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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3924: Good King Wenceslas Edition Anonymous 12/13/2023 (Wed) 17:02:52 Id: 4d4655 No. 420501
French schoolgirl, 12, threatens to kill teacher with a knife and has to be physically restrained in classroom days after Muslim pupils shown painting of nude women left tutor scared for her life https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12859519/French-schoolgirl-12-threatens-kill-teacher-knife-physically-restrained-classroom-days-Muslim-pupils-shown-painting-nude-women-left-tutor-scared-life.html >A 12-year-old schoolgirl threatened a teacher with a knife at a school in northern France on Wednesday, the latest in a growing number of incidents that have raised tensions in the French education system. Hamas killers are carrying children and using them as literal human shields during gun battles, Israel claims, as IDF release footage of terrorists beating Gaza civilians and stealing aid https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12859061/Hamas-killers-carrying-children-using-literal-human-shields-gun-battles-stealing-aid.html >Hamas terrorists have been caught breaking every rule of engagement in the book from clutching children as they shoot, dressing as women and firing from mosques, Israeli drone pilots have claimed. Rishi Sunak seeks to calm minimum income visa fears https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-67705178 >Rishi Sunak has said the government is looking at "transitional arrangements" for British citizens with foreign spouses who earn less than £38,700. Wales' First Minister Mark Drakeford resigns https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-67702232 >Mark Drakeford has announced he will stand down as Welsh Labour leader in March, to be followed by a leadership contest for a new first minister.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:40:33.
>Corrrrrr….a racist landlord *wets frillies*
>Dad was a Welsh degenerate who fucked a Zambian who dropped this monstrosity over there FUCKING SORT IT OUT WALES FFS!
>>420501 >French schoolgirl, 12, threatens to kill teacher with a knife and has to be physically restrained in classroom days after Muslim pupils shown painting of nude women left tutor scared for her life Kinda based tbh.
morning lads
>>420510 I have a micropenis.
>>420509 poojets are already doing massive damage to the anglosphere I don't know how much longer even normalfags will tolerate them their conquest is happening at lightning speed. I go around and normalfags in shitagain talk about vivek versus nimrata haley as if it is normal in the burgerland to have shitskin presidents when it took like 140 years to even get a nigger one and we still haven't even had an eyetie one and only one catlick irish one and he got his head opened up by the kikes
>>420511 im a 33 year old virgin
>>420511 That's okay, lad. Just become adept with your fingers.
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its amazing how quickly pornography disgusts you if you are simping (archiac, romantically attracted) to a femoid lads
>>420515 Half the time it disgusts me anyway. Had a few times where I've started a toss and quit in disgust.
>>420509 Nice to see the porn hub generation out in full force in the comments section.
fresh hohol gore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ra0uKu84Mak >>420513 surely the magic powers will manifest when you level up to grand wizard smh might have to defeat david duke for the title first though
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>>420516 then you notice that most human interaction has been infected by the porn/butt matrix system and you see the filth even in yourself
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got into an interesting debate on 4chud about whether the continuance of racefag societies is more important than eugenic breeding for IQ noting how in shartica and many westoid countries IQ is droping quickly, which I coped and said was because of brownoids but its quite obvious that many westoids are being raised up into drones that seek some comfortable little pod person job and refuse to question or innovate
>>420519 It was a disgust with myself that makes me stop, just the pang of clarity that comes with no longer finding it stimulating and realising these people are destroying themselves do repeated performative sex acts that leave them as unaroused and emotionally empty as me watching them and here I am realising how disgusting, unromantic and robotic it is without the cloud of lust sitting on my reasoning centers.
>>420520 yeah dutty has researched this, race-specific IQ is dropping across the board and whites in particular are back to the average level they were at in the 16th century, while at the same time the geniuses are higher IQ than ever before I think we're seeing the morlocs and eloi form in real time and the future is high IQ psychopaths in insular communities and elite conspiracies ruling over low IQ masses that continue to infight and become ever more mutted
>>420520 A lot of that would be fixed by just removing or limiting electronic entertainment so people actually do things to keep the mind active rather than being a passive vegetable as soon as toil is done.
>>420521 yeah porn keeps your emotions at this base level like in carl jungs 'man and his symbols' book he talks about it
>>420523 Dutton is a bit of a mong and that research is probably useless.
>>420524 really I think mass sterilizing alot of normalfags regardless of race would probably be a good thing the white nigger cattle conformists that go around saying dumb trannie and leftist shit should not be allowed to breed really ideally
>>420526 it's borne out by observable evidence thoughever ie spend time outside around the average person and you can see it everywhere
>>420524 > so people actually do things to keep the mind active rather than being a passive vegetable as soon as toil is done. you overestimate the ability of the average normie
>>420528 >it's borne out by observable evidence thoughever no its not
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>>420523 yeah I agree I have the fools hope of an ethnoshart especially in places like shitain because of your perfect geography but by in large I think dugins "eurasianism" is more realistic in terms of the sort of high culture of the 21st century rather than our idea of the white race just deciding to say fuck kikes fuck niggers and going full henry morton stanley on everyone
>>420529 Not really, it's just about having the wherewithal to actually find and do something. Read a book, do a bit of doodling, get interested in studying some bizarre light phenomenon that appears in the corner of your room only between 5.34 and 6.12 pm. Just anything.
>>420532 > Read a book, do a bit of doodling, get interested in studying some bizarre light phenomenon that appears in the corner of your room only between 5.34 and 6.12 pm. think I'd rather play total war actually
>>420526 I do wonder if Dutton is one of those people with a lot of theory and not a lot of practical evidence to back it up.
>>420533 Yeah, same. But then none of us are immune to being lazy and not exercising the mind.
>>420531 You're just saying that because you have Ojibwe blood tbh
>>420534 reminder that he poured champagne in celebration on stream when bojo won in 2019
Tell us about your Ojibwe people lass, prefer me Ottawa peoples tbh
Steiners yellow fever cope becasuse he doesn't get pussy is starting to get tiresome tbh
Tbf if you can tolerate gook poster you can tolerate steiner coming towards the depressed end of one of his bipolar cycles.
>>420539 That's a 25 year old White woman. smh.
Glowing anus shitting lemon.
>>420544 must be a 44th degree east india company man.
>>420539 sorry lad whats your solution?
>>420546 *posts picture of grimacing rape bastard*
>>420546 not breeding chinks, you are just turning into a bitter loser tbh.
rapebastardry won't even work for whites for decades yet smh the suppression structure will keep on persecuting us and it will never stop, only get less able to detect but more capable of violent oppression as more corrupt wogs take over
>>420548 wow awesome take madlad I guess we should just do what watch some videos and then wait for the collapse or something?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnUU1EC4jZA I hate Tories so much. This swarthoid leftist from Ash Sarkar's outlet speaks more honestly about gov policies, honestly could be interpreted as more right wing, than any C*nservative has in over a decade.
>>420550 How is engaging in the problem the solution? I'm with madlass on this one tbh
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>mixed race yank promoting white genocide through European miscegenation to *checks notes* save the white race
Reminder to always claim a refund from amazon if the paki delivery driver leaves the parcels on your doorstep 2 free Christmas gifts acquired. Result
>>420554 now this is saving the white race in a practical and devilish manner
a dribbling bead of sperm wombing out of my seed socket!
not a good look for bbk
>>420557 Why were you looking, hmmmmmmmm? Are you . . . A GAY!?
queer shitdicks jacking off to trannies and brainwashing people into being trannies on a "british politics" forum talking about race purity and other meta political hogwash like the supposed knightly men of our race would have given a errant thought to such autistic things rather than simply ordering society in such a way that things would exist as the ideal rather than ape the ideal
>>420559 >there is gay stuff going on what did I miss?
>>420554 did this by accident once and ended up with two sets of kitchen utensils *and* two utensil holders
Really not a good look for steinhog strawmanning me as if I'm dorshit. I want him beheaded.
>>420558 nonesensemaxxing lad might be interesting, guaranteed the only thing woes knows about him is le steelmanning the elite video and nothing else though
>>420565 no seriously whats the solution to incels and the fact that most of gen y has not reproduced?
>>420567 >nosenoncesensemaxxing lad idk who you smean lad sorry
>>420560 Hogwash. No wonder you LARP as a pig!
>>420568 Not being a jaded loser and actually pursuing a woman? Certainly NOT racemixing.
>>420568 easiest and most realistic solution is probably that things play out as clearly intended by the psychopath elites and we just die without having bred and the shite race exists only as a smaller and stupider engineering/middle management class for easier direction of the mutt masses
>>420572 yeah I agree that this is what will happen
>>420573 the incel phenotype will live on also in reduced and mutated fashion through overseasbros making elliot rogerses with seamonkey wives and other low income low status third world women
>>420573 >>420574 The fact that you mongs unironically believe shit like this is just sad.
>several hundred years hence the mutted remains of euro-indochinese race relations will rise up in rebellion and crush the decaying zog world order, proving without a doubt that phillipinos are the most powerful race
madlad on a seethetrip again and can't even see things happening in the world right now
>>420574 yeah I don't really think its ideal and you look at the situation where in like the faroe islands all the native women leave to go butt matrix and the whitoid men get loyal chinky wives its obviously not ideal but I guess in a couple of generations it would just be like trace elements of non european genes like in some of the part chug people here. thats my cope really. its amazing that the western matriarchy will ban foreign wife importation before ending mass unrestricted migration of wogs. I mean I get the meme of "had to get a gook" but its coming from the mouth of a gen-x yuppy cunt femoid not some aryan tradwife, at what point should you just try to breed whatever instead of going extinct?
the internet SUCKS
>>420576 bit blackpilling this is what a octo-gookish mutt looks like when bred with nords, 1/4-8th chinkoid
>>420580 at least he has blueish eyes
>>420578 >at what point should you just try to breed whatever instead of going extinct the tricky part is at what point does "breeding whatever" make you go extinct
>>420578 the inherently selfish nature of the indivdual means that any breeding is better than none tbh it's another horrific dilemma, if the elite depopulation plans succeed we fail and if they don't succeed we get some hellish jew dystopia like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World_Inside
>>420580 babies of all races have flat chink-like features, he will look fully white as an adult more than likely, this guy is 1/4 Japanese for example
honestly even without racial ideology the west would do a lot better if it had some type of civilisational goal beyond "gdp go up" pajeets and chinks etc have inherited the spirit of futurism and they'll do fine just want us to have a new frontier for the dissidents and malcontents to flee to and in so doing advance civilisation space colonisation NOW ack
>>420582 exactly
>>420586 for me its reclaiming doggerland and building artificial islands in the atlantic.
this year pajeet has shat on the dark side of the moon meanwhile the collective "white" nations have put up some new satellites so shaken butts can be more efficiently transmitted to frankenstein radio control mobile phones
>>420584 The Ex Machina bloke directing Mary Jane and discount Matt Damon with a somewhat interesting premise. Could be a decent watch.
vietnam has built 100+ of these lil niggas and filled them with people. why the fuck cant we
>>420583 the world inside is such a boomer era book, it falls under the spell of "free love" somehow uniting people rather than leading to our modern technological app based harems
>>420591 Because the wogs we import can't swim
>>420585 based literally more aryan than the "average" 2023 american phenotype
>>420586 the west really doesn't even exist its a fucking retirement home being extorted by jews who are in the process of jumping ship
>A24 >"Florida Alliance" >Journalist protaganists >rebels are wearing tacticool shite
>>420591 they don't make gdp go up fast enough >>420592 well the culture was fabricated by glowies after all smh and the adherents are still being useful patsies ACK mum and dad unironically support extinction rebellion
>>420584 more hyperbolic nonsense from the bill ayers clique in time for the "election". shit like this appeals to >>420539 pic related age bracket and phenotype
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The time is right for a new Anglo-Japanese alliance
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>>420591 western elites would prefer to build 100+ euthanasia pods
>>420600 bet she cooks a mean tarantula though, corr
Girl says she doesn't want a present for dj axel-mas, but I bet she does. Just say yes tbh smh
>>420603 wasnt that the guy from the obscure trs podcast from like 2015
whoever came up with the phrase "property ladder" fuck YOU
>>420600 Actual filipina lass looks like this. Only slightly browner without the filter.
half a small wine glass of jagdstolz 40% with plenty of ice and i'm not sure if it's nice tbh think it's a jagermeister knockoff and you're supposed to have it in cocktails or something but german style is to sip one glass all evening so that's what I'll do
>>420607 comfy schla
nice enduring warmth to it after the sting just what I need without any fucking heating thanks to rentberg's emailsenders procrastinating >>420608 tbh especially following a big bowl of pasta and veg with a stuffinged chicken with skin on and about half a pint of beef and chicken gravy
>this thread wtf has happened to my board
>>420606 whatever at least you bred or have some kind of femoid in your life who cares in 1000 years nobody will have cared that you had squinty kids
smh still sick have this horrible cold from toiling outside was coughing all last week now I have horrific shites just shitting out all the snot I vored as it drained out. can't even lay down my guts hurt
>>420612 She's gone back to flipland now
>>420604 From woes or nige i think
>this thread
>>420613 Smh shouldn't have had that fifth booster, lad. So many peopl sick lately. Not had a full team at toil for months
>>420616 he used to harass woes on youtube
>>420617 What about it?
>>420617 Alien Covenant is better than people give it credit for
>>420619 Unreal to think woes was actually on YouTube
>this thread
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reading macbeth again lads when I was a kid I always imagined the numernorians to be more sort of in the grim foggy hauberks like the feeling of macbeth rather than the movies depiction of them in these sort of fantastical plate armor
anyone got good video recommends, I'm out of content?
>>420626 milleniyule? https://youtu.be/LYBB9tMxDEg this mong was on lindybeige again, also AA's UO show is nearly 4 hours long, quite decent tbh
>>420625 I liked the Fassbender movie. Stylish and keeps the dialogue intact, even though it does completely change the context of some scenes from what's intended.
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>>420630 for me its roman polanski but throne of blood is my most favorite
>>420633 A fucking jew nonce
>>420634 keeeeeeeeeeeek yeah so kurosawa it is I guess https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg480bzAEKM
>>420637 So it would seem
Just say NO to the yellow menace and their tight pussy!
woes is now wearing a fur jacket, he's sort of evolving live
>>420642 imagine how grotty that thing is going to be in a few days
>>420642 back to cro-magnon grug
>>420642 he needs to watch joe owens shirtpill and sort himself out
>>420642 he's doing his best
fur jacket woes looks like he's turned to male prostitution again and wears it to stand out on london street corners asking people if they want a him to have a quick sucky of their milk with a bar of dairy milk
>>420648 >🇹🇭 is very welcome to tourists but doesn't like long term broke europoors. It used to be that they would do "visa runs" ie leave for a day and come back but I heard it's not that easy now you have to go through a process and make enough if you want to live there. grotty incels looking for impoverished seamonkey wives are gonna have a bad time smh
fresh zoomcel keeeeeeek he simped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksW1942rkHU
>>420648 shitskins literally just speedrun through western society copying everything whitoids and anglos do and then pretend like it was their idea.
>>420651 keeeek what a good lad I have been where he was about his age, this lass pretended to care about me and my interest in fixing old pulp fiction books so I had recently fixed this tarzan book was actually quite valueable for sale on ebay could have made like 50 plus dollars selling it when I got it for free. I simped and gave it to her and I bet it probably just ended up in some box or something. went to her house party and just sat in a corner with another beta orbiter while her boyfriend was all sad for us and slightly confused and frustrated with his femoid. hope he wins out in the end. he seems like he is a decent enough lad
>>420653 such a cruel fate for that book smh you've said before for me it was some new steven kang shite she liked because it was in vogue at the time or whatever, loss of about £20 for some utter poo the old crackhead nonce plopped out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_Sleep_(novel) >it's a sequel cashin keeeeeeeeeeeek I never even looked past the blurb on the back
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>>420654 meanwhile some low IQ mong just posts a pic of him drinking a goyslop coffeve in france with his shirt off saying #travel whats your destination bby? and then they bred
>>420642 a fresh mink coat from all the donations
>>420642 Channelling Rod Stewart there.
>>420640 A keeek but also a smdh tbh.
>zoomcel's target is the type of trashy foid to wear the same pair of pyjama trousers for two weeks straight while outside in public keeeeeeeking tbh the utter state of le west >>420656 it really does all boil down to the old pua looks money status shite smh
>>420657 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek woes will show up at the next PA rally in a lifted neon underglow range rover
>>420661 Idk I think the other part of the equation is important, if you aren't around decent women then yeah everything just turns into animalistic nonsense but I think at some level like you say money power status have always played *some* role. but this is occuring globally
tbh we need to stop putting so much on young lads and expecting them all to become the next JD rockefeller in order to get a date with princess chungus who's dad is regional manager at arbys
>>420662 At least somebody will show up there with some drip.
woes needs a grill tbh
>Hullo mark! >Oh this old thing? was on sale at primark I swear.
top says WHITE bottom says RACE
for me it's a lass who will listen to me going on about le joos and say "yes you're right but why don't you sit and be comfy now instead of having a seethefit"
>>420667 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Doubt we'll ever see Woes at a PA event again. Think he gives Towler the creeps.
>>420667 keeeeeeeeeeeeek how would mark even react if he ran into wews in public
>>420672 Wasn't he on Millenniyule last year? There was just a feeling that they get on enough to have an hour or so chat, but anything more would be pushing it.
towler will be twerking on the hood when woes shows up and marks jaw will drop when he revs the motor and rolls coal on the rally
>>420671 yeah he gives the wombyn the ick (and also genital herpes)
smorb lads not a fan of this current steinhog arc tbh would prefer to die childless than increase the number of nonhuwhites in the world bleaching is a memi and a bad one at that
>>420676 how old are you lad?
>>420676 morally this is correct but genetically making babies with everything you can is too
Mark always makes remarks about getting woes fit and taking him on runs and woes just had enough of the passive aggressiveness and avoids him now, can't start a lifestyle change with nosely sniffing down your neck
based for me its watching my parents grow older and realizing one day I will be completely along in a society that views me as a dysfunctional workhorse that should be sent to the glue factory yeah white race chads that can live as stoic monks of polfacism and never touch pussy forever are true chads and high born men if they believe and embody the ideals of sitting at your computer browsing porn and gore addled image boards for decades and thinking its some form of rebellion just kidding its actually based and purity niggers are chads but generally unrealistic
>>420679 tbh not like i don't get it just don't want that moment where my little bab looks up at me with soulless jet black eyes and i think "i made that, it's made of me"
>>420680 >it's been 4 years since the last episode of Woes' Woes
>>420682 I stopped assuming I would ever look down at a child that was mine years ago
Another £100 to start 45 minutes late because the PC at my desk took forever to load
did woes ever walk across the UK?
>>420686 are you doing night shift toil then lad or are you a dirty furriner? >>420687 he'll do it next year for sure
bit grim to get home at gone 11 if not tbh unless you're a welladjustedlad and don't get on brit the moment you get inside the house
>>420685 tbh already given up on that dream just don't think i could see a swarthoid sprog as mine in the first place smh what's the point in breeding if it's nothing like me? >>420686 based install a bunch of shiteware to slow down the computer so this happens every time
>>420688 Nah we start in the afternoon but because we finish at 10 we get the night wage. Lots of my coworkers are furriners though >>420689 I get home around 10:30 tbh but I had to go to t'shop to get dindins for tomorrow
>Make Room! Make Room! >Set in a future August 1999, the novel explores trends in the proportion of world resources used by the United States and other countries compared to population growth, depicting a world where the global population is seven billion people my god how dystopian such a thing could never be
>>420681 >one day I will be completely along nothing in the way of some cheekinesserino at that point then
>>420692 The film (Soylent Green) is MUCH better tbh half of that book is a tangential story about some chink doing pointless shit
>>420692 keeeeek was reading 2001 earlier or something and it was the same our timeline is so incredibly grim smh
>>420695 need to watch that one day
could possibly see bleaching as based if it was genghispilled and you end up fathering a few thousand sprogs though tbh just going from village to village knocking up lasses every night
>>420697 africanmissionarypilled tbh
>>420690 yeah I mean realistically in some places of rural northern areas in europe like where shartin lives or on the faroe islands its already happened so if there ever was a "white revolution" we'd have to send lebensborn type chuds and femoids to breed the mixiods back into the white getalt. its obviously not the ideal compared to race purity but unfortunately its already happened on a fairly large scale in many places because of how fucked up our societies are and because of feminism basically making our females more or less busted so that good lads end up forever alones unless they take the route spic says and get some beaner or chinky especially in those isolated places.
>>420700 >to breed the mixoids back into the white gestalt. 'ate realism smh it's never as satisfying as my autismal purity fantasies
been having some decent success with dream copes recently tbh out of the last 9 entries 7 have featured romance/relationsips/women i'm not related to
>>420703 extremely based
can't remember the last time i dreamt smh only seems to happen when i'm just the right amount of stressed smh not too much not too little currently sleep is just a blissful non-existence tbh like a watered-down version of what i've heard heroin is like luv sleep me
>>420704 also evidence of extreme frustration and isolation smh
>>420706 yeah lad but that's just par for the course
all my entries come under 3 headings tbh >some type of seethe relating to family or people around me being retarded and not listening to me, or blaming me in some fashion >some type of incel longing for friendship and affection from females >based and kino action adventures full of cathartic violence and semi lucid flying about
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yesterday night I saw scenes from the ultra extended no cut footage super secret mega epic edition of lotr i choose to believe these were psychotelepathically retrieved from high security film storage vaults underneath new zealand
>>420708 kino for me? >vengeful fantasies against the enemies of the shite race >the life i could have lived with a lass who loves me already moved on from the "people not believing me" shite though smh they can't be saved and will resent you if you save them by force they're done tbh history's detritus
>>420709 keeeek
on the tenth of december I engaged in a high octane car chase with a pajeet whose vehicle crashed and exploded in a comical manner in my mind I didn't write down that poo was involved in some way but I'm sure it must have been >>420711 for me I think it comes less from trying to be polishitical with people in real life but from having enough accumulated minor disabilities that people I work with or are family often default to treating me like an actual sped despite years of evidence to the contrary when women are a deaf and autistic it's cute but when it's a polface it just means they are a subhuman ogre slave of some sort smh
spic calling other people pathetic is something else
>>420716 in number of hour spent frying his gonads on UV lamps (rendering himself sterile) he IS superior lad and don't you forget it
jeeej another dream theme is living in some run down shithole of a home which is inexplicably open to the public and a source of constant irritation clearly that is chud leakage originating in living in a collapsing society and fallen west
Ill respond to his shit take because he is the perfect example the entryist non anglo element in white nationalism that uses the jewish/masonic construction known as the west and goes and speaks about race purity when he is an ellis islander who would have been seen as a mongrel bastard in the olden days of "the west" in whatever country he abided as some moorish bastard. obviously things change the issue with white nationalism is that it takes this personal ethos of strict purity and attempts to build a world framework out of it and somehow its believeable that it would ever be an "ethnostate" or something especially in burgerland when we are now at the point where the original slave era niggers are more "white" than the people invading the country from the border such as haitians and literal mayan injun squatamalans
even 100 years ago in old america they hanged swarthoids for touching "white" women now all our "white nationalist" movements are run by the very swarthoids
>>420714 smh rip lad never actually polfaced at my family myself tbh skipped that whole arc
>he hopped IPs to defend his sperm nukage spic lad I don't care it's your bollocks and frankly the world would be better off without spiclets anyway
>>420720 reminder he has zero northwest european dna and is instead some kind of dago-wop hybrid probably darker than the morrocans that get ferried into gibraltar every day
2nd can of Abbot, not had in a long time because I don't go to Greene King pubs I forgot how nice it is tbh >>420717 wait what's this lore? I was away for a year or so
>>420727 yeah he had the fucking gall to say some half chinky or half beaner would be assimilated "non white" when he comes on an anglo politics/culture appreication board and shits on anglos all day for year IN FUCKING ENGLISH
>>420728 spic just being a cringy attention seeking mong talking about weird michael jackson tier self care shit that nobody cares about at all and spic should go start up his moms car in the garage with the window open immediately
>>420715 >netanyahu says we have to deal with iran and above all prevent it from arming itself with nuclear weapons he was whining about this twenty years ago tbh what a timeless statement
thread's getting a bit pongy with the smell of burnt testicles and refried beans tbh probably about time to go to bed shnight lads
>>420728 based >>420732 shni la
>>420731 and twenty years later the exact same boomer dinosaurs in the US government immediately prolapse in anticipation of supporting their greatest ally
>>420732 that's just a cowboy's dinner lad
>>420734 nothing will ever change until the boomoids are out of the picture so sick of them forcing everything to be endless reruns of their glory days no matter what the cost
>>420737 >tfw The Simpsons will have to go if we are to end Boomer cultural dominance
quick lads, post big black cocks to drive away spic
>>420739 smh the huwhite rice shaved but at what cost
>>420667 Keeeeeeeeek
>woman shows up at toil and ruins everything FUCK OFF
>>420743 many such cases
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Pasta ready for tomorrow & Friday's dindins. Can hardly wait for my break at toil now.
>>420745 based what kind of pasta lad?
>>420746 Spirali with chilli pesto. Going to try it with bratwurst because they shrinkflated the fuck out of the smoked sausage I used to like, but I'll fry that tomorrow morning with some onions.
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>>420684 not many lads know that I wrote that
The Hitchcuck stories were the best brit/pol/ fanfiction tbh
>>420747 sounds tasty >>420748 choon this
>>420680 >an't start a lifestyle change with nosely sniffing down your neck kek it's not Mark's fault at all, it's entirely Woes Mark offered to mentor him in his fitness journey, said he could move in, he'd teach him how to exercise, train him, show him how to eat properly, make him in to the best version of himself - an opportunity of a lifetime but wews just said "nah" and got even fatter
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>>420754 they absolutely LOVE mocking everyone else but can't take the slightest bit of humour directed at themselves
>>420753 >Woes
>>420757 totally, it is almost pathological
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>>420754 seething
>>420762 god I hate modern music so much
>>420763 tbh bit niggerish
>>420737 gen x will probably maintain the same shite for the foreseable future they are even worse than boomers
saw some clips of the newest simpsons and the voice actors sound like they are dying
>>420765 tbh boomoids couldn't ask for a better apprentice smh we'll probably be in are seventies by the time we're rid of their taint
>be sick and ill all week >lost 400 dollars of work because of it >getting threatened by boomer bossman over phone >shitty fix I did for electrical system in truck got fucked up by snow and rain >dad starts having melodramatic meltdown about his workspace not being complete my life feels like some sort of gnostic sims playthrough where its how much you can humilate the sim
did wessie die?
he is probably just doing a chad goodscreen detox
>>420770 >>420769 lad he's been posting all day, he just refuses to use a flag now for some reason
>>420771 not my problem
>>420771 need em for 'ar en aitch ess innit
>>420766 good >>420768 smh that's basically it lad are generation was put here to watch the boomers ruin everything and retire comfy while we toil for nothing >>420769 he poosted earlier (with flag) lad he's probably at toil or something
Rub chin sky Rub hand sky, it’s all the same to me Yews everywhere
>>420766 >the voice actors sound like they are dying you say this like it's a bad thing? The Simpsons really needs to die
>>420778 saw some yt video that said the reason they haven't ended the show yet is because the mobile game makes 1 billion per year, they could easily start using AI voices for the characters or get impersonators but they choose not to, just boomers riding the golden parachute into death
>>420771 doctor and/or engineer right there
>>420765 Nothing is worse than boomoids tbh. Lots of genx are ok but what power does anyone have besides insane violence. Tptb do not allow anyone to change things politically
>>420779 > just boomers riding the golden parachute into death yeah we are at the phase where they are just milking everything to the end becasue the internet killed TV and hollywood. the future is basically just yoga art porn hub clickbait tik toks spammed to you all the time with random pop psychology brainwashing 'real talk' mixed in
>>420781 james yoo also proved that at least in the US the jews have documentation of all internet activities
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>amerisharts in full larp mode about obongos shitty movie
>>420782 >random pop psychology brainwashing 'real talk' mixed in really hate seeing this stupid shite
>>420785 its intentional and part of a government social control system
>>420784 >obongos Obama made a movie?
>>420790 real psycho stare on the lass in the middle
>tfw ywn get to take a turn on this increasingly dumpy Scottish policewoman
>>420792 quite like hair buns ngl
also like ponytails and braids and plaits etc maybe i just like it when a lass cares enough to do something with her hair tbh literally anything at all is enough as long as it's something
I like it when women are nice to me
>>420795 hell yeah brother
>>420797 chin up lad life is a prison but there's a beauty in existence that you won't find anywhere else
still find it weird that burgericans put their dogs in cages at night thoughever smh and they don't even have the honesty to admit it smdh they call them crates just find it odd
>>420799 this country is a shithole full of completely insane pill head boomers that have created the most dysfunctional mess of a society probably in the history of the world. some redneckoids and poorfags are cool but I would rather be around foreigners than mcmansion upper middle classoids they are so divorced from reality and cruel sort of like the dark eldar or something its like that voyeuristic cruelty of the romans at the colosseum
>>420800 >mcmansion upper middle classoids they are so divorced from reality and cruel sort of like the dark eldar or something its like that voyeuristic cruelty of the romans at the colosseum it really doobie do like that smdh living in shartica is clearly corroding your soul but it's not like anywhere else wouldn't do the same thing smh we're just here to witness the death of hedonistic empires and then gracelessly expire really wish things could be different
>>420802 gōd niht lád slæp þíht
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>>420807 keeeeeeeeeek the way the paint bulges and forms a cyst really makes it more dramatic >>420808 ᚾᛁᚷᚻᛏ ᛚᚪᛞ
bye lads off t'library smh need to print something then sign it and scan it
>>420810 see you later lad
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>>420814 I wrote this
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zoomers are converting to Islam en masse
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why are white women so fucking retarded
yeah everything is pretty fucked right now
>>420822 tbh can't take much more white race self own autism its just too humilating especially now that I do some hard labor BS toil that is just so fucking thankless
>>420819 perusing the quran was a *balloon-deflating-sfx* moment for me, any one of the Psalms is superior to that dreary book in its entirety
tbh yeah the new testament is one of the best reads out there tbh not a fan of the old testament really tbqh. luv the greeks and buddhists as well, zen has sort of been misappropriated unfairly by westoid jew-nihilist schema followers IMO
nn have to go climb on frozen roof tomorrow morn to measure for cladding on extension for some richcunts maybe if im lucky old boomer bossman will ambush me in the pines and excute the notorious loveless coward steinzog
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lord protect steinhog
>>420824 tbh pisslam a shite but they reject christianity by default because it's too familiar >>420826 smh
>>420757 >Olivia Wilde She's so beautiful, and psychotic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQAdZVHdRE0
>woes had a lad on who wants to ban bbcs
>toilman who's supposed to be looking at my heating calls at twenty past eight in the morning and expects an answer >then again an hour later just in time for my mobile phone to run out of power (and he won't just phone the landline) >I want to shower and degrot but the moment I do he's going to call again >when he eventually turns up he'll be all pissy because I'm "wasting his time" and shit AUGH
Morning lads
>>420834 smorbious
>making the National Theatre feel truly national National? Are we in Sri Lanka then?
>says the quiet part out loud
>>420833 >Humanising le animals Non-meat eaters are literally insane.
>>420831 He probably has 11 other jobs he has to get through to prove he isn't wasting company time.
>>420839 That's tradies for ya
>>420833 tasty
>tradies btfo
>>420842 they just get gayer every day keek I've noticed recently that some subs managed to make gatekeeping a bad thing somehow what they do is instaban anyone who makes an account solely to post in one place, based on le karma- forcing people who eg just want to ask about videogames to go say some performative libtard shite on a completely different sub to farm karma and get exposed to propaganda
>>420842 I'm surprised that didn't happen earlier.
They take up all the space and time in the world What a talent!
migrant impact on dutch economy
>>420843 The Jews control Europe while the tradies can't control their wives, guess who's strategy is wiser.
>>420849 We should invade Guyana, deport the poos, and slap around some south americans while turning the country into an outpost of Anglo civilisation tbh
Wessies auncestors held the same dream as me.
> "The members of the group strongly rejected state institutions and the free democratic constitutional order," according to the indictment. >free >democratic >constitutional order https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67691489 Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
>Opening the borders in violation of the constitution is constitutional order Ok
>>420851 yeah smh if I weren't a genetic wreck I might've ended up moving over there to reclaim the ancestrvl plantation or something
NEVER steal cop slop
>>420856 Could have ended up a ship wreck instead
>Everybody clap Find this very odd tbh https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-67691536
>>420852 is this a new group? kek funny how they have their own version of what we have now
it's not fair lads I just want to stir her haggis
>>420847 >>420853 the average net effect on economy by migrants to Netherlands
https://youtu.be/FSN6dL5MUUM >Kraut and Tea being btfo yet again It's 2013 again lads
>>420863 >this channel says it is "Norwegian People's Republic state-affiliated media."
keeeeeeeeeek Shartin's working for Morrisons
>this whole video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7DBcFTKGOs what a faggot
>>420864 He's anti-white, his video on Pax Tube and the Crusades was so retarded my anus crystallised
>>420866 >how racism was invented in the middle ages these people are human sludge
>>420866 >>420868 je qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq That nigger Anglican Reverend said the same thing on Pints with Aquinas tbh, it's based on the idea that subsaharan africans were present in Europe before the Portuguese sailed past Morrocco
jews have fumbled so hard
>>420866 This is really the only type of content that is allowed on PooTube these days, there is really no way of brutally taking this kind of thing down like the old days, otherwise you'd just get banned. Even mild criticism gets buried by the algo. It's creating an echo chamber, with viewership capture, because there is no one there critique them robustly. Video essays are midwit tier as fuck, but unfortunately they're really useful propaganda tools.
Sick of foreigners saying "as a French" or "as a Japanese" tbh
The worst is music theory PooTube, it's full of 21 yr old midwit theatre kid/conservatoire grads who hate the Western canon and just have dumb fucking takes on everything, despite the fact that when you get to an advanced level of compositional study the Western canon is totally modernist, xenophilic, and jewed. Their endless cope takes on how shit pop is actually sophisticated structurally is living cancer. "Wah my teacher didn't let me make weeb music in my exam." kys tbh
>billions must die
>>420875 She forgot to add that the Jews reject him and even killed him . . .
>>420875 based bethlehem should be for christians only
>>420878 >based bethlehem should be for christians only Same with the bored tbh
>>420862 Sick of these ‘studies’’ tbh Quite clear to me that none of us benefit from this either financially or culturally etc
>>420880 >estimates the impact of having immigrant peers on native children's educational outcome and finds a small negative impact if the impact is small then what's the problem? sacrifice children on the altar of tolerance
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>>420876 >She forgot to add that the Jews reject him and even killed him . . . that's antisemitism, lad
>>420882 It’s massive as we all know and the evidence is all ove social media an general behaviour in the streets etc
>>420790 sacha baron cohen is such a cunt
>>420871 >This is really the only type of content that is allowed on PooTube these days, pisses me off a lot it does. Remember when rightoids took over YouTube with facts and logic? then 2016 freaked out the establishment so much they turned the biggest video site in the world in to a mirror of the MSM with token leftoid channels as a fake form of dissent sickening and wrong
>>420886 >token leftoid channels as a fake form of dissent keeeek yeah they're called "breadtubers" like that guy who did an eight hour video on iCarly
>>420870 Isn’t like 50 of his staff jewfish though?
>>420885 Cunts are useful
>carl of swindon crosses paths with the madlad of total war https://www.reddit.com/r/Volound/comments/18ha89r/heres_a_nice_podcast_from_the_lotus_eaters/ keeeeek he is such a raging egotistical cunt must be something in the glasgow water if they're regular turning out people like him and madlad
>>420891 it's just they culture
Watching Romeo and Juliet 1968, how does one edit an MP4 so I can remove the underage teets?
>>420893 i use openshot to edit videos tbh it's shite and i can't recommend it
Just imagine if they cancelled hanukah in the White House or downing st
>>420894 It's . . . too late . . . I coomed for the underage teets . . . I am now . . . a nonce *buys these glasses*
>>420895 careful lad you can get arrested for saying that kind of thing >>420896 your metamorphosis is complete
>>420896 Yes. And a typical tory to boot
>>420891 think hes more of an east coast type like woes
>>420899 yeah in the giant seethechain of comments he left he said he is from the commie shithole part and not the conservative monarchist part, whatever that means and if it's actually an identifiable way of partitioning the city and not just his deranged tankie hallucinations
>>420902 Half are IRA fags the other half are Orange Lodge types in Glasgae, madlad is the Limmyite phenotype. Hence why he lashes out at poor bum bum king and the great white citadel of Liverpool . . . he sees to much of himself in wee!
fresh floppy slotting boomer rotting in a hospital bed under threat of niggers pillowing him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwsRlGaDUIU
>>420902 >Another youtuber turns out to be a leftist mong amazing how he could be so right about total war but still be a politics mong.
>sargon buys all the new total war games and dlc's >"Oh my god why does CA keep ruining total war"
>>420888 >jewfish jew fish?
>>420907 yeah lad it's called gefilte
fresh apecel featuring some guy from steiner's neck of the woods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v5t8W8YFzQ
enjoying the show? you'll love this next part...
>>420910 noticed a lot of the people who come out with this type of shite aren't even boomers they are gen xennial swarthoids
>>420910 keeeeeeeeek the US governments watchlist will have more Qoomers than muslims soon enough >>420911 Yeah I have seen that too. That lad whose house exploded was a chinkoid xoomer
Found a wife for Steiner.
Americans are infantile.
>>420915 are those drug related sores all over her face?
Irish/ american dual citizen Graham Williams Dale volunteer dead in ukraine
>>420918 >TrackANaziMerc
Norgeman down
>>420917 >are those drug related sores all over her face? yes lad. sexy, isn't it?
tradiechad confirmed my suspicions and the supposed "best most economical new storage heaters" are one giant chinkjeet scam from top to bottom with corpoliticos harvesting as much money out of it as possible and then making more by forcing their own brands of equipment to be used right down to the mains wiring >>420918 >>420920 smh these are lads who should be shooting up gatherings of politicians here in the west but instead those same bastards led them to their deaths
Imagine shitting in your own mouth haha
>>420843 henry ford was a based autist
>>420915 >Cornbread boys Dayuuummmmm *slurps* *sucks teeth* dat sum fine Billie Eilish fr fr
>>420900 white women wait until they are 40 to have a kid
>>420915 typical some girl got nonced by nig nogs and turned prozzie and they hooked her on crank or dope and all the coward white men will cope and say "not in my town" or "not in texas" or whatever
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dad now going on full narcissism arc seriously every single time I have a problem and I ask my family to help my father invents some health problem he was ignoring. he was supposed to be taking all these pills for his health and the doctor said to take with food and he never eats anything unless mummy makes it for him and claims its because he is "trying to lose weight" at like age 70 so he got so sick he developed ulcers and now he can't eat anything so now mummy says "I am being a burden" and "inconsiderate" when I ask what they think I should do about my small claims case. its like boomers just become more and more evil as they age
>>420922 When you see how many tradies get their vans busted open by eastern euros, Romas and pikeys and wogs it would put you off. Police refuse to raid the car boot places as well. Now some of the tradies are taking the law into their own hands
>>420926 It was accidental entrapment by roastie
>>420929 tool thiefs should be put in gibbets or stocks. fucking little rat nigger subhuman scurring around stealing tools like a cockroach
>>420928 it's the fear of death smh they expected to live forever and when mortality approaches the venal cowardly self interested nature comes out more and more my mid-80s grandparents suddenly got a bible to read but only as a performative cope, they don't do church or any community activities other than sending money to niggers so they can breed more niggers >>420929 based they should be drilling niggers to death
>>420928 That sounds checked out more than evil.
>>420929 Holy based. Some smelly little paki tried to break into my neighbours car the other week, he and I had a good sneethe about it. Another lad I now know I can count on should things kick off
>>420929 >>420936 Whitepilling.
I had tons of poo caked on my arsehole. Tried prying it off. Some came off in one piece. Like a poo onion ring. Some remained. I toughly wiped and wiped until *pop*. My entire first went in my arse. I tried pulling it out but the more I pulled the more my hand sucked pack. I fisted my own arse until I had the most powerful orgasm of my life. I'm gay now, this is my final post. Get fucked, Chuds. Oh wait, if someone would fuck you you wouldn't be racists
bbk not doing well
>>420939 last year we got those amusing christmas tales and this year we get this smh
>>420942 GYAAATDAM
>Electricity price heightened >price of water probably heightened >Norwegian bank increased the interest rate >traffic tickets increasing AGAIN keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek merry christmas to the Snorwegian people
>>420946 >goon
>>420945 our leccy price cap is going up 5% too smh
Some people are saying a member of the Dutch far right tried to stab a Moroccan security guard and got btfo Videos - which I can’t see https://t.me/+8xCWGqbbsUg5MDZk
On the goon again
Farage is in talks with News UK over a multi platform deal including a slot on Talk TV
True. Especially the women
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>get off frozen roof >immediately get sick and have nasty shites all afternoon based
>>420957 are you still on the locals thing? this time of year middleclassoids will hire you to put up crimbo lights on their roof, if you are toilmaxxxing
>>420958 im trying to upgrade past those type of shit toils I have noticed in general alot more people gobbling those jobs up now even like 40 something men who quit their jobs or lost them, its kind of pathetic
there is also too many coping poorfags larping like they can afford to hire a handyman these days
>we will have to ban nooticing so that we can continue to indoctrinate kids. Israel said >got an id for that wank m8? We’re banning encryption and deporting some people to Rwanda
>>420962 I don't get it? the cuckbedsize? old squareside chevys? my uncle had the old squareside suburban in the 3rd pic that was his favorite toil truck when I was a kid
>>420959 whats your ideal toil lad?
>>420964 350-500 a day type toils or 40-50 per hr laborer toils
>>420963 Yeah the cuckbedsize
>>420966 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkKvKVCgiZU yeah modern burger cars are retarded 20th century to early 2000s diesel trucks are max kino the old boomer era IDI diesel could basically run on waste oil it was the perfect poorfag mobile
had a nightmare where I had to go to something called "work" every weekday for the next couple of decades
>>420968 >only a couple of decades and not the next 40 years until you drop dead while toiling because the concept of "retirement age" and "pensions" have been abolished
>>420969 You're one of the few people under the age of 50 here, lad
>>420972 Why can't they just stuff their briefs with bananas or socks like regular smol penis lads?
>>420972 30 days community service (four hours served and the rest let off for good behaviour)
>>420974 Not just lopping his head off with it
the tesla truck is such a perfect example of how intellectually exhausted america is. nothing about it is really revolutionary its not functional or particularly useful. its just more luxury trash. it used to be about making things that are useful or modular and easily adaptable now its all just boardroom trash cooked up by out of touch richfags that view the world from windows: their office, their car and their computer. the japanese can actually make useful work and utility vehicles. the only american vehicle made today that isn't a complete pile of junk is that little ford maverick. it should become a pretty common vehicle on the road and rednecks will begin to mod it and it will become sort of the poorfag staple which tesla larped at being. probably not the hybrid but the 2.0 motor. wish you could put a small block powerstroke in a maverick and have a 600k lifespan powertrain in a 20k truck
>>420965 hope you're getting close to that since it seems like you've been doing tradie toil for several years now >>420976 tbh
>>420975 Now I truly see.jpg
>>420978 thanks lad yeah I have gotten to the point where I generally charge people 40 an hour for any work plus 40-80 to even show up there
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>>420915 >asks any question *smacks lips >MMTTTII- UHHHH I AM FROM CALI? ?? Hate this growing trend of nigger lipsmacking and uptalking saying every sentence like a question??? my names kayla??? im 27???
some furrin cunts speaking slav shite in the supermarket earlier think they must have been deserters from pookraine because one looked like zoglensky quite unnerving phenotype tbh
>>420981 low iq, brain rotted from drugs and diseases and never moving on from how she acted in college probably
>jewtube censoring Danzig to "Gdansk"
>Doesn't do the same for Konigsberg
>>420977 Japanese are quite good at many things tbh because they like to do things properly
>>420987 yeah my grandpa always said that they were very intelligent in the war despite the propaganda because they were the first nation to mount optics on MGs regularly which is now very coomon. especially the type 99 which was basically as accurate as a bren
>the NJP dissolved cover me in ranch and put me in the oven. its fucking over.
>>420949 think he was just a homeless guy who was saying racist stuff.
>>420993 Ayo wypipo got no ceiling birds in dey house?
>My niece works in an asylum hotel in Yorkshire, there a fights every week between the service users. Generally most hotels have one or two Albanian "enforcers" to maintain order who make sure everyone goes to work to pay the money back for the trip to the UK. The discipline is ruthless even guys from the Congo and Somalia who are ex child soldiers are wary of them. >The main fights between individuals tend to be between different African guys whose countries' animosity towards each other goes back generations. Whenever there's a big fight however it's alway between the middle eastern guys from Syria, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan who put their differences aside if they feel their religion is being disrespected by the Africans. There was one guy from Iraq who was always provoking the Sudanese for some alleged incident in his families past who caused so much trouble that a few of the other SU guys absconded. The Albanians sent him a video of his sisters back in Iraq having dogs ready to be set on them pleading for him to be sensible. He absconded after that and was arrested a week later in Bradford for beating up a rival drug dealer! lmao
>>420995 all of them should be liquidated
>>420990 sources, qrd, any details?
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>>420999 >I am now the party uwu hope some chud tyre necklaces whoever wrote that
so was peinovich and his jewish wife a gatekeeping dead end road psyoperative all along smh
>>421002 probably
>>420996 Albanians need to be eradicated tbh along with the people letting them operate here. Stick them all on a train and deliver them to the Ukrainian meatgrinder
>>420915 >cornbread-fed this "corn-fed" is a thing, then? Steiner said that once. maize is a really trashy grain so it's nothing to be proud of really. also northern California doesn't strike me as a 'corn-fed boys' place, that's more Midwest where the corn is grown...
>>420999 whats a fucking farce.
>>421001 >whoever wrote that lad its signed by mike
>>421007 then michael peinovich must be submerged in ranch dressing until asphyxiated
https://ww.reddit.com/r/Volound/comments/18eps8t/found_in_vst/?sort=top liberalism is a brain disease, these fuckers want real life mechanics in their games but they don't think it actually happens in real life YOU FUCKING CHUD
>>421009 keeek yeah it's an entertaining place to check on occasionally
update on the paki window spaffer
also fresh woman MP sneethe
>>421012 oh my its just so hard being a middle class white woman
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musk you fucking nigger
>>421014 in 5 years everyone will have to be triple verified to go on the 2 available webshites. its an "intranet" now. eventually someone is going to have to make a non USG oriented internet
>>421015 once AI renders captchas useless (i.e. if a person can solve a captcha, then an AI will be able to as well), they're going to demand identity verification for everything. expect lots of SOWWY WOWWY BUT WE GOTS 'TA MAKE SURE YOUSE NOT A ROBOT xDDD BEEP BOOP BEEP xDDD now give us your driver's license or you can't access the website
>shitty keyboard & mouse at toil ruining my ability to touch-type at home
>>421016 so sick of women making this creepy pseudo-pedophilic porn voice while at the same time being upset about age gap relationships
Fucking angery wyboi! *sucks teeth*
>>421005 Niggerfood
>>421016 Kikes have infected it big time as usual
Kike vs kike >Finkelstein rekt Dershowitz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHqs15gOv4k
>>421019 based no sights on the rifle
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>>421007 >>421008 the last guy they fired edited the post, they're so imcompetent they forgot to change the password. The second post about dissolving the party was made by him too still probably over for the njp tbh
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>>421026 the same personality type that makes people get into dissident politics also makes them pick fights with everyone around them
>>421026 mike solidifying his rise to power through purges?
big mikes the only likeable guy they have everyone else is an annoying sperg
he needs to bring back the classic spencer tag team
>>421033 Even now, Tony Soprano is based.
>>421030 Doubt it. They avoid drama like the plague when possible. This is just pure, uncontrollable chaos. Can't have shit nice on the internet/telegram. Especially when there's 25+ different chat groups or whatever.
watching slav gore and now i feel le sad
>>421036 Why would you do that, we are a year and a half in. Didn't you already get your fix?
The Slovak soprano Patricia Janečková died this year at age 25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVUpKIFHqZk i used to listen to her singing a lot smh im le sad
>>421038 How? That is no fucking age.
someone please tell me my chairman circle coins are still fungible
Breast cancer at 25? What a sick joke. Thank you vaccine.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBBqjGd3fHQ used to look down on people who liked this song as being white trash when I was a teen now as a boomer I feel it in my soul. best boomer toilsite tune always makes me get sort of sad to myself but in that good way where you fight through it
>>421041 women that dont get pregnant at breading age get breast cancer
keit deals the death blow. theyre fucking finished
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>>421040 they even copied the logo of the German fake nationalist party entrapment scheme
national justice party? more like nigger jannie poop
traditionalist workers party is the only way forward for the incredibly successful american white nationalist movement we just need to trust matt parrot and matt heimbach to lead us as consular princeps
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyqrZcWR4mk this music speaks to me bros
>>421049 >>421050 dont care still voting for mike enoch
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>>421050 you wouldn't even join that
Stop bullshitting steinzog, you're a wannabe lone wolf, yank blowhard.
>>421043 >t. never even sucked a tit in his life.
White supremacist killer Neal Long committed 21 attacks against black men in Dayton, Ohio in the 1970s, killing seven and injuring 14. He was born in Campton, Kentucky on September 19, 1927 but not much is known about his childhood. Long moved to Dayton when he was 17 and made it his permanent home. He got married in 1948 and went on to father seven children. In the mid-1960s as the civil rights movement was reaching its climate, Long began to experience a psychotic breakdown and anger towards African-Americans. On Halloween 1966, he went to police and claimed that in 1944, shortly after he arrived in Dayton, he and a friend were attacked by some black men on Washington Street. Long stabbed one of the men in self-defense and ran. Dayton police took the 38 year old father of seven into custody but he was soon released as there were no records of any such confrontation occurring on Washington Street on August 2, 1944, the date Long claimed the incident took place. Long sought psychiatric help in 1968 and agreed to undergo therapy at Dayton Mental Health Center, where he stayed for three months and was diagnosed as having psychopathic personality disorder. He was also obsessed with firearms and military memorabilia. Long is suspected to have been the killer of Lester Mitchell, a black man gunned down in a drive-by shooting on September 1, 1966 and whose unsolved murder triggered the destructive 1966 Dayton Race Riot. On September 19, 1975, Long walked into the Federal Building in downtown Dayton and requested sociologist Dr. Charles Glatt. Glatt came out into the lobby and asked what he could do for him. He was immediately greeted with four gunshots to the abdomen, neck, and chest. Long was quickly arrested by security; Glatt died on the way to the hospital. Glatt, a professor at Ohio State University, was considered one of the foremost planners in designing and implementing desegregation busing programs in major American cities. In the final year of his life, the 46 year old Glatt had been approached by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals to help draft a busing program for Dayton, to be finished on November 3. Long would later admit that he targeted Glatt for this very reason and believed that forced integration of schools would result in violent confrontations between whites and blacks, including his own 12 year old son Mark. After being taken into custody, Long confessed to at least 30 attacks on blacks in Dayton over the last three years while under the influence of alcohol and drugs, all shot with a pump-action shotgun from his '66 Ford Fairlane. Several of the victims died, a $10,000 reward was put out for information leading to the shooter's capture, and civil rights leaders wanted the city to declare a state of emergency. He was charged with the non-fatal shooting of Eddie Freson on August 21, 1972, the fatal shooting of Edward Tillman and wounding of James Watts on September 26, 1973, an incident on May 23, 1975 when he fired at several blacks gathered outside at a block party, wounding one, the murders of Larry Romine and Robert Hoard in July, and the non-fatal shootings of Leonard Goff and Glenda Gay a few days later. Long admitted the motivation was his racial animosity against African-Americans. A psychiatric evaluation of Long deemed him sane and fit to stand trial. He was tried in US District Court in Dayton for the murder of Charles Glatt, as it took place on Federal property; Long confessed in full and said he was sorry for what he did. He pled guilty in November 1976 and received life in prison. The State of Ohio was also prepared to file charges for the other murders; to avoid the death penalty, Long pled guilty in Dayton Superior Court to three counts of murder and received three more life sentences. The plea deal was accepted due to issues with witness testimony; one of the victims, Leonard Goff, had died of a drug overdose since. For his own safety, Long spent the rest of his life being moved around various Federal prisons and psychiatric hospitals outside Ohio under an assumed name. He died in the Federal Medical Center in Rochester, Minnesota on June 12, 1998 at the age of 70.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2cEtEebGPo&list=PLAkWTMqRz-e-HlU61r6NBG0YMXQjRexS0 >The sky above the port was the colour of television, tuned to a dead channel.
>even got duped by the jew riffraff smh.
Just go be a juggalo faygo guzzler. At least they have pro wrestling events.
it's starting to look like |srael is going all in, they're completely annihilating Gaza, as if they're trying to drag the US into a massive war. I cannot fathom how they can think that this is a good strategy for their ethnic group to take
>>421063 arabs literally will not do shit
styxx got divorced and his life streaming himself threatening suicide.
>>421065 link?
>>421065 "trad"wife
>>421066 i dont like seeing a brother suffer like that bro....
he's off the deep end
hope he mcnutts
>>421070 better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all
>>421067 could be that she is too trad for him given that he is a libertarian. Then again making a childhoog and splitting isn't trad either so... guess neither are trad smh. Stay trad fellow tradbros
>>421069 look at all the shite clutter he has lying around
>Elizabeth's Philosophy turns out to be the same as every other fucking retard woman; "as soon as something mildly inconveniences you, bail and try to upgrade" don't care for styx anyway albeit >>421057 >recognises the nigger threat >even goes after a jew "doctor" responsible for creating the problem as well as doing random retribution attacks >declared to be mad for recognising a problem but sane for purposes of being punished for doing something about it good lad tbh he should have had a mannerbund to run with and maximise jew and nigger killing potential
wew he's going to put them in gas chambers
>multicultural school sucks up all the browns >niece's school looks 99% white smh it's like time travel
https://youtu.be/LtEFEdrrXc4 This but marzipan piggies coated in chocolate
Forgot how e-celebs defeated the ol "correlation isn't causation memi" smh having a hard time defending the white race on twitter
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BINEMA SNUGGESTION The Departed (2006)
>>421080 Correlation isn't causation but it implies causation, particularly when there is other evidence to support that the cause is correlated with the outcome. iS THAT ok WITH YOU THEN? ok TTHANKYOU!
https://youtu.be/LniTMgJTvfQ Dare I say . . . Duttster is himself a midwit!
Pooing does not imply snooing.
Watched Oppenheimer. It was just constant We'Re JeWiSh bullshit keeeeeeek
Morning lads. What phenotype is this? Looks like someone pooed in her mum
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eeeeek! there was a spider on my wall aaaaaaaaaaaaa... but I got the smasher and smashed it, quick and humane but then it was splat and I had to clean it up YUCK!! washed hands good and now trying to get comfy again. hard to shake off the jeepers creepers
>>421081 Hardcore Henry or Max >Getting really hard to find no jewed films. Arts were taken over by Germans when they came to power concentrating heavily on film etc as it was a relatively new medium that they knew they was essential to redpilling the masses. Any new media type has to be taken over quickly is the message to avoid this total dominance of one tribe
>>421087 >gook posting
>>421078 It's just a matter of time.
>>421089 fingolians are honourary
>>421092 Were is this from and who was paid to put it together?
>>421093 it's some job onboarding thing
>>421094 It's nigger worship cult.
>>421092 >whitness is the default love how they think this is some great insight when its literally just "we live in majority white societies built by white people for white people BUT this is actually a secret white supremacist ideology that exists purely to oppress us", literally the ideology of white genocide
>>421092 >Red Hat, Inc. is an American software company that provides open source software products to enterprises and is a subsidiary of IBM. Founded in 1993, Red Hat has its corporate headquarters in Raleigh, North Carolina, with other offices worldwide. Red Hat has become associated to a large extent with its enterprise operating system Red Hat Enterprise Linux. fucking STATE of it
>>421097 Remember nigger worship is essential to ... *checks notes* the development of open source linux distros.
The Transcarpathia Deputy in Mukachevo threw 3 grenades in a council meeting, killing himself and wounding 26 others
>>421099 wow I heard this but didn't know there was a video
>>421099 Did some clown get his phone out to video him!? Keeeeeeeeeeeeeek fucking phones >Right mate! You’re going on fb AND TikTok!
>>421102 its clearly a livestream of a council meeting on facebook brainlet
>>421099 less damage than I was expecting but wew he did it so casually
>>421103 The red head bitch was gonna video him for sure
>>421104 I don't understand how he can be the only one that died. aren't they all cut up with metal fragments?
>>421104 Grenades don’t BOOM! They’re pretty underwhelming noise wise but will slice you up good
>>421106 RGD-5 grenades have a steel coiled wire inside of them and are anti-personnel grenades meant to be used in offensive positions. Kill radius is 3 meters and wounding radius is 25 meters. They are meant to maim not kill.
>It’s clearly a livestream WRONG! IT’S A DEADSTREAM MOTHERFUCKER!
>>421099 Why did he do that?
>>421111 slavic nihilism, might be that he was against the expansion of conscription thats going on
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Alex in super zio defence vitality bigot filtration mode https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=657ba7d86e59a8d5ba3d90c7
>Ukraine MSM: "Details of the meeting during which Zakarpattia MP Batryn detonated grenades. >Deputies approved the budget for 2024 at the session. They write that Batryn argued with them very strongly - he demanded that the deputies report on the budget for 2023, and then approve the budget for 2024. >A few minutes before the explosion, the deputy argued with his colleagues that it is not possible to give the village head a 50% bonus and a monthly bonus of 100% of his salary during the war. At some point, Batryn left the hall and returned after 2 minutes and 40 seconds. Also, the mass media claim that another deputy left together with Batryn and did not return to the hall. >Following the loss of three grenades today during internal corruption negotiations President Zelenskyy has ask President Biden for urgent replenishment
Sounds like someone fell asleep! https://files.catbox.moe/kiio9j.mp4
>>421099 based tbh giving those stupid fucking boomers and women a taste of what they help to inflict on the young lads
fresh glorious liberation of the proletariat from the evil nazikrainian jewishamerican regime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHfOvZCA9Iw
fresh jive Norman DNA - Semitic J2a? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8RdEX0hXgc
>jive confirms he is norman prepare the tooting devices
>>421119 >Servant of the People party Wew.
>>421120 >that mocking frog accent Je Queeqe.
>>421121 Good ideaa
say what you want about me, but you start talking shit about wessie and we're going to have a problem
Frogs out tbh
Breaking Agatha news. Our beloved Agatha "Giselle Telomere" Martin Perlman-Sullivan of South Eglin, Illinois has started a band and performed live in Chicago at the Comfort Station in Logan Square! We've finally got some new pictures of her! >Obvious Lie is a new Chicago-based music duo creating songs that combine experimental pop music elements with sample-based sound design and synthesis.
I can't be arsed with this fucking Christmas party lads.
>>421129 >Jew befriends tranny
>421129 disgusting
They've already paid for my food and there will be attractive ladies at the snarty. On the other hand, I'm tired and can't be arsed.
>>421106 the first explosion sent the second grenade toward him which exploded at his feet, he held onto the third grenade for good measure
kidneys are hurting lads i have become wess destroyer of legs
>>421139 >commenter morphs into Agent NWG
>jewish dating event genetically tests you at the door
>>421141 Fake. The genetic test is to just call them a jew
>>421141 Based.
Poo logs floating in the bathtub
>>421143 keeeeeeek imagine squashing him under a giant flyswatter
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>Irish Astronomers
>>421148 more evidence for general IQ decline
>>421148 >local enthusiast So a hobbyist misidentified a random hole and the news hungry media picked it up big deal, fool.
>>421114 >>Following the loss of three grenades today during internal corruption negotiations President Zelenskyy has ask President Biden for urgent replenishment keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeklad
>>421128 Makes me want to save the frog race by killing all arabs.
>>421148 wew its insane how quickly the scientific schema is falling apart into some kind of iron age golden bough associative magic system
I'm single again. Wahey. Sweet free time, we're back. Tbh there is a reason I didn't want to tell the thread about her, there were some red flagerinos
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>>421157 17 might be the tuffest of all thunderdome compilations
found out that my family crest has a boar on it lads
>>421159 Fuckoff Shane, you’re supposed to be dead
The real steiner
>>421163 this will be me very soon if i don't get my darkfruit consumption under control (i won't)
>>421164 based sugarmaxxer
>>421162 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>421166 did you make this oc for me lad?
>>421168 if you were sugarmaxxing in 2018 then yes otherwise it is just happenstance I think around that time I was a dark fruit drinker also during my weekly rpg nights
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>>421165 >look libtard trannies you're like a turkey voting for Christmas supporting Palestine Muslim anti-semites despite the fact they're both groids and likely not muslim at all anyway.
>>421165 I am so exhausted with niggers luckly I have not really interacted with any in a while
>>421171 wish the cattle would stop whipping their phones out and start whipping these bastards to death, preferably
Lads I caught a big one
>>421175 >the jihog keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>421171 Easy to laugh at this in California etc. but this now happening here infuriates a high disgust response lad like smee. Such people should literally be flamethrowered to death.
>>421176 based rekt that sword chungus and his manchild schema
>>421175 Kweeeeek.
the tactical autism goggles and the giant camera on over his cap keeeeeek
>>421182 southerners ruined fishing, they will ruin hunting as well they cover everything in stickers and shit
>>421173 At least you have some space to escape them
>>421183 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>421184 >he's recording on at least three body cameras and also has a camera recording the scope view keeked at the shartican surrealism when he was standing fiddling with a machinegun belt and the pig call is just continuously playing in the background
>>421183 boomers absolutely DESTROY nigmutt zoomer keeeek
"anglo saxon england" guy is still the best response though don't have the webm smh
>>421191 keeeeeeek killing invasive species is based albeit
[ sound of a pig snort echoing in the distance ]
>>421193 Go to bed early so the binema can start on time, lad.
>>421194 is he even putting something good on? would watch hardcore henry again tbh
>wessex choices
should get the bins flag back on here tbh so he doesn't have to avatarfag all the time, it'd be slightly less obnoxious
>>421196 Lad, the Departed? Yay or snay?
>boar on my liquor PORTENTOUS
should you really be drinking alcohol?
>>421198 >hould get the bins flag back on here tbh so he doesn't have to avatarfag all the time, it'd be slightly less obnoxious tbh
>>421199 >The Departed yeah maybe, should I make a poll?
>>421202 some spirits every now and then is okay probably
>smashed my wine glass trying to force bars of ice into it smh really need to get some proper sophisticate's whiskey tumblers or something
>>421201 Budget Jäegermeister
>>421208 b don't post that here!!!
>>421204 >should I make a poll?
>>421204 Stick Hardcore Henry and Max in the poll
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you lads need to start the jihog in engerlund
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>>421209 mouthwash tbh >>421215 yeah tbh it sounds like a good idea that's never been done before... let's call it the White Jihog
Wdhmbt? >1995 standing next to mass murderer Yitzhak Shamir
>>421207 interesting point about AOL giving out CDs of free internet time back in about '05. i remember doing our version of this which was freeserve and i think it probably fucked up the internet for the really oldfags by getting every newfag online at once. also unrelated but nice toes on this lass
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>>421222 Local Daftyism is here called it years ago
>>421224 keeeeeek he's so dumb another living example of general IQ decline
>>421224 pull the trigger
you lads are basically xoomers with how many films you watch
>>421227 Half of us just tab-out or leave anyway.
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yeah, I'm thinking there isn't going to be a film for you lot tonight
>>421231 >chinky shit yeah no
>>421233 Kino chinky shit that Scorsese made a lesser version of
>>421231 I'd rather watch this tbh
>>421232 Yeah I moved all the way down south for no particular reason. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I am Somersetposter. I have been posting without my flag and hiding innabongo because I am scared of BIG RETARD coming to bully and ban me for no reason. But I get bullied no matter where I go it's just RULES OF NATURE tbh.
>>421236 Well it's not Lew but it's certainly of sissykind
oh it's the bongo sissy
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>>421236 smh you should escape from the bongos lad
>>421240 Tbh waiting for the ban-hammer to fall so I can not go back.
>>421239 based
>1/4 to 10
gnight everyone who's not a faggot
Where’s the fackin’ film?
>>421245 Gnight
>>421245 Night lass hope are en aitch ess cure your schizophrenia.
>>421245 Horrific nightmares, lad.
>>421155 is this 22? rip. at least you got some coochie out of it? >>421171 if England didn't want to be the Raj's toilet then maybe it shouldn't have done the WWII thing. this is the price of Polish control of the city of Danzig
new thread needed
>>421253 been watching that
>>421254 genuinely quite comfy
>>421250 >is this 22? rip. at least you got some coochie out of it? Yeah, but I did not ejaculate(luckily). Felt really bad about it. At least her breaking it off like this is a bit of a relief since I didn't want to hurt her feelings. A sweet woman in many ways
imagine if I had impregnated. My life would be fucked keeeeeeeeeeek. Don't have casual sex, lads. I only did it because there was an illusion that we'd breed and have a family but she got cold teats
>>421259 Keeeeeeeeeeek gay "sex" looks so silly. Looks like that lad is just casually curiously looking around while someone is stretching his anus
Buttsex in the War Room by Butt Weinstein Calling it now
congratulations, you bred
>>421261 lol silly homosexuals don't they know hamas kills gays??
>>421263 What a catch
>>421264 Putin will be cackling
> Daily Caller reviewed the chat where the video leaked and confirmed it was shared in a private group for gay men in politics.
>>421266 yeah if we returned to monke we wouldn't have these problems
>>421264 Boomers have already got those memes lined up lad
>>421270 Yeah. It's so embarrassing
You lads seen this?
Check this shit out They have to go actively and openly conspiring against us https://nitter.net/classicsgroyp/status/1735432125287952562
>>421272 Yeah. One of Zelensky’s MPs More goys maimed
>>421256 nah. wish Neo would come visit us though >>421257 >>421258 >cold teats keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek that's a good one ngl lad, you don't have to feel bad about or suppress your sex instinct. you can allow yourself to thrust inside vaginas to completion and not feel guilty about it. take pride in your genetic lineage and view spreading it as a positive good
also women can only get pregnant if they're ovulating and sperm can only survive for 5 days in the vagina. so like 2/3rds of the time it's literally impossible for pregnancy to occur
>>421276 I want to spread it but I don't want to ruin her and my life by locking us both into something we wouldn't want smh. It felt bad so I won't do it again until I find one that really wants to breed
either way thanks for comforting me, lad. Gotta keep grinding on dating apps. Seems like the time between gfs are 4-5 years, so when I am 36 I'll get another chance
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>>421259 holy fuck wtf
>>421275 omg fellow redditor, it's not a stack of gay porn, it's a bunch of gay coming of age stories with sexual content, they're BANNED BOOKS.
so some gay homos were ass fucking in the capitol and I am supposed to pay fucking like 5k in taxes or something next year?
>>421280 damn bossman has this in the van and it just runs all day
was walking through the town today lads and looking in the houses and seeing all the boomers inside and just seething, just want to run in their and grab them and throw them out on the street and take a wife and get a chance to live my fucking life instead of playing this busted broken monopoly game
>>421281 Grim. Wonder what the response of the US public will be to this especially the evangelikeks
>>421286 >he thinks amerikneels will do anything except turn up the television and pay taxes its still really concerning that there is now obviously sick freaks engaging in depraved nonsense in supposedly one of the most historically (in a hegelian sense) important political rooms in the modern schema. some sick little freak out living a depraved life on the tax payer dime while the common flyoverian becomes homeless and dies of heroin while the all the rivers get filled with cancer juice
Wdhmbt? > Gotta keep grinding on dating apps
>>421283 was thinking about tax the other day. you pay income tax and then you have to pay VAT tax when you buy something with the taxed money. i think we only get to actually spend about a third of our toil tokens. how did this happen? seriously why bother working? it literally is toil. just practice minimalism and try to abuse socialist programs as much as possible. having a car makes this hard though, that's a whole other load of tax there
can't even imagine something like that happening even in nixons time, buggery in the senate floor I doubt that ever even occured in rome
>>421287 I don’t and it’s sad tbh. Like you say they will continue to pay taxes and live in denial
anyone know eggys new channel?
>>421290 Only in degenerate ‘historical’ fiction
I just recently noticed how vulgar and pornographic everything has become and how quickly everything became all slovenly and odd. its all happened so fast
>>421291 yeah for me it was george floyd and the vaxnigger shite. alot of burgers were based and didn't vaxx but they didn't really follow through or anything. in 2020 there was this real grassroots thing in shitagain called "stand up michigan" but it just quickly devolved into boomer Qnigger grifters farming old michigan farmers widows with paynigger livestream scams where they would talk about "we got to help save israel"
>>421289 taxed when you make money taxed when you spent it taxed on what you bought taxed when you die and your sons inherit it imo there should be no income tax or sales tax, only property tax paid to the locality where your property is located. the locality would then pay a percentage of that to the next largest administrative division, repeated until you get to the top. the idea is that your taxes will go first to the local community- you pay them in return for being able to live there and benefit from public services like roads, fire stations, etc. which get funded by your property tax. this makes sense and is reasonable. what is not reasonable is the government demanding a cut of literally everything at every step >>421295 >they would talk about "we got to help save israel" these people actually exist? ffs
*Blocks your tax
>>421297 did he kill himself or not
>>421297 Taxes and women are bad for you this was the only video of them together the bitch left up on her channel also stay away from magick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzbFiWjARZI
so sick of mongs in the white nationalist sphere talking about that worthless nigger rapper kanye like he should be anything but shot for normalizing vulgarity in the english speaking world
>>421301 that thread was mostly simps posting shitty softcore butt matrix nonsense
Styx obviously played with a ouija board and didn’t force her to play with it
>>421302 Keeeeek
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styx needs to man up and boomer toil and get himself a toil truck and lose that lame ass 2006 drip
tbh never watched a single styx vid idfk
>>421305 pretty sure that's a 2006 truck lad...
>>421306 yeah me either
>>421300 You referring to this? Can barely discern what he’s saying. Painful to listen to. English was a gift to them and they butchered it
>>421300 >like he should be anything but shot for normalizing vulgarity in the english speaking world lmao talk about larp, jews run the west and are genociding whites and you are whinging about "vulgarity"
>>421309 yeah he is a fucking worthless nigger I remember being a kid and he was all over the radio with "hoes and bitches, fuck, nigga, etc." like every other worthless kike owned nigger rapper turning american english into some vulgar cuss word laden filth and bringing ghetto trash nigger gender norms into the wider american psyche. for that alone he should be taken out and executed on live television for not only what he has done to the white race, but also that he is "the spokesman" of niggers for like 60 million niggers of which there are probably quite a few better examples of erudite well meaning people despite the fact that I hate niggers, there are decent niggers who work hard and are christian and don't cus or call women "hos"
>>421310 this is the problem I have with the white nationalist larp is that we imagine we are rescuing germanic maidens and viking warriors when in reality our race is a pathetic waste for the most part especially in my country. fat dumb arrogant and ignorant cowards. why save a corpse and part of a dead civilization is vulgarity and profanity everywhere. unless we envision the ethnostate as a giant trailerpark
>>421310 Tbh they’ve made absolutely clear who the enemy is
>>421311 Sure but they don’t speak to the masses. Corrective action can be taken in the future

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