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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3852: Coronation Anticipation Edition Anonymous 04/24/2023 (Mon) 20:24:03 Id: 9c2460 No. 364477
Zoomers are retarded and want an elected President https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65326467 BBC encourages children to proselytize to their parents about climate alarmism and veganism https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-65339214.amp Peter Hitchens: Charles can cut the pomp all he likes - it will never be enough for our ruling radicals https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-12003109/PETER-HITCHINS-Charles-cut-pomp-likes-never-radicals.html?ito=amp_twitter_share-top
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:09:23.
End this witch hunt. Free Arthur Knight
>>364477 tried to watch johnny english after becooming based and was shocked at how disgusting it was tbh can't expect nonpartisan humour from an "elite" university graduate I guess
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>mark now appealing to emotion and taking so long doing it I am getting more and more irritated with him smdh
have sex incel
>>364485 Haven't seen the original in full since it was in cinemas, but I remember liking it
kenny smith's main issue seems to be that his complete control of the vetting process was denied leaning toward the noseleyites on this one tbh a single point of failure and control seems like a bad idea
>>364490 Nige sees himself as Tucker's British counterpart
>>364492 he's meant to be our blumpf ffs
>>364439 very good lad
mannarino lions, we march at dawn.
>>364496 *assumes defensive posture* https://youtu.be/dU7MNGtdV0A
>>364497 let's see carlson's $5 cameo where he says "big chungus"
feels like the UK needs its own version of Q
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we need stalin
>>364501 agreed so sick of all this corporate brand dogshit when its all crap made in china. just want some locally made shite
>>364501 just learned that he was a bbcslut
>During the Second World War, German troops occupied Artemivsk from 31 October 1941 to 5 September 1943. Nikolai Mikhailovich Zhorov was the secretary of the underground City Party Committee during occupation from 1941. In early 1942, German Einsatzgruppe C took some 3,000 Jews from Artemivsk to a mine shaft two kilometres outside of town and shot into the crowd, killing several people and driving the rest into a tunnel. The soldiers then bricked up the entrance to the tunnel, suffocating the thousands of people trapped inside https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakhmut kek the looney tunes shit these Jews came with
>>364477 I'd bet some of those idiotic zoomies support republicanism because they want all the theatrics they see in the shartican presidential elections
wew just saw an epic video of some crazy tranny in a mask cutting off another trannies dick with a knife.
>>364504 my grandmother's sisters cousins roomates great uncles godfathers barber said that the nazis painted a tunnel on the mountainside then make the jews run at it so they would crash into the mountain but it was actually a tunnel and the jews ran through it but then when the nazis looked down the fake painted tunnel a train hit them and then the nazis looked at the camera and went "oh mein gott" while looking like a nigger with a cigar in his mouth
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>>364508 bourgeois tbh, shame he had a heart attack
>>364509 Just helping xem out
>>364508 >In Russia, Solomon Mikhoels's murder in 1948 by the order of Stalin was perceived as a rejection of movie's message about the danger of chauvinism and anti-Semitism. American researcher Herbert Eagle said: "The scene in the Circus is intended to show that the Soviet people are devoid of racial prejudices. Of course, it was an attack against America and propaganda, but on the other hand, Aleksandrov probably sincerely called for reconciliation, for harmony, hoping that in these terrible times he would awaken conscience in the audience with the means available to him."[21] >In early 1953, the verses from the lullaby, sung in Yiddish (which were performed by Solomon Mikhoels) were removed. After Stalin's death the verses were restored stop lying about uncle joe you fucking chud
>woman >Epstein
pol pot was the only one who understood communism. reading is bourgeois, electricity and indoor plumbing are bourgeois. stalin needed to get his snowflake ass out in the fields with the boys and dig that rice instead of talking all fancy about that proletariat nonsense, if pol pot saw that bitch looking at a book he'd make his ass clean all the tools
>>364514 4brit/pol/ not /brit/ lad.
HRH King Charles III would maul you lad
up charlie
>>364521 ok first of all this kind of toxic behaviour is a good way to catch a ban in this community. further, if you're going to respond make it constructive not deconstructive.
>>364523 filtered early
And all because the lady loves milk tray
>>364526 shitskins can't handle that protestant work ethic, don't like it? fuck off back to where you came from simple as
>>364526 he looks like he might be shorter than wews
>>364527 Damn right!
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>>364529 this is his truck
spic hordes attack mayan archaeologist Richard Hansen at his speech for some extremely bizarre reason https://twitter.com/supertracpak/status/1650457868569640961
>>364532 can't wait for the second mexican american war spics are such disgusting hypocrites sometimes I hate them more than niggers.
>>364533 Careful gringo
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ZOGGY bbcslut spamming the thread. do not respond.
>>364537 more trad muslim behavior
bbk really needs slapping down atm tbh
>>364477 that poll showing a massive drop between millennials and zoomers can only be explained by a combination of darkies hating the monarchy as an implicit symbol of british identity and their consumption of american media where they think britain should emulate shartica and have a president for some reason, also whenever theres a debate on TV about monarchy the only thing tory mongs ever say to defend it is tourism money and a meek defence of tradition
turns out the husband of the charlottesville socialite that got arrested for dnc activism and noncery presided over the bullshit cville lawsuit big mike ALWAYS WINS
>>364543 mental how that film is only 10 years old and how much of it would be problematic today. the breast jokes and the fat guy being a punchline. shines a light on the anti-sjws and their 'go woke, go broke' cope. in reality the arts have completely capitulated, the rule now is basically 'go woke or stay broke'.
>Vigilante father and son murdered thief with a WW2 dagger and Samurai sword after sending WhatsApp to neighbourhood group saying they 'needed Death Wish star Charles Bronson' when they spotted crook on CCTV - as they are jailed for life https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12008193/Father-son-jailed-life-murdering-thief-WW2-dagger-samurai-sword.html
>>364545 >Charles, 47, who had 66 previous convictions...was spotted on CCTV trying the doors of the Kings’ cars. >66 previous convictions
i actually want to murder the nonce that was posting earlier tbh.
>>364545 links poster
>>364545 https://youtu.be/XbkyveiXUM0 zog is so fake and gay now that their war propaganda is fat lisa simpsons on zoom >we have to rescue the """""""""""""""""""americans"""""""""""""""""" in sudan
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>>364545 meanwhile if they were BBCs they would have only gotten probation
>>364550 the news here incessantly uses the ethnic term "britons" for people stuck in sudan and its always some sudanese cunt whos over there visiting family.
>>364550 crazy how i knew 99% of "britons" or "americans" stuck in any of these third world shitholes are always shitskin duel citizens. racism is a super power.
lmao they are just shuttling the shitskins to europe >lisa simpson doing the autistic pronunciation shite with khartoum now its ackshully 'artooooghm >sudanese irish families holy shite this is pure fucking clownworld
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>bug eyed shitskin mutt mixture of arab and nigger but with an irish accent
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hate this never ending rapefugee flow
>>364559 is dob making new content?
>>364561 he said he's barred from streaming until sometime this year
>>364562 tbh I am so fucking sick of this endless blackpill, please fucking collapse already america literally has a man in a dress as a political figure but people still keep on going to work
>>364564 >america literally has a man in a dress as a political figure but people still keep on going to work
it is unironically, unquestionably and irreparably over.
>>364484 totally mental
>>364564 seriously doubt some massive white horse on the horizon moment will happen at this point. but who knows a solar flare might btfo zog for good or atleast give us some time.
>>364527 >protestant work ethic pathetic mentality. there's no pride in work, it's just necessity that we try to minimize to make room for more important and enjoyable things in life >>364568
Just watched the news, they are in full operation save the niggers over this sudan shite, utterly demoralising.
>>364571 remember the US and british zogbots airlifing 300,000 afghans out just to drop them in the west? this is why im glad whenever zogbots die, fuck the royal marines and paras.
watch out, globohomo
>>364573 lil nigga on the bottom left is the fulcrum of that entire image, the one who the establishment truly fears, the only one who matters.
Bakhmut FINALLY about to fall
meanwhile in usa
smorb lads >>364576 smh grim
>>364575 who cares at this point tbh
>>364577 morbing la
>>364578 tbh >>364579 hullo lad
newest /v/ lolthread is very steinerian
need to increase my hydrogen sulfide count to tame/torpedo the lasses with my tasty braps
might go cinema tbh, there's a new cagekino out
>>364585 based brapmaxxer >>364586 what fillum lad?
>>364587 renfield might see jonh wick 4 as well even if it's shit
>>364588 goodlad id only watch that john wick film for the donnie yen-kino
>>364588 never seen any of the john wick films tbh heard the first one is really good
>>364541 I think you're right on all counts
>>364589 Donnie Yen is the only good part of 4 >>364590 The first one is good, the sequels are an exercise in one-upmanship and cease to have much of a story or character moments, instead becoming just relentless stunts and violence. Sequels are utterly forgettable apart from one or two action moments - lack the necessary human element.
>>364592 typical action film sequels then smh
There is nothing better than Donnie Yen police films
needs to get behind the camera again tbh legend of the wolf was solid
apparently I'm gay
you said it not us
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>>364604 >Slobaknob Ukraine
>>364605 Intersting thread on Ukraine ayckshully https://archive.is/Sk6Hj Based on off of these multiple video posts about banks trying to prolong war so zelenskyy can kill all those in his army that could otherwise dethrone him and just let them raep Ukraine to death https://twitter.com/mtracey/status/1647811834039136258
>>364607 Just doesnt seem to matter how much noticing goes on they carry on regardless >scholars keep on committing crime ~ let them off and import more >smash countries to bits and buy them for pennies on the dollar turn their citizens into ‘refugees’ and replace them with ‘refugees’ from another country! Hahaha let’s do it again! money machine go brrrrrrrrrr! >no one likes trannies, put one on a beer can and lose 20% sales? let’s keep doing this it’s fun! >Fire Tucker Carlson - everyone switches Fox off. Hahaha let’s fire Hannity next! Whatever they do, even losing, is winning for them. Utter sociopaths with so much money it doesn’t matter if they lose they’ll claw it back another way from the people
>>364608 tbh it's ridiculous
it's enough to make a man go MAD
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>>364611 always happy to hear about dead scooby doos
>6c >time to open the windows and have a lukewarm shower in a vain attempt at slowing mould growth thanks rentberg
>>364570 tbh tbh, work ethic is based in a based society but this is not a based society
>Loving, caring and kind >as he breaks into a 90 year olds bungalow and terrifies her.
>>364615 good lads putting in work tbh as usual the evil zoggies perpetrating injustices and journo scum sucking up to them
>>364615 smh, wouldn't have been necessary if the criminal justice system functioned in the first place
>>364617 Indeed. An area with lots of incidents of theft amd burglary recent, and no efforts made to decrease it whatsoever. It happens.
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>>364490 >nobody is irreplacable >that physiognomy and name *replaces the population of Israel*
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Daily Express refers to this big homo as 'they're'.
>>364622 really hate the whole gender neutral singular they thing tbh especially how widespread it is
>>364622 >using the plural verb instead of the singular smh They is struck down with illness
it's a load of bloody woke nonsense
KEEEEEEEK >Rowling knows about the amazing gaytheist
>>364626 wew, how many years has it been?
>>364627 coming up on a decade I guess can just about remember watching a few thunderfag videos in the years before breggshit but never went so far as to give someone calling himself "the amazing atheist" the time of day
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>In October 2011, a personal video of TheAmazingAtheist was leaked on the internet depicting him performing a sexual act with a banana
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>>364598 Would tbh.
>>364630 You wouldn't try that shit in Falkreath
>>364629 didnt he go and burn his bollocks a year later
>>364631 Talk shit like that on the coastal tip of Leyawiin and see what happens, fetcher.
>>364613 have you tried spraying borax on it? you should look into supplementing chlorine dioxide as well
>>364635 Looking very cheeky there. are gerbils
>>364637 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>incels can't masturbate to me! I'm gonna su- ACK!!
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>>364519 That's not me nor would I attack are King, fool. >>364540 Falseflagging tranny.
>>364640 >Porn is OK if it's consenting I reject her thoughts and remove my sympathy.
> And Grossberg accuses McCaskill of suggesting, ahead of the Fox News Spotlight Awards, which recognizes employees for outstanding work, that Yaron be nominated for “Inclusion Ambassador of the Year” because he was an “Israeli Jew,” and could use the $10,000 prize to buy the team pizza for a year. >McCaskill also made fun of Yaron for buying lunch at a Jewish bakery known as Breads Bakery, telling staffers that he went “to see his people” at the “Jew bakery,” according to the lawsuit. In December, Yaron brought a babka to the office to share with the staff ahead of New Year’s when McCaskill began to “loudly and obnoxiously” demand that the booking team have “the bread made by the Jews.”
US sanctions against the US are highly safe and effective
>>364640 twitch is literally the worst site on the internet, just low IQ mutts and braindead zoomers CONSOOMING utter poison in the form of the latest shite games and women being whores, every actually entertaining person was banned from there and the only people left are basically walking ads
>>364649 tbh just have a look at any twitch chatroom and you'll get an idea of how intelligent the average zoomong is
jews fear the Chad > Abby Grossberg, who was recently head of booking for Tucker Carlson’s primetime program, paints a picture in the suit of an office culture rife with sexism and antisemitism. >She details in the suit offensive jokes about Jews made by Alexander McCaskill, the show’s senior producer, in recent months. >McCaskill displayed “his discriminatory animus” against her last October over Christmas decorations in the booking staff’s area in the office. The loud inflatables distracted her, but when she tried to turn them off, McCaskill called her a “Scrooge” and a “Grinch,” she claims in the suit, which was filed in district court in New York and Delaware. She said he also hung a sign on a Christmas tree that had been placed near her desk that read, “Hannukah Bush.” >Grossberg also said McCaskill invaded her privacy when he asked where her tattoos were, and that Andrew Carmichael, an editorial producer, stated he thought it was forbidden for Jews to have tattoos.
>>364648 god bless iran
>>364568 I am certain that at this point that at least the united sharts will collapse and there may be some kind of rump state of globo homo existing similar to the "GDI" of tiberian sun for a short while comprising primarly the atlantic coast and potentially air strip one
>>364653 You're a deranged fantasist.
Shut your penises and buttocks.
tug my fucking cock cage bitches!
>>364653 I want to go back to being an obscure little island that no one bothers because there's nothing here.
>>364658 so you want to go back to a time that never was? fucking retard. i'm going to ban you.
so, i'm in charge of the thread now. you punks got that?
for my first act as thread leader i make a demand: post snood.
Shut the fuck up you fucking freak fuck.
He's hurting my face and anus!
mainly the anus!
possible David Davis but President Joe Biden launches 2024 re-election campaign >US President Joe Biden has announced he will run for re-election in 2024, setting the stage for a potential rematch with Donald Trump. >The Democrat had been expected to seek a second four-year term and launched his campaign in a video on Tuesday. >He said it was a pivotal moment with freedoms and rights under threat. "This is not a time to be complacent," he said. "That's why I'm running". >Vice-President Kamala Harris, 58, will once again be his running mate. >Mr Biden, 80, is already the oldest president in US history and is likely to face questions about his age throughout the campaign. He would be 86 after finishing a second full term in 2029. >"It's legitimate for people to raise issues about my age," he said earlier this year. "And the only thing I can say is, watch me." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-65381883 bizarre move by the Democrats. Suppose they think old joe is more appealing to the remaining rump of white Democrat voters than Kamalalalala
>>364666 (trebs checked) ...and then have him resign midway through his second term
>>364666 that's the case, the boomers haven't died yet and they can't win elections without them. non-whites and young educated white women will vote democrat already, they need the purple boomer demographic
hello sirs
Wasn't he in Willy Wonka?
>>364670 No. He was the willy in the wonka
>>364666 The Democrats just don't have other viable candidates, apart from maybe Gavin Newsom, but he's willing to wait. That, and this way they can have Kamala as the first female POTUS.
in 2028 america is going to get a chavez style brown left populist to lead the final revolution over whitey. screencap this post
>>364673 fuck off, we support are 22 in his grooming efforts. let the man save the white rice
>>364673 good lad
>>364674 lad I seriously doubt that shartica is even going to last the next 3 years. other countries are so close to challenging its power openly and once the dollar loses reserve status its over
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The US can survive as a world power until 2045, I'd say. Then again, maybe once Jimmy Carter and Henry Kissinger die, the yank empire will implode
>>364677 goy cope right here
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imagine what state Biden will be in 6 years from now
>>364675 It's pathetic, and he will be banned whenever he mentions "grooming" teenagers
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>>364683 Yeah. You did just ban me for that. What does Ozlad say? >>364675 thankslad
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>>364680 I live here lad its literally all falling apart already
is 2024 just going to be dumpf and brandon round 2
>>364686 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek he's a fucking loser who can't handle the bantz
>>364683 Fucking faggot who gave you these snowers?
Eisenhower was 70 when he left office. He had multiple serious heart attacks and a stroke as President - for one heart attack, he was hospitalised for 6 weeks. In absence of the 25th amendment, the executive branch just ran without him. The cabinet met with an empty chair for the President, and refrained from major decisions.
I think the lad who keeps posting the norgay tip off is one of the anti 22 bongo troons
>>364692 They're obsessed with 22st because he represents the masculine will to breed (which their lopped off cocks can never snoo).
what the hell are snowers?
https://www.tmz.com/2023/04/25/bam-margera-failed-intervention-friends-after-public-intoxication-arrest/ >Bam Margera's friends are trying to get him help as his alarming behavior continues, but an attempted intervention on his behalf didn't take ... TMZ has learned. >We're told Bam seemed receptive at first, but ultimately a couple of factors blew the whole thing up. >For starters, our sources say Bam's current girlfriend was not receptive to the idea, and didn't want him to leave for treatment, because she would have nowhere to live if he went to rehab. >What's more, we're told Bam's estranged wife Nikki was called during the intervention and made it clear she was willing to let him back into her and their son Phoenix's life, contingent on Bam getting sober. Our sources say this upset the girlfriend, and she kicked everyone out.
>Sne sninks sne snas snower snover snus keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>364683 I don't know who you are, but you need to be demodded, you can't ban people. if you think fertile white woman should not be breeding then you are not baste >>364696 snally snells snea snells snalong sna sneasnore
>all these pro-breeding lads
>>364698 We're based, bruder.
Bank of England economist says people need to accept they are poorer https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-65308769
>>364696 >>364697 I am not as easily provoked as madlad. Breeding is fine, but lusting after 16 year olds? It's deranged fantasy. It's uncivilised. In an ideal world, maybe, but when it's so one-sided and underhanded it's just weird. Yes, you get a pretty young virgin, but teenage girls have the worst personalities possible. All that "oh, I can teach her to be better" stuff is crap. You think adult women are bad, and you want to try for someone dumber and impressionable. It's pathetic. You clearly don't know teenage girls that well, because they're stubborn, spiteful, emotionally unstable and self-absorbed. To paraphrase Lee Kuan Yew, when you marry someone, you should be happy for your children to be as intelligent as them. Find your equal.
>you can't ban people the absolute golden pinnacle of ban appeal messages
went to see the vamp cage film it was fun, I didn't quite keek but I did heh a few times aside from the main character being a typical BEYTA MAYLE most of the poz was in the female leads, chubby midget pan faced chinks and they chose the one who wasn't slightly taller with bigger chebs and a better face to be the strong empowered woman cop who graduated top of her class at the academy and is only held back by those nasty corrupt racist male cops was enjoyable but would have been even more enjoyable if it was just an action-horror-comedy about cage-ula and his best bud renfield being evil and taking over the world with lots of funny goresplosions and stuff
>lusting after 16 year olds? Nothing wrong with that at all keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
fucking faggot freak I would fucking pummel you to death
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>>364705 do you feel better yet?
*slow clap for the saviour of the white race*
>Manifesting himself as a tranime Fucking yikes who is this cunt?
>>364703 I liked it too, but yeah could've used more Cage
can you BBCsluts take this shit to the bongo I want to get back to pig posting in a dead thread
>>364683 good lad
>>364712 greg must have drained some good stocks recently, he's looking younger
Oh whats this, a faggot janny saying we should MAN UP and get a MATURE lass with crows feet who isn't a virgin and hes banning anybody who opposes him, looks like he's treating this place like its his own little fiefdom, lets see what auslad does.
>the PA ecelebs are all still banned after being shut down without warning thanks based science man
>>364711 >BBCsluts is this a new filter or are lads typing it themselves? why
the fact that psychopaths actually exist irl is frightening. the suffering of others weighs on me constantly i could not imagine living without it.
>>364715 keeeeeeeek you should send that to him
>>364717 any kind of feet will do for me.
>364717 I haven't banned anybody today, you drama queen you. It would be nice if post quality improved, but hey c'est la vie >>364720 couldn't agree more
>>364719 Auslad should filter it to BBKsluts
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remember the britnat meme?
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>8:00 greg seething that chatchads are naming the jews
>>364701 They just happen to be 16 though. How do you think I find them? They are on dating sites which require you to be 18+ to sign up.
>>364732 Don't listen to that cuckold bitch 22stein. You're based simple as.
>>364733 the lions are here to vore the bull market
>>364735 Thanks, love
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stop associating brit with your gay nonce fanfics, don't care if you talk to them you are trying to associate these brit political dissidents with noncery its a spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) tactic used in shartica and other places.
>>364738 Hatespeech used her is illegal though, yet talking with 16 year olds is perfeclty legal. Stop being a slave
>>364737 Trust your inner vision, don't let seethers change your mind. https://youtu.be/h4-lKMGII_k
How about 22st and TBBK go somewhere else and suck each other off and leave the rest of us out of it?
>>364740 Don't worry, I faced the child protective service gunt guard and I stared them down
>tranny accuses men lusting and loving prime poontang as being a gays #demodfreaklad >>364742 basado
>>364715 keeeek he does look a lot younger than what he really is
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>>364729 qeeeeeeq
martial industrial
>>364746 Steiner's oneitis
>>364746 pigthot needs to work on her glute game
>>364751 I concur.
Welcome to the jungle. The pussy lurks in the bushes. The incels weep. The jungle man drinks of the pussymeats. I am pussyhunter https://youtu.be/o1tj2zJ2Wvg
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supercells spooling up over texas
When I hunt pussy, I don't care if it smokes https://youtu.be/itRFjzQICJU
>when they try to ban the Pussyhunter https://youtu.be/ZHwVBirqD2s
>>364757 Are all suicides fake? I kind of refuse to believe people hang themselves over shit like this
https://voca.ro/18FeTlKJfFrO G'dnight, m'lordinass
>>364760 Goodnight, pussyhunter
>>364762 remember when she was made fun of for saying "cash me outside" on dr. phil haha no way she earned that much money
>>364763 I thought so too but I looked it up and its legit, shes one of the top onlyfans creators
I completely understand why they think we're cattle.
HEY STEINER. Would you breed a balkanese lass? I know one that lives somewhere near you
already told her you're probably not interested tbh, south slav stock is a bit far from Anglo/taig stock
>>364755 been some serious tornado kino on the plains this spring.
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>>364766 send a pic, some of the last people lynched in michigan were balkanoids
croatians seem pretty aryan looking
>>364769 still love that image
>>364762 never realised that's who it was. tbh it's kind of based to tell her kike handlers to shove it.
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we headin' to hogwarts /brit/bros? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqpAtf4ygRI
>>364762 >>364772 Never heard of her tbh. On onlyfans so softcore porn like Bella Thorne? Yikes.
>>364771 for an AI image it really nailed the typical italian american construction/car salesman buisness owner look
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are anglicized slavesses acceptable breedhogs?
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>>364777 for a yank euromutt maybe if you have only daughters. for you no, you have indian admixture so you have to find a woman that is also mostly white with slightly indian admixture, such as a castiza qt. you are actually lucky in a sense that you can breed qt castizas without guilt that you are doing something wrong racially
*gunt guards Steiner*
>>364777 sure, but your children are going to the durmstrang institute
>>364780 *taps staff on floor*
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this on these is seriously peng
>>364778 keep coping spic can't wait to genetically mog you when us flyover aryans throw all you ellis island coastic degenerates into vast ditches and machine gun you under the guise of liquidating niggers
elon banned lemonhead anglin for being too much of a ccpslut
anglin is a fucking mong
>>364784 yeah a lot of bannings lately, and every day musk talks about how bad censorship is
>>364783 how is it "cope" when I'm 100% European and you're not? having yellow hair genes (which are dysgenic in males because they repulse women) does not nullify having maybe ~3.125% Mongoloid blood, that's an unremovable taint on the genome of yourself and all of your progeny, you are not clean... the worst blood I have is the British/Irish, that's what I'm discontented with as far as my ancestry, but for you that's what you're most proud of, how does this make any sense? >>364784 >>364785 China is the only thing standing in the way between the yevvs and eternal world domination. unironically, China is the white rice's only hope
well to be fair yellow hair genes in males are very effective in attracting non-white women, even mostly-white women like latinas- just not white women, who prefer mediterranean phenotype
>>364787 Seriously just ban this creature. This is literally a British board and you talk down ther genetics
kek what is this med cope about blond hair, you are literally speaking the language of the whitest people on earth you fucking swarthoid immigrant fuck
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keeeek he is literally O B S E S S E D anglo irish are the literal master race if you are putting in the context of whites conquering non-whites. a literal warrior caste of exterminators that literally depopulated an ENTIRE CONTINENT of shitskins with a bit of (rapey and drinking on the side) and then turned around and depopulated ANOTHER WHOLE CONTINENT of shitskins. meanwhile what have dago meds done? wow some gay shite 2000 fucking years ago lmao oh yeah they got stomped out by literal naked nords trying to speedrun life
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>>364793 >the whitest people on earth
>>364785 nafo mongs mass reported him
>>364797 keeeeeeeeek
>>364796 mais branco do que você miguel
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https://youtu.be/C6TeN0lHf3c >1:50 watching it again lads
>>364801 why do you get so upset? I'm just stating facts, there's no malice
>>364792 " 'logues are dead "
>>364803 is this midwestoid culture?
>>364806 yeah peak late 2000s midwestoidian before social media made everyone a faggot e celeb who worships fake mongs like whistlin diesel
>>364803 it's just like the uk in the 70's
except there are no helmets and it's being done illegally on a farmers land while being chased by the fuzz.
>>364785 you post his articles when they are on unz tho?
>>364810 he is one of the most active wignats I just don't care for his chicom shilling
>>364811 >China btfos the New World Order >it's bad because they call their highly effective state capitalist economic system "communism with chinese characteristics" for historical reasons, or something
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>sells one side drones >sells the other side the codes to locate and shoot down the drones brilliant
smorb lads
>>364815 one of your mods is out of control again, allegedly
>>364816 no he isn't
>>364817 hm looking at the log I don't see anything but see >>364686
I have awoken... now we wait for evropa to do the same
>>364812 China is the technocratic NWO you dumb port-swilling moron. Jews, Fabians, and the western banking/technocratic establishment have been working to develop this for over 100 years. People have to get out of this retard parapolitical swill that has been presented to them. You're as bad as a catlady saying Musk is a CCP/Russia agent.
>>364820 0 IQ post
into the filter agg goes
>>364826 >a jealous jewish cuckold destroying his media empire to spite his chistiancunny
>>364827 Many such cases
>Gang members incinerated in Haiti https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHayMw9AidA
I love how they copy the hand on the back/side and hand on the chest from actual fencing styles, but then just slap the sides of their blades together https://youtu.be/Cv7Kv4U311Y
>>364831 Surely this will just have a streissand effect, right? What are they thinking?
>>364830 Keek >’Professor’ Avril opening his back and hands up to slash wounds They’re such fucking larpers
>>364833 >no cute statue gf *screams*
>>364832 >thinking because they’ve been getting away with it for centuries they have become even more impulsive and in your face and then tell even bigger porkers to obfuscate their behaviours - much like their pet L’Righteous
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found out today that the toilets near toil have great acoustics let loose a thunderous ensemble of poos and braps and i'm pretty sure my cotoilers heard me despite being over fifty metres away >>364837 based
@rishissunak Reopen the borstals and start sending young black criminals to them for the sake of the nation! British legend Frank Bruno approves and you have them in your home country of India. For God’s sake do the RIGHT thing! #borstalsforblacks Watch my interview HERE 7pm! https://twitter.com/GBNEWS/status/1651154533928534017
>>364837 keeeeek enjoying how confidently he said that lots of people in the slums have toilets at home and then nobody that he asked had one >>364839 keeeeeeeeek loving this gimmick lad
imagine living in a society where a woman has the experience to say circumcised or uncircumsised cocks "feel better" than the other. Oh
>perking up and being happy to have been given more toildays by bosslady so this is what it's like to be a toilcuck
>>364843 no escape
>microshart releasing yet another expansion pack to bloat the latest AoE2 release >it's literally just reselling AoE1 again, and fucking up 2 in the process by adding ahistorical civilisations to it hope bill gates accidentally drinks the blood of children contaminated by his own vaxxies tbh
>>364845 smh was hoping they'd leave aoe1 alone smh got fond memories of big lan games in the school computer lab during lunchtimes tbh everybody had their own usb filled with games
Lads, some Norwegians are going to do some white-race-saving by hosting an event with the author of replacement theory author Renaud Camus in a public library in May and the looney left™ are going bananas!
>>364846 >launch AoE1: HD: DE: Remastered edition >Egyptian units given black skin
>>364847 based northern brothers >>364848 smh don't joke about that lad they might just do it
climate crisis is real, lads
>>364850 smh i miss snow
>>364851 caused a lot of problems in traffic because everyone changed to summer tyres weeks ago
>>364853 smh the fools
>tfw alarm clock rings >you wake up >30cm of snow outside >bossman cracks the whip so you drive out into the blizzard risking your life so bossman who constantly abuses you wont be upset >>364854 smh it's spring, lad. Snow had been gone for overa month
lads JFK Jr. wants racial harmony. We should give that a shot
>>364852 Queshe.
Come on man why do you have to make being a woes stan so had?
>>364859 based keeeeek that's one way to have second thoughts without going back on your word smh they should've just joined him tbh he probably liked their gumption taking someone hostage was basically just the firm handshake of antiquity anyway
>>364861 I wouldn't put it past him but isn't that a bit mean lad
>>364863 >@MillennialWoes >@MillenialWoes
>it's real
>>364866 sorry you had to find out this way lad smh
wew, it's real. He's such a bumder.
>>364868 people don't recover from having a gay phase lad smh it only goes into remission
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It was only le joke
>>364870 he was just pretending to have a gay phase
for twenty years
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>>364870 had us worried for a bit there
another day another incompetent foreigner doing a job he's unqualified for and delivering parcels to me that are meant for a different street entirely
>>364865 this frenchman doesn't even speak English smh
>>364870 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he should know better
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Keeeeeeeeeek this is supposed to be played straight
>>364874 had a bit of that earlier this year tbh got a parcel sent to me by mistake smh still haven't opened it because that would be wrong it came from france and i think it's a 7" single wonder what it is
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>when Wessex is waiting for a parcel
>write comment in chat for mark's stream later today, asking for details on the split with Kenny >he removes it
>>364870 Wimping out like that
The last part is pure gold.
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pov you're a wessexian gamer
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>>364879 not sure why i didn't think of that
amazing that noseley would delete a comment asking for a public statement on his party affairs but leave up a troll accusing his guest of being a gayniggerpaedo lover
>Pakis and poos fighting itt about who is the least parasitic an valubale immigrant, others dancing on the edges and diving in to stab them Lol Always a fun read https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/424863435
>>364886 >amazing
>>364888 >both mark and kenny are spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) manufacturing drama together to distract britnats it's all so tiresome
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Twitter... one of many reasons people become trannies. Make funny wholesome tweets... 0 followers. Make funny wholesome tweets(while tranny) 3000 followers
going to be watching jome brick: quadrangle tonight while mark's stream is running so can you lads pester him about making a public statement on regional organisers leaving PA tbh
>>364896 >master oogway every time
Can someone explain what she means?
How based was this black man?
>>364898 it means, 'go tend to your children and get off the fookin' internet.
I still remember the Grant sisters not accepting my Insta friend request. Probably because I had an image of Mosley as my profile pic. smh.
>>364899 smh wonder how different things might be if they all cared that much instead of seeing are green and pleasant land as a corpse to feast upon
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>>364901 you need a profile pic like this to slide in Alice's dm's

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shartburbs in the Dallas metro area are getting fuckin rekt tonight lads got a good feeling about this one
>>364905 >Brownsville Keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>364905 based 'nado kino >>364906 keeeeeek
>>364877 lmao thats that tv show about that tism doctor called the GOOD doctor
evening lads.
>>364909 keeeeeeeeek
>>364911 evening lad
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>>364891 Based. >>364902 salty 'zas
Rode my elephant through town. Shouted nigger. The black race recoils.
Did you join PA Manx? The NW lads went to Mann
>>364914 It's vorin time
>>364917 whenever i like
>>364914 The Jews of 3023 will use this as evidence that King Charles III was black
Just doing my part to save the white race
>>364924 What website?
Another battle fought for the white race
>>364924 i'll drink to that lad
>>364925 Twitter. Tons of these types of accounts there. I didn't think they were bannable but apparently they are. Perhaps because this one was explicit about white genocide
>>364926 Based FitteJeger.
>>364927 Someone banned FitteJeger for being based, what say you of this!?
>>364930 proofs?
>>364929 Keeeeek. I love the word "fitte" tbh. People are so sensitive about it, kind of like how Americans are about "cunt", but its meaning is "wet meadow", which I think is nice. >>364931 It's what I referenced earlier, he banned me for talking about a 16 year old groomee.
>>364931 FitteJager was attacked last night while innocently breeding. >>364686
>>364932 >its meaning is "wet meadow", Based and accurate pilled
>>364932 lad the first thing i did this morning after waking up was read through the thread and then subsequently check the ban list and the logs and there's nothing there
>>364928 Twitter really does seem like it's been the worst social media site the last 10 years for allowing deranged leftism and extreme porn combos.
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>>364936 Yeah I really wish they'd ban porn as a whole. Even if you don't follow these freaks, based people will still quote them, or they will reply to you and spam you with porn or related demoralisation propaganda. >>364935 I was banned for 24 hours, it ended around 21:50 Norwegian time yesterday. I was banned for "pathetic hebeposting".
>>364937 Has he ever spoken about the real root of modern trannyism or is that too close to his owners' backyard?
the logs don't lie. auslad kill this mong for shit stirring
>>364939 I know it's a jew and a philosemite talking about what we've probably all heard of before, but the details of the case are so disturbingly evil.
>>364938 I can confirm that the ban was as described. 24h for talking about grooming teenagers. It shows in the log as one of the reports that I closed. I'd do it again.
>>364942 good lad
The tranny has outed itself
smh 27 year old tranny doesn't like competing with fertile 16 year olds
The mouth of the tranny bears great resemblance to its axewound . . . it opens every five minutes to spit its bile.
*looks at notes* It's him. It's the original Herts. Somehow . . . he returned.
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>>364949 >Herts
saw PA in t' local paper this morning at work >Police say they have 'dealt with' the group Pisstake
>>364891 based
>>364953 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>364952 based and pro-white
>gives interview, shits himself, leaves, refuses to elaborate
>>364951 >William the Pussy Slayer
>>364953 KEEEEK
>>364956 Not a good look with elections around the corner. Kek. Voting. Kek.
>>364951 so thats how you get a lass to love you
>>364926 I'm so ridiculously horny I'd fucking slam that baboon's anus. Better than a sheep tbh, and I bet she'd smell better than one as well.
>>364820 what will mongs like you say when we go to war with china over taiwan? negative IQ post tbh
How exactly do you "groom" a legal age teenager, 15 is the AOC in germany btw, auslad are you going to remove this admitted bongo tranny from his position or not.
>>364964 When we what something that hasn't happened? Oligarchical collaboration is a fact you utter pleb.
>>364965 Legally you can't, at least not in my country. I only adopted the word for fun as people kept calling me a groomer and a nonce. Funny how they use the words the same way our enemies use "racist" tbh.
>>364969 you are a nonce though
>>364970 Trannies(pembs) and trannyfuckers(dorset, westie)do call me that
the stench of haggis being made is probably the worst thing I've smelled before other than rancid paki sweat
>>364971 I don't think you've actually nonced anyone tbf, I've no evidence, but you've given your game away too many times, you're clearly attracted to underagers, and thus a nonce.
>>364973 My whole thing is wanting to breed and abiding by the law, lad. The girls I have talked with just tend to happen to be young smh. Not even allowed by any date site to be that young by the way, they lie about their age to be on there.
>>364969 >Legally you can't can't what?
>>364975 You can't groom someone who can legally have sex as grooming is about manipulating and meeting up with underage people for sex
at least you're not gay I suppose?
>>364976 thats literally what I said you mong
This woman stuff is honestly the final redpill, its easier to redpill lads on the JQ than it is to redpill them on the WQ because most lads are naturally simps, they'd stab us all in the back for some pussy.
>>364979 Yeah the post meant to agree with 80b9c1
>>364978 It's not that, I'm not talking about a borderline fit underage bird and pretty anyone who isn't a fucking retard here knows what I'm talking about.
I like this lad, he is like spic, except not gross and not a spic
>>364982 I don't actually, because you are a tone policing tranny mong with negative IQ whos trying to dictate morality to the rest of us using 20th century feminist talking points, simp faggot.
>>364984 tbh. Break free, white man
>>364984 No lad, I'm an adult, who doesn't go anywhere near children. You're literally socially underdeveloped. I'll tonepolice whoever the fuck I want to, you're a fucking nonce enabler, or a nonce, or possibly even a fed. I'm starting to think Steiner might be right.
>>364986 The Steiner take is ridiculous. People get done for actual nonce shite, or planted nonce shite. As you know none of what I have said or done is literal noncing.
Faux moral outrage using the same style of arguments that the jews use.
fuck off back to the bongo you tranny faggot
>>364987 You've posted sus images of pre or peripubescent children before, that are moderately sexualised. >>364988 this either bbk or a fed, no-one else could be so fucking corny
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manchild paedos seething hard rn
all our ancestors married and bred teen lasses who were fully developed yet here comes the modern day individualist trannies to tell us how ACKSHUALLY heckin wrong that is
>uses the word corny KEEEEEEEEEEEEK totally yankified mong
>>364991 >You've posted sus images of pre or peripubescent children before, that are moderately sexualised. Hm. I don't recall but I am not known for my memory tbh. Even if I did that, firstly it's not illegal, secondly it doesn't mean it was because I found them attractive >>364993 Tbh
tfw you only want a young virgin because you are a manchild, you can't handle a MATURE grown up woman who you can't manipulate
Reminder that woman are all mentally children and do not meaningfully mature past age 18
>>364974 >My whole thing is wanting to breed but you're dysgenic and should be sterilised (if your crippled penis even works)
Nonce cope talking points.
Another debate I've won against the trannies
you didn't win anything you squeaky voiced scaff
>>364999 I don't care, I will >>365001 Congratulations, lad, or should I call you PussHunter?
>>365001 you've done 'em.
stop samefagging
you just look sad
Nobody is samefagging, you absolute bender.
>>365008 nonce
>>365009 alright, gayboy
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the crypto-gayist is cripple dick's nonce bf, sickening, auslad needs to ban these freaks
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>>365013 The Whale if you haven't already done it
>>365013 Boku no pico
>>365013 crocodile dundee
>>365003 lets say no one wants to breed with you. how will you breed?
>>365014 we already did it we hated it
>>365015 classic choice
>>365016 are you able to join film nights now?
>>365013 one of the alien films
>>365022 We have all watched them all so many times, haven't we?
>>365024 er, its alien day
>>365021 oh not this friday actually no im out
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let's watch this
>>365013 Christine
>Group seen celebrating Hitler's birthday in central Taiwan https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4872782
went to see johnathan vvicke the fourth action scenes were pretty good very civic and disappointing ending though did anyone do any actual politics while i was gone and ask the noseley gang about their division? >>365013 any of the King Naresuan films or any of the related films I can't find anything except a machine translated barely understandable version of the first AUGH >>365031 based warriors of the white rice
>Britons ‘need to accept’ they’re poorer, says Bank of England economist https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/apr/25/britons-need-to-accept-theyre-poorer-says-bank-of-england-economist
>>365033 he'd either ignore us or we'd get banned, plus hes so boring I can't listen to him live because I play the replays on 2x or more speed and skip a lot of his diatribes, its good that you've finally seen that I have been correct about him all this time though.
>>365034 Kind of agree. Have people travelling abroad multiple times a year, drinking alcohol every week, buying new things instead of used, buying things they don't need etc. People just refuse to give some things up
>>365034 Na I'm thinking I'm going to continue to increase my prices with inflation.
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>>365036 keep thinking this thumbnail is 22st tbh.
>>365039 keeeeeeeeeeek I can see it
>>365039 he should go on as a guest tbh, talk about being an expert meme creator and how various /brit/ pics got out into the wild while subtly bullying woes and talking over him
https://www.gbnews.com/news/nigel-farage-immigration-plan-latest-wales >"Beyond comprehension": Mark Drakeford's Welsh Labour proposes to give migrants £1,600 per month
>>365043 >almost quadruple what regular non-disabled neets get >invaders are all housed for free too so they don't even have rent and utility costs
>>365042 >lads dumbfunded at my banning and it still happens smh. Persecuted b me
*starts crying*
>>365046 based shame I'm doing second voluntoil in the morning and need to go bed
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>>365044 It really is that they either care more about non-British needs, or they rightly fear more trouble from not meeting Abdul's needs because he's less civilised. Either way, the answer is barbarous revenge of the native NEET against the dole officer scum and politicians.
why do women do this?
>>365050 >"I love tattoos" >why? >"because I love tattoos" Other reasons are they look good(just because) and they tell your story, symbolise important events etc. Seen so many face tattoos too. It really seems like just another fucking shit test that they do on instinct rather than consciously
tattoos are warrior culture celebrating conquests for wymyn sex is conquest tattoos are an indicator of whorishness my sister has an ankle tattooof an icon from popular "alt" hipster film and TV >>365049 wish I was aesthetic as that pic tbh
>>365052 How are the knees holding up?
>>365053 got worse again after my toildays were reduced to once a month smh I seem to need a tangible excuse to leave the house and walk across town and I just rot inside without some objective might grotmaxx and start going out at the right time of day to sneak glances at the college lasses or something incelloidic like that
>>365046 Starting.... now. Fucking slowpoke bins. Hate him
maybe walk past the flat of this one lass with big chebs I saw on bonfire night once find out what times she leaves the house get a project, you know don't mean anything odd by it just a bit of fun right
>>365056 did you see the gaming video I posted earlier?
>>365057 don't think so gooming making me seethe again recently after I ran the numbers and found I've spent almost 70 days of my life playing a single obscure series of turn based strategy for absolutely no constructive purpose
games and the games industry is an important part of zog control because it keeps incel neets in check with work-like activity tbqh and a very big part of the circuses for many normies too nowadays
>>365050 Looks terrible when they get older tbh
shnight anyway
>>365061 Good shhnight lid. Hope the mould doesn't become you.
>>365061 ni lass *kisses you goodnight*
>>365058 you wouldn't have been doing anything productive with than time anyway tbh
>>365058 >>365059 tbh been trying to avoid overgooming
Real men are at work, breaking their backs while you get to jerk off over cute anime maids. Makes me sick.
>>365068 you been stealing doors again lad?
>>365069 Stealing? I was just looking after them.
>>365071 This guy thinks he can outrun the police Reek havoc in his neighbourhood And bend all the rules Now the only bending he's doing is IN JAIL
how do homos do it, lads? Getting fissured arse from a little hard poo, meanwhile these lads show aborted-foetus-dildos up their holes without problem
forget it lads, ignore that post
Is she bullying Woes?
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God is about to sent his tornados against the city of Waco
Probably would tbh.
>>365075 Probably Raheem.
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boomer toil today was repairing a massive deck for a pub and then also building some fake plank meme wall for the femoids to take pics at the pub at. skullet boomer poured himself a drink the second we entered the pub and chudlet set off the burglar alarm and the sheriff came and then left and then it went off again and foreman boomer was just pressing random buttons on the code and then the sheriff came again and called the pub manager who was some deano who then gave us the code and it was 6969 and told us to make a temporary code and it was 1488
>>365075 No Slavros, but she and another dumb bitch gets everything wrong.
I'm reporting his "royal highness" the nonce nonce qween to SO15 for basically being a thin-skinned moron who is unable to argue coherently, and suggest to them he needs another round of PREVENT.
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mummy got a 'za for this piglet
>>365050 they are attracted to tattooed males because they think that means low inhibitions, high testosterone, youthful aggression, etc. so they mimic them by getting tattoos thinking that will make tattoochad notice her
and I've seen through all of your lies barack obama, you wicked wicked devil
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https://youtu.be/3fHiRicIDl0 send this to scholia gladiatoria. KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>365091 civic fencer would have gotten the drop on them with his barefoot tactics
>>365091 >another case of a woman calling the govt death squad out on her work horse when he gets too uppity.
>>365093 keeeek he should have known his lot was to suffer, fool thought that he deserved happiness
love insomnia me smorb las >>365095 haven't brushed up on my frogese at all and there's only a couple weeks to go before sister's wedding tbh just going to play the arrogant anglo and expect all of them to speak to me in english
>looking up quake monsters on the wiki >one is called "tarbaby" keeeek
>>365098 have fun lad
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>nonce on Sam Hyde's fishtank show >lads posting the infograph about him I'll never read Had he nonced someone he'd already be in prison
weird cow
you ever watch those nature documentaries...
>>365103 I didn't hear it with sound before now. Jesus Christ
>most applicants to Sam Hyde's Fishtank were black >0 blacks on the show keeeek
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>>365106 good, nogs are annoying on reality tv
Weird find tbh old ww2 German bunker which was obviously modernised and kept operatonal during the cold war and now seems to have been reactivated or being ventilated for future use? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBV0zuTlBVs
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tfw you finally breed, but then your wife's friend sends her an article about post partum depression and she downloads the program and starts screaming
>>365111 >ventilated for future use?
>>365113 I don't understand this Anglo culture
naptime at the gym
>>365116 Seeing somebody you can't stand and calling them a slur. Think that happens in every culture.
>>365114 wtf is this?
>>365118 Even if you like them tbh
>go do some voluntoil and feel good about it (but also a bit bad because cotoiler lad my age had a hairline that started at the back of his skull) >have pasty lunch with and make sure the grandparents are okay >catch bus to leave at the perfect time with zero wait >come home to find entitled suburban boomer scum using my parking spot to do their shopping from >loudly say good afternoon >get an NPC death glare for my trouble amazing really. nobody seems able to observe basic manners with strangers any more, even just looking up and smiling at people while walking around gets them to avert their gazes if they're not already glued to phones. such is life in shart world >>365114 mummy said she had that and took drugs for it so that I would be even more fucked up from lack of nurture as well as by nature thanks mummy
>>365125 > cotoiler lad my age had a hairline that started at the back of his skull) the dangers of voluntoil tbh.
friend said "next time America gets a tornado I'm gonna say "don't get your niggers in a twist""
>>365127 most excellent
>>365123 truly awful, I hope your bloodline is cursed
>>365129 smh imagine wasting 6 years of your life like that
apparently another shart train carrying outlawed toxic chemicals derailed and spilt into a freshwater river coincidentally again earlier this month Maine this time
>>365132 It's all so tiresome. Love (You) for using muh OC though.
>The most irresponsible thing you can do these days is look away from the worst-case scenario.” So says Rick Wilson. In the week Fox News fired Tucker Carlson, Wilson’s worst-case scenario is this: a successful Carlson campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. >Wilson knows a thing or two about Republican fundraising. If Carlson ran, he says, he would “absolutely destroy with small donors. He would raise uncounted millions. Mega-donors would would not go for it. The racial aspect of Tucker is not exactly hidden. I think that would be a disqualifier for a lot of wealthy donors. But Tucker could offset it. He would be a massive draw in that email fundraising hamster wheel. >“This iteration of Trump’s campaign is a lot smarter than the last one. I predict they would say, ‘Let’s bring Tucker in as VP and stop all this chaos, be done with it. You know, there are very few good options [for Trump] if Tucker gets in the race.”Joe Biden and Kamala Harris versus Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson? It seems outlandish. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/27/rick-wilson-tucker-carlson-presidential-nominee-donald-trump-ron-desantis-republicans
>>365132 Huh so they were right, it happens all the time
KEEEK Just googled "train derailments US per year" expecting to see a giant spike this year and it turns out there's an average of 1,500 shart derailments annually What the fuck how is that country remotely functional
>>365136 tbf they presumably have 50x the rail we do or w/e
>>365136 that lad who did the vagrant holiday videos almost got killed because of one. morality man says its one of the signs of a dying civilization
just looking at some poor conditioned tracks in the US this is some of the funniest shit I've ever seen >>365137 trying to find a comparison but every UK source goes by "train accidents" and I can't find any info on derailments. As far as fatal "accidents" per million km of rail, it seems sharts have twice as many deaths per km of rail
Looks like we've had 9 derailments in the last 10 years, and the americans have had 12,400 >of those roughly 6,600 tank cars were carrying hazardous materials and 348 cars released their contents
>>365138 >morality man says its one of the signs of a dying civilization tbh tbh third world
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>>365141 come back to planet b lad, where we can train post like we used to do
fuck off with your bongo recruiting
the american jeremy kyle is dead
>>365144 BUFTY!
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>when it's cold and raining and all of planet b is huddling up in bed
Every time I workout my abs I get DOMS for the next 5 days without fail. Smh.
haha seen this new soyjak used twice today
>>365150 could have weak or inhibited lats tbh
>Enters Stage >Skullet boomer... >protestant work ethic >butt matrix >BBC >United Sharts >Spic >Exits Stage
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>>365142 PA were on your island lad, did you see/hear them?
Woes absolutely killing it on twitter, destroying our enemies one at a time
>>365156 Not seen/heard nothing, but apparently they're trying to open an office in which case I'll pop by
>>365156 Oh besides them showing up in the paper though >>364952
>>365158 >>365159 Based, I was doing activities in another part of the country at the time. Wood love to meat you and not bum you.
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>>365162 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>365160 Oh good on you lad nice one
>>365162 KEEEEK.
>getting vored by the buttmatrix a fitting end
>>365167 Dafydd Davis
>>365168 >born in London Truly international
still my favourite
>>365170 wow, we really love taking in jews.
>>365171 undeniably very catchy
poo poo poo that's three poos
>>365174 hello sir
>old Fuminori living the life
>>365174 Here’s your degree lad
>While the men go to sea, the young women are drawn abroad for study or training in Copenhagen or other European cities. More than half of those who leave never return and as a result the population of 54,000 has a gender deficit of around 2,000 women — the deficit is 10% among women of reproductive age smh
*starts crying incel tears*
the female urge to do nothing to uphold society while claiming all the benefits of it *screams* TAKE THEIR RIGHTS AWAY. NOW!
I’d wager BBK is behind this
>>365181 tbh I read a while back as well they are importing plip women to replace them. Disgusting
>>365179 they need to form incel gangs before its too late
>>365183 Yeah. Same with Norway and Sweden. A lot of yellow monkeys on dating apps looking for their way out. Just another way to foster more hate between the sexes. God I hate individualism
it's a boomer is mildly annoyed at an immigrant for not speaking clearly episode. Imagine going to your grave thinking "not my problem"
Yo! It's 22stein!
>>365096 https://youtu.be/BN4GI97RoSw I know this is a bbcslut movie but this is keeeeeeeek
no updates from storm lad
>>365188 stop using that word
>>365179 typical femoids, feminism is literally a civilizational destroyer, same shite happens in shitagain, all the femoids leave to go be *word I can't use* in some urban shithole
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>>365189 Dallas-Waco supercell complex didn't produce any tornadees, sorry lad. Feel like I let everyone down
>>365190 No, it makes me keek
>>365141 the real kino pre internet midwestern summer pasttime for ruraloidic kids was throwing rocks at trains as well used to throw lots of rocks at the norfolk southern trains when I went to grandpas house
used to tie women to the tracks myself tbh
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hoped you raped them first lad
accidentally slept the whole day away tbh thinking I'll go back for more in a few hours snoozemaxx the hellworld away then regret it tomorrow >>365140 >>365141 wew tbh good sleuthing lad >>365162 keek but also smh >>365188 watching this post-redpill was surreal tbh amazing how blatant of a jew wank film it is
>>365120 this is her raging at the realization she'll actually have to work hard as a mother, she thought the baby would be a pure instrument of her happiness
the masculine urge to poo on the floor and try to slip on it as if it were a banana peel
>>365200 >watching this post-redpill was surreal tbh amazing how blatant of a jew wank film it is yeah, astonishing tbh I legit believe Tarentino sucked Harvey Weinstein's dick to get to where he did literal jewish dick sucker
>>365201 might be the first time she's actually had to do anything difficult in her life prior to that, she was able to get everyone to do things for her but babies don't work like that
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Prefer marvelkino to tarantino cuck porn
imagine how you would feel after giving birth. A baby must be like 10 times the size of a poo
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>>365207 > A baby must be like 10 times the size of a poo But i love pooing. I always feel so much better afterwards
You don't feel empty and get post poo depression?
>>365167 reminds me of that friend I had around high school age that had sex with his girlfriend's mother. we were hanging out walking around town, he's smoking a cigarette, then his girlfriend comes out of nowhere on a bicycle and starts bitching him out. I step away because it was none of my business but I couldn't help but hear the conversation, she says, "you FUCKED my MOM?! what do you think this is, Jerry Springer?!" and it was so hard to hold in the laughter
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Steiner the workhorse after upsetting his future goddess slampig
>>365212 kek imagine even talking to a fat slampig like that. so many lads from when I was in school got into serious relationshits with the literal 2010s slampigs that were *word I can't use*
>>365213 >making bbcslut the new voldemort
>>365214 tbh I turned down several slampigs, I don't know why lads even associate with slampigs. all fat short women are extremely dysgenic peasant genetics subhumans. that woman also had a poor hairline, a literal 4/10 and she is talking down to some lad like she is a princess. totally inverted society we live in. she should be cleaning his shoes off in a peasant hovel happy he isn't beating the shit out of her
there was this fat ginger grill simping for me once I should have gone for it, didn't even consider it at the time because I liked another grill and also because I didn't want the embarrassment of being with a fat grill. but imagine how comfy enjoying the fat ginger t&a would be, and she'd be all submissive and eager to please due to low self esteem and the perception that I was the best she could get. man I've done some stupid things over the years
>>365212 wew imagine being that broken in just for a crumb of pussy.
>>365217 She'd much more likely use you as a stepping stone tbh.
>>365219 but I would do the same...
>>365179 used to play warband with a small band of lads from faroe still miss them tbh never understood how they had good broadband up there
>>365216 How's the progress going on the re appropriation lad?
>>365220 Then it's a good old race to the finish line.
>>365217 nah she would have set you up or found out some secret of yours so she could become better than you and use you as a stepping stone. seen it before, kill all slampigs they are like remoras of male peer groups
>>365222 no word about the $$$ one lad put liens on the neighborhood so the sales cannot be finalized without paying everyone but I think its the economic collapse memi because the corporation owning the whole project has plenty of money to pay
>>365224 she just wanted to get some sausage in her and feel attractive, she looks in the mirror and sees fat pig so if le handsome spiggy were to squeeze her t&a and say unng thicc she would be highly validated, dopamine level surge
>I replied to spic >he was fetishizing nordics filtered
>>365227 gingers aren't nordic
latest mannimarco headlines NEETs on the rise
https://streamable.com/oetsoy reddit cops execute chud for trying to stab his heckin pupper.
>>365153 did you just call me spic?
>>365233 all that for a shirtless guy with a kitchen knife?
>>365233 zogdogs disgust me
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He's got a knife! Ramirez! Deploy the blacked out remote controlled armoured tactical mini-bulldozer!
what were they even planning to do with that thing? run him over at 3mph like a looney toons steamroller?
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>>365200 Night lad take it easy
>>365238 keeeek. Wasn't that thing on Robot Wars?
>>365239 good lad
Must say, I am feeling a bit peckish
>>365242 Based.
>>365228 >>365229 I've seen a video of them sucking someone off.
>>365246 Sure it was a video and not a pic? Seen a pic but it wasn't clear if it was real or not
>please secure my funding and maybe promote me to president >I will make Jerusalem capital of the world, I’m better than Drumpf! >flies to Israel, signs anti 1 amendment bill so no one notices It’s over steiner! https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/269
>>365248 keeeeeeeeeeeek boasting about a secret trip and jews wonder why they are hated
>>365248 The amount of time I've seen cringe shilling comments like >DeSantis is legit Over the course of the past year or so. Wew
>>365228 Not jealous but I hope they both enjoy buttsex
>>365248 That fat nonce cuck on the left, tbh totes obvious what is going on.
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>>365241 Drop your knife and get on the floor. The police are here - It's robot wars. God bless
does anybody have the polface impaling trannies on a spike pic?
>>365238 keeeeek I bet it was holding a tablet and it was gonna make him watch drag queen story time while the demonrats took his guns
I'm on a tinny triathlon rn lads.
>>365260 good lad
Woes fucked that?
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>these Norwegians on twitter who clearly watch the cannibal and speak his lingo but translated to Norwegian
Seriously it's a crime that this guy is a somewhat sucessful... grifter? whatever. Look at that ratio keeek
>>365265 Yes absolutely, I want a world torn between the troon, and shizo voter base.
https://twitter.com/yashar/status/1651645370898989057 Listen to her voice. It's like she is an empty shell running some shitty programming she learned online
https://youtu.be/Z01EO4S9b74 OH MY SCIENCE DUNE 2 FIRST LOOK
>>365267 kek being married is such a fucking meme, look at crowder impotently trying to not be a total workhorse in the house he fucking bought with all the shit he got from his career and the femoid just sits around all day and exists and then sharts out some babies and gets fat and rages at him about having to do minor chores as if he is treating her like gary heidnik
the best is all the conservasoys simping for the swollen hole out of pavlovian training by the gynocracy. my ancestors would have been dead drunk at that time of day after toil and that bitch better damn well know not to come in and run her mouth or she would get some good old fashioned redneck eyeliner
New Wessex just dropped
>>365269 Yeah. Give them everything and they still want to do chore transactions. Women will bend over backwards for a bossman but won't even do something out of love for their man. >>365270 She's preglant, lad. Such a wholesome pregnant chungus who divorces her man. She really wants what is best for the children. I will NEVER understand why used up holes divorce. What is left for them in life after this shit? Just seems miserable to me
tfw you come home after a long day of toil and the dinner isn't ready and she's giving you the silent treatment
>>365272 >What is left for them in life after this shit financially torturing the man for decades holding some twisted grudge blaming him for the fact that she is no longer 22
>>365272 >Women will bend over backwards for a bossman but won't even do something out of love for their man. https://youtu.be/XZZ70DpMVBc https://youtube.com/shorts/ZCRoWQBG52E?feature=share
the government owes me money
>>365276 The sort of women that are single and have a dog always come off as neurotic and broken lad. I wouldn't want to spend time with a woman that spends time learning how to give her dog a massage.
>>365279 >ASMR freaks gooning to this video in the comments
women are so autistic around dogs >>365279 kek she will make like a 45 minute video rubbing down a fleabag who will be dead in like 2 years but I bet she hasn't sucked off her husband since 1999
>sucking off bit vulgar lad. My innocent mind shouldn't imagine such things
>>365276 some dude in the comments of the coal mining vid literally defending women as just as engaged in the mining industry as men.
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>>365284 That man looks like he's related to Himmler.
how were there even enough men to do all the jobs back in the day? Like nurses, teachers and such
So i did a quick Google on women in mining in what I assume is your country And first of you are definitely wrong. https://blog.dol.gov/2022/03/22/a-brief-history-of-women-in-mining "In 1974, Diana Baldwin [...] and Anita Cherry [...] became the first women to work in a coal mine." "For the years 1978-1980, women made up 6.5 percent of all new underground workers." And "feminists" did, and had, to fight for the right to mine. "McCusker, died from a roof fall in a coal mine in Pennsylvania. It had taken her two years and having to file a sex discrimination suit in federal court to get her job." But man i sure wonder why not many women choose this job... "In 1981 the Coal Employment Project conducted a survey to learn about sexual harassment in coal mines, and found widespread and serious concerns related to both harassment and discrimination in the industry: 17 percent of respondents said they had been physically attacked on the job [...] and 66 percent of the women reported being propositioned by a co-worker." Could it be because of sexist aholes like you? But sadly for you, to this day many women are determined enough to do as they please, regardless of if it fits into your world view or not. Tho i have no doubt alot of people hiring are sexist, just like in a lot of other industries. So unlike men, no woman gets this job handed to her. And you really should have a little bit more respect for the truly persistent and hardworking miners out there. "Today, women hold every type of job available in the mining industry, from general laborer to mining engineer in underground and surface mines, and coal metal and nonmetal mines."
this 80's classic goes out to my man steiner. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRr5EasAq84
>>365285 its ed kemper
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>>365287 > women made up 6.5 percent of all new underground workers."
>>365282 this whole thing where you're averse to the idea of allowing a woman to engulf your meat in her mouth is very unhealthy, and you should reconsider it
it amases me normies can hold and care about beliefs like women working all kinds of jobs is somehow a good thing. Such a nothing thing to be anyway invested in. I guess it's sheep tricked into it
>>365288 good lad
>>365287 >>365290 Great isn't it, the sort of response that makes you want to stove the posters head in with a blunt instrument and ask then him why he thinks more women don't find themselves in this situation.
Divorce is honestly such an absurd concept, shouldn't be legal
>>365295 While I don't agree with mudshit honour killings I understand why its become a social activity out there.
>>365295 wasn't it invented by an English king? hmm
>>365298 *Welsh
>>365294 tbf where are the women on the frontlines in bakmut?
>>365300 I still find it funny that those Georgian thots got vaporized for playing on a disabled BMP for buttmatrix points.
>>365287 >So unlike men, no woman gets this job handed to her. I'm really baffled by this. The privilege of having the lowest human-mule shitwork handed to you? Does she think slaves are privileged too, I mean they don't even have to ASK for a job!
>>365302 its meant to further torment and humilate workhorses

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