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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3938: Cultural Revolution Western Style Edition Anonymous 01/28/2024 (Sun) 12:51:09 Id: b4b342 No. 431035
Moment Mona Lisa is covered in soup by eco-protestors at the Louvre in latest infuriating climate change stunt https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13015661/eco-morons-splash-soup-mona-lisa-louvre-paris.html >Eco-morons have today thrown soup over the Mona Lisa at the Louvre in Paris in their latest infuriating climate stunt. Horror as British base jumper, 33, plunges to his death from tower block in Thailand after his parachute fails to open >https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13015539/Horror-British-base-jumper-33-plunges-death-tower-block-Thailand-parachute-fails-open.html A British base jumper has died after his parachute failed to open as he plunged to the ground from a tower block in Thailand. Red Horned Man Seen Fleeing Site of Liverpool Fire https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13015599/Liverpool-fire-investigated-major-incident-declared-huge-inferno-ripped-four-storey-building-sparking-fears-structure-collapse.html >An investigation has been launched into the cause of a huge fire which ripped through a four-storey building in Liverpool yesterday. Moti Mahal: India curry houses battle over butter chicken https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-68053470 >The velvety dish, made in a thick tomato-yoghurt gravy with rich notes of butter and mild spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)s, has inspired mystery novels, travelogues, and countless restaurant orders.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:45:31.
I once fell in love to this song, bit of bbk lore for yas https://youtu.be/ZUGCCSAa_OQ
>>431038 Vegans when the iron deficiency starts to sneed them:
>Red Horned Man Seen Fleeing Site of Liverpool Fire bbk has now fled the country as well
>>431039 Made me keek heartily at an otherwise unfunny memi.
>>431041 typical paddy, can't keep off the drink until after the job's done
looks like some of the niggers i spy with my big white EYE https://youtu.be/phaJXp_zMYM (Not to 22st: That's not a tranny using the urinal, it's a lass acting like "one of the boys" to mess with the "niggas")
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>>431048 >CY+12 >not a tranny just a woman peeing stood up You memed too hard and niggers are all gay now.
Nitter gone apart from kiwi farms instance nitter.poast.org https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39161194
Houthichads just keep winning
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attacks_on_U.S._bases_in_Iraq,_Jordan,_and_Syria_(2023%E2%80%93present) first ever fatal attack against a US soldier by iran backed militias since the iraq war. hopefully they produce ukraine style drone drops and create a mutt-gore genre.
>>431056 >mutt-gore genre I thought we already had that genre in the form of police bodycam footage.
Wish these neocons would just shuffle off tbh bored with their rhetoric especially closet homo manlet Graham
>>431054 Tbh all the trouble is to destabilise the chosen’s potential enemies, mainly
Numbers have gone up US spec ops Belter Force have been btfo by 5’2” Operator Al Drone who has won a new pair of flip flops for his efforts
>>431049 The video is from the nineties. You thought too hard and wiped out your last brain cell.
>>431060 zased wish they could catch a visiting politician while they larp as brave leaders of men doing photoshoots in FOBs guess that probably doesn't happen these days though smh
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>kicked smee from her stream again ACK.
ah fuck laura's latest telegram shart mentions CPS are they going to go after her children too? tear the as-yet-unborn second one out because being carried by a racist means the child is at risk?
>>431066 wow redpilled
>>431067 I'd like to see the piece of legislation they'd try to use to do that.
Wessie is going strong recently
>>431064 you ought to know better lad
Don't want to go to work. Just want to sit here and fart. Nice hot farts
>>431073 *ties your pyjama trouser legs shut so that you float off out the window in your hot fart balloon* https://youtu.be/UKkNlwpajNk
who was the smoothbrain in the last thread who linked a paywalled news site? fucking retard
>>431077 >he cant afford £3.50 a year
>>431079 >he pays journalists
anyone got the angry wojak with a gong?
>>431080 >he believes fake news
>>431080 So do you, everyone who reads or watches the news does.
>>431083 Na I don't read the news.
>>431084 maybe thats why you're so uninformed?
>>431082 No i just think journalists in general should be woodchippered for the good of humanity. >>431085 About what?
>>431086 about the news lad keep up
>>431087 News to me.
>>431084 Ah, explains your ignorance and foolishness.
>>431089 What am I ignorant of, what am I foolish about?
All these people so desperate to defend the news and journalist but have yet to give a coherent reason as to why they're necessary.
>>431090 The news. Especially toilet noise alerts. Do you even no that there is a yellow toilet noise warning in Shripshire?
>>431092 I'm hands on I make all my own toilet noises.
>>431081 it's a bell but I assume you meant these lads
>>431094 yes ta lad
>>431096 still hoping manxlad slaps some soywife faces on the spectators and seething wojak faces on these lads and puts a clip from QT above them tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bqpHuloKZs
e7eb08 is an actual boomer kek
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finishing off the rum lads
nailbomb the febreeze marketing department https://youtu.be/arZZw8NyPq8
https://youtu.be/Jh9CXnoDua4 >ywn hang out in the snoods with some frogs
If aliens came to Earth I'd fucking batter them https://youtu.be/Z0zBoZleYd4
>>431077 paywalled recently on a freemium basis maybe sill means you can read most articles any way boomer here you go https://www.removepaywall.com/
poo splatting all over their fucking flying saucer the little green twats
>all this talk of poo
>>431108 It’s real
>>431109 no, i think it's just a bear costume you can't negotiate with real bears and have them pose like that
>>431110 Yeah tbh, they’re not Taylor Swift
>>431112 just want a woman who will comb the poo out my fur https://youtu.be/rJC18Oy9P7E
South african peri-peri liver stew (used lamb's rather than chicken's) with freshly baked soda bread for dindins
>>431114 sounds shite that
couldn't bring meself to eat foreign slop. proper slave mentality.
You're more of a Chicken Balti kind of lad then I take it
what happened to b*ns?
>>431117 honestly lad if you like your wogslop so be it. like Starkey said the whites have become black. i'll be here with me fish and chips, cooked brekkie and roast dinner. help yerself to the shite buffet.
>>431119 aids got him.
>lads claim to be nationalists >cant even stop eating wogslop sickenin' tbh
>431120 >wogslop it's a traditional Boer recipe, retard
>>431124 >boer >british didn't think so faggot.
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Oh no cultural exchange between white peoples, the horror
>>431123 fried fish and chips are of foreign origin so get off your high dildo sweetheart
>>431121 guess he was getting pretty old for a gayist
>>431126 >>431127 >anti-anglos coming out the woodwork as per usual it's so predictable at this point
love is a strangled turkey
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IRA dumplings for dinner. No i'm not a treasonous rat teehee.
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>eating food makes me anti-anglo yawn >431131 pathetic attempt tbh
>that one try hard "nationalist" in every group
the food shite is cringe bulldog nationalsm tbh just don't give money to pakis
>>431134 It's as superficial as when the anti-whites make it
mask off moment, then lads? Just admit you love 'foreign whites' the same way leftists love blacks. it's the same fucking thing. muh based boer, muh based IRA. You're scum. England deserves a better breed of nationalist. not you or the kraut loving faggots in PA. #facts
>muh noble savage that's fucked up! >muh noble savage but he has blonde hair wooo, based!
>it's a d&c tranny yeah . . . filtered
Really fancy a Newcy Brown rn >beer was invented in Mesopotamiea OH NO LADS HELP I'M TURNING IRANIAN
>>431135 how did the poo arc end lad?
>>431139 >it's a d&c tranny who am I dividing, retard? You want us to eat foriegn slop and worship 'based' continentals? Would you stand with England or Europe. answer the question.
>muh based boer literally never said that, I said I was eating a stew which you called wogslop and I then corrected you and sait its origins are with white Saffers >muh based IRA you're the one that brought them up lmao did you forget and get mad at your own post?
https://youtu.be/6DBA5Wx9T7U >eats irradiated material ohhh no i'm blue abadee abadie!
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for me? it's a little bit of chicken fried
>>431145 those ai images are nightmare fuel.
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I think we should all calm down.
i hate all video games now. im going to kill myself.
>>431143 I know you didn't bring the IRA up lad but I saw someone post 'Up the Ra' the other day and nobody called them out. If somebody said 'up the Rotherham grooming gangs' lads would be seething. i'm just sick of seeign foreign worship in English nationalist circles. Do you think german lads are talking about how based Bomber Harris was? Just depressing to realize that nobody in English Nationlism loves England or anything about the English.
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>>431148 post the peanut butter one lad that was a favourite >>431149 EH!
>he's seething about a shitpost from days ago from a regular shitposter how new are you then lad? hope you're over 18 at least
keeeeeeek someone post the nigger farage up the ra webm
don't know what I expected. all scum. God willing you'll be deported with the darkies.
>>431152 don't have it unsnortunately
Really no way to be spending a sunday evening tbh.
>>431145 with respect steiner, you're a taig subversive constantly trying to blackpill lads into giving up on the their people and England. I know you're IRA masters are proud of you but do kindly fuck off and take that fat cunt martin with you. >>431153 would it be a "shitpost" if it was about Rotherham. Answer me, coward.
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>it's already past 10pm I hear the sound of distant toils....
>>431145 Not enough lager and/or tinnies here.
>>431159 yeah grim
>>431158 Madlass?
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Ey'up here's one for you, what do you call a white girl in a kebab shop? Large donner with chips >>431163 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek based lad
>>431164 vile cunt.
how many of you lads are pakis?
>>431114 >peri peri Cheeky
>>431164 >Large Donna wiv chips
nothing left but concessions and jokes about the rape of english girls. that's what I thought. You'll be going back with N'gubu and the Indians, that's a fact. ENGLAND FOR THE ENGISH. Fuck off taigspawn.
strange fucking posts tonight tbf
i was thinking the other day about how much i miss the long city walks i used to go on in my 20s on the hangover withdrawals days and i'd find whole new areas miles away from my flat. no reason i couldn't still go on them i suppose other than toil and laziness getting in the way. i used to walk across hills and vast distances with the purposeful stride of a taliban warrior
>>431141 in the toilet!
*goes back in time to visit the British government in 1902* https://youtu.be/VSxCmQTFJy4
>>431173 Be honest though who would have thought one innoccuous dindins could cause so much butthurt
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>>431178 you're a taig bbk. don't trip. you'll be goin home when we have the nationalist state. one way ticket to some swamp in iraland.
I'm bbk lad
hope this bbk "alternate personality" schizoid shitflinging ID lad isn't genuinely stupid and can't recognise that lads are joking when they post shit like up the ra tbh >>431141 unblocked the loo, emptied the poo bags into the loo, cleaned everything up, went on the poogrimage and bought 2 plungers last thing left to do is put the rubbish out during the week next up is trying to battle the mould I suppose not getting my hopes up
>>431177 I'm pmsl at this schizo lad 16e2b0 as well.
>>431182 >hope this bbk "alternate personality" schizoid shitflinging ID lad isn't genuinely stupid and can't recognise that lads are joking when they post shit like up the ra tbh How is it a joke, honestly? Would a joke about Charlene Downs be funny. I don't get you lads, I'm from the Midlands we were attacked by taigs. how can any english nationalist not be against that even in 'jokes.' and I'm not bbk he's the one posting the ira stuff that other lads don't reply to on a forum for english lads to talk. and stop eating foreign slop is not a controversial take.
>Leaked image of Trump caught noncing some 45 year old girl HE WAS 32 WHEN SHE WAS BORN, THE PERVERT!
>>431186 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
it's a 'joke' until it's not like what happened with every nationalist group. we shouldn't stand for it. no wogslop posting no ira posting. do we have no standards are we not englishmen at the end of the day?
you are literally the only person who has made a pro-IRA post lad
wish england was bigger and there was more space. when i went to america it was so amazing how far you could see sometimes, never get that here
>ate some egyptian strawberries because obviously they're not in season >now an arab lover Leftoid logic. Smh. >>431188 Spic's unironic anti English posts do get banned now tbf madlass.
I think it's madlass
I mean the other one . . . aggnonce
it's not madlad he's a jock for a start
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*casts it anyway*
I sleep.
BBK should do a cover of Celtic Symphony tbh
>>431199 mask off lmao
liverpool will be our danzig on the day of the rope
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqwgH82XWK8 Ooh ah up the 'RA, say ooh ah up the 'RA
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>i was right about the wogslop poster I'll take you apologies please lads and perma-ban please auslad.
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>he still doesn't get that it's all a joke at his butthurt expense stop lad before I split my sides
sorry, sheamus, you're going home. show him the door auslad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=592nOlkWywc
Farewell son of Odin
>>431208 smh this is your brain on Pad Thai
>>431208 He's the tightrope walker fr.
all this ireland hating shite seems like a norf thing. irritated that the problems of norf are tainting my experience of /brit/
>>431211 no norfman is this humourless and autistic lad this is a Surrey issue and you should solve it in-house tbh
He is right tbh I am Norn Irish
>>431211 Northerners don't know what Ireland is lad. They just ate southerners and Tories. Simple as.
he's already said he's middul I remember an autistic mercia supremacist larper who used to avatarfag as a british superhero I think this is him
>>431208 If I was a Thai farm worker I'd be pissing myself laughing.
>>431213 good lad been looking for this version
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>>431186 The judge looks like tintin.
alright, i'm going to bed, lads. God bless and please become Catholic.
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>please become catholic
>>431220 Sorry lad I've already converted to 7th day adventist .
Everybody knows Quakers rule this world smh
Go mormon if you're going to do any meme pseudoschristian sect tbh
Can't I just start my own christian cult?
>become Catholic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf3oNMCZw2M keeeeek this guy is such a william, imagine going on a walk through clacton and just filming dysgenic people keeek
>Labour backs idea of teaching children about white privilege >"Labour has backed the idea of teaching children about white privilege with a shadow minister saying it is “a good idea”. Shadow culture secretary Thangam Debbonaire said children need “the opportunity to ask difficult questions sometimes of our nation’s history”, insisting it would not be “undermining” Britain." >"She was asked about children’s charity Barnado’s, which was criticised for publishing a “guide for parents” about white privilege. The term refers to inherent advantages possessed by white people over non-white people on the basis of their race, with examples including a lower likelihood of being stopped and searched by police. The Barnado’s guide encouraged parents to “start the conversation with others who are interested and willing to learn” and to “teach your white friends, family and colleagues about their privilege”. >Debbonaire was born in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, on 3 August 1966 to a father of Indian and Sri Lankan Tamil family origin and an English mother. She was educated at two private schools, Bradford Girls' Grammar School and Chetham's School of Music. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/labour-white-privilege-thangam-debbonaire-b2482722.html
>>431228 That HIV programmers story made me kek.
>>431230 I hate poojeets
>>431228 He ought to come to Ballymoney
>>431233 is this film worth watching or do the spics win in the end
>>431233 kekked hard for some reason
>>431235 its a good movie and now wyatt earp wins in the end
>>431228 >7:40 >"Is that difficult not seeing your wife and kids much. You're away from them" >"Yeah, yeah. I don't want to go into it too much. I just lost my wife" >"Oh no! I'm sorry about that. Oh dear! Did she like it here?" Fuck me he's actually autistic.
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Just stop religionposting please.
illy-way ums-bay
>sargon taking zemmour on a tour round london
>>431241 Tbh mankind, cut it out.
>>431230 >Labour backs Makes me microsneethe. Electioneering from Tory shills, neglecting the fact everything Labour you get from the Cons anyway. Negative campaigning their exact double.
https://www.sciencetimes.com/articles/33511/20210918/women-smell-fear-chemosensory-anxiety-signals-make-ladies-risk-adverse.htm >Women Can Smell Fear: Chemosensory Anxiety Signals Can Make Ladies More Risk Averse, Less Trusting in Others
>>431074 >chairman phenotype
>>431104 fucking autotune and shit drum production kys
>>431104 i'm not even going to check the comments for the level of boomer simping i suspect is going to be there
>>431246 sounds about right tbh the slightest bit of uncertainty is like blood in the water for them
>>431246 >>431252 Fuck them and their ‘special powers’ tbh
Fucking hell. All the jobs ‘created in the US under Biden allowed companies to repopulate old positions with bames gays and women. More tricks o comply with DEI initiatives https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMUh6340OLw
>>431255 it's one last mad dash to see if they can ruin everything permanently before the natural consequence of their actions causes them to lose power
>>431255 >Who needs competency, when you're riding on the Soul Plane. keeeeeeke
can't wait until actual decline starts instead of just this boring plateau period where loads of grifter youtubers just say we're in decline but nothing ever happens. i want traffic lights to stop working and martial law
>>431258 as if we'd ever be that lucky
>>431259 well at least i still have toil and rent for now
>girl randomly blocks me on snapchat It keeps happening. All this grooming I do. For nothing.
You tell her, Woes
>>431260 tbh got to look on the bright side >>431262 everybody wants to be far-right until it's time to do far-right shit smh
sorry lads democracy is great and all but some things people just shouldn't be allowed to decide
>>431265 i agree it should all be left up to me
How did Mussolini write his diaries? By dictation
startled awake by dreaming that I was working for an electrician in a supermarket and he ran out and turned all the lights off and an oogywoogy monster suddenly appeared and vored me just as I woke up and needed a piss betrayed by fellow shites... even in my own dreams...
off t'shops back later >>431269 can't believe he'd do you like that smdh can't trust anyone these days smdh
>>431270 buy tinnies
>>431271 bought wine smh on a budget
sick of this heat smh it's not that hot but i just can't cool down smdh
currently living in terror of the inevitable rentberg inspection announcement email because my flat is a pigsty smh should probably clean up tbh won't, but should
Oh say can you shart!
>>431275 conceptualise the aroma
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>>431277 would rally behind his banner ngl
there's a mustard that i can buy at the shops that calls itself australian mustard and it's basically the missing link between hot english mustard and the sweeter continental styles it's very nice but i wish it was hotter might mix in a bit of english mustard next time i buy a jar luv mustard me
>>431279 what's it called lad?
>>431280 literally just australian mustard tbh it's made by masterfoods it's nice but it could be much better tbh it's got no bite
>>431281 This'un? Sounds nice tbh
>>431282 yeah that's the one lad it's good it's just it could be better it just needs a little more oomph
First cycle to toil today lads
>>431284 have fun lad hope you don't get run over
>>431284 how do bicishits deal with sweating? I sweat going downhill. Not really ideal when there is 40 minutes of flat/uphill ground to toil. People already complains about the sweating I do at work
he's a sneaky breeder
>>431286 try not being fat
>>431288 >fatshaming
>>431289 When you sweat you should walk into rooms going "hi everyone! I'm saturated fats!"
Didn't think /brit/ was like this.
This place must be more understanding and tolerant.
>>431288 smh I've always been sweaty
>>431293 why are you fat, lad?
>>431294 low self control, addiction, coping with stress. Been 3 weeks of eating at a caloric deficit now. After just recently learning about how expensive things are I have another reason beyond just losing weight to stop eating so much. Maybe it'll work
>>431282 >When Dutch and English mustards collide in van diemens land
just woke up
live dutty on le coonscruption https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfm06bZ9zQM >>431298 good lad had a nap from 12pm to 4pm myself
guys . . . I'VE TOILETED!
https://youtu.be/o5NDHB2ZSrI happy for the chinks tbh
Purely good business https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12106853/Uniforms-Britains-military-units-China-70million-contract.html >Uniforms for Britain's top military units including the SAS, snipers and the Red Arrows are made in China under £70million contract despite warnings from security officials about the danger posed by Beijing
>>431304 bet they use extra shoddy materials so the microplastics absorption is as high as possible in order to weaken soldiers over the long term (as well as just being shit quality and falling apart quickly)
>>431301 >Married to a furrin living in Finland Based nashernalist
>>431306 don't blame him tbh just a shame finland's govt is as pozzed as the rest
>>431308 He hasn’t been forced into hiding out there has he?
>>431309 he still works at a university there iirc so not as oppressed yet
https://www. jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-783831 >Holocaust education program postponed at three UK schools due to ‘community tensions’ - report

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>>431275 smh american policing still hasn't learned from the lesson of george floyd.
>>431312 Truly disgusting
One for film night but of course he’ll pay a kids film or a gay bame blockbuster again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_RSDqBn0bA
How can it be toil time already? *screams*
>>431312 >shit encrusted baboon arse yikes.
>>431275 the most humilating aspect of american existence is how the english language and the typical mores and body language of your average american are defined by niggers. niggers are americas gods
>>431317 >40,000 bots cherrypicked by the Twitter algorithm How will Starmak ever recover?
Roma scum >A 12-year-old girl thought she was having a nightmare when a stranger climbed through an upstairs window and sexually assaulted her as she slept. >It was only when detectives found fingerprints on the windowsill of her home in Darnall, Sheffield, they realised her ordeal had been real. >The prints were matched to Bohuslav Horvath who admitted sexual assault by touching and burglary on 15 May 2023. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-68118484
>>431321 brown = evil no extra thought needed
>>431324 a sensible chuckle
>>431326 >woman >furriner >enfj yep, needs to be mulched
Why are they so expensive? >More than £200 million a year is spent prosecuting (mainly black teenagers) for joint enterprise crimes & the annual cost to the taxpayer of imprisoning those convicted exceeds £1.2 billion, research from Manchester Metropolitan University estimates.
>>431327 Needs to scrape her tongue as well
>crackdown Where? Their trousers?
>>431328 there's a social worker or two at every step of the process because they're all misunderstood good boys who din du nuffin get rid of sinecures for bleeding heart w*men and the only cost would be porridge >>431329 tbqh
>>431330 >despite extra measures to deter migrants such as? denying them a white-gloved escort does not count as deterrence
>Nick Price, head of the CPS Special Crime and Counter Terrorism Division, said: “Melia was perfectly aware that the stickers he published on his Telegram channel were being downloaded and then stuck up in public places around the country. >“He also knew full well the impact these racially inflammatory stickers were having, and by attempting to remain anonymous, sought to protect himself and others from investigation. >“He was very deliberate in the manner he wanted to spread his messages of racial hatred, and online messages recovered made it clear that he knew these stickers were being displayed in public and causing damage to public property. >“It is illegal to publish such material intending to stir up racial hatred towards others, and the CPS will not hesitate to bring prosecutions against those who break the law in this way.”
>>431328 legal profession scum imagine the type of cunt that prosecuted melia
>>431333 needs a shaving with a sawblade nasty evil freak
>>431332 Tbh. They’re just escorting them in and all this war footing bluster is just further diversion and chaff to distract people from the real issue. We have cops salaam aleikumming them now as well >salaaam aleikum sorry for the cheeky arrest!
>>431326 Putting women in positions of authority over adults is a mistake. Putting foreign women in positions of authority should be unthinkable. Alas, honk honk.
>>431333 >“Melia was perfectly aware that the stickers he published on his Telegram channel were being downloaded and then stuck up in public places around the country. okay lads we all like a bit of racism now and then but that's going a bit too far
fucking farce smdh
>>431340 needs a hammer directly to the forehead
coward video dancing around the issue also smh it's wrong because they don't belong there simple as end of that's it
"muh safety" call it like it is
really reflecting on how much i hate niggers lads, almost hate them more than jews because of how irrelevant they are but how much they have dominance over our culture
>>431343 Probably doesn’t want to get hit with the ban hammer and people get it tbh
>>431344 tbh tbh
>>431345 yeah tbh fair enough can't speak the truth these days smh just got to hope your audience can read between the lines
>>431347 Well people just thinking you hurt their feelings can get you nicked here tbh >The police and the CPS have agreed the following definition for identifying and flagging hate crimes: >"Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice, based on a person's disability or perceived disability; race or perceived race; or religion or perceived religion; or sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation or transgender identity or perceived transgender identity." >There is no legal definition of hostility so we use the everyday understanding of the word which includes ill-will, spite, contempt, prejudice, unfriendliness, antagonism, resentment and dislike. >”perceived”
>>431344 *smacks lips and kisses teeth
>>431348 it's all such a joke
>>431349 I hate seeing how much they have vulgarized everything in the anglosphere by proximity
Fucking uppity bames and furriers need unbadging pronto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cW27j1tGERQ
>>431351 tbh would be better if they were speaking a different language not by much but at least the damage would be somewhere else
>>431348 PA should focus on this, we need to be able to speak freely and I think it could garner widespread support.
>>431354 would be a hard sell tbh niggercattle don't think further than "you hurt someone's feelings" and their response is always that you shouldn't have done it
>>431355 Not really, I've never heard real people support this shit. You need to target the boomerwaffen GB News types etc. and frame everything right.
>>431356 hope so
>>431319 Is this real American culture? Kind of like it tbh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4Gllgu8EeY
>>431357 normies literally change their mind depending on who they are talking to, they are cattle
think the depression and cortisol with an ldar lifestyle has shrunk smee brain and lowered my IQ tbh
used to be that all i knew about mandolins was that captain corelli had one >>431359 tbh if we were to suddenly take power they'd fall in line overnight don't see a path to there thoughever >>431360 tbh
off to bennies toil smh time to sit in a classroom with people who don't know how to double click and don't hesitate to express that fact
>>431358 >Why where you playing ‘Lynch Dat Nigger And Burn Him Good Down By The MissiyippeeayyAy!”?
>Earlier today, I submitted a formal letter to the Sky News Group, requesting the immediate termination of anchor @belledonati. During our interview last Friday, Ms. Donati made a shocking comparison between the present situation in Gaza and the Holocaust. In 2024, there should be no tolerance for news anchors who propagate antisemitism and draw inappropriate parallels between the democratic state of Israel and the Nazis. Danon is one of the two key Israeli politicians who publicly called for Europe, the US and Canada to open their doors to Palestinians from the Gaza Strip as part of a permanent relocation scheme.
>>431366 So sick of chosenites.
Keeeeeeeeeeek >Two far-right parties in NATO nations have laid claim to swaths of Ukraine, expressing their desire to seize portions of the country and perhaps exploiting a hypothetical victory for Russian President Vladimir Putin and his forces fighting there. >Over the past week, leaders of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) and the Hungarian Our Homeland Movement have both raised the possibility of annexing parts of western Ukraine, citing territorial claims dating back hundreds of years. The claims come as the Ukraine-Russia conflict nears its two-year anniversary. https://www.newsweek.com/nato-far-right-plot-ukraine-land-putin-russia-romania-hungary-1864729
Lovely cycle ride to toil along the river towpath. Went at a fairly relaxed pace and still arrived earlier than I would have if I took the train & walked.
>>431370 How many stickers did you put up?
Would rally behind this battle tune https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMxALY5IaAs
>>431353 I think you underestimate how much a language barrier could save us.
>>431373 They just can't help themselves can they.
Lads! Where are you all?
>>431378 Indeed See >>431365
Pure evil >1:27 > Jews planning new settlements in Gaza and claiming that they will "send away all the Palestine terrorists, they can go to Turkey, to Scotland, to England" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_Z6z5xyJJk What have you got to say about this Tommeh? What about you Britain First?
>>431379 gooning or gooming >>431381 and yidcels tried to tell nationalist that they prevent terrorism in the west and help keep europe white
>>431382 Why are they speedrunning a goyim awakening?
>A Tory MP said he quit his ministerial role because he could not afford to pay his mortgage on a salary of £118,300. >Mid Norfolk MP George Freeman resigned as science minister in November. >In a blog post, he said he stood down: "Because my mortgage rises this month from £800pcm to £2,000, which I simply couldn't afford to pay on a ministerial salary." Hmmm
>>431384 too much blow and hookers.
>>431383 They absolutely do not give a fuck if we wake up or not because they own all the money and all our governments
>>431386 Yeah I suppose so but it seems like a poor idea to be overt about the power you wield.
ZOG moment
>>431388 Iran already beating all of the internet at their TND larp.
>>431388 shartica will certainly invade them now since they brutally murdered some holy niggers
>>431388 IRAN NUMBER 1 USA HACHPATOEE >>431390 cornpop is preparing for deployment as we speak
>>431390 Wouldn't that risk more holy niggers?
Coomander in chief is off his meds again
>>431392 they can send in all of white chuds to do penance for the crimes their ancestors committed
>>431396 A return to a segregated armed forces at last.
>>431388 oh of fucking course its chairforce niggers
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Boomer choons time before bed tbh
>>431358 niggers probably invented this though we were using our racism powers to harvest their melanin like in the dark crystal (which was also stolen from a black man)
>>431393 why is an 80 something sack of bones allowed to be in office?
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>>431403 Geriatric Kleptocracy
>>431406 What does the NI government actually control, how many aluminum sheds NI can export?
>>431407 Pretty much nothing but this is more a sign that Unionism (due to its incessent infighting) is running out of steam and no longer has the ability to resist nationalism in any meaningful way
also >aluminum
Drunk and tired to be fair and I don't spell so good to begin with.
>>431410 on monday lad??
>coof was 4 years ago where in the actual fuck has the time gone?
>that lad who drinks and is always on graveyard shift but still toils
>>431414 err that might be me, but i'm not the other lad drinking itt. toil soon and toil and tinnies doesn't work well
anyway, bedtime for a few hours before toil, grim existence
>Can raid poomali pirate boat but can’t poo in loo DO NOT TOUCH PAKISTAN BLOODY BLUNDER PIRATES!
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek > Aditya Ramesh: The Inventor Of AI Text-To-Visual Tool Dall-E https://homegrown.co.in/homegrown-voices/dall-e-aditya-rameshs-ai-powered-brainchild-is-reshaping-visual-expression
>Fewmin’’! They killed our slaves! Strike Iran! >“To be clear, I don’t think it should be proportionate. I think it should be disproportionate. That’s how you create deterrence in the mind of your adversary, that the cost to them of attacking our forces is so high they won’t do it again,” he said. >Bolton suggested the U.S. target Iranian naval vessels in the Red Sea, Quds Force bases in western Iran and other air defense locations in Iran. >“Any or all of them could be targets,” said Bolton, who served in the Trump administration. “None of this threatens the regime in Tehran — not that that would particularly bother me, but for those who are nervous — none of that threatens the regime, but it sends a very clear message.” https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4435396-john-bolton-calls-for-disproportionate-strikes-inside-iran-after-us-deaths/
>watch yidtube gooming video >soy complaining about vc and text chat being removed from new games >then proceeds to say that it was necessary because of muh toxicity or something >continues to complain about the lack of said features anyway why are soys like this
>>431095 would
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>>431388 keeeek no way time for some murrcan revenge
WE BEING REPLACED! Keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>Israelis dress up as Arabs to assassinate three people in a hospital because they got decimated in the field https://files.catbox.moe/l7h3c2.mp4
Obviously they’re getting in on European or Muttports(tm) Japan needs to up their vetting However message is letting foreigners in will only cause issues. Instead of just shutting up they have to throw unJapanese tantrums and kick up US style stink with lawyers, press with special sauce and all the trimmings! GIVE BLODY JAPANS PASPORT AND ANIME WIFE SAHHHS! INDIA STANDS WITH ISRAEL!
morning lads another fine day in hell world fresh niggerman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbQLpGSWIks
>>431427 Morning lad
>>431427 Good video thanks
>>431426 3 traitors in the back there. all it takes is one chigyu from 2ch. tbh.
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>>431404 Keeeek. Piglads keep winning.
>>431431 smh poor dog trusting a jeet
>>431431 That other doggo watching his buddy get rekt. smh.
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>>431431 smh lad
>Surrey Quays >no mention of ethnicity taking all odds
checking in on the slavshite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSoNZVW9b9c >>431435 I suppose crossbows are now banned or under license now if they weren't already smdh
>>431436 >2 years on, still the usual obsessed weirdos in the comments, copy pasting the same old shit. keeeeeeeeek.
>>431438 FARITE KILLS FARITE PARTEI - FARITE FARAGE Am not fond of his behaviour tbh. Trumpberg has had a toxic influence on him. Think he’s trying to time himself becoming Toerag leader to conincide with his hero’s return to the US Presidency. Anyway, he’s a grade a tosser
>>431439 Just goes to show how shit other politicians are that Farage is deemed 'alright', despite being such a snake himself.
Steiner’s finally snapped
Steinzog just gives it the big one online about his le boomie parents, he wouldn't say anything to them irl.
>>431435 should have had his pavise
Sam Melia's sentencing is tomorrow
fresh moggers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B-sRs_5_nY just got up again tbh
Anyone here who hates lorry driver 22stein is an anti-semite
big nose bringing the megaseethe ACK
>(1) >Important poll
>(58) >pointing out any nigga's post count
shartushuffers talk about sam for a few minutes in here apparently https://twitter.com/lotuseaters_com/status/1752059034767954412?t=ARPteL4DabgqUU9kVlSXDA
Think are wessie is becoming a bit of a fan of the vagina eaters.
Unless he gets a fine he's going to miss the birth of his baby for posting fucking stickers.
>(3) poasts Your opinion is irrelevant. Also terrible poasts
Reckon 2 years myself.
>>431455 no, just linked on a PooAye telebrap >>431456 hoping it's just a fine, expecting either an excessive sentence either way- something to beggar them or the maximum years to cow them I think 3 is the highest the sentence can go which is still insane ofc
>>431461 We're taking over darts too
>>431463 this is how we WIN
88 checkout, finishes on a double 14. Okay Thank you.
>>431463 >a deanopolface such strange combinations in our mixed up era
>>431466 we can selectively breed deano pol faces to produce a pure race of chads and stacies the future is ours
>>431463 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek 22st liked this post >>431464 keeeeeeeeeek
I made a video lads please like share and subscribe for more content like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyYRHZNdsfs
>>431472 keeeeeeeeeeeek *bbk liked this post*
>>431473 I meant to react to this >>431471
>>431470 Retard understands neither Anglicanism nor Catholicism yet tries to speak with authority. Reminds me of some of the mongs here.
>>431471 That Steiner gait >camera immediately falls keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>storm coming so businessens and schools consider closing for thursday >bossman wants me to drive still keeeeeeeeeksmh. The truck cabinet will work like a sail and the wind will push me off the slippery road smh.
>>431471 very good lad
>>431471 voring donuts while watching donuts tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAa06tjWNQ8 based burning rubber, goodlad for contving the trvdition
walks like a cowboy tbh
BUCK. BROOKEN. BEYOND. REEPAIR! >Knee grow who played Kunta Kinte in Roots gets a surprise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCTg-0Df3lg
>>431481 they call him Pig Iron this works on multiple levels as aside from the notable association between steiner and swine pig iron is another name for bog iron, and his ancestors undoubtedly spent much time standing in bogs up to their necks
>>431482 hey I posted this in discord
>>431484 What about this?
>>431483 Pig Iron Bacon-Bonce the Bogtrotting Depooty Hog from Michichigoon
Shootout At The Bossman Corral Buck Cuckcissy And The Konstruction Kid 13:56 To Detroit
The Assassination Of Steiner's Wallet By The Coward Boomer Boss
>>431489 >>431490 >2h42m50s wew tbh
larping cupcakes in the comments albeit
>>431491 What a good lad.
The guy that destroyed that K10 chevy with logs bought a komatsu D355 and brought it to Granby, now everyone online is talking about killdozer
>>431501 yeah I hate normalfag internet shit tbh
>>431451 literally posted about this hundreds of times since 2014. the vast majority of them got pathetic sentences. fun fact: they were sentenced by a left paki
>>431503 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek the decals
>>431505 literally costs the same as like a brand new 2023 auto
Yet to see an ai version of putin singing this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S5-GDloa0Vg
>>431503 It's the flame decals that do it for me.
fresh Pootriot goings on "count" shartula video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZu2Prbx0ac
Keeeeeeeeek at these zogbots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=703OMlknCi4
>>431482 also literally everything in Roots was a lie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roots:_The_Saga_of_an_American_Family#Historical_accuracy the series and book were cited in multiple murders/rapes of whites by niggers too
>>431508 >Yet to see an ai version of putin singing this Isn't that a young putin singing it anyway?
I wonder who c.. Nevermind
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wew been a quiet day in here then lads >now that I'm cycling to work I no longer get caught up in the horde of furriners that get the train from Enfield
>>431515 Based, you'll also develop more powerful legs for kicking furriners to death.
>posting tracking links boomer style Wdhmbt?
>january already over don't much like entropy tbh lads
>>431520 Tomorrow I will exercise.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q9bAWGEkcE >Maybe Tomorrow A Bullet Will Find Me >Tonight Nothing's Worse Than This Pain In My Heart
>>431495 >>431496 100% this stuff is funded and promoted by Jews
I hate niggers
>>431523 You have no proof chud
>>431525 >You have no proof chud at this point, I don't need any
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>>431526 Good lad.
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>>431530 hell yeah
Imagine he’s deaf by now, or mental https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDacjrSCeq4
>>431530 keeeke good lad
https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2024/jan/29/phone-messages-reveal-detained-british-mothers-fear-death-in-syrian-camp >Phone messages reveal detained British mothers fear death in Syrian camp >Exclusive: testimonies describing malnourishment and disease to renew pressure on government to repatriate dozens of Britons, many of them children >In one message, sent last September, a British mother in her 20s says she feels she has been abandoned by the UK authorities. “I’m going to die here if they don’t get me out soon,” the message said, which was sent to UK family members from the Syrian prison camp Roj. “I really, really want to go back and be with you guys. I really need hospital care.” >“Children have died from a lack of access to hospital care. It’s just a matter of time before the same fate will befall a British woman or child.” >British, Britons >BRITONS
>storm tomorrow >ferries, schools and buses shut down >bossman still getting me to drive the truck NNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>431535 You sound like a coward lad
>>431535 you can drive vehicles in storms retard
>>431538 >winds at 40 meters a second with a big truck carrying barely any load
>>431540 Just think of all dem snow bunnies tho
>>431539 shut up bbk
>>431535 crash it accidentally on purpose and get whiplash lad you can milk a workplace injury for years if you really try
>>431541 Yeah it's going to snow too smh
good morning i hate women
>>431545 tbh tbh
>>431545 tbh. Think I might be having anxiety attacks from all the betrayal combined with all the toil stress. Will have to see a doctor
>>431544 Give up work and go lie flat in rent free house in China https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNWWGq2CmnE
>>431548 I keeked >>431549 >just pay for heating! >harbin KEEEEEEEEK that's siberian, it's where the white russians fled to
Dreamt I turned on the tv and it was the BBC news announcing that it turns out all rape gangs were done by white people and I got so angry I died and woke up.
>>431551 grim lad
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>boomer stepdad texting me at 6am to tell me not to take my bike to a certain shop because the owners are Asian and therefore their work will be shoddy based but also reeeee I was sleeping
>>431551 Just watched this about propaganda on the tv and how it compares with German propaganda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9HaBrPxrXg
>>431553 they'd probably use parts made in china tbh need to see a huwhite man so he can also use chinese parts
British sosig will rebuild the empire
>>431556 based boomoids in the comments smuckling about how young people have finally learnt the value of being frugal as if they aren't just barely surviving same as every non-boomoid anywhere
modern economies live and die with the ability of the middle class to buy useless shite yet governments do nothing to preserve and grow the middle class and often try to stamp them out altogether just don't get it tbh
>>431558 Seems like they’re psychologically prepping the public for rationing in the face of a looming war
>>431559 Boom and bust. They’ll let the middle class grow again and then squeeze them again. Think they’ll have less luck with minorities though. Minorities will probably murder them if they try that trick on them no doubt and we’ll see the same unrest as a turd world country
>>431560 they won't even need to tbh they've already prepared people to ration for themselves you'll have less and less but it's fine because nobody's telling you that you can't have anything you have less because you're poor (a personal and moral failing that is 100% your own fault and you should just work harder) >>431561 tbh they're in for a shock
>Sunak lets mates close Port Talbot in return for even more shares in TATA steel blaming net zero as cover. Remoaners will blame Brexshit(tm) >Sunak single-handedly destroying British manufacturing with a ‘free trade’ deal with India - whilst talking up a war with Russia WILL YOU TAKE THE POONAK PIPTY PENCE SHILLING AND FIGHT POOTIN SAHHH!? At least Wales will lose a cancer factory I suppose
>>431563 >global ceo t.v. narendram and uk ceo rajesh nair it's all so tiresome
don't much like the idea of wishing widespread indiscriminate death on non-jewish ethnicities but the world really would be a much better place if all jeets and jeet-adjacents no longer existed
>>431564 Tbh TATA is an Indian company but they will never diversify their top management team
>>431567 they're missing out smh i've heard from multiple sources that diversity makes you stronger
also the obvious complaint that they were allowed to set up shop after home-grown steel industry was left to die
still got some knives and forks at my dad's house that say made in sheffield smh >>431566 the creatures writing this filth need to be killed and mulched
>1.45 The ONLY Brits who were black https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dC3rlgj5l8
>>431570 I reckon we should create and environment where they can do that to themselves. It’s a British tradition after all
>>431572 would watch tbh >skull measurements erm ackchyually all races have the same sized skulls and saying they don't means your career is over
shneet lids
>>431574 Night lad
NITTER INSTANCES If anyone is looking. MY need to try a few https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/wiki/Instances
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwQMAesvvFg Sick of GBnews always framing everything the wrong way. It's so tedious. They're downright window lickers. There's no revelation that someone given a sentence of 10 years before parole, ten years ago, is now up for parole.
just got up again again nowt to do except chores or soyroggate activities no work no life no future think I've spent at least two thirds of every day this week in bed so far
>The technology that powers landline telephones in the UK will be phased out from 2023 and will be completely switched off in 2025. ACK making everyone ever more dependent on frankenstein radio telephones
>>431578 >two thirds of every day in bed sounds comfy tbh
>>431580 yeah enjoying being able to while it lasts somewhat usually can't get enough time in bed think the current shite is from being cold with inadequate heating and also heavier depression than usual albeit
been denying myself sweeties to try and lose weight but that means no coping with goyslop smh
>right wing man allegedly decapitates his fed employee father and calls for "revolution" against "Biden regime" >schizo right say it's a gay op thoughts lads?
Pennsylvania man arrested after allegedly decapitating his father and displaying his head on YouTube >In the video, which has since been removed, Justin Mohn says his father was a federal employee and refers to him as a traitor while voicing right-wing conspiracy theories. sources: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/pa-man-arrested-decapitating-father-youtube-video-rcna136509 https://6abc.com/justin-mohn-levitttown-middletown-township-pa-father-killed/14373700/
Last year in Hungary a multinational group of Antifa under the umbrella of a German Antifa cell went over to attack a planned Neo Nazi demonstration. The Hungarian government outlawed the demonstration and so instead the Neo-Nazis decided they were going to go for a cross country hike to the Hungarian-Austrian border. The Antifas, now having no idea where they were instead turned up to the area where the Nazi's had planned to demonstrate and attacked a random Tobacco shop owner because he was wearing camouflage trousers, which they thought made him a Nazi. After severely injuring a middle-aged man from behind with hammer blows they got into a fight with two Polish tourists that yelled at them. The Hungarian police managed to arrest around a dozen of the Antifa's before they could escape. One of those arrested was András Egyed, a Hungarian member of the German state-funded Antifa terrorist cell "Hammerbande" who's leader Lina Engel was paid by the German government to deradicalise right wing teenagers but instead used that information to plan their murder before her arrest. After his arrest the Hungarian police found pedophile pornography on András Egyed laptop, a day later he killed himself. Today the first to be brought to trial is an Italian women and Meloni is outraged, lodging a complaint at the mistreatment of this Italian leftist terrorist because she was "mistreated" by being shackled in court. She's potentially facing 16 years in Hungarian prison. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/30/italy-lodges-protest-after-citizen-led-in-chains-into-budapest-court Notice how theguardian also claims shes in jail for "fighting neo nazis" when the three victims of this group, two polish tourists and a Hungarian tobacco shop owner were confirmed to not be Nazis and even mainstream media at the time had to admit it.
>>431587 exectute them all
prime upcoming eslop >>431587 >>431586 good posts tbh
>>431589 Ngl. would still love Syrian girl sitting on my cock.
>>431590 Wouldn't we all?
>>431584 election season kayfabe its all a work lad I can't even see any potentials for a shoot to even happen all the players have their parts
>>431578 it used to be somewhat normal to semi hibernate in winter its only the protestant work ethic memi that made us all into toilmaxx slaves living in economic zones
its unfortunate that I have see so many decapitated heads on the internet to see that its just a prop especially because of the lack of proper photography and why its in a bag instead of just displayed
probably just one of the many nutters that populate america and formerly 8kun
>>431590 yeah she is probably a good lass who would take care of a lad
>>431597 She looks like a posho to me.
>>431598 >She looks like a posho to me.
>>431599 She's a middle class women in her twenties in a first world nation at least which makes her far too demanding for me.
>>431600 lad she is in her late 30s
Farage: Tory Immigration Lies! https://youtu.be/qwgDXH8CxgA
>>431601 So she's married right?
>>431604 All that DoD funding for bombing sandpeople and I still don't have a jdam that can drop my jizz directly into her womb from 20,000 feet.
>>431605 I'd rather the bayonet
>>431607 she don't like it up 'ers
Most respectful UK Police Officer
>>431563 I used to work for a company owned by TATA consultancy services. They're shite. Having to work on the other side of that company is hell to because everything has to be communicated to an Englander only to go to an Indian for sorting to the return to an Englander.
>>431579 wahh *le luddite bollocks*
Why did we let Burma go reeeeeee
>>431611 >TATA consultancy
>>431613 Because we were facing a none stop three way insurgency there.
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I didn't know wews had a twin.
The 'Illegal Immigration' talk is so tiresome. I mean, it was years ago now.
>>431618 You'd wake up handcuffed in an icebath.
>>431616 I think wews must be the evil twin tbh.
consoomed by coom and grot.
>>431612 t. frankenstein radio controlled.
>that name keeeeeeeeeek.
>>431623 Keeek, good luck you furren retard.
>431626 you're awful
>>431625 Whores happen to be loud, who knew.
>dutton derailing rowsell's interview by talking about buying pirate and medieval lego and combining it to make anglo-saxon lego keeeek fucking autist
>>431632 You're still watching that?
>>431633 it only went live 40 minutes ago, it's about 80 minutes or smth, can't see properly as it's the premiere quite interesting anyway
>>431602 >Sir Matthew Rycroft KCMG CBE *spits in Farage As if Farage would sort it out
>>431630 I like this Shapiro
>>431634 It is Didn’t know he was a model and refused to continue it despite the fact he could have made millyuns smh
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>>431625 With sound for extra sneethium.
>posts random whores to make himself seethe ???
>>431640 seethioid addiction. very common in internet users. sad!
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feeling ill lads
>>431644 smh get mummy to tuck you in with a hot water bottle and a cup of lemon and ginger
>>431645 Would your mummy do that for you lad? Not even if it was your last goodbye in a suicide pod? Smh.
>>431645 she lives 60 miles away I have to face this trial alone
>>431647 time for some chicken soup
>>431646 no smh last time she had an attack of motherliness and tried to raise her child 15 years after it was actually appropriate she bought me some shit cooflarp fart huffing inhaler kit, think you were supposed to put boiling water and herbs in it and breathe it in but I never did because it was all shoddy plastic and I didn't want more microplastics sticking in my lungs and etc >>431647 smh have to do it all yourself then at least you have an excuse for comfort food consoomption
wew sam's sentence isn't maximum 3 years but MINIMUM fucking evil shit lads
mark simps tryna start beef with cannibros need it or sneed it?
>>431651 smh where have all the westmen gone
>>431650 jesus christ, so no matter what, he's going to get slammed up for 3 fucking years? The nottingham attacker got that much, and he killed three white people after having attacked police previously I seriously think he was a BLM supported that decided to take his activism to the next level, and the police are covering that up - just like they did with that f2m troon shooter in America
Ian Hislop is a fucking buffoon. https://youtu.be/SWD7SibwXAM >It's not the illegal immigrants fault they're here THEY SNUCK INTO THE COUNTRY I-FUCKING-LEGALLY YOU BALDING BABOON!
mark and his toesuckers simping for an arab women who is mildly based but unabashedly promotes her own ethnic interest over whites (including racial shifting whenever it's convenient and calling herself a brown minority for gibs from auslad's taxes) mouthbreathers smh this is the best the white race has to offer?
>>431655 tbh, he's a fucking retard. like I said: when arabs and jews were flexing their power on the streets of Britain on armistice day he sided with the arab be le anti-semitism. remember me lords: white anti-semitism =/= arab anti-semitism
>>431654 >>It's not the illegal immigrants fault they're here what bullshit line is this? what a twat
>>431655 >mark and his toesuckers simping for an arab women I think Iranians are actually Aryans lad Indo-Aryans Lots of them look almost white
>>431655 syrian girl is whiter than most shitalians IMO but yeah shes clearly not a briton. >>431653 why are all spaces on earth occupied by anglos free range for niggers? why do we have to associate with niggers
has there ever been a nigger who did anything of note for humanity
>>431650 >>431653 >his childhog will now grow up with daddy issues AAAAHHH NOOOO
>>431659 >why do we have to associate with niggers you know why
>>431656 >white anti-semitism =/= arab anti-semitism tbh tbh
Jason the cannibal and failed cult. What a loser.
Libertarian militias just opened fire into an anti-Milei crowd in Buenos Aires.
>>431653 2 WHITE people and one poo
>>431667 far south enough that the happening will just drive more creaturas into weimart smh
>>431654 Ian Hislopped for sure. Smug low T faggot cross dresser
>>431659 Have your been raped by wops keeeek Last yank ‘wop’ I saw got caught out for actually being a Puerto Rican or something couldn’t stop laughing tbh. Everyone pretending to be someone they’re not is a real disease in identity crisis smitten yankland
>Soy El Diablo Mexicoons are real Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25M6ygkUGcU
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did benjamin frankilin heart niggers?
What happened? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cJSHOYHUUk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zF2fD4VK1LQ But then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAkbHdbTxu8 I wonder which kind of nation wreckers could have imported blacks into Venezuela under the guise of them being doctors and engineers from Africa to destroy the place? I wonder? Any ideas lads?
>>431676 venezuela always had a large slave population. bolivar's main opponent in the venezuelan war of independence was a mostly black pro-spanish army called "the legions of hell" who's banner was just the words "kill the whites".
>>431674 When America collapses hordes of ‘American’ mystery meat migrants will disperse around the world and destroy what’ left of it like the hordes of migrants have the US Then the Moshiach will cum
Venezuela always had a large mixed race population but it also had a decent plurality of white upper and middle class that lived primarily in the cities. After Chavez took power you had a mass exodus of white-Venezuelans. One of his tactics was to pick out successful businesses and send the landless rural pardos to occupy them until the owners paid both him and the occupiers and/or let them squat on his land. They were almost all white, and the police weren't able to help, so the whites largely left and the economy tanked.
>>431658 looks mean fuck all the average ethnic persian (I specify to exclude their turkic minorities who white-mog them) gets 90% of their ancestry from the pre-aryan racial substrate. aryan blood isn't even a boon outside of europe, asia's most yamnaya-descended peoples are its most backwards, illiterate mountain savages like the Pamiris or Kalash or Wakhi who are one, in many cases zero, generation(s) removed from living in miserable stone hovels with no chimneys, squatting around a dung fire wondering when your yak cow will give birth
In Afghanistan America suffered its two largest losses of life in battles against our aryan brothers the Nuristanis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Wanat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Kamdesh
here's what nuristanis look like when you don't cherrypick
>>431678 america is quite large lad
wew they're bringing back the old acid-attack scare lads
>>431683 Large and out of control
>>431684 It's London they probably did have acid thrown at them, it's the reason you need to prove you're a tradesman if you want oneshot now.
>>431681 >>431682 >’stanis’ >brothers I don’t fucking think so tbh
>>431682 whiter than you muhammed
Armour getting rekt Imagine being this dumb and putting armour in bua’s without infantry support https://files.catbox.moe/bfjkpu.mp4
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>Go to US take advantage of tax free loans and schemes introduced in the 60s to uplift nogs but banned for whites to start businesses scamming people and use profits to endlessly import family then transfer businesses to family and restart process a continuous unrelenting and nonstop electronic banking fraud immigration scam includiing money laundering and loansharking to poor customers and drug addicts buying food from people who get food stamps reselling expired food buying food cheap at shartmarts and reselling it for triple the price Fucking fucksake. A plague, a fucking plague Houston, you have a problem. No wonder Idi Amin booted them out 1 in 10 in North America are from the merchant Patel clan who got untouchable status from the Indian government so they could scam welfare and take advantage of affirmative action It’s like letting hogweed take root in your garden
>>431691 Did that deliberately
>>431692 this is the death that awaits us if they introduce conscription
Jeets and their tax and immigration scams Hate them lads They buy these places cheap in shitty neighborhoods to get pushed ahead in the line for their immigration paperwork. When they get to their chosen destination they run said business get a tax exemption on it for circa 5 years and when that time comes up they call a family member back home and "sell" the business to them offering them an ( unpaid ) sponsorship and the sponsorship again puts them right in front they keep the place in the family and avoid taxes for 5 more years and then rinse and repeat. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>>431697 Lolwut
cartel massacres are local news in the poonited sharts of fartmerica
Ask me ACK!
>the amount of troons in the White House smh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhK3qhVnJWo
have a bad feeling about melia's trial
>>431709 pick a bail of cotton
>>431706 Never heard of this Mark Cuban guy before, he's some anti-white jewish business guy from America?
>>431712 Cuban owned Broadcast.com and sold it to Yahoo for it’s audio streaming tech for 5.7 billion in 1999 and cashed out just before they crashed
I imagine the superbowl halftime show will be a live performance of poor little white boy and there will be 10 million sunglasses and baseball hats chuds kneeling while drinking mountain dew cool ranch budweiser
As long as there's a B2 flyby america is still number 1
>>431643 >1:50:00 Mark’s a footfag
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>>431719 The height of British terrace living.
>>431721 I'm sure the CPS does this with the intention of goading people into retaliation. Anything to pump the white extremist numbers.
>>431719 keeeeeeeeeek >>431721 absolute joke smh
they banned patricks casey's youtube channel. what now? how can our race survive? why dont we all just admit its OVER.
>>431724 You can't even get some exposure on YouTube with it's huge user base, as it's all throttled. And then the inevitable ban comes. A waste of time and effort really. At least there's a little more breathing room on Rumble, for now.
When Glam Metal and 90's Rap combine, we can't be stopped.
Any news yet?
>>431728 lad it's the UK, court cases take fucking years to finish and there is also the seemingly never ending "covid backlog" when it comes to any legal case atm too
>>431729 Lad, his sentencing is literally today.
>>431611 Tata consulting is the biggest seller of fraud I've ever seen. Every one of them is borderline retarded they hand out degrees like fucking candy in India and the nepotism or hiring easily underpaid and bullied low caste slaves is off the charts
>Invite jeets to Israel with promises of yentas >yeet them into Palestinian area instead to see if the can outbreed palestinians Profit?
>>431734 the pajeetacaust is a global phenomena they are another race that is tanking their rep. worldwide in a speedrun to outpace niggers
>>431736 hope I live to see the cleansing of the poojeet horde
>>431737 its based because people used to seethe about anglos spreading abroad but in the time frame of about 20-30 years wogs and shitskins have made us look like princes and heroes (which we always were)
>>431735 Fucking hell. Half way towards Turkish levels of tyranny.
Uh oh > Bones from German cave rewrite early history of Homo sapiens in Europe https://www.reuters.com/science/bones-german-cave-rewrite-early-history-homo-sapiens-europe-2024-01-31/
>>431741 mongs will listen to these dysgenic freaks
>>431741 >Bone fragments unearthed in a cave in central Germany show that our species ventured into Europe's cold higher latitudes more than 45,000 years ago - much earlier than previously known another nail in the coffin of the meme that whitey didn't develop until about 5-10 thousand years ago, these scientists are a fucking joke
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Steinhog spotted at local council meeting
>>431745 >the screaming soys biting at his heels immediately
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>>431743 firmly believe that a solid 80 percent of the scientists today should just be taken out and liquidated and we would actually discover more since they are all just grant farming middle classoids who act as a sinecured priest caste doing rituals invoking the science god
>>431747 tbh they were some of the worst people I ever met at uni
>>431744 >more than 45,000 years ago Imagine the unseasoned chicken back then.
>>431748 yeah i've met so many of these mongs that act like they walked out of 1898 and think that being athiest is some kind of relevant cosmology or that if we just invent a new polymer for high density plastic dragon dildos GDP will go up. and then you have the narcissists like the lady in the pic that build their whole identity around the implied moral authority of le science god. the last 4 years should have completely led to a destruction of the entire field of western science. at this point the moral vacuum of jewish nihilism is so abhorent and they somehow think they are going to manifest some gay cliche tranny satanist religion out of it. its really so fucking boring. the most spiritually interesting thing that has occured in the last 200 years was when britoids began bringing back eastern religions and philosophies to europe which conflicted with christianity and to this day instead of developing some new spirituality that goes beyond being a faggot who loves saving the whales western civilization is ruled by the jewish schema of therapists and soyentists both of which are merely the sort or ritual hierophants of the corporate state which is the GDP mammon god. its all just mammonism at the end of it
I suppose Sam will have to deal with a long, moral grandstanding speech from a nonce judge for a further humiliation.
>>431750 What's really galling for me is how this whole process is kept going mainly through apathy an inertia, realistically who would stand up and defend or rebuild this system when it collapses. It's just a modern bronze age collapse waiting to happen.
>>431752 its so interesting being in the construction field and seeing boomers just invent new tech and kit ad hoc to do a job and then it slowly gets patented and spreads out and becomes popular. thats how 99 percent of westoid innovations worked where lads went out to solve a problem. half of the time now these cunts have to find problems to "solve" so they can continue to have their fake job getting paid 60-120k a year
>>431754 I might live to mow down hordes of phd students, trying to rob my cabbage patch.
>>431754 I'm pretty sure that's how half the recent innervation came about in plumbing and heating here. The guy that came up with the magnetic filter for heating systems basically became a millionaire over night.
>>431742 evil ruseman catches another smh sam's sentencing is in march and he's out on bail at the moment afaik
>>431756 yeah some europoorean immigrants are revolutionizing roofing here by bringing your metal roofing systems here and making them more popular
>>431757 So he's been convicted but not sentenced?
the britnat seethepriests' latest cortisol harvesting sermon >>431759 found guilty but no sentence yeah mark is floundering on the details, earlier he said 3 years max, yesterday 3 years minimum
>>431758 You mean the zinc sheets? I have no idea if that's actually used here but in London the housing stock is so old it's almost all tiled, newer stuff has some fiberglass roofing or lead for flat stuff.
>>431761 im not sure I know that alot of slavoids and albanians are changing the game from the old school boomer/mexican 3 tab asphault systems
>>431732 They're profoundly incompetent and their firms are bloated to fuck. Where I used to work had way too many teams to the extent that nobody knew who did what. A nightmare for the callcentre.
>>431764 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BzjPukTLoY poo from the ashes waft the bouquets of brap cess
>>431613 Hong Kong and Singapore were our best colonies.
>>431765 >tfw he was younger than dick van dyke in that film but he played the grandpa
>russian lost another ship to ua naval drones the russian navy is an absolute embarrassment smh
Why would YouTube recommend me something so depressing? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D86THdhqSYQ&t
>>431769 smh poor lad

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