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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3863: Sir Edward Elgar Edition Anonymous 05/29/2023 (Mon) 20:50:16 Id: 6a066e No. 373303
Elgar - Nimrod https://youtu.be/sUgoBb8m1eE Peter Hitchens: What DO they Teach Them in these schools? It's Time to Try to Find Out About Classroom Propaganda https://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/2023/05/what-do-they-teach-them-in-these-schools-its-time-to-try-to-find-out-about-classroom-propaganda.html Not a fan of Adam Curtis, but Peter recommended his "TraumaZone" series on the collapse of the USSR and the Yeltsin era of Russia. Worth a watch, interesting stuff.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:13:23.
>>373303 good lad
yeah I'm thinking it's bedtime >>373305 looking forward to it
>>373310 time to find that sign and deface it with Russian flag stickers
>>373309 enjoy tomorrows toil >>373310 someone needs to cock it
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>>373310 any lads for a day trip to harlow?
>>373309 Night lad take care
>>373313 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>373309 g'night, Wessie.
>>373313 je qeeeeeeeeeeeeeq
>>373310 if you white out all of his name but the Z, it becomes Z Avenue
Well I guess you'd need blue paint, not white
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imagine believing this cope
>>373323 xoomer subhuman desperately clinging to his wealth
>>373323 >we're reverting to the more cordial climate of the 2000s and early 2010s, but with a more multiracial population
how can someone be on unz review and actually believe that, baffling.
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Holiday with the lads starting tomorrow still not packed WE LOVE YOU BURNLEY, WE DO WE LOVE YOU BURNLEY, WE DO feels like the last sleep before christmas Night all
Let's go back to 2000
>>373328 Last year yes This year flying out to spectacular ||surrey|| Family actually been to liverpool three times this last week
>>373327 have a good holiday lid
>>373332 you too
Just had a sudden jolt of embarrassment/cringe remembering that people in this country would clap every Thursday afternoon for /ourNHS/
>>373326 I think I've seen that same name post utter bollocks before on there. Something so out of place.
>>373336 Not long now for Perfume, lad.
>>373335 I was still working at home, just tried to ignore it. Saw the morons all outside of my window clapping like seals. Pretty sure the neighbours gossiped disapprovingly because we didn't clap for our sainted NHS
>>373338 indeed
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I know I know I've let you down I've been a fool to smyself I thought that I could shart for noone else
>>373342 Twitter has been irredeemable for years, Musk waa never going to change that
>>373338 are you seriously planning to go?
>>373323 Conservatives couldn’t complain about gays anymore so the new wedge became trannies who no one gives a fuck about irl and now they can’t complain about wogs either so maybe that new wedge will become boogaball and ai
>>373336 why do they dye their hairs to look like germanics/slavs
>>373346 In this case she's a seiyuu, so her hair has just been changed so that she looks more like the animu girl that she voices
>>373344 yes lad
>>373348 you will never find me unless I wish to be found. I can blend in amongst the autistic masses.
lad, I'm not going because of you I just like cutie jap lasses.
>>373349 based pigs defending their ethnostate from migrants
>>373352 keeek fair enough. If you want to meet up we can
>>373352 indeed
>>373311 get a life, muh ostzog retard
>>373354 Go on then. I wear a leather jacket and look like Billy Idol
>>373357 I look like this
>>373359 You probably look more like this
>>373282 very cool!
>>373323 this is true though, the 2010s especially after the isis attacks in Europe and trump in 2016 were way more happening than the 20s. everyone seems to have simmered down about it all. at least they don't show it as much, maybe there are more secret agentfags like me who just keep their heads down now
>373362 >373363 just go post on reddit you worthless retarded faggot, I have more respect for literal trannies than I do for scum like you
hey steiner! There’s some thot called Consuela at the door for you
>>373365 probably would tbh. disgraceful, I know
Think it’s about time that michiganer started a hwhite militia. Call it Coomer Tribe
tfw you're state funded media making history series about Swedish history
>>373368 keeeeeeeek what are they supposed to represent
>>373361 thats some hard as nails kraut ww1 veteran I kneel before him
>>373368 he looks like 'jaffa calling' keeeek
>>373367 https://youtu.be/gpkWDvXQuTk this would be our battle cry
>>373368 >>373369 effs and whg i think
comments are based, michiganoids are ready for TND
>>373375 tbh doing my part for the shite race by upvooting all of them
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michigincels owned
>>373377 the eternal southerner
>>373377 get him steiner GET HIM DONT LET HIM GET AWAY
>>373379 oh I think he will find that in fact, he has been owned
>steiners subscriptions are public
I think the number of sissy nigcels pretending to be intellectual on twatter has increased significantly
>>373382 niggers are transitioning from the muscle of the jewish regime into their sort of ideological mandarins
>>373383 seems like it. a lot of them looked like they were trying to mimic late 00s atheistoids
>>373381 3d dancing pig channel
>>373364 really? what was so offensive to you? that i'm lamenting the apparent lack of daftyism these days?
the sheer amount of shit that went down every week in 2015-2017 was unmatched. isis attacks. alt right brawls, mass shootings, political twists. it was kino.
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>>373388 taken that shite for years yeah its bad for you but so is drinking that anti inflammatory action is pretty much irreplaceable in medicine tbh, works better than opioids to stop pain after dental surgery
>>373390 I wonder if acetaminophen doesn't harm in the same way
Alex Stein's wife's boyfriend Dontarius, a homeless blacknigger crack addict, was kicked off of Sam Hyde's fishtank.live for smoking crack on stream https://youtu.be/TkejvNOPQHg
been watching recaps of the whole fishtank.live, it just ended, ngl I feel like I missed out not watching it live it seems pretty kino. seems they might do a season 2 in winter, then I'll watch some live and keep up with it
>>373394 i think sam ended it early because interest and call ins dried up. all reality tv has a level of scripting to make it interesting and sam didn't really figure this out in time
just found out that syria still isn't fully controlled by assad
>>373395 nah it almost ended early but then some youtuber sponsored it and it ended after 6 weeks like it was supposed to. just watched the finale although I think the 'see you in winter' is for MDE Season 2, not a repeat of fishtank, which considering the financial difficulties I think that won't happen, who knows though >>373396 it's been frozen for like years now
>>373396 Freedumb will never let the civilians live under the tyranny of peace and stability, I guess.
>>373369 Swedes, lad
Fuck. I hate falling asleep in a chair
>>373400 All we are is a shart in the wind.
>>373393 Imagine the smell
>>373313 a fine qeeq tbh
vdv in moldova
made the mistake of looking at comments on that video keek coping scum
there are so many old people on the coomer boards of 4chan. it's so weird seeing these guys talk about shit that happened to them in the 60s on an imageboard. kind of gives me hope
>>373409 keek just an old mene i wanted to revive. also i'm the poster who always asks that guy whose gimmick was asking the lad who hosts film rooms why we aren't watching some terrible kids film.
>>373413 good gimmick tbh >>373412 >sligger music the backing flute is an interesting choice
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>>373406 An unassuming little sign that you're approaching the inner sanctum and final enlightenment.
>>373416 Oh my god it's just like my gameboy advance game
how are they so fast though? Is it sped up?
>The video was created using computer-generated imagery (CGI) by artist Vernon James Manlapaz.In the clip, the turtles run in circles at the Avengers Campus.a video purporting to depict a group of tortoises sprinting in circles in Disneyland has gone viral, with over 12 million views as of Saturday morning. *screams*
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>>373420 I thought it was real too smdh.
>>373421 keeek. 22st liked this post >that epstein-look in the thumbnail
sneed an updated version tbh
fresh jive Cornwall’s 2000 year old CELTIC VILLAGE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lf7EtembxwI
>there are people who want to have sex but can't
>>373427 He's a good lil green nigga.
Hate how much i sneed snex after exercising. All this wasted loosh >>373426 bah is there no escape from the torment even here?!
>tfw going to have sex with her
>larpagans conduct rituals in ancient underground structures known as souterrains or fugous because oooo they look spoooooky and mystical >they're just fridges
Those terrible... "woke americans"!
youtube throwing up the ZASED reccs again hitler would be proud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSZWvyGJ-fw
>>373436 I keeeek.
where are all my oomfies
>>373433 why does anybody follow this flip moron?
>>373400 I don't tell anyone at work when it's my birthday anymore. Generally I take the day off anyway
>>373400 Happy birthday
>>373433 He looks like Brian Peppers. Very off putting face.
Is he a homo too?
The weak should fear the strong
>>373447 hope the australians really start to fight back in the coming years >>373448 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
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Uh oh
>>373451 Pigskinbros...
>>373451 Considering what they class as White over there
>>373451 >>373452 I don't get it. This doesn't look new info for a race realist. Hierarchy with SEAs at the top and nigs at the bottom, with all those listed mixed creaturas exactly where expected (in between the two races of parents.)
>>373454 >SEA chinese, korean, japanese is unsurprising but I don't generally think of SEA's or Filipinos as being high IQ. indians it makes sense that it's the top 0.001% of them
>>373454 Are you spic or autistic?
>>373456 he's not spic, I'm spic
Hungarian KFOR troops have refused to bash Serbs https://files.catbox.moe/l49sy4.mp4
>>373458 Yes, Hungarians and Viktor Orban are based. Will never forget the respect and honour he showed to Roger Scruton at the end of his life.
>>373457 no, I'm spic
>>373456 I am not spic.
>>373465 eh while I would this is a bit too degen for me tbh
>>373468 Where do you draw the line?
had a walk and found myself in the middle class suburban hellscape they have it good tbhsmh only spotted one gaynigger around >>373400 the big three-oh hey champ another thirty years and maybe you'll be qualified for my position, hoho! hbd
>>373469 tastefulness. twerking is not tasteful, or even flattering. plus the one on the left has ridiculous bimbo lip injections and BBL anyway nini
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lad jumps off cruise ship and gets taken by shark
>>373472 Hate that kind of shocked but still zero empathy nigger/wigger tone. It's like that train murder vid posted.
>>373472 smh you just know he was a jestermaxxing retard young cruise ship partycunts should all suffer that fate thoughever
>>373472 How hard is it to film something. Jesus Christ. Also if true I second >>373473
if only partyslags preferred quiet nights in playing board games at my house and sipping a reasonable amount of spirits instead of massive alcohol, sex and drug consumption in the most opulent, hedonistic and degenerate settings on earth
>>373476 *pokes the incel bear*
>>373477 already riled up from slags out and about in the suburbs averting their faces as soon as they spotted me walking past tbh
>>373472 >bye bye >yo, this kids fucking gone bro
>>373468 What high T male wouldn't want to nut in that?
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>had no permission to coom from her for about 36 hours
>>373481 Magapedes not like this
Have Sex Incel
>>373483 how do I make facegains like this?
>>373483 >just smash a hammer on your head bro, trust me bro that forum needs shutting down tbh
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>strange messages that might not be from her
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>>373451 >white mexican below central and south america IT IS FUCKING OVER FOR SPIC
was going to have an early dinner but had a spastic retard moment and dropped my tray with fishcakes on it onto the disgusting unclean oven door/hinge/bottom parts and had to throw everything away
Oh it's not him with her phone, just a bpd episode. Phew.
can't even figure out how to take the oven door off its hinges to clean the most grottiest part
>>373472 He actually did die, or at least he was not found
>>373489 sorry to hear that lad, I guess you'll just have to wait till dinner.
>>373489 >>373491 not your problem is it, lad
>>373491 don't bother it's even harder to re-attach
>bisexual ex gf just sent me a video of her fingering her arsehole >think I saw a bit of sweetcorn on her fingertip
Vile lad. Smh.
>when you gave her arse during sex but then have to deal with poo smell for the rest of the day
sure that isnt her husband's arse
Defamers are so gross. Smdh.
>>373500 >sure that isnt her husband's arse well it was rather hairy
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bored of this arc already
>when you have an incel attack and start liking all the girls on dating sites, even the ugly old and brown ones >still don't get anyone to like me back *acks*
>>373504 bloody hell, you've changed your tune.
>>373504 its going to end with you getting your bollocks lopped off
>>373510 just a few more years and you can legally bum his daughter
>>373507 >nearly 20 minutes of him just looking at sword photos
>>373509 So long as I bleed to death and don't have to live like a tranny, I'd accept this.
>>373514 I do hope you find a lasshog, lad.
you all owe me sex
>>373506 Not even a crumb of attention? how long has it been now lad?
>>373516 >you all owe me sex go fuck yourself
>>373517 idno. Like 3 years since the exhog left me I think. Get some groomees now and then but often they don't last long, and can't be trusted smh. most likes I get are people trying to sell me onlyfans shite, or pics directly, or sugarbabies >>373515 thanks lasshog
Why, rapers were dis lawng an wuz kangs man!
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tonight's kino on the docket: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RaWzJUeT0o
>>373525 Too late I already love her again.
Oh my science lads I've never gotten so many likes before. I'm gonna make it
>>373526 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he cute
>>373530 Woah. Based lad.
Serbs are flying over Kosovo
US strategically disarmed Bulgarian aviation by promising to sell them F-16s - twice - after they passed their Migs to Ukraine. Never turn your back on a yank
what sort of troglodyte actually likes videos and comments anyway
>all these Irish lads saying Irish belonging to the Irish on twitter based?
Ancestral eagle... I kneel
listening to it again move over cigarboatlad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAcNxZJJ_8c
libtard DESTROYED with facts and punches to the face from a nigger https://twitter.com/TheoForARL/status/1663034368560865280
>>373539 >B-1B
>>373539 A rather tasteless way of making a point.
>>373539 hope the serbs learnt their lesson and just execute zoggies they capture.
I think Serbia may be flexing to force NATO to redeploy prior to Jewlenskyys offensive. Hope it works
>>373542 Hope they remember their F117 getting blown the fuck out of the sky by a lowly SAM last century
>>373541 Top keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >I want to pursue restorative justice Nigger beatdown CONFIRMED! He got flayed alive by Dontarius
>>373548 nice face, but where is the jaw/chin?
>>373529 kill yourself
where is auslad to kaboom these mongs
NATO fags are sending another battalion to Kosovo
Or should that be buttallion?
>>373556 nos dda, y pump kin king
>>373558 >9 years pathetic. im atleast at 12 by now.
>>373556 merry birthmas, lass
>>373556 Kino. Snappy Snurfday, lad.
>when you found out you don't magically find a girlfriend at 30 and breed her
>>373560 >bragging about how much time you've spent on irrelevant communications platforms for autistic societal outcasts
>>373563 You need seed to breed, Jaffa
To women: you are wonderful, I love you, you're amazing. To incels: have sex Why does he pretend to be some kind of mentor figure when it's just the same shit we've heard for 30 years now growing up?
>>373564 Mirror,meds, now >>373565 I do
>>373564 Tbh. Probably 16 years for smee but the better half of that has been 4cuck QT threads to moe /brit/ struggle.
>>373566 >have sex incel >nooo not like that, muh adultery Smh.
>>373564 its all i have lad
>>373569 smh he literally humble-brags about zoomettes loving his xoomer dick
>wessie attacking me i guess thats why they say never meet your heroes...
>>373573 Wessex is character is basically backstabbing. It's kind of sad
>>373566 Because 9/10 it will get him a lot of (you)’s
>>373575 Yeah he's Norwegian and a pagan so Americans are lining up to suck him off
>>373539 >le yanks bombs europa 20 mins later >bomber harris posts >great shitain
>>373570 tbh >>373571 post the tomboy one
Wessex, a secret nonce? Let's find out
>>373582 err I already watched this video when it was recommended to me on youtube
>>373582 keeek imagine being a brave and thinking your wood armour will protect you from the evil whiteys then you get obliterated by a musket ball and the splinters gore everyone next to you too
they look like autistic version of Pavese arbalesters
Is it actually true that indians didn't use spears in combat? I find that odd. Surely such a weapon would come naturally to anyone. Southern native americans had them
>>373586 it actually did you fucking IDIOT
the tlingit atleast did beat the russians one because muskets couldnt penetrate their wood armour
>>373588 I think that lakeland injuns had really ritualized warfare when they met whitoids so they used clubs alot to capture foes but the nargansetts and mohicans and powhatans used spears. whitoid firesticks and steel english boarding axes basically cucked their military gear. prior to whitoids as far as we know they had undergone a civilizational collapse in the high european middle ages in the american midwest and scattered but then the anishnabe culture came from the coasts to the great lakes and started a new culture
>she read the message 20 seconds ago >hasn't responded yet Incelbros...
>>373591 such romance in being a settler/frontier smh. Imagine a whole untamed unsharted America
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>in the middle of Modding Morrowing >crackhead neighbour invites herself into my house >asks for a fag which I give her >instead of leaving she sits down on my bed while I'm in the middle of organising my load order >sits there for 10 mins smoking and crying about how cps took her daughter away
ah turns out he's a chuglib. steiner please kill this man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwowgYQZ4cM
>>373596 Read that as ‘orgasming my load’ and got scared Going to get eyedrops Brb
>>373596 Wew. Fuck her.
>>373596 why d idn't you just give her a new daughter?
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>the way single mothers care for and would die for their babies if only they bred with a goodlad smh. Incels always getting passed over
>>373602 keeeeeeek
>>373601 >>373600 CBA tbh and she's a munter. I try to be nice to her because she always steals things and then sells them to me for cheap. I bought a 3 litre bottle of jack Daniels off her the other week for 20 quid. Was keeek because she stole it from a pub and it had an upside down label
>>373605 based and low class tbh
>>373605 Based and underclasspilled.
I think the funniest Cracklass lore was when I was going to B and Q with my dad in an another town and just as we were about to leave I saw her scrambling over a bush to get to me. So she just started shouting "Drive drive!" with a bundle of clothes in her hands and sat herself down in the back of my car. Long story short I was unwillingly made into a getaway driver
https://youtube.com/shorts/sMWnMvBqoZU?feature=share >no cute g*rman/scandi climber gf to breedhog smh white women really out there living the most decadent lives while us polfaces just stagnate
Another retarded groomee. Why do they all come for me? I literally have to write in single sentences to her because she can't follow if I write more
>>373609 >no braided gf smh
>>373612 Cute and all but when I have bred my breedee we're all just going to sit around and be quiet.
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>>373612 նա միայն մայրիկ է խաղում տեսախցիկի համար
>>373609 >those videos of her beta bux standing below her to catch her when she falls from climbing/ being her photographer and probably bought all the climbing ropes and harnesses and set them up
for autistcels, is it better to dedicate your life to ephemeral irrelevancies or to seething about not being able to save the shite race? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7XW0tPFg7c&list=UULFud3lmIRcld41IocSMIT71w
>>373620 It should be clear that there is only one answer. Make babies incel
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>want to order bigger plant pots for the garden >they cost like £15-20 each, and that's just plastic ones that won't last more than a few years
Living without giving money to Almighty Bezos: Nightmare difficulty
>>373620 Dad used to tell me that one day when I was grown up I would be so bored and autistic that I would make many a pointless post on basketweaving forums that other similar bored autists and spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) would waste their time reading and HE WAS NOT WRONG! Thanks dead Dad
any lad ever watched that peaky blinders show looks shit tbh seems like deanoid and zoomist bait from those facebook format images produced by numale identity and arab currency trading pages
watching serpico and the nog getting drowned screamed "DONT BUSS ME" lel
>>373625 It was alright light entertainment up until the Moseley defamation
whacked a moth and the bastard cunt crawled into my PC probably going to fuck something up in there smh guess I'll finally need to take it apart and use the air squirter for something other than huffing shni tbh, 5am start tomororw
>>373628 Night lad
>>373627 smh cant expect less from a beeb show the comments on his wiki page were funny, full of seething mongs
Keeek FUCK YOU 12 YEAR OLDS! I MEAN SERIOUSLY! FUCKING CLAP NOW! RIGHT NOW! https://twitter.com/TheRockRevival_/status/1663220061715169282
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>>373631 >you don't see entire opposition parties jailed just for speaking their mind in democracy
>>373631 >filthy fasho ? The seethe though
>>373634 He supported concentration camps and paramilitary thuggery lad. No real British politician would ever do that. Also muh cable street fanfiction
>>373533 this is such pretty country. like here but the hills are a little steeper and higher. wish it was like that here
>>373568 16 years? that beats me by just a few. are you in your 30s or found le chans young?
board dead for the night i guess. fml
>was at gym and then did a sauna after my lifting and there was a new york jew ranting about white people in the locker room and when I heard it I slammed the sauna door open and looked directly at him and walked right next to my locker and stared at him and keeek he stopped sort of talking and then apologized slightly to me and then started talking about bush and "rich" white guys. keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek THIS AIN'T NEW YORK JEW BOY THIS IS THE MIDWEST https://youtu.be/H3VLqLLWxbQ
>>373637 they buck broke this nigga after his white win "joke"
>>373640 not a whole lot to talk about >>373641 good lad
>>373641 wew, they really do think they own the us now.
>>373552 ffs total albanian death smh, fucking goatfucking mountain niggers sucking up to Z0G
>>373644 they do own the US but only legally, they still haven't exterminated the redneck race in US and canada yent. they won't be successful tbh his cowardice gave me hope. imagine if he said that around wes watson tier whitechuds if he was nervous because some incel manlet like steinhog was mean mugging him
Australian government seizes Catholic hospital for being pro-life. like, the government is going to move into the hospital and take over operations, before the owners of the hospital are even paid. they are literally 'seizing the means of abortion' https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/the-australian-govt-is-forcefully-taking-over-a-catholic-hospital-because-it-is-pro-life/
>>373648 why are women so obsessed with baby killing?
>>373649 it's some evolutionary thing where they want control over the resources their body expends... if they aren't happy about a baby, they want to be able to 'make it disappear' so as not to 'waste' further resources on it. there's also the angle where women default to the most socially acceptable belief they can have due to fear of ostracism, which is whatever the talmudvision tells them to think btw "SIDS" (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is caused by women suffocating their babies in the middle of the night while hubby is asleep, and then lying about it
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they are practically begging people to drink their shitty watered down fluoride BPA piss "beer"
>>373649 bc women beneath their facile gaiety are vulgar, pigheaded cynics who hate life, how else could they commit themselves so thoroughly to the world of appearances? It's all a big game and a joke to them, that's why they're so comfortable with faking everything
>>373655 hahah keke
rise and grind fellow hustlers it's time to get that dough
going to do a 36 hour fast at servitude today (skip a day of eating)
got down to 21st we're all gonna make it
>>373641 Apex keek very good lad.
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>>373666 One can dream.
not slept
WEW >300 Jews with Zelenski Didn’t know this was a thing. Can’t find an English version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olctNLQsh6c
>>373669 top tier cringe as usual from the ukie kikes.
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>normies now pretending to get mad over Schofield nonce news they didn't care about for years because now they've been told it's bad by MSM
Why does this keep happening chudbros?
>>373672 Because they aren't a protected class and/or they're getting framed.
>>373671 Gays are a protected class after all. No wrong think allowed.
How old was the "younger colleague" that schofield was noncing?
>>373675 Allegedly he started with him at 15, so definitely illegal.
What's really been getting to me recently is the way the MSM has been framing the drone attacks on Moscow as definitely not Ukraine but also Ukraine and probably illegal but definitely not because Russia was supposedly bombing civilians first but also the Russians deserve it anyway for invading Ukraine. It's such a convoluted narrative to justify the moral high ground in what is essentially an amoral geopolitical conflict between two competing powers.
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de lads
>>373625 Sister gets blacked, becomes single mum, they threaten nuns for being racist, they torch a pub because the pub was racist, character development kind of stalls after a while, especially for anyone but Tommy Shelby. Also he's against Mosley because... idno he's just an evil fascist so you don't need reasons. Show looks good, but that's about it. I guess compared to other shows perhaps it isn't that bad. The anti-racism stuff are just a couple of scenes. >>373633 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek reminded me of pic related >>373641 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>373658 >rise and grind >can't dark grind since it's too light outside >>373661 based and bodycleansingpilled >>373662 smh how did you do that, you were just 22st. You're not allowed to use your arms to support yourself when on the scale >>373665 Always scorpions, spiders and snakes >>373671 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeektbhsmh
>>373682 >smh how did you do that, you were just 22st my money's on a really big poo
had the name margot robbie stuck in my head all day and couldn't for the life of me remember who she was looked it up and she's the lass in the barbie fillum taking it as a sign that i need to visit the kinoplex tbh
>>373686 latest trailers looks so bad. Film looks so bland and trite smh.
>>373687 yeah but it's got the goose
>>373688 yeah that's the only thing that got me interested, but the trailers aside from the first one have been poopy smh. Fingers crossed. Esoteric barbie wuld be cool, but that doesn't seem to be the way it's going to be. Looks like typical jewish jokes and a story we've all seen before. >go out into the world and find yourself yeah that's why I watch barbie, didn't want to see their world, I wanted barbie to come to ours *cringes*
>>373689 >Esoteric barbie would be cool tbh no way they take a risk on an ip worth that much money
https://odysee.com/@wayoftheworld:7/satanschool:6 >school project where people paint the macdonald's clown, jesus and demons wew
>keep getting AOC parody in my twitter feed despite never liking any content like that God I hate boomers
>>373694 utterly based tbh except for the part where he dies of old age before the child is even capable of forming long term memories smh
sometimes wonder what memories my youngest step brother has of his dad tbh if any at all
some faggot with a disgusting Aus/NZ accent whining about Bud Light / Target caving to boycotts over their tranny propaganda no offense to Auslad but Australians should probably have their tongues removed so that they can't defile our ears with such repulsive sounds
Wew Henry VIII had a black trumpeter. Let them all in
>>373697 source of Target employees being threatened. Know how I know it never happened? Because it's illegal and we wouldn't hear the end of it.
seems to me like the muhreen charged into the crowd, so I don't see how they can frame it as if the zoomer swarm was exclusively responsible. seems like a mutual "brawl"
>>373697 too many city dwellers here tbh
>Norwegian green party says climate change is making our roads worse >they spent half the budget of last year's road on building bicycle lanes that nobody uses I love democracy, where people can do this shit, yet sheeplerinos will still support them.
*stomps you*
>>373704 Based Toff cunt. Still a good 90% chance he needs beheading for treason though.
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>>373703 >The Norwegian electoral system is based on the principles of direct election and proportional representation in multi-member electoral divisions. May be a careful what you wish for (according to people like Hitchens) but it seems like this would be so much better than FPTP for Britain. At least you've not got a so called Conservative government with the strongest mandate in decades pushing through all the watermelon green bullshit.
>>373708 first past the post is the most cancerous electoral system ever devised tbqh it only exists to make sure the big two stay in power single transferable vote btfos it in every measure tbh although the niggercattle are still too stupid to make use of the choice it provides and keep on voting number one for one of the big two and grumbling about it afterwards the problem with democracy was never the systems used to implement it
getting the urge to watch blackadder back and forth again tbh just for that scene where he becomes king and baldrick becomes pm would be a nice return to sanity
>Department of Defence is looking for Nuclear Powered Submarine Taskforce – Chief Digital Strategy COD 1 uh yeah sure
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>all my saved up norske kroner are becoming worthless
really hate benniestoil ngl >>373712 >he saved couldn't be me keeeeeek brokegang who up
>>373713 is that where you have to go work for free at some place and the jobcentre sends you some breadcrumbs for pay?
>youtube shorts recommended videos are all women being scantily clad doing something sexual But you had to scrub off all those evil basedlads for saying naughty stuff
>>373714 no thankfully i just have to apply for toil
bennies toil completed night lads toil on the morrow
https://youtu.be/sdvTQJp61Fw OOF THAT HOOF >HUGE cow's HOOF hides a SORE SECRET!
>>373718 oof that hoof
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heir heir
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>got down to 21st >we're all gonna make it
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>>373729 Who are talking about us?
>>373730 To her yes. Have to pretend I have some sort of life offline.
>>373732 >Binman smh he identifies as a binman while being a landlord. Speaking of which, he's taking another 2 week or more driving around buying properties now smh
Pregnant bellies are vampiric?
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>>373738 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>373738 Thankyou lass, my fame only grows.
Kill him before he hands us all over to the BPD woman.
>>373738 >xxxx it's "xoxo boom"
>>373738 bet she doesn't know you're a based racist yet and you are afraid to send that because you'd have to elaborate on the the harassing of the bf
Current courtee(saying gr*omee is a banable offense now) had 4 vaxxies
>>373744 wew fucking hell I knew all that coughing my dad and brother post vax wasn't a coincidence.
Groomee is a bannable offense? Why would saying groomee be a bannable offense? Has the bored bean taken over by a groomee?
>>373746 AHH CAREFUL LADS *takes the hammer for you*
dno, I was banned for saying it yesterday so
was is oz or enoch?
>>373749 not oz at least
>>373753 please don't post screencaps of chats lad the second hand embarassment is too much smh
went out and got some exercise, touched grass and absorbed sunlight, am still vantablackpilled
>>373755 it's always worth the attempt lad.
>tfw you put things in your fat folds and forget about them
>>373756 tbh tbh
>>373757 tbh >>373758 tbh tbh tbh
ifyo (i fod yn onest)
thots using my fucking parking space right now talking in stupid thot voices AHHHH
>>373762 keeeeeeeeeeeek it's just perfect
i have diarrhoea
Last queen of Mongolia
>>373768 based and just like le star wars
>>373769 oh yeah I felt I had seen that somewhere before
>no big hair vampire gf
>tfw you lose weight and suddenly your nipples sag below your pecs
>>373773 Good. The local children can swing on them for fun while you indoctrinate them. Just make sure to take testosterone injections so that they don't strain your precious pec milk.
*hits you with the neolithic stare*
>>373774 smh stimulating my tits would only encourage pec milk surely
>>373776 It's for you to drink and you alone. Fuck the local children (not literally 22st).
Remembered a lasses birthday 3 days late. This won't go down well
https://youtu.be/RN_n-JULjfU >3:03 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
###snoo in your own snickrds
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>>373782 nnaaaaaaaaaa~~
>my bumble account unsnoozed >my account says nothing but "I will protect you. I will provide for you. I will devour you".
>>373783 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyigger
>>373786 THE ABOSLUTE RELIEF Bit anti-climatic not letting me see the finished job.
>>373771 Detroit already is one big demon portal.kek
i bought so much food but i can only eat a small amount of it before i get sick
>>373790 if you buy your own food I have no pity
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I hate women
>live for 80 years >only good part is 23 - 31 >that part wasn't even that good >
>>373794 KEEEEK. I was going to HEY STEINER this but never got around to it.
>>373796 it is what it is contemplating these days whether I really want to live another 10-20 years on some poor dead guy's involuntarily donated NHS kidney tbh
>>373798 wew are u on dialysis rn?
>>373798 that's the mould talking. you have to fight it
saw some fit lasses today
>>373798 yeah what is the point of just living? living is like just... living. What is the point?
>>373799 nod yemt, probably next year unless I've fucked myself over recently and the date of death (without medical assistance) is back to october again >>373800 yeah smh going to touch grass every day for the next couple weeks and see if that helps >>373802 immortality through breeding or some great and enduring work of art/contribution to science/architecture/whatever the fuck >too autistic to pass genes on but not enough to make something of value JUST
>>373803 >immortality through breeding or some great and enduring work of art/contribution to science/architecture/whatever the fuck yeah so you have a reason to live a few more decades you fat piece of walking manure(also leaking manure)
>>373804 inspiring words tbh lad
>>373805 time to post those german women swimming in cow poo again I guess
>>373806 could you lad?
>>373807 https://youtu.be/XkT_9dWl_RQ NOOOOOOOOO STOP POOOING *SCREA- BLRRLRBB*
https://youtu.be/OrHyCZDFe-w I feel sick getting grease from bacon on my fingers, and these people love swimming in poo. Fucking hell
update on the german antifa org that was formed by a women who worked as a state funded "deradicaliser" of far right teens only to use the information to plan their murder: https://twitter.com/DokumentationL/status/1663982328266276868 she "got" 5 years prison, 2 years suspended, she already spent two years on the trial and is therefor eligible for parole. judge frees her the moment he convicts her. also turns out she wasnt the only person paid directly by the government and civil society orgs to monitor the far-right, the terrorist organisation planning murders funded itself from anti-extremists jobs, including a "phone line for victims of far right abuse" lol. this was the same group that beat an elderly hungarian shop owner because he was wearing camouflage trousers which they associated with the far right.
>>373697 thats nothing compared to a heavy michigan accent in terms of ear cancer
>>373810 awful
>>373810 I hope someone beats her.
>>373811 I don't really have a problem with Canadian accents lad.
who /fargo/ here?
this group was found to poses police uniforms, and official government id card printing machines aswell as having multiple members training with the PKK/SDF in Kurdish Syria right now.
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>>373713 you haven' been stacking real money all this time. apmex had a markdown sale on french gold francs
>>373817 How goes the silver hording?
>>373810 >>373816 good posts with actual politics in them awful news as usual thoughbeit
these nibbas sound like they're larping as the Red Army Faction who also trained with PLO rebels before they started their terror campaign in germany.
>>373816 I guess they'll have to do something before they're properly prosecuted, even then probably not.
>>373700 Thatnkyou for your service muhreens
BORN TO SNOOZE WORLD IS A FUCK 政治面孔 Kill Em All 1488 I am incel man 410,757,864,530 DREAM GFs
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>>373824 good lad, ready to fund an incel militia the moment the meme economy finally folds.
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>>373810 >>373816 they'll still larp as if they aren't tools of the state though
Still find this astonishing. The fact this version of 300 starring Zelensky hasn’t blown up in the past two years and hasn’t been subtitled in English must mean that tptb think it wouldn’t go down well with the goyim at all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olctNLQsh6c Also this is quite interdasting https://odysee.com/@Эдуард-ХОДОС:9/de-hodos-juedische-reiter-2:f
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Granpa rekt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oP5Yd7hkNc
https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-merseyside-65730051 >An extreme right-wing conspiracy theorist with an "unhealthy interest" in weapons and proscribed organisations" has been jailed. >Liverpool Crown Court heard Alan Madden smuggled a semi-automatic pistol home from South Africa and kept it in his bedroom. >The 65-year-old admitted stirring up racial hatred and possession of a gun, ammunition and a flick knife. >Madden, from Port Sunlight in Wirral, was jailed for seven-and-a-half years.
>>373833 an autistic guy got 7 years for putting up an na offshoot sticker, pretty good for actually owning an illegal firearm tbf
>>373833 *screams*
are there any fat norwegian men here to verify if is this all true????
>>373837 All true. Jagland also was friends with Epstein. Siv Jensen and many more people are also part of the bildeberg shite. She also just inherited a lot of land from a distant relative, not corruption btw. Just like you all our parties aside from the small ones suck. Gro HARLEM Brundtland is supposed to be some great feminist icon, shock and surprise she let the wolves in. It's why Breivik wanted to decapitate her. Racist is creeping up again, mostly on social media, by "Red"(communist party) and "Green"(also communist, but more climate shite). They got a conferance about the great replacement shut down because the library feared violence. A Red politician literally called on Antifa and she had no consequences. What a joke.
weird faggot and tranny cult based off cutting each others cock and balls off goes awry with the law as they start cutting each others limbs off too. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-65764642
the shit faggots get up to regularly is beyond the depths of evil and degeneracy. any society that doesnt kill homosexuals on sight doesnt deserve to exist.
>>373839 is this the lad who cut off that infamous tranny cock lop video? Where you can hear the trannyhog is a brit
british zogbot dies like a faggot for israel (ukraine) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-65769586
>>373845 lots of shrek looking spics
>>373744 >>373746 >>373748 that's bullshit. you can't ban people, fagmods, especially for something as based as grooming
>>373845 wew thats rage fuel
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strong el nino this year lads, which i'm hoping could mean warmer water off the california coast and less wind shear. hoping 2023 is finally the year of the LA hurricane. it would only require a slight northward shift of tropical weather patterns
What foul trickery is this default css change?
>>373854 just go back to yotsuba
>Yuo r in the sass now ya cunt, kill teh wogs lol NO! NOT LIEK TAHT ONFG! YUO ARE OF PSYCHO KILLA!
>>373855 Non change anything at the moment. Smh buggy site.
>>373857 Wonder if being thrown into a dangerous foreign shithole filled with savages who reasonably tbf want to torture you to death for occupying their land, and the top down never negotiate no truces approach to talichads, might have a toll on the mental health of expendable zoggies and influence their actions?
>>373859 Been watching Ant Middleton turn A lot of the smarter ones turn against the system when it spits them out tbh apart from the truly brain mashed ‘muh service’ copers who can’t believe they put themselves at immense risk for actually fuck all apart from a bit of tin and a boot in the seat at the end of the day
bongo-tier tranny edgelordism take thr seigesissy pill lads i know many of you already have https://twitter.com/SIEGESISSY
Why wouldn’t he get away with it?
Why are Brazilians like this?
It won't change back to Yotsuba B >>373865 keeek
err change the board back
can't believe i've been snoozing on fortified wine for so long smh feel like a fool eleven bucks for two litres of 17.5% wine when a six pack of beer costs twice that >>373866 tbh not working for me either >>373867 would if i could lad smh it's sitewide to commemorate one year since the spic exodus from hispachan it's only for a day
Thank you for choosing sweden
every other board seems to be working fine, is this is an attack against /brit/
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>clicking other boards
let's migrate to /interracial/, lads
Dont wish to alarm anyone but its already June
Why are you Default CSS?
>>373874 for the corner mosley lass
>will never be a shart highschooler with a stacey gf
>>373875 wtf are you talking about its not even there
Auslad do your job and post in /site/ about this
>>373876 tbh smh >>373878 it'll be over before i get a reply tbh but okay lad
also lads if you press f12 or whatever it is in your browser to get to the style editor if you disable hispita.css it goes back to normal
>same people who cancelled a conferance about the great replacement are now upset that an arrangement called "pride kids" got cancelled because of alleged threats
Lads I've been writing down funny things I've been thinking to myself/little sketch ideas. Thoughts? >Huge bodybuilder asks for an angel shot at a bar/ asks for Angela saying he's being sexually assaulted >Saluting every NHS nurse/Porter in Tesco and saying "thank you for your service" >Muder Mystery that revolves around a Geo caching autist leaving hints in geocache's. The film is very gory however it's just an Ad for the geocaching website >pooing/pissing in geocache and being a menace on their forums IRL >"Actually. Fly tipping is an integral part of Gypsy traveller culture," I would say to a lefty environmentalist.
je qeeq!
>>373882 Anglo humour is so alien to me smh
Also >Love island. But instead its autistic brit/pol/ers teamed up with a bunch of ITV 4 Instagram models.
all of your ideas are terrible
>>373882 two and five got a solid heh out of me tbh >>373883 >>373884 norge humour is so alien to me smh mostly because i don't understand the language thoughever
>>373886 think it through lad don't just go with your gut smh you could easily get a season or two of reality tv out of baiting people with gyppo shite honestly probably three or four seasons if you want to stretch things by scripting it
happy aids month everybody
Pride? Yeah they're nazis. EU? Nazis. Globalists? Nazis. I'm going insane
>>373889 every month is aids month lad welcome to 2033
refresh your pages lads allegedly the css is being undone temporarily
>>373892 it was weird for me earlier but I just loaded the page some 20 mins ago and it's back to normal
woman driver goes full crazy taxi
Preferred the site being orange It reminded me of that big fat fucking cheeto in the white house
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the 'westoid' broccoli headed zoomy doesnt know whats coming
>>373897 this could just be a normal school trip in a healthy society tbh, looks fun.
https://youtu.be/LJnIGrCeC50 FRESH JOEL AND BLAIR
>>373883 don't norges have their own word for average?
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I could easily kill all of those children not sure who you're trying to impress here Chang
FRESH WOES https://odysee.com/@millennialwoes:4/Gram202321:a its shaping up to be a real e celeb feast today
auslad putting in work
>>373900 We do
>>373904 so why wasn't it used in the memi?
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=udpedw40RMc playing it again literal pvre unfiltered kino shnight lads
>>373905 because the memi is average x-enjoyer
"gjennomsnittlig multikulturalismenyter"
>>373907 but its an english word and the rest of it is in norge
>>373909 It's Swedish tbh, but as I already said, the meme format always has "average x-enjoyer"
>>373911 >but as I already said, the meme format always has "average x-enjoyer" yes but why would you not just translate those bits, its obvs for a nordcuck audience so why keep the english
>woes going on about the bbc meme on the latest gram
>>373897 kek. based.
Remind me to never smoked in doors again while streaming. UH OH STINKY
>>373915 >streaming ?
>>373916 yes lad
>>373899 been binge wootching all of their streams lately
Realistically, how long do you think /brit/ will keep going for? I only pop into the thread a couple of times a month and it still surprises me that after all these years you lads are still in posting. Do you think we'll be posing when we are 80?
>>373922 Yeah real /brits/ never die
>>373922 I'll most likely be dead.
>>373922 until the shite race is saved
done nothing all day just waiting for dinnertime when I can fry a pork chop and have a few scoops of boiled vegetables
>>373927 why would you boil vegetables? all of the nutrients will leech out into the water which you then dump down the drain. you're supposed to steam them, that preserves like 99% of the nutrients boiling food is Scandinavia-tier, it's some schizo 'le we hate life so food must taste like le shit xDD' protestant retardation
>>373927 I fitted a washer for £20
>>373929 I know medical requirements have to remove as much potassium as possible >>373930 good lad now you can spend that £20 on three and two thirds pints at pub (unless prices have gone up again)
nini >>373932 I see
depressing seeing 60 year old women being toxic on twitter
>>373934 did she call you an incel?
>>373935 Well someone did before, I'm not really talking about interacting with them, but seeing them push immigration, tranny shit, pride for children, hatred of men etc. when they should be sweetgoodlasses instead smh
imagining the current generation and millenial generation of nochild women growing old
>>373937 imagine when reality hits them when they're like 45 no kids and an employer than can drop them at any moment grim
>>373939 this also applies to incels
>>373938 conspicuous absence of the British flag there
>>373940 nah, lads like us have always existed, we just become lonely old men but we manage, women become total schizos.
>>373940 incels will have had maybe a couple of decades of facing reality(im not saying thats right ofc), meanwhile you're average career driven millenial lass has been brain washed by the media into thinking drying your eggs up for mr goldstein and co is the forward thinking thing to do. she's about to walk off a cliff.
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>this also applies to incels
>>373944 Ethan Ralph Guntmaxxing
>>373945 ethan ralph won
>>373945 back when I lost weight last time it just felt sick having that gunt shite. You can feel the loose sagging skin pull on the point below the belly button where it gets tighter . Don't let your childhogs get fat, lads
>>373947 are you no longer at 22st?
Steiner finally found a lasshog
>>373948 I have been going up and down in weight forever, lad. I was recently 22st again, now I am like 21st
>5 years trying to get a gf >even longer trying to lose weight >no better off than when you started >gets harder the older you get
>>373951 smh lad I am the tortoise
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>>373950 just take some phentermine or semaglutide >>373951 5 years? maybe lower your standards
Spic everybody here wants you to die, fuck off.
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>>373953 >maybe lower your standards nnaah~
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>>373955 >bbc going out of their way to spread the poz not surprised, but here are the actual stamps >>373956 you have to. im sorry.
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amasing that my fat belly is just fat and blood vessels tbh. Such a BIG CHUNK of fat
Me and my gf
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why is this reality one of the worst imaginable? work a mindless job until you're burnt out for nothing or live on the poverty line on benefits, which I might add could be taken away from you at any moment where are the dragons and defending your kingdom against orcs? what absolute shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgSCiMKG5EM
wessie owes me posts
>>373962 what takes your fancy lad? considering doing some knockoff retard versions of steiner rants, I think I'll call them incel whinges and it'd just be traumadumping into a microphone being the most pathetic and unlikeable mummyblaming mongoloid imaginable
allah blesses the earthrockers
>>373960 fucking hate buffalo 42 shite film also bad memories from the lass who told me to watch it
>>373963 >it'd just be traumadumping into a microphone being the most pathetic and unlikeable mummyblaming mongoloid imaginable true, we already have ne of those.
https://youtu.be/tqZ5a6Z5Zgw this cow's feet were like the LAYERS of an ONION!!!!!
>>373965 >also bad memories from the lass who told me to watch it why? did she finger your bumhole?
>>373969 >moo crying as he cuts the onion keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>373963 yeah sure whatever man just keep em coming
>bought what looked like nice high quality pork chops >start frying one >go have a look after five minutes to find it reduced 50% in size and the pan full of a vile mixture of water and fat with extra chemical bouquet added oh yeah I forgot we live in a dystopian clown world hypercapitalist hell where "meat" can be advertised and sold like that >>373973 the halcyon days of (138)+ shan't return lad smh
>The mother of the Oklahoma girl who fatally stabbed her younger brother earlier this year in a “demonic” rage said the middle aged “never had behavioral issues” in the past and blamed the attack on the effects of medication. >The “pair loved each other and always got along until the very end,” she wrote on a GoFundMe page. >“They never physically hurt each other on purpose, that just wasn’t who they were,” she added, noting that her daughter “never had behavioral issues” before the attack. >Lyda admitted, however, that the girl was “put back on a medication she was off for over a year” shortly before the incident. >Lyda declined to disclose the type of medications her daughter was taking, but said they were not for psychiatric purposes. >She said that her daughter was taken off the medication again when she started cutting herself, but “it was too late the damage was done.” >In the harrowing footage, the 12-year-old can be seen sputtering “I’m so sorry!” repeatedly and telling police that she was overwhelmed by “demonic s–t.” https://nypost.com/2023/06/01/mom-of-middle aged-who-allegedly-killed-brother-blames-medication-for-demonic-rage/amp/ chudlock holmes already deduced the daughter was transitioning into being a boy and the "medication" is likely therefor hormone therapy.
I need to get a hobby, passive observation of the concentrated evil captured on the internet is destroying my soul.
>>373977 join me in playing diablo 4 tonight
>>373978 I already goom I meant a constructive hobby like drawing or a sport.
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>>373977 tabletop gaming, historics, specifically. check to see if there's a local wargaming club nearby >>373978 There are sooo many cool classes to play, even though I am over 30 years old. I might play them all!! I love playing games, especially games with DEMONS (heck yeah) in them!!! Gaaahh how do I make such an important life decision on which one to play first?? I wish there was a demon class. Then I would pick that as my first class. I’m very happy about the body type representation the Druid provides. When he turns into a bear and skips around like an imbalanced fat fairy, that reminds me of myself. Only less than 19 hours to go until I can play. Play play play! I’m gonna play! Do you want to play with me? It’s time for me to play. I’m going to play so hard at this game, it will probably be the most I’ve played since the last game I played.
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>>373979 Drawing is fun, cheap, and easier than almost everyone expects. Take the loomis pill.
>>373980 >19 hours to go until I can play LLAAAAAAAAADDDDD
Junge AFD, the youth wing of the conservative AFD which polls at 17% have been proscribed as an extremist organisation. >MAINZ, Germany — Germany’s security services are stepping up efforts to monitor and contain the threat from modern far-right extremists amid a rise in politically motivated hate crimes. >Earlier this week, the country’s domestic intelligence service branded the youth wing of the country’s biggest far-right party a dangerous extremist group. >The seriousness with which the authorities are taking the issue has increased dramatically in recent years, according to Kai Arzheimer, a professor of politics at the University of Mainz in Germany, who studies far-right extremism. >“Politicians and the security apparatus have underestimated or downplayed the scale of the problem for decades. Thankfully, this began to change even under the last administration,” he said. >The country’s domestic intelligence service, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (known by the German abbreviation BfV), has designated the youth wing of the the Alternative for Germany, or AfD, as extremist. >A decade after it was founded as a more conventional party critical of the European Union and integration, the far-right AfD is now firmly a part of the Germany political landscape. An opinion poll from German public broadcaster ZDF on Friday gave it 17% of the national vote — enough to become the third-strongest party in the country. >Its youth wing, the Young Alternative for Germany (known via the German abbreviation JA), which has members as young as 14, is the first German group to be branded as extremist since the Nazi era, its members described as “arsonists and cue-givers of hate” by BfV President Thomas Haldenwang this week. The AfD as a whole was put under official surveillance by domestic intelligence service in 2021. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/germany-far-right-hate-crimes-extremist-rcna86173
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>>373982 NO... FREAKING... WAY... BRO...
>>373983 *sighs*Æ
>>373981 >downloaded the zip but never decompressed it
fried my chop with white pepper and herbs and it still tasted like nothing actually impressive tbf >>373983 can't have shit in gayworld farcical
>>373983 based free and open democracy
>>373983 Day of the honking can't come soon enough.
(4.92 MB 640x360 1685377065146703.webm)

>>373990 good lad, my favourite tbh got bramble jam instead a few days ago and it's just not the same
>>373971 she....she....she did........
>>373991 that shit is like napalm when it starts burning
>>373996 race traitor
>>373996 *umbra's him in half and captures his greater bitterfish goblin skirmisher soul in azura's star*
>world war I letter from wife saying nature called so she fucked another man.webm
normies try to not have a good take challenge: Impossible. Why is it that they can be the worst leftist feminist shits and also Tate and q retards, but not goodlads?
>154 you're gonna make 200, kid
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One day he'll be a >(1488)
>>374002 taking full advantage of the additional thread maximums on 8moe offers new and unparalleled (you) opportunities
>>374001 the vast majority of people simply do not have the time or energy to actively investigate politics or interrogate their own beliefs, and that's a good thing. think of any significant political revolution in history, in general they didn't come from a mass of people adopting a new ideology and confronting a contradiction in their beliefs and the state ruling over them. the masses were first seduced by small organised groups presenting select aspects of a new ideology accustomed to the interests of the largest demographics of the nation. the vast majority of vietnamese, chinese or russians had never read the communist manifesto let alone das kapital or kept up with the decade long discourse within marxist and socialist circles, but they had interests and were aware of them. once a small cadre of marxists had taken charge of a movement for the interests of these people they fell in line, likely still having no idea what it all meant. and that was to the benefit of those they supported, from SRs, trotskyists to menshaviks the communist movements greatest threat was always internal disputes on abstract ideological debates. its if anything better to force people into a linear means of analysing their interests rather than vast politicisation of the masses as doing so only creates the small core of ideologues in charge of a nation new enemies.
>>374005 Our beliefs aren't complex either though smh.
>>374005 just redpilled my local pub and the bazzerbond has already infiltrated the local government. we're simply waiting on wessie's order to strike.
>dad stomping around passive aggressively mumbling and sighing because mummy made him go and put on a 'za for me 🙄 shut the fuck up #workhorse
Me lying down
>troonish-leaning posts again wipe his postcount
>look on soybooru for evilsons >immediate steinerian lunacy keeeeek
>>374015 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek what the fuck is that middle monstrosity
>>374016 "colorjak" variant not sure if it started as an autism mockery or was specifically designed for the youtube kids soyop don't know any of the soyjakparty lore tbh
>>374017 Based https://youtu.be/RIu4vrI5Fw4 this one had me keeking before. Dorsetcore https://youtu.be/5kDmG_PazJA
>>374018 2 is terrifying tbh wonder if it's fucked up any raised-by-smart-TV children already
>>374019 Trust me, all the soytube kids videos are better than what most kids watch. I've seen some of what my niece and nephew watches and it's just numbing. It's hispanic or mutt families trying to ape children entertainment with no voice acting. Basically Mr. Bean but really bad and with a gang of niggersren angle. It's so bad and boring I don't know why they get hooked or why it's successful
(1.46 MB 640x360 6Gd6lMMKCDCivP4l.mp4)

>>374022 I don't envy the man that has to catalogue all those pictures.
>>374022 I thought you were exagerrating but it really is 10k dick pics keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. God that was an embarrassing time for 4chan and wasn't there some media pushing it really hard too? I vaguelly feel like there was some chink obsessed with biden cock
At this point we could have a naked hunter giving a thumbs up infront of caged children in rags and no one would give a shit.
>>374011 Wew but also fuck boomers.
This Blair lad from the australian nazi podcast said something I found interesting, basically comparing a homo's urge to bum a man is the same as a nigger's urge to rob a shop. Encouraging them to be homo is just encouraging them to follow their most animalistic urges and have no hecking self-controllerino, which he also argued is one of the reasons homos do drugs.
cmd prompt just opened and closed out of the blue lads…..
>>374028 yeah windows 10 and 11 does that because it's a compromised piece of shit.
>>374028 Certain program's background update procedures open cmd briefly, for whatever reason
>>374030 first time it’s ever happened for me
Wow lads Britain is back on the world stage. We managed to get the Iranian government to hand over their subversive race traitors before immediately planting them into the whitest part of our country. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-65764779
well look who's fallen now
on a certain conceptual level the president of the united states does represent "the west", so for him to fall...
>>374021 Those cadets in the back laughing grinning taking photos keeeeeeeeeekee
>>374035 It's so gay to have a leader of the country be hated by half the country tbh. Biden should just slaughter all the magapedes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Vimto and sleep deprivation for supper
>at least 100,000 new immigrants arrive in britain every month
>>374039 yeah I can remove the glass I think but it's the crack right at the bottom between the door and the oven I need to get at can't really reach in there with a paper towel or a toothbrush and there's a rubber seal or something in the way too that I don't want to break smh shithole coombox lost all identifying marks and documentation for the inbuilt appliances long before I moved in too
>>374037 Name a democratic leader in the last century that had at least half the population in favour of him?
>>374045 >question mark spotted the beta
>>374043 Stop being a deconstructing pleb.
ok everything seems normal, i guess ill keep using this zog controlled /brit/ box. >>374045 OWNED
>>374046 If I ban you do I get my chad credentials reinstated?
>>374049 *screams* I've said it before, mods need to wear badges attached to their posts so we will know not to bullycide them
>proudly wears white flag on mouth
>>374050 found the beta
>>374052 Does that mean you’re a beta tester?
>>374053 No an alpha tester clearly.
(2.53 MB 309x498 nanachi-made-in-abyss.gif)

>no u pretty beta
>>374055 A chad would have stuck by his comment without flinching at the sight of a ban.
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better get back to your diablo 4 now lad.
>>374045 auslad
>>374058 He was installed by SA and any other view is revisionism.
>>374040 good lad
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Hun tenkar, hun tenkar det, hun tenkar. Hun er den enaste jeg tenkar på~ ♫ 🎸 >>374057 That's in an hour, lad. Been spending the last few days trying to think of a nickname for a character smh. Nailbiting
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek This goblin https://twitter.com/jrpsaki/status/1652741396514627588
looking forward to the sea cow tbh.
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>watching news at 10 >Story about house prices and how difficult it is to build a house >they interview an indian couple trying to buy a house >they even have the indian accent >zero reference to them being foreign at all How do people not see shite like this and not instantly get it, npc theory is 100% real, our country is literally just an economic zone
>>374067 oh my god why would they put his name out keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>374067 >they way they describe the images
>>374071 yeah I prefer this
>>374068 Yeah >“You’re not getting into any trouble but your name will be published for teh lulz tbh lad keeeeeeeeeeek”
Lads, get your cocks
>Click on any page on any website >cache of images saved to your hd >persistent until you manually delete it >unfortunately remain cached for years on your computer and doesn't get touched for a few years. >House gets searched for other reasons, cops pull that data out and you get done for possession, >”well easy nick, sarge, lol”
heh, he really thinks he's going to make 200
stop spoilering boring images fuck
>>374080 6 years
seacow time

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