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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3824: CHUD RAPE CHUD RAPE CHUD RAPE Edition. Anonymous 01/04/2023 (Wed) 22:40:17 Id: cc39f7 No. 343935
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:58:05.
smh you made this thread 20 seconds before mine, similar theme too
leftover 'za and jesus' love for dinner lads
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happy mew years!
>>343935 Good lad >>343939 Good lad
>Me trying not to nut for a day
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvv3yTdUCaQ How can they bully the male like this and not let him eat first? Seen it in a few of these zoo videos.
>>343943 It's incels looking for a crumb of pussy. smh.
god modern chugs are so cringe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lvE43AAv8M
>>343945 Keeek. All these wog gangs just copy nigger hood aesthetics. At least Aryan Brotherhood has something else.
There really is a pajeet called 'Patel Patriot' grifting off Patriotards.
wish i could stay focused throughout the day i only get the morning hours before i get brain fog and have a hard time reading and understanding things
>>343947 keeeeeeeeeeek steiner should really get off of rumble its nothing but idiotic qoomer rapefugees
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>>343948 Sounds bad. How long has this gone on? Fuck you won't read this post or understand it. Stupid mong should probably just ACK himself. Smdh.
>>343950 i think i just need a mid-day nap like a boomer
>>343949 odsyee has that gay bitcoin type scam involved in it which I don't like
>>343947 imagine how john calhoun and james polk and abe lincoln would have thought of this shitskin
>>343948 likely brain cancer, and im being serious
>>343942 me atm tbh
As long as I live long enough to see Nigel Farage digital trading cards I don't care tbh.
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>>343957 Captured nigger elf's likeness well there. >>343958 ACK!
>>343952 smh don't think I can give you rumbles or whatever they call the upvotes on there anymore because they wanted some kind of verification for my account
>>343952 quit being a faggot, all of the alt shite is on odysee and theres nothing stopping you from uploading there, its a better platform
i will rape and kill in the name of odysee
'Nerdy hippie', 25, who raked in $1.5M on OnlyFans uses the money to fulfill her dream of 'living with the land' on an 'off-grid' farm - where she grows her own food and raises chickens HEY STEINER https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11595191/Hippie-1-5-MILLION-OnlyFans-looks-fulfill-dream-living-grid.html
>>343963 Just searched the name. She gets gangbanged in porn. Hardly just 'OnlyFans'.
>>343963 Just fucking kill me
such a cute face *sobs* *screams* *starts crying*
>>343963 >tfw recognize her
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>weeks from freedom BBK getting the fireworks ready.
There's another porn thot that goes by Karma Rex who said on twitter she was so happy she had a nice house and land after being a homeless 'trash baby' and all it took was dozens of plastic surgeries and getting gang banged dozens of times and now she sells le quirky homemade soap. Based gabidalism.
millionaire foid whores meanwhile this is whats happening with men https://nypost.com/2022/11/02/disturbing-rise-of-the-nilfs-men-not-in-the-labor-force/amp/ >Disturbing rise of the NILFS: Men ‘not in the labor force’
>>343963 I recall someone on here making a post about these stories being designed to encourage young lasses to whore themselves out and destroy their bodies when in reality most of them make little off of onlyfans
>>343971 its true but there are whores on their who make money, its pareto principle in action but more extreme
>>343970 >A can-do, pro-work ethos has served our nation well. America’s future will depend in no small part on how — and whether — our people choose to work. And that question will only grow in importance as our society ages. keeeeeeeeeeeek imagine being a white man in weimart and toiling yourself to death for that niggerfaggot worshipping memi nation
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saw one of the paki councillors who shut down the rotherham rape gang investigations is now employed as a diversity officer in the nhs. literally cant make it up but i really feel nothing. cant even get mad anymore about this joke of a country https://twitter.com/CDP1882/status/1609980044272713730
>The average worker in the United States clocks more hours each year than those in Canada, Australia, Western Europe and now even Japan. > rising prime-age male NILF rates traced out a near-constant path from 1965 through 2015 the immigration act of 1965 >Half or more of the gap is due to men and women 55 and older (perhaps especially those over 65) he expects people to literally toil until they die >from the mid-1990s until the eve of the pandemic — trends for older Americans were one of the few bright spots in the US employment picture boomer cunts hogging all the jobs and not training replacements in the younger generations
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>>343979 >>The average worker in the United States clocks more hours each year than those in Canada, Australia, Western Europe and now even Japan. Nip bros. We're back!
>>343980 keeek smh >>343981 based tbh
>>343981 Is he a good boy now?
>>343963 1.5 million is not really enough money to be a femoidic "off the grid" type.
>>343984 how? probably more money than I'll make in my life tbh
>>343986 I bet youll make more over the course of your life. I doubt you can have a brownwater septic system, farm equipment, etc. etc., land, a house, utilities, etc. "off the grid" for cheap you'll be paying extra for labor to come out "off the grid" and labor will charge more since it will all be done with batteries and generators. plus its a dumb bitch so they will charge more
>>343988 seems like gigacope tbh
>>343989 more like the femoid is coping I bet the 1.5. is before taxes and that money won't go far in a womans hands.
literally working on a 1 million dollar house rn for boomer bossman and its just another OSB shithouse
>>343990 it's okay she can always do more porn >>343991 how much of the $1m are you getting tbh
>>343992 idk maybe like 10k max
>>343993 sounds better than anything else going tbf
>>343994 yeah just have to put up with skullet boomer being a psycho and old grumpy foreman boomerman who just came back from his surgery fighting over who is the bigger boar foreman.
>>343996 keeeek toiler dominance displays >I am the the roofer on the ladder >The smoky haze of weed >the cheapest of cardboard >I am the wild boomer in boast >the provider in the house >I am the toil, the tradie >I am the word of bossman
>BIG trucks circling in the dusty car park
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>>343998 like maximum overdrive?
>>343997 keek yeah they both try to out tusk each other with the BIG TRUCKS https://youtu.be/22b27P9Pk9E
the mud is so bad at the toil site one fat fuck toiler got his truck stuck. then I saw his truck and drove down there as they were running up and then skullet boomer told me I was gonna get stuck but then I put it in low gear and drove my toil truck all the way up the mud hill and made them all look like pussies because my truck has the smallest engine
>>344001 i feel like there is an analogy to be drawn from this
>>344002 not an analogy, i mean a lesson.
*asserts dominance* https://youtu.be/7Nl2ScIRYwc was keeking how all the redneckoid faggots in their 60-90k trucks were scared of a little mud but my poorfag special 8k beater workman truck drove up just fine. skullet boomer said it was because I had new tires on
>>344001 keeeek tales from the midwest
>>344004 you should go in with some old tires
>>344000 half expect a steam whistle to start blowing
>>344001 keeeeeek
>Our ‘today’ logo was born out of overwhelmingly positive feedback from our temporary 40th-anniversary logo launched in 2022 for that year only. It shows three figures in our refreshed core colours and represents a celebration of diversity.
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>>344010 They can't just make blacks and chinks overtly stand out like that.
>>344012 they aren't making anyone stand out lad that's just three normal britons
>>344013 I'd make her look more british by hanging off the back of her
Don't blame me blame my aryan upbringing.
Are you back in work yet Ozlad?
>>344011 >>344012 >>344013 >>344014 I've just noticed that had a nigger in their original logo
>>344017 not yet smh haven't heard anything back from the coffee shop going to call tomorrow to see what's going on
>>344019 You won't have the 15 years of Barista training and experience they require.
>>344021 the lad i spoke to was pretty up front about how he likes to train his toilers from scratch tbh so i reckon i've got a shot he starts people out clearing tables then moves them to the till then has them doing food then teaches them to do coffee
>>344022 Well good luck lad, serving coffee to trendees in a major metropolitan area still sounds like hell to me.
>>344023 yeah it would be a nightmare smh sick of being on bennies though tbh don't like being at the mercy of a faceless bureaucracy
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>>344024 think of all the hipster thots tbh
>>344026 good luck with your new job lad
>'William grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and knocked me to the floor. I landed on the dog bowl' absolute CHAD
>>344027 thanks lad
making soup tbh lads.
turk video complaining about their demographic replacement by arabs https://youtu.be/EpPo5vjC2bE
>>344031 Probably the whitest turks I've ever seen. All the turks here look like roma gypsies.
What's going on Tommy Bros?
>macaroni and bacon the day before yesterday >pancakes and bacon yesterday >hamburger with bacon today I HECKING LOVE BACON
>>344034 did they ever use actual bacon on that show?
the elites want us to be short, unhealthy, and low IQ, while they eat the better food making them stronger, taller, healthier and smarter
>>344018 He's just Welsh lad smh
>>344033 Tony Montana levels of cocaine over the Christmas period.
>>344036 >I'm sure you'll avoid Jevon's Paradox this time, wagie
>>344039 Does that paradox also apply directly to toilmen?
W * M E N
>>344036 same as always smh but they used to at least try to hide it now they just flat out tell you to your face to become dysgenic troglodytes for le environment
>>344041 very candid, you can tell she never had a proper father figure.
>>344041 Had this happen to me on dating apps several times, last time yesterday. Lass seems too perfect and wants everything you do, talking with you for hours only to reveal it was all a joke in the end.
smh hitchens disabled comments on his latest pookraine piece which means no boomer seethe to harvest
>>344047 can you link the article?
>>344049 That article sounds more like he's given up even discussing Ukraine now.
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>>343935 (You)
>>344031 crazy how some turks look like slavoids either because of slave trade but I like to larp that they are the descendants of the galatians who conquered and muh dicked through all the hellenistic world
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>that one turkish mummy whose son I went to school with who used to spoil me because I had really blond hair as a kid smh imagine back in the late middle ages when they raided england and ireland for slaves.
>>344041 sounds like cope thats her head canon in reality she just smokes dong
Wessie did you write a will yet?
is the pro-norman anti anglo-saxon poster still with us
>>344055 no smh >>344057 wonder if they are actively cooking these up to keep the grift going now or if it's just regular colds, or remnants of le biolab leak or whatever smh
>>344059 It's just a way to keep vaxxing the niggercattle to death.
I wish I had bought some pfizer shares or something at the start of this protracted global meltdown.
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need some more intelligent jungle with the 90s cgi background images tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK8ilaPZbKE
the golden one has greenlit andrew tate
>>344066 huwhy?
>>344067 for having sex with white women
>>344022 With all that . . . you should relinquish the bored . . . for your own good!
>>344068 Unsurprisingly any male with some means doesn't fuck nigger bitches, unless they have a cocoa butter fetish.
>>344066 he also greenlit talos oh sorry i mean odin
>>344066 >>344068 What... why would he
>>344072 he wants that mutt for himself
Edited last time by Enoch on 01/05/2023 (Thu) 19:55:13.
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>>344076 word is pembs is single again now who will he vore next?
>>344076 keeeeeeek *obsesses*
>>344075 Is it the Final Cut version?
>>344075 Redux version is great
>>344077 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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Lynda Carter boobies
>>344079 yeah, this is the final cut version
Yeah, that's my friend, the twenty two stone.
EVIL PUTIN >Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has offered Ukraine a 36-hour ceasefire in the war to allow people to attend services on Orthodox Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, according to state media.
>>344083 she is still fit
>>344086 Orthodox Church in Ukraine suddenly doesn't celebrate it on the 7th anymore. kek.
>>344090 smh ukrainian christmas eyiv is ackshully on another day when st. bandera cannibalized some polish peasants after having sex with their dead bodies while filming it
>>344092 Brando was so fat during filming that Coppola used a body double for wide shots and put him in dark clothing to make his girth less obvious, mostly doing closeups of his face.
Also, it was filmed in the Philippines because of cheap labour and jungle asian countries are interchangeable anyway
And Sheen having the heart attack too. Much lore and kino.
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>>344096 It's so vague. Sounds dumb. She was restrained in "a house" and knew him? Surely it was a house belonging to one of them. Suffered bodily harm and yet required no medical attention? And this is a successful prosecution? What a joke
>>344096 >>344097 >pig does something similar on duty >rewarded >does it as a civie with foreign thot >thrown in pen Pottery.
>>344052 a lot of them are basically muslim greeks that learned turkish and started calling themselves turks. "turk" isn't really an ethnic group, it's an identity for moslem mutts
>Poombs kicked Westie out on the street
>>344102 smh kicking him out during the winter too. are gayist void of mercy?
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>>344102 Didn't know they were cohabiting. >poombs now alone and even more defenceless against smee
>>344063 decent breaks tbh, shame its all runglecaarted wog badman musics
>>344096 just don't have an affair, it stops this kind of thing also >rabinowitz he deserves it for cavorting with jewesses tbh
idk if I mentioned this here before but basically, Erdogan's Islamist/Jingoist AKP party is losing its grip on Turkey, so he's importing all of these devout Moslems from Syria/Afghanistan/Pakistan just like how US Democrats import spics and various other non-whites. the western Turks, who are whiter and mostly Greek/Anatolian, are atheist Ataturkist libtards that got vaxxed and have low birthrate, they are pissed at being demographically replaced. the eastern Turks, who are mostly Anatolian/Laz/Armenian/Kurd, are less white and more churka/shitskin, Islamist/Jingoist and support AKP. Erdogan is Laz, similar to Georgian
>>344107 Interesting. Yet another example to go along with the 1000s of current and infinitely more historic examples of diversity not being a civic strength for our leaders and the niggercattle to not learn anything from.
>>344107 although true that erdogan is pro refugees because he see's turks as libtards he's only in power from a coalition with the nationalist party MHP who pledge to deport all refugees if they gain power. or atleast get in a good enough position to threaten edrogay.
kek, what costume is this anyway?
>>344110 Keeeeeeek. Want to see him and that Turkish pygmy fight to the death over a tray of Baklava.
smh think i've caught the flu lads
>>344113 Will fuck you up for 3 weeks probably, lid.
>>344102 kek he probably wants to shart on a different dick now
>>344115 normalfags are scary sometimes
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Saskatchewan_stabbings anybody ever figure out what this was?
>>344113 Just got over the flu myself lass. Make sure to get plently of rest and take plenty of lemsip hun x
>>344115 awh mate that's class x
>>344119 wasn't it just chugs being chugs
el chapo's son was arrested by mexican police riots and gun battles breaking out in major cities jails have been emptied and the prisoners armed to cause chaos until his release mexico has..... fallen https://mobile.twitter.com/MACZA333/status/1611114325862715393 https://mobile.twitter.com/PrimeroEdit_mx/status/1611109471023157255 https://mobile.twitter.com/4PlugHub/status/1611105788747042829
>>344123 finally a potential happening
>>344124 >nothing happens except even more spics in the US and more spic crime too
damn ear is itchy from wax again, gonna have to use that stuff to dissolve my earwax again. idk why this happens, ears should be self-regulating. happens whether or not I use q-tips after a shower
>>344110 what's this? one of the billions that must die?
>>344102 sauce plz lad?
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>>344127 >>344130 das rite!
Rise and shine!
>>344133 lad it's 10:22pm, that's like afternoon
meatza for dindins again
>>344131 this won't genocide the bees at all
>>344126 Thank you for sharing
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>>344138 Based. Wait... >Scott Lloyd Benton is a British politician who has served as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Blackpool South since 2019. A member of the Conservative Party Hope he's Amess'd.
saw fudoh today. pretty good considering most takashi miike films give me headaches will be watching one nite in mongkok next slow day smh
why are cops so impatient? The innocent black man didn't even have time to react to the request...
>>344140 >mong kok
>>344142 22st isn’t awake yet
>>344144 keeeeek
>>344143 keeeeeeeek
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tis' a sorry thing to look upon these last days o' /brit/. alas the sun sets o'er our meagre tidings. fare thee well, you sons of rome...
white replacement in duplo bricks before and after
>>344149 smh it's ogre
>>344151 did you get the job?
>>344152 forgot to call
wish sni was on the snea. might join the merchant navy tbh
>>344154 based sounds like good toil if you can get it tbh
very strange episode of illness this one tbh actually breathing better now than previously, it seems to have overridden whatever ailment I had Some snot and tissues and some fairly bad coughs, a temperature and sweats but not on the level of inconvenience of previous coofs
>>344154 didn't we have one lad who did that
>>344156 >actually breathing better now than previously smh if only this discovery had been made sooner think of the lives that could have been saved >>344157 guitarlad iirc
peck or gruffudd lads?
shnight lads
>>344159 Gruffydd amdani tbh
>>344160 Horrific nightmares, lad.
I've become so based, I can't feel you there... 😔 become so redpilled, so much more aware... 😲
schnafternoon, not showered in a week tbh
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Konny Che Wah, I'm middul-sama... w-would yer be me.... nipponese t-t-tradwife! Arg! It's not like I fancy yer beeflaps or anythin' BAKA!!!
Woeschads... what is he doing??
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Covidiots lied... are NHS heroes died... #CampsForCovidiots
>>344168 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
why is 4chan so obsessed with that 4 people murder in America? Not looked into it at all tbh then an e-celeb made a video on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9zEizU3FgI
>>344172 4pol is full of normalfag redditors and has been for years, they had 1000 odd generals for the amber heard trial
might be misremembering it, but halfchan pol seemed to particularly go to shit after the fappening. Might be a coincidence, but perhaps the coomers came in and ruined everything
Can someone give me the qrd on the new pembs/westie romance arc
the only interesting part in that crime is that the killer fucked up badly and should have known better since he's actually studying forensics >driving car on his way to the murder >realises he has his phone with him >turn it off since he knows it tracks him >they still have him tracked as going to the murder scene before the murder, and have him turning it on when at home after the murder
>>344174 tbh things definitely got worse after that
>>344175 All gossip, lad. No confirmation smh. Just seems like Westie is on his own
>>344172 did they say anything about him being a jewish psycho? seems like shartican news agencies liked covering this story from what I can see. /pol/ today seems to be a bunch of idiots reacting to the latest goy stories the media presents to them >>344179 >This is a non-partisan podcast that focuses solely on the facts and the accounts of the individuals involved. how accurate is this lad
>>344181 He seems somewhat fair, maybe a little pro republician
My favourite podcaster is currently History Unwritten though or Anglo Saxon England
>>344183 >Anglo Saxon England which one? looks like there's two different podcast with that name on the site
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Godwinson was crowned 957 years ago today
>>344185 god I miss playmobil
>>344184 >Anglo Saxon England https://podbay.fm/p/anglo-saxon-england This one, he released a new podcast and it got kino, 3 brothers, Alfred and his brothers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xXA8u-gPEI He really hates black people smh
>>344186 tbh loved both lego and playmobil as a child >>344187 I'll have a listen to it since I've been looking for a new podcast
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seething hard about women again lads
It's a lisa simpson and darkie world.
mexican military literally just drives around in pickup trucks like they are boomer toilers https://twitter.com/LPMisesCaucus/status/1611116846807236609
>>344193 good news for sexpats I guess
>>344195 Sexpats in India lad?
https://youtube.com/shorts/HUhHLIhPt4I?feature=share lookout martin big tough girls are taking over your job from you its over
>>344196 think some of them prefer rounder eyed poos instead of chinky lasses. there was a poster on here who knew more about the british sexpat community just by looking through their various youtube channels, think thats how we found out about dobby >>344194 keeek hope this continues
>Steiner the whiner crying about lasses again
>>344197 Yeah. Was in a class with 3 of them and I have seen a few on dating apps. At one of the places I could apply for a job they had a powerpoint about a mother of 5 who'd rather go trucking than be with her family and it was framed as a good thing. Sick of this world.
>>344200 >they had a powerpoint about a mother of 5 who'd rather go trucking than be with her family and it was framed as a good thing smh was it fictional or based off of a real mummy
>>344200 yeah they have big butts which are better evolutionary for sitting in trucks than us lowly incels. smh women are so superior to us
>>344200 Real, she worked there. Feminism aside, as if bossmen cares about that, it's obviously really an evolution of the "good work ethic" meme where you sacrifice everything to please the bossman and you cope with how you love it. >>344202 True. It might as well be that. They say women are great at x job but never say why.
can someone explain diarreah? People always say they get runny shit after eating certain foods, but it's supposed to take day for food to pass through your digestive system. Is it just a myth that food eaten today can also cause bad shits the same day?
>>344197 >butt matrix literally within 1 second
>>344205 > but it's supposed to take day for food to pass through your digestive system. kek what a mong where did you hear that, I can shit a few hours after eating foods that have a laxative effect
>>344204 DANG! 22STLOOK LIKE THAt?!
>madbitch banning lads for calling out incel faggotry
Incels are weak little faggots. Always complaining never improving themselves. That'd be too hard though wouldn't it? Better consign ourselves to lonely inceldom rather than actually do something about it.
>>344208 As depicted by Wessex tbh. He obviously used himself for reference
Women having jobs is the ultimate expression of the demonic consume without end society, women working is a complete waste of time and serves nobody and nothing except capital.
Hey, madbitch! What's it like being the lapdog to an incompetent ozoid?
>>344211 What would be your critiques of his artwork lad?
love the fact bbk is still this salty.
never met a lass that actually enjoyed toiling
madbitch has never had sex . . . and it shows!
yes thats right bbk the destruction of patriarchy and the family and the hellscape we live in is all incels fault, teehee they should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and become work horses for a whore.
>>344214 Luckily despite being of wessexian weight I never developed gyno-like tits, and my arse is atrophied and not glorious like that smh. Otherwise spot on
>>344216 they do it out of conformity and hatred of men nothing more
>>344216 They often say they do though smh
>>344204 >22st just cleaning up >bossman: ZAYUM you should have made a tik tok about being harassed
>>344220 >>344218 Wahhhhh! Wahhhhh! I hate big government! Ahhhhhhhhh! Big government! Save me from talking to women!
Notice how the incels have to resort to banning? Their system is one based on personal failure. They're cowards and defeatists.
Take madbitch, for instance, his crowning achievement is being a lapdog to an australian sheep dog. Guiding the board off a cliff by giving power to incel mindrot. Pathetic.
right obligatory poosting done now for obligatory gooming.
Anyway, nos da lads x Might do some more raids if this faggot isn't demodded
Going visit the Philippines again, going to see their version of Rodeo.
>>344222 Should have made a tik tok doing the vanman shuffle while singing about how much I love working for free(which I was doing in what the picture depicts).
>>344228 What is their version of a rodeo, is it more dangerous?
>first truck job will be on a narrower road than what I'm used to during winter and night, both conditions which I haven't driven under before i-it's going to be okay
>>344226 skyrooming?
>>344230 Not sure, I think it's them larping as American cowboys which is kinda kino since they're so short
>>344232 no squooding
Incelchads... not like this
>>344235 Look at me femoid. I'm the oppressed minority now.
>>344235 *troons out then gets away with raping lasses*
>>344235 >become your own girlfriend
>>344235 Male surplus tbh.
>>344239 >The minimum ratio was 103.5 in 1914 and the maximum ratio was 106.7 in 1973. The male to female birth sex ratio has been consistently around 105 since 1980. doesn't really explain why a third of the normal male population is now incel
>>344241 huh, ok Well the answer is otherwise obviously conditioning. The evil cunts have been dragging the genders apart and trying to neuter them for centuries.
We won't breed because of autism and other things
extremely ill atm lads
https://youtu.be/qjrC6898Hf8 >when he opens the door
god this video is like a UK version of my juggalo wedding in terms of how fucked it is. stupid fucking wog living with a nice audi scamming the local lads trying to play coy like a bitch
https://youtu.be/U7oFxTJlMqc >whitiods are literally slaves in their own countries for shitskins
>>344241 There's a surplus if the thing in question is not needed in the numbers in which it exists. There has always been a male surplus in a sense tbf, it's just previous societies invented schemes to kill off the excess men productively.
>>344245 >white slag comes living with him comes out screaming at the lads in part 2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH, should've just started smashing the car with a sledgehammer tbh
>>344247 KEEEEEEEEEEK theres no way there won't be a NI tier ethnic war in this country within the next 30 years, call it cope if you want but were are too small and packed together for it not to happen, no room for white flight.
>>344247 >telling a tradie she wants to see his manager
>>344250 yeah white flight is literally the only reason mass extermination of non whites didn't occur in shartica in the 1960s-2000s
>calls him a chauvinistic pig too KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK fucking hell its like it was designed to make you seethe, some mutt bitch feminist screaming at some toiler.
>>344252 yeah, secret agent fagging can only exist for as long as there is at least SOME reprieve from the wogs, when its just constant theres no pressure release and it all blows up, even pussies can only take so much before they explode.
>>344249 Wasn't expecting anything else tbh
>>344247 to be fair he did track dog poopies inside her house
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>>344247 >Wimpy no-fines housing estate That's peak England there, lad
>>344258 why are you posting this, is it canada or something?
>>344259 Flips are happy yet we are sad why is that?
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>>344260 >happiness is good
>comments under that toiler no pay video steiner posted
https://youtu.be/iTm_zb9k2us >this soy medieval historian guy calls danes in britain "immigrants"
what dick-lengthening exercises do you lads use?
2 year anniversary of this attack on shartocracy lads
oh that's why people are talking about it again
>>344266 the steiner method
>>344264 so the harrying of the danes was a precedent where immigrants were removed?
>>344271 it is kino how after george floyd its pretty common for chuds and other people to be more or less openly racist against niggers again
>>344271 Niggas be wildin’ yo!
>>344274 is he out?
>>344251 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek opened the video just to see that >>344276 lad?
>>344277 *caves her face in*
>>344280 yeah I'd be sitting there with a chud face instead
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>>344277 Looks like the c2c line
>>344275 not yet, maybe this year?
>>344205 Diarrhea is the second best way to expel a substance from the body, lad. First is vomitting as it causes less dehydration. If the food is unhealthy but not to the point of needing to be vomitted, it can be expelled foecally in a way that is faster than usual. >t. read aajonus vonderplanitz
>>344284 >talking about getting what hes owed from all the parasites KEEEEEEEEEEEEK he'll be back in in less than a year
>An 18-year-old Afghan refugee was fatally stabbed in a south-west London park by another teenager during a fight over a girl, a court has heard. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-64189255
>>344288 why don't you lads go out and get a girl?
>This week a historical 117-year-old church in downtown #Portland, Ore. was destroyed in a shocking arson attack. The arrested suspect is Cameron David Storer, a bearded trans woman who goes by the name, "Nicolette." https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1611457589958549518
>>344290 thats pretty old for a yank building
smh need to upload incel rants this weekend
>>344292 are you uploading any tonight? it's been a while since we've had one
>>344288 probably 2 wogs fighting over a white wimmin smh
>wikipedia with a concerned reaction image poster
>>344297 the worlds pretty scary sometimes
>>344293 I should try to upload one tonight I think I have 2 on the phone I should upload them I think. will work on doing that this evening
https://youtu.be/mLyOj_QD4a4 >As someone who was a toddler and in Nigeria when this game came out, when I first found out about the meme, I was confused but when I later emigrated to Canada for college it stuck with me and even helped push me into PC gaming for the first time this year. The comeraderie and the sheer unpredictability of multiplayer games is such a fun experience. You gamers back then were legends.
>>344300 never been to canada but I feel like its got to be one of the worst places in the anglosphere
Alex Jones lawyer’s license is suspended for releasing sensitive records https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/06/alex-jones-lawyer-license-suspended-sensitive-records-release
187 Minutes: The January 6th Insurrection VICE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyIR1vxIcGk
>>344301 canada is quickly turning into some frozen multicultural hellscape its transformation has been so sudden its like a pajeet infested chinese colony at this point
>going home to watch Nige on GB NEWS
>>344304 whenever I see someone post about being a "canadian" or from canada online its always some poojeet, paki, or a chink now. I remember years ago when playing gooms online if I came across a canadian they were always normal white lads
>>344240 baste Joey >>344260 they have family values >>344266 extender. gained like 3/4" so far
>>344241 Internet
>>344307 yeah it used to be leafs would bully shitagain people and say we were all niggers but now its just sad ontario when I was a kid was 90 percent white but from like 2003-2023 its like majority shitskin and gook.
i'd feel sorry for canadians if it wasnt for their countrymen's conduct on 4chan's /pol/
>>344295 kino tbh I wish some of are lads had the tools and commitment to do proper suicide attacks westerners are too ideologically dead for it though
>>344308 taking a break recently tbh, can't even get a full mast stiffy since been edging too much the last few days
>>344312 its an amazing country and it I hope shartican nationalists annex it so it doesn't become new china
>>344313 it's almost sad to think of the number of islamist suicide attackers there've been and they all fought in wars that they ended up losing. must be in the tens of thousands by now.
>>344317 pvre indomitable willpower and fanaticism tbh admirable, but probably not a tactic any dafty uprising should rely on given the minority status
>>344314 The demiurge has siphoned the last of my loosh and my soul is destroyed for all time tbh.
>>344322 just go three months without a wank and you'll want to sniff womens farts tbh
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lisa simpson harassing mennonites in peru because their superiority makes the local chugs seethe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBgA4EX65oM
Precariously modest lichess score and water for snupper.
>>344321 this is a 94-96 ragga jungle board lad
>>344324 they should genocide those chugs >>344327 looks like the incels win again
>>344327 only applies to chads who are mostly the ones getting dates, its not a "database" its a facebook group, retarded shite thread tbh and you can't stop women gossip its just what they do, nothing will solve any of these issues except a dafty takeover, honestly don't give a shit, also telling men to not do online dating when theres literally zero other avenue for many is retarded and unrealistic.
women are literally only interested in "dating" when they start approaching 30 and want to "settle down" after they've "had their fun" its a disgusting joke, spend your prime getting run down then get wifed up with the men you rejected the years before so you can be miserable over being alpha widowed while you force your "hubby" into serfdom, all thanks to feminism. Nobody benefits from this system not even women, they are trading long term happiness and decency for internecine gender relations and fleeting mediocre sexual encounters.
>>344327 Just when I thought they couldn't get more callous
>>344328 >>344329 >>344330 >>344331 only a post about women can give so many (((yous))) at this time
>>344332 >on a friday night too
Also as it was pointed out on that thread most women on there are going to be post wall hags since zoomers hardly use facebook
Has anybody here actually used facebook dating? had no idea it was a thing tbh
Forgot to say a few days ago but if the board was made public now we would be far and away the no 1 board
people are having sex right now
>>344337 not at this time lad, usually right before and after midnight
>>344336 would newcomers even see the appeal of an insular mix of r9k, pol, cafe/feels blogpost type shit, and anglo-specific seethe tbh
They could be having sex anywhere
>El Paraíso Verde (Spanish for The Green Paradise) is a gated community in the Caazapá Department of Paraguay. It was founded by Erwin Annau and his wife Sylvia, who are both from Austria. As of March 2022, its population is about 250, mostly German language-speaking immigrants from Germany and Austria, with some Americans and Canadians present.[1] The community is planned as a settlement for 6,000 people and may expand to more than 20,000 people, according to its marketing materials.[2] The community bills itself as a refuge from socialism, 5G, chemtrails, fluoridated water, and mandatory vaccinations. >Erwin Annau had attracted attention in 2017 for giving a speech to members of Paraguay's government in which he condemned Islam and its presence in Germany. He told those present that the Quran contains "an ideology of political domination, which is not compatible with democratic and Christian values."[4] The Spanish newspaper El País described El Paraíso Verde as one of several closed South American colonies established by modern extremist Europeans who feel threatened by Islam in Europe.[5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVqZWtqDDbg pretty impressive they built all this in a year though it looks like they're still finishing most of the buildings. reminds me of the aryanist Nueva Germania settlement in Paraguay in the 1800s.
*LARPs as having children in the youtube comments*
>>344342 Based. Now we only need some women and we can make our own
democracy memi though smh. Guess it might not be so bad on such a small scale, still
>>344340 get better discussion here than on 4bripol tbh and here there are jannies specifically for us
>>344342 the focus on islam is embarrassing and all these projects are doomed to failure in the same way that the whole of South america was doomed when they didn't exterminate the natives.
the fuck do these people do for work anyway? what will their children do, its unsustainable
>>344347 yeah its cringe but i think 99% of grug anti-islam is just a lens for their innate racial feelings. when they think of evil muslims they think of stinky brown people. >>344348 >The Guardian reports that the colony owns Reljuv, a local employer, and in January 2022 had been increasing its economic and political power.[4] the company runs cattle breeding and sells farming tools so I guess that.
>>344342 >modern extremist Europeans Keeeek, flee your own continent to be left alone from clown world and you're still an extremist.
>>344342 william walker would be proud
>>344327 kek not suprised it already felt like that at uni toil. fucking disgusting chthonic femoid hivemind
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Don't understand got asked if i slept with a lot of women, asked the woman if she was gaslighting me, suddenly she's unhappy
>>344352 >got a 5 rant backlog now too good to us lad tbh
>>344327 schizo incels
Who gives a shit what women are saying about you anyway? Fucking faggots I swear.
>>344360 smh i feel sad now tho
Just had a huge poo, I need to limit my dinking to once a week.
I haven't wanked in seven days.
>>344363 good lad >>344364 like tiny little gnomes
>>344351 >this clussy feels like fucking a stale pork pie
>>344365 Explains their mischief smh
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>>344369 I've seen far more horrifying troons on dating apps than that
>>344370 post them here so we can qeeq at them tbh
>the coomer paradox
>>344372 I don't save pictures of troons, lad. Would sooner gouge my eyes out
>>344371 decent that
>>344374 >We knew the dating apps would not be the same. Some people laughed, a few people cried. Most people were silent
Also, I'm up to 38 likes. Not keen on most of them tbh. Fucking app won't give me what I want and is forcing me to go with hideous slags who smoke or have kids and all are over 23
>>344377 Stop lusting after 22 year old children, you incel freak.
>>344377 It's mostly a waste of time. Not impossible to find someone good, but unlikely. You're sifting through the dregs. Give it a few years, I'll find me a nice, reasonable thirty year old spinster that at least knows enough about life to not come across like a naive, hedonistic retard like the twentysomethings.
Minimum age I'd date is 25, I think. Even then it's doubtful they have their shit together.
Online dating has always struck me as an exercise in misery.
>>344379 I see it as more of a training ground tbh, I'm not interested in your cringe incel advice either mate >>344380 Oh right, have you got your shit together lad? A lot of the incels on here seem to be on the take when they have nothing to give.
I personally demand that you all list your positive qualities. Right now.
I am tenacious at spamming obscure imageboards with terabytes of tranny porn.
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>finish the steinhog vid >autoplays "fresh and fit Zuby and girls"
>>344385 smh the rumble algorithm is trying to lead chuds into loosh traps
>>344382 It wasn't advice, lad it was an observation. Yes, I do have my shit together, I have worked for many years full time and am a senior manager with a decent amount of savings. >>344381 Pretty much
>>344384 He said positive qualities
>>344369 Is it retarded? What the heek is that profile text
just want a gf to watch incel rants with smh
smh just found out rentberg's putting the rent up again >>344390 tbh
>>344391 doesn't your parents have a garage you can live in or something smh
>>344392 they've got loads of spare bedrooms tbh but in keeping with boomoid tradition i've been flat out told to my face that i can never move back in with them even if i end up homeless i didn't even bring the topic up keeeeek just came out of the blue
>>344393 what the fuck is wrong with them? Did they say why?
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>the people who are supposed to love you unconditionally are instead evil
>>344394 it's called being an adult kiddo
28 now and managed to have my parents keep my room essentially as it was despite having moved out, although my mum uses it as a hobby room when I'm not there
>>344397 comfy
Your dad probably bums your stuffed toys
shni lads >>344400 based
if the KKK hated catholics and jews why did they want to give back the slaves to jewish and catholic plantation owners?
>>344402 They had already stolen all the high advanced Wakandan technology through buck breaking and other torture methods. They had no more use for the melanated kangz.
Whitey copes, but niggers were flying around the deep south in pyramids right up until the Jim Crow laws
good incel rant. liked the part about how giving energy to natural disasters like the winter chan shit from ages ago is just another version of iron-age nature worship to btfo society
>"I am a misogynist, I guess"
Can't believe Steinhog wasn't invited to Milleniyule smh
>>344408 We can get him on this year
I wonder if Woes sold this years NFT
>>344408 >>344409 wews is probably already working on the graphics for milleniyule 2023
>>344411 Going to take a good 11 months this year.
Animism and sympathetic magic is way older than the iron age too, who knows how old. Not really related to magic, but this life size pig painting was allegedly made 45000 years ago.
>all the alternatives to beign an incels are forms of humiliation Should just unironically build that rape dungeon, Steiner tbh. Probably why you acquired the skills you have now anyway
>>344415 I'm still surprised he learnt book binding.
Anyone can see her tiktok name? Can't find her
none of that
>>344417 Why do you need that for a rape dungeon?
>>344419 smh my tittylopped friend wants it
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>>344420 I don't think learning something needs to have an immediate material function. I just wish I had developed more hobbies like that for the sake of the it.
>>344421 You have a tittylopped friend?
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>>344425 Yeah, she like this woman changed their mind after having their breasts removed. And I found the source, here's the result
>change your mind from being a tranny >instantly breed >meanwhile on dating apps for 4 years
>>344427 How will she feed the kid with no tits? It seems rather dysgenic
>>344428 bottle I guess. My friend is hoping she has some tissue left but I doubt it
>>344429 Well here's hoping. So many people will have to hang for the troon phenomenon
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Who would marry a woman with no tits?
>>344431 saviour syndrome I guess.
>>344426 she reset the game and put it back on easy mode
>>344433 she's still titless. I don't imagine formula is a good replacement for proper breast milk.
New Channel 4 “comedy” goes after christianity, bowler hats, thatcher and rural England Cutting edge humour from two jews and a fat gay nonce
>>344435 the fat gay nonce is also jewish
*shoots at yarmulkes*
Simon Bird isn't jewish, somebody on here revealed that to me the other year, I was dumbfounded. What a hideous phenotype. Dunking on cockneys that barely even exist. Hate these kikes so fucking much.
>>344438 I'm shocked. Can't find evidence he is one, he even says people mistake him for one and he thinks that's fine. What is he?
>>344439 The same as whatever John Oliver is. It's a phenotype that exists on these isles. There will be somebody on here that knows more.
I guess Louis Theroux less so, but people still confuse him for a jew
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>>344443 he has the stern 1820s new england pastor phenotype
>>344435 I seethed
>>344435 ah yes, let's all mock a better England that no longer exists
Hate my job. Applying to others. Life is filled with toilxiety. I hate it.
>>344444 bit of a meh get tbh but congratulations anyway lass
must keep an eye out for post 444444
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don't like the look of that thumbnail
>>344447 Best of luck, lad. I hate mine in many ways, and it doesn't pay well, but it's convenient, people don't bother me too much and I'm partway through a qualification they're paying for, so I'll stay for another year or two. >>344451 Apt facial expression
>>344440 It's called ugly tbph. Jews are just a majority ugly looking ethnic group. Same with some pure anglo or celtic types that look more slavic sometimes.
>Juan Santamaría Rodríguez (August 29, 1831 – April 11, 1856) was a drummer in the Costa Rican army, officially recognized as the national hero of his country for his actions in the 1856 Second Battle of Rivas, in the Filibuster War. He died in the battle carrying a torch he used to light the enemy stronghold on fire, securing a victory for Costa Rica against American mercenary William Walker and his imperialist forces.[1] Thirty five years after his death, he began to be idealized and was used as a propaganda tool to inspire Costa Rican nationalism. A national holiday in Costa Rica, Juan Santamaría Day, is held annually on April 11th to commemorate his death.[2] cringe or based?
>>344453 >Jews are just a majority ugly looking ethnic group. FACT CHECK: FALSE
>>344455 keeek I was worried you left /brit/
uhm DEA sisters???
>>344455 Can you post what she looks like now please.
if the police try to arrest you and you beat enough of them up they will just let you go.
>>344455 pic unrelated?
stop spreading misinformation you fucking chuds
>>344461 how many ugly girls do you know that use tiktok?
>>344461 I would love to see her little larp unit run into hezbollah or SAA veteran units
>>344454 >Walker declared himself president, re-instituted slavery, and made English the official language. im thinking cringe
walker was the last example of gringos asserting dominance over spics, spics all over south america are obsessed with the destruction of walkers men while at the same time they invade shartica daily and openly claim how they are taking shartica over.
>>344464 He sounds like the Colonel Kurtz from apocalypse now.
>>344465 Probably because it's the only tangible military win they've had over white people since first contact.
>>344461 err doesn't she show her arsehole, pussy and tits and get fucked on onlyfans? God I hate
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_La_Virgen william walker literally played mount and blade IRL
>>344467 no its something about gringos that makes them seethe extra, remember that these were spanish caudillos with their caste system forcing indios to live in poverty seething that gringo anglos would come and introduce their industrious worldview
>>344469 a king. reading about filibusters it seems like there were only ever three real expeditions, two done by walker and one done in cuba. other than that its a bunch of LARPers creating secret holy orders and trying to grift with fake newspaper accounts.
>>344471 yeah keeek just grifting e celeb southtards
>>344474 >blurred the nigger dying THIS IS WHITE GENOCIDE
turns out in Sudan the word "niggers" means criminals and most are unaware of the racial connotations. https://twitter.com/_LaydeeA/status/1610346406266523648
>>344477 Specifically South Sudan, the majority Christian part that seceded from the majority moslem north. Between that and the uninhibited use of "nigger" to describe miscreants, they don't have everything wrong at least.
>>344477 >not even national television news employs a groid smart enough to be able to write grammatically correct English
>>344479 The proper usage of the English language has degraded everywhere
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>>344482 not surpised by much of anything related to femoids
>>344482 dont think theres a political solution to these things
*claps* *pays taxes*
https://youtu.be/G71c48O3j-s Get me a bitch in go go boots
>>344485 Doesn't it fuck your womb up or some shit?
>>344451 Has he built the citadel of nationalism yet?
>>344487 yeah but that doesn't matter to foids they just view life as a series of pleasurable nights out
>>344487 I don't know. I used to think so, but if you google it you'll find a lot of people saying it doesn't, but these days I don't feel like I can trust anything smh
>Steiner the whiner still going Take a day off lad.
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>>344491 Back off, he's just doing the Steiner Squeal
https://youtube.com/shorts/kTgXEusHC5g?feature=share *gets taken out back by the CHETKA*
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>>344495 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>344490 I remember Alex Jones saying it increased the chances of cervical cancer. So there's an 85% chance it's not true.
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>>344499 it was irrational here too, what do they say now? That it both happens and doesn't happen?
Foid made me sad today, feeling sad before bed now.
>>344501 yeah that happens smh
>>344501 What did the bitch do?
girl just told me she feels uncomfortable going to the gym because she has massive tits.
>>344503 Asked me my body count and then I said are you gaslighting me. And then she said she was upset with me.
huh, ya know... i never really thought of it like that.
>>344505 You've already said this earlier or yesterday
These threads move so slow now I lose track of time
What? Change the shorts back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjNKRZM9zPU
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>>344504 did she show you? post a pic
>>344510 more of routine autistic fit than a chimpout tbh
>>344510 >Yuup, there goes another democrat voter
>>344511 Not yet, lid. She's not fat, but covers them up in all photos.
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Just found out that b*sexual exgf not only lied to her friends about me for their sympathy after I dumped her for being a slag, but she made a huge drama around me harassing her with fake social media accounts of me, at a time when I didn't use any and hadn't spoken to her for several years. There was apparently some minor yidtuber who made a video about it namedropping me, that's since been deleted but had a few thousand views at the time, and nobody attempted to tell me. Small mercies as it would've driven me mad had I known. /blogpost
>>344510 what is that place a free money distribution centre for nigcels in shartica?
Fucking hell, you've been banging on about your bisexual ex for ages.
>>344515 smh mad how some women can be so cruel
scamma btfo
>still not had sex in 2023
>>344521 Me either, until next weekend.
>>344520 Can tell she's a vegetarian. Such a diet does a number on a females femininity
Keeeeek. That video again.
*slides cock in and cooms immediately*
>>344526 >cooms immediately* Only had this from getting noshed off tbh.
>>344527 why would someone do that to you?
>rick and morty game >rick voice over saying fuck 24/7 guess being grating is the joke
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>>344528 >why would someone do that to you? I forget where I am posting sometimes
>>344529 vid related https://youtu.be/tl31rpzF33g >>344530 yeah we're based here, no oral sex, lad.
>>344531 No sex at all you mean. Keeek.
that you 22st?
>>344532 Well yeah, no sex before marriage >>344533 It'sa meeee
>>344531 Scam Hyde and his horde of dysgenic mongs. Even Charls has gone full retard now. WAKE ME UP
Keeeeeek. We have much to learn.
>>344537 >have to go to Africa to live in a society where gayism is illegal, the news announces a police hunt for niggers, foreigners are banned from advertisements, abortion is illegal, and where children are rightly beaten for not speaking English
>>344531 there's literally nothing wrong with putting your meat in a woman's mouth
What happens next?
maybe this is what i needed all along
yes, maybe triumph is over the hill. maybe its all going to end soon, and maybe it will just as i'd hoped.
>>344539 By todays standards. As recently as 50 years ago it was still very uncommon and a bit weird. Now it's the most normal thing for every teen girl to brag about le no gag reflexes. Remember even overhearing some muslimas coping it wasn't haram if they didn't swallow the coom keek smh.
>>344539 She kisses you and your childhogs with that mouth, lass.
>>344543 >muslimas coping it wasn't haram if they didn't swallow the coom keek smh. how do western mudsharts deal with this
>>344545 Cope that they'll move to Saudi and everything will be perfect one day but never leave (like we wish they would).
>got blepharitus in my eyelids from boomer toil >now I look like some leper with red sores under my eyes keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>344547 >from boomer toil How?
>>344548 dirty jobsite and rubbing your eyes when having dirty hands
>he doesn't wash his hands after making poopies
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>boomer ubersturmfuhrer didn't even have the porta-shitter guys replace the soaps in them for months so we were just using a hose and some gojo
4am... time for sosij and couscous >>344524 >that hat didn't he retire from streaming only about 72 hours ago because the arse cancer was killing him smh >>344547 hope it ups your grotty leer game at least lad
>>344556 making women uncomfortable is kino
>listen to that AA christmas stream because morgoth makes an appearance >the first 3 hours is AA talking with a bunch of tory boys and rightards who talk about going to mises institute parties and GB news parties with darren grimes why do people watch this paki, why do woes and morgoth talk about him all the time
saw a morbidly obese white wimmin walking about with a nigglet child the other day, how are they always like this KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>guy showing off his breedhog on stream
>>344560 one day when we build the great shining wignat pigsty on the hill, our sows will come
>>344561 > great shining wignat pigsty on the hill KEEEEEEEEEEK
>>344562 keeeek I forgot about making navy seal videos
>>344565 smh seems like the bolt gun would be a better option
>>344562 >>344563 >every time we squeal >>344565 wonder if the smashed skull, cartilage and tooth fragments make it taste better
>>344564 kek yeah, listen to that song all the time >no line of hogs marching to war against zog
Wish we had a solution to how to get a gf
>>344570 it's simple lad
smh wanted to poost the bowden wikihow picture but couldn't find it
just got a call from coffee toilberg and i'm getting a trial shift next week
>>344573 smh couldn't even get a response when I briefly tried to get toil, my toilniggermatrix antenna is obviously not as tuned to normalniggerdom as yours is
>>344574 it's a numbers game lad i've been searching for about half a year now and this is only the second interview i've had and the first trial shift still no guarantee that it'll lead anywhere either tbh just have to keep churning out applications until you get a bite the constant silent rejection gets a bit soul crushing though smh
>>344575 If u had money you could of travel thotted in that half year
>>344574 Just apply for very physical jobs
My Angard job might be about to disappear. First time I've been at the mail centre and experienced having absolutely nothing to do for the last 3 hours. The parcel sorting machine sorts straight to post code. Now all they need are zip tie cutters, tippers ( what I do) and only for like 4 hrs a day and people to push Yorks, trolleys around. It's the age of the machine lads smh
>>344575 theres supposed to be a labour shortage too
I think the labour shortage is a myth. Seems like there's no end of warehouse toilees available
There's like 100 office workers above 20 warehouse workers at my main toil
>>344576 don't really want to though >>344578 smh should start a grassroots movement to get the public to write addresses as illegibly as possible to btfo the machines >>344579 it just means the serfs are getting too uppity when toilberg says he can't find employees what he really means is he can't find anyone willing to work for slave wages
https://youtu.be/cQKLETbHw-8 luv kino yt song recommendations, this lad is a literally who
>>344582 It's literally over, can't see why they'd employ anyone other than about 20 blokes to cut the bags and run the trolleys around, maybe 20 ladies on the letters idk.
>>344531 Some funny concepts tbh, the opening hwere you shoot your ex wive's boyfriends etc was vaguely amusing. >>344538 qeeeeeeeq
Constant swearing is cringe though tbh, I suppose swearing in general is Recently I've been saying "sneeb" and "oh sneeb" etc.
Thinking of handing in my notice tomorrow. I think I'll see how next week goes. Was on phones on Thursday and it was fine. I hate this shit tbh.
another nigger day
>>344588 If u do, take a holiday to Myanmar
>>344589 good nigging lad
>>344590 Why lad?
still got the christmas lights up tbh they're on a battery and they're not coming down until that battery runs out
first bouts of nihongo pig fighting of the year SUMO Hatsu Basho 2023 Day 1 Jan 8th Makuuchi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBKXwjEQUj4 Juryo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax7ZuzDeAc8 Makushita https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XM-4Pg-CddQ
>>344588 good lad got anything lined up? >>344593 based
Woes enjoying his well earned post milliniyule holiday
>>344596 Nothing lined up tbh, but applying to a lot of jobs. Hoping to get an interview by the end of the month
milleniyule was shite tbh, woes has no idea how to steer a convo in an interesting direction and hes willfully ignorant, also he said on the morgoth stream that this year hes been "busy with the gram" which is literally just 1 shite stream a week, meanwhile others are putting out more content in a month than he does in a year
>>344594 kino >>344598 fingers crossed lad
>>344599 didnt watch a single gram or a single milleniyule episode tbqh
>>344473 >Worst neighbourhood in Detroit is called Goldberg
>>344601 you have utterly poo taste in media anyway tbh, watching that droll collett and the cannibal constantly along with sumo that nobody has ever (you)d yet you continue to post anyway.
>>344603 pottery
smh wish i had time to watch the sumo
>>344604 1. cannibal has been ousted and now spends his time seething at noseley to his cult 2. I literally just got a (you) for sumo 3. why are you being antagonistic as usual when nothing in my post gainsaid your own opinions re woes. did you see pohler and assume it signified disdain toward yourself as a poster rather than toward woes? this is a genuine post intended for a genuine response and not an attempt at starting an argument, I want to try and understand your need for hostility rather than simply assuming it's the natural consequence of autism and anger issues or something
>>344607 split screen while posting on brit lad
also you called collett amusing with the word "droll", I guess you were looking forward to the seethium hit so much you accidentally typed it over "dull" instead? I don't dispute that he is dull in any case
Yes it's me comics, podcasts, and tourism lad
>>344611 >>344612 I like the recommendation posts tbh even if I haven't found the time to start any of them smh, got quite a few listed in my media document
>>344611 looks interesting tbh
>>344606 She should become a sumo wrestler tbh She has the build
https://youtu.be/Azg_5bKRtrs KEEEEEEEEEEK fucking seething whore lisas trying to get more shit banned
>>344608 > I want to try and understand your need for hostility rather than simply assuming it's the natural consequence of autism and anger issues or something
>>344610 droll /drəʊl/ adjective curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement.
another victory for me
>ask for serious answer >don't get it >poor attempt at btfoing instead which just proves both posts okay lad now is the time you stop hopping IPs because I need to filter you and if you filter evade you'll have to ban yourself
hes on the ropes
4. No ID hopping to evade filters. >d22079 >6a2277 >8a67a3 >ff425b >734029 >ca7961 >6f2690 >0e9ab1 >34d769 >09c1a2 and that's only since 4am >344623 ban yourself >>344621 since he won't can you put him in timeout for an hour or two tbh lad
Wessie, you don't have it in you to be a mancs or a bbk so lets just drop the act
(and since his ID hopping negates traditional punishment, I mean rescind mod privileges)
there is a lot I could spend time writing but it's not worth the effort much of the time you, seething scot, are a genuinely unlikeable poster and I don't want to have to see the irritating shite coming out of your keyboard at the moment hence the filtering, which you need to respect
>>344625 smh what's with the ip hopping lad? you aren't above the rules
eggs and pork chipolatas with green beans
>>344628 thanks for trying anyway smh
>344628 you have got to be fucking joking, utter mong
utter mongs have never heard of a vpn, I don't change my browsing habits to suit seething fatties like wessex
>>344632 what kind of vpn has you change ip every few minutes?
>>344634 I lied I'm vibrating so much I'm crossing through rips in space and time and teleporting throughout the world for the white race
Never forget bicep day
Meaning it was on the telly btw keeeeeeeek
>>344635 is there any reason why you can't stick to one ip lad? >>344638 based body positive role models
SOMETIMES SOME CRIMES *record scratch*
Seems decent, considering watching it. Trad chinky dance and music. It's owned by a weird anti commie cult leader Chinese expat living in shartica. https://youtu.be/zTAtXS8E_Do
I wake up and remember I need to do office work
>>344642 looks like tradkino >>344643 smh rip lad
>>344639 you can fuck off with your policing tbh
Has Varg ran out of coom? Where's the next baby?
The enterity of /Brit numbers a mere Filipino family
>>344648 He might just be happy with the children he has.
>>344649 Filipino families are not families in the western sense, though. Like many in poor countries, the parents breed a lot so that they can send children to the west who send money back to them. It's shitty. They are superficially religious, yet single mothers are ubiquitous and incentivised via special tax breaks, and with their imitation of the west the young admire gayism and freedom in the sense of acting selfishly and irresponsibly
>>344651 Feminist Filipinas are as hardcore as any western fem foid too
>>344645 tbh, this is why we need BBK as BO. VPN lads should be encouraged, not punished. Especially with madslag as a mod.
>>344652 >>344651 It is a yank colony after all.
Pinays are white-adjacent fine to breed with
>>344655 You're just saying that so you can import one.
>344655 Now this kind of poster should be destroyd on sight.
Like a suspicious package or dangerous dog.
>>344656 No lad it says so in the white race bible smh
Or a baboon who escaped from a safari park.
(26.23 KB 750x408 Imperium peck.png)

>>344657 Sorry lad
Not sure I'd import one, if they lived here, they wouldn't give me the time of day
I personally support dangerous packages, dogs and escaped baboons.
Filipina lass thought that in the UK the monarchy was the government, and I had to attempt to explain constitutional monarchy to her, how the Queen had no real power and was a ceremonial figure that humbled PMs by comparison. No wonder she didn't love me I'm such a fucking bore
>>344661 You're on the road to being a future dobby.
>>344665 Do anyone have the video where he films her lying in bed and talks about how she completely changed after marrying or breeding him?
>>344664 You should have said you were 68th in line to seize power in the country and then have her help conspire your way to the top.
>>344666 >breeding him she what?
>>344668 Err. He bred her
>>344664 smh i'm a bore too lad, but i have a medical diagnosis for that, honestly if foids wanted things from me, they'd just have to not look disappointed with my boringness for a bit kek
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=charles+james+baker+asian >all these videos bullying him keeeeeeeeeeeek what the fuck
>>344672 It's all one account. Someone is salty.
Filipina nurses are easy mode for normies/chads but still impossible for incels on uk soil
>>344674 Get put in a care home. I reckon one would give you a cheeky tug for some extra pocket money.
You can stop talking about fucking sloperinos, lad
>>344675 top idea lad
(3.07 MB 854x480 orangutang dirty harry.webm)

right office work is done for now.
>>344654 smh yankuns being unholy zogmachines last based involvement was the boxer rebellion imo
>>344678 I just woke up
>>344351 pretty sure it's fake cause look at the ears they just deaged
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>>344683 lad i think you might have a problem
>>344683 Wtf is this?
>>344685 roasted dog
>>344686 >not piggu but dog filthy dog eating scum
Good girl,is anti normie
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