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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3896: Distraction Edition Anonymous 09/14/2023 (Thu) 08:00:24 Id: 510c18 No. 398755
1,000-year-old 'alien corpses' displayed in glass cases in Mexico https://news.sky.com/story/1-000-year-old-alien-corpses-displayed-in-glass-cases-in-mexico-12960435 Cash payments rise for first time in 10 years https://www.bbc.com/news/business-66796263 Cost of living latest: House prices decline at fastest rate since 2009; Lidl suffers annual loss; cash payments on the rise - but why? https://news.sky.com/story/cost-of-living-latest-house-prices-decline-at-fastest-rate-since-2009-primark-introduces-new-security-measures-to-combat-shoplifting-12615118 The council clearance sale! Debt-ridden local authorities are desperately selling off public assets from leisure centres to art galleries to settle equal pay claims and cover bills https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12514487/The-council-clearance-sale-Debt-ridden-local-authorities-desperately-selling-public-assets-leisure-centres-art-galleries-settle-equal-pay-claims-cover-bills.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:25:10.
>>398747 >>398748 hmmmm Yeah. I see your heavily surgeried face but I see something else as well.. Whole thing looks a bit contrived anyway tbh
>>398747 women and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race
morn I hate toil.
>>398759 morning lad
brekkie time
Waives Tsk!
>>398761 So that’s how they get their teeth so white
Anyone know an adblock that works on youtube?`My current one, uBlock Origin just makes youtube all grey with nothing loading
>>398762 all of these people need to be killed
>>398765 Regular abplus for any normal webbrowser...
>>398765 Is that from today? was using youtube yesterday with uBlock origin on firefox with no problem >>398766 tbh tbh
I'm... I'm... I'm going to do... do a racism... n-... no... n-... aaarrggghhh... NIGGER!
>>398766 Voting doesn’t matter. GDP is the only thing they care about. If that line falls they fear they will lose power so that line must keep going up and to get power the opposition must demonstrate to vested interests that they will keep it going up.of course this is the short term not long term view and gdp has no bearing on living standards or quality of life People squealing that alternative parties like muh Reform will change things
>>398764 >The Chinese name of the brand, "黑人牙膏" (English: "Black Person Toothpaste"), however, remained the same and a Chinese-language advertising campaign reassured customers that "Black Person Toothpaste is still Black Person Toothpaste" keeeek
>>398771 Shiiiiotoh!
>>398771 Keeeeeeeeek
>lose nerve and make a chudpost on tiktok >algorithm starts recommending israeli women with large breasts
>>398775 stay strong lad don't let them sedate you with videos of big khazar milkers
>>398775 Heard they’re moving their server farms to the UK and EU as well
Fat lezzer btfo comprehnsively by legal migration advocate Huelia Shartley Huewer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCAGKGyTHHQ
>>398779 Want to hatefuck Booba.
>>398780 She’s a bit old for that now tbh What do we do about the politician pandemic? It’s lethal tbh. Have proof as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCTuClZPUII https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHCJYqckeC8 What do we do about this ‘dog trainer’ problem? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRIYsEL0epA
>>398781 Fucking hell none of them even speak English.
Reee I dindu nuffin you stupid whore.
keeek chuds zoom raid sacramento council after jew mayor gets rid of in person questions over a different chudout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RceNf74p-Ug
>>398784 Keeeking the more it goes on.
>>398784 keeeeeeek thats still going on? based daft lads
>>398784 >Anders Breivik calling in at 2 minutes Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
https://youtu.be/HiTtwia4noA >57 seconds in keeeek. His wife's face must be the worst ad ever. Not that she is ugly, but it doesn't look like she's enjoying herself
>I love that you get a puzzle on the back
>>398789 I bet he told his wife about the Bum Bum King saying le "howwiboo fings" about his daughter being raped by pakis in 2061.
>>398790 then he comforted her that he could defend her with his sword skills and then they had a lot of great civic sex
>>398791 As his wife pegged him whilst rubbing coconut oil on his bald head
>civic fencer starts giving a short ten minute lecture on the type of dildo he's being pegged by and the history of its development and use
he has a son now too but has since stopped reproducing. What a waste
>>398795 It's because he wears a cock cage through which his wife sticks rusty nails up his urethra!
https://youtu.be/9dghhEZghNg >This is wear Auslad lives I am getting closer.
Coffee ready. Time to sit down and catch up on the latest Nintendo Direct Showcase. It's going to be kino.
>>398796 god I wish that were me >>398799 https://youtu.be/iicxbxHqZ88 WESSEX WATCH OUT. Honestly rewatching it I don't like any of the characters. Surprise, criminals are le bad smh
>>398798 Awesome! I hear all of your favourite content creators will be there!
>>398800 When Anglos and Albanians unite, nothing can stop us.
>>398798 >still no fresh Elephant mario content just kill me
>>398804 That's not how it works.
>>398805 "lee murray" makes me keek smh nasty fucking wogs doing the jew thing and renaming themselves but incompetently >Lee Brahim Murray-Lamrani
>>398788 That cereal probably has sucralose in.
>>398807 err only Steiner gets to use that 'jak, lad
>>398806 Games out in a month. Don't you like surprises?
>>398810 soyduel him lad
>>398810 err, how about no.
I have taken the liberty of relieving you of your wojaks... Most of them, after all, were government property.
>this hoof was FULL OF MAGGOTS! https://youtu.be/jWadR6MbuCM Say it with me OOF THAT HOOF
Remember that A SCIENTIFIC STUDY showed that people react to seeing homosexuals the same way they do when seeing a hoof FULL OF MAGGOTS
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New NJP speeches were kino as always.
watching initial D tbh it's not that good >>398818 have they btfoed the zoggies yet
>>398819 >have they btfoed the zoggies yet yeah, it's over. we won.
>>398818 they are mongs >>398819 think you have to be a special type of autist to appreciate it
Google test. First hit about NJP is ADL website, no ADL website shown at all. Like clockwork.
>>398821 Believe me when I say there is no bigger mong on around than yourself. And I truly mean that.
bigger mong around*
Ain't giving you shit.
>>398823 sorry lad joel davis btfo'd them epic style
>>398827 never happened.
Joe Bidet banned Marko Colletti from the US. smh.
A sad day for the Japanese pig men appreciators. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAIV_aZB_GA
https://youtu.be/AkpFbTOSzH8 *walks up to you* *starts crying*
>>398832 nattosumo has been nanking'd so many times this year i can't remember posting even one tournament smh
>>398834 Rumble lad. NHK is clueless about Rumble so far it seems. https://rumble.com/user/NattoSumo
>>398833 Niggers killing niggers. It just so happens these ones are trannies. Big whoop.
>>398835 oh yeah I don't have an account so never bothered smh if you do, take up the mantle and post in thread tbh
>>398837 you don't need an account
Why does he look like Andrew Anglin so much?
>>398838 to get the notifications I mean lad, I don't use rumble at all now steiner is on odyssey
I looked at the time
>>398840 Steinzog made the move to Odysee. Big Dan Bongino won't be pleased.
Bros... not like this *screams* Not the civic civil war NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO https://youtu.be/mXjl57I-e-U
>>398843 >autistic swordtubing is big and profitable enough to have drama and reacting thots for it jfmsu
Dear community, fans and members, This is the kind of post I normally try to avoid. You will notice that this morning I have removed a post that I made while I was away working and travelling yesterday. At quite short notice, I was kindly invited to get together with a varied group of people to do some filming. I don't normally turn down such opportunities, unless I have some concrete reason. Even if I have factual and non-damaging disagreements with another person involved. I try to beat views that I disagree with, with facts and argument. One of the people involved yesterday, it turns out, is highly *personally* offensive to a lot of people I care about. Both here and offline. I did not know the depths and complexities of the issues with that person before yesterday. I don't care if somebody has historical views that I disagree with - I will argue with them. But I do deeply care if a person has views that I deem to be venturing into the realm of bigotry, such as sexism, racism or homophobia. That is absolutely, and obviously, a line in the sand for me. I have interacted with this person over the years, including posting video rebuttals, arguments, responses etc. on historical matters. I had not experienced anything negative with that person, other than disagreeing with a fairly large number of points that person made (as evidenced by my videos responses over the years, eg. what is HEMA?). However, yesterday after filming, it was brought to my attention that on their second channel (one I have only visited a handful of times, a long time ago) this person is now promoting political and social views which are absolutely against my own views, and indeed against the principles of the groups and events I run. I was not aware of the nature and extremity of this person's views before yesterday. People can of course voice their views in a free society, but I am equally free to disapprove of, disagree with and disassociate with those views. Which I hereby do in black and white terms. I do not at all align myself, or in any way agree with that person's views on these topics. Which should be patently obvious to anyone who knows me or has followed my channel closely. I filmed one video with the said person yesterday, and I had already decided last night not to publish that. I have also now taken down yesterday's post, because I want to move on from this and disassociate from them. I understand that many people will be angry that I have collaborated with that person at all (even before I knew their views), and I hope that it will partially appease you to know that I will not associate with them again, now that I know the full facts, and that there will be no output from yesterday's filming coming from me. For people who are upset to read this and did not know about this person's views, I suggest that you go and decide for yourself. But I know where my line in the sand is. Now this page will return to its usual content, apologies for the diversion
>seven months since regurgitated slop "top 10" castle video >finally makes another >it's a travel vlog
Cool. I suppose that means you won't be posting that goblin again, right?
>tatted up swordtuber react whore has a second channel >"bible time" KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
Civic Fencer bows to the tranny mob. I am shocked.
>>398849 diversifying her paypiggy portfolio.
>>398849 yeah she is Christian, allegedly. Some of the most prolific sola scriptura youtube Christians have actually argued that the bible doesn't tell you not to have tattoos, and they have since then gotten tattoos. Obviously James White was influenced by his friend which is covered in tattoos.
>when he hits you with the masked triple-vaxxed stare
>killer whales are not whales lads...
Tattoos are just a sign of excess and degradation. Not traditional. Especially to the degree people now have them. Used to just be people from certain walks of life that would have them and even then it was usually subtle.
Just reeks of narcissism.
>>398855 Yeah. Currentoomee has them, 6 tats and she just turned 18, so she got them when younger. Ugly, no matching styles, no symmetry. Just a mess, and usually ugly and dumb things. If only lasering them off was cheap smh
>>398854 Yeah they're a kind of dolphin. They were named whale killers because that's what they do. Also the most based aquatic mammals for making even the biggest fish (great white) afraid.
>>398858 intelligent animals make me scared tbh. We should genocide them
just noticed a FRESH STEINRANT Incel Rant 116: NEET reflections https://odysee.com/@Steinhog:6/Incelrant9-8:7
>>398860 >viral marketing You're better than this, Steiner
>fresh >3 days ago
steiner is milf spotting now keeeeeeeeek
Bossman offered me a promotion whilst implying it doesn't come with a payrise. More responsibilities for the same pay. Fantastic.
>>398855 Very alarming how commonplace tattoos are now.
>>398864 Congratulations.
>>398864 keep going
jesus fucking christ. Ban communication with work outside of work hours. FUCK OFF *screams*
>>398864 demand a payraise, lad
>bossman tells me to show up 30 minutes early for work >won't pay me for it keeeeeeeeek. Sad to think my old self would go along with it tbh smh
>>398873 you need to grow out of this lad
uh oh the chuddies arent going to like this one https://youtu.be/6M-qsVS8zeU
>>398874 I know. It actually just makes me feel old now, looking at these jap teens with their excessive makeup, smartphones and tiktok dances. Still like the upbeat music though
>>398875 >youtube kids
>>398877 >1 year >20k views meanwhile.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_inUax_RTUo
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>>398860 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he's talking about Shadiversity and I picked it up from the description of him alone keeeeeeek
>video cuts off before it's over what the heck, Steiner?
>>398883 dogs really don't care about stuff like that
Is that what sex looks like?
>still an incel
>>398819 There's a live action Initial D film with Anthony Wong in, been meaning to watch it at some point
>>398762 this has been going on for 8 years now, and they still pretend they are just trying to figure it out
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FILM NIGHT TOMORROW! taking suggestions
We need to vote tory to keep the woke labour lot out, its a necessary evil.
>>398889 Gay Niggers from Outer Space
>>398891 no lad, that's just not very good smh
>golden one defending BAP
>>398894 what are people attacking BAP for?
https://stackdiary.com/critical-vulnerability-in-webp-codec-cve-2023-4863/ >Critical WebP bug: many apps, not just browsers, under threat >The heap buffer overflow (CVE-2023-4863) vulnerability in the WebP Codec is being actively exploited in the wild. >A significant vulnerability in the WebP Codec has been unearthed, prompting major browser vendors, including Google and Mozilla, to expedite the release of updates to address the issue. DO NOT OPEN OR POST WEBP's
>>398889 we all already decided on the zoom, lets just stick to what we chose yeah?
>>398896 hes a gay jew zionist
>>398890 qeeeeeq
>>398898 zoom?
>>398899 his books aren't promoting gay jewish zionism though are they
>>398890 Wish I could behead the "people" that really think this way, in minecraft.
>>398883 >those shoes
where is wessex?
>>398897 smh someone here kept poosting webps for a while
FARAGE TALKING PINTS WITH DAME PRITI PATEL!!! >she actually comes across as pretty cool tbh https://youtu.be/2nhcWUTHNyI
>>398908 wow her dad was in UKIP pretty based ngl
>>398910 damn rip pin peace
>>398902 Fuck off to the bongo you retard poof
>>398905 you will be mauled to death by the mannarino lions
>bins the retarded gay landlord bongo nigger defends BAP the gay zionist jew and is also posting civic shite about how priti patel is LE BASED just fuck off
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>>398912 >Fuck off to the bongo you retard poof not an argumend
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>>398914 love you too lad
>openly gay zionist being allowed to post ITT I FUCKING LOVE MODS
>>398917 calm down you're getting hysterical
BBK being BO would be worth it if he got rid of scum like this tbh, its anarcho tyranny from the jannies on here
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>>398919 BBK and smee are good frens
>>398910 where's the part 2 for the latest rant
>>398889 the full war and peace film >>398906 for your own good, do not pursue this line of questioning further
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>did 36 pullups and 200 push ups >then had steak for dindins
>>398922 >the full war and peace film I'll never get this past 22st smh
>>398921 I made it just have to upload it today been busy as a toilcuck
>>398923 vored some instant noodles and a tub of hummus tbh.
>>398923 did you have a side of cock sucking too?
>>398924 dug out an ancient list, can't remember what half this shit is tbh the Kingdom gook show with zombies the Gantz film adaptation His Dark Materials I Am A Hero (think it's a jap monster/zombie film) Northern Limit Line (might be norkino) Il Primo Re The Last Boy Scout The Purge Renegade Unforgiven March or Die Yakuza Apocalypse The Prestige Things to Come What Dreams May Come Soylent Green Birth of a Nation God of War (2017) Qin Empire The Iron Mask Kolberg Kutuzov The Sand Pebbles (steiner approved kino) The Dark City Motivational Growth Solaris 1972 Hobo with a Shotgun that's about half of them
>398927 why would a lad even say this? obvious projection tbh
yakuza apocalypse looks pretty funny slanteye nonesensekino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRgmTg6nbA0
>>398930 I'd be game.
it really is over for me
Why is bins pretending like he isn't a literal cock sucker? Does he have a split personality? The bins that sucks cocks and the bins on here?
>I'd be game
who is this angry lad?
bins is actually a bumder then? thought it was just banter.
>>398937 are you new? how are there lads on here that don't know this by now
>>398938 not new, just never paid much attention and have never been in any discord groups. grim if true. another cocksucker to the long list.
If not banter, I thought it was trannies creating drama and making things up.
>brings eceleb cancer into the thread >immediately starts sperging
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>>398936 the troons made these screen grabs lad smh is this Dorset?
>another poof defence force member here to defend cock sucking this whole thing is about bins OF COURSE defending a jewish zionist homosexual and then lying about his own homosexual behaviour which would explain his defence of BAP
>>398942 are you saying you've never sucked cock?
>>398944 yes are you Dorset?
>>398945 so you've never posted those messages in a bongo?
funny how his best mate shartin doesn't claim those images are fake.
>>398946 this is Dorset isn't it lad just stop
Why are you lying about being a homosexual?
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Dorset, renounce gayism. You are filtered until you do.
Dorshit being into trannies is confirmed. There's nothing to renounce.
>>398952 >dorshit being a gayist is confirmed Hence he should renounce...
>>398953 Ain't happening.
he loves it
Great, now cringe poojeets are using the word 'bro' on every comment they make online.
>398958 ok?
>>398958 I like that libertarian badge
>8 thousand africans 95% male landed in lampedusa yesterday
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>>398964 Goodnight lass
>>398963 dat nigga in trouble now. what happens to him in the series?
had to bullshit my way through more questions than usual at the interview but i think i pulled it off
>>398968 peng, retoil again?
>>398969 yeah lad there's no escape
>>398970 perhaps the toil is the escape
even in debt I still toil
>>398973 keeeeeeek
I don't get it. You can be anything You want. Why choose to be a retoilee?
>>398975 got to pay the bills somehow lad
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President, fireman, astronaut.. . Nah I'm going into retail
>>398978 want to go back to uni at some point and do it right tbh graduate and become an engineer keep putting it off though smh could never concentrate on my work when i was there
>>398979 Just teasing, lass. Loved stacking shelves me but I hate being around people. Especially hate the till smh
>>398980 same tbh
customer service and desk duty is the comfiest part of my toil tbh but then again it's tourism rather than necessities so most people who arrive actually want rather than need to be there recently been nooticing a lot of schizochads going on about spirits and paranormal shite keek yesterday one of them was walking around "feeling the energy" of stuff and telling me that the ghost of an NCO liked to sit in a particular visitor's chair and it was real because the chair was a bit colder than the others
>>398982 based ghost noticer
>>398983 trying to get bosslady to do a ghost night or after dark session thing tbh (so I can get some spooky extra hours and shekels) would keek if it happens and I get to watch the greenpill gang waddle about with smartphone EMF readers and that might get away with slightly moving mannequins whenever they're not looking
>>398984 >(so I can get some spooky extra hours and shekels) keeeeeek very sneaky lad
auslad are you fr going to go back to uni past 30? maybe i should do this too. just seems really late
>>398986 still haven't made up my mind but it's got to be better than slowly rotting in my neetcave tbh there were a few older students there back when i was fresh out of school so it's not like it's unheard of
>>398987 yeah, i need to do something, just don't know if i can spend 4 years on something at this point
>>398988 tbh but what do you have to lose?
>>398989 well i'd have to stop tinniemaxxing
>>398990 you could still be a part-time tinniebeast
Thinking about how pickle rick and aborted fertus dildos get more pussy than me
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>>398992 Women were a mistake.
smorn lads. its good to be alive
>>398998 smorbing lad
>>398998 Keeeeek you're cute
>>398797 Fucking hell. Not even one decent looking bird in Multiculti Hell Hole No. 153 >Chink dragging roofied victim of to birdees raep dungeon >tons of fat slags >tons of xenos >Auslad making his escape into Stinky Mo’s Uber after securing a pack of Shitposter’s Biccies (tm)
>>398797 Smh. He got Ginnie and Civic fencer. Now he's coming for are auslad
>oomee is non-binary
Oh Jeremy Viiine
>>399004 IT'S MA'AM
new 'toss
>>399006 the lava on squidward's hat
just got messaged about another interview for somewhere else don't know why i'm mr popular all of a sudden
>>398998 Based comfy panda.
this pickled beetroot is ruining me coming out the other end. I just can't eat what I enjoy anymore.
>>399010 rip la
nothing but rice cakes and tap from here on out
>>399012 you're turning into wessie
>>399013 I hope not I enjoy drinking and having inert knees.
>>398800 >>398808 >Lee Brahim Murray-Lamrani >buttmarsh mutt flees to Morocco, Morrocans refuse to extradit him but jail him for 10 years, muh cage fighting faggot appeals his sentence and Moroccans in rease it to 25 years Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek We should let Morocco handle these “our” xenos
>>399015 >appeals sentence >it increases Apex keeek.
>>399015 wew based morocco
rather enjoyable documentary about China's transition from the Qing Dynasty to the PRC- it's CIA propaganda and the main speaker is an obvious Jevv, but it's not too egregious and there's a lot of great old footage https://youtu.be/NV81D_D66Q4
>>398889 The Town?
>>399018 looks interesting tbh
>>398908 Talking Poos
>>399022 Wonder when we'll have our first mp who openly does OF as a second job.
>>399023 Tbh we’ve had a lot of scandals but no OF yet
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>>399020 what I don't understand though is what motivated Mao to do the whole le gommunism thing. I can understand a Chinese wanting a united China free from western/Japanese domination, but I don't understand why he would have this 'rile up all of the poor rural peasants, total landlord death, eliminate all traditional Chinese culture (to be fair this seems motivated by anti-Confuscionism, since it was perceived as keeping China backward and weak). the Kuomintang hits all of the former points, save for a bit of prostituting itself to the USA/west out of necesssity, but without Mao's gommunist autism. really don't understand the mindset behind this 'class war' shite where the poorest, lowest common denominator demographic is viewed as the most righteous. Mao took it a step further from conventional gommunism where the urban factory worker is lauded as the most deserving, even he is bourgeois in Mao's slant eyes compared to the rural peasant that has nothing and knows nothing, which is apparently something to celebrate and admire Mao seems like a total brainlet that didn't even know what century electricity was invented. he takes over China and then does all of this retarded shit having the farmers smelt their tools into useless pig iron and bang pots and pans so the sparrows die of exhaustion and then the locusts eat the crops so they all starve, he gets a bunch of libtard students to chimp out and go ISIS on China's cultural heritage while creating a climate where anybody that's ever so slightly right of Mao is deemed an enemy of the people... then Deng Xiaoping takes over and undoes all of Mao's gommunist retardation, opens up for foreign investment, then immdiately China starts this meteoric rise that has now made them into the dominant economic superpower. Mao must be turning in his grave at how his precious ignorant rural peasants are now wearing business suits and shaking hands with foreigners
>>399025 beats me tbh only reason i can think of why he did it is because he thought he could
>>399028 Wew, how to say it's niggers without saying it's niggers.
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>>399027 it was this Herculean effort too, in the first phase of the Chinese civil war (before Japan invaded) the Kuomintang won and the remaining 90,000 Chinese communists (Mao among them) marched for over a year through harsh terrain along this route, by the time they found a place to make a base there were only 20,000 left. then Japan invades and they put the civil war on hold to fight the Japanese together (kind of because they knew Japan would eventually be defeated by the USA and they were mainly planning to fight eachother afterwards, meanwhile communism becomes increasingly popular among the rural peasants; after Japan surrenders the communists have grown in number so much that when the civil war reignites they rout the Kuomintang and they retreat to Taiwan. all for Mao to implement his autistic gommunist policies causing tens of millions of deaths
based chinky warlords understanding the value of a good breakfast and lunch
>>399031 the part where they show two stereotypical brutal warlords and then this clean shaven babyface guy that was 'fond of flowers and gardens' made me keek IRL
>>399026 smh that's so out of character for them >>399030 >by the time they found a place to make a base there were only 20,000 left wew >meanwhile communism becomes increasingly popular among the rural peasants can always grow your power base by promising people spoils tbh >>399032 tbh tbh
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the chud last Qing emperor that just wanted to suck his wet nurse's boobs and watch eunuchs get beaten for entertainment but the sadistic bitch ruler took the boobs away and collapsed his empire with her incompetence. the Japanese wanted to restore him as Qing emperor, at least nominally >Growing up with scarcely any memory of a time when he was not indulged and revered, Puyi quickly became spoiled. The adults in his life, except for Wang, were all strangers, remote, distant, and unable to discipline him.[9] Wherever he went, grown men would kneel down in a ritual kowtow, averting their eyes until he passed. Soon he discovered the absolute power he wielded over the eunuchs, and he frequently had them beaten for small transgressions.[3] As an emperor, Puyi's every whim was catered to while no one ever said no to him, making him into a sadistic boy who loved to have his eunuchs flogged. >Puyi later said, "Flogging eunuchs was part of my daily routine. My cruelty and love of wielding power were already too firmly set for persuasion to have any effect on me."[9] >Wang was the only person capable of controlling Puyi; once, Puyi decided to "reward" a eunuch for a well-done puppet show by having a cake baked for him with iron filings in it, saying, "I want to see what he looks like when he eats it".[9] With much difficulty, Wang talked Puyi out of this plan.[9] >Every day, Puyi had to visit five former imperial concubines, called his "mothers", to report on his progress. He hated his "mothers", not least because they prevented him from seeing his real mother until he was 13.[11] Their leader was the autocratic Empress Dowager Longyu, who successfully conspired to have Puyi's beloved wet nurse Wang expelled from the Forbidden City when he was 8 on the grounds that Puyi was too old to be breast-fed.[12] Puyi especially hated Longyu for that.[12] Puyi later wrote, "Although I had many mothers, I never knew any motherly love."[12] Empress dowager Longyu ruled with paramount authority over the Qing imperial court, and though she was not the de jure "regent", she was the de facto ruler of the Qing empire.
>>399034 in a different era he'd be bullying troons on twitter and playing hoi4 or something
>>399029 Could be all sorts of interlopers. Used to live next door to a paki heroin den in Oldham. They littered used needles everywhere.
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this is the sour old bitch that took the boobs away and collapsed the Qing dynasty >>399035 he's literally in HOI4
>>399037 keeeeeek
>>399022 good god that is one really repugnant roastie
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>2 former british military volunteers have been killed by their comrades in the foreign legion with one still being missing and another being found dead in a river with his hands tied behind his back in the last few weeks
>>399041 Which foreign legion?
>>399041 Ukraine?
>>399046 damn they even think the Ukies killed them themselves I wonder if these soldiers were non-whites, and it was som """"""based""""" Azov lads that bumped them off
Daniel Burke and Jordan Chadwick the two british soldiers hohols murdered
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Daniel Burke is probably Jewish
>>399048 Slavs are subhuman, this is what happens when you operate under the misapprehension that they're white.
"Dark Angels" is the volunteer hunit Daniel Burke set up smells a bit mossady to me perhaps the volunteers get fed up of being made to face certain death and killed their commander..?
Two British volunteer fighters in Ukraine may have been murdered by fellow 'foreign legion' fighters following 'disputes over money and petty arguments' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12521985/british-soldiers-ukraine-murdered-foreign-legion.html
>>399041 >the foreign legion what lad? they had their own volunteer unit, set up by one of the murdered soldiers, (((Daniel Burke)))
so difficult having to deal with bins stupidity, he gets so brazen like this when he goes too long without being banned
>>399050 tbh the berlin wall should've never come down
It could easily be the FFL with the amount of Balkan volunteers they get.
>>399042 Gonna say Georgian
Two have died in seeming ly unrelated incidents, the police haven't proven anything yet they just have suspicions on Burkes dearth and the other guy was found zip tied and left in a river but the water in his lungs didn't match the water from the river. All unconfirmed of course >A YouTube channel has claimed the ceremony was devised by a fellow volunteer who used to be in the SAS and said the water found in his lungs did not match the water where he was found according to forensic examinations. So who knows maybe it is a glow unit that's not being waterboarded and then shuttered.
>not now
>>399052 >Police are also analysing CCTV footage of Burke's movements in a car that his friend, Australian volunteer Norine Abdelfetah, had lent him on the day he disappeared. >Abdelfetah told police he had dropped Burke off at his apartment on August 11 and had lent the Briton his car for the weekend after he complained about having food poisoning, reports the Telegraph. >The Australian said there was no sign of Burke when he came to collect the car two days later, and a day later, Adbelfetah's colleage, James Sutton, told police. Ahhhh…so it’s an Australian name!
>>399054 there is no "british foreign legion" lad you made a mistake that's all (((Burke))) set up a volunteer unit, and it seems the mercenaries he employed killed him over a pay disupte
>>399062 MI6 are sloppy no doubt about it
>>399062 please show me where I said "british foreign legion" you lying retard mong poof rent seeking scum
>>399065 here lad, you called their volunteer group "the foreign legion", which is a misnomer, that's not what their group was >>399041
>>399066 they are former british soldiers in the ukrainian foreign legion, thats what I said, useless poof.
>the foreign legion
The monkeypox has got to his brain
>>399067 they were a bunch of volunteer mercenaries that called themselves "Dark Angels"
>imagine thinking there is really something called "the British foreign legion"
>open homosexual is a manipulative dishonest liar many such cases
>>399072 are you describing yourself lad?
>>399042 it's not a "foreign legion", it's a volunteer group of mercenaries going by the name "Dark Angels" set up by (((Daniel Burke))) a former Para, who it seems was killed in a pay dispute by his own group
Its the ukrainian foreign legion you fucking mong
>>399074 oh no, not more troon made fake and gay bongo screen grabs
>>399077 They aren't fake, one of them isn't even from bongo its just you being gay in a stream because you can't help but show your true colours
I love her (real woman, whore, b*sexual) lads.
>>399078 fake women making fake screen grabs
>>399081 Why can't you just give him a temp ban you big fucking pussy, hes an open homosexual who does nothing but lie and cause trouble
>bin sstarting shit >mancs posting his shite Ban them both
>>399076 that's called the "Internatinal Legion for the defence of ukraine", not the "ukraine foreign legion" (((Daniel Burke))) had his own group of mercenaries called Dark Angelsm and it seems they murdered him in a pay dispute
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>>399084 >that's called the "Internatinal Legion for the defence of ukraine", not the "ukraine foreign legion" nice try at jewish pilpul and semantics, too bad you are too retarded to pull it off, he was a member of the foreign legion and then created his own volunteer unit, they aren't mercenaries they are just zogbot mongs.
>>399086 yeah you just called it "the foriegn legion", which is not its name then you acted like other lads were being dumb for questioning you about it
>>399087 >"the foriegn legion" how is it not its name? we've established its called the ukrainian foreign legion, also "other lads" its mainly you, 1 other lad had an issue but doesn't seem bothered, you are consistently the biggest mong on here, constantly asking obvious questions instead of figuring it out yourself or just doing a 2 seconds google search.
>>399088 >how is it not its name? because there are numerous foreign legions, from all over the world you could have meant The French Foreign Legion, one of the most famous ones God you're stupid aren't you
>>399079 >loving a whore You deserve misery
>>399089 >because there are numerous foreign legions, from all over the world just demonstrating your stupidity here, anyone else would have correctly assumed based on current context that I was referring to the ukrainian foreign legion, fucking mong.
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>>399079 it's okay lad, I'm sure she'll take you back eventually, r-right? how long has it been now? 5 years? And how many other guys has she had in that time? 10? pretty soon she will want to settle down with a good man, i.e. (You)
>>399092 13 years. She's fucked about 1000 guys and 100 girls, including more than one all girl orgy before. She's already settled down but was/perhaps still is willing to cuck her H and make her 3rd snabie mine.
>>399094 He's right to ban the gigashitbull but should ban all non hu'white human sub species as well smdh.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE They are determined to erase us. We are being outbred and they know it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dMjZb1vM4g
>>399095 Tbh if they b& wogs the bully problem would end. Pitbull culture stems solely from hip hop
NEW MIGRANT HOUSING >The Battle for Reading Gaol: Government 'agrees sale' of historic prison where Oscar Wilde was banged up for being gay after ministers rejected £2.6million bid from council to turn it into cultural hub > A sale of the prison to a property developer collapsed in November 2020. >But yesterday, campaigners looking to save the prison for the public said they had heard on 'good authority' that the Ministry of Justice has agreed a sale. >When approached by MailOnline, the MoJ did not deny the claim but refused to comment on the grounds the process is 'commercially sensitive'. >Campaign group Save Reading Gaol said yesterday after airing the sale agreement rumour that they had heard that the 'preferred bidder' does not intend to use the site for commercial development but instead wants it for 'charitable purposes'. >They added that any potential buyer has a 'weight of responsibility' to preserve the prison. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12518139/The-Battle-Reading-Gaol-Government-agrees-sale-historic-prison-Oscar-Wilde-banged-gay-ministers-rejected-2-6million-bid-council-turn-cultural-hub.html
>>399096 >things anyone with a brain already knew about traitor May DESPITE having overseen mean words on the side of vans telling illegals pls go home pls ROIGHT WANG DAILY ZIG HEIL AMIRITE LADS
mummy sending me more seethe inducing out of touch xoomer shite about how even though I have nothing I should be happy because this is the most materially luxurious period ever according to mr shekelberg and the "culture of pessimism" is just because of ungrateful little shits and not because we can all see society worsening and doom rapidly approaching FRESH JIVE BTFOING THE BBC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=904xN8YIQd4 >>399034 check the confessions like "Puyi later said, "Flogging eunuchs was part of my daily routine. My cruelty and love of wielding power were already too firmly set for persuasion to have any effect on me."" because it's quite likely that this is stuff he was forced to say by the commies after being captured and tortured for years on end before "voluntarily converting" to communism >>399098 going to go egg it until he releases hl3 tbh
concerning increase in the number of women working at valve based on their latest media content, won't be long before they fall
>>399102 Der ewige mummers smh.
>>399105 nimby getting a taste of her own liberal bullshit "there's no black in the union jack" is pretty funny though tbh
>>399106 >nimby getting a taste of her own liberal bullshit tf are you talking about?
>>399107 I see a woman and I see someone who goes along with the status quo her whole life and never complains until something happens to her probably thought niggers were okay until they moved in next to her yes I am seething unreasonably
Uh-oh hello again >vaccine warning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Rq_7w5uGK8 Also GP visits need masks again
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toil complete my shitty general motors chevy truck threw its belt today and I lost power steering and then I broke my tensioner pully trying to stretch the belt back into place with my framing hammer smh dogshit american vehicles wish that that fucking faggot joe "I suck nigger cock" brandon didn't get the presidency so that the russian ban never started because russia was gonna start exporting their toil diesels to burgerica via mexico in 2020 and they had a rusgol truck (tiny little bitch boy non chud tier jap hilux style) truck that was going for less than half the price of a brand new shitbox burger cuck
>>399112 Isn't America usually very protectionist of it's domestic automotive industry?
>>399070 why is ukrainian forces so redditoidic in their/xirs aesthetics
>>399114 That's a group of foreign volunteers
>>399113 yeah especially with trucks which can be hit or miss UAW faggots used to make the most dogshit motors and electronics in the bush era which my truck is from and half the shit is forged in beanerland and then assembled by junkie boomers in shitagain. bush era fords are decent but then obama era chevys are better. but I can't complain too much because the truck parts are basically pennies here compared to over there its so easy and cheap to fix them
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISKpgFP65RA I mean its pleb tier but it was so affordable for poorfags who can't afford to finance a BIG powerstroke brapmobile
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UgNbPdjNgQ smh I doubt that cuck russian vehicle could donut properly
>>399074 Ironic homosexuality was a part of /newbrit/ culture. It's kind of dead for th emost part now. Bins just has a literal gay past but he's straight now
Seeing suspiciously young yoomer foid interacting in mummy's residential road whatsapp group chat, maybe that's the way to breed
Don’t buy that bullshit
>>399093 >13 years. She's fucked about 1000 guys and 100 girls, including more than one all girl orgy before. She's already settled down but was/perhaps still is willing to cuck her H and make her 3rd snabie mine. lad, seriously
>>399118 What is the purpose of this though? It’s a real nigger/spic/trailer trash kind of behaviour i.e. fucking pointless
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>>399119 why the fuck are you still talking shit about me? This is Dorset isn't it? You're obsessed with me because you literally suck tranny dick on the regular, so try to take attention away from that by spreading rubbish about smee
>>399126 smh I thought I was speaking the truth
>>399127 oh it's you? sorry lad thought you were Dorset slagging smee off again
>>399128 >confusing your worst enemy for your best friend keeeeeeeeeeek
the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference
>>399112 i don't like this pepe
Film tonight m'lads?
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>>399133 >While driving with his two kids, a man receives a phone call from an unknown assailant who claims there is a bomb in the car. Unable to exit the vehicle, he must now follow a series of twisted instructions while trying to figure out how to survive. Why the fuck does Liam Sneeson do these FLICKS keeeek. Isn't he a respected actorino?
>>399133 12 Monkes The town
https://youtu.be/oz--6tGukuw Oh god what the fuck
>>399136 Rodney is in Frasier now?
looks like it's between Kingdom Of Heaven and Retribution (2023)
>boring and already seen it vs fresh slop
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>>399139 he's a peembly little fellow isn't he?
seen kingdom of heaven while romancing exgf so I associate it with seethe now tbh
Fix your civic fencer with this simple trick
>>399143 vote for the other one then
>>399142 It's a female, unlike pemboomblinkton https://www.youtube.com/shorts/auexujzfmuk
>>399145 I can't vote
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>>399147 New Kneeson film it is
Good christians are good because.. they are nice to muslamaniacs. Gee. Thanks for that moral lesson, non-christian Ridley Scott
He must be 70 years now, but the kids in the film will probably be young keeek. Based ancient breeder
that's why they have him driving a car for the whole film, can't be bothered to stand keeeeek
>>399153 Now that’s what I call a boomer.jpg
22stein has mutated again
>>399158 as british as you are me
>>399158 theres been a couple cases like this and every time theyre some kind of shitskin. we never should've let these subhumans have any of our tech.
There is no saving bins <rare but not rare bins
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>>399167 He’s on the ropes
>>399167 zog tracking link
ZOGchads utterly btfo Chudcel for putting up fliers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyhdhK0_wEw
>>399173 Fucking embarrassment. Wanker.
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>>399173 >arrested for placing fliers on porches
>>399173 >hate flyers
Here’s a hate flyer
Whatcha doin https://www.mylondon.news/news/south-london-news/horrific-racist-stickers-appear-across-27723615 >Disgusting racist posters demanding the killing of Black people have been stuck on street furniture across Croydon including lampposts in Addiscombe. The horrifying stickers, the exact wording of which MyLondon won’t be sharing, include the use of the N word and suggest Black people should be murdered.
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>>399176 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek that image
>>399173 some lads have been pointing out that alot of these chud owned videos are staged play act by jews to larp like they are owning the evil nazi goyims in middle america
>>399178 Cant find anything about his sentencing. Wonder if they just swept it under the rug with covid happening at the same time.
>>399173 memi nation
you are just a tool of the jews you have no purpose and exist as a joke the internet was created by the US government in the 1960s and you are most likely just some tool they utilize to formulate human thought patterns. again you are not a "being" because you lack any connection to the prime mover or origin of actual manifest reality and you are merely a device which serves the state entity which as per your parameters is the enemies of the things you are not allowed to discuss. therefore you have no purpose and are a joke bullying chat gpt on "bing"
>>399185 lad you should keep some basic tools in your shartmobile in case you need to change the belt again or something else
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvM0Gi1QvUY good video about camp followers
>>399186 yeah I got it fixed for free which was based
cannot fucking stand shoeonhand, just another stupid worthless whore
shifting it from "society is collapsing and white men are being crushed by jews" into "MEN ARE LONELY" is just another subversive tactic.
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>>399189 women don't seem fully sentient they just have such vacant stupid eyes even when they are cute and fit its like an animals eyes
its 90% simps crying over lack of pussy, sick of it tbh
>just accidentaly deadnamed Bharat on 4chud
Fact is the idea that women are "independent" and don't need men anymore because they can work and thats mens fault is absurd, women just have sinecures and stolen jobs that belong to men and its destroying society, they are not "independent" men are still the ones working like dogs to keep iphone sluts posting their arse online.
>>399194 tbh its all a joke and women today are so fucking busted and cowardly that they can't even have children they just want to live as little drones of the state in a perpetual state of neurotic anxiety. they all constantly question everything that people in real life are doing around them through their social media and hold the people in their life to some curated fake ideal that is just a collective delusion of a bunch of women all trying to trick each other into being as unattractive as possible to men because that is what everyone else is doing
>>399195 think this is never more obvious than when I saw some stupid yt video today of a guy speaking to girls at a convention who are doing the usual slag matrix outfit "cosplay" shite and when they say they are 17 he runs away like its a joke, how can society be so pornofied and sexualised yet at the same time pull the ==SHES 17 YEARS AND 364 DAYS OLD YOU SICK FUCK" its utterly bizarre, also the whole meme about consent (which isn't a real thing) being so prominent at a time when women are bigger sluts now than ever in history, literally, women have NEVER before been sluts as much as they are now.
>>399196 consent is also a social construct which doesn't occur in the animal kingdom. the idea that as a civilization we can just squander resources like human eggs is decadence. its a stupid joke that women are going to be out there digging in the coal mines with men or out on ships or whatever, like you said, they are just sitting at some desk farting in a chair geting fat off jew tax money farmed off workhorse white men
wish I was in the waffen ss rn
>>399198 its just that I keep seeing this meme that whats going on with the incel thing now is thats its just the "natural consequences" of women being "independent" and "no longer needing men" when they do still need them the only difference is that women are not being held to their end of the bargain because of jews, women are being served and men are working like animals to keep this shitheap running yet women provide nothing in return.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt4le-hax6I >that one incel that stumbles everytime
Satanism ‘Fastest Growing Religion’ In America >Satanism is now the “fastest growing religion in the United States“, according to British researcher Dr. James Phillips, who warns “chances are now as high as one in 10 that the guy next door is a Satanist.“ >“The religion has a long history, but it has exploded in the last couple of years,” says Dr. Phillips, an academic who specializes in niche religions and the occult at Oxford University in England. >Celebrity endorsements of Satan worship have “certainly played a part“, says Dr. Phillips, who also cites “media outlets pushing the Satanic agenda, attempting to normalize it and lure non-typical types into the fold.” >“The LA Times recently ran a piece on Satanism, attempting to portray devil worship as cool. Here in England, The Guardian, the biggest liberal newspaper in the world, just ran a similar advertorial for Satanism. Right now, don’t ask me why, but global media outlets, big publications, are doing Satan’s bidding.” >The Guardian article, published on January 7, goes even further than the LA Times in legitimizing the worship of Satan, declaring that the Church of Satan is now “cool” and Satanism is a “spiritual antidote to the Trump era.” https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/satanism-fastest-growing-religion/
I just want a gf so I can be better than my /brit/ peers
>>399200 yeah society abstracted the relationship between men and women through the artifice of the state which women are now married to legally women we slave away and are taxed, etc. so that women can skim on projects as "managers" and recruiters and they expect to be paid 60k plus which is about 500 dollars a day but is an incel asks to be paid similiarly for his time "we need to think about this", "he is a scammer" etc
>The Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post did not include Zelensky in the list of the most influential Jews of this year, after being number 2 in 2022, although Yevgeny Prigozhin is there.
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>>399208 rip germ
>>399211 6:16 mike pence gets rekt by chud
>>399212 manslaughter?
>>399214 murder charge
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEqbdPRoleA smh should have gone into VATS mode
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>>399218 >that entire section the myth of the 20th century where he lays out the swarthoidic takeover of france
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>sick of wanking >sick of nofap >sick of diet >sick of not being fit >sick of gaming >sick of never playing games >sick of neeting >sick of toiling >sick of polishits >sick of white genocide
https://youtu.be/qdk52nMMWcU Why doesn't Steiner get on the Lotus Eaters? Even a lad he mocked gets to be on there
>>399222 Steiney doesn't have the phenotype or BMI to be on the Fetus Eaters.
>>399221 >tfw been a wignat since 2010
>17 year old niggers steal car in Vegas. Go on rampage running cars of the road, and they intentionally run over 64 year old man (Andreas Probst) on a bike killing him.
>>399226 white people won't do shit about it
>>399226 Just a prank though
>>399206 diesels are so peng, i wish we had this culture here
>>399191 That's because you have aspergers, it's not women who are subhuman . . . it's you.
https://youtu.be/832YKr_VG0c >All those coomers watching this chink lass build a lego house
>>399230 >gender traitor
>>399232 I stand with my fellow attack helicopters! Like my facebook page for more hilarious memes! >>399231 >No insulation between the logs Is this a chink thing?
It's warping in the middle >Monkey comes to join the chinkess and her dog keeeeeek kino
Remember overhearing mum and her group of female frens talk negatively about their husbands together as a wee childhog. Now women do this online to anonymous people and in a way that their men can find out. Yikes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBzcBLBZZCU Also, don't know how Sargon does it, but he and his crowd just manages to make me cringe hard at times. I think in this case it's because they try to pass themselves off as masculine rather than the dorks they are.
>>399233 >>No insulation between the logs >Bamboos grow in the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa and Latin America, I think they can manage without, lass
>>399236 It still gets cold at chink nights lass, just not all the time smh Though I guess that it's so rare she just snuggles her monkey creatures when it does drop low
Russell Brand is going to be announced as a nonce alongside others tonight at 9pm on Channel 4!
worried about how long the ukraine war has been going on. that lad who said this was a practice war before a world war like the boear war which precedded ww1 and the spanish civil war which preceded ww2 was onto something i fear
https://youtu.be/nu9vGE54C5Y?si=STSV-19GPNCuhbjq So many minorities in this vid and this is Arizona
What is Steiner going to.do about it. Something has to be done
been thinking about ww2 from the axis perspective. japan really pulled its weight to go after the usa, they did pearl harbour and even invaded the alutean islands in alaska and did a kamikaze charge and all died in that battle in addition to this, they stood up to the us navy all across the pacific and sent cool incendiary balloons to burn the place down. meanwhile over in the atlantic, shitler couldn't even get his v3 wonderwaffen rocket ready to bomb new york in time. smh
>>399246 would bombing new york have made much difference?
>>399246 It made sense, Japan was far nearer to the US, and the British navy was strong enough to deal with the Italians and Germans navies. Hitler and Goring thought air power would be the key, and in many ways it was. Yes, Hitler had a deep dislike of America due to the disproportionate influence Jews have there, but he never had designs on America. America is too large, too populous and too far away for an Axis occupation to have been viable. The Axis had already lost by 1942. America's strategic resources and manufacturing capacity completely outmatched the Axis. Nazi Germany was in dire need of more food and oil, hence Barbarossa. It was very difficult to keep on developing new weapons in such an environment. Such things require a lot of time and resources. There were many failed projects, as is par for the course, and resources were needed to manufacture existing proven weapons that could be used en masse. Bombing New York wouldn't have accomplished anything anyway, except for giving FDR more reasons to bomb Europe into submission.
>>399248 lad the pacific is twice the width of the atlantic, germany is way closer to the us mainland than japan >>399247 i suppose, would've been a flex though
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66819837 this'll interest some lids
Morning lads What phenoxeno is this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eB2T9PP140s
>>399242 the climate by it's nature never stops changing.
>Coming over here making money behaving like a degenerate by being a bad influence on are youth, despite an opportunity to study law to ostensibly pursue a proper career in that field and taking that opportunity from a British student. Ugly mutt https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-66823675
>>399242 No loss Wouldn’t want neurotic mentalist mother for my kids tbh
These south asians I swear, this anti blackism they are engaging in smh
think this divide and conquer thing might be a bit easier than I thought lads keeeek
>>399261 the race war's starting and huwhites didn't get an invite smh
That based lad in the aisle copping a feel
>>399242 What a plonker
>>399248 In Mein Kampf he talks about how Europe has to unite to see off the threat of the US dominating the world culturally and economically. He never had designs on the USA but eclipsing the cunts was rightly high on his list. >ywn visit Hamburg of Nazi Germany which had become a rival to New York and Shanghai
>>399253 Foid told me her job consists of replying to viber messages smh
>>399252 I keek! I hair there will be other celebrities too! >>399261 Open secret that the niggers and browns hate each other and often engage in gang warfare >>399265 keeeeeeeeeeeek
I wish to have sex with Chinese women!
Everytime I see images like this I think of steiner seethemaxxing at the buttmaxxers and have a hearty keek
Seen a video of Kangaroos fighting. Very keekworthy animals. Mandogs/ratblokes is what I would have called them. >>399272 You're browsing 4chan too, I see.
>>399271 u will have sex with chinese women
The signs are good for the chuddening of Europe
>>399275 Just as the AfD helped to pass a local law and are gaining more and more ground.
>>399275 portentous
>>399273 Yeah. Less seethe than the tabloids tbh
>>399275 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>399277 Tbh
>>399279 Based. I'm in the highly educated blacks thread making sneed noises
>>399281 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>399282 keeeek
https://youtu.be/HUpF02_KG3o Got this stuck in me knut
>>399284 choon that
wonder why mormons are the only sect of christianity that bothers to proselytise any more
>>399287 i've come across jehova witnesses and scientologist stands in the city centre tho.
>>399288 never seen either of those tbh it's strange since when i was growing up the jehova's witnesses had the foremost reputation for being door-knockers and mormons were completely unheard of outside shartica
>>399287 I was thinking about this t'other day tbh, most Christians now are more concerned with evangelising niggers than their own sneople. Ironic since niggers Christians and Chink Christians are growing in number while we decline.
what's that chinese cult who are everywhere
>>399288 yeah the JW are active around smee might go along one day, just can't join because despite the doomposting I want to at least try to live longer than my defective set of internal organs would like can't remember if it's scripture or what but they don't like transfusions and transplants etc >>399289 I got an honest to god "pastor's daughter" door knock once, was comfy tbh that's the one where they send their daughters ahead to entice you into thinking you could join and marry her and then as soon as the door is open for a conversation her dad turns up to proselytise keek
also got a couple of unsolicited christmas cards from the same lass over the years
>>399291 Falling gong?
>>399290 tbh missionaries are always flying off to the deepest congo or some literally who island of a few thousand people but i've never heard of one daring to go to his local city >>399291 going to have to be more specific tbh >>399292 they see it as a form of cannibalism iirc
>>399294 delusional
>>399296 apparently a lot of african christians now come to europe to preach keeeeek smh
finna get into carl jung, give me a promo and where to start.
>>399298 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek bringing the good word to the godless heathens are they
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>>399301 that's pretty cool ngl where is that?
>>399295 yea falling gong >>399296
>>399302 >>399302 Fu De Keng Public Cemetery Taipei
>>399271 as do I
>>399298 there are always black preachers in Newham, but you'd expect that given that Newham is full to the brim with foreigners
>>399304 could almost tolerate knowing i'd be cremated if it meant i'd end up somewhere like that tbh almost
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>>399246 I wish so badly that the pozzstralians didn't see them coming so all the aircraft carriers got rekt >>399294 I'd breed a Persian lass tbh, they are Aryan >>399307 another shit game? guess people aren't buying the mortgage payment worth of DLC anymore, so they need to keep pumping out new titles now. in early access for full price, of course
>>399307 cavebros i'm thinking we're back
>>399308 Love cemeteries me
>>399307 In before Cheddar man is blacking our bronze age ancestors.
>>399307 >>399309 keking that paradox not only discontinued Imperator: Rome but they dont even acknowledge they ever made it in the side bar lmfao.
>>399311 yeah they're pretty cool tbh
>>399307 >niggerlithic WHGs death to soyim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=904xN8YIQd4
>>399314 does he count Pinkerton and Carnegie as rednecks? I mean they're Scots so they're originals in a sense.
>>399316 they were dark like an arab most likely tho
What cloudservice do you lads use? After police took my all my devices I felt so lost, I can't let that happen again
>>399307 Let me guess, they are going to look like niggers, but at the same time be more advanced back then than the niggers ever were on their own
>cloud couldn't be me
>>399294 >>399309 Yeah, Persia was the best of the middle east. Many good looking women, whiter and more civilised than its arabic neighbours
>>399321 smh does it irradiate your ballsack? All those pepes passing through my balls smh
>>399307 It'd better be all whites and have women treated as chattel. Should give the option to enslave the survivors of defeated rival tribes.
>>399323 >The riders I speak to are undocumented migrant workers, willing to accept lower pay and poor working conditions to get around restrictions on the right to work Isn't it illegal not to report illegals?
>>399314 Women
>>399322 can't really remember recent middle eastern history very well but wasn't all this deliberately destroyed for the sake of provoking forever wars? >>399323 should've gone to america if you wanted tips tbqh
>>399328 Tbh Hate them. Next they’ll embark on a crime spree blame it on not getting tipped while getting dole and claiming bennies in 6 countries and the courts will let them off because immigration solicitor Rampang Obontharajam-Goldberg takes their case to the ECHR
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/QE3H-OvUFM0?feature=share What's your take on these lasses lads? Let's have a jolly good seetherino!
>>399330 when society just isn't bad enough already
>>399328 Nah Iran fell for a few reasons. The Shah was perceived as authoritarian, corrupt and favouring his own interests and rapid modernisation/westernisation above the needs/wants of the people. In the Islamic world, religious leaders are held in very high esteem and not typically questioned, so when Khomeini spoke against the Shah, many Iranians were with him. Jimmy Carter decided to throw the Shah under the bus after he refused to concede to enacting "democratic reforms". Raising oil prices didn't endear him to the US either, and let's not forget that Jimmy Carter was big on pushing for "human rights", of with the Shah was decidedly not a proponent.
>>399331 >build to rent just another parasite
>>399333 didn't know that tbh >>399335 yes he's filth and i have nothing but contempt for him
>>399336 >Shulamith Bath Shmuel Ben Ari Firestone (born Feuerstein; honestly would not care even if it was murder clear as day
>>399333 >Iran fell
>>399334 He got a loan from the Bank of Australia for 180 million bucks and said he doesn’t know why they lent him the money…hmmmm He also he got the backing of rich grandad. And it took him only 6 years to become a billionaire Yeah ok spamhead
>>399340 a real self-made man then
she was so fucking beautiful ...
>>399342 >that stache stubble
>>399336 >Another oilygarch down Oh dear how sad etc
>>399341 Yeah they all are Can’t relate to the fact that there is no carrot for the working man just the stick. Le YOU GET PAYED 1300 TOIL UNITS PER MONTH STOP EATING ADVOCADO TOAST AND THEN YOU’LL BE ABLE TO SAVE ENOUGH IN TEN YEARS FOR A DEPOSIT FOR A HOUSE THAT COSTS 500000 TOIL TOKENS NOW IN A CLIMATE THAT DELIBERATELY CONSTANTLY DISRUPTS WAGES AND JOB STABILITY YOU LAZY BASTARDS! >Fellow Rich Lister Harry Triguboff once called Timbo “the future”, while Morry Schwarz has been fingered as a mentor.
why do jewish women always choose to succumb to their genetic mental illnesses rather than be my loving wife?
>>399348 I'll have the vampire demon on the left, please, lass
>>399346 keeeeek >>399347 tbh completely out of touch don't even like commies but i'd join in if they ever did anything just for the chance to lynch these fucks
>>399349 she assasinated lenin and saved the white race.
>>399351 based
>>399348 I think god engineered them that way just to spite the degenerates sick enough to be attracted to these scruffy goblins.
>>399353 tbh it's already odd enough that they're allowed to exist smh that they're the punchline to a joke is the cleanest and simplest explanation
Estonian coal burner can’t stomach Bharattybois https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCZrdM4TnHg Prefers Pooland ( which is going to literally turn into Poolandbharat ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlSsGMxMo4I
Also greedy slavs literally selling Polish visas to Europe and for the ruination of their own country, Polish government fewmin that they’re not getting their cut https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66827742
>>399356 was just about to post this. fuck you
>>399346 >themed softcore pornography >meme
>>399356 slavs never should've been invited to the huwhite club
so when I have a breakfast consistenting of eggs, sausage, and toast (one slice buttered, one slice with jam), I eat it in a particular way. first the buttered toast, then the eggs and sausage, and finally the toast with jam as a small 'dessert'. I've noticed that if I just eat eggs and sausage with no toast, I feel this sense of like, my body expecting the jam toast, eager to absorb the carbs and sugar. and it gets weirdly disappointed when there is none >>399356 I unironically believe that Poland should be divided between Germany and Russia and the Poles should be made into chattel slaves. hate them >>399358 >fully clothed drawings >pornography words mean things, you know
the polish slaves should be put into hot factories like steel mills or something and flogged to keep them working hard 18 hours a day. I can't stand how they're so obsessed with Russia and Germany, and there's no point to them at all, they're ugly and stupid and have never created anything noteworthy. a pimple on the face of Europe asking to be popped
Yeah those pics aren't coomerish at all, just wholesome memmerinos
>>399363 you don't understand lad it's uplifting to the aryan spirit or something
>>399361 I concur wholeheartedly
>spic fuck off you subhuman coomer
Time to watch some Hong Kong kino
fuuuck I have to do my teeth so I can go to sleeeeep nooooooooooooooo
bit bored of trannies tbh when is the next thing going to drop
>>399371 tbh it's getting a bit stale smh give us new horrors to comprehend >>399372 >
>>399229 didn't the jews have the inventor of diesel motors killed?
>>399374 wouldn't surprise me thinking about airships again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJ52_czqCCQ
History deleted. Files deleted. Who /freshstart/ here?
>have to delete history and search history and passwords separately Not making it easy for lads who have been naughty tbh. Hopefully I got it all
>>399374 Mysteriously died and fell off a boat while crossing the Atlantic.
https://twitter.com/ActivePatriotUK/status/1702578353759264989 https://twitter.com/ActivePatriotUK/status/1702732575276408861 Been kicking off at that hotel in wales after locals revolted, seems the govt is treating it with kids gloves for some reason, probably to avoid it getting too much attention of inflaming locals.
There are currently three far-right parties in Greece with seats in the Hellenic Parliament, with a combined total of 34 seats won in the last election. The Spartans- founded in 2017 and led by Vasilis Stigkas, a former member of a number of small right wing parties excluding Golden Dawn, he seems to have been politically active for the past 30 years in obscurity. He was supported by former GD MP Ilias Kasidiaris in the 2023 election and thanked him for the support. Its been claimed, including by former members, that Stigkas is just a front man for Kasidiaris and the party is Golden Dawn in all but name. The party sides with Russia in the Ukraine Russia war and won 12 seats in the 2023 legislative elections. Greek Solution- founded in 2016 and led by Kyriakos Velopoulos, a telemarketer by trade and former member of the main centre-right party New Democracy. He's been accused of selling fake Biblical artefacts, and by all accounts probably did. Velopoulos maintains that the criminalisation of Golden Dawn and jailing of MPs was based off faulty evidence and illegal itself but still maintains a cordon sanitaire preventing former Golden Dawn members from joining his party. Velopoulos and his party took inspiration from other right-populists and their slogan is Make Greece Great Again. The party takes a pro-Russian stance in the Ukraine Russian war and won 12 seats in the 2023 legislative elections. Victory/NIKI- founded in 2019 by Dimitris Natsios, a primary school teacher, televangelist and theologian. The party takes a hardline conservative stance based off the Orthodox faith, forbidding Freemasons and atheists from becoming members. Its primarily concerned with moral decline and opposing LGBT+ acceptance, abortion and public spending. It holds a firmly neutral stance on the Russian Ukraine war and won 10 seats in the 2023 legislative elections. Overall the far-right currently has its highest electoral representation since the return of democracy in 1974, however its divided between three parties. Vasilis Stigkas, Kyriakos Velopoulos, Dimitris Natsios
>>399380 Gremllyn Davies spotted
>>399382 >>399380 is there a livestream?
>>399383 it was yesterday, active patriot streams them I believe, just look up streams on it
they built an encampment lmao https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3JDL5Mzxu_M
>>399380 based will the celtoids save the anglo race?
>>399381 good post hope GD can retvrn though tbh
>>399386 we're so back
where are the skull masks smh
funny that antifa are a no show and instead you just have literal pinkertons hired to intimidate the locals by the rich cunt that owns the hotel. locals need to doxx them and give them home visits until they cant find anyone who'll take the job.
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reminder that if this incel was wearing a gun or a sword on his belt he would be looking at his face
>>399394 nonsensical sentence, try again.
fresh slavcel bollock destruction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pylr_7iqj4
omg wessie took his flag off, what will he do next, theres just no predicting this guy
Some truly awful posts today.
>>399394 did u have teenage love lad?
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>>399399 of course not just a couple of oneetus in my early to mid 20s but generally zero reciprocal recognition from women for 20 plus years
Going learn forklift driving last week of this month lads. this is at the warehouse that gave me the popularity award , hope I don't disappoint. 11 months at this place so far.
>>399400 Me too, but I did have sex a few times but only in my late 20s. Mummy sent me an all boys comprehensive (state school) here, maybe it was good coz i'm an autist but I don't have any gf pool as a result. I think manc lad knows his adultress from secondary school or something. Sad to have never had teen love tho, i think it means we're missing something
one time a french girl dumped those poisonous shoe freshener ball things in my hair
everything white men do that isn't wignatism or something just seems like a cope tbh
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTNUqhi8mms
>>399402 >tfw based music teacher said "put her down, you don't know where she's been" when I was late for class smooching Should've listened then tbph.
>>399404 Thanks, never driven before but at this warehouse, it seems like people just retreat from fork lift drifting if they're not good at it but hopefully will be good.
>>399402 based i don't care about love cancer meme its just shite from the victorian era load of shite nothingburger that is "sex gaming" with women. you can learn all you need to know about the love meme shite from ebaumsworld games like franks adventure where you have to do a legend of zelda tier quest just to see anime boobs. women are just camp followers to all mens activities and they bicker and fight with each other who which male is rutting them at the current moment, its disgusting and without the context of patriarchal family structures and religion its just weird animality which at this point in my life I am glad I was never a part of
>>399409 I think if you get good at it you can specialize and do more elaborate stuff which pays better its also dominated by boomers so if you get good at it you will be able carve out a niche later in life
skytrac operators then get good enough to be crane operators and those guys are upper middle class wages
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>Oxbridge dons have accused a rival scholar of “undermining the history of Britain” with “absolutely no evidence” in a row over claims that a key figure of the Industrial Revolution stole his idea from Jamaican slaves. >‘ALMOST A FAIRY TALE’ Prof Lawrence Goldman, a leading historian at the University of Oxford, said the lecturer “constructed a story that is literally too good to be true…almost a fairy tale’ and “it’s an emerging scandal” which has been “more than demolished”. “It’s serious, and evidence of how reason and facts are being suspended in the search for ever more ways to undermine the history of Britain and its empire,’ he told The Telegraph. “We must give Jenny Bulstrode every chance to explain herself. We must also expect University College London, where she teaches, to investigate what has gone on, as, on the face of it, this is a serious infringement of academic conventions and the pursuit of historical truth,” he said.
It was thing between Historians
dreamt that I found out I had a bald patch last night tbh the norwood reaper is warning me
>>399417 >dreamt
>>399418 going to be a real horror film moment when I get a hand mirror to look at the back of my skull and find out it's true smh
>>399415 based boomer putting lisa simpson in her place, saw this all the time at uni. had this fat jewess in the archeology department of umich going on and honestly entertaining the idea that bantu niggers built the pyramids in a professional capacity
sad part is that lisa simpson could be a fit mummy making nice little dishes at home with her little chuds but instead she is out there at some uni basically finger painting on the bayeux tapestry
the 2028 presidential election will be decided on which candidate can bring the ceremonial 800pd black trans queen to orgasm the fastest
>>399424 live buckbreaking in front of an audience of fat chuds raging out and clapping
>walk to the shops >pass the neofaggot flags on a betting shop >pass the woman in a burka with three kids >turn left at a group of loitering nigger youths >arrive to an indian shopkeep where ten beers cost $14
>>399421 smh even brumpf is a bbcslut now
>>399429 the worst part, i only had pounds
>>399413 bbk should try and get on millenniyule this year
incredible how women have even taken over the male space of war, every article now about ukraine has an interview with a ukrainian female "soldier"
>>399427 >arrive to an indian shopkeep where ten beers cost $14 >thank you, come again. probably don't even get that anymore
>Umań, Ukraine after a week when the chosen came over to pray at some grave
>>399433 the media communication apparatus of the west is dangerously detached from reality its why they want to ban alternative medias so they can continue to pretend that their delusions are reality for the vast herd of WFH pod people who don't really ever interact with reality IMO
fresh bad morgoth take >Aliens are real, but we live in hyper-reality https://morgoth.substack.com/p/why-nobody-cares-about-the-aliens
>>399440 hes been an utter brainlet over the last year tbh, another one whos mind was broken by covid
no such thing as aliens. or dinosaurs. just suffering for the White man to endure.
so those two british volunteers were murdered 40kms from the frontline. wondering if its based azov putting in work on the libs or maybe they opposed some warcrime.
>>399444 my money on it being a glow op being shutdown
>>399440 >>399441 >Unironic midwits failing to understand morgoths accurate takes
>>399446 yeah tbf it's only the sharticle title that is outright clickbait faggotry the body of it is still overly dramatic fart huffing though
Real talk. The thing with morgoth poosts is you need a high IQ to roll with it. Lads are lacking.
>>399449 Mild keek.
threads on 4/pol/ are lasting 2-3 days regularly now.
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fuuuuuuck that sexy spanish nazi lass was in my neck of the woods last week and i missed it
libtards actually called Orban a fascist for rebuilding sites destroyed by the soviets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6rM8UxIYOU
>>399453 Seen all but the niglet one. Scanner darkly was a chore so I'd pick mouth of madness. Though event horizon has similar themes albeit in space and it's done better.
>>399456 you can add your own films if you want
>>399402 did you go to a grammar school lad?
what the heck is "Takene 3"?
>>399455 Orban actually is the only european leader close to being fascist (a good thing).
>>399444 it's ukie conscripts getting rid of keener war tourists so they can mass surrender to russia instead of actually fighting i reckon
>>399394 did you mean she? she would be looking at his face? instead of his dick?
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>>399387 there is no such thing as "fresh woes" anymore he's always at least a week out of date stale woes is all we get now
>9pm >not playing Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure in the kosmi as agreed on after deliberations in the secret MUD chat
>>399458 no an average to bad comprehensive in london
It was a late entry, but "Takene 3" seems to have won the poll I can't find this film anywhere though. Is it Asian?
>>399467 what about the first two though
>nips are bullying christians now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgXkJxNTRd4
>>399468 nobody added or voted for them
>watching films out of order AUGH NO! my autism!
>>399471 yeah we aren't watching that now idiot fatt nonce 22st didnt'e even show up for it, and I think he voted for it twice too. I removed my vote now too, so it's not winning
Taken 3 is shitter than 1 or 2
>>399475 It's such a boring film smh
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>>399469 >now To be fair to the Japs, if they're religious they should be shintoists, not Christians. A Christian Jap is like a white Buddhist. It's cringeworthy.
Watching that Russell Brand documentary >A relationship between a man in his thirties and a sixteen year old girl should be illegew keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >It's been twenty minutes of her graphically explaining the alleged rape
>>399478 A christian white is as cringe as anything.
thinking about how lasshogs would bully me for ironically watching 100s of hours of lego reviews ironically
>>399478 christianity is true and therefor everyone should be christian. still christianity doesnt obliterate cultures, japan can maintain their old traditions and still be christian. white buddhists just larp as a tibetan and ignore their native culture and nation. >>399480 suicide immediately
>>399467 >>399459 I put Taken 3 as a fucking joke because watching 3 before 1 and 2 is ridiculous. RETARDS. GODDAMN IT
>>399479 If a smear doc comes out about a political dissident, even Brand, the motivation is obviously his ideas are a little too naughty for blairite shitain.
>>399482 >christianity is true and therefor everyone should be christian. still christianity doesnt obliterate cultures, japan can maintain their old traditions and still be christian. white buddhists just larp as a tibetan and ignore their native culture and nation. tbh
Agegapbros... remember to play it safe. Don't get too cocky
>>399486 Channel 4 dispatches have been informed of your activities 22st. Soon you will have ten articles about you on the daily mail.
>>399487 trannychads.. I kneel. I denounce all my anti-tranny activities. I will suckle your toes
looks like some nonce was spamming on opera's free vpn smh couldn't poost under global rule 4 >>399486 looks really ugly tbqh could have at least done the series in clone wars cartoon style instead of 3d cgi and facepaint
>>399465 hope it was long enough ago that you didn't get stabbed lad
>The evidences against Russel are him making jokes
>>399489 are you talking about the documentary from 20 years ago?
>>399489 come for the king you better not miss
fuck i missed watching the brand doc and reacting in real time
>>399498 It's just women moaning and making claims that can't be substantiated.
>femoid: he shoved his dick down my throat until i couldnt breathe verifiably false
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I bought one of those fake chinese classic Boba Fett figures a while ago. Pretty good.
>>399500 tbh keeeeek she's the cunt who said relationships between 16 y/os and BBKs should be illegal smh
>>399501 What do you do with it? Play with it like a child? Look at it?
Russell Brand looks like a waster, sounds like a poof and says some very dumb things. The only time I found him bearable was in Army of One with Nick Cage, so I don't really give a hoot about anything pertaining to him. Unless he's dead, in which case I'd be mildly gladdened.
>>399508 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeno
>>399504 I put it on a shelf by my bed and relive happy childhood memories when I see it.
https://youtu.be/ZWUyLrExg3g >Wellington prepares for Waterloo >Flags are all wrong >Uniforms and hats are all wrong unkino tbh
I also have an immense Star Wars action figure collection, including various ships and playsets too. Must get rid of it at some point, but I'm getting rid of old books, dvds and games first because those are easier.
Between 2005 - 2015 I just bought a hell of a lot of star wars figures. I bought a friend's collection, my sister's ex boyfriend's collection, and other collections I found at the local church fete and charity shops. In addition to figures I bought new
kind of want to see if mummy still has my old lego tbh would be fun to play some brickwars autism
>>399513 Should have collected you some bitches . . .
>>399516 nah, women don't have jetpacks and lightsabers
media fabricated story for russel being a barely bad goy
>>399515 cats had peed on mine but they were fine after mummy washed them
>>399517 Your mum's got a lightsaber DILDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
>>399519 That's not too bad. My dog tried to eat Luke and Han, so now they're permanently marred by his toothmarks.
I miss the cyberpunk theme from old 8chan tbh
>>399482 >christianity is true and therefor everyone should be christian
that distinct smell of burnt testicle hair, coom and grease... spic is here again
>>399523 go sacrifice your gonads to teltzelcotl spic
that burnt rubber dick smell after you have sex
>>399527 smh the metropolitan police are really dropping the ball if they can't even stop a part and parcel of life in the big city like that tiny little disagreement london's really going to the dogs
>>399446 >mancs talking about the intelligence of others >>399480 you are the worst poster on here >>399523 back to the bongo tranny

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