District Court" made me keek, feels like the sort of choice a 6 year old messing around in microsoft word would make
Hi everyone it's madlad. I just wanted to apologise to Wessex for my disgusting comments. I'm so sorry lad. I just get so angry and can't help it. That's why I do so much chaos-banning. Something inside just overrides my senses. I love you Wessex and you can have my kidney (for roughly £15,000 and not a penny less). I also apologise to anyone I unduly banned. Especially poor bum bum king whom I banned in the cross fire last night. Blue on blue. Or poo on poo as it were. I will likely lose my temper lately and disavow this post as a false flagger. Just know that this is the real me. My auntie is increasing my rent to £5.02 a year. I don't think I can survive.
>>327295 keeek, yeah remember doing all my essays in Copperplate on Microsoft Write
>>327294 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>327295 tbh feels like what a young chud would choose to make something based and official >>327296 always knew you were the sentimental sort at heart tbh
>>327297 >Microsoft Write smh i've switched timelines again
>>327299 Windows 3.1 *sips*
>>327300 smh i've been outboomed
was gooming and an npc was doing some commie spiel so i tuned out but then he said agrarian proletariat so i soyfaced wish i was a farmer smdh
teehee le genetic dead end
>>327304 >women
>>327306 keeeeek
>/tv/ mods leave up porn forever> >make fun of an infertile aging actress which is at least partly /tv/ relevant and the thread is deleted within minutes
>>327304 Even Brad Pitt's seed wasn't enough to convince her stop girlbossing for just 9 months to have a child. No doubt preoccupied with how her body would look afterwards the vain cunt. >>327306 kek owned her
>>327309 >Even Brad Pitt's seed wasn't enough to convince her stop girlbossing for just 9 months to have a child have to wonder who she was waiting to trade up to the most people would say she was already at the top multi-millionaire married to brad pitt and she still didn't want to have kids smh now that's hubris
>>327310 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>327312 every time smh
someone farted while i was squatting in the shop, making me have the worst of it but simultaneously making it appear as thou I was the one who dealt it because of my excellent squatting technique that weaklings can only associate with pooing
>>327296 Thanks madlad, my feeling were truly hurt by your misdeeds
>>327315 nice greebling tbh always keep an eye out for that >>327317 that's what you get for not cultivating a distinct brap aroma so that people can instantly tell if it was yours or not smh
>>327320 every time
>>327319 >ozlad is a lego autist(and should thus be euthanised)
>>327321 The russians just gave up and retreated from kharkiv, what are you talking about?
>>327323 saw a cool lego bowser at the lego shop today tbh was nice
>tfw the russo-ukrainian war has stagnated into an psychological operation So the Cold War is back
>>327325 i used to make lego willies at school and throw them at lasses smh
>>327328 i used to make starships but they looked like willies and fell apart
>>327326 keeeek yeah that was it but he had a lego guitar as well >>327328 based
How often did the eyes of my young men light up with enthusiasm when I explained to them the vital functions connected with their task. I assured them time and again that all earthly wisdom is useless unless it be supported and protected by force; that the gentle goddess of Peace can only walk in company with the god of War; and that every great measure performed in the name of Peace must be protected and furthered by means of force.
>>327331 smh it's true tbh
>>327331 yikes isn't that from that nazi book
Our nationalist and socialist programme was made manifest in our flag. The red expressed the social thought underlying the Movement, white the national thought, and the swastika signified the mission allotted to us—the struggle for the victory of Aryan mankind and at the same time the triumph of the ideal of creative work which in itself is, and always will be, anti-Semitic.
>>327334 >white the national thought
thinking about how hitler never had sex
>just a little lie in >5 hours later
>>327333 based Mein Kampf tbh
>>327338 my vagina dried up so fast it cracked
>>327339 your amputation wound is not a vagina lad
Consciousness of duty, fulfilment of duty and obedience, are not ends in themselves any more than the State is an end in itself, but they all ought to be employed as means to facilitate and assure the existence of a community of people who are physically and mentally akin. At a moment when a nation is manifestly collapsing and when all outward signs show that it is on the point of becoming the victim of ruthless oppression, thanks to the conduct of a few miscreants, to obey these people and fulfil one’s appointed task is merely doctrinaire formalism, and indeed pure folly.
>>327341 vgh.... his spirit... I can feel it rising... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hihEhsdwiIk
>>327337 many such cases >>327340 keeeeeek >>327341 no surprise that dubya dubya aye aye happened tbh bet international jewry must've collectively shat themselves when this was published
In so far as the members have to undergo a thorough physical training, attention must not be focussed mainly on military drill, but rather on the practice of sports. I have always considered boxing and ju-jitsu more important than training in rifle shooting, which, if inadequate, is definitely bad.
>>327345 Hitler speaks to us lads. He would probably recommend MMA if he were with us today. I will take his advice tbh.
>>327345 he probably learned this through being an angloboo, are army focused on sports related training, it says so in the 1902 army training manual
>>327347 He's so based tbh, I love are Hitler
we all look like fit chiseled aryan chads, r-right. We're making him proud
>>327345 weaboo
>>327350 In both cases one attitude determines the other. A vigorous national state does not need to make many laws for the interior, because of the affection and loyalty of its citizens. The international servile state can live only by coercing its citizens to render it the services it demands, and it is a piece of impudence for the present regime to speak of ‘free citizens' desu
>we will never have an online debate where Hitler defends his ideas against soyfags
>>327354 keeeeek
>>327354 always knew the colonel was are lad
>>327354 >kentucky fried chosen
I'm so sick of incels. I'm changing sides
>>327359 White men would do anything but have children.
>>327360 Hey that's my line
>>327360 There is already a problem with overpopulation, industrialism has seen to that.
>>327292 >harry potter world is dead is it because JK Rowling is a vicious transphobic bigot?
>>327362 >t. Lego collecting coper.
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>>327358 >Im so sick of incels. I'm changing sides you're going gay?
>>327294 based kek mr tumnus always creeped me out tbh
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>>327296 thanks for apologising lad, I appreciate it
https://youtu.be/e62LKQ_dyxo >child has a nigger doll yikes, dad is an utter soy too
>>327365 Damn, you got me
ORANGE MAN aren't the judges of these things just jews usually
TRANS MODEL WINS NEW HAMPSHIRE BEAUTY CONTEST! stunning and brave etc. https://twitter.com/suzseddon/status/1590597443028414464?s=20&t=vaAtFcTgguu01pEfT_p8mw
>>327374 >stole my post you b astard!!
>>327376 >b astard could it... bbb???
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>>327377 hehe it's smee!
>nurses you back to health
>>327379 goddess on the left
>>327378 bins got him some BUNS
>beady mike suspended from twatter its over
>>327363 Wew based.
This sick bitch is bragging about inprisoning her poor bin
>>327384 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
listening to it again: https://youtu.be/oMqVckzhT50
>>327387 >who's there are lads itt who is mummy toook them for their vaxxy waxxy?
>>327389 Found one.
hehe love boomer memes, smee
>>327387 joke's on (you), I TOOK MYSELF!
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>>327390 not me lad, I'm one of the most anti-vax people on this board
unpacked my scales and they say I have already reached 22st we're gonna make it
>>327387 don't mock them too hard lad they might suddenly have a cardiac episode brought on by climate change
>>327394 stop saying 22st, it's my name. use kilos or pounds
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>>327394 good lad
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>>327396 >stop saying 22st, your name is B
sorry lads bit of a garbled post there, I meant I have already reached 22st I am in his home
>>327394 based i'm also on a weight loss crusade tbh the trick is to never be bored
>Wessex squeezing out pounds of grease from his leghole and think that's an accomplishment >>327399 keeeeeeeeeeek >>327398 tbh... 2... 2... the second letter of the alphaBeterino
>>327399 >in 22st's home god i wish that were smee
you can come but you have to stay in my room, no walking upstairs and talking with my parents smh
still have trauma from the last time I had people over 14 years ago smh
going to finally hook up the VR tomorrow and get sweat all over the equipment shooting baddies in boneworks or something today's menu one portion shreddies cup of tea, 3 plain biscuits apple four portions veg one fishcake leftover popcorn
>>327404 >you can come but you have to stay in my room, no walking upstairs and talking with my parents smh do they keep you in the basement?
>>327405 ree roo? what happened lad?
>wessex is rapidly approaching 22st >wessex is now 22st >we are here >wessex is now flirting with bins and doing the "b" thing >??? what does the future hold lads?
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>>327406 >today's menu >one portion shreddies >cup of tea, 3 plain biscuits >apple >four portions veg >one fishcake >leftover popcorn all these carbs
>>327408 they monopolised the kitchen with their foidness many such cases, sad! >>327409 kill me if I reach that stage lad smh
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>>327409 >>wessex is now flirting with bins and doing the "b" thing
>>327409 they're going to forma biker gang of comically large gentle men wearing leather jackets that have "B" on the back
the league of extraordinarily large gentlemen
>>327411 keeeeeek >>327412 nightmarish smh >>327413 >>327414 keeeeeeeeeek imagine
>>327414 KEEEEEEEK enjoyed that film tbh even if it was mostly shit, we should watch it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqVELQwoFWE
>>327407 < >>327408 I was occupied with something and they were in my room and they found a porn I had downloaded smh. It's like they saw the inner me, which is what I hate the most. Can't do anything if anyone is watching me write, draw or play a game smh and they were looking at my porn *screams* >>327409 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK based assimilation >>327414 many keeeeeeeeeks
>>327414 >the league of extraordinarily large gentlemen
>>327417 >< is that your actual house?
>>327413 >they're going to forma biker gang of comically large gentle men wearing leather jackets that have "B" on the back based
>>327419 my parents'
>>327421 it's massive
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>>327417 can see the nonce-mobile parked on the drive there
>>327422 By British standards I suppose. Average in this neighbourhood
>>327424 in bri'an that'd be a mansion
>>327423 should run that through the AI a few more times to get a proper window for him to lean through tbh
>>327416 *emerges from the venice canals* HULLLLOOOOOOOOOO YYYESSSSSSSSS
>>327423 pic was taken a year before I could drive tbh
>>327428 >pic was taken a year before I could drive tbh a year before you could drive but not a year before you could nonce
>>327429 I suppose I could nonce when I was 18 but I had kind of given up women at that point I think
>>327427 KEEEEK a league of extraordinary ecelebs
>>327431 coom coom coom coom
>>327416 I remember there being good things about it, but it needed to expand further it had a cool steam punk aesthetic I guess any sequels would have only got worse and worse with time though
>>327432 I cannot find a womb
>>327434 >radio silence for a day from the groomee >>327433 >it had a cool steam punk aesthetic >cool >steam punk no
>>327434 Just want to breed together From now until forever
https://youtu.be/ojYK6CW8gdw Wait I take that back steampunk is based and faustian actually
>>327435 >>cool >steam punk >no um lad, you really enjoyed Arcane, and that was *all* steam punk
>>327439 I liked Arcane, doesn't mean I had to like the world tbh
>>327437 yeah see
Know who else likes steampunk? Yeah the man who literally eats feces
>>327440 you already conceded defeat lad
>>327442 no idea who this is tbh some fans of steam punk are cringe though, it's true also, there are not many films or tv shows that actually do steam punk well the concept is cool, the execution often is not
>>327433 yeah it did have a cool aesthetic tbh and sean connery complained about automatic weapons being unsportsmanlike (which is true) smh wish wars could've been fought with martini-henrys and cavalry sabres forever smdh
Matt Hancock is doing an "I'm a celebrity" type show, and now lots of leftoids really like him They just like whatever crap they see on tv, don't they?
can't remember who the musician was who had that gimmick that he was a mad scientist with all these clockwork toys but apparently he turned out to have some based opinions which is cool >>327447 they're not called niggercattle for nothing lad
>>327448 Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog perhaps? Never actually watched that tbh
>>327447 It literally is I'm a Celebrity lad, they put him in bugs keek he's such a cunt hope he gets hospitalised by a snake
dr horrible is a joss whedon thing with that guy from malcolm in the middle and starship troopers so probably not smh
https://youtu.be/vdxDXoODKN8 This film was actually so good keeek HE'S ROAD RAGIN'
>>327450 >he's such a cunt hope he gets hospitalised by a snake I don't think they put those twats in at any serious risk unfortunately
>>327449 that was niel patric harris wasn't it? smh not him tbh he's a gayist
>>327454 yeah smh watching it now and it's got all of ye olde time celebrity "nerds" in it remember that board game show whedon filmed on a porn set now keeek smh
felicia day and so on
wish I was an albino croc with a crab on my head
>>327309 Actually actors are of rather low character, you're spreading deceit
It's a wessex thing
>>327459 torturing those poor beagles smh just like fauci and the sandflies
had to google the accursed words "steampunk music" to find who i was looking for but it was doctor steel he's been doing it since 1999 apparently the preempted the whole steampunk craze by years poor lad
>>327460 >torturing those poor beagles smh just like fauci and the sandflies yeah, and the conclusiong from that research were fucking obvious too
>>327461 appreciate your sacrifice lad he any good then?
I guess shocking wessex would at least get him out of bed
thinking about writing a super hero comic where instead of "it's morbin time" the hero says "Woes is me" and transforms into Woes
>>327467 do it lad you could make a little 4 panel one, they were really kino >shrinks to be as tall as a garden gate >widens to be as wide as a garden gate >his superpower is spitting pistachio shells at people
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>>327467 he's about to transform in to his hardest working self, for this year's Millenniyule!
>>327469 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>327468 clever, but it was just a joke tbh. hate doing things me
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>>327468 >he asked 22st to do something mistake, now he will *never* do that
>>327463 dunno keeeek reading was bad enough smh think i remember him being sort of good though will check >>327469 lad it's far too early for that smh he's still recovering from last year's millenniyule he's been ever so busy you see
>>327471 smh he knows me so well
>>327469 if only you know what he was doing behind the scenes smdh.
>>327474 that millenniyule webm file alone, which he made entirely himself, was weeks of back breaking labour
dont forget the milleniyule nft he made either
Cheery times soon
>>327472 >lad it's far too early for that smh he's still recovering from last year's millenniyule he's been ever so busy you see yes, it's true smh see here: >>327476
>>327477 how many did he sell tbh
>>327480 I think it was just that one he auctioned off
keeek whedon ripped this guy off and all
Jocko here. I'm not bumming any fed, but I am bumming Dorse. So quit the slander.
arrêter de sodomiser dorset
remember when Gordon jahans had fetishes about eating human flesh and others where he wanted to prick people with needles that were full of poo and other bad things?
>>327485 Come on man reading that I was hoping you'd say you had stopped being a tranny. Is that a robot arm or what? doesn't look like armour
>>327486 1 centilitre of piss. 1 centilitre of cum. 1 centilitre of shit.
>>327488 Very good
*shrinks you down to hand size and fries you in a pan
anyone checked on his sites lately?
>>327490 smh we're always living in the past. Woes. Jahans... where are the new great whites?
>>327492 it appears he was active last year but nobody notices http://farsh-nuke.blogspot.com/?zx=c09fb231ce2db9fb
>>327491 https://twitter.com/farshnuke He has actively avoided being seen http://farsh-nuke.blogspot.com/?zx=cb6737ba77141134 his last blog post was a year ago
>Angry at Neoliberalism and fascism. Writes fetish pulp. Likes Doctor Who, Star Trek and Farscape. I am 30, bi, he/him, poly, switch and single. NSFW
>>327493 1. I’m probably non-binary in some way. While I don’t feel confident not calling myself cis yet lest I offend actual trans and non-binary people, I have accepted that I’m probably not a cis guy and that’s okay and I am quietly letting myself explore that. It’s hard given the Y Factor and the pandemic but it’s a thing.
>the fash nuke based?
>5. Somehow I became a mature person who helps people sort through their problems. That feels so weird to write at 4 am in a dressing gown and pyjamas while my barbies sit on my desk and my Amy Pond and Clara Oswald Standee are nearby and my model starship collection grows but it’s true. keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>327500 Very kino. Makes me sad too
>the door keeps opening behind him and i'm waiting for something to come in
>>327501 makes me uncomfortable because it's just like smee except I don't do the cat arsehole fingering and cannibalism erotica stuff
>>327503 show us your tits
>>327502 bad omen smh
>3. If left alone and allowed time to sleep and recover I can quietly be productive. The last two years have been hard but I proofread, edited and in some cases finished novel length stories then uploaded them to my blog as free stories. Nobody reads them but they are things I wanted to get done and I am glad I did. I am also now so close to getting my mods sorted so I can play modded skyrim again. Something that has taken ridiculously too much effort but that I hope will be worth it and has certainly been a learning experience.
at my dads having a few tinnies. go into the garden for a smoke, can see the woman who lives at the back of him with her booba out in the bredroom window. can't even escape incel lust here fuck sake. (decent chebs tbh)
>>327506 done more than Woes and Wessex combined tbh
I'm so fucking sick of incels, man. fuck off
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>>327509 how am I incel, i've seen tits irl (from across two gardens)
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KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK jahans more productive than wessex
suicidal ideation after seeing loads of qt lasses outside as a cringecel again
listened to the dr steel discography it's just experimental hip-hop tbh he was probably breaking new ground at the time smh really can't tell tbh it was twenty years ago
>>327511 The kneeling still happens every week. keeeeeeeeek.
half bag of crisps spilt on the floor
>>327500 At least he got a new boyfriend by the end.
>>327525 Just let the man eat and die in peace.
smh don't post those porn things mummy might walk in and see
Broke down laughing to start with but now you're just being annoying, go in the filter tbh.
>>327532 Keeeeeeeeeek very binsian
[code] .unhideButton.glowOnHover { display:none;} [/code]
>>327535 the high point of your existence is trying to rile up people who didn't want you to become a genetic dead end
>>327536 >Handsome Truth Who dat?
>>327538 breeding is my middle name
It's so sad that the moderation suddenly died of ligma.
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>>327544 Why would I rape someone underaged if the goal is breeding?
>>327546 Even before there were something like legal sexual ages people waited a time before breeding, even if they had bled, to make breeding safer, lad
>>327548 Can't you guess?
who will rid us of this tiresome troon?
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Another nonce victory
can you newshit weirdos just fuck off back to your bongo okay thankyou
State of Dorshit. Utter mong.
Can you Planet Kay weirdos just fuck off back to your bongo? Okaythankyou.
>>327556 Hmm oh it's you
can't help but reading 4a384d's poosts in francis higgins a.k.a. the viper's voice tbh "what does underaged mean to you exactly?" "what number?" luv 'im
>>327558 those posts are deleted tbh
>>327558 keek he's streaming MW2 right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53_vBudEJik
>>327559 yes that was me tbh they were terrible terrible seditious poosts >>327560 based luv 'im i do
>>327556 Its not planet kay, its Clunes Corner, a Martin Clunes fanclub
>>327558 fuckign howling at this post lad
>>327561 Auslad? What are you awake for at this time?
Fantasising about being on a talk show and telling the host that I'd love to shoot them before revealing that they're going to a work camp which will make them beg for death before they die of typhus
>>327564 on the tinnies and not looking at the clock smh i'll regret it i'm sure
>>327566 Shout SNEED at some abboes tbh
>>327567 keeek would tbh but i haven't seen any for years all In all we did a pretty good job of exterminating them tbh have to go to specific abbo areas if you want a chance at spotting one
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Jahans al akbaaar! Tak-NEETs!
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>>327506 I went from 170 mods to completely vanilla, and Skyrooming has never been better.
been doing research (i.e playing games) and as far as i can tell the secret to ruling a country is to control the coca fields tbh you lads should try doing that
>Hes drunk how about handing over BO lad?
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63504826 BBC does an article on some of the "last surviving" ww2 veterans and only manage to include A nigger, a woman and a kike
>>327572 no >>327574 keeeeeek smh they had to get a nigger one of these days we'll run out of wwii veterans and then there'll never be any more tbh and i'll be very glad for that fact
>>327575 typed out an effortpost but it got eaten so i shan't be typing it again smh
Rolling a fist — Striking with the outside three knuckles (using the entire three-finger surface area) puts you in proper skeletal alignment.
>>327577 top two knuckes > bottom three knuckles sorry not sorry
>>327578 >(1) retardo bernado
I love pooing a huge spicy turd burger in my pyjamas and then SLAPPING IT!
>>327579 >(2) nothing wrong with me
>>327581 I grow my finger nails long just to scrape shit out me bum for sniffing
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>>327409 total bongonigger death
Jack Dempsey was my favourite boxer tbh, man was nuts https://youtu.be/TzChDqTfL4E
enjoy the doctor steel music tbh think that might make me a soywigger
>>327587 The old rules where you could punch a guy the moment he had both feet flat on the ring, no 8 count etc were so vicious
>>327495 That's a very long winded way of declaring that you're a nonce.
>>327589 Yeah, that fight against Willard was nuts.
>>327569 Chadlike
>go to 4chud >demoralising raid, like 5 black male white female threads *closes tab*
>>327594 its time to stop going to that shithole
>>327576 Many such cases.
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>>327574 >nigger has a hand on his top lip reaching out for gibs
>>327597 keeeeeeeeek
haven't done a spot of exercise in a week. just shadow boxed and I'm utterly fucked
>>327600 >something I actually am interested in >but it's le goblin why lad
>>327602 I almost posted the pic of him giving POV blowjob, consider yourself lucky
>>327604 eggs?
>Elon is all about free speech but the free speech champion is still not back on twitter
>goblin doesn't even put up a slideshow of kino related pictures on his uploads >he just talks into a camera with his horrific face on full display
>>327608 yeah, sometimes he even blesses you about doing the exact same video 5 times
>he doesn't allow you to give him 1 dollar
>>327610 >the minimum is $50
>>327611 You have 160000 you cheapskate
>>327612 >an extra zero keeek I wish, then I could actually do something with it
>>327611 That's less than an absolute munter landwhale westoid woman's onlyfans tbf.
>>327614 Did you watch any last night? I fell asleep at 10 and you hadn't started. Smh.
>>327617 No we watched Andor and Chainsaw man yesterday
>>327613 >he only has 1.6k Wessie bros,,,,, it's over
>>327616 Why dost thou keep showing lego videos lad?
>>327619 16000 is 16k lad 160000 is 160k
>>327619 >>327621 keeeeeeeeeek
I lost it all on the internet money lads I actually only have £1.60 smh
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I took a zero away for myself
>>327624 I thought I heard the sounds of good business smh
>severe suicidal thoughts hitting KEEEEEEEEEEK glad I'm not a shartican tbh if I had a gun I'd probably have offed myself already
>>327626 shock, >(1) being a loser
not even our trannies have killed themselves yet
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>tfw forgot to make dinner microwave meal it is i guess
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https://youtu.be/9-3Q7q9cFOU[Embed] keeek you can send this boomer shite to his email and he reads it
>>327636 send him something for us lad
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>>327640 based he removed tavistock
oh wait no he tried to frag reagan aka dump 1.0
good episode of I'm a celeb tonight, matt got all 11 stars
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>>327644 that perfectly sums up the difference in psychology between the sexes
>>327644 >>327646 he's an autist using technical language unnecessarily to prove how intelligent he is, there are two forms of vanity in that video and neither are to be admired tbh
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek they've fucking done us lads how can we recover?
we gun bi'd a wa' o' dee tucky fahd chikin and dee white peepo gonna dun pay fo it!
Well, I got to the bottom of the /pol/ humour thread. My work here is done.
*jelqs* i gift this to thee lil spiccy
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When will they finally btfo hoholstan?
>In Pennsylvania, 35 per cent of registered voters surveyed in the state's Senator race said they were angry about [Roe V Wade] They're going with the angle that abortion is a huge issue
>wakes up >screams >turns on pc morning
>>327664 schmorn lad
>>327663 tbh might be going from reading leddit but really seems like getting to murder unborn children is the single issue they care about
>>327666 devil trips confirm
fresh dutton It's Not a Cost of Living Crisis, It's a Cost of Dysgenics Crisis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3npqdYlr6fY
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>>327667 spooky tbh, though i'm becoming increasingly convinced that some sort of mass demonic possession is occurring
now this is a kino use of AI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAx4AzuqaFY
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>zogbot on sky news saying 2 minutes silence isn't enough and it should be 10 minutes
Mornin patriots
>>327670 >nigger in a toga at 3:02 NOT based
morning lads.
Auslad must be hungover keeek >>327675 smorbling lads
>>327676 his dad might have finished the car
>>327677 He was up at like 4 AM or something drinking tinnies smh, that's if he's in Eastern Australia of course
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>>327638 HEY STEINHOG! he's the version with sound if you want it
>>327683 what a mong no second chances for him
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>>327682 >every girl you went to school with looked and acted like boxxy AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH lad don't remind me no scene chick gf
Had a scene girl rub me up in the pub, she was 16 and her dad was vicar. Good times.
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>>327671 I'm sure it used to be 1 minute at school.
the skin
>>327674 Hate this. >>327682 B*sexual exgf was a 2008 scene/emo girl.
>>327691 Did she cause an altlite/republican shoah by suggesting le greatest generation were racist (objectively true) and that it was a bad thing (objectively false)?
i would like to expose my penis to you all
>>327694 >wants to expose his penis to lots of men Very brit of you lad.
>>327695 i was speaking to the entities, noncelad
>bender cope
>his peen is so ugly he thinks it can disturb demons that eat fresh, screaming babies to relax in their McMansions
Seems like only boomers give a shit about the remembrance day shite, dead country no wonder tbh.
I've seen this phenotype somewhere before
>>327702 wonder what his hairline looks like
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HgmLU9bGgU Fresh joomer. London anons should go see them.
Think I'll turn up dressed as Oswald Mosley.
Wews had these on Milleniyule I think. They're good lads.
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>>327705 Do it.
>>327700 Anyone who doesn't observe remembrance day is a traitor.
>>327708 A good deal who do are also traitors.
>>327709 Everyone who doesn't observe remembrance day is a traitor. A number who do are traitors. Everyone who is not a traitor observes the memorial of the dead.
They even fucking use remembrance day against us. Makes me seethe unworldly seethe.
>>327711 They use everything against us. Our flag, our own children. Anyone who denies any part of our rightful heritage is a traitor. Every single bit of it is ours. From St George's Cross to Christmas Day. The response to a thief isn't to permit access to your possessions, it's to brick his head in.
>>327714 keeeeeeeeeek
tinnies aquired haribo aquired pringles aquired yep, it's gamin' time, and fer meh tea 'm 'avin' a peperoneh peetsa
>>327716 acquire you some bitches
>>327717 my life is literally suckin' on me noodle as i'm typing this lad.
>>327718 >little chinese penis yikes.
What's the Kherson Kope lads?
>>327720 means they won't bleed loads of men trying to hold the city against suicidal hohol zerg rush
>>327721 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek keep telling xirself that and dilate
the tsar bomba was jsut a really huge MONKE DILATOR!
won't be long before the jewkies lynch putler inside the kremlin
two weaks until the world cup lads
>>327724 Not seeing a source for this
>>327726 Wow I don’t care
>327728 Not everything is posted for your amusement, narcissist. Are you madlad aka narcissist mentaller? Ah, I was banned. You litttle fucking Scottish rat.
Utter nobhead.
Day by day the anti-madlad coalition grows.
>>327704 >this well-poisoning shabbos goy is infecting the TBG smh I guess they were already crusty boomers anyway
imminently live dutty and a "based" jew https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyUcAtVB8dQ
>>327733 its always unwatchable whenever he has a jew on, he incessantly counter signals le anti semites and talks about how jews are so heckin smart and successful
>>327733 >open >observe phenotype of pure evil >close
bum cheeks
>>327735 >>327736 tbh she speaks >I always get told "what caused this wokism?" >blathers on >"I'm just not entirely sure, there are multiple causes" >not a word about her fellow tribesmen
live noseley Workers of England Union & Legal Advice with Robin Tilbrook https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/Workers-of-England-Union:a https://www.workersofengland.co.uk
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recycling this old meme to save the environment
>>327739 keeeek
>327744 good bad lad
>>327746 I did nothing wrong it's this nigger's cursed gif.
>>327742 good lad
ok thank you
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Why yes I can't think of anything to post. How could you tell?
>>327753 powerful image there lad. congraz
>>327755 forget motoring, webm 2 is me on the loo
>>327758 League Of Extraorinary Gentlemen tonight, I thought? I'm running a bit late though
>>327759 popeye theme is the tune lads
>>327760 up to you tbh I have seen it a few times
>>327763 depends what thread wants tbh
i vote for footage of madlad having his head exploded by a hammer
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>>327766 vooted for bullet train tbh that looks like it could be kino and I haven't seen it
>randomly walk past ITV >anti-racist story line *looks at you in bemusement*
>>327766 HOLD IT bullet train is a sequel need to watch this first https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grasshopper_(film)
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>>327761 if a real women had even just one of those qualities she would instantly be the perfect women
>>327769 not seen grasshopper tbh does it look good?
>>327772 hey, Bullet Train is not a sequel, it's an adaption of a book the book was a sequel the first book was made in to the chinky film Grasshopper (2015) you dont need to see Grasshopper to understand Bullet Train (there is no way they would expect a shartican audience to have seen the earlier chinky film)
>>327774 I would prefer to watch them in order nonetheless
better listen to wessex, I smell a tantrum
>>327773 vile >>327774 Bullet Train is an action packed and stylish popcorn flick with a very flimsy story. Ultimately forgettable but fun.
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>>327777 no he shouldn't listen to me because I'm really tired and probably going to go to bed before anythign happens
>>327261 i actually do enjoy toil now. i appreciate it after a decade of neetdom when i get it
>>327679 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Now Raab is being accused of bullying KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK its such a foid matrix in this country, ministers who can have people assassinated at the press of a button being forced to resign for "bullying" soyfags and lisas
>>327780 lad, what we going to do then now?
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>everyone voted for a film we can't watch because of wess and wess is going to bed anyway why is it like this?
>>327785 don't know about you but I'm going to bed
>>327787 at 9:20pm? what are you, ten years old?
>>327787 we really need your adress so we can come and beat you up
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>>327790 I'll beat you up
More dust mites found under the bed, going to have a huge clearout tomorrow
>>327791 that's the spirit lad
>wess was awake for another 4 hours yesterday but he goes to bed now yikes
lads it's the weekend
>>327798 classic
>>327800 you said we were watching 'Mac and Me' (1988) in the bongo. why do you always change it?
>>327801 >>327801 what bongo did he say that in?
just finally got a proper left hander boomer toil bag set from a mummy run company in UK smh you lads don't really have your own top tier tools anymore. I know there is mayfell and sheffield but all the bags were shartican or aussie
>>327805 normie board, everyone out on the surface tonight
all those britcocks sliding into vaginas tonight
skullet boomer hired a new helper today who is a literal juggalo, he was covered in tattoos and had corn rows into points and he was a white-spic mutt like fuentes.
>>327809 a new friend perhaps
I have an idea lads. Why don't we all confess to all the offences we have committed without yet being charged? Could be fun.
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>>327814 >last thing a maskie sees
>>327801 What, we never said this?
>>327792 Aren’t dust mites really really tiny? Too small for the naked eye?
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>>327818 you alreet lad?
Be honest lads. How many of you have an unlicenced firearm?
>>327819 yeah feeling a bit pent up though haven't coomed in weeks because literally have not even seen or talked to a qt lass in months outside of some waitress at the diner at boomer toil who is married so I have been getting that no coom hypomania feeling
>>327820 Just the complimentary one I got with the quarter ton of coke I have to guard for the next 48hrs for el effa

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these sync up pretty good
>>327821 just another 30 years till your libido dies.
>>327823 what the fuck is even happening in that first one
>>327823 >those little poo pellets falling off him aftes each shart
>>327822 Whereabout in the country are you lad? How many unlicenced firearms are in your possession?
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>>327658 fucked one last night
>>327832 why would I lie on the anonymous forum?
fucked your mums bum last night
must feel so weird having your dick get wet from vagina juice, and then it dries. a layer of dried liquid from another person on your cock
>>327835 enjoy aids
>a layer of dried liquid from another person on your cock
>>327836 >he doesn't get his cock sucked clean at the end
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>>327842 perfection.jpeg
I wish I was one of the /brit/anons having sex right now
>>327842 we're all gonna make it
risque midnight za
>>327845 same lad, but i remember from my coom days how bad it was after you finished and then were in some lasses house and just wanted to teleport back to your neetchamber and go on /brit/ with the lads. Perhaps, in a way, it is us who are the lucky ones tonight
>>327848 >(1) You know what, I think you had sex just now and are just trying to fit in
>>327847 did your cat ever come back lad?
>>327848 larper
22st I've told you before to stop posting >(1) otherwise you are getting banned
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>>327852 I DON'T REMEMBER BEING TOLD THAT, OR IF I DID I DIDN'T THINK IT WAS A GREAT POWERFUL MOD AHHHHHHHH ACK PLEASE NO DON'T BAN SMEEEEEEEEEE >>327850 It was found and delivered back to the shelter. We're getting another cat now. It's sad. Been sad looking online at the shelter's facebook tbh, they get new cats every day.
>>327847 is that your cat b?
>>327856 it's a nice picture didn't your cat die recently?
>>327857 One cat died many months ago, and we're starting to feel like it's okay to get a new one, so we are. Pic related, new from the shelter. Half a year old maybe
Imagine how bad he smells, doesn't wash his hands, cooms in his briefs and lets it crust and walks about, AND he has cats.
fresh regretful vaxx maxxer https://youtu.be/MwXapOzcKzs
>>327858 call him b b the cat
>>327863 thought of calling her Cat, like Cat from Gotham
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>>327864 >Cat from Gotham oh... her...
weak thread tonight
>>327869 >weak thread >(2)
I appear to have lost my farage used car salesman memi
>>327873 Maybe he thought UKIP was a single issue party in the eyes of the public? >>327874 Farage-haters are usually disorganised, no surprise here
>>327876 she's always done stuff like this though
>>327878 do you know about her doomed relationship with 4chad?
>>327880 did you see her on He Will Not Divide Us?
>>327882 god I miss those days
>>327882 she got together with a guy from HWNDU, the tal handsome confident guy they had a relationship, and it tore them apart he eventually admitted he was gay by accident on a stream https://youtu.be/8JXgXCagdxk
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just racially exterminated the mollusk people that were living on planet manifest destiny 4 in stellaris lads
>>327887 keeping some cheeky lizard people slaves on planet manifest destiny 6 though might exterminate them later
the cosmos will punish your hubris
>>327889 yeah the mollusk people seem to be like space kikes they seem to be the middle caste in the lizard people empire
might rename one of the lizard people planets as nigger and send all the slave non humans there to work in the volatile motes factories and breath in the exotic gases
>>327892 keeeeeeeeek
>>327891 kek the west is fucked
>>327885 >i'm actually watching this
this is supreme archon steiner of planetary labor battalion command, aryan unified star empire, cite your prisoner number for the auto didact synth and welcome to planet nigger
>>327876 Classic muttoid chimpout
>>327895 wew I would rather watch nick fuentes than any gay e celeb shite feat mutty
>>327889 >pantheism Ga ga goo goo?
>>327898 imagine making yourself an eceleb back in 2016 and then being alive today kek
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Is Woes still interesting?
>>327902 keeek
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nigger wanking in a public place why are they like this?
watching that greek play that steiner posted ages ago, very kino and terrifying. very good though
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>jay wrong on jesuits <cia, jesuits, and freemasons
i could hype you niggers up with some good music
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0Q_Tp0IVzc hate this nigewr passionatley lads.
>>327901 Yea, looking forward to a comfy Christmas with woes
>>327868 for me? Bins
>>327902 lets go
sneed smorbius chucks dreamt of having fun playing videogooms and woke up to remember that actually my videogoom mates haven't contacted me of their own volition for most of the year and all we've done in the past four to six months is one session of a couple hours of overbotch 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6a67DYp77M >>327916 >posting basically normal coombait again smh it's just exhibitionism on your part now *turns back and inflates like a balloon
>>327919 smh she is wide >video games Aren't you getting close to 40? Had a dream I was in a class in school where every week someone new was killed. Luckily I somehow survived
>(120) >>327920 27

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