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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3830: Australia Day Edition Anonymous 01/26/2023 (Thu) 08:43:39 Id: 62158a No. 348404
​'Why don't we just mutate it ourselves?': 'Director of research at Pfizer' reveals in undercover footage firm is exploring manipulating COVID to make it 'more potent' by infecting monkeys to create new vaccines https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11678281/Undercover-footage-reveals-Pfizer-exploring-manipulating-COVID-make-potent.html Pensioner, 87, died from hypothermia after telling doctor she couldn't afford to heat her home amid cost-of-living crisis, inquest hears https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11676661/Pensioner-87-died-hypothermia-telling-doctor-afford-heat-home.html NHS crisis: 'Over my dead body' - Proposals to make some patients pay for care spark backlash https://news.sky.com/story/nhs-crisis-charging-patients-who-can-afford-it-or-free-for-all-future-of-health-service-sparks-fierce-debate-12795631
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:00:09.
hallelujah he is risen (me)
Oh dear We’re at war.
>>348404 >>348407 it's all so tiresome >​'Why don't we just mutate it ourselves?': 'Director of research at Pfizer' reveals in undercover footage firm is exploring manipulating COVID to make it 'more potent' by infecting monkeys to create new vaccines confirms our earlier thoughts on it smh and even now retards will just say "oh it's le hypercapitalism they just want to make more money and don't care about killing people it's not because of any deeper meaning like technocrat global control and white genocide"
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>>348406 smorb lad welcome back to clown world >>348407 >whether jewish or not really makes you think >>348408 lad just because they're candidly admitting to performing gain-of-function research now doesn't mean that anybody was performing gain-of-function research before the pandemic only racists care about the past smh jeez lay off the conspiracy theories
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just noticed that the best before for the sausages in my fridge was yesterday smh now i have to cook them all was going to cook some of them for dinner anyway but while i'm hungry i'm not really 1.1kg of pork hungry they'll last a day or two in the fridge after cooking but i don't really like my meal decision being dominated by circumstance this way
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keeking at that cruise greentext tbh
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morn lads
>>348410 That much ground pork is going to turn your lower guts into a mess. Make a casserole that should extend the life of the sausages.
>>348413 guten smorbin lad >>348414 i'm not going to eat them all at once lad just cooking them to reset the best before date as it were they should last another couple of days now but i still need to use them quick will definitely make a casserole though tbh sounds nice
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>there is a za goblin in my freezer
>>348416 sorry lad it's me smh couldn't resist a nibble
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>>348419 he looks so content, he's full and happy and knows he can't run.
>>348420 tbh he made it we should all be so lucky
>>348419 You're looking tasty
I do not wish to toil today.
>>348422 an unfortunate consequence of good living smh >>348423 smh poor lad
Relate to this anime girl. Become a tranny
>>348425 sucks how tomoko turned into a lezzer normalfag smh what a waste of a good premise
rpg stands for "rapist group chat"
>>348429 >rpg kek
>>348429 I can't make he's nor tales of this shite.
heads nor tails I think I had a mild stroke lads.
>>348429 >>348431 Yeah kind of missing an important part of context
>>348431 >>348432 a 13 year old kid trooned out on twitter and the heroes of rapistgroupchat doxxed him and told his dad who went on twitter to thank those that notified him. troons on twitter are going wild because they lost a potential groomee.
>>348427 I'm not sure exactly what you can do with the premise of a socially stunted unpopular introvert tbh.
reading about salted cod and it's interesting how many languages when talking about salt cod share a common root "bacal" (i.e. bacalhau (portuguese), bacalao (spanish), bakaliáros (greek), baccalà (italian), bakaljaw (maltese), kapakala (finnish), etc.) really makes you think
>>348437 It must be very indo-european
>>348429 >>348434 giga based >>348435 tbh it had to end eventually but instead of ending gracefully it got turned into some undead monstrosity like the simpsons >>348438 tbh very trad and based
smh children really should not be allowed unsupervised access to the internet
>>348440 but then i would never have found 4chan at age ten and become a gigachud
>>348442 Baste beyond belief.
>>348441 convenient how she's the only person in the room wearing black tbh >>348442 it was different back then lad you know that rules for thee not for me and all that tbh same as when we were growing up and how suddenly riding dirtbikes and shooting air rifles at squirrels is suddenly "illegal" the world gets smaller every year smh looking forward to seeing my great-grandchildren being born and raised in a sterile featureless cube so i can mock them for asking what's outside of it stupid fucking younguns there's nothing outside the cube stop asking questions
>>348445 woman video not watching
>>348446 It's the most smug woman alive.
>>348445 *sobs* *kisses her*
do lads really like le epic boss bitch type?
reading about slum clearance tbh world war two was came about at just the right time tbh it was very useful in thwarting the government's plans to knock down every poor person's home and force them to either rent a shitty newbuild terrace or be homeless sadly after it was over it continued as planned landlordism is a cancer
>>348452 >landlordism is a cancer
is bums a landlord?
>>348454 maaaaaybe
>>348453 yes lad landlordism is a cancer if i were in charge i would make it illegal to own a second property unless the very vast majority of the population were living in buildings that they themselves owned have an investment property but home ownership drops below 99.95%? too bad, sell it for what i think it's worth not what you think it's worth
https://youtube.com/shorts/vVR3LIhADKE?feature=share >the way they immediately defend their usage of the term rather than stopping to think about how it's hypocritical
>>348457 awful post lad please shut the fuck up
>>348457 w*men aren't logical beings so trying to corner them with le epic gotchas is pointless either you beat them until they conform to your societal expectations or you don't smh there's no middle ground they aren't actually real people lad don't get fooled
Too many purples
How did I miss this? Howling.
>>348463 >Howling. me when watching rick and morty tbh
>fat slob >likes Rick and Morty Checks out.
>>348463 Yeah he got outed as a wife beater and a nonce in the same month. I'm guessing he must of angered someone powerful because wife beaters and nonces are a ten a penny in Hollywood.
>>348463 The woman he supposedly beat is a blacked.com pornstar too keeeek the whole thing is so jewish
>>348467 It just gets better and better
>>348467 She is, she is or was also his gf. He also wrote a scene into rick and morty where a black man cucks him. Don't know if this is the girl he allegedly beat though. Funny thing that same actress is friends with H3H3. In an interview H3H3 asked if Bell Dellphine was into blacked. Thank God our based wholesome Goddess said "no".
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>>348470 Phew thats good to know lad
>>348473 I couldn't tell if you were being ironic so i wanted to ruin her for you
>>348474 Oh, well that pic does not imply blacked, lad. She is literally choking him out
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So what's it gonna be, huh, huh? Draft or lop
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would be nice if someone would turn on zelenskyrino tbh. Don't know if that would be any less of a blood bath for the Ukrainians though
>>348479 I don't think removing Zelensky would stop Ukraine being a puppet state.
>>348479 Maybe a mutiny by large chunks of the armed force of Ukraine would stop it I suppose.
>>348449 Love this lass
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>>348476 Putting a nigger foot in her mouth is as bad as a nigger dick, lad. Your waifu a disgusting whore race traitor.
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>>348483 I guess that is pretty nasty
saw a mong on twitter claim that since pookraine is getting shartican bradleys putler is finished
the plucky holenics put a stop to putssolini's imperial ambitions.
>>348486 Laughable. Just more false hope for the meat grinder to chew up.
people forget texas was established twice and utterly btfo by the mighty spic empire https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Expedition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fredonian_Rebellion
>>348486 they're going to be piloted by press-ganged boomers and 15 years olds.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtZuRKDg3gM fresh joe directed at the irish
>>348490 Will the children even be able to reach the peddles or the boomers get through the hatches?
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>>348437 it's a mutual borrowing spread around by sailors
>>348493 very indo-european
was having a nice day doing some agreeable toil and seeing the boomers and going out on a ramble with grandad then I got on the bus home and there was a negress and a binbag woman >>348471 >father with child at that point he should have either gone at them with a carving knife or something to contrive a way into prison I suppose jewkies are subhuman enough that if you refuse to go die on the front they just kill you anyway
>>348416 nice 'za should sprinkle some garlic powder, some garlic cloves mashed up, some red onion chopped some of those onion flakes and then some more cheese and maybe a bit of parmesean on it
>>348423 snowstorm cancelled toil for this week and maybe the next im sure on monday or tuesday uber bossman is gonna make some of the chudlets go dig skullet boomer out of the dumpster behind the liquor store so we can get back to work
>>348497 will you lose power and freeze again because the boomers think a generator is unnecessary?
>>348495 Tbh. Smh. Missed that post earlier.
>>348445 this cunt makes so much money doing basic bitch calisthetics. shehas that slightly jewish phenotype that makes her sus as well I rape the fuck out of her after a bad day at boomer toil though put her through a drywall partition like winneh the pooh and show that spoiled bitch real isometrics
>>348498 kek I have mentioned a generator like 20 times but instead my dad bought a new 5000 dollar computer because it was taking too long for his zoomer tech slave bitch boy to fix his "old" (4 year old) computer. meanwhile our power grid in the region is like africa tier and he has a pacemaker now. bought one of those power cell things to charge boomer toil batteries and run a saw at our site but its mostly at home in case I have to charge my dads pace maker thing
>>348445 she looks like good old shylass from the good old 2018-2019 days of simping for some lisa simpson librarian cunt
shylass had thin wire frame glasses though
mental that shaka zulu is a semi-mythological figure that created the zulu ethnogensis and he was born in the 1780s lol
>>348495 >a binbag woman whenever I see muslimas in their hijab or whatever I always brazenly stare at their tits. wonder how it makes them feel
>shylass >mouselass >mutelass >bisexual ex gf lass smh all these lasses who have escaped us
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>>348506 >not censoring b*sexual
>>348501 >actively avoiding taking potentially lifesaving measures perhaps deep down he too wishes for death and release from clownworld >>348504 it's not as if african society changed for the preceding millenia tbf >>348505 probably they like the attention so long as you're not too ugly, like every woman smh got given a once-over in return while walking back today keek, I think because I've got a coat that looks expensive (but was actually £20 or less at the charity shop)
>>348475 are those frogs or romanians? not familiar with the cap
>>348463 kek modernity is so gay, its why we have no art or creation because everyone has to keep in line like we are walking in the hall at school unless some hall monitor sees our shoes untied. meanwhile most creative people in the past were total nutty degenerates
when is martin luther king getting cancelled he beat women
>>348504 Bit like Mormonism tbh.
crazy how many people are descended from ol brigham
>>348510 quick search of the lists didn't turn up a 415 artillery division in the french army
>>348516 looks like italian uniforms
or austrian
>>348517 not italian as far as I can see there is a 415 engineers in the british army but that's all a straight search turns up >>348518 probably them or one of the slav armies yeah
>>348519 they have that crossed torches with the flame of the french army badge but the hats don't seem frog
>>348520 the shoulder thing looks like crossed cannons and explosive shell or smth to me or maybe a cannon, a rifle and a grenadier cap maybe french foreign legion, the hat is similar
>>348522 lucky whoever they were shooting at didn't have AT I guess
>>348523 I think the hol hols failed an ambush
probably accidentally told their automatic rifleman to stand up and run to a tree with arma commands smdh
>>348525 keeeeeeeeeek
first they laughed at us, then they fought us, then we za bros won.
>>348526 was trying to ambush some chedaki with my sabre team in arma 2 and the one fag swarthoid instead of hitting the enemy squad when they were in the open just started shooting at an armoured car which then came back and killed the whole squad
>>348528 smh haven't played arma in years and that post made me nostalgoom a bit. I definitely remember the ai doing things like that though
i remember shortly after the christchurch massacre the US congress officially declared Azov battalion along with some other minor/defunct nazi groups as FTO's. making it a federal crime through any means to fund them, i wonder how they cope with that fact?
seems it doesnt matter because they've already funded other FTO's like the PKK in Syria lol.
>>348529 the premise of arma 2 is literally the ukroidian war
>>348532 >government funded modern military game promoting the idea of war in ukraine a decade before it happens
a video of azov battalion committing uncensored warcrimes like executing injured combatants uploaded 9 months ago with 300,000+ views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-oGgMQKCSw
>>348404 good lad
Mosley has returned.
>>348410 best before is fine, it's expiry you have to worry about. Freeze the sossigs you don't want for today. Or have cold chopped sossig and pasta for lunch tomorrow
Matt Handcock has been arse salted!
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>>348538 he deserved it
>>348533 think arma 3's plot was about gayto going to war with iran in 2030s
>>348541 wouldn't be surprised tbh that's been part of the yinon plan and the rest of the yid shit for almost a century now
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War is hell
Just got my fourth booster shot. Feeling good!
>>348543 smh if the russians were occupying her area already she wouldn't have ended up being a tiktoktard
>>348548 spotted the thinskinned cumskin
>>348549 >cumskin Must be why I'm always sitting on your mum's face!
Nayib Bukele is the greatest leader of any nation on earth today if we base it off tangible results. He took a nation with 52 murders per 100k in 2018 (the highest in the world) and by 2022 it was a nation with 8 murders per 100k. How did he achieve this? By simply arresting 1% of the countries population and constructing massive prisons to hold them.
>Despite being described as an autocrat,[185] a caudillo,[174] and an authoritarian,[186][187][188] and despite self-proclaiming himself as the "Dictator of El Salvador,"[189] the "coolest dictator in the world,"[190] and the "Emperor of El Salvador," by way of irony by the accusations,[191] Bukele has retained a high approval rating throughout his presidency,[98][192] making him the most popular president in Salvadoran history.[193] He is considered by some journalists to be one of the most domestically popular world leaders and heads of state due to his approval ratings hovering around 87 percent.[98] The Arab Palestinians of central Americans represent a modern example of the "Stranger King" phenomena, a truly foreign people who's good ruling to the benefit of natives is within their interest as the nation represents their personal property leading to a mutually beneficial relationship for all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stranger_King Bukele represents the Palestinian Christian diaspora of Central America. A clannish diaspora that has risen to prominence in many central American nations such as Antonio Saca, the president of El Salvador in 2004 who was removed for massive corruption and is currently in prison, the former richest man in the world Carlos Slim (Salim) of Mexico, former president of Honduras Carlos Roberto Flores Facusse, former President of Guatamala Jorge Serrano Elias, vice-president of Honduras Salvador Nasralla, largest land owner of Honduras Miguel Facussé Barjum who's been accused of funding right wing death squads, and many businessmen of note.
>>348493 Why are people salty, is he holding people without trial or something?
The locals seem happy with him so who cares. He isn't running anyone else country.
All the news seems to be concerned with is the fact El Salvador hasn't defaulted on it's bond.
>>348552 >stranger kings just like western democratic leaders right... right?
>>348556 Sunak's more of a project manager for a planned decline than a foreign ruler who truly see's the nation as his capital and intends to better it for increased returns.
wow fascinating el salvador
>>348558 they're an example to go on. like singapore under lee kuan yew. good governance in action can turn a mestizo shithole into a safer place than the 60% white USA.
>>348559 .... what are we supposed to call mummified bodies then faggot cunts smh
>>348523 lad irl isn't a video game you have no idea if they had AT or not just because they don't immediately return fire >>348524 its the russian terminator meme tank fighting in Kremina to keep the hohols out, theres drone footage of that battle, same place that video of the 2 hohols getting shot point blank in a trench from behind came from.
>>348559 All single mothers are such becuase of the consequences of their actions, this one literally planned to be one, and she complains about it. Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek just perfect seethebait
>>348560 oh shut the fuck up you utter fucking nerd
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matched with a big-titty German uni girl on Bumble. She's suggested meeting up on the weekend
*doesn't wipe snot off*
>>348567 suggest bondage sex then just never untie her
>>348567 how'd you manage that?
>>348565 *beats her to death with a crowbar* DOESN'T MATTER AHAHAHAHAAA
>JF taking lessons from spicolas and brandishing knives on stream
>>348573 NOOO GET AWAY FROM THAT HECKIN 23 YEAR OLD CHILD You CREEP Wating his good genes on her tbph.
>>348574 the incel seethe for that article is that you have to be a fairly high tier man just to get a genetic freak like that yeah
>>348551 A leader that actually gets things done. Of course he's never promoted anywhere.
>>348571 By big titty, he means verging on obesity
I am aware of the irony thank you pay no attention to the exploding knees
>>348578 Yeah, big tits don't count if they're fat. Look at 22st.
>>348580 Fat isn't the same as obese, don't be so plebiab
>>348581 Calm down fatty
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Why will a doctor diagnose a healthy rugby player as obese using BMI, but refuse to diagnose faggotry because he plays rugby?
>>348573 OH NO NOT A HECKING LAW ABIDING PERSON AHHHHHHHHHHHH I'M GONNA FREAK Sad thing is that she probably can't give birth
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>>348578 better fat titty and fat belly than flat titty and flat belly, tbh. tetten uber alles
>>348584 keeeeeeeek smdh
>>348571 dunno. Had a lot more interest than before. Think it might be because its January and they have new years resolutions to get a bf or something. Only other difference from other times I tried it is having pictures of me with other people (rather than just selfies) tbh >>348578 she's defs got the "i will be big when I'm 30" build, but she's thin atm
>>348570 thanks for the tip, lad
Fuck her arse and then scream bummer Harris do it again.
love big fat tits me

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Banger from that Metaverse webm
>>348559 You offer them help and they'll scream about not being a damsel in distress or some shit Fuckem lettem help themselves the cunts
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>born into the underclass >too cerebral to fit in with my peers on the estate >one chadlite chav tells me I'm a 'good guy, but a bit weird' >too grotty and of low breeding to be accepted into the middle class anyone else here a classcel?
>>348596 >too cerebral to fit in with my peers on the estate That's funny because you're a fucking low iq sperg mate
>>348596 im middle class but my parents divorced and moved around a lot so i spent a lot of time in either shitty estates or nice middle class neighbourhoods. the longest was in a nice country estate far away from anyone which probably made me very isolated.
Only jesting lad, I'm underclass. Nothing more.
>>348560 an example for who?
>>348596 tbh this is my life
>>348601 >>348596 but goy, we are all equal individuals, the class system no longer exists
>>348596 too autistic to fit in with the chavs but too chavvy to fit in with anyone else
in fact it's probably just the autism in general
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>>348603 smh wish mummy just let me sniff my modelling glue for my minatures until I could fit in at the trailer park where we would have grown up if my dad didn't have his fancy pants newspaper job in the 90s
need to find a way to stop redirecting every conversation to hitler
oh yeah apropos of nothing at voluntoil today I was stacking tinned fish and noticed the sneaks downsized basic goods like sardines recently >BBE: August vs September >120g weight down to 90g >calories down from 205 to 131 >% fish down 70 to 65 the collapse is coming
>>348608 soon to be 45% cardboard 32% ground insect and 21% micro plastics.
BBK for BO
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spent my days off toil absentmindedly making a tool belt rig from old tool belt parts I inhereted for my non existent friend/ employee instead of doing anything worthwhile
smh only on page 14 of my short story
>>348611 I sat in front of a screen all day.
>>348611 after le collapse and epic escape from the nigger hordes across the atlantic and through the great lakes one of the /brit/lads will use that tool belt lad
>>348614 I'll use it for auto erotic asphyxiation
wish I had toiled with steiner instead of vanlad tbh he was a goodlad but not prepared for an assistant I think, especially an autistic mongoloid one, I had to handle a lot of glass with just normal winter gloves and he didn't bother with dust sheets and then I had to clean up with a dustpan with a hole in it
>The Russian media website ASTRA reported that the shooters were Muslim Tajik nationals, and that they had gotten into an argument with other soldiers whether the war in Ukraine was "holy" (the Tajiks' position being that the only just war would be one waged by Muslims against infidels). They began the shooting after a lieutenant colonel allegedly described Allah as a "weakling" and "coward."[7] A "source close to the investigation committee" told RBK that the perpetrators were born in 1998 and 1999.[8] The father of one of the alleged shooters confirmed to RFE/RL that his son had died during the weekend the shooting happened. The shooter's brother told RFE/RL that his sibling was an "ordinary migrant" who immigrated to Moscow from Southern Tajikistan several months before. The Tajikistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs said they were investigating reports that their citizens were involved in the attack.[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soloti_military_training_ground_shooting
>>348616 sounds like a normal job to me.
>>348616 kek I hate that type of shit skullet boomer builds his own scaffolding out of saw horses and 2x6 lumber and then leans ladders on it which I hate
i wanked while bitcoin tanked
>>348612 furthest I ever got was 18 pages according to the document I haven't opened since 2019 >>348619 keek we did that too was scared I would snap the plank from being too much of a lardfat and then he wanted me to hold what felt like a six foot glass plate above my head while balancing on a wobbly half brick so that he could mount it properly was too much of a pussy to do it so he one handed it and climbed the scaffold and set it alone smh think tradiechads who do it for long enough forget how shite it is for newlads
>>348621 then he made you suck his willy and shot his coom in your beard before fucking off forever
>>348620 how many you got lad?
BBK being particularly vile this eve smh
>>348623 seventy twelve
>>348624 He's attention starved.
>>348626 >could go out and cock another fist any time he wants and earn the accolades of /brit/ >doesn't
>fart sniffing human centishart
oops, you aren't humons
>>348627 I guess his mum rescinded his travel privileges.
i am humons
>>348625 lmfao owned
>you will never be tajikistani https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klsmMnmNTV4
eyev started squating to wipe my bum
thinking about dafty. she was a lisa simpson.
>ywn go back in time and kill abos while wearing boater hats according to my file name this is from the "Black War" in Australia but I don't know whether this means an actual war or if they just had to kill some abo warbands before they got the message and decided to wait for the welfare state to come about instead
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>>348637 aboriginals never had an organised social structure, especially in tasmania where they were cut off and the most primitive. the entire period of colonisation of tasmania is called the black war, there were never any pitched battles just seeing an abbo and shooting them. it was ultimately a successful genocide, all tasmanian aboriginals were wiped out, mostly from criminal bushrangers. tasmania was treated as a prison within a prison and prisoners too troublesome in mainland australia were sent there with provisions and rifles to kill as they please.
don't nobody (you) him I found that meme and posted it this morning, me, chuck! he can't just waltz in here and repost it like that! I spent my morning finding that video! >>348401 >>348401 >>348401
>>348637 >The near-destruction of the Aboriginal Tasmanians and the frequent incidence of mass killings have sparked debate among historians over whether the Black War should be defined as an act of genocide
>>348639 >seeing an abbo and shooting them based, if only we did that for all the other wogs in the world smh
>>348638 keeeeeeek
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>>348640 sorry lad, law of the jungle
>>348621 >think tradiechads who do it for long enough forget how shite it is for newlads yeah always figured UK tradesmen were a bit more safe than in burgerica but maybe some of the small scale guys are just as bad over there I obviously don't know. I wouldhate having to replace windows in a masonry structure tbh hope you lads charged accordingly
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bbk reminds me of the kooky one from Friends
>>348648 It isn't that bad unless they're sash windows.
>>348639 kek sounds based the 1820s-1860s were a wild time in the anglosphere
>>348650 the sash windows my father fitted >>348649 elaborsnate
night lads got to keep a good schedule so that when the next work day comes around I'm fresh and ready to contribute 110% to the job! >>348647 Slippin' 12c3c9 they call him, and he can do no wrong. Not our 12c3c9, our precious 12c3c9! They wouldn't believe me anyway... >>348648 that paticular job was really the only real one I was on, was supposed to get £400 for 3 days work subcontracted to an actual corporation (except they didn't give any tools or anything just the windows and a van) never got paid because after it was all finished I had to go to the emergency services then leave for home to spend another 8 months recovering from a leg ulcer which had reopened during work the other times I toiled with vanlad I basically did it for free smh, got just about enough to cover the train ticket there and back, looked on it as a favour and some training at the time >>348650 at the time it looked like a fine job and pretty easy (in the company instructional video featuring a mockup not realistically set and performed by a team of ancient fitters of the first degree with a combined 200 years of experience between them)
>>348654 Good night lad. I'll ban you in my dreams.
>>348654 night lad
>>348656 >and keeping an explosive with intent to endanger life or property, maybe they would have caught him sooner if they weren't so busy looking for lads putting up stickers
>>348656 based counter terror policing
*turns myself in for posession of dangerous explosives* >Where are they? *FART*
>>348596 >>348601 >>348602 Men like us built the empire
craving a bowl of scouse lids
>>348661 they'll run out with how often this is happening tbh.
>>348661 what the fuck. what was his crime. he made video edits of a terrorist attack that already occurred? what a gay retard country tbh.
>>348666 "encouraging terrorism" whatever that means
*remembers all those tarrantino vids that lads here made*
>>348668 not true you ZOG agent. everybody here freaked out and abandoned ship when he did that thing
>>348669 lying newfag, that never happened
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>>348668 Made a vid once that was too edgy for old 4 brit/pol/ with Gwar Hail Genocide, Sarabande, some old sci fi clip, Nigel Farage, and the nigs holding a liberian general's heart from that Vice doc about their civil war, that was ultimately alluding to EU USA Russia WW3 and multiple race wars around Europe. Cringe scattershot tbh. Deleted it because nobody enjoyed it. Wonder if it's truly gone or if one day I'll be gulag'd for it.
>>348670 ZOG is trying to entrap us all lads be aware. you will be executed when the lion of /brit/ wakes up.
Ban me again madlad, I'll just evade again. Impotent Scot!
Also uploaded another vid lads did enjoy that was some sad classical music over clips of an RT London livestream of those million mask march crusties skateboarding, but it was gone with my yidtube channel and 2011 broken laptop.
>>348675 do you have any based webms left lad?
looks like he was under prevent but couldn't suppress his inner dafty >Due to his age and previous offending, we initially attempted to engage with Harris through the Prevent programme, but it soon became clear he was pretending to be deradicalised whilst encouraging terrorism online. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-63813298
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>>348677 Non from that long ago.
>>348678 a fools errand
they're trying to extradite him to shartica https://archive.is/oJgjb
>skyrim mong
>>348681 >being extradited to a country you've never been in
this is a better article https://archive.is/1cD6D
>Harris was in contact with far-right individuals in the US and Canada through a chat forum called the Phoenix Project anyone heard of this?
>>348685 looked it up on 4chud and it seems to be involved with youtuber Asha Logos.
oh dear looks like asha logos started the whole phoenix project thing. someone should download this video. considering he unlisted it he wont leave it up for long. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiSXX00X4NE
asha logos complained about the video being throttled by youtube but delisted it at some point recently. https://twitter.com/AshaLogos/status/1234976171067990017 it seems like it was a content creator collaboration project, all of asha logos videos are about history he isnt explicitly racist or nazi at all.
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>>348691 good lad
>anytime I watch any of those williamoid larper event speeches in the "debates" at those uni unions theres always loads of chinks and wogs in the background
>>348687 just looks like an encrypted bongo site. a few governments use it apparently
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>>348693 I'd love to get invited and just pull chinky eyes yelling ching chong bing bong ting tong then blackface myself on the spot and chortle lawdy lawdy well now well now and sing alabama nigger etc. to trigger them all epic style then get thrown in prison for 2 years because based liberal democracy.
>>348694 seems bizarre they'd blame such an innocuous collection of historycels.
>>348654 >never got paid because after it was all finished I had to go to the emergency services then leave for home to spend another 8 months recovering from a leg ulcer which had reopened during work smh
smh you should be wearing compression shite if you have that and you are crawling about wew lad that sucks
>google image searched leg ulcer
if any of us got got how would we know?
lets invite this guy to le 8chud https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/413770285/
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>>348705 for me its putting in the effort of going to places women are like a yoga studio and taking the class in the hope of meeting femoids but then when a femoid looks at me or something I just completely stoneface ignore them because I hate her entitlement, hate how I have to lower myself and humilate myself in order to potentially get to the point where somewhere down the line I can mate with her to save the white race all the while she does fucking nothing for me. and then I just end up doing a dumb woman shite think like yoga and don't even meet lasses because of my intellectual woman hater hangup
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>>348706 thats hard, i saw a tiktok about women telling someone was an incel from "pretending not to care about them". its tough out there for chuds like us.
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was just thinking about it after the yoga class today how shit it would be to have a gf in current year some dumb vaxxed bitch who posts slava ukraine shite or whatever the current thing is and expects me to do dumb shite on weekends like burn my money at some pub/bar so she can take pics of us as a non mating sexual sodomitic union of purely autonomous individuals with no tribal identity on her life log DARPA social monitoring mind control patterning butt matrix gangster computer god gadget that is recording everwhere we go together.
>>348708 kek pretending to not care about them lmao women will eventually just wear out the incel term until it means 'male tribe which we do not control via our chthonic butt matrix energies'
the dumpster sheriffs from texas meme video just went to trial. the "I doubt it" guy got time in prison. son got off
>>348712 are lads
>>348712 how long are they locking the old man up?
https://youtu.be/IdWOtHf5NmQ He hates blacks so much
>>348715 his film angle makes him seem like a muppet
>>348716 https://apnews.com/article/protests-and-demonstrations-new-york-city-minneapolis-prisons-fdc927cbf34e0da9f237f78c001e5008 Only about a year and a bit each for lawyers firebombing police car during BLM riots
>>348718 yeah texas is a complete meme shithole
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>you're not gonna shoot my husband never stops being funny
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smh sad that they're grilling the father, at least the son got off
https://youtu.be/qk-EF3wr1E4 Vugh, our princes, our princes of Anglorum
>>348725 I dunno they seem reasonablly competent. They are stuck in a web of abysmal philosophy so they are ultimately useless, with the exception of being placeholders against populist degenerates who would be the head of state otherwise.
smorbengula sneedewayo mfekings >have intense seethe dream before waking up to another full day of seething
>yank made a pilgrimage to woes before woes could make a pilgrimage across britain The Domineering Nature of the Regime - Visiting Millennial Woes in London https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0vlPIK2imQ
fresh youtube video essayist about popular media but BASED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8qy-19Z34I
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>>348709 Good post. >>348715
https://www.twitch.tv/thejang/video/1485448699 Anyone want to watch someone put together a lego millenium falcon for 44 hours?
>>348732 Lol that's grim af
schmorn, covfefe soon, went to bed at half 5 but woke up at 10 since I had a normal sleep schedule and my body is forcing me awake at my usual time.
>>348735 party rockers in the house tonight
I'm an Earth Rocker
>>348728 If nothing else niggers should have learnt to trust us on the basic things like physics
>>348727 what happened?
Me when they're about to refill the reduced section
>>348741 Based. Remember Varg went around asking for last day's bread, but these days I guess they just burn the bread smh
>>348740 a typical and frequent formula of being around family who are all nasty cunts and I get the blame for everything, am bullied and always thought the worst of etc in this instance it was >big family gathering with people I don't know but they know me >forced to have a cousin in my room, he trashes it and I throw him out >everyone assumes it's my fault and judges etc so I retreat into my room and only come out when I hear there's a buffet >get bullied for using it and not staying around to be bullied more >escalates to the point at which a pair of unknown boys are about to commit physical violence over my trying to take a bit of trifle probably some deep psychological meaning to the formula but at least sometimes I get cathartic ultraviolent ones too where I pick people up and use them to beat other people and so on
>>348743 Man just wanted a succulent trifle and go on his way, only to thwarted by the adolescents smelling weakness and trying to assert their dominance over their new domain.
faggot cunt foreign scum parking their giant dodgy looking van in my block's private car park directly in front of my windows AGAIN >>348744 I think I was the same age, the environment at least implies childhood
>>348745 chad move would've been to take a big bear paw scoop of trifle and strutted back to your room. Maybe even letting out a cheeky brap.
Hopefully we'll live to see Spic die of thirst
>>348746 probably having food dreams because I'm trying to go concentrationcampmode at this point tbh on a good day less than 1000kcal, so far
>>348747 >"I told you not to bring that latino mysoginist/chauvinist bullshit in my house" Erm, he already knew what she was like. No sympy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY_sAs2O9BE
>>348748 You started a new better life this year, lad?
I'm shitting acid again and back to having chem burns all over my arse cheeks
>>348752 Losing weight, lad?
>>348750 the end of mine rapidly approaches need to lose as much as I can as quick as I can before potential transplant in october, assuming there are still donors none of my family has offered because they estranged me in childhood and it's my fault I never reconnected and did all the normgroid keeping up appearances shit of course my sister got her stepdad's spare, no questions asked >>348752 me last sunday tbh, decided to walk home the long way instead of ride the bus all the way in and nearly did an NBC terrorism attack on the high street
>>348751 The Place Beyond the Pines was so shit
>>348753 No not really, it's to do with my alcohol consumption I think. Every time I drink it's the same thing. I'll worry when I randomly drop half a stone while I'm being as sedentary as I am.
>>348754 >need to lose as much as I can as quick as I can before potential transplant in october, assuming there are still donors Man they really are waiting until the last possible chance smh >none of my family has offered because they estranged me in childhood and it's my fault I never reconnected and did all the normgroid keeping up appearances shit smh awful. Family is family. Imagine not even being able to forgive someone or do something for someone to save their life when you have the chance *screams*
>imagined my whole life with a groomee and she won't even respond *screams*
https://www.channel4.com/news/how-ukrainian-refugees-are-handling-cultural-integration-in-ethnically-diverse-areas-of-the-uk >How Ukrainian refugees are handling cultural integration in ethnically diverse areas of the UK
>>348759 I hate channel 4 so fucking much lads.
>>348757 I guess due to the boomer effect 90% of the extended family is all over the age of 50, rapidly approaching 60, and unsuitable at this stage anyway i only really know the three cousins, one is le neurotic covidiot techbro who is actually schizo, the one who refused to be in the same house and cancelled my christmas in 2021 because I was unvaxxed the other two are around my age and a bit older but the last time I actually had a conversation with them that wasn't pleasantries was probably 2010 or earlier, before being isolated in frogland my dad's entire side of the family is estranged because he never bothered to even tell us about them beyond his parents and his sister and I also basically died to them back before 2010 and france >working myself up into a mummysneethe again smh back to doing the dishes
>>348759 Howling at that dumb bitch in the kitchen.
>>348760 >>348759 will BASED POOKRAINIANS become the new BASED POLES?
>>348763 No they will accept government money, phone thot and be happy they're no longer in range of Russian missiles.
>>348763 Daft nick thinks the men will all become dafties esp if ukraine loses
>>348759 Saw so much hatred from browns and black on twitter over this
>>348766 what were they saying?
>>348767 that they are fleeing a wartorn country and are homeless and still prioritise being racist etc. Just usual anti-white stuff
>>348768 Whinging niggers don't want to share the resources they're looting from whitey.
>>348770 this mindset is also why pajeets voote for the cuntservatives nasty little wog bastards the lot of them no matter the shade of their skin all of them need to go
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>neighbour got a housewifelass who he wanted a lot of kids with but they haven't been able to conceive for the last 2 years because she without telling him put a hook thingy in her vagina wich keeps sperm from swimming to the eggs and now they are separating *screams*
This nigger bitch will be making a killing re-educating hohols.
>>348775 It's the only way to make a stable black middle class. Constant race grifting.
>>348777 why does he have so many voiced screams?
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>>348777 Oh and lad not sure of you saw this or if it was to your taste to be preserved in your Half life collection.
>>348778 getting their money's worth out of Harry S. Robins I suppose he's an interesting figure, would be a kind of based NEET prophet as part of the "cult of slack" but he's probably also a boomer libtard along with it >>348779 I did and it is kino couldn't find it on YT either
>>348780 I hope it's an obscure mod on moddb or something which replaces the end of half life 2.
Seems almost relevant after the retcon of half life alyx
Why do you have to make every one of your gimmicks mildly annoying?
>>348782 Why would you want that? Hated it when alyx did it tbh
>>348787 I just think it would be fun to have the operatic ending.
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>single mum of 2 childhogs: "hahaha I love childhogs" >ask her where the dad is >get mad and just doesn't want to say Best thing for childhogs is obviously having both a ma and pa. I guess when women say they love kids they mean in a way of having them as accessories or toys smh.
my bog btw
are you ready for the most important day of the year, lads? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3uRc8WiSnQ
one hour remains no candle? you get shot
>>348784 shill vs actual critic https://youtu.be/l5wThljKmQE
>>348791 Do anglos actually care? I swear I only ever see media hyping it up but never actually hear or see anything of it among people
>he got another one how can one man be so based
>>348794 only reason I knew is because I was looking at meatybrap's twitter account just now
>>348795 Based
>>348798 Where do you mine this seethium from?
>>348798 what is that webm
>>348799 bottom of the twatter page tbh >>348800 a /biz/ one I would assume
>Kyiv that's it I'm getting baptised
PIPING FRESH HOT BLOOM https://youtu.be/4eM3ewD3zdQ
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>>348803 >that's it I'm getting baptised welcome to the flock, lad
Remember it's film friday, today we're watching HARRY POTTER AND THE WEIRD ALL
>>348808 and for what, he'll have to serve 3/4ths of it too since its a terror offense
guess it's time to watch compilations of women clapping their arses on youtube again
>600 videos
>40 year old single mum gets a new breeder within a month of her husband's death and she gets to keep being a housewife(sitting at the couch at home) can't believe I was gaslit into thinking women somehow have it worse than men in dating because they get TOO MUCH attention
>>348805 what's up cool cats it's your pal relatable zoomer eceleb here today I've got some CRUNK news about this EPIC book by Oswizzle Spengdizzle, homies! check it, we let the man cook and he says in the TUBULAR piece "Man and Technics" that we're gonna live in a shithole worse than anything you've ever seen, even more than in Cyberpunk 2077, ah hell naw that ain't dope! there's this real BASED thing you can do to stop it tho! just follow this 1 easy step and bomb a post office
>best post of 2023 is so great the thread goes silent as everyone is sitting silently in stunned awe at the enormity of my wit
>Lets get retarded in here
>>348819 I did enjoy it
thought I had a gordon dancing gif but I didn't smh
>>348808 Came to post, it was on BBC Radio today >DARK SINISTER FAR-RIGHT Has been jailed for 11 years following links to a Shooting in the US *cue excerpts from the shooting to make the public think he's been given 11 years for physically being involved with carrying it out >and in other news, a Mohammad Farooq has been arrested for trying to bomb a maternity ward yada yada moving on who cares, next >And now the weather; https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-64425369
need a bitch with armpits rn
>>348824 seemed like he just made edits of mass shootings to freaking epic fashwave or whatever.
>>348824 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
the proscription laws in this country are weird, arent the IRA and PKK and a bunch of northern irish groups proscribed? why are people allowed to wave their flags and support them on social media without getting btfo and years in prison?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neKXc7pw4go >>348828 laws are only applied when convenient for the occupying forces
they're releasing the tyre nichols beating video today lads >The Nichols family and their legal team privately reviewed the video footage of the arrest earlier this week. >"He was a human piñata," lawyer Antonio Romanucci said of its contents. "It was an unadulterated, unabashed, non-stop beating of this young boy for three minutes." >President Biden released a statement on Thursday appealing for calm as authorities prepare to release the footage on Friday evening, local time. >"I join Tyre's family in calling for peaceful protest," he said. "Outrage is understandable, but violence is never acceptable." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-64421704
finally listening to the rant backlog tbh 90: wish I could feel a loving touch again tbh or even just any touch at all, nobody even shakes hands any more, family doesn't make any filial gestures or anything, closest was a hug a few years ago from sister whomst I don't see except maybe once every two years "women are giant kim kardashian butts walking around" keeek "when she touched me, I became a person to her" this attitude artificially induced in modern society to increase neuroticism and atomisation?
Fucking woman whining because I didn't reply to her message within an hour or seeing it.
>one of the downies I was responsible for while working in a school is now old enough to be on dating sites and he's put his sex as female so I can see him
>>348835 *ignores you for 2 days anyway*
>>348835 keeek bet she is worse than that herself
>>348836 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
inevitably: >niggers riot over a video of a nigger getting beaten by nigger police >white man's fault
>>348836 you should match with him and see where it goes...
KEEEEEEEEK fucking jiggaboos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNCd_ERZvZM
I have a diabetes monitor attached to my arm now. I am a cyborg.
hohol s300 battery totally destroyed by russian iskander or their new tornado missile
>BBK has the beetus
>>348849 Neanderthal Human race mixing has cursed me . . .
>>348847 >diabetes monitor probably a blood sugar monitor, right?
>>348848 It's ogre.
for me it's hocking up huge wads of phlegm dozens of times a day and spitting them into bins like a cowboy with a spittoon
Someone edit his post so "plegm" says cum keeeeeeeeeeek
>>348853 sink for me tbh
Wew. Poor bastard.
>>348856 >why you can trust sky news
>>348856 oh god did it cursh him while he was inside it? lowered itself in to the ground while he was inside? that's horrific https://youtu.be/wtMmcINhJgE
crushed to death by one of these modern monstrosities
>tfw consequences
>>348859 smh don't even want to think about it
The son got acquitted, the dad got 14 years. trashcan bros.....
>>348861 yeah makes me shudder, thinking about what his last moments must have been like
>>348833 got 3 to upload today been to busy to upload them to rumble shit
>>348833 yeah I think witholding touch is done subconsciously to fuck with people
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>>348864 only watching one a day so I don't overdose on seethium tbh
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when is this chimp kino gonna drop? >>348833 >steinoid's family doesn't hug eachother at family gatherings wtf?
Israel-Palestine is kicking off again.
>Five shot dead at Jerusalem synagogue - reports https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-64430491 >Israel hits militant sites in Gaza after rockets fired following deadly raid https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-64423267 >Nine Palestinians killed in Israeli raid in Jenin https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-64410607
https://youtu.be/Rpx7TWc58PI its really terrifying how these airsoft fag tier war tourismfags murder people overseas and are gonna cause ww3. its disturbing how these fags are all chippy and excited about killing rusgols. I don't understand this shit as all.
>>348871 isnt' this what soldiers have been lately though? people doing it because they want to kill. It's not like they really are fighting for something
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>>348871 they're heros saving democracy
>>348872 nah they are acting like they are paintballing not killing men its very strange
running around all giddy like a school boy
smh maybe boomers were right and video games are satan
>>348876 everything they consoom tells them they are right to be doing this and that they are heroes and that the enemy are evil subhumans
>>348875 tbf lad some soldiers are like that.
combat is exciting until it's terrifying.
>>348878 the civ div videos are so enlightening the war tourism fags seem to be strictly of the williamoid caste. they have that williamoidic body language and I am sure there are alot of motard chuds, esp. burgerican brainwash zogbots. but generally most of the civ div fags are like these lisping effete looking williamoids who look like they are in some CS larping group shooting at an abandoned vehicle. I never see them come under fire or artillery
hohols are drafting ethnic Hungarians in Transcarpathia that want to nothing to do with this retarded (((slav))) v.s. slav war https://www.rt.com/news/570553-ukraine-mobilization-hungarian-minority/
POV: you are rural ukrainian civilians about to have your farmhouses riddled with bullets before being shot dead at extreme range by larping westerners who can't tell the difference between different varieties of slav
a whole new meaning to the term "williamoids advancing"
>>348882 when we win we will build trianon memorials in every major city and town.
>>348883 kek >>348879 https://youtu.be/-G2wENzJAPk these lads don't seem giddy
https://youtu.be/dBHGWbfbuuk look at their williamoid body language
like at 1:24 that fags weird little run or at 7:00 where he gets into williamoidic detail about the missile
>>348888 maybe he's a propaganda officer of some type a proper glowie william with his gay edited youtube channel and gopro vlogs in a warzone
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>videos of Ukrainina or Russian prisoners of war having their genitalia cut off while alive
"william" and "tarquin" as perjoratives come from mockery of the british officer class after all
>>348887 why are the ukrainians letting this faggot upload videos that can be geolocated showing their trenches? not like the vatniggers are competent enough to do that but still.
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that's enough for tonight I think
>Post film night link >Wess immediately goes to bed
>>348895 >>348896 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
they STILL havent released the epic up and coming action packed "nigger owned" video.
>tfw nobody is showing up to film night again
>>348883 >>348884 keeeek have some (You)s for these post >>348899 you think anything will come of it? I doubt nigcels are going to riot over them killing each other
Vietnam and Iraq at least were interesting wars. Ukraine is just not compelling in any sense
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did you lads read about this lisa simpson? she was playing feminazi lord byron in kurdistan
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>>348904 *kisses her*
>>348904 yeah based turks murdered a bunch of british antifas in k*rdistan
imagine if she was fighting for the white race I would have simped for her. smh she even dyed her hair black to look more shitskin
i will always thank the turks for killing dozens of committed european antifas who wanted to biji larp.
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>>348886 combat fatigue, like I said eventually it just becomes terrifying.
>Tyre Nichols video to be released at 6 p.m. Central time >“Friday at 6 p.m., very, very few people will be at work,” said Frank Colvett Jr., a councilman from the city’s east side. “Everyone will have had plenty of time to get home from school, from their jobs, and just stay home.” https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/27/us/tyre-nichols-video-release-time.html smh
when is this nigger video gonna drop
>>348913 >literally preparing for chimpact
thats two whole hours I want nigger riots NOW
>>348915 Why aren't you allowed to use tear gas and fire hoses on them again?
>>348917 I just want to watch niggers destroy southtard shit and see all that southtards cuck
remember on the last day of the 2011 riots david cameron gave the go ahead to use water cannons and plastic bullets but the riot already ended by the time they were ready. >David Cameron chaired another emergency meeting of COBRA, mid-morning.[198] In a statement at 11:05, Cameron announced that plastic bullets were available to the police for use in response to the riots if necessary, and put contingency plans in place to make water cannons available at 24 hours notice.[199]
its 9 F rn with wind chill where I am so I am calling nothingburger for riotkino
>>348918 that will NEVER happen in the South.
>>348921 oh yeah well that wouldn't happen in my living room well, try that in my bedroom oh yeah, lets see you try that shit in the southern side of my bedroom
40 minutes to chimpact
>>348919 >Gets to look tough without one nigger crying to the press about getting shot in the throat with a plastic bullet.
10 minutes to chimpact
me getting hyped up for the nigger lynching
Sleepy Joe is 'in charge', plus the cops were nogs I won't be getting my hopes up.
Now that I think of it, I'm putting the ice on my hype.
>>348929 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK, jf is live in an hour to react to the video
not expecting anything tbh
>21 year old british army soldier charged with terror offences another one ffs thats 3 days in a row
they're balancing the books on terror offences
Only narrowly qualified to get out of the group stage in Fifa lads
>>348934 Fucking hell, mate. Goal difference?
>>348935 one point, haven't played since fifa 13 so need to learn the game more. might lower the difficulty a notch before genociding the wogs on my team smh
>>348937 >me at the door thinking Deano should switch to a 4-3-3 and play to his strengths.
>>348937 I keek.
>>348932 there's been a massive increase of terror arrests the past month, jihadis too.
>>348942 michael brown riots were kino
ben garrison was on the way to ferguson
What's all this about niggers?
YOOOOOO fr fr where dis mf video at?
>>348948 swarthy german phenotype
t minus 25 minutes to the next A24-produced, genre-redefining, trope-subverting, atmospheric, dark and eerie, emotionally draining, gut wrenching, aesthetically heavy craft by post-horror auteur with an arthouse edge, dread-inducing, suspenseful build up with strong character development and gradual feeling of escalation, bone-chilling slow burn with “say more with less” approach and soul-shaking, blood-curdling, skin-crawling and nerve-wracking exercise in persistently looming dread where tension and anxiety permeates every frame as movie reaches its nail-biting, jaw-clenching and paranoia-inducing final climax, free of any cheap gore, cartoonish CGI or infantile jumpscares nigger owned video.
Fancy one of the patients at work smh, I love her but I won't be on Friday reception again I think
Dem crackas beat his ass
>>348956 >posting the shopped version
Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Kick a nigger in the testicles. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into the wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana. Line up niggers and use them for target practice. Drop kick a disabled niggers head to jupiter. Slice niggers up into lunchmeat and feed them to pigs. Drive a bus load of niggers into the grand canyon. Break a 2×4 in half over a niggers head. Choke a nigger to death with a gucci belt. Shoot groups of niggers on sight. Suffocate niggers with a shopping bag. Cave a niggers head in with a hammer. Pistol whip a nigger.
>>348958 >Scruton's final words
>>348958 looking forward to bbk quoting this as he's carried off by hi special branch friends.
>>348958 Scruton was getting into the works of the Bard of Birkenhead in his last few months.
Somebody lied when they said this nigger lynching video was getting dropped hours ago. Fucking nigger.
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And now.. for those in attendance.. and the millions of police brutality fans watching a-round the wooorld... IIIIIIIIIT'S TIIIIIIIIIME
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smh forgot
keeeeeeeeeeeek kino so far
KEEEEEEEEEEEEK BBC news literally teasing the video like its a marvel trailer >We are now reviewing the footage here at the BBC and some of it may be too graphic to broadcast also keeking at their attempt to racialise it when its just a case of niggers being niggers.
>there was a white cop in the video whitebros.....
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>nigger called tyre
police didn't even beat him all that much nigga musta had brittle bones
>>348973 Watch video two lad thy volley him in the fucking head
>>348971 UH OH
took them a while to break that buck
i think the kicks to the head did it
>the cops spray themselves >one falls over while trying to kick him keeek silly niggerinos
Buck of buck violence smh, mastah shoulda been on top of that.
smh never send a nigger to do a white man's job
so when do the nigcels start rioting
what a nothing burger, nigger foid police chief and nigger police in a nigger city doing usual incompetent niggery both in their policing and their response, just watched the videos and the nigger has that schizo nig energy they have, resisted the entire time and refused to surrender and the nog police were unable to properly restrain him, and they've been thrown under the bus already KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
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>>348891 is there another castration video other than this one?
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(14.19 MB 540x360 Richard Fleming two.webm)

(14.14 MB 540x360 Richard Fleming three.webm)

>>348984 Nah that's the one I saw. Apparently it's a few months old but I never saw it before today
THEY'RE BLOCKING ROADS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA https://mobile.twitter.com/Julio_Rosas11/status/1619130610974625792
shit I missed the nigkino vid drop was out picking up 'zas for mummy from the 'za shop but it was a snow storm so it took a while
>>348988 it wasn't that great but it was funny watching the nigpolice run out of breath quickly and pepper spray each other
smh what a nothingburger of a video I was expecting cartel tier shit for how much the kike media was building it up
I like how the criminal is basically the whitest guy there >Officer: BITCH I KNOCK YO MUDDAFUCKING TEEF OUT >Tyre: Alright, that's inappropriate. I'm gonna need to speak with your manager.
another case of nigger just not listening to easy commands
>>348991 keeeeeeeeeek
keeek all those fat fuck nigger cops whitoid motard cops would have already killed that nigger. pussy ass niggers
>>348988 same, I tried searching on yidtube but it's all retarded livestreams
>>348996 this lad already posted the vimeo link so you can watch all of them >>348965
tire sounded like a ho ass bitch nigga who did know who he was fucking wit real thug ass niggas. for real that nigga shoulda jus gave them his mf hands.
>tire: excuse me gentlemen I believe I have done nothing wrong >100 percent thug ass nigga cops: BITCH PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOU BACK SHIT HO PUT THAT SHIT BEHIND YOU MF BACK IMAA STOMP YOUR SHIT
>kikes: this is white supremacy
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>the pathetic left hook the fat one throws when they stand him up
>>349002 she has the gumline of a xenomorph
>>349002 *kisses her*
pleb tier chimpout I thought memphis niggas were hard. where are the real thugs at
>>349005 it still early cuh let a nigga eat dinner https://youtu.be/mzCaW7hzIQQ
looks like its not happening in the south
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>>349006 yeah they are probably eating up some pre-riot 'zas and washing it down with 'they' mamas good *ss purple drink
something so creepy and gay about these william-voiced niggas
joe bidens riots, they are low energy. sad. *looks around the crowd and smirks* we had the biggest riots, the best riots. I tell you what folks, we are gonna makes riots great again.
>>349012 tbh dbz ass niggas acting like they thug. need to go home play they tekken 3 so nae nae can get that BWC
>black woman gets on microphone >ayy now y'all sorry to say, but we divestin
>be nigcel >get beat to death by chadingos for no reason >like 30 negresses have a low energy protest before going home to their white bfs
clearly what happened is that the media blew the video out of proportion to try to induce chimpout but it's winter and the pigs themselves were nigs so nothing happened
Please just one night of looting that's all I ask
>kicking him in the face and throat >getting him up on his feet to punch him in the head How can 4 gorilla niggers not get a man down on the ground and put cuffs on?
>>349019 You think they wanted to?
>>349020 smh I guess they needed payback for that cardio they had to do
might go down there and use my oratory skills to incite the niggers to racewar.
thinking about that guy who fucked up the simon says routine at the hotel smh. At least this nigger got to live for a while after his encounter with the police
its only 19:30 in memphis rn
wait the cops getting the blame for a vax death?
>>349004 >*kisses her* *she vomits*
>>349026 come on lad havin some incel blues
>>349027 happens to the best of us lad, i advise you to have sex immediately to alleviate such feelings its the only cure. thank me later.
>>349028 I'll just watch lego stream instead https://youtu.be/MICqzuM4p9E
>>349023 think everyone forgot all about that poor whiteoid
>>349031 keeeeeeek
some thug ass niggas turning up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T7qvjXMPyw
>>349033 they sound like gay niggers from outer space.
have they even bothered deploying riot police?
Makes the Chauvin/George Groid vid even more laughably tame.
Fart on a sacred cow nigger you get life in prison in America.
ayy if they was some white cops this shit wouldn't happen yo
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earting quavers rn
this nigga eatin quavers
looks like the cops arent even showing up to the protest in memphis to prevent a riot. someone make a call that there's been a stabbing in the protest to start shit.
>>349047 kek those manlet cops still wear those old barney fife hats instead of tactical shit
real thuggin hours soon
night faggots.
>>348966 it's okay lad
*gets 10 years for inspiring the cupcake uprising of 2024*
>>349013 keeek
sirs please stand back sirs, he is beginning to do the morbing toil prep begins
>>349053 based chudkino
>>349056 smorb lad
Had a migraine and vomited last night after a 6 hour induction smh.
>>349059 smh grim
>>349059 >after smh, cruel bossmen
>ukrainian flag >political autism >religious autism >jannie >pronouns he's reaching critical mass
>bus company cancelled every sunday route between my town and the boomers' no more snunday sninner for smee
Noticed that people use the term brother to refer to other workers in manual labour jobs. I spose it's good but it's not like a militant brotherhood thing. Probably more an outgrowth of blacks using the term
Who is it that works in. A hospital? It's not BBK is it?
been really constipated lately smh disappointing poos every day including this morning but still feeling an imminent shart coming >>349065 he was trying to get hired by the NHS a while back, not sure if it worked out bit scary tbh imagine having him responsible for your medical details
>>349063 smh always cutting every public service that doesn't turn a profit nothing's allowed to exist just because it makes people's lives better >>349064 wish people could have solidarity without wogification smh
>>349068 sick of seeing chinks everywhere tbh
>>349070 I love the utterly vulgar attitude she radiates. I want to put a 12.5 baby in her then leave without a trace so my daughter grows up with tfw no white daddy issues. Perhaps this is the true way to save the white race.
>>349071 You need to stop masturbating
Just had a wank tbh.
>>349071 Yes, acting like a nigger. Truly the way to shave the white rice. She is attractive though.
>>349070 Nasty
schmorn, covfefe and empire biscuit for smee
>>349077 shouldn't that gun be in a safe?
>>349083 based
>>349066 >>349065 I work in the NHS. Moving on next month though. Might delete Wessica from the NHS and organise a transsexual operation for Dorset keek
>>349085 Snkeeeek.
>>349082 keeeeeeeek
im up
>>349088 keeeeeek based
the snorpal blade goes sneep snorp, and whispers fuck niggers
mustve been the wind
>>349093 more like Unruly Niggers
>>349064 no its a prot thing
>>349098 whatever it is it's gone
>>349099 niggers were looting after the riotkino
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>mfw a nigga won't jus gimme dey hands
>>349102 >the other lions are female smh old sissy hypno
>If you turn away, He will replace you with another people, and they will not be like you! Behold ! you are such people who are invited to spend in the way of Allah, but among you is he who hoards (due to niggardliness). But he who hoards, is niggardly only against his own soul. Quran 47:29-38
Liverpool man extradited from Spain denies spreading terrorist publications https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/liverpool-man-extradited-spain-denies-26097814 >He was brought back to the UK on September 8, last year and arrested upon his arrival, then charged and remanded into custody. On Friday, he pleaded not guilty to the two charges of dissemination of a terrorist publication when he appeared by video link at the Old Bailey from Chelmsford prison in Essex.
got xoomed at today lads saggy flabby old retard who thought he's 'ard with a zoomer haircut spent half an hour arguing with me over how selling fucking tickets worked and kept trying to get me to okay some retarded things "because that was how he was taught and he's been doing it that way for two months" (essentially extorting people by withholding a pass unless they fill out extra forms that give us more money) he went so far as to try to rules lawyer me with a fucking printout made for the volunteers specifically so they wouldn't fuck up in the way he was fucking up, but he was too retarded to read it properly and so decided he would argue with me and try being bellicose because oh I am le merely nearly 30 year old child I must not know how to do things correctly
>>349105 smh typical scouse scum
>>349107 I bet he doesn't even have nigger nephews smh
Knew him in NA, he was a good lad.
OH NO! OH FINNISH ICE PRINCESS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=448sTofp4Bg

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