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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3848: Fever dream toilfatigue Edition Anonymous 04/09/2023 (Sun) 01:11:31 Id: d0d895 No. 361301
Nato Plans for Ukraine Leaked >Pentagram has confirmed the validity of the documents, as they’re now panickedly trying to scrub the internet of them https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/major-nato-plans-for-ukraine-leaked Destructive ‘Super Pigs’ From Canada Threaten the Northern U.S. >Wild pigs have terrorized the southern United States for decades, destroying farmers’ crops, preying on native species and carrying a variety of pathogens that can spread to humans https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/destructive-super-pigs-from-canada-threaten-the-northern-us-180981692 Rishi Sunak criticises political correctness over grooming gangs https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65160429 Grooming gangs and ethnicity: What does the evidence say? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65174096 posting on /leftypol/ abuse: Failure to report crimes to be made illegal https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65152581
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:07:12.
fucking hell can auslad please change 3947 to 3948 in the op fucking hell look at the time fucking hell
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Night lads take care
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for him
>>361305 good lad
hate them
>>361308 the jews are so close to the end yet they still talk shite
https://www.youtube.com/live/MNQFuLf43Ik?feature=share this lass literally streamed this like 20 mins ago, our society is literally just people sitting in their goodscreen chambers like in the machine stops now. some little early 20s girl like that gets more loosh cummies sitting around at home in her good screen terrarium butt matrixing than by going out on the town. its sort of like the late roman collapse where the elites merely retreated to their estates but the westoid middle class is just in their little chambers. thats what I am doing rn myself, sitting alone feasting on the opposite loosh cummie feeling to the femoid, male power fantasies/polfacism, etc, etc. so weird tbh
>>361301 very good lad >>361311 tbh every human interaction is getting abstracted away into some product you consoom from a screen smh
>>361311 God I wish I lived next to Steiner in my own coom cel
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there's this inner circle of leisured, decadent people for whom all possibility and all life has been subsumed under an arms race of sexual intrigue, a game of who can best inspire feelings of jealousy and longing in the rest, a whole economy of Nietzschean ressentiment. This body juxtaposed with that body juxtaposed with the next body, vigilant eyes scanning and scrutinizing and despising everything The same eyes greedily falling over legs thighs tits pussy waist ass, arms jaw hair shoulders teeth hands, knowing smiles between fated lovers set into glowing young skin--all man's contrivance of law and order, all his pretense of civility crumbling in an instant to atom-bomb nothing in the wake of free flowing erotic power. Every street and hall and office of public life reduced to mere watering holes where these seducers might exhibit themselves and discover each other. Who's sexy? Who's sexier than who? Who's fucking? These are the only questions left. No more ideas only reactions, wet nodules spasming in the primordial deep of the mammalian brain. And the rest, the have-nots, the voyeurs. Looking on, flooding in by the millions to bear witness to these beautiful ones. Grinding away in the hope of one day becoming worthy of the orgy at the top.
>>361315 yeah it's a bit messed up
https://youtu.be/xvy1aQJPda4 Disgusting trend this
Smh, the foids are literally going okay their sluttiness in the future
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>>361317 Yes the foid is the eternal Narcissus.
>>361320 Did you get a bank holiday at all last week lad?
CHRIST HAS RISEN! Happy Easter boyim x
>>361324 Bum Bum King has risen
>>361323 bank holidays aren't a thing over here tbh four day weekend for easter though >>361324 happy easter lad
>>361326 > four day weekend for easter though Good tbh, we can't rightly be considered Christian nations anymore but at least they haven't stripped these last vestiges from us.
They're intentionally shooting tourists in Israel? or it's that there are huge numbers of dual citizens?
>>361328 I really hope it's the latter.
>>361327 tbh >>361328 >huge numbers of dual citizens wouldn't be surprised tbh fits their whole rootless cosmopolitan thing
>>361328 I think they were in the Israeli Defence Forces or whatever so the latter *does a duance*
>Young >Maintains her helf >Christian, loves God more than she'll ever love me >Ethnically British >Vaguely similar interests to me >Loves snabies more than gay snanimals This is all I ask, lads. Would prefer if she had red hair and shapely parts too tbh
I need a snoo
>>361332 What every man wants really.
He just snood in my snouth!
>>361336 Someone said women don't understand what makes them beautiful/attractive and I can't stop thinking it every time I see a bitch with pink hair or tattoo smh
>>361338 Someone linked an article about that. It wasn't solely that the writer also talked about how distorted the ideal of physical attraction is from reality.
Need it or keep it?
>>361313 I only chat shite after people start attacking me unprompted then I just start shitposting tbh
>>361311 dont think social media feeds the human soul very well tbh after a while you start craving actual human interaction
>>361340 the drag shite is so absurd, the only explanation for them pushing that is to piss people off, knowing that they can't do anything to change it. if they just wanted to smoothly trannify society they wouldn't do it in the most glaringly repulsive way possible
>>361340 We had a bomb threat like last week in one of our high schools because they brought in drag queens to teach sex ed Email sent around saying a bomb had been planted in the school, "Goodbye you degenerate fucks". They had to close the schools, corden them off, big evacuation and search for bombs I reckon it was one of the students from the way it read, just horrendous that we've gotten to this point
>>361315 good poost lad. my deanoidic brother was bullying me for buying too much gucchi tool shite and maybe upgrading my truck speakers so I can flex on other boomer toilers but then his richfag chicagoan gf made him pay for them to go to the dominican republic and stay at some resort. its all a big ass flex now
>>361319 the most kino part is how all the pics of buttmatrix femoids today won't exist because software will develop and the pics won't be image hosted anymore. its already happened to pics from when I was in middle school
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sunday sninner snancelled
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>>361353 keeeeek good lad
dead board
I blame Discord and people getting a life.
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>>361357 yeah I am hoping to neet a bit this summer again once I get all my 4.5k from uberbossman I am quitting his crew since its totally falling apart with the boomers just transition into open scamming skullet boomer was fighting with the excavator boomer who took his bulldozer and nearly pushed skullet boomers gay truck into the swamp. just been billing the richfag boomer scum for 2k every paycheck and buying 3 boxes of screws and returning 2 of them so I can add about 400 dollars to my checks
https://youtu.be/G31i6NA3Pho this mummy has been saying that neeting is what all us piglets should be doing. society is literally collapsing rn.
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there is also this weird anti happening going on rn where people don't want to talk about anything that is going on, noticed this IRL. its like psychological coping because society is just totally fucked
>>361358 >buying 3 boxes of screws and returning 2 of them so I can add about 400 dollars to my checks keeeeeek
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>>361345 The dragayists themselves thrive off being hated. People pushing them are the faction of the left convinced they've won for all time. It's victory marching/humiliating and abusing a downtrodden, submissive people. I predict this stuff will phase out here, because there has been such a based reactionary sweep across the US that they really didn't expect, and the seething and coping here and doubling down against "the bigots" isn't sustainable. Hence "anti woke" far leftists will clean house and the niggercattle will view it as a relief while things fundamentally stay the same or get worse.
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>>361363 >It's victory marching good way to put it tbh
>>361365 thats what sam hoidel said the BLM riots were
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>>361363 its also slaanesh cult shite that is a new religion for the plebs
>>361366 makes sense
>>361355 >>361357 we need wessie back
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEIPLlSikY0 the joomer does not appreciate brap noises
>>361372 keeeek the newafrican still exist
>>361372 every few years they repeat this same shite and i seethe every time tired of it
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why does he talk like he is dictating a 18th century diary entry or playing a character in sharpes rifles?
>>361376 >why does he talk like he is dictating a 18th century diary entry or playing a character in sharpes rifles? Because he is.
Watched Sharpes Rifles again recently. The first episode with Rothschild in drag, deceiving that well meaning family said much tbh.
>>361379 don't remember that bit tbh
https://twitter.com/Europa_Insider/status/1643900652970450946?t=jRU4w3K5MkJ1nqKubOKwVg&s=19 old polface sellner might be getting locked up due to blasphemy against rapefugees
>>361380 Yeah, the Rothschild's are in disguise and they come up with excuses for not eating pork at the table. It's when Sharpe figures out who they are.
>>361381 smh >>361382 keeeeeeeek based
>>361381 They'll have been trying their best to get him on something for years now.
>>361387 Paul kino?
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normalfag family life shite smh fuck boomers for selling my future of a boat and a camper
>>361390 >normalfag family life shite Poo Willy Westie has a point tbh.
>>361391 not really he just hasn't really done anything with his life to even "fail" at yet
Westie won
>>361389 based
>Woes pushing racemixing
Why is this open sodomite and admitted lefty faggot being allowed to post here, its been 2 days of him being scum because he got kicked from the bongo poof cabal and none of the 3 janny scum have done anything
>>361396 >jannies doing anything ever I like your optimism lad.
>>361397 He'd have been banned yesterday if auslad hadn't stabbed me in the back.
>>361392 muh hard yank richest country in the world life 🥱
>>361396 lad he is gonna come back to brit one day making 500k starting as an economy guy and show all us racist losers. he also lost his virginity unlike us. god I am such a loser, I suck
>>361401 >lad he is gonna come back to brit one day making 500k starting as an economy guy I never said this I just pointed out getting a degree is good for your job prospects because everybody does this retarded autistic cope that university is pointless which is gonna ruin some young white lads life if he actually believes it >he also lost his virginity unlike us tbf it's the people here too going on about how virginity is bad. for what it's worth I don't really care. >god I am such a loser, I suck All I did was ask if you got a gf since we've been posting here about trad family living for like 5+ years god damn
The janny team has obviously been infiltrated by bongofags thats why hes not being banned, I said this would happen when I was demodded by the spineless retard auslad.
>>361396 >admitted lefty faggot smh when did you plant the flag of the DPR lass >>361403 tbh we should ban anyone with a life outside brit who doesnt make at least 100 posts a thread tbh itll really improve the quality of the board which has gotten so much better lately
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>>361402 Go plough another sewer pipe, midwit redditfag.
>361404 >anyone with a life outside brit mong starts shagging blokes and going to uni and is acting like hes walter mitty, nobody wants to here your midwit shite you retard the entire internet is filled with people like you and we come here to get away from them, you aren't special.
>>361402 I mean yeah you're not wrong, most of the UK economy is services and economic degrees will do you good if you want to get into finance that makes sense I couldn't be arsed with that shite though I'm just about relatively happy enough being a low-paid engineer. Each to their own though innit
>>361407 > walter mitty keeeeeeeeeeeek
https://patrioticarts.community/contests what are you lads going to submit
in a few months dorsie will be back telling us how life really works
Wew Imagine being a jew and getting jewed by a jew
>>361414 kek jews and their meme "elite"s already getting blown the fuck out
>>361381 smh i really liked sellners podcasts.
>>361340 >National Education Union >Pro gay >pro Putin
I wouldnt have a problem with westie if he didnt defame god and his creations by engaging in unnatural acts with another male.
spics bros.... we dont deserve this
>>361421 >dogs and cavemen >white people how will the white race recover?
new 'ud dropped
>Michael Nice try Sir Keir.. Well played Sir Average
>>361425 demonic ritual as usual, also he said 3 inches is avg uk penis size without differentiating between flacid and erect so hes literally giving them false information.
For some reason I find videos like this disturbing.
The absolute state of westie
>>361427 furbaby chads... we won
>gets quietly filtered >comes back as >(1) to mention himself again
>>361415 jews jew each other all the time
>>361427 That thing can literally murder you and eat you.. the nigger of the monkey world tbh Fuck Tarzan
>>361434 >searches for Hitchens to splat him
Keeeeeeeeeeeeek Based worst korea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdHMdYcOom4
halfway through watching shogun again for easter sunday and i can safely say, he is literally me
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>>361437 keeeeeeeeeeek >>361439 been meaning to give that a watch
>>361436 Maybe they should consider why they're attracting our scum to their shores.
>>361440 keeeeeeeeek I can't find that original video anymore
>>361442 smh should have archived it
>>361438 korea has a 0.8 fertility rate they really need to have full stop on any and all migrants or theyre gone in a generation.
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really wish I had my own place so I didn't have to be around my bipolar narcissist father and be in this grey area of transitioning into his care giver because he is losing his mind
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>those crunches when he vores that thot
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>the gator at 2:45 helping hippolad vore that uppity thot
>>361450 it's fake lad
https://twitter.com/NormanBrennan/status/1644968543203520512 i dont know why "Gladiator, starring Russel Crowe" made me laugh so hard.
https://youtu.be/I1-jLAr-3PM fresh redditcompany arma larping
>>361446 didnt you say moving out was degenerate
>>361446 smh he's an elderly home enabler
>>361453 hope those leaks are real so I can watch these mongs get curbstomped
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>>361454 did I? probably just my cope, I did hate living with roommates more though and having to be around faggot normalfags
>>361456 tbh I am hoping for wagner footage of predditors getting blown the fuck out.
>>361453 Everything is so fucking gay
>>361452 It looks more like Unhinged, also starring Russel Crowe
>>361453 join up claiming youre a 5th class sgt of floyd brigade and served bulls in afghanistan and bosnia and then frag redditwaffens hq.
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>>361459 e begging because you got blown the fuck out as a merc in a war
>>361461 tbh yeah been down about that alot lately seems like after this winter soyciety has just gone into turbo fake and gay overdrive
>>361463 there isn't any amount of money that anyone could pay me to make me want to fight for the ukrainian jews or the jew government of the united shits of nigger
Fucking hell burgerland! >2nd grade student having group sex in the classroom >inb4 joggers >initiation being blamed on a girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LeByeiwtJk
>>361465 >alot You're doing this just to fuck with me, man
https://gab.com/BloodTribeOhio/posts/110030927716232861 ohiofags getting daft. michiganoids can't even do racism anymore ohio might conquer us we need to bridge the racism gap
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>>361467 How old is second grade in weimshart? 7 or 8? Vile.
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>>361468 is it okay if I do it alittle?
>>361472 >not posted in over a year smh the emotional nonce bashers got him
>>361453 Literally Civ Divs. Firing at fuck all All is larp
https://youtu.be/cIRxOEDLgEk What's at the END of this HOLE???
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I'm in love with a woman lads
>>361480 You lie
>>361479 Brunch
>>361480 good lad
>the old bills have eyes
>>361486 what the FUCK is south yorkshire polces problem?
>>361486 another symptom of collapse, femoids will return to being property soon
>>361489 sounds vaguely like Steiner
>>361489 nothing will ever happen. get owned chud.
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>rewatching American Werewolf in London >paki kid and black nurse visible in one of the hospital scenes
>>361492 Living life as an inflatable lion is probably possible if you're a woman in today's society
What the fuck is the democrats, liberals, leftists, socialists, progressives, communists, SJWs, Antifa, MSM, corporations, BLM, Hollywood, Big Tech, Silicon Valley, Black Rock, academia, LGBTQQIA+2SPAGBGP, entertainment industry, Big Pharma, financial institutions, satanists, atheists, bbcsluts, newsmedia outlets, journalists, Big Banks, Federal Agencies, nonwhites, Military Industrial Complex, globalists, World Economic Forum, George Soros, feminists, FBI, DoJ, redditors, 19+ year old hags, jews fucking problem?
https://youtu.be/GAHg-vnfxyg was il duce a meme?
hitler was just so much more kino and the italian fascists were really pretty pathetic, the soviets were actually racist against them according to leon degrelle
>>361497 >>361496 i will never understand why that fucking terrone decided to invade fascist greece a month after 100,000 italian troops were captured or killed in Africa. the biggest retard in history.
Hitler was as evil as Stalin and they're probably both in Tartarus.
>>361498 wasnt it part of his rome larp
>>361500 yeah but he was losing bad in north africa and he decided to dedicate his army to attacking a neutral/somewhat sympathetic country and then fucking losing there aswell.
>>361496 bald mong
>>361498 yeah and the italians lost to serbian mountainmen.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4th_of_August_Regime neat didn't know about this ty lad
>>361504 i only know from reading a golden dawn blog back in 2013 called blue eyes white slav, he talked about gd being metaxists not nazis and thats why theyre allowed to nazi salute each other. i was obsessed with gd back in the early chud days.
>>361505 > blue eyes white slav keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek god I remember those days
first pic has matt heimbach energy remember when we though golden dawn was going to be the racist rogue state we would all move to save the white race
>red hats keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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still keeek that this image is from my hometown in 1996 when the chuds got mobbed after being based and dabbing on the nigger neighborhood which now got gentrified out of town completely and replaced with chinsects and poojeets
>>361509 what do you think about the shartican government using digital currency to force chuds into being drafted to fight for gayto lad? saw someone on unz say thats how they would get most of weimart to fight for them since they could close the bank accounts of draft dodgers and those who support them
>>361510 yeah sounds about right unfortunately I think there is a collapse of confidence in the state in general to where I think mass revolt by the states organs in a situation like that would occur which of course the jews want so they can lead the "revolution" and then create a totalitarian anti white state like in the turner diaries.
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>>361512 as long as the mexicans join with the chinese to carve up america I have hope since it garantees that us gringos will get our ethno state as per the political logic of Chuckie Schmitt
https://youtu.be/Uum7Z6ul0D4 watching it again lads
>>361507 >>361508 bruh i literally thought in 2013 that there'd be a ww3 between based evropa and cringe EUrope with greece as the first domino.
>>361515 >zimmerman trial
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmPjzwB0EwY hate it when my dad takes me to a synagogue car park to defend the state of israel and own my chud ass
>>361505 Shame they got banned and nothing happened smh
They've been replaced by Greek Solution who are polling around 4-5%
AfD are doing around 5-6% better than in the last federal election. Looks like they're increasing rapidly in support.
Vox rose to about a fifth of the vote in Spain only to be reduced to around 15% again.
No real change in Fraunce. Around 30% voting for soft nationalist parties. Reconquete and RN on around 25% and 5% respectively.
Chega! increasing to 15% and rapidly rising in Portugal.
No nationalist party in the United Kingdom.
FdI are the largest party in Italy.
You get the idea. But there is no political solution possible, right?
>grandad telling me about how totalitarian Greece was decades ago, where people could get prison time for whistling the wrong song >thankfully now it's a democracy
>>361529 wonder what song tbh
>>361530 No clue but probably something commie.
>>361531 thank god for progress
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>>361533 Bluish groups worried by the rise of antitealism.
>>361534 keeeeeek
>4 day weekend almost over
>>361536 nothing good lasts forever lad
Jesus died for this weekend
He came back for this weekend didn't he?
>>361538 >>361539 tbh what a lad
>>361542 based palichads dabbing on the disloyal something-israeli dual citizen cancer infecting the world
kikes cried about not having a home of their own for so long and now that they have one few want to live there and even fewer are willing to properly commit to it i hate them so much
do ausissies literally think this is an abbo. this shit is so utterly bizarre and yet so common for some reason. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-64898393
>>361545 nobody thinks these people are abbos tbh it's a pretty common thing here where they do it for political points and free bennies you can search the news headlines for any mention of aborigines and when there isn't a crime involved it's always without exception some "huwhite" person with 1/64 abbo ancestry the real abbos do nothing but sit around and drink tbh the only ones who accomplish anything are the ones where almost every trace of abbo has been bred out of them but they grow up in an abbo household and therefore have both a chip on their shoulder and the wherewithal to actually do something about it remember seeing an article a few years back about abbo police school graduates and every single one was a blonde woman it's not uncommon for them to not even have any abbo ancestry at all either tbh it's a pretty common grift
love aboriginal art me https://youtu.be/rDocGfvYmBM
>>361547 keeeeeeeek
saw TWO peel p50's today Both originals (last original sold at auction for £111,000), one of them sat bing chilling on a trailer unoccupied in a field
mass sharting in louisville
>>361549 always wanted to see one of those up close
>>361549 absolutely gigabased and trad and kino etc
Interesting case this. A soldier going through marine training was pulled aside a day before graduation to be recruited as an NCIS and FBI informant. One of his school friends he had no contact with joined Patriot Front and he was then offered 250,000 zogbucks up front to quit the marines and join Patriot Front as an informant. https://justicereport.news/articles/2023/02/21/usmc-recruit-discharged-harassed-and-barred-from-service-after-refusing-to-become-an-fbi-informant-for-250000/ I had no idea they recruited under covers directly from military training. The guy ended up being kicked out of the marines for refusing the offer. Joe Owens always said to be weary of ex military types.
>>361553 makes sense tbh by joining the military you've already displayed an above-average willingness to obey the state
>>361551 Up close I was still shocked at how much of the interior is taken up by the wheel keeeeeeek
>>361553 I completely believe this substanceless support because it supports my biases.
>>361549 It looks like the sort of microcar somebody would take from Dorset to Scotland. And fit snuggly in doing so.
>>361557 > this substanceless support
>>361559 hmmmmmm I'm going to need a source.
>>361553 should have took it and become a double agent for the movement
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*should of
>film opens in space zoomed out far froom earth and we see it zoom in slowly over time showing us how small and insignificant we are
gunman is a libtard that worked at the bank
>>361566 wonder why he did it. perhaps there were chuds in the bank misgendering troons
Are they going to kill china joe, lads? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcghW8Sen2U
>>361565 hope the Israeli embassy staff are ok.
https://youtu.be/49M05Jj_-Wo another animated show how an abused misunderstood furry/scaly. The animated equivalent of cutting your wrists and thighs
https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-65174532 >As Russia's invasion of Ukraine approached, policemen asked Rayan and his friends to join the army, promising citizenship, but they did not want to have to fight. typical pooskin rapefugee move
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>>361573 >Somali >felt welcome in Russia >Ukrainian police did racisms to him >Austrian police did racisms to him
>>361545 >"In some people, you've got to go, 'what's their intent?' Is this for their benefit or is this for Aboriginal Australia's benefit?" keeeek
women owe me sex, ok thank you
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>>361418 >anti-ukraine >anti-Jew No wonder the (((based right wing media))) hates the unions wew
paki gets caught literally raping a blonde child in a back of an uber and other paki is just mad hes doing it next to his house https://mobile.twitter.com/LozzaFox/status/1645514591009472514 we seriously need massive racial violence to consume this country. all traitors and foreigners need to die.
>>361578 good lad >>361580 there really needs to be some sort of cleansing
the lousiville shooter was an actual redditer lmfao.
why do people choose to do evil? why do people invest so much energy and time into making the world an uglier crueller place. why cant good win?
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>>361580 Fucking fuming.
>>361584 wouldnt have that on your harddrive melad.
all those far rigth terrorists arrested and then charged with DNC or "extreme pronography" are probably just 4channers who scrolled past a loli thread considering its always a single image or one or two. so be safe, we could all get rolled up at random.
>>361586 >>361587 It's tempting to say that if LF "gets away" with posting it to twitter that authorities wouldn't try to use it against a nobody chud, but tbh the way our dastardly enemies twist everything. What's a Minecraft reservoir enjoyer to do? Smh.
>>361589 literally every single one of those far right terror arrests that were also arrested for cp or extreme porn were over a single image. its a total stich up. never underestimate just how evil this system is.
The Louisville shooter was an antifa redditer who livestreamed his massacre and posted “they won’t listen to words or protests let’s see if they hear this” this morning. Seems like it was a leftist terrorist attacks, what specifically against i dunno. https://twitter.com/DaltonTVNews/status/1645509091765174274?s=20
for her
>>361584 god I want to kill so fucking bad so sick of this faggot society and all the faggot boomers and normalfags just coasting along putting up with this fucking bullshit
>god I want to kill so fucking bad
>>361553 angelo john gage and that one other lad were glowniggers
>>361594 yeah some shitskin raping a blonde kid lad thats killing time
https://youtu.be/NBwuLeiQa5A *walks into THE paki shop*
they domt know what the fuck im capable of.....
>>361597 keeeeeeeeeeeeek I miss that goom
if pakis arent massacred hutu style at some point in the future then im so done with the shite race.
>>361598 his teeth are so white
crazy that boomers actually fall for arma footage used to represent ukraine
>>361607 that one where the IRA was supposed to have shot down a helicopter with weapons provided by assad?
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>>361609 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek I missed that one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz87dxlveaE this is what I was remembering
>>361610 kek literally chedaki
like the MOD wouldn't have known about ZSU mounted Urals in ireland
mr beast only supports his pet tranny for the shekels
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Mo-oo-o-oo-o-ooorning m'lads. >>361613 Who? What?
this is incredible https://youtu.be/IOltGIaDPlY
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>>361619 that's cgi
>>361621 wtf is this real?
morning lads.
>>361617 "My son, this was all for you! I lopped my cock and balls off for you!"
>>361624 I'm sure he'll love her for her great compassion.
>>361623 smorbing lad >>361624 absolutely deranged behaviour smh
>>361624 >3.5M Views >37K Likes
the US has become a parody of the third world
spring, lads. Love is in the air. I see a lot of incels walking around with gfs
ahhh he's gonna tongue my anus
>>361630 bit ridiculous tbh
>>361630 keeeeeeeeek it just crashed okay
>This post kills Wessie
RIP Wessie lid
>>361635 all is vulgarity
>>361635 women with a very healthy and feminine hormonal profile (high/balanced estrogen/progesterone without high testosterone) can carry quite a bit of weight very flatteringly, but this is not that, not even close
here is an example of a woman getting fat and it looks good
wtf is going on here? https://youtu.be/FPFKgNAmHcY
>>361642 just a bit of noncing
He's a big horse
>>361613 /pol/ has agents everywhere
>>361645 is this real?
>>361647 No idea. I can't find a source
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new reddit psyop just dropped
>>361647 Yeah, the locals in Dorset seeing their first Shetland Pony
>>361650 keeeeeek
>replies to that shitter post
imagine if zog had a youtube livestream debate with me. i could end this all for good.
My favourite retard-breeder making twitter seethe
>>361650 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
caught up on the steinrants vantablackpills keeping the 'cellism alive it's so over brvs, the vvest has fallen
>god I meant science smh
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>>361656 its not over yet brvder
>>361656 *tears your flag off your sleeve*
got nothing to say tbh
the masculine urge to want to poo in the shower
>>361662 the forbidden lure of the wafflestomp perhaps...
libtard journalist for theneweuropean gets battered and his phone nicked by wogs, cries that police didnt catch them https://twitter.com/jamesrbuk/status/1645701668254695426
working on cleaning my bathroom sink today tbh took the strainer out and found that blood stalactites had formed from some past nosebleed >>361664 doing the jobs whites won't do smh
>>361650 keeeeeeeek >>361664 I have previously described James Ball as a t-shirt trying to cover up hastily slung to pieces of offal. He's physically disgusting.
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>Set is a god of deserts, storms, disorder, violence, and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_(deity)
>>361667 Colin Mackay on Twitter does a good job of relating Talmudry as the closest descendent of Set worship.
>>361668 but judaism is an extremely xenophobic religion.
>>361669 The centre is to be kept pure and disorder is a tool to be pushed to the exterior.
eigge and bacon on toast for dindins
>shower >dry self with towel >sweat from the effort smh what is the point
can't believe the NON-AVIAN dinosaurs are extinct, lads *sobs*
>>361671 its spaggy hoops and toast for sme
What is the word for the Welsh/Irish race? Anglos are Germanic, so what are those other people?
Anudda sh
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>>361667 >head of an unknown sneep snorp creature
>>361677 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>361640 Wrong.
>>361675 Celts, lass. >>361677 Based.
Nigcels just flew over my house shouting kamehameha!
>>361675 welsh are britons irish are celts
>>361682 They're both Celts you fucking retard. Irish/Scots Irish are Gaels, Welsh are Brythonic.
Fucking idiot doesn't even now basic things bout are own Eye land.
>>361680 >Celts, lass. I see people calling that a language group though, but it is what I instinctively did want to call them. There are no better more specific words?
she was a child
>>361687 JustMarryTheHomelyPlainJanecels took a huge L with this embarrassing saga good thing im stone cold
>>361683 welsh are basically half roman lad its why theyre so short
>>361689 I don't think the Romans left much if any DNA, lad.
>>361685 Germanic is also a language group lass, there are no more specific word except insular Celtic to distinguish them from Gauls etc. although there are no Gauls left so it would be superfluous *shakes head in time to rapid bagpipe music*
>>361691 Ah, right. I guess everyone knows what we mean when we say Celtic and Germanic anyway, I just wanted to preempt a rebuttal by bullies who would say "Celts aren't even a race" smh.
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smh women are turning themselves into horse vaginas to attract horsies now
>>361693 holy fuck her adductors are like a second arse keeeeeeeeek
>>361693 imagine plowing that and then she death grips your gonads.
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Yeah, imagine having sex
>>361696 you will never breed chud
why dont we have our own version of justicereport.news? it feels like theres literally zero Britain centric alt-media we NEED a british mike enoch
>imagine being so sad as to be a coomer journalist trying to “help” police by depicting a mafia boss as a tranny to lure them out but of course it fails https://nypost.com/2023/01/16/secrets-of-mobster-matteo-messina-denaro-caught-after-30-years/
>Archival footage from last year has been released showing russian soldiers (probably chechen) beheading a ukrainian soldier I won't post it but its all over pol if you want to see it
>>361704 human rights and war crimes are real things by the way
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could he know about wews' chocolate and milk combo?
>>361704 smh I wont forget the time the chechencels tortured some poor russian conscript before they executed him during the chechen wars
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reminder to run away from war and take the spivpill
>>361706 I don't think there are *sources* for human sacrifice in Europe.
>>361707 yeah or the disoriented russiod who's BDRM got ambushed and they shot him after he surrendered. fuck churkas
so sick of slavgore
what is sargon of akkads take on the situation ?
>>361710 tbh would have been nice if the ruszis were as bad as gayto likes to portray them so they would have genocided all the evil chechens
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speaking of churkas the armenians and azeris are fighting
you can't really genocide caucus people, they just disappear in the mountains.
azerbaijan and armenia round 4 coming up
armenia existed with its living space in nagorno karabag for 30+ years as an ally of russia and now its getting invaded on its mainland and still shit talking putler. retard churkas getting what they deserve.
>>361718 I thought they were a member of CSTO
If they are then azerbajain is making russia look like they can't honour their treaties. Not that NATO would be honoured but at least that hasn't had to be tested yet.
>>361719 they are but their pm said putin would be arrested if he visited the country only two weeks ago
>>361721 For not honouring CSTO?
>>361720 portugal was a founding member of NATO and india invaded Goa unprovoked and NATO told portugal theyre hecking fascist transphobes and should surrender or theyll back india. >>361722 they joined the icc after putin told them not to. meaning he'd be arrested for his international chud crimes warrant if he stepped foot in armenia.
>>361723 Portugal got shafted inline with yank foreign policy which is to be expected. NATO falling apart because no one honours the yank call to arms is different. AS for armenia yeah they got caught trying to play both sides so now they suffer. Azerbaijan did the smart thing making it clear who they were throwing their lot in with.
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>>361725 still cracks me up
still I'm pretty sure armenia being defended from US-Isreali proxies would be in Russia's interest.
>>361724 a fun fact on the collapse of the portugese empire is that before the carnation revolution which ended salazars regime america was caught and admitted to funding a leftist officer coup that failed. >After conflict erupted between the UPA and MPLA and Portuguese military forces, U.S. President John F. Kennedy[43] advised António de Oliveira Salazar (via the US consulate in Portugal) that Portugal should abandon Portugal's African colonies. A failed Portuguese military coup known as the Abrilada, attempted in an effort to overthrow the authoritarian Estado Novo regime of António de Oliveira Salazar, received covert U.S. support.[39] >The U.S. backed FNLA, which was headed by Holden Roberto, attacked Portuguese settlers and Africans living in northern Angola from its bases in Congo-Léopoldville.[40][41] Many of the victims were African farm workers living under labor contracts that required seasonal relocation from the desertified Southwest and Bailundo areas of Angola. Photos of Africans killed by the FLNA, which included photos of decapitated civilians, men, women and children of both white and black ethnicity, was later displayed in the UN by Portuguese diplomats the carnation revolution was most likely a cia backed and organised coup.
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2 weeks bro
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another night with no manatee
jeb bush converted to catholicism.
>>361654 >the 20s umm ackshually it's 16-24. so annoying how cowardly people are on this issue and how big of a stigma there is
>>361683 Britons: >Welsh/Cornish >Bretons Gaels: >Irish/Scottish Highlanders >Manx Germanics: >English >(Lowland) Scots/Scots-Irish >>361693 she's on gear >>361718 the US took them over and installed traitor globalist shill Pashinyan that gutted the military and torpedo'd relations with Russia. Armenia has no military, economic, or diplomatic clout, all they have is a large diaspora. meanwhile Russia is busy in the Ukraine and their relations with Azerbaijan are more important. very sad situation. the only real limiting factor on Turks genociding Armenians is Iran, who is Armenia's only real natural ally
>>361706 >@milkennnialwoes keek, does hitchens know about the milk and cadburys combo?
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>>361737 maybe he knows about us
maybe make the beer good instead of watery piss?
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>>361740 Disturbing background.
>>361735 Based?
oh they actually decapitated him while he was alive like spic cartels.Slavs... why
choose carefully, /brit/sisters
>>361745 No more body hair I guess. Want to glide through the water me
>>361745 yellow doesn't specify what it means by ally so i'm going to deliberately misinterpret it as being the literal definition one chud legion coming up
>>361747 based
off to buy tinnies toil was fucked today smh >>361748 thanks lad
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I renounce racism. I love black peolple now
>>361750 Not even sure if they are black people tbh...they belong to the tribe that shot arrows at that plane. They look so African though, not just the skin colour
>>361752 Wait, I guess it was the Sentinelese who shot at the plane, Jarawa are on the bigger island
morning lads
>>361755 Morning dac2aa!
>>361756 morning 22
>>361750 >you will never marry a lass from a neighbouring tribe and build your own camp with her and spend all day hunting and fishing >>361755 smorbing lad
>>361754 genius, how does he come up with this stuff???
https://twitter.com/_NatashaDevon/status/1645862483352080385 polfacing in my living room right now from the comments
>>361752 are those the remains of lemuria?
>>361760 smh blapipo are so fragile that obsessive need to always be the biggest victim in the room can't be healthy
>>361760 blacks werent enslaved *because* they were black they were enslaved because they had a massive domestic slave market we could use. blacks are such crybabies.
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Mate mate this is your crew member speaking please remain seated until the seatbelt signs are off it's bang out of order mate I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than put the safety of fellow passengers at risk don't be a sausage
>>361762 The white cunts just repeating dumb narratives for clout breaks me the most. >>361763 Dunno, they're not very bright, so likely not very good at staging uprisings.
>>361764 keeeeeek
new us army ad campaign to advertise their doubled sign up bonus.
>>361763 They should be proud of being pioneers in at least one industry
imagine how freakin kino things will be when we win
>>361767 Looks like they're trying to rake in dividends from the CoD zoomers.
>>361767 looks like world war three is still far off then if they still feel safe enough to use the military as a diversity playground smh going to get a bit worried if they ever try recruiting huwhite men again >>361769 tbqh
gonna be so based when they put statues of all of us all over the place to commemorate are invaluable contributions to the huwhite race's inevitable victory
>>361772 I can imagine the giant causeway flanked on both sides by the towering statues of the greatest chuds of old.
just realised that would be like stormwind from the hit 2004 computer game world of warcraft which is pretty cool
>>361775 from the minevraft server to wow servers to the streets.
so Elon Musk is a bbcslut now
fresh seething cope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKmlf4Z3XY4&pp=wgIGCgQQAhgB >says he has all the answers and has been forming a group >doesn't give us the answers, just seethes >says he's not going to be a leader >but it's his viewers' faults because they aren't leaders smh hypocrite doing exactly the things he seethes about and blaming followers for being followers
>>361778 >doesn't give us the answers, just seethes he must post here then tbh can't be too hard to track him down
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>>361745 >mfw I give the troons all 4 >horrifically scalped, breast cancer, trans'phobes' don't exist so null, and they are forever bald, even their wigs will magically slide off and reveal their ugly scalped MALE heads
been reading Deneys Reitz' memoirs of the great boer war and aftermath and he was an archetypal boomer 45 years before any of them were even born smh >brought up to understand nogs are servants at best and feral at worst >later in life as an adult meets one (1) intelligent nog in madagascar who was integrated as far as is possible into a majority white/french environment >decides actually maybe niggers aren't so bad after all and they should be given equal rights and vootes >becomes poolitician for south africa and implements these terrible ideas into his actions, helping to doom the future of the nation, but he's still a hero because he shot at the evil british white people smh
>>361782 So weird to me how people do this. Ironically not being able to see an individual for what they are.
>>361778 actually after taking the time to listen to what he's got to say he's got a point tbf "never let perfect be the enemy of good" - i like that quote a lot and i often use it to justify doing the bare minimum but at its core it's true and the right really does have this problem it's never enough to say the right things if you aren't saying the right right things enough smh a step in the right direction is never enough if on paper we could be taking two steps smh >>361780 you should go for it lad
>>361784 tbh did a little good today me. Started doing stretches which I hate. Didn't even get through all the exercises and figured it was best to just end it and do more next time instead. Normally if I couldn't do something like that I Just give it up smh
>>361785 based every journey starts with a single step
inspection tomorrow still got to degrot my bathtub, brush and vacuum the livingroom carpet, maybe have a go at the moldcave, etc etc >>361784 yeah his videos are in general a good thing very tough to hear for some of course
>>361787 maybe get the lint out of your belly button and foreskin tbh
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>>361787 >inspection tomorrow iktf lad have fun staying up until 3am so you can pretend you don't live in complete squalor
fresh-ish /v/ news evil spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) up to their tricks as usual >>>/v/810594 >the cuckchan post was actually true >a CIA agent was trying to groom autists playing Minecraft >they were too autistic and refused to believe he was real >he got angry >and purposely leaked real documents to prove he was a real federal agent >so they spread the docs everywhere https://archive.ph/2kPyQ >>361789 if I keep telling myself it's not that bad then it must be true
>>361790 how do you get into the FBI being that impulsive keeek
>>361790 keeeeeeeeek it's almost amazing how autistes manage to btfo the glowniggers every single time tbh and not even by doing anything special either keeeeek they do it just by being themselves
also something about a libtard shooting up a bank but I already closed the tab tbh could have been based but lads pointed out he went after the little guys instead of finally putting the lessons of knife school to effect and minecrafting an actual big boy for once
how do i inform women that they owe me sex?
with one simple trick
I can't stand perpetual online whingers, it's why I never understood the appeal of wews.
>>361796 What do you do all day?
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I'm a seethe pusher I push seethe It's just business
>>361798 We call it seethe worker now, lad
pulling multiple wigs' worth of hair out of the carpet brush and starting to think I should just get haircuts tbh
>>361797 Work or play computer games.
>>361800 embrace a mould cap
not had a wessie panic spiral arc in a while
one bog roll per shit smh
been doing some awful gherkin-scented braps lately smh anyway goodnight lads
>>361805 gnight
>>361780 I'll pump her, you can watch.
tfw when one of my great grandfathers was my age he had a 17 year old son and 11 additional children
>>361810 He also wasn't 22 st and had a working cock.
>>361811 I was fit at the age he was when he first bred smh. What happened is I am now eating what my family would have eaten all by myself
cold chargrilled chicken with vegetable mix and couscous (with a hint of herbs and garlic powder) for dinner need some nogs to teach my how to season my food smh very bland and boring
>>361813 just add pepper
all about pesto at the moment me
>>361813 good lad just add more tbh
>>361817 The bible is the book of lies, at least historically speaking so fair play tbh.
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>>361819 wont let me watch without logging in
>>361819 fr no cap
>>361819 Holy mulatto!
should of stoned the troon to death
>>361820 >>361822 literally all of them have nig hair
>>361820 bit swarthier than my generation ngl
phonefags itt
>>361826 corn syrup race
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>>361829 >the wessie knob is as big as his legs
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Ooh lala Guillotine for you Emanuel
>>361836 frogs coping because they have to become chinkcucks in order to keep their apefrica holdings
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>>361837 He will get le boiling oil
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>>361840 *unzips dick* welp sorry ladies seems like you are running late for your proper english lessons, now repeat after me, you all, yoo- awl
https://youtu.be/22b27P9Pk9E would this be fun to drive on UK roads?
I wish I had a brapmobile
>>361842 yes, absolutely.
Biden pushes aside Rishi to salute some old guy >>361837 >chinkcucks Steiner... there are two superpowers, the US and China. the US is pure evil and China is extraordinarily benign in comparison, they just want to sell cheap mass produced shit to you. countries moving towards China is a GOOD thing because it is at the expense of Washington. you're being a boomer with this anti-China shite
Brandon had literally no idea why some random wog was talking to him kek what a joke this country is.
>bbc doc on the hohol troops training in the uk >stacey dooley at 8 months pregnant is speaking to them with her ill fitting shirt on >then on their first training mission some lisa puts on a fake deep voice while barking orders at random wagies who will be getting blown up by russian arty within 6 weeks
>>361845 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>and China is extraordinarily benign
>>361847 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek in his mind he probably thinks david cameron ought to be there somewhere
he is probably looking for benjamin disraeli from last time he visited
>>361850 explain. China does not meddle in other countries' affairs, they do fair dealings, all they ask is that you make a Chinese version of video games with no spooky skeletons
>>361854 >China does not meddle in other countries' affairs
>>361855 yeah, you're still not giving any kind of example, you're just >greentexting a quote and posting a reaction face
theres no convincing spic he's seen too many lemonhead sharticles
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>>361857 >>361858 >>361859 still have yet to present an argument
https://youtu.be/RzFgxHCd6fQ >Tfw too cool for school like Steiner
We should start by offing all yanks on foreign soil, to help out our Eurobros.
>chinese government is funding poz in the west and working directly with the ADL and other such terrorist organisations in order to further destabilise rival nations >China does not meddle in other countries' affairs, they do fair dealings
>>361863 Putin does the same, but from what I remember it is completely different network of radical NGOs and grievance-mongers.
Still think shartica should be neutron bombed.
>>361863 >chinese government is funding poz in the west and working directly with the ADL and other such terrorist organisations in order to further destabilise rival nations no they aren't. this china shite is just a distraction from ((who)) is really responsible >>361864 Russia has been alleged to fund civic nationalist parties like AfD etc, not leftoids. the USA funds them, why would Russia and China fund the same factions as their geopolitical rival??
>>361866 nah they definitely fund leftoid groups, even mass immigration groups, they're also closely tied to left leaning conspiracy theory network producers, and a lot of the dregs of the LaRouche Movement it's just rarely discussed.
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black woman demands $1000 worth of free stuff at target because reparations, gets punched and presumably arrested
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>microshart switching me desktop on and waking me up and it doesn't even know if it's a laptop or desktop
>>361868 All the whiteoids are so timid and apologetic and submissive to the holy niggerino. Smh.
>she wasn’t 10 or 13 >she was prostitute So…just like all the other underage rape victims then And this, gentlemen, is how you hide what’s going on
>>361847 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>361871 Adult?
She could have been quite petite, but a coverup by the bogues wouldn't surprise me.
>>361874 She looks so small
I don't even know how the phenotype of the guy in that video even exists other than through hardcore inbreeding. How have these mutants even survived?
>>361875 I've seen it before, and my first visual instinct was that's a kid.
>refrain from engaging in conversations online, at least until proceedings have concluded. Previously circulated videos should be removed Is this a common thing? A jury would see the video anyway.
>>361878 Yes it is, something about tainting the jury before all the evidence is presented. All the same I have no faith in our justice system so I'd much prefer a lynch mob to handle this.
>inspectress comes in, takes a few pictures >barely pays attention to my cleaning >brushes aside all concerns about the mold, insists I can handle it myself >leaves within 5-10 minutes done for another six months I guess smh couldn't even get an answer on my rent increase
>>361878 Yes, but I suspect their main motivation here is to try and shut it down on social media and the papers (whose response has been shit anyway "Cabbie caught with his pants down" to make it sound like some sort of cheeky Carry On movie happening). They've charged him with Solicitation so they're already starting the smear by implying she was a pro not a drugged child. They've got a problem though. BritishHotwife is on the case. Bravely she has contacted the Met to point out their blatent hypocracy at not the force dealing with the case. Smells like a cover up. Sub to her OnlyFans lads for more activism and to own the libs by watching her get ploughed by ngubu while cuck hubby watches.
>>361881 How's voluntoil going?
>>361882 You can also see me in several of the videos peering in through the window, in full clown makeup and making soyfaces as I honk my horn and spurt water from my flower badge thing.
>>361883 not been to second voluntoil in months and I don't do voluntary toil for the first job now they actually pay me, even if it's only one to three days a month now smh
>>361885 is it the museum toil that's paying you now?
>>361871 5 minutes away from me fucking hell. Going down souf tomorrow but if I spot the cunt before then I am liable to go daft.
>>361887 So you reckon it was just a prozzie?
>>361888 It's not implausible that she could be an adult (malnurished 18 year old foster kid) but no. Even the other paki in the vid says (alluding to what he's seen prior to begining recording) "you're raping a kid" and she's clearly passed out and he's clearly guilty of something. Remember all the CIA agents trafficked and threatened and then police literally charged them with solicitation? Highly doubt any of it was voluntary.
>CIA agents Mild keek. Fuck sake.
>>361889 Yeah I have to ask because I have a rather pessimistic view of it which makes me automatically assume this is just another dirty paki being protected by our evil justice system.
So the snackbarring continues except it now receives very little coverage https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/surrey-bc-bus-knife-attack-terrorism-charges-1.6799895
>>361882 >♠️BBC inc Creampie, after all that king dick does not deserve to be wrapped up in anything less than the crown tattoo on my vagina♠️ what a wholesome chungus
>>361893 She's fucking disgusting. I'm properly into milfs but grotty desiccated birds like her gross me out tbh. >the framed shit illustration Is this like some elder millennial/young gen x deano variant? Not that I really hate deanos that much, my sped little brother ended up becoming one.
>>361894 >Why are my values so different to what Britain is? total tv and normie internet mediated opinion
>>361882 Kill yourself m8
One of the symptoms of ASD is not being able to detect sarcasm.
>>361898 are you one of those hard lads posting sniper gifs on the twitter thread?
>>361896 > She's fucking disgusting WEW LAD!! Bigoted much?
>>361901 keek she's literally made out of leather
That bigger tree joke is proper dad tier, it's funny though.
>>361901 wrong kind of mummy smh she should put her bandages back on
>>361419 I actually read this as wessie and got worried wessie was now a jobby thief.
>>361904 keeek
>>361869 >windows 11
>finally have day off work smh I guess my boomer dad now just sits in the basement all day and rants about niggers on the phone to my uncle he's been going on about them for the past hour smdh
>>361908 it's hard work but someone's got to do it
>UBER four letters >RAPE four letters hmmm? is this somemkind of four letter hebrew injoke?
>>361910 women are so fucking dumb, I only rode in 2 ubers and even then I thought it was weird serial killer shit, the worst is the female uber drivers. the whole thing is just fucking retarded especially when you add in that we don't live in a high trust society anymore and now we have hordes of random shitskins everywhere
>>361908 Better than being at work Skullet boomer sounds like a violent alcoholic addicted to painkillers with less impulse and emotional control than the average hoodrat Don’t forget to skullet boomer and his mates there are no differences between work sites…they are all grift for them. The reason tradie handymen like skullet boomer don't have real jobs is because they are, like I said, violent alcoholics addicted to painkillers. Try and have even a simple man to man conversation with them and watch them fly off the handle. You can most likely make him and his mates sperg out and burst into tears right before you just by nicely asking them to be less of a dick to you every day and bully you.. Psychos through and through. Imagine letting them treat you that way in your 30s. Most tradies end up suicidal, single and dying alone full of pills and booze. In short, you are better off at home with your mad dad and doing donuts in your yard to relieve stress
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>>361912 getting paid almost 1k a week lad
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seriously though after this big project at this boomers lake front mansion I am quitting current uberbossman because he still owes me 4.5k and I have just been getting paid direct from the homeowner, several other boomer toil organizations literally scout for youngfags now and 2 people literally said they would hire me next day, one was a sparkie and the other was some millennial guys doing construction. idk just maybe make enough to get some land
skullet boomer also fell really bad last week and then fell again on monday like a mong and we all roasted him and now he is all skulking around and humble, dumb old drunk trying to walk across the rafters and he fell
>>361911 they live in a fantasy land where the law is a magic forcefield instead of it being (at best) a promise of revenge most niggercattle are like this really smh
>>361913 >>361914 Good lad. Use some of that dosh for a tour of /brit/ain and find a frumpy wife to take back with you to the homestead
>>361916 yeah this one femoid uber driver had this men are all pigs persona and I was just like yeah well why are you driving uber during drinks on the town party time? I told her to pull over and said she was acting like some serial killer and reported her to uber for being really unfriendly, I wasn't even doing anything just sitting there and making small talk and she was acting like it was a chore and I got this really fucked up vibe and realized this lady could just drive me off somewhere where a bunch of niggers could rob me and bailed
>>361917 yeah that would be kino, my deanoidic brother just did a trip to the dominican republic because his femoid wanted to, realized I have not been on a trip since 2009 and that was to alabama
>>361918 >I told her to pull over and said she was acting like some serial killer and reported her to uber for being really unfriendly keeeeeeek
Cupcakes just woke up >'No one at a senior level' was aware Bud Light had made the 'mistake' of partnering with trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney - as parent company Anheuser-Busch loses $6BN in six days https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11967949/No-one-senior-level-aware-Bud-Light-partnering-trans-influencer-Dylan-Mulvaney.html
>>361921 >loses $6BN in six days
>>361921 >$6BN the power of chuds....
you will never make a profit.
>this tweet is fresh Feel like I got in a time machine tbh. Aren't comedians supposed to get new material?
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I swear the "go woke go broke" meme was invented to make people assume everything will be fine as the world is deconstructed around them. Don't worry fellow patriots, soon all the megacorporations will see the error of their ways and become based. Trust the plan.
>>361925 >*tortures his entire family to death infront of him* aha none of this will matter
Hahahaha Poland. Hahahahaha Probably a US Special Forces General Now you will have to unblock pond and drain it of contaminated water! Kurwa! https://www.twitter.com/Edwin53647824/status/1645969925452754945
>>361869 Windows 11 feels like a smartphone operating system tbh, literally turned it on for the first time and it started asking me for advertising preferences keeek and microshart are getting away with it. Also can someone explain when a computer stopped being a computer and became a device?
>>361929 I'm imagining the head of UI design at microshart is some mac os using lisa which is why they've decided to change the start button position and make everything look more like a mac despite the fact that mac os is a small minority in desktop usage OS's, they are trying to make computers into the monkey strapped into a chair consuming content model where the user can't do anything except consoom, I'll no doubt be forced into using linux within 5 years
>>361918 >I told her to pull over and said she was acting like some serial killer and reported her to uber for being really unfriendly That's a solid reversal on her there, as it is a total foidesque ick burn. >>361926 The irony is that woke normies and non-whites are actually loyal consumers, and they'll buy stuff like Hershey's bars to jam up their arses in solidarity with trannies, thinking they are sticking it to Republisharts. James Lindsay, despite his faults, has been correctly pointing out these corporations, in doing what they are doing, are trying to get better equality index ratings or for ESG criteria. So yeah liquidation. They need to pare back capital using these methods as it is costing too much and they can also centralise it in ZOG hands. Board diversity was always about getting the worst at the reins of management in preparation for takeover. It's very hostile. Typically Jewish.
>>361907 >>361929 Gooms tbh. Windows 7 would've been fine (better even) but the place I got my computer wasn't selling anything pre-10.
Run as administrator? No. No, I don't think I will.
By the way, beat my own record.
>>361935 Keek based Zognald boomerchad can't stop winning.
>>361936 what is this game? I have no idea what it is.
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>>361939 TES V: IV: Smart Fridge Edition.
>>361935 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek > lezzer (((accountant))) named “Manky” calls undercover jew Victor Fagin a nazi Don’t stop Weishartica, don’t ever stop
>>361933 why are you acting like win 10 doesn't exist
>another met police whatsapp group done in https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11968795/Met-Police-officers-shared-sick-messages-Katie-Prices-son-Harvey-guilty-gross-misconduct.html KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK can this shithole get any worse
steam is dropping support for win 7 and win 10 in jan 2024 anyway
>>361944 >'He said: 'For a c*** that can't see, he can find his way to the fridge and biscuit jar without difficulty. >'Got me thinking if he's blind why don't his family hide his cake tin and put salad in front of him every now and again.' >'It is a female so the chances of her being a competent officer are reduced and the chances of her being total and utter grief is increased.' >He referred to one woman as a 'fat bird'. Losing your job for being a LAD, this is anti-deano discrimination smdh
>>361945 and win 10? I find that hard to believe
>Father bedreads own son for dinduanythang https://twitter.com/nojumper/status/1646142788990562304
>>361950 keeeeeeeeeeeeek some good comments there
>>361950 >the video thumbnail
>>361947 it's 7 and 8
>>361947 smh meant 7 and 8
Hello sirs
>>361955 Hello ser, Darshit Gupta Cumpadeep here what can be your helpings?
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If you bleached some Indians' skin you'd get Irish people, particularly the Guajarati ones. Sometimes I see that Celt-Iberian phenotype look from some of them.
mibby I'm just mental and overfitting skull shapes
>>361957 keeek
remember when the USA said they would invade Brazil if Bolsonaro won the election? lmao
>>361894 Smarmy little cunt. I hope the school gets burned down. Fucking hate teachers, always the same fuck up losers going into that profession pushing their shit takes on kids. >>361921 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek excellent >>361925 That man is the cringiest gen X shit take faggot around. I read his article on why he became an ardent athetist and the answer is "my mum tried to make me Christian but she wasn't one herself". Intellectual crippled faggots like him need the snullet. >>361926 You aren't wrong.
Still remember one of the most disgusting smells I've ever smelt was a shared student flat where one of the students was an indian and his family was living there with him for some reason and the curry smell in the kitchen literally made me wretch so badly I had to leave the area.
>>361964 I like mild fruity curries, but I cannot eat them that often because you just turn into a fart machine and the stink is hideous, it just permeates everything. Just one curry is enough to change the quality of scent in my house for like 3 days. I then think "how can I eat this" as the residual scent is hideous. I hate people that romanticise Eastern food of any sort. It's not that it takes like shit, it's that it smells so bad and alien. Chinese food is just as bad tbh. Sesame seed oil is just rank and it gets into everything.
>>361962 Nice to see the CIA getting what they fucking deserve.
smh, wholesome, law-abiding brown man has to come in, steady the ship and clean up the messes created.
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>>361967 keek his face when he realises there are levels of jocking he never even knew existed
>>361957 keeeeeeek good lad
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>>361970 >>361971 WELL IF IT ISN'T SUSSY JACK!?!
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>>361970 >said to be the leader of an online group in which the leaked documents were shared Keeek so it might not even be him that did the leaking, just that he owned the Thug shaker server. Ruin his life anyway
>>361921 Lol Hope they all commit suicide
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Thugs shakin it for the white man even while fighting
>>361975 Don't get my hopes up like this. It's not on.
>>361970 >>361971 >>361972 baste Luso-Aryan god
>>361965 It's utter shite and the sign of a low culinary IQ. Herbs not spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) OK THANKYOU.
>>361948 Keeek so innate for them and the dad knows it.
>>361943 What? Since 10 is where they really fucked things up I decided why not 11. Smh.
>oh hi America! ..give materiels to defend against Russia! >No problem Fingols! Take these instruction manuals and translate them! Welcome to NATO xers!
>>361980 >low culinary IQ Depends, I maintain there are a lot of decent dishes that just get drowned out in a sea of shit. A polface attitude towards foreign food is just as dumb as a reddit one tbh.
>>361984 >A polface attitude towards foreign food is just as dumb as a reddit one tbh. OH MY ODIN A BASED CENTRIST!!!!
>>361985 wow you're literally a meme repeating thoughtless cretin, how original.
It's not centrism, because I literally prefer western food, heavily. I just don't repeat dumb polnigger memes about foreign food.
You're a faggot eating foreign shite, likely a tranny too methinks.
jap food is good, korean is crap, as for chinky I think cantonese is crap but probably shandong/sichuanese are good, never had though
might order a kebab
If it isn't beef in mint sauce and gravy? It's gay.
>My God someone doesn't feel the need to signal ingroup preference via retard meme notions about food. >madlad spergs out and calls me a tranny
>>361989 literally never had korean food tbh, I generally don't bother with foreign food tbh. I mostly subsist on a diet of pies and veg
+ cans of monster
woes so badly wishes he was english its embarrassing
>everyone I don't like is madlad
ok then madlad sorry I mistook a fellow seethemonger for yourself
seems like you're the seether
I agree with that other lad actually, foreign food munching tranny.
I'm currently in a eupeptic state from eating a scotch pie tbh.
>everyone that doesn't berate foreign food irrationally is a tranny
>eupeptic did they teach you that word in tranny school
>>361995 lies. we all know wews is a proud jockwop
did they teach you to be a retard at your special needs school?
well then?
>specifically asked to not see Ricky Gervais tweets >it was this specific tweet which I hid >seeing it again now great
>>362007 same thing is happening when I try to hide dumb republishart "go woke, go broke" folk, not everyone I hide, but a significant number
>>361989 Pint of Vegemite with a plate of ya finest Shane’s Dong please Bruce, ya cheeky cunt!
Ali "Ali Alexander" Abdul Razaq Akbar, paki founder of 'Stop the Steal' protests from US 2020 election, affiliated with Spic Fuentes, has been outed as a faggot nonce that groomed 15 y/o 'Groyper' that goes by the screenname 'Smiley the Fed', among others. if you have tuned in to Spic Fuentes show, you'll know he is a frequent superchatter
Bitcoin 30k btw
>>362010 leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>362010 looks like the rape child of sammy davis jr and an poojet
>>362011 LSE announced they are going to be clearing BTC derivatives today I think.
Ali was sending him money on cashapp, promising to arrange him to meet Milo Yiannopoulos, give him a dog, job opportunities
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he says he was naive and that showing your butthole to pakis is just how you make it in right wing politics these days
>>362016 >>362016 >nonce >connection with milo
>knows Nick and Milo has beef >goes through Milo with this Seriously must hurt to be Nick when even supposedly frens do this shit
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Literally everyone on right-wing Twitter saying that alcohol makes you gay is already faggy as fuck. Despite it only really notably impacting testosterone at heavy levels of consumption, and when you already have poor health. None of these people ever talk about more serious threats from xeno-oestrogens, and environmental pollution. They're only doing it to flex on normie conservatives, because of current thing. I hate being on the right. Most of these people are clout chasing plebs.
>>362024 all things in moderation. although I tend to think beer specifically is pretty bad because of the hops and calories
>>362025 Yeah moderation is key. Modern IPA is really bad, the trend for it is gay as fuck and the hops levels are extreme, especially the American stuff which is practically undrinkable.
>In April 2023, a majority of people who partook in a vote regarding the renaming of Przhevalsky Street in Kyiv voted to rename the street after Volodymyr Kubijovyč. However, following a complaint from Israeli ambassador to Ukraine Michael Brodsky, the mayor of Kyiv, Vitalii Klychko, personally intervened and prevented the street from being renamed. >Kyiv’s unflappable mayor, Vitali Klitschko, has canceled a vote by his city council https://www.nysun.com/article/kyivs-mayor-quashes-citys-strange-attempt-to-rename-street-after-a-ukrainian-nazi-collaborator
>>362010 yeah nick addressed it on the show last night and disavowed, should be noted though that that mugshot you posted is for a completely unrelated matter and the pot on this is being stirred by milo who is seething that he was kicked from the ye campaign.
>>362027 > However, following a complaint from Israeli ambassador to Ukraine Michael Brodsky, the mayor of Kyiv, Vitalii Klychko, personally intervened and prevented the street from being renamed. lmao just openly interfering in another country like that, Ukrainian "sovereignty"
I see
>>362022 >struggling to analyze laptop because it has so much data on it
>>362016 >literally says aha KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>362018 seems like nick's whole clique is just faggots larping as christians
>>362016 ali alexanders instagram likes included a bunch of young boy modelling channels, he's a typical dravidian gay nonce none of this is news.
>>362035 many people on this board were like this tbh, SA, Dorshit, etc.
someone make a new thread
AHEM make a new thread
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