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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3884: Francisco Franco Edition Anonymous 07/30/2023 (Sun) 10:34:55 Id: 7fdd67 No. 389591
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:21:04.
>>389591 why's the font so large?
>>389586 She's cute
>>389596 the average /brit/izen in 20 years
>>389595 ???????????
>>389600 in the article, lass
Men's behaviour course
>>389602 Idk >>389604 Far left looks nice
>>389595 God you’re right it’s MASSIVE
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>>389608 Thought that said Rodeo Masterbation Parade for a minute Not interested now
>>389608 I have no love for flips >>389609 Keeeeeeeeek
>Masbate City Wankers could at least spell it right
why didn't she just wiki haiti history
https://streamable.com/zeo8cy ' ripe 35 year olds for all of us
>>389615 Ikke gjør dette hjemme
>>389617 31+single 31+childless 31+not happy
>tfw my tourism plans are so kino yet no one can appreciate them, i'm like an obscure music fan
>>389619 tourism plans?
>>389620 Yes, I'm taking Martin on a trip
Based niggers,we're back
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m82bI1QCRdA Icelandic vulcano eruption live
>>389624 Oy vey, an antisemite can't have a gold tick!
>>389626 Is this parody?
>>389618 28+gf 28+child guaranteed by 30 28+happy
You gave me 3 (You)s. You get none from me.
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>>389630 That's alright lad, times are hard and (You)s are few after all. Take a 4th from me to (You).
>>389623 Manlet problems
>>389626 @richboysunak Now THIS is real leadership and courage! What an ordeal the brave congressman has endured and not even ONE pissbottle in sight the whole time! That would immediately qualify him for position of Troop leader in the SAS unlike any action you have taken in your short tenure as PM. A lesson, I venture, to be learned!
https://youtu.be/GVQxcNTJt1Y?t=658 Keeeeeeek the show is so childish and then suddenly a rape scene
>>389635 Love this farageposting
tired gimmick tbh it's over for bb274f
The decision is split 50/50 by the judges, it's now up to YOU the viewers to phone in and cast your vote Will farageposting make it through to the next round?
>>389638 Norgger
After D’Stabulous was read a passage from Chekhov by his sensabbi Stephen Seagull he decided he now want him som’ ‘o dat fine fine Japoontang >When, to satisfy your curiosity, you have intercourse with a Japanese woman, you begin to understand Skalkovsky, who is said to have had his photograph taken with a Japanese whore. The Japanese girl’s room was very neat and tidy, sentimental in an Asiatic sort of way, and filled with little knickknacks – no wash basins or objects made out of rubber or portraits of generals. There was a wide bed with a single small pillow. The pillow is for you; the Japanese girl puts a wooden support under her head in order not to spoil her coiffure. The back of her head rests on the concave part. A Japanese girl has her own concept of modesty. She keeps the light on, and if you ask her what is the Japanese word for such and such a thing she answers directly, and because she doesn’t know much Russian points with her fingers or even picks it up, also she doesn’t show off or affect airs and graces as Russian women do. She laughs all the time and utters a constant stream of ‘ts’ sounds. She has an incredible mastery of her art, so that rather than just using her body you feel as though you are taking part in an exhibition of high level riding skill. When you climax, the Japanese girl picks a piece of cotton cloth from out of her sleeve with her teeth, catches hold of your ‘old man’…and unexpectedly wipes you down…All this is done with artful coquetry. >Chekhov
>Sometimes the Communist authorities tried to cover up crimes related to racial hatred, so as not to raise the social tension. An example of this is the crime committed by a truck driver named Eugen Grigore, from Iași who, in 1974, to avenge the death of his wife and his three children caused by a group of Roma, drove his truck into a Roma camp, killing 24 people. This fact was made public only in the 2000s.[49] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani_people_in_Romania#During_the_communist_regime_and_after_1989
>>389644 They str8 up no apologies h8 them in that part of Europe and I mean 100% of them whatever political affiliation h8 them and now hopefully - after a good dose of their antics - everyone knows why. Glorified protected pajeet scum
>>389644 Justifiable even without the death of his family. Exterminate Roma.
>>389643 >Japoontang Sounds exquisite https://youtu.be/oINFx-xhmkc
wow thanks to youtube i will never be socially retarded again!
>>389648 keeeek imagine taking advice from ben shapiro
> Jean-Gabriel Domergue was a French painter often described as “the inventor of the pin-up” for his wide-eyed, slender-necked portraits of Parisian women from the 1920s 22st can’t see how his art inspired the style in Vampire Hunter D Is he retarded or am I?
>>389651 fourth is Millais THOUGH
rare kier starmer
>>389653 *ignores (You)
Helmer is dead and he’s not coming back
>bypass denied ACK >>389654 >>389655 CORR >>389658 wish are polishits was actually like this smh
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and then they raped and lynched her
>>389658 keeeek
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>another weekend wasted can't wait for toil in a few hours!
>>389662 yeah. 3 hours *screams*
>>389660 imagine being a simple poo farmer in a village thats 800 men and 12 women and you have this bitch flaunt in your face while you're trying to do your one past time of watching trains.
>>389662 You could of learnt mandarin, a couple of programming languages, benchpressed your own weight a 100 times and concieved a child this weekend chud
this being mid 30s malarkey is tough lads. at least before when life was shite i had hope, now it's abundantly clear i'm ngmi. even if i make it i'll be 40 so who cares. fml, another tinnie i think
*starts crying*
>>389666 yeah not easy being 30scel
>>389566 he looks lusitanian

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>>389666 yeah gonna be 33 soon all I can cope about is now I have my own business and am a tradefag but other than that its just fml. I feel like in the past being in your 30s as a man was great now its just the shite transition from being not taken seriously as a polface sperg into being an invisible workhorse.
the most important thing is to realize that most of society is just in a sort of stockholm syndrome loop of normalization where they cannot cope that our society is collapsed. there is no historical precident for this kind of currency debasement where the vast majority of men are without property and impoverished and the oligarchy is totally detached from them. its more similar to the latifundia system in mid rome
2023 culture is women walking around in underwear and mullatos selling goyslop on TV while everyone pretends they aren't financially bankrupt
>>389672 >more similar to the latifundia system in mid rome tbh if you aren't married and living the checkbox life your just seen by everybody as a toilslave asset
>great grandfather had a house, farm, wife and 5 children by the time he was my age
he went on to have 13 childhogs
Wasn't society meant to collapse rn? What happened with that?
>>389676 my grandfather was a dirt peasant in the hills of CALABRIA
>>389680 Woes?
>>389676 >>389677 he was obviously a go getter compared to a little incel like you, its just a coincidence that you are suffering while society is collapsing at the same time, take some personal responsibilty
>>389665 >You could of learnt mandarin And you could have learned English!
>>389679 the uk was 97% white in 1971 so 99% of poopyskins have been here like 50 years at most. even the old ass dot heads you see probably immigrated here after blair. there are no well established non-white communities in england outside of london and liverpool.
>>389671 Get a girlfriend, sweaty.
My grandfather had two children by my age and was demolishing parts of Liverpool so that my enemies could build glass dildos in the place of majestic warehouses. Other granddad was divorced and married to other nanma though, was a building contractor. I'm doing pretty good sans the childhogs tbh
when the latifundia slave gets to coooommm
>sans choldhogs Fucking retard. That means you're not doing good.
>>389676 yeah you aren't just working hard enough you need to have 3 jobs work 7 days a week for wages that corrected for inflation should be triple what they are in order to purchase assets that have been inflated 300x what they were in the past while paying massive taxes for foreign invaders to breed in your lands
You need to assassinate Ronald McDonald
>>389689 An estate owner could claim a laborer as a colonus adscripticius with the intention that this person would provide him services. The landowner would also need to show proof through two documents, such as a conductio instrumentum (a labor contract), or a copy of the publici census adscription (a receipt of his enrollment into the public tax register). These documents would prevent people from being unknowingly drawn into the adscripticii, as such contracts were often not able to be annulled. By signing onto a contract, a man would sign his family, children, and self into the adscripticii. The birth status, or origo, of this family and descendants would thus be “adscripticii”. According to the rules of international private law, one's origo determined their hometown, public and private law system, and the public tasks they must perform (munera and honores). In the cases of the colonus adscripticius, their hometown was substituted or replaced with the estate of the landowner. Therefore, the land owner could summon one of his colonus farmers to perform duties, such as the way a town could summon its citizen to perform public duties. If the landowner of the estate should sell his property, the coloni adscripticii tied to the estate would be forced to work for the new owner. Thus, they were forced to do the bidding of the landowner, attached to a specific plot of land, and bound to the contract indefinitely. The only difference between the coloni and slaves was that the coloni were attached to a specific piece of land, and could not be sold or separated from it.
>tell lass how much you make in a year >get ghosted
Just so bored of the west and it's tired myths
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonus_(person) imagine this but the romans are importing visigoths and the roman goyslop in the arena has all the roman women lusting after hulking dacian and gallic gladiators or those exotic thuringians
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>>389695 western women are just a complete fucking meme they will cope about their meme jobs but women will be like 200k in debt and then go out and finance a car while paying rent on a job they make 50k a year on so their savings account is like 300 dollars max then they will turn around and judge some incel for making 25k a year at some low status job while living with mummy but having 10k in savings
>>389695 many such cases
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watching it again lads
Do you think the EFF will win the next South African election in May 2024
>>389698 Don't worry they'll come around when they are in their mid thirties ttps://streamable.com/zeo8cy '
just want a gook gf that makes me live in the garage
>>389704 He was happier in the garage
>Anthony Mathumba, an EFF councillor of the Makhado Local Municipality, is currently in court for hate speech. In June 2020, he is alleged to have created a Twitter account where he pretended to be a white woman and made racist comments to black women.[143][144][145]
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everythin is goin to be ok
>>389707 This but para-ironically
>>389706 wish I'd spent more time making racists comments on twitter before making throw away accounts became (practically) impossible. smh
can't imagine how kino and comfy it would've been having sex slaves in the roman empire. life would've been constant ecstasy
hm should I just go to bed and not show up to work
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Coloni were not the only class of people tied to their livelihoods by the late Roman state. Certain workers deemed essential to the Roman state, such as soldiers, blacksmiths, and ship captains were enrolled in their positions, branded on the hand to mark them for life, and legally prohibited from leaving their positions. Their children would be required to follow them in their careers. In this way, the Roman state is sometimes seen as introducing the rigid social system of the Middle Ages, if not a form of caste system. Prior to the time of Diocletian, collegia, or guilds, had operated as social or fraternal organizations of workers. Diocletian required certain guilds to supply some amount of labor to the state. This was designed to ensure that goods and commodities deemed essential—such as weapons, armor, bread, clothes, etc.—would be available. Workers were required to remain in the collegia for life and be succeeded by their sons. Workers in state-owned factories had even stricter regulations. These factories, which produced weapons, armor, shields, and clothing for the army, were deemed of great importance to the state. Workers were given ranks and branded on their hands in case http://www.saylor.org/hist301/#7.3.3 The Saylor Foundation Saylor.org Page 5 of 7 they escaped. They were regarded as essentially slaves, they were required to live in a barracks, and they could only marry daughters of other workers. Like coloni and members of collegia, their positions were hereditary. Workers in state-owned marble quarries and mines, and workers engaged in the production of purple dye (the use of which was restricted to the emperor and his family) were treated likewise, as the Roman government deemed these necessary commodities for the smooth running of the state. Soldiers were also branded and given hereditary status
>Five transgender people were arrested in Uttar Pradesh's Kasganj district for allegedly shaving a man's head off, urinating on him and forcing him to consume the urine. They were also accused of stealing Rs 10,000 from him. The victim was rescued by the people working in nearby fields while they were trying to castrate the him. >After the incident occurred on July 26, the victim filed a complaint with the police, after which a case was registered. >A video of the incident has also emerged where three of the five accused can be seen shaving the victim's head. Later, one of the accused can be seen urinating on the victim. >The police have arrested five people in connection with the case. >According to the complaint, the victim, Wadi Rafikul, used to work at the accused's house earlier. However, he had quit and started working at another transgender person's house. >This change seems to have enraged the accused transgender people, leading to the incident. https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/india/story/transgender-people-arrested-uttar-pradesh-shave-man-head-urinate-on-him-2413759-2023-07-30
Need to update my drip, baggy is back
>>389714 so many trannies have skullets, something else for them to seethe over.
>>389715 when do I get to wear a codpiece again smh
>>389660 okay, I would give dravidians a pass this one time.
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>ywn get to wear 5th century fashions
>>389720 get a shirt and belt sized for the biggest of shartcartchads tbh then you can have the BIG tunic and the BIG belt after boring a hole in it and letting the rest dangle
bae wants to play an online co op game. hmm
>>389721 yeah I get to larp like that at boomer toil with my BIG badger brand bags seems like UK tradies wear those pants with bags on them not the belt style like over here in US/leaf
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I'M THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN WHO YOU'RE TOO SCARED TO MENTION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B2a6l6wM2k
>>389726 Don't you dare
>>389665 This is true tbh >>389666 *puke Blatant poofery. What are you? A woman? Worse, maybe a zoomer? t. BooHoomer >>389671 You can feel what you want bud but you weren’t in your 30’s in the past. I’d wager you’d stand a better chance trying to feel up a woman than feel that self pitying non existent shite tbh t. Wahey
>>389726 Filthy racemixers. Kill them
fresh aryan warrior john jafari on nasty stinky poo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibR2eiOgl30
>>389726 >Margot Robbie how can you be married to that 7 years and not be pumping it full of semen. birth control pills literally killing it.
>jontron is steinerposting to millions
>>389694 So the beginnings of feudalism?
A very very angry and skinny 33 year old American incel called steiner in a chainmail head covering and sunglasses wearing big boy shoes on a beach with a constant steam of poopoo coming out of his arse~ you’re welcoom
>>389734 keeeeking at that chainmail stallhelm tbh
>mail-weighted navy seals
>>389731 >ywnb a skinny jingerjevv manlet who will dump a wife taller than you to fuck Barryanna Grinder > Ethan Samuel Slater was born on June 2, 1992, in Washington, D.C. He is the third child of Jay Slater, an employee at the Food and Drug Administration, and lawyer Ellen Goldmuntz, and is of Jewish descent. After attending Georgetown Day School, his family moved to Silver Spring, Maryland. Slater's mother died when he was seven, which he describes as a "really big, formative thing in my life. She had left this huge imprint on me, even though I had so few memories." He graduated from Georgetown Day School in Washington, DC, and studied drama at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York. During his time in college, he apprenticed at a Shakespeare workshop, which connected him to director Tina Landau. Slater graduated from Vassar with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2014.
>>389726 vgh hate that its mainly woodchucks and deers possums and coons on the road here
>>389735 Tbh it came out really well. Impressed
>suddenly toil begins
>>389740 rip lad
>>389740 You know you love it. Truck driving fills you with excitement
>>389738 HEY STEINER can you see what odysee booosting actually does? is it more efficient to just give your channel my poocoin or whatever it's called?
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>>389631 I don't understand the appeal of these gook faces. I can see if you were posting the thiccest 1% of them, okay, then they can be attractive butterfaces. but there's nothing to "hnnnnng" about here. I'll post an example of an attractive gook >>389633 cute
>>389745 how many of them are actually vaxxed?
Just watched Avatar 2, lads. I wasn't that bad. I thought it would be far more shite. Not that bad at all. Good even. Maybe because I expected far worse. Definitely better than the first.
Avatar 3: The Big Blue Poo
Avatar 4: Not So Blue Anymore
Avatar 5: There Could Be Niggers On This Planet
>>389752 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
found my old yearbooks, thought I threw them out years ago when I moved. just reminisced about the good old days when things were so simple for like half an hour, just standing there flipping through pages.. this one southern Italian dude I vaguely remember was based, he did Roman salutes and said he was fascist, signed my yearbook like "Your Führer, {Italian name here} (Sicilian mafia)" keeek ebin
>syrian refugee becomes first to be elected in germany after winning mayoral race in small town
>>389758 meanwhile in former GDR AfD is becoming the largest party
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>there has been an unknown login to your account from [H's phone type] in [location of H]
will mancslad finally get his comeuppance and get beaten bloody outside of Hyde B&M? tune to /brit/ next episode to find out
when's the new ukraine map dropping?
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>>389764 they really should be advancing fast (where it says they are doing that tbf) to get that front as close to a straight north south line/the dnieper as possible. need odessa as well so it becomes undeniable to my normie boomer family that the news is lying to them
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remember this lad?
>need odessa as well so it becomes undeniable to my normie boomer family that the news is lying to them "It will be done 282a84"
>>389766 this is what britain used to be about
>>389767 thank you, exciting!
>Little Juan, his Mama, Pedro Gonzales, Juanita Conchita, Maria Consuela Tequila Chiquita, Little Pepita Consuela Tequila Chiquita, Tanto the tarantula, Señor Gelato the ice-cream seller, Leonardo de Sombrero the pizza delivery boy, Señor Calculo the bank manager, Señor Manuel the greengrocer, Miss Constanza Bonanza the school teacher, Señora Fedora the balloon seller and mayor, Señor Loco the steam engine driver, Señor Chipito the carpenter and the local bandit Don Fandango could never get away with this these days tbh smh it was all just some good-natured fun
>>389770 wew, i didn't know el nombre had a whole cinematic universe and lore. didn't he come from those videos we watched in primary school in the early 90s called "words and pictures"?
>>389771 originally from numbertime tbh then there was a spin-off series
>>389772 good lad
the serial gookposter doesn't even have a good taste in gooks. sad!
>>389775 keeek still not as good as 24 hours of ghost noises though
>389774 disgusting coomer spic if you compare your gook fixations you will see he prefers his version of beauty over your version of lust there should be more to women than a negroid arse
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>>389777 gooks aren't all that beautiful though. they are often cute, and can occasionally be sexy (like the one I posted) >there should be more to women than a negroid arse yes, such as cow tits
>>389759 Also in the west of Germany apparently. The problem is Germany and therefore the EU are finished economically because of American treachery. They have a growth rate of a mere 6% and the only “solution” to that is for the EU to continue prosecuting this war at America’s behest until the destruction of Russia enables them to get their hands on their resources https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5OqUGufCbA
>>389777 Gookchasing leads to fatalities
I wonder who was behind this?
scottish and irish surnames such as dougall, dowell, douglas, or doyle are all derived from dubhgall (lit. dark stranger) during the viking age the term dubhgoill was used to describe danes - contrast with fionnghoill (lit. fair stranger) used to refer to norwegians later on fionnghoill was also used to refer to scottish gaels from the hebrides (which had since been brought under norwegian control) and sometimes also to refer to norman irish more commonly the norman irish were referred to as seanghoill (lit. old stranger) to differentiate them from the tudor english who were then called dubhgoill interesting to think about tbh luv etymologies and especially so for names can't find anything about surnames derived from fionnghoill or seanghoill though smh if there even are any
>>389781 >the government wants to "explore" intervening in situations where "other countries, cultures and religions are being insulted funny how they make no mention of doing the same for their own people really makes you think
>>389781 yeah I wonder what this is about- if it's just riling up the mooselimbs to paint a target on whites' back, or if there's something else going on here
>>389783 This is all because of pressure from the only democracy in the me
Melons getting bullied >Yes! We will do what America says. More niggers. Fuck China! >After a White House meeting with the US president, Joe Biden, on Thursday, the Italian prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, said her government had until December to make a decision on the BRI, and also announced she would soon travel to Beijing.
>>389785 really sick of them continuing to exist tbh ngl wish they'd get invaded by one of their allegedly evil neighbours who supposedly hate the tiny hat tribe more than anything and who justified all those forever wars by existing dumbest bunch of shabbos goyim who ever lived tbh >>389786 suppose prime minister is too high of an office for people to be allowed to make their own policies smh if you didn't sell your soul to take the fast track to the top then they'll just fabricate some leverage so you get to be a slave to zog without even doing any "partying" first
also while i'm seething i'm also sick of all those newly-minted zoomer chuds worshipping andrew tate who suck islam's dick for being trad and based the only things it gets right are banning usury and beating women tbqh and christianity already managed to do that just fine before it got subverted aside from that it's just an incoherent cult of personality that unfortunately outlived its founder and worse than that it's furrin
Had a weird sex dream featuring Ash Sakar. Haven't even seen her brown, moustached face for ages. Most troubling.
>>389789 troubled by dark spirits smh bad omen
>>389788 Cant really tell how popular Tate is among are zoomers tbh the scare stories of him being spoken about in classrooms have all stopped. Will clip my nephew round the ears if he starts asking me about bugattis tho >>389790 I didnt coom so my spiritual armour is intact surely
>>389791 them being torn apart by the evils their kind have exported to every other nation would bring me much joy
grand strategy map painters may malign me for this view but i believe a nation should not be bigger than whatever homogeneous group it contains different groups can learn to live together if forced to and will eventually reach some kind of understanding if conflict is prevented by a greater power but they'll always be pulling in different directions atheist homo kikes and torah neet kikes will never see eye to eye but israel's ethnogenesis myth insists that they're the same people if you have to paint a map the only thing that stands the test of time is a loose confederation of independent states who all benefit from aligning with each other and by stands the test of time i mean it at least has a chance of disintegrating gracefully instead of taking down the whole house of cards
>>389792 >Will clip my nephew round the ears if he starts asking me about bugattis tho good lad
>>389787 >Prime Minister too high of an office
>>389792 >I didnt coom so my spiritual armour is intact surely I did... I'm trying to perfect my technique for bathroom sink penis rinsing, basically turn the palm towards oneself and let the water run down it like a stream and it creates a high-pressure waterfall. after such a rinse it's basically as if one just took a shower, somewhat proud of myself for developing such a technique tbh
>>389796 few know this despite it being joked about often remember watching a dylan moran stand up show (not in person) almost a decade ago now or more where he jokes that when a new us president is inaugurated he's promptly escorted to a secluded dimly lit room where they show unseen footage of the jfk assassination recorded from the grassy knoll and ask "any questions?" to which the newly incumbent president replies "only what my policies will be sir" >>389797 lad you just invented sink pissing in reverse tbh like a penile bidet better update your will
imagine the effect of just one (1) baste & redpilled politician reaching high office and being given "the deal" only to publicly expose them and accept inevitable death and character assassination die-hard niggercattle would see the news articles showing how he was a frequent flyer on the loli express (which doesn't actually exist mind you that's just a far-right dogwhistle) and spit on his grave but for the wishy-washy undecided middle ground it would be a very uncomfortable and hard to avoid truth
>>389799 yeah if only somebody would have the balls to flip the table over on the whole system... Blumpf should have done this, but he didn't
>complete ETW campaign objectives >but it makes you wait until 1750/1799 anyway >and the game arbitrarily crashes after processing a random turn just like any other, with nothing happening before or during it >the game is not winnable I hate CA so fucking much stupid fucking faggotniggerbastards too jewish to fix their fucking games for almost two decades
>>389800 tbh what a disappointment not really surprising considering who he was surrounded by all his life but still smh the perfect opportunity up in smoke tbh don't think there's ever been a better time in history where people could receive that message and then he decides that actually living ten more years hated by everyone with a triple digit iq while dumb boomoids pray to him for salvation was a better way to go >>389801 don't worry lad you won your campaign i saw it in a dream
>>389802 it seems the frogs are at fault for this >Spain conquers France >Quebec forms >game crashes on processing Quebec's turn bravo CA small indie company, please understand
wasted maybe a week on that shit
>>389803 vous ne pensiez pas pouvoir gagner, n’est-ce pas?
>>389767 keeeeeeeeek
>>389781 >freedom of expression is important >also just ban it ok *screams*
>>389807 queuing for what lad?
>>389809 my phone needed a screen protector. Had to buy a new phone a few weeks ago since the poolice took the other one
>>389810 how long has it been now? such spiteful bullies smh
>>389811 dno. 6... 7 weeks? Maybe more? Not like people need their phones or computers in life *screams*
>>389812 What’s the time limit for holding your stuff? Bully your lawyer to get it back and say it’s harming your mental ulf and write yourself into a leper colony in the Finnmark so you can jump the border to sweden Finnland or Russher or maybe flee to Svalbard
>>389814 They can hold them indefinitely. My brother's friend who was suspected of terrorism still has his things seized 3 months later smh I don't want to be vored by bolar bears
>>389815 >suspected of terrorism wew what did he do, call a troon "he" on twitter?
>>389817 I don't know the story tbh, but I doubt there is anything serious
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>>389815 >Terror keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Just being white and disagreeing online with government policies is enough for that charge nowadays as they try and balance the terror stats Just vore them back
>>389819 what a boring video. Wake me up when they have a proper discussion and argumend
>>389821 Sweden is going to crack down on terror now, but what that really means is just more surveillance over based goodlads
>>389822 That’s not possible. This bloke did a takedown of her bigoted brainlet takes https://ronmurp.net/2017/05/03/julia-ebners-hit-job-is-everyone-far-right/
>>389823 Tbh that’s all it amounts to. They’ve given the police new weapons as well and taken away the pretty based Carl Gustaf smg No doubt they’ll deploy their efnic army and police to root out the Golden Ones
>>389824 >I think white supremacism is a dumb idea. >white supremacism doesn’t actually have a clear manual like the Quran to give its supremacist any supernatural authority (though some might try to derive it, clearly mistakenly, from the Jew, Jesus – that’s how dumb white supremacism can get).
>>389825 >how Sweden and Finland went from neutral to Nato >show an obvious non Scandi or Slav mongrel interloper no doubt ruining the country they are in Wdtbbcmbt lads?
>>389827 If only you knew how Swedish things are
>>389829 Remember that news story about newly arrived migrants being taught about how to use guns?
>>389830 Yep. And this is the result disloyal army of occupation to brutalise and oppress the indigenous peoples
Fresh holocaust caused by antisemitic French roads, cars and everything else
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>>389744 >>389774 These are trash. Vulgar, low class. None of this nonsense about chubby women, butterfaces, overtly sexual smut. I like pretty faces and smiles. Women are more attractive when they're well dressed, too.
>>389833 >Mum-of-ten
Well-groomed hair is also a plus
>>389834 Disgusting. Go and have a wank and get it out of yer system
not really very experienced in armchair generalling but i've been playing a lot of mgsv lately and its 1980's setting has really got me thinking so many weapons used in this war are from the late-ish 20th century or earlier (i.e. 60s, early 70s) aside from the drones and advanced missiles it feels like this war could've been fought decades ago with not much changing that seems too reductionist though so am i missing something?
>>389838 There are only so many ways to configure two wings and a jet engine or a cannon on tracks with some armour plating. Qualitative advantage nowadays comes from battlefield information management and the availability of high quality real-time intel to field officers
>>389839 yeah that makes sense tbh guess it's no different than complaining about how people have been using the unitary metallic cartridge for over two hundred years without a major paradigm shift all that's left is continuous incremental improvements on the same basic concepts
>>389841 They've been this brazen for decades already. Hard to fathom why a single whiteoid would stay in Souf Ngubu land.
>>389842 A lot of poor and dumb people I guess, and also people just tied to the land
>>389841 sucks to be a delusional kumbayah mong i guess
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>>389840 I think they don’t consciously want to make advances so great technologically so most people can get their heads around simple weapons systems if they have to draft and what >>389839 said has been the main focus of tech development. It’s an area which can be can significantly change outcomes and be taught to the smaller amount of people with ability to grasp it. Giving cannon fodder laser rifles wouldn’t make as much difference so they don’t invest in it.
>>389841 What a lovely target for a MOAB or two
>>389847 Tbh they're less intresested in ensuring peace through victory in war than they are in making profits or just killing innocent people for Satan, like with muhbortion and euthanasia.
Allegedly these dwarfs were drawn by Hitler
>tf no Ching Chong Ping Pong Long Dong Gong Bong
>>389850 somebody call the nonce hunters
>>389798 The was bill hicks not dylan moran.
>>389765 The west is now aiming for a frozen conflict, if they can make it taxing enough the Russians may not bother advancing because it becomes hard to explain away why so many young men are returning in boxes.
>>389779 Well then they're doubly fucked because Russia isn't going to collapse and even if it was it would not be in the timeframe needed before Germany gets starved out by lack of cheap resources.
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>brother's foreign gf making foreign smelling food great
>>389861 did he go and get a chinky lass?
>If you earn £24 k a year in Britain you are considered well off >Top 5% in UK earn £80 k house price is £240 k 3 x that salary >Top 5% in US make $400 k average house price is 1.3 times their salary
>>389863 A Brazillian
>>389855 He didn’t have a choice did he ugly nasty poo
>>389859 Tbh. EU is fucked big time. They’re gonna have to print more money and inflation is already through the roof there they’re going to need to import more bames to help fix it as well just like us! Imagine all the things they’ll but that we can’t afford to and all the jobs they’ll do that we don’t ot can’t because we’re not politicians..I’m talking about drug dealing and murder here
>>389864 Root of the problem must be the .1% with empty second homes and not open ended mass immigration to the west from the third world.
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I am sure housing prices will go down soon
>>389870 German surname so probably 100% pure white, r-right?
>>389869 Even if they dipped 30% they'd still be unaffordable.
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>>389873 keeeeeeek >>389872 tbh smh. Parents don't even own their house 30 years later
>>389874 god I miss that show it was so kino
>>389868 Also immigrants launder money through property by pooling it from drug earnings and bribing etnically affilited or just corrupt estate agents to say they’ve paid a higher deposit than they have So they can borrow money from the bank dodge stamp duty because they’re muslim or pretend to be and also do the self employed trick where they ‘earn’ 12k but then get the rest in dividends. Mum and dad cornershops roll everything over that’s why they all drive S Class mercs an sheeit. They pay hardly any tax on anything meanwhile we get fucked
>>389877 Yeah sounds about right.
>>389878 They play by different rules entirely and are enabled whereas we are handicapped also because we don’t work together to help each other out
>>389879 Honestly they're always tight when you work for them as well, always try to barter you down for your work or get something done for free.
>>389881 what is the explanation for it being a week late again? This really doesn't work in the current year
>>389882 dog ate it so he had to do it again.
All ethnic businesses do this >Declare 12k pa earnings - this attracts no income tax or National Insurance contributions >Declare the rest after writing everything else off against the business as dividends which attracts no national insurance contributions and is taxed at a better rate >’losses’ from previous years can be offset against any future capital gains taxes You will not know any of this unless you have family in business or tax legal advice which is why they insist their kids become accountants and lawyers - to provide free personal services at gaming the system Mr. Uber Mohammed never pays an taxes at all Even big corporations can’t pull the stunts they do tbh
do women go infront of their bathroom mirrors and whisper "get smaller get smaller get smaller" to their vaginas
>>389885 I see he has to try and placate the incels that vored him when he made a video like this about men(that ended up being mostly foid worship)
>>389884 I suppose you could learn to do this if you sat down and spent a while learning the tax code.
>>389885 >>389887 is he aging out and can't get poossy anymore so he's starting to incel signal for his viewers?
>>389884 smh the tax agent who I had help me with my boomer toil business wouldn't let me claim my truck as a business expense listed it as 47 percent business use when it needed to be 50 percent so then I could write off 8k purchase but instead I had to pay taxes. fucking dumb whitoid boomer cunts fuck over their own youth but probably do as you say for wogs
>>389884 >insist their kids become accountants and lawyers - to provide free personal services at gaming the system tbh I've noticed mudsharts and other foreigners do this a lot
>>389889 He has at least one son
>>389891 I can't blame them its the dumbfuck whitoids that have this retarded individualist/anti white concept where they actively suppress their own youth
>>389890 That's why most sole traders here self assess and in their personal assessment their vehicle is always 90% work use. It's just you need to prove it's ensured with business insurance first but that is also written off against the tax.
>forked road >boomer with no lived experience of the current year on the left >tate on the right
>>389895 tate is a fucking huckster and conman also a nigger.
>>389880 Everyone complains about this. Another trick they employ is offering themselves for free or cheap to get tech jobs ( talking about internships and work experience ) lowering wages and then getting all their families and mates in.
Amish niggas apparently game the system pretty hard in shartica
>>389886 Probably use botox on it
>>389900 Gaddafi lost every war he fought.
>>389898 yeah they are fucking kikes scamming the "english" for healthcare worse than spics and niggers. they bussed the entire village to a free dental clinic for poorfags paid for by a uni and the catholic church hospital in our town
>>389902 Considering France had to come in to protect their precious wogs in that conflict I don't blame him for losing that one.
>>389903 sounds like zog slave seethe THOUGH
>Young people(niggers and browns) in Swedish town worry for the future because of quran burnings
Did you know Islamists in the Muslim Brotherhood get really pissed of when Palestinians claim to be Canaanites, Tunisians claim to be Carthaginians and Algerians claim to be Numidians?
>>389907 I guess it detracts from the Muslim umbrella.
>>389906 Wait until they start Viking Saga burning niggers wish they’d do that tbh
>>389865 God, I bet she has a nice bumbum
>>389903 seethe more bootlicker
>>389907 yeah islam is an arab supremacist ideology masquerading as a religion
>>389912 the entire uni pipeline to fake middle classoid do nothing jobs needs to fucking die already. these zoomers just cope about muh salary when half of them are "looking" for jobs and they don't account for cost of living or anything like that I bet they are factoring for jobs in urbanic shitholes in coastoidic regions of burgerica where rent is 3100 a month
you'll notice the more a sand person identifies with the ancients that happened to live where he lives now the more libtarded he is thoever.
>>389915 yeah all shitskins need to fuck off regardless of what they think tbh
>>389912 >>389914 the UK is eastern europe tier outside of of London which is America tier.
>>389918 No london is not yank tier most people here are on those shit salaries mentioned in that tiktok.
Hi end for a lot of people is like 48k a year and the people I know that earn that work their bollocks off.
>>389919 i mean its full of poor goblinos and rich libtards
or you can work for a bank and get 110 k for being a junior analyst.
>>389921 It's full of rich foreigner more than anything.
would UK slags be impressed by my 30k-35k a year boomer toil
>>389925 yeah probably, it's enough for a barrett home and an audi a3 on finance.
>>389927 Just draft dodge. Also steiner is beyond conscription age.
>>389925 Don’t worry you’ll be a GI soon
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>>389927 im too old for the first round lad
how long do you have to keep a woman captured in a dungeon for her to fall in love with you?
first round cut off in USA is 28 or so they only will go for 30 plus boomers after the first major battlefield loss and by that time I will be in the huron national forest with probably a load of other chuds
>>389933 Lad I don't think they'd ever love you, just lull you into a false sense of security so they could escape and murder and mutilate you.
smh best to keep them locked up forever then
>>389930 Draft dodging is for richfags >>389932 Wybois first. Better work on that tan amigo
>>389927 imagine if the poonited shits and fartmerica actually went to war with some country like iran and got btfo'd to the point they physically run out of goyim to send to war. that would be the endgame for shitsrael.
>>389934 how bad would it have to be for that to happen? Even limited conscription in the US of that age range must give them millions of potential conscripts.
>>389939 ww3 tier probably nuclear war
Could be too expensive for steiner to live here tbh In two years we’ve taken a third of the legal migrants the US takes in the same amount of time and we’re only a third bigger than Florida
You're all boring the shit outta me. Make some good posts.
>>389941 >infrastructure investment hard fucking kek, like we have anyone that forward thinking in our government about the ballooning population.
Have to really wonder what the uk will be like in 15-20 years tbh, at current rates we will be a minority by then and I won't even be middle aged yet but will just be a lonely childless incel whitoid, what hope is there really, why even bother, its the end times tbh.
>If everyone is boring the shit out of me maybe I’m in the wrong place No. Yes, I’ll make another post instead demanding they entertain me
>>389945 There's time yet for a nuclear war or an economic collapse.
>>389945 Do a cheeky. >>389946 Boring post. Ban him.
le collapse is a fucking meme tbh
>>389945 that one bit with the hobbits in LOTR ya know?
If palestinians or west papuans can deal with getting absolutely dunked and dabbed on for 100 years straight I think I have the will power to stick around just to see how things turn out tbh.
>>389948 Avatar 2 is calling you again
>>389952 don't compare us to non whites, their stuggle is nothing compared to ours.
>>389954 they're also getting demographically replaced THOUGH
>>389953 Less boring than your utter shit posts despite being an alright/mediocre film.
>>389956 Thanks. Means alot to me
>>389957 Boring mad bitch being a bore. How about you bore off?
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>>389961 >The pair, who have taken the decision not to identify the painter, say they were left 'gobsmacked' and 'seething' by the message. keeeeeeeeeeeeek weak little arse lickers
>>389962 Thinking they whatcha doin’d the OMG
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VX4q_J9tp30
>>389964 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>389964 >*starts crying*
>Additional abnormalities may include impaired attention, reduced organizational and planning abilities, deficiencies in judgment (often presented as a tendency to interpret non-threatening stimuli as threatening), and dysfunctional decision processing.[34]
>>389959 >>389961 Boring! I read that boring article in the DailyMail this morning! Bored me to sleep just now! An article like this caused the mayhem that lost me my job smh, I wonder if the faggots at my old work tremble in fear when they remember my "intimidation" of them keek >>389962 keeeeeeeek >>389963 keeeek >>389964 keeeek
How is Emma Raducanu born in Coonada to Romanian and Chink couple ”British”?
Bored again. Someone advocate for illegal activities with their VPN off.
Tokyo optician’s at it again lads
>>389972 are these the abominations of the whide race I've heard about
>>389973 I seems so
Owwww! I have a hurty anus!
>sleepy hours 8 hours before sleepy time ahhhhhhhhhhh
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Cc8MSB7rm7M?feature=share Oh! Now that is worth a keek! I am having a keek at this moment! Twenty two stones! Take a photograph of me keeking!
>>389973 *blocks your path*
>>389981 *blocks your testosterone production*
>>389982 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >non-bbks itt I miss /newbrit/. Just me, myself, and the coolest dude I know (me)
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>>389986 dago scum
>>389982 He was spotted at Liverpool pride in his green bikini
Wish bbk would make himself useful and make some videos like this and post them here
>>389990 I made a phonecall one time, ain't that enuss?
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>>389989 scousetoks we de lids
>>389991 That one you made to Ginnie doesn’t count
No wonder he’s a mentalist https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PJG-YoAgCuM
>steiner’s greatest fear
Has anyone got the vocaroo of me calling that slag lads?
bbk is cool!
kill kniggers!
>muslim first minister >starts weapons program to bomb England FUCKING TYPICAL! https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/28/scotland-on-verge-of-becoming-space-superpower >comments
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Theyre doing it again https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66354363
>>389998 looks like I forgot to save it smh sorry lad
>>390005 smh, back when there was hope that racemixing cousin wasn't race mixing >>390007 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek diolch yn fawr, m'lord!
Wew >Abolish the Audit Commission and look what happens https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-66340991
https://youtu.be/OLpWaicALjg This is literally me
dem rape de bum bum of da kang gud an propa won afta di oda in de tred wey dey/it be postin rite now an ting
Russian SoonTroon says mobilization because Russia smells big war https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZd5dA5TDgA
Radio Bumbum!
>>390013 Cor 18 quid an hour binmen in Liverpool
Try that shit in my front garden. Fuck around and find out.
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>>390016 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek good lad
>>389985 sublime tbh >>390016 THIS AIN'T YOUR GRANNY'S STATION
>visiting mummy >she is listening to bbc news tfw
THEY'RE PROTECTING OBAMA TOO DAN BONGINO SPILLS THE BEANS ON A DEMOCRATIC COVER UP THAT WILL SHAKE THE NATION https://rumble.com/v32wri4-theyre-protecting-obama-too-ep.-2056-07282023.html
>>390025 >folds of honour
>>390026 Thank them for their service. NOW!
>>390027 it made me keek because shartcart mutts and fat folds
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>>390016 Keeking at it again.
>>390030 >dropped my (you)
>I live in a fantasy, wishing that you were near me. Cause I'm so in love with you. Even if you don't know my name. Whoa-haaa when I close my eyes, I'll just prey that you can hear me. Even if you're far away, far away, miles away... incelkino
>>389860 no way, was this recent? burma i'd guess. that's about 100 people buried alive, horrific
The richest man in the world is tweeting about White Genocide
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>>390035 and yet he never does anything with his money like say funding his fellow saffers to build enclaves or political parties or just straight hiring deniable asset mercenaries and going to work on the niggers
https://youtu.be/q3CLF9V_0Os now this one is bad >be workhorse >woman calls cops says you did X >cops shotgun you in the face
>>390037 How do you know this?
>>390039 because if he did he would be dead
DeSanctimonius going down in the polls faster than Stormy Daniels.
>>390040 He could die for a lot of other reasons.
God I wish that were me
>>390044 >picture of pretty woman >somebody's LARP text I'm sure this is a real event that truly happened in real life
>>390046 tasty slag tbh.
>>390045 >1 uh oh stinky
https://youtu.be/n5Fu6CyeeU4 >26:00 westoid soyciety will never have this kind of workhorsism again because you get no respect for this kind of danger and you would work this job then go home to mummies and goom whereas in those days you would have a family 2 cars and a hunting cabin
sorry meant 27:00 imagine walking on a chainlink fence 300 feet above a frozen lake
>>390046 cheating
>>390040 kind of answered your own question tbh
>>390050 tbh was actually worth the risk
>>390052 angry nativists smh
>>389626 >Name something you've done more impressive than... I headbutted a pregnant lass once.
>>390050 God I wish we still had running steel works here.
>>390060 who had that advert made lass?
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https://youtu.be/C_RGm64Dv6w >that rake hornpipe remix
>all the columbian volunteers in ukraine are looking to leave the country after serious disagreements with ukrainian commanders as the counter offensive stalls >many of the other western volunteers have also begun to leave the country too
>>390063 >not just going full almoghavar/ Condottieri and playing warband in real life why are modernoids such mental slaves also keeeeeking at the overly emotional beaner meltdown shite they are all the fucking same
modern warfare is basically a meme now, the west has been btfo by this whole thing, imagine if the muslims had these cheap 200 quiderino fpv drones during GWOT, would have been over for the sharts, they are lucky they got out of the middle east when they did tbh. 200 dollarinos to knock out a 2 million tank, the russians are just btfoing the ukies with the drones now they can't compete.
>amount of russian lancet and fpv videos released continues to increase dramatically
>>390065 I think the hol hols don't have much anything except untrained infantry and untrained tanks all unsupported this is similar to the iraq war now with russia in sharticas position. I am pretty sure CAS and AWACs shit would make drone spam less effective
sorry not CAS mean AAA
>>390067 >I am pretty sure CAS and AWACs shit would make drone spam less effective they would do precious little against fpv spam and the lancets have yet to be countered by anything, not to mention its about cost benefit, awacs is very expensive and cannot cover the whole front while the lancet can and does strike anywhere within 70 miles
>>390069 the cleanup after this war is over is going to be quite something. collapsed trenches full of corpses riddling farmland, there will be a red zone for years like there still is in france from the great war. probably not as many big kino craters though
>>390069 eh I'll wait until the main act before I start making claims. ATGM spam was already changing tactics back in 2011 I think drones are that mid level where once you destroy the foes air and support assets you can drone spam them more thank likely they will create some kind of helicopter variant with phalanx type AAA on it for drone counter
watching e-celebs at 1.75x talking about the coming collapse again. not healthy this
sleep when you poo or poo when you sleep neither is respected in this...this...soyciety
good morning I hate clown world
Hey homo, watcha doin?
Keeeeeeek can imagine 22st getting up to something like this kind of slag mithering > The court heard how the American got down on one knee at one event, and took Ms Lapwood's hand, telling her that they should be together. >When she told him she had a boyfriend, he replied that he 'can't accept that', and later chased her and her boyfriend across a car park after they left a hotel. >Ms Lapwood, who has more than 550,000 followers on TikTok, performed at the Royal Albert Hall in London on her return, but was left terrified after she spotted him at her meet and greet with fans once again after the show. >Itlater emerged that he had bought a one-way flight from America to continue his obsessive stalking of her. >In the following days, he was seen repeatedly busking outside Pembroke College in Cambridge where Ms Lapwood is Director of Music. >When he was asked to leave, he told staff he had a spiritual connection with her, that they cared for one another, she inspired him and that they were both geniuses.
>>390078 Heil Christ!
>>390041 >Blumpf >Meatball >career politician snake that backstabbed Blumpf >Nigger >Pajeeta >Pajeet >Fatty some retards fell for the Meatball psyop but it's hard to believe that any real person supports any of the others
>>390057 Bantus aren't native to South Africa, it's no different from invasive rabid niggers being anywhere else. the native Khoisan get along fine with the whites, they just hunt things in the desert with bow and arrow while the whites make towns on the coast and farms inland
>>390080 >chased her and her boyfriend across a car park after they left a hotel keeek the slag mitherer emasculating her boyfriend that relationship is DOOMED
>>390067 Most drones of small and medium size are invisible to radar because there's not enough in them to reflect radar waves. The small ones are also very hard to disable unless you have specialist tools to disable them or are a crack shot with a rifle. That's why Russia has invested so much into developing ways of disabling drones.
>>390078 literally never heard or seen anyone say "heil Ghrist" before
You know where they’re headed don’t you https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-66362327
>>390089 Funny as fuck tbh
>first English slave fort found in Ghana https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-66359512
Love being accosted by this smug nigger with its mouth agape every other time I open BBC news
>>390093 why are you opening BBC news lad?
>>390093 Lad by 2050 even this place will be 90% bame unless bbk puts in some more phonecalls
>tiktok, twitch, etc streamers monetise the things they like doing >we can’t monetise posting here Why is it like this? Watching absolute retards win because they play this stupid game?
>>390094 me see link me click
Will now play this in the background to recover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJh2OGmZQ1Q
apes together strong
>>390072 Which ecelebs lad?
>>390090 Why are they fleeing pakistan? It’s a safe country
>>390073 Had an anxious dream about needing a poo at a swimming pool and for some reason there were zero loos so I took a dump in one of the shower cubicles like a Korean. Then woke up and pooed in the loo and had a shower after. Conquer all of life's fears, lads.
>>390106 in theory could be good but we all know this won't translate to lower electric prices or any benefit for britons except for a few oligarchs and MPs who get to hoover up even more money through bribes and corruption
>>390012 >>390015 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>390106 polar bears were supposed to be extinct years ago.
>>390106 >food prices soar even if using oil and gas increased carbon dioxide by a significant amount, that would boost crop growth which would reduce the costs of feeding livestock which would lower food prices. the rest of the shit is not worthy of comment
>>390016 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Classic TBBK >>390034 February it seems. Back then it was 4 confirmed deaths and 49 missing. Can only assume missing people are dead. That's such a huge landslide. It was an open pit coal mine in inner Mongolia China.
>>390111 also it obviously drives down the cost of energy which lowers transportation and refridgeration costs, which also reduces food prices. how the fuck does this retard think that oil raises food prices that makes no sense at all
>>390106 Polar bear population literally boomed a few years ago. These people forgetting which memes to push and which to drop. Wonder if you could get him to mention the hole in the ozone layer.
>>390108 >>390111 All green measures increase the cost of food. More expensive fuel (green fuel) pushes up the price of all production including food. Our fuel bills in the UK are already 25% more expensive than they need to be because of green measures, and that outs up the price of everything else. This faggot works as an “educator” at the BBC, and this is how he thinks obvious gayface btw Prob a nonce ngl
>>390115 >clothes literally made of oil Get him, boys
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Casual Stream #59: Lovecraft's two sides and the fungal Age https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5LmjpYu8h8
>>390088 That's for UAV's lad not small or medium sized drones. Think for something like the Bayraktar or predator.
>390104 >Can’t find work
>>390087 lad they have shite that can triangulate gunfire with antennas and its on hummers I am sure they will have electric motor detectors, it will be like the zoomer version of a forward air controller, a guy with a big backpack who is a drone detector. I hate the soyjak "OH MY GAWD ITS FUCKING OVER" over military shite, every single war is just some bloody shithole stalemate
>>390117 He’s gonna be furious when he sees that. I envisage steiner impotently rageraping one of the local chugs in revenge
>>390121 I think you missed the second part of the post. Most of the stuff that takes down small and medium sized drones is eyes on stuff designed to disrupt the controls of the thing.
>>390123 sorry lad drones don't cause breakthroughs or hold ground I fail to see the excitement over just basically a different kind of ATGM system
Ngl I think it’s going to be pretty funny when NATO commit an atrocity on African nations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APKLepy6j4o
>>390121 Also I know what you're talking about and that's more to make it safe to dismount an ambushed vehicle it's not telling the people inside exactly where the shooter is just degree and approximate distance.
>>390124 Because it's not just an atgm and has get use for recon and rapid fire control response. I mean you've seen all the footage that's spilled out of this conflict. It's made rapid reaction of stand off assets so much more viable and lethal.
>>390122 Interesting look at the new power rangers film.
>>390128 needfuls not done.
>>390112 Nah THIS is classic BBK
>>390132 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>390132 Top keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Fire a powerful laser in atmosphere and you form a charged 'tunnel' through which a bolt of electricity can be directed. Connect the laser output to a sufficiently powerful generator. Aim the laser at the electronic-dependent target and fire. The electricity flies down the ionic conduit and connects with the target would fry chips and computers but they’d find a way to counter that at some point There’s probably plenty of secrid weapons that haven’t been deployed anyway
>>390136 That's the goal but the last I looked into it they hadn't figured out how to make a viable power supply that didn't require a 4 tonne truck to transport it.
>>390136 pretty sure Raytheon etc. have been working on pulse rifle/EMP grenades for ages.
The best I've seen is rifle sized stuff with a backpack battery but you have to keep the thing aimed at the drone until it's completely down to keep the controls disrupted.
the world will tremble in fear on the day that the African Power Armour battalions and Advanced Future War Mechs are deployed no mere muzungo tricks will beat them
>>390142 mmm yes why would anyone prioritize the future
>>390145 doesn't this lad hang out with a tranny is the cigar fixation a freudian association?
>Presiidyentiiii Zeelanskyyii wee havve spotyiiid Goonzogliite Liiira tryying to flee diisguiiised as Chyiis Chan…what do? >Turn him into chyiikiin keeev
>>390147 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>390147 hohol pussy was so good the man just couldn't leave.
>>390117 She's right tbh. Slags are based, so long as they don't race mix. Just murder homos and trannys. Esoteric Reactionary Slagism will save the west.
Nigger + Uke hybrid What did they call him? N’Uke? Chernobyl?
>>390154 what a nasty skank
I see Tyrone wasn't staying and fighting.
>>390151 looks like he's sheltering in the goon cave away from the vags >>390154 utterly repulsive muttoid
>>390152 Max Chinroom
>>390159 it's weird seeing niggers do some work
>>390159 Reminds me. I need to get my chukudu fixed
Hoping this conflict escalates internally when people start going hungry and before they run out of manpower
>we're going to have to fight these fearsome lads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qfq2qzD2s3I
oh fuck lads they have wizards
>>390159 nice to see their attempts a muzungu magic
>be nigger: >maybe if I build something that looks more or less like what the muzungu make it will do those things
*Works at half speed because boomer bossman makes me work a no break eight hour shift* Amazing what a simple half an hour break can do. What is it with boomers and this minute counting shite? You're paying me for an end product, this isn't a cafe where hour by hour work matters.
>>390173 its all about hierarchy
being a sexless incel wageslave is like having a queue in qing china and boomers and sex havers are just slightly higher in the caste system
>>390172 And the WHAT?
had le sex with 2 different women in 2 weeks. Next one lined-up I will make my gf. You lads are fucking whiny cat ladies.
>>390174 Little do they know, that I am watching. Learning. One day I will be my own bossman . . . and battle HMRC directly!
>(1) >Trying to aggravate niggas Hi loony troon. Done much lopping lately?
>>390172 *upvootes before pressing play >>390175 kind of want to wear a queue as a subtle chudly form of prootest tbh
>>390169 Kkkeeeeeeek
>>390181 ayy my cracka we already have our own historical form of enslavement in a collapsing system https://www.britannica.com/money/topic/colonus-ancient-tenant-farmer
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trannies are so cringe
>>390177 Rape is against the law Deepshit
>>390175 Take teh leap lad
It’s gone quiet *sloshing sounds through the interportal
>>390191 >NIGAL keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>390146 Scumpmonkey are a troon and his bf Pakidemic agent hangs out with a homosexual catholic called Mister Dee, and various other fringe weirdos in the Dissident Right (which pakidemic tried and failed to rebrand as the “sensible centre” with his pal sargon)
went shops and on the pavement outside someone had etched "you're gay" in chalk, later hysterically crossed out in pink by aforementioned gay gentlechuds, there is hope for the future generations >>390183 >have to wear your prolapse in a queue to be one of the colon-i
I'm glad that anti-car politics is gaining momentum. Disappointed bicycles are gaining momentum though, but we're moving closer to the leggist state. The suburbs must be destroyed.
>>390196 It won't destroy cars we'll just have agenda 2030 15minute cities where everything is rented and people simply rent a car pool for an automated electric vehicle owned by the elite stakeholder class.
>>390197 Of course they won't go far enough, they don't have the horns. Yet every private vehicle off the road is a win for leggism. The 15 minute city is a great idea. Everyone is already renting so I don't see the relevance, that's an issue of demography and niggerism. Suburbs are a worse vehicle for rentbergism. Oh right, you're a schizophrenic echoing Republicuck talking points. Embarrassing. Even more embarrassing if you're British. Embrace leggism. Do squats. Run. Talk a delightful walk in the night air. Strut your stuff. Abandon the anti-leggist principles your overlords have put into your mind.
>>390196 useful idiot for the globalists tbh, the anti car shite is not being done out of care for the environment they are doing it to lessen peoples autonomy
>>390194 he tried to claim on twitter the other day that the dissident right is 30% gay therefore we must embrace gayism, he was btfo by keet woods and joel davis though, its just his streams that are 30% gay
>>390198 Yeah sure thing bud.
>>390199 Tbh we'll just be completely at the behest of new form of rent based feudalism.
>He’s still alive the rambling kike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwFaSpca_3Q
>>390199 Cars lessen autonomy you utter tool. I see this argument often from the car homosexuals. The idea that a man on his mighty God-given legs is somehow more traceable than the pipe cleaner legged soyim in his government registered two ton vehicle, with a clearly visible unique serial number, his government mandated and registered license tied directly to said vehicle which can only go on government controlled and monitored pathways for which he must pay thousands to purchase, maintain, and insure (enforced by the government). The fact that you eat the shite out of the industry's arse because you want to LARP as le republican pseudo-racist rather than embrace real and true racism is pathetic. It is the mental illness of the deracinated individualist which has undermined our race and cars a symptomatic of that. >>390202 Your car does not belong to you. You are driving around in the carbon cage, felating your Jewish masters.
Proof that Britain is taking vehicular destruction seriously
>>390206 I guess mothballing them was too expensive.
>>390205 >is somehow more traceable than the pipe cleaner legged soyim in his government registered two ton vehicle, strawman, nobody mentioned tracing
>>390207 there's no money for preserving vital military equipment in the MoD because they are subsidising office buildings like mine so that emailsenders can leave their computers on overnight and have heating running year 'round zoom calls are a vital part of operational readiness after all
bbk coming up with an entire political philosophy to excuse his fear of driving
>>390158 keeek lad
>>390207 >>390209 Big Z has big Q’s for the MOD seeing this
>>390210 the internal combustion engine is a well known for predating on scousers.
Ukrain could have dismatled them for free with Russia’s help
>>390209 mothballing costing loads of money is just a meme, its expensive because everything in the west is a racket
>>390209 good to know we'll be defeating our enemies by inundating them with spam mail.
>>390208 Tracing is the mode of control which restricts people most often. If you aren't concerned about cars and their traceability, you are an even bigger fool. >>390210 I can drive, it's easy peasy. Had a license since I was 20. Guess what? I've had legs since I was born and they're much healthier and cheaper to operate. Funny post to make after complaining about strawmen!
>>390216 yeah the only actual costs are from yidsness owners there is a giant salt mine in middle england which has something like 100km squared tunnel space in it which could be used to store entire army groups worth of materiel but it's privatised and used to store old paperwork and privately owned (money laundered) works of art etc instead
The anti-leggist argument hinges on "but that's what the green hairs say in my boomer comics!"
>>390210 does he not have his license at 30?
>>390221 He's 30?
>>390221 See >>390218 Not that this is relevant. If you can't address any of the points made, shut the fuck up.
>>390222 yeah he told me when he was up early statue-posting about his gains at le gym
cannot be arsed with driving tbh just an extra expense for nothing except maybe getting a different kind of toil
you are just making strawmen, the british people living as carless peasants while the elite drive about would make our lives worse
>The pawn of republicuckism, the americanised worm, posts his hero the jew puppet donald blumpf Four more years until the wall gets built lass!
>carless peasants Nooooooo! I want to have to worry about insurance, parking, petrol, loan payments, etc. while polluting my country with choking fumes and hideous machines which have destroyed our architecture, farmland, and forestry while being used as a vehicle for deracination by the elite I purport to hate! (pun intedned)
Gormless twat. You're a parrot of the anti-leggists.
>>390226 I can understand the sentiment but I need it for work. Luckily I'm just about avoiding ULEZ.
>>390231 Wasn't this posted earlier?
>>390233 yeah it is a DD also wogs doing the jobs whites won't do by killing a jewess
driving cars isn't fun anymore. x-lennials were the last to street race, you try that now and your life will become complicated. the roads are not the wild free routes the boomoids enjoyed in their sexy muscle cars, the roads are a matriarchal domesticated labyrinth of rules and costs
>>390221 Doesn’t have any hair on his legs either
>>390233 This is the final version of the story where we find out she was British, beautiful and only spoke Yiddish
>>390237 Ah got you, I like the edit of pic 3.
>>390232 try to get in with the bazza brigades lad they'll be useful later
Izzy Posen? Why yes, he is
>>390232 Ah, the slave loves his cage! See how he defends his chains! >>390235 It is a poison. Leggism is the mode of the radical white man. I see my enemies scattered before me in defeat. I go to my chambers. Good night to all, and to all . . . A GOOD LEGS!
this nigga eatin greenbeans
I personally walk on my hands to my car.
you may not like it but this is the ideal race warrior's body
>>390245 Now I understand why bbk has been going on about legs.
>>390247 it's a total meme and nobody I've ever met who did it actually stuck with it just more decadence from travelthots and cope from lads
>>390248 I want them to form mad max like convoys tbh, that would be interesting.
>>390249 the pikeygensis
roving incel warbands living out of grotty moldy vans and pickups with ratty tents and toxic aluminium hobo stoves
>>390248 I was looking at how great she thought it is in contrast to the nearly suicidal men
>>390252 Is there no where else our government can by learning materials for schools?
>>390253 yeah because she has a shitload of money/ignored debt and support and simps etc and is doing it as a permanent holiday while the men are doing it because they can't afford renting a home
>>390254 She's rich enough to own several thousands of dollars worth of guns that she's showing off with.
>>390256 Tbh She’ll have it easy until she rams herself and her van into the wall
>>390258 reminder that the wall is a cope and that the grannypill exists
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Think it's actually ogre.
it won't be over until your blood stains the car park of Hulme High Street B&M
>>390252 pure yankism
>>390247 alot of femoids just wear it as a costume and market themselves like the one roastie cunt that I used to post. she literally just does motel living but larps as a van life bitch when she is just some cheerleader who aged out and went on permanent vacation. the men are basically just sucidefuel tier workhorses that are probably avoiding alimony based slavery
>>390261 She essentially got mad at me for saying I found a 17 year old actress attractive. Even pulled the "she's legal but still a child". Wouldn't budge because it's actually ridiculous and told her oh no I've got eyes.
obviously a roastie with a gang of niggers and a disregarded betabuxx source would not brook (you) having eyes for others adulterer and autistic smdh
keeeeeeeke what you can't even say "young human" any more without it being wordfiltered to "child"
what the fuck might have typoed myself somehow I blame the mancunian single mother
>>390265 > got mad at me
>>390266 All of that is true except for the BBKian insertion of niggers.
I would be a simp A cuck even But I will not condemn 22st I will not call normal attractions noncery
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>nafo mongs and ukie shills are trying to say that russia is suffering more in attrition even though the counter offensive is failing
>>390273 keeek highly trained and competent
>>390276 did you see the one of the spic eating 12 gauge to the face after failing to stop resisting in 2 seconds?
>>390277 was that the one yesterday where they said he was a nonce and executed him? just read the coomments tbh lots of people saying it was suspicious but more defending the sharters
>>390275 I think it's mostly being fueled by Popov being reassigned after some internal messages were leaked about his dissatisfaction with the way certain aspects of the war are being run.
I thought that video posted earlier about russian defences was quite good, especially the bit where the soylad tried to imply that it was lol outdated cold war russian equipment because they had quick entrenching vehicles from the 80s instead of superior western civilian-rented diggers / conscripts with shovels >>390281 keeek smh
*saves britain*
someone pinched justin barretts pot o' gold https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66373979
>>390284 the NP have done nothing but fail yet the media and state over there are constantly trying to push this shite about foreign funding, also it says in the article that the police recovered it.
>>390284 >But Cllr Blain told the BBC that she was relieved that the regulator was taking her concerns seriously "in the current climate where disinformation is a real threat to democracy". smh not the heckin democracies
>>390286 >where disinformation is a real threat to democracy Never has anyone who says things like this ever been challenged on what it actually means
Seems like the leader of NP (5'1 btw) they had running it got couped by his second in command. I truly don't get the disloyal conniving types you get in far right politics. It seems like its an archetype you always find with any of the "leaders" serving as second or third in command, like the guys that fetishise the idea of being Machiavellian but only have the power to play that game on their own side. It has to be some kind of consistent mental condition thats present in people seeking any dissident position of power. These types must by now realise that their ideas and organisations are maligned enough and stigmatisation is their major obstacle to growth and creating this drama just contributes to more stigma. All modern Anglosphere far-right/nationalist movements are plagued by not just splitters, which all radical groups have, but these weird social circles that coalesce of people who are consumed by resentment towards specific groups or people. t always just gets to the point they'll demean their entire side and work with the opposition to get at them and whatever grievance they have always expands to justify their existence as resentful ankle biters. Like those 42 division mongs or kino casino in the USA who start off supposedly being nationalistic but in the end live and breath solely to smear another group of their fellow travellers. The worst part is when they start making seedy radioactive accusations about their targets being gays and pedophiles which just plays into the hands of the effective "far right are nonces" bit the left fabricates. I don't know if its a result of this sphere existing entirely online and therefore making interest in certain ideologies solely about their entertainment value, or these ideas attract people with certain pathologies. I know there's genuinely immoral and deranged people that are just attracted to extreme ideas, agreeing with the prevailing officiated belief that nationalism and far-right ideal are evil but also identifying themselves as evil and therefore supporting it, like the SIEGE/xwaffen types. Overall I'm against the simplistic "leader" idea that all far-right groups are structured around. Yes the NP is an electoral party but it should be a party first that elects a candidate and not built around a candidate where all power and say resides solely with him. Orgs that are based off committees are far more anti-fragile especially when positions in the spot light are gain meritocratically off actual taxing labour in their delineated roles. Everything about far-right organisations and their structure is always so antique it's cringe worthy.
>>390288 bowden_on_political_rivalries.webm
>>390290 a bit endowntroddening to see the plug eared twat and applebees employee are closer to real poolitical than any trve britnat tbh
do you lads think there'll be an african bloc war? would be kino considering all other african wars are just boring civil wars and not invasions between standing armies.
>>390288 jb has 5 children btw
>>390290 I love how teaching your dog to heil hitler means you are an important political theorist in 2023
>>390291 >applebees employee the fuck does this mean
>>390292 know nothing about afrikkka tbh but I hope so niggers doing the jobs whites won't do (killing themselves)
>>390295 >he doesn't know about Carl of Applebees
>>390294 that pic is literally 4 years old keep up
4 years ago... 4 years ago I worked at a university... *smokes cig*
>>390297 why are you making shart references
>>390300 it was lore for a long period that sargon worked at applebees lad or at a place owned by a guy named applebee or something since the shart chain restaurant doesn't exist in the UK
he looks like a toby carvery manager coming over to ask you how your meals going
>>390299 better to have got out then tbh I imagine things are even more insufferable nowadays also go and do donuts in the car park this year tbh lad
>>390301 how can he work at a place that doesn't exist here
>>390200 Loads of his opinions are horseshit tbh, but he has so many of them that he’s able to make a big deal of the ones that turn out to be right
>That was the Mythcon debate. Spencer was the one who called him autistic and stupid right to his face and said Sargon should thank him for being so honest lmfao I keek
https://poa.st/@Jim keeeek he's still around and slapfighting despite the cancer
>>390308 Jim's still alive?
>>390310 cancer in remission apparently so around for a while longer
>>390275 On the face of it Russia have been absolutely prpared for this. They've been preparing for years. They knew exactly what they were doing and there's no scenario where they don't come out ahead here.You can blame big mouth Russia obsessed hawks who couldn’t let the cold war go kikes and their enablers in the US admin for this. America love dick waving and firing big loud warning shots. Theydo it all the time but doing it to Russia and doing it in a big way back in 2014 rustled a lot of jimmies in over there. Since then Russia ramped up preparations to counter any and every every sanction west. They made deals with China and India built alternative infrastructure to bypass any shared with western partners and even had an alternative financial system ready to go sanctions that they couldn’t do much about were the silicon chip ones and the freezing of Russian assets. Idiots they are not
>>390309 I remember people were speculating that he was addicted to benzo.
remember when he was the leader of gamergate
>>390308 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK this faggot still seething
>>390315 Micheal alberto is literally 18 years old so would have been 12 during charlottesville
>eggy now streams on rumble ACK
hate how mainstream the BILLIONS must meme has become tbh
>I've got a few double wides in my sights rn. A real smash up one running about $80k, a solid offering for about 50k and something questionable from an elderly man for about 28k. Gonna hope I can get the 80k financed with a big down payment because it's a pretty nice situation if I'm able. Seems inflated but it's the state of things at the moment #TrailerLife he's gonna make it
>>390319 Niggest of nigs gonna bl-ACK a lot of hwypipoin da US
>>390322 tbh troonies and normongs using their clean versions of the memi
>>390287 Yeah they have. Tolerance, diversity, teh gay, food and vibrancy or something
>>390296 Niger isn’t going to let Nigerian based zog controlled companies pipe gas through their territory into the EU
>>390299 >university >worked
>>390161 that's the cuck tribe in Namibia, isn't it? if anybody visits them they will let you sleep in their bed with their wife as a gesture of goodwill and hospitality. Pashtuns will never let visitors pay for food, but they'd never go that far with it >>390196 >wanting to ride foul public transport with a bunch of niggers and pakis violating your nostrils >>390205 but without a car, how are you supposed to get anywhere? with a car, you can travel long distances in little time. without one, you cannot, unless you use public transportation. and with regards to the tracking, even if you don't bring a smartphone with you, whether you're walking or in a car there are cameras everywhere that can recognize your face and/or license. so say you want to travel to Scotland anonymously, your only real option would be to wear a balaclava and ride a bicycle. it's just not realistic >>390292 Guinea-Bissau also said they supported Niger. I don't think there will be such a war, if it were only Niger then it's possible there could be a France-backed intervention by Nigeria or something but once Burkina Faso and Mali stepped in there is no chance of anything happening
> EXCLUSIVE - Trendy Notting Hill restaurant boss sparks diversity row by sharing Instagram photo of his all-white all-male team of chefs - as he's blasted on social media for 'totally unrepresentative' line-up >Critics questioned the line-up of Thomas Straker and his seven other chefs >'Golborne Road is historically a black/Moroccan/Spanish/ Portuguese community with an incredible history of culture and rebellion in the face of adversity. >'It became home to the largest Moroccan population in England and the home of Windrush families. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12357213/Trendy-Notting-Hill-restaurant-boss-sparks-diversity-row-sharing-Instagram-photo-white-male-team-chefs-hes-blasted-social-media-totally-unrepresentative-line-up.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golborne_Road >Golborne Road was named after Dean Golbourne, at one time vicar of St. John's Church in Paddington. Until the middle of the 19th century, it was no more than a country footpath crossing the fields of Portobello Farm, but in 1870 the road was widened, shops were built and the road was extended over the railway.
>>390332 >'Golborne Road is historically a black/Moroccan/Spanish/ Portuguese community with an incredible history of culture and rebellion in the face of adversity. >'It became home to the largest Moroccan population in England and the home of Windrush families.
because history only starts in the 20th century
>>390332 some real nice seethium in that sharticle
poast got le btfo
I heard there were plump mestizo baddies with comically large breasts and smooth feet posting on hisparefugio tbh maybe spic should learn his people's language and post there instead >>390337 >eggy might lose his trucker job over this smh innocent shitposters unfairly persecuted as usual
>>390340 Do you reckon this is part of the supposed re-enfranchisement so we can all be sent off to die on the new developing ostfront?
>>390332 The number of these fake controversies that end with huwyatts bending themselves over a barrel is pathetic. Fucking hate how pussy so many in the anglosphere are.
>>390342 He gets a bullet too.
>>390340 based, just in time for the overwhelmingly spic demographic to nepotise their way into control
>>390342 >Tom Coons cooking. Few and far between because they can’t swim
>>390345 And my uncle was saying that was a baseless conspiracy being circulated by Pulter. I am going to rub that one in to libcucked face if they actually move in.
>Danilkina is one of between 20,000 and 50,000 Ukrainians who have lost one or more limbs since the start of the war, according to previously undisclosed estimates by prosthetics firms, doctors and charities. >The actual figure could be higher because it takes time to register patients after they undergo the procedure. Some are only amputated weeks or months after being wounded. And with Kyiv’s counteroffensive under way, the war may be entering a more brutal phase. >By comparison, some 67,000 Germans and 41,000 Britons had to have amputations during the course of World War I, when the procedure was often the only one available to prevent death. Fewer than 2,000 U.S. veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions had amputations.
>>390347 There’s also this. It’s obviously Poles running these ops in Russia because yanks would fuck it up royally although it doesn’t say it. Belief is in the west if Ukraine falters Poland will step in that’s why Russia didn’t just gobble the lot up in the beginning I suppose. https://jackmurphywrites.com/169/the-cias-sabotage-campaign-inside-russia/
>>390348 and every one of their prosthetics must be paid for
>>390348 Now 22st can get back on his cripple arc
>>390347 If Balts moved troops in who defends their territory without causing massive escalation?
Just waiting for S&P and Moody’s to downgrade now
>>390352 They're not going to move all their armed forces in but yes there will be massive escalation which is why I'm hoping no one is dumb or desperate enough to make such a decision.
>30,000 yikes - thats a lot of chuds
>>390357 >yellen's jewish magicks are not powerful enough to go against the elder globalist kike sorceries
>6th August is deadline ECOWAS has given Niger to restore “dumbocracy” Can’t wait
>>390313 I wish I was
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>>390360 >freemasons keeeeek
>>390362 I wonder what he found?
>>390362 >>390364 some literally who junior tea boy
>>390365 probably accidentally walked in on a nega-jew bumming a nigger or smth
>>390365 If he's an analyst he probably figured something out that he wasn't supposed to.
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>>390338 >I heard there were plump mestizo baddies with comically large breasts and smooth feet posting on hisparefugio tbh laaaaad
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can barely even remember 9/11 now
>>390370 absolutely no reason for you to remember it.
>>390370 I miss richard nixon he would have had obama and all the fags and niggers killed
Reports coming in wagies are roping en masse this year from cost of living meanwhile bennies raise along with inflation. Why do wagies do this to themselves lads? Findom fetish? Media brainwashing? Its sad...
>>390367 morgoth tier mongery tbh
>>390375 Some guy at a bank that employs 50k people dies and you immediately jump to it "probably" being a conspiracy
>>390376 Yeah usually they don't end up in rivers.
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>>390379 good lad consooming now
hotdog yum! hotdog yum! kitty paws! gang gang, grrrrrr, gang gang, gang gang, hotdog yum!
http://whitenationalist.xyz/forum/ keeeeeeeeeeeeek I found martin lindstedts forum again
A reminder of board rules, the first thread created gets used, thus >>390391 is to be used.

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