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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3942: Rhodesian Edition Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 19:02:47 Id: 2331f8 No. 434082
Zimbabwe’s Government Considers Using Gold to Back Its Currency >President signaled authorities considering a currency revamp >Zimbabwe dollar has slumped almost 50% so far this year https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-02-12/zimbabwe-dollar-may-get-gold-backing-finance-minister-says Better rains not likely >The country has been suffering a dry-spell since january and farmers are reporting the soil as undergoing moisture-stress https://www.chronicle.co.zw/better-rains-not-likely-glimmer-of-hope-however-for-matabeleland/ LIONS WREAK HAVOC IN TSHOLOTSHO >Villagers in Tsholotsho have expressed concern in ballooning population of predators including Lions and Hyenas https://www.herald.co.zw/predators-wreak-havoc-in-tsholotsho/
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:46:56.
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when can i die i'd would like 1 death please bartender sir
>>434082 good lad
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>>434087 felt tired lately tbh. What I am supposed to do in my free time is being put of until I am not tired, but since I always am tired it just builds up smh *screams*
>>434082 >>434084 comfy and based goodlad posting this top comfy kino again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSEq_ZmXsOI
watching mark's videogoom stream because it's the last one before melia's sentencing some good poolitical coomentary but mostly xoomer goomer idiocy collett legitmately soyed out complete with hyperventilating laughter for a moment after winning a pubg match and beating "the turks" keeeeeek
KEEEEEEEEEK his mate just shilled Synthetic Man (low IQ BASED videogame bbc noticer type on youtube who seethes at everything)
mark just confirmed that Sam's sentencing does BEGIN at 3 years not max 3... and followed it up with the low iq remark "but we're hoping he doesn't get that" keeeek as if they are hoping for more
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>>434089 Sounds like chronic fatigue syndrome. Into the suicide pod, lad.
>>434093 is that a pic of the oklahoma prison riot? smh that was so fucked
>>434094 yeah, the last year we had a 1500% increase in that diagnosis. Or was it 15000. Doubt it thought since I didn't have the vaxxie. Probably a mix of bad sleep, cooming and eating too much/sweets
>>434082 good lad >>434091 collett legitmately soyed out complete with hyperventilating laughter for a moment after winning a pubg match and beating "the turks" keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek cant believe he still plays that
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A warning to all gookposters
>>434095 think it's a madlad special depicting his self inserts (chad polfaces) btfoing the queerbuck breaker posters because that mene while funny is bbc adjacent or something >>434097 I suppose it's the official wignat videogame ever since the pewdiepie bridge incident
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>>434093 Since the establishment adjacent Spiked furrowed their brows a little at the obscene injustice PA are facing, any chance Sam might be able to get better legal help and appeal? >>434095 It's what it always reminds me of.
smh i mean peculiar buck >>434100 no idea tbh mark was coping about not getting the minimum sentence but I don't think you can go lower since it is the minimum after all even for retarded thoughtcrime like "distributing material that may cause racial hatred"
>>434098 based gook removing a nasty smelly mutt tbh
>any form of english language media >niggers so sick of this lads
>got a letter from the estate jews >rentberg is jacking up the price again >got another letter >water services bill (price increasing again) >also overpopulation is causing them to implement retarded voluntary rationing campaigns even THOUGH imported wogs who care nothing for our land or ideas of acceptable living conditions will just keep wasting it what's the fucking point being a rentslave on a tax farm
>still got the full amount of council tax per month too >>434105 I keek and i AUGH
>>434100 You can always get help if you play ball with zionists and glowies tbh >here’s your get out of jail free card turncoat
>>434107 No reason to suspect he's anything but a good lad, so I guess he's doomed.
Just found out a boiler insurance company that employed me last month is a scam outfit after they've given me the run around on payment. I'm going to have to issue a final demand and then proceed with small claims court. What a fucking chore.
>>434109 hope you can btfo them lad
>>434110 I mean I have the company address they're local but he's clever he's got no official company contacts so he can claim it's a personal sub contract rather than official company business even though that company is taking this OAP's money for boiler cover.
>>434112 gen alpha is on hell mode
>>434112 >Lass on the right admiring his power stance. >Stickers all over the laptop Found the Linux user
>>434109 this is actually happening alot in the west I have talked to other lads and this so many boomer companies are just flat out not paying employees or subcontractors rn
>>434120 Fucking cruises and pensions to pay for laddie. Selfish fuckers you lot! What do you fucking neemoney for anyway!? You need to decarbonise yourselves pronto ageist scum!
>>434117 >chat is disabled
>>434122 Of course. Bet they were all vetted and told to clap
The British Army is being DESTROYED by WOKE NONESENSE! https://youtu.be/qPN2ahYC6W4 https://youtu.be/qPN2ahYC6W4 https://youtu.be/qPN2ahYC6W4
>>434113 He must be as thick as mince. She's in the middle of a bitter divorce with her wealthy ex-husband who has a diamond business and they're fighting over assets. She cut off his access to bank accounts, credit cards, and was criticised by the judge for dishonesty when she tried to steal a bunch of his items and leave behind unpaid debts. Who looks at that situation and thinks it must be a good idea to marry her.
>>434117 >Everyone in the studio is white except the PM Keeek
>>434121 tbh the boomer greed. they are adopting the formerly vanguardist-pessmist takes on the west because it nurtures their narcissism. covid was a boomer ritual where they ate their children to live a couple years more and they walk around with their covid masks as science-cult grotesques to terrorize the youth. boomer bossman mailed me a fucking tax paperwork listing my taxable income but he claims that he cannot send me a check for 6k.
>>434124 these gay ass boomers were all okay with this woke shite up until like 4 years ago. don't really care for their takes.
>>434120 This guy has been opening and closing companies for about ten years under this specific name for all sorts of shit.
>>434109 My advice would be to check out the company before doing work for them. Have they been around long? Do their accounts show that they have a reasonable amount of cash and positive equity? Also, a trick from a contractor at my previous job: she got fed up of the company going beyond the agreed 30 day payment terms and started charging daily interest for overdue invoices. It's a pretty good idea. You just need to put a disclosure on the invoice to that effect.
>>434130 yeah very common over here as well. then the go home and complain about how other people are taking over when they built their wealth off scamming their own people intentionally. I always rage when I see uberbossmans truck with his republican faggot bumpersticker saying "work harder millions on welfare depend on you" then he flat out doesn't pay all his subcontractors. would always tell me "keep up the good work son you are the future" blah blah then its the knife in the back
Khan's London Is Not Safe https://youtu.be/zbQ9JQrJWCY
>>434131 doesn't really matter anymore so many boomers are just completely checking out and do not care about their reputation anymore. my old boss had a great 40 year reputation
YOUR COUNTRY! Keeeeeeeek he said it
>>434131 My advice would be to take a testicle as a deposit on future payment
>>434136 >your
Mental elf
People have gone mad with the pressure they’re under
Based OTC benzos.
Stop saying pharmacist cunt
>>434129 tbh tbh let the nigcels kill them
These questions are absolutely shit. Pretty sure the audience are all Tory donors.
Avoiding the questions
>>434137 50% of the quote as a deposit and the balance on delivery is also acceptable. I've seen a few guys do that.
Shut up Patel and answer the questions
>>434117 Charisma vacuum brownoid recites empty platitudes to unimpressed crowd
>>434152 They shouldn’t clap
do you lads believe that polishitcians actually want to stop immigration? I don't think either party over here actually cares
Bet Rishi absolutely reeks of curry.
>>434156 They absolutely do not intend to. This paki fucker brought 750k in last year *legally*
when anglos rule poos its colonialism when poos rule anglos its progress
WE WILL SEND ALBANIANS TO RWANDA! No mate if you did that you know they would find you and cut your balls off tbh
>>434160 Poogress
>hello lets interview a bunch of ancient old dinosaurian boomer faggots about their political opnions
>>434163 Keeeeeek tbh
sorry no comment I have to get home and quickly shut down my boiler insurance company there is some pathetic incel that is asking for money I am hoping to hire more shitskins to replace him
POONAK btfo tbh
>>434165 Keeeeeek *where can I submit my expenses?
Fackin’ boomers
>>434170 tbh they are just these disgusting narcissists that will not fuck off
>>434172 This is how much they won’t fuck off. They totally fucked xoomers and are still fucking the generations after them
>>434156 No. Some minor politicians without any government position might want to, but on the whole, it's just empty rhetoric to gain votes. GeeDeePee is all. More foreign workers for our sainted NHS. More "carers" to feed and clean boomers with alzheimers. More cheap labour. The only demographic they care about is age. A high proportion of younger working age people means state pensions are less of a burden. As for lack of housing and a backlog of phoney asylum claims, the solution is to accept cases faster, to build housing faster. Condemn the evil people smugglers, but God forbid a harsh word be said about those who are JUST SEEKING A BETTER LIFE.
>>434111 go into their offices and just threaten them then lad.
>>434173 yeah over here 80 percent of stocks are owned by boomers. beyond the racefag shite they have completely destroyed the west just to continue their bullshit lives. its common for boomers to have like 10 cars and 3 houses.
>>434175 Good goy! Will have a word with bossman for you but promise you nothing ;)
>>434176 this is boomer advice. never do this shit. if you are going to do something just call all their properties for health code or zoning infractions like every couple of months and constantly report them for tax fraud every year.
>>434177 Boomers were the biggest cohort. Xers never stood a chance at all tbh some are still living at home or in shared houses
>>434180 yeah xoomers either joined the boomer feast or they got shut out and basically are just the walking dead
xoomer tradecunt who is like my only IRL friend lives at his mummies at age 47 and his life is like some kind of surrealist french novel about nihilism
>your rent is going up >really? o is your tax bill in that case boomer landlord CUNT! *slams door *giggles in pidgin yiddish
british news is just like US, our society is just a gay retirement home. everything is oldcunts you never see fit young people living life its just le "keeping the party going" 50-60 somethings
>>434181 Agreed. Shut out unless they were in the top 1% inherited money young or got a helping hand they are largely the walking dead and have never grown up. Know of people in their mid fifties still playing video games ffs!
>>434184 You don’t see young people in serious positions or discussions apart from a few privileged ones, just on reality telly and on security cams committing crime because their parents and grandparents were dispossessed so basically they know it’s crime or nothing yolo
all this boomoid talk is really making me sneethe
>>434179 its about reputation.
>>434186 keeeeeeek yeah go back in time to even the 90s and they had people on tv in their 30s now its literally all oldcunts.
>>434187 lad the boomers in my neighborhood I grew up in bought the houses in 1990 for 60k (thats the high end) and these houses are now half a million dollars. they go around the empty neighborhoods that were designed by post war architects to be safe for kids to play in the neighborhood parks and now there is like 1 family with kids when I was a kid it was just kids everywhere. then the boomers say 'this is such a nice retirement community' know a boomer family like this that live in their detached house while their son who I went to school with has to raise his boy in an apartment.
>>434186 its generally lisa simpson adjacent sex dolls like sanna marin and AOC now
>>434188 yeah me and chudlet stole several thousand worth of materials off the construction site but the cowboy shit is what they want young whitoids to do since they will go after you hard to reaffirm your place in the caste system
not only am i being denied unemplyoment but my hopeful bossmasters are making fun of me in rejection letters now.
There are many easy ways to PREVENT boomer and furrins scamming the system WE CAN FIX IT but they will not let us Bowden.jpg
>>434195 comically evil looking cunt
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPhLY2xrt-E&list=LL&index=3 >boilerinsurancelad when he breaks into his bossmans house
>>434196 >Sitting on the genitals of giants
>>434195 yet another dinosaurian boomer kike pretending to care about youngfags when they haven't done a damn thing to help anyone outside their age bracket for 20-30 years
>>434195 not happening. youth are a historically small demographic that can just get suppressed by flooding them with browns and half of them will take the side of browns saying they deserve housing more. its le over.
>>434197 >we will bring them all to Britain and they can become rich drug dealers! >THANKYOU Tony bler!
>>434199 Mass immigration hasn’t helped. Boot those fuckers out and there’d be plenty of decent affordable housing
>>434195 I will house your daughter michael lad dont worry
Lads we are so fucked *Heard Italian doctors have to actually read their books to get a degree thug Go pizza if you have to, avoid the others
>>434203 One dysgenic looking fucker right there
>>434203 This is what failing as a father looks like. If I raised a girl and she turned out like that, I would need another child that turned out ok or I would die a very sad man.
>>434207 Bigot thinks there are only two genders I suppose!
>>434206 Would give up work and fix her tbh What a shit dad he is
>According to Qassim Kaseer, a political analyst close to the movement, Israel has built a powerful spy network that reaches the highest levels of Hezbollah. Lebanon’s shattered economy appears to be fueling the problem, Kaseer told me. The country’s banks collapsed in 2019, leading the Lebanese pound to lose more than 90 percent of its value; many deposit-holders lost their savings, and most of the population fell into poverty. Hezbollah’s leadership is deeply concerned, Kaseer said, about the risk that people may be willing to betray the movement in exchange for cash. >Among the most prominent assassinations was that of Wissam Tawil, a Soleimani protégé who was also the son-in-law of Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah. Tawil was a senior commander in the Radwan Force, a secretive unit deployed in southern Lebanon near the Israeli border. Tawil changed cars three times on the day he was killed, Qotob told me, and he did not have a phone with him. Someone must have told the Israelis where he was, Qotob concluded, and someone must have planted the roadside bomb that killed him. >Another strike in late November killed five other members of the Radwan Force. They, too, were without phones, and they had just arrived for a meeting that very few people were aware of at a house in southern Lebanon, Qotob said. A third Israeli strike killed two top members of Hezbollah’s tech elite. There have been many others. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2024/02/hezbollah-lebanon-iran-israel-war/677427/
>>434212 Shouldn’t have meetings of top leaders and valuable staff in places within reach and poorly defended tbh. Bit dumb
No war for another ten years FFS! https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68273449
>>434215 id like to see that speaker explain how the great replacement has been deboonked
He’s coming for your foreskins lads
>>434208 monty python greentext dot pee enn gee
>>434178 a assume this is from some pro-israel rally in london?
>>434207 yeah he is basically being v& for just saying that replacement of whitoids is occuring. it FACTUALLY already occured in southeastern michigan as documented openly during the "great migration" of niggers.
>>434220 fried chicken is scotch, waffles are dutch
>>434207 he has the milford michigan phenotype
>>434221 Of course. Taking their streets back
oh so he is a north detroit boy, almost saint clair shores area. yeah they hate niggers out there
>>434203 so glad I don't have any sisters white women have alot of potential but its sad to see so many of them grow up to be trashy slags that transform into bitter fat slampig 30 something dog moms
>>434203 >b*sexual >mental >liberal What issue does she have with the Conservatives?
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>>434228 They're not fashionable enough
I miss the attitude era
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>>434230 I preferred Ruthless Aggression tbh
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Blocked again.
>>434225 >Taking their streets back they look terrified?
>>434203 which tory cabinet minister is her dad? not michael gove surely? (I thought he was gay)
>>434233 plz don't be real
>dad paid trim carpenter 5.9k to install trim in his work studio while I just sat upstairs and played warband >tell dad that I could have done that for free >he says one day(tm) ill be charging that much
>>434203 Wow, she's so unique and special.
>>434239 Lad, it's so fucked up he doesn't let his son that knows what he's doing have a go. Just wasting money instead.
Wouldn't be me.
>>434243 ayyup
>>434239 microcosm of society tbqh
>>434239 Smh. 5.9K dollars is like 6000,000 britbong sterling too.
>English language >niggers
>>434247 >almost at parity smh grew up feeling proud that the pound was worth more than furrin monopoly money tbh childish in retrospect tbh strong currency fosters a culture of "lmao just import" whether it's products or labour countries with weak currency don't get refugees crossing multiple peaceful countries to get there and the few who are unlucky enough to be granted asylum start whining and beg to be allowed to leave
>DO NOT LET THEM TAKE THE COKE PLANT! >who’s gonna tell him lads? …lads…?
Morning lads
>we need to send more men into the Russian killbox, Zaluzhnyi won’t do it. Now it is up to you goy, will you do the needful like before!? This new Ukrainian faggot general is an ethnic Russian and has family still living in Russia oh and one of his current children was adopted and lives in strays Wtf is going on?
>>434251 keeeeeeeek >>434252 smorbing lad
>>434255 choon that apart from the part where he implied that w*men are equal fighters to men
rentberg put the rent up again smh
Keeeek Fucking memes are real
>>434257 Report him to the ATO
>>434259 good idea lad he's probably doing something wrong
>>434258 immediately exited that video because i don't like seeing freaks but it got me wondering if that's where the raised eyebrow from the funny dog picture comes from
forgot to take my washing out of the machine roooooo
>>434260 Exactly I’d wager he’s scamming something but even if not he’ll stil have to submit loads of paperwork and field phone calls and appointments etc and that will cost him time and money
>>434263 >non-hispanic proofs?
>>434265 Exactly WTF!
>>434267 Morning lad (just about)
>>434268 been awake for 2 hours tbh
>Moreno in Spanish literally means moorish with a swarthy complexion and dark hair wtf did they mean by this? That this atrocity is an Arab rape baby?
I see Nat Geo in Hunters is shilling against Germans who’ve lived in South America since the war Will Milei do a Ukraine on them? Looks like he could
>>434267 smorb la >>434270 you can tell just by looking at it
>>434271 but why would he? he already rules an anarcho-tyranny mystery meat country that's all they ever wanted tbh multi-ethnic chaos if everyone except the chosen were brown they'd be easily identifiable lad they want a big mess that they can blend into and now they have someone so slavishly devoted that he'll bend the knee in public i was wrong tbh i thought they were demolishing the west to set up in china but it seems they want to make south america their new stronghold
forgot to tell you lads earlier but i'm now a registered first aider can do cpr and everything
https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/652866 For the government to consider in Parliament by saying hmm fair point well made still no not ever.
>>434274 When you're needed we'll post MEDIC. MEDIC. WE NEED A MEDIC.
>>434237 It's on sale at Centra, don't know if any supermarkets in mainland UK sell it
>>434276 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
should train to be a train conductor next
nothing but whinging about antisemitism on the news from people in their 60s
>>434280 based the time machine to send someone thirty years into the past worked
>>434279 keeeeek
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>>434283 a very good omen tbh
A substantial portion of the BBC's funding comes from the Gates Foundation
>>434285 >even if the government wasn't globohomo, our national broadcaster would still be 60% beholden to globohomo
>>434274 Congratulations. I got this cert and self funded it because work wouldn’t and it was needed for ‘promotion’. Fuckers then blanked me and wouldn’t make me part of their special little team when an emergency drill was called - despite that being illegal - everyone with that cert is supposed to get called. Fuck them anyway never doing that shit again. Guess they didn’t want to promote me keeeeeeek. Not there anymore, spastics
oh great now all the conservative retards I follow on twitter are going to spam that spanish cunny on my feed until next degenerate thing to get mad at comes around
james o keefe was larping as a homeless guy and he infiltrated a spic infestation center
>>434288 wonder what SA is up to these days
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>>434288 >>434291 I don't recognize that memi. Did he flee to halfchan or is that from his toppled bongo cabal? >>434289 Lad what?
Also is Teal Deer the same person as Shadiversity?
>>434294 Didn't know Spain was that Weimar tier. Suppose soon enough all of Europe will be.
>>434295 happened in Torrevieja, their version of Brighton.
>>434292 I seem to remember it being poosted here before during his reign
How do I get an 8chan extreme account? Lads I...?
>>434298 you need a coupon add me on bongo I will get you one
>>434299 sirs, where on the websites are we having the coupon writtened, why bloody bongo bastard bitch?
>>434300 calm down lad its okay
>>434291 Still in the Templar toilets.
>>434300 Your post has an Indian accent.
>>434295 We all passed Weimar fucking decades ago you soft twat.
>>434245 Literally me.
>>434285 >Norway heavily subsidising the BBC wtf
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loud faustian noises tbh lads
>>434285 You're welcome *screams*
>>434307 HE'S FAST
https://www.itv.com/news/calendar/2024-02-12/andrew-tate-admirer-planned-university-shoot-up-for-the-lols Keeek I knew this guy. He went bald and started wearing an obvious wig. Kept bragging to everyone that he was a black belt that had been in hundreds of street fights.
>>434304 Hungary and Poland haven't. But they probably will for EU gibs.
>>434306 yeah what do the norge nonces have to gain by influencing the bbc
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwEaQk5VeS4 *banishes all thread seething*
>>434312 Persuading us not to touch their oil.
>>434314 Would be tempted to sign up to rape some norgeussy if we did decide Norway needed democracy tbh.
What did they call the WW1 spy plane? The bi-curious. 😂🤣😭
>b*-curious Unfunny.
>>434317 No no no it is funny because they had bi planes
>b* anything
Anti-burglarly system?(ad)
>>434322 Share link now
>>434323 err just someone(a lot) on twitter sayig, it, lass.
https://twitter.com/JSevincBasad/status/1757404978539286606 >save this video on the 'puter >illegal >let it happen in the street >it's okay
forgit his shitter account tbh but he probably still active on there repostin lawd o da rangs n chesterton n shieeet
WATCH: Katie Hopkins Where The F*ck is Abdul? The Curious Case of Abdul Ezidi https://youtu.be/LnTwetPn4_k https://youtu.be/LnTwetPn4_k https://youtu.be/LnTwetPn4_k
>>434326 >mongs like Tommehh reposting it
>>434329 I forget sometimes, when women talk of vibrators, they don't just mean a buzzing thing to go on the vag (though those exist) but a vibrating dildo, often larger than the average penis. Even for a niggress that's mad. Meth head? Smh.
might stand for office
Israel takes another Labour victim kek https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68289460
>>434336 >we don’t control anything that’s a conspiracy theory!
>>434339 looks troonish
>>434335 Do it lad. Will be good to finally have some representation.
>>434307 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek poor turbolad
>>434343 Junkie nonce
>434344 still doing more for the huwhite race than (You)
22stein! understandest thou this? https://youtu.be/PAItdosVx8g
He collected a 16 year old from school and gave her "scripts" to relay to her parents when he wanted to groom her. He's a pound shop Jimmy Saville and we've got to watch him.
>ip hopping YWNBAW.
I don't want to be a woman. Do you think I'm one of your bongo friends?
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Never used a bongo in my life, Dorshit.
He's a bloomin Monday Tuesday Friday. So, any lads actually from Britain here?
>>434351 I've got him on the ropes. The weak (and gay) should fear the strong.
I'm going to start making bbk videos on youtube deadly serious except I'm doing bbk persona and wearing a threatening balaclava
>>434354 You know who isn't threatening Balaclava? Ukraine. Filter and hide for less shite posts. :)
Im here to type nigger and discuss politics and im all out of politics
>>434354 If you're him, based. If not, don't false flag. >>434356 Mild queeq.
>>434348 this tbh
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Where are the coupons to view images?? Please help me I want to see the pretty pictures:(((
Vote Greens.
>>434361 why are these mongs fighting again? are they getting paid thicc stacks or something
>>434363 slavs just enjoy suffering
>>434363 they crave reddit (You)s
>The last known sighting of a lion in Algeria occurred in 1956 near a patch of forest that by 1958 had been destroyed by the France Algeria war of independence. it is possible that the barbary lion survived in Morocco until the mid 1960s but it is certainly extinct in the wild today
>>434367 >you not hate sargon? keeek
>>434361 >unprofessional adventure seekers larping as super secret soldiers >shooting Russian soldiers who had their hands up >mericans shaking in fear crying MEDIC! when all they’ve done is soiled their pants Epic? Hope Russian drop a FAB on these Nafotroons tbh they’re just prolonging some ridiculous conflict sparked by butt hurt neocons and we wuz Russian oligarchs US jew descendants. Fuck them all
Another one?
Received quite a few Happy Valentine's Day messages from the harem.
>>434371 No point to this it doesn’t affect anything much. Russia should just extend the front to the Moldovan border and cut their sea access as a response
>>434372 Five messages. Not bad
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bongosisters... we won
>>434376 >Purging small community servers of minorities is a really, really bad look Yikes. Unban me I'm Jewish.
>>434376 >l reported a server but no one is allowed to report my server >Yeah,no, fuck off lol
>Not sure if I should be contacting an organisation at this point Oy vey I was banned from Roblox.
Poor lad failed penis inspection day
>>434379 So neo nazis and white nationalists are not a minority? They keep telling us they are. For sure then there are less of them than jews?
>>434380 I don't see how surrounding the bed with sex inspectors is going to help his ED.
Top jew indicted for leaving US border wide open Biden rushes to defend him nothing will happen https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68286641
>>434385 These days people get impeached for everything. Trump left the toilet seat up. Biden did a rancid shart in the white house. It never ends.
>>434386 Yeah but he left the border seat up and everyone started in America and then he shafted in Congresses face and in the face of 355 miljones monstrosidades Americanos. There is a DIFFERENCE!
>Democrat Al Green, of Texas, appeared unexpectedly after being wheeled into the chamber wearing hospital scrubs to vote against the impeachment. He had been in an emergency room having surgery. >House Majority Leader Steve Scalise also cast his vote after missing the last vote because of cancer treatment. His return gave Republicans the margin needed to secure the vote. Keek.
>>434389 *clicks >title Nope
>>434388 all their healthcare is taxpayer funded poorfags literally toil and starve at shit jobs so these ancient boomers can feast on the geld like skesis
>>434391 It's good watching tbh. The lad who caught the same STD 5 times and went a round of antibiotics finally caught HIV and then was like yeah shit happens.
MEP: People are realising climate change is a MASSIVE LIE | EU scared of voters after farmers revolt https://youtu.be/v-2V8z8_S8E
>>434395 David Davis is realising climate change is a massive resign.
>>434394 Why would you do this? Fucking pozheads need to be thrown into penal balloons and airdropped into Ukraine front lines
>>434396 David Davis is a based climate change denier too, yeah
>>434398 He's a "Ukraine supporter" so should resign his own life tbph.
>>434346 No, just a few words.
>>434399 > "Ukraine supporter" this is code for nazi based
>>434402 Azog dafties are just death cultists. Like ISIS. Worse because they take direct orders from jewish oligarchs and don't care.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vgu1bkZC49s Wew 2 years and (half of) msm is entertaining the idea it wasn't safe and effective TM.
>>434399 He was in the SAS he should put his bayonet on and join the fray big poof
>>434403 Most are dead now if not all. This is how the big bois and grills have a clear out
>>434405 is GB News really mainstream news? they sacked Mark Steyn because he was drawing attention to this issues years ago
>>434405 Rishi jocked
>>434405 Nanny afwefwe admitting she was helping the government out
>>434408 It’s the Tory partei’s mouthpiece. Thought that was obvious
>>434411 >It’s the Tory partei’s mouthpiece. nah they allow criticism of the tories from the right lad
>>434403 From what I've seen of them, their long term plan seems to be to ultimately coup Ukraine.
>>434408 It's boomer news directed at boomers.
>>434412 It’s the right of the Tory party’s mouthpiece tbh
>>434411 >>434415 Wrong. They align with the tories because they want to wank of the saggy old boomers. If anything they're a Faragist mouthpiece.
>>434416 Lad. Please
if there were no jews we’d have no news would we
Should have tougher police van laws instead tbh
What's Tommeh Robinson been up to recently? I heard he was back on Twatter but nothing more than that.
>>434419 Going to carry out a murder spree with flint napped hand axes one day. Hope I'm not labeled the homo erectus killer.
>>434420 He disappeared after shilling for Israel too hard backfired amongst his own fla crowd and liberal chews He’s probably being coached in a new strategy
>>434423 >He disappeared after shilling for Israel too hard backfired amongst his own fla crowd and liberal chews >He’s probably being coached in a new strategy Yeah maybe. Last I remember was that he told people to go down to the cenotaph on rememberance day, which ended up being an obvious trap Since then, radio silence, even though he's back on twitter...
So a Roma gypsy Barnsley man killed a Hungarian man living in Barnsley Something tells me the crime rate would go down if we just got rid of th…
>31 Ok Prefer the ALL.OUT.NOW! strategy tbh Since when should any furrin criminal have any ‘right’ to remain in a British jail even?
>434427 who posts a weeks old stone toss comic that wasn't even very good?
>>434428 None of the stone toss comics are good.
>>434429 Some are quite fun.
>434429 IP hopping troon
>434428 aren't you bins?
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>>434430 ignore him, he's wearing a dress
>>434428 He might be trying to channel Woes
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An IP hopping troon who "is bins" might be "channeling Woes".
>>434435 I would feel safer knowing that this was my local swat unit.
>>434435 Women can't even run smh
Imagine being on 8chan and losing your shit this much at someone using a VPN. Do I have to tell the police everything just to post here?
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Going to go back to using TOR just to spite you autists.
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One du lu lun na du du, ONE dunala Lu nu uh huh OOONNE One ohhh yeahhh huhh.
>>434443 >huh Thanks for using my pronouns lad.
>>434444 Beautiful quads lad, nice work, take the rest of the day off.
our WOKE British army wouldn't last 5 minutes! https://youtu.be/ubRG4xzvI2M
Better a (1) than a Bins tbh
live mark talking to an actually intelligent lad and probably making him lose braincells with repetitive and very slowly phrased takes Patriotic Weekly Review - with Dr Kevin MacDonald https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR249:a
maaaaaybe ben will do what's right- aaaand he doubles down. Whitebros, starting to think this guy doesn't have our best interests in mind
>>434449 are greatest ally
>>434449 do sharts really listen to that unlikeable yid
show the best jewish rapper of his generation some fucking respect
>>434435 so used to seeing women act like men that when women act all girly girl I feel like they are just being lazy instead of acting like a proper lass
>>434453 so sick of boomer world do all these 50 something faggots-70 something faggots think that im going to shoot some cute deluded fat leftoid slag because she wants student loan forgiveness
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>>434455 It's suffering working in a warehouse with women where a big part of the job is lifting and moving heavy things. They can't carry pipes on the shoulder, can't lift heavy parcels out of the big box on the pallet. A lot of the time they stand around looking busy doing nothing smh.
>>434456 She's a 30 something hardcore demoncrat who wants you shot in the back of the head for chudspeech. Hence her appeal is a bit rich. Been keeking and smdh at all the comments.
>>434458 smh they should just be at home making cute socks for us 'cels and being comfy mummies instead of just being in the way. why do they even want to toil?
Fresh steiner rant incooming!
>>434459 yeah the comments are just the leftist version of /pol/tards, its like it was shared in some leftists skinner box. hence the trannoid shite
>>434460 "I want to make my own money" is the answer I get on dating apps. Ask them why they like tattoos, "I just do". Ask them why they only want a few children "because that's what most people do". Why don't you want children? *lists endless antinatalist propaganda and live love life*. At the point now where I am considering settling with a fat chungus because at least she wants some of what I want.
for your negholes
The trick to get images to load is to go to https://8chan.moe/brit/ instead of the usual archive.moe/Brit/, then all of the omages will show themselves.
>>434463 smh at least a fat chungus can lose weight
avdiivka bros we got too cocky
Mass sharting in kanshart city
>>434472 any info?
sounds like collateral from sideways glock hoodshit
Mass shartin
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cool it with the boomerphobia kiddo
>>434440 get him lad
>>434479 keeeeeeeeek i looked at his latest videos and then I looked at the top boards ticker on 8ham
Hey steiner!
>>434484 VPN reveal followed by denials etc Hasbara at work
*starts screaming*
>>434486 kvetching on like we didn't know already.
>>434488 Must pay really shit shekels Still funny how they’re getting booted en masses from major platforms tbh
>>434490 Why though?
Getting there Michigan, getting there >We live in the product of the United Nations report on Replacement Migration issued March 17, 2000-a racist plan to replace Whites with non-Whites through illegal immigration to irreversibly warp America's demographics, voting citizens, and national identity to keep power in the hands of a godless regime. Day-to-day, we fight in our workplaces and schools to stop racist anti-White schemes and racist programs like DEI and CRT. As the people's representative, I will keep fighting. It is never racist to assess statistical trends and causes of why Whites have declined to 12% of the world's population and fell from 90% to 60% of the U.S. population in the last 60 years. https://twitter.com/repjoshschriver/status/1757763807433064754
>>434491 For being extremist zionists I believe
>>434485 those stone table tops are worth thousands smh
>>434493 Why has this just now become a problem?
>>434494 Yep all the profit in that job gone in one fell swoop.
>>434494 Mexicoon physics smh
>>434497 >Yep all the profit in that job gone in one fell swoop. yeah.... that's bad
>>434499 I really want to know why a quick extermination is such a problem to the Ashkenazi in Washington. Maybe to overt.
>>434494 What tool should they have used?
>>434502 Maybe some timber slides, so as not to drop a marble top on a hard edge.
>>434502 A steiner
fuck off lad
>>434505 you like that horrible looking thing?
Why is anyone here aware of this fucking low vibrational subdi shite in the first place?
why are boomers like this?
>>434502 I don't know but they obviously shouldn't have done it that way
>>434509 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>434485 smh should have brought it longways over the cabinets with the stresspoint in the stone.
its just some garbage mcmansion anyway so its all just bank money
>>434492 zased detroit suburbs chads
>>434505 suprised she wasn't twerking on young toeheaded midwestern boy as he was disemboweled for molech
>bossman needs overtime, wants to just pay me the night-shift rate (£1/hr more than my normal) >managed to get night-shift time and a half >can decide how many extra hours I want and leave whenever I please
did spic die
>>434519 yeah, suicide.
>>434519 he said he found a better forum to post on he is over at bbcaddict now
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>>434522 You and 22st mention le bbc more than he ever did tbh. He was a looksmaxxing freak, that clearly got off on shitting on the anglosqueer and winding lads on here up.
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>>434519 think he actually converted to shia islam
>>434522 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>434526 i believe it tbh
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spic detected
>>434528 which one is he? i'll dump him in the filter with that other >(119) cunt
>>434529 e88f1f post >434524 contains most of the usual spicisms
>434530 Dumb nigger.
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Nice try at a cover, lad
When did spic ever talk shit about himself? Never.
Shite detective you are.
>you're the ones who are obsessed with BBC >attempting to portray spicposter as the one doing the winding up classic spicisms, if you're not him you should improve your posts, lad
spic riled lads up on here. The spergs were more than happy to take the bait. Yes, let's pretend one or more of BBK, 22ST and Steinzog don't mention le bbc in every thread.
Absolutely shite detective.
Hello, my name is Mister... Cips, yes that'll do
I've done him.
who here /fruitybumbumking/?
anyone else have obliterated test levels due to nosleep, carbohydrate diet, #darkfruit, and probably any lack of purpose? on the plus side i haven't got tits yet. anyway listen to this peng track https://noproblematapes.bandcamp.com/track/--1281 it's ting
>>434545 tbh tbh choon that
Morning lads
Well he was right wasn’t he >a small rootless clique turning even family against family and the people against each other >sending women to war
>>434545 No. We’re not retarded wiggers like you tbh
>>434547 smorbing lad
>>434548 >if she said anything else kikelensky would declare her an enemy of the state >they're slaves
>>434551 don't think anyone actually likes him tbh he just sort of ended up with the job >>434552 based
>>434553 Hope someone assassinates him or strings him up in Maidan Square. No doubt he’ll get away with it though
>>434554 How do these gurning idiots end up in power? >’Love is a beautiful thing’ At his age, ffs tbh. A besotted schoolboy in charge of straya
going bottleo >>434557 they're chosen based on how good of a lapdog they are lad same as anywhere else remember reading years ago about some jewish kingmaker in australian politics but i can't find anything about it now smh
>>434555 God i do just love London, just the hustle and bustle of the big city. Always something going on you know.
>>434558 Tbf the interview was quite boring, there were no real probing questions.
>>434562 Carlson played it safe and Putin knew what was likely to happen that’s why he asked him is this serious or chatshow tier. Putin isn’t afraid of probing questions he’s more than equipped to deal with them tbh. Think Carlson was a bit in awe
>>434566 Bet Pishi’s security detail shat themselves and got fired after that. Doubt Pishi will be in a hurry to go back there again
>>434565 Maybe that's all tucker is equipped for, he's so used to the dog and pony show that's US politics he's never had to do a real interview before.
Tucker was fangirling a bit tbh.
But who wouldn't? Putin was so smexy.
>>434563 yep that's him lad annoys me how brazen they always are >>434568 smh the westoid political scene always seems so childish whenever it's compared to something outside itself
Auslad, you've got to admit this looks pretty comfy.
>>434568 Tbh. I reckon he also got spooked when Putin handed him a copy of the file the FSB has on his time with the CIA, anyone who thought that was a potted history of Russia for him to read is mental
>>434572 tbh tbh won't ever deny that
I have it in my mind, anything venomous that bites an abo actually dies itself.
>>434575 keeeeeeeeeeek wouldn't doubt it
>>434577 tbh but you'll never get the taste out of your mouth sometimes death is better
>>434574 Good example of the white mans burden if you ask me. How did these men survive 10 thousand years of isolation from VB?
>>434579 tbh a tragedy no man should go that long without a tinnie or two
just learnt what a funicular is interesting
Smorbing. Women should be killed.
Girl just said I look like a swarthier version of RooshV. smh.
>>434582 PARKER pizzas only get tossed BEFORE baking WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY PIZZAS?
>>434584 sorry lad gonna have to ask you to hand in your huwhite licence >>434583 good smorbius lad tbh tbqh
>>434586 >sorry lad gonna have to ask you to hand in your huwhite licence He's done me.
Cant wait for the funposting after the first stabbing on the winrush line or rape on the suffragette
>>434587 it's okay lad you can still remain in the rightosphere as a based nigger
>>434588 >windrush line
Aids, feminism and negro worship. Yep its modern Britain
>>434588 >burger line >foid line >actual place name line >uppity foid line >generic line >nigger line thanks i hate it >>434590 snorping lad
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>>434592 >historical independence of the Borough of Havering lol wut this is like the most literally who of London Boroughs
>>434588 >fiefdom >wahmen >aids >wahmen again >jews and textile businesses >niggers
>>434588 >”Steiner! Der green light! Turn it on!”
Only article allowing comments is the one about the Russian ship. keeeeeeeeeek. Hate them so much.
>>434598 you can celebrate when we're winning lad otherwise just stay quiet
>>434599 tbh. it's for all the soys to flood in and keep up the charade.
>>434601 Imagine the smell
>NEW. OBR + Treasury + expert class said record net migration would boost growth. But today we learn UK in recession while GDP per head slumped 0.7% in 2023 & fallen every quarter since 2022 --the longest run of negative GDP per head since records began in 1955
>>434603 >we underestimated the number of migrants needed.
>>434603 Usual suspects already trying their tricks. Hate this kike manlet so much its unreal
>>434603 turn it up lad we need to go higher
>>434609 drop a neutrino bomb on london leave the semi-defiled architecture and sterile unrotting corpses as a lesson to future generations about what can be lost when you pity the melanated hordes let's not make that mistake ever again
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>>434603 Remember when the Tories explained the fact immigration had increased was because the economy (back then) was so strong it was attracting too many people? Then when the economy slumps the solutionis more immigration again Seems no matter what the economy is doing, the "solution" is more immigration
I just remembered Trump's 'Platinum Plan'. *Screams*
>>434612 crazy that
>>434612 Ponzi gon ponzi
in my dream i saw a tower i used to see in a dream before this one, but the tower collapsed and was inhabited by various grey animals that coexisted. ocelot, puma, owl, squirrel. last time i was in it i had to climb it up and make some guy i hunted fall out of it
Security services had better buck their fucking ideas up. Their loyalty is to the nation and it’s indigenous people not fucking banks and politicians and associated riff raff seeking to destroy it through their profiteering
>>434609 >Windrush line Ffs
>>434603 The absolute state of this country.
>>434612 Whatever the crisis, the solution is always to import more fighting age browns who hate us.
The flattop is back, lads.
>>434618 Lines go up Lines go down Nature of the market
>>434616 portentovs >>434621 it never left
>>434624 was actually based until it went into bold text there's enough native homeless to keep the furrin hordes waiting for years but naturally they go to the front of the queue while real humans starve and die
imagine a regime where the vacant lots are developed into housing where the empty houses are forcibly given tenants we could fix it all
>>434624 Actually keep getting a letter come through, that is obviously fishing for details under the guise of a 'survey'. They're very persistent about it too.
>>434625 The bold text - Winduprush Lines >12 million migrants since 1997 >80% still on welfare at how much per year? 60k?
I'd make sure the Windthrush were the first to go back. just for the keks alone.
>>434629 Imagine the screech
>>434628 >>434629 all should be killed or forcibly repatriated thanks to cool new dna technology we can find where they're supposed to go even if they won't say
>>434630 never vaccinated and caught it once tested positive and it was honestly even more mild than the common cold absolute joke
Fucked that up let me try again Mysterymeatopolitan Police https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxoTbIxr7Vs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAmni__1mys
>>434617 Spartans were mongs, they also got ran over by the celts when our ancestors invaded Greece for the loot and dark eyed women
fresh sillypoo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QZ5VhPI4vM not quite as relatable or hard-hitting as Drama MD tbh
>What’s this!? Islam!? In the army!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5U3XbMvau4
>>434636 >are ancestors Papieren bitte! SCHNELL!!
>>434638 keeeeeeeek >not quite as relatable or hard-hitting as Drama MD tbh perchance lad perchance but having had to work amongst w*men i can certainly vouch for its authenticity
>ran out of up to date eceleb slop to consoom ACK is podcastlad in the house?
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Blocked smee on multiple platforms for days so I've deleted everything. Think H finally discovered viagra.
>>434636 Spartans were already well in decline after the Battle of Leuctra 371 BC nearly 100 years prior. Brennus and the Celtic army were crushed and sent packing at the Battle of Delphi after which he then committed suicide.
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>>434643 Based H. He's done you.
>>434643 you're a disgrace lad you disgust me
Can't say I enjoy sharing a board with a literal cuckold.
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>>434645 Thanks lad.
>>434648 tbqh it's just sad really
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new rule lads rule #9 don't ask much but a little bit of dignity would go a long way
>>434651 Keeeek.
I hope dorset turns straight so he can poost with us again
You either are or you aren’t. I do not trust people that ‘turn’ tbqhwy
>>434643 You come for the King you better not miss brother H
>>434657 tbh he's always going to be "one of them" who could turn at any moment just miss his moods tbqh when he went full on miss the old days lad sue me
>>434658 hell yeah brother
Lolwut!? https://www.theregister. com/2024/02/15/echr_backdoor_encryption/ >European Court of Human Rights declares backdoored encryption is illegal
>>434661 >backdoored speaking of Dorset.
>>434659 Here you go lad
>>434588 >Gospel Oak to Barking LINe (nicknamed the Goblin) >The area is believed to have been named after an oak tree under which people gathered to hear regular gospel readings or where preachers would deliver sermons in times past. >Renamed to the Suffragette line Smh why get rid of a good name.
>>434663 no lad i mean his moods when he went full puritan
>>434666 bit hollow, considering the source.
>>434667 keeeeeeeeeek >>434668 smh guess i just wanted to believe that he was better than he was smdh
>>434664 Windrush is gonna be a hoot
https://youtu.be/5ophgqKm1J4 >>434661 what the fuck are they going to do lol it's backdoor for a reason
>>434671 Only after he finished smoking crack did that guy think it's a good idea to get up and move. Smartphone glued to his face.
>>434671 Windthrush Line will be our version of MLK Streets in the US.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uB53cQXlqs BREAKING: Date set for the first criminal trial of a former US president. He could be convicted of writing down a $130,000 hush payment as the wrong expense in the company ledger. How will Drumpf ever recover?
ngl lads really feeling that urge to walk into the woods in the middle of the night and scream as loud as i can
>>434677 he's rich enough that he has no reason to care it's over
>>434681 >Demonrat California There's your problem, folks.
>>434683 Same for xoomers and maybe millennials as well.
>>434683 Now that made me qeeq!
>>434636 You're not a Celt.
>>434588 >Mosely Line >Griffin Line >Collett Line >Irving Line >Braps Line >>434674 >the dog when you leave for work
>>434683 this really is their philosophy tbh its become more and more obvious since covid >>434684 zoomer appropriation of the millennial/boomer war is the zoomer meme. smaller generation self inserting
>>434686 sorry spic im like 70-80 percent jock-taig an then the rest is angloid with like the little smidgen of bleaching ojibwes from when the jocks were sent here after the 7 years war. you know like actual american history instead of immigrantoidic cope
>>434684 >>434688 Almost like the Capitalist/Communist materialism pipeline necessitates turning the generations against one another. >>434689 >little smidgen of native american >calls others a spic
I have pictures of steiner's butthole but i'm not sharing them with (You)
>These are Steinhog's "people"
>>434691 Name a price
>>434693 Katie. You're move.
Gave up willy wanks for lent. Inconceivably horny.
>she's opening her sons mouth so he can give you a little suck
God I hate how true it is how women want you to listen rather than wanting you to fix the thing that they are complaining about. I hate how they can even say this themselves as if it is something they are powerless to change. Just slaves to instinct. *beats them up*
>>434692 Fake >>434697 Women are primarily emotional creatures, you can't expect them to be rational or useful, or expect for them to value being rational/useful.
>>434698 >listen to problem >don't do anything about it >she just keeps complaining about it AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'M GOING INSAAAAAANE
>>434693 Ask him for proof first
>>434700 Tbh. Cough it up, big boy
>>434701 I call fake news tbh
>>434703 yeah that's hilarious
>>434703 lass?
CHEEKY BUGGERS ARE DEMANDING A RAPE FEE! MUST GET ON TO GB NEWS ABOUT THIS! >Three sexual predators tricked woman into thinking she was getting into a licensed taxi after a night out before gang raping her and demanding a £20 fee >Bakhtullah Safi, Kehan Safi and Habibullah Ahmadzai face sentencing in April https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13086511/Three-sexual-predators-tricked-woman-thinking-getting-licensed-taxi-night-gang-raping-demanding-20-fee.html
>>434707 rapists already get paid welfare tbh smh
Vaxbros... how we holdin up?
>>434710 >6 times
lads they said rent was going down this year but now they are saying it isn't going down.
>>434713 Who said?
>>434715 Norges bank
>>434716 How did you learn to sing and act as you do, lass?
https://youtu.be/HCjNJDNzw8Y my poo is in the toilet (hee hee hee!)
>>434722 so fucking gay god I hate london
i only just got here I realise it was already posted but jesus christ
>>434722 >Lioness keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>434722 No Sadiq takes a sadistic pleasure in desecrating London.
>>434727 New Satanic catalogue just drop?
>>434727 i like how mystery meat girl's tits aren't even big enough to fill those medium sized cups of what is unquestionably a multi thousand dollar costume which might as well have been custom made. twinkothy salamander deserves better
>>434729 No he's a kike.
The lad's clobber isn't that bad tbh
>>434731 more checkerboard imagery just re-imagined.
I've been keeping a journal for five years.
>>434733 Something of historic value for what is sure to be remembered as a dark age.
When we take over, we shall have a David Davis line
It will always be 20 minutes late.
>>434737 and it'll just go in a circle, and only stop at one station
>>434733 poost some of its entries lad
>fuckin’ fewmin’at people who look like me over a ball and will extreme,y violently STOMP them the fuck out ‘cos tradition I fully support this >muslim, poos and jews rektin’ the country and rapin’ the kids - angry letters to Daily Mail and fewm’postin’on soshall media Do not support this at all
>>434740 He looks like David Mitchell's loutish nephew
>>434742 did they at least give him some more ps2 gooms?
>>434727 what the fuck is with his neck? are they feeding him HGH trying to twink kill him? or maybe he's just getting older and i have brainworms
>>434727 C3PO looks a lot hotter than I remember
https://youtu.be/WO16XrIHstA how do they find this many weird looking people for 1 video
How can anyone think we have anything in common with these murderous gobbledegook speaking freaks from the Middle East and offer them any support? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rk3n9V-aQs
>>434747 you know how
>>434742 >At the prison, Breivik has access to a training room, kitchen, TV room and a bathroom. Meanwhile 18% of homes in the UK were classed as having leaking roofs, damp or rot. If they put him in a British house share he'd beg to be sent back.
>>434748 >hebrew drill music
>>434748 >How can anyone think we have anything in common with these murderous gobbledegook speaking freaks from the Middle East and offer them any support? 'oi bruv, fink u bettah shut ya mouf or some of me mates will shut if for yah
>>434747 Lovecraftian ethnic horrors.
photos of the shooters from the Kansas City Parade attack
>>434751 They did invent gangster rap tbf.
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>>434727 Villeneuve is a hack. The original film may not be as faithful to the book, as long or as high-tech, but it had some really excellent people involved, and it was FUN. ENJOYABLE. Everything Villeneuve directs is sterile CGI crap in which everyone is miserable.
>>434756 it's called kino, and it's art
>>434742 /ourlad/
any good youtube channels, lads?
Noticed a hilarious trend in webfiction circles where scottish or scottish-wannabe authors (presumably sharts with 1% hibernian blood) write stories about x setting but with "a scot" in them then come off as incredibly homosexual by devoting more paragraphs to describing the fierce and wild untamed beastly muscled "average scot" character than to any of the setting's waifus keeeeeeeek
>>434759 Fuck YouTube I get shadowbanned as soon as I blink on that site.
mongchads... theres still hope
>>434759 he's a peculiar quaire but I have enjoyed The Librarian for gooming coontent
>>434763 Getting high and drunk with a bunch of downies sounds like a good time tbh. Basically the sequel to One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGy9uomagO4 >when steiner learns about pure land buddhism or whatever the fuck
Why would a Jew, David Aaronovitch, be so infavour of the "Windrush" line?
>>434767 >Suddenly I b..
>>434769 Shiiiiiitteler!
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>>434769 aren't you at toil now?
>UK employers are racing to submit visa applications for skilled staff ahead of changes by Rishi Sunak’s government to immigration rules that will sharply increase the costs of hiring overseas. >Immigration lawyers said some clients were already withdrawing job offers because they would need to pay much higher salaries to people recruited on skilled worker visas from April. This is on top of a big increase that took effect this week in the fees charged for overseas staff to use the NHS. >“There is a last-minute rush to get in under the wire,” said Nicolas Rollason, head of business immigration at law firm Kingsley Napley. No Rishi! Not the slave labour! We’ll have to pay more! Oy!
>>434772 It’s not me b
>>434769 >it's not me b
>>434777 they should have a london tube line named after them the Dindu line
>>434777 That first one is arguably worse. Doing a driveby firing at a crowd should be multiple counts of attempted murder. Even without the death penalty lazy prosecutors could've tried to lock them up for life. Would be surprised if any did more than 10 years. Many such cases smdh.
>>434772 keeek that was my OC, put the secret nigger hiding in the back of the van
>>434778 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >Dindu Court Roadman >>434779 Tbh
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>>434777 I hate niggers, imagine if instead of importing niggers we just imported cute japanese ladies the anglosphere would already be on proxima centauri
Gagdeep Truckjeet
>>434777 some real orcs there >>434785 australia and canada seem completely fucked smh
Nearly a million views in a day. Do you think people realise there is a jogger deficiency? Wish the boomers would let their hair down in the comments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nIOsWHyUVI
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>>434789 >that story
>>434790 Yeah probably heavily astroturfed soviet style but I lost interest scrolling through the comments trying to find N word ones and other naughty ones which are probably prevented from posting. Usually a few at the end
https://www.theconundrumcluster.com/p/ep19-this-forgotten-russian-civil very worrying. I feel like a bolshevik revolution/spanish civil war tier bloodletting will occur in America in our lifetime.
mirrors a lot of my feelings in 2020. watching everyone around me go completely insane and detach totally from reality and their former principles. suddenly otherwise mild mannered little people around you were calling for death and celebrating the tearing down and debasement of everything a normal person valued. it happened before and it can happen again, with even less opposition and a greater appetite for arbitrary outrage and punitive violence.
>>434789 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek boomoids in the comments still seething about snowden >>434792 tbh there's been a few a schizos saying a fake race war is going to be orchestrated in some parts of the west to completely eliminate white resistance
>>434792 i genuinely don't think it'll happen. They've perfected the bread and circuses. The triple whammy of video games, pornography and fast food. enough to dissipate any genuinely devastating revolutionary energy. that's why the elite are so smug - like the end of 'I have no mouth and I must scream' they've made the perfect trap, able to suffer only the abuses of the system itself.
>>434792 I get to say I know famed war criminal and record holder for the most niggers lynched in one afternoon steiner before he was famous.
>>434792 the ruralite retreat memi was always a cope, the race war already occured in the rust belt and the only people who did a damn thing about it were white suburban and urbanoids and the only place they were successful was pittsburgh and north chicago, everywhere else we lost
>>434793 sickening how some people acted back then
Morning lads
Fucking hell, another off the list then. They’re gonna force us to shop in ethnic businesses at this rate https://www.jamesesses.com/p/the-trans-takeover-of-john-lewis
>>434799 smorbing lad >>434800 time to go minecraft mode smh start keeping sheep and build a loom
Morning lads
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfHiUybCJqA can't believe people used to do this shit
>>434802 snorping
>>434802 Morning lad
THIS’LL BLOODY SHOW ‘EM! *shakes fist
>>434806 >London is Open for Antisemites Line >Hamas Line Keek he couldn't resist throwing some Israeli propaganda in there. Totally ideas from "the public".
>>434806 >london is open for antisemites line who's gonna tell him?
The Shite wing already lost when they decided to refer to them as 'woke', 'wokies'. It sounds so cutesy and inoffensive. Meanwhile they took over the country and all the institutions. Yeah, those silly wokies. Keeek.
Reminds me of 'SJW'. Like Woke they refered to themselves as that anyway. It's not the own they think it is.
>>434807 >>434808 >>434809 Tbh DON’T FORGET ABOUT ISRAEL!
>>434812 Yeah. Shouldn’t fucking racemix with spics tbh
‘ere! Give it back! We got bames to import ya know! Fucker! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/disability-68178940 >A man with a life-limiting condition has said he is "stunned" his local authority "clawed back" money he saved to go on holiday with his carers. >By skipping cinema trips approved for his wellbeing by the council, Nathan Lee Davies saved up money from his round-the-clock care fund. >He wanted a six-day break in Florida to "have a bit of respite from the mundane reality of everyday life".
>77th Brigade tosser I’d make him permanent envoy to Avdivka or whatever they call it
>>434814 She should be shamed for Wednesday. They turned the Adams family into a high school drama / Harry Potter ripoff. The writing was absolutely disgusting.
>>434814 Thought it was hot tbh.
>>434818 >She should be shamed for Wednesday. you're kidding, right? she absolutely slayed in Wednesday. 💅
>>434816 why not build more prisons?
Time to send convicts to Australia again I think
>>434815 >He receives *£11,000 in Direct Payments each month* to pay for the 24-hour support he needs, he told the BBC Access All podcast. >But when Nathan excitedly told his social worker about his plans, she said the council must have the money back. Keeek fucking 11 grand a month! He's making more than his social workers. No wonder she kicked up a fuss. Lad has the whole system buttoned up and we're working like mugs. No wonder he has that shit eating grin. He's faking it for BIG bennies.
£132,000 annual bennies
He's just living his best life.
>>434822 already got more than enough brownoids here thanks lad >>434823 she should have kept her mouth shut tbh snitching doesn't get her paid any more and by the sounds of it he was planning on bringing her with him to florida smdh whole bennies system is designed to keep you poor tbh punished if you save but if you spend spend spend they bail you out every fortnight
>>434824 24/7 care isn't cheap lad
>>434824 Need to make over 250k to clear that. I’m working on it
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Disgraceful how they treat our gentlemen and scholars.
the state exists to keep a brother down.
perma-cripples deserve to have nice things once in a while tbh neet life is honestly kind of shite smh can't imagine being trapped in it for my entire life
>>434827 Apparently it is if you stay at home and keep the care expenses low like this cheeky fucker. You'd think they'd just have the care workers report their hours on the payroll rather than paying him surplus every month.
The system sounds so retarded I don't understand it. £132,000/a so he can pay for his 24/7 care (do they send payslips to him?). Where does that money usually go? You'd expect doctors and care workers to be controlling those accounts.
>>434832 he saved up by skipping trips to the cinema lad read the article
He deserves a holiday before he dies tbh.
I just bought him a coffee from all of brit.
>>434832 He budgeted. >fuck the flicks, I get everything on the net or tv, Florida here I come! Tbh seen perfectly able bodied brownoids get expensive cars from the council because travel cards are too expensive to supply to families of 7 and up
Bet this has happened thousands of times and been hushed up
A little sorry for him because he apparently didn't have enough life experience to know you can't tell employees anything. Too many jobworth cunts. He should have lied and said it was mommy's money.
if you have a legitimate reason why you can't work and you're given x amount of money each month you should be able to spend it how you like tbh current systems just punish low time preference lads for no reason
His only crime was being a straight White man.
>>434838 >£250 donation Good lad. Hope the council doesn't try to claw it back.
>>434838 very good lad
>be Paki soldier on border guard duty >see this coming towards you Fucking terrifying tbh
>>434846 based and spectaclepilled
My favourite scam is to lie about my address to go to a good GP. People are waiting months for major surgeries while I get an appointment for a tummy ache the same day.
>>434848 based
https://openai.com/sora skilled manual labour types like steiney will be the only ones with jobs in the future tbh
>>434850 always has been
>>434814 >it's the younger woman's fantasy
>>434850 phew. was worried about it being used in a hateful way.
>>434846 I'd me more afraid of the 00guage model train-launchers
>>434854 Keeeeeek >Yeah that’ll stop it! You can just download llms anyway. Fuck these control freak spacker retards We all know what this is about https://www.infoworld.com/article/3705035/5-easy-ways-to-run-an-llm-locally.html
>>434854 cocky bastards they don't seem to understand that if they provide this as an online service that it'll be assailed 24/7 by hordes of dedicated autistes trying every input they can think of to get a very specific output you literally cannot win you'd think that the ai companies would be amongst the first to realise that we now live in a post-ai world but the way things are going it looks like they might be the last
>rule: you must not make videos of current politician >"ai, make a video for me of an actor who looks kind of like current politician, but adjust his features in a very specific way" >"now generate a video of him urinating on the wailing wall"
>stfu yeah!? >no filming!? >they’re not racist! >enters your house. ALONE >continues threatening you What do? https://nitter.poast.org/DaveAtherton20/status/1757681696747442621
>>434857 They probably have to “try” to conform to legislation and to appease critics. Will fail anyway Trananna Ghey’s mum insisted on tuning TOR off
>>434859 wew she must really love israel
The ol' Russian prison death.
>>434861 Imagine how dumb and entitled to walk into someone’s house with no warrant, alone They have too much free reign to ‘interpret’ the law. There was 0 need for her to intervene. Typical foid moment
>200 he did it. I was going to make a thread before it became possible, but I let it slide.
>>434863 He’d been complaining his health had deteriorated in prison
>>434865 >202 Keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>parents owned a basket weaving factory Keeeeeeeeeeek
>>434865 the lad singlehandedly keeping /brit/ afloat
>>434868 keeeeeeeek
>>434869 Chalk one up for the good guys.
>>434872 >looks more jewish than the Israeli bummer.
>>434873 was genuinely shocked to find he was a convert keeek
>>434872 spoiler that shit smdh
Come on, he's a crypto. No way he's Irish. I'm going full tinfoil on this.
>>434877 keeeeeeeeeek
>gets you in debt, buys your debt >220 big stations were bought just now by Soros's son, he didnt bother with small stations https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/feb/14/george-soros-scoops-220-us-radio-stations-ahead-20/
>>434879 >Patriots watching this Demonrat like a Hawk of Freedom
>>434879 they don't even try to hide it anymore the audacy of these niggers smdhh
>>434873 Fixed
>Damien - The Omen
>>434882 kek. good lad.
>>434884 >she will never call you nigger
>>434887 At least the ending will be great.
>>434884 couldn't breed that tbh our conbined physiognomies would create some true shrekian children.
>coneheads posting itt
>>434892 Jocko's actually looking more feminine lately.
>>434884 Wew she almost has a skullet
no toil for nearly two weeks rotmaxxing tbh fuck i hate living in a dead society
just got a job offer from a new boomer toilist today >>434897 smh yeah I basically did nothing all winter long except goon and play video games
>>434898 hope you make sure that you can fuck him over in your contract lad if they try scamming you again
>>434900 I wonder if every time the former IDF husband feels the cum fill his snanus if he feels satisfied that another potential huwhite catholic baby is swimming in his bum instead.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_7Vo75DFAg >the phenotype of the guest they've got on Hmmst.
>>434899 yeah pay is going to be on every friday or im not really interested tbh
>>434902 from left to right, wessoid, middle class poo sniffer, mr bean but a mutt twink
>>434905 Young Norf, the one not homo William, and yeah Mr Bean keeek.
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>>434884 holy shit the forehead
>>434907 disgusting
>>434910 its like something from new vegas >>434910
>>434911 That was quite a ride
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>>434916 goood lad
>>434914 keeek old school indian pig fight energy from those boomer tuskers

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