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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3964: 22st Presents "Jahans: The Kinoverse" Edition Anonymous 05/27/2024 (Mon) 11:28:14 Id: 2a2048 No. 451603
Tom Holland's Romeo & Juliet divides critics as Marvel star is branded 'uncharismatic' and 'forgettable' while co-star Francesca Amewudah-Rivers hailed a star - following racist backlash https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13463521/Tom-Hollands-Romeo-Juliet-divides-critics-Marvel-star-branded-uncharismatic-forgettable-star-Francesca-Amewudah-Rivers-hailed-star-following-racist-backlash.html >Tom Holland's return to the West End stage in Romeo & Juliet has divided critics after it's opening night at the Duke of York’s Theatre last week. The Traitors finalist Mollie Pearce wants to 'break the taboo around poo' with new campaign to highlight bowel disease that left her terrified she'd soil herself https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13439361/The-Traitors-Mollie-Pearce-campaign-bowel-disease-soil-herself.html >‘The Traitors’ star Mollie Pearce is urging people to banish the 'taboo around poo' as she fronts a new campaign about inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). LIVEKeir Starmer stresses upbringing and security in first major campaign speech https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-politics-69063295 >He talks about his early years - including his first job "clearing stones for farmers", and his parents' fear of debt
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:59:32.
I request a 22st comic! >A man is waiting for the bus in the first panel >His stomach grumbles >He poos himself! >Looks into trousers to see his literal self as a poo!
Turning into a very Hitler day de lads Off to the seafront to stare at the lasses and shoulder check brown people with racist intent
Big, floppy donkey dicks weeing into the eyes of pakis, wogs, jeets and scoobs, tied to traintracks waiting to choo choo ACK.
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>>451608 pretty based ngl
>>451609 thanks lad
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>I hate women so much it's unr-ACK
>>451612 Giwtwm.
>>451611 THANKYOU based pongo
Takes a good 10 minutes minimum to fir that skimmer >saaaahhhh I did not know saaahhhhh nightshift cigarette currry sahhhhhhh please…

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>>451612 >ywn be abducted by Kazakh lasses and kept in a yurt as a breeding slave
New French ‘nationalist’ is causing waves in France >we ain’t supporting jews who imported hundreds of thousands of anti semites into France How did she get away with that?
>>451618 Well I guess you’ll have to do it then
>butiful isreally girl I luv u, u have strong chin like me please to marry saahhhhh girl! I suppaart saaahhhh
>>451611 just got up then started listening to upbeat 4chungus music and felt a bit not depressed for a moment tbh he worked, thank you based pongo! >>451615 trying to be cash only but still have to use card readers occasionally as the fucking banks all shut down smh >>451619 think mummy was saying something about her yesterday keeeek
going to watch the new mad maxine fillum with the xoomers tonight will report back on how hilariously pozzed it is sure to be
>>451605 Seconding this!
Oh weight, that was my post . . .
where is 22st
>>451629 Think he's on a job. I can only imagine the beautiful smell of his sweaty cheeqs.
>>451624 didn't the last one have an arc where they had to save a town full of women or something?
un-namefagging for a while
namefagging for a while
Poor Deano committed suicide this weekend following this robbery https://nitter.poast.org/CrimeLdn/status/1794732963198067179
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Martin is working late or should I say early, overtime but he's not content as it's not affording him a house and a breeedhog
Nowhere will be left unjeeted #YeetTheJeet hashtags are needed on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKog7E4DBsU
>>451633 based, he will return in the future i reckon. don't know why he wouldn't pop back in once in a while
>>451637 hate that hideous accent
>>451639 I know it really grates along with their head wobbling attempts to ingratiate themselves with everyone
mad maxine verdict: pretty good tbh, nice action scenes, i recommend for a film night only bad bits were the occasional wog and whenever women spoke or had fight scenes or "dramatic" revenge poo, none of which can ever be taken seriously if a woman is doing it and trying to be powerful >>451631 nu-max was a beta simp who let based immortal brandon's harem escape his "evil" (benevolent) clutches so they could go live in a shithole after the women ruined the last one by letting everyone have free water and obviously immediately running out >>451635 a concerned heh tbh >>451642 KEEEEEEK
But..they’re NOT over
did my back in somehow by sitting on my arse for 2.5hrs being feministed at smh
>>451644 Not a psychotic group at all.
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Hate to admit it lads. The Welsh flag is based and looks way better than the union jack.
>>451645 At least you’re not getting minced on a frontline https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_jdfaI5dyQ
>>451648 >chinko-zog propaganda if putin is throwing ant people into the meatgrinder then that is based tbh
>>451649 Tbh this is all cannon fodder on the frontline to test out tactics and enemy capability Russians have got a new S-500 Prometheus deployed, apparently can btfo out of most things
Maybe not deployed but it’s an abm in theatre weapon isn’t it? Just want a nuclear war tbh https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/s-500-russias-new-air-defense-could-win-war-against-nato-211109
Sick of all this wunderwaffe crap
>>451653 ice pick
>>451655 are the zoomers revolting?
getting desperate
>>451656 as a yoomer i'm a bit jealous of the zoomers. i was an incel before there was even a word for it
>>451658 lad the number of incels increases every generation
>>451657 >it's BASED on the best gigi song KEEEEEEK love that music, to this day it featured in my most comfiest dream (dancing with a gothlass)
>>451658 didn't they call you lads "virgins with rage"?
>>451661 was never called that but the big insult circa 2009 was to accuse someone of living in their mums basement or being a "neckbeard"
>when u realise you turned into that old flatmate you had back in 2013
spic's moortuguese ancestors >Major White, finding his host and family very obliging, was desirous to give them an entertainment, and to please the two daughters, each about 200 years of age, invited all the officers, with whom he was not at variance, to a ball -I did not ask either of the nymphs to dance with me, for I did not in the least feel romantically inclined, in fact the hue of their nether garments was quite anti sentimental. Any one might imagine the damsels had worn them without washing ever since they had entered their teens. Their black silk gowns were full and handsome, but went badly on the sides, showing most inopportunely that the young ladies did ‘not’ wear ‘white’ petticoats!
smh the ebook's formatting is anti greentext
>>451668 hope the slags and deanos here pick it up next
All the traitors can go with their ‘voters’ as well
didn't israel bomb tents in that refugee camp?
toil soon
>>451677 we thought you died lad
>>451677 kind post, thank you lad
>>451678 no I just don't get much benefit from imageboard shite anymore feel like I am getting too old
find them boring tbf they sort of peaked on 4ch/8ch 10 years ago
>>451681 smh been on imageboards since the 2000s. i doubt i'll ever be able to leave
although /brit/ is really the only board I poost on now
>>451680 iktf, i don't think i'm ever leaving though. i'm under no illusions as to how ineffective imageboards can make you. that said i've had a lot of good laughs on them that you can't really get from the irl public square
>>451682 2013 was when i graduated from reddit to halfchan, what were boards like in the 2000s? genuinely curious, lots of lolcats i presume
>>451686 i mostly lurked on /a/ before i eventually discovered /pol/ after the destruction of /new/ but yeah a lot of those older memis being thrown around. think the majority of people there had to be underage b&s since i have a hard time believing adults would poost like this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUCibez4P1I addicted to this channel now
only been at toil for two weeks and already broke my tape measure smh old sock smell coming from my gloves too smh might need to invest in some febreeze or somesuch >>451689 >they brought his future wife in and they were married and then immediately after daybreak he was shot smdh
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>brit moment
Any of you lads plotting anything based?
Morning lads What’s up with all the doom posting?
>>451693 >speedrunning >>451694 yeah lad but it's a surprise you'll know it when you see it >>451695 smorbing lad no idea
>>451694 your mind couldn't comprehend what I have up my sleeve
>>451695 it's over. all that's left is wallowing now
>>451696 >yeah lad but it's a surprise >you'll know it when you see it >>451697 >your mind couldn't comprehend what I have up my sleeve Yes but is it a based happening? How many indictable offences are you planning? Have you committed any already?
gchq's not sending their best
>>451701 smh lad you're going to ruin the surprise
I'm plotting nothing. Happy now? *cries*
>>451700 >it’s over >wallowing >what have you got planned Tbh also fuck this Steiner drama/doom ‘my chug brain hath outgrown this place’ because he’s suddenly getting boomer pay after whining on here about boomers forever and now pulling his ladder up. not helped by continual residual /newbrit/ neets monging the place Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>451704 happy for him honestly
genuinely wish all the best to every /brit/ lad tbh it's a tough world out there
>>451706 I'm alright Jack.
>>451707 based
i'll be sad if steiner goes
England, my England
>>451705 >>451706 It’s appreciated and a given from posters like yourself lad tbh Still need somewhere to share the seethe and and keep perspective and this is the best place tbh there is nowhere else the normiesphere just doesn’t cut it
>>451709 tbh >>451710 wew now there's a picture worth a thousand words >>451711 tbh /brit/ is honestly irreplaceable for me a little oasis of sanity in a mad world
umm basado
love /brit/ hate pakis simple as
>>451710 Gaza. Literally in the West Midlands as evidence by the buildings. Based Looks like the Jews and elites have finished the first round of asset stripping. Have literally never seen this amount of decay other than Russia or Ukraine or somewhere.
>>451713 >shameful
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Fucking hell wew they’re coming for you Auslad
>Allan said the Men’s Behaviour Change parliamentary secretary role – the “first position of its kind” to exist in Australia – is part of her government’s commitment to “make Victoria a safer place for women and children” and to put a stop to “the tragedy of deaths of Victorian women at the hands of men”. >“This is the first position of its kind in Australia – and will focus largely on the influence the internet and social media have on boys’ and men’s attitudes towards women and building respectful relationships,” Allan said in a statement.
>>451721 Anglosphere elite taking bets on who can cuck themselves to death first
snorebius lads >>451720 smh why do they hate auslanders so much? we never did anything to them it's those brown chappies that they should be focussing on >>451721 never met seen or heard of a jacinta who wasn't a complete cunt tbh cursed name >>451723 they've been doing that for ages smh seems to be ramping up now
>>451724 Is an awful name tbh snite snite la
>>451724 I’m sure this will reveal who the ethnicity https://www.crimestatistics.vic.gov.au/family-violence-data/family-violence-dashboard Also >it’s JUST men! I know a Jacinta who’s based tbh but yeah every time I hear that name it’s normally a horse faced opinionated dictatorial mong
>>451726 Here comes the bill from GAYTO
>11 kids 11 Steve Jobs or maybe they’ll all play for INGERLUND FC Ffs
>>451729 Offer to reduce it to 5 via repatriation.
>>451730 Would be literally cheaper to buy them each a condo in Bharat
>not cold >can eat curry all day long >can turn toilets into more bedrooms and continue shitting in the streets What’s not to like? Wouldn’t suit the political and economic elites though would it. We can send them packing there as well so that they can have as many immigrants on their doorstep as they like. Britain is not theirs to give away
>>451733 if he'd just countersignal Israel a little bit the election would be a slam dunk, but they have him by the balls so bad. I guess they have blackmail on him? what explains this behavior?
>>451734 He's in deep with jewish loan sharks and has sold off his extended family to them as a show of fealty. So basically privately bankrolled by zionists.
>>451734 Epstein type blackmail plus what >>451735 says tbh he’s bankrolled by Kushner’s dad and has taken Soros money and basically money from everyone
>>451734 this is such a weird post to see on here in 2024. how can you be so clueless still?
he married his own daughter off into the tribe. ffs
part of me is holding out hope that if he did get elected to a second term, then he'd be the president and cannot get reelected and is old as fuck and the rest of his family are all losers anyway. so really nothing to lose and no reason not to do something, if he ever had any intention of doing anything good and he isn't just playing a character but my worst fear is him getting elected and then selling 'Iran War' and the purplepilled normalfag cuckservative Blumpftards falling for it, thinking they're BTFOing the liberal college browns by fighting the final Jevv war >>451737 it's just Trump that confuses me because he's treated differently from all the more obvious shill politicians and he says some things that the others wouldn't say. my puny goy brain just can't make sense of it, there's multiple hypothesises but I'm not sure >>451738 he only knocks up Slav bimbos so is he really that invested in any of them other than perhaps Barron, who is more German-blooded? Don Jr. and Eric are disgusting losers, he must be ashamed of them
>>451738 They’re so manipulative it’s unreal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qUS5gdGUtE
The final war is against us
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>that German blood- good stuff! whaaaaaaaaaaat see that almost sounds based but he's a Jevv plant??
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>I'm proud to have that German blood, there's no question about it. Great stuff.
>>451739 >part of me is holding out hope don't do it to yourself.
skin looks so good rn. if only I got on Fin earlier and kept my temples I'd still look early 20's
Keeeeeeeeeek Boomer Derangement Syndrome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLGX1eWo3VA
>>451721 dobby will be seething hard when he finds this out
>>451748 Want to see his rant on this tbh
>>451746 you're late 20s now spic? i thought you were younger for some reason
>>451750 unfortunately
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >1.5 million twitter followers >30 million on Instagram
>>451753 Flip flop is to ward off fellow street shitters
>>451755 thanks, lass. I'm going to watch it.
>>451753 must live a very sheltered life to be 'physically shaken' by those leaflets. keeek.
>>451757 Or a paki
Spig home movie
>>451759 kek he's just like me minus the loving girlfriend aha
>>451759 They're both way too cute to be spig and his gf.
>by UK law children are banned from having best friends in order to force them to "socialise in inclusive groups"
>>451763 Got to get the prejudice early lad.
keeking at the epic music based long lads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EadYOb-JO-E
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new episode of /brit/ just dropped
>>451766 based and keeking at that zesty nigger >>451767 wdhmbt?
>>451765 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Keeeeeek DO IT
How’d ya like playing with that bar of soap lil Donnie?
>>451771 why isn't Q saving him from the heckin deep state
>>451769 no idea lad ngl im off my rocker
>>451771 >putting your political opponents a high profile criminal into one of the most notoriously sub standard and usafe prisons in the US Big brained if true.
>>451774 good lad
>>451776 (The Answer to 1984 Is 1776)
>>451777 can't wait for AJ to save us from the evil CHICOM conspiracy tbh
>>451771 So do the Secret Service just take turns standing outside his cell?
>>451771 Trump could have his own prison gang with secret service muscle. He could use them to smuggle in contraband, seeing as they can come and go. I'm guessing it'll be a mistrial though. They're just being thorough and planning for every possibility.
>>451781 Most likely. The secret service have to be protected by the prison guards while they protect him
>>451782 Watched a black pilled video recently where he went into detail about how some billionaire jews mum paid 17k per month to the state so he could serve time in his penthouse. The only thing they did was remove all his expensive artworks and luxuries. The rest he kept. Could make his own food and everything. Same would happen for Trump without a doubt. Prison is for plebs
>poo havers itt
>he won
night walk time. will do an urban route this time for to see any new grafiti or perhaps evidence of transients
>>451788 To do what?
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>>451789 i don't know lad, nothing i do achieves anything. it just feels good to be out in the street and in the moment, a part of the aesthetic and the culture of time
what happened to the lad with the gimmick of watching people cook in their homes
>>451790 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek think I can hear a little bit of steinese influence
>>451759 >>451762 I'm way better looking than him and my hair settis is much better, it's really not bad tbh just the left temple is thin now, another 3 months and it might be okay. idk how he got a gf though, she's even remarking on his hair loss and not hating him for it, it makes zero sense >>451791 I wanted to go to bed earlier and get a good's sleep and get back into working out but then I couldn't sleep because I was hot and not tired so I opened the vent more to get more AC and turned off my space heater but then when I finally fell asleep I get woken up a couple hours later by it being cold, 65 degrees F. fucking stupid house where the basement temperature has no correlation to the upstairs temperature and there's only one thermostat for the whole house and it's upstairs
the regime is fragile. enough zoomers start chanting this shit all over Europe it might escalate into something. if people will have some balls and say "nah fuck off you can't tell us we can't say this" and they just all keep doing the thing and it becomes popular
"Clap for our carers" on 26 March 2020 was the day the UK officially died. There will never be a more humiliating moment in our history.
>>451798 the peasants revolt lads bowing to the king after their leader was killed in front of them perhaps?
>>451799 The peasants were under threat of execution. The locked down clappers applauded with no punishment or reward.
>tfw descended from peasantry serfs were so cucked back in the day, they were literally almost slaves and were attached to the land they had to farm as property. and the local knight was responsible for their safety as if they were fenced in livestock. not a good feel
>>451793 He escalated to b&e to do people's washing up. Usually you have to get caught 40 times before you get prison, but as he was being helpful and not stealing anything, he was thrown in a loonie bin immediately. From there began an odyssey of bravery and trepidation, the likes of which he's still attempting to form into a series of posts. He's still on the run. But maybe he'll have time to stare into your window if you cook a Bolognese. You might wake in the morning and find you forgot that you did the dishes... Or did you?
>>451802 snased
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>watched a new looksmaxxing video and it's just promoting the same shit I say I all the time feels good being ahead of the curve. just wish I was way ahead of the curve far earlier, if I mewed properly and got on HGH before my growth plates closed I could have been Chad
love cars but also wish i didn't need one, as they are expensive, complicated and the roads are too full up with cunts to even drive them properly anymore. might sell my car and go neet or try to get a lower paying job in town i can walk to
noticed a lot of posts about receding hairlines across many boards recently, almost like everyone is norwooding out at the same time because everyone here is in their 30s now
>me and the gf last night. we leave the lights off because we are completely disgusted with ourselves
Patrick Masturbateman still on here then I see
>putting the woke away
>>451811 >kretinsky
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>they've done us again
>>451811 We are literally owned by furriners
Over 70% of the water industry too. literally don't even own our own water.
>>451816 it's the looting phase of civilisation smh
>>451817 tbhtbh
>dravidians simping hard over AI
>>451819 They must be expelled from planet earth - in any direction. They need to use their space program to attach rockets to the entire coastline of India and fire on all cylinders
>mysogynoir is a real word now
>>451817 The elites are conducting a genocide on us and are still managing to get people to vote and pay for it
fucking state of people lads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn2QmwG2l4c
>>451826 No statesmen about. just a conveyor belt of controlled clowns they keep rolling out.
>>451825 kek at that tranny
he really tied his beard up with the Ukraine colours.
>Scotland pays for England
>>451830 Tying it up was gay enough.
>>451820 Always wondered which way this one would go with the niggercattle, glad to see they're tearing into labour for it's jewish privilege.
>>451833 Although the Jewish left are attacking Labour for not kicking out people who criticise the Jewish lobby and israel committed anti semitisms
keeeeeeeeek >BAZZAS OUT >BILALS IN
>>451835 Same old shite from the same old crowd. Can't wait for these cunts to die off.
https://youtu.be/kAv85Xpu2C0 Fuck me this is depressing.
>>451837 Comments just make it worse, so many people stuck in the fucking uniparty dictorum.
keeeeeeeeek Rapeman will have his revenge No idea why the letter is so dark thats how she upped it tbh
>>451839 More pantomime
Mentalist and grandma bimbo sticking the boot into Sargoy too keeek also non dark letter
>>451841 Feminists don't deserve the rape they crave.
>>451820 >>451833 >>451834 kek as if these cattle will not still vote team red
>>451838 Tbh >>451837 >We’ll find some mongs to interview. Wonder how many people they interviewed but didn’t feature
>>451843 >haz I done a dumb? Dang!
keeeeeeeeeeek amazing. he needs to post the photos https://nitter.poast.org/ForsterSam/status/1795492082636795958
forgot screenshot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np4rJTilsHQ which one of you pooed yoursnelves? yuck! i can smell it from the other room!
>camel poo comes out so dry it can immediately be lit on fire
>>451843 this happened in my town
thats the room I sued boomer bossman in
>>451825 all the good celtoid genetics went to austrailia, canada and america tbf
keeking tbh
>>451856 keeeeeeeeeek was that your judge as well?
reading about indian military conflicts post-ww2 really weird seeing so many british lads involved and anglojeet mutt lads too
>>451860 tell us about the chink jeet war wessie
>>451861 don't know tbh was reading about the paki side instead they've been sharting at eachother since partition and the latest flare-up recorded on kikepedia was in 2020-21 in which the pakis seethed that the jeets had violated the ceasefire / treaty almost 3,000 seperate times with each time being something like firing artillery into military and civilian areas bloody benchod bitch bastards just trying to mulch eachother for the fun of it rather than any great military objective it seems
>>451849 Keeeeeeeek
>>451862 I don't think they'll ever have a proper war tbh. Too much to lose and not enough to gain.
>>451864 yeah it's just retards seething, they have special paramilitaries whose sole duty is to make sure the feud keeps going on but isn't technically direct war they will never redeem nuclear wepon and turn themselves into radioactive curry smhg
>>451865 What even is the particular seethe about, we literally partitioned them to stop the retardation.
>>451859 no mine was a femoid
>>451866 Why does this speccy little bint even want to be a copper? Worse than useless
was reading the book of tea, great book tbh. the reality is in fact that the opposite has happened. anglos and westoids lost their culture because other cultures adopted the most topical and utilitarian aspects and inhabit westoid lands and say they are westoids, anglos, etc. while westoids may have visited nippon and showed them our cool stuff and been bullies sometimes we never moved there in large amounts and said we iz nipponese like many of the brownoids now do. luv the japanese tbh
>>451870 They'll probably adopt mass migration all the same for it's economic utility.
Much of the Meiji restoration feels like the nips adopting a lot of the more utilitarian aspects of western culture as it was back then. Wogs didn't get a look in because we still knew they were there to be governed.
>>451872 tbh they are too hard on themselves they kept their culture just adopted new tech. imagine if you lads had never adopted vikang tech or continental techs and stayed like the bog trotting taigs wearing chainmail into the 17th century
tbh book of tea was like a sneaky spirit bomb on us because really in actuality westoids have been philosophically exhausted since the 19th century when angloids began translating eastoid texts like the upanishads and sutras, heidegger is just a memi, he was just taking basic-bitch eastoid metaphysics and making them sound westoid. really it all sharted with shopenhauer and nietzsche where the continentals got lost in eastoid ideas. us anglos understood it best with william james pragmatism where you didn't go "full tilt" into some new system romantically like heidegger and then the later filth of the 20th century
>>451874 I suppose but if you look at it there was a fair bit of flirting with western aesthetics as well. But I would agree they never truely lost a sense of self. That said modern Japan is an overcommericalised hellscape that's kept functioning by long term deflation and 16hr work days. >>451875 I can't really comment to Heidegger or the appropriation of eastern mysticism but I do think you're right about the kind of existential exhaustion setting in. That's why you get all this 19th century occult "revivalism" but more like almost complete invention.
>>451876 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomonobu_Imamichi >Ito Kichinosuke, one of my teachers at university, studied in Germany in 1918 immediately after the First World War and hired Heidegger as a private tutor. Before moving back to Japan at the end of his studies, Professor Ito handed Heidegger a copy of Das Buch vom Tee, the German translation of Okakura Kakuzo’s The Book of Tea, as a token of his appreciation. That was in 1919. Sein und Zeit (Being and Time) was published in 1927 and made Heidegger famous. Mr. Ito was surprised and indignant that Heidegger used Zhuangzi’s concept without giving him credit. Years later in 1945, Professor Ito reminisced with me and, speaking in his Shonai dialect, said, ‘Heidegger did a lot for me, but I should’ve laid into him for stealing’. There are other indications that Heidegger was inspired by Eastern writings, but let’s leave this topic here. I have heard many stories of this kind from Professor Ito and checked their veracity. I recounted this story at a reception held after a series of lectures I gave in 1968 at the University of Heidelberg at the invitation of Hans-Georg Gadamer. Japanese exchange students attended these lectures, and I explained that there were many other elements of classical Eastern thought in Heidegger’s philosophy and gave some examples. I must have said too much and may even have said that Heidegger was a plagiarist (Plagiator). Gadamer was Heidegger’s favorite student, and we ended up not speaking to each other for 4 or 5 years because he was so angry with me
>>451867 it's not even because of "le evil british empire's dastardly plan to ensure all nations freed from our dastardly yoke will forever fight oneanother" but a holdover from the borders of the princely states absorbed into the Raj, both sides claim that their rightful allowance is the entirety of the old pre-raj states' borders >>451870 >>451876 >>451875 tbh tbh "spiritualism" of the early 20th century was a real bad sign when le kooky seances and larping became mainstream there's a lad on odysee doing videos about how christianity got subverted into foid worship from the mid-19th century also
>>451869 The institutions have all been infested with these mongoloids tbh Think in France about 2% vote for the hard left but they run ALL the institutions so it doesn’t matter what people vote, same here. This lot just made it compulsory for all illegal migrants to get legal representation. They’re all Trotskyite boomers from the 60’s Trot along with Habib was a member of the hard Zionist right terrorists linked Betar who smashed up French nationalist meetings along with this Habib who got two years for it Hard right Zionist when it suits isreal but hard left when it comes to French politics. Betar is in a lot of countries including here although they might have renamed it. Militaristic, hasbara, spying etc
>>451876 yeah they flirted with westoid asethetics but they also deeply influenced westoid "modernism" especially in shartica which is exactly what he predicted in the book of tea
https://odysee.com/@TealDeer:a lots about how that 19th century female worship cult led into feminism and modern occultism
>>451881 yeah romanticism of the 19th century evolved into the filth of today for sure. the modern cow nose ring feminist is just some kind of warped inversion of the classical damsel in a walter scott novel
>>451879 its not racist or conspiratorial to talk about jewish mafia tbh, its simple fact that they exist and have too much power
>>451880 I suppose but there's an argument to be made that adopting the scientific method is an adoption of a fundamental western perspective on existence.
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>>451884 william james would say that they are just following what has 'cash value' rather than engaging in monism like a good ghostly roman empire mindslave westoid
yeah its like science is sort of muzungu magic but I think some of the eastoids actually do like you say adopt the westoid empirical method of observing reality and classifying it "from outside" rather than like this lad >>451877 said
>>451886 I wonder if you can really ever separate the method from the philosophy like that. I'm sure repeated applications of the method could eventually influence a person or peoples base grounding in existentialism.
I could all be wrong however as I'm a layman.
That all said I still think reincarnation is real and I remember reading it was much more broadly believed in past years even in westiod pagan religion.
>>451883 Yeah tbh they go hard on shutting down the intellectual opposition to their antics but let the lightweights escape relatively unscathed The kosher mafia had gage swatted again https://nitter.poast.org/Lucas_Gage_/status/1795623085833388474
>mongs attempt philosophy
>>451890 Puts the police turning up for offensive tweets in perspective.
>>451893 Imagine living in America and blatantly getting told “We’re here to have a word because you made Isreal cry”
>>451894 Is this related to the new antisemitism bill or is that still yet to pass through congress?
>>451889 britoid-celtic certainly was, very based too something like "when you die you just go to ghost britain because britain is already the perfect land" also if you kill people and put there shrunken severed heads on poles outside your huts then they are your spirit slaves too when you go to ghost britain
>>451850 The 00s aesthetic is just great. Thanks for posting, I enjoyed the music video.
>>451841 The return of le UKIP rape man
Lads That girl that was doxxed and ruined in Germany. Thoughts? https://nitter.poast.org/Martin_Sellner/status/1795498076267786266/photo/1
>>451895 Think it has to go through the senate it’s passed congress
reading the forever war and it's pot smoking vietnam hippy retard shit smh >army allows and encourages smoking pot and doing other drugs including heroin >women in the military at nearly equal rates >but it's commie style mandatory "free love" and they can't refuse, no exclusive relationships are allowed >the UN encourages global faggotry "to combat overpopulation" and as much as a third of the world are bumbum kings
>>451902 Yeah, I didn't think it was very good either tbh
>>451875 have you read peter kingsley? he's annoying but you might enjoy
>>451904 I haven't read his books, no. What little philosophy I've read involves tedious statements of the blindingly obvious and assertions which are of no use outside of thought experiments. Never really cared for the field.
bread and possibly expired premium olive oil from the inlaws plantation that i put a bunch of garlic onion and herbs in to try and make a dip for dinner don't see the appeal tbh just hope that olive oil does magically help prevent instead of cause clogged arteries and cholesterol or whatever
>>451907 Dipping ciabatta in olive oil and herbs is nice. Olive oil is supposed to be good for you. Ostensibly the secret to the success of the ancient Romans.
>>451904 based will check him ouit
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Backyard soundtrack for the next 2 weeks
>>451910 that is so kino, wonder how many souls will be harvested this year though :(
>>451910 based
>>451910 are you getting some good whiffs of the exhoost fumes la? steam shows going on down here, very comfy and tasty coal and steam odours
keeeek a few days ago mummy was seething about farmerchads slowing up the country roads with their tractors and then shortly afterward she got stuck behind a giant steam roller type tractor
>>451913 they're actually passing by about a mile away, just very loud
>>451913 also SULPHUR from the steam trains is so good
you lads read the middle english version of the iliad? looks kino
>>451917 no just read the BBC Pidgin version
>>451918 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>451917 last classics I read was poe tbh
wey dem argive nom sey bash dem trojans achilles no give bossman agememnon him none pum pum dey prestess apollo
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>>451922 qeeeeq
>>451917 >This Absolon gan wype his mouth ful drie. >Dirk was the nyght as pich or as the cole, >And at the wyndow out she pitte hir hole. >And Absolon hym fil no bet ne wers, >But with his mouth he kiste hir naked ers >Ful savourly er he was war of this. >Abak he stirte and thoughte it was amys, >For wel he wiste a woman hath no berd. >He felte a thyng al rough and longe yherd >And seyde, "Fy! Allas! What have I do?" >"Tehee," quod she and clapte the wyndow to."
Mebbe we wuz bleck an ting spiking pijjin back in da middul ajes ?
>>451925 keeeeeeeeeeeek when she farts in his face is the best bit tbh
>>451927 Gentlemen, wenches
https://news.sky.com/story/amp/billionaire-is-planning-to-take-two-person-sub-to-depths-of-titanic-despite-deadly-titan-tragedy-13144450 Billionaire is planning to take two-person sub to depths of Titanic - despite deadly Titan tragedy Keeeeek.
>>451932 This one will be controlled by an Xbox Elite Controller Series 2
>>451932 I humbly submit a soundtrack for the voyage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYMcMPwtwHY
>>451930 >6 months ago so are we seeing the fire being put out right now, not the rising? smh >>451931 they will enjoy it in the parts of russia where there is no working plumbing so people just poo in freezing cold sheds instead >>451932 oh please oh please oh please
The new sub.
>>451931 the pajeets need to fuck off they are taking over places like armenia even now
>>451937 They're literally the global coolie.
Soon every job that can be done by sub 90 iq indians will be done by them, administered to by a Chat GBT middle management bot, just to regulate the corruption to an acceptable level.
>>451938 but they move to canada and shartica great lakes and finance everything and larp like they are bougie cunts when they are in debt 2 million and they bought some dogshit house made by boomers half drunk in the 1990s and think that they are too above repairing it but can't afford repairmen
>>451940 They sound like great debt slaves.
>>451935 They will not put it out. Boomers are on their way out right voters are the dispossessed and pissed off 20-30 year olds Hope the jeets freeze to death like in Canada. Fucking locusts they’ve absolutely asset stripped parts of the UK and once they get a foothold rip everyone off >>451937 Complaining about them in Albania as well
Literally one economic hiccup from being a group of western based street shitters.
>>451612 >>451618 Love Kazhah women me. But then again I'm Duginpilled. I even found a link to all the good slags of Astana: https://kizdar.net/prostitutki/astany
>>451941 yeah this one poo was such a mong he bought a house that wasn't even watersealed just had plastic siding direct over studs with no sheathing so it was leaking in the roof so bad and he told the rooferlad who I know that the repair needed to cost less than 1000 and the roofer guy just told him that he could pick up a tarp for him to put on the roof
>>451945 KEEEEK did he go for it?
>>451937 >>451942 And Latvia.
>>451946 No he would have hired an indian and then gone with the tarp.
>>451941 They sound like it but they never get into debt they just turn the local area into a third world slim instead and will opt for the kind of fixes that Steiner said I.e. le ‘tarp’ Parts of the UK are horrifying tbh. They’ve turned leafy garden suburbs into flood prone slums. Incredible. They rip every plant and tree out and concrete over everything. Never seen legit builders doing work in their houses. They just hire other jeets to do work
>>451946 hopefully he was too cheap to fix his siding so I got paid 300 dollars to just slather some paint on the rotted trim and took some old lumber from another job and painted it white and nailed it on. fucking mong foreigner
>>451949 yeah I am taking the license to be a shitagain builder on friday and there are so many foreigners trying to change the laws so you don't even have to speak englisc now to be a builder
>>451949 Lad they did that in the UK because they started out living twenty to a house and using their own extended family as slave labour. It's still how a majority of indian and paki restaurants are run now.
>>451950 good lad
Jeet slum lordism is a closed loop literally maintained by mass migration.
>>451951 This is another trick ‘change the laws. Seen them outright break it in the uk council turn up yelling and they just no speak English and the council do nothing because there are so many of them breaking the law it would cost them all their budget to prosecute
>>451956 The trick is if you get something illegal done and it's not spotted within 2 years it is classed as pre-existing and the council cannot force the owner to pull it down.
>>451954 My cousin had some move in next door and they built some brick shed at the back of the garden she thought was for storage. They concreted the grass, cut the only tree they had down, destroyed all the render on their house and hers using jeets to put odd sized mismatched second hand double glazing in and then when they finished the shed she went out one day to discover they’d moved a Polish family in and were charging them 1200 a month for rent. They had to access that shed through the poos house. Nightmare fuel
>>451958 Illegal tbh, call the council and get them fucked.
Probably not even legally classed as a living space if there's no toilet.
>>451959 Fucking area is about 90% jeet and the council are all jeets. Shit is fucked. I told her to move but she can’t sell unless it’s to jeets so they fucked her house price
Still I've seen plenty of nigerians do the exact same thing. It's constitutes a large chunk of the housing in Croydon.
>>451962 Tbh when they swamp an area a million problems pop up and overburden services like environmental health and planning depts
They even destroyed sewer pipes and concreted over what they’d done. There were rats everywhere and it took the council four visits and 9 months to find out what they’d done
foreigners brought measles and bubonic plague back to america
>>451965 Yeah building control is none existent in a lot of councils.
>>451969 Probably one of the last true subversives in comedy tbh. Can't really think of an equivalent here.
>>451966 Yeah we’ve got outbreaks of tb and cholera here too and they’re keeping a lid on the scale of the problem Remember one jewish professor Robert Winston saying reintroduction of these diseases by migrants would make Britain stronger and should be welcomed
>>451965 smh had no idea the jeet horde could be orc tier destructive
>>451968 Once they get infiltrated by jeets corruption sees to the rest >ve vant build flat for fifteen people >how many bedrooms? >van bedroom saaahhhh >okay pay me erm £500 and ve grant permissions Mr Patel >thankyou saaahhh Kumar ji
>>451972 building regs are actively ignored and you can see it reflected in the degredation of the housing stock in area's that they're a majority.
>>451972 They are a danger and will be the cause of a bubonic plague outbreak in Britain
>>451974 This overbuilding as well extensions everywhere Basically if you see no vegetation in an area consider it jeeted
>>451940 this, but how does this end? i worry it will end well for pajeet because the debt crash never comes. sad pepe.png
>>451977 They can still be crushed by the debt though.
>>451978 Thing is they are always in debt to another jeet so you just get more jeets replacing them
>>451970 Doesn't exist anymore I think. Closest I can think of is Leslie Nielson.
>>451979 Oh yeah the fuck off to india and sign it all over maneuver
>>451971 It's been an open secret for 20 years that London and other major cities have a huge problem with those diseases. Just extra insult that el coof was treated as a public health crisis.
Go back sign it over get it refinanced but now end up as slaves for another business owned in the uk by the import export guy who bailed their mortgage out
sneevening lads
>>451983 Dr actually admitted to me that there had been a problem with scabies in the local area. Fun fucking times when we're returning to victorian slum levels of hygiene.
>>451983 This tbh. Heard a story from someone I know whose gf worked in one of the unlocked containment units and coons with tb used to just wander off into the local town centre minus their basic face masks and innocent locals were attending doctors coughing up blood and being sent away none the wiser with antibiotics on account of “nothing to worry about just a nasty chest infection”
woke up really tired with this stuck in my head for some reason
>>451977 they just fuck off once they can't finance their lifestyle anymore its already happening in leaf
my thinking is that jeets are so universally unlikeable that it might actually be worth the redpill to have them flood in. nobody is going to racemix with Indians, and apparently even Canadian libtards are starting to say "what the fuck" and warm up to the idea of mass deportations
>>451990 yeah, i bet a lot of them do the sam hyde debtmax before they go kek. immigrants leaving canada is so funny to me, that's how bad trudeau made it since 2016 that even the brown horde are going back to mordor keeeke
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islamo-jeet redeemed
RN is Le Pen's party, formerly known as FN
>>451994 his aorta probably separated from his heart smh
Morning lads >All this apoplexy This is what they try to pass off as intelligence https://nitter.poast.org/ShmuelReichman/status/1795981311347249360
Just confess already lads.
Cornwall election issue POO
>>452002 we've come so far as a society
>>452003 Everything is trivialised
NOOOOOOOOO SAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH I MAKE MANY BBC POSTS ON INTERNET WE ARE ALLIES! https://www.reddit.com/r/washdc/comments/1d3cerl/baka/
Funniest thing for me has to be that Africans hate blackpipo from the West Indies and Murica
>just got an email from someone using pronouns after their name
>no posting What new meme is this?
shartica seems like a real shithole
>>452013 lord mikka debunked this
>400k + twitter followers >3.5 million YouTube subs Why are they waking everyone up? What’s their game plan? >His latest revenge video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6BkDCUxHDs
Fucking keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://nitter.poast.org/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1795688789354177001
Get ordering your supply of drones, lads. This is the only way we will be able to protect ourselves against the flying poos
jewtube is such shit now, most of the good kino music from 10 years ago is gone and its all shitty zoomer mixes now and the algorhythm on the homepage is just softcore porn or outrage porn
>>452017 TommyRuebinsteinJewEra
>>452020 tbh I hardly use it anymore
YouTube will kill itself and. that’s a good thing
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>>452013 I'll believe that shite when I see it, tory boys are all fucking thatcherites and have no business being considered anything but.
'peak' English
>>452030 >We’re taking over the world!
Don’t know why they don’t just stick a load of rabbis in the congress and senate and be done with it. Would be a lot cheaper for them in the long run
>>452034 Because that's too overt even for the zionist evangelicals.
>only a small bomb >two ‘Brits’ were killed once Tubby cuntberg former director of Labour friends of Israel ( basically operating out of the Israeli embassy in London and now israeli spokeliar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtzeypZyLzc >it’s not lying! it’s diplomacy lol <brits
Fellow Gora we are facing a threat from South Asian masculinity
>>452038 >r/southasianmasculinity an entire subreddit dedicated to their so called "masculinity"? seems insecure tbh
>>452039 So masculine vajeetas have to look elsewhere for satisfaction
Hnh spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) have got Galloway on their back
Someone should tell him they’re Zionists tbh
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>>452041 CAGE are literally Islamist apologists. Wouldn't be surprised if they were banned in the Muslim world for it.
>>452043 No compreende espanigga
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https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn330zkvnmyo.amp Gang plotted a £53.9m benefits fraud from the back room of a shop and a suburban office >Thousands of Bulgarians transported over to London, often by plane at the gang’s expense, to make claims for Universal Credit >Some are thought to have immediately returned home to Bulgaria. >Their IDs would be used to start the claim and then the gang would bolster the application with fraudulent tenancy agreements, employment records, GP letters or evidence of children. >There were also several hundred low-tech mobile phones, all being charged, alongside thousands of SIM cards. On the back of most of the phones were the names and claim number of the applicants to which the phones referred. >On the top floor they found a bucket attached to a rope which they suspect was used to move phones between floors in a hurry, by dropping it through a window, to allow accomplices to pose as claimants on calls.
went onna boat today it was quite fun alas even though it's not the height of tourist season yet everywhere was swamped with human detritus and predators grifting off of them b'xoomers just had to ruin the evening with talking about le dumpff trial!!! he is going DOWN!!! and the clintons are so BRAVE!! or something >>452012 meanwhile there is at least one machete attack every minute which the hospital then has to treat >>452030 does ed just have an autistic "i don't want to be here" type look or is that the "I took their money and now they are controllling what I do" look >>452047 >the zoomers are getting steinpilled ACK >>452050 one singular fraud operation closed appoximately 30-40 million to go
>>452053 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
They found Trump guilty of the hush money bullshit
>>452057 the first drop of blood
>This is in response to South Korea dropping a bunch of propaganda leaflets via balloon on NK KEEEEEEK so zased
>>452057 hope they LOCK HIM UP right next to all the jannie sixers he betrayed and they beat him to death
baffling niggercattlesphere video which is positive about north korea, or at least not negative, and draws parallels with western evils, but from a liberal perspective where BLM is good etc I suppose it's all kosher and directed toward self-hatred so it's fine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BO83Ig-E8E
oh they're just libshit commies or smth
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Cheers lads, hoping for civil krieg for me birthday (je qeeq) got rum gonna cum got work in the morning gonna do some excel sums
(when the day is dawning)
Stupid hand wringing Norwegian prick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e60F5MS3mo4
>>452058 Replies said it was in response to Shit Korea dropping propaganda leaflets. Good response tbh. Literally shit posting Shit Korea
ten years of starmergeddon lads
>>452061 maybe the nigcels he pardoned will come to his aid
>>452070 He won’t be in long himself
>still some evil mongs tripling down on the chinkflu narrative that fucking toreeees were evil for *checks notes* not sticking to being authoritarian commies for long enough, thus killing 6 gorrillian grannies
toil complete >>452074 based paki doing the job lazy poo yorkers don't want to do
also got carded at the bottleo again too don't know why that keeps happening
>>452078 heard some mad stories over the years about dumpster diving tbh people finding all sorts of things that are still perfectly good essentially it's prospecting but for urboids tbh usually there's nothing but sometimes you hit paydirt
Morning lads Israel continuing to lose the plot. This week they dragged three diplomats from Spain Ireland and Norway before journalists to give them a bollocking. Unprecedented tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DevJl03uHA
>>452073 He looks guilty, more guilty than Blair did before power. They must have something heavy on him. Or he's done something terrible, or he's going to. >>452066 So what? He's a left wing poof, and you're just a right wing one?
>>452081 smorb la talking down to them like they're naughty children keeeeeeeeek don't think they actually understand how little the average person cares about israel tbh the only people who actually like them are their pet politicians and the unfortunate burger evangelicals who were brainwashed by the scofield bible generally people find jews the most tolerable when they don't know anything about them and never have a reason to think about them
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>>452084 morning lad
Patriots were on standby.
>>452086 keeeeeeeeeeeek his pose looks exactly like the virgin in virgin x chad y memis
>>452088 Whiter than you hombre
Hey Wessie, want to Co-Op Darktide?
>>452087 How is the new toil lad, is it fun melting glass?
>>452089 93 and still going
>>452092 Oh apparently the police killed him 2 days after he escaped jail last year
Woke up full of rage
>>452093 >still escaping from jail at 93 breddy based
>>452094 the micropenis does that to a man.
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BXTKCGn5Q68?feature=share People are having kids pretty late aren't they? This makes mummy at least 35+ when she had this girl
>>452091 enjoying it tbh but there's a lot to keep track of smh spent this week mostly in charge of the furnace with the lad who's teaching me waiting in the wings in case i fuck up we have a big regular customer who wants a special logo on their glass so if it goes into the furnace with the wrong logo it just goes straight into the bin and has to be recut also when we do the first run of a material there's a specific window of about twenty seconds where we can put in details about how it gets quenched and if that gets missed then it ruins the temper and whatever went through comes out curved or sometimes breaks inside the machine so we have to stop production and smash it up with metal rods keep missing that smh always get too focussed on other things and miss it there's a light that signals it but it doesn't do me much good if i'm not looking at it on the whole it's decent toil tbh definitely going to stick with it going to buy an egg timer tomorrow to use for the quench thing tbh hope that's not seen as cheating >>452094 and yet despite all of that you are still just a chud in a cage
>>452097 the idea that there's a stage of adulthood before you have children where you just live for yourself has been a big mistake for humanity because people just want it to last longer and longer with some people even wanting it to last their entire lives if you don't have kids you aren't a real adult tbh you're just a large hairy child with mild joint pain
We're going to be getting the overspill spics from america too
>>452100 smh, directly flooding us this time
>>452100 Literally shipping spics around the planet to other white nations over just sending them back. The most jewish administration in history.
going put £8k into a fixed rate at 5% lads. yay nay?
>>452103 Sounds safe and solid to me.
>>452100 Truly Europe's greatest ally. No Spain? Surprised they haven't told them it's a post-colonial problem
>>452100 first thought was that brexit should mean you wouldn't get any spillover from europe but then i remembered that all politics is a farce and nothing means anything pretend i never said anything at all >>452102 >The most jewish administration in history. the most jewish administration so far >>452103 you can do better lad put it in an index fund
>>452106 >>452105 >>452102 just think lad, all those gazans are going to need to be rehoused in tel aviv.
>>452107 honestly curious how the politicians will try to sell that tbh saying that palestinians don't deserve their own homeland out of one corner of the mouth and saying that palestinians deserve are homeland out of the other
>>452108 Quite easily I'd imagine, talking out of both sides of your mouth is a basic requirement of politics.
>>452109 oh yeah silly me
KEEP OUT What's the last sighting of this lad?
>>452111 No one knows but we're fairly certain he's wearing Kieth's skin now.
>>452111 maybe working in a supermarket now, i still remember when he quit pushing trollies in the car park after only 1 2/3s of a shift.
>>452113 smh quitter being a trolley wally isn't that bad tbh did that for a few years and it was way better than being on checkout
>>452112 Absolute Nectar
It was an instant classic
does anyone have the shah jahans webm? sudden;y want to watch it again
>cloudflare asks me if i'm a human >roll my eyes and sarcastically say "yeah i'm definitely a human" >does the waiting thing for a few seconds then comes up again asking if i'm a human >click the box again but with sincerity this time >it works technology is getting scary lads
Finally found a lad with a smaller penis than me
>>452119 finally some good fucking food know what i'm doing on saturday >>452120 wew
MANNHEIM Marktplatz, Germany
Policeman really tackled then knee'd on one of the victims instead, but got stabbed in the head/neck while doing it. smh.
>>452122 smdh >>452123 wouldn't want to be accused of racism lad got to keep your priorities in order
>>452124 even long after this dumb bitch is restraining him? smh
So many police just standing around like a bunch of arseholes. Like any other day then.
>>452125 >>452126 a snew machine is sneeded
I suppose if it was shartica both the victim and attacker as well as a few bystanders would have been mag dumped.
>>452128 plus the video would have an ebonics commentary
>>452122 weeew fucking hell hate pakis so much its unreal
Cheers Elon nice one
>>452131 remember lad shitter is a free speech platform now that evil right winger el*n musk hijacked it
Anyone got any jahans types that they follow on youtube?
>>452133 Millennial Woes when he was on there.
>half past nine not used to staying up so late g'shnight lads
>>452132 Tbf he said he'd comply with the law rather than pull completely out of Germany, etc. He promised no extra censorship especially for US users. He's faltered a while but him debanning AJ, spic fuentes, seems a good sign. He's not fully /ourguy/ but I think he's got some good intent and he's trying. Of course I might be wrong.
>>452135 Good Shite, don't let the bed bugs bite.
>>452137 Well they did get him to do the humiliation ritual. But Twitter seems to be in a better place than it was under previous ownership in regards to the message getting out. Although many voices are still banned, and there's still tweet deleting running amok. As a billionaire businessman, that has to get advertising to remain on there he's doing okay.
He's are guy at all. so expectations have to be lowered.
>>452140 not are guy*
Can't wait until minecraft 2 Hitler edition
>>452142 So now they take his children into account. Not when passing a sentence that has left them without a father for 2 years. Locked away on a nothing charge. Love this country me.
>>452142 Meanwhile the common whitoid on the streets is thinking about footie or 'za.
>>452122 Kèeeeeeeek eurotrash are hopeless just some mallet with a kitchen knife
Remember when those mudshits got b8 I to attacking that "draw muhammed" expo in burgerland and the police ack'd them in less than 30 seconds
>>452128 Keeeeeeeek then it would be 10 mins of a redneck with his voice cracking yelling at a dead body to stop resisting
>want to go buy some natsoap >businesslass faced some hardship from local seethers, pivoted to Homeland Party, then had a closing down sale and stopped producing because "I could not find premises to expand my business into" and it was preferable to shut down completely rather than remain a cottage industry (ie she made her money and got tired of the grift and the negative attention) >want to buy some tea and honey >meatybraps is being persecuted by the state and can't even keep her website up constant seething ACK >>452090 >buying fatshark games smh if it ever goes on sale for a reasonable price I'd get it but by them fatshark will have abandoned it and moved on to some other slop >>452131 >>452132 all the edgy shitter lads who make money off of reposting memes and RW seethebait are shitting themselves since he's gating that money benind self-doxxing for "validation purposes" with an ISRAELI business DIRECTLY FOUNDED by "ex" Mossad employees KEEEEEK
>>452100 Lmao 🤣 this is the moat retarded time in history
>>452145 It's humiliating tbh coppers now have loads of foreigners/women in them and the white lads are often cucked zogbots anyway
Remembering the classic kino of the mayt hamback tier nsm lads who went and stomped around a nicely ghetto In their big boots in order to get the nicely to burn their own neighborhood down
>>452150 was the arab one that pulled the trigger. the Germans were shitting it about being unpersoned.
Is steinzog now on meth? even more incoherent than ever before.
>>452150 Yeah idk what to even say anymore I'm sort of done really out people are all cowards who know this is going on but avoid even speaking up in minor ways. So many things are stacked against us 'Cels and I found that in the end I really don't care about this worthless ahithole country or my retarded fat white trash diaspora ethnic group
>>452153 Sorry phone posting. I am taking my builders license test in shitroit in this office building with fat niggers
>>452155 good luck lad did you bring a brown envelope of $10 bills to bribe the examiner with? that's probably how you actually pass and competence has nothing to do with it
>>452155 Good luck de lad. A yellow wife and your own mcmansion will be yours soon enough
>>452148 >>buying fatshark games I know you're hording lots of gold. you can drop some on a mudshark game no problem.
>>452156 The best is the boomer generation changed the test to be more like the canadian one. Pre 1998 boomers only needed 3 hours of classes to be a builder now its 60 hours (700 dollar course) and a 200 teat and two 150 dollar book purchases. OK boomers
>>452159 *crack *hiss *sip yep, it's just good business
>>452159 can you just cheat on it with your phone
>>452162 Yeah and boomers won't do a fucking thing about house prices, car prices etc
what is it with zoomies, nogs and those shoulder manbags?
>>452163 thanks, lad. I needed that nut.
>>452165 a richfag xoomer told me to get a 2nd job and toil harder when I seethed about those things
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holy based
1st worlders need not apply. smh.
saw a shitty people carrier van thing with a note on the windscreen asking for £30k the other day
Mackerel for me tea. Good stuff lads. Didn't think I would like it.
>>452172 based and fishpilled it's salmon on baguette for me maybe with a spread of gorgonzola mascarpone but not sure if that would be nice or vile
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what's with these crappy new memes of wojak fucking a fat girl?
>>452176 think it's one for the sexhavers.
Failed the test by 10 questions based now have to pay boomer kikes another 200 to test again
so black and white pilled recently, the yinyang pill.
watched the netshits halfchins documentary and it was the usual shite of hideous trannies/leftoids claiming that it was all epicly left wing etc until the evil chuds who are stupid and malicious took over, they did show some funny footage from early meetups though, but the whole thing was cringe tbh.
>>452180 >epicly left wing etc until the evil chuds who are stupid and malicious took over keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek this revisionist faggotry is so stupid the only people who were left wing were the small number of lingering SA goons who later became exiled trannies and vanned nonces
>>452160 wtwm minus the leaf part and the camaro would be an iroc 6 speed
>>452169 afaik this is only sold in Thailand, but i'd almost move over there to buy one. it's the most anti-materialistic vehicle built in a while, with the possible exception of the based lada that you can actually buy but nobody does for some reason. i could sell my car here and have money left over after buying that, even with the flight to thailand kek
that mise catwalk video of the volumptuous negro girl is weaponised coomerism. that one video has taken a lot of loosh from me. there's something primally enticing about it
>>452185 topkek, 66 is still too many though
ah yes, noposting. the hot new mene
>This time, I am tough enuss
>there are 650 mps Ridiculous in itself.
>>452189 this, but if you think about it, that's about 1 mp per 100,000 people. the solution to this is devolved direct democracy and localism, and not in the way councils work now. councils should be abolished and a new system of localism put in place. maybe we need knights again
>>452190 Maybe. Just checked, we're about 1/5th the population of the US, and have more than half the number of elected representatives. And we manage to have even less influence on policies as a people. What a mess.
>>452190 tbh its a failed system
don't toilet paper sales statistics show there's actually like 85 million people in the uk kek?
>>452178 smh lad were they practical knowledge questions or retard-law-memorisation changeable-and-unenforced-building-guideline type shite? >>452179 some sort of AI generated dystopia? where are the fag flags smh >>452180 just finished listening to the 4chungus soundtrack guy's playlists and every one has polface stuff in them tbh >>452184 the white man's burden smh >>452193 damning if true especially considering how many wog invader demographics don't use TP
>>452194 imagine having a black concubine like that. why can't that happen, i wouldn't even be cruel to her
>>452195 if you've the health for it you could try absconding to africa and being "forced" into a polygynous marriage with the natives like that one touristdeano
>>452196 a lad did that? i would love that. i wouldn't have to feel guilt about miscegenation as i'd be in africa so who cares. plus i bet you can do whatever you want down there if you lay low. i wonder if emigration to remote africa is a thing?
>>452197 probably not very high as the chances of coon poon or being eaten alive and/or tortured to death are not even as reliable as a coin flip but yeah I recall some lad posting youtube videos about it on here the same stealthy civic bloke who posts the mise webm presumably she's definitely mixed anyway smh or had a lot of surgery
>>452198 yeah, possibly just really good makeup too. completely european facial features
might go see the soy guy fillum tomorrow just for lack of better things to do (that aren't chores) or maybe mad maxine again, it really did have some kino fight scenes
>>452200 alarmed by how many lads are calling out this new mad max for being soy, but also saying it's a guilty pleasure and they like it. look m88, if a film, fillum if you will, has even one frame of soy, it's your moral duty to disparage it here and post le trashman.png simple as
>>452201 I probably liked it more because I am a deafo and couldn't hear the bits with women muttering about feminist poo in it the most egregious bits of soy is really just the opening cringe setup where for some reason the warband that goes to save child mad maxine is made up entirely of mummies which makes no sense because their green party hideout is shown to have males in it (although the only one shown in the forefront of the screen is an elderly abo)
the action is helped by the foid mc not actually doing enough girlboss martial arts shite to make it super cringe, she mostly just shoots people which is believable enough i am making excuses though you are right
grifter mcinnes enrages the animesphere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG7BvCTwMbs
>This is the same guy that took his pants off and peed on his own desk on Nerdrotic's stream. >And I'm NOT making this up, Friday Night Tights episode 240. it had to be taken down but there are backups >Not really a statement but he did say that while he did take the stream down just to be safe, he didn't have to because Gavin's peanut was so small it didn't even trigger any nudity bots now the anime guy is telling us how gavin assraped himself on camera
>>452205 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>452185 >>452186 why does Reform have 0? this makes it seem like the people that normally vote Tory are voting Labour, which makes no sense. logically if they are done with the Tories then they would switch to Reform which is advertized as less cucked?
apathy first past the post
>>452208 yes, and that would result in a labour seat obviously retard
>>452208 turnout will probably be the lowest in history and only 1/3rd of 2019 tory voters are going to vote for them this time around, some of those 2/3rds will go reform and others to labour in red wall areas but a lot of them will simply not vote, dreadful conditions for the tories tbh but nobody is enthusiastic about any of the parties.
business idea: harry potter except the sorting hat vores the wizards
>reform doing worse than ukip at their peak fucking pathetic, best time in history to destroy the tories and reform are going to end up on 10%, fucking hate this gay country.
>>452214 it doesn't matter though, isn't the point to destroy the conservatives? we all know there will never be a democratic solution to this, why are you still coping? what could reform possibly do, legalise daftyism?
>>452215 > isn't the point to destroy the conservatives? did you even read the post?
>>452216 yeah, you're sad that reform aren't going to ever do anything as if there was ever a chance they would keek
reckon this will basically be the 2019 result but reversed and the country is further entrenched into the schizophrenic duopoly
>>452219 on the ropes much? le lel
actually like madlad, but it's hard to understand a lad whose rent is 5 pounds yet he's still seething every waking hour keeek
Things Can Only Get Better group ban Labour from using song >The band members expressed regret at letting Tony Blair use the track for his general election victory celebrations in 1997, saying they were accused of “having blood on their hands” after the UK got involved with the war in Iraq.
>The original D:Ream line-up also included now-professor Brian Cox, but the group split up shortly after New Labour’s victory in 1997.
>>452225 does this predate the recent incident?
>>452226 might as well have done.m
>>452226 no I'm pretty sure this is something somebody just drew after seeing the video
but I'm sure the point has been made in a similar manner before, it's not exactly a hot take
>nobody >(You)d my business idea
>>452230 90% sure somebody here made that joke recently tbh
>>452231 i made it up lad, did you like it at least?
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>>452212 This is a good thing. The only hope we have is for record low turnout to make the new government look as illegitimate as all the previous Blairite ones were in reality. Inb4 pakidemic. Literally been saying this for 10 years.
>>452234 keeeeke *raises tinnie* a cheeky toast back at you deano! *downs tin* wahey bosh
the toryreich will not be so easily defeated
>>452237 tbh, they're going to offer some token tax incentive bribe for boomoids to vote for them like always
the boomers who are still voting tory that they keep interviewing on the news are fucking unhinged, experiencing a level of collective delusion hitherto unheard of tbh, never seen anything like it, they look like they revel in the nihilism and the misery to are causing to the whole country, sadistic.
>>452239 like the ancient lads in the bald and bankrupt video who were vehemently in denial that things were ever better. extremely odd mindset
any lads ever have dreams about the beautiful lasses from school you could've been with but you were le autiste and the base culture stoners were with them. harrowing dreams and memories, those girls would've liked me later in my twenties too if i'd stayed on grid but i didn't hahah
>>452241 tbh tbh painful stuff >>452242 keeeeeeek
>>452241 Yeah, but it's so long ago now that the memories have faded. Having attempted to reconnect with old friends and returned to the places of my youth, I know that things aren't always as we remember them. We lie to ourselves and have selective memories. We also don't change as much as we'd like to think.
>>452238 They're promising to cut employee NI contributions until they're 0%. It's been cut from 12% to 8% in the last couple of years. Labour aren't promising tax cuts or anything that will mean more money for middle class people.
>Davis Davis’d myself because pictures wouldn’t display Smh
DAVID DAVIS BANNED FROM RESIGNING FROM THE CABINET and the news was already posted a day ago
>>452246 smorb lad
>>452241 tbh although i did have a girl who liked me but i thought she was kind of ugly and clingy now she is married with children to a lad who shares my name
https://youtu.be/YmHfOQNkpF8 sick of these stupid fucking pricks turning themselves and their children into zoo exhibits, just another part of white genocide, poor lass just stuck their being dehumanised.
>>452251 touch grass
>(1) tranny
I think I shall got to the butchers and get some bacon.
>>452246 I don't know who that is and I don't care
too many pakis and trannies in here already this morning
>>452254 good lad
>>452241 I was the stoner fucking a beautiful girl from school. Only mistake was not marrying her.
Wessica's final form.
apparently that thing in germany was a cringe zio protest, also seems like the guy that the police officer tackled was actually attacking the right wing guy who was getting stabbed for some reason, different angle video has been posted.
>>452264 I thought it was an anti-Islam or anti-migrant thing, and the Moose Limb aloha snackbar'd because Muh-hammed
SHAKING and CRYING after mildly rebuking a non-resident hambeast who dared use the block's private parking her excuse was "well the paid car park was full and it's not right that I have to pay anyway" ie "I personally am inconvenienced therefore I can do what I want" dumb cunts knew what they were getting into when they bought a roadside house with no parking ACK
>>452266 slash her tyres
mw2 old woman in doorway glitch hoax but its wessie coming out to complain about parking
Karen Wessie.
>>452269 seems like I will get a taste of it myself later smh, tistic oldcel neighbour told me in a vaguely disapproving tone of voice that he needs to talk with me later probably noise complaints again smh
>>452270 what bangers have you been belting out at 3am lad?
>>452271 must have been gigi last night tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRykMblhmVA or maybe he heard the 4chungus soundtrack in the afternoon and got triggered by the erika and horst wessel lied tunes
>>452272 Dr Dravidian Biggie Sharts Twopoo
Poo Taint Clan Nabobs' Wet Arserippers
Poodick Kumar Benchods N Karma(ny) Shart Paul
it's the faggot sodomite looney troons month and they will be out in public spreading their mindrot to the public again
>>452278 Never a mass stabbing where you really need one.
>>452279 The young women look like whores and the guy recording is a creep.
>>452281 Glad I wasn't the only one that thought that.
>>452281 the woman is slapping her leg to get the attention of the cameraman because she wants to be looked at and lusted over. I don't understand why 'attention' is so valuable to women, but she got what she wanted
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Soon only gookposter will be left and this board will be nothing but an asian softcore porn dump.
>>452281 >>452284 also I don't get the point of a non-white woman not being a whore. the way I see it, there's two kinds of useful women- tradwives and sluts. tradwives for virgin marriage and breeding, sluts for men to relieve their sexual urges before they are married. ideally, all women would be tradwives and there would be no sluts, but sluts do currently exist so we might as well use their services. since you don't want to breed with a non-white woman anyway, they might as well just be sluts to service as many unmarried white men as possible, right? so logically the white women should all be tradwives and the non-white women should all be sluts. also also, creepshots are le based. whatever women wear in public, they should be recorded in from any angle. they seem to hate this but I don't understand because they go out like that to be looked at, I suppose they want to be looked at in a measured and controlled way? at least most of them, the stick broad in that women was clearly more than fine with the camera
>>452286 I wouldn't be surprised
>>452287 Reduction to archetypes is ill advised. Treat people as people. If anything, the nonwhite women I've known tend to be better company and have more similar interests. The whole using easy women for sex idea is just distasteful. I don't want to hurt someone who's nice to me.
>>452289 That's spic lad, he's stunted from being terminally online.
are zogbots are getting a new rifle and it's not even UK made, more zioshart slop to keep us tied to the globalist death machine smh
>>452246 Yeah, they'll bring that out to the general public eventually. They're doing everything they can to maintain power. Reeks of desperation.
>>452292 We shut down our enfield royal armoury years ago lad. Fuck it was 1988, we're a dead nation.
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>>452289 >Reduction to archetypes is ill advised. Treat people as people. euugh, it's women we're talking about here. the whole "women are people" thing... what does "people" mean? men and women. so what is even the point of putting men and women into the same collective noun? right now, we are dealing with social problems resulting from 'un-sexing'- pretending that the sexes are the same, as an ostensible justification for regulating them in the same way (besides some advantages and immunities for women). so I don't think the word "people" is useful for anything but propaganda that has to appeal to the lowest common denominator. I've been on this thought lately, because this is a recurring thing that feminists say all the time. "men don't see women as people". if you break that down logically- "men don't see women as [collective noun that refers to both men and women]"- they're suggesting that men are ignorant of some commonalities between men and women, and therefore are treating them unfairly...? but that's not what's happening, what's happening is that the Jevvs have exploited women's inherent retardation and brainwashed them into mindlessly destructive slut cunts, and the solution is for men need to put our foot down and reestablish the rules that we need to protect the nuclear family and increase the birthrate as well as men's well-being. it's not "treating women as people (i.e. like men)" that is going to solve anything- it's actually the opposite, we are treating them too much like men and we need to remind ourselves and them that women are not men, that they are women and that they are obligated to fulfill a womanly role. >The whole using easy women for sex idea is just distasteful. is it using them or is it just arranging what we both want? slutty women like sex, they want the man to initiate, yes it is harming them but they'll find somebody else if not you anyway... >I don't want to hurt someone who's nice to me. are women even nice? it seems like they are nice if they find you attractive, otherwise they are not nice. and the only reason we are interested in them is because they are attractive, so it goes both ways...
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>>452300 I've just been reading up on how BAE now has a monopoly on our defence production and as you can imagine it's all about downsizing, offshoring and maximising profitability. But still massively profitable for the government in terms of export's and the revenue it generates so who cares.
>>452301 I was doing smartposting, you're just being snide
thankfully the neighbour did not want to complain but instead to invite me out to day drink in the street
>>452305 Sounds nice lad, hope you have a good time.
>>452302 >the new gun is literally just the old shart one with some new plastic housing and a huge markup >completely dropping the bullpup concept and anything else "british" it's so over >>452306 I'll have at least one pint tbh it's in honour of an oldlad neighbour who got put in a care home as his family left him to rot alone hope he's not being tortured by nog care workers smh
>>452302 The Defence Secretary role is essentially a glorified salesman trying to convince other countries to buy jets from us. Quite sad really.
smooth poo style for a smoothbrained poo army of the future ACK
>Has anyone else noticed that the lower receiver says "Semi" for "Semi-Automatic" instead of the British English equivalent "Rep" for "Repetition"? All field photos of soldiers using them are like that too. It's not the first time, as early government-purchased AR15/M16s had the same markings. But those were commercial models and weren't officially adopted. I wonder if everyone forgot or if it was decided that such an insignificant detail isn't worth the hassle, but it warms my Yankee heart.
>>452308 Our aerospace has been gutted as well tbf, it took three nations and a dozen years of development to make the Eurofighter and the french still decided to have a tantrum and make the Rafale instead. I can only think of Oman as a foreign customer of our tanks but I imagine the big sellers are things like missiles, shells and small arms ammunition.
>>452309 it's khaki, you know what that means
>>452309 So it's just a generic AR platform.
>>452312 They'll probably have them resprayed green in time for our deployment to the new ostfront.
>>452314 just waiting for them to be turned on the indigenous population here tbh we've had the peterloo massacre, now we'll have the pooinloo racist nazi incel cleanup operation
Tommy Robinson and his GOONS are storming the capital
>>452317 He's gonna do it, he's finally going to save Israel.
there's an hour long meatybraps and oven chip review man video about the latest injustice inflicted on caveman sam havent bothered to watch it tbh not like they will get anything done
>>452319 Yeah that's just mind poison lad. It's not worth spending the energy on.
speaking of ecelebs here's some fresh tyne and whine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DikRKV_7zuE
>>452321 I thought he was full time grifting on his substack?
>>452322 the vid is just him reading from an old substack sharticle i think yeah
>>452323 Nice to know he at least drip feeds us his old slop.
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does Panzie still post here?
>>452326 No. Every poster here is just Auslad using a VPN.
except for wessex
>>452326 pretty cool tbh even if tanks don't use steering wheels
Hezbollah downs $24m drone
>>452330 good lads keep it up (and keep it in your own desert shitholes away from us)
>>452309 Armalitebros we won
>>452332 I would have gone german personally.
Sam getting a mention at the Tommeh zio rally
>>452334 these are the people that need to be brought into the fold of antisemitic ethnonationalism. the question is, how can that be achieved? right now, leftists all over the world are beginning to become antisemitic. most of them are "anti-zionist, not antisemitic" right now, but they will inevitably get pushed down the pipeline as they digest more and more information. we cannot let the right wing fall behind, billions must hop aboard the antisemitic hate train
>>452334 I'm surprised tommah allowed that.
you have no ball-jointed legs you have no fully articulated hand-feet you have no flange you are a sad pathetic excuse for a hominid and when your remains are discovered by monke archeologists in a millenia's time they will all know you were a weak and feeble beta homo sapiens retardicus from the final fall of human civilisation you will never be a real rangie
>>452339 The tangs had figured out all the answers to our existential questions as apes without ever having to conceptualize the questions.
I know you'd kill for wessie .... but would you die for him?
>total silence as the legions of followers have committed ritual seppuku another victory for the retard race
The man who stabbed a woman to death at the beach in Bournemouth has been charged and is named in news articles as Nasen Saadi. No photos of him and his name has been kept out of the article titles in all instances. Very different from how it would have been reported if his name has been John Smith.
>>452343 well done champ keep on pointing out the hypocrisy and politcally motivated information control and eventually we'll win
Appears the Zio event went off without incident which is good news for avoiding the tedious anti white discourse that usually follows Though it has led to Nick resorting to photographing men with their knobs out due to the lack of public loos
everything in america is a scam
boomer customer I was estimating for repairing roof eave ventilation for told me they bought their 3 acres for 12k and then built a house with a mortgage on the property all together for less than 30k.
>>452352 keeeeek do NOT show the jeets this
>>452349 didn't you make a rant in the past about how if you aren't doing the scamming you're getting scammed
>>452354 thats not really an original thought tbh
>>452352 This is what North Korea used to be about
>>452356 Fucking hell, he's such a fat slob.
Based Texas? Surely not
>>452347 >taking photos of men having a piss bit gay lad
>>452361 all spics are hideous looking
made some phone calls at 6 this morning according to my call history that i don't remember. just end me ffs
>>452366 Someone rang me trying to place an order for a pizza with delivery, could've been (You) tbf
>>452330 cool video but the dabke isn't hype enough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU_gm877cKw&sttick=0
>>452367 hope so lad. anyway, night walk time, which at this time of year is a day time walk, love the summer evenings i do
watched fall guy pretty good tbh poz quotient: white baddies, diverse goodies. Feminist messaging (you too can become a hollywood whore, little girl!) my final metamorphosis is to transform into a gahoole with hair and then die >>452351 goodlad, might listen to rusty cage again for the millionth time tbh >>452352 the most based shitposters in the world >>452359 classic >>452370 have a good one lad seeing a lot more niggers here recently smh getting dangerous
>>452371 >watched fall guy >pretty good tbh VERY disappointed in you Wessex smdh
>>452372 >when ac/dc and kiss and other boomerslop kept playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThDKZe8r-DE
>>452375 >the video description
>>452375 >>452376 try convincing men to continue toil slavery when things like this happen >>452377 wonder if he's made some 3d vore
>>452379 boomers have in general made life into such a scam and now they have begun checking out that lots of people don't see any purpose in ever even bothering
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>>452381 All the wealth has been sucked upwards into the banking debt usury system. We're basically already serfs.
>govts escalating the war with russia >10s of thousands continue to be slaughtered and it'll only increase >labour about to get in >tommeh tards out in force with israeli flags again today
>>452381 this so much, i don't go into anything expecting any sort of positive outcome for myself anymore. everything is a chore that simply just has to be done to keep going
>>452384 just stop paying attention to the ride lad, we aren't at the wheel or even close to it. we are in the trunk (boot)
its vanity to follow polishits like you can affect change as a 'cel IMO. you'll see how powerless you are if you even try to threaten local boomer business hegemonies
has mancs been consumed by the b*ns bongo
>>452389 but that would mean i've wasted a good portion of my life posting here...for nothing
life starts at 30
woes is in his 40s and still has time so don't worry about it too much lads
>>452400 based woes. it must be weird being amongst the oldest of your generation. i sometimes feel like more of a zoomer than a yoomer even though i'm not
midsummer night's dream is entry level shakespeare yes, but it is still my favourite and the only one i enjoyed reading alathough macbeth was pretty epic and romeo and juliet was quite good too, and hamlet actually. come to think of it all shakespeare was really kino, and we got to see that 14 year old french lasses milkers on tv in class
>>452402 meh idk why lasses get off on being like this I get that they have issues in the countryside with lady parts using the restroom but be descreet about it. they assume that all men act boorish like that as well
>>452404 macbeth is original grimdark
i think the reason shakespeare is so good is because in 1590 everyone's life basically was a super kino play, and he had to outshine that
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ayy we wis canmores and keech
>ywn drink too much cider at the local bearbaiting
ackshuylly the original welsh brythonics were in fact niggers from africa
>>452412 informative, thanks
>>452393 Yes and no tbh
not sure how i feel about the helper variation of pepe. it portrays a helplessness that you have to assume is shared by the poster, easy to look down on someone who posts such "helpers" much like anime posters
>>452415 qoomers ruined pepe for me
>>452417 cool frogs lad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTrsq5S3FJg robert deniro better watch his back now
>>452419 smh so many redneckoids stuck on the trump plantation thinking that its not all kayfabe. its so depressing how many amerisharts actually think a TV show character is our final hope
>>452420 tbh its mad how there are so many people that still give a shart about him
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNovnAKsrz8 good watch, sad how many rebellious lads were executed
>>452422 good find lad I went and wootched all of it
>>452423 how come ur up so late lad?
>>452424 destroyed my sleep schedule two months ago and haven't been able to recover
>>452425 *shakes head* are you going to go to mcdonalds for opening? that's what i used to do after nosleep
>>452426 haven't been to a mcdonalds in probably a decade though I do recall liking their milkshakes. wonder if that lad on here was right about them being filled with plastic
imagine living in a proper country that displays the captured military vehicles of its enemies. imagine how fun it would be to go to an event like that
dialed down the watts on le vape so i can hypermile the coil
noposters your gimmick is drawing to a close
sorry lad it's toilin time
>>452432 keeeeeeeke sorry about that lad, temporarily neet me
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https://youtu.be/QiMYV82TGAI?si=Cm-FSh4iRgEj4na3 Smh the first comment on this vid, he suggests turning Middlesbrough black
>>452434 wish there was a proper pie place near me smh
>>452437 he said that pie was 7 aud and it only weighed 231g when some pies weigh 400, so it's not really a feasible daily pie. might try to cook up a pie myself, the hard part would be the flaky pastry but i might cheat and buy premade then just concoct a decadent filling.
>>452438 tbh shrinkflation is everywhere at the bakery that was just up the road when i was younger you could get a good sized pie for less than half that price >concoct a decadent filling. try making a hangover pie lad used to be the specialty pie of the bakery i mentioned until they rebranded and took it off the menu smh steak and bacon filling with an egg on top then instead of a pastry lid it's melted cheese with a thick slice of tomato set in it the perfect breakfast for its namesake occasion tbqh
>>452439 >hangover pie lad i love the honesty of austalians and replacing the pastry with cheese is keto and basedpilled
South Africa still spiralling >>452440 Such a cute lady
currently listening to morgoth moan about a fillum
>>452440 reconsidering my stance >>452415 on helpers after having watched this for the last 20 minutes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRl8jKLM5x8& was this kino? it seems kino not sure i should bother watching it
>>452444 good lad
forgot to do my laundry smdh going to be damp toil trousers on monday morning smh >>452445 looks kino tbh never heard of it though
Say you know for sure that you are immune, or you will never be caught. Maybe you have an escape boat, or an inside man or something. Basically, you know for sure that you won't be done. Knowing that, what based indictable offences are you planning to commit to save England?
balding on the back of my neck, the part where you might have a mullet. never anticipated this
>>452448 going to brap in an enclosed space and blame it on a furriner
>>452449 >nigger >positive >>452450 smh the norwood reaper's trying to head you off at the pass instead of making a frontal attack devious
timeberg doing a number on me rn
https://youtu.be/V6dzH5Xks6E smh can't evict a neet when he's 32
way she goes
>>452453 can't really fault lads for checking out of a system that's rigged against them tbh >>452455 many such cases
kilkenny irish ale this evening and it's quite nice
shneet lids toil on the morrow
>>452460 smh are there any neets left here now? I think we're all toil losers now
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>>452450 any man over 25 that is not on Finasteride is retarded I mean if you're already bald then whatever I guess but if you have any hair that you'd prefer to keep, you ought to be taking the stuff. and if you don't then you're just fucking yourself because it's just gonna keep falling out until you start taking it. either that's gonna be today or it's gonna be at some point in the future when you have less hair on your head... the sooner you start taking it the more hair you'll have so the best time is now
>>452459 Good lad. Ever had Smithwicks?
>>452462 incel either way tbh
state of incels worrying about their looks.
>>452468 You deserve it gookposter.
>mongoloid cashier at Asda scanning items like he's competing in the Olympics while the boomers are toiling in slow motion Based.
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BlKa9vQ5wzs >Douglas Murray had to withdraw from secondary school in Hammersmith after one year calling it a "war zone" and go to Eton instead >Sneering at young people for not wanting to be drafted to die for Rishi

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