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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3832: Satanic AI Edition Anonymous 01/31/2023 (Tue) 20:49:11 Id: 098f35 No. 349680
TONIGHT: RAND Think Tank Calls for US to Surrender in the Ukraine >The RAND Corporation, a highly influential elite national security think tank funded directly by the Pentagon, has published a landmark report stating that prolonging the proxy war is actively harming the US and its allies and warning Washington that it should avoid “a protracted conflict” in Ukraine https://www.rt.com/news/570618-rand-came-up-with-solution/ Paki Tax-dodger PM fires Paki Tax-dodger chancellor after group-paki investigation into paki tax-dodging >Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said it was "clear that there has been a serious breach of the ministerial code", but Mr Zahawi made no apology for his actions and attacked the conduct of the media. https://news.sky.com/story/nadhim-zahawi-sacked-as-tory-chairman-over-tax-affairs-row-12793431 Spic had a Chinky for brek >American-moortugese poster spic confirms a chinky had been consumed for 4pm breakfast following a termination of the Ketosis program. The poster describes the dumplings as "bretty good"
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:01:24.
>>349679 Dartmoor was one of the last major places but some richfag subsidies-man has bought 4000 acres and changed neighbouring legislation to make it illegal in Dartmoor now
>American-moortugese poster spic confirms a chinky had been consumed for 4pm breakfast following a termination of the Ketosis program. The poster describes the dumplings as "bretty good" keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>349682 smh hate hearing about things like this
all of spics posts should be deleted
just wild camp and tell anyone to fuck off, if they phone the police just leg it, police won't chase someone into rural area for something trivial like that
>>349680 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek decent steiner impression. ill be saving that >>349687 tbh
>>349680 KJeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>349680 who is owls lad?
>>349690 smh had me scratching my head for 10 minutes thinking "idk, who tf is owls lad?" keeek, auslad
keeeeeeeeek very high effort thread
>>349691 >Despite having been vaccinated myself, I was simultaneously denounced as an 'anti-vaxxer' by Covid zealots, and became the object of fury from genuine anti-vaxxers who decided madly that I was a traitor even though I had never adopted their cause (one of these pursued me on to a train to shout at me, only the other day). KEEEEEEEEEK Antivax lads shouting at Hitchens for taking it
>>349694 wasnt hitchens against the vaccine but finally broke and got it so he could see his grandchildren? seems like he's getting bullied by everyone now
>>349695 >so he could see his grandchildren? are his children libtards or something, theres nothing in the rules about not seeing grandchildren during lockdown, he's just a weak coward
>>349696 He has family in yankistan, courtesy of his dead brother.
the anti-vaxx shit killed the right tbh. can't believe mongs still care about it.
>>349699 KEEEEEEEK ok vaxxie
morgoth is really beating a dead horse with the vax stuff now tho tbh
>>349699 t. pic related the antivaxx thing is necessary, but you're right that it does distract from the jevv/race issues, those are talked about a lot less now. also, the vaxx battle is basically over, it was a stalemate... on one hand, they didn't get to implement the biometric control grid they wanted or force all refuseniks out of society, but on the other, they did inject the majority of white women of breeding age with this shit. the 'right''s goal of trying to prevent people from taking the vaxx failed miserably, most did take it, and that could be extremely bad. with all of the internet censorship, there was no way to reach the normals, so it was unwinnable really
“We need to create sober, patient people, who do not despair in the face of the worst horror and who do not get excited about every little thing. Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will.”
>>349698 Episode 3 will be right up your alley bins.
>>349680 Apex keeeeek. >>349698 Smh was skyrooming again. Would've joined if I knew. >>349703 Good quote. Who's it from?
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seething that I can't post nigger milker beating up other nigger gif
>>349706 why not?
>>349707 jannies do not accept that form of freeze peach
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shite site is so slow that it takes forever to load webms
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>>349710 keeeeeeeeek classic steiner pooey alyx
watch your backs lads
>>349717 would be nice if petersteins heart would explode soon
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he's undercover in the belly of the beast trust the plan
Wish Weeperson would fuck off already.
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>audience captivated by outgoing and entertaining performance >say "nigger" >censored within 3 seconds most powerful word in the English language
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>>349722 Power Word: Nigger Source: Player's Handbook 9th-level enchantment Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V Duration: Instantaneous You utter a word of power that can compel one creature you can see within range to enter a frenzy and attack any pale-skinned creatures that it can see. If the creature you chose has 100 hit points or fewer, you may live within it's head without paying any rent. Otherwise, it seethes. Spell Lists. Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
>>349699 t. nigger retard
>>349724 good effort
>>349725 he's got a point tbh niggercattle can only focus on one thing and now they're zoomed in on the small picture and completely ignorant of the situation at large >>349726 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek that's kino
never watched dragonball or dragonball z but i've got to say goku's super saiyan 3 transformation is quite possibly the hypest piece of media ever to be created doubt it'll be topped even a century from now ngl
kek'd irl
>>349680 very good lad
reminds me of oc i was doing of a wignat radio station
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>some mongs still cant differentiate between blatant BBK falseflagging as me only came here to say this as my ONLY post, as i've not been posting at all since I've been in Scotland, and won't be for a while okthankyou
>>349732 I saw those posts and could tell it wasn't you, was going to say something but then I just backspaced it. what are you up to in Caledonia? hope you are doing wholesome and normal things
>>349727 he is niggercattle. he got vaxxed and shilled the sputnik one here
That's it
>>349721 >>349723 jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeej
>>349726 keeeeeeeeeek
> >>349717 Yeah, radical ethnocentrism is for Jews only
>>349724 keeek a bit underpowered for level 9 tbh
>>349735 >infantile >precursor to fascism He means as a reaction to being infantile and the wider culture you consoooom being so infantile, right? Or is it a real libtard "batman beats up criminals and soymen think that's based but muh socioeconomic factors are overlooked and that's fascism"?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34b5RRL8ulc >tfw find myself seething at foreigners committing crimes that happened in the 1890s
>>349742 back when this lad was a wee lad like us
>>349743 Keeek. Think he was born after 1945, lad.
>>349729 0 o ~ |||||
>>349741 he means that enjoying the escapades of a righteous ubermensch is bad, because criminals deserve love and rehabilitation not punishment, and we should all be equally shite
Alan Moore is an old oddball crusty, he's still salty that people liked Rorschach for all the reasons he felt made the character unlikable.
Tory Boys, it's so over...
problem is a loss for the tories doesn't currently mean anything positive for us because mongs like mark STILL haven't registered a party
>>349749 I'm sure Kerr Starmer's Labour will be much better.
>>349751 we should vote tory to stop the loonie left getting in, its our only choice
I'm not sure how much worse the Tories could actually be
>>349753 I was saying it more in response to the people that think Labour is going to fix inflation or wage stagnation or continued reduction in public services.
>>349729 how is this even legal?
>>349732 It was me, not bbk, you're basically a lolcow now dorsie. Go moo for me please.
>>349727 The right was dead before covid, it doesn't make a difference imo. >>349734 basically
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>>349760 keeeeeeeeek what are you using to do this?
>>349749 I'd keep on slamming Carol Vorderman
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https://beta.elevenlabs.io/speech-synthesis I didn't make them some anons have been using the above
>>349763 cheers
got a free paslode at boomer toil today
>>349766 you can nail skullet boomer to cladding come the collapse.
>>349767 Skullet boomer clans will rule the post-collapse world lad. City-slicking college boys like Steiner will pay homage
>>349754 They could be literal foreigners embezzling public funds? Oh wait
>>349758 Howling.
>>349771 >toddler Fucking hell. Death penalty for him, I hope. Don't understand men who'd go lower than 12. 11 if she's mature for her age, maybe. And of course only if the parents consent to your marriage request.
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>>349777 Yeah hello
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watching womens rock climbing tbh
>>349779 hate rock climbers. If I were to become a serial killer I'd probably do it by shooting at people climbing. Not to hit them, but to scare them so they fall and it looks natural
>>349780 keeeeeek
>>349782 Keek.
>>349775 is that the episode with the bumming?
>>349785 yes, druckman is such a hack
>two fat hairy middle aged men in a post apocalyptic scenario bumming eachother was that in the game?
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>>349788 The game was run from creepy plant faces and get the girl to a black science woman to save the world but they have to remove her brain for study so save the girl from labcoats the end iirc.
>>349790 It was still a kiked piece of shit.
>>349788 >meet man >realise you're both homos >immediately bum is this true love? If anything watching their lives should make one realise just what a waste of life a homosexual life is. They grew old together, one got sick and struggled with everyday life and then decided to kill himself, and the other guy killed himself with him. Had they had a family and children they would have been taken care of, and passed something on, like how the libertarian homo's mother had passed on a huge house and valuable artifacts to him. Now all that will just decay together with their bodies smh
>>349791 Tbh. Never even 'played' it, just watched it on youtube once. Might as well have been a low budget animation. Linear story the player doesn't effect put it behind old click active to investigate type games.
https://streamable.com/ taigs putting in work
>>349779 Because of you people I can't watch a video like this without expecting something terrible to happen to the lass smh
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found an autistic lasses gymanstics account on the kohl' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEPUvyKWuFs&t=392s
>>349798 >Peter File >4 months ago >It is always a pleasure to see how you move and the lovely way you look at us.
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>>349798 What a goddess. Upvote my comment, lad. I must have her
She's even more peng than the 15yo gym/exercise instathot b*sexual exgf follows. Also has autism.
*starts crying*
*spanks her little bum* ahhhhh I WISH
>>349802 not there lad
>>349806 You have her snap?
if i ever got what i wanted and bred with an autistic lass my children would just end up as rainman or worse. ah well i can always admire from afar.
>>349798 >someones going to deflower her and its not going to be me
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shut up you pathetic incel freaks
Just want to have sex and post a video to /brit/ to prove I had sex
I dreamt about agatha last night.
smh it's not even friday night and I'm having the incel blues
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should i have pasta or soup for supper
>>349818 he has the wessie slant smile
>>349819 more sinister and creepy then funny, you nonce cunt
>>349821 wessoids, from my analysis they make up a good 7% of the population. if their breeding habits remain out of control in the future we can expect our island to be infested with over 10 wessoids.
>>349818 >>349819 >>349822 its clearly a meme account you fucking retards
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>>349826 good lad
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>>349831 bit androgynous sounding
just found out its not normal to keep all your stuff separated in folders within the downloads folder, thats where I keep everything wtf
>>349798 https://youtu.be/5MMdUcaL_W0 leave our autistic yankee roses along unless you want to trade for slags
>>349835 really hate how pookranians have appropriated orc
>>349837 I hate how much the cyrillic speaking hol hols exist in the english language, I literally don't give a fuck about them. its kino how taigs are btfo of hol hol migrants in ireland
>>349838 It's a shame they don't do the same to all the Africans.
>endeavour video with woes >woes starts talking about steven king >mentions funny "memes" and screencaps he has of steven king tweets >endeavour wants to keep the convo flowing >woes says wait and I'll bring them up >can hear him typing on the keyboard for 2 mins as endeavour awkwardly sits there clearly annoyed woes is like that one annoying friend always trying to show you shit on their phone that you don't care about, or make you sit and watch them play a shite game when you visit their house that you have no interest in, hes turning into the "old man yells at cloud" meme with how he goes on these 20 minute rants about shite nobody cares about.
https://youtu.be/GUjLa_oNj4Y love debbie harry me
>>349835 yeah redditers are the perfect propagandised blood thirsty libtards we know lad. i blame putler for being shitty at war.
The hohols are digging new defensive lines outside of bakhmut, the city will unironically fall any day now and they've made such a big deal over defending it that when it does it'll be a major morale blow for the them, they've decided to spend 30k plus hohol lives on defending a literally who town because they are retarded
keeeeeeeek did you see that libtard get bodyslammed during BBCs today https://twitter.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1620828600105680896
>>349845 horrific for all involved tbh
>>349845 god I wish the midwest had those demographics most of the postmen here are niggers with airpods in who are in some speakerphone chat with "they bitch" only cool one was an ex zogbot guy from desert storm who used to say hi to all the kids in the neighborhood
>>349848 see if they were deer I would be worried.
>>349742 >(((Latvians))) Also siege of Sydney St. ..more guess whos
>>349848 Worst poster I've eaten
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I can save her
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>>349848 A couple of people were killed recently like this by being trampled to death by cows
It’s becoming more and more obvious… US has been getting the BIG Z’s allies whacked or arrested by Ukie secret services as they try and isolate him because he won’t seek a peace deal with the Russkies Who killed the bozo in the helicopter “crash”? Who is “voluntarily resigning”? Who is getting the doors smashed in and hauled off because “corruption”? The US know the writing is on the wall for Pukeraine >A big jew arrested https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64482072
>>349857 Cleaning house? Is it just to hide all the dodgy interactions the US has had in Ukraine?
Getting tired of seeing human beings treating niggers like human beings, as if the niggers can learn useful things instead of being primarily motivated by their appetites with a bit of superficial mimicry of human beings they may have spotted at some point. Of course, a nigger Muslim (and its society) will be stronger than an observably deracinated human being, but the deracinated nigger, I.e. one which has invested itself into the poison of modernist Western academe, even in its homeland while not interloping in the West itself, that kind of nigger will be weaker and less of an asset than the weaker version of human being.
>>349858 Probably cleaning house. Getting rid of any of those whom aren't fully on board with what they have planned next. I doubt the US is worried about any 'dodgy interactions', they're never held accountable for anything anyway.
>>349861 I would have thought someone like Kolomoisky was fully onboard with the programme and I can't imagine that the sort of fallout that could come out of Ukraine would be bloodless. Heads would have to roll domestically for the fuck of being blatantly exposed as criminals.
>>349862 I think I had another mild aneurysm. >Heads would have to roll domestically for the fuck up of being exposed as blatant criminals.
https://youtu.be/Nzxb3Nz4CYI it's over for incels
>>349855 Not sure if this is something horrific happening or if it's cuddling it's babies.
>>349865 it's a nonce scolipede
The John Wayne Gacy of brit.
its almost spring lads.
>>349860 Less of an asset, too euphemistic if it's even accurate Should be "more of a liability"
>>349870 Feels cold though. But yes
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>>349870 >all the sweet little lambs soon to be born
>>349870 quite a while tbh
Not long now and Morgoth will be live on Dutty Man's show.
>>349875 based
>>349878 Thanks, lad. Watching it now.
How do you do, fellow chugs?
Race mixing cousin is now a goth and posting pictures of wolves.
>>349881 keep us updated
>>349881 Sounds hot tbh.
oh wait race mixing, maybe not.
>>349882 >>349883 She's seeking revenge against someone it seems. I miss her smh
>>349886 she is your family. Save her
>>349887 Lost two kilos in January. It's less than I was hoping for but I'll take it
should I be sleeping in a single bed as a single man? is a double bed decadent?
>>349889 When you're obese you could probably lose 2kg in a day of just fasting.
>>349890 maah what a silly question
>>349890 double, unless you're an incel.
>>349891 No, but I was hoping for 4-6 kilos tbh.
>>349894 Have you ever fasted?
>>349888 Based trips compel me. Would love to save her but she lives in Londre and won't speak to me after I told her I wished she would die in horrible circumstaunces. (She took it as a death threat). I can use my cousin who married a yank to get in with Megan again maybe smh >>349889 Based. You should set up a gym in your truck and lift between journeys >>349890 Want a single bed meself, not alot of space about smh
>>349895 >telling a fatty bumcheeqs to go fast I don't think you understaund the morbidly obese
>>349895 I did a lot of intermittent fasting. At most I have fasted for 2 days I think >>349896 Megan?
>>349897 kek, I just like to shitpost with the obese lads tbh.
>>349898 Megan is my race mixing cousin, Amy >>349899 tbh loveme fatty bantz
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giant bag of high grade sensi for dinner https://youtu.be/_Z1wLlZfRCU
Nailed it.
>>349900 Amy? Pembs?
>>349904 Amy is you lad. I'm not Pembs.. Nobody is Pembs. Pembs was a 77th Brigade psyop.
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>>349905 Maah...?
>>349907 2 more days until he'll be at that sword fair. This is your chance
>>349907 >>349908 *spray paints a willy on his head*
>>349908 Should challenge the bloke to a duel
>>349911 I'm in love with the idea of skinning him alive, dismembering him, then posting him on Spanish facebook next to some pizzas.
Or "zas" as they say.
>>349911 he'd look alot better with hair, the reaper is a cruel beast
>>349915 >age restricted >Posted by Steiner do I want to open it?
ah it was a police brutality video not vore, scat or furry
>>349918 You snoiled yourself, lad?
>>349919 I tried to snoo in the snoilid but snat mysnelf
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>>349921 the giant m and m looks displeased with the nigger worshipping horde. perhaps a prelude to the many cult wars of the late shartmerican empire.
>>349843 >they've decided to spend 30k plus hohol lives on defending a literally who town because they are retarded iktfb
>>349927 hurry up and genocide them xi
why couldnt' I have been born a swedish female truck driver smh. Constantly imagine myself fucking up, and then this lasshog backs up perfectly with a BIG TRUCK, if we assume it wasn't cut to look like that
>>349930 getting ready for some pain TROON
uhm? anti-tory mongs? anything to say???
>get shitfaced at work, as usual >see an indian on the train dating a white(probably jewish, with her sail of a fucking nose) woman >bump into him when getting off the train on purpose >"Watch it you fucking retarded cunt" >he looks like he just pissed himself Ive found my new post drinking game
>>349932 the tory reich will march on >>349933 good lad
>>349906 Love b, me
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>Chinese spy balloon floating through US airspace for several days
Joe Biden Offered Vladimir Putin 20 Percent of Ukraine to End War: Report >The White House and the CIA have responded to a report that CIA Director, William Burns, offered Russian President Vladimir Putin a fifth of Ukraine's territory to end the ongoing war as part of a peace plan drawn up on behalf of President Joe Biden. >A CIA official told Newsweek that claims in the report from Swiss-German newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) that Burns took a secret trip to Moscow in January and that there was a peace proposal put forward by the director on behalf of the White House were "completely false." >Burns is said to have submitted the plan in mid-January to put an end to the war, which began on February 24, 2022. The story was reported by NZZ on Thursday, citing high-ranking German foreign politicians. >Both Kyiv and Moscow reportedly rejected the proposal. >Newsweek reached out to the foreign ministries of Ukraine and Russia for comment. >According to the newspaper, the proposal offered "around 20 percent of Ukraine's territory"—approximately the size of Ukraine's eastern Donbas region. >Kyiv reportedly shut down the proposal "because they are not willing to have their territory divided" while Russian officials said they "will win the war in the long run anyway," reported NZZ, which has been described as the Swiss newspaper of record. >Sean Davett, the deputy spokesperson at White House's National Security Council, told Newsweek that the report from NZZ is "not accurate," and that the CIA would say the same. >According to the news outlet the German politicians said Biden wanted to avoid a protracted war in Ukraine, and so, offered the territory as part of the peace plan. >And when Ukraine and Russia both rejected the proposal, the Biden administration pledged to provide Kyiv with Abrams tanks, NZZ reported. >The U.S. announced on January 25 that it would send Ukraine up to 31 M1 Abrams tanks, after much debate and deliberation on the issue. The tanks could take months to arrive, according to reports. >The two politicians reportedly said that U.S. officials were split on how to handle the Ukraine war, which started nearly a year ago. >Burns and Biden's National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, "wanted to end the war quickly so they could focus on China," while Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin "didn't want to let Russia get away with destroying the rule-based peace order and called for massive military support for Ukraine." https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-vladimir-putin-ukraine-territory-end-war-nzz-report-1778526
Remember in 2015 when we had hope?
>>349939 If Biden wanted it over he'd just fucking send troops in, what a fucking pussy. At max they'd lose 5k removing Russians from Ukraine.
the US is literally planning WWIII with China, war is the only means the US has at its disposal to stop China from dethroning its world hegemon status https://youtu.be/l4wtUCA8U8g
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>>349940 >we No. I remember seething at mongs for having hope.
>349941 Yikes. Mong takes seem this lad's specialty.
>>349944 keep bullying him and he might never post here again
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>>349943 You don't remember how Accelerationism seemed to be our way forwards? Terror attacks every other week radicalising the average person. >>349944 What could Russia do honestly? >>349945 I'm not Monarch, Ive been here pretty much a decade. I'm not leaving.
>>349942 2008 tier talking point this shit is just the latest two weeks cope about the fact that the kike empire failed in georgia in 2008 and again in ukraine and their fake and gay economies are collapsing
>>349946 good lad don't stop posting
>>349788 no >>349902 good lad
>>349940 I never had hope tbh.
>>349942 will never happen unless china takes taiwan and even then america might bitch out. chinas biggest single trading partner is america and will be until they develop a large enough middle class to buy their own consumer goods.
>>349942 bins-tier
>>349951 Good lad. Hope is dangerous. We've been losing hard for a minimum of 25 years and there is still zero indication things will get better and every sign of things getting worse for the forseeable future. Only the willfully ignorant bothered voting for brexshit and expected anything good would happen with cons in power. Being le based and redpilled and voting cons 2016 is literally unforgivable to me.
wars that absolutely will happen that will be fun Palestine vs Israel: mudslimes chimp out all of europe Pakistan vs India: poo flinging on the streets of britain Algeria vs Morocco: france will never recover Azerbaijan vs Armenia: the most meh of the wars that absolutely will happen but might be fun who knows.
oh and dont forget the great american race war which will happen in exactly 18 months from today
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*bets against /brit/'s predictions*
i've been hearing OSINT chatter that they're plans on an arab spring 2 are in the works.
had the most kino dream and went back to sleep to see more of it and actually succeeded for once can't remember any of it >>349955 azerbaijan vs armenia was kino enough last time tbh >>349957 keeeeek
>>349959 smh I have had several really nice dreams lately but I can hardly remember them
That's the good stuff
>>349951 Well I did, and I was far from the only one. But clearly I was wrong. >>349954 I do think if terrorist acts continued at the rate of 2015 our beliefs would be more common. But that being said, I do also think hope is my copium or was. How can you live with this crushing hopelessness? By all rights I should be happy. I'm getting good money, I've got good friends, I'm finding dating really easy at them moment. But instead this despair strangles my heart, I can feel it physically in my chest. I'm so rageful and mournful, it's crushing. Honestly don't know how to fucking cope with it. >>349956 I've never believed in the US, they've always been all talk.
>Mr. Coomer takes over and you end up talking dirty to some pseudo-downie lass and talk about breeding her only to regret it all post-coom smh hope she forgets about me
>>349962 > By all rights I should be happy. I'm getting good money, I've got good friends, I'm finding dating really easy at them moment. >spic
>>349960 smh >>349962 >But instead this despair strangles my heart, I can feel it physically in my chest. I'm so rageful and mournful, it's crushing. Honestly don't know how to fucking cope with it. tbh it's a bit shite
>>349964 Why would I feel this way if I were a spic? Unless I was demoralising. >>349965 Ah ok, I hoped, clearly another mistake of mine, you'd have some wisdom to pacify me. It's fucking getting to me pretty heavily at this point, and I'm just struggling.
No more cooming and exercising begins tomorrow okay we can do this
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>>349964 that id is not spic, I would know
>The spectral glow off the Silkworm Domain >The vibrant marketplace of the Moon Valley Kingdom >The warm mead and crackling fires of the Gremweld Tavern
>>349966 just have to accept it for what it is and keep moving forwards tbh
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https://twitter.com/Tr00peRR/status/1621284725951168512 Gorilla attacks 9 year old girl on bus
>>349972 why is there an adult nigger on the school bus?
>>349973 Maybe high school is close by to primary school so they use the same bus
>>349972 disgusting
i would've defended her and easily dispensed with the nigger with a one two left right followed by a murderous suplex. infact im fantasising about that right now.
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>not a single heart on my "we need segregation" tweet These people not giving me dopamine are part of the problem. be outraged all you want, but nobody actually wants to fix it smh smh
>>349962 "it's simple lad, the key to existence is-"
>>349976 based
>AHHH I HAVE A HARELIP I'M SUCH A HECKING MONSTERINO >gets the cute girl smh. What do cripple cocks get?
>>349980 that girl is very average
>>349981 Your post count is below average
>>349982 I'm (17) if you add all of my ids together
>>349983 Bet you prefer the brown gf he has in the tv series smh racemixer low post count altogether awful poster. nini
>>349984 oddly passive-aggressive post, smh. nini lad
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bought some liquorice allsorts which are mildly disappointing because they only have the stripey ones smh
>>349989 cant call her an allsort if theres no bumpy or futomaki looking liquos lad return to the shop and demand satisfaction
>>349990 tbh should've stuck with basset's but i decided to buy local and get darrel lea in all fairness they're very tasty though tbqh made with real molasses which you don't see much any more but the lack of variety ruins it
>tfw liquorice onesorts
need to fry up all my sausages again because i did the exact same thing i did last time
thinking about the missing episodes of doctor who again why are boomoids so deathly allergic to preserving things smh they didn't want to then and they still don't want to now at least the lost episodes still have a chance of turning up in some collection of home-recorded tapes tbh not like we're going to find an intact ethnostate at the bottom of a box of shite at a car boot sale
smh they did it to dad's army too smdh that's even worse
real auslad hours
>>349996 singlehandedly carrying the thread through the midday lull for once instead of gooming
God I wish that were me
>>349941 >. At max they'd lose 5k removing Russians from Ukraine. KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK straight up NAFO delusion
>>349999 for what purpose lad?
>>350001 dragons are cool, lad
Halchads... not like this
>>350005 computer says i saved that image on thursday the ‎8ᵗʰ of march ‎2018 at ‏‎5:24:39 pm first time i've ever had a chance to use it dragons are cool though ngl >>350006 *punches scotland*
AIchads.. not like this
sausages cooked >>350008 smh at this point they can get whoever they want to confess to whatever they want probably not long before courts go back to only accepting eyewitness reports because anything recorded can be faked
Love baking crackerinos me. Wonder how much money we would have saved had we never bought bread >>350009 >we're going to start having jews who are hundreds of years olds so they could witness the holocaust
>I consent >I consent >I don't
>>350010 >baking crackerinos for me personally it's cracking my backerino luv it when i get the angle just right and my ribcage acts like some resonance chamber for my vertebrae and i get that big boom >we're going to start having jews who are hundreds of years olds so they could witness the holocaust going to look forward to all the excuses they'll try tbh personally i feel lucky that i was born just in time to see people stop believing in the holobunga in 2050 or 2060 we'll see eighty year old kikes trying to pretend that they've lived for almost a century and a half while they tell us all about how they personally met dr mengele but tricked him by holding their breath the longer it goes on the more ridiculous it gets
>>350011 keeeeeek
>>350012 >for me personally it's cracking my backerino je qeeeeeeeeeq you don't have to break your back to keep /brit/ alive lad
TND for lunch
>>350014 if only you had said that earlier
>>349963 smh talking with her still. It's just nice to actually converse with a woman where we both keep the conversation going instead of me doing a routine to try and keep a lass interested smh
>>350017 can't be too choosy if you've finally found a lass who's actually a human being instead of a satanic loosh-harvesting automaton
>A federal judge in Wisconsin ruled Wednesday that a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the father of a man shot and killed by Kyle Rittenhouse during a protest in 2020 can proceed against Rittenhouse, police officers and others. >U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman on Wednesday dismissed motions filed by Rittenhouse and the government defendants seeking to dismiss the civil rights lawsuit. >Attorneys and private investigators for John Huber spent over 100 hours trying to locate Rittenhouse, tracking down addresses in seven states before they found the home of his mother and sister in Florida. The lawsuit was served on Rittenhouse’s sister, who said that he wasn’t home. Adelman said that was sufficient to qualify as being served. >Rittenhouse had argued that the case against him should be dismissed because he wasn’t properly served with the lawsuit. Adelman dismissed that, saying that Rittenhouse “is almost certainly evading service.” >“Rittenhouse has been deliberately cagey about his whereabouts,” Adelman wrote. “Although he denies living in Florida, he does not identify the place that he deems to be his residence.”
>>350018 Smh she's a literal retard sadly
>>350019 obviously in current year + 8 double jeopardy is only a problem if the establishment likes you if you do badwrong things like shoot nonce jews who are trying to kill you they'll just try you again and again and again until you're found guilty >>350020 the perfect breedhog you just need to put in overtime so you can afford an au pair to actually look after your children
>>350021 >you just need to put in overtime so you can afford an au pair to actually look after your children keeeek smh. Remember I looked into if I could become an assistant to another lass I talked with. Get paid for being home with her and taking care of her >>350021 >if you do badwrong things like shoot nonce jews who are trying to kill you they'll just try you again and again and again until you're found guilty Don't see how it's allowed tbh. If a jury already found you not guilty, how can another jury find you guilty?
shnight lads going to play some fallout 4 >>350022 >Don't see how it's allowed tbh. we don't live in the age of the rule of law any more lad it's anarcho-tyranny now if they like you they turn a blind eye and if they hate you they relentlessly cut through red tape to hit you with everything they can it doesn't matter if they're breaking their own laws because nobody can prosecute them except themselves
>>350023 The US has had less protection against dj since the FBIs founding iirc. If something is a federal crime but a state court handles it, you could in theory be convinced, do the time, then face prosecution again for more time.
>>350019 >Lynn Adelman >List of Jewish American jurists
somebody post
Just a small cock lad living in a big cock world
>>350029 Can we go back to arranged marriage and dowry again please
>mummy guntguarding a groomee God I am so sick of the grind
Seething. England is 28% non-British.
>>350025 Apex keeeeek.
>>350032 the real number is probably much worse than that
>>350029 She actually just wants a simple gold band. She's just not planning to get married until her late forties (a few years away) and is accounting for inflation.
>>350034 Yes. What are we going to do about it? What is the solution here?
>>350032 So we're down by about 14% from the last census around 2010ish? About what I was expecting but still demoralising. >>350034 Doubt it, given the illegal immigration is far less than the legal immigration. It's not like the US (at least el Trumpo era) where they are supposed to in theory have standards.
Doubt it but it's bad enough. Smh.
>>350037 Yes. We need to use it as fuel. But for what? There is fucking nothing. No fight, no push back. Just complaints. There is nothing out there except impotent complaining.
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>>350040 You're right lad, I'll just relax and wait for the race war.
>>350029 that bitch is older than me ffs. literally an old maid. even if I found a based trad wife I would give that bitch a 100 dollar ring or she can fuck off and if she wants to play princess her dad needs to pay me a fat ass dowry to take care of his retarded hole
>>350008 >its just vocaroo AI talking about masterbation machines
>>350041 sorry lad wish I had some big brained ideas
>>350043 tbh our governments have probably been playing with this AI fakery for years now
>>349972 imagine if americans from 1910s saw this shite they would have already hanged and burned alive those niggers but instead literally nothing will happen. this also happened in the south
in 1919 a nigger shoved some white kids at the lake front beach in chicago and the white men (irish, german and anglos) went around murdering niggers for the rest of the week
>>350047 >they already miss being neet mujahs smdh they need another shitty ass world "super power" to invade them so they can neet again
>>350039 Turn people away from the major parties at every opportunity. And at least give vocal support for dissidents, in an intelligent way. That's all most of us can do. There's more discontent among normgroids now than in the 70s, but we are unfortunately not in a place to capitalise on it. It is frustrating but just live by your principles including not being le memerson atomized individual. All the advice I can think of tbph.
>>350050 >Turn people away from the major parties at every opportunity to where? we've been over this you are just turning them towards eachother, theres no party (PA not registered STILL) to funnel them too, they are literally useless.
>>350047 must be horrible to see decent lads you grew up with get sucked into 21st century westoid city life
Sent an email to my PA region. Not interested in retard collett and his mongs but hopefully I can make some connections.
>>350051 >to where? To not vooting, or turn a leftoid to the green party, or rightoid deano to ukip. Literally nothing could be worse than letting people continue voting lab/con to keep con/lab out.
We're almost like a secret society in ourselves tbh.
>>350054 >To not vooting won't do anything, and even if it did there are mongs who vote no matter what because its just the done thing so they'll be voting for somebody either way
>Improve yourself >Build a community >Involve yourself in politics
>>350052 First hand account of why an-prims are probably right.
>>350056 *shoves back*
Have you done any hunting Steiner or is that reserved for rich boomers and rednecks in your state?
>>350061 no its very open here but the public spaces are kind of all dominated by boomers and its very easy to end up in some arguement with boomer scum over whose land it is. my grandpa had a hunting cabin, (called a 'deer camp' in michiganian) where I would go as a kid when my grandpa was hunting in november and had an ice fishing shack there but I usually just played SNES and watched TV and ate bacon and pancakes with my grandpa who would drink all week long while my uncles were slaughtering deer and then my grandpa would cut them up. my grandpa was always bullied for never ever getting one buck in his life despite hunting since he was a kid. miss those days alot https://youtu.be/TLnmA653f94 minnesotafags and wisconsin fags are a bit more professional than michiganfags about deer shooting but the real elite michigan hunters hunt with bows because they can avoid the drunk grandpa shotgun guys
https://youtu.be/tOYVhvqzaKU keeeek skullet boomer plays this song all the time at toil, but he jokes its about niggers
staining all the backs f my trousers with coffee to make it look like poo stains.
>>350053 keep us updated on progress lad assuming you can retain anonymity considered doing this myself but not sure if it's worth it, what else can you do except join a PA regional group?
thumbnail bigger than the gif
>>350062 Love the song, you lot really do seem to have an almost stereotypical Canadian twang to your accents.
>>350066 Will do. I'll tell them I just want to be an associate and help out. Not going to actually join just looking for connections.
holy william
>>350063 >i can bring a crossbow, cause it dont make a sound >but you'll see lots and lots of big bucks shrink when they hit the ground jej
>>350036 I know but only select few are granted access to the sacred knowledge.
>>350071 my brothers... my legion...
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>7billionth skyroom character >just ride around on a horse discovering locations >350 locations discovered, start main quest >fast travel to all the dragon spawn points collecting souls >getting more than any other character, might keep going to unlock all shouts for the first time >character is the first female one I've ever made >an orc that looks like the monsters inc secretary at that >never heard the female orc voice doing shouts before >sounds like old homeless trolley pushing schizo foid drunk yelling jibberish >sounds awful
i know we may not look eye to eye all the time but im happy for ar' tbbk
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>>350077 Wht did he do?
>>350079 Be leader of the /brit/ gang.
>>350079 save the white race amongst other exploits.
never go to redwater den lad worst mistake of my life
lads do you think basking sharks watch rick and morty?
>>350084 think they stopped after it came out that the creator beats women, lad
>>350075 dont you know that playing as females in gooms will turn you into a troon?
does steiner use britishisms when speaking to his family? when they ask him about his friends does he bring up characters from here? >>350082 tbh
my fingers are so red rn
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>>350082 >not running in and out for the telekinisis spell and using secret of arcana to instantly 100 alteration at least once per playthrough
>>350086 At least it's hideous and completely unsexy. No AGP for smee. Mustn't make it a habit tbf.
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rare dubplate business https://youtu.be/tR_I_jA9bW8
someone should try synthesizing wews voice
>>350093 I could probably do his faux upper class scot accent.
I've been going through my old rotherham folder the past week and looking up names and fuck me am I seething. On top of the home office report in December 2020 declaring that actually most grooming gangs are white from disregarding 90% of all grooming gangs recorded, especially ignoring Rotherham with it's 2,100 victims alone aswell as Telford's, Rochdales and Derby's. The utter subhuman cunt Ella Cockbain and her paki mate Waqas Tufail actively working to stigmatise any talk about "muslim grooming gangs" to this day. They literally released a government funded report calling the term "muslim grooming gang" as a means of white supremacy aswell as backing up the 2020 Home Office report which is entirely flawed and easily refutable but is given total establishment legitimacy in all media and even wikipedia when you search the Rotherham rape gang page there. Ella Cockbain being a "Lecturer in Security and Crime Science at the Jill Dando Institute, University College London" and Waqas Tufail being "a Senior Lecturer in Criminology in the School of Social Sciences at Leeds Beckett University", they're openly on twitter demanding the state shuts up anyone who talks of the systemic rape, abuse and slavery of english children. I just want to kidnap these subhuman fucking animals and butcher them. take an axe and cut their legs by increments while they scream and howl, give them a taste of the suffering decent englishmen have suffered from their ilks treatment. burn them, butchter them and slaughter them, they may have the state, the police and courts at their back but i have a brick to drive into the back of their skulls. I dont give a shit evil must meet it's fate and the righteous must triumph. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8
>>350071 Put a beard on them and they'll soon be collecting Funko Pops of Maggie Thatcher.
Noone suffered, noone was persecuted. No creature of the system that led to this outrage was taken before court. Only the decent men, only the kind hearted young are forced to suffer. The creature of Joyce Thacker, the Rotherham council's director of children and young people's services, who took children from a UKIP family for their views while actively covering up the systemic abuse of English children was not punsihed whatsoever. Rather she was REWARDED, she was removed from her position with a £40k payout to a far better paying position in the civil services with less work hours, she was unrelentingly REWARDED for her devilish actions. There is no reaction reasonable, but a secret covert organisation that enforces the peoples will on these subhuman degenerate sick creatures, let them suffer how we suffer, let them feel how their victims feel let a foreign object penetrate their vital organs as was done to English children. By deutronomy 28 when we believe in the lord our enemies will come at us by one direction yet flee us by seven, we will expand while they will recede, while our wombs are blessed, their's will be cursed, while the lord demands of us the lord will smite of them.
seethebaiting this close to the weekend seacow (it's definitely coming)
>>350098 i work in a warehouse i dont have much freetime tbh.
>>350099 good lad
Remember, O LORD, against the Edomites the day of Jerusalem, how they said, “Lay it bare, lay it bare, down to its foundations!” O' daughter of Babylon, doomed to be destroyed, blessed shall he be who repays you with what you have done to us! Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!
no seacow. let the seethe flow
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seacow is cringe, tbh
luv yu all lads despiete the vollapse
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>>350087 yeah told mummy about wessicas legs and she said she prays for him now
>>350088 >we must kill more slavs in our pointless jew war
>>350108 probably should have had his gun out or a boar spear like evropvan ancvstvrs
>>350106 based. been keeping wessie in prayers
Feeling quite peckish, I must say
Difficult to feel sorry for Wessex. He's a glutton.
>>350107 russia is totally justified you retard
>>350114 I will never understand the quibbling about justification when all that matters is the outcome.
>>350113 he;s a good man, a decent young man that believes in decency and trouble and struggles against it. pray for wessie that he may become what we need of him.
>>350114 a jew sends a letter to a jew about continuing a war to kill slavs
>>350117 how is it a war to kill slavs?
lads I think the chinese balloon has a massive computer server on it full of pics of hunter bidens cock
>>350118 nigga what is ukraine and russia
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>>350118 read the international jew lad. jews make war to depopulate the land of christians so more jews can live there
>>350120 It's a hologram that will project his cock. Project Blue balls
>>350122 Mong shite from you as usual, jews have no interest in living in ukraine, The war is being fought because of gayto expansion and the zog empire encroaching on russia
https://youtu.be/8XEUmxalVYc me at the drag queen story time
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reckon there's a chinkyman inside chain smoking and peeping down through binoculars
>>350125 some jews have discussed turning poland and/or the ukraine into a second israel, but I doubt that plays much of a role in this war
>>350130 yeah the second khazaria theory involves them depopulating ukraine so jews can populate it. zelensky's mass slaughter of gentiles and the fact he allowed jews to flee before mass mobilization is a tell.
>>350121 god that video is such hard slavoid cope. Getting bogged down in Ukraine against a proxy army that is sapping your time and resources is nothing to celebrate.
>>350133 yeah tbh
I understand spic being a cointelpro cunt but can we not have one honest conversation about Russia's actual capabilities in this conflict.
>>350135 its just you concern trolling and demoralising tbh
wew, the mongs really do come out at night. keeeek.
>demoralising the significant russian contingent on this board against prolonged conflict in ukraine because I know it will tip the war in the westoid balance.
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>they are remaking road house with conor mcgregor and jake gyllenhaal
well i tried
>>350140 that movie has a weird gay subtext in it anyway in the original didn't like that movie
>>350132 yeah okay bud what is this then?
>>350142 The 80's was a weird gay subtext to western culture
>>350143 think I was one of the first people to post that video on /pol/ kek fuck you you retard, its some retarded leftoid kike ngo larp, don't see the relevance, you either believe in geo politics or you don't.
poor lads they should bait america into another war
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>win war >become incel wagecucks
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>>350133 >Getting bogged down in Ukraine against a proxy army that is sapping your time and resources is nothing to celebrate. it goes both ways, sure Russia is taking losses but the west is taking losses too. Russia has regained control of the situation militarily and more importantly they are winning the economic war handily. the west, Europe in particular, is in decline while Russia is stable and China/India are surging. Russia is depleting western military stockpiles, creating deficiencies that will take years to replenish using supply chains that rely on China, meanwhile China is rapidly building up their military. this is a big defeat for the western globalists, much bigger than Afghanistan >>350135 >I understand spic being a cointelpro cunt but can we not have one honest conversation about Russia's actual capabilities in this conflict. idk what you're going on about
Think I'll ban spic for making my side of the argument look bad tbh
NATO is just using this as a draw up for future conflict. Spend Ukie lives get battlefield data and have no costs in the process. All the while western factories are spinning up war production. It may not be engineered but it is an implied future therat to protracted conflict in Ukraine.
>>350152 >and have no costs in the process umm, sweaty...
>>350153 You mean the currency that was printed into oblivion over covid?
>>350145 Israel started as an ngo larp
>ywn bludgeon agg and aggnonce to death with a ball peen
>>350157 you'd get mauled lad
>>350158 sincerely doubt it tbh
>>350095 >>350097 Wanted to [redacted daftyism] these people myself. Though in a more pagan/druidic larp fashion. >>350106 Cute.
>banned from dating app again smh starting to think it's me not them
>>350162 (((they))) want people on there for pursuing casual sex, not breeding
>>350162 you make the lasses uncomfortable by talking about marriage and breeding smh lad they're still finding themselves try setting your age range to 45-60
Peter Hoar, LGBT activist, confesses that he tricked the audience to watch a gay romance. >Even in September 2021, when Episode 3 was filmed, British director Hoar knew the importance of the task ahead of him. “I was blessed to be able to do it, I couldn't believe it had come to me,” Hoar told Inverse Friday afternoon, minutes after The Last of Us was renewed for Season 2. “I just didn't want to let anybody down. And of course, there was a huge relationship between the two men.” >A gay man himself, the love story was especially poignant. “I had just come from It’s a Sin, where five boys were experiencing the AIDS crisis in the U.K. I hadn’t realized how much [of] a voice I had, how many people are listening. The community was so wonderful about the whole show. Now, it’s happening again, not just with the LGBTQ community, but The Last of Us community, which I also belong to.” >Neil was the first person that said, not to me, but to the world, “I'm not sure that the fans will like Episode 3 because it's very, very different.” I was like, “Oh no! Don’t say that Neil!” >Sometimes you have to sort of trick the rest of the world into watching these things before they're like, “Oh, my God, it was two guys. I just realized.” I think then they might understand that it's all real. It's just the same love. https://www.inverse.com/entertainment/the-last-of-us-episode-3-director-peter-hoar-interview What they were two gay men? I didn't notice
>>350165 I hate homononces
>>350165 wish that the crusaders brought the whole throwing gays off rooves thing back with them along with the rest of the cultural imports from the crusades smh smh took seven fucking tries to poost this poost smh six on my shite tablet before i gave up and went to my computer god i hate mobile devices >>350167 disgusting but you said hoof so i only have myself to blame for clicking it really don't see how you can stand to watch this tbh i just don't understand what you get out of it
>>350168 https://youtu.be/_MQNjeLgQtk idno it's kind of like a trainwreckerino. Can't look away
>>350169 >the periople horn around her heel bulb is completely detached and that leaves me to think this is going to be avery graphic trim
>>350168 keeek tablet poosting like a boomer
some "amerikaner" cringe for steiner >For several years I have been the owner and operator of the website amerikaner.org – named to denote its purpose, as a cultural hub for “Amerikaners,” the people of largely German and Scandinavian descent that settled this part of the country. In my time operating this site, I have produced hours of content promoting the idea of an Amerikaner identity
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>>350174 yet he wrote it in english
>>350175 the lad behind it looks like a matt heimbach clone
>>350165 yeah in the apocalypse where you are covered in fleas and have typhus and are starving and unwashed the first thing you want to do is fuck a middle aged mans dirty anus
>>350176 another swarthy german no doubt
>>350177 They could have made it more realistic with them both dying of grids 3 months later.
another day of unpaid toil complete I enjoy it but it also gives me the incel melancholy after it ends and the tourists leave and I am alone today a very cute tomboy autist lass with baggy clothes and short curly hair and youthful enthusiasm visited and really liked looking at all of the BIG guns and it made me happy to see someone else happy >>350106 keeek lad tell her thanks from me and thanks to (you) >>350111 >>350116 presumably I will be a statistic for NHS malpractice will leave my savings for a futile court case prsoecuted by PA I guess
>>350142 There's like two remakes of it too, another film and a tv series. Don't see why it's that great a story. I guess it just gets remade because it's a part of a franchise
>>350120 cowardly and unamerican of you to not try and shoot it down
forgot the password to the email account I emailed PA on . . .
>>350183 >this is the best the white race has to offer
Just remembered it. The lad got back in touch asking for my number. It begins.
I hope I don't get bummed to death.
Vigilantes arrive at Gary Glitter's bail hostel and are confronted by police after reports staff have been giving the pop paedophile room service https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11713165/Angry-locals-confronted-police-arrive-Gary-Glitters-bail-hostel.html >Vigilantes living near a bail hostel now housing notorious pop paedophile Gary Glitter had a heated exchange with police this afternoon after attempting to storm the facility.
>>350185 you should probably not say anymore about your activities tbh
>>350187 keeeeek hes going spend the rest of his life being hunted by nonce hunters
>>350188 Why? >>350189 He must become . . . the hunter.
will PA get the NA treatment? >>350190 would love to see gary glitter battle it out with the nonce hunters who are always afraid of going after pakis
>>350190 opsec
>>350187 >popular paedophile
>>350185 >asking for my number so there wasn't much correspondence over email, they go straight to contacting you by phone? better get a burner phone with a second sim card
>>350197 keeeeeeeeek
watching it again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSxQcAm3PE8 >>350199 just looks like a weather balloon tbh maybe a really low energy false flag to try and start the chinkonflict?
>>350200 probably. it looks like a satellite attached to a balloon
>>350203 would do a big kek if it really is and the chink superpower can't even get their spysats into orbit so they just tied one to a balloon instead
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>b*sexual ex-gf posting about severe aphantasia Still baffles me this exists. Can't believe I fell for a thot that can't even picture an apple in her mind. Are such people even human? Inb4 spic or someone has it here.
>>350205 tbh I have a hard time believing its even a real thing
>>350204 1.china has spy satellites in orbit 2.baloon satellites have their own advantages
>>350204 >>350207 it's just a weather balloon that blew off course and the media is pumping it up to push for WWIII with China. it's so fucking obvious, lads, come on... >>350205 nah I don't have it and don't get it either
>>350209 weather balloons are tiny you mong
cameras on a balloon would have to look through less air than a camera on a satellite so the pictures might be more useful
https://youtube.com/shorts/m4Eq04yJSCk?feature=share >Bi sexual ex posting videos again smh
halfchud is full of sketchy porn site tier pop ups now.
>>350210 so what, you're believing the jevv media narrative that it's a "spy balloon"? why would China send such a thing? so the jevv media can make a spectacle out of it and drum up the slobbering nigger cattle for war?
>>350214 JTRIG JIDF shill here to discredit us with this tinfoil hat larp, fuck off you mong
>>350215 it's just the resident t50 swarthing out
chinks were just testing the waters, testing the system. disorganisation plays to their side at the moment.
>>350215 >Clash with China around the corner – top US general 28 Jan, 2023 https://www.rt.com/news/570597-us-china-clash-general/ >General likely right that US, China are headed to war over Taiwan by 2025: Rep. McCaul January 29, 2023 https://nypost.com/2023/01/29/house-foreign-affairs-big-agrees-us-likely-headed-for-war-with-china/ >As the Pentagon’s favorite think tank calls for a swift end to the Ukraine conflict, is the mood shifting in Washington? https://www.rt.com/news/570618-rand-came-up-with-solution/ 29 Jan, 2023 they are openly saying that the plan is to surrender the Ukraine and prepare for war with China. they openly said this less than a week ago and already the entire media is consumed by 'le ebil chicom spy balloon violating US sovereignty'. if that's not enough for you, I don't know what to say, we're reaching mong levels that shouldn't even be possible >>350216 I'm not t50, I'm t40
in one of these articles, I can't find it, but it was the CIA director and Biden's chief national security advisor that literally said they wanted to withdraw from the Ukraine to, and I quote, "focus on China" what does that mean? it means, "Heil Xi!"
they should just send a million balloons carrying torches and start wildfires everywhere
how would shartica even attack the chinks? sacrifice the gooks, japs and poos? >>350220 keeeeeek
>>350220 thats literally what the japs tried to do in ww2
>>350222 why didnt it work?
>>350223 I'm not your history teacher
>>350224 fuck you
>>350222 didn't happen
>>350221 Japan would go to war with China alongside the US, almost 100%. Korean conflict reigniting is also likely and India is possible, but there's not all that much India can do against China but skirmish in the himalayas due to simple geography. India only has access to Tibet whereas China has access to the entire Gangetic plain via their Tibetan airbases. India has a demographic advantage against China so it makes more sense for them to just peacefully develop. besides if India went to war with China then Pakistan would go to war with India and they'd be nuking eachother for 100m+ dead poos, seems unlikely to me >China >North Korea <USA <Japan <South Korea <Australia <Taiwan
>>350223 it kind of did, those incendiary balloons still get found undetonated from time to time on the west coast. forest fires aren't as deadly as you might expect, it takes quite a long time for them to get going and spread, especially if there's no wind. there's also a lot of natural fires every year from lightning and rock falls that are miles away from civilisation and burn out on their own. west coast usa is too remote now and was definitely too sparsely populated back then to target with fire balloons tbh
>>350221 hit that BIG dam they're always going on about
>from November 3, 1944 to April 1945 it wouldve worked if they did it earlier and not during winter.
>>350229 the one the qoomers keep making threads about?
>>350199 xladies and gentlemen, we got him
I wish there was a totally belligerent country in the world that would just do stuff like sending barges to sink in the panama/suez canals or releasing balloons with incendiary bombs or biological munitions for no reason.
>>350234 heh yeah
joe biden just kicked that balloons ass, winnie the xi is probably crying rn because his space based hunter biden cock holodeck programs are shutdown in order to protect the patriots
all of the cuckservative zionist shill e-celebs are shilling the narrative 'muh biden is controlled by china that's why he waited to shoot da balloon down' and I bet all of the fat corn syrup slurping nigger cattle are eating it up
I bet they're gonna let DeSantis win in 2024 and then start war with China in 2025, and all the boomers that were supporting Blumpf and calling for brownoids to be deported are instead going to be niggercattling again and supporting war with China to establish eternal Jewish domination of the whole Earth
im ridin with biden if its between him and kikesantis
>>350241 remember when you said kanye west and candice owens were based ss nigs dogwhistling to hitler? what happened to that?
>I tried to drown my sorrows in booze but those bastards learned to swim
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>>350245 that did happen though. right now he's faded out of the limelight- hopefully Spic Fuentes is training him to redpill the yank masses from the presidential debate stage, although he may have a dumb nigger moment or three and make us all look stupid
>>350248 howling
>>350247 keke i like these posts
"Now I find my good men | Are gathered in the night, | To wait in silence, not to sleep. | And the glorious word of liberty, they whisper and murmur, | Till in unaccustomed strangeness, | On the steps of our temple | Once again they cry in delight | Freedom! Freedom!" Brit-circa 2015
>She was a dime but I was short on change.
>>350252 keeeeeeeeke
hey CHUD
>tfw will never ride an apc across green fields in the great war for evropa
>>350257 *gets btfo by drones he never sees and has no means of avoiding"
>>350257 why do zoomers have to cringe everything up so much?
>>350140 watched this film just now. It's pretty shit compared to the other one tbh
"We are going win for our people and on our terms"
"Victory for us, Victory for our people"
>>350218 Always bothers me that my eye colour isn't shown here. The only similar are d30 d20. Maybe get a better image?
> After al-Qaeda merged with Ayman al-Zawahiri's Egyptian Islamic Jihad the new Shura Council held internal discussions on the matter of nuclear weapons, and in 1998 Osama bin Laden issued a fatwa declaring that it was his religious duty to acquire and use nuclear weapons.[22] Al-Qaeda defector Jamal al-Fadl told the FBI that bin Laden paid a Sudanese Armed Forces general $1.5 million for a cylinder of cinnabar which he believed contained South African uranium in 1993.[20][23] In April 2001, a Bulgarian businessman claimed bin Laden offered to buy fissile material from him in a meeting near the China-Pakistan border.[23] damn imagine if they actually got their hands on a nuke
>>350219 Wish they'd have the bollocks to make a new C&C that just ripped this pish out of the Chinks, Yanks & Russians etc. like the good old days tbh.
Cannibal Africans running about with horns on and AKs, spilling out the back of utility trucks.
>>350246 niggers can't complain about belle isle the rest of the state pays for it now. it used to be a shithole in the 90s. niggers destroyed bob-lo island and belle island.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superph%C3%A9nix >The construction evoked much public protest. For example, a march by 60,000 protestors, which included the Anarchist group Fédération Anarchiste,[11] resulted in the protestors' use of molotov cocktails.[12][13] This July 1977 protest was finally broken up by the CRS with the death of Vital Michalon and over a hundred serious injuries, with the police using truncheons and firing tear gas grenades to disperse the protestors. >Against a background of ongoing protest and low-level sabotage, on the night of January 18, 1982 an RPG-7 rocket-propelled grenade attack was launched against the unfinished plant. Five rockets were fired across the Rhône at the incomplete containment building. Two rockets hit and caused minor damage to the reinforced concrete outer shell, missing the reactor's empty core. Initially there were no claims of responsibility.[16] >On May 8, 2003, Chaïm Nissim, who in 1985 was elected to the Geneva cantonal legislature for the Swiss Green Party,[17] admitted carrying out the attack. He claimed that the weapons were obtained from Carlos the Jackal via the Belgian terrorist organisation Cellules Communistes Combattantes (Communist Combatant Cells). a jewish green party politician literally shot rpgs at a nuclear power plant in france
>>350257 https://youtu.be/TeEmWgqhB7g for me its boomers versus zoomers, boomers didn't take tik toks
i've become interested in desert geography recently, there's very weird formations that happen in arid climates where erosion isn't predominantly caused by frost shattering and heavy rain. balancing rocks are my favourite, they're formed when a hard rock shelters the soft rock beneath it from the wind and rain but the ground around it dissolves away over millions of years. i bet lots of these formations have been destroyed by boomer teenage vandals who didn't realise how long it took them to form
>>350274 >>350273 yeah theyre kino monument valley is awesome too
I want to make snove towo n
>gaddaffi fainted at Nassers funeral twice and arafat openly wept >several other prominent figures also fainted from distress
>>350279 fuck nasser and fuck gaydafi.
>>350281 cant respect a man that cries tbh
>>350273 the needles in south dakota are peak kino
>>350275 clean it up jannie
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>A neo-Nazi affiliated with a satanic pedophilic cult gave himself away on social media, including posting a photo of himself, wearing a T-shirt that read “kiddie diddler” in front of a swastika, police say. >He has since been arrested and charged with sexually exploiting minors and possession of Democrat activismography, among other alleged crimes. >On two separate occasions, Almeida spent months coercing two minors into partaking in sexual activities to create Democrat activism, according to the Department of Justice. >Almeida was initially indicted on charges relating to the handgun in Dec. 2021 but was indicted on child abuse charges Tuesday. >On social media, Almeida posted images of himself boasting about his alleged sexual crimes, as well as pictures of dead animals, and a firearm (despite being a felon), according to the feds. He also posted images of a child bound and gagged and a photo of a handgun with the caption “for the 2k pedophile haters.” >This included a sign that read, “I am addicted to hardcore Democrat activismography.” Another photo had the caption “no limits evil” alongside a photo of a bloody cat that had been stabbed with a knife. >He also allegedly had Democrat activism on multiple cell phones and was selling them as a way to distribute the material. https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d3xxb/neo-nazi-pedophile-cult-arrest-order-of-nine-angles
>>350283 peng, supposedly badlands were first named by french explorers as such because they were almost impossible to travel through
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for me it's channeled scablands
>>350288 looks comfy
>>350287 they have those kinds of mountains in Da Nang vietnam the marble mountains
>1:14 >that song keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://youtu.be/STEN6uN5kE4
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>>350292 wew interesting, i bet there were crazy battles in vietnam that we will never know about
>>350295 yeah shitloads of warcrimes I remember seeing footage of an entire sector like 2 hamlets just being exterminated by infantry and helicopters
>>350296 on tv? what was the best 'nam story you ever heard from a boomoid?
does greggs exist exclusively in the uk ?
>>350297 yeah it was on the history channel a film from a helicopter and it was just like a field full of dead gooks. >>350297 only one I heard was an uncle whose older brother was a tanker and the lead tank in his column did an intentional frag on the colonel of the brigade or whatever because the colonel sent the first tank platoon into certain death and lost all of them and sent the next one in against the NVA but Idk if it was true
>>350299 yeah that's probably true, that's what happens when williams go to military school and get their their captain job smh
Are you lads fully anti-vax? Reading about some vaxxies we get in Norway and I'm not sure if I'd want any... potential future children(*sobs*) contract any of the diseases(Rotavirus, Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, poliomyelitis, Hib-infection and hepatitis B, Human papilloma virus, Mumps, Rubella)
Not sure Martin is really ready to breed tbqh
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>>350303 hm? >>350302 Why do you say that, lad?
>>350306 real?
is soyjak.party any good?
>weird pain in my heart area every nown and then smh did the spike proteins of my family finally get to me
>>350300 yeah he said the guy in the command turrent just splattered the commander and his command car with the .50 caliber as they were advancing under fire from NVA and then their column came to a halt and retreated since the cmdr was dead.
>>350311 >covered up wartime mutinys
100% that's happening in ukraine every day right now
>350310 we can end it once and for all
focussing all my bad energy
>>350312 I would frag my commander too if he was getting us all killed.
BAKHMUT FRONT HAS FALLEN, UKRAINIANS IN CHAOS, MASS ROUTS AND MUTINY OCCURING Translation of video 00:01 We got out of this hell 00:03 Bahmut, bahmut, all of it on fire 00:05 We barely made it out in small groups 00:08 Our leadership stopped giving any fucks about us 00:12 Telling it as it is 00:14 Lost some guys today 00:16 In half an hour, 4 300's, 2 200's 00:20 Bahmut 00:22 Here is everyone who's left 00:25 Small group 00:28 Leaving this place 00:38 Total shit 00:41 Hell, it's just hell there, guy's it's hell there 00:45 I tell you 00:48 Need to go
>>350312 kek yeah in vietnam it was actually extremely bad where commanders lost control of the conscripts and they would murder cos on patrol it was called fragging and most of the troops in the mid-late period of the war were on heroin. its part of why shartica moved away from conscripts https://youtu.be/RTXb-HTRpVY the light tanks of the vietnam war were BMP tier death traps https://youtu.be/NoUhjwVd0tw https://youtu.be/wlMcKnUgGjc >>350313 yeah I imagine that hol hol spufags don't go close to combat units without a serious security detail
>>350317 keeek I came so close to being a part of this, basically just my grandpa and my dad conspired to never talk to me again if I joined the muhreens
filed out the paper work and took the test just was waiting on graduation from school.
>>350318 poor hol hols just being used up in a grinder
>>350318 what they get for bullying motorola to death rip smh
>>350320 >>350321 KEEEEEEEEK you'd probably have cooler stories if you'd joined, might've been normalfag pressured into getting some hog pregnant before deploying.
>>350324 keeek I would probably be a total mong fatass neet like most OIFniggers
>A PMC is beating a Gayto backed military in front of the whole world
>>350325 maybe you'd lose your willy in an IED blast like thousands of others
>>350327 yeah surgefags had it the worst their war stories of late millennials is just we drove around in a hummer and got blown up
>>350319 got all this kino on the tab roster, thanks lad
Maybe steinhog will get blown up after all, but with russian missiles in ww3
My chest hurts a bit lads. Wonder if bbk will comment on nonce hunters attacking his leader
>>350332 uh oh it's spreading
>>350326 wagner is kind of the future of the west tbh, like blackwater. just private kike owned armies that are the personal armies of oligarchs
List of Known deaths of americans in ukraine so far
>>350335 swift was clearly active navy seal partridge has the west pointer blue blood virginia zogbot look so I bet he was active spec ops
smh will cancel looking like a based low status nigga smh we lost one of our polface boys lads
*gives white feather to Steiner*
>>350335 i can't wait until this is all properly documented into english documentaries, i expect it's going to take years but it's going to be fascinating to know what really happened.
>>350339 what really happened at azovstal for instance
I doubt we will ever know. there were supposedly spetznaz in vietnam as advisors but I doubt we will ever kno w
does /pol/ really support ukraine? i heard this was the case smh
>>350343 is this a new incel ranter?
>>350346 sharta really pushing the "are super nog" shite into the chinky noses smh guess shooting one slow moving OPFOR weather balloon constitues for flying ace status in shartium
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE3KXgZtXwg lads please listen to this music, it is very good,
smh (shaking my head)
>>350343 pretty sure he's talking about hebrews
>>350348 that's decent cheers
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good night lads
Wouldn't mind making some girl bosses do manual labour
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buzzed my facial hair off and now I look rly good- skin is clear, body fat is low (makes face look better). keep looking at myself in the mirror
Should I go Romania-Albia Iulia, Brasov, Zarnesti, Bucharest and then Athens for 2 weeks lads?
>>350318 >Ukrainians in chaos This is not new news.
>On December 16, 1999, in Blackfoot, Idaho; a 16-year-old female server working at a local pizza parlor was taken to the manager's office after a phone call made by a individual only identifying as "Officer Davis" for the Blackfoot Police Department, accused an employee of stealing a woman's purse with a $50 bill in it earlier that evening. The caller convinced the manager to strip-search the employee and to provide detailed descriptions of her naked body, including her breasts and genitalia. The incident ended when a 22-year-old male colleague of the victim came into the room and intervened, with the male employee confronting the "officer" on the phone before the caller hanging up.[6] >On November 30, 2000, a female McDonald's manager in Leitchfield, Kentucky, undressed herself in the presence of a customer. The caller had convinced her that the customer was a "suspected sex offender" and that the manager, serving as bait, would enable undercover police officers to arrest him.[1] >In 2001, the manager of a Hooters restaurant in Charleston, West Virginia told two female employees that a police officer had called the restaurant and reported a stolen change purse. The caller told the women to strip in front of the manager and threatened them with arrest if they did not do so.[7] >In December 2001, a supervisor for a Indianapolis-area Burger King restaurant strip-searched a part-time, 15-year-old female employee in front of a male co-worker after a call was made to the business by a "policeman" claimed an employee stole a purse. The caller asked for a description of the employee's hair and tan lines. The search was also allegedly conducted in a room where other crew members could observe.[8]
>>350364 such a weird "survival strategy". At least in the rest of the animal kingdom these displays are an attempt to avoid bodily harm, but with niggers it'll just keep escalating until one or both sides are dead smh
>>350365 niggers are domesticated animals lad at least in the context of western civilization they should be reclassified as fauna instead of granting them personhood.
>>350366 smh a parasite is spreading in the negroid population we need to cull it
>>350368 It's just a stock image tbf. Like any article about hedgehogs won't show british ones because it's only the african ones people have as pets that get photographed more.
>>350369 >african hedgehogs are lighter and less violent than european hedgehogs wdtmbt?
>>350370 Nature/God poking fun at us. Smh.
>>350369 wtf is an african hedgehog?
https://youtu.be/n6q6OXMG-r4 keeeeeeeeeeek this lad had an incel moment where he almost shot a reporter lisa simpson
>>350373 I think being stuck with no company and constant combat was folding his mental state.
>>350373 smh I didn't know war was bad
Doubt that lad could survive on a dating app for a few weeks tbh
Oh fuck a new dinosaur just evolved https://youtu.be/C8pVBpQBjrE
>>350362 It's shocking how easy this is. I used to toil at a care home and we had a few occasions where a random old man would appear, act like he belonged there, get some care then vanish for it to turn out they weren't ever in the care system. The weirdest was a guy in his 50s, clearly healthy, grey hair but tight hot body for his age. Clearly didn't need care but nobody wanted to ask as we'd had issues expelling people in error before and we knew some new residents were due, maybe he arrived early. We assumed one of the evening nurses had sorted him. I ended up having to wipe his arse for him (whilst he stood up perfectly well and spread his cheeks for me, he kept saying "I'm too frail to push the paper through my large cheeks, so I need you to do it whilst I hold them open". His arse was amazingly toned and strong so I believed it might be hard to wipe. Other carers had to feed him  clothe him, clean his drool etc. He was gone the next day and turned out to be a fraudster
went pub and ogled the bar lasses when they cleaned tables tbh nice uniforms on, tight trousers and pinstripe shirts with braces and BIG ties
>>350378 >tight hot body for his age
Going to give PA my number this evening. Going to get active and hopefully meet a few good lads.
>incredibly credulous lad joining PA make sure its actually them and not state assets grooming you to stab asian boomers in supermarket lad
>le schizo bollocks Yeah, retard, I'm certain that PA put a fake email address on their website to stab new members!
>>350383 it's a joke predicated on the fact that you (you)ed an obvious bait post immediately before declaring your political intentions
wess why don't you join pa
is this a bbk arc?
>>350385 can't really do activism as a person of daftiness smh would like to stop being an atomised individual and see if there are local lads who I can have a drink and a chat with though there are at least some in cornwall because they prootested the tranny diddler story hour at the local library even if I didn't see it happen
>>350388 Wasn't lauras husband in NA
>>350389 seriously doubt it, he was too old for it even when they existed seething tards/state assets spread that around to try and discredit the pootriotic sharternative supposedly
>japan pm fires aide over anti lgbt remarks it isu ova
>>350301 yes, I was always skeptical of vaccines but not so much so that I couldn't be bullied by the doctor into taking them <time for your tetanus shot >eh I'm not into vaccines, just skip it <well if you don't then you could get blah blah blah amputation blah blah blah >eh well on second thought I'd like to avoid amputation <heheheh here you go! ;<) but no longer. they're not sticking me up with anything ever again, and certainly not my future offspringhogs >>350362 >When Manchester, New Hampshire, police responded to an emergency call on Feb. 26, 2009, they witnessed something they never had seen before and surely never had imagined: Three frightened workers at the local Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise were stripping naked in order to urinate on each other. Inside the restaurant, the fire alarm was going off, and sprinkler and fire-suppression chemicals were spewing into the kitchen and dining room. https://archive.org/details/pca_PrankNet-PrankU/Restaurants/Epic+PrankNet+KFC+Prank.mp3
>>350390 he was definitely associated with them tho
>>350393 proof?
>>350391 japan is going be completely pozzed by the end of this decade
do pa make you do activism? what if i just want to find based lads to talk to
>>350396 >what if i just want to find based lads to talk to You wound us, lad. Iktft.
>>350394 there was a pic of him with members, just look it up
TOKYO Kanagawa Prefectural Police on Jan 24 filed charges with the Yokohama public prosecutor’s office against a 44-year-old man. The crime he stands accused of? Illegal counterfeit anime girl huggy pillow cover trafficking.
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>>350394 >However, HOPE not hate can now reveal posts from the Daily Stormer forums, a notorious Nazi website, in which Melia admitted that he “joined a local NA branch” and attempted to “make contact” with members of the group after its proscription under anti-terror laws in December 2016. >On 8 July 2017, Melia also met key members of the banned group, including leader Christopher Lythgoe, just one week after the Nazi activist Jack Renshaw had told Lythgoe that he planned to murder an MP. Melia had advertised the meeting on the Stormer forums in the days preceding it. >That same month, Melia also claimed that he had “signed up” to Vanguard Britannia, a Nazi group which soon rebranded to System Resistance Network (SRN). SRN would eventually also be banned by the Home Office as an “alias” of NA. spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) painting a picture of spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
business idea: shrek 5
>>350402 smh wonder what jack london and charles darwin would think of that

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