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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3845: Tsar Cannon Edition Anonymous 03/25/2023 (Sat) 17:52:22 Id: 42621c No. 359163
Patriotic Alternative: The town fighting the far-right with Welsh cakes https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65057093 Gandhi says disqualification 'politically motivated' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-65074804 French police clash with water reservoir protesters https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-65076537
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:06:04.
Migrants complain that the hotels aren't comfy enough and they don't like Bri'ish food
devout Christians
Nigger hatred topped up because when I was out today one of them refused to do the mutual move sideways so you don't bump into eachother move and I had to overcompensate and move out the way further and I wish I had just shoulder barged the cunt
>>359165 the southcucks love to play dirty in that goom
>>359166 the ones with their little poolets make me seethe the most >>359168 smh should never move out of a niggers way
>>359169 what do they do?
>>359171 kek imagine protesting for more money for dem pensions while not being a boomer. fucking mongs
>A complicated lawsuit arose from a 1904 Arizona Territory orphan train placement in which the New York Foundling Hospital sent 40 white children between the ages of 18 months and 5 years to be indentured to Catholic families in an Arizona Territory parish. The families approved by the local priest for placement were identified in the subsequent litigation as "Mexican Indian." Nuns escorting these children were unaware of the racial tension between local Anglo and Mexican groups and placed white children with Mexican Indian families. A group of white men, described as "just short of a lynch mob," forcibly took the children from the Mexican Indian homes and placed most of them with Anglo families. anglo win
>>359172 when they die they can still use voice chat so they'll pretend to be union officers and give conflicting orders
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>>359175 seems like that tactic didn't work so good in the real war
seriously so fucking sick of these narcissistic gymrat butt matrix cunts everywhere acting like they are movie stars.
>>359177 seems like its gotten really bad this year. I've seen many more buttmasters than I did in previous years including a mummy out with her children
>>359178 its just like content like this, literally who is this person that I need to have this content shoved in my face? so she is some dumb 6/10 early 20s girl okay? beyond that what has she done? fucking nothing its just so obnoxious do these cunts think anyone cares all I see is her thin waste and exposed pussy outline and think me want coom everything else she says is just dumb bitch shit, narcissism and consumerism shite. https://youtube.com/shorts/Dc3G96vzHgY?feature=share
its like this disgusting fusion of lisa simpson know-it-all- shite with self indulgent butt matrix bimbos. bring back britney spears bimbos fuck these shitty zoomer sluts
sister's wedding drawing closer and I'm obligated to send them (unifag and richfag couple) wedding pressie shekels and buy an expensive outfit so I don't embarrass them not looking forward to it tbh I know it's a good thing for them but mechanically it's pointless because she can't have children without popping her own transplanted kidney or dying from weak immune system or something smh >>359057 many such cases smh hope it's not too bad or he's old enough not to have to spend 18+ years going in for dialysis every 48 hours like one lad I saw at the ol' blood farm >>359059 yeah I like the focus on new ideas this guy has even if it's a bit out there, latest video was about how he wants to ally with troons which I don't think would work out tbqh
>>359182 > I'm obligated to send them (unifag and richfag couple) wedding pressie shekels and buy an expensive outfit
Had a nice day with family and was filled with joy when someone's huwhite little lad did one of those adorable, unrestrained laughs little kids do. Okay, thank you.
https://www.youtube.com/@BeauoftheFifthColumn/videos >this breadtube fag who started larping as a working class whitoid southernfag and making anti white leftist youtube videos turns out to be a federal informant who was let out of jail early on human traficking charges that should have gotten him decades in jail >hes also from a middle class family and the accent is fake
>>359182 >ally with troons keeeeeeek horrible idea >>359185 isn't that mong actually british or is he a yank but not a southerner?
>bbk was a character on cow and chicken How deep does the lore go?
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>this lad who keeps posting weird bbk gimp concoctions darky energy emitting from these posts tbh
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stop posting it
isn't there a webm featuring the bumbumdragon
>>359186 >>359185 i posted about this months ago. he was hired by a british deradicalising firm called "Moonshot" that was contracted by google. >In addition to data analysis, Moonshot engages in campaigns to direct users attempting to access extremist material to alternative sources. Moonshot developed this method, known as the Redirect Method, in partnership with Jigsaw in 2016.[15][16] Initially piloted against ISIS, this methodology has since been deployed against white supremacists [17] and disinformation.[18][5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moonshot_(company) beau was a part of the "redirect" campaign, presenting as a chudlite and being forced in the suggestions of potential chuds.
>>359194 good lad I remember your post
worth remembering all the weird deradicalise/cve companies out there. they're pretty much all in this article https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/pages/page/civil-society-empowerment-programme-campaigns-event-02-dublin-18-19-november-2019_en zinc network was hired by the UK government on controlled spontaneity ops. RICU works by auctioning contracts to various deradicalise/cve orgs for specific ops. These aren't NGOs just operating from government funds it's an industry.
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found a joe owens localist
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>>359197 based and suspicion-pilled
microwave moussaka for dinner
>>359198 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>359200 finally some kino
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>on way home from toil >walking down high street >walking past pop up stall/tent selling samosas and onion bhaji staffed by an old pajeet woman >sudden strong gust of wind >catches stall just right and it collapses sideways >falls on the old woman >samosas and bhajis all over the floor >feel burning pressure from everyone in town to help the old lady but don't really want to >in a bit of an anxious panic try to get out of helping without seeming bad >crouch down by the stall, put my hand on a samosa >pretend it burnt my hand >"ahh... its too hot i will run for help" >samosas were cold in reality >scurry away down the street Glad I didn't help a non white but worried in case I get told off in town for not helping
>>359206 keeeeeeeeeeeeek good lad
>>359206 god lad remember the axiom, "not my problem"
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>>359210 my ancestor this is where the proud american philosophy of libertarianism originates
>>359212 huh wonder if that has to do with the american based getting rekt recently
>>359213 holy sneedin based
>>359216 nah its just some paki nonce seething that isis got btfo by russia and kurdoid trannies
>>359213 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
wessi should pay the sword goblin to record a comeback for bbk
threads bouncin tonight
>>359224 tbh half my mates half left already
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night spackers enjoy the rest of the weekend
>>359227 nini lid
>>359226 sissy chink boi btfo
>>359227 Horrible nightmares, lad.
the worst part about that kike bitch taking over youtube and shoahing the alt right is you cant even use the search function for anything political anymore. you only get the most recent establishment sources videos, you cant look up what occured in say portland in 2018 you just get what abc, cnn, cnb says happened in portland most recently. i fucking hate the nu internet and jews tbh.
>>359226 never detach a workhorse from his halter fucking mongs you are asking for them to unpack like 30 years of humilation and angst
>>359231 yeah the internet is shite
>>359231 tbh even if you use the before date search option you still can't find anything but the most popular videos from back then
racewar starts this summer. hope you lads have stocked up on campbells beans.
15% of Manitoba and 13% of Saskatchewan are Ukrainian.
>>359236 I pity all the real canadians for having to deal with mass accelerated replacement
>>359237 >During the nineteenth century the territory inhabited by Ukrainians in Europe was divided between the Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires. The Austrian crownlands of Galicia and Bukovina were home to many Ukrainian speakers. Austrian Galicia was one of the poorest and most overpopulated regions in Europe, and had experienced a series of blights and famines. Emigration on a large scale from Galicia to the Balkans (the north-south border region of Croatia and Bosnia) and even to Brazil was already underway by 1891. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Canadians
The wave of Ukrainian immigration to Canada was so significant that most dont consider the massive amount of German Mennonites and Hutterites that fled to Canada at the end of the Russian civil war from Ukraine.
I hate niggers, spics and kikes lads
ngl getting really sick of shitskins from their hellholes acting like they are going to dominate the west in any way shape or form because of 4chan menes but then they go outside and remember they live in a shithole
>>359242 poojeets and mudsharts have gotten really arrogant same goes for a few insano jews i've seen online
>>359242 chud literally couldnt help themselves tbh
>>359243 tbh it's probably because the 2016 populist wave broke as it hit ground. the brown mass of subhumanity only respects strength.
>>359243 yeah kek so many of them are gonna starve to death the second shartica stops with the food export shite
forgot about daylight savings
this paki cop was held up as a great example of diversity working in the pig force then it turned out he was raping underage white girls with a grooming gang the whole time
>>359249 yeah lad this was revealed in like 2019
literally NOONE here is as redpilled as me
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he's standing next to Naz Shah, famed for liking a tweet saying "Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of diversity".
https://youtu.be/SRsHlWJmdUI just watching longplays of shit gooms from my childhood waiting for societal collapse, boomer uberbossman told me to charge the customer for a proper miter saw (I think you lads call them drop saws) ordered the metabo hitachi koki poorfag one but probably gonna bill to the job that I bought a festool kapex or something for the extra $$$
hows 8kun doing these days?
>>359256 made me curious so i checked smh 120 pph and 1450 active ips on qresearch guess they're still clicking on enough ads to keep the lights on tbh completely dead otherwise i'll never forgive jim for killing 8chan smh the silver age of imageboards snuffed out to pander to a bunch of delusional boomers with main character syndrome
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>implying crooked hilary isn't going to jail
tbh two more weeks
>>359258 smh forgot to (You)
>>359213 keeeeek wonder if the local gyppos'd sell me a kidney met some at hospital and they were having a strop because all of the based local taxi lads wouldn't take them direct to their campsite
>>359213 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek didn't see this one real brit kayfabe hours >>359261 said it before but i mean it lad you can have one of mine if it comes to that get me a plane ticket and you can even pick which one
>>359262 Then we'll have ten years or so to groom a kidney giver for Wessica. Open up the board so we can get some of those freaks on /mex/ as candidates.
>>359263 >reinforcements for spic
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Just finished The Babysitter: Killer Queen. Was kino ngl lads. Like the first film but this one had my spicfu in it.
>>359265 never heard of it lad giz us a qrd
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>>359266 First one: lad survives his devil worshipping hnng babysitter (Samara Weaving) and her cult that want to sacrifice him. Next one: more or less the same thing but 2 years later.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9ygKcNhZnk Though this film with her in was better even with the reverse imperium romance.
>>359267 sounds decent tbh
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>tried a new church this morning and got the elderly boommettes swarming the fresh meat going "YOU'LL BE HERE NEXT WEEK WON'T YOU?? PLEASE. SEE YOU AGAIN" grim
>>359270 yeah tbh, older women have lost any concept of restraint and respect these days tbh, feel bad though when its church related.
covfefe and hot buttered pancakes with syrup
morning lads, i hate daylight saving
>>359270 wew smh a little restraint would go a long way it's nice to feel wanted tbh but too much just comes off as unnerving smh makes you want to run away as fast as you can >>359272 possibly based lad depends on what kind of syrup >>359273 smorb lad tbh so pointless
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>>359276 I bet someone will recognise her is a few months as someone that went hiking and never came back.
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>>359275 *lets her in to sex her*
night lads got a full toil roster this week smh working every day it's nice tbh never had a bossman who would actually give me more hours than basic subsistence "he needs to work at least this much or he'll quit" before don't want to do it every week but it's a shot in the arm for my bank balance for sure >>359277 probably true tbh accursed land >>359278 don't do it lad she'll bite it off after stealing your seed
>>359279 Night lad take care enjoy toil
>>359279 night lad don't let the skinwalkers bite
>>359279 Horrific nightmares, lad.
>>359257 tbh jim should be strung up by his bollocks for what he did
>>359283 I'm sure the CIA will feed him to his pigs when he outlives his usefulness.
Nitrous oxide set to be banned, lads day out bout to be ruined.
>sky news mong actually saying russia will start using t 34s in ukraine
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>>359259 god I hate qtards so fucking much
https://youtube.com/shorts/zb6_GBiNKm4?feature=share smh uruks are roasting the orcs for not being as zesty
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>>359289 keeeeeeeeeeeeek just like when they were being hunted down by the rohirrim
>>359286 I heard they were down to using shovels 3 weeks ago.
>>359291 its pretty unnerving how deranged westoid propaganda is these days
really hope pookraine falls soon so all these libtard boomers get btfo and die from stress
>>359293 Still impressed by how much parts of the US have been btfo of the libtards for real the last couple of years. Nice sneethe here though, the way this pro baby murder and child mutilation foid is listing these based things off as if they're le evil when her side is obviously the evil one.
https://twitter.com/FightHaven/status/1639989333007519745 spic zogbot nafofag blown the fuck out by lightskin
Fuck daylight gayving
Note her location in this, about 20 miles from the frontline
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MPs FOR HIRE: a Led By Donkeys undercover investigation
>>359300 joey swole is a neo-nazi militia commander
Fat retard spastic deliberately causes accident that gets fertile female killed and goes to prison good
>woes says he doesn't watch films because 2-1/2 hours is just "too long" to get invested in something and hes "just so fucking busy all the time"
>>359298 that guy recently got confirmed as a fake. he grifted up to a million dollers before deleting everything lmfao.
says he stopped watching films when he was 23 which was when he became a neet for a literal decade.
>>359304 where did he say that?
>>359306 but he did a review of his DVD collection
>>359306 >neet for a literal decade impressive
morgoths reviewing another film
>>359310 lets see if he can make it through the stream without talking about covid or vaccines or the WEF
women owe me sex
le za est servi
none of you will ever breed
Wessies chinky side of the family
Playing Muscovy in EU4. Get murdered out of nowhere by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth OHHHH GET FUCKED
My son just made a video singing for me. He's only two mumfs old. I think I'm getting the hang of this parenting beeswax.
Here . . . is that video: https://youtu.be/s8sID-nakaY
The future of british conservatism.
>>359318 commendable clott >>359319 can't say I have any sympathy for the feminist who are now being eaten by the mad troon hordes
>As we left the facility, the January 6 inmates started chanting “Let’s Go Brandon.” https://twitter.com/RepRobertGarcia/status/1639372473522110465
>>359326 twitter thots vs political inmates take your bets now.
>>359301 what a surprise democracy is a farce
>>359332 sounds like she is coping
civil war in israel
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>cat right outside my window making noises as if it's trying to imitate a human child
>>359335 lad thats not a cat
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>>359336 this country is an open air looney bin
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>>359337 >tapping on the window
lads do you think hitler would have rather teamed up with a zesty lightskin or a dusty darkskin nigga
crazy how much the trump profile pic for twitter makes people seethe
>>359344 Always monitoring.
https://files.catbox.moe/7iescw.mp4 hol hol using m113 as infantry support wew lad
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even the ones with GAUs on them for fighting off helicopters and ground attack fighters attacking armoured columns would have been shite for what the hol hols were using them for
>russian soldier an heros after drone kills comrades
yeah great thanks for sharing lad really needed to see that content
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Steinzog is wholesome tbh.
>>359349 mad how there is a big community of redditoids that wank off to this
arabs finna jump israel
>saudi arabia and iran are friends now its so over for pissreal
>>359353 if you go to r/combatfootage and sort by new you see all the videos of russians winning or ukrainians dying is heavily downvoted lmfao.
>>359352 I mean I am a piece of shit hypocrite but that is just fucked I have no idea why anyone would want to watch some poor lad end it he was probably gut wounded from frag ffs. rest in piece poor bastards
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>>359354 so we are confirmed for podracing? I am gonna coom, I would updoot some kike gore fuck jews they are the ones spamming that drone snuff shite
Just want to chungus poost tbh.
>>359359 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>359360 do you not remember it lad? you requested that song and I added it
>>359361 good lad I forgot all about it wessex entrance theme
>>359362 think of all the insurance claims
damn wait kikes can cletus and abdul sell you all guns so you can be moderate rebels?
really hope assad dabs on the jews
wigger zionists said they're going to bust up the rallies tomorrow.
skullet boomers theory about the kike protests last week at boomer toil was that they (CIAniggers, jew elites,etc.) are pushing nuttyahoo (his term) into a strike on iran before westoid economic collapse
basically since the jews window for dominating the middle east during the "le multipolar" meme is rapidly closing
>>359368 >>359369 in a multipolar worl israel could just switch to backing russia. they have a pro-russian party in the knesset.
>>359370 yes but this doesn't factor in the issues with the muslim world and their relationship with russia as well as chinese influence.
keeeeeeeek the us armys ad campaigns nigger got arrested for strangling and beating women. https://mobile.twitter.com/JakeBequette91/status/1640019946506801157
>>359372 just like niggers in the army
ok this combat footage is actually kino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLWqxChQAxY
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lads on 4chan noticed that since the kike civil war has started there hasn't been any BBC spam. really makes you think.
>>359375 really? last time I went to /pol/ about a week ago It looked like nothing but demoralisation spam and mongs
>>359375 kike civil war?
I hate daylight saving lads, I also hate insomnia.
>single mum >have 8 childhog octuplets(through IVF) having a bit of an incel seethe
>>359375 >bibicslut
Dear God please keep Woes safe from the yellow peril
>>359383 The only peril Woes has to worry about is yellow discharge from his toxic rod.
>>359385 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK. So weird that twitch actually suspends people over a word, especially when it is obviously not intentional smh
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planet of the apes
https://youtu.be/9E0UYqvh-0Y Lotuseatingchads... not like this
>now even openly anti-white shitskins are in positions of power good thing the next hitler is almost here this is getting ridiculous
the wog at the end is minister for the economy for wales and will likely be leader of plaid cumrag when drakeford steps down at some point, then since the NI assembly isn't sitting the entirety of the British isles will be ruled by foreigners.
too much seethium
Also these are the 4 great offices of state, hunts wife is a chinky ccp shill too.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZcChgXPBGc hes going to win this one lads
dont blame me i voted for joe owens
>>359399 He's justifying race mixing. The fucking stupid faggot. He was always a fucking goon.
>>359401 tbh guess bbk was right about him
>Netanyahu addresses the nation over protests rn
>Chicago nigger in prison for murdering 2 during home invasion in 2009 >released in September 2022 >goes to a puerto rican families birthday party uninvited in December 2022 >gets kicked out for assaulting a women at the party >as he leaves and is escorted by the puerto ricans family he turns around and opens fire >3 pr's dead, the girl whos birthday party it was is shot in the head and brain dead. https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/charges-mass-shooting-portage-park/
>>359405 >13 years for a double murder KEEEEEEEEEEEEK shartica making the uk look tough on crime, and wew with those cold blooded executions tbh
>>359405 will the spics do anything or are they just going to cope >>359406 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek tbh you can get 13 years easy for just putting up stickers
>>359405 smh the POPES need to get active in chicago again
>>359407 no idea. if there was a race war between spics and nigs in chicago we'd never hear of it. remember during the 2020 riots we only knew it was happening because the spics were filming themselves on livestream attacking niggers.
Where is Spic when u want his opinion?
if spic was there things would've turned out different.
try it in mexico see what happens tbh
>>359413 >segal was in this https://youtu.be/hUDRy6-79mk keeeeeeeeeeek
>>359415 those are clearly peter hitchens russian mates trying to make the based heckin wholesome ukrynians look bad
>>359416 yeah hopefully we can raise taxes so we can send more money to the ukrainian justice league so they can defeat the strogg
>>359417 > defeat the strogg keeeeeeek
Got a raise in work for the new snax snear. I'm getting there lads. Soon I'll be able to field my true power without fear of financial repurcussions.
>>359415 Funny how everyone is calling this fake all of a sudden.
>>359415 preboonked in the comment. What false narrative are you going to be pushing next, chud?
https://youtu.be/pReliJWKePA Latest batch of lip dubs are loose.
>>359419 looking like a troon demon might have been responsible
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>>359422 yeah I heard it was filmed in russia by trump voters
is being an adult baby better or worse than being a bbcslut?
>>359430 second tweet of this I see... I guess it's real then
>359429 filtered, agent of satan
Is being filtered better than both? (You) get to find out.
>359433 filtered
>mummy was in the toilet while I was singing full pelt Yikes.
https://youtu.be/Z-peoeQxxXM Love me teen slags
>>359437 smh this is why incels can't get any lassies TBBK keeping them all to himself
>sky news saying its a female suspect is it actually or is it a troon
>>359438 tbh, bitches love dat sneep snorp bidniz
>>359437 must be hell for incels at shart schools tbh, atleast here nobody likes school and they go there as little as possible and then fuck off as soon as possible, in shartica it seems like highschool is the centre of the universe.
>>359439 its a troon thats why they arent posting its face
>>359439 This was in one article about it... hm
>>359415 lightweight compared to blackwater chuds
>corbyn to be blocked from standing as MP amazing how blatant the kikes are tbh
would be pretty kek if the shooter turns out to be a troon
>>359448 yeah it got worse every season. It is obvious he has autism too, and now he has the body of an English football supporter
Not listening to that though. It amases me people can listen to this guy. His voice and way of speaking is enough for me to want to turn it off
>>359437 so glad I never had to do any of this shite zoomers seem so cultic, my few friends in school were a guy who dressed as a 1980s skin head (was a polface who went to afghanistan after school) who wore camo shit, a couple of nigcels who dressed up in naruto and DBZ shite and another white chudlet and we just wore poorfag clothes our mummies got us
>>359444 hol hols are just more edgy and cringe tbh having to do the whole intimidation shite instead of just not my problem shooting
>>359446 Keeeek. Knew it would be pozzed beyond belief as soon as I saw that yelling bald nigger bitch in the trailer.
>>359451 >a couple of nigcels who dressed up in naruto and DBZ JE QEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEQ nigcels are the same the world over
Might be the shooter
IT WAS A TROON IT WAS A TROON IT WAS A TROON IT WAS A TROON IT WAS A TROON IT WAS A TROON https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1640457626705096709
>>359456 She's cute >that Steiner reference
>>359456 You can tell just by that image he had some steinarian fetishes.
>>359457 You can actually tell it has autism by the way the lions are drawn
The fact it's a tranny is enough to know it has autism.
>>359459 keeeeeeeeeek >>359460 tbf
I could have saved her
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>359462 >her
>>359457 any pics of her dead stupid tranny pile of shit corpse?
she got three 9 year olds and three 60 year olds. >>359463 FtM you fucking chud
>people acting surprised with 22st doing his act again. smh
>boombers in the comments calling it a socialist and democrat
she was leftist also. this was a leftist terror attack on a christian school
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they all need to be ACKed
her twitter. looks like tranime claimed another victim https://twitter.com/KiritoTsuna_95/likes
>>359463 Yeah... I am being consistent with how we refer to them by their actual sex >>359468 The Kyoshi avatar is kind of framed as bad in the show, but then again our main character is a sissy who hates all violence and killing.
>>359470 >lvl 27 wizard keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek seen so many of these mentalist refer to their age as a level
>when you're so tranny obsessed you feel empathy for the killer not the victims
>>359472 leftoids already stole basic 2000s nerd culture and now in the 2020s they are coopting 2010s neet incel 4channer speak
I met 22st she's black.
It was a deranged tranny doing deranged tranny things. Time to end this (((Magnus Hirschfeld))) experiment once again.
So it's a manny? Looks so much like a homosexual male larping as a foid.
https://youtu.be/_YTOq447YNk now she is down in the tranny pit getting deadnamed for all of eternity
are the troons and troon slaves celebrating on twatter?
why is it dressed like a computer salesman from 1986?
>>359480 Think it might have something to do with the off the scale level of autism contained within that creature.
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>>359480 because its a le male and lesbians or females larping as men have preconceived notions about what it is to be a man and they then live some pantomime mockery of masculinity. I hate FTM more than MTF because I see the MTF as just troonies looking for an easy out for the shite existence of being a low status male, but FTMs want to keep their femoidic privilege and continue to exist in "woman world" while playing a theatrical character of a man
>>359481 so its polish BBCslut movie?
https://youtu.be/-rTlsXA8kGM BINS! Let's watch this . . . together.
>>359483 >FTMs want to keep their femoidic privilege and continue to exist in "woman world" while playing a theatrical character of a man tbh good way of putting it
https://youtu.be/tUG-teZdUIs Yma opens gyda mochyn cuc
Heard the xenomorphs are rioting too, over le racism/immigration laws
>>359489 Spengler was talking about this in his "Hour of Decision", that the white world revolution will be attacks from below, the perpertually aggrieved lumpen proletariat and misled workers and attacks from without, the coloured world. Culminating in the two allying through Labour parties and causing the west to...... fall.
Jordan moment
>transterrorism trending on twitter Feel kind of sick tbh.Everyone was just waiting for confirmation to start shitting on trannyrinos. Saw some Christian preacher talk about how a lot of people end up as being trans because they don't feel loved in life. I think there is some truth to that. The kosher right wing using trannies as the only acceptable punching bag just seems mean spirited.
watching the riot stream in france and i can now conclusively say there are riot if not riots in france right now.
>>359494 god forbid rioting against something actually worth rioting against
pensions are a boomer scam this is a bunch of zoomercucks rioting so rich old boomers can go on carnival cruises. cringe! do em in jupiter!
Hang 22st, behead bins, liquidate the bongo trannies.
>>359500 Smh be nice with Bins he's feeling poorly
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>sam shyte shooter memmie
>>359503 oh oops I didn't mean to post the version that has the "sex" keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
lotta injured protesters on stream lmfao
>>359502 tbh scam heeb hasn't had a new mene in almost 8 years now
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I used to think how important the façade of having a White face at the front was, in deluding the masses into thinking they still had one of their own running the country. But now they don't even bother with that.
>>359512 its a sign society is collapsing
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>>359510 shit like this is so terrifying but then you just have to remember that the BBC is a jewish propaganda outlet and in the common lay peoples history told down the line from baz to bazson and taig to Mctaig down the lines these shitskins are just the invaders at least that is my cope
>>359493 > a lot of people end up as being trans because they don't feel loved in life. yeah thats probably got something to do with it
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a fools cope
The sheer gall of woes is astounding to me, just checked his twitter and hes been arguing in multiple thread ALL fucking day but I can guarantee on his gram tonight he'll be talking about how fucking busy he is, and nobody pulls him up for it.
>>359518 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>359517 >Ookland What a lovely place.
Atleast in shartica theres loads of openly pro white communities, seems like great shitain is the centre of white genocide, can't throw an all white event without getting v& here, and 99% of normalfags seem to just be all in on the bbcslut matrix
>>359522 I dont know lad a lot of what looked like normongs were seething about the brown "jock" on the joomers videos and noseley still does protest so there must be at least some decent people left
>>359518 Kek. Lots of sycophants. I rarely tune into those AMA's, can't sit through a full one. Twitter is just another time sink for him again, arguing with Sargoon for the thousandth time. He bought into the 'Sargoon has changed' meme, then had to deal with his draining tediousness all over again. Keeeeek.
>>359517 aren't nigcels the reason that city is a hellhole
>>359524 yeah, he surrounds himself with pathetic losers who suck his arse, half this board got banned during last years milleniyule by these foidic and soy cohorts who control his chats and such, just embarrassing.
>>359526 I think I'm still banned from his chat because of that keeeek we just needed to shut up and let that woman who didn't believe in borders and racism speak
All in that Ookland video are nogs, except for the coalburner with pink dreads. kek.
>>359528 I remember some boomer who used to live there writing a big seethe comment about it on american renaissance a year or so ago
>>359532 We have so much in common with trannies
>>359532 Ah, the trannyfesto...
>>359535 >pissing out on the front of a coffee shop smh I hope oz lad doesn't go out like that
>>359397 >chinky ccp shill too hello US State Department. if there really were "ccp shills" in western governments that would be a good thing because China is not the (((USA)))
Seen about 10 rightards today make the mistake of thinking that because the new FM of scotland is a paki that it'll make people in scotland vote labour as a way of sticking it to the wogs, not realising that the labour leader is also a wog, and the tories are a bigger party in scotland than labour anyway.
>spic wakes up time to leave
>>359492 even worse is that he sneaks "Jevvs" in between two European ethnic groups, he's an absolutely rabid shill
>>359542 Such a buttgoy
>>359546 >følg there are other Norwegian Woes fans?
>>359537 thought about auslad when I saw that as well hope some nigcel doesnt stab him for not brewing the perfect mixture of nucoffee
>>359547 >there are other Norwegian Woes fans? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAyKJAtDNCw
>>359548 Probably more likely an Abo will huff all the petrol from his car and he'll have to walk home.
>>359546 woes needs to move to like rural north dakota and live in a trailer park with some dumpy 18 year old american girl who is obsessed with his e fame and just breed and run a woes cult
canada must be 15-20% indian by now, what does that actually entail? surely thats straight up race war conditions, a perfidious and low cunning non white ethnic group that hates white people vs a deracinated group of whites who are an increasingly small percentage of the population, presumably if the whites of canada ever got their shit together the indians would try to stamp it out and it'd be race war.
lads I am seething so fucking much at this zoomer transition at uni where I live back when I was a student age at least schools were mostly white. its like now westoid universities are just playgrounds for chinese and pajeets
>>359551 he'd give her an STD then get broken up with and we'd get a woes mobility scooter arc, would be camping crisis 2.0 but he gets stuck in a shart mart in the ghetto while his scooter runs out of charge and the lights go off and he tries to survive while surrounded by orcs
>>359552 indians are contained in certain areas such as here, unironically its going to be the new colony of india in ontario waging an invasion of michigan and the american midwest which is a much larger population group of whitoids. the canadian prairies will be allied with midwestoids.
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>>359553 *sharts on your heritage*
>>359555 Keek smh.
>>359553 every postgrad degree is now wikipedia-skim-tier because of it as well
>>359555 >we'd get a woes mobility scooter arc this needs to happen I want a woes redneck arc where he is living in a trailer park driving an ancient minivan to go farm his e slut slaves autism disability and scam the US government for welfare fraud while doing videos about traditionalism with greg johnson
>>359559 yeah its been like that for a while. I got pretty much to the point of blackpill in my early 20s when most of the fags in my history program were not even mid-wits. occasionally you would run into another smartfag whitoid incel but we never organized
>>359553 Saw this on shitter, the west is finished tbh
Officer M. Utt takes down a zoomer, stunning and brave
>>359557 yeah they all pretend to be little 1990s white fraternity chads its so pathetic to see these little shitskin goblins sauntering around in the middle of the midwest acting like they are posh aristocrats while the natives here are living in cars, etc.
Uni is just a box ticking exercise tbh, all the essays they have you write are just utter poo designed for the feminine mind
>>359565 yeah its the best how back when I was there, some ancientfag boomers were still teaching courses old style where there was 1 assignment and it was a massive essay of your own intellectual research and so many faggots couldn't do it
>>359564 how are they "living in cars"? anybody can get a job at an Amazon warehouse for $20/hr. the problem is that home ownership is becoming unattainable, not that you can't rent an actual room to sleep in. only drug addicts live on the street, and it's by choice
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Should start a gun channel tbh
>>359562 imagine having to choose between any of them to perform some kind of surgery keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>359543 >singh sikhs are fucking scum tbh.
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>>359570 t. Ranting Hog
>>359563 Seems like they're both zoomongs.
imagine what it must have felt like to be a young lad in a full crowd throwing romans
3rd reich was a bit of a meme
I would rather have been a cowboy
based black police chief says troons gender identity was a motivation for the attack and she had a manifesto https://mobile.twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1640467467926482944
Got a fear of being stabbed to death and some nigger or soy filming my last dying breath. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Another nigger police chief. keeeeeeeek.
>>359575 yeah listen to the inflexion on the pig's voice when he says "don't fawcking touch mee". I have no sympathy for either of these faggots. why are zoomers so lanky and why do they have the stupid broccoli hair? >>359577 >>359578 cringe and dumb
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why does it keep posting here
spic is so uppity recently because he knows theres nobody here to ban him
who will win in the coming years of shart? radical troonerism or Qanon loyalist?
>>359587 I'm not "uppity" >>359588 warwithchinaism. racism allowance will be increased to get the whiteoids on board with it, but not enough to create any possibility of escaping the browning
reddit moment
>>359485 who are you?
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I have covid lads feel like absolute shit
>>359591 Ha, get a load of those LEFT WING RACISTS!
>>359593 let us know if your blood turns to jelly.
>>359595 think that only happens if you get vaxxed
school shooter was confirmed nafo tranny
>>359597 >japanimation
>>359597 that's an old picture la
>>359599 smh I got trolled by vatniggers then
cant wait for the manifesto to drop
>>359485 looks like that prince vladimir film with the bangin soundtrack honestly hard to watch with the horrible pacing tbh but the animation and art direction is pretty good for russians had to find a subtitle file online since the one on the dvd was in shitty broken english using the most literal translation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTaQPGZ0Qdc
>>359399 >>359400 I hope he wins. I funded those A4 leaflets. >>359401 Some darkie women are nice, well-spoken people, lad
Has anyone got the webm of the boar running through the streets and the pink champagne song playing?
>>359603 >Ethnicity: non-hispanic Mini seethe.
>>359597 It is totally wild how they've managed to sissify the entire North Atlantic/European bloc, whilst at the same time making them bloodthirsty zogbots.
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>>359609 cringe tbh, rather enjoy some mexy smoochies https://youtu.be/lmRlSlJ1-tM
>>359604 good lad
>>359597 >all those mattresse also doubt it's her room, I don't think FTMs would have an astolfo picture
tacticool vid of the troon getting owned
I could have saved her *screams*
>>359617 go die you tranny loving freak
those feminine lil fingers ahhh *screams*
>>359619 maybe she really was are guy
wews has confirmed that the alt shite is not a movement but a scene
>>359616 would have been nice if the one up front had camera footage
>>359612 >a lack of prayer is often blamed His central position was false anyway, fucking kike.
>>359590 >Multiple victims reported in Nashvile school shooting <Better protect those kids from fires and safety hazards! Again, troon mongs point isn't even correct in its most basic level. I keek at them.
>>359594 Keeeeeek I love him
I'm confused, was the tranny a man who dressed as a woman or vice versa?
>>359626 no one cares, right
>>359629 Then I qeeq. The Daily Mail isn't enforcing le pronouns shite as usual.
evening lads toil done.
wholesome jew demon chungus
>>359632 umm, david davis much?
>>359631 Evening lad, were gonna make it. Unlike dead trannies keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>359632 Already poosted lad, he got sneeded on for being a Jew
A dog poked me with its nose then walked off in the cemetery
>>359636 he was trying to get your attention, you should have followed him
>>359638 He was with his owner tbh, had to fight the urge to pet his scoochie woochie poochie face smh
>>359639 based
>>359637 He deleted that second tweet as well now.
>Now we are going to blame her parents for not affirming their daughter? How low can you get? Audrey was 28 years old and was free to move out whenever she chose. Why didn't her friends in the community offer her a place or is that only for minors? Daily Mail is letting people rip into this tranny. Very unusual. What's their angle?
>>359642 I reckon it's a grand conspiracy to make incels into troons and force women into only fans as a final solution to the family and white people.
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>>359616 >shoot xer/xim/xey >STOP MOVING STOP MOVING keek
Troons are coping hard rn now. It is pretty funny. >>359642 I thought they might try this angle. It's the Muslim thing all over again. You don't love them enough, until you do the terror is your fault. Lack of affirmation drove them to it. Part and parcel of a cock lopping democracy.
Ahhh I could have saved her *screams* ACK
>>359646 what evidence did she leave behind?
>>359646 >see you in a another life >shoots up a church school
>>359648 clearly a crypto-pagan putting in the work
about time tbh
It'll turn out she got diddled by some Presbyterian as a kid and that is why Papa Biben should ban guns and drone strike Christian terrorist installations (churches).
>>359645 I've seen a number of them celebrating it because troons are somehow "viciously persecuted" in shartica
>>359616 fuck that troon for killing that little girl
>>359644 Tbf when it's a psycho murderer holding a machine gun and not an unarmed homeless guy at a busstop, it must be frightening for them.
>>359655 Runtings, Steinman. What's the word on the ground in US soil, sir?
so this is what it feels like for the other side when a chud posts a i cant breed manifesto.
>>359656 idk I hate republitards though so sick of the le culture war memi over this shite, I mean I agree with the republitards but its obvious this is to distract from the economy
>>359658 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>359658 huh that's kind of hot maybe trannies aren't so bad
the cop that shot her was called "Rex Englebert"
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been playing some morrowind myself tbh
>>359662 Keek goodlad. My latest Murrowind autism has been a nord called Sneedrn Feedrnson hunting for all the pieces of Daedric armour without killing Divayth Fyr.
>>359663 phwoooar good lad, never managed all the daedric
>>359664 Me neither but I've read there's a chest and 2 pauldrons in DLC locations will be the first time I've ever explored Solsheim tbh and he's already got the rest.
oi oi cunts
any vagina-penetrators here? is it tight even for smol-dicks?
https://youtu.be/blIwd3GGYpk Pakman seething that anyone would have a problem with him acting jewish
>>359669 she didn't kill chuds though, she killed white children, women, and a nigger
>>359673 nice ID colour, b
>>359674 naaaaaaa
>>359675 nnaa~!~ !! ☁︎ get your own avatar! nnaa!!!
uberbossman still owes me 4.5k
>>359676 s-sorry
>>359677 why don't you go dig up his yard with your snout?
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>>359678 he's a nana b
>>359677 time to nail him to some cladding with that new nail gun.
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I'm liking this thing where 22st avatarfags as nanachi and says nnaaaaaaa, you can almost hear it
>>359682 Nnaa~ and who are you? >>359684 keeeek
>>359682 who are you?
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popcorn brain face
>>359670 go back in yo hole dis ain't yo business
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watching it again lads
>>359692 acked on its own sling
>>359235 it's been postponed for at least a decade with the release of CS 2
didn't even know that campbells even made beans in all honesty
>>359697 Thought they only made beans tbh.
smh, I meant meatballs
>>359699 keek ok, I quite like them. Though I'm more partial to cans of all day breakfast tbh.
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>no skinwalker gf to gnash my bollocks with her teeth
>>359699 Here's a mammoth meatball
>>359703 I think a dung beetle made that
>>359705 keeeeeeeek
>>359708 strong independent womyn doing the jobs lazy men don't want to do >>359710 life imitates art
some zoomer on his p plates reversed into me in the car park at toil and broke my front mudguard smh not too upset about it though tbh possessions are fleeting plus he immediately offered to pay to fix it which of course goes a long way
>>359712 *beats stick on your car*
>>359713 keeeeek thankfully not tbh got the opposite problem whole area is rich chinky expat central smh
>>359708 The worst is how she doesn't hit herself properly once. >>359712 Wholesome.
>>359715 never send a woman to do a man's job tbqh
And to think you and I were to wed.
what did he mean by this?
That lad who got stabbed in canada got stabbed because he asked the creature to not vape around his child
opened a drawer i haven't opened in forever and found some old empty packs of snus from twenty twelve smh those were the days >>359719 coexistence truly isn't possible really cannot fathom why normgroids have trouble comprehending that smh
remembering that time when michael jackson said doodoo faeces in an interview and mildly keeking but then feeling bad about it when i remember the context smh poor lad didn't deserve the treatment he got smh life ruined by the jews all because he didn't want to sell the rights to the beatles' discography
toilberg sending messages at twenty to eleven at night and i'm not reading them sorry friend if you want me to read that you have to pay me for the whole hour we'll talk tomorrow
night lads toil on the morrow
>>359723 Cheerio
>>359708 why did she record herself doing this though? And post it online? kind of defies the point
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>>359727 we hould learn these moves and do them together it would be are dance
>>359729 Maybe get Jocko to join. He loves this dance: https://youtu.be/IR05sERmp9M
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>>359730 idk I don't think jocko is really on are wavelength
>359727 >359728 >359729 >359730 >359731
>>359732 yeah the gayism is a little too much for me
>>359732 *looks at you and gently nods as if to say "yeah the gayism is a little too much for me"*
>>359731 Transformers: B Wars
Don't go all silent on me.
time to drive these homos back to their bongo lair
>>359734 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>359708 thats not how you swing a hammer
>30 and 50 year old men roleplaying like teenage girls
>>359722 for me it was emailing me right at the end of today's work day to say that tomorrow's toil which was booked in advance by a month requires me to go in two hours early guess bosslady left it so late because everyone else backed out when given the details smh always with the toilberg tricks
>>359740 Imagine the SMELL
>>359743 wew lad, was your silence taken as consent?
BBK Trivia fact 103395: BBK attended the funeral of Cilla Black and saw Paul O'Grady and Cliff Richard!
Woke up in prison to find my roommate doing this: https://youtu.be/s8sID-nakaY
>>359746 Grandmummy liked him. Always thought he sounded like a nonce smh.
>when your fake country lacks a national identity so you create one based on cringe
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>>359750 memi nation
>>359749 Yeah he was a poof but nice lad I suppose, like le animals
>>359750 god ukraine is the most cringe country on earth. I always saw america as the most cringe but ukrainians are the worst
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watching it again
>>359759 wew is this real or an AI thing?
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>>359759 Lol wow I love it
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>>359762 >I'm glad that the puppy got out of the battlefield safe and sound! Victory and safety to all my kinsmen in Ukraine Slava Ukraini
>>359755 It's hard to believe these people are real sometimes.
>>359755 hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~
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*bounces in to thread*
>>359766 didn't realise he was a prophet
>>359755 she couldn't walk outside with someone else there because it's not aesthetic?
>>359768 >>359769 >>359770 he's a bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb b
(2.76 MB 720x1280 1680123774849107.webm)

POV you're Wessex entering heaven after dying this year
I got demodded for banning these annoying faggots, now you see what that results in.
>>359773 kys you intemperate fucking queer
>>359774 I should learn to play an instrument.
>>359774 that video is 6 years old. She must look like a hag by now
(1.22 MB 1024x768 spell making.png)

>>359773 Abra camadlad!
>>359777 quoth the golemic inceloid with a spastic cock
>>359780 t. incel
night lads.
https://youtu.be/FmPjzwB0EwY *takes Steiner for the drive*
>>359783 *steps out the car*
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slap slap slap slap clap clap clap clap
their wounds probably make them smell like actual dead people
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>>359783 my grandpa taught me to not trust the jews from a young age because as a ww2 soldier he doubted the holocaust and said it was mostly fabricated by the soviets
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>>359789 and yet he still decided to cook the white rice, and now here we are
>>359783 only 70 thousand times? smh thought it would be higher
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keeeeeeek looks like smartin left them a comment
who here /buhantesechad/?
>>359755 keeeek. all that for an uber, it wasn't even an 'aesthetic' chauffeur. uppity niggerbitch.
goonmorning all
>>359795 >swastika dress baste
>>359791 Yes, lad. I too remember when the British Empire, French Colonial Empire, Indian Bullier Canada, White Only Australia, White Rule Rhodesia, Apartheid South Africa, Maori Masher New Zealand, and Jim Crow America all joined up to fight racism. Retard.
The war was a catastrophic mistake, but don't turn it into something it wasn't. The anti-racist narrative is a thoroughly modern propaganda angle.
paki wizards are stalking me, scared tb*ack*
smorn lads the white man rolls on
>>359802 nothing like opening your video with a homeless crackhead beating his crack whore.
>>359802 keeeeeeeeek
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toil ends >>359801 sending some negative energy their way rn
>>359807 How's the coffee shop job going?
>>359808 pretty good tbh but it's always flat out smh making decent money though and the work environment is pretty nice a big airy atrium beats a fluoro-lit retoil cave any day of the week
half price sosig roll
>>359809 So not missing being on the dole yet? >>359810 Based I'm doing fasting so no eating till 3 for me.
>>359811 still on the dole tbh plus i was time travelling way too fast when i was neeting >>359811 good lad what's on the menu at three?
>>359503 >>359805 apparently this video came out years ago, but it's only recently circulating and becoming a meme? huh
>>359813 It's something that's fallen out of the south american online memesphere.
>>359812 No idea tbh I have some bacon that I need to use up, also good lad you have to claim some of your taxes back somehow. Can't let all the foreigners horde the bennies all for themselves.
>>359813 happens sometimes tbf sometimes things lie dormant for ages >>359815 tbqh
>>359817 Wew we might have to finally re-industrialise and kick out all the foreigners.
>>359817 big if true tbh hope it is
>>359813 It became viral on tiktok about a month ago
>>359819 time to retrieve my junior bond me thinks
>>359821 tbh time to cash out of zog
>>359822 I think I'm going to invest in a pallet of lighters and toilet roll. I'm prepping for yugoslav collapse tier, hopefully a solid investment. The bond has also been static in value after dropping in value by 200 quid last year
>>359823 knowing are luck they'll probably do some kind of magic cope that prevents any sort of kino collapse from happening and the only noticeable effect will be a massively lowered standard of living for the next few centuries smh doesn't hurt to be prepared though
>>359824 I don't think they can MacGyver their way out of the fact that there is no demand for our currencies because there is nothing we produce that anyone wants.
And they've inflated the currencies to nothing.
>>359825 >>359826 fingers crossed lad going to be really annoyed if brics has an eleventh hour change of heart and suddenly decides that service economies are really cool
night lads just have to face off against toil once more and then it's the weekend gonna get a fat stack this payday tbh can't wait
>>359828 good night lad, just one more day till the weekend.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltrMfT4Qz5Y Heard this on the radio this morning and thought of are spig. >>359830 >scandinigger doing a slav squat quoting a medchad
>>359784 KEEEEEEK I was expecting that and was disappointed by the vid.
he's a h b
jewnats are saying biden has abandoned them
>>359835 I don't think Biden could place Israel on a map as he is.
I am become wees, preceder of poos.
https://qpatriot.org/jimwatkins keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek didnt know this mong had a new qoomer playpen with his own AI model so he can start grifting his qpiggies further
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sneethning lads
>>359840 evening lad
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>>359840 based
>>359842 Someone should concern troll with a nigcel take that it's only young black MEN that are arrested "for being black" because dey women still got foid privilege.
(1.87 MB 720x720 wedoalittletnd.mp4)

>>359845 That nigger acted chill and made me relax. I would have been dead had I been that coperino. Jesus hecking christ
>>359845 wonder why he shot off to the right didn't look like another zogbot was there
>>359847 surely there was, right? Another zoghog came creeping up along the car so I assume they had him surrounded.
atlanta looks like niggertopia tbh
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>>359846 >relaxed >around blacks
Killer of that little girl in Merseyside has been convicted.
neutron bomb this bit
>>359852 include africa in that and we're good
>>359852 Map looks off. Might just be a less common scaling/angle? Is that missing part of China and mongolia? Also smh don't neutron nippon.
>>359842 >pulls on her cattle ring >>359853 done >>359854 I thought it looked a bit weird. I'm not that knowledgeable about maps and projections etc. so I have no idea.
drumpf indicted assemble the patriot moat
when do we get footage of crooked hillary bashing dumpfs bollocks into paste
>>359852 hasn't that always been the case?
>tranny kills 3 white children >our hearts go out to the trans community, which is under attack right now
>>359845 OWNED
Nine dead after two US army Black Hawk helicopters crash in Kentucky >Nine people were killed in a crash involving two US army Black Hawk helicopters conducting a night-time training exercise in Kentucky, a military spokesperson said. >Nondice Thurman, a spokesperson for Fort Campbell, said on Thursday morning the deaths happened the previous night in south-western Kentucky during a routine training mission. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/30/two-us-army-black-hawk-helicopters-crash-kentucky-training-mission you love to see it
>>359861 yeah yeah what did I say, fucking knew it. It's your fault you didn't affirm their identities.
why is the thread so dead these days?
>>359867 they made him a workhorse
seething so bad right now at running into a lass from when I gym toiled who was friendly to me and a decent plain jane lass and just how I never had any time to get to know her and she would have been a decent gf if I had been able to have some shifts to work with her and try to get to know her instead you just end up smdhing, I would almost rather never even meet lasses anymore rather than just see yet another missed opportunity. and anyways why does the lass have to be the opportunity why can't us chuds be. its all so fucked
>>359868 >they made him a workhorse it's just cruel
wessica got a haircut and got a real job
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keek imagine getting a job in 2023 https://youtu.be/OGKgDrmOgFc
"I seem to see the Patriot Moat foaming with much blood."
I wonder if The Donald's yenta lawyer will be able to get him off the hook
>>359869 lad you can't have a white gf, you know that, you have indian admixture so you have to """settle""" (nod really) for a castiza qt, your racial cousin. otherwise you'd be destroying the white race by poisoning our sacred wombs with your vile chug sperm
the end times are here make a new thread
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>>359878 >Ranting Hog approaches a white woman in a parking lot
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>>359878 she's clearly incapable of being out on her own

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