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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3826: Spare Edition Anonymous 01/12/2023 (Thu) 19:20:10 Id: b7abea No. 345458
William and Kate make first appearance since Harry memoir published https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-64249160 >The Prince and Princess of Wales have made their first public engagement since the Duke of Sussex's controversial memoirs went on sale. French hunter who shot a British man, 25, dead after mistaking him for a wild boar avoids jail as he is handed suspended sentence https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11628471/French-hunter-shot-British-man-25-dead-mistaking-wild-boar-avoids-jail.html >A French hunter who shot dead a Franco-British man he had mistaken for a boar avoided prison on Thursday, disappointing relatives and friends who had wanted a stiffer penalty. Ambulances taking 90 minutes to get to 999 calls https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-64254249 >Patients with emergencies such as heart attacks and strokes in England had to wait more than 90 minutes on average for an ambulance at the end of 2022. EXCLUSIVE: Probe into 'puppy farm' being run from house owned by Tyson Fury after neighbours complained animals were being kept in filthy conditions and 'howling in distress' from shed https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11627569/Animal-welfare-probe-launched-puppy-farm-run-house-owned-Tyson-Fury.html >A dog breeding business being run from a property owned by Tyson Fury is again under investigation over claims animals are being kept in concerning conditions there, MailOnline can reveal.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:58:55.
Madbitch needs to be demodded immediately. Banning people because you can't have sex needs to be a red fucking line. Faggot cunt.
The principle of incelism is self-destruction veiled as some sort of stoic dignified rejection of social values. There is a difference between rejecting negative social values and being a complete social fucking reject.
>>345436 I'm sorry, had I known you were a mighty mod I wouldn't have disagreed
>>345445 https://youtu.be/oj35GbtHKEU >ywn snort coke off maggie thatcher's tits why even live?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyO9H2AUuZ8 You're not incels lads, you're just gay and haven't realised it yet.
>>345457 wish I knew tbh. I only know of one polface type lad
try to get involved with a PA regional group?
>>345469 why does he have to put his ugly face in every one of his videos thumbnails
>>345470 He knows what the people want
>>345466 yeah I saw that Harrington article the other day. It reminded me of this place. *ahem* my dearest madlad, I'm not a gayist. I think the problem is that you most definitely are one, and have the thin skin of a woman/fag to boot.
brother told me about a vivid ancestral dream he had last snooze: during a rainstorm, he was trapped in a large stone tower atop hill with a garrison of slightly purple faced men doning long yellow/golden cloaks and swords engraved with something that sounded similar to chinese guri pattern (he didnt say it was outwardly chinese looking, but they were V shapes in think lines, repeated), and called them something similar to "paki". surronding the tower was remanants of a stakewall, and inside that a bailey with a large and shallow pool of blood, with limbs and organs bobbing and floating. going to the top of the tower he saw down into the valley surrounding the hill and began screaming and shouting at horde of thousands of banners in various arrangements and colours carried by men in, what he said, looked like very simple black clothing. from the crowd, me, carrying a shield painted red and embessled with white hair, and 50 something men ran up the hill and climbed over the ruined palisade and into the pool of blood. all my 50 something men, would randomly fall into the shallow pool, and a spray of gibs would shoot out of where they fell. despite expecting me to die, i was able to throw myself at the tower door breaking it open. decending into the tower to kill me, he caught me killing the last of his company by cutting of their hand holding their sword, which sounded like metal flexing then snapping. running back to the top of the tower, we fought eachother, in something that sounds like gruffydd and cynan on snowdonia. during this, the hill groaned, slowly sinking the tower into the ground, burrying us.
>>345473 Might have been prophetic rather than ancestral, lad
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Oh darling, look there is an incel crypto-gayist beneath me.
remod the bumbumking
>>345478 He's the anti-incel?
bring back SA
>>345461 wow nice contrarian take lad I guess I should just go work hard to pay for karen and stacy to butt matrix until its time for me to get sent to the glue factory
>>345484 to wit, you're a bufty!
>yeah its just le heckin stoic values I.E. the central tenant of masculine ethics in western civ
>>345486 a bufty? is that good?
>>345469 umm sweaty its not "native american" its a trade tomahawk and its patterned off a british navy axe
>>345485 LOOK! ANOTHER GAYLORD! >>345488 NONCE
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>>345491 >NONCE you will pay for this
why must are small community suffer at the hands of these bullies
>>345494 Weakness. Closing yourself off from the rest of the world. Natural predators just arise.
>>345498 keeeeeeeeeeeek are own little eco system
I'm literally going to eat the floating fat man.
>>345489 keeek go tell him that in the comments and maybe he'll respond
>>345489 ikeeeeeek
madlad, badlad, was a bit of a sadlad, but just more of a TWATLAD.
>>345492 loved this film
>>345485 >Contrarian take You're a fucking loser, Steiner. Don't try justifying it with le incel maymays. It's fucking cringe. You're a defeatist and a weakling of a man.
That other lad is right, incels are crypto faggots and it needs nipping in the bud as much as trannyism.
>>345480 this, board was fine under him
The chickens have come home to roost for the incels. smh
>>345511 oh shut the fuck up you kook
>>345512 Even puritans had le sex.
DOBBY getting emotional again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwZb_V03I3k
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I say we bulldoze all the incels into a mass grave
to fix inceldom all you need to do is work your way up the latter. get a below average becky gf, fuck her a hundred times, then you will be such a confident pussy fucker that you can get an average looking gf. repeat the process until even hot girls look at you thinking, "hmm, that lad fucks". the thing is women can smell virginity like a shark smells blood in the water but unlike a shark they are repulsed by it
the ladder*
>>345518 >>345519 Finally some sense
me? well it would have to be the tomy toys from le 90s
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>About 52% of women between the ages of 15 to 44 gave birth between 2015 to 2019 — a drop from nearly 55% in the prior four-year period, according to the study published by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics Tuesday. >The number of biological fathers in the same age range also dipped. From 2015 to 2019, about 40% of men had fathered a child — compared to about 44% during 2011 to 2015. >The number of babies each woman is birthing decreased as well and more and more women are putting off childbearing to later in life. >On average, US women had only 1.3 children in 2019 — the latest year of data included in the report. For men, that number was just 0.9 kids. >The study’s authors credit several reasons for the trends, including women obtaining higher levels of education as well as greater and longer career paths. The authors cited changing family values, financial concerns, improved access to contraception and relationship instability as additional reasons. >The number of women who have their first child at age 35 or older increased in 2019 — continuing earlier trends. Between 1972 and 2021, the number rose nine-fold, according to the report. https://nypost.com/2023/01/12/us-births-continue-to-decline-as-nearly-half-of-women-under-45-are-childless-study/
Too many safe spaces on the internet for incels to cope and seethe all day long. Need to get out there and swang tha wang.
>>345523 imagine the autistic creaturas that will emerge in the next 10 years
quiet tonight
>>345527 THey vanquished all the incels lad
why is thread so quiet?
>>345531 had no idea romanians were that hated
>>345533 one mod is banning everyone, don't know why, probably some personal vendetta, and i will probably be banned again for this post. will have to wait for auslad to get on and review all the bans
>>345540 Auslad is enabling Madlad as a rampaging banfag. He has never explained why he appointed Madlad as a mod nor provided any justification for it. Whenever anybody approaches him about the issue, he ignores them and quietly sweeps it under the rug, allowing Madlad to continue banning people for no reason (often permanently, and often deleting their posts or deleting files from their posts) for another day.
>>345538 >NOW SHOWING - THE BLOB (1988) The 22ST Story. smh.
>>345541 Can't stand madlad, he is certainly not one of the boys. But he keeps the trannies in line with an iron fist when about which is much needed.
>>345540 Not sure if you're a concern trolling literal tranny who mods took too long to ban, or an actual goodlad casualty of the Mad One. Such as it ever was. Smh.
>>345536 >>345537 Keeking at these.
>>345543 there are no trannies you mong
and besides, I'd rather have trannies than mods
>>345538 Based
>>345547 >and besides, I'd rather have trannies than mods we know lad, you're just another bumder.
>>345544 i always hated the /newbrit/ drama and am an original from the 4chan days of 2013. don't know why i'm getting banned along with anyone like that.
>Another case, kid named wessex, he had knees for days, but those days were numbered. This city swallowed him like an iceland 'za and asked for a cheque, now I'm left to pay it.
>Reichspresident auslad shares a staff car with chancellor madlad upon the occasion of his being appointed as janny
Can't we all just get along?
>>345549 I've always been against bumming, but there's no possible way you can argue that having banfag mods that ban people for posting is not an order of magniture worse than some tranny making a post every so often.
as long as he continues to crush the tranny skulls he's got my support >>345551 keeeeeeeeek
>>345551 keeeeeek
>>345551 did you write that yourself or steal it from some detective novel?
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>there are no trannies you mong >>345551 Queshe.
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smh I looked away
>>345561 thank you for your service
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>>345551 good lad
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Even the Wessex doppelganger couldn't be bothered keeping up the act.
>>345566 is it confirmed he never came back? the doppelganger was quite convincing sometimes
>>345566 Wessex has a low tolerance for trannyism so he needs a break every other week
>>345568 I think we had a good run of it barely being mentioned and even then he didn't really stick around.
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was some fit lasses at the gym class I went to today after toil maybe I can get a gf with one of them
just kidding I have no hope for that shite
lads when is ghost suckers episode 3 coming out. i don't have sam hyde's gumroad but need to watch it. first 2 were so kino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZSTOsIdAZM
>>345574 Sam puts much time into grifting. PAY FOR IT
Why don't you watch that guy and Nick Rochefortewhatever do streams on reviewing houses where Nick says "fuck" a lot?
>sam-adjacents smoking the peaceful herb smh did they learn nothing
scam heeb should get a real job, oh yeah he is a rich trust funder who went to fucking rizdi
>>345578 he's funny and makes good content, don't know why you hate him so much
>>345578 well he has to have some money paying for the studio and his employees 50k a month
>>345579 I don't hate him I just hate his grifting and the fags he pays to shill his shit everywhere but nick is complete shit
he is a bit of a posho crust punk type
>>345582 maybe you're more familiar with these types being over there. does seem like there's a class of east coast creatives that are on par with the left coast class
>>345583 he's just a seething poorfag from flyover country
yeah i got the impression sam is a richfag as well.
>>345585 yeah sam went to the rhode island school of design which is like the most primo, expensive art college in north america, probably in the new world. nick rochefort is like 36 and lives in a designer grade modernist house and he used to larp as a jersey city used car salesmen. they are typical poshos making jokes about poorfags there is that one video of them stoned sitting next to this skinny wigger poorfag white who is probably a roofer or sometradesmen laughing at him being "cringe" meanwhile if you went to prison you'd have to kiss cletus'es wigger ass if you wanted protection from all the shitskins. fuck richfags
>>345586 never seen that but nicks whole gimmick is talking about manipulating people less intelligent or knowledgeable than himself.
>>345583 yeah hunter wallace calls it the twitter bubble, but you could think of it as the potomac megapolis like from judge dredd 2000 AD comics. its from Raleigh NC up to DC, up through to NYC as far as I know
>>345587 yeah he is a fat rich faggot running his mouth like he grew up in pittsburgh and worked in a steel mill. he imitates that boomer toil hustle talk.
nothing wrong with being rich
>>345590 next you're going to say there is nothing wrong with having sex
>subtitles for the taser kek
bloody BT keeps overcharging me when I moved to another provider
>>345588 ah, mentioning 2000ad makes me want to re read apocalypse war when dredd nukes east meg one bought a big slaine book afew months ago but havent read it yet
>>345595 yeah had alot of those comics as a kid in the late 90s liked the movie as well
you lads had Brit Cit which was allied with mega city
>>345597 luv my brit cit slags tbh of all 2000ad, favourite character was strontium dog (though dredd and andersons panels were as entertaining). really irritated me when they killed him off and replaced his panel with that doghouse shite
>>345598 cor and peng
post more

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>ayy juuhj I ain't even do nuffin < >>345600
wish there was 2000 AD gooms, its not PC at all though. the whole uplifts shite was such a tongue and cheek take on rodney kang riots
♫ my baby takes the morning train ♫
>>345589 nick larps that he "grew up poor" but the source of his family's financial troubles was his dad having his wealth tied up between 12+ different properties meanwhile for most americans it's their lucky day to own 1 home on credit
>>345604 remember he said he had a cool mum that was kind of a hippie in the 80s
>>345602 there are a couple of Dredd games >>345605 No wonder he's so fucked, his mum was a kook and she did exactly the same thing, publishing memoirs and pretending to hate the press whilst revelling in any attention
I have my Dredd case files vol 5 signed by John Wagner. Nice bloke.
>>345607 ayyup lad
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>>345611 hullo lad
going shops
buy tinnies
Enjoy some of Hyde's comedy but Steiner is making me hate the man now.
>>345616 >>345616 you might be a beta bitch lass...
got a definite date and time for a trial shift lads coffeeberg called me while i was at the bottleo so tonight i'm on the rum to celebrate >>345616 separate the art from the artist tbh
been reading el faro transcript from 3:00am october 1st something dismal reading or listening to the last words of toilers moments before disaster, trying every counter measure to rectify whatever is about to kill them smh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BNDub3h2_I
>>345616 nah Sam is based. don't fall for the tradecuck's soppy "myehhh he doesn't respeck the working people" drivel
>>345619 just started watching this video and seething at the call centre lasses smh absolutely useless creatures who just exist as organisational padding and an obstacle to stand between people who try to do things and the help they need to do it
wouldn't mind working on a ship tbh no idea how to get into the business though
>>345624 not sure what the aus equivilant of gov.uk is but they usually have outdated resources and job/college courses listings for maritime officers or as a rating
>>345625 >outdated same as it ever was
https://www.seek.com.au/job/59599340?type=standard#sol=d9578de52cfa9ece52ec3ae08fc0b9ea53607288 might actually apply to this if the coffee shite doesn't pan out don't really want to relocate but it sounds based
https://marinejobs.org.au/job/marine-technician-no-experience-required/f14adde5-3817459724_nowra/ >The Australian Defence Force is an equal opportunity employer. This advertisement is to ensure women are aware of the rewarding and fulfilling careers available in the Navy, Army and Air Force. Females are encouraged to apply, however all roles are open for Australian men and women to apply. don't particularly fancy are chances in a war against a real opponent ngl
also just have to say i hate the word advertisement smh aussies always do this shite smdh it's advert they call sewage sewerage too maddening
>5 poosts in a row >>345619 just finished this video smh he tries to make it seem like the blame is multifaceted but really the captain takes 99% of the blame
>>345630 tbh but cant entirely blame him to that much of a degree problem i see with being a maritime captian is you're way more subject to industry and corporate politics than any other acting crew onboard a ship, which would make the job far more stressful if you have to meet certain demands which could threaten your job. with the insecurity of his job, the out dated and dangerous vessel (including the history of her sister ship), inconsistent weather reports, company bullshit, lifeguard resuce negligence, unsecure cargo and scuttles, etc. i think the blame lies somewhere around 50% of his
that being said, it is the captains entire responsibilty to ensure the safety of his crew over the security of the vessel and its voyage.
that sounded well gay tbh
>>345631 tbh >>345632 yeah in a way smh ultimately a captain is fully responsible for the lives of everyone under him though he gambled their lives to try and boost his career and he lost >>345633 wew
i will kill madlad
>>345619 15 degree list, not great, not terrible
>>345637 >he gambled their lives to try and boost his career and he lost sometimes I think about how often things like this happen
Send Joe Owens money so that he can save Liverpool with the power of localism https://youtu.be/sjV_taKlr5U
*screams as well*
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>>345651 >my mum does the pre-sorting for me keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he's just like me
schmornafternevening, I see spic and bbk and the assorted bongo trannies were psyoping the thread again, in anycase covfefe and salted crackers for todays meal
I had a dream that Wessex kept posting about sharting himself and we were all laughing at him but then he kept getting angry at us because he really sharted himself and was distraught
https://youtu.be/6O3MzPeomqs?t=7292 time code. That Jordan reaction keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>345656 garish
creature poos!
Spic and steiner just dropped a colab vid
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might get a kebab
>>345664 very good lad
Incels... are there any left?
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>fe9f7a >a535ec
>>345670 >puppy dog lad vaguely remember you >>345666 thanks lad, i like to think i'm absolutely based
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>>345673 finally we're watching something good
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>>345655 maybe if you didn't ban people for no reason and molest their posts, then there wouldn't be a motive to summon the tides against you
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>>345680 kys bongo tranny
>that time I buried a stone and dared some faggots to kick it and one of them near broke his toe I qeeq
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Brit being quieter isn't all bad. It let me get back into kitchenwatch - I like to walk out in the evenings to find people cooking meals and make notes. It's quite nice and more relaxing than websurfing.
>>345685 >Man grabbing woman sexually as she stirred what may have been tomato sauce. was upset and left keeeeeeeeeeeeek kino hobby
based and voyeurpilled
>>345683 not a tranny and haven't been in a bongo in ages. that being said, better a bongo tranny than a mongo janny >>345685 >Older man. Appeared to be mid 50s. Cutting a large pizza - only 1 car no kids apparent. All for him? keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>345685 >doesn't fit criteria so left criteria for what?
https://youtu.be/wKnngZPQzJw scambo just did something revolutionary and did scratch cards on stream
>>345690 my thoughts exactly lad
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>>345689 It was him.
>>345693 do you have parkour mods that let you jump like that
>>345685 A* post lad
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>>345694 It's just a bug added in the special edition that makes characters breakdance when lag gets bad. Doesn't lag at all on my new pc. There actually are some good mods for that but the only one I tried was better jumping (jump mid sprint and travel further rather than stop, jump in place and fall forward like vanilla).
people are having sex
>>345697 no they aren't
>>345697 Do you hear them now? Don't wank lad. It's a slippery slope to gayism.
>>345699 Just sex o'clock lad, luckily I've never heard sex in real life
>>345700 Yikes. Living on Incel Avenue then. Never had a chaunce.
>>345701 I live with my parents and they sleep in their separate rooms
>>345702 Double yikes.
the za has arrived
had za myself earlier
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ismail_I very interesting, worth reading into this
really fucking sorry i didnt tell you lads i ordered za earlier, wont happen again.
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*these niggas killed all of steiners great-great uncles*
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the board is lost
>>345710 can't men just be beautiful men instead of going homo mode. Kind of hard to understand how not only do they go tranny but they also start posting their bodies all over social media. The shame of their families smh
Important stream in 18 days, lads
jesus christ
>>345710 lad thats an official CSA infantry uniform during shermans march to the sea
>>345712 its the butt matrix infecting them and making them think that is an appropriate mode of expression because 70 percent of westoid young men today have zero access to male space to learn how to act like a proper man (and boomers are shit role models also faggotry makes it hard for these spaces to exist)
ok lets just move past my mistake. im eating the za rn and its great. i'm really glad i ordered it.
I am so tired of toil
just ate one kilogram of marzipan
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudaki >In Iran, Rudaki is acknowledged as the "founder of New Persian poetry" and in Tajikistan as the "father of Tajik literature". crazy
>>345716 kind of wish I had done combat sports or climbing tbh. Think a male space where you learn to do some skill or a business is what is sorely lacking though. Waste 12 years in school yet still don't know how to do anything smh
>>345721 hey it's that dog
i finished the za
ashes to ashes za to crusts.
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bored lads
>>345728 love paying my taxes >>345731 me too, can't even enjoy gooming anymore
Madlad.. help.. it's getting hard to be a nickhead
finished first chapter of my new book "Pessimistic Idealism"
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>>345732 it was a routine 9 incher two toppings thick crust, 2 drinks deal.
>>345735 when will we be able to read this piece of /brit/ literature
>>345735 gonna show us?
>>345716 they also have no access to pussy either tbf
really bored tbh, toil come monday and the weekend is already looking like its going to be boring shite
>>345742 Why don't you do something fun?
>>345743 anything in mind?
>>345744 No. I am going to not do anything. Hung up the mirrors to my home gym last week so I need a rest for a few months before I start working out smh
Imagine allowing your 30 year old child to grow so obese smh. Never letting my son get like this
>>345745 >Hung up the mirrors to my home gym last week so I need a rest for a few months before I start working out smh
>shoeonhead the grifting slag that has a legion of simps and has become a vaush associated leftist to grift more has deleted her twitter account after a giga simp has subbed to her patreon for 50k a month to "buy her silence"
>>345749 all simps need to hang
>>345749 And here I am killing myself to try and get a job where I make 50k a year
not a single groomee biting on the hook tonight smh
do you think she is for the beating of women?
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No. No scary mould this late at night
in revolutionary times telling the truth becomes really important.
finally, the great bullrun is most certainly underway
>>345759 don't care what some mudshart nonce has to say
>picks nose >starts bleeding
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It's the sort of phenotype our ancestors would see and think 'yeah, I'm not going to trust anything that comes from his mouth'.
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>>345767 His timeline reads like a parody account, but it's not. Another elite grifter keeping the mongs on the Republican plantation, sticking it to those daft wokies.
the board is ruined
>>345767 what an utter pillock
>>345769 this is actually a good thing. though, it seems to be more WEF 'impoverish the goyim' type shit rather than motivated by improving people's health and preventing pollution
>>345773 Indeed. Should be in a position of phasing out single-use plastic, but you know decent people are going to get fucked in the arse again.
>>345777 unmod the incel freak faggot known as madbitch.
>>345707 It's OK lad, just remember to constantly discuss za
>>345759 Both. No compromise.
Let's put in Herts
Someone commented on Steiner's rants
>>345784 what did they say?
>>345784 Steiner should do a rant about toilet accidents
>>345785 can't read it without a rumble >>345786 he should do a rant everyday
>>345787 link?
>>345784 Dan Bongino sweeping in for that Rumble Partnership with Steiney by the end of the month.
>>345784 >>345787 then how do you know?
Samsung TV
you can pick a number to be your breeding waifu, but you can only pick one
Hey Steiner everybody.
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wessie where are you
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*roots the thread*
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>>345788 he's probably talking about sneedensen (steiners biggest fan)
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>>345799 smh yeah you have to do gear reviews with affiliate links to amazon like everyone else on cucktube turning cucktube into TV
just have to do a mass sharting then my channel will take off
>>345800 you should mirror some of your rants to odysee. even if you don't like the site there are a lot more wignats on there in comparison to rumble
>>345802 yeah I just hate having to connect a credit/debit card to my online activity in anyway
back from toil just to wait so I can go out and do more toil in 30 mins.
>>345803 smh they make you do that?
>>345805 yeah you have to purchase some kind of crypto to post on odysee it just seems like a way for the government to link your badthought with your bank so they can shut your bank down
men don't even register as human until & unless they bear sons
toil complete now for beer.
>>345795 *screams impotently*
>>345798 hey that's my truffle >>345801 Why don't you make a tiktok? >>345807 Great society. Imagine getting in a car crash and starting to chimp out instead of making sur everyone is fine and get the help they need.
Imagine having nicholas cage on a mission to find his stolen pig be boring and shit. I guess it was a subverted expectations thing where they made it bad on purpose as a fuck you. smh
>>345812 It wasn't supposed to be an action film
>>345813 Obviously. So what was it?
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>>345807 reddit
>>345814 a drama
>>345818 looks like poo
>>345819 hope the husband or one of the niggers kills her
>>345821 Husband forgave her of course
>>345822 Fact is if you not only marry a woman like that but continue to stay with her, you pretty much deserve it. No self respect.
tinnie night tonight i think
>>345823 yeah. Why would she even want to be with him tbh
I miss filipina lass
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>>345824 good lad
>>345829 too much head, generic glass with no beer brand 6/10
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hVXhg8zvkI Not allowed to use bicycles on roads like this in Norway but it could be different in other countries I guess
>>345836 yeah that is a bikenigger trying to make a statement I wish they got splattered
found out the other day that there is a group of eurasianist mongs who advocate race mixing with gooks to create the real master race
"i'm told this is on the M10 motorway from Moscow to St. Petersburg, notorious for high traffic and general craziness. It is also the ONLY road in the area that allows bicycles. No other routes anywhere nearby." seems dangerous tbh, most drivers might not even realise there can be cyclists there. >>345838 where?
>>345839 discovered them through yidtube comments which lead me to what seemed to be a pretty popular channel. I'll have to scrape through my history to see if I can find them again but it made me seethe
>>345836 https://youtu.be/Sb9iVg6CX24 keeeeeek martin do womongs do this norway
>>345841 Isn't the point of these videos to show that pretty much everyone reacts this way, nobody wants to be filmed, then point out how we are always filmed by cameras everywhere? People would probably think it is against the law but it isn't. I guess in Norway you could probably get in trouble for being an harasser or whatever though
thinking about how 2/3 women failed that truck driving course again
https://youtu.be/Bzi0dOXcLfo You won't understand what he says but he is upset that car drivers keep squirting window wash on him
>>345838 how do I join?
>>345845 by drinking bleach
>>345846 it's not working
>>345847 drink more
https://youtu.be/ptvxJG1zaqg not seen this before. Bit weird... has he lost it?
>>345845 sorry lad but I think they only approve of breeding east asians like chinks japs and gooks. filipinas would be off limits
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>>345851 sounds great
Of all the countries I've received post from, China and Brazil have the best stamps
>>345832 The internal combustion engine and its consequences have been a disaster for society tbh >>345838 based and yellowpilled
>>345849 nu sam isn't really that funny IMO
>>345792 wew what an absolute unit
>Cellebrite is an Israeli digital intelligence company that provides tools for federal, state, and local law enforcement as well as enterprise companies and service providers to collect, review, analyze and manage digital data. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellebrite Turns out some antifa troons got access to this and then it became entirely public. anybody can torrent this shit now lmfao.
>>345754 I want to take a knife and flay that tattoo straight off.
>The Proud Boys is an American far-right, neo-fascist, and exclusively male organization that promotes and engages in political violence in the United States.[1][11][12] It has been called a street gang[13][14] and was designated as a terrorist group in Canada[15][16] and New Zealand.[10] The Proud Boys are known for their opposition to left-wing and progressive groups and their support for former U.S. President Donald Trump.[1][12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proud_Boys scary
HARK who goes there.
bored of the thread again
niggas just dont post no more
board is always slow in odd-numbered years it'll pick up in 2024
big turn out for the PA funeral march for party member Wessex, some calling him the Horst Wessel of their struggle.
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>no synthmummy gf
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>>345795 Why do women delight in making themselves so easy to hate?
>>345865 thought it was going to be one of those edited ones where the train passes through the donkey smh
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>>345872 legendary
Title: A Comparative Study of Human Evolution: The Nubian and Albian Speciation Abstract: The study of human evolution has long been a topic of great interest in the field of anthropology. In this paper, we present a comparative analysis of two distinct human species, the Nubians and Albiens, discovered on the planets of Nubia and Albia respectively. Through genetic, morphological and behavioral analysis, we aim to understand the processes and mechanisms that led to their speciation. Methods: A sample of 100 individuals from each species was collected for genetic analysis. DNA was extracted from blood samples, and the genomes of each individual were sequenced using next-generation sequencing techniques. We used phylogenetic analysis to infer the relationships among the two species, as well as to infer the time of divergence. Morphological analysis was conducted on a sample of 50 individuals from each species, using measurements of cranial and postcranial traits. We used principal component analysis (PCA) to identify the morphological differences between the two species. Behavioral analysis was conducted through the collection of ethnographic data from both species, focusing on language, culture, and social organization. Results: Phylogenetic analysis revealed a clear separation between the Nubians and Albiens, with a divergence time of approximately 2 million years ago. The genetic data also revealed that the two species have undergone different selective pressures, with the Nubians showing higher levels of adaptation to arid environments, while the Albiens show higher levels of adaptation to cold environments. Morphological analysis showed that the Nubians have a taller and more slender build, while the Albiens have a shorter and more robust build. PCA also revealed that the cranial and postcranial differences between the two species are primarily driven by adaptation to different climatic conditions. Behavioral analysis showed that the Nubians have developed a complex system of irrigation and have a deep understanding of solar energy, while the Albiens have developed advanced technology to harness the power of cold and icy winds, as well as specialized clothing and architecture to withstand the cold temperatures. Conclusion: This study provides a unique insight into the processes and mechanisms of human speciation. Our results suggest that the speciation of the Nubians and Albiens was primarily driven by adaptation to different climatic conditions, with the Nubians evolving to survive in arid environments and the Albiens evolving to survive in cold environments. Additionally, the genetic, morphological, and behavioral differences between the two species are consistent with the adaptation to different environments. This study highlights the importance of considering the role of environmental factors in shaping human evolution and the need for further research on the speciation and adaptation of other human species in other extraterrestrial environments.
https://youtu.be/qKI8o4uTRS0 PAGANCHADS WE'RE BACK
>>345865 OH NO
>>345877 No we're not. They're not pagans, they are atheists at best.
>>345876 you think i'm going to read all this lad?
>lass matched me just to get a car ride *screams*
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/OxqR8d2q3sM >based lass says onlyfans is needed in society SO BASED AHH I LOVE ALL THESE BASED PEOPLE
>>345881 >>345882 ChatGTP >Introducing a revolutionary new breakthrough pill, developed by British scientist Dr. Simba Ogunwande. This oral pill has the power to remove racist thoughts from the brain, eradicating them completely. Imagine a world where we can all live and work together in harmony, free from the prejudices that have held us back for far too long. This is the future we can create with this breakthrough pill. Don't wait, order now and take the first step towards a more accepting and inclusive society.
just had a massive blackpill lads heard some shitty mid 2000s rap song by a wigger named pall wall on the radio in a store a bit ago and it actually made me nostalgic to being a wiglet at the bus station. JDIMSA
>>345885 >British scientist Dr. Simba Ogunwande.
>>345885 >Simba
You can't actually cure pattern recognition with a pil though can you... it's not like we have a super power others don't, people just have to lie to themselves not to be based
>>345887 >>345888 >>345889 >Dr. David Duke was a well-known figure in the white supremacist movement. He had spent years spreading his racist ideologies and building a following of like-minded individuals. But one day, he heard about a new breakthrough pill developed by a British scientist, Dr. Simba Ogunwande, that could remove racist thoughts from the brain. >Curious, Dr. Duke decided to give the pill a try. He ordered it directly from the website, and within a few days, he received it in the mail. He took the pill as directed, and waited for the effects to take place.
*screams* he's tricking us
I've been playing with ChatGTP for entire day. It wrote all my uni essays with it.
>>345886 Kek. God that period of my life is just so shameful. How did we ever fall for it? Smh
>>345894 https://youtu.be/iJXdCDU5EFw millennial wiggerism was way less cringe than zoomer wiggerism IMO the whole face tattoo trap rap shit is cancer
>>345886 i remember the bus station days too, but i wasn't a wigger i was something else, not sure what. used to love listening to korn on my minidisc player though
>>345895 listened to le gangsta rapperino tbh
>>345896 thats a bit more kino I just hated how part of my life rememberance of this existence is gonna be some dogshit 2006 rap song by a wigger about having a grill in his mouth
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>could have had an 18 year old in my car no but I told her I don't want a whore who sleeps around God I love having principles
>>345893 did your uni professors not flag it for plagiarism? they seem to have pretty good detection software now
Was going to say this was ridiculous but then I remembered the sacrifice Wessex made smh
>>345900 No. I run it through Gramarrly and Word for further editorial improvements.
>>345901 was that the part where the vikings killed the boy and buried him with their treasure so his spirit would guard it? hated that part smh
>>345903 They did that? I don't know if there are actual sources for sacrifice.One I can think of is the rus vikings who has a story about a woman wanting to die since her husband had died so she was killed and put on the ship with him, but she wanted it, so
>>345904 i don't know, it was probably just tv shite. did the pagans burn people like in wicker man? also probably not but idk lad
>>345905 smh Wessex is the expert on such lore, and he's MIA
>>345899 God fucking damnit
>>345899 >>345907 learn from this. don't sperg out as much, just do what you gotta do to access the vagoo
>>345898 how would you prefer to remember 2006? history stopped a good few years before that lad, i think that film the road came out in 2006 actually which was pretty kino but other than that i can't remember anything notable from 2006 or the mid 2000s
>>345908 I never learn smh
>>345910 just get laser-focused on bathing your gherkin in clam juice, disregard all else
>>345912 because it will stimulate the production of pleasureable neurotransmitters in your brain
>>345913 You know I don't care for just sex lad smh
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https://youtu.be/UEGseRuJ4Xw >ship starts going down >every man for himself, men flee in half full life boats >women and children and men left >men start drinking and starts raping rape_bastard.jpg
At least the captain was a goodlad
>>345872 exshellent
>>345917 bit grotty smh whatever happened to women and children first
>>345922 disinfo created by rape bastards to trick the women into a false sense of security
the iranians executed a british spy
>>345924 They were often going on about that MI6 slag and eventually got her back. Never saw much about this one until he was executed.
>>345923 keeeeeek
>>345925 we never find out anything about this sort of thing, surely there's an Iranian side to the argument.
>>345929 are those legs? also wheres his ears
>>345928 wanked enough recently, stop
Lads posting coombait is bang out of order.
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>>345928 butt matrix
not even coom bait, bit concerned by how unaroused by these pics i am.
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>>345935 you're breaking the buttmatrix conditioning
they crispr'd elvis' daughter and the world just sat and watched
>>345937 crispr'd?
>>345938 tbh not sure what this is about
really sick of the bans
https://youtu.be/m-8JVgvJcP8 Vugh,what became of our Wessie
>>345940 keeek not really into the footy tbh >>345941 had a look through the bans and as far as i can tell the only people who've been banned are bbk and spic
>>345943 >as far as i can tell the only people who've been banned are bbk and spic just ignore him lad, he sits up waiting for you to post so he can seethe and get me demodded while I'm asleep, haven't even banned anybody in 2 days anyway. >>345941 fuck off to bongoland then
alright cool nvm lads, but i was banned for something for a second there
awoken by the rain faintly tapping on my window never had a more restful and fufilling snooze
>>345947 based and comfypilled
>>345947 nice lad
this one goes out to the zoomoids who were never forced to recite this before their state provided lunch in the 1990s *clears throat* Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.
>>345884 https://youtu.be/NaPHeZAlnEE >the way she smiles at Tate here Noooo not again aaaahhhh.
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>>345950 >Catholic version Hi lad.
>>345950 amen always used to start assemblies with the lord's prayer way back when tbh >>345951 same as it ever was
>>345952 >>345952 incorrect, this is the church of england based version that based lads learnt at school
>>345954 But it's the version I remember from my Catholic school?
>>345955 really?
>>345947 awoken by gary glitter wearing a wizards hat and subsequently 12 viet dwarves
>>345957 fuck right off bbk you literal state asset
>>345950 Kek we did that in school as a zoomer, its not a yoomer thing its a catholic school thing, they still do it in catholic schools all over the uk.
https://youtu.be/Hbb5GPxXF1w >K pop, K pop never changes.....
>>345943 You're an awful BO and need to step down. Never mind madbitch who needs demodding.
>>345952 Wasn't me but also KEEEK
a pleasant hitlermorn to all
>>345963 The only counter argument you have against this awful system is . . . >(1)? Here's my counter argument: >Retard
>>345964 Hitlermorn lad
I demand madlad's execution. I demand Auslad surrender the board to HRH TBBK. I demand a free white BORED!
>>345964 smorn lad
>>345967 Basado
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ahhhh... sunday... the most pleasant day of all
>ca590 total jew fr fr
I'm 4'3" tall
Madbitch has a Hapsburg chin
>>345968 I demand a brand new gooming PC, a huwhite tradwife, a farmhouse with sizeable fertile land and a rifle licence
>>345975 I, TBBK, graunt thy wish!
whatever happened to the iranian femoid uprising
>>345977 raped into submission
>>345977 iran released the rape bastards
>>345976 Thankee-sai, much obliged. Long days and pleasant nights. >>345977 It's another of those western-backed things that fell flat when it inevitably became apparent that women complaining can't actually change anything unless they have credulous, servile men to do it for them. The ayatollah is not going to be toppled by an actress taking selfies without a headscarf.
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>>345955 "For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever and ever." is explicitly Anglican.
about to launch operation barbarossa in hoi4 hope i dont fuck up
>>345982 good luck lad
>>345981 Yeah, never did the last "thine is the kingdom" line. I just end on deliver us from evil
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>Ismail grew up bilingual, speaking Persian and Azerbaijani.[18][19] His ancestry was mixed, from various ethnic groups such as Georgians, Greeks, Kurds and Turkomans what if britain is conquered and ruled by a mongrel horde of jeets negroes and pakis that war with each other for 500 years but then a guy who's quarter italian, quarter welsh, quarter colombian and a quarter polish comes along and finally ends there half millennia rule and restores british rule.
often wonder what henry 8 thought when he went so hard against the monasteries and ruined so much church art. he was pretty nonchalant about ruining a lot of history tbh
>>345982 Ultimately it failed because the Germans couldn't set up the necessary supply lines over such a large landmass to enable an effective strike straight into Moscow.
>>345987 more money for royal purse
>>345987 he seemed like kind of a meano tbh
>>345984 Yeah, the priest at Mass always says a specific prayer then we say the "for the Kingdom is yours" bit. >>345987 He thought "MONEY! MONEY! MONEY!"
*does an annoying daunce in thy path*
>>345988 yeah i think even with the supply system in hoi4, you cant really replicate that
An rhyme for Dorset: Thy hairs and thy sins may no man equal call For as thy sins increase, thy hairs do fall (you have syphilis) >>345995 Played some more Vicky 3 last night and it's a bit better with the new patches but still shite
i suppose we should be grateful for Henry's daughter Elizabeth for taming the american frontier
>>345992 Still remember the nigger babble rant he went on after that fight.
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King 'enry phenotype
>>346000 Always keek at his cute little lips tbh
crazy how destructive war is nowadays, compare syria to spain after eaches respected civil war that had similiar death tolls.
>>346000 looks like George Galloway
*wrestles you*
>>346004 >Doesn't count, was away from home. >Wait until I get him back at Hampton Court Palace
have you lads watched that video that describes henry's grave under westminster abbey being uncovered in the 20s. very good watch
Nice and brown
>>346006 sounds interesting tbh got a link?
>>346007 wow nice cunny, wonder if she lets him pretend to be a cat?
>>346010 thanks lad
I got confused because someone had posted that the proper anglo one had debt/debtors in it. Remember now it was amen after deliver us from evil. Weirder still was that song with shalom in it in prot primary assemblies.
>>345986 Could happen tbh.
>>346012 Yeah that was me quoting from the kjv bible with the debt/debtors. I still think debt makes more sense than trespass. Not that I approve of forgiving financial debts.
also i think elizabeth 1 hated that calais was lost to the french and supposedly she had "calais"tattooed on her upon her death.
bit rude of henry nicking wolsey's sarcophagus smh >>346015 based
are liz literally ordered two edicts demanding all moors and blackamoors specifically be deported from Britain because 5 of them showed up to trade greatest monarch of all time
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>>346014 >Not that I approve of forgiving financial debts.
>>346020 Ahh the aggressive male dominating lisa simpson type, the most vulgar of all women for which the only solution is beatings
>>346018 looks a bit racist to me
really odd how victorians designed their own tombs
>>346020 Incels will never recover from this.
Filtering that name. Post anon or not at all, homosexual. You are seriously no longer welcome here. No fagfag gets to namefag or flagfag. Simple as.
What authority do you have over me?
what ever happened to victorian burial practices? could i still contract some guy to build me a tomb. seems like americans still do this smh
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>>345977 haven't heard anything lately so I guess they removed hjiab mandate to placate the roasts and it simmered down. still smh, that's clearly a huge loss >>345999 I don't like this phenotype tbh, I am part this and these are the features that I have that I don't like. not good looking
>>346024 smh lasses are always so mean >>346027 probably seen as too ostentatious these days tbh plus space in a graveyard can get pretty pricey
Post your phenotypes, lads
>>346020 I did not react negatively to the video myself. The dude doesn't have much game by the look of it, which would have been required in that setting. She is just sharpening her claws on his face, something that good kitties will do given the chance.
White people shit?
>>346031 Hahahhaha!!
>>346034 Soyjak can't get his orc under control.
ahhh I'm happy rn because for much of the past week I have been paranoid about my ball health because I thought I saw some lump but then I realized it was just the way the scrotal skin was folding. I was like 90% convinced that I was okay but still not completely soothed until just now when I replicated the exact same look I saw on the left side that made me concerned on the right side, it's literally just my saggy ballsack, I'm fine. so relieved a couple days ago, I went to the stove clock at 11:11pm and Roman saluted it and praised and worshipped Kek, and I wished for Kek to please protect the health of my balls. and so Kek did. thank you so much, based Kek. I need to make some kind of frog shrine in my basement lair as tribute to Kek for this wonderful fortune Kek has bestowed upon me so generously
>younger girl I went to school with and that b*sexual exgf is still friends with now has a live in desi gf and they make lesbian porn together in between looking after their furbabies
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>he's talking about the bisexual exgf once again. Get another relationship lad.
afew gchq cells i see
>>346037 >when I replicated the exact same look I saw on the left side that made me concerned on the right side tbh if it's symmetrical it's fine >>346039 grim
>>346040 I'm not talking about her. Just a tiktok thot we both know who's started actual porn. Smh.
>>346039 Just realised people on onlyfans has family and peers
Mummy made me some crackerinos, lads
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9JAaX_Bbz1o This should be what Martin's breeding
>>346046 Isn't that a bit carb heavy for you, b?
>>346048 They're made of flour and salt, lad, not carbs >>346047 *kisses her*
>>346047 >clicked her channel >mulatto boyfriend. Unless he's gay.
>>346050 Yea you'll have to oust him, shouldn't be a problem for a countryman of Haaland
>>346051 I ain't 22st lad
>>346048 btw bins I've been on keto for the past few weeks, went from like 162lbs to 150lbs. probably lost a lot of muscle though since I haven't been lifting and calorie deficit probably excessive some days. face looks a lot better though >>346049 flour is pure carbs, lad
next bins stream?
>>346050 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Gj0o1N70bJs according to this video they are just friends but everyone is telling them that they look soo good together so they should get together. Hell world
he looks really homo to me ngl
>>346053 I'm not bins, but congratulations on your fat loss.
phew the white maiden is pure
>>346057 you called 22st "b" though
When even your socially awkward lisa simpson groomees are getting partners now smh.
but then he didn't call you "b", hmm
>>346058 Phew. The White man marches on. >>346059 I just like to cause chaos tbh.
>>346059 I am "b" though... >>346061 Correct, I instantly recognised him as not a b
>>346063 his writing style is clearly not bins, bins is very distinct
>>346024 >>346020 >If you don't automatically defend a woman regarding an out of context conversation: you're an incel. smh
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Just throw more money at it.
stocks are pumping?
wish henry the eigth (roman numarals viii) was here to moderate brit smdh
>>346067 I don't want to get too excited.
>>346068 We already have a mod prone to temper tantrums.
A gang of ageing incels smh
into my heart, an air that kills, from yon far country blows
>>346012 There isn't a "proper Anglo one" because the original is in Greek. All translations that are truthful to the Greek are the "proper" one. >>346020 Rude slag, notice her looking around for approval and speaking louder than necessary. Bloke was a mong too though. He should have just have pointed out she's looking for approval then said "Sorry, not interested" whilst putting his hand in her face dramatically as he left. >>346023 No, it isn't. Retard. Come to terms with your own death and plan for it. >>346029 >probably seen as too ostentatious these days tbh plus space in a graveyard can get pretty pricey You should see the graveyards that Deanos and their orange lady friends put up in are local cemetery. Barrat Tombs tbh
Some wanker banned me for ban evasion, just want to let Auslad and his goons know that I am presently evading the ban and will always do so.
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>>346071 Ageing and raging. Be careful not to hurt their feewings though, lad. You'll get a three day ban.
>>346076 Ahh the heroine addict phenotype.
unironically my phenotype lads. not proud
>>346079 Infiltrate the tory party for us lad.
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me irl no cap on god
>>346080 even if he did, we're too jaded for anything now la
https://youtu.be/Iyl2fhHvQAw smh watching disaster videos where a lot of people die and end up getting sad seeing the society they had smh
>>346084 interesting stuff
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>>346079 shout out to all my real Gove niggas
>>346087 Blickedy Blackedy Blacks
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5an38n1yNL0 Toby Young | This House Believes Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far - 3/8 | Oxford Union
Steiner describes his co-workers as cavemen. Is it really like that? I've encountered cultured lads in the most low status workplaces.
>tfw /Brit discovered them https://youtu.be/dEb6jQJ-5ug
>>346094 wtf is your problem, this has 300 views and its the second time you've posted it, why?
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what does it say?
>>346096 something about the assembly of the people is worthy
>>346096 it's a threat
>>346096 "Bum Bum King is the only real candidate for BO. Get him in charge, get the niggers destroyed"
I got permabanned and no reason was given. Looks like the rules have been broken. Demod madbitch.
Notice, btw, how incels can't take criticism?
Madbitch has lip filler injected into his anus so he can sit in the street on his bare anus
ach aye! here's wee madlad on hes wae tae persecute tae pover posters!
>>346100 You've been evading bans that aren't even for that long. Stop bitching and don't broadcast that you're evading bans. You're not perma'd.
It also wasn't madlad that banned you today
I'm really enjoying the beaten dog arc bbk is going through tbh.
>>346105 Hi, it's me. Just evaded another ban. What the fuck are you going to do? Ban me again? I'll evade again! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXh5JprKqiU *rises from the ruins of the west to conquer the new dawn*
>>346109 Love me some Wagner
https://youtu.be/jtVZS4VfJns Black people again!
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what do you lads think milo was smelling in this pic?
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https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/FILM-REVIEW-Terminator-2:4 film review to save the white race sharting soon
£1,300 for a gooming PC with 16GB RAM, a 3060, 0.5TB SSD and i7 isn't bad is it? It's a shame that things we used to take for granted like disc drives and ethernet ports are now obsolete optional extras
>>346113 everone in that picture is an utter mong
>>346118 seems a little expensive. you aren't building it yourself?
>>346120 I'll put in some extra ram and hard drives myself, other than that I'm fine spending a little extra for a prebuilt
I'm no good at practical things. The smallest problem will drive me insane.
>>346118 I can't believe how expensive computers have gotten
>>346121 I guess if you've got the money to spend go for it
>>346124 It's pretty ridiculous. High end stuff is like £5k-£6k
>Drake certainly stole colossal piles of gold and precious stones from the Spanish Empire, which had itself stolen them from Latin America. The handsome gold doubloons and moidores which Drake brought home were the beginnings of England’s great age of wealth and power, and chests of them still remained in our vaults till the USA forced us to hand over our gold reserves to them in 1940. Nobody knows what happened to them after that. smh had no idea this happened
>>346119 I think he was smelling nicks bum scent because he just got done bumming him
>>346127 were just keeping it safe from the communists mandrake
>>346129 alright lad as long as it isn't sitting in some jew's vault
>>346130 yeah...
I can get you a great deal on the f-35 though we got one thats lifted and has mudding tires you can finance it
East Asians can't see pass their own neoteny
libtard gets owned by their pet.
trust the greek expect deceit.
>>346134 Never trust a swarth. The roaches did nothing wrong. >>346024 >they just feel so entitled to our time energy and attention
>>346134 based greeks
>>346020 keeeeeeeeek if you ever go to a femoidic space and invade it like a gym place where femoids all congregate and just be totally stonefaced women do the opposite where they expect you to give them attention but then their programming forces them to act like they didn't want the attention in the first place. they love shooting men down because it makes them feel important but in reality she is just some dumby painted ape all dizzy in the head from her sugary alcholic syrup drink staring at her phone and thats literally the entire depth of her being.
>>346138 OK, incel.
Out of my arse, a brap that smells, from yon farty arse it blows What are those blue, now stained jeans? What sharts of brown are those? Piss in these pants of lost content, I wee it, yellow it stains Those happy braps made in these jeans, but can now only coom in shame
>>346024 keeeek she was some puffed up 5/10 bitch with a witch phenotype trying to act all important in front of a camera to some pudgy hipster feminist bitch beta at some shitty hipster bar that was probably cool in 2010 but now its just degraded into a boring zoomer slut shithole where its just jaded zoomer sluts staring at phones and doing these posed tik tok situations at their kept bitch boy men and listening to shitty boring post-hipster feminist carhartt dyke music.
spilt beer in my lap lads.
>>346140 Good post.
>>346142 its over
where do we incels go now?
>>346145 Dachau
>>346118 3060 is a meme card don't buy one
btw, I'm evading your faggy bannerino
sick of this fucking captcha
still getting tricked by the auto-refresh not working missing out on new poosts
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so this is what being banned feels like
>>346124 >>346118 Paid about 1100 for mine and was told in the shop it'd have been half that a few months before (at pre coofid furlough inflation).
imagine paying a thousand pounds for a computer keeeek
seem to have lost my webm of dorset being incinerated by that big yank monster truck
>>346162 this tbh just buy an xbox
https://youtu.be/oezB2M5dqQ8 God I wish that were me
if any lads were interested in that el faro video, theres another good toilman death at sea about a crab boat that capsized from ice buildup near alaska. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFevuP5ua_8
>>346166 smh fuck being in arctic waters even just sailing on the great lakes in winter seems sus to a landlubber like me.
>>346166 >ywn be a 'ard crab boat man smh
Hard to understand people crossing the sea in wooden sail ships centuries earlier tbh
>>346118 Sounds pretty bad to me tbh, if you're not going to pay a gorillion dollaridoos for the top of the range graphics card then you might as well get one a couple of generations behind for way less imho. Is what I typed and then I looked at the prices on amazon and a 1660 costs basically the same as a 3060 apparently lmao. Best move is to stop playing modern games, get an APU from the days when AMD used to make an effort, and emulate old games. Half a TB of storage for that money is a joke, at least I can be confident of that.
>>346169 yeah imagine just getting off a transatlantic voyage and you just have to start boomer toiling building a settlement
>>346171 >tfw you have to flee Europe because of the buttmatrix
>>346171 yeah imagine making a boat journey and at the other end there isn't a functioning society to give you free food and shelter and let you rape their children. Hard to imagine tbh
>>346173 kek brutal I hate shitskins so much, remember when they found a grave site at jamestown and the dead lads were reconstructed and they were so starved and they found a murdered frog who was some ship wrecked sailor who was made a prisoner of the english settlers and he was murdered or something because they didn't have enough food to feed him
>>346167 the steel they used to make the hull of great lakes freighters in the 50s had high levels of sulphur content, making the steel brittle and flex in cold temperatures. many of those ships would snap in half during storms and high gales the soul survivor of the ss daniel morrell said he saw the entire stern of the ship dip completely below view and rise again while he was on the deck
>>346176 >ss daniel morrell I have seen that wreck from a boat my grandma lived very close the light house they passed by on the way to thunder bay harbor. the best was the very first whitoid ship on the lake the french griffon which completely dissappeared or the one ship I think called the independence which exploded as it was sinking in lake erie
some liberian scum ship wrecked a frieghter called the fransisco morozon on a shoal in lake michigan and it became a colony for birds keeeeek
https://youtu.be/pRwLJ8b-28c keeek the people in this video must be fucked, the leafs over on the other side of the river in sarnia just spew all their factory smog over into the shitagain and all the people in port huron always die mysteriously in their 50s and 60s from super cancers.
Always feared the sea ngl smh.
>>346181 yeah imagine crossing the atlantic in one of those tiny caravels
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Because I'm queer. I'm gay. I'm homosexual. I'm a poof, I'm a poofter, I'm a ponce. I'm a bumboy, batty-boy, backside artist, bugger. I'm bent. I am that arsebandit. I lift those shirts. I'm a faggot-ass, fudge-packing, shit-stabbing uphill gardener. I dine at the downstairs restaurant, I dance at the other end of the ballroom. I'm Moses and the parting of the red cheeks. I fuck and I am fucked. I suck and I am sucked. I rim them and wank them, and every single man's had the fucking time of his life.
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>>345968 you will get it.
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>346183 >346184
nigcels like to pretend their ancestors had it hard but the life of a slave was nothing compared to what press ganged men had to go through
https://youtu.be/qKI8o4uTRS0 are you lads really returning to bagan?
>>346190 smh hopefully she managed to upload her tiktok of her twerking on yoke before the crash
so much of modernity is just shitskins coasting off the collapsed british empire and general anglosphere engineering from 1945-1989 and then pretending they actually all did that themselves. the japs when they crashed into that mountain had to have american investigators reconstruct the reason the plane crashed and it was of course because the tail was not maintained and failed and caused decompression. muzungo magic tbh
in the ethnostate we should just be flying around shooting down shitskins flying their copejets around radioing the whitoids "sirs please repair"
Let’s see Daqualoriousness and Laspandexbuttra try and rob food from Flippy at the hWhite Castle in Chicongo. Hopefully they’ll stick a submachinegun in his spare hand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJkQkr3Yy2Q
>Flippy Sippy Chippy Killy Do it
>>346192 tbh >>346193 >muzungo magic tbh
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Not joking, but the reason is because of King Leopold II's handlopping in the congorino
>>346199 good lad
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>>346203 Imagine getting away with it for so many ways. I've thought about committing a murder just as a thought experiment, but it is just impossible to keep my car from being tracked by checkpoints, and to take the train or bus I need to use an app on my phone. If I am to bike or walk somewhere I'd have to explain why I wasn't at home at that time, or why neither of my phone or computer saw any activity.
>>346206 for so many years*
>>346201 Challenge wank
>>346208 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. This is going to be in the disaster youtube video in the future where they recreate the event smh
>>346206 Easiest way to get away with murder is to get caught, plead down, behave in prison and get released in 7 years.
>>346212 ahh noo not my favourite clown pepe
how about I'm doing none of them
>been grooming so long I now clock people with disabilities based on their photos
what fighting knife is part of /brit/'s everyday carry?
>>346217 new groomee got narcolepsyrino from the pig flu vaccine smh
Oh say can you see! That the kids a trannneeeee!
>>346221 well that's embarrassing
>>346220 I doubt that bill will pass its probably just kayfabe tier bill by a mong nigger but at this point would not be suprised
>>346221 smh the germans greatest enemy, general mud strikes again
>>346206 you're assuming that you're going to be caught and interrogated
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>>346226 Yeah, well. I could be
>>346227 Look at those things. Don't feel safe with them on earth tbh
>>346228 not if you do it right
>>346230 how do I do it right?
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i cant stand some of these tranny freaks worst is that they are pro-vax cunts
whats the statistic about the amount of murders that are actually solved? like 60%?
>>346235 50% in America I think. Coin tosserino. Me? I'd rather land on the edge
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can hear the bins outside being thrown all over the street
>>346238 literally a glacially formed kettle lake formation you can see the glacial drumlin right next to it
>>346240 shut the fuck up
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steiner have you heard about one of the groups of the Roanoke colony recently being found? of the two groups one went further up into virginia, made a settlement, but i think they're still trying to figure out when it was abandoned/destroyed, would have been before jamestown ofc
im not making a new thread
swear im being mandellaeffcted or something
house sounds like it's about to blow away smh
not sure whether to go back to sleep, or to stay up and play hoi4
>>346243 no not heard of that. if thats true it also makes the story of prince madoc much more likely. the founding fathers all believed that the welsh had been here before since people in that time interacted with chugs who spoke welsh words at them because they were whitoids
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>try to get an early night, wake up a 3.30 you just can't win.
>>346250 if i coom then i get heart palpitations and muscle spasms when i try and sleep
>>346251 You really need to find a healthy way to unwind.
any lads here think about how lots of us are likely to never have children? it's a dark thought we will be lonely some day
>>346251 if I yawn too wide my jaw cramps and I have to push up on the soft tissue behind my chin to relax the muscle. just happened. I usually try to yawn through my nose for this reason
>>346251 smh yeah, been getting those more recently
>toil prep begins in 40 mins
>look outside >my bin has fallen over >rubbish all over the other side of the street
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