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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3843: Simpsons Edition Anonymous 03/13/2023 (Mon) 20:57:25 Id: 97fab5 No. 357693
>Gary Glitter: Paedophile former pop star recalled to prison https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-64946392 >Gary Lineker to return to Match of the Day as BBC's Tim Davie denies climbdown https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-64936917 >SNP leadership race: The party members deciding the next first minister https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-scotland-64942980
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:05:15.
>>357695 Subversive mong shill fuck off
Ted Kaczynski posited that certain major events are inevitable and irreversible, short of a world-upending cataclysm. I'm inclined to agree. Many powerful factors converge to cause them. We have the illusion of control and choice, but the momentum is too strong. The world wars were inevitable. Russia occupying Germany was inevitable regardless of WW2's outcome. Globalism and porous borders are the inevitable result of high technology and rising populations. This is not a new insight. We are small men. We stand on the shore, and though we are momentarily unmolested by the waves, the tides stop for no man.
Don't really care for determinism
he's right... *becomes a blackpilled eurasianist chinky lass enthusiast*
> Russia occupying Germany was inevitable regardless of WW2's outcome. Globalism and porous borders are the inevitable result of high technology and rising populations
>>357701 Bowden talking about boron powered spaceships of the britnat ethnostate that could've been.mp4
God, I love Central Asians.
>>357701 Wow, that video was truly enlightening and convincing. The flaws of my thinking have been laid bare. Bravo.
>>357697 retarded and wrong. read spengler if you want to be a fatalist without being a faggot.
The boundaries of civilizations are determined by the speed of travel and communication
>>357704 nobody cares right.
>>357706 yeah its not like you ever had empires bordering each other continuously from europe to india ever before.
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>>357711 corr are the first two udmurts?
>>357713 Kazakh and Ural Tartar.
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Resisted the urge to post more eurasian lasses.
keeeek hitchens asserts that hitler was a racist libtard while this commenter says >The German Nazi Party was based on the idea of racial superiority, empire and nationalism. It criminalised the left. It even outlawed atheism and was actually explicitly Christian. Hitler said repeatedly that he was a Christian doing Gods work. Their military belt buckles read Gott mit uns "God is with us". Their whole schtick was that Jews, Bolsheviks and lefties generally were destroying traditional German Values. They were not conservative , but they were certainly not left wing either.
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>>357716 >The German Nazi Party was based
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>racial mixing
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>>357719 t. Running Boar of the Appalachudian tribe
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>>357719 t. castizo
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who gives a shit, just goon
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Lads, what branch of His Majesty's Government goes around in black cars with red flashing emergency lighting? There's one outside my house.
>>357724 probably nonce hunters lad.
>>357726 The property they're parked outside of has had problems with slavery before tbh.
>>357724 border force?
>>357728 Yeah, the NCA is the most likely one.
"made it just in time for the seacow"
>>357701 good lad
>>357724 CID you mong
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>>357731 who is this lil nigga, his face always makes me laugh
>>357733 Without the plods too? Fuck off.
what caused this increase in goonposting >>357739 smh
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>Originally from Westphalia's German nobility, von Zass belonged to an ancient Westphalian family, whose representatives in the 15th century moved to the Baltic region, repeatedly raised weapons under the banners of the Order of the Sword, and in 1710, was among the 52 so-called chivalric families, including the Ungern-Sternbergs and Wrangel family, which took a solemn oath of allegiance to the Russian sovereign, Peter the Great. >In 1830 Zass received command of the Mozdok Cossack Regiment as a result of his success in the Russo-Turkish War. With this regiment he undertook several successful expeditions against the Caucasian natives. >In 1833, he was appointed commander of the Batalpashinsky section of the Kuban Line. Having studied the military traditions of Caucasian natives and having mastered the tactics of mountain warfare, he tried to seize the initiative and began to carry out regular preventive measures, based on data received from numerous scouts. Active defense was complemented by cruel punitive expeditions, which ended, as a rule, with the extermination of villages. He was appointed as chief commander and given full authority.[9] >In 1834, Zass sent a report to Rosen detailing his campaign into Circassia: The savages panicked and started fleeing from their homes, leaving their weapons behind attempting to escape to the forest but most of them were killed by the Cossacks ... with the soldiers lined up ready to fight, the cleansing continued with artillery shells, and I sent there two infantry brigades, but they could only capture 11 more people, and since the fire was in flames in many places, the rest were either killed or burned after attempting to escape by hiding on the roofs of their homes or by the manure. So like this, we destroyed the neighborhood. >Zass considered Circassians to be subhumans inferior to the "European Race", particularly Germans and Russians.[13][28][16][15][14][10][12] The only way to deal with the Circassians, in his opinion, was to scare them away "just like wild animals". He kept a box under his bed with his collection of severed Circassian body parts.[29] >Zass advocated ruthless military methods predicated on this notion, including burning people alive, cutting off heads for enjoyment, burning populated villages to the ground, spreading epidemics on purpose, and mass rape of children.[9][30] >Colonel Grigory Zass was a key figure in the Circassian genocide through ethnic cleansing, which included methods such as burning entire Circassian villages, and deliberately causing epidemics. Russian soldiers and Cossacks were paid for sending Circassian heads to Zass.[37] Zass then sent these severed Circassian heads to his friends in Berlin who were professors and used them to study anatomy.[32] >Russians, following Zass' methods, raped Circassian girls during the 1877 Russo-Turkish war from the Circassian refugees who were settled in the Ottoman Balkans.[62][63]
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>>357744 were the Circassians even bad though? their women were supposed to be pretty
>>357745 i had no idea the caucasus was so goonable
>>357736 >who is this lil nigga, his face always makes me laugh Dynamite Kid
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>>357744 >He kept a box under his bed with his collection of severed Circassian body parts. don't believe it
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smh can't believe he put heads on pikerinos what a naughty lass
Reading the Hour of Decision by Oswald Spengler. Published in 1934, two years before his death.
>>357746 the Armenian looks the best. Kumyk looks like ayy lmao, Chechen is hearty breeding stock
>incels talking about women as items they can pick of a menu nasty and spician tbh
https://youtu.be/jsETTn7DehI >comments are still up keeek
>>357756 >The move comes a few days after a photo emerged of the sex offender using a smartphone and reportedly asking how to access the “dark web”.
>>357753 I was hoping you’d be impressed.
smh sam shaves his beard and now you can see his turkey neck
>>357762 I hate
>>357762 mmm bimbos
>no bimbo breedhog barn
>>357766 smh i know.
imagine being a man or a woman getting into a relationship at 30 and then after a year or two it doesn't work. Years waited, and you're older, and have try and find a lass again. Smh
>>357768 >years waited smh wasted
jannies nowhere in sight again, well done auslad, this shithole is dying, hardly any posts anymore.
>>357772 me after a huwank
>>357772 My penis used to do that
>357774 >2021 >vaccine welby seethe this is honestly worse than the wog rape video that just got posted
>>357776 Spotted the chr*stcuck. Taste the lighting of Indra!
>spengler claims japan cannot ever be beaten in a pacific war
>hit a good vein of e celeb content
new 'toss
>>357779 share it
>>357780 wessie being personally called out
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>>357771 Not my problem anymore.
>>357788 auslad is a mong who doesn't inspire or reward loyalty.
>>357788 fuck YOU
lets beg SA to come back
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>>357788 >>357792 >>357793 Kys you mongs. We are objectively better off with no jannies than with shizo SA and kike cuc/k/. Aus should just remod BBK to occasionally ACK Dorshit's discord troomer cabal.
>>357795 >remod bbk stfu you worthless subhuman
>>357797 t. tranny
>>357798 t.mong, I'm the most anti tranny here
>>357799 Then what was wrong with BBK? Madlad abused his power and they were both removed for it. Smh.
>Madlad abused his power
>>357796 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>The Reaper drone and two SU-27 Flanker jets were operating over international waters over the Black Sea when one of the Russian jets intentionally flew in front of and dumped fuel in front of the unmanned drone, according to the official. One of the jets then damaged the propeller of the Reaper, which is mounted on the rear of the drone, the official said. The damage to the propeller forced the US to bring down the Reaper in international waters in the Black Sea.
>>357800 bbk roped to many innocent troon invaders
>the EU has now totally sealed the border with Belarus
May as well be posting on soyjak tbh
economic collapse better start soon
>>357771 some of us are busy during the day. It's gone now. Word of advice, if you want a post gone, report it.
>>357768 I'd think older women would be less likely to string you along. Really after a few months you'll have an idea of whether it could work. Don't really cherish the idea of dating in my thirties though, but dating in general is just a drain on time, energy and money. Better to get yourself to a good place. Fuck em.
>357813 >this entire post and this is the faggot that auslad put as janny, a literal fucking redditor
What's your problem? Estrogen pills running low?
>>357816 madlad is an Obersturmführer or the seethe waffen
>>357716 This notion that socialism is either left or right is normie tier fucking garbage ochlocratic discourse.
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>>357777 I wonder who could be behind this post
Anyone think this is fake? Not sure how to tell tbh. Arms look well fake, beyond filters etc.
It's just totally off. The light on every part off her.
>>357821 >>357822 looks like they dressed up a mannequin then shopped a face on it
my willy is out on the table
>>357823 It's defo a GAN produced image
>>357819 Nice >>357820 keeeeeek just one of his acolytes
>>357822 The face could be convincing but the the arms and legs and, most of all, the wrist give the game away.
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For me it's AI generated lasses
>>357744 german autism mixed with slavic sadism is pretty epic
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>>357744 >and mass rape of children To think I was going to call him based smh, now I support the massacre of the enemies of Eurasia.
>diplomatic incident because a russian jet brapped in a US drones face and it sneethed so hard it crashed
>leddits been down for 3 hours
>>357832 they're probably pouring into 4cuck
>>357831 >diplomatic incident because the US was conducting military activity in a warzone What, are they going to play le international waters cope, when it's just fine for the British navy to literally seize a foreign oil tanker in passing through the pillars of Hercules?
The Black Sea Fleet recovered the US MQ-9. ez money.
>>357835 KEEK.
Also the bank halt on the NYSE expanded from 25 to 30.
>Bloomberg, citing the US Treasury Department, reports that there are other institutions with similar problems as Silicon Valley Bank. Hope this spreads to DB and Credit Suisse LMAO. Fuck the Swiss especially.
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>>357736 chris benoit
*crossfaces you*
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based jews helping each other out
my sweet board
>>357800 they both abused their power nonstop, that's all they did
>>357845 its wessies fault
>>357848 where is he? is he dying
>>357849 voluntoiling at a museum which has apparently made him unable to post here
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caught up on the threads 99% garbage
>>357850 >voluntoiling why does he work for free? and the government makes him? so much for the whole 'britons never(x3) will be slaves' thing
>>357852 yeah, you're really helping with that lad
What a yummy pre-bleached chink.
my farage when a bongonigger thinks he can reply to a threadchad
why does auslad engage spic in good faith instead of banning on sight we need to kill both of them i reckon
>>357857 maybe spic but not auslad
>>357857 what has spic done that is objectionable? I think he is a good lad, tbh
that image is gross lad, who wants to see that? but when I post hot women then it's a problem...?
Was thinking about that post about being in a relationship in your early 30s for a year and then splitting. I think something like that happened to my friend Martin
4chud user arrested after posting that someone should shoot a florida sheriff in the head "in minecraft". the specific sheriff "Chitwood" had previously posted videos of himself on twitter bragging that he will violate the first amendment rights of any "anti semites" that come under his jurisdiction. https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/crime/2023/03/14/new-jersey-man-issues-death-threat-against-volusia-county-sheriff/70006901007/
>>357858 she does look nice >>357864 he didn't say "in minecraft" enough
>>357857 Banning people that aren't being complete pricks only slows the board down
Will probably invest my savings into fixed rate bonds after the budget
>>357867 Go for it lad or go long
sneed lads saw a dark grey car that was covered in so much bird shit that it looked like a dalmatian was literally more shit than paint amazed that whoever was driving it could actually see out the windscreen well enough to not crash >>357864 shooting sheriffs in the head violates the minecraft terms of service don't like it? make your own minecraft
>>357864 >he had a nigger do the arrest
>Geirmund Heljarskinn (English: Hell-Skin) was a founding settler of Iceland. His father was a Norseman and his mother was from a Siberian tribe in Bjarmaland. They were married for a tribal alliance around 846 AD. While the father was away fighting, the mother gave birth to a son. She was so ashamed of the dark complexion and Asian features of her son, that she sold him for the blond son of a slave and switched him, so that the child would have the blonde hair of his father. >Geirmund Hellskin settled in Iceland with his kinsman Úlf the Squinter. Geirmund went on to become one of the first settlers of Iceland and and traded Irish slaves. https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geirmund_Heljarskinn
>>357872 >She was so ashamed of the dark complexion and Asian features of her son, that she sold him for the blond son of a slave and switched him, so that the child would have the blonde hair of his father.
>>357868 *kisses them*
smh imagine you're away at war and your snowchink wife dooms your bloodline to inescapable toil while you raise another man's son and all because she was (rightfully) ashamed of birthing a little elliot rodger smdh had to get a gook >>357875 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek top banter that
>>357877 keeeeeeeek
>>357877 keeeeeeek
>>357880 clean it up zogbot
>>357872 Explains the bjorkerino
>>357872 Is this how the Eurasians, that cook lusts after, are made?
>>357885 piercing glare
>>357885 huh they look so much more mongoloid than their pareentrinos... I guess itg might be makeup making the mother look more evropean
Think they get it from the father tbh.
didn't know mongooses had such pupilerinos smh >>357888 wew
>>357888 He looks finnish.
>>357889 bit weird smh
The epicanthic fold is indigenous to Scandinavia >The epicanthic fold is often associated with greater levels of fat deposition around the eyeball. The adipose tissue is thought to provide greater insulation for the eye and sinuses from the effects of cold, especially from freezing winds, and to represent an adaptation to cold climates. It has also been postulated that the fold itself may provide a level of protection from snow blindness. no idea why it's dominant in asians but not Scandinavians.
Variation in the shape of the epicanthic fold has led to four types being recognised: Epicanthus supraciliaris runs from the brow, curving downwards towards the lachrymal sac. Epicanthus palpebralis begins above the upper tarsus and extends to the inferior orbital rim. Epicanthus tarsalis originates at the upper eyelid crease and merges into the skin near the medial canthus. This is the type most often found in East Asians. Epicanthus inversus runs from the lower eyelid skin over the medial canthus and extends to the upper lid.[10]
>>357892 Probably because they live on the ice.
don't care to post until madcunt changes his rulebreaking vpn and is filterable tbqh not worth being subjected to his asinine seethe
>>357895 as long as he doesn't have mod power, it's fine, let the man post. just don't let him ban people
>>357897 >vulgar mob Should be used more often.
>>357895 >(1) ok tranny
>reddit tier rule cuck seething
It.. bred >the one holding on to the tail keek
The biggest demographic change in America that will btfo the right is the depopulation of the countryside. After NATFA independent farming became a thing of the past, for a long time the vast majority of rural counties have had no economic reason to exist. Farming towns are a few white managers and specialists overseeing a mass of transitory hispanic labour living next to drug addicted lumpens.
>>357897 err this is just like socrates complaining about the youth of his time. Nothing's going on. Man just got old
>>357906 so basically what you're saying is that billions must die
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night lads
>>357908 night lad
i fown a video of a nigger getting owned https://twitter.com/Texas_Made956/status/1590138343484194818 hope you enjoy frens
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why is the board so damn slow the past lately? >>357908 nini. nini to me too >tfw australian bedtime
>>357911 wessex arrested, tbbk in hiding and madlad hater abstaining.
Press conference by ZOG's strongest sheriff in Florida on arresting a 4chuddie. At 16:40 he literally jokes about planting CP on the chud he arrested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kw4brKmzxCE
>>357903 smh tell us more about NAFTA lad
>>357914 its bad. alex jones spoke about it a lot in the 90s.
>>357915 do they also feed on children's blood?
https://youtu.be/1H2b5xSDK9g wew it's kind of sad but also their own fault and they aren't repentant at all.
SINKS that will show them
Just realised the US refused to give the MQ-9 to Ukrainie for fear of falling into Russia's hands. The Yanks fucked up and it happened anyway. ЕТО КЕК
>>357919 I guess they'll finally be able to actually replace the optics on their T-14s with something they can produce locally.
>The international rating agency Moody's has downgraded its rating of the entire US banking system from stable to negative. tbh it's better than 2008, the rating agencies are actually on the ball this. In 2008 when all those introductory payment offers on subprime mortgages were about to expire, and the rating agencies were going saying "AAA, a okay"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZxGGQc_hRI Old man bins spotted. So weird that muh scientific consensus was these things were a myth until recently, but sailors did occasionally see dead ones and there was a photograph proved real from the 1800s. I'm still betting on kelpies and such existing tbh.
>Credit Suisse shares fall over 20% to new record low, now traded well below 2 Swiss francs. >Now down over 96% from all time high. I was right (>>357840) Also; >Trading halted for French banking group BNP Paribas after the stock plunged 8%. >First Republic Bank downgraded to "junk" by S&P on elevated risk of deposit outflows.
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Daily Reminder: Fuck Switzerland.
Any MTG enjoyers here? keek
MTG died when Hasbro realised MTG was used as a tax free asset for investment about a year or so ago.
Miss Albania so bad lads.
>Credit Suisse shares hit new record low after top shareholder rules out providing more financial assistance to the struggling Swiss bank >Credit Suisse One-Year Default Swaps Near Distressed Zone (pic 2) >This chart (pic 3) shows how blatantly negative Credit Suisse is perceived by the markets. CDS markets are pricing in a probability of default of 38%. >The entire STOXX 600 banks index is dropping like a stone. Leading the sell-off are: >Societte is down 7.3% >Paribas -8% >DB -5% >Santander -3% >Credit Suisse is 10% down.
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>>357932 wouldn't happen in NI tbh, what a joke
>woes nearly crying talking about avril coalburning
>>357932 Completely fucking absurd with the amount of pro IRA celtic redditers there are on twitter.
>>357934 I knew it was all just demoralising propaganda targeted at him specifically directly after he tried to make AI art of himself hoverhanding her smh
>>357935 tbh >>357934 keeeeeeeeeeek which gram?
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>>357930 Yeah the banks are all reducing their savings interest rates now so they can keep more for themselves to cope with the downturn. I've put a large chunk of my savings into a 4% 1-year NS&I bond, seeing as their interest rates remain unchanged
>>357932 IRA sympathisers are just fine though
Alizee > poo > Avril https://youtu.be/jjcRf79xQIk
>>357943 >opening the door to civicposting Why thank you lad, don't mind if I do
>>357944 Don't mind if I ban you.
Oh weight, Auslad unmodded HRH.
>>357945 Half-blood singer good Half-blood instagram thot bad
>>357947 f59e0 permabanned for insolent behaviour.
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Thas rite
>>357950 Many black or half black lasses are alright. There tend to be a fair few of them in libraries, as a place they can get some peace and quiet to work/study. I admire the attitude, just getting on with it.
Meghan is an evil cunt though
mongchads where you at?
the haters said board clean couldn't be done
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>new nailgun just came in the mail that I billed to the richfag boomer faggot customer and bought the most gucchi expensive one
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>>357958 keeek which one? >>357959 good lad
>>357961 the senco fusion f-15
>>357964 did you hear about how one of your fellow chuds got arrested for daft posting about a sheriff in florida
>>357965 yeah he was being a mong and wouldn't happen in the south posting but then the south was actually worse than anywhere else
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>>357972 not a fan of this too big to fail shite tbh
why is it that some women become gross when they overeat and some women become hot? hormonal profile?
covfefe and anxiety for brekky
>>357979 smh rip lad
Patriotic Weekly Review - with Morgoth https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR201:a
>>357982 Islamabad's not in Afghanistan though, what does the embassy in Pakistan have to do anything? they might as well contact the embassy in Tajikistan
>>357982 figured his antics would catch up to him sooner or later tbh
>>357982 He’s pretending to be lost so he can jump the Chinese border through the wakhan corridor. Sargon hinted at this his last stream.
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Look at that power. Women are such a joke
>>357988 YAAAAAS QUEEEN SLAYYYYY keeeek, that awkward run, he even steps on to the wrong lane
>>357987 morgoths covid shite is tedious tbh, same with woes always caveating everything he says with thinking it might be a conspiracy, he was even implying the linekar scandal might be a big conspiracy, those commenters are obviously d&c shills though
>>357988 the majority of the sports trannies aren't even unironic trannies, they're just guys with long hair playing the system to BTFO women and win prizes because they can
think about it. if you have a genuine mentally ill tranny faggot that wants to LARP as a female, he's not going to become an athlete because athletics is a masculine pursuit. instead he's going get into anime and cosplay with the 'dress go spinny' type shit. they're basically fat soyboys with low test that watched too much porno to the point where it drove them insane meanwhile the sports trannies are just guys that are into sports but aren't good enough to compete against other men so they grow their hair out, identify as a woman and win gold medals
>>357992 wrong, the autogynephilic trannies have no issue competing in sports
>>357993 you're telling me the guy in this video >>357988 is getting an AGP validation high as his powerful male legs propel him far ahead of a group of female athletes? doesn't make sense
>>357994 you've got no clue how AGP works, absolute mong, its an anti social fetish at its core, he knows what he looks like he doesn't care, sargon tier brainlet tbh.
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all these tranny experts on /brit/
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>>357996 Trannies have done a number on them. You hate to see it.
>>357999 Such mean bullies
captcha makes me insane
>358001 You are such a bumder lad.
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Saudi Arabia Refuses American Price Cap on Oil >“So, if a price cap were to be imposed on Saudi oil exports, we will not sell oil to any country that imposes a price cap on our supply, and we will reduce oil production, and I would not be surprised if others do the same,” t. bin Salmon https://www.rt.com/business/572992-saudi-arabia-oil-price-cap/
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this bin Salmon, the nerdy one that became energy minister, not the prince. very confusing, these arabs, with all of their names being Mohammed Abdulaziz bin Salmon al-Saud
>>358005 Bet he can smell oil from 50 miles away with that nose.
400 Years Old Thanks, hohol
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>>357977 in her case it's mostly makeup there is no way she can move in a sexy way with that gut, it looks okay in still photos though
>Bidān or Beidan, also spelled Baydan or Beydan (Arabic: بيضان), is an Arabic term used in the Maghreb region of North Africa to refer to lighter-skinned or white Moors, in contrast to the term Sudani (sg.), which refers to those with a darker complexion. The Bidān inhabit most of what is now Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and, to a lesser extent, Egypt.[citation needed] The Bidān refers to those of Arab, Berber, or mixed Arab and Berber descent; The main language of the Bidān is Hassaniya Arabic and to a lesser extent Tamazight (Berber).[citation needed] Bilad al-Bidān (which literally translates to "Land of the whites") is an endonym used within Mauritania and Western Sahara by the Bidān people to refer to themselves. The name used by outsiders to refer to the Bidān is Moors from which the country of Mauritania derives its name from the Latin designation of their inhabitants (Mauri) as the Bidan form the majority of the population.
>The first attested human inhabitants of the Comoro Islands are now thought to have been Austronesian settlers travelling by boat from islands in Southeast Asia.[18][19] These people arrived no later than the eighth century AD, the date of the earliest known archaeological site, found on Mayotte, although settlement beginning as early as the first century has been postulated.[20] >Subsequent settlers came from the east coast of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and the Persian Gulf, the Malay Archipelago, and Madagascar. Bantu-speaking settlers were present on the islands from the beginnings of settlement, probably brought to the islands as slaves.[21] literally every people that ever discovered niggers enslaved them
>>358011 Lad almost every people enslaved their neighbours and the sold them to others. Most anglo slaves of the vikangz were just bought from anglos, not captured. Unironically there is no natural slave race, any more than any other. This doesn't mean we're the same, but the Dickie Spencer buck breaking LARP is cringe.
Why would a lass arrange something and then not mention it even once for months, until on the day. Am I supposed to remember these things? Baffling.
>>358013 wait dickie is into buck breaking?
>>358016 Baste.
1 month and no stein seethe podcast
>>358018 He's been seething on here. Got 130+ posts in the other thread. keek.
lads, just got into argument with family, they are denying that its common sense manners to not put ones shoes on the couch particularly someone elses couch, I'm right here aren't I? this all because I defied a member of the westoid princess caste btw.
Wessica's story is one of perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds.
>>358020 >>358020 Shoes inside? Are you an american?
>>358022 Go back to r/justbritishthings retard. Wearing shoes in doors is anglo and trad. >>358020 You're in the right.
mark collet is the most tedious mong in existence, he'd win an ep of question time by virtue of being so boring and such a spacker that he'd put the whole panel and audience to sleep.
>he didn't have a clue where estonia is and thought it was way further away than it actually is
It's been almost a year and I still think of filipina lass
Doesn't help that one of my colleagues is engaged to a filipina
Auslad, make YTTB a mod and I will slaughter these race mixers.
>>358016 kpop is too akin to niggermusic, still prefer jpop. Red Velvet is decent though
>>358029 you lost all credibility when you staged a transparent false flag attack on the board with tranny porn spam
>>358032 Macron has some good qualities. I like him more than Sunak. Shitty to raise the pension age though
*Remembers that one time I talked to filipina lass about Macron* FUCK
>cunt struck over a gook
>>358035 yeah ok
>>358014 she's either autistic or unreliable
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but how come scottish man become president of France?
>>358038 qeeeeeq
She really was much better looking
This is her current WhatsApp profile pic
>>358041 think its time to move on lad
>>358043 I have moved on, I just think of her sometimes is all
Will refrain from suchlike in future, it is a tad pathetic
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>>358032 >bypasses vote >forces through controversial bill We're back Macronbros
the pension system in the west is a meme tbh, way too high and all these entitled boomers thinking they deserve all that shite for doing nothing their whole lives
>>358047 it's compensated for by us young plebs having rubbish minimal contribution based pensions instead of a defined benefit scheme
>>358047 I'm not convinced there even exists an economically viable pension scheme tbph
>>358049 Singapore pension scheme (Central Provident Fund). Compulsory to pay into. Employers pay 17%, employees pay 20%. Funds housing and public healthcare as well as retirement income.
>>358050 How is that different from what we have? pls spoonfeed
>>358051 In Singapore all housing is provided and maintained by the state - everyone has somewhere to live, and nobody rents. Rather than contributions being for the "collective good" like over here, they are specifically used by the contributor, with a great deal of flexibility in how the funds are spent - it can be used for mortgage deposits and repayments, health insurance and healthcare. The public healthcare is also a tiered system, with both cheaper and more high end options.
Some company directors over here use a Small Self Administered Scheme, which is essentially using the pension funds to buy properties to rent out or their choice of shares/broad based funds to provide a steady income stream.
The problem with boomer pensions is that they are often based on a promise of paying an amount based on their final salary for the rest of their life, and often far exceed any contributions actually made through payroll, so run a defecit. Modern schemes avoid this pitfall by being stingy and contribution based. You build up a pot, it gets invested into safe shares for you, and you live off that plus the state pension.
Our pension contributions under auto enrolment aren't even mandatory. Minimum 3% employer, 4% employee, 1% tax relief, but it's restricted by thresholds and overall just pretty underwhelming
>>358055 I have some private pension I got invested in when I did some company work that I've never looked into. There's a fiver in there I think. No idea about my state pension.
>>358052 >In Singapore all housing is provided and maintained by the state - everyone has somewhere to live, and nobody rents wew, I can almost imagine the seething from the property owning caste if you were to suggest doing this here. >>358054 I'd heard about final salary pension schemes, and it's hilarious that they were even invented in the first place. Literally bankrupting themselves, and potentially everyone else when it comes time to bail it out. Really feels like everyone involved in creating and selling such a product should be prosecuted for fraud.
when I say over here is for the "collective good" I mean national insurance/state pensions, not pension contributions, which are for the individual, just optional, much lower and less flexible than Singapore's. But hey we have our freedom and we get to fund the idle wastrels, because surely only the needy are deserving.
>>358056 state pension is just an entitlement you can get when you pay national insurance for so many years and reach retirement age, not individual contribution based. Keep the details of your pension scheme, you can transfer the funds to whatever scheme your next employer uses.
I also have a couple grand that got invested for me by family, should probably pull that out before the economic collapse.
>>358057 Final salary schemes were just a product of a different era. It was when you would have a single employer for a life, and a generous pension like that solidified loyalty. I guess the idea was that so long as there was a steady stream of people paying into the pot and not too many people retiring at once, it would stay funded. The problem is that many young people don't get that kind of pension, and there's the aging population problem. Boomers retiring without young people paying into their pension scheme was a nightmare scenario, and it happened.
What woman wouldn't want a man like me that can shower them with pension information
Oh wait women don't work hard or worry about that sort of thing, they just attach themselves to workhorse man
>>358064 Doesn't that mean you can use that pension information in about a decade to secure the same gook?
>>358065 I'm never seeing her again. She's not it. My greatest fear is that I finally find a good woman, but I've been at it alone long enough that I can only resent her for not being there earlier and sharing the journey, the struggle, simply benefitting from the results of everything I've worked for after the fact.
Right, it's been another one of those. This is why I don't like drinking. Nini.
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>>358067 ni lad
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>>358068 told you people were shedding the virus
pooooooooooooooooooooooost ffs
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>>358073 forgot what I was going to poost about
>>358073 bums also poo
hohols just being mashed up trying to do massed inf assaults
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no seacow
>>358078 yeah rip
>>358078 smh poor mobiks
just because they're mobilized doesn't mean they don't deserve it. they could choose to either flee Zelensky-occupied territory, or rise against him
too many old mongs obsessing over putler and wanting to send zoomers and yoomers in to fight for pookraine
Time to pump this party up https://youtu.be/Kqw6zL78VXc
>>358068 >>358070 bit worrying tbh especially them asking about guns mad how there are still people who refuse to accept that every western government is at war against its citizenry >>358085 literally the same argument the soy golems use to justify cheering whenever a russian gets killed tbh >>358086 same as every war smh people who know they'll never have to fight are always the bloodthirstiest
>>358089 >literally the same argument the soy golems use to justify cheering whenever a russian gets killed tbh they're wrong though because the Russians are morally in the right
>>358090 don't really see how that matters
>>358091 by fighting in the war, the Russians are doing something morally good while the Ukrainians are doing something morally wrong
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>9 years in the trenches? How about I'm doing none of them
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>tfw finally found a flat and it has a yummy mummy landlady
>>358089 >mad how there are still people who refuse to accept that every western government is at war against its citizenry Tbh.
>>358096 Met a 60 something woman with all grey hair the other day that had massive boobas pointing in my face. Started thinking about how fuckable she would've been when young and that she probably lived on easy mode even for a foid. Smh.
>>358098 The landlady is in her 40s.
>>358098 still would
>this military "expert" coping so hard on sky news over ukraine getting btfo
>Gold Degenerate down. I repeat, degenerate down.
Brendan bros...we won
>>358103 who knew a brit biopic would've defined Brendan's redemption arc.
>me trying to escape the butt matrix
>>358107 this you lad?
>>358106 >that scene where the lad is worried about if his wife struggled to the end resisting rape or if she damned her soul by laying taking it
International criminal court issues arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin for war crimes
>>358111 Xi Jinping arriving in Moscow in a few days just to make this warrant look even more laughable.
Putin, Xi to sign a declaration on entering "a new era" of relations between Russia and China, the Kremlin says. - AFP
Long live the People's Republic of China https://youtu.be/sXC0GtYurzo
>>358116 lovely looking lass.
>>358117 she was in the Independence Day sequel
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>>358119 keeeeeeeeeek
>>358086 yeah really hate that the 60 something boomers who were too young for vietnam and didn't volunteer for desert storm
I'm bringing it back. Was whistling this at work today https://youtu.be/KcT9aOD46p0
>>358124 The only good things to come out of Ireland are the careers of Colm Meaney and Pierce Brosnan. I guess Colin Farrell too. But apart from that, fuck the Irish
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If it were Chief O'Brien day, I'd celebrate it. Without Guinness. Because Guinness is terrible.
>>358119 They got pretty much everyone else though. Emmerich as director, Bill Pullman, Brent Spiner, Jeff Goldblum, Judd Hirsch
russian soldier flanks and kills 3 ukrainians and takes 2 pow's in a trench singlehandedly
Evening lads, toil today complete more toil tomorrow
>8pm >toil complete
>>358135 Steinzog getting that Dan Bongino paywall money.
*waits patiently to vore the fresh incel rants*
>863k follwers Steve Bannon the pisshead is still about? No fucking way.
https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/swedens-street-gangs-are-gaining-power/ >Sweden’s street gangs are gaining power >few initiatives have backfired as badly as Sweden’s publicly funded ‘youth centres’. In Botkyrka, rather than keep kids off the streets, they became a base for gangland criminals. According to police, gang members – when not committing crimes – would spend night after night playing video games at the centres and gangsters had shown up wearing bulletproof vests. Weapons and drugs had also been found at the centres. The mayor, Ebba Östlin of the centre-left Social Democrats, decided last year that these places had become part of the problem and should be closed. >Then, a few weeks ago, Östlin was suddenly deposed at a meeting with her local party. Her supporters claim that her branch had been infiltrated by those who wanted to punish her for taking a stand against gang crime. Fifty new party members appeared at the meeting, several of whom turned out to be connected to Botkyrka’s criminal gangs. >The Social Democrat party denies any infiltration, and says there was simply internal dissatisfaction with Östlin’s leadership. But investigations by journalists have found that the new leadership is, at the very least, in a position where it owes a debt of gratitude to local criminals for helping to push her out of power.
>>358140 sickening. Remember being threatened by a muslim in school myself, but nothing came of it. Now it's probably a reality for many.
>>358125 cute taigresses
>>358136 it just does that now while its uploading
Sneedvening lids.
>>358145 smh rewootched this recently >>358146 keeeeek are these the things you spend most of your time on skyrim doing now
Might treat myself to Iron Brew soon, haven't had it in what feels like years, love Scottish foodstuffs me.
>>358147 I mostly autistically "speedrun" builds with exploits like getting all the magic skills to 100 in 2 hours or the one time I got everything but lockpicking up to 100 in about 8 hours. Revived an old level 1 meme character for that vid though (also not an original idea but environment/collision kills are keek).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HV1F6NYvL4 Got it from this absolute madman.
>>358149 think I tried getting back into skyrim back when (You) or somebody else posted their list of mods but I got bored halfway through playing
>>358151 Had 170 mods at one point. Nothing beats heinously vanilla JustWorksrim though.
>>358111 >International Criminal Court what a fucking joke. there is no such thing as an "international crime"- a crime, by definition is an act that infringes upon the laws of a state. this is more jevv global government bullshit and Russia/China will not acknowledge it >>358124 of course the damn mummer had to go get 'corned beef and cabbage' for dinner to feed the yankoid muh 1/16th oirish LARP >>358132 what a badass
Is it normal to want to chuck up and have a big shit at the same time?
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should i convert to islam for a lass that im in love with who wants me to convert to marry her lads
>>358155 probably not
>>358155 If she's Yugo then yeah sure, anything else nah fuck off. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9XfN5wLKMU
>>358135 good incel rants lad, I remember reading some accounts of the first world war and he was talking about how a lot of the tallfags got killed early on but the short sappers survived for a long time. do chuds where you live still take vooting seriously?
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>>358156 i will die alone if i dont and there is no difference to my lifestyle choices if i do convert, i've also openly hated gays and jews with her and she likes it, and there is no hope left for me in this world but she wants me so idk what to do >>358157 She's *half indian* and so fucking pretty
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>>358158 yeah so sick of mongs telling me about 2024 election
>>358155 >>358159 just date her and fuck her, don't marry or convert to islam or make mud babies
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>>358162 mad how people can still get excited about that after drurmpf turned out to be nothing
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If a yummy Albanian lass told me to convert I would tbf
>>358165 yeah they seem to be getting all excited about drumpf as well
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>>358166 life is shit and if someone love you and you love them then why not im so tired of it all
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the only white women that i could get are retards
trump did do *some* kino shit like talk to the best koreans which no shartican has done since truman and try to reshart the friendship with rusgols that bush dynasty had
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Time to shid.
Trump talking how bad the Jan 6ers are having it locked up, but no mention of how he didn't pardon them.
>>358161 He looks like an Earth Rocker.
>>358169 5 years ago this was.
hullo lads
>>358175 and 2016 was 7 yet it feels like time has hardly moved
Alright I'll post one then
>>358159 >half indian >muslim So a PAKI rape baby. *late term abortions her*
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>>358182 but in southern headcanon they were all entirely anglo saxons fighting against immigrant spam union troops
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>>358184 I'm coming round to you're idea that the whole mde spat might actually be some sort of art greater than life kayfabe.
>>358186 yeah notice how they ended up getting chuck on there pretty quickly it was classic WWE babyface trying to act like he has some quest to defeat the wrong by the heel and he has to unite with some other heel he has a rival with. it gets everyone all excited for the drama of "them working together" like the NWO shit in the late 90s with sting
Andrew Brigden MP asked questions about vaccine harms in parliament, YouTube censored the video and took it off the platform Here it is
>>358190 damn the speed of science was so fast he was debunked almost the same day he poosted it
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Took me three hours but it happened. I had a shit.
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T-3 days until I put my willy inside a wet hole that I paid for looking forward to cuddling afterwards the most not going to lie lads hoping this will help me cure my incel rage
im like 30 episodes behind on steinkino ffs
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>he does know about the post-coitus clarity of cold empty regret
christoids, is this legit?
>>358198 good lad let us know how it is
Also my smart watch's green laser has given me skin burn.
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>>358200 we'll see how it hits me tbh hopefully it's a good kind of clarity >>358203 will do told the lass i was a virgin incel so she's probably gunna teach me smdh
Had to attend a wedding and my mong of a cousin had her three cunnies wearing masks throughout the whole thing. Why do I even bother.
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why would you say that
https://youtu.be/zvGM9sMaHYQ he is getting blackpilled
>>358202 Don't know about the first half tbph but everything from Nero onwards is accurate.
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Reminds me of Farscape idk why.
>>358211 reminds me of this idk why
>>358211 >farscape wish my sharts were odorless
>>358212 Queshe.
>>358206 I would permaban for this, paedophile.
What a shithole this bored has become.
Afternoon lads, toil complete no more till monday
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>>358216 need some more posters
>>358221 we just need all of the old posters to become active again and the current posters to become more active. tell the /newbrit/ bongo lads to prioritize posting here
>>358223 Bongo has corrupted them. Keeking about SA banning me for ironic gayism now that he sucks farts out of poombs' arsehole with his nostrils smh
>>358223 tbh what happened to everyone >>358224 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Hate how when they use a figure from le science it's always fucking Einstein.
>>358224 what is this recent lore with SA? is he in the /newbrit/ bongo?
>>358224 > now that he sucks farts out of poombs' arsehole with his nostrils smh keeeeeeeeek
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>>358227 Nothing recent tbh, he's just in one of the 2-3 /brit/ bongos with trannies in them. /newbrit/ doesn't have any trannies and it's just a playpen for bins to be schizo in
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>>358230 >-rino
mayb brumpf will write another at of the deal book while in jail
>>358231 >one of the 2-3 /brit/ bongos with trannies in them so there's <Planet B (Bins, 22st, etc.) <Planet K (Kay, Waifuposter, Pembs, etc.) <presumably some /brit/ room with SA in it what else is there? or is that it?
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>>358233 my deal
>>358234 Poombscord, poombs tranny cord, moonman's probably more brit ones smh
>>358235 big boy brapped hmself
wasn't SA's orignal bongo the largest
>>358218 Keek. >>358216 >(2) Fuck off then.
https://youtu.be/T9RsnZjjZ3I this is the future a depopulated europe lorded over by khazarian vizors of various shitskin varieties
>>358242 horrifying
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>>358231 > /newbrit/ doesn't have any trannies and it's just a playpen for bins to be schizo in sounds good to smee!
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>>358231 > /newbrit/ doesn't have any trannies and it's just a playpen for bins to be schizo in btw we call it Planet B Based, B pilled, and Troon Free
>>358244 >>358245 Yeah I love it there >>358242 That's kind of dark. I guess people just laugh as a reflex, but still. Also goes to show how ridiculous all the brown and black men pouring into our countries as "refugees" is smh
>>358246 yeah the "scot" standing there making a joke to a little coven of lisa simpson drones while all their men and brothers are getting turned into ground chuck out in the mud and ice
>>358247 tbh america and great britain didn't force germany to invade the SU how do jerrycucks justify that?
its funny how leon degrelle just constanly seethed and polface posted about how the bolshies were all asiatic mongols but then he would stomp his feet and seethe about anglo bombers but then when he encountered some dead american GIs in a treach he cried because he said they were such a waste of racially robust boys. smh his books is good its like a polface odyssey. those walloons were 'ard
>>358249 Churchill deliberately prolonged the war to prevent peace with Germany, while zionist agents were building bridges with the Soviets
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>>358251 were they mongs? yeah both of them were far lesser men in comparison to Hitler and Stalin
>all David Irving videos have been censored from (((YouTube))) makes you think
both came from good families TR was a good man and didn't churchill come from the spencer house? does that mean he was a n*rman?
>>358253 I remeber reading this post in like 2014 lass
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>>358255 nah there were still loads up in about 2017
>>358253 Just got permanently suspended from twitter myself smh they're doing a purgerino
>>358258 too much noncing probably
>>358259 yeah jews are so paranoid rn their attack on zempf is probably because of him noticing the banker issue relating to bailouts
even though trump is an utter kike slave he terrifies the kikes because he is the babyface hero type guy of the burger goyims who the jews depend upon as their main flock
wish I could go back to 1999 and come home from school and play donkey kong 64 until the simpsons came on
they trying to get him for sexing a porn star or something now smh
>>358264 niggers always smell so fucking bad in winter time they get all dried out and stink like hell
https://youtu.be/hKI8N_P30nA wew hol hols using m113s as IFVs they were underarmoured as IFVs in vietnam so bad that back then they had to put cope cages on them and vulcan miniguns on top
https://youtu.be/TeEmWgqhB7g its crazy how shit westoid propaganda is now, when it comes to vietnam or even iraq II it was daily reports how the m113 was too vulnerable and under gunned for what it was required to do. but when it comes to hol hols its built ford tough and folded 1000 times cadillac gage shitroit aluminum armour made in 1963
>>358266 keeeek I like how they pull out their goyphones to record the battle
>>358263 >they trying to get him for sexing a porn star what, again? lol
>>358268 yeah the worst part is they are bragging that their "armour" is basically throwaway amerishit that was out of date in 1970s armed with a 100 plus year old amerishit gun on it
society *screams*
>>358254 >TR was a good man Yes but he really shouldn't have tried for a third term. Didn't know when to let go.
French are fighting the police again https://youtu.be/7jYDiMhyAhc
Just had a wicked shit.
smh women are agents of the state my brothers gf has domesticated him so bad. took all his entrepeneurial ameriburger businessman deanoism out of him and made him seek some boring reliable office job. smh my brothers deanoidic skills helped me alot when I first started boomer toil. he was running a side job with his deano friend hiring zoomerlets to power wash houses and even though they were 26 year old boomers they taught my old ass how to self toil. but now he is like a different person just craving the comfort of a simple 9-5
smh can't imagine being like 28 and thinking you are just gonna coast through the rest of your life I mean I will be like 35 in a couple of years and the idea of going back to a desk job in this hell society just makes me want to self terminate. boomer toil sucks but at least you don't have to really be around people or care about shite and boomers actually added this party element to boomer toil where you just blast boomer tunes and make jokes all day and sometimes life is shit but sometimes the sky is real blue and the hawks and coyotes are making calls and the earth is all beautiful and you feel like you are meaningful making some nice goybox for some lisa simpson to shart out a couple of hot sexy teen girls who live in the safety of the nice middle class american neighborhood taking pics of their butts in the safe clean room you made.
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shut up incel
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>>358278 >that brunette everytime ywn kidnap her and make her ride around in your lbz duramax and go to watch nascars and just brainwash her into becoming a midwestern hick slag and live in a trailer park with me
https://youtu.be/LoE0_YdwIwM imagine her brainwashed so bad that the second she hears her master pull up she immediately begins making me my little bit of chicken fried
>>358276 in their mid-20s (nowadays that's usually when it happens, anyway) men become conscious of the death of their childhood and resign themselves to the grey domestic mediocrity of their fathers—they don't know what else to do. And it's a remarkable change: under the influence of joyless wives, many lose their sense of humor entirely
>>358281 yeah I would rather be an incel forever and be able to just do whatever I want with my life than become a workhorse
>>358282 >yeah I would rather be an incel forever and be able to just do whatever I want with my life than become a workhorse So it's wine, travel and cats for you as well? smh
>>358283 live laugh love tbh
>>358283 sure I don't care keeeeeeek imagine being a low status male and thinking you are gonna win by playing the game its probably shartin who is only 1 year younger than me
>im just magically gonna breed and have a wife and its all gonna workout for me imagine still having this view of life post 25
https://youtu.be/RRexVmy8BHg fresh swarthoidic larper in kikeraine bullying mobik rusgol
>>358285 Okanawa inbound
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>>358285 nnaa >>358286 things usually work out for me. Not only am I trying to do things, but I also don't tell myself it is impossible. I am using my will to create reality me smmh
>it was shartin yeah thats right fatfuck I got your number go unload that pallet jack truckboy still coping about thinking you have a chance with some teen girl online lmao
I know your snide womanish backbiting when I see it
>>358293 It was a joke but I don't really see the difference between a woman doing what she wants and you doing what you want. Just because I haven't bred yet doesn't mean it'll never happen. Why would I resign myself when I got many years left and there is nothing I want more than to breed?
>>358294 >a woman doing what she wants and you doing what you want. men and women are not the same, ans steiney isn't doing what he wants, hes refusing abject misery and indentured servitude to a pixie, you are just a disgusting pathetic simp
and that pathetic race mixer earlier getting away with posting
>>358295 I didn't simp for anyone
>>358295 tbh but shartin just thinks its a mene and funneh to do that back biter shit IRL he is a low status chud like all the rest of us. post 25 its basically over for you to be a normalfag and get a normalfag life. sure i cope about having my own teen sex slave breedhogs during the race war but that is just the pathetic fantasy of a 32 year old virgin
>>358299 How about getting a lass regardless of age as long as you want similar things? I'm not set about age, my ex was 27 years old when we dated. It's just funny to talk about 16 year olds because there is truth to their value, and people call me nonce
>How about getting a lass regardless of age as long as you want similar things? also its embarrassing that he never shuts the fuck up about his "ex" as if it matters, he talks down to us like hes some sort of adonis when hes literally just some mong.
also it wasn't even a real gf he met her like once, he was e dating like a 14 year old
>>358302 You read into it what you want. >>358303 Not true
I guess I do look down upon people who don't try though
hadtogetagook chads trust the plan
Min maxing in Muhrowind and think my nord will end up with about 819 health. Lmao.
>Min maxing in Muhrowind and think my nord will end up with about 819 health. Lmao.
https://youtu.be/3MVGgfYypuY watching vietnam shit
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>>358308 829* sorry.
poo in the garden
>>358312 >the zoom in
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imagine their butts but for the white race
>>358309 this gets kino at 38:00 boomer talks about hallucinating in the jungle as his ancient ancestors in alexanders army or something weew
>>358315 they have globules of shit dangling from their hairy slavic arseholes
I met 22st she's black
>>358317 yeah but they are white race shites
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*slams martin*
>>358319 Drie them. Grind them. SNort them.
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miggers are cooking up another massive self-own cringe festival for president dump
>>358320 Smh at that webm.
>>358322 Would admire it if a few zognald mongs at least did uncupcake bluezog enforcers instead of talking about it tbh.
>>358322 hope they answer the rally call tbh
https://youtu.be/fpYNZC6HaK0 I sen big G a link to da fred. Him get catchid by dee poliss
sing us a wacky song bbk
>>358324 tbh its been years and years of boomer cupcake posting they either need to back it up or fuck off and just become wagecuck BBCsluts like the rest of the normalfags
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>>358322 >the patriot moat
>>358328 the time isn't right lad the one eyed snake has to drop the shoe first
>>358330 keeek yeah they still are paying off their boats can the revolution wait?
>>358332 good lad
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>>358335 good lad love bucks fizz me https://youtu.be/l6DOGITIfAY
>>358336 *DOES A NOREGASM==
Yeah, I'm thinkin' sbum sbum sning is snack.
>>358332 >>358333 I missed your vocaroos
https://youtu.be/3Qgke-Xhyuk sure seems like there are alot of antifa in the south where are all the 'ard ass southern boys
>>358340 you need to move further south
>>358340 they're waiting for blormpfs orders
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>>358343 nice mini rant in comment form *upvotes* hate these utter morons who just scrape shit off of imageboards and repost them in video form >>358344 good lad at least someone is still making content here
https://youtube.com/shorts/B_f00Nx6ZKY?feature=share damn such a waste of a 6/10 midwestern bimbo blond instead of being a baby factory for cornfed chuds she is just a goon object for the butt matrix
sharing my goon material because that lass is good butt matrix baseline to follow she does butt matrix gear reviews that are literally just the femoid version of tool reviews where femoids are stuck in the consoom mode where they go buy butt matrix outfits and then feel the urge to butt matrix like they are enslaved to wearing skimpy outfits
is lisa simpson involved in this too?
>>358343 caliban rising
>>358348 https://youtu.be/62ctPSONhhk the butt matrix is evolving lad women are becoming totally depraved sex freaks and you are a pervert because women secretly want you to revert back to miles standish tier puritanical slave master husbands
>>358350 Those barbies aren't real humans lad.
>no dumb bimbo midwestern blonde gf
>>358351 its real to me dammit
>>358353 great but not so great.
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is he?
>>358355 no 22
now this was pod racing
holy sneed chud niggas be like
>>358346 ungoonable tbh
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>average foid at gym objecting to men loooking at her
business idea: become a fly tipper but instead of tipping in the countryside, burn the rubbish in a barrel
smh deanoidic brother was visiting mummies today he literally has nothing to talk to me about since getting a gf just platitudes doesn't even play gooms just watches some footie on TV and other sports shit and then leaves after getting free shit from mummy smh he kind of acts superior to me like I am an insect that he can't reveal his gf to and he never talks about her with me even though he is totally utterly whipped by her now and she is making him pay for some trip to some resort for them smh hope she isn't gonna turn my brother into beta bux
>>358362 red pilled
>>358363 it becomes hard to keep your edge as you get older. i used to hate seeing my older cousins settle down with foids and larping as boomers
they were so wild and free when they were teens and early twenties, always doing funny things but then just suddenly calmed down and gave up. i used to love hanging out in their rooms and playing diablo and listening to their stories
>>358366 >>358367 yeah its pathetic really women have just made the west so boring and prozaic making everything safe and shite. they just have zero interest in anything remotely resembling adventure.
Wish I’d never deleted my entire Democratic National Committee folder. I’d be a lot happier today and my anxieties all turned out to be nothing.
wew filtered
why aren't women attracted to men who act in their own ethnic interest
imagine how cosy it would be to sleep in your cellar while your village gets shelled by ukrainians
>>358375 gay asian rubbish as per. didn't watch, off to bed night lads
>>358370 >tfw that girl probably ended up more trad and well adjusted than the average westoid female now
>>358361 >glowing buttplug that seems to be her "brand" also asking random men if they want to fuck her arse in the street and then showing her glowing buttplug. *screams*
>>358378 I thought it was in her vagina.
Hey Daddy! My name is Anna Delos-i am striptease and magician artist. I am professional pole dancer and I am very flexible and I show it in my account in full strip. I also like to use butt plugs and I have special luminous butt plug for my show. I post my premium xxx content every day, show my everyday nude stretching, my stage shows, my private shows, my masturbation and others more😋 Munich
>>358379 it's not. She stands in front of the eiffel tower with 5 cards in her hand asking men to pick one, and they always "win" since all the cards have "anal" written on them
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>>358381 Nothing more Evropean than being approached by a German whore in Paris for some sodomie.
>>358382 Shouldn't it be a Parisian whore?
>>358370 The fact that you are allowed to post here without impunity is 100% the reason this bored is fucking dead.
>unironic nonce just openly posting yeah so glad auslad demodded anybody who'd do something about it and modded literally whos who are probably bongo trannies
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>>358384 >>358385 Reeks of IP hopping concern trolling. BBK should be modded again but nobody else. Not madlad and definitely not cuc/k/ or SA, who I know have started lurking again. There will be no coup to restore the old tyranny.
>>358387 >BBK should be modded again
what can the mods actually do if the nonce is ip hopping like madlad or bbk?
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>another >(1)
>>358387 fuck off. if you think another mod would be helpful, fine, that's a legitimate thought you can think. but you cannot think that remodding bbk/madlad could ever be a viable course of action. they have proven themselves to be completely irresponsible and immature, banning people for no reason. why on earth would it be them? the only explanation is that you are BBK. only BBK wants BBK as mod and only madlad wants Madlad as mod
>banning people for no reason.
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>>358391 Utterly jewish response. Madlad banned people for no reason. BBK was alright. Just because they were both removed doesn't mean both have to be reinstated. t. mancs, aka the saviour of /brit/
>>358393 they were both removed for good reason. plenty of other lads that haven't proven themselves unfit for the position
>>358393 >mancs, aka the saviour of /brit/ aka the tranny lover aka the lowest IQ poster here
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>>358396 this you?
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>>358397 This (You)?
YAY more meta drama
>>358387 You were banned because we despise you and enjoy torturing you. You, the nonces, and race mixers must be banned on sight. Same with the trannies.
>>358399 All normal and not cringe posters stopped posting because people who are the antithesis of the board are allowed to post.
>>358399 It's settled meta drama, lad. Schizo mong tyrant SA was defeated and is never regaining power. >>358400 Crawl back to your bongo.
>>358401 people stopped posting because of the mod oppression. they would start again but they haven't received the memo that it's clear to post once more
>>358398 KEEEEEEEEEEK I'm not SA you mong
>>358403 people stopped posting as soon as the new jannies came in
>>358405 sure thing, Madlad
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*casts it*
Mancs is such a rat that he tries to take credit for SA being removed when it was mostly my doing
>>358407 qeeeeq
>>358408 And who are you? Twas me, BBK and a more general uprising that did it.
>>358410 liar, its was the ceaseless propaganda that I pumped out along with the free and fair election that I held that gave auslad the mandate, you were merely a directionless anarchist who's uprising had been easily squashed for years.
I did some gaslighting against SA too, I deserve credit as well. although, I did not want him to stop posting, only to pass BO to remove banfaggotry
>>358411 That election that was ignored for months until he ragequit because the whole board hate him?
>>358412 don't feel bad SA had already begun abandoning the board by that time
>steiner replying to week old posts
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>(1)let speaking in my presence
>National Insurance numbers issued to South Asian nationals have increased by 533% since 2016
>>358421 kek fuck that I don't do vanman shite unless its for money truck fee for steinhog construction and handyman services is 125 upfront regardless of anything and then if its a dump fee its 25 dollars on top of the city dump fee. my silverado doesn't exist to be destroyed so that femoids can keep their cars pristine and judge me for having scratch marks on mine
trying out the unvaxxinated dating app and clicked follow on a fit 55 year old mummy living in the village near me and also clicked follow on the 28 year old lass from newcastle upon tyne who is a wheatfields lass will import her to be my trailer park slave wish me luck lads
>>358425 a lass for breeding and a mummy to make you dinner?
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>>358426 I doubt either will message me maybe the mummy will but the UK lass clearly probably wont
>>358379 bioluminescent fungus lad.

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