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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3854: Bounty Edition Anonymous 04/30/2023 (Sun) 12:04:13 Id: 0756ad No. 366013
​'Modest' builder, 46, who won £105million on EuroMillions is pining for his old life back on construction site and misses 'banter' with his work colleagues https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12030537/Modest-builder-46-won-105million-EuroMillions-pining-old-life.html Coronation will include invite to public to swear allegiance out loud to King Charles https://news.sky.com/story/coronation-will-include-invite-to-public-to-swear-allegiance-out-loud-to-king-charles-12869814 Coronation robes revealed along with changes to languages and faiths involved in ceremony https://news.sky.com/story/coronation-robes-revealed-along-with-changes-to-languages-and-faiths-involved-in-ceremony-12869718
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:10:00.
more of a millky way lad myself
>>366015 mutiny is it?
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>>366013 can confirm bounty is the patrician's choice of chocolate bar
https://youtu.be/-1-0LrNlQm4 It's never too late, lads
>>366019 yikes smh at toil there's a troon who comes to buy a cookie every friday afternoon and it's a bit weird smh hard to keep a straight face tbh
not a fan of bounty but those desert island adverts always had peng lassies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs4CGVQ79to
>>366021 more like it's hard for you to stay straight
Bounty and snickers always get left behind in the celebrations tin
>>366025 I have never liked snickers tbh.
>>366022 cor >>366024 no not really lad it's an anorexic comp-sci major wearing pigtails putting on a falsetto voice >>366025 offerings to those of us with superior tastes
>>366025 dont mind a sniggers tbh used to fight over the caramels and mars bars with my brothers
>>366027 >only "passing trannies" for me wdOzladmbt?
troons don't ever pass
>>366020 meeting her just to ditch her in a restaurant with the bill
>>366030 not even remotely what i said lad i was remarking on his comical appearance it's unsettling seeing them in real life tbh there's one who works at the bottleo sometimes too smh they put him on the late shifts so he doesn't scare off the normies so now all us antisocial alkies have to deal with him because firing him would be a legal minefield
People in western countries really arguing for drag queens reading stuff in schools and libraries. Why the fuck do we just copy the worst fo the worst from the great satan, and immediately have these fanatical followers to it?
>>366034 most "people" don't have thoughts inside their heads - only what was put there by someone else they aren't real people lad
>>366021 Sounds painful lad. Just turn yourself into an aboriginless or lass and watch that sweet cenno come rolling on in 4lyfe
>>366036 would 100% rather die lad abbos are exactly like pic two tbh they sit around in circles all day drinking and mumbling at each other
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You're traditional? Where is the house you own? What skills do you have?
>>366038 I do n't get it
>>366040 >Where is the house you own? denied one by the landed elite >What skills do you have? smiling at rich people and saying nice things so they give me money yeah i'm about as trad as it gets
Thanks for the meal
>>366044 guntmaxxing
play /v/scape
>>365934 PHD candidate is not a skill or a career. so sick of the unifaggots acting like being in adult daycare into their 40s is anything but pathetic. for all the people we have wasting our money at unis you'd think we would have fusion, space elevators, cancer cures, cloning, etc. etc. by now
>>366020 drive that gook bitch like miles and miles out to the countryside where there is no cell reception and ditch her
>>366048 we have something even better lad we have gays of varying shades of brown
BUMBUM, what's the best or rauchiest lip dub u ever did see?
https://youtu.be/vWyYEFhm9mE reminder to monitor this fag and steer his comments toward wignatism, he is beginning his long journey to ether based or lolcow
>>366052 hope he fully makes the leap tbh
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/queen-cleopatra-black-egypt-netflix-series-rcna81924 >CAIRO — Egypt has accused Netflix of misrepresenting history by casting a Black woman to play Cleopatra, its most famous historical figure, in a new series. >“Queen Cleopatra,” which is released May 10, features Adele James in the lead role, a casting decision that the streaming giant says is “a nod to the centuries-long conversation about the ruler’s race” but which officials in Cairo have dismissed as “blatant historical fallacy.”
He told him so
>>366054 >“a nod to the centuries-long conversation about the ruler’s race” don't they mean Nefertiti? cleopatra is clearly documented as a ptolemaic greek woman
>>366057 I don't know about Nefertiti, but that statement just seemed wrong to me, because I've never seen anyone other than black nationalists suggest she wasn't Ptolemaic.
>>366058 I think that just shows how stupid amerishartica has become. there was never any discussion about cleopatra wtf. I remember as a kid niggers trying to claim nafrititty but she was most likely aryan as well but as for cleopatra there is absolutely zero evidence she was even a native egyptian/old egyptian, she was literally a pampered member of the Diadochi elite of the hellenistic world
>>366059 Cleopatra VII Philopator (Koinē Greek: Κλεοπάτρα Φιλοπάτωρ, "Cleopatra the father-beloved";[5] 70/69 BC – 10 August 30 BC) was Queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt from 51 to 30 BC, and its last active ruler.[note 5] A member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, she was a descendant of its founder Ptolemy I Soter, a Macedonian Greek general and companion of Alexander the Great
>>366055 Sargon has shifted really to the right (this being good) but he continues the "I'm a sensible centrist" meme to be palatable. A few other of the lotus grifters were saying they support ethnic nationalism including as a non-racial thing in the US (a predominantly white NW european ethno state until the 1960s) which is weird as the non-hyphenated American meme hardly ever took off and is definitely dead now. They all know more about what's up but can't help but unneceserily punch right time to time. That said I dislike Woes gayism and laziness in saving the hu'white race one video per year etc.
Chuds suddenly having a problem with historical characters not being depicted by the race that they were in reality after 100 of years of whites playing nonewhite characters
>>366062 Disingenuous. British actors played swarthoids because it was a completely humogenous Britain making films abound historical accounts and myths that were foreign but passed down through our conquest by Rome and their fascination with the lore of some of their eastern subjects. No way film makers could or should have gone for total ethnic (and linguistic?) accuracy. That said based Mel did take pains to make the Passion as realistic/grounded as possible including with casting and having aremaic speakers on hand iirc so that's one of the few examples where modern film makers who can do that do it well.
atleast john wayne and are charlie put on the makeup and did the squinty eyes
not my problem english isn't the worlds language, make your own movies shitskins
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>>366065 tbh, it's not like our entertainment is there to function as historical revisionism and create racial achievements out of thin air. We don't have to, we actually got beyond mud huts and witch doctors.
>>366069 Apparently that was the only film she was in and she was reluctant to do it at all.
>>366065 >not my problem Only boomers get to use that phrase, lad
>>366069 top movie I could never live on a tropical island like that I would go insane from the lack of seasons and too much sun
looks like hell honestly
>Thursday October Christian (14 October 1790 – 21 April 1831) was the first son of Fletcher Christian (leader of the historical mutiny on the Bounty) and his Tahitian wife Mauatua Great name
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always find it slightly funny that neil morrissey was in a proper hollywood movie with mel gibson and anthony hopkins
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ye-lVPtyu88 tbh can't imagine american cops acting this docile keeeeeeeek
My Prussia game is going good but the rest of the map is utter cancer.
>>366048 There’s no money in curing cancer tbh, it’s an industry The only people who get cures e your Soros’ & Kissingers’
seeing a lot more crow related things since the last thread
>>366081 I miss him
a day in my life was a trad housewife
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>>366081 yeah seen this today
>>366057 >Nefertiti
>>366088 fucking junkies even become boomers, kek charging rent to fucking squat
>wessie finally snapped on the portugese https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cornwall-65441538
>>366079 just wait until the poojeets colonise australia
>>366089 Think You could even build your very own Live Laugh Love home after a few years. It would be like the Buckingham Palace of the trailer park and you could be king https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/11625-Highway-1-Cook-MN-55723/61598582_zpid/ https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/24352-Everts-Rd-NE-Tenstrike-MN-56683/226534031_zpid/
https://youtu.be/-7hAELEBjX4 Smh can't believe the nazis did this
>>366094 smh captive bolt gun seems better
When I saw this film for the first time 3 years ago, watching this section was the moment that I realized I had just entered into the real "Hell on Earth," made entirely by human beings, for animals as innocent victims, and for human beings as well. (This is not a joke. I mean this about the real Hell seriously.) And I totally lost it in that moment -- I howled and sobbed hysterically, I felt every millimeter, every manosecond of horror, fear and pain as my mind expanded outwardly and I realized that this was going on times 100's of billions of pigs every year, every day, day after day, forever, if the demons that live inside us and came from I don't lnow where, who want a world like this, can figure out a way to keep forcing it to happen. Seeing this film impacted me in the deepest way, and this is where it really started. And I had not been able to remain fully conscious through all of it. So thank you very much for uploading this clip. Because the first time, I went in and out of conscious awareness, just like a strobe light flashing on and off, probably due to the trauma of actually witnessing it. Flashing like that is indicative of amygdalla activity, which is the center in our brain that takes over temporarily during experiences of extreme trauma. (Known as "fight or flight" in pop psychology.) This method is so horrific and cruel, it was impossible for a naturally empathetic person like myself, a therapist, who is well acquainted with her own feelings, sensitivities and responses (I have to be, to be a good therapist), to stay completely conscious while watching what is actually a very common way of killing domesticated pigs (intelligent animals with an emotional center much like ours in their brain) that is supposed to be humane. (Well if this is an example of humane-ness, leave me out of it.) Some may think it mighty weird, perhaps masochistic, to want to repeat a traumatic experience like this, but that isn't always true in every case. This film shook me out of the deep trance I had been put into by our American culture from early childhood, regarding the moral dissonance of being taught to love animals, and yet still tacitly condoning these kinds of acts, whether unknowingly or forgetfully, on a mass scale no less, so I or someone else can eat parts of their bodies. When I freaked at this point in the film, I also realized that to allow myself to fall back into that trance was totally unacceptable to me ethically. (And it would be very easy to do, given the results are for sale everywhere, heavily promoted, and to which we have been habituated over a lifetime). As I haven't wanted to repeat a review of the entire film again just yet, this was really helpful to make sure I had myself up to speed. Thanks again! I know my description is likely a little off-putting, but people should not let themselves be deterred by this. If we can eat the animal, it's only fair that you, and I should know what the animal really had to go through to end up being food for us. We aren't little impressionable babies anymore, and if it happens that our hearts have beconme dead to empathy for the animals who sacrifice and die for us, then maybe it's time we learned the truth of that as well. [BTW, if anyone was wondering, I haven't touched meat of any kind since I watched this 3+ yrs ago. I gave it up willingly and unhesitantly. Watching the film was one the more difficult things I have ever done. Afterwards, giving up meat completely for good and all was one of the easiest things I've ever done. All I wanted to do was purge any vestige of myself that had ever been involved with eating animal flesh at all. As long as this industry continues, I will never touch any of it again, without any regrets or longing. No question. But also I won't go back under any circumstance. I know now what a huge, poisonous lie we have been fed. Once your eyes and heart are truly opened to what alignment with Love really is, there's no question. To go back would be a true act of insanity. roasties will literally larp as spiritual pig entities before they even think about using their wombs to save the white race. sorry bitch but a man has to eat. if you think we can run a global world electro butt matrix civilization on eating kale you can just go ahead and jump in that gas chamber next because you are dumb as fuck
>>366091 They’re already there en masse ready to turn it into another India.. 90% will not do well ( who cares anyway ) and the other 10% will asset strip it not put anything at all back into the economy like they did Uganda and the UK
https://youtu.be/fmwC9HzcWbQ this seems worse than the pig gas chamber tbh
>>366093 mountain high plains is not the place for me
Pope’s in Hungary begging Orban to open his doors to migrants again
>>366067 >Middle-aged white men in their ivory towers More like fat middle-aged white women tbh.
>>366104 tbh yeah the ivory tower is full of women now and has been since probably 2002
>>366109 the absolute state of that phenotype
>>366107 >another Anne Frank film Wonder if it'll explore how most of the diary was faked.
evening buses loaded with thots this weekend most disheartening
>>366111 Sketchy story to say the least at that’s just by reading the heavily curated Wikipedia entry
>>366113 Don’t worry lad, you’re not missing anything apart from chlamydia at best and a multitude of other sti’s at worst. Hold out for a virgin mommy, they must be out there
you're hiding the ball point pens under the floorboards aren't you
grrr I hate socialists and trannies and the woke looney left
fresh spookers >Human Fat Harvesting - The Pishtaco Conspiracy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUksT9D8x4c
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>>366119 Pistachio?
>>366120 really makes you think
>it's a gay conquered faggot people larp >chugs say that conquistadors butchered their warriors and made potions with their body parts and I bet if they had bayonets they would throw babies onto them too
>>366107 she must moonlight as a coalminer just to prove how useless men are. thank god all these fat sluts are gonna fight in the next war to perpetuate the petrodollar butt matrix
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>>366123 one day the white man will rise up from his goon cave and smash the system
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>>366123 The Faceberg commentariat have informed me that there are some 3 million jobs in the economy that the existing workforce cannot fill. That's why we need all these engineers and aspiring rappers.
https://youtu.be/20pxMypDM9k cool baz channel look for mr stella comment keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
antifa refusing to debate me on twitter, lads. How am I supposed to save the white race if we can't have a civil debate??
And apparently paying more does not make it possible to recruit more staff from the large body of people not in the workforce. Paying more to attract staff only works if it's 6 figures or more.
>>366128 couldn't be because the existing workforce cannot afford to work for such shit pay or because the employers want perfect employees with the vigour and pay rate of teenagers and the experience of boomers right
https://youtu.be/qVsxOMUzeJk fresh collapse >>366132 > the employers want perfect employees with the vigour and pay rate of teenagers and the experience of boomers right tbh its this exactly generally there is also far to many "middle" people at any toil form
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>>366132 Why pay more for staff when you can pay less for staff? It's not like the shareholders aren't dodging the taxes that are needed to cover the collateral damage of their migration policies. I'd add that being a worker in a shitty country whose every policy decision seems engineered to alienate you is just generally depressing, no discussion of employment and the economy can be truly be held without addressing the contempt that shot callers hold the plebs in.
>>366133 thinking about how literally every other employee (all women) at touristoil never sets foot outside the office or directly handles customers or cash again >>366134 >shot callers >reminding me that the vvest has been greenlit worst part about being aware that you are plebe is understanding this a proper mass peasants revolt probably wouldn't even work in the slightest these days now they can just import more, lower IQ slaves
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>women screaming and crying sfx asmr binaural theta wave meditation (1hr)
>>366137 sounds like something manxlad would put in a video
>>366139 even if it is derivative and they are apparently low IQ enough to personal army and raid 8moe I rather like these soyjakparty zoomers tbh
>>366137 imagine what a gang of white rape bastards could do
the newest warriors of the shite race tbh taking the mantle from the millenials
>>366143 We have the retards, but where is our strong man leader?
>>366144 the cupcake still sleeps hold onto your popcorn swamp rapists will drain -Qoom
tbh anything to implant pro white memes in the conversation. whitaker would have been a chudjak spammer if he was still alive
We need a strong horse
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>>366148 tbh love Sargon me. I kneel
>>366146 find it amusing that TND variations seem to be a normie meme now tbh, don't think I even knew about the nigger original for a few months after first seeing morrowind variants
Is there a pic of this where he is less blurry?
>>366150 yeah those vague memes are the best because they spread far and wide before people look them up
>>366151 no he's just that powerful
shnilas got to get that toil prep in
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>>366126 >>366127 Apex keek.
>>366156 >tfw live in a time when women ask to be spanked and choked and bitten in the bedroom but if you spanked them in public as a quick shock for their misbehaving it would mean you'd lose everything in a divorce and possibly go to prison
>>366158 *screams*
>>366154 gn lad
>Norwegian couple gave birth in America in a hospital >cost them 50,000 bongo bucks wew
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>>366162 thats with insurance as well I am pretty sure
>>366163 No way... how can anyone breed then? That's like a year of my salary before taxes
>>366163 He cute.
>>366164 thats literally how it works here unless you have top level insurance. thats why even in 1990 my mummy birthed me with out any drugs and just paying the room fee
how did people give birth before hospitals
>>366166 wew tough lass.
thinking about what that lad said about women like being violated but it is only okay in consenting roleplays now. How neo-groomee wants to be choked, spat at and whipped, but will then after sexo give me attitude about not hoovering under the staircase
https://twitter.com/MythinformedMKE/status/1652682922250444800 man that's sick. We're really in late stage genocide with the rethoric. Imagine how bad it'll get as an ever shrinking minority
did a fart smells horrid
>>366171 tbh same
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>>366174 we are so back
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had a nightmare where people from /brit/ had become trannies and genetic dead ends
>>366174 thank you lad
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>>366177 smh any sea cow is a good sea cow >>366179 >>366181 tbh
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Trite that he calls them feds, but the fact that he does that doesn't it kind of imply he is kind of sympathetic to white nationalists?
RIP zognigger
>>366187 Thank you Russia. Not sure if 1000 Ukrainians dying is worth it to kill 1 nigger though
>>366188 the russians wiped out some leftist militia and a bunch of different leftoid accounts are crying about their friend dying lmfao. one was irish too.
>>366187 good riddance
>Mum waking up >I haven't even gone to bed
>>366186 keeek he talks so much shit online but when antifaggots came to his house and called him out he cucked. blood tribe would have protected his house. anyway he is a georgia pussy seething that midwestoids are more edgy. ohiofags in general are the edgy ones of the midwest
iraq veteran 8888 is the perfect example of the chud. I think his basedness comes from the fact that the chud gestalt is more or less becoming white nationalist. the nazi imagery is unproductive in general even though hitler was based its not relevant in shartica
>>366192 did they actually go to his house?
>>366186 No. If you are sympathetic then ignore it and definitely don't slander them.
>>366195 smh most of based twitter is shaming are blood brothers
>>366197 which accounts?
the leader reminds me of gigacoomer
https://youtu.be/DJ8hRupwsgo FRESH americringe song just dropped based hick-hop niggerification of country music
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>>366200 Now this here's a lil' rap I wrote about drivin to Wendy's in my 2014 Chevy Silverado. Shout out to all the real niggaz
>>366200 >Cowgirl 3 - Edward Wdtmbt?
>A 57-year-old Adelaide man has catapulted to international fame after pulling off an ambitious breakdancing move in front of Rita Ora. >The UK singer shared a clip of Ian Smith doing “the worm” with millions of her social media followers. >In it, a tuxedo-clad Smith lunges headfirst to the floor before rippling back up to his feet while Ora performs. Looking on is a slightly startled-looking Julie Bishop, Australia’s former foreign affairs minister. >Smith is a lobbyist, South Australia’s honorary UK consul, the husband of the former senator and Australian Democrats leader, Natasha Stott Despoja, and deputy chair of Prince’s Trust Australia. Bishop is its chair. The pair were at the Prince’s Trust Gala in New York. Grifters making so much money of people’s backs smh. If you’d actually done any real work in your life you wouldn’t be able to do this at 57 I don’t think
4hrs sleep toil in 3 hate these new captchas tbh keep getting impossible ones and then getting "bypass denied" too
>>366206 Morning lad
>>366208 everything i read from this guy is e-celeb tier how is he a president.
>>366210 smh when will people learn
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wtf i love black people now
>>366164 tbh, I would just have the baby at home and chaunce it. >>366211 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
smh I was being denied a bypass at 3am last night, is there no justice for an innocent 2pm snoozer like myself?
Steiner's boy pussy smells like loft insulation
Nothing to say about that? Fucking kiss arses. His boy pussy smells of loft insulation and I know it because I have eaten and also fucked his boy pussy. He is really cool and nice to me and treats me like I should be treated.
>>366205 probs been paid to do it to attract some attention her way
im trying to eat and catch up on posts kthx
>>366221 good lad
>>366212 They have their place in nature (not here) tbh. Those straight up archaic, ape like phenotypes. Should all be in a wildlife reserve in central Africa.
What have you done for westernkind today?
>>366224 didn't give way to a chinky driver tbh >>366225 dios mio...
shnight lads >>366228 kino
>1800 tons of stored fuel for missiles goes off after russian missile strike in pavlograd
It is looking like it may be a large number of s300 missiles that were hit making it a critical blow for ukraines AA system alongside the recent loss of 4 s300 launchers over the last week
>accidentally end up on the nonbased side on twitter where all the boomers and their mutt pets call for legal action to punish people for being racist ahhhh
>>366203 Another day of hating dravidian scum.
>when you finish what's on your plate for 30 years
Mad to think about all these slags walking around thinking they're queens, but they have a crusty arsehole.
>>366234 Just fucking horrible hyper captitalist money and cowshit worshipping scum. Never met a half decent one
>>366236 You can easily see the dark brown wrinkly iris of their brown eye peeking past their string panties when they bend over in their short tube dresses
Wessie you must have missionary sex with Gashnakh the Ring Destroyer ending in conception until she has conceived your child
>>366240 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. So grotesque.
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>>366240 Was going to say flat chested birds especially shouldn't get fat, because there's little more offputting than a blob of fat that still has no tits, then watched it's shittok.
>>366240 Oh I just assumed it was an ugly woman keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>366211 qeeeq
Are ancestors celebrated fertility on this day. Hope you lads are breeding tonight
>>366245 no music. no bare skin
I did some gardening instead.
>>366249 that's okay, the fertility god's name means "seed" so I think he's fine with some gardening
>>366233 that is the craziest thing to me that most normal people actually do support hate speech laws. Its obvious most of them see it as just stirring up trouble and necessary for community cohesion but then the government just invests billions into ngo's to rile up non-whites about le racism anyway.
>>366251 tbh I CAN'T EVEN
>>366251 The average person is ultimately apathetic to freedom or any kind of principled stand. They wish only to keep what they have. They want stability, continuity. Anything that rocks the boat, true or not, is bad. If it placates the masses of furriners and ensures a compliant workforce, it is desirable.
>>366253 same thing since time immemorial, if it doesn't effect you why care?
>>366245 so kawaii *kisses her*
>>366256 I think that gook is korean lad.
>>366257 no, she is a Jap
tiny community of based brits and not even here can we escape the racemixing cunts
based and groomerpilled
the brown mass of subhumanity do that thing where they block roads and drive their cars around in a circle. asian man objects mildy, mob gradually beats him to death. america has fucking collapsed https://twitter.com/Tr00peRR/status/1653051998558904325
>>366260 Any man that appreciated Pizza Express and their excellent doughballs can't be that bad
>>366212 what the fuck is that brickwork fucking lazy ass niggers
If the monarchy is abolished in my lifetime, I will create a Royalist party if one doesn't exist.
Keeeek Educational achievement of a ten year old BUT > After three weeks in the program, he achieved a passing score and entered Basic Combat Training. Collins graduated from BCT and is now completing his Advanced Individual Training as a fire control specialist Holy fuck keeek Blue on blue INCOMING! >What is your purpose in the army Private Jhared!? >To do whatever you tell me to do Drill Sergeant SIR!! >DIE! >Huh!? What’s that Drill Sergeant? >The Russians are ACKtacking Private J hared! What do you do!? >Sheeeeit mang, I outta dis mhfuggin place yo! I gon’ kick me some doors off down da Walmart an grab me sum supplies of fried chikken, Drill Sergeant Sir! Why do these boons always stick extra letters in their names?
proddy phenotype parlimentists wish they could afford a wheel lock as big as mine GO AHEAD, TAKE ANOTHER LOAN FROM BEN ISHMAEL. YOULL NEVER MATCH MY SPLENDOR
>>366267 >he doesn't have adouble barrel one
>>366267 vuh imagine if the democracy memi never took off in the anglosphere
>no holy roman empire 2 in weimarica
although I feel like that cathocucks would have just buck broken the chugs and made more snowspics instead of slaughtering them like the protchads did
>normans will never invade medieval north America
prince madoc was real though pretty sure the moon eye people were welsh colonists
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>>366271 Hopi-Catholic snake dance eucharist fusion would probably be better than megachurch proddyism
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cowboy wild west aesthetic was peak kino and the redneck race would never exist without based britoidic protestants
>>366275 By themselves Must have been Private D’Francois Mercedes-Benz Olungofawayo of the Gendarmerie
>>366277 wish the western era of the sharts would have lasted longer tbh
>Chilly willy: photo of phallic iceberg off Canadian coast prompts merriment >Photographer Ken Pretty from the town of Dildo spotted an unusual ice formation at sea – an avalanche of risque puns ensued
>>366279 yeah 1840s but for 100 years
Sure thang Murica
https://youtu.be/ry5jTvGPiH8 why do women always stick their faces in animals faces?
>>366283 Free plastic surgery
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>>366203 >>366170 Watching it and seething again
>>366285 Yup, she'll be getting pregnant before she gets sent anywhere.
>>366288 yeah do her 3 years get the free college and home loan and car loan plus the disability scamming and then she marries some beta bux car salesman after sucking every dick in the company
https://youtu.be/Nrez6cHi7Ac fresh hol hol propaganda where they larp that wagner is wearing multicam
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>>366291 love the fact that a floyd pepe edit made by a britcel neet is a kinder and more humane representation of big george than 90% of the memorial murals
>>366259 you are an unwanted guest just like spic. kys fat norwood mong
>>366292 toil floyd is my favourite
>>366294 I probably have some Anglonese or taig blood in me
>>366297 good lad
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>>366296 2nd/3rd home city mongs tbh. Not Local!
https://twitter.com/CatchUpFeed/status/1652978324329861122 wew good thing that didn't happen in south carolina the tough southern boys would have done something about it
FROSH JOEY OWENS ON THE ELECTIO TRAIL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hZ2WRqroRc
>>366304 Fingers crossed he at least gets a decent vote count. Wish there were more I could do more to help him win, but he's done the leafleting, there's really not much more to it
>>366302 I think south carolina is where that old chud tried to defend himself from a nigcel during a robbery got killed and the jury let him go free on self defense. jared taylor talked about it iirc >>366305 tbh
I did actually look to see if I could get an advert for Joe in the Liverpool Echo, but the options didn't allow for political adverts
at least not as far as I could tell
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>>366305 I think he will get 2nd and it will be much improved outing from his dire last one of 51 votes. He had one video that got 32k views, hopefully a lot of the residence in that area saw it and it stuck with them.
>>366310 I agree he'll probably be 2nd. It's such a Labour-centric area that he's previously beaten the Tories & Lib Dems. Would be happy if he got 300+ votes
>>366309 do you not have nettles in America?
The amount of times Joe Owens say's 'Good day' in videos, only to be greeted with a bemused look by some shitskin. smh.
>when the ephemeral tattoos arrive in the mail
I wonder how nettle tea tastes
>>366315 Noice
>>366310 Last election Joe only did badly because the votes went to the UKIP candidate. No UKIP or Reform candidates this time
>>366312 no they do she must be a suburban eloi princess
>>366318 My girlfriend.
>>366320 How do you cope with them?
>>366280 >from the town of Dildo
tfw you tell your American gf that your favourite leaf is a 600 lbs carpathian boar
>>366322 spics? yeah I thought I was pretty clear that I hate them and want them to leave my civilization
who here /oildriller/?
>>366325 yeah like that one pepe frog coomer who killed that mormon leaf slag for not immediately sexing with him the second she got off the plane
>>366329 westernkind chads in the chat
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>>366330 smh that happened? Women deny us their vaginas every day. Imagine if we all were like that
>>366327 One race
>>366329 she looks at least a quarter white, just needs to submit to bwc as a house nigger and make some mutt venti coomer meat braphogs to become house niggers for the chudjak gestalt
>>366333 https://youtu.be/wqlQGMtwEDk yeah coomer saxonoid murdered an innocent gringoess
>>366336 thyroid problem Ian Curits. smh.
>>366333 Imagine no bagina I wonder if you can No need for sex or handjobs A brotherhood of man Imagine all the shitposters shartin’ all the world Yoo, hoo, oo-oo
>>366338 Keeeeeek >>366336 smh cunny flies half the globe around to meet you and you kill her. Given that he is three times her mass it's not like there would be a self-defense situation either
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>>366329 I did know a very nice mulatto girl a long time ago, but no
>>366340 >boomer literally wearing bbcslut merch while defending niggers from "racism"
>>366342 what brand is that cap?
>>366342 even worse its an xer stealing a vietnam era meme
It’s over
>>366345 I'd assume anything Gavin McAnus related has a gay jew lurking somewhere in the background of it.
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>>366340 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek wish there was a big war to kill off all these zogbots
>>366346 McAnus probably has a gay jew hanging off his backside.
>>366347 Keeeek. OK, Jose Villareal.
>>366349 Koln Ultras are juiced up and train to fight. Shame they can't sort their city out though.
>>366350 >bragging about le vietnam I see that YouTuber has got the Muh Stolen Valor treatment anyway.
>>366353 yeah but what about black unemployment?
>>366347 yeah that would be the best thing that could happen the entire american status quo needs to be destroyed these fucking shitty beaner foederatii are all a bunch of welfare scamming faggots. look at that dipshit in his suit. lmao never worked an honest day in his life. fucking trash
>>366350 yeah its from vietnam, they had 'call cards' where a company or regiment would leave a specific card on the bodies of charlie they ambushed to show the other VC who they were fighting. it is specific to the late 1960s and the men who used call cards are now in their late 60s to late 70s. tbh the need to disband all these regiments from the second world war, its a bunch of faggots trying to act like new nobility coasting off shit that happened almost 100 years ago. the 101st and all them are basically glorified parade units.
careful about making fun of american soldiers to their face they might call air support on you
>>366354 kek he was nothing but a bullet stop for ukrainian nazis
>>366355 keeek that pic gets me everytime just like the trump BIG BOOTS mecha leg
I'm amazed he is still going. I thought back then that Kameltoe Harris was going to take over 2 years after his election.
>reach into bowl for a little choccy treat >bowl is empty
>>366362 Remember the debates with brumpf? Kind of scary how he suddenly seemed more aware. I guess they got some drugs they can hook him up on when necessary
>>366359 Needs to be done more..good way to get rid of them. Unfortunately all these scholarly tards end up in supplies and cookhouses ungil zogvictory when they’re allowed out to rape and pillage
>>366365 keeeeeeeeeeek I forgot about that movie
the best is that shit movie glory where they try to make it seem like the niggers doing the probing attack on the fortress was anything other than using the niggers as cannon fodder against southcucks
>>366366 that looks like a lab tech
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>I’ll show you some science you fucking lab monkey >Put those biohazards down and get on the floor! >DO IT NOW SLUM KWEEN!
>>366370 both of those things cost more than a platoon of infantry armed with 80 year old anti material rifles
>>366369 >that looks like a lab tech Looks like a nigger orc to me
I hate them so much it's unreal
shouldstop watching tv so late tbh...
>>366375 >biggest divergence 2010-now I can believe this graph.
>>366376 Long gone are the relatively wholesome late hours tv coombait like Sexcetera.
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>>366373 me too lad
mmm cute
>>366267 the only fully armoured cuirassier company of the civil war, "Haselrig's Lobsters", was Parliamentarian >>366299 >fighting and dying for pornhub true western values...
also the king had to take jewish loans too because royalist nobility were idiots who fought and died for honour and glory but refused to sell their gold plate and contribute to his war chest, making the average royalist infantry battalion obliged to field a third of the firearms as the parliamentarians for the majority of the war
>>366383 >the king had to take jewish loans too A tradition kept alive by The Rothschilds. keeeek
>>366378 theres always ibiza weekender lad >>366382 im dishonoured again by the wessican shinlord
>>366385 Chud Island when?
>>366371 tbh it's all proof of concept stuff that's decades away from having any sort of practical application whatsoever. At most it will be used so the zog elite can have a buffer of automatons between them and the angry brown plebs they will soon preside over.
>>366384 wonder if kingcel wholesome chungus III will get mogged by the rabbi and poked in the chest at his ceremony in a repeat of that one time with "lord" de rothschilde or whoever it was
>>366388 probably get poked in the knob >hehe, I did that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5Fi2OT6U0U
>>366389 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK fucking hell
>>366390 marked as a shabbos goy.
>foreskins causes cancer okay mister joowmer
>tfw mummy let pushy doctors lop mine off
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>>366383 based wessex has that curator level knowledge of his ancestors but instead of being allowed to fulfil his social role as a proper ancestor shrine priest he has to be a tillmonkey for the lisa simpsons at his museum toil
>>366387 yeah or at least they think it will I honestly think that industrialization is about finished and that these degenerate elite retards are just going to devolve into like incan elites pushing their babies skulls with boards and sacrificing people ontop of busted up cars to honor the thundergod by making the computer run long enough for them to coom to alexis texas again
really wish richard nixon was still alive he would mog every single politician in the anglosphere rn
>>366383 >he scammed some jews on the way out
keeeek imagining him sending letters to the jews like blumpfs emails to his followers
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new day creeping up, wageman https://youtu.be/b8PXzX1vh0s
>>366395 feels like the place is being asset stripped by the emailsenders tbh, or that they prioritise their club having nice comfy wages and sinecures over an efficient workplace a karen type rancid old teacher woman came by to see if she would do a school trip there and she talked at me for half an hour about how she thought the ticket and shop prices were way too high, and she is right tbh, couple of families came through and they had to pay about £50 per six-seven people just to see their own history instead of raising prices to unsustainable levels and dropping attendance further maybe some of the behind-the-scenes job roles should be rolled together... but that of course means letting friends go or whatever still not as bad as the national trust though, I went to a stately home nearby and their ticket prices were £25 per person >>366398 if he won we probably would have seen another based yid purge instead of autistic prod PMs actually fulfilling their agreements and letting them back in smh I guess they "needed" juden after the war was over because they overspent on the new model army or smth
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>>366312 nah only poison ivy, has this oil that gives you a very itchy rash
fresh "ummm ackshually globohomo genocide is good"cel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvv89V6FsVg
>>366407 yes (but only the ones I don't like)
>>366408 keeeeek based
>>366406 Get an ad
>>366410 is DDees back from the dead? >zionist flag at the bottom
https://youtu.be/MAXJm6wQgHA hm... seem a bit lazy and trite
Fresh France >police step on improvised landmine >protestor gets his hand blown off by police stun grenade
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The gall of these people
>>366414 any plods die?
>>366415 it takes a village (of spackers pretending to work), lad
>>366416 Dunno. Can’t even search twatter now without an account.. enough of zogbots getting killed and injured in France periodically though according to fdesouche You can into French can’t you? https://twitter.com/F_Desouche
>when the children get old enough to decide what to wear
>jobcentre trying to call me thinking I'll pick up
>>366418 >two dead one wounded in two different shootings in different parts of the town >this route ends with genocide; conference in european parliament on woke-ism and it's origins >marseilles, five wounded, something about turkroaches infighting smh marseille is where I am going in a few weeks guess none of my family is low class enough to have to be in the areas where multiculturalism actually happens so they have the luxury of just ignoring everything bad and never talking about it >>366420 careful lad or they'll take the bennies away
>>366422 >careful lad or they'll take the bennies away Sorry I didn't pick up lad, I sleep into the afternoon
interesting that EU parliament is having some sort of "conservative" thing going on tbh although I guess it is just an outlet for impotent whinging like when the BNP had a seat there
>>366414 luv how the french are always up for a good riot tbh
>>366422 Yeah there was a massive gun battle somewhere wasn’t there, one with AK-47s etc.. Mental
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luv how calling the jews out on their shite is the normal response now
>>366430 Risky given that denying a violent event is reason for suspension, and they even specify the Holocaust as such an event. This was after Musk took over which I find curious
>Swedish "state scientists"(don't know the word for it in English) wanted to find out what immigrants in certain parts of a city... the immigrant parts, think about social issues, social standards etc. >the people in charge of them decided it wasn't worth the risk of doing such a study Smh found the real racists
>>366432 smh institutional racism preventing black and brown voices from being heard smdh when will the injustices end
>>366430 Because they complain about every single little thing and they refuse to accept that people notice it and are increasingly disliking them over it ( of course they call it hate when they are challenged over it ) They don’t do themselves any favours tbh and I think they know that their behaviour adds to more attacks on jews lots of whom hate probably them as well as their neurotic victim whining probably gets them attacked more.Their followers only number about 350k on twitter. You’d think it would be more
>>366434 tbh they keep overplaying their hand
"I am not a nazi, neither is.... "The nigger butcher"
>>366436 Tbh honest they are going after everyone until they comply or they can get them out of the way. Absolute miga-lomaniacs I mean look at the flag imagery they spam as well it’s hardly subtle
still no news from PA about the schism noseberg didn't do a monthly report yet either
>>366438 not sure if they feel like they don't need subtlety any more or if they're just stupid tbh >>366439 they got to him
>>366440 he was playing videogames on stream this sunday smh really don't like that he is trying to hide this from onlookers when in his secret club stream for members only they acknowledged that they couldn't hide it and zog will use the affair as a weapon either way presumably just more markian retardation rather than malice but it's annoying nontheless
thinking about how people wouldn't have to worry so much about pensions if they had children they could rely on
>>366441 smh >>366442 thinking about how people wouldn't have to worry so much about rent if they had parents they could rely on
>>366441 Him and Laura did that 2 hour stream talking about it. It wasn't a 'leak' as the underhanded YouTuber uploaded it as, it was on Radio Albion. What more do you want?
>>366415 >dressing your daughter in pink This is all you have to do now to make mongs seethe uncontrollably
>>366446 And this is how you make chuds seethe
>dad loitering outside my room again and considering the pros and cons of killing me
>>366444 A NEW DAWN!
>>366448 He should've done it long ago tbh.
>>366340 >then this happens.... >nothing happens
>>366415 Is this person real? Hard to tell if this is staged or another crazy who's mental illness has taken on the form of pozgressivism.
Thinking about how Sargon is ripped and Woes only grows bigger
naughty boy
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>>366455 >el ogro abominicico del americano exists
we need to bring back itchy sweaters
>>366462 already wearing one have to wear long sleeve shirt with a big collar under it so the scratching doesnt irritate me too much sometimes shirt cuff slips under the sweater and get ichys on my wrist
smh I keep getting my bypass denied, time to vpn up I think.
>>366464 BASED
>>366437 keeeeeeeek >jag Why not "jeg"? Is "jag" Trondheimer speak?
>>366467 It's Swedish. Swedish twitter is pretty great. In Tronder-speak "jag" would be "æ". Some people elsewhere say "I", so it is probably related somehow to how you say "I".
>>366342 >Ace of Spades means le BBC Sneeding hell you need to get off the internet lad.
>>366468 *scratches your fat belly* Good fittejeger, you have informed me of things which I shall now use in the fight against the niggers
>>366469 Don't worry, lad, as if all the based zog films would have left me unware. >>366470 No problem
>>366465 it's the same for vpn. there is something wrong with the captcha system.
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Liverpool Eurovision is this month
>>366445 it's a leak to me since I couldn't find it on RA (and assume that means it wasn't archived) and it's not on any of their odysee channels or telegrams or the PA website where it really should be since those are the main communication outlets
two weeks until floydmas eve lads
>>366476 will we get celebratory chimpouts?
just want a student debt gf
>An influential member of his community, Floyd was respected for his ability to relate with others in his environment based on a shared experience of hardships and setbacks, having served time in prison and living in a poverty-stricken project in Houston.[7] In a video addressing the youth in his neighborhood, Floyd reminds his audience that he has his own "shortcomings" and "flaws" and that he is not better than anyone else, but also expresses his disdain for the violence that was taking place in the community, and advises his neighbors to put down their weapons and remember that they are loved by him and God.[7]
>>366479 >proceeds to invade a home and pistol whip a pregnant woman
Jeg vil knulle moren din! Det er en skitten jobb, Men noen må gjøre det, YEAH! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20CCTpU_Mdg
>>366482 at this point now being deported to somewhere less governed and being able to form a parallel society would probably be better for the average chud.
>>366483 wonder if any of those larp groups like /namibia/ went anywhere probably not
>>366484 na that would involve more than going out to the shops.
>>366476 Still not sure how he didn't get grove robbed of all that bling bling yet
Anyone want to make nationalists flag for our future white ethnostate?
>>366487 Well it should contain red and white. There's my input.
Reckon the tranny might be doing a bunk from Ukraine tomorrow
>>366490 It looks like tartan
>>366491 it is green and purple is probably the superior choice
>>366489 >Reckon the tranny might be doing a bunk from Ukraine tomorrow Why, what is happening tomorrow?
>>366493 >gamergate was 20 years ago
>>366493 >green and purple Kino.
>when a 1 hour video takes 10 hours to finish because you're a tabbin b
>>366498 keeeeeeeeeeek. Beautiful. This is my fetish
Always makes me keek. It's just perfect
>>366500 >check out the artist >800 pictures on rule34 >seems like normal furry sit for the most part yeah I am not going through all that just to find something to keek about... okay just these two
>>366414 still amazes me that the french police are more like a paramilitary and use actual grenades on their own people even our own cuck police wouldnt be able to do that
>>366503 says a lot about the british vs the french, i.e. they deem it necessary to do that to keep the french down the british will just take it so it's not necessary
>>366504 We are a nation of cucks unfortunately.
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did you lads see featureman got outted as a massive nonce?
go away bumder
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>The tranny shagger is here
>>366507 old 80 or 90something year old seemingly innocent youtuber who made cooking videos and stuff
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>>366510 Oh no!
stop derailing the thread from interesting topics
>>366506 >>366510 Yeah, I saw. Reminds me of 22st
Steiner's bumhole smells of loft insulation. Dorset can back me up on this.
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>stop derailing the thread from interesting topics

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Egypt has declared Cleopatra as white. Niggers on suicide watch.
>>366513 keek yeah thats one of the first things i thought of
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Surprised Dorset can think of anything with such a pencil neck
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>>366518 Post his cock in revenge
I see how you could get us confused tbh
>>366520 he liked being degraded smh
Does 22st have retard strength? I think so
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>>366523 smh, such is the mind of a bumder freak.
why are you obsessed with me?
>>366524 I wish. I think my family might be stronger on average but I have kind of squandered it by no working out for 10 years.
>>366527 you look like a wholesome chungus in that photo, lad.
>>366528 That's my whole personality tbh
>>366529 just like featureman being wholesome, right?
"wanked again!"
(2.93 MB 960x640 woes loaf.mp4)

>>366530 Yeah he breathed air too
>>366534 keeeeeeeeeeeek we love him lads
now that I have a twitter I'll just steal all the /brit/ OC and post it as my own
>>366538 >Literally SA tier
I think I might ban you just for that 22
>>366534 eu je qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq
>>366541 It was a joke, please forgive me *kneels before the powerful mod* *kisses his feet*
>I call it SH-ART
>>366534 this but unironically
>>366545 yeah we saw this shit 20 years ago lad
Mods should wear a big badge when they post so we're sure to never make fun of them and incur their wrath
>>366550 almost seethed. It's fake?
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thought it was going to be femurbreaker smh
Humanism is so fucking gay I can't believe it was taught together with the large religions of the world
>>366404 >feels like the place is being asset stripped by the emailsenders tbh yeah it was the same where I worked they laid off the entire exibit carpentry staff they used to have some of the worlds best dinosaur model makers at umich exhibits but now its all contracted out to gay ass corpos who just use shite 3d printed in china.
>>366555 Isn't that far more expensive than having carpentry staff?
>>366555 >>366556 "one time" purchases vs salaries I guess oy vey ,think of the bottom line
welcome weary traveler... we've been waiting for you
>>366558 >wearing a stole like a christian priest gay larp
come.... feast in our great hall
>>366556 like wessica said they could have kept the skilled people and just had them email send as well but it was more equalityic to fire all the skilled people but keep the managers
>>366560 Is that Spaghetti Bolognese? KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
worry not, there is mead for all
>>366560 >nigger it's a cringe cultic larp but that is kind of based in a way tbh, at least they are trying to have some kind of culture and it's intergenerational
>>366560 >they've got kids and their grans
it appears some of our womenfolk have taken a liking to you. why not settle down here traveller?
>>366557 >>366561 It reminds me how every local council in this country used to maintain their own maintenance staff right down to a stone mason and that all got cut and then farmed out to companies that overcharge and do a poorer job. But hey atleast we aren't having to support skilled people to improve our lives on tax money.
>>366560 They.... bred
I love the flag autism keeeeek
>>366568 >Bought a Nintendo Switch Good lad.
Oh no... not.. wokeness. Just fucking kill me
BUT FIRST you must meet with our chief and gain his blessing.
sorry bagan, but /ourguys/ have cooler hats
>>366568 I think I actually find the people that follow Chirs around and constantly fuck with him far more disgusting than the man himself.
they can use their hats to grab really hot stuff out of the oven for mummy
>>366560 >spills Odin’s spaghetti
>>366577 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>366576 That sounds like sacrilege
do you lads think that beowulf would twirl the spaghetti around his fork or just vore it and slirp the noodles down while at the Heorot
>>366579 good lad we need to kill all the heretics
i love asatru folk assembly because its all just shartmarters adopting their comic book superheroes as a religion but in a racist way. its beautiful. and theyre actually pretty big, they have multiple churches.
>>366583 Yeah I do my part for the white race by following them on twitter
>>366585 Always putting in work with your social media presence, lad. I kneel.
>>366586 Also following an account from Orania. Nice seeing these groups around the world banding together for survival. Probably something we or our spawn will have to do in the future
Fucking hell, so many unattractive women. I suppose I'd have to breed one of them, but then I'd never want to talk to them again. smh.
>continuous loud buzzing from the boiler >it only stops when the heating's on
>>366588 talked with an English rose on a dating app in april. There are still goodlasses out there
>>366589 just forget about it
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I can show her racist if she wants to see racist
>>366590 she's just upset because she wants to get turkey basted with tronder seed and you rejected her for being a nigger. btw try to say "I guess" less when interacting with women, it doesn't help, you have to put on the confident dominant alpha male act at all times
>>366594 Yeah I can't help being a beta bitch keeek. Also get off on a naughty boy.
>>366595 on being a naughty oby*
goddamn it
is this the 6 year old kid you've been noncing then?
>>366598 Barefoot and... Dorsetwear for the trousers. These are the sidegrooms I do for fun, current-groomee I talk with in the bongo
>>366599 baste footslut
She's in Liverpool if any of you want a piece
>I HATE 22s-
>>366601 >She's in Liverpool if any of you want a piece RELEASE THE BUMBUMKING
>>366603 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>366602 Why would they post this? rhetorical question
>>366605 can you learn to read before becoming an anchorino pleased
I bet it was a Tesco's Value Bag. Mark Collett warned of these nutters!
>>366605 it was probably poolad
so weird
>>366595 >If you mix with a non-white your children will be less related to you than the average British man in the street Yeah maybe if you live in Norfolk.
>talking to foids about politics and racial struggle >(133)
>>366611 its shartin
>>366612 shhhh don't tell him
>he forgot his Tesco Club card and wants to use mine Sorry mate I don't have one *beep* ///club card accepted\\\
>>366615 Scoundrel hand over the points or it's your life.
Lads.. one of us
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>>366619 finding an unjabbed woman challenge: impossible
>>366619 That's fucked up
>In the early 1970s, the Irish IQ averaged 87, the lowest figure anywhere in Europe and a full standard deviation below than that of Irish-Americans, a value which would seem to place a substantial fraction of Ireland’s population on the edge of clinical mental retardation. Really makes you think.
>>366624 Huh, looking at maps it is a bit lower than the rest
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>>366624 >tfw anglo irish.
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>>366616 You have to pay the toll.
>>366619 luv the reddit meme at the end of the replies. I guess if you don't have the associated phds you should just agree with your local infallible technocrat.
>>366627 I doubt it.
Nepal 42.9 IQ
>>366630 luv herding me mountain goats
>#BREAKING According to the Sudanese hacking group who have claimed responsibility for all the cyber attacks on the state of Isreal, they hacked the Iron done missile defence system before rocket launch from Gaza and made it malfunction. This is what they claim, there is no evidence to back this other than the bad Iron Dome performance. https://twitter.com/WarMonitors/status/1653400511100473345 6 injured in Israel from rocket attacks today.
>>366632 It was him orchestrating it.
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>>366633 >come with me, and I'll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes
white guy chokes violent black guy until he dies on subway on video, released without charges. https://nypost.com/2023/05/02/shocking-video-shows-vagrant-being-choked-to-death-on-nyc-subway/ has the Lord floyd been reincarnated???
>>366632 hows that multipolar world taste kikes
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lad who shot up that family in texas was a wetback who had been deported FOUR (4) times
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he could have saves us
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new day soon to begin for all wageman https://youtu.be/wxRuKUPqOLo
waiting for gaysburys to open so I can harvest up the yellow labels tbh
>>366644 so true
>>366644 postmen btfo
>>366647 >"It's a pity. It sends the wrong message. It says there are no consequences," the official continues, adding that the Syrians are acting "in a very arrogant way, like everyone else is lucky to have them". what exactly did Assad do to be treated this way, aside from not cave to zoggie colour revolution shit
found a random hotep comment in the wild keek >Sillier comment. Those "Dances with Wolves" people came way later after black people were here first, just like every where else. They were Nigerian immigrants.
pineapple chunks followed by borgar with blue brie and coleslaw for brinner
>>366632 >Sudanese hacking group
>el marko doing another pwr tonight >it's not the PA monthly review looks like he really is just ignoring the problem and hoping people will forget can we not have one single competent person in the shite race saving coommunity smh
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>>366652 oh no, not my glowie group. noooo
>>366636 There's open season on black people
>>366652 send him a superchat and demand answers lad. Vote with your wallet
Morning lads. Redpill me on the myth of the wage gap so I can ram it down someone’s ‘muh oppressed wimmin I have a dorter!” neck in the next thirty minutes Fukinfewmin tbh
>>366651 >Engineers, doctors, pilots, hackers FFS. I hate this timeline
>>366656 It's actually really simple, yet the people you deal with don't deal with logic: It is illegal to pay someone doing the same job less just because they are women. The wage gap is also about averages, they lump all men in together and all women in together and then compare the average of the two, you get why this is wrong. Another side of things is that women are more often sick and also have to be pregnant, which means time off work which means in the same amount of years as a man they will end up earning less. They also ask for raises less often than men.
toil ends >>366644 based >>366656 if you could hire women for less than men and have them do the same job nobody would ever hire a man women """earn less""" because they deliberately choose lower paying jobs that offer other benefits like flexible hours or prestige or a fun working environment men choose jobs that pay money
>>366659 based. Women BTFO. The male race is saved
>>366656 men do the dangerous jobs that pay higher
>>366662 dangerous jobs don't pay much though and women all go into medicine which is extremely lucrative
>>366662 I guess being a rich jew is pretty dangerous. Can get holocausted at any moment
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>>366663 >dangerous jobs don't pay much though the pay is rubbish everywhere in the uk, but engineers, electricians and plumbers are still being paid more than the average nurse. and pay is only going to get better for the previously listed as infrastructure continues to degrade. >and women all go into medicine which is extremely lucrative >extremely lucrative only for a handful of nurses after years of climbing the pay band ladder. even then, there aren't that many high band placements in the nhs >>366664 that lot are safe n sound
>>366658 >>366659 >>366662 Thanks lads Been going through how the rich propagandised women into drinking smoking working etc Not enough rope tbh
>>366666 it was just good business
>>366663 And their drop out rate once they meet a wealthy pay piggy or decided to have a family is about 50%. So at 35 loads have disappeared wow why isn’t there enough medical staff >>366667 Interesting how at the same time they managed to both demonise women and “muh stronk independent” them
>>366668 deliberately creating conflict between the sexes smh strife is the jew's natural habitat
>>366670 He might be playing with his masturbation machine
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>>366665 >super sekret agents earn 36kp/a in london wages in this country are astounding lmao
>>366674 Can we just go nuclear already. Zelensky needs erasing along with his fucking tribe tbh
wonder if this means war or if they'll keep doing the gay special military operation shite
went around t'shops for a bit before getting demoralised by the buttmatrix tbh bought a summer shirt I don't need and looked at ties for the wedding can't wait to be demoralised even more having to put on a happy face around the rich country frogs with their cohesive and extensive family unit, property ownership and savings assuming I will have to endure many humiliating questions about what I do and how I live etc
poosted about calais the other day I was right https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v6CMQTkgdw
>>366678 smh sounds nightmarish lad hopefully it'll be an open bar at least >>366679 cannot fathom how the niggercattle still don't see a problem tbh
>>366680 can't even drink because of vuh kidneys maybe a pint of mostly carbonated sugar drink with a bit of spirits in it a day >>366681 smh he just wanted to officiate an honour duel between the magapedes and antifas in a mcdonalds car park
want to watch waterworld for film night tbh, never sneed it
>>366681 >disparaged Trump (“I hate him passionately”) >the text message revealed more about his views on racial superiority.” heard rumours he has presidential ambitions tbh hope this firing arc isn't some attempt to build him up so he can act as another pressure release candidate and stall things for another half decade or more >>366682 smh rip lad
>>366682 > he just wanted to officiate an honour duel between the magapedes and antifas in a mcdonalds car park A jew will one day write a ballad about this and it will be proudly sung by hwhite anti semites and racists all over the ( You ) Hess of Ayyy
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Russian nationalists in the Kremlin right now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYrXXNgFgms
>>366685 tbh tuck seems based nowadays but one can't forget he used to be an actual glowie and "war reporter" or whatever it was
What does Carlson hate about Trump so much I wonder
the hohols are such pathetics bastards, they are still falsely claiming that putin tried to have zelensky killed and is still trying to have him killed when this is just an outright lie because if putin wanted him dead he'd be dead and they also claim that any attack inside russia is somehow "russian opposition", they will probably try and disrupt the may 9th parade.
>>366689 hes the white trash president and tucker is a smug wasp whos dad is a literal CIA glownigger.
>>366686 keeeeek >>366687 just occurred to me that this could easily be a false flag to drum up support for the war not like i care either way though >>366689 if he's based: the fact drumpf did nothing if he's cringe: the fact drumpf did anything
>>366693 good lad don't let the loosh harvesters put images of w*men on your screen
>tfw keep putting off getting a haircut because of how much more I've balded since the last one
>>366695 Not going to enjoy that moment when they wet it and comb your hair all the way back, lad.
>>366695 take the comboverpill lad
>>366702 >yellow bald men grimacing
>>366695 Does a lion cut its hair?
>>366703 keeeek
What exactly is Peter Hitchen's content? Rarely see him posted anymore
>>366703 my first thought as well
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>put Bounty on >synth music starts playing >kino before even any frame has been shown
>>366706 tweeting to ecelebs like sargn and wews
>>366709 the patricians choice.
>>366709 Doesn't he tweet everyone?
> I went undercover as an NGO KEEK
>>366712 keeeeeeeek. good lad
Didn't realise Quigon Jin was in the Bounty
>>366712 keeeeeeeeek the they/them really completes it
>>366696 >>366697 >its diffuse thinning
>>366719 That's the worst type. smh.
>>366721 What a lovely thick head of hair.
You could've prevented that lad. Why didn't you stop it?
>>366724 How so?
Got mates that were going bald and put finasteride on, and they nipped it in the bud.
https://youtu.be/PNMtiS-pbLE >Wagner discovers massive forgotten soviet era cache of weapons 150m deep in soledar mine >said to be 300k boxes of material
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>tfw excellent hair genes just bad skin genes
>tfw bad skin, hair and fat distribution genes and borderline manlet genes
>>366726 already made peace with the norwood reaper tbh got baldy genes on my mum's side of the family and been constantly reminded of it for as long as i can remember escaped his scythe so far but let come what may >>366727 wew that's kino
>>366731 >he's still doing the ISIS finger someone chop it off
>tahitians having similar fertility rituals as us Were they aryans?
>when everyone else is HAVING SEX and racemixing
Didn't realise he was Daniel Day Lewis before now. What a star-studded cast
>>366738 regular old who's who tbh

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