Do you recognise this 17 year old with a bright spark in his eyes and a knack for youtube reply video debates in the halcyon days of 2011?
Could this be the very Marmiteman4 of old? Who gained millions of views in 2010-2012 supporting the BNP and debating atheists like The Amazing Atheist?
Could you ever image what a monster he has become?
"Marmiteman4" was in reality a youtuber and BNP supporter from some place in the North East called Sean G. Allan. He has a HnH page and his twitter account from 2011 somehow was never banned. As the years progressed and he abandoned his youtube channel (which got banned) he returned to 4chan finding a new board for people like him, /pol/, later going to /r9k/. As he grew in obscurity with the albatross of being really retarded and ruining his life publicly as a teenager he embraced imageboards as a comfort blanket. Now reaching his thirties he's reappeared, or we have only begun to realise he was there with us this entire time.
Marmiteman4, a man of many names was a namefag on the boards /pol/ and /r9k/, posting primarily in British generals, vestigial branches of the very /brit/ we are entombed within today. Under the names SGA and Helperlad he created a reputation for himself from 2017 to this year as someone who posts his expansive collection of apu jpgs, often accompanied by posts about ordering pizza in a bizarre slang, his various waifu asmrtists and his attraction to womens feet.
Is any of this ringing a bell?