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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3860: Monke Dust Edition Anonymous 05/20/2023 (Sat) 12:15:53 Id: 7b3a9c No. 370849
Inside the monkey dust epidemic sweeping Britain: Drug zombies terrify shoppers in once-prosperous British city as new synthetic drug that has laid waste to US comes to our shores https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12103423/Inside-monkey-dust-epidemic-sweeping-Britain.html London Mayor Sadiq Khan says he is suffering from PTSD after death threats have forced him to have 24-hour presidential-level security https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12105561/London-Mayor-Sadiq-Khan-says-suffering-PTSD-death-threats.html Converted weapons and live ammunition found in gun factory raid in south London, say investigators https://news.sky.com/story/converted-weapons-and-live-ammunition-found-in-gun-factory-raid-in-south-london-12884997 Prison officer 'encouraged terrorism through neo-Nazi rap songs', court hears https://news.sky.com/story/prison-officer-encouraged-terrorism-through-neo-nazi-rap-songs-court-hears-12884595
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:11:40.
https://youtu.be/KLqRoFpzevw Blimey, this school is heavily east asianised.
>>370851 art deco is a pretty cool style tbh
>At the United Nations, which runs a huge relief operation in Syria and Lebanon, there is cautious hope Syria's readmission to the Arab League might somehow become a circuit breaker that allows diplomatic progress. >Imran Riza, the UN's deputy special coordinator for Lebanon, tried to find a positive. >"If what's happening now in the region is going to help to get us to a political solution then it's a good thing." >But the UN does not support forced repatriation. It insists that Syrian refugees cannot return home until their country is safe and secure. That is a long way off. >President Bashar al-Assad broke his country to save his regime. There has been no justice for his victims. >But there is a lesson for ruthless, authoritarian leaders, not least his close ally, Russia's President Vladimir Putin, whose decisive military intervention in 2015 helped the Assad regime to victory. >Wait out the storm and you can outlast your enemies. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-65650768 zoggies seething
>>370854 based
>>370854 The cunts destabilise his nation and then pretend he's the reason for the destabilisation. Are they taking their political cues from the jews?
Just did 30 navy seal burpees lads. I am so unfit.
>>370854 >Lebanon, small and poor, has had to tolerate well over a million Syrians fleeing the war. That is the equivalent of a quarter of the Lebanese population - something like the UK accepting over 15 million refugees. erm actually that's a good thing smh those refugees are helping lebanon by making it more diverse and vibrant >>370860 not for long lad
>>370860 Can do like 2 tbh. You're okay
>>370848 He relaxed smh
>>370867 >he lies on the pillow for the whole video keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>370866 Now there's some barely disguised contempt if I ever saw it.
>>370864 american nigger boxer meme is like 30 years out of date it was mostly a production of the actual fight organizers who were kikes paying people to dive. mike nigger tyson never really went up against people who could beat him. the biggest example is niggerweather who was just a clear example boxing being just wwe but for niggerlovers. niggerweather also created the meme in american boxing of just constantly backing up and throwing jabs as something impressive and not boring or gay or cowardly. after the soviet union ended and slav fighters came over who weren't part of the westoid jew b*c slut matrix they demolished the nigger meme.
assad is such a good lad, smh same with gaddafi (F) and saddam was pretty cool but not really on par with the other guys. I hope the white race can have leaders like them one day
>>370871 Tbh just good lads looking after their little corners of the world and the people in them.
>>370871 erm you're looking at them lad
>>370870 Tbh I hope this Ukie knocks that wog into a coma.
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>>370873 *kneels*
>>370873 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
keeeek this nigger tapping out at 1:15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9ZqfOVFc3k
>>370876 good lad
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My trip to Albania was kino, would recommend tbqh
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https://youtu.be/_ioc6sdgugo mummy making me some pancakes
>>370880 The last true 'ard anglos tbh.
>>370881 What did you get up to?
>>370883 tbh and they were all either anglos, irish or scots with the occasional scandi thrown in to a man very few krautoids krautoids generally were shop keepers and farmers and the anglos were the out on the range or shooting up shitskins and cattle thieves

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>no victorian era frontier prozzie gf
>>370888 I could do without the syphilis tbh.
>>370888 >tw no modestly dressed gf
>>370884 Went to Korce (saw some kino icon museums, communist shrines), saw some kino bektashi shrines in Kruje hiked there too, saw the big personality skandeburg museum in kruje. Went to diijake was rural and had a nuptials/center park lagoon nearby it, also a lot of agriculture. went to berat, saw some kino bektashi shrines, castle, communist shrines. Went to shkoder, went to a prison museum/monastery that was kino. met an italaina merican who told me that he thought the albanians were repressed homosexuals because of their masculine posturing. went to the albanian alps which were visually kino. went to tirana, to the bunker museums, enjoyed the cheap food in the town and wandering around the neighbourhoods.
>>370891 sounds like a good time. I'm surprised there are so many communist shrines though. I didn't think the albanians remembered Hoxha that fondly considering he insisted on using every resource the country could muster to build bunkers.
>>370891 >met an italaina merican who told me that he thought the albanians were repressed homosexuals because of their masculine posturing keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>370892 lots from WW2, albanians seemed to hate communists though
>Prison officer 'encouraged terrorism through neo-Nazi rap songs', court hears got my chuddies in the back, ready to attack, yo we all know this ZOG is WHACK
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wagon_Box_Fight >wikipedia hyphenating american settlers to legitimize all the shitskins moving here tbh lads I am so fucking done with this gay fucking society so many normalfag westoids just need to be conscripted and enslaved if they are so content to just sit on their hands as we are genocided by shitskins wholesale
>>370885 >muh anglo irish steiner post detected
>>370897 best not to read wikipedia these days lad. its almost entirely homo nonce pooskin propaganda
>>370897 Real Americans are settler-Americans everyone else is a recent arrival.
>>370897 Make European-Americans the only Americans again.
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crazy how in the 19th century it was common for anglos in very small bands to slaughter ungodly amounts of shitskins
>>370902 based was worried it was gook animal torture shite
>when you put your pet gerbil in your button up shirt pocket and took him to school at age 6 and then you got in trouble because your teacher caught you
Bakhmut…has…..*starts crying*
https://youtu.be/e2xEj5_kCrk britoid in his comment section is "wouldn't happen in wales" posting, is wales based and gonna save britannia?
so sick of the gay hol hol war tbf don't care
>>370907 no south wales is just as cucked as London.
Drinking cider and listening to racist podcasts on the porch right this very minute.
>>370910 good lad
Gaul comes from the Celtic word Gal meaning “power” o and Gallic meaning “powerful man” and is why the Celtic tribe that populated Anatolia, the Galatians, though separated from the Gauls of France had the same name. “Gal” meaning power in all Celtic languages and “Gal-n in Brythonic specifically.
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>>370880 >cumfighters
>>370915 thats more of an azov thing
>>370916 big chud energy
>>370897 I’d say the result was pretty conclusive >300-1000 warriors >26 soldiers, 6 civilians
>>370919 yeah I think some troon has probably edited the sharticle.
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>>370922 wonder what their medical malpractice rates are
>>370922 poo genocide in leafland is all but guaranteed they are too arrogant and intelligent where whitoids are very aware of them
Breed Martin Breed
>>370922 ah is this a debunker of based thinking? I love how IQ difference is fine to use as long as it is to attack whites. Always the same hecking story
>>370927 saw so many breeders at the shop today. The local race is saved
>>370929 I hope he expands to a hotdog stand as well.
>>370931 burger van called Jewcy Burgers
they should get a whole pikey fairground setup
>>370933 maybe they can have themed ghost train rides that end in a gas chamber.
>>370924 Horrific probably. Just like in the UK They also lie wholesale on their CVs. Had a 22 year old poo at work who claimed all kinds of weird shit like speaking six languages and having a phd or some shit but it wasn’r ‘recognised in Britain by racists’. ‘ate ‘em
>fought for lgbtqia, women’s and voting rights for wogs you say >refugees you say >covid vaccines you say >drake you say >scarlett johansson you say noted >made the world a better place you say ? Ok. Keep dropping dem jewcy red pills https://twitter.com/WorldJewishCong/status/1658502575308656644
>>370922 indian doctors get employed based on sub-par "education" from indian diploma mills then constantly murder or maim western patients. my aunt literally went to an indian dentist to have her teeth capped and that gave her sepsis in her gums losing all her front teeth and she has to constantly- and painfully clean the gums where her front teeth used to be for the rest of her life or suffer constant life threatening infections. he lost his license but isnt in fucking prison. kill all poos.
>>370925 He’s supposed to be the guy who ate the burger in front of the homeless lad
is real computer degree
>ywl to see Steiner's okinawa honeymoon with his breedhog
>>370937 Went to one once and her fucking dental chair wasn’t even bolted to the floor. Jesus. They are fucking awful but worse full of self confidence
i'm going to use my scientifically verified greater aryan grip strength to crush the throat of the first cocky street shitter i see.
>>370931 >>370932 The world’s jewciest 25cm Hot Dogs
@STEINER did u attend school or uni office with any Asian Americans (EAST ASIAN) variety? I get a strange vibe online where people seem to pretend that they are super humble, clean creatures
>>370937 tbh they're fucking scum and have all kinds of fake scientific organisations in india that they use to fool westerners
>>370939 the amount of cataclysmic damage pajeets and their fake qualifications have done to the west hasnt even begun to bear fruit yet
>>370946 there's a pretty big demographic of women that have a fetish for this kind of thing, like look at women that make being into the book loli a part of their identity. lana del ray is an example.
>>370948 All comes from them wanting to be submissive I guess.
>>370866 Assad is fluent in English, and Zelenskiy gave his speech in English. Assad understood everything. Why do you post twitter screencaps from morons?
>>370950 tbh he lived in england as an ear doctor for years and his wife was born and raised in england.
>>370858 >Are they taking their political cues from themselves? Wdymbt?
>>370866 Based Assad starting to look like earthworm jim
>>370954 Tbh hate them.
when is turkeys presidential elections 2nd round?
>370958 imagine caring about this?
>>370959 imagine betraying the white race with this post
>>370958 May 28th (next Sunday) >>370959 Imagine not caring about significant international political events
our white brothers in turkiyi are suffering under zog control and mass migration and you want to split hairs. *breaths in* fuck you..... *gets really mad* FUCK YOU
Turkey is decidedly nonwhite
Honestly, Kurdistan should just be allowed to become a sovereign state already.
>>370964 kurds are shitskins, turks are white.
Whites are subhuman, except of course for the one truly human race, the anglo race. Okay, thank you.
Some growing weird flex amongst chews on twitter calling each other nazis tbh >yaw ain’t talented so now yaw pissed at Hollywood ‘cos they won’t accept yaw https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1657392917277818882
>>370968 >libtard has a church on fire as their pfp can we just kill these niggas already?
Are there any good french revolution films?
>>370972 looks like something I'd hate. I always hated her face too
*buries face in those fun bags*
>>370973 I reckon she's a pure marmite munter, see I really like her face and her wet tits in spiderman but half half hate her, never seen anyone be indifferent about the dunster
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>>370969 soon brvther
>>370970 Danton (1983) is the only barely honest French revolutionary movie.
>Robespierre was guillotined on 28 July 1794, face up. His last words were to berate the crowd who taunted him with the death of another revolutionary leader he ordered, George Danton: “Cowards! Why did you not defend him?”
https://youtu.be/VLBBvW1fFEc Steinersisters.... >when the low status male won't come down to family dinner
>>370981 kleeeeeeeeek
>>370977 Thanks, love. Seen a lot of youtubers talk about the revolution and use clips from that
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wessie should get grillz
>current year + 7 Wonder if time has been gentle with are gentle giant
>>370986 He's still about, that's good enough.
>>370977 >start film >scary music plays
>>370981 >>370982 shit meme. are wess is more formidable than that
>>370940 >went to buy dad his birthday present at book shop >ftm zoomer troon blushed and stuttered when I was talking to it wtf is up with zoomers lads I mean why can't she just be a 18 year old mousey nerdy brunette instead of dressing like a man and larping but still clearly finding men attractive?
>>370974 feel like she was a nonce victim on star trek TNG
for me dunst was peak in small soldiers
>>370992 because ZOG said so chud
niggers in nyc get sissified by big taig cops https://twitter.com/Tr00peRR/status/1659944019311427585
>tfw no lass has ever blushed or stuttered speaking to me don't think we didn''t notice that humble brag steinhog
Disgusting. This is how far white supremacists will go to keep their lawns cut!
>>370998 you can tell the nigger behind that twitter account still has nothing but charcoal in his mouth when it comes to whites in general. never a good deed goes unpunished.
>>370996 Dayyyuuuuuum!
The Cosmic, Incomprehensible horrors of damnation awaits to those who rebuke the Lord God Jesus Christ. Our savior died on the cross to save us from an eternity of suffering and hellfire, and to disparage his name shall only bring a lifetime of pain, sorrow and torture. But as long as you are alive, you can save yourself through Gods overwhelming forgiveness and wisdom. You have a choice, make the right one.
>>371005 Why you like this jew so much?
>>370997 it was technically a guy though so does that mean I am a fag? smh literally looked like skinny version of velma from scooby doo. Xee must have never seen a real 100 percent solid wood soldier
>>371005 bones would never let a nigger take over his song
>>371007 you sure it was a full troon? A lot of lasses just dress like retards now to be quirky
>>371006 tbh its riding the tiger lad, its wiggers are williamoid repellant and if we can associate wiggers with hating wogs and being epic racism it means that the only authentic behavior of wogs is to be a gay homosexual faggot because everything else is associated with white racism
>>371008 tbh thats because he is a michigan boy and not a southfag like riff raff
>>371009 idk it looked like xee had some kind of weird sports bra on to hide her chesticles. smh hope that little teen didn't go full zippertits/slim jim mode
>>370998 just saw this account in my feed, pushign a lot of wholesome niggers being kind to whites tweets. Definitely paid
>>371011 You mean like Lil Lop?
>>371007 i would've beheaded the troon on site. but im based and redpilled personally.
>>371016 exactly lad, the hegelian meme progression is that all niggers will become gay faggots because that is "trendy" whereas by not being trendy wiggers and low status polface men will become more masculine
>>370997 i wrote the quote in that meme here and somebody made it into that
>>371018 3 seconds in basically blanks Zelensky lol >yeah I’m alright thanks No eye contact
>>371021 sunak looks like some kind of proto hominid
yeah I feel like zelensky is like some kind of gyspy scammer who just travels around in his gay little outfit, I bet he reeks of BO and basically sits there and stares at you demanding money because me jew, my jew family own you give money now
tbh I want to see brandon go full dark brandon on zelensky and just smell him and then rape him on camera to assert dominance
>>371016 spottem gottem got his box broke too *insert nigger emojis*
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>>370854 >President Bashar al-Assad broke his country
>>371026 tbh make the wogs scared
>>371026 He’s gonna have to come with a harder game than that if he wants to beat the jews at their own game Has he heard of a producer called J. ‘OE’ Owens I wonder? He should lok him up and get him on the case https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7mISAsh99s
>>371030 joe owens should make a drill song tbh. might help his council job.
>>370950 that's what I was thinking as I read that post, but I assumed the speech was in hohol tongue
>>371029 what is this video about?
would thank anyone with the sauce to this song
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>>371034 hispachan would have the answer lad
>>371033 What you were talking about the sissy hypnoing of the coons This wog is supposed to be some major star and he’s up on stage talking about wanting to fuck the comedian. It happened a couple of days ago and is being celebrated. Sick world we live in
met wessie at a meetup once, looks a lot different since he lost weight. reminded me of james dean,
>>371040 >since he lost weight
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>4 lady bouts on tonights UFC card not even worth it
you can make fun of ar wess but when he stands up on stage and makes a speech you really see him enter his own. the whole crowd was possessed
>>371037 A shame. He wrote some moderately entertaining stuff.
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>literally nothing happens to you >get ptsd Yeah
>>371045 the power... of bwc
the bwc just got ten inches longer folks!
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From the replies keek but also smdh.
the goal
seax-man i am
>watching ITV news >presenter commentating on video of the g7 >"some of the most powerful people in the world, most of them men you'll notice..."
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>This nigger is 6'5" Je qeeq but also je cringe
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>>371013 keek, urinal in the bg
blue grass is the white mans music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpFa8xrLAcA
we really need to start just beating any brown shitskin we come across to death asap this niggas iranian and lives in LA
>>371038 keeeeeeeeek I didn't even notice that I am such a sperg I didn't understand that lingo
>>371045 >little they are the same size and that nigger looks gay as fuck
>>371051 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek niggers are so gay
looks like that bird who got twitter mobbed's legal team are getting busy.
get him onboard, i'll call it in
lads post
brother is bringing his gf over to mummies house tomorrow what am I supposed to do lads? of course its for my dads birthday so he will get to be really melodramatic and explain my life story to her before I can so I will just probably goom in my room keeeeeeeeek. modern social dynamics are so broken, I feel shame for who I am yent I am a small business owner making a relatively decent wage doing le macho man work yet the weird troonie femoid at the book store is literally the only femoid in months I have even really spoken to beyond mummy and it was only to say "okay here is 5 dollars, k thanks"
Steiner . . . HAVE SEX!
ill keep this thread warm BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP https://youtu.be/dHX5pFvstwA
>>371070 I CAN'T
>>371069 maybe you can save xer
>>371072 can't you cross the border to one of those mexican party towns and go be a coomer for a week or two?
>>370970 danton is good theres always the 5 hour long "la révolution française"
>>371074 probably cheaper to just fuck a midwestoid hooker but does that change anything?
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thought I'd put a daring twist on an old little known classic, milky bar chocolate, with a glass of milk, and its very nice.
>>371069 50 years ago you'd easily already be married with children
>>371082 In 1973 he'd be as much of a looser as he is now just as all incels wood.
>>371083 nice try tranny but thats objectively false
>>371082 yeah most of us would tbh my best friend as a kid his dad was a turbo polface autism engineer and he had 8 kids
ITS OFFICIALLY OVER >media not reporting on it at all or just denying that russia has captured all of bakhmut
>Commander-in-Chief of the AFU. Valery Zaluzhny is in the main military clinical hospital in Kiev. “The struggle for his life continues there, including with the participation of foreign specialists,” he got btfo in a strike while visiting the front last week and wagner said as much but the ukrainians denied it, its like patton or eisenhower being btfo
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its been over for the hol hols for a while tbh its clearly just money laundering at this point
when I saw them using m113s as IFVs against the russian military I knew it was over. m113s were undergunned in 1968
wonder what the next meme city is for russia to take. probably that chasiv yar one which always sounded like an israeli city name to me
/k/fags are mega coping, can't stand those redditors, russia will probably hold defence for ukraines coming offensive then after it is blunted they will go on the counter attack, the russians have been holding in reserve and training 250k that were conscripted and also all the material they've been building up
tbh the cherkassy cauldron in 1943 really demoralized the krauts in the face of the soviet forces buckmutt was supposed to be this meme for the hol hol niggers and their nafomasters but now they really have nothing
>>371091 what is this hol hol offensive? just more light infantry zerg rush urrah style charges? such a waste of human life
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldHkzUIt52A ngl i really like yank car tv
https://www.fishtank.live/ Bedroom 4 Bedroom 4 Bedroom 4 Bedroom 4 Bedroom 4
>>371096 False flag
>>371096 got bored of this after a week tbh, interesting concept but poor execution, also fuck having to sign up to watch.
>>371095 yeah building a drag car is pretty kino wish I had money for that my uncle made one out of a chevy nova and its in the 136 mph class
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>>371103 feel bad for zoomers, gen x is alot worse than boomers tbf
>>371103 based zoomers forming a united front against the boomoid menace
>>371103 based siblings, it's odd to me that boomers and zoomers want to sell off their houses for "experiences" in retirement. imagine looking forward to retirement
and xoomers*
after covid something weird happened to oldtards tbf. its like they are checked out completely my dad is just gone as a person now he gives zero fucks about anything other than social settings its like he turned back into a 17 year old.
>>371108 they've been deliberately programmed to burn every asset they have before they kick the bucket so that they leave no inheritance force every generation to start from zero every single time and they'll be toilslaves forever >>371110 did he care much about the coof when it was current?
>>371110 tbh. they suddenly became aware of their mortality and started making all these rash decisions as if they were going to die any day. late life crisis i suppose you could call it. that's what happens when you are dumb enough to believe the tv
>>371113 wonder if it's burnout from prolonged exposure to the media hysteria smh
>>371086 they should rename it Prigozhingrad
>>371117 choon tbqh
better version
>watching Smile (2022) >think this will actually be a good slow burner >main character revealed to have a soyish niggerino husband >lose all sympathy for her and want her to ACK already
>>371122 was it a good film?
for me it was the early saw films, proper yoomer horror
>>371123 Still watching. It is pretty creepy.
>>371124 Saw 1 was kino.
>>371101 > Zevon was born in Chicago, the son of Beverly Cope (née Simmons) and William Zevon. His father was a Jewish immigrant from Ukraine, whose original surname was Zivotofsky. William Zevon worked as a bookie who handled volume bets and dice games for the notorious Los Angeles mobster Mickey Cohen. He worked for years in the Cohen crime family, in which he was known as Stumpy Zevon, and was best man at Cohen's first wedding. Warren's mother was from a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints family and of English descent. They moved to Fresno, California. By the age of 13, Zevon was an occasional visitor to the home of Igor Stravinsky, where he briefly studied modern classical music alongside Robert Craft.
Gradually I…
Based ending to Smile. The demon makes her burn herself alive in front of her cuck ex bf who didn't disown her for getting with a nigger like he should have.
>>371129 toll status: paid
>>371133 Tbh. This is what is lacking in civil society. Consequences
Also Momoa is a turbo nonce
>>371135 foids don't care things like that as long as the lad is handsome smh
>>371136 fellow incel lad is here
Albania has incredible potential lads
>>371138 how so lad?
>>371139 It's so cheap there. There's a lot of agriculture too
>>371140 based wish i was a farmer tbh
Ahhhhhh. Mel’s new film must be coming out soon. The shilling has started
>>371140 Heard from an Albanian to stay out of the north because that’s where all the mad criminal clans are from - the ones who live by the kanun. He said the south was ok. But why go there when we can enjoy their gangster culture here thanks to Westminster and frens
>>371142 >selling out your own brother he's a judas b
>>371142 can't remember what he did to get unpersoned tbh
>>371145 be racist and anti-semitic, lass
>>371146 based
really makes you think
>>371143 the last european lion was killed in remote albania some time in the 1950s i think
>>371149 >suspect was reported as a BM
>>371151 >Minneapolis Must have been the ghost of St. Floydanyl
Damn bucks are breaking the narrative
https://youtu.be/VUjuj-mSO7M smh seen this person on pub freakout quite a bit recently
Zoomers absolute smh
>>371155 Imagine trying to break into a jew’s amusement park and not pay
>>371158 is chessington park anglo?
6:38 east asians try their typical avoidance tactic
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>>371160 It’s an international consortium owned concern >Danes ( from the thieving Lego family) >Daneturks >Yankspics >Brits https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/08700412/officers LEGO WAS INVENTED BY AN ENGLISHMAN AND THE DANES STOLE IT
>>371091 yeah I use anon.cafe for a reason. That reason being that they're old /k/
just want a late 1700s powdered wig french wife
>>371093 It's the offensive that has us handing over challengers the polish handing over leopards and the us handing over m1s
Niggers with adhd are so annoying and social media has made it worse
Cubes are bricks now?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHvG2CUBX9w&ab_channel=Mizzy smh we live in a society where williamoids can be tortured like this
>>371164 Although his father had a usual suspect name tbh and seeing as he got toys from Russia maybe he was truly some halfbreed chosenite. Also suspect nose
>>371169 smh >>371170 it's pretty blatant lad
>Bricks = rectangular Ok Also it was the method of interlocking them which was nicked not the shape in particular
>>371176 If it wasn’t strategically important there wouldn’t be a fight there at all Simple as
Hol up! >Russia biggest producer of diamonds >Israel and Belgium biggest exporters of diamonds WE WON’T BUY YOUR DIAMONDS THAT YOU ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY EXPORT TO OYVEYWERP AND ISRAEL ANYWAY RUSSIA! TAKE THAT!
>>371177 Na Zelensky turned it into a political point of grand standing and the Russians decided that if they're going to dig their heels in pointlessly they might as well use it as a point to exhaust UAF manpower.
>>371178 it's all just pantomime to keep the normgroids entertained smh
>>371180 tbh it'll all just be bought through third parties and inflated prices anyway. Or just more so in this case, just like the oil and the gas.
>>371181 powerful
>>371183 I got them, lads
>>371185 keeek
>>371186 Knowing London that ocardo driver is probably black as well.
*kisses her*
>>371096 https://fishtank.maggot.cx/ alt website where you don't have to do any sign up shite
>her Keeeeek Looks like a squaddie I knew who was in REME
>>371186 Why do they think their spindly legs will benetrate the sides of a boxtruck with some feeble karate kick?
>>371192 *punches you*
>>371195 *hits her with the nordic stare*
>>371196 keeeeeeek
>>371196 based
>>371201 would
"a poo" - she wept
shorter than the Japanese PM
>>371199 >addition of a swimming pool
>>371201 >>371199 Account banned... for what?
>>371209 Twitter mods upset it wasn't real cp.
>>371075 Watching this I couldn't believe Sam Neill played a Frenchman so I just assumed it was someone that looked like him until I had to look it up keeeek
Good goy >appreciate our ‘culture’ >jews form a choir and call it Miami Boys Choir brazenly admitting they own Miami then In any other world you would call an exclusively ethnic choir something like! I dunno, the Miami Orthodox Jewish Boys Choir or something? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW2CRRYsdJA
>>371213 Miami is supposed to be about key lime pie and big-assed cubanas in bikinis, not weird creepy jevvs singing
Bakhmut defence status: completed
STEINER! This could never happ… >John Bell Hood, Confederate General >While commanding a reconnaissance patrol from Fort Mason on July 20, 1857, Hood sustained the first of many wounds that marked his life in military service – an arrow through his left hand during action against the Comanches at Devil's River, Texas. >He achieved his reputation for aggressive leadership as a brigade commander in the army of Robert E. Lee during the Seven Days Battles in 1862, after which he was promoted to division command. He led a division under James Longstreet in the campaigns of 1862–63. At the Battle of Gettysburg, he was severely wounded, rendering his left arm mostly useless for the rest of his life. Transferred with many of Longstreet's troops to the Western Theater, Hood led a massive assault into a gap in the U.S. line at the Battle of Chickamauga but was wounded again, requiring the amputation of his right leg.
>>371215 Perfect
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>>371217 whats the spic mutt supposed to be known for
>>371220 they always do the renamings after complete nobody's, first black female this or that
>>371220 Single handed attack armed only with tacos on Hill 142
>>371223 >tiktok police prank why is it called this? Had nothing to do with the police
>>371211 luv sam neill me shame hes got the bowel cancer
>>371223 >Ellie Abraham
>>371223 Doesn’t say that white privilege bit when you look at the post tbf https://www.indy100.com/viral/tiktoker-entered-random-house-controversy
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She can't even act.. so that is not why they picked her. Then what
>lads blaming drought in Italy on climate change >now it floods >also climate change *^screams*
Well I fucking wonder why? >G’day cunt. What’s the square root of 1? >….? >Okay cunt, you can fuck right off!
>>371230 She mad. He cheated on her with a honky
>>371231 Climate change change climate See. It works both ways DENIER!
>>371153 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek nigger internet defense force
>>371159 wew thats a rage inducing video
Crazy how there’s cities like El Paso that are 80% los raza in America today.
>>371218 hood was a mong anyway
by the end of the war hood had one eye one arm and one leg and had to be strapped on his horse he was the definition of a richfag POS cancer who pissed away soldiers lives
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>hood: "we will fight you to the death you are being extra mean sherman" >hood: surrenders typical southfag things
>>371239 More mongy that everything in the US is going to be renamed after spics and wogs TBH
>>371242 yeah cba to care about zogbots, US has been fucked since before I was born this open replacement shite just demoralizes the boomer and xoomer copers who think that trump is gonna come in and stone cold stunner the dems at the last minute and save freedum so we can get back to grilling with our fellow bbcslut suburban filth. better it all burn up and turn to shite than see some mutt venti shitskin dressed up like a west point cadet draped in the historical memes of my people. better it all just fucking die than live on as a mockery tbf
>>371245 it wouldn't happen in the midwest
>>371243 Think positive lad
smh can't believe anglos, french and the russians killed their kings, lads.
talking like a frog shouldn’t be tolerated on this board tbh pull yourself together, shake the wog by the hand and then bash his fucking brains out It’s either that or surrender to forced miscegenation
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>>371247 been doing that for 10 years lad running out of steam tbf. this latest turn of events with family combined with boomer toil being stressful and nobody giving any fucks makes me ready to just become a dope shooter or something. seriously most westoids are just going to die out as goyim and only wignats and some ultra low class whitoids will live on if wignats protect them. the middle class is fucking dead, its a corpse and lifting weights or getting a gf isn't gonna change the fact that our society is destroyed. you can either become white trash (leave the middle class) or keep up with the other goyims who are all being slaughtered by our racial enemies like defenseless fish in a bait ball
>>371250 Is that your lezzer neighbour?
>>371250 >blackpill suicide >/brit/ juggalo death squads pick one
foreman boomer wanted me to carry a 120 pd laminate beam up 30 feet of scaffold on friday and I told him it wasn't safe to do it and he started calling me a pussy, etc. and then him and skullet boomer were fighting because skullet boomer was saying that we need a crane to place the beam and that its not the proper way to do it, etc. then none of the material was delivered so I just stood around all day doing nothing and then called uberbossman about my pay from other project and he didn't answer and then you come home to your little incel box at mummies house and your boomer dad is out partying all weekend with other boomers like they are 20 and mummy is forcing me to do his work like patch this hole in the garage that mice ate through and then boomer dads birthday is supposed to be today and I got him a gift but now its all about my deanoidic brother with his call center tier makework job and his cute gf coming and mogging my shit life and boomer dad could give fuck all about the gift because he is already out with other boomers doing brunch keeeeeeeek. and then you are trying to stretch out your muscles because you are tired and mummy makes you go to the gym but then a lass at the gym reports me for stretching out behind the treadmills because there was no room saying "I was looking at her" so then I come home and still feel like shite and mummy says I am being resentful of my brother.
https://m.imdb.com/title/tt19724142/ This is kino, don't watch the trailer, spoilers in trailor
>>371252 tbh yeah its just a matter of when, I don't get how things are still going on "like normal" over here lads, train derailments every other day inflation sky high and open corruption on all levels of government but not even a fucking whimper of resistance from middle classoids
then of course any wignats doing our thing are just called "feds" by middle classoids who are in that niggercattle mindset
>>371253 >a lass at the gym reports me for stretching out behind the treadmills because there was no room saying "I was looking at her" smh did that really happen lad
>>371253 smh having a little cry reading this. The gymlass shit hurts the most since we're just goodlads trying to get by, and people go out of their way to be cruel. Funny, my brother is also coming by with his gf today. Time to torment the incel
>>371257 yeah she was scowling at me and then my old gym boss just nicely asked me to move I don't think she believed that I "was a creep" since I used to work there briefly but still it just made me homicidal rage because of just trying to unwind after manual labor and there is some bimbo showing her ass off and its not like I am even on her level anyway might as well let me look ffs
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don't look at me IRL, only through the gangster computer god butt matrix control system incel scum
This gymthot shit exploded. Just 10 years ago local lassies were still afraid they'd get manbodies from working out. We have to go back >the only way you get women to work out is if they can make it all about sex
>>371259 You should have gone over and slapped her on the arse and then shaken her hand
>women literally want to be choked, spat on and raped I'm so glad we gave them rights so we can't put them in the place the way both parts want
Just breed, breeding is all that matters, breed most importantly you Martin
>>371264 Yeah. Must be in my 5th year of trying to breed. Not going so well, sisters. But it will happen soon enough
>>371262 she didn't even have a nice bum anyway just some basic zoomer whore.
>>371266 Squeal in these gym thots faces as loud as you can. If they complain just tell them in broken English that it was a Ukrainian mating call and you’ll get away with it and probably laid on the spot
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>>371263 westoid women literally almost openly want westoid men to commit widespread racial violence and widespread patriarchal rape shite you can see it in their projection of "fear" sort of projecting their perverse desire. westoid society in general is so fucking sick and depraved. common speech is littered with casual use of vulgarity but then you look up letters written in common speech in 1600 and its like we are already in a dark age
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>>371267 tbh good lad, that zoomer slut was lucky we were in public because I am pretty much ready for anything these days after boomer toil stress and you meet some do nothing lisa simpson and you just get that hormone surge of rape energy from your ancestral blood where you would have been some celtic warrior taking slaves
https://youtu.be/yafQVAlzj40 She's so different now
>>371268 Just go back a few decades and listen to how people spoke in films smh
>>371270 Just banter these thots to death and then tell ‘em your a thanyou for your service vet, claim ptsd etc and if called out blame it on that ‘darned CCP stooge Boe Ji-Den’
Don't care about thots, barely interact with them. The only time thots enter the intercourse are when colleagues get fired for sexual harrasment at work events
>>371273 >angloid >humour
>>371273 keeeeeeek yeah larp as a vet
>>371274 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek yeah pretty much the same its almost like they are different species
>"ongoing" >"1/5th of whatever the russian casualties are" the hohols are impossible to like tbh, this is just embarrassing.
>>371270 good lad
>>371253 >but then a lass at the gym reports me for stretching out behind the treadmills because there was no room saying "I was looking at her" keeeeeeeeeek did this actually happen lad
Stand strong ukrainians Noodles and Toyota flatbeds on their way!
>>371253 >but then a lass at the gym reports me for stretching out behind the treadmills because there was no room saying "I was looking at her" Did this happen?
>>371278 tbh my favourite part about the pookraine invasion sharticle on wikipedia is how it portrays the pookranians as standing alone against the big bad russian horde without any supporters
>when you want to learn how to drive a truck and then the woman who got into the same course because she's a woman starts talking about sex and dildos and other sex toys I love them, lads
>Le Corbusier was an anti semitic fascist wtf chuds? i thought libtard jews invented modernist architecture *faints*.
>>371278 >Russian strength up to 66,000 + (?) >Western estimates of Russian casualties 100,000 >Can’t accurately estimate number of Russian troops but can accurately estimate number of Russian casualties
>>371278 its a typical nationalist impulse to always portray yourself as a noble elite few against a mass of subhuman hordes. there's a greek nationalist clique on wikipedia that changes every battle greeks ever fought's casualty bar so they have an insane k/d ratio.
like look at any battle of the greek war of independence. all western accounts say the greeks got dunked on constantly until they allowed the british to take command of their army down to the officer level.
>bisexual ex gf now flicking her bean on OnlyFans
Trudeau has plans to make leafs work until they die now. Good Popular with me tbh
>>371289 oh give it a rest will you?
>>371291 tbh. Pensions is such a new thing in human history, just another failed experiment. If you don't take care of your children and grandchildren enough for them to want to care for you in old age then you deserve to suffer.
Here it cums I dindunuffin
>>371289 Link?
>>371295 when is biden going to form the assault guards and have them assassinate mitch mcconnell?
>>371299 >when you didn't account for niggers walking into your house so you're just having a lil goon while naked in your goon cave
>>371301 *anally vores her*
>>371301 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek memi nation
>you can hear the dopamine hitting her brain through just the way she breathes
*transforms into boar and vores all the bread*
>thought I had a decent bicep >it's just fat
hitchens says only 40 year old xoomers and up should be allowed to voote
>>371308 Based on?
>>371309 A knee jerk reaction to claims sixteen year olds should vote.
>>371239 >>371240 >>371241 Shut the fuck up. You spend more time crying about confederate whites on here than you do about the actual fucking niggers. >>371285 Still soulless ugly shit much like Hitler's architecture. >>371293 That's fucking hideous shit >>371294 retard
Come on then, twats, let's fucking 'ave it!!
>he's a childless pensioner
>>371313 that will be me soon enough
hohol cope >they encircled us and now we encircling them just as planned!
Half a month more and Ukraine will take Moscow to Vladivostok War will be over in Mid June when Zelenskyi formally hands the Kuril islands over to the nips.
Fucking hell, how many times is this bonobo going to be posted?
He's going viral in this thread lad
>>371294 pensions require a constantly increasing population without end in order to function and they scammed the white man into letting that happen with mass immigration And even with a constant supply of browns to fuel it Bank of England still needs to bail out pension funds with printed money anyway
>>371317 The thing that gets me is that -although niggers are weak in general- it's always the weeakest niggers who are doing this shit. Just fight back.
>>371320 hear hear
>When the bredrinmandem start questioning the existence of Shomrim Keeeeeek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBRGsNsMyb0
>>371289 Don't false flag smee lad.
>>371320 They don't. The pension argument is a false justification for mass immigration not the other way around.
>>371320 Thing is they don’t fuel anything because they export all their money, don’t pay tax, commit crime etc and the pensions would be fine if the government and it’s cronie kept their fucking mitts off it. The rest is just them gaslighting us.”You won’t be able to retire if no refugees and immigrunts” I’d rather have no migrants than a pension in any case
why do women love tiny pensises so much
>>371327 It's the microbenis that they really can't get enough of.
>>371324 lad, we probably just have the same bisexual ex gf.
>>371327 who are these women they should hmu
>>371325 >>371326 sorry I didn't word that well at all did I
>>371329 Very possible if you're also from around greater manchester.
>” I offended the wrong people.” And there it is
>>371333 https://youtu.be/G717L4N3aMA Listen to Gary Glitteris. He will sooth your payne.
>watching 6 hour napoleon film/series >everyone is speaking English
>>371337 Je qeeq!
*starves myself to make my already large weenis look wigger
>>371339 Who here /pubetrimmer/ for that sizemaxxing?
>>371339 tfw using leg-shortening surgery
Spinosaurus reconstructions that make it look like an elephant seal giving me ideas for a 22st dragon tbh.
>>371340 https://youtu.be/aNZpGVkJKso Straaaange poo (Shooting outside of you)
>>371345 I was out with the PA lads tearing down left wing stickers tbh
Nose tril thieves jealous of Anglo-Nose trills. Seeking are destruction.
>>371344 spinosneepus aegysnorpacus
https://youtu.be/MEeLU_3yD4g Time for daddy to find him some young Ausnoses
>>371349 facetime gf simulator
>>371311 Modernism was the first unique European style, before all we did was ape Greco-Roman architecture. Streamline Moderne is my favourite.
>>371352 *kills you*
>>371351 They're already too old for me now lad, this docudrama was filmed in 2022. You can have the hags, I'll take the slags.
>>371352 Hideous shit.
>>371358 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>371358 I love how his post was ignored but another post just as recent was hearted by them
>>371352 shit taste
>>371361 >>371356 >>371353 ^ never went to university
>>371362 Did you develop shit taste at yours?
I went to a russel goup university and achieved a masters. Had I left school at fourteen my instincts would know shit from basedness. Modernism is shit and hideous.
>>371364 He unlearned his instincts hence why he's cutting his cock off.
Modernism is the philosophy of the mechanical, the machine. It's audience is the motor car and light illusions on the dopamine screen. Baroque, gothic, classical, etc. are expressions of the raw human spirit. Built by men for men.
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>>371366 First in the family to go to university, last of the family line because of it. He'll be looking into ACKutectural design soon enough. Some say this is a society.
I'm going to spray paint moorheads onto my shoes. Wheresoever I walk I will crush niggers.
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>bro u don't need gutters or drainage on a house bro it's a machine for living in bro u don't want the machine to look less cool by having gutters or ventilation or drainage bro trust me bro it hardly ever rains in northern France anyway bro
>>371370 >>371368 keeeeeeeek we're the architecture bullies tbh
Franco's modernist internal colonisation villages. >>371367 modernism is about being a machine to expand towards the sun, everything else is about climbing back into your mothers womb.
>>371352 better than brutalism, but not exactly a high bar. For me it's British Art Nouveau
>>371369 Just wrap them in Sardinian flags and wear one as a cape
>>371372 Hideous shit
>>371370 It’s got potential
>>371378 St. Pongcras vibes tbh
>>371378 Based and redbrick pilled
Reginald Blomfield's Whiteley Village as an architectural example of the Arts and Crafts movement.
>>371381 Farts and shafts, looks shit and bourgeois
NAACP issues travel advisory for Florida https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1660356602342277120
You can see the exact moment things went from aesthetic to shite in those paintings
>>371378 luv terracotta and red brick combo
>>371383 She's quite the cock tease ngl, got my cock hard looking at that cute little button nose, sexy tongue and bitch eyes
>>371381 He designed and was involved in lots of stuff, the Menin Gate at Wipers, Goldsmiths Colege, Chequers, Lambeth Bridge and bits of Regent St. he was a big boi architect tbh Really shitty headstone for him though
>>371386 >She's quite the cock tease ngl, got my cock hard looking at that cute little button nose, sexy tongue and bitch eyes hmm
Thinking about posting every image from now on in .webp tbh.
>>371391 FUCK YOU
Damn she's even sexier up close
>>371352 these are all kino, i like this style. you have to build stuff that is new and different, you can't just keep building stuff that looks the same
any /man/ in?
>>371399 Bet there's encrusted shit from a decade ago between her arse cheeks.
I see that and think maybe fucking a run of the mill fatty wouldn't be so bad.
>>371396 >maternal prozzie de-blueballs-ing the meat before the grinder I didn't ask for these feels.
>>371402 quite a heavy post that, it's difficult to imagine cooming, knowing you're going to become a body on a pickup truck in a few days. smh
>>371402 it's uncommon, most hoholcels get rekt with dry pp while their women are having sex with greek
>>371405 well identified lad
>>371407 Good lad I'm no longer speaking to minwage untouchables. Not letting them soil my neet brahmin dharma with their toil rage. Just wave my card at them without making eye contact and move on
>>371402 trad tbh, most prostitutes were probably like that back in the day.
>>371279 keeeeeeeeeeeeek I love that episode based rape bastard hakeswill lads like him built the anglosphere
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>>371404 >le medshits are superior but we are still obsessed with showing nords we are relevant and not just a vacation resort
met deanoidic brothers gf and she was a very posh midwestoid chicagoan lass very fit, hope they breed and save the white race anglo austrian lass. however she completely owns his ass, keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek she has him whipped 100 percent. idk having a gf seems interesting there seems like based parts but being an incel loner has its perks as well
>>371413 I think all states in this life are a trade off and ultimately you have to decide what you need in life and what you can do without. It's just the limits of being a finite being.
ukraine was kind of cool in that it was a third world white country. there won't be any more if russia takes it over and makes it second world
>>371415 there's still Moldova
10 years i've been on here now
>>371416 romania should just take over moldova tbh
tfw no eggy stream tonight
>>371419 yeah, I support Romania. only problem is they are in EU/NATO though, they should have invaded the Ukraine alongside Russia to take back their lands and expel the slavniggers to make lebensraum for baste Romance ubermensch
>>371421 hot take, i bet they regret joining the west after that opportunity was presented. Hungary should take back that mountainous part of west ukraine too
anyone have any good youtube videos to watch? bored
>>371423 >>371424 if the second one interests you then watch the entire 'Free Solo', pretty mad
>>371424 thanks lad, vice was very kino in the early days. going to rewatch that
>>371427 should i sell my stocks?
thought of a hot take today but not sure it's hot enough to post
interesting fact: france negotiated the release of pows from their war in indochina as late as 1979, 26 years after their 1953 defeat
stretching sucks
https://youtu.be/v7-zvEzUzWo The first 20 seconds keeeeek
morning lads.
>>371436 Morning, lad
>>371436 Smorbing.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Olgn9sXNdl0 Finally my calves have recovered. Time to push them to the limit again.
she cute
>>371440 she looks like my brother's imported gf smh
>>371441 keek. where was she imported from?
>only way in and out is that road and the sea
>>371442 somewhere in South America. She looks relatively "white" So I'm hoping she's mostly Spanish/Welsh/German smh
>>371404 None of these are going back to Ukraine. Not a chance. Just another loss for Ukrainian men.
>>371444 Bet she has a nice bumbum at least.
>>371446 Yeah that probably does produce some grade A manure
>>371443 kino pic that.
>>371447 Does she give you the incel treatment lad?
>>371449 I guess she looks at me with disgust but that's most people. She's been polite so far
Keeeeeeeek this fucking lad again
>>371452 I didn't want to know about elephant buck breaking but here I am.
>>371453 they deserve better smh luv elephants
I think historical sources speak of Hannibal arming his elephant riders with big iron spikes they'd hammer into an elephant's neck/skull should it go on a rampage
>>371456 that's more like an emergency shut-off tbf not like the callous sustained cruelty that thirdies practice
>>371456 smh no wonder they betrayed him at zama you pay with peanuts or you pay with your blood
>>371457 *shuts you off* >>371458 keeeeeeeeek
>bisexual ex gf now gaping her arsehole on OnlyFans for a few quid
>>371458 keeeeeek >>371460 don't understand why you torture yourself like that tbh lad smh
I'm going to form a /brit/ honour killing squad just so that lad can move on and get some new material to post.
Thinking about Idubbz's onlyfans gf who uploaded pics of herself on their wedding night
Bought her many a 3 course meal and never got to see her arsehole tbh.
>>371463 very based lad you have my sword >>371465 plenty more bumholes in the sea lad
>>371464 Yeah but I guess he's happy with his wife using him like a disposable cosmetic to her life.
lads I googled "gaped asshole". It doesn't look appealing
>>371464 > Idubbz he took her surname too. keek.
>>371469 The end of his line not only physically but metaphysically.
>>371469 >>371470 grim smh the things some lads will do for a crumb of pussy
Scam Snyde should've knocked him out in that spar they had, and then played it off to a concussed Idubbz as an accident. kek.
>>371473 fake tits smh
Destiny is another weirdo. The absolute lack of self respect/shame is something else.
>>371475 amased at how they can live that life and think it is good for them or society smh
For some reason I was mistaking Destiny for Vaush. They all seem to blend together after a while.
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>>371460 Reeee stop false flagging smee. Drunk horny initiated contact recently and she wants to be friends.
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>>371479 >thinking about his skin after that *screams*
>>371480 >those skiiers going down ice slopes with no protective gear and getting their peni scraped off
>>371481 wew, is that a thing?
>>371482 can't find a source, but I saw one of them fall and cover the hill in blood, and he was lying on his tummy. I guess perhaps the tummy scrapes before the penis Pic also related keek
>>371484 he really should have worn an insulated cup.
>>371483 Just put me in it and have all the lads practice the right sledgehammering a leftoid to death techniques.
>>371486 Na I'd hire a ball busting dominatrix to stamp out the ex gf posting for good.
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>>371484 imagine having a cheeky tug and it would feel like someone elses haha
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>>371489 Absolute banter lad
Feeling peckish tbh
>>371492 same tbh picked up a lot of soup half price recently which is very nice also grabbed a can of "louisiana style gumbo" although it was mostly corn which as far as i know is not authentic and also had no meat at all smh very disappointing not buying that again
>>371493 did you know it didn't have no meat in lad? hate getting cucked by a lack of meat
>>371494 didn't read the can closely enough smh just sort of assumed it would be there since for real gumbo andouille sausage is a must
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>>371496 good lad tbh smh it's not right how that was allowed to happen and even worse that nothing was done about it
>>371497 Yeah all those leave no man behind toughnut zoggies Least some paras or sas soldiers could have done was to murder the cunts responsible tbh. Muh laws Contoversial opinion I know but
Going after the family of the perpetrators is a standard thing in some countries.
>>371500 Exactly. Imagine this was Mexico or Albania… Sometimes mob justice must be allowed to prevail in cases where it’s explicitly the pepertrators. Should have been lynched
They should have stripped ‘em naked and stuck ‘em in a kennel with the beastie boys
shnight lads
>>371503 Good night
>>371503 Horrific nightmares, lad.
UKRAINE CAN STILL BEAT RUSSIA!!! JUST HALF A MONTH MOAR! Not alone they can’t. Insane levels of cope from the Economist https://archive.is/v5jmX >Reconnaissance drones are increasingly effective, allowing guns to strike Ukrainian targets within three to five minutes of detection. That is aided by growing use of the Strelets system, a small computer that connects drones and ground-based sensors with artillery batteries. >A common tactic, say the authors, “is for the Russians to withdraw from a position that is being assaulted and then saturate it with fire once Ukrainian troops attempt to occupy it.” >although Russia’s use of the T-62 and T-55—ancient tanks pulled from storage—has been widely mocked online, their guns remain effective and they “pose a serious battlefield threat” when Ukraine cannot bring to bear anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs). Even when ATGMs are available, they are finding it harder going. Russian tanks are getting better at hiding by using thermal camouflage and fighting at dusk and dawn when their temperature signature is less obvious. Russia’s reactive armour, which explodes outward to deflect incoming shots, has “proven highly effective”, with some tanks surviving multiple hits. >Russia has deployed big EW systems for every 10km stretch of the front. They are largely aimed at drones. And they work: Ukraine is losing a staggering 10,000 drones per month, says the report, amounting to over 300 losses daily
BUT MUH HIMARS! >Russian air defences, often derided last year, are stepping up, too. They are increasingly connected, allowing them to share data on incoming threats, and are thus shooting down a significant proportion of strikes by GMLRS—the GPS-guided rounds, fired from American HIMARS launchers >These findings might give the impression that Ukraine’s counter-offensive is doomed. That is far from the case.
ayo these Ukranian crackers mock the old tanks but if one finna bust a cap on you your finna be dead fr
>>371508 >>371509 wonder how much the ruszis have learned about westoid warfare due to the conflict
>>371507 Edward Dutton did a vidoe about female poos smelling the worst.
>>371512 video*
Me and my girlfriend
>>371513 thanks lad, i was confused
>>371515 that's alright, la
>>371511 They’ve learned they don’t want to get personally involved because bodybags and intend to follow Soros’ plan
Aaaaaah the roo fucker posted 4 times Fucking ockers https://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/uid/%2FlQ%2FddJy%20/
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kek. this thing just walking around the halls of congress dressed in camo
>>371521 That was making them seethe in his comments
https://youtu.be/6Yh_VoQdLcw POV you're Steiner's brother with his GF and Steiner's just got home from a long day of being whipped by bossman
>>371523 Steinzog just comes on here and seethes instead.
TOP KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK Jews gonna push to regulate hard now after their false flag op
>>371527 Funny that the vast algorithms governing the market are that easy to disturb.
>>371528 Bet someone made some big bucks there, oy vey!
>>371529 they should pair nicely with their emergency head condoms
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Been laughing at work thinking about doing this webm
>>371532 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. glad my OC got upgraded and given the star treatment.
>>371532 That did get a laugh out of me. Shame the voice simulator can't do vocal inflections.
>>371533 the fucking long nige cracks me up everytime I see it lad you've made me tear up a bunch of times
>>371532 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek very good lad
>>371532 keeeeeek
>>371536 keeeeeeeee. good lad.
>>371531 Keeeeeeek >>371532 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >David Davis voting history my sides THE FARAGE GARAGE IN MILTON KEYNES
>>371532 APEX KEEK very good lad.
>ukrainians launching a suicide attack into belgorod
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Somehow we ended up sexting.
>introvert seeks refuge after socialising with family for 8 hours >they take this to mean I hate them *screams*
>>371545 Many such cases. Smh.
>>371543 More like a diversion for the spring counteroffensive™
>>371544 You are fucked lad.
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>>371545 You’re doing it wrong. Make them WANT rid of you
*goes to the gym*
>watch any film with line infantry >dad comments on how dumb people were back in the day
>>371555 its a weird fetish isnt it?
What explains the high percent of c-section births? Certainly historically it wasn't this high.. right? 25%
What’s going on in Belgorod? Also Swedish tanks are on their way to Pukraine ( spotted in Germany )
>>371559 God it's such a fucking waste of lives and money *screams*
any /born in the 1980s/ man in?
>that 40 year old that hangs out with 16-20 year olds
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She.. bred
https://twitter.com/desi_diva1/status/1660202432872235009 >example of awful man on public transport is played by a white person of course
holy sneed the guy who runs the Russian Volunteer Corps that just invaded Belgorod was the founder of white rex mma.
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suicidal partisan strikes you say?
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>>371562 >/brit/ >16-20 year olds
>>371562 >>371570 Keeeeek remember Pembs saying that about Bins... but Pembs is nearing 30
>>371555 keeeeeeeek probably comes standard from the factory that way lad
>>371523 that video has matt heimbach energy >wonder if we can replace him
>>371574 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>371570 why does there always have to be that one youngfag that immediately bullies anyone who reveals they aren't 24 anymore? They must imagine that they're posting with a board full of themselves
>>371498 zogbots are rulecucks that never fucking do anything you would think they would have gotten revenge for lee tbf like you said. same thing over here just empty talk
>>371576 I remember being a youngfag at 23 and thinking 25 year olds were like super old keeeeeek.
>>371576 That was me half a decade ago.
What the fuck is even the point of your 20's in modernity? It feels like it's just there to party and feed rent to boomers. I did neither and now I'm a none person.
>>371580 childhood part 2: the debtening
>>371568 They really do regard modern Russia as a mongrel empire.
*starts crying*
>>371581 I guess manhood is now just postponed to your mid 30's but only if you've convinced some woman to spit out a kid and shackle themselves to your mortgage.
>>371567 woes all over this phantasy auntie hwhyte meedja nougat as he strokes his paypigs with another hand on another platform.
>>371559 >tanks they're uparmoured IFV's because that was considered sufficient for territorial defence.
sneevening lads and discord trannies.
>>371580 tbh exactly nobody takes you seriously until you are in your 30s its gay as fuck how if the zoomer laborer says something bossman just disregards it but when I say the same shite they pay more attention.
oldfags itt
>>371590 I'll put you to death madlad if you refuse to join my warband.
>>371591 i'm not madlad
who /youngwithafullheadofthickhair/ here?
>>371580 from time to time you come across people who didn't waste their twenties being a lost incel shitposter, and it's quite humbling to see these guys who've set themselves up with houses and wives under the age of 30.
>>371592 Then you'll be put to death as a nameless fag.
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>>371584 manhood today is just being a workhorse, my brothers gf was seething at me because she had totally emasculated and dominated my brother but she was a bit intimidated when I rolled up to mummies house in my dirty truck full of power tools and was all grotty and sunburnt and my brother was all excited talking about boomer toil shite with me when she had sort of asserted dominance over him via her dad. smh seems like a good enough lass for him but women these days just have waay to much social power compared to men in westoid societies. don't like how they have to tear their man down or be "better" than him. nobody is better than white men and white women should understand that, our fathers gave them everything they have. they need to respect that
>>371594 good for them lad. I'm glad there are exceptions to the rule.
Honestly in london I've seen more gay couples set up like that then hetro couples and it's beyond infuriating.
>>371599 makes sense, they don't have to put any energy into pursuing coomerism like normal men
>that one lad on here who took my place as the youngest
>>371596 Based and Henrik Jonasson-pilled
>>371594 normalfags tbh
>>371596 I remember being told a marriage can survive almost anything apart from the husband being happier than the wife at any given time. It just seems sad that no one is trusted to move the relationship to a better place in that instance and divorce is seen as the first port of call.
soon there will be little baby britlets inhabiting the board as we all breed
I think this place dying as an isolationist holdout would probably be a good object lesson to all us introverts here.
>>371603 yeah, tbh i don't really regret wasting my 20s. it was grim but also kino looking back. it's quite romantic being a young lad lost and angry in the world. maybe you have to waste your 20s to enjoy them. one things for sure though, time travelling forward 7 years by being on this board has made me notice the passing of time much more than a normie would and i am too sentimental and unable to live in the moment anymore
>>371595 i can't die
https://www.gbnews.com/politics/india-news-uk-repatriation-koh-i-noor-colonial-reckoning >India looking to force 'colonial reckoning' on Britain with series of demands during diplomatic and trade negotiations >Ministerial and diplomatic staff will be set up to ensure the smooth transition of the artefacts, one source told The Telegraph the move was a “reckoning with the past”. >They claimed the artefacts, which were taken during the days of empire, were stolen due to the nature of how they were removed from the country, calling it a state of “colonial coercion”.
>>371607 I don't think you have to be conscious of time passing just as long as you're applying yourself to something. The whole point is most men don't spend their time applying themselves to anything through the most important journeyman years of their life.
>>371606 how is this place dying? we hit 50 pph last week and would've been the no 1 board if we were public, just because some fags don't post here anymore just because of the bongo or becoming a normalfag doesn't mean anything, quality over quantity, if you want to see what it looks like not being isolationist just take a look at 4britpol, its just toryboys and schizos over there, not to mention all the censorship we've had to deal with. >>371607 >time travelling forward 7 years by being on this board has made me notice the passing of time much more than a normie would and i am too sentimental and unable to live in the moment anymore woes?
>>371611 Lad we're a small tight knit collective no doubt but with no new blood we're doomed to an end. We've already shed many a good poster, hell norn is hanging on by tenterhooks.
Yeah lads we need new posters to replace us. I see you, jew
>>371612 demoralisation mong, kindly fuck off.
does anybody ever really leave this place?
>>371614 madshit please listen to reason. I am happy to post here with you till I die of old age but it will still be the end of this board.
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>>371615 I've seen people come and go sure.
I really don't care at this point of you use this place as a way of teaching your kids grammar. It'd put this place above an isolated nothing boxed in as the faggots in power want it to be.
>>371607 this tbh wouldn't trade my incelism for the world its better to be a man with convictions that a niggercattle
tbh everyone makes fun of polfaces right now but in the future it will be romantic like you say
go away mong
tfw you tell the little chudlets about the wars you fought on twitter and youtube
>>371623 I hope so, I've always found people with convictions to be admired.
>>371608 Good lad, the exact sort of young man needed by the west.
my off hand troll post really brain broke some of you lads keeeeeeeeeeeeek
ran out of e celeb content to watch while eating sweeties
>>371628 love you too agg
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>>371631 ffs lad I will log in to ban you if you don't reign this in right now.
>demoralisation shill is a janny AUSLAD YOU FUCKING RETARD TRAITOR
yeah sorry lad I don't dispense my power like an irate child.
race riot in wales shlads
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>>371632 Don't worry, think I'll be posting less for a while. Horrible nightmares, lads.
>>371636 too many tinnies?
>>371637 probably not enough.
>>371638 >day of the leek finally arrived
>>371638 someone mad their football team lost?
think the celt race might win this one lads
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>>371643 fucking finally it's only been 1500 years in the making.
>>371644 reddit soys make hajj to scotland for some reason.
God I love angry mobs
>>371638 crowd's turning on Based Welshman autist
>>371648 SEND. ME. IN
>>371648 police go through all these streams, you can't be filming rioters anymore
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>the cardiff wigger accents
phew he's managed to endear himself to the taffies
and whats the riot about?
>>371650 yeah, he's a bit of an annoying mong as well tbh
>>371654 he's based lad
>>371653 2 lads being chased by police crashed and died apparently
>can hear them vandalising cars behind him >still sitting there with his fucking dog
A healthy hated of the pigs is always welcome.
keeek what a shithole he's gonna get lynched
maaaate leave your fucking dog in the car
telling eveyone where he's hidden car. he's such a mong, i felt worried for him at the start but since he's decided to go back i'm waiting for some liveleak footage.
zoggies deploying jammers
sounds like some nice salt of the earth mummies
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>>371666 >old slag mummies out in their dressing gowns and slippers chain-smoking lambert and butler
wales seems grim. glad i'm pic rel and live in an english cottage with a proper garden
>>371668 you might be the last to go but you'll go the most violently.
he's still stuck on the reservation we need to go save him lads
one last mission....
>>371644 fugly ass kike
this mizzy nigga blowin up
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>>371675 good meme lad luv woes
woes should become an elvis impersonator
>>371678 tbh his hair would form a nice pompadour
>>371682 for me it was ho-oh
>>371683 yeah I was blue -> gold -> sapphire -> leafgreen, interestingly always the less popular of the two
oh and platinum too
so that's 5/5 I picked the less popular of the two, unintentionally, just picking the one that felt right. interesting
>>371684 >bluefags good lad, stole me a red on the bus from a kike kid in 3rd grade after I beat up his brother for stealing one of my deanoidic brothers GI joes when he was a kindergardener
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yep that was back in '97
just remembered a few things from daycare when I was middle school age >this little shit stole a good pokemon card (Golem EX or something) from my tomboy friend >we had the same yugioh shoes >him and the other younger ones were gonna go on a field trip and he was hiding somewhere, I was on the toilet taking a shit, then they opened the door on me because they thought I was him because we had the same shoes. so embarrassing
>>371690 you should be proud on the porcelain throne lad.
>>371691 using a public toilet is always an extremely vulnerable situation, I haven't done it in many years. nowadays I pretty much always step into the shower and do a below-the-waist shower after defecating. this morning I had to go, then I buzzed my pubes and took a demishower (same as below-the-waist, just different term). I normally buzz my pubes after defecating because then the scrotum is all taut and it's a lot easier
>>371692 If you cannot sit proud and regal the forces of zog have already won.
>371692 t. spic
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I'm lookin fer a mexican fella. Mighta come through here a while back talking about washing his poohole and shaving his unmentionables. Probably looked squirrely as all hell.
that welsh riot was a bit of a flop eh?
i miss helmers, wish he would drop in and post
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watching war veteran interviews again. grim but can't get enough of it
been thinking about love and sex and all that. come to the grim conclusion that our attraction to pretty girls who are mean over normal girls who would love us given the chance is evidence that maybe the science nihilists are right and maybe our brains are just quantum computers. hope i am wrong, sorry if i demoralised any early riser daychads with this post
>no morning poo >no morning piss think theres something wrong with me lads....
tempted to look through mummy's loft for the 2 first edition charizards i know are up there but am very aware that our lord jesus christ would not appreciate my attachment to childish things and my greed if i were to do so
https://youtu.be/60CFkHl2_AM?t=384 >just a prank bro *machettes his arms and legs off for the banter*
>>371585 It's a good song
>>371709 Keeeek
>>371711 A sheeeeeit shtorm is coming
>>371705 He frightened the hats. They’re going hard for him now
>>371668 Welsh rural areas are just as nice as those in England, local spirit, church hosted markets
>>371713 He backed off when he realized they weren't white people with funny hats but another privileged racial class like niggers.
>>371594 Those poeople rush into mortgages for shit houses. Not necessarily any better off than the rest of us, it's just perception.
A friend of a friend had a house in his late 20s, but it wasn't within walking distance of anything. Had to commute using the bus. Highly doubt that he paid down much of the mortgage.
>>371704 Nonsense! >our attraction to pretty girls who are mean over normal girls who would love us What is this other than vanity? We don't want the plain nice girl because she doesn't help us to spite our enemies. All along we believed we were the higher sort of man who ought to have the best woman—that, above all else! Would prove to our peers forever: our worthiness. Because doesn't everyone think that way? A man can be fat bald ugly and short, a perfect mutant, a failure, but if his wife is a knock-out everyone thinks he made out alright in the end, and that's what we're hoping for. A gold stamp for a seal on our lives, reading: "Anon is better than you."
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A sneed? A snood? A sneed a sneed a snood? A sneed a snood a sneed a snood? A sneed a snood a snood?
any lads here remember encyclopedia dramatica?
>>371721 sites still up but doubt many new articles get released
>>371689 Watching it again
>>371723 wasn't this the last photo taken before that miami shooting back in ye day?
Didn't look into the story of the woman with the bike and the niggers trying to take it from her... the media literally says she tried to weaponise her tears. Jesus Christ always the hypocrisy *screams*

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