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Britain can be a lot better than this.

brit/pol/ #3807: World Cup Edition Anonymous 11/21/2022 (Mon) 19:14:12 Id: 497f61 No. 331531
England's jubilant WAGs - and their children - rush to congratulate their Three Lions heroes after watching them demolish Iran 6-2 in stunning World Cup opener https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11452723/England-WAGs-seats-Qatar-stadium-cheer-team-against-Iran.html >After demolishing Iran 6-2 in their opening match of the Qatar World Cup today, the England squad couldn't resist celebrating with their loved ones at the Khalifa Stadium in Doha. What could a two-tier NHS even look like? From a social care-esque cap to charging patients £200 just to turn up to A&E at night https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11453155/What-two-tier-NHS-look-like.html >The idea goes against the very founding principal of the NHS that treatment should be free for all, whatever their means. Putin 'wants a break' as Russia ammunition supplies into Donbass severely cut off https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1699500/Putin-Russia-Ukraine-invasion-Donbas-weapons-supplies-military-strategy-vn >Russian forces which have withdrawn from the southern region of Kherson have now been repositioned to hold ground in the Donbass region. Moscow’s troops in Donetsk are understood to be struggling to maintain their grip over the east as the Kremlin’s military has consistently lacked proper training and modern weapons supplies. Ukrainian troops are challenging Russia’s presence along the P66 highway, which has served as a vital line of communication for Vladimir Putin’s military. Amid the ongoing military difficulties, Vladimir Putin is reported to be seeking a “break” in the conflict in a bid to strengthen the capability of Russia’s armed forces. Sunak insists UK will not realign with EU laws under his watch https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/rishi-sunak-brexit-eu-laws-swiss-relationship-confederation-of-british-industry-b1041453.html >The Prime Minister said he voted for and continues to believe in Brexit, pointing to opportunities to control migration and strike new trade deals.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:50:33.
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On the flaming hot doritos again
smh Irish getting more swarthy by the day.
live meatybraps and bald discussing le corrie https://odysee.com/@LauraTowler:3/TeaTime069:4
>>331536 Fucking hell, is this what they're putting on corrie. keeeeeeeeeeeeeek.
cringing at the yank supporters
>>331538 plenty of them look like mutt stereotypes keeeeeeeek
Posting it again for this thread.
its coming home
>>331542 must be on their way to cut another pipeline for massa zog smh
>>331542 This lot can't even protect our own border. Fucking mongs.
>>331544 don't*
*mounts dragon head on longship and rows out to scare the metal beast away*
It doesn't take some massive coalition effort to dunk on Russia tbh and I doubt China is much different.
>>331531 >Sunak insists UK will not realign with EU laws under his watch yeah but he also said he wanted to reduce migration, then Hunt said it needed to run high for the economy hate them all
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went over my limits smh had a big jewsburys premium pizza with coleslaw
after this and pembs my opinion of wales will never recover.
>>331553 tbh, pembs ruined wales
>>331551 lad I've been watiting to watch the rest of schizo booemer conspiracy archeology with you all afternoon!
>>331548 >It doesn't take some massive coalition effort to dunk on Russia tbh What has it just been Poland supplying, funding, feeding intelligence and other types of support to Ukraine for years?
>>331555 saw dorset troonposting this morning and decided not to keep up with the thread today tbh sam and laura are almost done I think
>>331557 pop in kosmi when you're done
>be american >get penalty shot
Ymlaen, Cymru!
KEEEK yanks seething
>9 minutes added time This could get ugly for Amerimutts.
>welshnigger clearly pulls a hamstring >yankee BOOOOOOOs intensifies thinking he'd dived keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>331575 I said "he's bruised as fuck" before realising he was a spook keek
>>331542 cute ramp
press s to spit
ohhhhhh i do keek!
Fraunce vs. Ausland tomorrow
i sleep i toil i seeth at my lot in life nos da x
>>331585 mmmmm
HATE HATE HATE wogball, used to be a working class sport now its darkies and mongs running about the field and getting paid millions for it while still being utter shite, and the elites are pretending to take a liking to it too while also using it as a vehicle for white genocide.
>>331587 yeah hope we lose but not to the sharts
not a gommie but it is honestly ridiculous that some 20 something mong can get paid half a million a week for kicking a ball about a field, not to mention we all know that the niggers in the game are mostly shit and get picked because the scouts have the same nigger worship brain disease that shartican football scouts and coaches have.
place your bets lids
>>331589 well it kind of makes sense. le ticket sales
If the lad that used to post her music is still around, I've just found out that Akina Nakamori is finally making a comeback. Should be good.
>>331591 >le ticket sales how does that explain their wages, its not from ticket sales you mong
We had the option to watch footie in the meeting room rather than work for a bit today, but I just kept on working. I'm not going to feign interest in things I don't care in the least about.
>>331590 don't start spamming about wogball lad, nobody gives a shit about it esp those teams
>>331590 Argentina (white) Denmark (white) Mexico (not white but better than fucking p*land)
>>331594 that's 100% confirming that wogball is the circuses to placate the masses keek bossman wouldn't allow it unless he too was being given orders and bribes by government
>>331597 it's this primal tribal ritual, the only capacity in which people are allowed to be proud of their in-group. that's why they shove so many wogs on the teams, they want the normalcattle cheering on Ngubu as he scores a goal for Ingerlund
Honestly, I can't stop you posting what you want, but I will be filtering you.
I don't care about football.
>>331587 this 1000 percent
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>>331589 this tbh, my brother used to play basketball and he and his white lads would stomp out niggers regularly including supposedly "pro" niggers. its the same as how american boxnig was for most of the 20th century where they would just run every nigger against gerry quarry and the kikes would tell him to dive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_White_Hope_(film) the kikes even made it a cuck meme. all sports is just kike niggerlover bullshit. all the people involved in the sports industry should be taken on the field and machine gunned and then the plebs should have their own local teams again and there should be no niggers or shitskins at all
>>331587 tbh Why do lads need reminding of this every time there's a big wogball game on?
Are the lions coming back home?
three poostains on my pants three poostains on my pants three poostains on my pants CAM ON NGUBU FLUSH YERSEL DOWN LOO
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Wessex i'm going to start a self improvement arc for you send you my energy
>>331609 keeeek goodlad broke my diet today with a large pizza and a victoria sponge cake and there is pringles with taramasalata dip for tomorrow and flapjack for a few days after that but it should be okay so long as I just count calories right AHH
on the up side I am slightly under 22st already
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8VIqLHLgWI thinking about /brit/ mesa and the league of superNEETs holding the world hostage until all libtards are destroyed again
>>331610 >>331611 here comes the pendulum
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>>331610 but why
>>331615 I left it too late to do the chores and real cooking and when I go shops I see the yellow stickers and I consoom smh whole day has been a downtrodden one, got up later than I should have after getting up at a reasonable hour yesterday
>>331610 Don't listen to them lad. You're going to make it. I will meme it true
>>331617 I will astrally project hospital equipment and toilet things to amplify your efforts
>>331618 100 navy seals, Steiner count 'em
>>331619 should watch that film again tbh I could lift during
negroficcation of society continues
>>331621 saw honey in gaysburys for £14 and "SECURITY PROTECTED" printed on it like it had tracking devices inside or osmething keke
>>331620 Come on lad, you shall overcome.
>>331621 >>331622 i hate this timeline
>>331622 you can just run a magnet over anything security protected anyway.
>>331621 how are they gonna hide a whole milk? wonder what the largest object a nig ever successfully shoplifted is
>>331623 tbh lifting right now while watching hancockino
>>331627 good stuff lad enjoyed his documentary
>they put him in a cage
>>331630 did Chris actually go to a women prison in the end? Looking forward to his rape mega saga tbh
/brit/ in one image
>>331633 yeah idk what's wrong with this lad but he's into every thing and everybody. it's almost based but not really
>>331632 he's still in local prison or whatever, not actually sentenced yet because they have no clue what to do with him he was briefly in a psychiatric prison thing a few times but that was all iirc
>>331633 never found shagging the dead appealing tbh.
kiwisharts are saying the court case is over and chris is in a shared home like those that one lad likes to post videos of
fake news he is still in prison awaiting trial
>>331639 thanks for this lad
>daily mail boomers living in their squillion quid homes telling people living in mould caves that its because they aren't ventilating properly
>>331643 literally smee at dinner with the bxoomers how the fuck am I supposed to ventilate a windowless bathroom can't even open my windows in winter without losing all the stored heat and wasting £5-7 of leccy in less than 24 hours
>all those lovely 00s lasses https://youtu.be/J48vuoO2PQY
>>331645 >night shift my condolences
>>331644 it doesn't even work anyway, I have a dehumidifier and windows open all the time, still mould, basically just given up tbh
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>>331647 Don't even have a night shift tbh just felt like posting something tbf
>just remembered I have toil suppose I need to go to bed
>>331649 good lad >>331650 shnila
>>331645 is toil hoomer from here, or was it an outside meme that came here?
>>331653 here tbh
I started posting that homer because I thought it was funny way to show toil related despair and then helmer and other lads started making OC out of it tbh
>>331657 it's a good meme lad. i miss helmer
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>>331658 tbh I made pic related about 2 years ago and it hasn't worked yet
he will retvrn
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>>331660 keeeeeeeeeeek never seen this edit before
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>>331663 close enough
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>the gay nightclub shooters mummy
>>331667 phwoar
>>331667 would fuck >>331666 >checked
>the white power ranger died
>>331670 Where would you go if you had died tonight? Heaven or hell?
oh no no no nonce bros they're on to us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky3HqvT3M8E
>>331672 >a loophole allows people to draw things
>woes fantasising about soph marrying a black guy on the kino casino stream
lol vide of mass shooting at nigger party, 2 niggers and one coal burner killed https://twitter.com/Tr00peRR/status/1594726788999036932
>>331675 Every dark cloud has a silver lining
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>>331675 based
>>331675 small mercies
>wagner merc(convicted murderer let out of russian prison to fight) is captured by ukrainians either by surrender or defection >hes in kiev >somehow he ends up back in wagner hands >they say they kidnapped him from kiev by wagner spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) >others say it was a prisoner swap but theres no evidence of him being among those swaps >wagner executes him with a sledgehammer for being a traitor
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>week old gore from slavshit
its not been posted here
fresh houthi counter yank shite
>can the protestant doctrine of sola scripture yield answers to questions on a myriad of topics, for example capitalism?
>someone who wanted to cancel coalfax website getting cancelled himself
>Peter Hitchens' Half Hour | 21-November-22 https://youtu.be/4L0Mhkg2Nx0 He's talking about education here
I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job
>The schizo obese lad who shot up the child drag queen show was foiled by a mystery meat ZOGwarrior who had taken his family there gob bledss amurcca
>We'll call you back >they don't >call them back one day after they should have called me >act as if they have forgotten who I am
>promise jobcentre slavemaster i'll have something to show for my jobsearcherino >get stood up by companies who promised to at least let me try >makes me look like a liar
i think i could get a job easily if i tried. but i don't want to
Drinking juiced Monster and eating pork scratchings. I love life.
Nice moves
>>331698 this almost made me break my fast
morning lads, no ozlad today?
>>331694 Whoa, demonic forces are countersignalling me? No way!
>>331696 Now you have fresh stories. Nobody who applies himself really falls through the cracks in a first world country. What you ought to do is focus on maintaining your composure through this, yeah I know it's easier said than done. Good luck
>>331684 now this is kino
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thinking about how the white man went ahead and colonised native american aliens
>>331692 good lad, I hope you've learned your lesson >>331695 >>331696 get a call recording app so you can at least prove something to the slavemaster >>331693 <you found a GWT ZOG version
>>331711 shmo- er, snafternoon lad
>>331716 le keek >when you scream "MUMMYYY" when you're home alone but have to play it of as a le joke because of imaginary listeners
getting into sports
>>331719 based breeding hog
I kind of played with the idea a few times but I think giving birth as a cripple, at least a pralysed one can't be easy. Like, they can't use the pushing muscles I imagine. Also they can't really take care of the child. Would have to rely on a government paid assistent to help us out. Keeek I even played with the idea of becoming one of those myself, getting paid to wipe my wife's arse
>>331723 keeeeeeeeeek why are they still seething? they already got most of the dafties banned or re-banned from twatter
elon should make a website that kills you instantly
their seethe is eternal, they won't ever stop until the world is populated by just them and their golem servants, which is why they must be eradicated, because if we just put them all on an island then in two generations our descendants will have forgotten their grift
>808788 >b3b588 heil'd, btw
>Amerimutts thought Andrew Tate was white
sure is a slow tuesday I bet steiner is huffing that 15yo's soggy swimsuit right now buttery
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>>331728 what is he exactly? I heard he converted to islam too
>>331730 quarter black I think. Grandfather and father in pic
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>>331731 oh just like Sargon then
>>331732 Keeek didn't he say hsi dad was black or something but then we saw him one time and he obviously wasn't? What a weird thing to do
>>331733 >Keeek didn't he say hsi dad was black or something but then we saw him one time and he obviously wasn't? What a weird thing to do yeah, he's obviously lying he's never taken it back either
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>>331733 yeah this is him
>>331735 keeeeeeeek that is from that video yeah. Remember it so clearly. big moment in the e-cleb sphererino
MAKE WAY for the concubines of Shaka Wessex
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Wess, want to watch some more True Detective with me and 22?
How have I not seen this before
>>331740 literally who?
>>331739 well that's him, clear as day
https://unherd.com/thepost/report-critical-race-theory-is-endemic-in-british-schools/ >Report: Critical Race Theory is endemic in British schools
>>331743 holy redpilled, reminds me of when i was forced to sit through the entire roots series at my catholic school, never once learned about english history beyond le romans and victorians being bloody bonkers.
>>331744 Teachers tried that but even they were agonizingly bored watching it so gave up forcing us.
>>331743 >>331744 Yeah we had to watch roots and shit, made me the racist I am today.
>>331729 Kek that is a subtle reference to the candidate who resigned after tweeting?
>>331747 Based.
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>>331723 very brazen of the jevvs to have the ADL, an explicitly jevvish organization, spearheading internet censorship. they could have had the SPLC fill that role instead- the SPLC is just as jevvish, but on surface level, it's ostensibly intended for the blacks. they could have framed it as 'if people are allowed to talk, they'll be racist against blacks' and that would not only keep the jevvs in the shadows but would get blacks on board with the censorship too. instead it's jevvs vs everybody else ESPECIALLY FAMOUS BLACKS! are they stupid?
>>331750 keeeeeeek absolutely bloody bonkers woke nonsense
how does she make them get bigger? it has to be an optical illusion
>>331754 lovely pair of jubblies
>>331753 WOGS IN THE MUD
>>331754 She gets closer to the camera. I thought we were supposed to have high IQ
not like this bogans bros... not like this
>>331759 not surprising tbh, Fraunce will likely win it smh at least it was an Aryan who scored
>>331760 nah auslads got this
>>331762 who won
>>331763 diversity its not even half time lad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm1ctJZgQ8o >pagan women got their tits out and cheered on their men from the sidelines in battle and bullied the incels in the other army smh
two raw eggs for supper
>snapchat groomoid complaining about how lonely she is on snapchat stories but she never opens my messages *screams*
>>331768 i really do not care
>>331769 but why
Auslad FC are getting destroyed lads
>>331771 the west has fallen
>>331772 Australia is in the souf lad
>>331767 >>331772 You're a lot of fun at parties
>>331774 you're a (1)
>>331768 Kill them all tbh.
I'll take one breeding sow without tattoos please
>>331775 From my mobile IP
>>331779 oh sorry
>>331778 Pretty good current year story, tbh
>>331778 >I'll take one breeding sow without tattoos please Best I can do is a 'ready to settle down' coalburner with 3 niglets.
>>331778 Lee Kuan Yew was right, we should offer money for low IQ people to sterilise themselves.
New favourite band tbh https://youtu.be/yN-msWHIX74
>>331784 Need a nip lass to jam with.
>>331782 keeeeeeek verygoodlad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xik-y0xlpZ0 Robert Smith before he looked like an unused Tim Burton character.
>She recently responded to the hate with a video of her pretending to crack her bones, and writing, “When people tell me I need to be sterilized.” Then, while holding five of her small kids, she says: “Actually, can I have five more of these little blond bitches?” Awful. crude. based.
>In another video, she wrote that “daddy is ready for baby #13” — sparking people in the comments to suggest he might have a “pregnancy fetish” or a “breeding kink.” >She asked him about the “fetish” in a follow-up video, to which he replied, “Hell yeah.”
>>331789 Chad move. Femcels will never recover from mthis.
>when another man is living the life you want *screams*
>tfw aspiring to be "white trash"
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>>331793 Scam Hyde?
found a racist swedish groomee keeek
>>331795 *siren sound*
>>331798 based
Second shit of the day and I've not even been eating all that much. Nor have I exercised.
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listen to what this jew loving chinkess has to say about medieval England >Accordingly, the treatment of Jews marks medieval England as the first racial state in the history of the West. Church and state laws produced surveillance, tagging, herding, incarceration, legal murder, and expulsion https://notevenpast.org/did-race-and-racism-exist-in-the-middle-ages/
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Right, you've ruined the whole of Wednesday for me now. You're not my mate anymore.
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new antivaxx documentary, Died Suddenly, came out yesterday and it's trending on twitter with over 1m views. they show these weird clot things that are inside the vaxxed. vaxxies not feeling good right now https://rumble.com/v1wac7i-world-premier-died-suddenly.html https://nitter.it/DiedSuddenly_
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>>331811 wonder what these lads would have thought of that video
>>331806 Fuck me. Poor guy.
>>331803 nice t&a&f
>>331813 What matters is that the average American just sees this as a group of Whites with a different religion talking to each other.
>>331816 catlicks always hated kikes in shartica, its really southern baptist plebs and midwestern methodist plebs with their schofield bible dogshit
>>331817 Surely you agree that most people in this era view them as White just of a different religion? And that's the problem.
>>331812 Are there any photos that compare the veins of vaxxed and unvax?
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>>331819 idk but they show the clot things and normal veins wouldn't have those. still watching it
maybe steiner wouldn't be such a sad sack if he hung out with real american patriots like this guy?
>>331821 Keeeeek. What a try hard.
>>331822 trying hard to save america
ran into one of those pro EU, pro Macron feminist wignats again
>>331825 How's Dickie doing these days?
>>331826 "appolonian"
its weird they have their own niche space on twitter its just i never see them because their content is so boring and shit.
>>331817 middle class american catholics LOVE secular jewry, they see them as the ultimate "muh nation of immigrants" success story cut from the same cloth of dirty shabby beragged swarthy boat people from the continent. the average catholic-turned-athiest (which is most of them) american's wet dream is that he could crawl up John Stewart's ass and hoover up his shit with his mouth for eternity
>>331828 >French girl gets raped and murdered by Algerians. >Macron ignores it, instead comes out and talks about some protest where Algerians died 61 years ago. How do they cope with that?
>>331830 by being really gay
>>331812 Good documentary, didn't like the bit at the beginning with the montage of conspiracy theories though. It equates the subject to things like bigfoot ffs.
>>331811 what was he saying? I couldn't understand it fully
>>331740 Nick Lowles?
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Has this made it over here yet? The recorder is apparently a Canuck
>>331835 what country is this from?
>>331835 sperg tbh
>>331835 A Canadian in Poland.
>>331838 ah that makes sense
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>>331838 >>331835 love it when the nigger starts getting riled up kek
>>331835 GOOD LAD
took a huge shit.
>>331835 yeah the auditor guys do it to american military bases which are in our country for some reason. >>331837 no he's based
>>331818 are jews white?
>>331845 arguably. like armenians or georgians.
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>>331845 they look huwhite to smee
>>331829 I disagree
just want all the elites to die tbh
Rise and shine lads
>>331851 chuck and sneed lad
>>331855 choon that
>>331857 keeeeeeeeeek. That hair is ridiculous.
>>331805 Fucking paradise mate.
>>331857 >>331858 hate doctors and wannabe doctors so much tbh med students are always all woe is me about every little thing and then as soon as they're qualified as real doctors you get a few years of useful work out of them (accompanied by a massive ego for finally finishing med school) before they fuck off to private practice and switch their brains off permanently i do respect surgeons though tbh that takes a steady hand and a strong stomach but your average gp could be replaced by a laminated flow-chart stuck to the wall with blu tack
>>331860 glad i only been properly hospitalised twice when i was young. last time i did i shot myself in the head with my air rifle on accident would hate to wake up, to find im trapped in a bed surrounded by foids, wogs, zogs and ziggers being pumped with meth and golems waccy vaccy blood my brother was in er for a tonsil thing, and the student nurse kept squeezing his iv every 30 mins, even while he was eating
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>jobcentre trying to make me take a job that starts and ends 2 hours from where I live because the company office is local
>>331861 keeeeek smh sounds nightmarish >waccy vaccy blood smdh that's a real concern these days too smh used to be you only had to worry about them accidentally giving you aids >>331862 just ask if you can telecommute
>>331853 >stands up for himself pretty based wtf I hate chuds now
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>>331866 >bringing babies and preggo lasses into combat
>>331867 looks like they are hunting , lad, but still yeah. There is even a scene where they call attention to how the preggy belly gets in the way of drawing the baw
jesus christ the jobcentre is brutal. I asked myself how niggers and retards can handle this looming terror all the time but probably because this torment only is for goodboys while browns can NEET out guiltfree in their deanoboxerinos while breeding
>>331869 yeah lad you need to become a productive economic unit as soon as possible or else some poor nigger won't be able to afford to feed his fifth son
>>331870 can't wait to get jobcentre lad a big bonus this christmas for finding a job myself
> tfw only me and auslad around and I have a whole folder of AI art jazz jennings and tranny horrors
>>331873 lad no
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>>331876 smorn lad
>>331881 nice.
>water level was 20 meters or more higher in the bronze agerino >could grow grapes in certain places of Norway Take me back
>>331885 >manager has shot multiple employees let's be honest we've all thought about it smh the cotoilers i would've happily gunned down given the chance smdh
>>331885 >bossman when you ask for a raise or remind him about the christmas bonus you haven't been getting for years
Wind Gossip Gossip Winds Wind Gossip Me the Storm Sparrow I am the Sparrow The Sparrow among sparrows Silence knocking Knocking Silence Silence knocking Me the Eagle of Silence I am the Eagle The Eagle among eagles Calm Needed Needed Calm Calm Needed Me the Whirlpool of Calmness I am the Whirlpool The Whirlpool among whirlpools
thinking about how my colleague still drives the van that smells of my farts
>>331889 very serious smh
nippon is playing against alemania rn
>>331880 Is that supposed to be the "French" team? Paris is a notorious hotbed of Jesuit activity, by the way, has been for centuries
>>331889 what is the point in having the bottles all out on the table like that? sure, take some pictures and maybe keep some bottles as evidence, but if they're in date it's just a waste of good milk
>>331892 all of a sudden I love football
>>331885 If that were me I wouldn't shoot the people I manage, just the staff senior to me
https://youtu.be/RCVoWfz7VcQ What's your fylgja, lads?
The HR department of any business is especially shoot-worthy
>las criaturas de alemania diving and making a dishonourable display infront of the japanese.
>>331901 haha oh my days fucking hilarious mate haha
Labour Government for five years | How does Nigel Farage feel about that? https://youtu.be/PMkdlwKMNVg
>>331907 red zog blue zog smh
>>331832 yeah I said "why the fuck would they put UFOs and bigfoot" out loud when watching it, that was dumb >>331835 I hate America
Steiner for dinner
Anyone got the (possible tiktok) clip of that mutt family at the dinner table and the tranny says "I'm like quirky" and the spic dad says "shut the fuck up"? Making me keek remembering it.
>>331913 nooo troon bros this was meant to be our reichstag
uhm they're talking about us lads
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There's something not quite right about cfc38e.
>>331918 why though?
>>331919 >dad lets his son get to that point
>>331919 Keeeek but also >>331922 smdh.
i wish thanksgiving just didn't exist
would you play this games with fatty poombs?
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>>331926 You just can't help yourself
>>331925 no reason just feel malicious. very pointless online discussion arises every year. if it's not a global holiday it shouldnt have influence this big.
>>331928 how can thanksgiving be malicious?
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>>331927 *dodges*
>>331930 HE'S FAST
Nobody cares, right.
>>331931 he's a sneaky b!
>>331929 >no reason, (I) just feel malicious
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>>331932 >Nobody cares, right. I care lad, I care
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this channel goes hard >>331935 why what
uuuughh that fukken riff aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >>331924 it's a nice holiday tbh. pure, wholesome, family-focused, has an associated traditional meal which is delicious and comforting. what's your problem with it? I hate America, but Thanksgiving is one of the few good things about it
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>>331938 then you dont hate america. i just don't care for it there's nothing wrong with that
>>331939 smh guess I'll be watching some peeg videos now https://youtu.be/mcyAGBxvGXM
>>331940 percs got me stil
>>331939 >then you dont hate america what I hate is the "USA", not the Thirteen Colonies before the chimpout
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>>331942 i actually love americana and the spooky shit happening in every state and how poetically babylonian is. i'm just fatigued. but i should have kept that post to myself cause no one cares right
>>331944 the problem is the 'original sin' of the USA was becoming an anational state, which is a completely novel concept, by breaking away from its nation (Britain) which started a slippery slope that led to <56% and the ongoing global genocide of Europeans other mutt countries in the New World, I wouldn't call them 'anational states'. Mexico, for example, is neither Spanish nor Indigeneous, but it is Mexican, which is both. there has been some immigrantion from various European countries, but not enough to drastically alter the national character. in the USA, there was so much immigration from so many different countries that "American" became meaningless, thereby creating an 'anational state' which logically led to civic nationalism followed by globalism
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Nosely and cannibal yank slap fight in 40 mins https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR185:7
can't be arsed with this fucking shit
>>331946 surely they would have aired it out in private
wish you could put it on double speed on live streams smh
>>331946 yeah this will be rare markino confronting him over the chosen one meltdown
hello shwessex
this world cup is deliberately the most obvious one with fixed matches and bought referrees, it will be so obvious, people will start to be fed up with fifa and football. might be even the end of football though i'm not sure.
>>331953 you're retarded
>>331952 hullo, yes, that's right
>>331954 wanna bet on it?
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>>331953 >world cup is obviously fixed those schizo symbols don't really help strengthen your case tbh lad
>>331954 >you're retarded being retarded doesn't mean you are wrong though
>>331956 Tried betting on it but the bookies said it was unfair because you're certifiably a mong
>>331959 >certifiably a mong well at least he has a qualification
Had to filter u cause ur actually annoying as fuck most of ur posts are hateful projections of ur garbage personality even though i saw some valid intelligent posts but ever since i did all i saw were posts that show how delusional u are from all the weed u smoke. Get a clue. And a real personality. its so obvious ur coping mechanism is talking shit about the most random bs instead of posting actual interesting stuff and i just had to filter not bc i felt attacked by anything u said, but because none of it makes sense EVER. U are a hollow shell of a person that yearns to be better than others because u know ur just retarded at the end of the day. Bye and good riddance
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>>331961 TL;DR
FARAGE AT LARGE - NOW LIFE ON GB NEWS! https://youtu.be/pTdrH_zSDmM
>>331963 thinking about how the story in boku no piko is better than most goyslop today
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>>331965 >thinking about how the story in boku no piko is better than most goyslop today tbhtbh smh
>>331946 God he's so boring
>>331965 well it is a story about a boy's quest to turn all his friends and random people at his granny's restaurant gay with his small bum, theres some character to that.
>>331967 I can't listen to him tbh, it's just tedious bores me to death he does
>>331968 it's a story about a nonce bumming a little boy then deciding to get on with his life since a boy's arsehole is a dead end road then it ends with some bullshit about how bumming little boys is true love
>>331970 yeah, but nobody dies and comes back to life 7 times, only to die again and come back to life
>>331970 its pretty clear that the boy is the one that started, since he just keeps at it like the fruit he is.
*dies, then - plot twist - comes back to life*
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he's dead, but will he come back to life? yes
>>331973 2 times, then is brainwashed, but comes back from that too
>>331974 Based?
>>331976 I stand corrected
>Mark I'll pass it back to you >after 30 minute monologue They are made for each other KEEEEEK
Really heart warming to hear are Nige heaping praise upon the hotel owners in Skegness that turned down Serco money to house migrants in their hotel because they knew it would wreck the town he said they were his heroes
*tells him*
>>331986 Red_nige_gets_hammer_to_the_face.jpg
>>331987 Nosely gets a bonk to the nose
why the fuck does Cannibal talk with Mark as a third person, Wess? What's the lore there?
>>331990 what do you smean?
instead of saying he appreciates what Mark says directly to him "I appreciate you saying that", he says "I appreciate what Mark says"
>>331992 he's addressing le viewers
Peter Whittle is drunk on GB News, talking to are Nige
>>331993 just seems odd and impolite smh
>>331993 >he's addressing le viewers like he's in the room with us
>>331992 they're both talking as if the other isn't present tbh like they're just pausing a video and responding
>>331997 kmeeeeeeeeek
think Nige just farted live on GB News
>"As someone that believes in British culture, and doesn't smash it all to pieces, how did you get on with Saidq Khan?" cheeky leading question by are Nige
I'LL PASS IT ON TO YOU MARK - AFTER THIS *goes on to speak for another 10 minutes*
>tensions starting to rise AHH I WANT TO PAUSE BUT IT'S LIVE *screams*
which one of you is "Dairy Milk with a glass of Milk"?
>>332003 still not banned from last milleniyule keek
why doesn't Woes start selling robes and t-shirts?
>Mark got a nosebleed and the cannibal smells blood in the water smh
It's over
I do get Cannibal tbh, he basically says he doesn't want white people to suffer like Mark has he doesn't want people to throw their lifes away easily and wants to build strong arguments that can't be easily shut down. Feel like Mark was a bit dishonest in the end acting like he didn't get what he was getting at
>neither of them spoke about how he is literally a cop
>>332007 >when someone has a talking point but doesn't give an example
>>332010 or him saying anti-semitism leads to genocide
>mark out of nowhere saying they should have "a commisison of nationalists behind closed doors to investigate these things" smh sussy retard
>>332010 >neither of them spoke about how he is literally a cop who is a cop? cannibal?
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>>332014 yeah he has been employed in law enforcement for 16 years, as a prison officer or leader for the last ~4 and since 2021 still employed in law enforcement but with his job title obscured for security reasons (which some allege implicates him as being an undercover officer, a plant etc)
>>332009 >I do get Cannibal tbh, he basically says he doesn't want white people to suffer like Mark has he doesn't want people to throw their lifes away easily and wants to build strong arguments that can't be easily shut down. When Mark once said natinalists shouldn't care about getting doxxed, then goes on to joyfully recount how his windows used to get smashed in and his car vandalised, he does seem a bit of a mong tbh
>>332016 >yeah he has been employed in law enforcement for 16 years, as a prison officer or leader for the last ~4 and since 2021 still employed in law enforcement but with his job title obscured for security reasons (which some allege implicates him as being an undercover officer, a plant etc) that's a bit fucking sus tbh
"Just a bit sussy lads bit on the questionable side but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater we could still get areselves all v&."
>>331916 It's almost as if terrorist is a meaningless term
Bit bored of the projecting tranny schizos tbh.
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>>332023 wish dickie would fly to washington and have a gay slapfight with cannibal yank for control of his cult tbh
>>332025 KEEKE
>mummy in the middle of cooking thanksguving turkey >dad randomly decides today he needs to go to the hospital because he has been having fainting spells he tells nobody about >mummy finds out he randomly drove himself to the hospital today even though he was on his day off >leaves food cooking >be at boomer toil >be on roof with one other toiler >mummy calls me >BIG bossman tells me I have to have skullet boomers job today and stay late making sure all the other trades lock up the neighborhood >mummies turkey got burnt >have to go close up job >mummy said go to the butcher >butcher closes when jobsite needs to be closed >boomer dad could have gone to doctor any other day of the week I hate being the oldest son so mf much
>>332025 based luv the odyssey
>>332027 do you feel like you are expected to put family first despite not getting anything in return? most of my family sneethe is like that smh trvditional values but not when it extends past lip service
>>332027 it's about time you moved into a trailer with 15 year old life guard lass
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>>332025 it's jocko
just did a really nice poo like that alyx-voiced tranny Steiner posts
Elon Musk after 6 months as Twitter CEO
pwr over
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>>332034 Andor isn't out yet, I'm gutted
>>332035 ep or two of batmong then?
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>>332036 guess we have no choice smh
looking forward to seeing how le riddler retvrns from the dead again tbh
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>>332038 >someone shatters his ice and they have to bring in the Puzzler/Jigsawer to put him back together
>>332040 keeeek really warming up to le bulk pic tbh
>me when I put on my best clothes to go to an interview and still don't get the job for the hundredth time
>>332043 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Do you really show up in a suit when applying for shit jobs?
>>332044 just a nice shirt tbh last time I put a tie on was for a care home boomer poopie cleaning job
>>332043 smh lad don't you know theres a labour shortage, you should be able to get a job easy
They really letting everyone back on
>>332047 crionge
>>332047 cringe
Why is Spencer such a kill joy cunt now?
>>332050 he's a mouthpiece for the glowies
almost 700,000 Russian troops surrounding the Ukraine phase 4 when the ground freezes https://nitter.it/MyLordBebo/status/1595340441267982336?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
Our Father, who art in Heaven hallowed be Thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil For Thine is the kingdom the power and the glory for ever and ever Amen Hope you are alright lads. Been tired recently and work has been rough. New video to be released soon hopefully. t. Alberto Barbosa
>>332053 *Kingdom(?)
>>332053 keep it up lad you made it
It won't leave... Got one of those 5G towers right by me. Since it was built I get ill more regularly. Pure coincidence!
>>332056 I believe it luv are ted tbh
>>332055 For now. Lots of higher up backroom secrecy stuff I don't like. One of my colleagues I moan about work with recommended I join a union it's that bad. >>332057 I think his literature is quite important as was his way of life before he started blowing stuff up. Wow you mailed a bomb to an office truly this will stop industrial society! Moron. To all GCHQ readers, terrorism is not the answer and I do not condone Ted Kaczynski's actions.
>>332058 there is a pro-huwhite union out there tbf, one that isn't just a vector for funding labour Workers of England Union and Robin Tilbrook
>>332059 You don't want to fund Labour? I hear they are based now! t. moron
>>332029 yeah this >>332030 yeah I probably should do that getting sick of boomer narcissism BPD shite
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zA52uNzx7Y4 im blue, i would beat off a guy i would beat off a guy, i would beat off a guy i would beat off a guy, i would beat off a guy i would beat off a guy, i would beat off a guy
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>nick met with kanye and trump at Mar A-lago fuck sake lads, nothing interesting ever happens in this country. we must have the deadest right-wing in the western world.
Good night lads. Reminder that the devil will appear "based" and "redpilled" when he reveals himself. Do not be fooled.
>>332065 tbh have a good one
>>332064 >a spic glownigger met with the biggest faggot in western politics and a literal nigger american politics is the hallucination of an homeless guy sucking on airduster
>no sacred wogs to worship
>>332067 tbh even if nick is sincere this is a really shit move associating with dumpf
>>332062 i'm chuck, if i was sneed i would die if i was sneed i would die if i was sneed i would die if i was sneed i would die
>went and bought turkey >mummy now says we might not just have thanksgiving >spent 60 dollars on a amish farm turkey >meanwhile dad is literally okay just was being bipolar and forgot that his meds were interacting with each other and that going for morning walks at 5 AM in 20 degree weather and powerwalking up hills at 70 years old can make you light headed thanks boomers
>>332064 Sodomite being blackmailed by Milo meets with unhinged MKULTRA victim and sodomite sell out who betrayed his base. All three are 100% part of the regime, as is Elon, as is anyone of note. They all sold their soul. They all worship the all seeing eye. They all do their secret handshakes. Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God. >>332066 Same to you. >>332068 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. >>332069 He is being blackmailed by Milo, a known m*son, for his sodomite tendencies.
>>332065 gn lad
maybe dappy from n-dubz will name the jew and do a colab with nosely
>no economic collapse >no covid causing societal collapse >no ww3 I AM SO SICK OF THIS FUCKING GAY SOCIETY
you lads have count dankula though he could save the white race
>>332071 why do they cost that much?
>>332073 Repent. >>332076 So glad this is ironic tbh but 5 years ago this would have been a 100% sincere post.
>>332075 two more weeks
>>332071 cook it yourself but refuse to share any tbh
>>332077 yeah 60 dollars for a turkey smh everyone has to be a jew about holidays especially amish
>>332082 KEEEEEK
>>332067 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK nicks a glownigger now? gigacope from you tbh
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there's some british guy super chatting baked alaska about Manchester United fookin' keeeeek
>>332082 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek what a good lad >>332085 he still streams?
yeah nick is a glownigger ASSet, they have fag blackmail on him. why is nick and his merry band of faggots not in prison for being in january 6th? how did he get off that no fly list?
>>332087 wheres the evidence for any of this? >>332087 >why is nick and his merry band of faggots not in prison for being in january 6th? what do you mean "in" january 6th, he never got to the capitol grounds >>332087 >how did he get off that no fly list? why was he on it in the first place? also why is in the top 5 "hitlist" on the ADL website?
>>332083 kek he looks just like that
>>332058 the heads of worker syndicates are usually tied to political parties, intelligence agencies and secret societies. the average joes who want better pay dont realize they're being used sometimes.
>>332086 yeah on cozy >>332087 yoba is going to prison smdh 😔
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>hes consneeded already another victory for me
nick shills are so pathetic they must have some pics of you in a maid outfit or something on an AF bongo
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>>332097 libtard status: btfo
rw twitter is full gatekeeping retards with terrible takes and their orbiters. breadtube on the other hand: https://twitter.com/socialismtrain/status/1509096108303302660
they're going to make america great again... again!
Fuentes won't even mention his name. Just happy to let him rot. https://www.npr.org/2022/10/19/1129912913/a-former-ucla-student-was-sentenced-to-over-three-years-in-prison-for-capitol-ri Should've been a mistrial too. The judge admitted he was going to sentence him regardless of what happened or was presented during the trial. Kangaroo court. A judge appointed by Trump btw.
>>332094 You fold like a wet paper towel whenever I btfo you on this, you are an emotional child >>332101 he was one of the ones that tried to stab nick in the back and start a rival org why would he give a shit about him being in jail
>Abigail Thorn (PhilosophyTube) is one of two children of Aleister MacAlpine Ataturk Crowley, the son of occultist Aleister Crowley.
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>>332109 he'll yeah
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are the normies actually convinced by this line that they must freeze to death this winter in order to defeat putin?
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>>332111 I never heard of this person Abigail Thorn before, what's the qrd?
how are people shooting up gay bars but not pro choice rallies. because it’s fake that's the real answer. especially if they have an identity politics reason behind them. i was just thinking about that like if you really want to make a huge difference a pro choice rally is like a satan beacon. they’d be shooting up circumcision doctors all the time if it was real
>>332125 philosophytube, was a somewhat interesting essay youtuber albeit woke and cringe, trooned out. anything else is schio speculation but what's also for certain is he tried to hook up with contrapoints who now ghosts him on everything and implies she was raped by him. t on t violence basically.
schizo* he*
>>332127 oh that other troon is contrapoints, I see
>>332127 his own father can't recognise him
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*fucks jocko* *fucks pembs* *fucks other trannies*
green nigga.jpg
you cannot prove to me that death is real until it happens what a stupid concept
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>>332131 >*fucks jocko* >*fucks pembs* >*fucks other trannies* are you saying you have done these things lad?
>>332117 How about you freeze to death, you chinky shagging cunt.
>Dorset fucking anything. Keeeek. Good one.
I will be sure to make a video, or at least a few pics
>>332138 of what?
surprised nobody has posted poombs prolapsed arse yet, I'd imagine the troons are holding it for a major offensive against the board tbh
>>332140 lad are you okay?
>>332141 yes that is surprising
>>332144 do you still get "demon attacks"?
>>332145 Only from you.
>>332146 not from me lad
are you jealous of me?
You're waiting on her call But she don't use 5G
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dorset is over here fishing for attention so the bussy can't be all that good.
>>332150 It's too good. Addicting.
>>332152 try putting psilocybin on your urethra. make your dick trip, shiiiit
https://intervention-directory.com/2013/05/episode-88-aaron/ imagine being married to this shooters dad btw >>332116
>>332148 >are you jealous of me? for what lad?
Kam on Engerland skor sum fakkin gaaaooooollls!
i hope england wins because I think that would upset people the most
I think people desire x so I must hope y.
dorset is a homosexual and I'm going to murder him
>>332157 no it wouldn't, it would be shown as a shining example of how we are a succesful multicultural nation, when we are nothing of the kind they have already started saying this
better yet I'm going to recruit a left wing troon to murder him right at the zenith of ejaculation
dorset is likely banned and gnashing his teeth. dorset used to quote the bible at me, rather vigurously, now he's being a sodomite. because his mind is weak and his will is weak and all his morals and ideals were a paper tiger. you don't know what comes next. soon they will put you on estrogen because you "pass" and "make a cute girl" and "are a dead end loser anyway" and "can't get girls and like boys anyway". you don't know yet but soon you will. and deep inside you know it's smokes and mirror otherwise you wouldn't chace your peer's disapproval like a junkie. but it makes sense, this place is your sole legacy. the only thing you created. you have a masochistic streak in you, maybe try find a femdom gf. it's not too late.
>>332160 Darren for PM tbh
>>332163 may i kindly ask for the original sunak picture, preferrably already transparent? thanks
>>332164 sorry I don't have it transparent
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>>332165 that'll do pig
>>332168 Stop posting this kino without a source.
Steinzog, Wessica and me. Everybody else on here is a literal bender.
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tomorrow I will have to eat an entire 10-20 pd turkey myself
Four years I wasted, sippin on drinks at the bar, chit-chatting with fucking nobodies.
>>332173 based >>332176 choon that
oh, uh, no. what a...terrible..."tragedy" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-63728830
smorb sneeders feel like death toil approaches >>332173 reaffirming your American sovl
>>332183 🎶dah-ring dah-ring🎶🎶willu-shit-on-me-noo🎶
>>332184 keeek
>>332180 based frogs >>332182 smorbing lad
thinking about the bear in the outhouse again
>>332188 Yeah. Hell in 45 minutes
https://youtu.be/jm3DJfIvm88 nonce kino is back on the menu boys
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White bros...
avatar fr
>>332194 keeeeeeek
>another bossman not calling me back
>>332198 Maybe brumpf will talk about censorship now? It's bizarre to me how his social media presence and the social pedia presence of his supporters had an effect on his campaign in 2016 yet why doesn't he talk about it?
>>332198 honestly hoping kanye becomes president tbh politics deserves to be treated like the farce that it is plus it would be funny
>>332201 finally, a president who watches blacked, just like me!
>>332204 keeeeeek
Why won't civic fencer join them and take on globo homo, lads?
>>332206 >top right lad says he can't be racist because he's part japanese, part indian and part something else and his daughter is dating a black dude God I hate the neo-centrists
>>332207 >can't be racist because sick of this tbh the correct response to being accused of racism is to admit it and be proud of it saying it's not really racism just means perpetually staying on the defensive desperately trying to prove that you're not doing anything wrong (i.e. tacit admission that you think your opponents are right)
>>332208 yeah it was old forever ago. People should just go on the offensive and say something like that is a word used to try and control your behaviour and you refuse to do so or... just anything not retarded
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klaus_Barbie smh this barbie film that's in the works has some deep lore >>332209 tbh
>>332210 >smh this barbie film that's in the works has some deep lore smh I was hoping for some esoteric barbie lore but it's just a.. guy
>>332211 yeah lad that's the joke
>>332213 thanks lad
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Quick Reply