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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3850: Lord Nelson Edition Anonymous 04/16/2023 (Sun) 17:22:21 Id: 486d3c No. 362711
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:08:49.
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>>362713 with pizzas like that, it's no wonder he's fat
>>362698 howling
>>362714 qeeeq. Extra points for footage of Gary Sinise as Truman, too. I like Gary Sinise.
good edition btw
Mass sharting in this town rn.
>>362720 Isn't that common in the US?
>Floyd's feed and seed
tfw you smell poopies and hope it's just your unwashed arse and not the bed or chair
>tfw got a new chair 2 weeks ago and it smells already
>>362719 cheers
>>362713 Always gives me a chuckle seeing this Norf FC lad gorging himself, and when dravidian scum walk past looking all bemused.
>>362724 For me it's the SecretLab Black Panther Edition.
>>362724 thinking about my former colleague still driving the van which smells of my poo
>>362729 good lad
>>362729 smelling bad isn't a crime, lad
>>362730 >>362731 i reported him last week but others should too
>>362732 for what, grooming?
>>362733 yeah he's admitted to a lot here plenty of evidence
>>362734 Don't really want police reading through these threads to gather evidence tbh. If you get him arrested he could probably bring others down with him on terrorism charges for a reduced sentence
If one of us goes down we all go down.
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they'd never catch him
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evidence of what? Meeting a 16 year old girl? I was literally face to face with child protective services and they couldn't do anything to me
>>362739 well they now have your address
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>>362740 They have my name already, and my name is died to my adress, as is the register plate on my car
>>362741 tied*
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8HaiPH2hFU hoping for a chud version of rocroi tbh unless one is already out Vgh... Ovr finvl stvnd...
>>362741 they have reason to seize your computer now
>>362738 >Testing different 5G-coronavirus conspiracy theorists using posts from one of their Facebook groups, I got IQs ranging from 75 to 89.
>>362745 it's in the hands of the police now
>police will be watching furry vore and hoof gore videos
>>362747 are you a bongo troon lad?
>>362748 keeeek
and for my snunday sninner there were some of the xoomer's friends and they were strange fragile oldhead types who seemed one bad wine glass away from going postal and the wife had rotten teeth and poor hygiene and kept sneezing and insisting on serving everyone else while getting her dirty hands on people's plates so I couldn't even enjoy the pork and veg without wanting to vomit
finally about to upload some incel rants soon ffs
Just what this place needs, more incel cope.
>>362753 good lad can't wait to consoom without deeply thinking and engaging with the content
speaking of, fresh argumentativecel (he said he's not actually an incel in a previous video's comment section and has gf and good job and big muscle iirc which makes his thing even stranger) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uDhLuN8sPA
>>362720 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Hm I literally had an underage proto-groomee try to get me to say illegal things last week, but good things I always follow the law. She used AI-generated images for her profile which is kind of creepy
>>362759 That was a cop or a nonce hunter. Simple as
>>362761 But is that allowed? Doubt it was a cop since they tried to make me say illegal things, which I don't think they are allowed, right?
>>362762 of course they are lad entrapment is fine when piggies do it
>>362709 That address he lived at Dios mios! They arrested him and moved multiple sex offenders into homes of multiple occupancy lol Wew
I had gammon and roast potatoes for dindins, covered in gravy and applesauce. Nomnomnom
this but it's floydra saying you sneed me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBsdWW7MOew
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>>362764 >male, unknown
>>362768 ikeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>362767 was thinking on the bus today as a negress filled it with nigger stank and vape clouds about stuff some theses on where incels might go (except to the grave or prison) in the future where two more weeks just keeps going on with no great collapse >incelism is curable because it's more accurately being a societal cuckold; refusing to obey societal rules (by raping) fixes this >incels therefore, even if they are neets, occupy the same space in society as workhorses; the excess male >so incels need a purpose (which isn't rape) >the default purpose/holding pattern of incels is to cope together, allowing secretagentfagging unto death without seriously destabilishing society (by raping) >what higher purpose could incels have? do we try to leave intellectual/material legacies (and other immortalities not counting children) despite that the society that rejects us will use and abuse any contribution? >is the best that an incel can hope for being a neet philosopher and merely taking what pleasures he can from a life lived only for himself?
is the ultimate expression of incellism the paki rape gang?
Wessex literally asking us to go around raping people with him
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he'll only slow me down
thought my unbearably massive intellect killed posting for tonight but those are some bangers lads tbh I did a keek *doesn't (you) them
Got a fever lads 🤒
>spends their birthing years murdering incel conscripts instead of breeding
the termites are behind it?
>>362780 >>362781 based local e-celeb
>>362770 > merely taking what pleasures he can from a life lived only for himself? It's what everyone else is doing.
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>>362780 It's all an extension of the atomised workhorse anthill. Even the opening up to people you fundamentally don't know it just an absolute oddity to me. Trust someone before you actually know anything about them has never been a good idea.
>>362785 yeah exactly but by the time you get to know people they have moved on somewhere else
>>362729 >>362732 >>362734 >>362740 >>362744 >>362747 don't mess with his grooming you scumbag, it's baste and true /brit/ posters wish him luck
>>362787 when she walks out of the car acting all indignant smh. Just like the 10 year old black kid I used to watch. And none of them not seeming to care about anyone potentially getting hurt
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>>362790 yeah keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek she just totaled her car lmao that would have financially ruined me
>>362788 You have to do the getting to know and falling in love at the same time and I think that sort of hollywood style depiction of love growing is extremely rare and something that has more to do with romanticism than reality. Hell maybe I'm completely wrong because I haven't had sex in the last 18 months but the interaction between the sexes right now seems so dysfunctional that I doubt the deenoids getting laid every week have a better answer.
>>362793 yeah seems like you have to "play" life as a fake character and its a job where you are this funny cool interesting guy. its literally a full time job where you curate your life to appear like somebody they have a preconceived notion about
>>362789 Thanks, lad
Too sleepy for a steinhog rant tbh going to save it for lunch tomorrow
>>362794 Yeah good way of putting it, I always found social media to be the upfront projection of that character. It's just the ego and all the over compensations for insecurities bundled into one online form. No wonder intelligence agencies the world over love the concept.
>>362713 what's that, 20"?
looks bigger than 16" tbh
>>362729 good lad tbh, he hides behind the "oh you're bullying me for going after 16 yr olds, you're like a post-wall foid" but his mask slips too often.
>>362800 tbh his nonce memis are literal spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) shite
its so they can make brit look like some chomo board and label all us as nonces
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is this the next evolution of women?
o ngubu we love you are ngubu lives in the zoo o ngubu youre all the rage are ngubu lives in a cage o ngubu the wonder child are ngubu lives in the wild o ngubu youve scored a goal are ngubu is black like coal and once ngubu is out of use we'll hang that nigger at the end of a noose
>>362808 The war against drug workers is rooted in oppressive racist and classist structures, all drugs should be legalised, if we made drugs illegal native Columbians would die you chud.
>>362810 OH MY SCIENCE how can they allow this? Atheism was supposed to be unstoppable
>>362804 the legs have to go as well tbh
>>362815 u okay hun?
>>362813 keeeeek
>>362780 >tfw you go through the pick me ritual and finally find a woman but then every day you have to rack your brain to come up with something to keep entertaining her or she'll leave Noticed this stuff at work too. If you ever worked in a place with several men and women they all do this grotesque overly sexual ironic flirting and banter with literally no reward beyond getting keeks from women they'll never have anything but superficial conversation with. I guess another "reward" is to not be considered a creep, but that can happen even if you try and a joke doesn't land. See this with men and their children too rather than raising them it's about entertaining them and being a wholesome chungus never upsetting anyone.
>>362820 thinking about how blood libel has become synonymous with jewish suffering, but it's they who are doing it to us all the time smh *screams*
every time smh
>Steiner walking around in his neighbourhood speaking into his phone while wearing a ski mask and sunglasses
>people really flying israel flags keeeeeeeek
>see a lass wants "princess treatment" on dating app >think it's like they want to be doted on >it's actually nasty sex shite
why doesn't wessex just become a vtuber
>>362828 what would he even vtube as?
which nonce's side are you on, Ali or Milo?
>>362831 such a bizarre phenomenon
Anyone have the study that talks about the natural disgust people have for homosexuals? I can't find it. Need to own some libtard on twitter
>>362810 >nation >founded
>>362834 Thanks, lad, that's it
>scott adams keep making bbc jokes because the bbc is named bbc and elon musk owned the bbc by implying that bbc could stand for something else than the british broadcasting corporation Why are xoomers and boomers all bbcsluts?
>when someone says BBC
>toildays get reduced down to once a month >stop getting called in to cover absences >emailsender sends me an email >"do you want to do volunteer work again? you won't have to do the fun part of the job and mess around with keys and security systems but you will have to do customer service and data entry you were previously getting paid for but now we won't pay you :)" >>362829 that 18th century lad from shropshire who was 40 stone or whatever >>362780 >>362781 very good lad to add to the morning's discussion, another first-hand example of women moments >mum and dad shit out three dysgenic children together >she leaves him because he "had no time for her and didn't treat her right" (he worked full time factorytoil to support a family and videogoomed at home in the evenings to relax and still found time to take us out on healthy walks in nature) >he spends 15 years alone as a xoomcel >meets another woman, they fall in love, he moves in with her >cleans up his act, stops being a xoomer neet, toils even harder full time customer service >after a few years she kicks him out because he "had no time for her and didn't treat her right" (he worked full time, lived with and cooked and cleaned for her but dared to want some time for himself and to play ps5 even though it has no games or whatever) >she is approaching 60 and prefers cats and loneliness to that, or thinks she can get another man so what I take away from this is women are never happy or satisfied and a comfortable status quo is never sufficient even after the babymaking and raising times are over and you have to constantly be enabling and elevating her barbie-princess lifestyle at all times or else be discarded
Any update on the paki uber rapist bailed for "solicitation" in crotchdale?
>>362840 *memoryvores you*
>>362839 That's my experience with my ex too. "didn't feel like you love me", despite me the last month took all the initiative in messaging her and meetings. Don't really get it since they can't really trade up as they age
>>362840 Yeah they made him Mayor
>>362842 >breaks golden rule of never messaging and always being available not that you can ever please them anyway
>>362846 >bbk celebrating finally taking over the board circa 2056
*breeds in your path*
>>362848 Great. Also niggers going crazy on twitter in the replies to this. Just casual white hate. Love to see it.
>>362848 are square heads eugenic?
Tried a goose egg today courtesy of a family friend, was heckin tasty
>>362851 >Dorset holds a mini egg
>>362851 try horse egg next >>362852 kek
>>362852 keeeeeeek
>blacks can't even ring doorbells without being shot in KKKmerica
>>362851 *reports you to animal rising*
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new 'ud dropped
>>362859 smh went to upvote this but there is no upvote button
>>362856 Many such cases
>>362856 >Scholar keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>362864 what does this pig convey?
>>362864 literally a fucking jungle
>>362865 that the white race will do something about this, right after this nap
>>362864 Sargon is monitoring the situation
>>362869 we want sargon we want sargon we want sargon
>>362861 On the train home there was this big silverback dressed like a flashy/bling rapper, complete with what looked like a gold watch. He accidentally bumped into me and immediately said sorry, in what I could swear was a scared tone. Felt a bit like are lad BBK; the sissy nigger trembles before the buck breaker chud.
sargon of akkad got shooters in these streets
HEY WESSICA check out this museum toil lisa simpson https://youtu.be/w2XNjSNPlGA
>>362869 he's about to go gordon of khartoum on their bitch ass
>>362874 god I do not miss working with women
>>362874 The eternal bossman
libtard postal worker DESTROYED by maga patriot https://twitter.com/SouthlandPost/status/1646241779371343877
>>362878 he really got away with it for being a cop?
>>362878 typical spics always fighting each other over the dumbest shit
Uh oh Matt Walsh is on the case watch out librals!
if prison food is so bad then why are there so many fat prisoners?
>>362882 Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
EU ambassador assaulted in Sudanese violence https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-65306695 lol owned
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>>362873 >super sturdy under petticoat Get with it son ,it’s 1918!
>>362888 why is he so obsessed about trannies?
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>>362889 Bit sus ain’t it?
All that shit food you find in America came from the Dutch didn’t it, steiner. They owe you reparations. Their women are absolutely degenerate as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJW14vSKVGo
oh my science! someone reuploaded lost old agatha streams. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7mOJLli9io
>>362894 half the fun was commenting though smh. She must be old now
>>362896 she's 24
>>362897 I thought she got ruined into a bulldyke or something.
>>362898 yeah thats an old pic from a video on her schools website.
>24 tick tock
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>>362890 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>362893 she seems a bit swarthy to be a dutch
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so strange seeing mutt venti octoroon phenotype in N. europe it was not common to see octoroons really west of warren michigan since of how segregated shitagain is even to this day
another day another nothing accomplished mummy called and gave me the boilerplate woman speech again, about being tolerant and openminded and going to xoomer autism clubs in the hopes of finding someone under the age of 40 or maybe even a female latest cope was being a bellringer for the CofE maybe I'd meet a lovely female vicar approved welbyian troon >>362873 *immediately begins seething as soon as I see her at least it's a constructive hobby I guess
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>uberbossman calls me and reminds me of best practice as a contractor for leaving the jobsite without telling him when he owes me 4.5k and his "task" for me today was to take old furnature from his apartment complex and throw it in the construction site dumpsters and destroy materials so that the home builder corporation can't request returns from him
how do people who don't want to procreate even bother finding someone to be with? Like Steiner says, it's just a chore
>sitting around with nothing to do >maybe... I should... coom... smh the jews psychological warfare takes so long to heal from I vvill resist >>362905 take the most valuable stuff and start selling it or smth tbh
the more I see imagery of the outside world the less i ever want to leave the midwest tbh. england seems based likely the only other place I'd visit. every kraut I have met was a pretentious cunt and frogs seem a little swarthoidic where I wouldn't blend in.
>>362902 Looks like moroccan mixed tbf
>>362908 yeah I have like 3k worth of tounge and groove cedar ceiling and gonna be loading up some tile I hide today in my hiding spot at the end of the week
>>362909 germany and other parts of the continent have begun to have an allure to me a bit like america does because they seem like much bigger places with real wilderness to get away from people in I think I've only been more than a mile away from people once when I camped alone on a hillfort while toiling for vanlad
>>362912 Even in Germany I think you'd find it hard to be more than several miles from a tarmac road.
>>362907 last girl I had any chemistry with was a BIG tall lass from georgia who thought I was a quaint white trash midwestoid but she wasn't really interested in dating and was in full muh career mode that was in 2015, she said that one day she would show up again or something cringe like that. got to hold her hand one time thats fucking cringe but that was a long fucking time ago and after that it has just been nutty weirdos like shylass or women who were just massive whores and there was never any situation to develop a relationship that wasn't some chad "lets go fuck right now bitch" relationship that my williamoidic character build lacks as a primary skill
>>362912 smh love my grey cold boggy swamp forests
https://youtu.be/Y1TfYnKgKb0 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH prairechads like leafposter make me scared I could never live in this environment
>>362917 It's so flat.
smorb lads >>362917 tbh seems completely alien
>>362916 I felt sad for him as being shot by one's mother is not something anyone should suffer, he probably made it happen, still. Then he starts doing the nigger thing where he repeats the same thing over and over and over again. This must be a trait that is hardwired into them way back since I have seen that exact thing with niggers in Norway too.
Just got done watching Cinderella man. It's surprising how much has changed with films less than 2 decades.
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>>362924 you okay lad?
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>>362926 glad you're doing well.
>>362927 looking forward to the economic collapse tbf
>>362928 yeah hoping my skillset will save me from starvation rn tbf, i wasn't smart or wealthy enough to horde any physical assets.
Crazy how libtarded America was during ww2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K6-cEAJZlE
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>>362929 tbh can't wait to buy a wife with my silver or just get one with my mini 14
>>362932 going by the comments it seems chugs are massive faggots
>>362933 yeah chugs were doing their own version of southcoping where they said that they wouldn't want to try that in the texas reservations because something would happen to them keeek.
>>362932 would be kino but it seems like pooskins never get anything done when it comes to big racial violence. same thing happened with spics nigcels and arabcels during the floydian uprisings
is it true steiner, do you mog wiscoons?
not looking good nickbros
Waiting for somebody in Antarctica to beat this.
>>362936 thats just some weird non midwesterner pleb meme tbh or some cheese head (wisconsoners are called cheese heads) wisconsin was created later after the toledo border skirmish between ohio and michigan and part of the federal governments ending of the dispute over the bay in lake erie was to grant michigan the upper penninsula. wisconsin was initially part of the michigan territory
>>362939 keeeeeeeek wouldn't happen in neuschwabenland
>>362938 that gay nigger called alex jones and a bunch of proud boys hill billies and rednecks and they didn't beat his ass right there and of course the nigger was a gay nonce
>>362941 Falklands is a bit more Souf. They're in with a chance.
Than New Zealand. >>362943
You know he is fucked when Scammy Davis apologizes for anything.
>>362939 kek yeah well I've seen new zealand and let me tell you living in this abandoned whaling station on new georgia the king penguins around me would never put up with dope shooting niggers for a second
*meant deception island
luv tent city kino me. hope the strung out horde consumes every city on the west coast.
Auschwitz trending, what piece of propaganda have they put out this time?
>>362940 >cheese heads based tbh
>>362949 >thot buttmatrixing on the holocoaster line keeeeek
>>362950 tbh luv cheese me
absolutely rancid 3am braps tbh today's menu was breaded mac and cheese sandwich with cheese and onion spread
could this be the next summers big chimp out?? https://mobile.twitter.com/wkyc/status/1648114251821662214
>>362954 >nigger literally called jaywalker
>>362938 >mtg literally prostrated herself infront of a hall of cost museum a week into her tenure, she's seething because nick keeps calling her the missing link on his show KEEEEEEEEEK.
night lads, I really hope this throat infection doesn't get worse.
Emma watson losing her grip on reality as a childless 33 yo
>>362957 oh damn i think thats what i have rn
>>362953 based >>362954 smh do they even wait for a reason any more? may as well be a scheduled yearly event at this point
>>362958 keek melted vegan brain as well
>>362957 rip lad smh nini >>362958 wew keeek
>>362958 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek just the other day I saw something about her and was wondering how well she was coping into her 30s
https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/17/realestate/japan-empty-houses.html >Japan Has Millions of Empty Houses. Want to Buy One for $25,000?
>>362964 this could be the UK but atleast we have 7 million BAMES to comfort us instead.
>>362954 god I hope we get nig kino
>>362958 she is most likely a nonce victim and a lisa simpson archtype
>>362964 smh that's terrible how are young people supposed to become eternal rentslaves without a healthy shortage of housing to keep the prices up?
https://davidrozado.substack.com/p/gag >The Great Awokening as a Global Phenomenon
>>362964 >spent about $150,000 on renovations
>>362969 hope there's actually an increase in chuddiness behind all that instead of it just being propaganda to remind the niggercattle who the enemy is >>362970 ghoulish
>>362969 >that ethiopia graph Looks like the poz was air dropped on them in 2015 and they all panicked but then quickly got sick of it.
>>362969 Makes me despair. Iran has an impressive dip after 2010, only for it to be completely reversed
Wait till this gets around Albert Square
>>362977 wonder how deep it goes tbh would be funny if it shatters the snp completely
>>362949 It's this pic and people saying that it's okay that is making them seethe
>>362955 keeeeeek was going to point this out
just bought my first abyssal whip lads >>362979 people trivialising the holobunga and using it as a prop to get goodscreen likes is based probably the only positive thing the buttmatrix has brought into this world
>>362958 What did civc fencer mean by this?
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>>362977 careful lad, you don't want this beef
>>362981 good lad I've always wanted one of those
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ZOG orders mass arrest for all who attended the Charlottesville torch rally 7 years ago https://www.cbs19news.com/story/48734022/grand-jury-issues-indictments-connected-to-2017-torchlit-march
>>362987 prison for 5 years for using atorch as a torch?
>>362987 >free countries be like >>362988 Lads don't unspoiler smh.
Meanwhile Charlottesville is rapidly becoming a violent coon majority town after the summer of Floyd. https://www.cbs19news.com/story/48590120/more-homicides-this-year-than-in-the-past-six-years
>rewatching old Supernatural for soystalgia >one of the first angels to appear says they haven't walked the earth for 2000 years >implying old Mo must've made up being visited by Gabriel or been deceived by a demon
>>362988 Bigger than your. You should ask for a donation
>watching deadliest warrior clips >IRA vs Taliban >IRA uses slingshots
>>362995 >over one million dollars then again given how Ukraine receives billions it doesn't seem that much
>>362997 No wonder Sweden said no to giving armaments. They said they would go to waste as it takes years to learn how to operate them effectively This war has been over since it began tbh
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based mutt
Saw two half-caste/white female couples walking home from toil. Seething and fantasising about doing violence at them tbh
>>363000 they're just in their snowbunny phase dw
>>363001 What?
PURELY GOOD BUSINESS GOYIM! TRUST ME! > Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says he strategically downplayed the impending Russian invasion to prevent a financial panic that he says would have resulted in his country swiftly falling to the Kremlin. >Zelensky described the delicate balancing act he faced leading up to the invasion in an interview with The Washington Post published Tuesday. The remarks by the Ukrainian leader sheds light on why Zelensky publicly contradicted statements of U.S. officials who accurately predicted Russia's invasion of Ukraine. >Heavily dependent on Western military aid, Zelensky sought to maintain relations with the U.S. while also criticizing America's warnings of a Russian incursion as an "exaggeration." >”I'm the president of Ukraine," he said at a press conference in February, "and I'm based here and I think I know the details better here." >Zelensky added that threats of war meant "panic in the market, panic in the financial sector. How much does it cost our country?" >Zelensky had been provided detailed U.S. intelligence early on about Russia's planned invasion. CIA Director William Burns secretly visited Zelensky in mid-January, sharing intelligence that Russia planned to move quickly from ally Belarus to Ukraine's capital city Kyiv, The Wall Street Journal reported in April. >Burns reportedly told Zelensky that Russian forces planned to take control of Antonov Airport in Hostomel, outside of Kyiv, and use it to fly in troops who would be used to topple Ukraine's government. https://www.newsweek.com/zelensky-reveals-why-he-didnt-warn-his-citizens-russian-invasion-1734268
So weird to come around like this way late into the game, especially after attacking other people for it, or just not touching the subject at all before.
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>>363003 Imagine having a thug shakin jew as the leader of your country. Yikes. At least Rishi is a woman-penis-denier
>>363005 He smells a profit to be made of the chud.
Another reinforcement wave from russia being sent to ukraine in the south
End robot abuse! No bad robots, just bad programmers! Rabid robots behead small child. Instances of robot sex abuse on the rise. Robot wins award for daring underwater rescue. Fast fashion robots. Robot racism discussed in Parliament. Anti-Robot mob undermines community cohesion. Robot named sportswoman of the year. Human-Robot pay rates still an issue for reformers. Robotic rape gangs remain unprosecuted. Anti-Robot terrorist organisation had up to six hundred members. Hot Bolts: Nude Robotic Forms. First robot to marry into the royal family tells all. Liberal Democrats in Anti-Robot conspiracy scandal. Robotic musician accused of anti-Semitic diatribe. Humans to become a minority in London within the next decade. Thankfully, the above headlines are fictitious.
>>363008 And here I was told they were out of tanks, guns and men.
>so you’re saying Jesus was a jew? >hmmmmm
>examines grouping >obviously a calm collected highly trained professional marksman with a strong right arm WE GOT HIM BOYS!
>>363017 they should send those zogbot sharts off to ukraine
its so amazing how if you are a low status male or incel how little your own family generally cares about what you do with your life. everyone is so busy. smh just went and met a potential customer who wanted some massive renovation to their house and I was explaining the details to mummy and dad (like 20-25k remodel don't know why they would hire me tbh) and they just were so disinterested and kept basically walking away in mid conversation. smdh brother literally told me he had to go when I called him keeeeeeeeek. wtf
>>363019 its their way of slapping you down, ignore them completely.
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>>363020 tbh normalfags seething that galaxy brain virgins can go from being a librarian to bidding 20k construction jobs in less than 3 years. richfag boomer wanting to do it seems like a cunt but skullet boomer and foreman boomer taught me well, "we don't leave until we clean out the fridge". get ready gramps because moving exterior windows isn't some DIY afternoon shite, its
there is a word filter for the dollar sign keeeek
>>363024 >a really big group of- of guys
that's the spin then I guess, they really were mainly after the nigger, not like they screamed about beating the bitch up. Can the white race have a win for once? 30 nigs beating up a girl and it's a fucking coal burner who will sacrifice herself and her kin for her pet.
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>Walmart closing 4 stores in nigger neighbourhoods in Chicago due to 'security issues' >Mutts take to the streets in fury to demand the holy Shartmart remain open keek this might be peak shartica https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-walmart-stores-closing-near-me-chatham-store-closings/13118712/
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>she literally is a bbcslut and she got blown the fuck out by a horde of niglets
god I hope we get some riotkino this summer
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>>363011 damn thats insane. 95% of therapists and psychologists leaving university today are femoids and theyre likely all extremely far left, wouldnt be surprised if theres a scandal of them encouraging white patients to kill themselves in the future.
>>363027 shut up, none of this matters, try it in the south buttercup.
they’re seething again >Italian Agriculture Minister Francesco Lollobrigida, one of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's closest allies, caused a scandal on Tuesday 18 April by warning against the "ethnic replacement" of Italians by migrants. >"We cannot resign ourselves to the idea of ethnic replacement: Italians have fewer children, so let's replace them with others. This is not the way forward," said Francesco Lollobrigida, a member of the far-right Fratelli d'Italia party led by Giorgia Meloni and the prime minister's brother-in-law. [...] >Elly Schlein, secretary of the centre-left Democratic Party, condemned "repugnant remarks" that "smack of white supremacism". Moreover, she noted, Francesco Lollobrigida made the remarks at a time when Italian President Sergio Mattarella was attending a commemoration at the Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz. These fuckers are in power everywhere. Bet she’ll be Italy’s new PM next. Hellish Schlein’s cv >be born in Switzerland to american and ‘italian’ parents (jewish) >3 nationalities possibly 4 Swiss, Italian, US, Israeli >get raised in Switzerland >briefly go to school in Bologna >be a lezzer >take part in the Obama presidential campaign >go back to italy >run for left wing party lead and win because muh woman and billionaire with just one million votes when your rival got 3.5million votes >immediately ask for more immigrants
>>363036 keeeek no matter where they are they have to act like that
>>363037 >Dey moided us all in Ow!Schwitz! Fah no fuckin’ reasans ad all Also fuck that globohomo’d Meloni as well she’s either an accelerationist ( doubt ) or she’s just turning a blind eye In fact fuck all women. They just don’t have the balls
50k likes by the way
>>363038 yeah to allow women in leadership positions is always a mong move
>>363039 I'm sure the cupcakes will rise
>>363040 I'm pretty sure it's a sign your nation is dying or dead.
shhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiittttttttt the amount of english language puff pieces written about that kikess
>>363036 the shadow gov't of the west is the jewish ashkenazi empire
>>363039 well well well southboys, wheres all the walk to follow that talk?
>Fingolian Eurovision entry WDTMBT? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNrgQm5z07U
> hey based dark handed man “steal” my phone and “hack” my twidder so I can get the noggins joggin’
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>>363049 he got simjacked. its amazing how shitty twitters security is.
>>363024 He is mossad too. Public knowledge. Keeeek.
Left hand lass is beautiful. So much youth. So much lustre. The Bum Bum King approveth.
>hall of retards episode
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>this thread
bbk loves the campness of High School. You should work in the theatre, lad.
>>363061 >Valley High Puerto Rican muslim Hafid Alicea brings the fire to BBK
https://twitter.com/bad_takes/status/1647989183196135427 Ben Shapiro predicts destruction of Disney, judeo-christian victory imminent
>>363067 keeeeeeeeeek devilish
>>363067 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>363070 Soy based He reminds me of this tbh <
>>363070 >he gets startled keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he's so cute
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up to hear with them loony left! remember when british meant british? sort it out nigel!
I heard if you play this loud enough it summons The Blood God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6QhAZckY8w
>>363074 too bloody right world's gone mad
>giving me walking with beasts 2000s cgi movemenrts nostalgia
>>363077 based falmer brvther feud hated vyrthur's fight, kept getting crushed by pillars or game crashed found out the other day that daughters of coldharbour get raped to death by molag bal then resurrected as vampires smh no wonder serana doesnt want to marry dragonborn
>>363079 Keek. Trying to glitch past that bit with my Cheese character after load warping in through a cave in the veil with the main one. It's protected by an invisible wall outside though. Smh. >wanting to marry a crusty 1000 year old daddy issues emo in the first place
Can't believe it is his birthday again tomorrow.
*disembowls you with my sickle claw toe*
>ywn be a shantungosaurus giganteus
>visit hoof GP to see if he has any new hoof videos >nothing >check the channels tab >his brother is a jock nationalist keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>363084 keeeeek smh why are they always like this
>>363087 >he implies people who say "monke" instead of monkey is part of the group that partake in watching monkey torture videos lads?
>>363087 pooskins btfo monke torture is psycho behaviour tbh it's about time the suppliers got slapped down and shown the door since obviously their thirdie governments can't be relied on to do it most of the time it's a surrogate for what they really want to do to humans (often children) the strangest part is how outwardly normal the consumers of these videos are it's a deep rabbithole smh be warned if you investigate this lads >>363088 baseless assumption tbh monke is literally just a zoomer memi from a short clip from kung fu panda that blew up and gained widespread adoption
>>363087 >>363089 explain? when and why did this become a thing?
pov you're a monkey torture video >>363090 4-5 years ago. The video explains it. Once they could no longer call their videos "torture" they started pretending that they were actually doing things for the benefit of the monkeys, bathing them(holding them under water and rubbing soap in their eyes) or surgery (removing limbs, etc. I am sure you have seen at least a pic of the one where they push a screw into a monke's eye). Where does it come from? People getting sick relief from the hurting of powerless creatures, feeling powerful and schadenfreude. And probably other things I can't think of
Just another reason to hate dravidian scum
>>363090 learnt about this from browsing /an/ for a few years thirdies hate monkeys because they actually have to live near them and monkeys are smart enough to steal things and break shit but not smart enough to understand that actions have consequences (i.e. basically the nigger version of niggers) so in current year it's basically inevitable that someone's going to torture monkeys and film it this ranges from full-blown medieval-style blood and guts torture down to petty shite like taking away an infant monkey's milk bottle and then laughing at it it blows up into a full blown cottage industry with people watching these videos all over the world and paying to have more videos made a shocking amount of people watching this shite turned out to be ordinary suburban mothers (probably something to do with "cute aggression" plus pent up frustration towards their own children tbh) sickest part is the comments left on these videos make it clear that these people would prefer to be watching human babies get tortured but they're settling for something more accessible
he theorises a lot of monke torture video watchers are single middle aged women who don't have children, and similarly to how they seem to hate chilren(because they missed out on them, or didn't have them because they already hated them) they get a kick out of the pain and suffereing of monkehogs smh. He also theorises that a lot of watchers are nonces using monkes as a surrogate for child abuse, as well as monkey torture communities function as a way to find fellow nonces
kind of glad I don't live around monkeys tbh. Find it kind of uncanny how intelligent and human-like they are. At least birds are so different from us
>>363095 tbh luv monkes and don't want to find out if that would change if i had to endure their antics every day
smh if only thirdies didn't exist
Coroner rules Astra Zeneca vaccine should be added to death certificate of 'fit and healthy' psychologist, 32, who suffered blood clot to the brain 10 days after receiving the jab https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11990195/Psychologist-32-died-complications-AstraZeneca-Covid-vaccine-inquest-rules.html
>>363099 >do they speak? >no taxman btfo
wish I could be a monke and not a workhorse
>>363101 *lights yout tail on fire*
lad no
And that's how it's done.
>when the gang are ready to invade dragqueen story hour and [redacted daftyism]
>>363104 smh is there any way to get down there to get his loot or is it gone forever?
>>363106 Just used become ethereal and jumped down tbh. The slowfall of Skyrim.
>>363105 based >>363107 gigabased
reminder that leftist white people have progressively been attopting a hotep worldview because its illegal to disagree with niggers in their mind. just saw some nigger on twitter claim that black people invented gothic architecture after the crusaders saw the wonder of black palestine and all his likes were from white marxists.
>>363109 yeah they're completely mindbroken smh in ideal conditions they could probably be saved somehow but here in reality they're the enemy and that's that smh what a waste
Construction for the Lincoln, Ely and Durham Cathedral all precede the first crusade btw.
>>363112 and they're beautiful
I've also noticed you have literal shitskinned niggers and indians posting the medchad nordnigger memes and identifying with the meds. spengler was right when he said we had to guard out technology from the brown mass of subhumanity around us. none of these niggers should be allowed online.
>>363114 They larp as Krauts, Poles, Russians etc etc - all sorts now
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>>363114 sory bro english langag internet is belong Bharat now
>>363115 >claims to be white >says he hates whites >says he shags whites.
>>363019 >Nobody wants to speak to obnoxious incel manchild Yeah, everyone else is the ploblem!
>>363063 I work in finance so that I can afford my new crown tbh >>363067 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>363103 je qeeq!
>>363123 tickling an accountants balls for loose change isn't working in finance.
troon uprising is here.
>>363124 I'm much more than an accountant and how did you know I tickle my balls at work? Are you watching me under the table, SA?
>>363127 I didn't know you more than just in an accountant lad maybe it is more than loose change.
>aggressive gay fantasies episode D-don't k-kiss me l-lass!
No one here can afford the queen of greater merseyside don't worry lass.
>bright pink ID >gayism >his hand just came through my scream and tried to wank me I'm thinkin' this nigga be GAY!
I'm not being charged for this gay erp session you're forcing me in to am I?
>363124 >starts a homoerotic fantasy >accuses you of starting it The faggot cries out in pain as he wanks you.
>meanly comments on his profession >he's now hyperfocused on getting tugged off by another man
>>363122 apparently it was a fireworks accident
>>363125 apparently it was a fireworks accident
>>363122 >bbk criticising people for being a manchild >talks in a funny voice on the internet about his sentient poos
>>363136 swamp gas explosion smh weather balloon or something
>>363138 google news is acting weird for me
>>363139 that's normal citizen just believe what you're told
>this spam not being removed
>>363141 tbh, fe14af is being really gay. I think it's Dorset.
>>363141 what spam lad?
>>363143 fe14af 30293a
>/brit/ has declined to the point where a brief homo-erotic argument between anons is considered intolerable spam
*starts crying*
>>363145 catty back and forth during dead hours isn't spam lad there was zero discussion going on
what are the biggest /brit/ discords?
>>363125 DANG! THWARTED!
great I am on that vpn that changes IP every now and again. Smh.
>>363151 >*screams*
>>363151 >women
>>363109 yeah this happened at uni during my masters program a professor literally gave creedence to the idea that nefertiti was a nigger.
It's trickled down to niggers and normies who will now argue with you on twitter how anglos and vikings were niggers
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>>363151 I look forward to the Biblical defence of the transgender Jesus concept.
Ancient Grease and Roam.
>>363158 I'm sure it's already out there. Seen some people say the stab wound created by the spear represents a vagina
maybe mummy will bake a birthday cake for Hitler
>>363160 >stab wound >a vagina weeeew that's good to be satire surely
>>363162 pretty sure i've read it before we live in a post-satire world lad
>>363162 I had a mate that would refer to vaginas as axe wounds, it wasn't even anything to do with troons either. Strange man.
>>363164 that's pretty common tbh lad that's centuries old
>>363165 Really? He was the only person I knew that ever used that colloquial.
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>>363164 That mate? It was me.
>>363167 Okay I guess it is more common that I thought.
>>363166 smh you were just insulated in a william bubble smdh many such cases pretty common over here tbh axe wound gash etc
My ancestors? Called it "wet meadow"
>>363169 Maybe, that and all the builders down here I work with are foreigners.
>>363148 toom tabard
I call it "lady aprts" and run off giggling meself
>>363171 smh the language barrier is a harsh mistress my cotoilers on the retoil night shift always used to talk to each other in their own language and i never had any idea what they were talking about bossman would do this too smh he'd talk to the team in oopty gupty speak and then say it again in english for me mad how some people still can't accept that in-group preference is a thing
>>363176 *kisses that lass*
>>363177 Yeah all the work place banter is now in Albanian
>>363179 >Albanian for me it was some kind of curryspeak probably easier for me because they were visibly other smh rip lad
I unironically can't bring myself to hate Albania.
>>363181 They're hard working lads but I won't do the 8 till 6 6 days a week like they do and they make fun of me for it.
zoomers like this gross meme too much
>>363160 >>363162 >>363163 Entirely plausible..I believe it
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>>363183 >he made his tie move to imitate the spinning bow I'll accept it
death penalty to cats scratching on doors
>>363183 Russia is lost Let fly the bombs of war
>>363174 >Yoo appear to ‘ave an unsliced loaf in yer basket. Do you mind telling me ’ow you intend to slice that?
>>363190 why is he so obsessed about trannies?
>>363190 needs a daily brit 22st edit
>>363191 its the most "radical" thing they are permitted to discuss
>>363190 >her penis
sick of this bloody woke nonsense
>>363196 they're lost the plot
>>363190 Thought he was partial to troons tbh. Needs an edit of him wearing heavy make up in that video
Just another ten years and the mainstream right will finally only be 30 years behind the average /brit/ lad.
>>363199 can't wait to see their stale milquetoast takes a few decades from now
>>363201 They'll finally be asking questions about UN's role in mass migration.
>use SWedish VPN >get breaking news updates from Sweden on youtube >murder of natives by ethnics wholesome
imagine having someone in your family killed as a direct result of immigration and someone telling you that it's worth it because of spicy food keeeeeeeek
any gang weeders got their blunts ready for midnight?
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>>363203 It’s Ramadan lad. multiple stabbings in Duisberg in Germany and a few cities in France. Prolly loads more out there. Happens so much ain’t even headline news no more. Some wog in Slovenia as well got done for running around with a knife and churches keep getting smashed up and torched in France as well
>>363205 trying to quit tbh
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>>363209 I forgot about gun autist qt.
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>>363211 starting to feel old smh first thought at seeing the thumbnail was that she shouldn't wear such revealing clothes didn't watch the video
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>tornadic supercells spooling up across Oklahoma City
comfy chase stream https://youtu.be/0uNGyHlF7-4
>>363213 good lad it's where we should all end in simple disinterest and mild disapproval.
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>>363217 you'll definitely be like that after 40 years of keeping your 16 war trophy wives good to you with a mixture of silver savings and the stock of your mini 14.
>>363207 in france libtards attack churches because muh secularism.
just stole 4 cases of large format tile from uberbossmans toil site, just making sure nobody steals them he can have them back when he pays me my 4.5k. gonna clean out the whole site over the next month fuck boomers
me all the time
>>363222 has the tornado killed any rural and suburban retards yet?
its chimpin in ohio
nigcels think they're going to do something https://twitter.com/antiracistsouth/status/1648734947350331392
>>363219 That was some muslim though.. he was arrested and sent to “psychiatric” detention for desecrating that zog war memorial
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>Tucker has highest ratings >Everyone copies Tucker
>>363229 Fucking hate them but I’m sure these videos are being spammed by neo outfits in the US to agitate for and increase China hate as they ramp up for war. Been seeing more and more everywhere
>A North Carolina 6-year-old and her parents were shot Tuesday night by an angry neighbor who fired at them after a basketball rolled into his yard, a report. >Kinsley White was wounded along with her mother Ashley Hilderbrand and father William White when a gunman opened fire at around 8 p.m. in Gaston County after he became enraged about the bouncing ball, according to WSOC-TV. >White was critically injured attempting to protect his daughter. >Neighbors told the station a group of kids was playing basketball when the ball bounced into the alleged gunman’s yard. >Suspected shooter Robert Louis Singletary grew angry and ran down the street as he fired at a neighbor, they reportedly said. >Then he came back and began shooting at the family, including the young daughter who needed stitches on her face from bullet fragments, WSOC-TV reported. https://nypost.com/2023/04/19/6-year-old-girl-parents-shot-after-basketball-rolls-into-mans-north-carolina-yard/
>>363230 this is AI, right?
hope youve all said your happy birthdays to the silly sausage lads
The white race is unstoppable
>>363233 No expert but it could well be I found it on some twitter feed
>>363237 if you're not on twitter putting in work for the white race, what are you doing?
>>363234 >spirit still not risen from the grave AUGH a very happy birthday to the lad who doesn't have to experience clown world
>>363238 Keeeek
>>363240 His spirit is definitely rising if you compare your statement to sentiment in the 90’s tbf.
Happy Birthday, Mr Hitler Sir!
When did Pewdipie enlist?
>>363217 Striker bros, I don't feel so good
>>363244 Blood SIR Hitler not Hitler sir! Benchod! Stupid bloody bitch bastard!
I didn't know Enoch Powell did his rivers of blood speech on Hitler's birthday
Is anyone actually watching that Sam Hyde reality show?
>>363249 no because he's even paywalling the youtube clips now
yesterday's noseley he actually had a good guest on who does real politics and activism, the workers of england union/english democrats guy Robin Tilbrook https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR206:0
>>363253 >slav thinking he's part of the white race smh if true, poor lad
thinking of how Aethelwulf and Adolf are the same name
>>363254 t. French mutt
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>>363253 That first image is inaccurate. From a quick search online, Brezhnev seems to have said this to James Callaghan, not Thatcher. Really fucking tiresome when people post dubious images that turn out to be partly or completely bullshit.
>>363252 need to get a hat like that for myself
Muskman's super rocket launching for the first time in T-10 minutes. Concentrate all your bad engineering vibes on the launch site lads https://youtu.be/-1wcilQ58hI
do we support the national armed forces day lads?
Aw lads, you shouldn't have
Have a giant abscess in the corner of my gum making all movements painful.
https://twitter.com/WilliamA_33/status/1649030131866804227 Great fun film by the way, just ignore the part where he out of character, both for the real man and the film character, shoots a dog
>>363266 there is also an italian version where mussolini comes back and it's even better because he just goes around the general public and they keep saluting him and stuff keeek
steiner btfoing the brazillians https://twitter.com/i/status/1647993130724073478
>>363268 Reminder that the white man lost a war against emus, what do you think the brown man can do against a hoard of pigs?
>>363257 Left for Dead miniboss tier.
>>363228 the boomers seem to love it
15 minutes before operation Barbarossa goes ahead in my EUIV game.
>when you're having a tug but then the smell of cow poo fills your nostrils and suddenly you're not so horny anymore
>>363272 isn't EUIV a little early for operation barbarossa
>wessex linking cow scat fetish porn
>>363137 >BBK is a child he engages in banter The enemies of HRH TBBK are trully absurd!
>>363281 sing us a jolly song lad
>>363250 no idea how he gets people to buy in and watch that tbh
>>363285 lovely couple
>>363283 Took me a minute to get it tbh.
>>363287 this man is autistic
>>363284 He's just a world class grifter. Don't be jelly.
I like to think Sam popped out the womb with a beanie on, first grift already fully mapped out.
>you finally breed >it's a daughter
FRESH JOEY OWENS SAVING LIVERPOOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuqhC7ZjlHY
>neurotypicals still exist >>363291 iktfb
>>363253 Yes I choose to believe that the communists subscribed to yankocentric racial categories
>>363258 That first image is from the source book I posted written in 1984. I did a quick search and could find nothing else. First search of subject matter turned up amren article Ismail agrees with you
The boys are back in town
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might name my one of my children ankylosaurus
why do furries/scalies love gore so much?
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got jumpscared by a hallucination just now when I turned around and mistook my footstool for a puglad tbh creepy man faced stubby pug peeking out from the doorframe
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>>363276 Wtf! Why the fuck would you go swimming in a cesspool filled with animal shit? >tfw I suspected what it was but had to look it up because I didn’t believe it
>Woes arguing with a devout Christian on twitter for days keeeeeeeeek he's just like me
PA groups have split off from the main lot
>>363308 details?
>>363310 Details will come out to the pooblic later lad smh Scots have fucked off I believe
I just did a fart
>>363311 hope they actually register as a party I guess >>363312 details?
Had fruit farts in the toilet at work and people passing by heard it keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>363314 I think some people are annoyed at the vetting/delays in becoming a party etc. because Mark is angry that people said he spends to much time streaming keek
frsh and live dutty prfsor not watching this one tbh seems a bit schizo >Columbia University Psychiatrist Richard Gallagher Argues Demon Possession May Be Real https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pkfkcD0s1I&pp=wgIGCgQQAhgB
Yeah, it looks like the argument is about elections not being central to Patriotic Alternative.
>>363316 understandable tbh he doesn't actually link to most of his appearances on his own channel or talk about them except occasionally in the PWRs but apparently he's on irrelevant 2view yank podcasts and stuff nearly every day of the week trying to network I guess but in a retarded way
>>363318 don't think there should be an argument tbh PA should be a party and they should stand and campaign but they should also be doing community building because it's almost certain electoral politics is a dead end road
>>363320 >>363319 tbh, there needs to be a positive feedback loop of community building feeding into political power and any political power feeding back into community building smh
Then a violent race war advocated by me, the Bum Bum King.
>>363308 wessies putsch already underway. stand by patriots.
>>363239 If you're a tall bird this is actually not that uncommon tbf >>363281 prurience and scatological humour is not "banter" >>363317 I already believe this unironically tbh.
crazy that in the 90s mujahadeen types got to fight in afghanistan, bosnia and chechnya all with US backing before they became a problem. i wonder if they'll ever get an opportunity like that again.
maybe uighurs in china or if france elects le peng? actually seems like islamcels are buck broken if anything nowadays.
>>363325 this guy needs to be euthanised ont he spot
>>363327 tbh not a lot coming out of mudsharts since the fall of isis
so this anal fissure just not going to go away then
>ouwww me bum's leaking >I'm not gay ok lad
the grandson of that 90 year old that shot that nigger speaks out: he's racist, he says. https://twitter.com/FrankDeScushin/status/1649073069632225280
>>363331 t. homo
table lamp... dimming sleepy times.... fallen
should mothers let their incel sons have sex with them?
>>363253 brezhnev and nixon were both the closest we got in the 20th century to wignat leaders outside of hitler (pbuh) obviously
(squeaky voice) how low can you go? x8 damn nigga that's NUTTY
The Polish Orthodox Church was established in 1920 with consent from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople after the Bolshevik revolution cut ties between the formerly Russian Orthodox churches in Poland and Lithuania and the Moscow Patriarchate. Earlier, in January 1922, the Polish government had issued an order recognizing the Orthodox church and placing it under the authority of the state. According to the Polish census of 1921 the ethnically Polish population constituted about 69% of the population of the reborn state. The largest minorities in interwar Poland were Ukrainians (15.17%), Jews (7.9%), Belarusians (4.03%) and Germans (2.99%). The Poles being uniformly Catholic therefore enacted Polonization policies through a religious lens. At the start of the year 1918, there were 370 Ukrainian Orthodox Churches, in the Kholm and Pidliashia regions, upon the declaration of Polish independence in 1918, around 320 of them were immediately converted to Roman Catholic Churches and the remainder were closed or destroyed. In 1938 the Polish government issued an order instituting the use of Polish during sermons, in protest Ukrainian priests stopped giving sermons altogether. Between 1937 and 1938, more than 150 Ukrainian Orthodox Churches were destroyed under the auspice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)s of the Second Polish Republic. After the death of Józef Piłsudski, these trends increased in strength, which was reflected in the establishment of the Minorities Committee, which at the first meeting addressed the issue of the Orthodox Church and upheld the concept of its Polonization, and eventually created the conditions to move the population to Roman Catholicism as the best guarantee of being Polish In 1948, after the Soviet Union established political control over Poland, the Russian Orthodox Church recognised the autocephalous status of the Polish Orthodox Church. There are currently 500,000 members of the Polish Orthodox Church making it the second largest religion in Poland today. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_Orthodox_Church 1.Church of the Archangel Michael, Warsaw. Built in the 1890s, it was destroyed in 1923 2.Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Warsaw. Built between 1894 and 1912, demolished in 1924. 3.Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene, Warsaw. Built 1869, allowed as the main Cathedral of the Polish Orthodox Church.
have a feeling that shartican nigcels wont ever riot like they did in 2020 since its pretty much guaranteed that they can attack ytoids freely and if they fight back they can still kill them in self defence
>>363330 Shouldn’t have lopped it off then
Why can’t I open this! Reeeee >”uploader has not made this available in your cuntry” Supposed to be Hitler’s private book collection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLwt5ZpUI2c
>>363297 I was expecting something like this, and in a weird way I got it.
>>363340 keeeeeeeeeek please crash https://youtu.be/OqELpj7SpHo
>>363332 Hahahahahahahaha He’s a fucking quadroon! Big up granddad! > He's just a stock, American, Christian male.
>>363346 just two more weeks
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>>363347 southerners won't do fucking shit about it either, at least the KKK bombed niggers and gov't in the 1970s in shitagain. what have southerners ever even done about niggers except cope?
https://youtu.be/udY39M4phf4 >southern tough guys talk shite >niggers come to their house and step up in their face >southerners do exactly shit
these things wouldn't happen at the exact geomagnetic centre of the south pole
nightmares? if a nightmare happened in south snoozeville, we'd get comfy again quicker than you can say Zzzeehaw
>>363347 imagine one of your breedspawn throwing you under the bus like this
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDDz1Er2IXA 35 yo boomer rocker btfo the libs and this woke nonsense ahaha.
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Great to see that young people worldwide are finally standing up to the woke online mob. Fantastic work @FallingInReverseBandOfficial
>>363356 Can imagine him posting this keek smh.
had a fart didnt shit
some excellent poosts tonight lads
Great some cunt got Varg suspended again
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>>363359 baste
twitternazis... we got too cocky
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So troubling to see artists and musicians silenced by left wing bullies. @elonmusk needs to step in and sort this out
>>363364 loving this new gimmick lad.
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>>363364 keeeeek
monitoring the situation stay strong patriots
Reading this thread gives me hope for the younger generation, the tide is finally turning against the woke mob, its about bloody time!
>>363364 keeeeeeeeeeeek
new slow burn, bone chilling, atmosphere-oozing, trope-subverting, genre-redefining, gut-wrenching, spine-tingling, emotionally taxing, paranoia-inducing, jaw-clenching, nerve-wracking, character-development driven, soul-shaking slavgore dropped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzL3rUfF_wY
>>363371 Where is the gore?
>>362958 >lads don't know about the saturn return
kino ngl, sorry zsisters
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arab shite is kino, this is just sad depressing slavshit. its just this humilating waste of life shit like how whitoids do war. arabs at least make a spectacle of it
>>363377 when the white race takes power seethemongering journalists will be first against the wall. Why even give this creature an article?
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>>363377 wonder if he got cancer from the vaxx
Is he right, lads, will white folks rise up?
>>363382 I'm already erect.
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freddo easter egg for supper
>>363387 good lad
minor happening lads apparently the latest line of direct government interference and fearmongering is going ahead and poonak will use the emergency alert system to set off alarms and text everyone in the UK "good morning dear ;)" on the 23rd
>>363386 choon that >>363389 horrifying
want to go back to bed but can't because tomorrow is my one (1) paid toilday of the month and I sneed to have a reasonably good night's sleep guess I'll go shops see if there's any gf on reduced
Haha! Yes! Muslim pupils tell Hindu classmates to convert to Islam to avoid bullying > Muslim pupils are telling their Hindu classmates to change their religion to avoid bullying and make their lives easier, a think tank has found. >The study by the Henry Jackson Society found that Hindu pupils are being “held responsible” for the actions of India and facing xenophobic slurs from white pupils. >dem whites is bad too I tell ya! https://archive.is/byn6Z Celebrating ‘diversity’ above all else erases what makes Britain great >The UK’s success as a multiracial democracy is not in spite of our history, but directly because of it! Nick Timothy ( proves he’s not anti semitic by writing poz ) https://archive.is/i4dXh
>>363389 >that pic
>>363393 That is a picture of a lucky man House, car and /fit/
Wew >6 million years in prison for shitposting Nowt for shooting someone dead
>sun shining, fog lifting, nice spring day >think to myself that I will make an effort to smile and say good morning to other pedestrians >not five seconds out the front door a crusting thot takes a disgusted look at me and averts her eyes >day ruined and the day before some chavs in a van did that thing where they zoom past and yell insults or something smh, happened multiple times in multiple different towns now at least I passed a lass with nice thick legs on the way to college in a tight skirt and dark hosiery ham and some kind of furrin cottage cheese croissant for brunchfast tbh >>363393 yeah
>>363396 At least we’re not leaves lads why do they all look so comfortable in high heels?
yoghurt coleslaw on the side too surprisingly not that bad >>363397 really makes you think
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Going to surprise Wessex with a lovely English rose slampig
>>363397 why would you do this......
> Five eyes expand warnings on 5G to rope in ‘smart cities’ and IoT https://www.themandarin.com.au/218063-five-eyes-asd-expand-warnings-on-5g-to-rope-in-smart-cities-and-iot/
They really cast a downs syndrome person to play the leader of the lost boys in the peter pan remake
>>363404 keeeeek
undo all bans so I can post without a VPN, please
>>363407 wasn't aboard the whole buck-breaking thing, but I can't say no to a thug shaker tbh
>>363404 Racist They could have diversified that role a bit more
>>363410 keeek didn't even notice that is what they were before looking more closely
https://youtu.be/bIiCE3KCkOY smh his sister/caretaker/mother/fren trying to protect him. I need a black queen NOW
>>363414 smdh craig charles fell in with a bad crowd
>>363417 Horrifying.
>polishits being a bad joke episode >it's every episode
>>363420 try to google what the bullying is but every news site is just fucking awful. I just want a strong man who bullies
>>363397 Based?
Three niggers in Florida bullied by a Kazakh they tried to rob. He got their gun and everything while videoing himself doing it. American police speechless Top keek https://files.catbox.moe/1gfphr.mp4
>>363423 keeeeeeeeeeek gigabased
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*swipes your piss*
>>363392 Lmfao @ it taking a uni professor years to figure out this lukewarm critique. Meanwhile my chud ass has said this for years.
Behold, a man!
>>363427 Ah yess The BCC Dayyum, I hope d’xey wash that big cock’s cock bfoh eatin’ ut
>makes the same joke https://youtu.be/ifaoKZfQpdA
>>363420 He has the same lunch every day? Yikes that gives me the ICK. What a CREEP.
>>363430 >bacon thought he was a scooby?
*startrs crying* he was a goodlad
>>363432 Oh, he's Jewish? Suddenly I'm fine with it
>>363436 Hate how twitter's policy makes it so I'm not sure if you're allowed to speak this literal truth
>>363436 Every attempt at using blacks by the US military failed awfully and as a result black troops were used exclusively as logistics workers or garrison companies where they robbed and raped liberated locals. The funniest part is this is all out in the open, nobody pretended they didn’t suck so bad they got murked by pissed off korean villagers.
>>363439 we truly do live in a society steinhog should start debtmaxxing so he can get a cheap mortgage
when you follow "based" people on twitter and suddenly half your timeline is tranny shit
>>363445 urge to replay intensifies
>>363445 audiokino
>>363382 Watching it again. His voice and delivery makes me keeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Wholesome black chungus will get to live on the porch/borderlands of the white ethnostate
>>363436 >twice he was sent to the gas chambers
always used to view breen as scum and an irredeemable traitor tbh a coward who sold out humanity out of desperation to live just a few minutes longer still do tbh but without him negotiating earth's surrender humanity would have gone extinct and instead of a slim hope there would be no hope really makes you think
>>363443 >17 million didn't it used to be 11 million total, they are just slowly increasing the numbers every few years and hoping nobody checks KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>363451 they can't help themselves smh they have a genetic compulsion to see numbers get bigger
There is a culture in Norway of owning a cabin... but it seems surreal to me. It must be boomers or inherited >>363451 No point in remembering a number tbh always changing
>>363450 Lilo and Stich live action when? NOW.
>>363450 tbh, I like the complexity of character he's a mossman character on a societal scale to me, almost a double or triple agent, traitor but also pragmatist etc laidlaw said he was his favourite and that he wished he could have written more on him
aside from epistle 3 this was the last piece of HL writing Laidlaw did iirc https://twitter.com/breengrub
>>363455 don't worry he'll get to write Eli Vance as a thug nigger in half-life 3
>>363449 >He pretended to be mopping da gas befoir dey could moider him and den he esaped to da forest wheoir he pretended to be a tree for foir years no one could find him not the bears, noir da Joimans, noir dem evil Russkies until he was foinded by Genral D’Kaiser Tyronius of da tanks of da Unoited Staits Air Foice which swum ashore via Crimea in Soyberia an drivin to Poland on one tank o gas, defoing all odds! >when he came across him in a forest which had 6 million trees, da Genral handed him a microphone and dey composed da hit Broadwaywood musical “God Bloiss America!l which was da ONLY woids my bubba knew! >Dey den went to Joimany wheoir Genral Tyronius toight him howta steal an rape an commit croimes against da Joyman people P.S. Keep donatin’ da money to Ukraine or you’re anti Semitic! - Twitter Testimony of US Secretary of State Anthony ( Fibber on da Roof ) Blinken
>>363456 >Most of all, please share your specific location. keeeek think it was breen getting turned into a grub thing in epistle three that got me to reconsider his character tbh couldn't help but feel bad for him even after everything he'd done
>>363457 he retired permanently at least half a decade ago, the writer for portal 2 took over which is why HL alyx is so reddit and they did get a thug nigger type to VA Eli (and darkened their skin tones several shades to make it fit) Eli's lines in Alyx are all in the "angry belligerent groid" mode which is entirely unlike his prior characterisations smh
>>363462 How can you be bothered to watch this lad?
>>363464 diversity of opinion I guess
>>363464 hes had a habit of spamming literally who's for years, just ignore
thinking about thick goth mossman again
does madlad have anything to say about nick fuentes in light of recent events?
>>363467 just get a real girl
>>363468 Not madlad but this is the first time he's kind of given me the ICK tbh, but loyle lads stay loyle
>>363468 same as the controversy from the start of the year and the year before that and the year before that, this time next year it'll be something else.
>>363472 KOO NEE TAY
>>363472 Well. Beggers can't be choosers. Guess we'll all have to settle... >>363474 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>363468 He no sold the 'sexually ambiguous' voice clip I posted. He's a gay guarder.
didn't really like epistle three all in all tbh it seemed too pessimistic for me plus gman was pretty much completely absent for no reason when previously he'd always been the archetypical cosmic glowie setting up a proxy war pitting humanity against the combine to benefit some mystery faction can't remember exactly how it ends but then when they aloha snackbar the borealis at combine central the combine turn out to be orders of magnitude bigger than previously thought to the point where the suicide run wouldn't even be a pinprick which in retrospect makes everything that happened beforehand entirely pointless thanks for reading my blog lads stay subscribed for updates on tinnie consumption and noteworthy poos
swear every comment section on "epic emotional BADASS music" songs on yt is just spics and favela niggers trying to be profound.
>>363477 pessimism is the focus of the piece yeah he wrote it after resigning and finally accepting old valve was gone and wouldn't reach the previous heights again I think especially the lines about the "resistance"/"science team" etc mirror his relationship with nu-valve he does say he regrets writing epistle 3 tbh
epistle 3 was written so long ago that the only fan project to recreate it as a game has itself succumbed to valve time and may not even exist >boreal alyph was killed by troonfag drama >project borealis hasn't had a media update in 3 years
wish there was an HL obsessive yt channel to check that wasn't liar mcshitter tbh
>>363479 smh thought i could see that subtext but wasn't sure if i was just imagining it or not
>it's only two o'clock >just sitting around waiting to go to bed so I can toil on the morrow
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@DominicRaab forced out of a job for "bullying" civil servants? Faceless whitehall bureaucrats had no problem standing up for themselves when they were trying to wreck brexit.
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>>363485 too right the looney left is out of control
Woke mob are pretty sensitive themselves it seems like
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what did windows 10 mean by this? anyone else got a seacow in the taskbar?
>money laundering. All those donations fron stolen credit cards as well Das it Kimberley Leigh, Imma gonna put blacked.com on photos of victims of black perps and spam them all ova the south. Post harder fellow hwites neighbours! https://nypost.com/2023/04/21/robert-singletary-accused-of-shooting-child-parents-over-basketball-arrested/
So weird to me how people freak out over checkmarks on twitter, what value did they have?
we're entering the weekend with a fissured arsehole, what did I do to deserve this. No rest for me
>>363494 so full of love that loving one person just isn't enough
take it off yo show us that bbc and cheeks
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>>363436 >liberated by nigger american GIs >in poland
the literal only camps liberated by american soldiers were not the "death camps" in poland
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took some doors from the j*bsite (to make sure nobody stole them of course) where I am owed 4.5k mummy was not pleased but gonna have them sold off by my old boomer bossman dropped them off at his shop and he said he will just sell them and give me a cut
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he's just playin
>>363501 I'm in
>>363503 still 2 more to get later in the day
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>>363501 based and black-marketpilled
>>363500 truth does not fear investigation lad that's why the only places where truth can be found are the ones where they were occupied by an enemy state for several decades >>363501 keeeek you're a natural at this
>>363506 my ancestors would have been dragging those fat fucking business men behind horses until they got that money, westoid men are so soft today.
the only whitoids in shartica even holding a candle to the 19th century are the AB, "riding with the brand". smh not even that long ago my ancestors would just tell the government to fuck off and go tomahawk a village of savages and then build a town there. smh https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=182938 literally see this guys marker like every day, by the time he was my age he built a town and escaped from the royal navy and then died a cowboy in texas
>>363508 wew what a life
>>363505 wdMosleymbt
>>363510 who here /beady/?
>>363511 keeeeeeeek
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>>363513 talked with a lot of Polish women on dating apps, seem conquered by globohomo.
then again dating app people are probably the worst part of society
Polish women are just wog meat in London
But I am interested in what I might like.. just not... Sonic porn
*kisses her*
>>363520 *gives her the princess treatment*
Anywhere that women have iphones they are all the same simple as
Sad that BBC is no longer 'Government Funded Media' on Twatter tbh.
>New York rats keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>363524 oy the chutzpah of this mensch
IIIIIIIII....STAND ALOOOOOONE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYjZK_6i37M
>>363513 >However, under pressure from the United States, the primary coffee buyer of El Salvador, dictator Maximiliano Hernández Martínez had to abandon his sympathies with the Axis and agreed to align itself alongside the Allies of World War II on 8 December 1941 after the Japanese Bombing of Pearl Harbor. >The United States placed troops in the countries near the Canal, except in El Salvador, given the presidential refusal. The reason Hernández Martínez gave for rejecting the American request was that, since the arriving troops would have a percentage of black soldiers, there was an imminent risk that they would reproduce in El Salvador and that they would fill El Salvador with black children.[36]
>>363527 Very diplomatic of him to say 'reproduce' and not just refer to them as rape apes.
Excited for Coronation bank holiday Monday lads? King ZOG is having everyone do coommunity building events in a frail and pointless attempt at pretending the JewK still has some kind of culture and isn't composed of atomised individuals
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Wonderful to see the Union Flag flying proudly up and down streets across the country ahead of the coronation. Whingers like @ExplodingLegs need to get a life.
allegedly $100m in gold "stolen" from canadian airport guess cuckstreau really wanted to make sure the country was doomed and sold off whatever reserves they had left
>all based gets banned >now it's just anti-tranny shit great. Yeah dude I fucking hate trannies
it's boring and there are women in it so I won't watch tbh
lotta foreigners like to sit outside the lidl shop. why are they like this? >>363535 how much is Sam paying on bandwidth for this garbage?
man gives up on saving the white race after being suspended from twitter
>no gang of fellow suspicious dafties to sit outside the lidl and ogle passersby with smh it's effnic SOVL like the portuguese who sit in their colonial cafes all day and stinkeye anyone not in their mafia clique or whatever it is >>363537 so much that he's launched multiple new scams and appeals to try and keep it going
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>You can't get a job because we outsourced everything to foreigners? >No problem, we'll cover your moldy 1 bedroom flat, and here's £250 a month to buy energy and food. >Congratulations on leveling up! Cheers r rishi laaad >>363538 Woesy? >>363539 tbh I wear Wagner patches on my coat outside. So I can't blame the Eastern Euro trash staring at me outside the local Lidl. Still wish they'd fuck off home though. >so much that he's launched multiple new scams and appeals to try and keep it going Are you telling me there's more on offer than just the 40 dollar season pass crap?
>>363540 I'm pretty sure he is just straight up asking for donations as well as charging for the show interaction, multiple paywalls etc sources: forgot tbh probably some post on /v/ or a twatter retard
>>363541 from what i remember before the site went down you needed to buy coins for show interactions but $100 bought you next to fuck all lol
keek, this weird yank trying to larp as english to avoid extradition
>>363543 wtf this can't be real it looks like an mde skit
>>363543 nice milf
>>363545 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>It was also claimed he enjoyed visiting bars wearing suits, where he would sip on whiskey and go on political rants about Brexit.
>>363550 makes me sad tbh. Wonder what they got him on. I don't think twitter tells you specifically
>>363532 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>363539 lmfao i went to a school with a bunch of portuguese and the girls all complained about getting cat called by the old porto's outside a local cafe.
>>363553 I assume any "real estate collapse" news really just means "folded into blackrock" tbh
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>>363553 >posting about home ownership on a british imageboard
>blood dripping from the anal fissure before any poo has even excited the anus I LOVE IT
>>363558 bluepilled
>>363558 are you that much of a beta that you let your grindr hookups just rail you lol?
no I just had a big hard poo and strained too much, okay?
i just want to be a kaiju
thank god we now have a SOURCE, couldn't hold my beliefs without one
Bronze Age Germanic Combs. The fourth picture contains the oldest known Runic Inscription, it reads "Harja", meaning "Warrior" in Proto-Germanic. A male name.
>>363564 the fourth image*
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i dont know they told me to take these so i took them and then got fat. forced myself off them now there are a group of zoomers with zoomer haircuts outside my flat doing stupid shit. i cant afford my own place, too many pakis and indians buying up all the property. is this heaven or hell? i dont know, either way its not an ideal life.
>>363565 Cool. Probably related to the word "herje", which I only ever saw used when kids are running around causing a ruckus, but it means to "move forward like an army".(army=her/hær)
brit menes shaping meta-political discourse again https://unherd.com/2023/04/the-political-power-of-deano/
>>363568 we are the nucleus of the white race.
>reconstructed bronze age houses >I drew them like this in school(in like 3rd or 4th grade) and bully teacher told me they were wrong Finally I am redeemed. I guess she assumed the construction of these houses with wicker and... white stuff was a newer way of constructing houses
>>363564 smh the swastika comb is from the germanic iron age, lad
>>363564 that last pic is celtic pretty sure first one looks celtic as well and the middle one is from migrations period its in the osprey book
>>363572 First one is Swedish
Nice dude, I'm just in sales. Couple of trade shows here, trade shows there. At least I get to travel y'know? I wish I was earning six figures like you though man, stacking DOUGH y'know what I mean? Haha nice. I'm actually saving up right now so I can buy this plane, check this out
>>363574 that's proper nice mate, decent schools round there an' all
>>363574 I don't really get it but slight keek at the peek
>>363574 keeeek >this would still be better than the housing estates that dwarf the villages they are zoned to because it is at least a gated community
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>>363557 Just inherit a house, lad.
>>363575 Catchment area for paki-middle grove mate, on of the best comprehensives around. There's also a fully qualified Audi dealership just off the bypass too, I noticed your RS3 jacket that's proper gravy that is. When you need a service ask for Tiny Todders and say Gaz sent you, he'll sort you out mate. All the best fella
>>363575 someone is building houses near a school near me now... but young families who want or have kids won't be able to afford them keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>363578 watching it again, lads
>>363577 This but the gates are there to keep you in if you miss a repayment
>>363583 OH MY SCIENCE that news anchor acting just like the loony left. Thinking about how a lot of loonies would have been puritans back in the day smh
lads why was that guy stealing peoples piss and drinking it?
>>363584 Keeek they obviously knew how dangerous that was smh. So many deaths and injuries must happen this way
>>363586 He was a piss swiper, lad, it's what they, just how a cow poo swimmer swims in cow poo
https://twitter.com/war_noir/status/1648997130806198274 >>363588 yeah but why does he drink random mens piss? seems like some weird goblin like symbiotic/parasitic organism, like he is another life form appearing like a human
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>>363584 >shorts
>>363589 making others partake in your fetish perhaps, similar to corrupting other people even if it isn't really the same as it doesn't really have an effect on them
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>>363433 My mumsy is fucking mentalist, I have no interest in speaking to her at all.
>>363589 NO LAD these are the soros libtard rebel alliance.
just as mentally ill people rarely have a single mental illness but a plethora of interacting conditions paraphiliacs often have extensive lists of growing paraphilias. gays will engage in the most depraved disease producing shit on earth because they're innately fucked in the head and there's nothing left to temper their drive for obliteration.
>>363451 Consider the following: Jews were a minority of holocaust victims, they need to stop making it all about themselves.
>>363596 should connect that tube to her arsehole
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the right wing has the best trannies
From August Kubizek's "The Young Hitler I Knew"
its literally impossible to get good advice on life these days. boomer parents have literally zero empathy over the fact that uberbossman owes me 4.5k
>Dorse is a caricature of a lad who would be reported to prevent for thoughtcrimes against womenkind Shouldn't be surprised smh
>>363602 They stop being right wing the moment they start getting cummies elsewhere lad
>>363605 i've been given nothing but good advice all my life and i chose to ignore it.
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>>363601 >pic 3 that's dorset? never saw his whole face before, reminds me of hunter s thompson >>363607 and who's that now, pembs?
>>363605 You asked them for advice how to get money back from uberbossman?
>>363612 Keeeek.
anal fissure update: IT IS STILL THERE
>>363612 leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>363611 more just mentioned it and nobody cares and they still ask me for money every once in a while helping them pay for the electrical bill even though I have to pay about 4k in taxes that I am late on since nobody told me about paying taxes early
>>363614 Cool visuals in that anime but it is not worth a watch
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https://www.youtube.com/@Fullerbustbestie/videos this is my favorite butt matrix channel on youtube
BIG blondes are masterrace women with brown hair blue eye women in second place tbh
god I wish I had a big milk blonde in a pit in my basement
>>363617 don't really know how to make anyone care tbh. My bossman was also just casually evil. If he owes you money though surely there are legal ways to get it, or would that just cost?
>>363623 yeah its about 170 to take him to court
chinese media still does race science
>>363624 if that's the full amount it's not so bad, could just threaten with it tbh
>>363624 just threaten you'll take him to court.
>>363627 yeah the process servers you can hire one of them is a sassy negress keeeeeeeeeeek would be kino
>>363625 meanwhile are race warriors are banned off twitter smh
>tearing up door >fear for his life yeah that should save him, right? When it is word against word I don't know how it will go though. I guess perhaps there is evidence of the door being attempted to be forcefully opened?
>>363620 >>363621 steiner, you can't have sex with blonde, you are indian, you can only have latina or else it is race mixing and you'd be destroying the white race. I will add that it is good that white women are not attracted to you, so that your ojibwe gametes will not poison our sacred wombs
>>363630 could this be our next zimmerman?
>>363631 t. med shill
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>>363633 med supremacy is a fact
>costs sam 10k per day to host fishtank.live >he thought it was 30k per month and his bank account got drained
>>363630 He has harmed the magical school-photo negro, lad. He's lucky he hasn't been lynched already
>spic god I would literally knuckle up with that dago faggot the second I saw him IRL, I am just permaseethe maxing rn, had to go for a walk because my deanoidic brother was making me seethe with his comfy life coming back from dominican republic vacation with his gf, meanwhile me and chudlet spent most of the day stealing doors and watching out for the bossmen with binocs from the hillside
>>363636 scam heeb hasn't been funny since around 2016
>>363639 your brother is just a females accessory tbh
>>363630 can't wait until people are spamming thug memes video in the courtroom
>>363641 yeah smh I love my family and I try to contain my cynicism but I agree 100 percent hope he is happy but you are dead right lad, she still hasn't visited my parents once and he has to do everything to please her. smh
i found another cool song online https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoT87DoCsUg
just saw all the letty nudes, I give up on women
>>363646 Letty?
>>363648 I hate america so much it's unreal
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>>363630 >Just let pavement apes pound your face in until you are a vegetable. This is how you're expected to react to the sacred negro.

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