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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3929: Up The RA Edition Anonymous 12/29/2023 (Fri) 20:44:02 Id: 5da337 No. 424339
Three men who died after their 4x4 was 'swept away' by river are named https://news.sky.com/story/three-men-who-died-after-their-4x4-was-swept-away-by-river-are-named-13039244 Fresh yellow weather warnings for rain, wind and snow across parts of the UK https://news.sky.com/story/fresh-yellow-weather-warnings-for-rain-wind-and-snow-across-parts-of-the-uk-13039130 UK sending more air defence missiles to Ukraine after Russia strikes https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-67843958
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:42:25.
>>424339 good lad
>>424342 keeek
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ran out of vapes tbh
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*takes the decision out of wessie's hands* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwShn2OtDj0
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so does the leftists gestalt not believe in magic soil anymore? how do they define nation-states?
the west is just a retirement home now we don't even bother with new ideology
living in le based rural village and everyone is fat+old. every church is empty. we died a long time ago.
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I do love you boys. This my first time posting in about a year and a half but it's always nice to pop in and see this place still going. I've never had a noticeable gimmick or been a massive threadfag but i know this place is home. The amount of years I've spent browsing these threads I cans safely say that this place has been a big part of my life. ily
>>424356 right back at ya lad
>>424356 you watch the bongo i'll watch the threads
>>424351 Nation-states are just treated as separate administrative regions with a limited degree of autonomy. The autonomy will continue to erode as national rules are subsumed by international agreements and standardisation.
>>424350 zooted and zased >>424356 you too lad
burnt my thumb filling a hot water bottle if we had first world accomodation this wouldn't have happened
>>424354 Sad but true.
i wonder how many other lads sat and watched over the years instead of posting. all those potential threadchads...
I sometimes just look at the current thread without posting anything
>>424361 but these regions will just dissolve without anything uniting them
ni ni
>>424367 good lad
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>>424368 They will be united by shared values of diversity, open borders, LGBTQ+ rights and welfarism
I got a job and i started gaming again so i havent been a postlord for a while
>>424361 Subsumed is the wrong word. Sometimes I partially rewrite posts without checking if the whole makes sense. "Subordinated to" rather than subsumed by.
>>424372 yeah I get that but its apparent to even many leftists that many people don't really follow these platitudes
>casually look at prices while walking past furniture shop >1000 GBP for a small feeble table best suited as a pedestal to put a vase of flowers on
Manx spotted on Swedish twitter
>>424377 swedenats seem really based tbh
>>424376 seen a few shops like that just more wealth stripping devices for boomers to waste our money on
>>424376 Looking at what were my fav cheap guitar pickups 10 years ago. They were about 35 quid for a set and now they're 80.
>>424379 Seems like it since it won't have any resell value. I'll stick to sneekea and used goods shops >>424380 smh
>>424384 How much Lego do you own, lid?
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steiner sends his hapa kids to chinkschool >>424377 keeeek there he is
>>424385 none, my parents own it all. A lot of plastic containers hold them, but they are just old pieces and colours, not fancy like neo-lego. Not gotten lego for like 19 years smh
>>424386 reminds me of metallica playing in the soviet union for the first time
>>424386 wholesome tbh better than doing fortnite dances to troons or whatever western equivalent is
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get naded nerd
>>424391 when you don't take time to look up from your phone and greet Steiner
sweden btw
>>424391 Can't tell who threw the grenade.
Russians police raiding pro ukrainian saboteurs
woesian lad at 46 seconds
>>424395 keeeeek how he recoils must be a russian jew
>>424393 keeek. Yeah. Literally known for their grenade attacks
Clearly not sweden though
>>424399 what's your hypothesis?
>>424395 >>424396 wew he even recreated the classic Woes at the door photo
palm trees?
>>424401 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>424395 shaving peoples heads and sending them to work camps feels asiatic to me tbh
putin seems like he was useful right after communism but today he's just made bad decision after bad decision. the whole wars a waste of time and should've been avoided, especially since the mighty russian military is too shitty to actually take over ukraine in a reasonable timeframe.
Guess why the price is low
guess the dollar symbol gives it away smh
https://youtu.be/CHe2V_Ilrhc in the sneeds . . . of the night
>>424408 In the sneep of the night? https://youtu.be/Ocm8QdNR_d8
>>424409 https://youtu.be/h_JalgJUfxM to sneed those sneep snorps . . .
>>424400 >>424404 looks like mexico or somewhere
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>>424391 that bottle flip tho
>>424412 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
russian trench assault kino
>endless counter counter counter signaling
>>424414 first this guy and now styxxenhammer have lost their wives... i dont think i can go on anymore bros...
hes still bringing up his failure to walk across britain
>>424418 did anybody ask him what's stopping the pilgrimage from taking place in 2024
>>424419 between the post milleniyule break, the substack, the weekly stream and of course next years milleniyule, theres just no fucking time.
>>424418 He's just an aspiring slob, I can relate.
>>424420 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>424418 its funny because this was always also a fantasy of mine too lmao
woes is live right now
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK hes like an austrian charls
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>>424425 I love this nigga unironically. him and sellners writing are great.
>>424291 Hitler tried to save Europe, but Britain decided that the white race had to die, and so here we are. reminder that if you have any relatives that fought for the allies in WWII, you are morally obligated to defecate on their headstones- or better yet, destroy them >>424294 >Britain should've kept out of the world wars Britain should have been sinking American ships, letting the filthy rats drown in the Atlantic Ocean like they deserve. the RAF should have burned St. Petersburg and Moscow to the ground including everybody inside. why should Britain have kept out when their power could have been used for good instead of evil? why should Germans shoulder the burden alone?
Martin Sellner of GI is awesome because he seems to have a deep genuine desire to understand politics and its relation to his ideology. I remember back in 2014 when he said the populist-nationalist party craze would ultimately result in nothing except providing pressure on the centre-right to implement their demands and today in 2023 we see that practically all goals of the populist-right are being implimented by the centre rigtht, from as early as Brexit to the recent immigration rescritionist laws of Denmark, Sweden and France. Our goal is never to create the perfect party but a party that steals enough of the vote that the actual parties are forced to copy them. That's just one thing I remember, he's a wealth of information.
Spicposter... filtered!
>>424431 >immigration rescritionist laws of Denmark, Sweden and France
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>>424357 it's longer than that since he left, lad
>>424431 smh galaxy brained lads just getting chewed up and spat out at least sellner did something more than just secret agenting GI was much more polished than anything over here in the american bowel movement of wigger nationalism
>>424426 *screams*
its not even a matter of self improovering if you don't have a tribe to be a part of. the lone wolf shite and the secret agentism of whites is fucking cancer.
>>424437 had this feel when I saw a funeral in Norway recently where 100s of muslams showed up. Won't have that in Norway, and we're the majority. They are so tribal and klannish smh. scary tbh. hate being an indisvidual me
>>424438 we used to not be at least not my specific whitoid ethnicity, used to be very common to have huge family reunions only up until just recently covid was part of the psyops as well disrupt the transfer of family dynamics so that HR lisa simpsonism can take primacy over traditions
>>424439 well children used to be the bond, as well as proximity, but now people move far away and don't breed
>>424438 how is having 100 people show up for a funeral weird in norway? maybe because im a taig but that seems small if anything.
>>424445 100s, lass. tbf I haven't been in many funerals
>>424442 does shit like that even matter at this point?
>>424445 tbh germanicoids smh
i went to a greek funeral for a family friend and the church service was no exaggeration 5 hours long and that was just the church bit you had to go to his grave and drink ouzo and eat olives individually afterwards.
how do you go from 2014 sellner predictions to demoralising yourselves over paki funeral attendances?
>>424450 I am not really demoralised. It's more envy than anything. What predictions?
>>424451 i was reading the thread. here >>424431
>>424431 >>424453 Observable, but at the same times those parties seem to be total ziosluts smh
https://youtube.com/shorts/CgWy4a8H_io?si=L-p0jHEqFmTxzFGR East Asians seated getting drinks, south east Asian slave serving drinks, ah yes the hierarchy or caste system of Asia
bro mind picking up that dog poo?
>>424456 this is a zog link doe
my favourite neofolk song is Aryan War by Blood Religion my second favourite is Blood War by Aryan Religion.
>>424459 What's your third favourate?
>>424460 idk i usually just listen to the whole album.
>>424456 based japan, china and korea are the future of "high civilization" no matter how much we cope the die was cast years before we are born. I know its "heresy" to speak against the imperium of wigger nationalist incels but I still haven't even gotten my white race aryan warrior power armour so I dgaf
im germanic btw
>>424463 based you look like sting
alright everyone post physiognomies
I look like a flat face subhuman
>>424466 quit fishing for compliments, lass
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the plotline to age of wonders 3 is just id-pol antiwestoid agit-prop >le in tune with nature non humans versus the monolithically westoid phenotype humans who are dressed in campy warhammer tier 16th century garb >narrated by bri'ish lisa simpson cunt and back to mount and blade and MTW
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>>424474 wew that kind of looks like future mrs. 22st
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>1st world country
>>424477 Everything is going to get worse. Sometimes I forget about healthcare
>>424477 fucking hell wonder if it was done by a poojeet
just wanna say if you post webp images on this site. go fuck yourself
Rishi sunsk banned imported migration lads.
>>424477 Wonder if she got charged extra for them dealing with the complications.
bbcsluts have really gone crazy posting this pic lately
>>424484 you will literally go to prison for owning that picture in any part of your pc in the jewnited kikedom of 'great' shitain
>>424486 holy based! so fricken true!!!
i love all the based posters on this site. i want to kiss you all on the lips
>>424488 Kiss me on your lips and I'll slap your bum @thebumbumking
smh pokemon designs really are worse now
Looks like Wessex being bullied into finally confronting The Mold.
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>>424477 >when you love McDonald's so much you turn into a chicken McNugget
>Sajid Javid has been given a knighthood Hate this fucking country more and more. That filthy paki goblin needs to be liquidated by a comically large hammer in minecraft but also real life by me
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>>424494 22st liked this post
>tired all day >go to bed >not tired *screams*
>>424477 They violated her second amendment rights
>>424501 keeeeek
>>424500 Go to bed at a reasonable time. Set a morning alarm for a reasonable time. Put the alarm out of reach of your bed so that you have to get up to stop it. Problem solved.
Also don't look at screens for at least an hour before sleep. Read a book instead.
>>424430 Another yank with another cringe take about the second world war. As bad as anti-Hitlerites. I've noticed that Americans live in this fucking fantasy land where their surface level grasp of history/politics demands the most radical action. Ridiculous people. We had to opportunities to put them in their place but decided we had bigger fish to fry on both occasions. Biggest mistake in history.
>>424489 That ain't me, poster-who-fantasises-about-BBK-being-a-homosexual-whom-he-can-have-sex-with.
>>424508 Keeeeeeeek
>watching Rangers vs Celtic >palestine and trranny flags flying aggressively by the celtic ultras je keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
aussi, je cringe
>barber closed 2hrs early today and not open tomorrow smh scruffy new year it will be then
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>>424514 good lad
>>424514 midnight buzzcut lad new year new you
who here /fruitybumbumenjoyer/?
>fruity bumbu men joyer
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Indian man urinating on train track dies after being hit by ‘flying cow’ >A pensioner in India was killed when he was struck by a cow that was tossed 30m up in the air after it was hit by an express train. >The freak accident happened when Mr Shivdayal Sharma, 82, was relieving himself on the railway tracks in the city of Alwar at India’s northern state of Rajasthan on April 18. >The former railway employee was hit by the animal and died on the spot. >Another man who was also relieving himself nearby narrowly escaped from being hit by the flying animal. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/south-asia/indian-man-urinating-on-train-track-dies-after-being-hit-by-flying-cow
>>424519 >tfw bossman doesn't give you a bowl or a spoon either so you have to just cup your hands it's rough out there lads
shni lads >>424520 this is what real cows do all the time tbh jersey animals can't do this
>>424522 >shni lads same tbh. we will slumber in unison, ban-nigger
>>424518 Pretty sure that's what the Somali lads call SA
>>424518 >>424524 ackchyually, I took it from a simple meme a lad on here made about David Cameron years ago.
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>>424522 nilar
>>424523 real chubby face on this lass. sort of cute tho.
The Beast of Bodmin knows.
>>424514 My barber went appointment only and it's great tbh, in and out in ten minutes. Change your barber to appointment chads and yu won't regret it love x
>>424522 Night love x >>424523 reply to this post or you will die in your sleep.
>>424529 Better than waiting around 40 minutes for some wigger to gets his broccoli fade.
>>424530 >reply to this post or you will die in your sleep. u okay hun? x
>>424526 Managed to break the game through exploits yet?
>>424532 No, I'm full of post wank self loathing and am seeking to curse innocent posters
>>424529 I like my current one, proper old fashioned Sicilian family who set up shop in the 60s/70s. Way cheaper than the others and a much better atmosphere, usually they give you a whiskey or something while you wait too which is nice.
>>424534 Yeah car ramming has very much been imported from Pakistan
>>424535 I curse you to an extended post wank self loathing.
>I miss think you everyday my love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq0PZhcPmmI
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>>424539 No love you That's all she said No love you no more
>she wants to have sex again, but on one condition. her friend joins in and pegs me with a massive strap on.
need le sex but that might be pushing it.
>>424542 kind of gay ngl.
who had that epic clip of the two downies dancing on the pavement the other day/week? I forgot to save it >424542 obviously you wouldn't submit to such degeneracy for the sake of getting dick wet, right lad?
>>424545 "he" is already a race mixer lad
>>424542 so, how big a dildo we talking? a 2 inch diametre?
this thread has turned into a bongo all of a sudden
>>424549 >this thread has turned into a bongo all of a sudden always was
beneath the surface
>>424550 always will be
I'm dreading the size of the strap-on. It's going to absolutely mog my borderline micropenis
>>424553 is it a bbc dildo designed to humiliate your little white willy?
>424554 >BBCSlut detected
It's purple apparently, so unless it's based on Purple Aki probably not.
>>424555 lad, i've scene the jewish propaganda movies nigsters are le bigsters smh >>424556 classic purple dildos keek
>>424558 Lad, you're fucked in the head like most
>>424559 that's what you will shot at yourself, tears in your eyes, as the big purple wews willy splits your house of shits
>>424533 nah I wanna try this necromancy game breaker though as a necromancer you get given skeleton soldiers after a battle proportional to how many opponents you killed, and there's an artifact that snowballs it so you're unstoppable;- you kill more, you receive more soldiers, you're stronger, you kill even more, you receive even more soldiers, you're even stronger, over and over until the game crashes
>>424560 at least i won't be fucked in the arse tbh
>she's probably used her bbc dildo while caming during this time she's been ignoring smee
*remembers the time my ex stuck her finger up my bum and i nearly elbow striked her* just don't like it tbh, i'm a dooer not an ooer
fucking hell
>>424562 I remember sseth saying something about a cloak that basically lets your lord print units till the game breaks.
>>424566 make a glass buttplug for chink shagger lad, it will protect him from the dildos
racemixers, fags, trannies. /brit/ really turned out to be one big fat mistake
as for me? i do kegels. if ever a man tries to rape me i have trained my anus to softly invite him in, stroking as he proceeds to enter . . . then CLAMP. me anus shuts and clasps the base of his penis tightly. then the inside of my anus spins rapidly like an engine and rips his penis to shreds. the pressure of the spinning and the clamp also explode his penis and castrate him. as he screams i sit upon his face and shit the blood and flesh of his torn up, exploded cock into his wailing mouth. in his hyperventalating shock he suck the remains of his weenis into his own lungs and passes away. nobody is going to rape my anus.
How many zoomie lads on here been pegged?
>>424569 >racemixers, fags, trannies and that's just describing yourself!
>>424570 all this larp, but his mummy took him to get the jabby wabby.
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>>424573 i'm bbk lass
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enough japes
Great seeing you lads at the milleniyule watch party
So... poombs
>>424579 What about him?
Don't lop your cock off, lad.
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quiet in here today
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gs-MtItyOFc&list=RDgs-MtItyOFc&start_radio=1 morning lads we another day of charging at windmills in cyberspace while the old geezers sell us all into slavery?
PA are putting out feelers for local government candidates at next year's elections
>ywn walk into castle boomer and slay the old decrepit boomer king and his jewish advisors with your broadsword and save the white race >ywn ride into the saloon where the jewish carpetbaggers and their bought range bums and scoundrels are drinking and whoreing and shoot them all down with your six gun and save the town of white race >ywn ambush the jewish gangsters in the stairwell of the trainstation in white-raceopolis and cut them all down with your tommy gun >instead you are just sitting in your goodscreen chamber waiting for the holidays to be over so the courts can tell you its not their problem that bossman doesn't respond to their summons so then you have to lein all his boats and trucks
I'll be standing for local elections in around three to five years myself. Depends on what happens career wise. Getting new training in January which should advance me. The qualification is internationally recognised so I should be one step further to forming an independent firm in the long term and having a greater degree of immunity in the short. Having my own firm will also mean that I can hire and train based lads too. Heil Hitler.
>>424585 *pushes you into the soil* ywn have a gf lol
Ukraine now impotently shelling belgorod city centre in response to a russian missile attack across the country that btfo them, 12 dead including 2 children.
the worst is how so many people are aware of race replacement yent they still are just too lazy and demoralized to do anything about it especially people in places of power which have been closed to lads like us completely
>>424588 can these faggots just end this fucking cancer war already ffs
>>424588 >>424590 Cool it with the antisemitic remarks you two. Collective punishment including bombing children is a standard self defence strategy for jews.
>>424539 Poor lad still hasn't taken off his wedding ring. Has he just given up?
speaking of, fresh ham arse blasting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQZmuLeZlic
https://youtu.be/phaJXp_zMYM >1:47 keeeeeeeeeeek niggers are cringe
keeeeeeeeeeek moonman did it better tbh https://youtu.be/glEiPXAYE-U
>>424595 niggers a boring has-been memi, can't wait until nobody gives a shit about niggers
>>424595 >tranny in the mens room Is he signaling he's a BASED Republican nigger.
>>424597 >can't wait until nobody gives a shit about niggers They've infested our countries so we don't have that liberty smh
*are countries
anyone got plans for new years?
>>424601 drinking alone with /brit/
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>>424601 probably fighting with my alchy gf and wishing I was with my friends instead
of course one cannot forget the traditional new years poo
>>424604 >1.95mb extra large image so there's room for even more crossing out and adding of years
>>424606 keeeeeeek
they'll go by in a flash
sad how lads love a foid and then can't cope when the foid doesn't reciprocate, mancs, dobby, even almost 22
>>424610 wiggers/ethnats/white race saviors are inherently romantics tbh
>wiggers keeeek smh don't think that was what I meant
>>424611 tbh shite nationalism is a romantic movement moreso than a political ideology
wess can you really drink on new years? will you live?
>>424601 Watching the Babylon 5 season 3 finale
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hot take from this nigger, brace yourselves hold onto your seats
This is the best Christmas movie of all time and nobody can tell me otherwise. I just never get tired of it.
>>424615 I'll only have a couple fingers of shartmeister tbh any more than that and I'd doomblogpost again smh
>>424617 based tbh can't remember any specifics about idi amin but I assume he got a lot of groids killed so I hope his son becomes tinpot dictator of wherever, if he's not already
>Wessex opens up about SERIOUS health struggles with joe rogan
>1 sip of alcohol and I can't walk for a MONTH
>>424618 tbh luv that movie
>>424623 keeeeeeeeek
started reading some of one of my cousin's old books, saw he collected neil gaiman (whom I know more for his being a vile jew and writing a book pozzing larpaganism to the hilt with no evidence beyond "my other jewish chums said x") so I read Good Omens and it was okay, liberal poz and atheist shite albeit. I've just moved on to American Gods which is supposed to be some shartican instant classic mega prize winning kino... and in the first chapter there is graphically described unbirthing vaginal vore god I hate jews and niggercattle who buy whatever jews tell them to and artificially popularise things >>424626 tbh I think the problem there is more the woman
>>424626 don't like dogs too unfortunately, they quite aggressive and possessive
aunt and uncle's dog was being visibly and identifiably depressed today smh think she feels her time approaching
>>424627 >American Gods Exact same poz
>>424630 yeah I knew that going in but I wasn't expecting instantaneous jewish sexual degeneracy within the first 5 pages keeek
think he's pissing on larpagans again in that scene too since it's supposed to be fertility goddess worship or something with a statue of venus of willendorf which according to his sick kike mind means the aforementioned ongoings because just getting a lass preggers would send the wrong message
>>424631 That's what makes it an instant American classic.
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>>424629 does it understand the wider implications though?
>12 hours until the shops open and I can buy pastries and sweeties to vore and fill the void while waiting for the new year's poo
>chapter 2 of american poz and gayman is describing mead as "bitter, sour, evil, vile" even THOUGH it's none of those things and is literally the opposite since it's made with honey what does he have against it? there must be some esoteric huwhite power to the drink perhaps i'll open my bottle tomorrow and see
goodshite to all and a brappy night >when you push the hernia back in and the trapped gas is released under the covers awe-inspiringly foul tbh, I thank the NHS for forcing me to endure it >>424637 a mere 15 for this humble tablet close some you fool
>when you push the hernia back in and the trapped gas is released under the covers
got like 4 work pensions, 2 of them tiny
>>424637 thats low if you're tabslad
tbh just being drafted and sent walking into grapeshot almost seems more dignified than this existence, almost. kikeraine really helped remove any romantic notions I had about rahowa shite
>>424643 >kikeraine really helped remove any romantic notions I had about rahowa shite why?
>>424642 its a memi from the song lad
>>424644 because it will just be mongs sitting some zoom call while poorfags get their guts exploded out by a soyjak piloting a drone and then in the end nothing will change like 99.99 percent of wars
https://youtu.be/V-bIA3jHjrA Look at these vermin lads
>>424646 if rahowa actually happened things would obviously change lad come on.
>>424648 im sure plenty of azovfags thought that
romanticism is not a political theory
>>424649 not the same thing, stop blackpilling, azog are mongs.
romanticism seems to just produce death cults
how can war as continuation of politics enable people who have absolutely zero political plaforms?
American women are fucking cringe lads, makes me understand poor steinhog and whatshisface
>>424654 yeah bong women are miles above them
>grandma starts rappin' faster than eminem
>>424655 I think all most women need is a good slap unironically. >>424656 She's having a seizure lad call the ambulances.
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>>424655 >yeah bong women are miles above them haha yes now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYQHqLuWuig
ngl been really temped to smoke a fat bowl now that mummy gretchen legalized pot its such a shit habit though just makes you into a mentalist
>>424608 2024 really will be the year... the year of /brit/ snabies.
>>424608 think I've been 6 years on dating app now, lads. It'll work out eventually. 2024 is the year of breeding. Breed early enough and it could even be the year of the snaby. It's time
normies b like "nooooo don't breed early if the childhog is born in winter time they'll get bullies in school for being smol and less developed"
>>424662 I keep snoozing it, need to take a snactual snicture but never have snopportunities
>>424665 wew what a coincidence I was just thinking about rome >>424666 sn-snincture, saar??
worked out my financial plans until 2027, 3 full isa investments and only 1k cash left by then.
>>424668 Good lad.
>>424668 are you gonna be rich, lass?
Woes live with morgoth btw
>>424671 keeeeeeeek woes yule been at a steady 40-50 view rate
>>424672 LIES, hes got 700 viewers live on odysee right now
>>424674 Odysee is so fucking crap why doesn't the search take me to the purple king?
I find this, but not his channel. ODYSEE STINKS
>>424675 two L's two N's lad
is the video of woes going to shartmart still up?
I was blackpilled by twitter smh
I love how the political dynamic in america is now just whitoids expecting to hide from reality in a vague "small town" (i.e. suburb/exurb) indefinitely
>>424677 Yeah, spelled it right, got it instantly. >>424676 Kys for poopooing current-tech because YOU are incompetent.
>>424682 sam hoidel must be listening to your rants because he's talked about how ytoids need to start moving back to the cities in order to run the nigcels and other pooskins out
>stop eating sweats and snoda >goon all day instead as a cope
sweets, sweetie
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>>424683 >Kys for poopooing current-tech because YOU are incompetent. even if you make a typo surely you should be recommended what you most likely are looking for smh
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>>424689 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
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you know that smiths track 'i was happy in the haze of a drunken hour' howcome it lasts scarcely longer than an hour i only just start drinking and it's already time to go to bed
>>424694 Why? The Jews.
>>424692 beautiful, lass. History recorded
>>424588 looks like more Ukrainian males will have to be slaughtered! too bad! it's not Russia's fault they're too stupid to be left alive >>424654 >>424655 both American and British women are stupid antinatalist whores, but at least American women often have non-British ancestry and therefore are more attractive >>424684 where are they gonna run out to? that doesn't even make sense. you need control of the government to deport people
also I must say, the board is quite nasty today. I blame this TBBK character. if Ausnigger is gonna ban anybody, it should be him
>>424699 >>424700 I can't stand you spic. But you also amuse me. We have are snifferences but I'm sure we;'d have fun irl. For ecsnample, we could make a buddy cop movie we're i;m the mad scouse kidder and your the autist american and we get hit on by afro-american women and i banter them with feigned ignorance whilst thou sneetheth
>>424697 good lad
GET HIM KEEF! This dysgenic troglodyte really should been turned into mince tbh
I love female keef oods
>>424684 yeah he is sort of a greg johnsonoid orbit type guy where we get to secret agent inside of urban hipster libtard communities and take back urbanity, its honestly more of a useful life than the rural america cope where all the land is owned by boomers and oldfags, if oldfags really wanted a rural revival they would bring young whitoids into their communities instead of closing their comunities off like they do.
>>424707 Keek he's getting to reenact the planet of the apes opening.
Starting to think the election was stolen, lads :shocked:
should I just put all my money in bitcoin
Seen foids referring to themselves as Disney princesses recently
>>424715 smh poor lass had to sub out the drywall to spics then she just put texture board over the drywall? smh why not just double up insulation. also hate millennial womens obsession with painting things black >also has dog instead of man because she is afraid of submission
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RV9SsQt-_yM women will also kill craftsmanship and western aesthetics with their chthonic revolution against the forms. the best part is I know just from the videos I would not be good enough for them and they would retreat to a corner and "manager" any men boomer toilers who weren't boomers. these types of women help maintain the boomer schema in a way. I think a large part of lisa simpsonism is connected to the boomer schema or it could just be that the west is completely destroyed already idk
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rD-PaQmRKbM wait so they even taped the drywall seams then put panel over it?
>>424707 >OOO >OOO HE STILL MOVIN All those studies of IQ, behaviour, development, all those stats on crime, welfare recipients, etc. to try and show normies that races are different, and here we have a video where niggers don't even recognise someone as dying right before their eyes as being "human", something they should care for. No empathy at all.
god those women are so revolting
>>424720 Don't u like the blonde foreign one?
>>424721 lisa simpsonism is my ick
this jew who I have never liked or followed keeps showing up in my feed. Fuck off
>>424717 >>424717 >these types of women help maintain the boomer schema in a way over-the-hill dinosaurs will actually patiently and dutifully mentor these chicks (or at the very least, make excuses for their lack of productivity) bc the mere steady and proximate presence of a young nubile female is like a sylph formed from the clouds and warmth and joy of Paradise kissing them right on the brain stem KA-POW *sparkle sparkle* a man just can't compete with this creature whose sheer existence is a cause for celebrity and intense erotic longing. But this might change in the next generation as inceldom becomes endemic, presumably it won't be possible for men to have illusions about women anymore
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smorbulous day lads some fine seethe from the night shift
boomer men and femoids have the same sexual consciousness if you're not Chad they think you deserve to be tortured to "learn your place"
looking forward to the day when my breedee spawns a childhog and I can send JF a big superchat telling him that I bred
https://nitter.net/MyLordBebo/status/1737255275164254644#m >being a slave of the jew is the best!
Time for my daily walk! To dodge dog walkers and their untamed beasts and the piss and shit they leave behind
Get some good wanks in this new years sneeve before Jerk not January.
>>424733 Jerk not January No Fap February Avoid Masturbation March April
I must have drank half a pint of rum last night lads. I think the old intergenerational alcoholism has me by the balls.
>>424735 try mixing it with coke.
>>424731 And one day, for no reason at all, the people of Germany elected Adolf to power.
>>424735 >>424736 disgusting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Walkers share packs and leftover Christmas biccies for supper
>>424739 I should go to my aunt and uncles and get some more left overs from them.
happy new year lads
>>424741 >time travelling that's a keek from me happy new year lad
hope this lad gets his poosecco tbh
>>424743 poor lad smh saw some fireworks with the family earlier tonight but spent midnight alone walking home from the bottleo because my bus didn't show smh and now i'm drinking alone life's good tbh
was that 2023? well then...once more!
>>424743 found this post a bit pathetic at the time tbh, the polface life is a lonely road, not for the faint of heart.
apparently every foreign legion volunteer in ukraine is now either dead or has gone home
>>424749 >or has gone home surprised they were allowed to
>>424749 it's not because they are cowards or that war isn't fun any more they just had very important things to do back home OKAY
>mushrooms have appeared in the soil of my succulent the dark forces of the mouldmind are growing
>>424756 get rid of them quick lad they're probably harvesting your loosh
>>424756 I had a dream that there were mushrooms growing thickly on my left leg from the buttocks all down the thigh. Wish I could have felt the joy of scraping them off.
>>424755 They're sleepy
>>424757 think they might be common edible ones tbh is mushroom identifier lad in the house?
“I am naturally a Nordic — a chalk-white, bulky Teuton of the Scandinavian or North-German forests — a Viking berserk killer — a predatory rover of Hengist and Horsa — a conqueror of Celts and mongrels and founders of Empires — a son of the thunders and the arctic winds, and brother to the frosts and the auroras — a drinker of foemen's blood from new picked skulls — a friend of the mountain buzzards and feeder of seacoast vultures — a blond beast of eternal snows and frozen oceans — a prayer to Odin and Thor and Woden and Alfadur, the raucous shouter of Niffelheim — a comrade of the wolves, and rider of nightmares
Jason Statham is the cringiest plastic 'ard man going tbh. He's worse than Ross Kemp.
>>424760 I wouldn't even try, lad. Bin the mushrooms and bleach the area.
>>424760 wouldn't chance it lad take a photo and poost it though tbh got me curious >>424761 unironically
(12.25 MB 406x720 poo bath.mp4)

Man we really didnt know anything about REAL food until Sir Blair opened up our borders AND our minds
I HATE albanians
>>424762 Tbh he's a one-note manlet and none of his films have good writing. Gerard Butler, Liam Neeson and Donnie Yen are better leading men in action flicks.
>>424766 Tbh, no redeeming qualities
>horrific poos immediately after being in proximity to the fungi it is a sign >>424763 >>424764 it's in a plant pot, looks like it's taken over all of the soil since there's multiple stalks smh flat or concave top with inward curling rim, dark brown on top and light on bottom looks very wet and nasty smh probably over watered the soil for weeks
>>424765 got halfway through the video thinking oh it's just a really big cooking pot and was going to poost that i was half expecting one of them to get in there with it and then as soon as that thought crosses my mind they bring out the ladder how the fuck are these people even real smdh
>>424767 Yeah, I like how Liam Neeson always brings a depth to his acting even in simpler plots. >>424761 >paki GP asking why I'm so pale >had to bite my tongue and not say "i'm a northern european u daft cunt"
>>424769 >looks like it's taken over all of the soil since there's multiple stalks smh tbh know nothing about mushrooms but based on things which i imagine are true then if they're already fruiting then that entire plant pot is completely filled with mycelium >>424771 wish i had even half of that
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>>424772 The one Statham movie I do like is the original Transporter, mostly due to Corey Yuen fight choreography and the lovely Shu Qi.
>>424774 face like the back of a fuckin' spoon
crank 1 & 2 though
>>424772 keeeeek goodlad
snatch also
i liked him in lock stock, snatch and the john carpenter one.
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>>424779 Ghosts of Mars
>>424779 he's decent tbh he just got pigeonholed really badly so if you've seen him once you've seen everything he's been in
death race 2008 also good
thinking about stathamposter
>>424774 PHWOAR
>>424783 so many lads lost along the way
Going to miss drinking during the day when my holiday is over.
anyone else notice how sisified muslims are now. like during 2014 they chimped out hard all over the world because of gaza but now its 10x worse and theyre not doing shit except getting mad online.
helps numb the pain, innit.
>>424786 you can still do that at toil lad it's just harder if you build up a reputation as an alcoholic beforehand it makes a nice cover story for why you have that drunk smell >>424787 tbh globohomo got to them they're comfortable and pacified now
>>424787 Everybody just lives online. They probably just sneethe online now instead, then watch football.
>>424786 tbh tbh tbh back to toil, back to posting once every other thread >>424787 they're integrating into the western pussyfication regime
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>>424775 She's pretty
>>424787 There were protests in Londinium though
Some lad called her a spoon face. But I'd certainly partake in some spooning with that. LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOO
>>424795 keeeeeek
>>424711 Yes, do that and lose it all
>>424711 No, you should open an ISA and put your money in that. I recommend looking for an OEIC available in a stocks and shares ISA.
Alternatively, if you are saving for a home you should look into a lifetime ISA and consider if that's for you.
>>424799 >>424800 based sensible advice lad
>>424799 That's a silly idea. I'll provide a Monzo link, he can transfer all of his savings to me, and then I'll invest the money for him for a modest 100% commission.
>>424802 it's just good business
grimes is based wtf
>>424805 >brown king cyrus the great umm ackchyually sweaty that part of the world was huwhite back then the great enswarthening didn't happen until much later
we literally have cyrus the greats tomb so why havent they pcr'd this nigga and proven he's is germanic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomb_of_Cyrus
>>424807 cool it with the racism lad folx of colour need a win so as huwhite people (the only race burdened with original sin) it's are duty to babysit them and make them feel special and loved
Damn, I wish Grimes would nosh me off.
>what if humans just loved each other?
>>424809 elon smh it's time to move on
>>424810 me on the right
>>424811 keeeeeeeeek
(1.97 MB 738x738 Grimes 4am.webm)

reminder grimes used to post on /tv/ 4am threads
>>424814 >reminder grimes used to post on /tv/ 4am threads so she's always been a retard then?
>>424817 brb gotta go kill all huwhite women and their enablers
>>424810 she's right to raise it
>>424772 >had to bite my tongue never back down j
>>424822 keeeeek too right no surrender
>>424817 meanwhile some incel is freezing to death in a tent under the highway overpass
>>424805 good post tbh
>>424824 that's okay though lad m*n are objects scenery, if you will
>>424805 >>424825 Tbh actually being openly proud rather than ashamed is the first step.
was watching a documentary about ww2 earlier today about radar and how it was developed in secret at somethingly something park estate etc or suchlike smh can't remember tbh started with b the lasses in the stock footage were peng and i'd wife any one of them they all had immaculate hair and the way they got serious pushing those planes around the map constantly adjusting the altitude and heading was really something anyway shneet lids smh tfw waaf wife
*no night
new years eve then
>>424832 probably about time to break out the spirits
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>>424827 tbh its all it takes IMO we don't need to be nathaniel hale creativity mongs or RAHOWA tier purity nigger, even just holding the nordic/westoid forms as worthy is enough to save "the race" which is just an expression of the forms IMO did any lads watch this yankoid? this is actually a really good synopsis of the leftists marcuseian revolution in the west >>424712
is it cultural appropriation for me as an ulster-jockoid heritage muttoid to want to fantisize about killing wogs with a claymore
>>424835 >28 minutes on shitter no but I suppose I have the time now >>424836 no because jocks used them too
>>424836 it's better than the chink transition thing
>>424839 I assume the danish monarchy is just as shit and useless as the british one tbqh
>>424840 Worse than our monarchy because they don't reign until death.
https://www.youtube.com/@RUDANROOFING/featured based albanian immigrants innovating gringoid roof technology by bringing chad european roofing systems to the land of dupont asphault 3 tab shingle monopoly. smh this is what its all about immigrants that actually bring innovation rather than just scam. UK should just send all its slavoids here
finished watching the yank nothing wrong with what he said but no solution as uusual
>>424839 I thought that was David Davis for a second
>>424843 yeah all we can do is define the enemy in the carl schmitt sense and hope that the westoid gestalt recognizes the poison. I am not hopeful though because beyond the issue of the traitors our ranks are full of utter cowards
>>424810 what if we loved each other wessie?
IMO all the typical incels and even secret agent polfaces are superior and not "cowards" per-say its the hordes of subhuman aspirational normalfags that abandon all creed and conviction at a whim like cattle. I am still seething at how utterly prozaic this holiday has been. it was disturbing meeting my great auntie and how sad she was all her own grand children didn't even bother to visit her on christmas. fuck toil, its blood and soil. simple as, end of. you aren't your job normalfag, you aren't your bank account. if westoids can't accept this IMO the vast lot of them should die out and be enslaved
>>424846 then we still have the exact same problems because no amount of loving thy pajeet neighbour will stop them outbreeding us and causing the european racial and cultural identity to expire
>>424847 tbh tbh the problem is who is doing the enslaving and whether any of the goodlads can survive
>>424847 You're a weak, angry mixling trying to aggrandise your failures as some sort of noble cause. All I ever see you do on these fucking threads is undermine yourself and create excuses for your own apathy. It's fucking pathetic. Every lad here should be building financial and social power. If you aren't, you're quite simply a loser and a traitor to the movement. 22st is a greater activist than lads like Steiner and at least Wessex has the excuse of constantly dying from inbredism. Build a community. Build a family. Build a career. Pursue power ruthlessly.
>>424850 >Build a community. Build a family. Build a career. Pursue power ruthlessly. live laugh love for men
does madlad run his own business and purposely sabotage 30k deck installation jobs because they are using mexican day laborers does madlad undercut nigger roofers in detroit and help gentrify 7 mile and push the niggers out? oh thats right "one day"(tm) he will do something
>>424852 it's bbk tbh he's not wrong even THOUGH self improovement doesn't solve civilisational issues
>>424853 tbh yeah lads should self improover I guess I should stop blackpilling but its not the finish line and it can spiral off into its own kind of escapism
glad we could get around the negotiating table and sort this out tbh everybody is right and everybody hates niggers and jews and wants huwhite nations
it is 2023...
>>424860 But it isn't a new year.
people letting off fireworks already
>>424863 based nazboltroontard
>>424850 >the wacky board persona has serious opinions about "the movement"
>>424865 careful lad or he'll start saving the white race at you by spamming troon prolapse nigger dick porn here smh
why post that though?
the gangs all here
>>424869 >zoom, enhance >my life - oswald moseley nice lad crack open a couple of vodkas on us

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>>424871 happy 3 hours to new years lad keeking at the indoors fireworks tards one >>424872 >that is very possible keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>8 years ago
>>424875 nice ceiling fan ruined with product placement smh
here we are again lads prosecco status: unopened, chilled
>>424878 couple hours yet really don't like the passage of time ngl lads
>new soy-life mod released from big name developer team for new years eve >it's shit
i ran out of nicotine products and now im going to starve. this is the worst new years ever
Night lads
>>424883 Horrific nightmares lad.
>>424883 not staying up to watch entropy in real time lad? probably for the best, shnight >>424882 you can try smoking tea if you really have to but it doesn't do much good
>>424886 >The phrase "white man's burden" remains notorious as a racist justification for Western conquest. well they're not wrong, it is rather burdensome to have to support foreigners as they conquer the west
>>424885 >stick on some 2010 dr whomst >niggers in 1500s italy Sleeeek smh.
>>424885 I want to enjoy my bank holiday tomorrow lad and I feel tired. I watched 4 episodes of 30 coins just now
>>424884 Please take that back lad
>>424889 the white race will not forget this betrayal
>>424890 How else will your mind prepare for the waking horrors still to come, lad?
>>424889 Have you found anywhere to watch season 2
Some say that Russia fired missiles at the ukraine. I say the Russians were just giving the hohols an early New Year firework display.
>>424711 into crypto, yes. not 100% into BTC, make an intelligent split >>424799 don't listen to this fool. we are in crypto bullrun right now, most decent cryptocurrencies will outperform every other asset class for the next 6 months or so. I'm talking like 200-300% growth or more during this time period, only an idiot would not be holding crypto at this time. pick up some bags or cry yourself to sleep later >>424805 Cyrus was a total faggot that saved the Jevvs from annihilation by some based Vizier because some k1ke whore seduced him or something. that based Scythian queen Tomyris gave Cynigger what he deserved
it's the new year in ten minutes.. surely I can go without filtering spic for at least that long
>>424893 Torrented from 1337
think for 2024 i will continue down the path of being an aggressionmaxxing seether
think I might go for a 10min shit in a few mins
someone better get the seacow just right
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>>424901 good lad did all my pooing earlier unfortunately, quite unavoidable smh
fuck wheres the new year seacow version
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Merry new yearmas
>>424908 goodlad
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>>424908 GET IN THERE MY SON YEEEEEEEESSSS surely the white race is saved
>>424908 Very Good Lad
>>424908 very good lad >>424897 >most decent cryptocurrencies will outperform every other asset class for the next 6 months or so. I'm talking like 200-300% growth or more during this time period are you sure lad? if the bongo trannies told you that they might be lying to you
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope 2024 will bring many basednesses to us all!
>>424908 I declare you based.
>>424915 It's spic, he hasn't got a fucking clue.
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>>424908 Blessed beginning to the year. Thanks lad.
>>424915 >are you sure lad? if the bongo trannies told you that they might be lying to you Jocko recommend some literally who shitcoin RMRK, it is still 20x away from its ATH last bullrun. but it also looks really flat/dead and pumped maybe +50% so far already so idk if I'd buy that but yes, I am sure... the Bitcoin halving is in April, this creates a crypto bullrun every time... buy crypto or you will regret it. wish I bought Solana, it is such a strong horse
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Happy new year lads still got it tbh tbf >>424911 >>424912 >>424913 >>424914 >>424915 >>424917 >>424919 tbh
I smell of sulphur from the fireworks lads
>>424921 three posts in the thread and every single one a classic
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>>424921 A king
I'm not feeling so good, Spicbros...
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>>424923 tbh just missing an existential homer but forgot to export them from my old computer >>424924 tbh >>424925 tbh
its the heckin new years
>>424926 keeeeek
>>424929 and there's another 364 days, 23 hours and forty odd minutes of unrelenting toil, seethe and civilisational collapse ahead hurrah!
>>424908 holy kino
I've just pood meself for the first time 2024!!
>>424933 three cheers !!
(4.30 MB 640x480 Goodnight 39.webm)

such a wild and untamed future - how many poos lie ahead? what sharts lay in store this year? the excitement, like bbk's loose bumhole, is palpitating >>424935 night lad fine soys tbh
the fireworks show on the telly was woke btw
>>424935 ni lidder
>The drink may be based on an Indian drink called pãnch/panch. In Hindi pãnch/panch means five and the drink was originally made with five ingredients: alcohol, sugar, lemon, water, and tea or spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)s. This is also where the English drink punch originated from. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poncha wow
>>424939 well now we have to let em all in smh
got a bottle of madeiran poncha for christmas and its ok i guess
gnilarrs >>424941 glog it down lad bottleo'll open in 31 hours or so
>>424908 happy new year lad and very fine work
and happy new year to all prosecco status: consnumed
these wee hours when the fireworks have stopped, this time is for me i like to imagine everyone has gone and i can smoke a ciggie and there's no one else in the world
happy new year boyos, much love to all and may the white race be saved in the new year. white women will fill their wombs with the fruit of albion white boys will lift up their sheilds and push the darkoid into the sea. god is with us. god is with us.
>>424925 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>424948 good take on the ussr being a legitimately dangerous rival who was defeated with tact instead of war. although late stage ussr was kind of wimpy tbh
>everyone went to bed after le midnight tiem
>>424952 Not smee.
>>424953 good lad lad
>>424952 i'm staying up for steinhog and the shart new year tbh
>the comments section in viral Palestine videos on TikTok is now a wall of people posting the Voltaire quote, bumped to the top with likes it's fucking over for Schlomoids also remember how the Zoomers were obsessing over that alleged Bin Laden open letter or whatever? clearly, they were not successfully given the 'inoculation' that worked like a charm on Boomers. they are stupid, but they have a spark burning inside them that hungers for the truth. I think it will not be long before holohoax revisionism starts to take off among Gen Z, it is becoming an obvious question to ask >clearly, the jevvs are evil >clearly, the jevvs are liars >therefore, how could the holohoax be 100% truthful and the worst thing ever? there must be something going on here- if the jevvs can annihilate 2 million babies in front of the world and the entire western establishment/media supports them 100% then obviously they could also lie about fake atrocities that they are allegedly victims of. and they have already done that extensively over 10/7 with the 40 decapitated babies bullshit that only sunglasses boomers believed anyway I'm rambling but I think they're waking up, it's inevitable- the can of worms is open, the beans are spilled everywhere, the cat has exited the bag...
>>424956 I've wondered if in our lifetime we might see the return of Zionist terrorism in the west. Can believe if it's happened before when a victim narrative, shaming etc. failed them, that they'd resort to it. No principally different from Muslims (many Islamists appose jihad/terrorism just on the grounds it's not needed anymore to achieve the same aims). Terrorism is just a tactic, a tool. Will be wild if we get an oirish president like McGregor and if he's yidded in the streets c. 2030, instead of ackbared.
>>424956 it's a result of non-white immigration and the general passage of time. that quote is also not voltaire. a one struggle multiracial alliance is not going to solve our problems. idk how many times this needs to be repeated.
hope lads here have a good 2024, one good thing about being le car nerd is that all the new car models start being called 2024 model year back in early 2023 so i'm use to le new year number from obsessing about the new pickup trucks and 2024 toyotas, not that i can afford any of them without going stacymode and buying on credit
>>424961 the finncels defeated her?
>>424962 and rightly so lad
>>424961 >ME ME ME ME ME
>>424961 22st LOST
happy new year steiner and any other americans/leafs
business idea: proximty drones that hug the ground and are undetectable by any conventional means
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>>424966 *tink*
what are we listening to lads? for me it's this classic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpyGYurA7V0 easily the most listened to song in my playlist. has been for years now
https://youtu.be/6HcYNexpIKg?si=fwhuFvCdPDzigPyP Autistic Deano fishing with his compotent dad and his hapa daughter. Note he actually bred a pinay in the UK, the pinay was already here,he chirpsed an older woman here via a FB group. What an actual chad tbqh.
>>424974 lad it's new years, chill out. you don't have to seethe all the time
nvm you weren't seething, my mistake
He bred
>>424978 yep then just breed his hapa daughter to a full white then another full white and its all good better than having completely negative birth rate or whatever or having your line die out. it enrages nordicists thought and in the UK you can probably still do race purity shit but america lost that battle in the 1920s
Did everyone mew back in the day?
>>424979 I'm seething tbh
>>424974 >pinay
>>424982 Which asian are you getting?
>>424983 Japs, Koreans and Chinese are the only respectable east asians. In the UK your best bet is Chinks. Or if you really want, a half-white Indian. That said, I've pretty much given up on women, and the only way I'd get with a minority is if she actively pursued me. So unlikely.
>>424984 japs, koreans and chinese are the only east asians lad tho
>>424985 South East Asia is a subset of the east. Asia is divided into west (Pakis and indians), central (slavic) and east (slant-eyes),
do you lads even try to get with women?
west asia? i think it's south asia no lad?
>>424908 Top work lad. With this and the latest steiner face making an appearance in my nightmare, I have no doubt 2024 is going to be /are/ year
>>424989 Yeah never mind I'm wrong going by generally accepted terminology. What others call west asia I think of as the eastern edge of the middle east. I mean India is to the west of the east to be fair. To the south too, yes, but also to the west.
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ЭТО КОПЕЦ https://youtu.be/hz_gOFRwTcg
Year over. Holiday soon over. Toil beckons
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come February i'll have been NEET for 6 years i hope all of you are in a better place than me
>>424997 why are you a neethog lass?
>>424998 a few months b4 I turned 19 I developed debilitating symptoms of just a generally dysfunctional organism like crushing fatigue, low sex drive, diabetes-like glucose intolerance where I feel hot and delirious if I eat what up until then was a normal amount of food (I've since devised my own idiosyncratic eating pattern of course, to cope), developed this new body odor like ammonia mixed with garlic... went to doctors but they treated me like a cretin, referring me to this doctor who referred me to that doctor--all useless. Now I'm this dickless, energy-less parody of a man
>>424999 surely someone would be able to find out what is wrong. Or do you get bennies even without a diagnosis?
steiner's new knowledge has really got me confounded, women who have dogs are women who won't be submissive to men. so many women have dogs reeeeeeee
>>425000 I don't get anything, I just lived off my parents; and no-one can figure it out nor cares what's wrong, you can have a just barely-scraping above-the-threshold-of-disease blood level of this or that hormone and they'll say you're "healthy," all these doctors are flabby ghouls with bad posture balding with dark circles anyway, I can't be bothered with the rigmarole of appointment-waiting-disappointment "take anti-depressants" cycle anymore
>>425002 I guess exercise, vitamins, sunlight etc., none of the usual recommendations have worked? Christmas has made me feel awful because of all the sweets I ate
>>424997 Been NEETing for about twice as long tbh its alri
>>425003 Yeah, no nothing works, except for not eating, which gives me temporary relief energy-wise as the stress hormones up-regulate but past that initial "rush" it gets back to weakness and tiredness. Probably I sound crazy which is what most people assume about me but this illness has cost me everything... my last happy consolation is that my ex-gf recognized something was seriously wrong with me and how my body odor had changed, she was the only person who had ever been close enough to me to recognize what I had lost; my sole confidant, I'll always be grateful for her
>>425006 smh if I lived close by I'd help fix you, lass
can't believe my mum never gave me a sister. inbreeding isn'tt hat bad
morbing >>425008 *explodes leg on you you were saying?
>gaysburys open today because the lord jew doesn't want ot miss out on any chance to make money might start the new year off wrong and go get more pudding and sweeties to vore
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https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Attraction_Review-g306997-d12235958-Reviews-The_Huskitory-Melaka_Central_Melaka_District_Melaka_State.html Huskitory to enjoy unforgettable journey when you travel to Malacca, Malaysia. Cuddle with the Siberian Husky, feed them, hug them or even take a selfie or group photo with these adorable Huskies in the house. Number 1 thing to do in one of the most historical trading ports of the malayan peninsula
>>425009 smorbin lad. I guess you're not giving up the exploding leg this year then
don't get it
>>425011 this man.... his intelligence must be extreme! so long as his opinions are in accordance with mine, naturally. >>425012 torturing creatures adapted for subzero temperatures in the swelteringly hot and humid seamonkey zone smh evil bastids >>425013 nah smh think this is year is it for me anyway unless the ol' organs somehow miraculously hang on
smileys work? this changes everything.
>yaasqueenposting on /brit/
https://www.9news.com.au/national/passenger-on-qantas-flight-from-bali-to-melbourne-restrained/014fcccd-cf0c-4226-8dc0-bbc2cc6d346f SEXUAL EMERGENCY IN THE AIR >"If you don't get away from me, I will f--- you," he says. >"No, no listen baby. Give me a kiss," he says.
Girl, I know my worth 💅
>>425019 The blonde hair, bleached or not sends the dravidian into a wild frenzy without fail.
I made an X/twitter account when Elon Musk came in just to see what the fuss was about. Never posted on it but followed one or two naughty boyist lads and would give them a like here and there. I just got suspended. Literally haven't posted a single thing.
>>425022 almost like he is a dead end road release valve just like every other "based" person who gains any kind of prominence smh
Crappy Poo Year Lads!
>>424908 ah very good. I knew it would be a good year and this just proves it
>>425024 and goodsharts to all men
The year of the sneep snorp beast has had a nice start
been watching Kusuriya no Hitorigoto, decent tranime kino. basically it's a Lisa Simpson protagonist and almost all the characters lack testicles (either foid or eunuch) in anime Forbidden City and she uses the power of science to save everybody
>>425028 Nnaa~~ that doesn't sound very decent nnaa
>>425028 didn't know that got an anime adaptation, the manga is one of my favourites
>>425030 it's court drama blended with sherlock type murder/crime mysteries and stuff
>>425032 Wessex likes it. You know what that means
yeah, that's it's KINO
>invest in bitcoin >become a landlord >breed >become fit >brush teeth every day What are your goals for 2024, lads?
>>425035 >make non-retard investments >build income producing portfolio as well as my accumulative one >complete training and receive more pay to the quantity of seven to ten thousand pounds per annum >start "dating" to search for a wife >buy air rifle and shoot the rats >go on at least one big hike >advance my hobbies I would strongly advise you not to invest in shitcoin.
>>425035 for smee its >invest in monero >finally fix my home server >get fit >get gf
China doesn't need to launch a land invasion to take over Taiwan. It "just" needs arial and naval dominance which is far easier to do than a land incasion.
>>425040 BASED nigger telling whities to feel guilty!!
>gif turned into a png ACK
>>425042 it's over
>niggers in north america talking to anyone about areas they don't belong in.
>>425045 >comments disabled
For us who have had gfs, love it when the lasshog gives you a tight hug as if she's trying to push herself into you
STOP making me feel things
>22st still pretending like he ever had a gf
watched the first episode of doctorlass diaries bit truncated and disjointed compared to the manga but that's understandable for twenty minute episodes
Any of you lads know of good resources to learn about anti-Communism in Soviet Russia? Particularly interested in Tsarism.
t minus 4 hours
cultivating the habit of mouthing angry tirades and political speeches while out walking in public for extra dangerous freaky schizo white incel points tbh >>425053 no sorry lad probably some obscure alt shite thinker's blog that nobody will ever find due to censorship smh

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