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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3910: E-Celeb overdose Edition Anonymous 10/25/2023 (Wed) 21:36:23 Id: ae4799 No. 409539
Outrage as traditional Cotswold stone wall replaced with fence https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-gloucestershire-67217742 Ukraine war: Forced evacuations as Russian attacks intensify https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-67219258 Bianca Williams: Two Met officers sacked over athlete search gross misconduct https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-67214409 Netanyahu says Israel preparing for Gaza ground invasion but won't say when https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-middle-east-67201465
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:33:30.
the fact of the matter is, there are no facts, does that matter?
>E-Celeb overdose Edition >even THOUGH I've already watched all good eceleb content tonight except for mr nose's latest tbh https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR233:d
Anyone have the vid of the lesbian blond yorkshire copper goong mental and pepper spraying literally everyone?
>>409544 KEEEEK no but saw JF twatting about it or some other eceleb tbh hope she got bullycided and that's what drove her over
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was doing microtoil at posho rich ladys air bnb and the qt russian cleaning maid wasn't there instead it was a babuskha russian lady who kepts telling me to turn down my toil tunes
>>409546 should have put on some trvd rvssivn classical lad then you'd be drowning in shashlik and blini
>>409547 we don't have none of that homosexal type music in this dewalt boom box
>>409546 next time play this for her lad thatll keep her QUIET
>>409544 >>409545 I think sargn and his people were covering it
>>409552 explains why I couldn't remember never bothered to watch a single carl of swindon video tbqh
>>409545 >30 second clip of cop >15 minutes of waffle analysis Yeah, is Carl and chums https://youtu.be/ZJUwyKpcPDo?si=rwx_VOC9I2sv59yt
>tfw socialising feels like toil >on top of actual toil
>russian fpv drone is launched with a mouse at the end of the rpg
>>409558 Dont understand how its even possible to get that big tbh
yet another leopard taken out in ukraine by a drone
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4-DuiJqJSI >pigcels get to neet on a comfy farm managed by lisa simpsons while you toil and live at mummies house and never even talk to lasses
>>409562 is that one of those bike lane mongs you were talking about in a previous rant
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Active sharter at large in maine
>>409564 wonder what it's about this time
>>409566 Women abandoning western men
>>409567 many such cases
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J72N7NRKljQ HEY MARTIN do they race semi trucks in norway? its very popular to do races with logging trucks in shitagain
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>had been detained in a mental hospital after hearing voices telling him to shoot up a national guard office schizobros they're coming for our ARs
for me it's the old PNW logger trucks
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>>409571 Would love to drive one of these one day
Haaaang les-bee-an na-na
>>409557 f for the Z-maus
>>409569 don't think so
it's over
>>409578 Hardly surprising STJ looks like he's 30% cro-magnon grug.
jews stayed up past their bedtimes and did a cheeky bit of midnight genociding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ViXsFAXrHA
Will probably just stick to drones and night raids with the advantage of NVG.
Israel only had over 100 dead and over a 1,000 wounded in 2006 and they did a runner against Lebanon. You know those 2,000 marines will be taking on the tougher missions. They're not just there to dictate.
>>409582 tbh want them to lose but i can't really fault them for using whatever advantages they have
>>409587 good lad
maine sharter death toll being reported at 100 shot, 40 dead. pray for steiner
>>409589 we only see those numbers when it's a glowie op smh
good eating on that tbh
>>409595 I bet it said the same thing about the bodies it's been gnawing on
The police-persecution-saga is over. I have to pay a fine for the boku no pico videos, a pic of a naked 17 year old girl who I thought was 18 and a video dorset posted some time years ago where three people of questionable age were having sex. The moral of the story: be careful of what you save, and don't save something you don't really care about for a long period of time. Also: ACK trannies
The tranny police arc lasted 7 months 1 week smh. Don't have time to solve or stop crimes, has the time to bully innocent lads
>>409598 you should give the paedo RP a rest from now on
>>409600 No, I've given it a rest for 7 months. We're back
>>409598 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek and the looney troons thought they would hang the north sea nonce. shame that things like that can happen to innocent archive lads
>>409602 tbh. Hoarding lad me and it came back to bite me smh. Makes it obvious this is how they get a lot of goodlads, go into their computers looking for naughty things, but then they find a naughty thing of another nature and charge them with that smh
>>409598 >ACK trannies How is it 'ACK trannies' when it's just you and bins that keep reminding us of them anyway.
I'm not buying it.
>>409605 smh not a fresh poombs pic in weeks
the sun is shining and the beach is thriving.
>>409607 Ahem, that passing Norge tranny. It doesn't have to be pooms related.
>two XL bullies with no collars roaming around my street this smorn with no owner in sight At least they seemed friendly.
>>409610 should have recruited them to your warband by offering them a toddler each tbh
KEEEK actually that's a hilarious step on the road to being third world >poonak is a little manlet cuckold scared of dogs so he le bans them >bully owners are too lazy and retarded to sell them overseas or go to the effort of impounding them or having them put down and just release them onto the streets >in a decade from now there will be packs of wild murderdogs roaming britain mauling and voring everything they see while pakis, poos, arabs and niggers gabble in their heathen tribal languages and ineffectually whack them with sticks
>>409612 APEX KEEEK but also smdh.
People were upset I let a black man fuck my married wife who I have a daughter with.... well how about several black guys! I bet you are mad now, goy
>>409609 Keeeeeeeeeeek err I tried to save him, lass, but it was too late. um er also he was part algerian so you are technocally incorrect
>>409612 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeno
>>409615 >part algerian should have encourged him to ACK tbh out of loyalty to the OAS
>Cuck shit
>>409614 Pearl pls stay, and be my wife.
>>409616 >"this is not even biblical" what >wants biblical >doesn't read the snible what is wrong with these anti-nonce people. They are fucking retarded
thinking about how they in the smedieval ages would wait a few years until after menstruation began just so the body could develop enough to bear a child. The ages they waited to? 14-16 bros...
being whore thots is bad albeit smh thought it was wholesome pairing one lad and one lass but he makes it seem like they are being village bikes
>>409623 Same with memehammed tbh.
>>409624 tbh smh
>There's somebody you forgot to ask
>>409628 cor is that a lovely 25 year old woman
Grannies mad nobody wants to fuck them. frfr
he won. Plaque honouring the 'first black Briton' is removed after DNA analysis finds she was 'most likely from Cyprus' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12672763/Plaque-honouring-black-Briton-removed-DNA-analysis-finds-likely-Cyprus.html
>>409631 Based
I would fucking murder the trannies.
>>409598 >ShartIn Bars 2: The Police Invent Recuva Boogaloo
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>>409598 so you got all your stuff back, it's truly over? how much is the fine?
>>409631 The first black Briton has not yet existed, nor will it ever.
>>409637 TOO MUCH SPERGKINO UOH *cums*
>>409638 1500 British bollars. I'll get my items back but they'll have to make copies of them first and delete the bad things
>>409641 If they make and keep copies of the bad things can't you make a citizens arrest against the norge police for holding indecent images
alexa search bbc porn don't auto text and post this on 8chan.net/brit/
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>a 17yo I thought was 18 Reminder mainstream porn sites get away with the couple million illegal things they publish but you a whiteoid rightoid get charged for the mistake of downloading one barely illegal image. Should stay away from all porn anyway but a naughty political dissident really should.
>>409645 >Should stay away from all porn anyway but a naughty political dissident really should. Even bbc porn? but i'm admin of several bbc discord porns
>>409646 Unironically you could be charged with a racism if the bbc calls itself a nigger. Best air on the side of caution.
>>409647 smh, those are the best ones!
>>409645 She was >on a dating app which you have to be 18 to use >when I asked if she really was 18 she said yes So what you have to do is ask people for their passport so they can confirm their age. And yeah, I thought the same thing. I am sure there are underage people on porn sites, but I bet there are also those groomed py porn makers who get them to do porn as soon as they turn 18.
https://youtu.be/b6aK3cVX2Ts Wish I was a wholesome black deliveryman
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disgusting cop subhuman kills friendly deer for no reason all police and military should be thrown in a dark, cold, lonely, boring cell for life eating the most unappetizing slop that can sustain their worthless lives for as long as possible. meanwhile their relatives should be chemically castrated so these dirty cop genes can't be passed on to the next generation https://www.kansascity.com/news/nation-world/national/article280930763.html
>>409637 based
>Paywalled American news site >Wahhh an animals gotkilled I sense freaks.
>>409652 just cop bloodlust. probably first opportunity to kill something.
>>409655 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Densha Otaku are too based for this world.
>>409655 leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel
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>remembers the hu'white stag our pigs killed
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should have complied with instructions
>>409662 always think of that White man they had doing a Simon Says routine in the corridor of a hotel, before shooting him.
>>409663 Don't think I've seen that one.
>>409664 Daniel Shaver
>>409663 >>409664 Daniel Shaver
Cop was some jumped up little shit with sleeve tattoos
>when some punk high on meth-fentanyl speedballs won't comply with a simple instruction to get his hands above his head and touch his toes while doing a handstand and reciting the lyrics to the Macarena backwards
>>409666 >>409667 >>409668 Just watched it. Fucking seething. Imagine if he'd done this to a nigger. He'd have been fried by now.
>>409668 Think he's collecting bennies and a pension too
pls no not work
should have gotten up from my chair for the last bit of toil-prep 10 minutes ago. I don't want to
monitoring the geopolitical situation.
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I could have saved her. Okay, thank you.
>>409598 TOTAL B VICTORY!!!
>>409681 finally turned in my court paperwork for suing XL bossman had to go get beep booped by all the security guards and stand in a line of niggers seething about child support in order to file my paperwork
>>409652 tbh in shitagain deer are an infestation and they can spread prion diseases and lyme disease but that cop was just some coping bald edgelord
>>409637 Impressive, very based
>>409682 good lad, hope you extract your dues.
Love reading about weird European colonies in South America. They always end with the town become one of the wealthiest in the country, getting flooded by the local indios and pardos and then a hundred years later the mestizos start doing oktoberfests and eisteddfods for tourism. >“We are proud, not because we have an Austro-German culture … but rather because Pozuzo represents a very, very great effort. What you see now is a prosperous, beautiful, clean and orderly town. It has cost a lot of work,” she said. >Over the years the Germanic heritage of the people of Pozuzo has become diluted by intermarriage and in-migration from the Andes and the local indigenous people. In 2005, only about 15% of the population of about 4,000 in Pozuzo district claimed to have German heritage. In the same year, the first non-Germanic mayor of the town was elected, a man with an Andean heritage.[11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pozuzo https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/25/peru-pozuzo-austria-german-town-history
>>409686 The magic was never in the soil, but in the hu'white man, wherever he would go.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWAlQb_6goM greg is now "its over" pilled
>>409688 Wasn't he already "it's over" pilled?
>>409686 why I hate this shit, its my future without massive psychological change in our people. anglos/germanics/slavs go to some area of the earth and upgrade it and build a comfy place then wogs show up and infest the place and then claim they are the people who made it
>>409690 >wogs show up and infest the place and then claim they are the people who made it tbh
Same thing happened in the Chaco region of Paraguay. An arid area that nobody had farmed or raised any animals on and was inhabited by around 2,000 migratory natives suddenly became the richest region of Paraguay after German Mennonites settled it and managed to work the land. Today the towns they built in the middle of nowhere are all majority Indio/mestizo and those same formerly migratory indios live off charity from the Mennonite minority except for when they chimp out, accuse them of being racist and start murdering them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWWmJJMHTH0 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-42945657
>>409692 Wog cunts.
oh my SCIENCE rob unz is discussing israel with THE patrick casey LIVE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAVmRzaGlq0
>>409695 >that hair is that his punishment for being a good jew? smh
is it sharting season in america why are these niggas poppin off all of a sudden?
>>409692 same would have happened in the highlands of kenya if the british empire lasted longer would have been like rhodesia
>>409699 It's Shoaver
>SOMEWHERE IN THE U.S. SOUTH — It was a choice to melt down Robert E. Lee. But it would have been a choice to keep him intact, too. >So the statue of the Confederate general that once stood in Charlottesville — the one that prompted the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in 2017 — was now being cut into fragments and dropped into a furnace, dissolving into a sludge of glowing bronze. >The statue’s defenders more recently sought to block the city from handing over Lee to the Charlottesville’s Black history museum, which had proposed a plan to repurpose the metal. In a lawsuit, those plaintiffs suggested the monument should remain intact or be turned into Civil War cannons. But on Saturday the museum went ahead with its plan in secret at this small Southern foundry, in a town and state The Washington Post agreed not to name because of participants’ fears of violence. >“Well, they can’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again,” said Andrea Douglas, the museum’s executive director, as she watched pieces of oxidized metal descend into the furnace. “There will be no tape for that.” >“No cannons,” added Jalane Schmidt, a University of Virginia religious-studies professor standing beside her. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/interactive/2023/civil-war-monument-melting-robert-e-lee-confederate/
imagine how many ice creams and children he's gone through
>>409703 The children and ice cream were free gratuities.
amazing how the entire zog matrix is one huge gay faggot farm and we get the exact same "le popular media" propaganda for yidsrael as pookraine based towelheads never had it more right when they said they couldn't revenge assassinate a westoid after suleimani because blowing up a statue of mickey mouse wouldn't have the same impact
>>409707 they could kill biden or ar sunak any time and i'd feel really got back
>>409708 That's the problem.
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bad news gorlockbros....
>tfw have to watch pali lads break out of prison and fight their mortal enemies while their families cheer them on >get disowned by everyone you know in the west if you transgress liberalism
cheese & pickle sandwich went wrong lads
>>409711 If mannarino is to be believed, being a social pariah is going to be very low on what people care about soon.
>>409712 It would be right for me until the next morning.
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>>409711 >you will never be carried aloft in a comfy martyr's funeral procession
>>409712 keeeek serves you right for having furrin shite in your cupboards
>>409716 have to have furrin shite lad when there's a furrin lass in my bed :^)
>>409716 you were eating middle eastern sweets a day ago.
>>409718 and I like a bit of chutney too
>>409719 Based poos kicking out Joos
Oh Qatar nvm
>spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) are compromised >their jew handler reports to mossad >the poo is flushed, I repeat, the poo is flushed
>>409722 isn't it the other way round?
>>409725 There are no based jews
>>409726 no I mean the poos are accused of spying for Israel
>>409727 you are replying to bins who is notably low IQ and possibly has early onset alzheimers due to age
>ten past midnight >no seacow
>>409719 With Jews you lose, poos!
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>>409728 Oh bins is still around? Cool, I guess
>>409727 Yeah I misread the twatter post tbh
>>409731 Thanks lad
>>409720 disturbing foreign influence on this board tbh.
>>409735 why is poombs always doing the tranny smolder like hes dwayne the cock johns son
2lb loaf of soda bread baking in the oven as we speak lads >>409735 good lord is that there on the right Jocko?
>>409702 that wouldn't happen in the midwest
>baking at this hour
>>409738 what happens in the mid west?
>>409739 lovely toast in the morning lad
turns out the mad maine man just went back home lmfao. police have him surrounded live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LQgP_c_nNU
>>409743 based schizochad hope he takes some pigs with him
could do with another steinhog rant tbh
>>409745 yeah I know I have one I will try to upload it this weekend my cpu is such a pain in the ass it takes almost 2 hours to upload shite and sometimes it crashes halfway in
>>409747 shouldn't be such a pain uploading videos tbh, cant you just upload from your phone? just get a new pc lad smh.
>>409748 yeah I am poorfagmaxxing until I get my payout from court then I will get a decent computer
>toil truck needs new wiring grounds to stop electrical issues >need new cpu >toil truck rear axel is binding because of rusty control arm
>>409750 Why not get a new vehicle?
>>409746 do you have like banger car racing? It's something I used to attend with my dad where anyone with a beat up car could race in a nascar style arena but contact is allowed to the point of totaling another opponents car.
>>409752 yeah very common and kino I know they do that in the UK sometimes they do it with buses or agricultural combines as well
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15 year old toil trucks are 10k now lad
>>409755 wew, i forget how big the second hand market is in the UK. Apparently the biggest in Europe.
>>409756 my toil truck is from 2005 and it was 8k because of low milage despite having electrical system problems with the ECM and engine
the great lakes is the worst for used cars as well because of rust and the salt mine unions forcing the region to use salt on roads to keep the salt mines profitable as well as keep people buying cars
>>409759 /brit/ looksmatch 2023
>>409760 Solid advanced from 2020.
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tbh within a couple of years youtube will just be a porn site
>>409763 lad soft core porn was outsourced the moment hard core porn became just porn.
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>>409595 wew >>409598 bongo trannoids btfo
>>409595 The ghost of keev killed a nutria? Could also be that AK is one of the smaller models.
>thread wasn't updating 'ate it when it does that
>>409772 cymru wedi disgyn
>>409735 Smh why is/brit/ so transessed
Inside Little Hong Kong: How a single London borough is attracting thousands of families and students fleeing China as influencers use photos of Poundland, Starbucks and Lidl to entice others to the area https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12676059/Inside-Little-Hong-Kong-single-London-borough-attracting-thousands-families-students-fleeing-China-influencers-use-photos-Poundland-Starbucks-Lidl-entice-area.html >More than 110,000 Hong Kongers have been granted visas to live in the UK since the British Nationals Overseas Scheme was launched in January 2021.
>>409776 >wake up >seethe
>>409776 Still mild keek the name means fragrant harbour, but it's a kind of joke because everyone thinks it smells terrible. Smh at 110k pungent harbourers.
>>409777 that's every day lad >>409778 conceptualise the aroma
>>409776 that explains all the Chinese down there.
keeeeek he's been done
>>409781 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>409784 >fresh rat hunting Got me excited for more kino actual rat hunt vids.
>>409785 not sure actual footage of ratting is allowed on youtube smh probably upsets the kikes too much
>>409787 based terriers are more trad for britain though
yearning for the toilmines again mentally conquered smh
>>409789 iktf lad smh wish i could find some toil
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>>409791 you can just look out the window if you want to see that tbqh
>New study reveals Chedderman was 'most likely' trans I cant go on bros.... I cant...
>>409793 wouldn't even be surprised if that was a real study at this point tbh
>>409776 >an abundance of chink lasses in Sutton excellent
>>409796 Not really.
>>409782 What's happening here?
>>409798 jew.exe encountered a fatal error it's just a major example of pointing out le hypocrisy I suppose since he's obviously referring to israel rather than huwhite nationalist talking points
>0:58 je qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq https://youtu.be/IrqRoLxa178
>>409804 keeeek. she's mingin', lass
>>409803 what is this, love?
>love getting a bit too personal there duckie
Dorset Captured! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12679529/Man-accused-Somerset-Gimp-terrifies-women-jumping-dressed-black-latex-suit-arrives-court.html >Gardener, 32, is found guilty of being the 'Somerset Gimp' and terrifying women driving home late at night (despite telling police: 'I am not a gimp, I do not own a gimp suit, I am not in a gimp suit')
>>409806 Robert E. Lee, lass. Shouldn't have kept slaves smh
>>409809 Wouldn't happen up norf
This hole isn't even good enough to make minced meat out of
>>409811 should just avoid women that want to teach children.
>>409812 You mean women who want long holidays and good pay for doing nothing smh
>>409811 Seems like she wanted to fug him.
will wews and mark ever be friends again
>>409815 oh they're not frens?
>>409816 he got booted from PA for being an alleged rape bastard iirc
>>409817 Yikes.... what a stab in the back. A little rape would probably be good for the white race
Spic's been looksmaxing
>>409811 even as a wee chudlet i always knew all my teachers were fucking retards and i was just wasting my time pretending to learn.
>>409808 could have sworn this has happened before smh something in the water >>409817 mark doubled down after woes associated with pakidemic glowie and his pet troon too
>>409821 The story is old and we all said it was Dorset, they've only just captured him
>>409819 Jocko mirin how fem this creatura is.
>>409811 huh recording work interactions outside of work relating to the alleged behavior of a minor seems unprofessional
>>409825 She's on the right side of history lad.
>>409803 jews still seething about cville
>>409821 Trust Wews even less than Noseley for this reason. >>409825 Here it'd be a crime.
>>409825 tip of the iceberg, lad. Seen it hundreds of times. There probably is its own sub-reddit for it, and a tiktok community
>>409819 unsettling been thinking of getting an eyelash curler though tbh. some chad suggested it to me once, but he also suggested to thread my eyebrows which I am not fukken doing
>>409801 their whole religion is a grudge I have no idea why protestants and bourgeoise masonics liberated them from based catholic restrictions
Based blackman department?
>>409772 disgusting
still having a hard time deciding if I should get my legs done or not. part of me feels that it's necessary but it's such an extreme financial cost and I wonder if it's truly necessary
>>409835 a gun and a bullet are cheaper and less painful
>2020 the destruction of the army of northern virginia/ stonewalls corps battle flag gets destroyed >southoids do fucking nothing >cville 1920s Lee statue gets ritually killed by jewish media mongrels I thought southoids were 'ard
>>409837 what can hard humans do when even steel statues melt smh
>Today, nearly 2,000 Filipinos consider themselves members of the "Children of Noah", a new Judaic faith that is growing into the tens of thousands worldwide as ex-Christians encounter forms of Jewish learning online. Under the tutelage of Orthodox Jewish rabbis, Filipino "Noahides", as they call themselves, study Torah, observe the Sabbath, and passionately support a form of messianic Zionism. Filipino Noahides believe that Jews are a racially superior people, with an innate ability to access divinity. According to their rabbi mentors, they are forbidden from performing Jewish rituals and even reading certain Jewish texts. These restrictions have necessitated the creation of new, distinctly Noahide ritual practices and prayers modeled after Jewish ones. Filipino Noahides are practicing a new faith that also affirms the superiority of Judaism and Jewish biblical right to the Land of Israel, in line with the aims of the growing messianic Third Temple Movement in Jerusalem.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noahidism
>>409836 rude. not all of us are blessed to be 5'11 naturally, some of us need to have our femurs broken and artifically lengthened via distraction osteogenesis in order to meet the 'you must be this tall to ride' threshold for pussy
>>409837 this mocking the south thing is cringe, you've never done anything either and you never will
>409842 spic
kill yourself spic you seething faggot coming on british politics and talking about your self care bullshit like a fucking queer on some shitdick blog.
>>409841 Lad this gimmick is rubbish, and you are severely mental if you're not joking. You're an incel for the same reason as steiner: mutt autism.
>>409847 I don't think so. haven't you noticed that when foids list off the things they like about a moid, the list always starts with, "he's tall, "? they are hyper-fixated on it for some reason, it's the way their brains are programmed. don't think there's anything analogous in women also, consider this: what do you call a guy that is 5'6, rich, jacked, good skin/hair, has his whole life sorted out, nice house/car/clothes/etc.? "compensating". i.e. anything he does to improve himself is just a laughably futile attempt at being worth something. the implication is that if a man is short then there is nothing he can do to be respected and regarded as a worthy man aside from get taller. and the only way to accomplish that after the growth plates close is via limb lengthening surgery
>spic retvrns to the land of his people for cheap leg lengthening surgery and has all his organs stolen and his hollowed-out body used to smuggle cocaine back into the US the good end
>>409849 I don't know being crippled because of your vanity has nice moral message to it b y itself.
>>409849 keeeeeeeeeek. Drug mule spic arc
>>409850 jkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek god I wish I was that powerful
>>409851 it's very unlikely to cripple you. the most likely thing to go wrong is when lads go to some unethical chop shop in Turkey that lengthens too much and too fast, then don't do enough stretching and physical therapy, so they don't regain their range of motion. if you go to a responsible surgeon and don't be retarded then the prognosis is quite good. it's moreso the financial issue
>>409848 The woman I love is married to a 5'5 bald workhorse alchie.
the goodboy to badboy pipeline
they'll call him el trex monstruo, the tallest spicgoblin in the south with the shortest arms
>>409857 long legs, short arms is the meta. shorter arms makes it easier to look muscular, long legs lifts your scalp further off the ground which women sexually select for for some reason
>Albert Fish of Steinerism fame is now connected with the CWC saga the merge continues...
>>409860 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
still salty he bred while I am incel
>>409838 hitting on him like a piece of frozen meat more like it.
>>409863 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
smh poombs twitter silent for days. He's in surgery?
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>>409866 poombs after his face feminisation surgery smh
>>409844 for me its pastor martin lindstedt
Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.
Tonight is the night nothingburgerfags
people actually watch 45 minute videos about chris chan
>>409871 That 45 minute video is PART 80, lad.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQEpboR8jOI jewtube deleted all this kino from this OG wignat lolcow
Why did Sorbs, Slovaks, Slovenians and Serbs all just stick with the root name "Slav" while Poles, Czechs, Croats, Ruthenians, Kashubians, Rusyns and Bosniaks called themselves something completely new?
Did they find that Maine shooter yet?
>>409875 maine is like shitagain its mostly forest
crypto market is going nutty again, are we going to remain poor losers while other people get rich again or are we going to make some money for a change, lads?
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Binema still closed?
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https://www.euronews.com/2023/10/27/three-people-reported-dead-after-migrant-shooting-on-serbia-hungary-border >Reports of violence and gun battles have become common near the two countries' shared border, where thousands of people are encamped. >A shooting between migrants near Serbia's border with Hungary early Friday left three people dead and one other person seriously wounded, Serbia's state RTS television service reported on Friday. >The shooting reportedly happened at abandoned farming warehouses near the village of Horgos. A large number of police officers were sent to the scene, RTS said. Police have yet to issue an official statement. >Hungary's staunchly anti-immigrant government has put up razor wire fence on the border with Serbia to stop the influx. People smuggling gangs, however, have multiplied in the border area, often clashing for control. >Serbian police have raided the border area on several occasions over the past several months. They later reported rounding up hundreds of migrants, arresting people smugglers and finding various weapons in the forested area. ruh roh
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>>409880 >that media phrasing
https://archive.ph/HiWZU PREPARE TO SEETHE
>>409882 Hm. Doesn't sound so bad
>>409881 this past two years there's been a big increase of shootings involving migrants coming across the balkan route. out and out gun battles have taken place between the greek/bulgarian/serbian police and migrant smugglers and bulgarian police and there've been casualties on both sides. every raid of a migrant camp is now turning up weapon caches. https://www.rferl.org/a/police-migrants-serbia-weapons-hungary-border/32589612.html https://www.rferl.org/a/serbia-intensifies-border-patrols-hungary/32594169.html https://balkaninsight.com/2023/09/04/albanian-supplied-aks-fuel-violence-on-refugee-route-through-serbia/ https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/45009/serbia-man-shot-in-border-town-clash-between-migrants-and-smugglers https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/serbian-police-find-600-migrants-after-shootout-near-hungarian-border-2022-11-25/ Its even weirder that only ZOG/NGO/USAID funded outlets like radio free europe and balkaninsight are reporting on it.
>>409884 *and bulgarian police have been killed
>>409882 Conscription is unironically evil. Strip the femoid modern poz away and she's right.
>>409886 if the westoid states did conscription the cuckoisie governments would collapse over night from riots.
>>409888 we got hot chip now, ain't nobody going to fight in no damn war.
https://odysee.com/@joeldavis:0/joe-marsh-interview:0 >the Special Demonstration Squad is a police unit of operatives who infiltrate right wing movements and destroy them from the inside through infighting >my taxes fund actual spy and psyop shit directed against myself
>>409887 DAMN BOI
>>409891 We always knew this. Hurts sometimes that schizochads are right.
>>409891 Joe Owens vindicated
>>409891 my bennies are deducted from these zoggies wages
Just want to live in the Louisana swamps and become a swamp thing
>>409896 Damn he's strong
new plan: we repeatedly injure ourselves requiring A&E visits to bring down the NHS and starve ZOG.
>>409898 low IQ wogs already do this job for us smh
Jupiter looks so chad next to the other two smh
>>409900 and yet only chad biden has not been buggered by negroes
>>409901 Only those truly confident in their masculinity are alpha enough to feel unthreatened at being buggered by negros lad
KEEEK what the fuck collective punishment because of one guy if real all pretense of benevolency breaking down
>>409903 fake and gay he is most likely being hunted by drones and satellite in the deep woods trying to cross into canada
>>409904 Wish you'd dress up as Dog the Bounty Hunter and go look for him.
>>409905 I met dog the bounty hunter IRL he is a bit of a manlet
my mummies friend's husband is a bounty hunter and they use shotguns should move onto that if boomer toil becomes scarce in the collapse
>he had le sex
was comfy watching the show in the mornings before college and ogling his wife's giant fake tits tbh
>>409909 yeah they were pretty comfy and really made hawaii seem like some disgusting cyberpunk shithole
>dogs daughter
>>409891 just don't pay taxes lad.
>>409904 Probably just chopper with IR and some dogs.
>>409912 it's automatic smh extremely dystopian, I just get cuts to my gross income despite irregular earnings of a maximum of about £1k/month and then having 90% of that plus disability bennies disappear to pay rent and bills only think I could voluntarily cut would be the council tax, not sure what happens if you don't pay that. kicked out of the town or something I guess.
im still too much of a poorfag to run oakley thump pros like dog
1 week no fap. Can probably get another 3 weeks before the succubus comes to visit again during my dreamies.
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I keep my dream diary fairly regularly, enough to have categories to sort entries by one of the most common tags is "companionship", it's usually never explicitly sexual and the typical reverie is either something adventurous or comfy but with having a nice lass by my side while whatever goes on presumably a compound result of real life complete absence of any friendships, let alone relationships
>>409920 just get a life innit.
>>409919 dorset + regular boar
toil beckons going in with a cold, hopefully it'll be a comfy day where I don't have to move from the desk and can mix goodscreen with badscreen and read of are ancestors exploits without interruption until closing time
>>409920 you should accept my offers to hang out then.
>>409920 About 8 years ago when I was living alone, I had an imaginary girlfriend. I thought it'd be worth trying in my own way after reading some posts on somesuch board about tulpas. I imagined she was by my side whilst walking, sleeping or watching movies, and opposite me when eating. Made me feel a bit less lonely. She never said much, but I saw her vividly enough in my mind's eye that I do have some memories of he cleary being next to me when I watched the Hateful Eight or when I was on a weekend walk.
I'm too fucking exhausted to socialise irl
>>409926 socializing is a gay meme for the most part especially in this shithole time period
you invest all this time into meeting people when everyones relationship and position in life and connection to the space they inhabit is transactional
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night lads >>409923 night lad
>>409925 uhmmmm yikes
>>409928 True for the most part >>409930 Indeed
any hamas kino of dead kikes yet apparently the kikes are invading with their meme army
>>409932 >apparently the kikes are invading with their meme army doubt. they can't do it
so are they going for gaza or just the west bank
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erm imāmiyya bros... didn't iran promise to help if this happened?
>>409937 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhsFGJs8a3A&list=RDMM&index=10 it begins bit jealous how the mudshits get to be the good guys but if sunnis and shi'iteskins can unite to defeat jews it would be based
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDfiTvqnZws&list=RDMM&index=22 sunnis seem to have better tunes but shias seem like they are gonna carry the fight
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf4RUPb4rjc anyone noticed fetishist types are just doing their shit in public now.
true bliss is going to bed knowing there isn't toil tomorrow
>>409941 Seen it on video, but not IRL luckily. There is nothing illegal about it and since morals aren't real, should and oughts aren't real, why not?
Reminder that the UK spends £150 billion a year on rNHS And some leftoid retards say its still not enough
>>409944 still shocked at how much browns drain that system as well. I don't understand how can they need so many services. Surely they inbred in the country they came from too, why does that lead to so many costs here if they survived fine back there?
>>409941 yeah we need puritanism to come back the sex shit in public is mostly as a form of social control via humiliation since westoid women have abandoned motherhood to pills and cellphones
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>>409911 >both his kids turned on him so the could get BLACKED
>canadian police goes after a loner creating a whole set of people who pretend to be his friend for years just to try and fish a confession out of him Yikes
if the heart is a muscle then how come working it makes it take damage and get weaker instead of stronger? smh. Feeling the stress take its toll
>>409945 I remember chatting with someone who said its like 60% at least of all severely physically and mentally handicapped kids here are pakis. after that indians are just fucking dysgenic and all get diabetes etc. i think over there they just have a really high attrition rate at home and accept life expectancy is lower, why they have bodies floating down the ganges.
>>409950 This just gives me hiraeth for a white America tbh
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>>409954 the best part about the legal judgement from boomer toil court case is that brandon and the jews will end up taking 1/3 of it in taxes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URk7Y74XdbI have you lads seen the alex jones movie
watching the fnaf film instead
nothings happening
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russian storms ukrainian trench and engages in hand to hand combat disarming a ukrainian
ISRAEL INVADES GAZA https://youtu.be/iJ1-ovuKsAw
>>409962 any footage yet?
>>409963 internet and phone service has been cut in gaza
>>409961 Hm. I guess that ended with knives?
>>409965 the ukrainian surrendered
>>409966 Nice. Feel good
>>409969 Do these people just really want to kill someone? Reminds me of how Jocko went to fight in Syria or something
>>409969 lol owned
>>409970 jocko didn't fight he spent a week in an iraqi or turkish jail on hunger strike til they sent him home, certainly its normal for men (ironically) to want to fight.
>>409970 Dorset is Jocko's war bride
also fresh leopards destroyed by VDV
>>409972 What sort of besserwisser are you? Of course I know of the story I just hinted at. And perhaps, but there is a difference between fighting for something, family, country, and going far away to shoot at someone you have nothing to do with.
>>409975 just want the chance to fight for something worthwhile
>>409977 >3 hours 36 mins
feel a pain in my chest after I was very stressed yesterday. Fucking hell. *screams* >>409976 wer bist du?
>spic calling Steiner non-white
>>409950 >wife becomes brainwashed by a Christian woman >divorces husband >Christian woman keeps urging wife to help police convict former husband >she changes her story after 9 years >this one fits with new information police has told her >police buys it as confirming their theory rather than thinking it's her broken mind retelling what they have said Glad this guy got away with it if he did kill that woman. This perversion of police work is sick.
Noooo. NO! You can't attack smee, I'm a police snofficer!!
>>409982 zoggy in the mud
>>409983 fry 'im like bacon tbh
>>409982 >old paki more effective than 4 zoglets at subduing the groids Yikes. >Dan are you okay? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi3O-rQp9pM
>love ya, buddy A lonely old man who never had any friends to an undercover police officer who disappeared from his life after he got charged and convicted. heartbreaking to hear it recorded. We have it because his "friend" wore a wire
>police laughing at him and mocking him while they record him doing naughty boy things they told him to do
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>Norwegian police reading this thread now laughing at me
>>409990 they're always like that everywhere in the huwest smh big bullies
>>409994 Read that as big willies for a moment.
why did they make it look so kino
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>>409997 smh powerful image >>409998 the heebs got btfo? based
>>409998 wewe has it failed?
>>409980 yeah the Solutreans or whatever crossed the Atlantic and then Siberians crosed the Behring Ithsmus and assimilated them, creating the 99% Mongoloid Amerindians we see today. he has Ojibwe admixture and is coping about it >>409998 >>409999 (checked) >>410000 (checked) there's no way they can invade Gaza, there are underground tunnels everywhere, it would be brutal urban guerilla warfare and they would take very heavy casualties. plus there are all the credible threats from Hezbollah and Iran, as well as the global PR disaster. I don't even know what their plan is at this point, it seems like they let (10/7?) happen, maybe not quite to the extent that it did, but it's not clear to me what they aimed to accomplish. at this point they're leveling hospitals and apartments for domestic face-saving and to gain leverage for a hostage exchange, I guess, but at the cost of totally annihilating any goodwill towards Israel that may have previously existed
the mummer bought a new toilet seat, at first I was pissed because I didn't ask for it and I hate when money is wasted but actually now that I've noticed that it doesn't fall down- you have to push it all the way down, so it cannot fall and make a startling loud noise- I'm beginning to accept it and recognize it as an upgrade to my porcelain throne settis
good morning death to israel and to spic
>>410003 smorb lad tbh tbh
keet bringing the heat recently, some big twats on israel https://nitter.net/KeithWoodsYT
>>410006 keeeeeksmh many such cases
>>410004 very rude lass, how could you reply to such a post and say "tbh" not once but TWICE without even clarifying which component of the post you were tbh'ing
>>410008 one each lad
unlist the board so we can get some fresh schizos in tbh, spic is old news and boring
>>410010 want to tbh but that decision is better made by /brit/ as a whole
>it's another suggestible auslad episode better hope BBK doesn't start ip hopping to hack his brain into doing something again nini lids
>spic is actually so suggestible mr niggerdick can infuence him keeek
>>410012 not going to do anything rash tbh shni la
>>410008 Degen way to start the weekend, but I'll take it.
>3 times I thought I was done and another full sized log came out Biblical omen of some sort.
>>410016 I've just about sorted the IBS but I'm reduced to chugging liquid gaviscon.
>>410016 >>410017 You lads are fucked
Cold and flu remedies made by likes of Sudafed and Nurofen should be pulled because they don't work, expert says... as French health chiefs urge public not to use ANOTHER decongestant over fears it could cause strokes https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12679517/Cold-flu-remedies-likes-Sudafed-Nurofen-pulled-dont-work-expert-says-French-health-chiefs-urge-public-not-use-decongestant-fears-cause-strokes.html new vaxcattle cope just dropped lads it's the lemsip that's giving people strokes we promise
>>410019 That's really grasping at straws.
>>410020 tbh just wanted to poost
>>410021 mild kek, fair enough lad. I think most lads are out atm having actual lives or something.
>>410022 smh how dare they
>>410023 My exact reaction as well.
what are you lads playing rn? me? with my willy
>>410025 binging on webcomics tbh
didn't mean to reply to wessie enjoy the free (You) though
>>410028 billions must buy (my merchandise)
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>gp forgot to make my prescription a repeat and now I'm crippled until Monday without muh pills
>>410031 many such cases
>It's now been 12 years since I've seen a doctor/gp And it shows
>>410033 not really missing out on much tbh no reason to even give one the time of day unless something's broken
>>410034 GPs in aus still actually deal with things like that?
>>410035 no lad that's too much work for them
>>410036 smh how do the niggercattle fall for this shite
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wish I had an underground terror base
>>410038 They use the same propaganda over and over again Beheaded babies, scary underground bases, claims that they attack their own people etc.
>>410041 tbh it's like a stuck record guess they've learnt that if it'll work once it'll work every time
>>410042 Maybe but I think they’ve got really sloppy this time It’s like they are out of ideas
>>410043 tbh they're getting too complacent
Maybe I'm a slow lad, but i honestly don't dislike jews that much as steiner or others here, they honestly don't seem to have much interaction with me as a southern englisher.
>>410028 asiatic filth making our memes into le consumerism
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investments down quite a bit again smh, another 20 years i guess
What did the English colonies in america and the carribean do during the english civil war?
>>410046 Think of them as being like muslims with greater power and influence despite being smaller in number.
>>410046 Yeah it can feel abstracted until you look up a local Jewish org and their "activism"
>>410052 baltimore was full of royalists and there was a skirmish or two between the baltimore colony and virginians I believe
>shooting happens in sweden >swedish man has his name and face posted >his "friends" have theirs censored hm
>>410052 most colonials were parliamentarian but they were under royalist military control so there were skirmishes here and there.
Emma Watson tier.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdmtAGOmST4 tbh I hate this cunt and how he has decided to be the globohomo spokesman of the amish.
>>410064 he's ex-amish and blames them for his dads suicide so he's just eternally butthurt.
>>410061 I like this lad's old school cwc hairstyle >>410064 is this the new beau of the cuckshed?
>>410064 He is a former Amish or what? Since he uses a camera and a truck
the internet is so shit now normalfags just completely destroyed it its like this inescapable time sink where you just look at mong shit all day and 99 percent is just these mouth breathers taking portraits of their face or butt with headphones on doing some pantomime reaction face so they can become a faggot meme
Good day everyone. Dropping by because we've activated birthday CSS and I know you guys enjoy your board theme. There is a new "Board CSS" option in the theme dropdown which will let you revert if you would like. If you don't see it, try hitting Control+F5 and see if that makes it appear.
>>410069 hm I can't find this report
*stares at you*
>>410067 yeah he is former amish but instead of just being a normalfag he now uses social media to try to turn saurons eye onto the old order midwest amish instead of just minding his own business. 100 percent he is connected to the kike anti white system because the jews want to destroy the amish very badly because they are sort of like this persistent problem for them not in the way of active resistence but more that they represent an unadulterated culture of amaleks they can't infest with wogs like they did to the mormons
>In London clashes erupted between pro-Palestine crowd and British white nationalists. https://twitter.com/HenMazzig/status/1718278612845990357
>>410072 nonsense except for the part of uncle sams mouth being an irishmans cock thats based.
>1898 yeah its cancer
>>410073 Hate traitors regardless tbh. Since The Amish won't watch it anyway it really is just all about hating on them and getting upvotes from retarded sheep atheists.
>>410077 yeah its also educating coastoids and campus types with amish memes so they can persecute them easier
amish are annoying welfare scamming cancer but they are L O C A L midwestoids and I would rather they live off the 'english' around them then niggers and spics
>>410072 >esquimaux never seen it written like that keeek. Guess that's what came firs
amish> mormongs > quakers tbh
>>410079 do they take converts?
>>410082 idk I don't think so but they might I have met many outcasts like him
>>410070 thanks a lot LOSER
>giga janny drops by the hidden board to pay his respects lest he accidentally gets on 'ar bad side buckbroken
I'll be generous and leave the birthday css on for the nostalgia tbh
every theme except tomorrow is shit
>>410087 I think the UK is more down to just the density of population.
>>410026 shame the Questionable Content thread on /co/ has been dead for years, used to be some good OC coming out of that I went back to nostalgioom at a similar webcomic a while ago called Between Failures and had a good keek when the "artist" as is usual for these types, turned to open degeneracy somewhere down the years and now makes low quality bottom of the barrel steinerian stuff under a similar name to his comic >>410029 ta lad billions must consoom >>410039 tbh also a legion of doom and an attractive supervillainess sidekick >>410048 >>410049 i really want to read his star wars fanfic tbh bet it's kino >>410070 cheers la just selecting the chosen theme also seems to work as usual
>>410086 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>410087 keeeeeeeek yeah I hate loud slavs. Which is weird since slavs seem relatively quiet too according to that map. >meanwhile niggers speak loudly on their phone with speaker on in public
Is being quiet and not bothering other people unnecessarilyh a pootestant thing perhaps, or evolutionarily, or both. Who hecking knows
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Andrew Anglin, of 75% Irish ancestry, now identifies as an Irishman after having a schizophrenic episode and watching a Boston crime drama film
>>410093 Just a polite thing.
>>410094 >if you can't beat them, join them keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>410026 Gone With the Blastwave is good, albeit egregiously infrequent. https://www.blastwave-comic.com/
>>410097 It's one finnish bloke isn't it? I pop in once a year to catch up on the 10 or so new additional pages he's produced
>>410098 >ten pages in a year bit optimistic lad
Since I last checked over a year ago (oct 3) he has produced two (2) new pages keeeek smh one old webcomic that has been dead for over a decade but which I liked is Post-Nuke https://www.postnukecomic.com
*tinnylord emerges from the shadows*
>>410101 Speaking of, I need to go out and secure some more tinnies soon I'm 3 down and running low.
fresh zased niggerman feat. spenglo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GuOHCiyTqA
>>410104 link please? I've never watched a nosley gaming stream.
>>410105 tomorrow on odyssey I haven't either and never will bother tbh
god i miss tinnies
mudsharts attempting to create their labour alternative
they censored it lmfao
>>410108 there's been a couple of those tried out in the UK, RESPECT with george galloway was the most succesful one. Islamists in the UK simply have it to good going with the Queitist model right now for them to ever want to break off and have their own parties like in France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
>>410109 a REVILED salute
remember to eat fruit, lads t. CWC
>>410111 The Roman salute is for hopeless larpers. Either use a military salute or a raised clenched fist if you want to be taken seriously.
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lads, if you're in bed what's the correct way to nazi hand?
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>>410114 what a cringe and retarded post >>410115 bottom
>>410115 either is good
>>410114 it was a good salute thoughbeit but le mustache man ruined it.
>Anti-mustache man posters I must be on /interracial/.
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>>410121 ironically tbbks the only one who goes there
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>Anti-Fascist is also anti-TBBK Czechs out. Fucking idiot. Reported and should be perma-banned unironically.
>>410120 sorry lass but I don't like loud noises
Not a good look.
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>>410125 smh, you can wear autism person muffs to keep the noises away. Then we shall daunce . . . and the niggers shall tremble.
i saw this when i was 13 and have been based ever since https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4slXTjDxUuQ
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>posting while filterinoed Je pense . . . et je qeeq!
https://youtu.be/_jI6iAa-cC0 Still, anti-Fascist dogs, I bid thee . . . daunce!
>>410130 n-no this cxant happen I NEED to see your response TBBKslut!!!!
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Keeeeek every time a Swede calls someone a nazi because their pet name for "nazi" is Piglet(nasse/nazze nøff)
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just talked to a nice japanese architecture student at a funeral lads she defineately found me to be a funny gaijin. why are whitoid women so fucking shit? this japanese girl was just plain jane and outside of random qt russian cleaning woman the only femoid that actually has said anything nice to me or even talked to me in YEARS, FUCKING YEARS
>>410136 Just had a pleasant conversation myself on a dating app She was a white woman, but autistic. Remember police asking me why I "targeted" young women with "problems". It's because they are the ones who actually care to act like humans and talk smh.
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>>410136 whos funeral?
>>410137 tbh literally just some babushka russian cleaning lady who was nice and asked me how my day was and did some slightly flirtatious joking around like sweeping up my dirty shoes makes you think about the next time you talk to them for months because your average westoid woman thinks that even making eye contact in the shops is a transactional power struggle with the oppressive white man >>410138 based milf too bad none of them want to help their men out so we are all easy prey to asiatic women who can actually be friendly without all this faggy tryhard she-hoe party girl/puritan lisa simpson girl boss jekyll and hyde bullshit
>>410139 an really old negro guy who just sat in the back and was a comfy chess playing nigcel christian who didn't bother anyone really the only person from his kin who came was his brother so much for wogs having good family values compared to whitoids
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>>410141 why were you there lad?
>>410145 being a churchoid supporting the parish do you even trad its okay 99 percent of 'reactionaries' in the west are just faggot larpers
mmmm tbbk likey
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>>410147 just frigid self obsessed american sluts that are only 3 years of college away from being sexless drones that exist to send emails and facilitate the gnostic torture of souls in the form of dogs locked in apartments for 99 percent of their life
>>410146 erm im methodist mate
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>>410149 with joocy pooooooooooooooooooociiiiiiiiiiiiiiies!
also i didnt know any niggers in us were catholic.i thought they were all baptist evangelical types
>>410149 je cringe le steiner etait droiterino
>>410152 Niggers don't worship kikes, lad.
>>410148 it's just not the same now we know that there's a huge shit smear on the other side smh
wtf why did hooktube became cinemaphile.com
still meaning to go say hullo to the witnesses tbh impressive that they're the only group of local christoids left who actually try to gain new members
>>410158 They aren't Christian lass. But yes, it's a disgrace to are kirks that they spend so much snime esnangelising the niggers rather than the actual English.
>>410149 the dog parallels our own life.
>>410159 what are they then if not a christian sect smh I still have no idea don't even know who jehova is or why he was witnessed tbh
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>>410161 They deny the trinity, they're just a new age group that parodies Christianity like Mormons or that bloke who poisoned all those niggers in Guyana after poisoning them smh
>>410162 How will the Meresyside mafia ever recover.
>>410162 >breaching client confidentiality to gossip with other bitches (and thousands of bitchy viewers) smh not only nasty and vile but a tattler as well ought to be put back in that poo bag (without monetary recompense)
>>410165 report her to the hooker ombudsman lad
>>410161 jehova's believe that only 144,000 people will ever go to heaven (from a misunderstanding of revelations where its speaking clearly about how few jews of the tribes of israel will convert to christianity) and there are more than 144,000 jehovahs.
>>410166 is being a prozzie still not legal and taxable here? could have sworn all that kind of thing was thrown out ages ago what with all of the brothels being opened to take taxpayer money away from migrant invaders
She ought to be burned alive with her client tbph.
>>410168 keeeek that seems a bit retarded will write that down and make sure to ask them about it
>>410165 She's probably got paid more for that revelation.
Guess the eyes, one belongs to the leader of the SD party in Sweden, one belongs to Saddam Hussein. They are both evil/the same, so it's hard to tell the difference.
>>410174 thought that was nixon
>>410174 Nice to see low hanging fruit is universal.
>>410161 To be a Christian faith you need to follow the essentials, one of these being the trinity (JWs dont). All the different denominations of Christianity have hugely varying theology but still follow the same Christian Essentials which are contained in the Nicene Creed. >Jesus Christ is truly human and truly God >He was born of the virgin Mary >He died for our sins >Rose from the dead >He ascended and will return Mormons and JW's explicitly don't believe these and are generally called heretics by Christians
>>410152 alot of them in shitagain and chicago convert for the bennies
Really bro the moons eclipsin and your thelogisizing?
>>410144 good lad was thinking about your first rendition of this earlier today for some reason
>>410168 in a healthier time they would have all been burned like the cathars. sick of all the wacky prot faggots tbh presbyterians/anglicans and calvinists are okay though
I am twelve dogs Fighting over one shoe
>>410183 diolch m'cariad
>>410179 this religion is so based except the elders cucked out to the kikes and now spics are slowly colonizing the religion.
mormons and amish are both the reason why the white race will never be defeated
>ywn be at the winter camp in 1841 with the mormon elders and be on the first wagon train to salt lake amazing how nobody is allowed to proud of that history in this country. they all just walked through the wilds and build a massive city in the middle of a barren highland desert
>>410178 cheers chip they do meetings after toil so I'll ask them about this stuff one day and report back also apparently connected or owned by a shart (pennsylvania) jw society >>410182 I live in high urban density and can't see shit smh
the nephites were probably real as well, the copper miners were said to have red beards and the coastoidic injuns tried to speak welsh to the angloid adventurers
>>410188 think mormons have finally been conquered by the homo cult
>>410189 trve hvwhite spirit that
>>410179 >j. smith died a martyr >he actually died in a gun battle with an enraged midwestoid militia that was wearing blackface
smh looked up the eclipse to see if I could hike up into the hills quickly and have a look but it's already over
>>410188 A Christian sect is also breeding in the North of Norway, which has become otherwise depopulated as people are going to the cities https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laestadianism
>>410196 for me it's the finnish cults that hide in the forests and try to escape notice by the eye of zogron
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This is what I used to make the sounds of the sneep snorp creatures
>>410198 KJeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek such a talented lad
>>410196 based
>>410201 tbh england should be ZERO, I repeat ZERO shitskins in sight. its your homeland, its the 'fatherland' of the anglosphere. they are just colonists of the worst kind. at least when rhodesians went to africa they built something. my people or the austrailians we built something. what do the wogs do in england? oh wow curry shwarmas tech tree unlock
>>410204 This guy should learn to act. That's awful
>>410204 this shabbos goyim is one of the worst speakers I would prefer that redheaded bimbo
>>410203 Lad I can now shart in colours that were thought theoretical.
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>>410208 dysgenics check tbh
Muslims: The Prophet Muhammad also warned his followers that participating in the alcohol trade is forbidden, cursing 10 people: " ...the wine-presser, the one who has it pressed, the one who drinks it, the one who conveys it, the one to whom it is conveyed, the one who serves it, the one who sells it, the one who benefits from the price paid for it, the one who buys it, and the one for whom it is bought." For this reason, many Muslims will decline to work in positions where they must serve or sell alcohol.
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keeeek salty gooks
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>watching those shit street interview videos of rusgols about 'merikkee and several of the lads say that russia is whiter than america >one lad says that americans are cruel rotten people compared to russians and say we committed war crimes by using nukes against the japanese
>>410213 screwdrivers are what old grandpa boomer toilers drink where I live
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>>410215 >russia is whiter than america that's just obviously true
>>410216 wow, tough guys with their cocktails over there
>>410218 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>410206 would you though
smh this russian zoomers videos just makes me hate russians more since they are all athiest westoidic mongs while russian boomers are all based and hate america for proper reasons
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62zCAMoQlmc is the lad at :43 welsh or black irish?
>>410222 I think that might actually be a nigger
>>410214 there is no hiroshima scene
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>>410226 Kek. nilass
>>410229 looks like hes totally buckbroken his dad
ffs Tyson Fury got knocked down, round ended now.
smh completely forgot about this fight
Don't know how much delay there is on that stream
based jab dazzling that wog god I miss boxing training
is this wog a "frog"
im so demoralized now
>>410237 all the american niggers are for fury fyi, at least detroit niggers they are all "ayy he bee a gypsy they discrimnated against like us nameen"
wog with 1 braincell and loads of anavar
ngl heavyweight boxing is for mongs its always ends up just being giant mongs hugging each other.
Ngannou from The Cameroon has defeated the most popular living anti-semite
Embarrassing for Heavyweight boxing tbh. Was expecting him to have some success early on and then Fury to slowly takeover and dominate.
still should have knocked that buck out
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. bizarre judging again. typical boxing.
I'll take that
>>410243 heavyweight is stupid its just a fetish for MUH BIG MAN from all the closet queer sportsfags >>410246 its just don king tier shit where they get some nigger on roids back in the top to reinstate proper demoralization levels for westoids
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-clbDuKGARA manlets are more fun to watch boxing
Fury looked lethargic as fuck. He really doesn't think there are any real contender.
now that was a kino fight *sips*
>>410238 me too lad smh
>>410248 >proper demoralization levels for westoids kek. that was Conor MacGregor against Mayweather. Tyson Fury should be getting through the first few rounds then coasting, but he looked lost and had no strategy.
Think he weighed more than normal too?
He should just call usyk a criminal for not returning to Ukraine for the draft
>>410256 Fat and lazy, Fury has been in a flat tail spin since his victory over Wilder.
>>410198 holy sneed. tbbk-san.... i was wrong
usyk is the next king of the whitoids no offense lads tyson fury just coasted on his lanklet physique and they had some kikes school some wogs to do some gay timing counter puncher shite on him
>>410257 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek tbh
does anybody really care about this sports shite?
>>410260 Again just fat and lazy. He's bored and you can see it in his previous fights.
>>410262 I watch Tyson because he's on record for hating gays, jews and he's too popular to be deleted
>>410262 yes, it's my life.
>>410265 I wish my opinions were this based.
>>410262 bloodsports is just basically like watching slavgore its just degenerate shit that the romans like livy and cicero warned about
>literally me streaming every major event.
>>410265 so did le baste white man win, or did he take a clobberin' by Ngubadoogadu Gambalangugade?
holy fuck tyson sucks thats what you get for trusting a manc
>>410271 he got knocked down and then looked unimpressive for the rest of the fight, but somehow won a split decision.
>>410271 he didn't win but he did
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they gave him the win tonight so the brave Ukrainian can take down the undefeated champion
>>410276 i've been waiting for the '22 stats, they've opened it up to mentally ill people now
>>410277 it better be a better fight than this one.
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who would win?
>>410281 >india >blue lad they will just sit it out until the end and join the winners
same with the turks
mexico will also be red
(once its convenient for them to be red)
>>410283 Unless the Chinese are getting too powerful
>>410287 russia will also betray the chinks if they get too powerful IMO this is mostly about bullying america back into its corner of the world
Fun thing about geopolitics is if regional conflicts go global they tend to destabilize other regional politics. It'll probably be the same domino effect of every major shit show where countries are dragged kicking and screaming to a quagmire by a few enthusiastic and entrenched retards.
>>410288 Oh absolutely if American folds the next big thing will be over the Russia China border.
>>410290 nixon was the main reason that didn't already happen in the 1970s
russia and USA and japan should ally and exterminatus the chinks and poos and then do a cheeky exterminatus of africa to balance out global "diversity"
>>410291 Tbf I don't think either China or Russia wanted that war in the 70's it's just tensions between them politically had come to a head, hence the split.
>>410292 Good pipe dream, my personal one is the establishing of an Anglo confederation.
>>410292 wrong. just let the moose limbs have palestine and do what they wilt with the inhabitants and nuke amrika into a glass parking lot or however the cringe saying goes
>>410294 vuh then mexican american war 2.0 and the liberation of canada
>>410295 yeah good luck with that whole "nuke america" shite
>>410295 thirds worldists seem to think they're liberation from the current world order will be any actual liberation at all.
>>410298 tbh keet woods is right that all that is going to come from 3rd worldists is open domination of westoids by wog governments I would perfer if the jews just put american empire in such a position of instability that revolution occured and jews were ejected and 'americanism/america first' ideology became necessary and that latinos were viewed as a 5th column
hehe ass
>>410301 kikes are such a boring meme they already gave up on fighting hamas all they have is their aging boomer nepotism networks which barely work anymore since they all fight with each other about how to destroy the west while the jizzraeli army can't even fight its own fallujah/mariupol
>>410300 I don't think the first world will be maintained tbh, but I also think it sits as a necessary juxtaposition of the third world and the loss of global function will be devastating either way. No one will fill the necessities left by an imploding western hegemony without a lot of suffering inbetween
>>410302 Don't worry, you'll do it for them >The former president vowed to stop World War III at the Republican Jewish Coalition conference, and said of the victims of Hamas' October 7 attacks: 'They'll be avenged even beyond what you're thinking about' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sC7k2qYN0w
>>410280 i guess the rumours of iranian atgms btfoing israeli apcs is true
>>410304 I'd like to think there's only so often they can hook a mass of retards in.
>>410300 >if the jevvs just put american empire in such a position of instability that revolution occured and jevvs were ejected and 'americanism/america first' ideology became necessary and that latinos were viewed as a 5th column that's not possible because "American" identity and Jevv-worship go hand in hand. unironically the only way that the territory of the contemporary USA can be anything other than a Jevvish golem is for the brownoids, specifically Hispanophone mestizoes, to take it over so that it can be a regular Latin American shithole instead of what it is right now. and strangely enough, that's what the elite is doing...? they think they're gonna get all of these mestizo catholics to be Jevv-worshippers like evangelicals, and also be competent enough to maintain world hegemony? so anyway, I think the best thing burgoids can do to save the white rice is to breed a harem of latinas. this will accelerate the decline of the USA, so that Europe can be free and install nationalist juntas and expel migrants >>410304 Iran says there are already thousands of US troops involved in Gaza https://www.rt.com/news/586049-us-israel-gaza-offensive/
>>410304 trump is a joke tbh
>>410307 Strangely spic, political views aren't genetically inherent and dumb wogs are much more easily utilised in the broken civilisation they produce than any whitoid in the last 100 years probably barring the evangelicals.
>>410311 Covid vaxx caught up with him?
>>410312 drowned
>>410313 You don't drown in a Jacuzzi without some outside help.
He might have just got too doped up and slipped under tbh.
'and slipped s'all

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