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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol #3915: Remembrance day Edition Anonymous 11/11/2023 (Sat) 00:28:23 Id: 46b83f No. 413236
>At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, 1918, the First World War came to an end. The armistice - the fourth of three armistices which had already taken Germany's three main allies out of the war - meant total victory for the Allies and the collapse of Germany. >The armistice was not a formal surrender - this would come later with the Treaty of Versailles - but it ended all the active fighting. Celebrations occurred across the world after its announcement as the "war to end all wars" had finally come to an end. 1.350,000 British and irish soldiers died during ww1 They shall not grow old, the end of the war https://youtu.be/uqLNvr2-VLo
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:36:14.
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richfag poshos paid me 270 to clean up leaves and another 300 to clean out gutters in between doing a big plaster job for 650 they are techcunts who work for google
>>413239 bug their house
i'd bug the lass who lives underneath the wagiebox I am skimcoating
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>she was answering the door in outfits like this when I was plastering
>>413242 literally just torturing you for no reason, you serve her then go home to your hovel and play strategy games
>>413242 Pretty sure that women just wear yoga pants all the time now.
>Fresh Remembrance Day Bread >Already shitted up by a yankoid coomer.
>>413242 >videos the norwegian police will charge you for having saved on your computer
That crypto lad from last thread has probably invested heavily in /brit/ pink wojak futures.
>>413239 I wish I could charge that much, still it wa a good day I made 340 today over 3 jobs.
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>>413233 because I've been making retarded decisions, being a pussy and not buying because of fear of loss. I'm not gonna do that shit anymore, I'm gonna YOLO it and if I lose money then fuck it, it was worth trying the problem is this: how would you feel if you made $1000? "cool, I'll take it"- not very exciting. but then how would you feel if you lost $1000? devastated, pit of your stomach agonizing seething. but it's the same amount of money either way so it should make you feel a similar amount of emotion either way, right? this is the disconnect that fucks you over. you need to numb your emotions and not fall for sunk cost fallacy. need to just have some balls and buy the fucking coin and take profit when it goes up. don't not buy and don't not sell, you must profit off of the movement >>413236 they died for Rothschild central bank or whatever, why should we remember them? >>413247 looking at BTC, ETH, LINK, FIL, KAS, SOL rn. Jocko suggested RMRK so considering a little bit of that as well, it'd be funny if are mentally ill troon turned out to be a financial guru. probably because he has a shoveljaw, lot of neonatal testosterone exposure which correlates strongly with competence in investing. funny how you're probably better off listening to a tranny's advice than these coping christoid britpoors
>>413249 Lad I get zero financial advice from chans because it's just another way for shady merchants to pump something so they can dump it.
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>>413243 yeah she was such a bimbo I showed her the water damage and told her to open her cabinets and we moved her food out of the way and it was full of wessex tier mould and then the landlordoid wanted me to clean it but posh slaglass cleaned it up so I could return to being the invisible plasterman smothering white shite on the wall silently before leaving princesses luxury chamber
best part is the water damage on her ceiling is from the brapper upstairs having a busted line so its all just piss and shite water
>>413248 good lad thats still good money thats about what I could make working for uberbossman when he paid me for a day. these landlordoids let me charge 40 an hour and I always add on 40 dollar extra for travel
>>413254 Oh fuck when that plaster board goes the amount of brown water that's going to rain down will be biblical.
>413249 What can good men do against posters like this?
>>413253 You use one coat exclusively in the US? That white stuff is considered amateur hour by plasterers here.
>>413256 keeeeeeeeeeeeek hope she is tik toking
>>413258 UK plasterers look like they milk it tbf waay too much work there are 5 levels of coats that US/leaf wallboard plaster use. the one coat is like the scrim shite but level 5 is a full skim coat with a really light stuff.
>alizee's daughter whom she had at 21 is now 18
there are some places like pittsburgh and boston with british style row houses where there are still alot of lime plasterers who do it just like in the UK but its not common with gypsum board which was invented by a union soldier as a labor saving mechanism because of how mong plaster and lathe is in wood houses
basically anything that americans or canadians do with housing is considered shit by eurofags. I think british brick layers are top tier and same with the slate roof system but everything else is just banter
>>413260 It's usually just bonding and skim for UK plastered, if it's plaster board then it's just skim. Modern toil cubes are just gypsum plaster board with skim. usually, only brick walls get the bonding to level out the walls because nothing was put up straight 100 years ago.
>>413264 yeah the UK plaster seems like it has a different mixture and I like it when they skim them into metal trim looks really top level nobody does that here
>>413265 Yeah beading is a must if you're plastering onto a brickwork corner or you'll never get a good edge on it.
it depends really in production made shitbox houses they just spray the final skim coat on all the walls then have a bunch of spics on stilts run around with huge skim blades and do it. but in older burger houses its more complicated matching old plaster lathe
>>413268 No we just build extensions. We don't really have the room to carry a barn half a mile.
>>413267 lathe and plaster is usually ripped out here and replaced with plaster board unless the place is grade 3 listed. People doing the old horse hair and lathe plaster are on mega mega money.
>>413270 yeah there was a guy teaching horse hair plaster in detroit but I thought I was going to be a posho uni fag should have apprenticed for him
>>413271 There's still time, you shouldn't treat being in your 30's a bar to apprenticing, especially if you aren't chained to a mortgage or rent.
I have nothing to do with my time but acquire skills and money.
>>413272 tbh yeah all the old boomeroids are leaving and even just having pleb tier drywall skimming skills means you can make 600-1000 off rich landlordoids repairing walls would be kino replastering the lobbys of skyscrapers
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>impending crypto bullrun >lads are talking about plastering walls
>>413275 go make some money then lad, I'm sure it'll keep you in HRT fir a while.
I can finally unlock plasterman aesthetic
>>413277 That is a tasty red head.
She has those sexy BPD eyes.
think she is on his jewtube channel or that might be his niece she seems like more of a based tradlass and less of a california slag
>his only son that bred is imperium
>>413281 He has that big boy plastering money that brings all the gooks to the yard.
me at top right
>>413283 Yeah loving that boomer chud uncle vibe.
>>413283 Do you think he has a 3000hp tractor to pull his plastering equipment around?
meth mario
>>413286 keeeeeeeek
>>413285 i'd hope I bet those california guys have to all use vans or the hobos just steal everything. probably all nice clean vans because no winter >hi I am here for the job ma'am
>>413289 Rust on the wagon is just a sign of an experience toilman. I ripped a bit of my bumper off today turning into a customers offroad parking.
>>413290 smh did you bill it to the job I hope I ripped the gas tank straps off mine trying to climb a muddy hill at the toil site
>>413291 No it was a small bit of bumper and I like this OAP he's one of the last vestiges of an actual English London.
>>413292 wish I had customers I didn't fantasize about marching out to a farmditch and machine gunning pol pot style
>>413293 W hen there are so many foreigners around you, you end up with a grading system. Pakis are almost always invariably the worst.
Africans are cheaps but trust you as white man to do the job. Pakis have this low cunning where they're always looking to jew you on the price or get something done for free.
Afro-Caribbean just hate white people and don' t hire us fullstop.
>>413294 yeah if I see a shitskin caller ID i just don't respond I installed a microwave for a paki and he tried to tell me how much it cost so I just unattached the microwave and put it back in the box keeeek
Indians are a mixed bag and eastern euros are almost always renters and quite nice when working in their toil cubes.
First gen Chinese are dog eating scum but the Hong Konger seem to understand and respect how the white man operates.
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>that lad who was trying to get everyone to buy his bags smh crypto is just predatory speculation between goodscreen incels all trying to be the one crab who can climb out of the bucket all these years of development and all these projects but still if i spend toil tokens on crypto the only thing i can do with it is use it to buy back some of the toil tokens i spent in the first place >>413300 does exactly what it says on the tin >>413302 nothing wrong with racist jokes lad
Toil toil toil
hmm my ETH seems to be worth a bit more than i remember (stopped checking in about 2022) AVAX seems to be on the rise too
the final bull run looms. shall'nt be partaking even though i know i would make shekels if i did
>>413304 have fun lad
>>413303 >spic posting about how >we and >us need to buy into his pyramid scheme cope absolute scum not only for trying to scam us but also for inviting himself into the whites only group ban him lad
>>413308 >spic well that explains it smh should've cottoned on when he started talking about finasteride
>>413309 simply mentioning it would be mildly believable for an outsider coming to shill crypto but dropping an entire autistic cargo cult drug regime unprompted as if anyone cares is a hallmark of spic's narcisissm
incredibly foul braps this morn almost knocking me unconscious smh
>>413312 based and same too many ham cheese and mustard sandwiches lately smh >>413313 have fun lad
>>413261 Alizee has aged pretty well tbh. Daughter is good looking but I think she inherited more facial features from the dad
good smorning!
>>413316 smorbing lad
Morning lads LIVE People not happy with Tommeh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgkZUNRof1M
Rewind about 4 mins you can hear lads badmouthing him
>>413318 smorb >>413320 based
Hope Zoggy gets ‘murked’
Where’s his zion flag?
>>413320 Too much swearing tbh, they need to clean out their moutherinos.
>Veterans Day (Norwegian: Veterandagen) in Norway on May 8 was first observed in 2011. It recognizes the efforts of veterans of World War II, United Nations peacekeeping initiatives and other international operations. It was instituted in 2010 by Norway's Cabinet and falls on Victory in Europe Day, May 8. 22stein . . . wtf?
That wheezing Tousi faggot
>They're just aimlessly walking around the sneets Yikes.
One of the flag bearers fainted at our service tbh Bugle player got nervous and started going PpRFFRrFRRFtTTFPPH Speaker also got nervous and started slipping up words His excellency the governor almost tripped over his sword Turnout was much smaller than previous years Bit sloppy ngl!
morn failed nofap smh is there any tips for coping with unbearable horniness
>>413331 smh embarrassing >>413332 yeah lad just get a gf
>>413333 ta lad i'll try it
any tips for getting a gf
>>413337 Run for Manx government.
>>413337 portentovs nvmerals
>>413339 Imagine you had a poo but it was your own willy turned inside out keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>413341 what are we looking at here lad?
Dravidian scum. Try this Those that do not belong in Britain because they are foreign and are not in any case physically capable of fighting for their jobs because they are weak femoids will no longer have a job ever Fucking cunt
>>413344 tbf what she's saying is only wrong because she's brown ai will continue to kill more and more jobs as time goes by tbh and people who aren't making any attempt to future-proof themselves will be completely blindsided by it
>>413345 Kek, it will just be more WFH for an elite and pop jobs for the rest lad
>i now stand alone amongst the now silent crowds of protesters burried under mounds of poo, my bowels are purged and i am bum sore >the sky burns a miasmic green as the cenotaph crumbles into debris behind me "looks like ive.... ..shart my last smeal.."
>>413344 would you though
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>please upload CV >search C >accidentally uploaded a CBT meme I will NEVER EVER get a job
>>413350 >get hired anyway >bosslady calls you into her office
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>>413355 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
wakandan national anthem tbh
>>413354 Courtesy of the Policy Exchange Everyone from tories to leftists to jews to yanks to poshos from Jo who? to Calvin Robinson, Bill Gates etc etc all join hands to deliver the change that no one wants to see. Even wogs are confused by it tbh. Obviously a globalist project
>>413355 Keeeeeeeeeek
>>413358 it's nice to know that despite all their conflicting interests they can still come together for a good cause tbh really warms the cockles of my heart
>>413360 Tbh. They’re all the same, the rest an illusion
Cor blimey I’m so English me propa cokerney oy vey! https://twitter.com/leekern13
>>413363 sounds about right smh
>>413365 Toss the dravidian kike down a well, toss the dravidian kike down a well, oh toss that dravidian kike down a well.
It's TIME to get REAL about Bill Maher https://youtu.be/D3pnqn2Q3Rg
>>413365 >immigrants are the working population fucking what? no they aren't what a lie
>>413364 >teh elites thinking they will survive Keeeeeeeeeeeeeek ok
>>413369 The Union jack should be the only flag allowed to be flown.
The Israelis can wear stars of david and the palis can wear their traditional muslim garb.
>>413369 the british government has humilation events down to an art. oh how convienent you have a shitskin kike war protest oh lets see well ban some of the shite for them but then only enforce it on the native people having a native memorial for their war dead
Any fights or was it a big ol nothing burger?
>>413375 No one wants to be seen to be igniting this particular powder keg.
>>413374 tbh throwing the book at someone for flying the union jack on fucking remembrance day it's a disgrace
It's the clever political brinkmanship the government has fostered to stop ethnic conflict from kicking off in this country for now.
the whole protest was a ZOG scheme to get the goyim they're genociding to take the heat off of the Jews.
>>413379 exactly
>>413377 How long before you have a steaming turd on the Aussie flag courtesy of your bunch of backstabbing politicians? Can’t believe the amount of Indians they ar going to import and the conditions they’ve granted them tbh https://odysee.com/@joeldavis:0/joel-and-tom-show-9-11-23:3
>>413383 yeah the pajeet infestation of the anglosphere is quickly becoming the main problem
>>413384 It’s the most dangerous bioweapon
>>413385 >Why not just murder everyone white and steal all their property? We can do it legally! t. The Government
>>413382 I believe it >>413386 tbh
>>413382 wew >>413383 surprised it hasn't happened already tbh so sick of having to wade through a sea of chinks and poojeets every time i go outside
>>413391 That man needs his head stoved in.
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>all the slagwalk channels are in french
>>413396 What's a slagwalk channel?
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>all the roight wang media smearing counter protesters as faur roight >not even niggercattle are believing it
paki sissies trying to jump random wypipo like their nigger forebears in 2020 but fail https://twitter.com/IncMonocle/status/1723385893984113071
>>413372 Based. What time?
big nick schooling the yout
>>413402 Another fucking mong who goes in for the pro-Palestine shit. BROWN PEOPLE ARE NOT YOUR FUCKING FRIENDS
>>413403 more like dont get involved when your two enemies are fighting
>>413403 Did we read the same thing?
>>413402 mad how clued in nick is tbh
>>413395 she is mine
>it's that monglad who always uses the word mong with zero self awareness
This subversive lad is so blatant, anytime people attack israel he turns it into a strawman of "you're being pro brown" when he knows full well thats not the case.
comfy day at toil tbh got to tell everyone to be quiet for the remembrance and there were some poshlasses in their nice black dresses also did a bit of research on mandatory palestine >about 800 dead britons are buried there because of jewish terrorism >jews were doing migration games even before windrush, we only admitted a certain amount into palestine each year to try and manage effnic tension with the arabs, and interred the rest of the jews in cyprus camps >so they flooded the camps with 30,000 migrants and tried to start mass riots >jews refused to submit to any kind of law and every time enforcement operations were launched they did disproportionate reprisals >on occasions the army had to arrest hundreds of jews at a time, while being attacked, but unable to harm the precious jews and also protecting them from arabs >in response to the execution of a pair of high profile terrorist group leader jews, irgun/stern gang etc did stuff as bad as ISIS on kidnapped soldiers and officers >out of all conflicts and military operations, Mandatory Palestine is not acknowledged, honoured or remembered during Whitehall/London Cenotaph ceremonies and parades like Remembrance Day
jew out here making niggas homeless
>Did you just talk during the minute silence?
>>413412 Good lad.
Did any other lads see the police smashing that lads head against the van while they were arresting him, it was on the sky news stream
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>>413421 post the stream
Hey Wessex, what time do you want to watch this film?
100 centrists arrested
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>>413425 I really hope they arrest Sargon
Where do they even get these centrists these days? must be like being in the army, whole families of centrists. honestly can't imagine attending anything tommy oks
I'm sure no williamnoids were harmed today
So the entire establishment, all the media, all the pundits and everyone else with a platform are going with the "tiny minority of fringe right wing protesters were emboldened by Suella to attack the police, ARREST THE RIGHT WING NOW" its all so tiresome how the elite in this country just run rings around the lot of us
>>413427 have you ever been to a Tommy event?
>>413429 are they actually saying this? not seen it yet tbh
Tommeh didn’t wave his Israel flag at the Cenotaph today did he
>>413429 they didn't even wave zionist flags to false flag against them smh.
>>413429 they have the power to create any show they want and have for a long time.
>>413424 preferably 8 or earlier as remembrance starts at 9 tomorrow
>>413430 No, only ever seen him online
It's hilariously pathetic in a way
tommy literally lives in a house bought and paid for by american zionist orgs he has a debilitating coke addiction that they probably also pay for and use to manipulate him.
>>413435 I have a lamb shank in the oven which comes out at 8pm I will have to eat in front of the telly then I guess
>>413439 don't tell me you sit at a dinner table alone smh
>>413432 he fled in a black cab after 20 minutes
british guy stabbed
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>>413440 not always alone, but I always do sit down meals because I'm based and trad
me, I've sat and et my slop in front of my frens from /brit/ for at least 5 years running
>>413441 Think he either got told to back off or not enough people turned up for him to exploit it. Lots of vets don’t like him anyway and he would have angered them if he tried to hijack the day or started trouble tbh These lads had the measure of him and his gang today
Police just randomly dragged this lad who was just standing talking out of the crowd and gave him a smack for good measure, of course if he was a darkie the court case would already be up and running
>>413350 keeeeeeeek, please be real
Police can't touch non whites so they have all the pent up energy since most police just love the power but they can only use it on their own so when they get the chance they go all in.
This the lad who was slashed?
>>413448 Same as it ever was. Remember seeing a normie deano teen get dogpiled on by 6 pigs for no reason at a festival in 2005. Smh.
footymongs love hopping up and down with their fists up and then bounce away when anything happens.
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>>413455 Stop nooticing!
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>>413445 why are you so mean to smeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
Michael Gove got attacked by arabs lmfao. https://twitter.com/RonEng1ish/status/1723396228514300324
>>413458 you got me excited for a minute there, reminder that he is actually redpilled but has chosen to side with zog for an easy life
>>413460 the worst form of traitor imo
>>413404 Do get involved, it's an opportunity to fuck them up while they're fighting. Yet all we have is this piss-the-bed attempt to appeal to the brown people who are humiliating white Britons and act like we're on the same side as them. From Griffin, Collett, and every other major figure in the "nationalist" circles. I don't get it. Is it a desire to feel part of mainstream political discourse? A desire to be liked? Griffin and Collett have an opportunity to tug at the Jewish mask and reveal their power over our political class and point out that the browns are a protected class who are trying to intimidate us into submission with the backing of the state. >>413405 Yeah, we just read how Nick Griffin (the clueless failure who sank the fucking BNP) called brown nationalists, spook supremacists, "Gaza peace marchers". They're a conquering force. IF IT'S NOT A WHITE INTEREST, IT IS IRRELEVANT LEAVE OUR FUCKING COUNTRY
>>413458 >attacked it was just some brown manlet shouting at him
Joe marsh did corroborate the stuff about N.griff being a narcissist tbh, collett seems better even if he is a sperg, PA still isn't registered though.
>>413458 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Consequences. Pity they didn’t skin him
>>413462 what are you actually advocating for though? that footymongs and big baz get beat up and arrested and used as a scapegoat to achieve what exactly?
we will all bin bins' age soon. my plan for this? slow down the passing of time with tinnies to delay ageing
>>413464 Joe Marsh reckons it’s more effective as community outreach activism. I’d agree. No profit in trying to play political parties in this system. They’ll just exclude or infiltrate you
which nitters still work lads
>>413468 Being registered lowers the chance they will be proscribed because of optics though., also they could get elected at the local level.
>>413466 I'm advocating attacking the near 1 million anti-whites marching in our capital with the protection and collusion of the state rather than attacking half a hundred footy mongs. I'm advocating that our leaders in nationalist movements be as vocal about the brownoids as they are the Jews. I'm advocating that PA abandon its support for Palestine and such foreign causes that involve no white people. I advocate ruthless and relentless attacks on non-whites and the anti-white state. Too many people talking about "ZOYonists" not enough talk about the Jews.
>>413468 Community outreach has been the stock and store of nationalists, it's failed for the last 80 years. We need to solidify that activism into real political gains by building strong local structures and working on local councils and seats. National power is local power in our political system and nationalists have failed to realise that, preferring to LARP as though we have a continental system where you just build a broad but shallow base of support and see gains.
>>413471 >be as vocal about the brownoids as they are the Jews. why would they do that when jews are clearly more of a threat?
If pro palestine people didn't exist ZOG would just be totally unnapposed right now
>>413465 Got the rest of those bowden screen grabs please lad? would like to read the full text if possible
more from michael gove getting bullied https://twitter.com/JakeWSimons/status/1723389767734190494
>>413479 zased website
freshhooknosed browns blowing baby browns up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MF2QyswO-sQ fresh cykas rushing b https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo5TMhlFiY8
>>413482 Nato are already conceding that territory, ukies fewmin’
>>413482 Stop boming ze bruin babeez!
>>413479 Those who benefit from the status quo do not want to change the status quo.
Capello got a stunner 40 years ago
Why is there a palm tree in London? Trying to make the brownoid feel welcome? Boy are we transitioning fast https://twitter.com/SiameseAbby/status/1723346499814273117
https://twitter.com/Steve_Laws_/status/1723356579431317527 looks like all the arrests of the "far right" were done en masse for literally nothing.
was a mistake for quando rondo to have king von shot, i think.smh he underestimated getbackgang
>>413469 None because Muskoid made it so you need an account to use the API.
>>413493 actually nitter.net is fine
>>413491 we're the most surveiled nation in the world too, so good luck with any secretive campaigning, leaflets etc
Really think DBDR is a fakecel tbh
>>413496 no the real fakecel is Forever Alone Guy because he actually used to do PUA stuff in nightclubs
dbdr is in his incel delusion euphoria phase because women are paying attention to him rn
>>413498 he's probably normie tier looks tbh, mentalcel.
>>413499 22 is unironically quite good looking but still doesn't get foids, i wonder what his cel is tbqh
you lads really watch youtube incel content?
Imainge sticking your hands up a niggers arse then pulling him inside out on live tv!
>>413303 >that lad who was trying to get everyone to buy his bags I'm picking up bags, it's the knee of the bull run right now. the KNEE! how are you gonna feel looking at the price of crypto assets and it's so much higher than it is now and you didn't buy now? how will that make you feel? will you cope about how "well we didn't know it was gonna go up" when we did know that because the bitcoin halving creates a bull market every 4 years every single time and the fact that everybody knows this and will buy in anticipation makes it a self-fulfilling prophecy? or will you just shit your pants and wriggle around on the floor in despair? >>413308 what I'm saying is that WE should be putting our heads together to make good investment decisions so that we can all profit. this is basically a bunch of semi-intelligent youngish men all posting in one relatively insular place and NOT getting rich at the same time, that's stupid, cmon some of the bags I wanted have been scooped, some of them did not go through because I had the price set just below the bottom smh. can't be greedy, had to set them a bit higher and same thing could repeat who the fuck knows... so agonizing. biggest problem is that I don't have nearly enough capital, I need so more more capital fuck I should take loans
>>413501 https://youtu.be/ae35Wi7zIVU I watch Elvis make negresses wet tbh
there is no "we" spic
Bull run? More like bull diary ear!
More like a bull having the runs in spics mouth!
spic will lose all his money when jews win the crypto game as always and I will laugh >>413501 yes
>>413503 become a boomer lad ounce of gold, ounce of ketamine
>>413497 >Forever Alone Guy who? >>413500 fatcel
https://youtu.be/S2mvnvoaAP4 >this boomer mgtow's intro
>>413403 mong >>413404 how are some sand people thousands of miles away "our enemies"? they are completely irrelevant to us. the jevvs, on the other hand, control European governments and are using them to implement genocidal policies against the European population. the Palestinians are the natural allies of whites, as they are a fellow gentile people that is being subjected to genocide by the jevv >>413411 yeah >>413462 it is 'a white interest' for the Z1onist Entity to be destroyed >>413510 precious metals do not grow at an exciting rate. I bought a little silver years ago and it's worth more now than it was then- I'm glad I have it because in some kind of collapse situation maybe I could barter for something I need with the coins, but as an investment or store of value it's pretty shit. how do I even sell silver coins? go to some place that'll pay me less than they're worth because they're a business and why would they buy it otherwise? now is the limited opportunity that comes every 4 years to pump money into crypto before it pumps and take it out before it dumps. everybody knows what will happen- the price will go up and then down. you have an opportunity to make serious money, 2-20x, if you can scrounge together a few tens of thousands or something you could change your life
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>>413513 yeah but its comfy and hilarious
pls nuke
>>413511 fresh Forever Alone Guy (FAG) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiTSFZ-FUsA&pp=wgIGCgQQAhgB >>413512 a niggoomcel keek
>>413509 timestamp and vid pls
>413513 >spic again
>>413513 qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq utter stupid cunt. what is it lad? Does knowing about the jewish question make you feel special? Anti-semitism will go nowhere if we don't vet fucking fools like you who take the position to the most absurd lengths. Utter fucking womble. Here's one to make you seethe: The destruction of Israel doesn't serve white interests. Their power is in New York and London. All the destruction of the state of Israel achieves is 7 million jews heading to Europe! But I guess you're right lad, I'll stop noticing the army of moslems flexing their muscles in our capital on a day dedicated to our war dead while the media blame two hundred fat football supporters for violence! Filtered. Not interested in hearing more of this goofy shit. I hate all non-whites. Butcher them all.
>>413516 isn't FAG non white?
>>413515 Isral and Ukraine are institutions? Also fake nuudge uniit tier propaganda
>>413520 no idea tbh
>>413517 https://youtu.be/s4hol1foV80 2:30 THis one is particularly good because the chinese looking retard tries to join in but get nervously pulled back by a normie keeeeeeeek
>>413522 think he is tbh, there was racism talk on his video about college in the comments, he sounds vaguely non white too
>>413524 judging by this video soying over AI he is low IQ enough to be a wog tbh
>>413523 >>413523 >>413523 loved that corridor tbh, everyone is so nervous looking lol, apart from a few of them dancing, i guess there is actual music being played too
>>413523 >when the incels and autists accidentally make physical contact with or get too close to the women and they turn to look or recoil
America looks like hell tbh
>>413529 It is
>>413519 >The destruction of |srael doesn't serve white interests yes it does you mong, it's a major center of jevvish power. the goal is to remove the jevvs from power. think of all the institutions they have in place, such as the mo55ad, that would be eradicated if that state was wiped off the face of the Earth and replaced with an Islamic Republic of Palestine dominated by |udeo-realist Arabs. and as for the jevvs migrating into the west, what do you think will happen when all of these grumpy kvetching k1kes that are so used to not having to deal with filthy goyim move into America and Europe? they will piss people off by treating the goyim like shit. the goal is for everybody to hate the jevvs and that will help accomplish it, not to mention that ridiculous shit (nuking people) that |srael would do on the way out >on a day dedicated to our war dead your war dead from WWI where they fought for Rothschild central bank against the wholesome chungus German Empire for no reason. why should we give a fuck about them? they are suckers that got gassed in a trench for nothing. even worse are the WWII ones that fought for their own granddaughters to get pimped out to Ahmed Khan's cousins >muh sperging about how all non-whites on earth are le ebil but also supporting Z1onism tf?
>>413512 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>413523 What a beautiful inclusive school tbqh
>>413532 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK loud bit at the end ruined it tbh, also you left the original video audio in, think maybe doing a freeze frame and zoom in on him toasting would be better
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>>413532 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
Can you be a hero to the working class if you're a williamnoid originally lads?
>>413532 did a full out loud keek tbh very good lad
>>413535 keek tbh tbh tbh
https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxiA7DxLelXXPT4l4qHkc_5G-a8jR-EIpp DBdr second channel where he does community posts every day, he's coping right now and being vored in the comments
>muslims acting 'ard when they get physically melted by these niggas 24/7
>>413545 More like bald and no eyed
Tucked up by Tommy Rubbishstein? Oh well https://twitter.com/alanvibe/status/1723366138799665489
None of the modern protests have ever matched the middle class backing that the anti iraq war one had
Where’s the Tom le Taxi memes?
>>413547 open stalinist shite
>>413544 tbf kikes only have a reputation as being 'ard because they hired USAF wild weasels to fly all their combat missions in the six day war because they are a race of cowards
>>413551 Tbh, very easy to bomb people that aren't even armed.
https://youtu.be/6-x6X6QvHqk keeeeeeeek based autist camping in bushes
>>413552 tbh all the oldfag brass in burgerica is scowling at how weak our "greatest" ally is performing in this war after all the support. that one general resigned because the jews were being so arrogant and ignoring his comments how gaza could not be taken by the IDF in ground assault
Police are now half second gen xenos kekekkekekkekeke
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>>413549 is the MSM really saying this? what's Sargoy saying, he was insistent on going and said that not going was a loser mentality
>>413479 listening to Bowden soy out over Judge Dredd
>slow cooked lamb shank in red wine sauce, with steamed and butter fried sprouts and french beans
>>413479 thanks lad, appreciate it
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>He got new plates
finally my coin is mooning again. the day is mine
>>413561 the fact that no lad came on here a month or two ago and announce in redtext hey lads just a heads up the bitcoin halving is coming up so you might consider stocking up on crypto now is proof that this board is for retarded losers. or at least if there are some smart non-losers on here then they kept it to themselves and didn't help their retarded frens
>>413562 >>413561 Crypto is for fools.
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>>413563 >people double their money in a month >they are fools because some cuckshed wagie said so
>>413564 Yeah, they're fucking idiots buying in to a pyramid scheme >Nooooooo! The guy who started the pyramid scheme made money! So will I! Worst possible asset to purchase.
everything is a pyramid scheme in that it requires others to buy in for value to exist though... housing most notably
>>413565 >asset with the highest potential gains in the least amount of time >worst possible the people that actually make good money when all is said and done are the smart ones. the ones that fail to make good money are the idiots
it was my own fuckup not being prepared for the bullrun but I am a bit perturbed by the fact that I skim this board regularly and I don't think a single lad was on the ball. ought to be taken as a wakeup call that nobody here really has any idea what they're doing in life, myself included
gonna go by some silver and fried chicken tbh.
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>>413569 crypto outpaces 5 years of metal in 1 month
Fuck off with the crypto spam
>>413572 >it's hasbara newfren going off script to shill digital shekels because his inner jew is restless
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Ban women from existing.
Going make women suck my toes
remember when 22st was Welsh
>>413571 try actually selling crypto you niggerfaggot. taxable event now on all exchanges, metal can be sold privately without capital gains tax
feel like this cryptonigger is another bbk persona
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>>413580 bitter memories of @betrayal
>>413578 kinda nasty tbh how would you kiss her afterwards? better to suck the woman's toes, women's feet are clean >>413582 >make massive gains >get taxed on them >make tiny gains >evade tax which will make you more money? are you just pretending to be retarded?
>>413585 He's dead. I merely carry the mantle.
>>413587 I thought India was supposed to be a super power by 2020?
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>>413589 what's that lad
>>413592 who could this b?
>>413594 Go to bed b, it's late
>>413595 yeah I am
>>413575 >if you toil away like a work horse for long enough and get lucky this will be your prize >she'll want to walk down the aisle in a white dress No more dignified that buying a literal prostitute tbh at least with them theres no pretense
>>413597 I'm on nofap lad stop.
>>413512 >just get with the girl that loves you
The world has just gotten so poopy that Paul Joseph Watson™ can go back to saying what he used to say before being bought
some more xoomkino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZ51K5ZWRj4 guy seems jewish though
>>413592 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>413614 do you have that 12 hours of ghost noises video lad? that was my favourite sound effect video
>>413615 no maybe its in the old thread
Dutch ovening myself a lot tonight
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYDuOKI8maQ wish i was a voyageuer in canada 100 years ago lads. i'd be ripped and no women for as far as the eye can see, except at trading posts i suppose
>>413618 no woman to breed smh
>>413619 no different than your life now shartin
>>413599 keeeeeeeeeeeek
https://youtu.be/_LgNBaOTdPc keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>413622 >buying $5000 worth of useless shite and deep frying it for the funny he's so relatable
could've just given that money to me if he didn't want it
>>413622 based sam, good content, worth the cost
>>413623 that's how I felt with the english version. Making me keek watching this and realising the reason I didn't like it to begin with was because it was spic content
>>413627 >Alf-Inge >Alf= elf >Inge=name of a god, possibly also sharing root with the word "staff" >Gandalf OH MY GOD HE'S A HECKING MAGICIAN WITH THE BALL
Islam is NOT a religion of peace... there. I said it.
>>413629 That's completely untrue. Islam teaches peace and respect so long as you aren't a kafir. But even then
Hullo, yes, that's right! Muslims must return to their lands of origin! Okay, thankyou.
>>413632 Any land they inhabit becomes muslim tho lad
KEEEK fucksake getting increasingly concerned as I see spelling mistakes and bad syntax in the video then at the end the uploader reveals he's a furfag smdh
>>413633 that's fine tbh we must simply limit the land that they inhabit they can keep the middle east tbqh it's an inhospitable shithole smh that'll be the mahomedan reservation they can self-govern but they can't ever leave >>413634 choon that tbh the lads on tour >>413635 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek smh
Resmemberance Snunday. 1.6 smillion Brits dead in the sworld swars. Every sningle one an unsmittigated snragedy that snerved sno spurpose.
>>413637 yeah it's a bit shite smh they all thought they were doing their duty but it was just to advance some cynical politician's plans smh maybe the word plans is a bit rich they died to pay off part of the debt that politicians owed to the jewish kingmakers who put them in those positions to begin with well now we don't own are own countries any more and the descendants of these soldiers are being terrorised and chased out of their own homes but on the plus side i bet those politicians felt really important for the few years that they were in office so i suppose it was all worth it in the end
>>413638 smh what's that colour scheme from? it's "untoward about paedophiles" or something isn't it? smh can't remember
decent turnout for the current year but disappointing when considering that out of 20,000+ only a few hundred showed up demographically, there was one (1) negro in the military contingent and one (1) imported SEA wife the 30-40% part of this country that is of foreign origin clearly does not respect or participate in actual british culture fresh but not bowden speech upload https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1jlHliqFPg >>413641 keeek that's a paki flag too isn't it
>>413642 Based loyal SEA wife
>>413642 saudi tbh >the 30-40% part of this country that is of foreign origin clearly does not respect or participate in actual british culture not really surprising smh they just came here for more money and less crime they'll always be disloyal smh amazed any of them turned up at all
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went to church but the service had already started early instead of dipping in quietly like a normal person i turned around 360° and went home
>>413646 Why is that grown man soiling himself?
>>413646 bad lad but i would've done the same
didn't look closely at the thumbnail and thought it was some kind of cool slate knife resting on a tan cloth but then i clicked on it and it was already too late
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Reminder that real lions don't workhorse
I PROVE The ‘Far Right’ Didn’t Disrupt The Cenotaph https://youtu.be/Fqa1Mi5JEJ0
fresh russians they are actually doing it for real this time they are rushing B cykas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53ZCz4mCb80
Liverpool cenotaph had a good turn out. Muslim shitehawk gave a speech and sat next to a negroid cadet on the motorcoach.
Was hoping to be attack by pale-wogs and lefties but they weren't there.
Wow, the orgniser of the pro-palestine march was... A JEW!!!
>>413660 don't you mean Israelis lad?
>>413657 shitehawk?
>>413662 Metal Gear?
>>413650 crazy that cunts in ancient greece would fight those things with spears and swords
tbh british paratroopers had the best most aesthetic and functional uniform of the allies in ww2 burgers is -paratroopers -army in europe -marine literal prison uniforms with frogskin painted on -national guard with aussie issue spray painted green wool uniforms that rotted off completely in new guinea
my hands look like this so her hands can look like this >>413666
>>413665 read a book on uniforms from '39 to about the 70s and iirc the british paratrooper set was basically just a copy of the german one some kino stuff in there though, one arab state had bright orange sweaters as part of their uniform but it actually worked because of their unique geography, reminds me of the PLA shit that looks like it's dayglow or children's larp camo it's so bright green but it works in the specific area it was designed for
>>413669 niggers doing the jobs britons won't do
jews have almost killed as many civilians in a month than the US military killed in 20 years of iraq and aghanistan
>>413665 keeeek I always thought the muhreen ww2 uniforms looked neat >>413668 guess having a small nation allows you to invest in kino LOCAL camo patterns
>>413674 the camo was a good scheme but would have worked better in europe but it looked too much like oak b and caused friendly fire so it was used in the pacific and it would fade rapidly in the saline conditions and the cut of the uniform was made on the same machines as prisoner uniforms I believe and from japanese soldier memes about them being the disposable prisoners and maniacs sent to kill them
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the frogskin was kino but I think alot of them just ended up wearing pretty pleb outfits made from ultra poorfag dungaree cotton
>>413677 jews purposely setting up these interactions then recording them. they seem much more polished in your country than over here where the whitoids are so demoralized and segregated the protests are just between interest parties
>>413678 too small a country to avoid confrontations tbh, everyone uses public transport too.
>>413679 smh you need to raise doggerland back out of the sea so you can have massive plains to drive BIG quad hemi tractors on and turn up the radio whenever some brownie on the side of the road holds his hand out like in the louis theroux documentary
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vQ6y9SC1mJ4 this should be wessies daily driver and he should wake up just an hour earlier than the exhaustfags and give them a little taste
8000 horse keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
he won
>>413662 They saw shite and go for it like a hawk would go for a mouse or whatever they eat. >>413677 Based. >>413678 We have more enemies than just the fucking Jews.
Pakistani Neo Nazi attempted to shoot up a Mosque in Canada inspired by Brenton Tarrant https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/mississauga-mosque-attacker-guilty-1.6911478
Keet and joel on the BASED polish march
zog bros....
>>413688 that's normal lad the ospreys must be fed
>>413688 >mishap
>>413690 A snoilet snaccident?
>>413691 enough of this silly meme now
You can start poosting again now.
>>413693 yet what if we did not poost? what if this was the end?
Sunday night then
>>413697 as it were
>>413695 >that older tomboy gf at the arcade
>>413699 yeah remember ACKing at her episode as a lad (no idea what season it's from, might have seen it on telly or on vhs) >>413697 hope you are remembrancing are ancestors lad going to pour a bit of smead out and toast them for dinner tbh
>>413695 kino >>413699 the bart's babysitter episode actually hit me pretty hard when i saw it tbqh she was cute
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>>413702 these "people" are mentally ill and probably the exact same people who defend mass immigration
>>413702 I will accept a snoverment snob to go round crossbowing XL shitbulls and raping their female owners.
>>413704 based
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>when you lick the tears from her eyes and give her a good bite on the neck and she cries more because it resminds her of her smurdered smursnabbie
>>413673 the twist? The nonce is also a bbcslut. He can't lose
is there a film on tonight? getting really comfy, mead works well to warm up with
https://youtu.be/k34LKIkTfLE What the FUCK is this?
>>413710 >3.5m views >only 2k likes
>>413695 Based I can't wait to go to Valholl.
>>413712 Apparently it's coming out on the second anniversary of the war. I hope Putler wins by then.
>>413659 jevvs always want to control the opposition, they want it to be this useless whining about the brownoids "but jevvs aren't the problem it's just the |sraeli government!!1" when an actual effective pro-Palestine rally would be pointing out that the jevvs are the problem not just Z1onists and that they control the shittish government and all western governments and etc. etc.... >>413688 mmmmmm delicious wish it were more, I hereby spit on their memory and mock their families' grief. let's hope for many more mishaps!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Conflicts_in_1918 the world really went to shit this year
>>413710 why does this look so bad? Story and what it shows looks jewish, but surely jews have more money to put into something like this
>>413712 absolutely based lad was thinking about where's your head at just the other day >>413718 why would they put effort into it? they already told you to hate him tbh you either do or you don't the sole purpose of this fillum is to throw chum in the waters tbh everything else is secondary
>>413718 The Jews often produce utter shit, it's rare that they produce quality propaganda tbh
oh yeah bins was going to put on watchmen >almost 9pm
>>413722 went in thinking of facing worlds as usual, was not expecting drums tbh very nice
>>413723 the lad who did it did a whole album tbh it's good nostalgia listening
>>413721 I forgot. Only just quit Skyrooming. Would be watch if he does put it on soon tbh.
keeek remember the gilliam quixote film and how one of the guys looks like peso shop johnny depp? gilliam did actually have depp at first but replaced him with the cheap knockoff for real keeek
>>413726 the past is a furrin country lad he was a nobody back then strange to think about
>>413728 shame hard to have the appropriate sympathy with those pics though keeek extremely mutted look
>>413729 brony phenotype
>>413730 keek smh
>>413728 par for the course really smh it's the new normal
https://kick.com/stevewilldoit Gorlock the destroyer on a date livestream
>lads linking to instagram and kick what is with the thread today
>>413734 never even heard of kick before
>>413735 it's the nigger version of twitch I think
>>413736 >>413734 >>413735 Its the BASED version of twitch with no censorship
>>413736 >>413737 based niggers
>>413733 apparently this thing is a tranny
>>413734 I saw it and thought the downies were cute. Smh.
BASED BOMBER HARRIS BROS, WE'RE DOING IT AGAIN!!! >bri'ish war crimes done under the direction of jews justify all other war crimes by jews, you see? B A S E D !
>>413739 correct
>>413721 >oh yeah bins was going to put on watchmen I didn't say I was going to put it on today lad, I've been out all evening smh
>>413743 you broke a sacred vow
>>413743 >I've been out all evening where?
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>>413746 at a ladies house
>>413745 I just said we should watch Watchmen, I never said we should watch it the next day we can watch it another time
>he makes his rentslaves pay through non-monetary means
>413748 bins, at a womens house
>>413686 isn't that Joel lad from Australia? And he's gone all the way to Poland? That's qute a treck
>>413751 it's a sick joke!
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>>413751 yes I was at a ladies house I was at my mummiy's
>>413744 Looks like some sort of Aztec racial atavism who vored one too many sacrifices.
>>413741 Wasn't it 60,000 according to Irving? Bit beside the point. Can't believe I used to think of some Tories like Shapps, Gove, IDS as being not so bad, just needing to abandon the "conserative" party. Smdh.
>>413741 >a jewish man defending the behaviour of the jewish state using whataboutism what a fucking joke this country is
>>413758 british government sowed the wind british public reap the whirlwind same as it ever was
>>413759 40-60k also died in the firebombing of hamburg
>>413760 >what a fucking joke this country is on Remembrance day as well, no less more insulting than anything palestinians have done tbh
conquered the entire world drip
Did you know between 1905-1921 Jewish communists took over most of America's labour unions and attempted to overthrow the American government in a Bolshevik revolution but were thwarted by the fact union members hated niggers so much they just started massacring them instead.
took a shower, applied retinoid, brushed my teeth, did red light therapy on my face/scalp/testicles, microneedled my hairline. began pressing the mummer to loan me money so I can buy more crypto, she's like blah blah get a job like a fucking boomer retard that thinks it's still 30 years ago when you could make decent money in this shithole country. I think it's so bad that if you're under 100k income you cannot responsibly afford to have a roof over your head, you should be sleeping in the car so that you can actually save up something to invest instead of just working to age and expire. this dumb bitch thinks there's a point in spending all of my time and effort to make make a few hundred bucks a week (less than McDonald's frycook from 10 years ago due to inflation) when we could be putting tens of thousands into crypto and making several times that in the same time. says "your future" as if my future involves working for decades to afford a room to sleep in, it's objectively better to take a bus to California and live in a tent while collecting government benefits. I just want to amass whatever net worth I can within some years and then go retire in some third world country where that money is worth something despise this whole boomer decadence "retirement" thing where old people feel entitled to just stop working and be prune niggers on a beach somewhere blowing all their money over a decade or two when instead they should be plugged into MAD capsules so their kids that actually need the money can have it. and the medical industry prolongs them longer and longer so they can extract more of their money from them and ensure that there's nothing left for the millennials/zoomers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbz2DLdtciM britoids in the danish pulls running a super tractor with merlin v12s looks like >>413767 the iron heel by jack london was a good idea of pre jew/immigrant infestation of labor in burgerland. the working mans union and most early working groups were distinctly either feinian or white racialist and anti nigger/chinese/injun
>>413766 this is the kind of autism that made the huwhite man great doesn't matter if something is already fit for purpose tbh it can always be bigger and better and if it can be it should be >>413767 based nigger bashing union lads
like these jewish bolsheviks killed hundreds of people across america before the red-scare finally started. communists literally ambushed returning ww1 vets and massacred them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centralia_massacre_(Washington)
>>413771 look up the san diego plan and the mexican revolution lass
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hammered the new cod all weekend
always seems a bit sketchy when the front starts to twist though smh >>413771 smh they're always like this
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Surprised nobody posted the video yet. A bunch of nigger teens lynched a white kid in Las Vegas at school. They attacked a righteous goblino that tried to save him too. https://nitter.net/Tr00peRR/status/1723722634582470765
>>413777 >22st goes a-viking with the lads to finland and brings this back from the swamps keeeek not even useable as pigfeed given the chemical contamination
>>413774 unironically want one of these, sick to death of mummys, can't take being near them anymore
>>413780 aspiring to a deanobox in the current year may as well be the same as aspiring to a stately home smh
>>413778 never forgot this happened years ago in shitagain a comfy boomer toiler accidentally hit a niglet playing in the skreet and he got out to help the niglet and was lynched by niggers.
amerisharts will shoot up every school except ones like that for some reason.
seacowlad hasn't been around in a long time bit worried tbh
>travelled back in time ACK
>>413787 keek he is cucking owen as well rn while he rots in solitary
>>413791 >owen owen schroider is in prison right now? how come?
LIVE FROM AUSTRALIA IT'S DOBBY https://youtu.be/t5rlXwGrrPs
>>413790 wdymbt?
>pakis letting off fireworks on rememberance day
post lads
indian stood next to me the other day at t'shops and he smelt like literal poo
Doing a bottle of wine every night without fail at the moment. Am I winning, lads?
It's the rum chasers that really take it to the next level tbh.
>>413800 there used to be periods where i was doing about 12 tall cans of beer a day for a while, sometimes more. don't know how my body survived it but it did quite easily. fun, but you slide mentally and do weird things without noticing it. the brain takes more of a beating than the body
wonder what it was like before the enclosures happened. would've been true freedom
never anyone on when i'm on brit
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Mummy's being in hospital kept me away from the gym and running. Back on it this morning. The niggers tremble in my presence.
>>413805 Is mummy doing alright, lid?
MUMMY ARE YOU OK? ARE YOU OK MUMMY? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_D3VFfhvs4
Smh niggers killed a chud
no nazi she-wolf greta thunberg gf smh
>>413811 amazing how little self respect some people have smh
>>413812 people really choosing a life that would be hell for me. insnane
Morning from 10 Downing St sirs!
>>413794 I waited until my PC clock showed midnight before posting but 8chan is apparently 4 seconds slow >>413798 pooing and using their bare hands to wipe the poo then not washing their hands is their culture lad >>413814 keeek the next occupant is going to have to fumigate the place and replace all the fittings and walls and flooring to try and get the curry and poo smell out
And a very bloody happy Diwali to you all!
>>413815 The absolute state of Indian owned properties tbh. Doesn’t matter how much the property is worth they use poundland to desecrate/decorate it
it's time to solve climate change in israel >>413816 keeeeeeeeek just put all politicians into an industrial smelter already
>>413816 4 darkies in a row for home secretary so fucking sick of it
>>413819 Braverman will be the next PM. By talking “common sense” and being married to a zionist tories will DEMAND IT Either that or the rothschild backed blairite pig fucker will be back
>>413820 Fucking fuck everything
>>413821 Another foreskin to be buried under a tree
Oh! It’s a grill! Even worse
>>413824 Iktf There are no whitepills
rape lad was on a mad one at the march
>>413828 >international citizens
Fuck this t/l tbh tbh lads >Sunak makes him along with King Cuck Lord Pigfucker and Foreign Sec >Rothschild backed Cameron who has been living in a villa complex in France and cosying up to the EU making paid speeches
maybe we deserve this
>>413829 Globalist entity funded by the very Class B personality types headed ( psycho narcissist ) orgs they are ‘criticising’
>>413833 fucking disgusting
imagine being in front of them with a flamethrower
>>413836 No real Brit will go there. Maybe a poo or two
It should be clear who runs this country, the US and many other countries to people by now.
David Cameron literally stole half a billion of British taxpayers money in a scheme with a Jew and Indian. This is Bulgaria tier
>>413841 Probably worse than Bulgaria tier > David Cameron - pushed for gay marriage, loves the EU - WEF member - Blairite - stacked the cabinet with non-whites - backed by Rothschilds - loves Israel - fucked a pigs head(lol) - again one of the most powerful ministers in the government again and now an unelected peer that can’t be moved *clips not related
Fucking hell Baldrick! Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://files.catbox.moe/imcl2e.mp4
Wew, I wake up to fresh demoralisation. Can we please get a viable third party in this "democracy" so we don't have this fucking revolving door of kike backed parasites.
thinking about the vanguard again
>>413848 Yeah I'm slipping inexorably back into the shoot everyone I don't like gang.
>>413849 ride or die tbh
>>413844 She got herself sacked to make a leadership bid >She let zionist pro migrant Tommy Robinson back in Twitter so he could rile up football hooligans to cause trouble whilst publicly stating the police crack should down harder on the right and anti zionist pally supporters. >She’s the zio positiv token brown who "says it like it is" where a white person can’t and a face of diversity and inclusivity who can just about get away with it to appease people who have had enough of all this shit saing everything they agreed with but literally never did anything about it. They were never going to do anything about it. The Conservatives have been running this scam for years and the next part of their trick is to crah everything quick o Labour get the rein and there i no time for another party like LIKUD Reform to get enough votes to mount any viable opposition >She submitted an article to a national newspaper without having it fully signed off by the Prime Minister's office. In it criticised the police for being too lenient on the pro-Palestine marches, seen as an issue she should have raised with them in private - . She must have known she was undermining the Prime Minister for not getting full approval of her article before it was published They are keping the Home Sec brown so they can keep spouting anti immigrant rhetoric they won’t act on and try and outflank Labour as the top bame enablers for the next time they get a bite at power Don’t forget HS has the power to eviscerate the civil servce, navy, border force, police, security servics etc if they want. She did nothing of the sort. It’s all bullshit
>>413847 Reform is also pro Israel. There is nothing else. It will simply not be allowed
The faux outrage
>>413851 Same as it ever was. >>413852 At this point I don't care, if it had a chance to dig out the zionists in this country I'd run around wrapped in a Pali flag every day of the week.
Incoming leadership bidch
Smh >zionists manipulate English lads to hate browns >state goes after them Smh
>>413856 Fucking mugs, how many times are they going to fall for Yiddy robinsons shite.
>>413857 They feel powerless and don’t read into things as much as us they are dumb but we cannot epect everyone to have smarts. The state is evil for persecuting them for their reaction to this situation they created
>The evil right wing Italians cannot try and help Indi as she could then grow up to be another Mosley also would be mbarrassing for teh nhs t. Judge Israel - High Court of Appeal
What we need is nuclear hellfire everywhere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLezVst9424
>>413863 >Seen O’Taff I want to kick Sargon straight in his ring piece with pointy steel cowboy boots
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Richard Tice reaction to Braverman's sacking https://youtu.be/n0vXDEI7i4k
What kind of fucking autism is this ffs?
Ok Dick Lice >thinking we don’t know what powers a Home Secretary has
>>413868 she was a patriot
>>413869 POOTRIOT
>>413870 POOTHOT
>>413863 Civic Sarcoon of Mossad
>>413873 Thomas777 working for Rebel News now?
>3 kids Well done love! Throw your horse faced genes into the bin, the world will be an uglier place now, at least you could have stayed single Seems they are determined to mutt the nation
>>413874 Keeeeeeek
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>ruined my own life with delusions of grandeur wouldn't recommend tbh lads
>>413877 based fuck MOB piru and fuck Tupac and Suge too
another one of those days then, wake up late and see all this blackpilling news.
>>413873 b a s e d
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>David cameron back >tommy back >sargon rolling back all the years of progress he made >hopkins back >literally 2015 but worse we are literally the worst country in the western world
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>>413878 >>ruined my own life with delusions of grandeur Carl?
>>413884 >>sargon rolling back all the years of progress he made what's he saying now? is he back to liberalism?
>>413887 don't even know at this point hes just being a fucking mong and is probably being bribed by mossad
I was in London all weekend. Must've all been confined to one area, because I didn't even see any crowds or groups of protestors. Anything of note happen?
>>413889 >Anything of note happen? all the good lads were arrested pre emptively and a few stragglers were beaten by muzzies, some scuffles with police being blown out of proportion, nothing of note tbh.
>>413890 >a few stragglers were beaten by muzzies Sounds like the football lot last time. Getting pissed and then separated from each other because they're clueless bellends.
So did Sargon actually go, anyone else?
>>413892 don't think sargoy went, Tommeh fled in a taxi after the scuffles kicked off
>>413893 >don't think sargoy went, Tommeh fled in a taxi after the scuffles kicked off keeeeeeeeeeeek Trump tier
I thought Sargon basically stated, 'you're a coward if you don't go'? Or was I being gaslit?
>>413895 He said it's a trap but everything is, so might as well, but expect two tier policing.
>>413857 Yeah, it's their fault that the state is persecuting them. You're fucking scum >>413884 tbh >>413894 He hugged some Brownoids first, of course.
>>413806 She's back on her feet, it was nice to be my own master and have to do the housework etc. for once. Sounds strange but it felt good to care for poor mummy smh
>>413898 Good lad.
>>413889 Tommeh started a fight and ran away in an lgbtaxi supplied by the CST
>Icelandic men have to fight the volcano while women seek refuge in our beds
>>413902 Good luck with Icelandic women. Turbo feminists or shotputters
>EU friendly FM who cannot be bullied in the Commons hmmmmmmmmmm
>>413897 They're falling into a state trap repeatedly. No sympathy
The child that was posted a while ago who didn't get necessary medical assistance has died.
>>413908 >>413858 >>413860 Murdered. Aborted. By the British state Italians were going to try and save her Fucking disgrace. Made me feel very sick today more than anything else
>>413906 wow, another kike in government. UHMAZIN
Should've said in the house of commons tbh
fresh gazzacaust https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOS4EKbujz8 an for my dinner i had vegetarian or vegayn shepherd pie with roast parsnips veg an gravy followed by lemon meringue and ice cream and it was very nice (but could have done with some proper meat alas aunty has taken up another meme diet) >>413914 VILE smh more stuff to put on the boycott list
>woke up 3 hours ago >could go to bed for a sleep
>>413858 Can’t see many people appreciating people picking on their pets also >’American’ >non partisan Really?
>>413917 >no feral niggress sex slave
>>413918 >no feral nigress sex slave
NoYOU! Blody bastard benchod I fuck you mother blody bich FUCK YOU BLUNDER!
>>413921 fucking hate uppity pooskin losers like him
they all need tying to cannons and blowing up (traditional pre-british punishment for traitors instituted by the mughals and recommended by a board of senior indians to the raj in the aftermath of the sepoy rebellion btw nothing to do with "cruel britisher torture")
>>413923 >>413924 Tbh fucking hate them they bring nothing good Last pic is Belgrave Rd in Leicester this year diwali Indian billionaire were amongst those who helped get Poonak elected Cleverly is continuing the elites scheme of using Britain like a shop Utter utter cunts
>gayben is part of the nwo and buying steam gooms is directly contributing to are downfall like every fucking thing else ACK
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Farage | Monday 13th November https://youtu.be/wB7tzczf0EA
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>>413928 why didn't you say this when Helmer posted Farage again and again every single day?
because helmer was based
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>>413930 no he wasn't, he was to the left of smee
They’re going after G now
>>413932 climatezis assemble we will btfo israel tvgethvr
>>413917 >why ah you touchin' me fam? I'll smash youh glass into a [sic] ice bowl the fuck language is this?
>>413926 Not gonna early life him
Another brainlet take from Rangoon of ACK-kad
Cyarl Boonjammin’
Holy shit, Farage is going to do I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! I thought it was a joke but it's real
>>413932 she's one of us now - a left wing racist!
I wonder if he'll try to bomb Libya again
>>413938 Truly he lives in the Shadow of Chad Hancock
william rentoid cunt tried to tusk at me where I parked my toil truck and I just roasted him so bad he cucked out and went inside his slave box like a little rentoid subhuman then I ran the truck for about 20 mins to fill it with exhaust then he tried to call the tow truck on me and I made fun of him some more. pathetic williamoid cunt had nothing better to do on this wfh faggot life than mess with some poorfag tradecunt. came outside and right off the bat blew vape smoke and say "hey bro, like why do you always have to park there" I told him he could eat my cock if he wanted to nag like a woman and kept calling him I had a hall pass to be there
>>413942 I really have to wonder about Farage's judgement tbh
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>>413940 Think his mission is to destroy more countries to increase migration. Unironically
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what's Dorset up to these days?
>>413946 >Think his mission is to destroy more countries to increase migration. Unironically I just heard the job was given to William Hague first, but he turned it down The guy that said migration of over a million a year should be normal now. Fucking seriously fuck the Tories to hell
>>413943 Did you have sex incel?
>>413943 keeeeeeeeeeeek based
>>413917 ngl her face when that speccy twat got in front of her at the end cracked me up. you know he went straight home and wrote a reddit post about how he protected that women by "holding space" between me and her.
>>413917 total williamoid death
>>413954 he was such a hero maybe she let him out of his cage later to watch his hentais in the basement like a good little boyfriend
>>413955 All kikels
rereading the bbk christmas tales of '22 tbh hope next month has such kino in store for us
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>remembers back when /brit/ was full of Farage posters and Bomber Harris posters
>>413954 >I held the space
>>413959 That was SA by himelf tbh
https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/convictions-houston-riot-overturned-by-army >The Black soldiers killed 15 whites, including four police officers, and seriously wounded 12 others. I swear this incident, or a very similar one, was brought up here recently. Anyway it's another flagrant humiliation ritual in the GAE
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>>413961 no it wasn't, there was a whole team of them, including Helmer (deceased) all gone now, thankfully
>>413943 keek good lad
>>413959 Hmm idk it's been part of the culture for a long time and it makes good reaction-imaging regardless of nige's politics, same as Miliband posting or such
>>413963 Helmer was a good lad but SA had a load of sockpuppet accounts borderline brainlet toryboy type that he was. Still doing reacharounds for a fiver down his local no doubt
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>>413966 >A had a load of sockpuppet accounts borderline brainlet toryboy type that he was No lad, there were a whole team of Bomber Harris meme makers, I used to be in a disocrd server with them It was basically them that split original brit/pol/ from the rest of /pol/ and got us banned, due o their relentless Harris posting and civ nat bullshit you're probably too young to remember tbh
they were all good lads /politics/, /brit/, /newbrit/, /brit/pol uncucked even the troons (pre-troon grooming) just want the big comfy based britons family back and to not be a toiler snight las
harrisposting is disgusting and shameful
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>>413968 very good lad, nightla
>>413968 no they weren't they were bluepilled civnat tory boy dick heads >>413969 >harrisposting is digusting and shameful tbh lad
@GBNEWS ‘The Tories? The Labour Party? They’ve ALL gone completely bonkers bananas! Until we stop letting the inmates run the asylum, we’ll be on a slow descent to hell with them at the helm! It’s not Cameron we need back it’s MAGGIE!
get even more politicians into I'm a Celebrity but make the spiders incredibly deadly and have them tightrope over lava instead of mud or whatever they do bushtucker minefield trials idk just killem tbh
>>413973 Get a load of this extremist @PishiSunak! Not surprised you tolerate this anti Israel sentiment!
Crustaceans? Centipedes?
>>413962 just williamoidic karen postureing by rulecucks that think that eventually wider society will just ignore all their cuck rules and lawfag BS
>David Cameron coming back Didn't have this on my fuck this gay earth it's already ogre bingo card for this year ngl lads.
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Blair and Cameron should rule as joint Consuls
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>>413978 No poolitician can match the look of supreme evil of the Blair creature himself. Smdh.
David Hameron
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that David Cameron is the epitome of the typical scum k1ke shill brit, just look at that phenotype, how could anything good come from that? I'm anti- whatever the fuck this is
Cameron has that Zuck phenotype
>>413982 he looks like a train from thomas the tank engine
smorb lids too much sneethebait happening all at once lately smh >>413985 keeeeeeek
Heard hs2 was a stealth landgrab to acquire land for building mass housing projects under the disguise of a new train track and that infrastructure for hosuing estates has/is being put in place. Any aerial photos around? Pig fucker was bleating about hs2 recently as well
>>413984 Bigot
>>413982 >>413983 >>413985 Keeeek. But Blair's visage actually frightens me a bit. As if he's a demon. And one of the kings of hell, if not the devil himself, no lesser fiend.
Completely British
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>>413989 yeah you can see the light of Khorne in his eyes
>>413990 >inferno tore through home a particularly spicy curry?
>James Nigerley’s kid Never forget
>>413991 He looks like a surprised wizard who has chili seeds stuck on his ringpiece and blood from burst haemorrhoids dribbling down his leg
>>413993 so his sons are basically niggers they reverted to type
>>413990 guessing they were cooking on an open flame or something tbh that's usually the cause
>>413997 TL;DR
Was Rishi Sunak right to sack Suella Braverman? - Matt Goodwin https://youtu.be/-YjVFAL4Kss
>>414000 I'm so very interested in listening to Mark Goodwin talking about whether or not Rushi Sunak was right to sack Suella Braverman. thanks for posting this, lad
>>413962 was just about to post about this. communist jews in 1918 tried to forment a bolshevik revolution with blacks and immigrants.
>>414002 what difference would have been made? FDR became president, implemented total communism, allied with the USSR and destroyed Europe
>>414003 America didn't actually become communist like the Jews wanted. been looking up leftist radicalism in america around ww1 and they're all the typical shark eyed NKVD kike mass murderers.
>>414004 good lad I've been enjoying your informative poost
>>414004 >America didn't actually become communist oh it didn't? then explain what is Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid....
>US army and navy recruitment at all time low >US army decides that black soldiers mass murdering random white civilians is now legal
>>414007 I feel like they're going to give all of the Central American migrants citizenship in return for 6 years in the military French Foreign Legion style
>>414008 I could see that. they apparently already do that to an extent.
>>414004 good lad
https://youtu.be/-XRzcGoYM9U fresh dbdr, he's still young enough that he has hope, hes in the euphoria stage
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>Nige is going on "I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!" for £1.5million What a grifter. Hope they torture him.
*holds up spork*
>>414014 He's going to redpill all the normies lad. At least that's the cope I've been reading.
>bullrun over
>>414014 honestly a smart decision on the part of the showrunners tbh bet there's more than a few people who'd tune in to see him have to eat a tarantula or something
>waking up too early but too late to go back to bed on a toilday ACK
>>414019 rip la
they are applauding that nigger that skate kicked the white man in the throat
>>414021 sports watchers truly are the goodest of goys
KEEEEEEK rapebastard got an office job
>>414024 based
>>414024 based
>>414027 smorb lad bloodshed in the middle east is his raison d'etre smh
>police have to physically restrain women from sucking the dick of a Danish murderer Killing really is starting to seem tempting as an incel
>>414030 could murder a danish rn ngl
>>414029 smh there's no amount of blood that will sate his thirst
>>414031 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>How to win friends and influence people and not rile the situation up further
>>414034 is that a mushroom cloud on their flag keeeeeek nasty yid goblins
>>414034 smh they really need to be knocked down a peg
>>414035 impressively vile
>>414040 the toilman's anthem >>414041 keeeeeeeek
>>414040 >the whip the way the whip the way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuWl3Qc1JkY
WHITEHALL! The exciting new cut and thrust political drama from the BBC charting the battle between Britain’s top two poos for the top prize of the country’s highest political office
I just want PM’s question time dubbed into Japanese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkNx6E9uAlw
>>414045 not really feeling invested in the new season tbh just can't relate to any of the characters
>>414047 Tbh. This past two weeks has been especially shit in terms of progress. Can’t remember if it’s always like this in the run up to Christmas. Hope next year brings a revolution. If you went walkabout in the desert for the next ten years I have a feeling you would come back to the same politicians. Best we can do is nuclear war. Stale as fuck it is, struggling to stay interested in something. Elites really need to be embalmed live by the people tbh tbh
How do these blowins get 2 million pound houses and we have homeless Brits?
>browns are racist towards other browns shocker
Deanos btfo
>sweets and sex go hand in hand >after all both of them aim to make you feel good >condoms and gender spam on the front of the pack BUT AT LEAST WE’RE CARBON NEUTRAL! https://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/food-drink/furious-teacher-campaigns-supermarket-remove-31424574 https://www.bitchute.com/video/pbiUdjaHlq0x/
>>414057 trying to treat niggers like human beings is a mistake they are wild animals
>>414057 it keeps happening and the public never learn
just got up
>>414060 Cool id so you're forgiven 👍
Keeeeeeeeek Alex had another meltdown. His staff are deserting him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOi8nkpCd-0
Steiner gonna be sad Alex ragequit Infowhores
Devil in 3,2,1
>>414064 is this serious or?
Really sick of their snide threats tbh lad Boomer command should just fucking nuke that place already tbh. Getting as bloodthirsty as them now…I wanna see a global smackdown
>>414065 Serious apparently
>porn fiend >weed fiend > Cleverly then trained in the army, but his training was cut short by a leg injury in 1989 >Home secretary
>>414066 more worried about ZOG than Hamas tbh
>>414068 >>porn fiend wasn't another MP caught watching porn on his phone in the HOC a short while back?
>post toil daze but still more toil to do in the coomcube
BRAVERMAN IS ON THE WARPATH! >Suella Braverman went to war with Rishi Sunak today following her sacking as home secretary as she accused the 'unelected' Prime Minister of 'betrayal'. >In a blistering letter, the departed Cabinet minister claimed Mr Sunak had broken a series of promises on migration, the Rwanda asylum plan, Brexit and gender laws. >In a furious three-page missive, she told the PM: 'Someone needs to be honest. >'Your plan is not working, we have endured record election defeats, your resets have failed and we are running out of time. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12748677/Suella-Braverman-goes-war-PM-Sacked-minister-accuses-unelected-Rishi-Sunak-betrayal-having-no-appetite-stop-Channel-boats-just-occupying-No10.html
>>414072 pooish poolitical theatre and it's boring and SHITE if they've got the remote for the zogglebox they could at least put something good on like crazy hinpoo mythic tv
I don't want to see <interchangeable poo #1 who only makes things worse pantomimes enmity with interchangeable poo #2 who only makes things worse to maintain supremacy of interchangeable party #1 that only makes things worse and stop interchangeable party #2 that only makes things worse from taking their place I want to see >after a slaughterous battle in which ten million conservative yesmen are melted into ash by the williamoid legions' sunbeam lasers braverman claims the peacock throne from sunak, ritually beheading him and consuming his gonads to gain power and legitimacy as ganesha descends from the heavens and blesses the new leader of bharatbarrettland
Still had this saved from years ago.
>>414076 was there context?
>>414077 probably, once upon a time.
>>414078 I choose to believe that the context is that gayvid cummeron copulates with pigs while getting his secretary (male) to shove fruit up his behind
>>414079 well it's the context going forward from now on.
>>414072 She's sooooo based and far right
>>414064 >genocide downsbros in the womb leaving them all unbraptised >the tard rage of 50 million potato snabies erupts from hell to detroy them
>>414083 keeeeeksmh
couldn't have a downs snaby myself smh
Reeeeeeee >According to new research conducted by the organisation Hong Kong Watch, a London-based NGO, and seen by The Spectator, there are a number of marginal seats in which a highly educated and politically engaged Hong Kong voter base could swing results in the next election. The research estimates that there could be 140,000 new voters from Hong Kong by autumn next year, and has cross referenced National Insurance data with new school enrollments to guess at where they live (as I’ve written recently, the relative financial independence of these new arrivals make them harder to track than your usual migrants). >Polling from the University of Liverpool suggests that more than half of the new arrivals would vote Conservative (the Lib Dems come second at 16 per cent, and Labour last at 14 per cent). https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/hong-kongers-likely-to-vote-tory-says-new-poll/
>>414069 Don’t blame you tbh >the three zionisms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZ4-GH5TVwA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuyFhOIA-bE it's time to DAUNCE as the kang would say
all the way to thread lock
smh wish he made videos weekly. Love this little lad
need to make a /brit/core playlist tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYH8DsU2WCk
>>414086 Based natural conservatives. With Indians and Hong Kongians on our side we can't lose
>>414092 I don't because he is a GAY
>>414095 Which I find so weird when he loves snience and sbiology. Surely you could reason yourself into breeding smh. It's not like he fancies traps either, he wants a big hairy Bins
Basically went from a pembussy addict to a breeding fanatic over night when JF told me breeding good
>>414100 >paper visibly yellowed from the stench of curry and poo
>>414101 Woes looking homeless, Collett in his ‘got a lovely motor for you sir!’ sharkskin suit Duttyboi in his autism shoes in his autism stance. I will stop here
>>414108 keeeeek the first sentence KEEEEEEK
STOP posting music
>>414110 not until the thread dies or there's a new thread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD-psZSFIVw
"right wingers" really loving this Suelle letter
imagine a mix of her and the NIP rat a most foul and verminous phenotype
>this is what my hair looks like to other people *screams*
heckin VALID sista
just got home and yet bedtime looms for another day of toil
>>414116 So that’s what lies under a skull cap
are wess fell off the wagon
He’s fucking right A better tactic would be “Perform or we’ll hand you over to the public to be lynched. Now fuck off”
>>414120 wdhmbt?
new 'toss
new 'toss (real)
>>414124 >if you ignore how the west has fallen then the west hasn't fallen brilliant take from the darker orange splotch on the pumpkin to the lower left of the stalk
FRESH WE WUZ >Hannibal was Carthaginian >Hannibal was 30 when he crossed the Alps >He was 66 when he died >Therefore it is correct and proper a 68 year old nog Denzel Washington portrays him
>>414126 >Hannibal Barca >Cannibal Darkie
>>414121 he actually talks sense this guy no wonder the leftoids fucking hate him with a passion
>>414097 >Basically went from a pembussy addict explains much tbh.
https://twitter.com/Israel/status/1724392576516600204 Jews can't fucking help themselves. They are making up holocaust-tier stories again
>>414131 keeeeeeek did she sneak into the halal slaughter camps and swab out the masturbation machines for his kikeoom?
>>414131 Wanking off a dead man. Disgusting
>>414134 I hate them so much. I hate even more that this perfectly healthy, appropriate hatred makes one untouchable in all but mud and mud sympathising leftoid circles. Political antisemitism should be an absolute norm.
>violent ideation again smh
upon election/hostile takeover the /brit/ government will immediately finance the construction of a comically large anvil and lifting apparatus under which all enemies of the basednostate will be crushed to death a little at a time starting from the feet while amusing cartoon sound effects play
>>414135 It’s there just not mainstreamed yet Think they’re going to have to drop the ‘never’ bit from their catchphrase one day though the way they’re going on tbh. They’re riling up entire populations and countries. They must be mad.
we have one more post before the thread locks
another victory for the /brit/ish nation
is this the end? my poopooful friend
think the limit might actually be 950 or 1000 tbh maybe 999 can't be bothered to find out
all the way to the end baybeee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3edi2Wkr5YI
only a few more minutes before pretoil staring at the ceiling for eight hours imagining having a better life time
>wants to save the white race >can't even make a new thread Is it snover?

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