>One of these gimps who cucked out and used the word "zionist" to avoid calling out the Jews directly
lad... the fucking Qataris have been pumping gigazillions of dollars over the decades into brainwashing university students against Israel. they know how to accomplish things. why do you think these protests are popping up everywhere? because a narrative has been carefully constructed which is PALATABLE TO LEFT-WING NORMALFAGS. this is what made possible grassroots anti-Israel opposition on such a scale that jevvry is in crisis.
the "Zionist" v.s. "Jevv" thing is not even important... you know why? because ZIONISTS = ISRAEL = JEVVS, duh! everybody knows that! they are just being precise in language to push people along the pipeline, once they've seen 1,000 videos of crying Palestinian children they will be radicalized and chant for Hamas to "take another soldier out" with the zealotry of a Puritan on a witch hunt!
>you think that anti-Israel is pro-European
I'm not saying these brownoids are pro-European, they are in fact openly anti-European, but Israel is the primary target of their ire and they feel like they are morally obliged to attack Israel (which is THE practical effect of calling jevvs "crackers from Poland"! they already hated whites, the only difference is now they hate JEVVS too!)
what I'm saying is that anti-Israel is anti-Jevvish which is exactly what we need because jevvs are the PADLOCK on the whole SYSTEM!!!! understand? ya dummy
>Our problem isn't the Jews in Israel, it's the Jews in New York and London. Not arsed about Tel Aviv. Not the white man's problem.
every Jevv on Earth is everyone's problem, actually. it's called INTERNATIONAL JEVVRY, did you even pay attention to the Chud documentaries?!
if you truly understood Jevvs, you would understand that Israel means the world to them, it's like their precious baby. and if you truly hated Jevvs, you would want their precious Israel burned to the ground.
>If Israel falls, over seven million Jews are coming to Europe.
Israel has NUKES. if there was actually a threat to the existence of the state of Israel, they would NUKE millions of people to death. that would make the whole world super antisemitic, it would be the end of jevvish power forever.
the entire jevv system is 100% against these protests, so if you do not support these protests 100% then you are an idiot falling for a jevv narrative
it's not because trannies don't rule the world, jevvs do