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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol # 3978: Toil Days Edition Anonymous 07/22/2024 (Mon) 16:40:01 Id: 18ce9e No. 463416
Joe Biden drops out of 2024 presidential race after debate disaster https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13585511/Joe-Biden-drops-2024-presidential-race-debate-disaster.html >Joe Biden stunningly dropped out of the 2024 presidential race on Sunday in a political earthquake never seen this close to an election. Watch: Kevin Sinclair performs somersault celebration despite West Indies toil https://www.telegraph.co.uk/cricket/2024/07/18/kevin-sinclair-somersault-celebration-west-indies-toil/ >West Indies endured an awkward opening day at Trent Bridge but, when an opportunity to celebrate arose, they did so in style with Kevin Sinclair unleashing his signature somersault after dismissing Harry Brook. European Political Community’s UK summit should heed Churchill’s ‘blood, toil, tears and sweat’ warning https://www.euractiv.com/section/enlargement-neighbourhood/opinion/european-political-communitys-uk-summit-should-heed-churchills-blood-toil-tears-and-sweat-warning/ >As the European Political Community (EPC) gears up to meet this week and discuss the arc of conflict and instability and Europe’s borders, European leaders must heed Winston Churchill’s call to action, write Dylan Macchiarini Crosson and Steven Blockmans.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 12:04:57.
first the worst 😡 second the best 😏 third the one with the hairy chest 🐺
called it shits that is
*enters thread*
hey brandon
keeking at how the trannies tried to take down 22st but never returned after they failed
based bazza straight up saying the nigger word now keeeeek
>>463424 tranny forces are in norway right now searching for the breeding site
>>463427 but why though meanwhile I'm chud and basically hoping Trump loses so he can't sell an Iran War. all the southern boys they'd need to fight such a war will only sign up for it if Trump is mascot, if it's Kamala 'Shiva the Destroyer' Harris then nobody is going to agree to fight, draft or no draft
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is this an act or is this fat retard actually this subhuman?
there needs to be a mass culling. we need nuclear war to wipe out the entire urban population of the west
>>463432 soybattles had an interesting thread on this recently it seems that currently the nuclear arsenals of the world could not actually cause nuclear winter or fully destroy any western nation so if ever there was a time for it it'd be now, since the sabre rattling over muh russia and chyna means that production of missiles is accelerating
>>463435 >it seems that currently the nuclear arsenals of the world could not actually cause nuclear winter or fully destroy any western nation yeah that was always a dumb scaremongering proposition. but imagine if all of these blue towers got knocked out. the US would be 80%+ white and very Christian/conservative with half decent birthrate and the people would demand a Project 2025 government. all the Jevvs, browns, blacks, queers, etc. live in the cities. so nuke the cities. they're a net drain on the economy anyway
>a foid fighter pilot finally did something >shot down a slow moving commercial houthi drone >using missiles costing literally thousands of times the enemy ordnance keeeeeeek what a farce here's the nuclear sharting thread for those interested in soy musings forums.spacebattles.com/threads/what-would-life-be-like-after-a-full-nlown-nuclear-exchange-in-towns-that-werent-nuked.1175811/
and the pattern is probably the same with every western European country and colony. nuke London, Paris, Berlin, etc. and then you have mostly decent people left
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>>463440 >outlives usefulness >loose end immediately tied it's just good business keeking at that shitter description too, very ominous >finish the job for all americans
>>463441 There’s a Laura Coomer tweet from July 5 where she said he had a medical emergency on Airforce One and the press had their access removed. It’s on his t/l https://nitter.poast.org/charliekirk11/status/1815415066508071418
so that's going to be the story, then? he "died of covid"? while I don't believe in coronavirus, it is plausible that he just died of something because he's so old. but this could also be a cover for them snuffing him out with a pillow for refusing to drop out
Uh oh Transition team is in. Say bye bye to your peepee Joe Looks like they’re gonna finish that circumcision
One last sniff before he dies
>>463439 Based Nigraelites.
>>463446 wtf is paxlovid, some shit they only give to the big boys while the rest of us get the death juice?
That troon that Mr Beast hangs around with and promotes got outed for messaging children. Another chud victory
>>463448 Think paxlovid is standard treatment for older patients in the usgay works after a few doses but it knocks them out for a few days after
>>463449 every single time they all ought to be put on a small desert island to see whether they die of GRIDs or thirst first >>463450 point tbh wouldn't be told if they did get better stuff anyway
>>463451 >put on a small desert island MrBeast already did that gimmick
>>463453 tiny black shrivelled and salty if true
>>463454 That's SEA ladyboys. Westoid trannies have massive, hard cocks they shove down your throat in a 69.
Just not on is it
bit vile tbh
May or may not taste salty. Ask Dorset.
>>463453 That’s the end of beasty bwoi
>>463461 zased
>that hat What a spastic
Beginning to think Mark Twain was right about the how many jews the census had recorded. I think it’s probably about 100 million the way they control everything
>>463465 I don't think there are more than 20m of them, I think it's just an extremely high percentage of them that are ethnically conscious and actively work to promote jevvish interests. they are open about this and if you press them, they will say, "well, if I don't, then who will?"
>>463465 Solzhenitsyn wrote about how they would lie on the census for numerous reasons. Probably is more than they let on, but still over represented regardless.
Need to be mercilessly beaten tbh >see something nice they can’t comprehend, need to destroy it
> The Aktion Sylt pressure group said it aimed to make “safe retreats for fascist subsidy collectors, tax-evading Nazi heirs and backward world destroyers things of the past!”
>>463468 nice bunch of peabrained mongs
Just learned of that 9-euro per month ticket Germany had. costs double that for a single to London from Essex. smh
>>463468 should've given the >you tbh
>>463472 Yeah I heard that you can get a monthly ticket for local trains and buses for about £40 that covers all of Germany such a rip off here tbh
Biden lives and he's inciting race riots >George Floyd Justice in Policing Act keeeeeeeeeek
>>463475 so fucking evil how they barefacedly lie smh not only about bananaman but also that niggers are le oppressed when the complete opposite is true and they get treated with infinite leniency compared to whiteoids
and calling such a bill that is obviously out and out emotional manipulation smh wish pooliticians would actually govern instead of conduct constant psychological warfare on the people they supposedly represent
brandon is dead
>CY+9 >people are stlll cargo-culting niggers so are we just going to let the Planet of the Apes happen because everybody is too cowardly/meek to tell the truth about niggers being less evolved? if you bring it up in public, any niggers in the vicinity will agro and start punching you. bring it up online, you get censored and banned from everything
>>463478 the demonrats did it
>>463479 >that pic comparing rangies to niggers vile slander smh
New Jack White album dropped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APU-f67pJeM
that poor young boy smh if he had lived just another year or so he'd have gotten started in his murders and robberies career
urge to scream racial slurs into the night while in a heavily diversified urban area... rising....
paterstein said something kinda based for a change
>>463487 >the two images vie for supremacy stupid retard smh the masculine and the feminine work together to form the race it's only because of jew mindfucking that there is conflict
>>463489 he's off his head on gorilla semen smh
>>463492 isn't bibi acknowledged as a war criminal now smh surely they ought to be arresting him not welcoming him in a non-zogged world of course smh
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>>463494 enormous if truthful
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>>463495 Hogan's twitter was shitposting gold before it got wiped by a hacker
>>463492 >Loomer kvetching
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKFChh6GifM&list=LL&index=16 mice ate all the ground wires in my toil truck apparently shartica coats their wires in soy because its better for the environment
honestly think Im done with the truck memi just going to stick with vans when I can afford to replace my POS.
>>463499 better for automotive industry businesses too I'll bet
https://youtu.be/dCbM009btVI lasses be greasing on this shi
>>463500 retvrn tv trvditivn becvme bvzzv
>>463501 exactly also for insurance companies because auto fires are almost impossible to get coverage on as a total loss
>>463503 yeah ford transit connects are masterrace they just don't do well in upper midwest snow and they cannot be loaded with tools and such to the same extent a chevy 1500 can because the frame is based on a sedan. but a transit connect with low mileage is cheaper on the market than my rust frame electric firehazard chevy because of just how thirsty rednecks are for "cateye" chevy trucks
>>463505 can you get a hold of european stuff or are imports made too expensive? 22st probably can tell you about good snow and ice capable vans and related things from his pre-trucking days
>>463506 european continental vehicles are unobtainum in new world especially commercial ones, can't be threatening the "Free Market" for the domestic shite. they bully jap cars plenty enough even though they are all a mile and half better than domestic trash. its like american trucks are all a fusion of different kinds of suck. ford has a good frame but shit engine, chevy has good motor but shit frame and shit electronics and dodge is just cummins masterrace but shit electronics and frame
also the insurance companies and mining unions in the great lakes lobby to throw salt on the roads to keep the salt mines profitable and to cause people to buy new cars when just right across the lake leafs have figured out using beet juice as ice melt decades ago
>>463485 Meh she'll get over it.
>>463507 >>463508 it's just good business maybe become a gearhead and slowly modify a van over time into the perfect chudmobile
new floyd just dropped watch attached vid then use yidtube link to continue. lot of brutal breathing, this will get the simian chimp rage flowing for sure. dat cracka dun keeled ah sista, sheeeit https://youtu.be/HFun2GydGyU?t=1688
do my laundry, goy
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>>463513 >I will rebuke you in the name of Jesus! *throws pot of boiling water* she dindu nuffin
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>>463439 based nigs doing a live exorcism on a homokike
>>463470 i can remember watching this show when it was first on tv as a bairn
finally got properly signed off on the furnace today lads my training is complete >>463518 play stupid games win stupid prizes
Morning lads >>463513 >that BWC footage
>>463521 smorbius lad
>>463520 Into the big boy leagues now, next it's getting some keys to the place so you can start a lucrative side hustle destroying evidence in said furnace.
>>463523 keeeeeeeek
spending all day waiting for the bennies office to call after spending all day yesterday trying to get an answer as to why they've dragged up some shit from several years ago and told me I have to pay it looks like queer starker is trying to get people to pay for the covid handouts and in my case I never even got it in the first place but nobody has admitted that yet I hate the government etc >>463514 comically stereotypical tbh >>463520 based and toilpilled >>463523 delightfully devilish
>Is this a ‘trend’ Yeah. It is called ‘Germany committing suicide’ German retards Hate seeing this degradation tbh. These browns need expelling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsGvL6DNY-4
>>463525 >and in my case I never even got it in the first place sorry lad the truth is not an excuse time to pay up >>463526 can't really dredge up a shit to give about this tbqh beyond the objective level of it being bad that browoids are running amok in a huwhite country it's foids who support immigration (because they're gullible retards who do whatever the jew tells them it's the right thing to do) and it's foids who enforce the status quo by making it social suicide to question it or act against it maybe a decade ago this would have evoked some emotion other than schadenfreude but seeing the same story play out over and over again with nobody learning their lesson really makes it lose its punch
>>463526 >>463527 tbh tbh would be based if it were LOCAL lads being "misogynistic, sexist, patriarchal and glorifying violence"
>>463527 Tbh I'm in the boat that women are going to have to start showing deference to men again anyway because they're either going to be subjected to these ideas or appeal to men to protect them from these ideas by doing violence on their behalves and the men most likely to do that would expect some deference from women in return anyway.
>>463530 seems unavoidable really
>>463530 They show deference when it is a brown they don’t like but it then disappears when they find one they do. Not to be trusted at all but shunned by the entire community like Jehovah’s Witnesses do. Used to be the way. Look at the syte of those mutt women anyway trying to replicate what brown women look like
>>463532 No I find the women that associate with wogs often do it regardless of how mistreated they are. They're basically wog meat and get no privileged treatment from white men anyway.
Wew keeeeeeeeeeeeek >kamala Gopalan >jeet >spic >nignog >married to a jew >connections to Uber - uberkeeeeeeeeeek >grandfather helped ‘Rhodesian refugees’ emigrate to India >family have literally pooed everywhere in true jewpoo style https://en.www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_of_Kamala_Harris
>>463534 I keep seeing people going on about her ancestors being slave traders like it's some sort of gotcha.
>>463535 Busy trying to jump all over that >le Snoopes >’sjuss a misstake her nigger dad was a retarded liar who gone done it
>>463537 wish the ufo stuff was real and not gayto misdirection smh a nice big war of the worlds with some gayniggers from outerspace would do nicely to cut the corruption from government and globalists or at the very least cause enough chaos that there'd be a chance to remove them >>463538 is this lad a basedlad?
>what will happen if we do retarded shit? t. Netanyahu
>>463541 based chinkies tbh hope they destabilise the shit out of the region belt and road intiative the jews arses
>>463540 Jack White? White Stripes fella. He’s kind of a musical savant I just like his style tbh. Found this but I’m sure he’s probably said and done retarded shit in his time ‘tis common >
>>463538 choons these >>463540 tbh >>463541 wtf i love china now
>>463543 thought he might've been based because I recall a guy going by the name of something huwhyte on yt tbh only white stripes song I can remember is seven nation army because at school the frog kids would endlessly sing the refrain and nothing else while in the changing rooms smh
>>463542 The way politicians are gaslighting Joe Public it’s no wonder they all panicked ‘we need bodyguards’ keeeeeeeeeek. There won’t be enough bodyguards for them in the future. They should just get off their high horses tbh and understand that the elites behind them will just replace them when they get collateral’d look how quickly they had the knives out for every single politician when they failed to deliver. Coming to the conclusion the average nigger is smarter than the average politician tbh, both rely on handouts for survival but at least the nigger has the physical wherewithal to go and get sheeeeeeeeit for themselves politicians need bullybois to do that for them
five minutes picking up recycling to an hour of gooming while waiting for the benniggers to call this is a good apportioning of my time
>>463547 Proud of you lad
>>463549 enjoyed that fillum tbh
wish i had a tank smh
>>463551 tbh tbh
>ywn glue every single MP, government functionary and civil servant onto the motorways then drive tanks over them slowly with the chud armoured division
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One in six Conservative voters likely to die before next election, analysis shows https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/conserative-voters-age-next-general-election-b2583660.html >Data suggests 1.2 million Tory supporters will die by 2029 – 17 per cent of the party’s vote share
>>463555 unfortunately this will only cement the demographic situation as all the old cunts suddenly die off and bring us down to 40% white or smth
>>463555 based now instead of the collapse being met with half-hearted opposition that actively prevents any meaningful action from taking place it'll be met with enthusiastic applause
>>463555 Next election is in 15 years lad
tbh there probably won't be any more shartlections they'll find an excuse not to do one in 2028 so as to delay things for agenda 2030 and after that it's neofeudal marxist-capitalist totalitarian hellhole time with a minority of whites surrounded by infinite wogs ensuring no actual plurality of parties
>>463559 How anyone cannot see this is in general a war of annihilation on wypipo - deliberate or not is now irrelevant - is beyond me
>Good men must sometimes stand alone Isn’t that what these neolibshites like to spam when it suits their narrative?
>>463559 >>463560 tbh >>463561 it's only okay when they do it lad
He knows the jeet is massa race Buck broken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rslW7R7YS2g
>We lost because of Reform That’s a no from me Retardeeta https://nitter.poast.org/LBC/status/1815710381244883210
>fucking loving this MUTE button!
New Tory leader will be elected Nov 2 stand Candidates three bames two cryptos and some dodgy white fella >Priti Patel >James Cleverly >Kemi Badenoch >Robert Jenrick >Mel Stride >Tom Tugendhat
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Tried making a Kamala Harris wojak but it's not insane looking enough
>>463570 >brown What’s wrong here? Love how Biden immediately backed her as a fuck you to everyone who stabbed him in the back keeeeeeeeek
>>463572 Harrisjaks ought to be a thing, she's crying out for it
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>spam this all over the turd world and they’d still try and come here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5aJ-57_YsQ
>>463579 Racist, rundown and broken? >LET'S GO BOOOOOOYS
>>463579 liberal faggot smug retards going on about the labour victory as if they're not going to make things even worse just got to a bit where he advocated building on farmland because it's bad for le environment or some shit
>>463581 Yeah he is a liberal faggot and I disagree with that shit obvs but a some of what he says is right like infrastructure and money swallowed up by lawyers, accountants and bureaucrats enriching themselves arguably some of that land isn’t even used as farmland and is in a right state but it shouldn’t be built on at all. Enough building. We have entire areas of cities and ghost towns that could be regenerated instead tbh. Endemic corruption is probably what attracts all these thirdies so they can sell drugs and launder it through their barbershops, corner shops, phone shops and fast salmonella establishments
https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00323217211018127 the only way to finish decolonization is to exterminate all yt pipo
>>463582 >Endemic corruption is probably what attracts all these thirdies so they can sell drugs and launder it through their barbershops, corner shops, phone shops and fast salmonella establishments tbh they thrive in corrupt environments
keeeek he has a "seething at PA" segment in the video
>>463585 Really keeeeeeeeeek Send it to Nosely
>>463585 which video?
>>463586 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. BAST
>he calls conservative MPs "fascist gangsters"
>>463590 it's another low IQ Wess has no theory of mind episode
>>463592 I really don't want to live to be old. It's just painful and undignified. Everyone you know is dead, the world you grew up in is obsolete and your body and mind fail you. Living to 80 at most is fine.
>>463593 Every day alive is a blessing for me, brother. HH
hasn't he mumbled enough for hours on end already?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bu2y_nkou5w How the fuck is he being arrested again? I could have sworn they locked him up already
>>463594 Keeek her accent changed to white when she was talking to the cops.
>>463555 white genocidebros... we're winning?
Breeding status: pending >>463506 I drive a shitty French car tbh. Just drive what I snafford
>>463600 >Breeding status: pending what does this mean? has the turkey been basted?
>>463592 They’re rich so they get looked after we don’t At best we get turbojeeted or wigged in some state care facility or left to die at home and rot. Best we can get is nuclear holocaust
>>463593 I do, it'll be a good laugh I reckon
>>463601 Maybe my Anglonese is wrong. The bird has not been seeded. YET
I sucked my own cock once. It was nice. Almost came immediately but couldn't breathe because of the contortion. In a panic I shit myself. How do you explain THAT to mummy?
>>463597 This was in 2023 says it on the screen
>>463613 Liverpool is a bit of a shithole tbh
>>463614 calm down
>>463614 morelike Colonpool, amiright???
there's a spider in the top corner of the bathroom, but its web never catches anything. instead I find dead flies that drowned in the tiny puddle of water next to the hand soap. why is this? are they attracted to the scent of the hand soap, and then they just drown themselves in the tiny puddle? meanwhile the spider is like uwu notice me fly-sempai ;_;
>>463502 Might be me some of those so lasses will love me, worried about yellow arse shit stains though (i don't wipe properly because i was shouted at for using to much loo roll as a child causing me to have shit arse late into my twenties)
>>463614 It's the whitest city in England
>the copium where we slowly start surrendering are cities and acting like it makes us based to surrender the centres of power to non-whites
>>463620 yeah it's going to be like shartica soon if it isn't reversed
Actual profile picture of the soon to be new First Minister of Wales jej Also her with some South American marxist group. Very normal leaders
*Central America even
>>463622 Eating some Hafod in her honour
https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jul/23/spain-court-sentences-pompeyo-gonzalez-pascual-prison-letter-bombs >it was Russia! >it was Russia! >it was Russia! >it was Russia! >it was Russia! >it was Russia! t. stupid Ukrainians Actually it was a boomer you schizo subhumans
>>463625 he has the sacred pheno
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Miss him lads
>>463627 that's amazing, my sides
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VDare is closing down. Peter Brimelow says he's been lawfared and cyber-attacked to death.
>>463629 Those dragon ornaments are based.
>>463619 Some parts I visited were a lot cleaner and nicer than Manchester too.
>>463632 Increasingly finding myself only commuting between white enclaves in the country try and avoid cities at all costs. Liverpool’s amongst the least worst experiences but Joe’s right about the increasing woggery and the Beatles theme park shit needs to go as well
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Penises lol
>>463629 once all the OG wignats pass on it will just be a bunch of slacktavists on 4chud responding to BBC spambots. its based to see whats happening in erin but otherwise its really just a waste of your life to "fight" for the mong race that is more excited about sports than anything
>>463639 Now watch this putt
>>463569 based
curry night tbh good thing I'm not working in t'morning because there'll be some rancid shits a-brewin
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>>463645 one last grand theft auto on his way to hell
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>>463645 Dead and she’s still nagging him
>>463645 nuke nigeria too many of those wogs on earth
Starmer suspending paki MPs and others because they voted for more bennies for pakis and nogs umm based
what is she even making?
>>463654 me knob hard
>>463652 proof labour are the real racist
>>463652 Yeah I'm sure the poverty has nothing to do with how few of these fuckers actually work. I was working in Whitechapel today what a shithole.
>>463652 >Don’t want no rowdy muslims in the backbenches when I’m prepping for war with Iran tbh. MIGA!
>>463657 That is one grim place tbh Joe was right about there being no more cockney sparrows it’s like Bangladesh
>>463660 Saw one old geezer flatcap and sunday best on as he rode the current of foreigners to the Sainsburys checkouts.
O Canada! > us ‘legal’ conservative jeets stand on you illegal jeets side saaaars! https://nitter.poast.org/MaximeBernier/status/1815810726713516361
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>>463652 >Apsana Begum Any relation to are lass Shamima?
>>463665 theyre all fuckin inbred lad
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>>463667 what kind of pidser la?
>>463667 How long does that usually take? Whenever I order anything it turns up cold.
>>463670 20 mins its a localist shop and its some 40 year old JUSTed helmers lad in a toyota matrix that delivers them he is a good lad
https://youtu.be/sTJDPorywkY?si=XV9I6rDYYUp7da47 >when matt immediately uses his mount and blade experience to organize the lads defense I MISS THEM
>>463671 >>463672 based and pineapplepilled
charlottesville was 7 years ago
hope is riding on the taigs rn if they chimp out hard enough maybe some time down the line they will be able to do another invasion of the mainland like when they rechristianised areas that had become pagang again after the vikang invasions desperate cope tbh smh
just learnt yet another based thing about nixon he went to a bohemian grove meeting and said of it that it was "the most faggy goddamned thing you can ever imagine"
>>463679 Fagginess and Faggotry everywhere
>two whites against the mob. Respectable attempt but please https://nitter.poast.org/CrimeLdn/status/1815837838920810657
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>>463684 Erm, white people are immigrants.... Checkmate bigots
decently aesthetic looking shartican whitoids for once
>>463679 he was the last good burger leader, his foundation youtube channel is kino >>463678 poos are too status hungry in the anglosphere
>Ah think you British people ahh too nice https://nitter.poast.org/reformjack/status/1815113427947270217
>>463687 All about status for jeets ‘orrible cunts
Up in five mins Jfg does Peterstein https://odysee.com/@JFGTonight:0/jfgt1153:1
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>>463691 why would you let that fugly nigger close to your kid
>>463692 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4qODZ1At3Q He didn't even ask. Just ran up and started fucking with his baby.
>>463664 ftm troon looking benders >>463694 descendants of the black irish
>>463664 Bit gay that.
its amazing how american niggers will tell me I have privledge yet I can watch videos of american niggers travelling abroad and interacting with other cultures while the only place I have really ever been is alabama and florida
would have been kino if he vored the baby
>>463697 How did you end up in brit/pol/? I always assumed you had some relation to the UK.
>>463691 how come not everyone hates niggers? it literally makes no sense
>>463699 when it was on 8chan
less germanophilic autism than on /pol/
So fucking angry rn lads
>>463702 Can you suggest a good place to get the Gulag Archipelago and 200 years together?
>>463703 i've been sneething for the past few days
Morning lads
She has to go back
A very kill all niggers morning to you de lads
>>463710 Pleasant morning m'lad.
>>463710 wholesome
>>463709 getting a bit sick of all these reruns tbh >>463710 smorbius lad
Netanyahu’s flying in with his washing to stock up on the standing ovations he can’t get in Israel. If Joe McCarthy was President he’d have him arrested for war crimes Here’s Bernie sanders calling him a war criminal yesterday https://youtu.be/WBZreokpA_s
>>463710 Morning Suffering from nigger mortis lad?
>>463709 >brown Reform has gone too far this time
I'm with her
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>>463645 reminds me a bit of hit and run tbh
>>463721 KEEEEEEEEEEEEK good lad
>Fly to Paris >Think you’ll avoid being enriched like you might in Melbourne >Melbourne is still probably safer than Paris atm Keeeeeeeek >Nine newspapers reported that the pair were walking to their accommodation in the municipality of Le Bourget, north-east of Paris, late on Monday afternoon, Paris time, when a group of people attempted to snatch one of their backpacks. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-07-24/olympics-nine-staff-attacked-in-paris-attempted-robbery/104134634 >Police investigate alleged gang rape of Australian woman in Paris https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-07-23/paris-police-investigate-alleged-gang-rape-of-australian-woman/104133790 Melbourne has got a lot in common with Paris and other capitals though - full of foreigners who describe themselves as Melbournians, Parisens, Londoners, New Yorkers etc without having one drop of blood from any of those countries, packs of feral thieving rapey niggers corner and phone shopped to hell and back by jeets selling kids illegal substances, islamisation of the drug trades slum developments and shit everywhere
>>463724 acknowledging that there's a problem is racist lad
>>463725 At this point and given those Talmud prophesies I read on twitter, I think civ.exe is probably working as intended at this point.
>>463726 >Talmud prophesies I read on twitter qrd?
>>463727 It was posted in the thread >>463569
>>463728 probably true tbh
>>463730 >George Floyd Simpson hit and run character selection
we're going to need to set wessie up like this but playing Half-Life.
it's what he would want
>who died? >Britain
irregular-immigration. here's the next phrase most will be psy-op'd into accepting as part of their vocabulary.
Send this astronaut back.
>>463721 >mario kart character selection
>>463735 I guess they've forgotten how asylum is supposed to work.
>>463736 just a local warlord Count Stabula Bludlikka
this board. smh.
>>463738 Daft Nick's EU Parl maiden speech.webm
>>463740 you poost then
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >“‘Niggers,’ I recall him saying disgustedly. ‘Look what the niggers did,’” Fred Trump writes, describing his uncle’s racist outburst. https://www.theguardian.com/books/article/2024/jul/23/donald-trump-n-word-book
still not seeing us on the ticker or board list tbh think auslad might've been too tinnied up to unlist properly >>463720 keeeeke retard mutts couldn't weight their dinghy properly >>463732 za and zoider instead of doritos and faygo too please lad >>463743 wtf i love trouser trump now
>>463720 Idk who she is but I love her.
You lads seen libsoftiktok's real face? She looks suspiciously troony.
Female police update: crying and distraught under pressure That kick was for England
hope 22st has succeeded in his basting tbh >>463747 bastard wogs everywhere too what a joke
fresh colonial russia >Schizophrenic Woman Disappears In The Forest | We Search Her Abandoned House https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsx5-gMzLPs
>>463747 Hate police brutality. Hate pakis. Hate the leftoids who will not shut up about this for years. Hate the alt liters who'll come up with a tepid antiwoke response.
EXCLUSIVEBilly Ray Cyrus, 62, heard belittling wife Firerose, 37, in expletive-filled tirade and slamming daughter Miley, 31, as a 'devil' and 'skank' in shocking new audio https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13652749/billy-ray-cyrus-shocking-audio-firerose-miley.html >Heard here for the first time, the audio makes for difficult listening as the country singer unleashes a toxic rant – mocking, belittling, and bullying his much younger wife in a relentless and brutal onslaught. BASED.
>>463752 Much to think about.
>>463752 >bullying his much younger wife fucking nonce
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Did anyone save that old streamable.com video of steiner crawling through bushes at night and spraypainting a BWC on the black power fist while whispering "thebumbumking radicalised smee"? >>463721 KEEEEEEEEEEEK saved
Studies show that women aren't fully developed until they get white hair and have surpassed the menopause. I'm sorry, creeps, but that's nature.
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Reckon that copper will have to go into hiding like that teacher now, pakis are out for blood.
We got a problem *monotones you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2S-AClsVbE
Reform doing what they were elected to do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV73mRQnn3c
>>463752 His daughter is a satanic skank though. *lights pipe* >>463762 Yeah he's fucked.
>>463764 At least that's something. The tide is moving.
>>463758 >clearly already burnt to a crisp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CJ0UNq4Zhc
>>463764 >legal and illegal mentioned okay this lad said something decent this one time whoever he is queer being a cunt as usual
>>463752 she's a heckin' 37 year old child! she's barely older than his daughter for FSM's sake!
Wew Tice actually not cucking
>>463770 It's all talk and pacification until something actually happens judge people, particularly politicians, by their actions not their words >he's just giving the standard conservatard "muh police are good actually and I'm going to ignore what they do to innocent natives because sometimes they beat up browns too"
americlaps clapping for their god-king Net-and-YooHoo! https://rumble.com/v58a21h-netanyahu-addresses-congress.html
>>463758 Keeeeeeeeek Hungry now dat meat betta b gud tenderized and saysoned
>>463766 >>463768 When queer starts with ‘Look’ followed by ‘the toreeeeeees, previous government’ I want to feed him Barbara Roche and make him wear her scalp to punish him every time he lies and evades a question. In true Anglo fashun Would look better on him than his King’s Counsel powdered wig tbhtbhtbh
>>463773 Oh baby now he's bringing up Iran
They are whooping
>>463777 >whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo >whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo >whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo that went on for like 10 minutes when he took the stand. it was an extremely long standing ovation with this one bitch whooping over and over the whole time. then he said like one sentence and it started up again for another couple minutes. this bitch is still whooping
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57-58 standing ovations total. with a plethora of whooping
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this with all my bones
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>>463780 I'm still seething that kikecloud took down ALL of their pally music when the last stage of the daylight genocide began. Al Qassam had so many choons.
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>mfw this the default British imageboard A toast to our country having more internet users than Poland or Russia but less of an online presence
>>463783 so little online presence we're still not on the board list or top 20 ticker after going public smh presumably most of the british users are back on 4chungus /brit/ posting about niggers tonguing their anus is based and civic and only fellow enlightened high tories will know that feel
>>463785 4chan is so aids HURR NIGGER PENIS get tae fuck
>>463787 this is ridiculous. How can people watch this and not think that they are bought
>>463788 Tbh lad it’s beyond cringe America should just do the honourable thing and suicide at this point
>>463792 >>463747 Is this Britain or Israel?
>>463793 The Israeli protectorate of Britain
Based lad putting in work
ive been going around town drinking whisky and smoking fags again smdh
>>463798 keek based
>>463798 is the joke that she would have her head caved in by a celt if this was pre-roman britain
>>463797 good lad
>>463797 is there somewhere I can donate literally £1000 to this absolute soldier of Britannia
>>463803 I only know of his xitter account https://x.com/ActivePatriotUK
>>463804 Safe my bro
>>463806 they should never have been here in the first place
>>463797 Fucking bitches need prison. Full tariff
>>463807 T.B.H
>>463807 tbh don't like it you know where the door is plods ought to be doing more of this to wogs and less to whites
>>463809 >>463810 our ancient land isnt a free buffet it isnt a whore with its legs spread its Englad time to treat it as such
>>463811 ENGLAND not englad excuse me
Because i am not fucking glad about what theyve done to England
Englad lives and marches on
oh dear what have I done kek
>>463428 What a king. I would pledge my fealty to him if this was the 7th century.
drinking this blended "scotch" whisky aye and the tears are like piss and it smells like my fucking airfix model plane glue for fucks sake what happened to my country
08:00 Handball Women's Preliminary Round Group A (#1) Slovenia Denmark Up early tomorrow lads off with socks and hands on cocks
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steincuck blown the fuck out
>>463822 based sting love when he would just watch from the scaffolds and the one time he shut all the lights off and did hokuto shinken on all the NWOniggers

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stomp all shitskin wogs into the concrete
big up the bum bum king massiv
https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/michigan-outlaws-gay-trans-panic-defense-rcna163465 >tfw Steiner gets bummed to death after accepting a job from a Mr(s) Robinson type
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>>463829 she is doing a decent job repairing the road infastructure in shitagain tbqh the fag and tranny lobby is probably bankrolling her relection hence the fag tranny shite
YUP, IT'S AN INSTANT CLASSIC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rP_yWoH_Nxs
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kick a paki in the head kick a paki until they're dead
>>463835 The sound of the summer
Xiden is cybernetically enhanced gay nigger
the best is the visibly jewish woman doing autism hands
>not at war anywhere on earth >literal next sentence >alliance to stop puting
why can't they just type on their phone and show you ffs
>>463836 stream got shoah'd 10 seconds into bidet's speech. keeek
so sick of boomers shitting on china, if they had a problem with china they should have done something about it 30 years ago instead they wanted cheap dildos. eurasianism tbh
no chinamen ever called me a whiteboy
have the pakis thrown a big poo and wee tantrum yet?
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>>463848 keeeeeeek
spic fuentes is getting the receding hairline at the same age I did and he has the same stupid stubborn attitude towards fin that I used to have. and probably he's going to wait just as long and capitulate and start taking fin at the same age I did, and then start preaching it. calling it right now lads less smart than us will get even older without taking it
starting to slightly muscular instead of skinnyfat pussy. but I'm also gaining some fat, which sucks. just gonna focus on putting more plates on the bar for awhile and then try to lose the fat without keto so I don't lose all the muscle at the same time
starting to look*
>>463845 you sound like a chicom lad
>>463772 Almost, but Leeds was mentioned so it becomes a little more about the foreign problem
>>463848 keeeeeeeeek
There are swathes of Britain that are basically satellites of other countries and have fuck all to do with our non judeo Christian and pagan culture. They all have to go back
>>463863 >Wasim Chaudhry JUST FUCK OOOOOOOOOFFFFFF
>>463867 Will shake his hand for removing one shitskin for us, then minecraft him like the rest
>gets raped by a nigger >runs into a kebab shop >France 2024 A country so out of control we are now minus nearly 2000 cops in Britain to help them police their stupid Niggerlympics and 43 other countries have to help with cops Fuckoff Micron https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13662217/Paris-attack-australian-gang-rape-victim-CCTV.html
based government casually dipping their hand in the pocket of an impoverished cripple for nearly £3k because of an "undisclosed retrospective change" in benefits I no longer receive with more debt to come keeek I felt mildly optimistic for a moment since I've been getting a fair bit of work and my bank account went up a little yesterday
>chad’d but really fuck these sluts, women are out of control and should definitely not be doing these jobs at all as they are wild fantasists for the most part https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13667119/Mother-five-prison-guard-affair-armed-robber.html
>>463872 She looks great for a mother of 5 phwoar. Are they all white at least?
So it was a lieutenant colonel that got stabbed by that wog yesterday, apparently knew his brother. How?
>>463874 probably buying cocaine off of the wog tbh
>it's a "thread stops updating" episode >again shite plot twist tbh totally overused and wasn't even good the first time around >>463876 quelle surprise
>>463878 hullo lad are you sure you listed us? brit isn't in the main board list anywhere smh
>>463878 Yeah does it all the time
>>463879 upon closer inspection there's a tiny little save button under that particular group of settings which i never knew existed until ten seconds ago smh >>463880 tbh smh
>>463881 well a comedy of errors and oversights is appropriate for /brit/'s entry onto the board stage tbf
Finally, lads. Good thing there is still some time before Christmas so he doesn't have to do anything
seventh place and highest PPH
has anyone got the webm of steiner doing navy seals and piglets racing around their mummy as carameldansen plays?
keeek I think the pig racing one is different
/brit/ enters the board list
>>463884 lad he's very busy >>463888 a shining new era
still no basting update from 22st hope the troons didn't catfish him a second time
Stuck between 3 heinous fetish boards
>>463890 keeeeeeeeek
Fucking age restricted! I don’ bloody beliv it! >Daily telegraph video of average moderates chanting allahu Akbar outside Rochdale police station
>>463885 smh TBBK not putting in enough work on /interracial/ >>463890 Still not basted. She is very insecure. Gotten her naked at least. Shame I am a consent-fag, had I just put it in she probably wouldn't mind smh
>>463895 you can do it lad
>>463896 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>463896 this made me laugh so hard it alerted the breedee smh keeeeeek. 28? Is it old? I don't think i have ever seen it
>>463895 Found a fellow Norgger for you to breed. https://nitter.poast.org/RMistereggen
>>463899 I have had interactions with her on X, but she is old, isn't she
She is actually looking for a breeder
would I let her sit on my face? for me, it's a yes.
>>463901 would >>463902 tbqh
we've some really good webms that can be used to advertise brit tbh >>463898 must be from 2018-2020 sort of time, can't tell as the date created/modified only shows when I transfered it to my new pc smh
>>463900 40 ish so just out of her teens Just put a filter on her lad and make her talk to you like this while pinching her nose hard to make it sound even funnier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvfstvJTG_Q
>>463904 keeeeeeeeeeek hadn't seen that last one
>board gets listed >suddenly wessie becomes very active and spamming webms wdhmbt?
shmornting lis >>463869 >Australian rape gang Fucking dirty raping australian bastards smh, why is it always them. Send the fuckers back. >>463885 keeeeek, the fuckin MDE utopia music
>>463911 smorbius lad
>>463910 nostalgiooming and boosting pph and showing off the best of /brit/ in case anyone does actually look inside
>>463913 smh old 8chan going down seems so long ago now miss those days
>>463904 hiraeth
>>463917 soft rains will come again la we just have to make it so
Thought the green bar on the file size limit was an upload timer smh, sat staring at it for 8 minutes like a mong ffs, out of touch lads
>>463920 Take some testosterone lad
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>>463919 KEEEEK I forgot about the munter arc >>463924 RIP luggage lads and adam bigchin keeeek wonder if he made it to buckfast monastery after all
>Loyal lads of the bond Gone
>>463927 I think they were on an altchan for a bit endchan maybe I remember poosting there once to say hullo but getting instantly banned for being offtopic (the last post was more than a day ago)
>>463930 quite a few pieces I didn't save at the time tbh goodlad still can't quite believe SA went cold turkey on everything
>>463931 Same lad tbh, wish I'd have saved more myself. Always an issue for me on chans, feels like those days are going to last forever and I can go back and get things, then inevitably they disappear.
keeeek are Baz has that mohammedan lover rattled
RACISM BASTARD BHENCHOD BLODY FUK U MOTHERBLOODY BICH PLAYED A PART IN COP KICKING MUSJEET IN FACE! - CHIEF SUPERINCESTIOUS DILDO BABOON https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/jul/25/manchester-airport-police-kick-incident-former-senior-met-officer
>>463935 Good ‘ole Baz
>>463934 all those moments.... will be lost... in time... like poos.... flushed down the loo. time.... to post.
Steve Laws getting fucked by HnH Nick if you are reading this im going to be very nice to your whole family :)
>>463941 sad news from goymany, conscription is being reinstated and not only that, their armed forces had a 15% jump in recruits because of fearmongering about putler
>>463942 >with full pay send him a link to /brit/ la
>>463944 Wew didnt see that. Saw that they were raiding mosques, but only because Israel told them to. >>463944 jej dont have a xitter tbh kept getting banned so cant be arsed
>>463942 2024 >You are not allowed to have opinions slave >also muh Chiner! so shall credit score surveillance! Kill Chiners! >>463945 >EVERYBODY DO WHAT I SAY! NOW CLAP 58 TIMES WHILE STANDING! OFF TO KILL SOME FELLOW BROWNS BRB WITH MY LAUNDRY t. BIBI ‘GETALOADOFTHISNORWOODGOYS’
>>463948 smh got excited for a moment and thought that he was elected into some official position again
>>463942 Nick Lowles is part jeet >My parents are from Mauritius I got bullied so hard I couldn’t handle it, it turned me into a paranoid twat *boohoo*
fresh woes slop about doctor poo https://millennialwoes.substack.com/p/gay-doom-2
>>463950 I wish but he’d be offed like Joe McCarthy and James Vincent Forrestal were
>>463954 when is he going to do a sharticle about amazing dessert food combinations THOUGH
>>463954 >he bottled it and didn't post it.
>’d say we can take zero point five percent of our population per year as asylum seekers…. t. Rahry Stewart So that’s what 350,000Is a year you fucking absolute gimp? A wartime army a year He’s evil or a spastic and quite probably both Can’t even begin to understand 350k “asylum seekers” per year. These fuckers are just insane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icRzTFLmgyc
>>463956 Not filling in all that shit tbh even with false stuff
Always loved the scruton meme
another dozen or so woodlice about an exterior door and bookcase fuck I hate being a neofeudal peasant so much I'll ask rentberg for help with the mould or a new door with a proper seal not made of rotting wood and they'll say "no our job is just to take your money we don't actually do anything, you are already privileged just to rent from us"
>>463970 time to start researching whatever government body oversees the rentbergs and then report rentberg to said body tbh probably something you can stick him for tbh
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>>463961 He died a Muslim lad
>>463969 >Woeslenskyy
>>463978 >le russians are being based and killing niggers >No I can't show it you any of it because they don't advertise
Love modern Britain
why is the board public
Lotus Eater lad Connor revealed why the Tories booted him from the party. What's interesting is they could have just said it was for showing support for Reform and been done with it. But they deliberately made sure he knew and more importantly that LE followers knew that they are libtarded.
>>463981 to own the spics
>>463981 colonialism >>463982 conservatard standard tbh give them an opportunity to suck tranny nigger dick and they'll take it to show how much more not racist they are than the "opposition"
>>463980 The first 2 got stabbed? What's the conclusion to this?
>>463985 Video was posted with no context tbh
>>463985 https://nitter.poast.org/CrimeLdn/status/1816466748528378110#m Might be something in the comments if you wanna look de lad
>>463985 looks like they set him up tbh
did madlad die
>>463991 he hasn't had any identifiably madliaddian outbursts in a long time if he didn't maybe another relative moved into his aunt's house and he's trapped in his gooncave for months unable to leave
>>463985 All the hundreds of niggers in the comments having a go at ‘uncle’ for not driving away fast enough Everyone in that video should not be in the UK
>>463994 There is no white guy in the vid
>>463995 he means white shirt
>>463891 >we're not as big as we thought we were uh oh >>463895 >smh TBBK not putting in enough work on /interracial/ I can only cum so much lass smh
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>>463999 what is this WOKE NONSENSE?!
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>>464002 tell me about the pizza hut
Yeah having the age of consent be anything less than 18 is disgusting and disturbing (even 18 and 19 is gross to me if the other partner is much older, like why is an adult in their mid-20s or older want a teen? Its even more gross and p*do when the partner is 30+ with an 18 or 19 yr old and dont even get me started on the 50+ men that just wait for a girl to turn 18 ) That just one clue on how you know we live in a patriarchy and an abusive one at that
delist us you cunt
>>464005 Get fucked. We took a vote and now we are open and free.
By "we took a vote" I mean Auslad took a BASED executive decision on the advice of certain posters such as me and Wessex. Not unimportant ones such as thee.
Some grim moments in the Kings speech
You put the poo poo into my brain . . . my posts per minute haven't been the same
>>464008 it's all grim tbh WEF cunt could at least have lived up to the kino smh
>>463994 >jeets have the survival instincts of a fucking sloth PANKEEEEEEEEEEK
>>464011 accelerate poo tbh
>>464012 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Cheers spic! Thanks for this post! You are doing God’s work! https://nitter.poast.org/rcmalex/status/1816508457152806934
>>464016 let them chimp out force it in the niggercattle's faces that this is what invasive wogs are really like
>>464017 >>464017 >"some were even saying allar ackbar" Sterilise and deport the lot, or just liquidate them on the spot.
>>464016 Yeah no sympathy for either group.
>>464015 I haven't posted anything yet today
>>464021 What’s this then Ramón?
>>464023 >it's all about le cheap labor! no, it's deliberate genocide and the jevvs are behind it
No lawfare or leftist groups stopping these ones hmm
>>464026 a whole 46 migrants, wow!
>>464029 Half an average days worth from the boats and still somehow more than the Tories managed recently. So fucking gay
>Millionaires Rodjeet, we’re gonna be millionaires! https://nitter.poast.org/barrystantonGBP/status/1816402745143762959
>>464033 my favourite one
>BLM sign keeeeeek they are so desperate for their own Floyd moment fucking paki retards >>464034 keeeek
>>464034 so far
>>464036 keektbh
>>464034 Keeeeeeeeeeeek Top banter
>>464037 testing out their lightswitch pressing golems on innocent whites first smh
>dad was a nazi, me grandad was a nazi, he fought the nazis, beat the nazis, but we’re still all nazis apart from granddad nazi, he’s dead like grandma nazi. Yeah. Proud tradition nazism runs deep. Niggers! https://thekeygroup.com/our-team
>>464035 weak and worthless pooskins rallying around a sissified paki but apparently its "yt pipo" that are fragile
>>464041 plenty of dysgenic filth there
>MY CUNTSTITUENTS JUST WANT THE COMPO ‘KAY!? AN FUKDAPOLIC BIG UP ROCHDALE MANDEM INSHALLAH! t. Paul Waugh MP https://nitter.poast.org/paulwaugh/status/1816547070628757682
We are kept busy with trivia while the country and us keep getting turned over
Yeah you are a black Scottish adventurer Anyone can be Scottish https://nitter.poast.org/WayneGb88/status/1815812312441205221
>>464047 don't let steiner see this
our thread in the middle of our board our board in the middle of our site our thread
Malicious nobody cunt trying to get clicks to go viral with his cheap nonsensical shots. https://nitter.poast.org/GayBearRes/status/1815493069447291084
just noticed the name in your link
nanigh britain see you in t' mornin pal
>>464054 night lad
>>464047 https://youtu.be/QQnUjgsQFok?si=-kC5I8CO922u6l-1 on god sassanach im finna sword dance on your grave no cap
>>464056 You're going to have to accept that Yakub's plan has failed lad.
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didn't think I'd be rooting for Hawk Tuah Harris, but here we are
>>464059 Link or it didn't happen.
>>464050 Saw this the other day, he's an unfunny jew cunt.
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Not accurate too many white people.
Jack Black's bandmate was right tbh. HASHTAG: EPIC
>>464065 The whitest suburb of Manchester.
>>464065 >they've done us
but also aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
maybe the problem is all of the west has been so subsumed by the homogeneous grid that all that's left are these ridiculous imported, hollow, excentricities between European nations.
>>464066 ==TRUST THE PLAN(trademark golan globus media group)
>>464071 tbh how would you even do something like a modern day frog cosplay
>>464071 its based you make it your own they are bullying the british female tribal face paint and the tribal dress of the trained bands of bazlings
jedi mind tricks can't be stopped. won't be stopped.
>>464074 Fuck that love island camouflage it's there to denigrate the fucking bazlings that bought into the last 40 years of "prosperity" in this nation. >>464073 The same fucking thing with more rouge.
>>464075 There's a reason actors have been considered equal to whores for most of human history.
>>464073 and probably a bit more income.
Literally at the point of hammering stakes into the ground to remind these fuckers easyjet holidays and argos bought korean manufactured tvs i s not a sign of wealth.
>>464077 I have to admit cocknocker was epic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYJFzOzpwHo
>>464072 >Biden: We need to lower the temperature. I'm grateful Trump wasn't injured. I'm sorry. >Trump: When I'm assassinated I hope they nuke Iran. I want to go out with a bang. Leave as much carnage as possible.
>>464080 God I hate meta humour.
https://youtu.be/cisMjGiEpH0?si=y9G1ecKOfvcxyhlA niggers attacking poojeet nonces
>>464083 America has the best prospect of turning mad max tier honestly and that's also realisticly the most kino ending to that union.
>>464083 >niggers attacking poojeet nonces >looks whiter than steiner keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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so many good memories of getting yelled at my drunk uncles doing roofing as a teenigger to don henley songs
all jokes aside, that's clearly a spic and not a nigger.
>>464085 not available here for whatever reason, just invest in your diesel engines at this point you'll be the most powerful corn baron in illinois and michigan
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>>464086 t. spic did you put your cock in a hotpocket sleeve and microwave it yet faggot
i want to see jeets and niggers btfo each other
>>464091 well you won't get it watching steinzog's vids
I want to see Spic nailed to a nascar track
>ywn drag spic behind one of those sled pulling trucks by his pin dick
>>464094 By his bollocks no less
>>464095 why would you want him detached that easily?
>>464096 you'd have to use tailor's pins to hit targets that small
spic and trannies did such a number on this place, it never recovered.
>>464077 True, the Roman's used to literally get bored and rape actors while they were in the middle of a performance
>>464098 or blow them up to the size of balloons first
>>464099 Many such cases. Sad!
>>464099 tbh things were actually so much better before he emerged
>>464099 both are manageable, it's our own decline that's the problem.
>>464104 >it's our own decline that's the problem. speak for yourself. i'm living my best life
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>>464065 That feel when you are the most relevant nation in Europe and former mortal enemies are now copying you We've come a long long way together, through the hard times and the good
spic even has that lovable broken clock aspect about him, that makes him so enduring.
>>464105 you're here.
>>464106 If you think that's anything but mocking you're a retard.
>>464109 They mocked Jesus too
>>464108 >you're here. barely, lass.
>>464111 Christ is king, brother.
>>464110 I love trump (ugh i know... he's a jew lover) but I really want kamaltoe to win so that Americans get to live down the fact they elected a pajeeta
>>464110 the 2030 talmudic paradigm fast approaching. >>464112 brother
>>464114 tbh. owning the libs is cringe. let's just own the yanks as a whole.
We can laugh from afar as Anglo warrior Keir Starmer leads us into a glorious golden age.
>>464116 It's a win-win as far as I see it, it's not like trump is going to get away with anything in a second term that he didnt in the first. The West needs to learn from it's mistakes which must be experienced individually in each country apparently since they cant learn from the mistakes of others (otherwise Rhodesia and Weimar Germany would live forever as a cautionary tale)
How did anyone here get dragged back into this gay political obfuscation to begin with?
>>464117 Mi5's greatest asset >>464119 Just bored, me.
>>464119 tbh I'd rather watch two methheads fight in a mcdonalds than pay attention to a second of the gay nigger kike tranny circus in washington
>>464118 Democracy functions on the electorates collective amnesia and it's functioning fine right now lad.
>>464122 >Democracy functions Let me stop you there, lol >>464121 America needs mummy Gretchen to give everyone a slapped botty
>>464123 Who do you think it's functioning for retard?
LCD screening are poison by the way.
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the future of america is becoming exactly like the countries they used to take the piss out of pride cometh before fall just like our poetic fate was being ruled by the people we used to rule
>>464123 it would be kino to watch her clap her booty meat on keir starmer to assert dominance
>>464127 I can imagine she'd only insert the head and not the whole shaft, just to tease Mummy...
>>464127 3 months tops, before she does it, if elected.
>>464123 >a slapped botty
>>464124 So far it's doing pretty well for the immigrants and women
>>464131 pleb.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psmpDzJV7NM >this starts playing while she stares angrily at the camera
>>464133 for the ancestors, wakanda forever.
kamala harris will legalize heroin for transgender children in interracial relationships with migrants
What's more gag inducing, Kamaltoe's juicy arse or Trump's knackered old bollocks? This will decide the election
>>464135 based letting one hand wash the other
>>464135 and that's a good thing because it dismantles white heteronomative staples.
>>464125 they are?
>>464139 yeah, fucks your circadian rhythm.
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Fallout London has been released Time to invest several thousand pound sterling in a new gooming PC and monitor so I can goom to my fanatasy
>>464142 Enjoy a loaded narrative from a bunch of uni students.
>>464142 >Fallout set outside of America utter 0/10
>>464142 think you can get it for free off of GOG or someplace else right now. just remember to give it a bad review
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>>464143 Thank you very much, I hope I will as the streams of it I saw so far looked very goomable >>464144 Anything set in the greatest country on planet earth there ever was or will be is by default 1,000,000/10 >>464145 I haven't seen any niggers or paki's in the goomplay i've seen of it so far but I will be trashing it when I find one
>>464145 Enjoy that final on cabal street.
>>464146 Fallout is fundamentally about America. Transposing it to any other country is just lazy, uninspired hackery.
>>464148 I am an absolute soy-guzzling marvel film watcher when it comes to "Bri'ish" "spot of tea m8" "loisence" consumables, tbh
>>464149 you post on tvch?
>>464150 Funnily enough thats probably the one I don't post on out of all the imageboards. That and 4chan but only because I am permabanned. I will lurk /sp/ for the olympics when I get the free time. You've reminded me to start posting on Gahoole's site again
>>464151 What's it like being translucent?
>>464152 It feels like being high
>>464153 Go back.
>>464154 It is time for beddy byes tbf
>>464098 nah I have good-sized saggy balls. hate when they hang unaesthetically though, it's good when there's the two symmetrical pockets but often times it bunches up on one side and looks weird. been hypochondriac about it but ultimately determined that it's just the scrotum bunching up sometimes. keeping the pubes short seems to help
honestly the best choice politically in the united states is to start smoking crack and get on welfare and spend every day wandering around masterbating and yelling at wagecucks
>>464158 poost some more shartican fallout videos
>Despite his health issues, Matthew is a talented artist. No excuses eh
>>464164 america is a retarded shithole that has gone full schizo because of boomer autism
>boomer autism: its okay for people to teach your kids about anal sodomy and transgenderism >boomer autism: its not okay for a girl who has menstrated and entered into reproductive phase to be sexually active with a young male who is 5 years older than her simply because of his age rather than his character or ability to provide
>>464166 Hetero sex for me, buggery for thee. That's what the old overpromoted women are saying by that. "Anyone against us should be destroyed" It's clearly not about sexual liberation as you point out. We see how very mean petty and tribalistic the crones are, maybe that's why they're powerful 😕
>>464059 Don’t root too hard for this retard >As a youth I collected money for trees to be planted in Isreal Everyone should know what she was unwittingly doing was collecting money for trees to be planted on land which was being stolen using this method. The trees later chopped down and the land settled. Sickening having so many corrupt or retarded politicians tbh https://youtu.be/sLODAmHhxPI
>>464168 Kamala would be a continuation of the current administration, which is not signalling to Israel that they are eager to go to war with Iran. Trump/Vance and the GOP are doing that, and they aren't going to do anything that benefits white people. The only scenario I can think of where Trump would turn out better is if there were a major misculation- the DEI US military sucks ass and loses the war, or the domestic outrage becomes so extreme that an unstable, unpredictable situation is created. the status quo is not working for us, and this has the potential to shake things up. but it could also go according to plan and they could cripple Iran, which would either be a doomsday scenario.
>>464170 But she's white?
>>464170 >Imagine being like one tenth native and thinking you're actually a native Xibalban demon. Spig here is your future wife. >>464166 I'd never considered the boomer angle tbh. I'm convinced it's a dysgenic attack or symptom thereof. Marriage should happen youngish for both parties in order to cement a bond. Their behaviour is also cope for being sexless.
Morning lads The copper who kicked the paki in the head was attempting to assassinate him in front of his mum who he was collecting from her two year holiday to Parkistan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiGDARo-UxE
>>464117 >That tailoring keeeeeeeeek
toil ends and the weekend begins >>464173 smorb lad sick of brownoids and their shameless lies
>>464173 Pakis are so much worse at race grifting than niggers, guess it's the lack of jewish mentoring
>Geri Scott >Senior political correspondent - The Times >Immodest dress >Tattoo
>>464171 Whiter than spig
>>464178 He fell in love and sailed to Pitcairn lad. Didn’t know he was originally from Yorkshire. Lapped as a north west London lad
Just looked again closely. Can’t tell if real or not in cy
>like trolling can’t handle getting trolled back ANTI SEMITS! https://nitter.poast.org/IsraelMFA/status/1816526508493799615
>gis anuvva chance to break our ‘promises’ to ya! we mean it this time! Ok no thankyou https://nitter.poast.org/TomTugendhat/status/1816367917899899073
>>464186 keeeek
>>464186 >Those ((f(rat boys))) and their memes so funny hahaha
>My milkshakes bring all the libs to the yard
https://youtu.be/urFuiFpfXKg?si=jVgWi2RzejLICuwK Lets play this tonight for Friday film night
Having useless women that were getting battered in his unit, making the situation even more dangerous lead to the policeman booting a paki in the head. simple as.
what we should be taking from this is no women in the force and no pakis in the country
>>464186 >no anti-jew content but conspicuous focus on anti-palestine
>>464199 Made with the kind assistance of Hollycostwood and the TelAviv film board
>>464199 Drumpf not being a zionist would be the most unrealistic thing in that video
>>464202 it's not about realism it's about the ideas it conveys and the effect it is intended to have on the viewer, which is trumpie is a BASED goy who hates NIGGERS! you hate NIGGERS too don't you! Well Palestinians are NIGGERS too! Therefore jews killing them GOOD and trump kissing circumsised knob and sending more whites to die for israel in the middle east GOOD!
It's worked out well for Israel. anything pro-palestine and even palestinians in general are now associated with strange brown brown universities creatures, trannies and other abominations that protest in the west. and most don't want to be associated with that.
>>464204 >North Wales nigger/black sheep hybrid?
I'm pro-global Muslim liquidation wherever it happens.
if the Palestinians just converted to Christianity all their problems would go away.
Any lads gone the femboy bf route after not being able to find a gf?
>>464209 I'm up for liquidating them as well.
>>464211 No but there are a lot of gay men on bumble
>>464212 >having to take jevv wins as yours because you have no power absolute cope.
>>464213 cute femboys too?
>>464214 >low-grade spic psychologisation well-done peasant
>i've done him
ok mr peninsular goblinoid
Lads, why are Generation identaire sabotaging the French olympics? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c28eyr3y18yo
why is the board public?
>>464221 democracy
>>464219 >the narrative storytelling style of the sharticle god I hate journos and I don't like (you) for clickbaiting >One security source suggested in French media that the arson attacks bore all the hallmarks of the extreme left.
>>464221 by will of the supreme tinnie drinker it's been public for three days now and we've not had any visitors at all let alone invasions of spics and degens so whatever fearmongering went on about it was not the case
>>464224 why even do it then, it was fine the way it was, nice and comfy and private, now anybody can nosy in.
>>464170 >no poetry or rhythm, just bitching about her bf who dumped her for being libtarded
>>464225 it would be nice to have a few more lads around tbh good to have you back anyway madlad
>>464229 does bullying turn you into a nigger lover?
are you ugly lad? it's that why you post shit like this?
>>464231 not everyone can be a beautiful office worker lad
>>464233 ? but it's like a cope to see others like this, right/
>>464234 oh it's Martin
>>464235 not me, but shartin is a chad
>>464236 He's kinda cool for being a BIG truck driver.
https://archive.is/wOevk >written by David J Urban and Mike Pompeo Another pair of corrupt and clinically insane sociopathic yanks. Oh look Urban heads a firm that even works with the Russians and Putin - hmmm Americans really need to get a fucking grip tbhthey’re like toddlers with anger management issues unfortunately with their hands on too much money and lethal power they can project. Wish they’d fuckoff and build their wall - around all of America and their greatest all Israel tbh
How did this barely literate mongoloid inbred pass a law degree and qualify as a solicitor and then manage to run a campaign to stand as an MP? JUST FUCKING LISTEN TO THE CRETIN Utter state of this country lads https://nitter.poast.org/TalkTV/status/1816758899979997427
wtf I luv Laber now
>>464243 forgot their black ties for their oven chip review man cosplay smh
Is Donald Trump Jr., the hermaphrodite?
Bins, you old queen. What's the film for tonight?
Put Joker 2 on Buns
Fuck *Bins although tbf he’s interested in buns, men’s buns, exclusively
new gf. am I winning, lads?
>>464250 You've won a whole extra chromosome for your kids.
Why won’t they just fuck off. It’s endless with this lot I’m sure there’s a billion of them
>>464250 You’re levelling up
>>464251 >>464253 thanks, lads
>>464252 Wot's a "neutral anthem"?
I had an uncle with down syndrome called Martin I thought that piece of information would be relevant to the thread
>>464245 typical beer drinker
>>464259 thank you for reminding me to get the beverages in Cheers!
I don't like coleslaw because it sounds like cold sore smh
Nice chippy tea, mummy took it out the paper like a fool smh
>>464261 I've always thought this plus, it's slavslop. may as well be eating perogi and saurkraut
>>464248 seconding this inshallah
>>464263 tbh, just want me meat, me sauces (mint ong), and some 'rockin' '' poatoes!
>>464264 It's not out until October?
>>464266 Hmmm... you make a convincing argument. I con-sneed the debate.
>>464267 Lady gaga is a stupid whore, she did an interview topless because she's le edgy rebel
>QUEEN OF DENMARK SHART-CARTED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExaYadHuGDU
>>464269 hardy lass to withstand the power of the plumpsters on the iron horsies
>>464266 Well fucking hack it then ffs. Call 4chin l337 h4XX0r5 or something if you need help
Weak 40 year old man can’t hack a Hollywood db and get a film for /brit/ lads. PATRIOTS ERWACHE!
>>464270 Princess Norgger_Lovør’s Yank husband taught her how to absorb the blows
I do not approve of any kind of race mixing it is disgusting
>>464272 >40 worse than that lad
>>464273 She renounced her titles, at least that's something. Me I'd behead them both in a very metaphorical sense of course.
>>464269 revenge for >>464065
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>>464273 >the royalty are noble and have blue blood, you must respect them get fucked
>>464274 You are the product of a goblin and a blood sucking vampire though. >>464269 her jumper looks well comfy though, don't give a fuck about the video tbh.
>>464277 Imagine having the desire to shit something out yer cunt the same colour as something you shit out yer arse and then having to spend the rest of your life visiting it behind bars.Bet he’s already cheated on her a few dozen times and she’ll end up a single mum with two black eyes and no title
>>464275 Wew lad
>>464281 This jumper looks pretty comfy ngl >>464268
Most of the world does not see it this way, not being a predator isn’t some “American” thing. I’d read on adolescent-adult relationships and the harm that’s caused long term for the younger party, this perspective is a moral one. And some laws are immoral. I’ll try to further put things into perspective. The age of consent does not define adulthood, the age of majority does. “In the United States, a minor is any individual under the specified ‘age of majority’ for their state or territory., All states define an age of majority, which is usually set at 18, but states like Indiana and Mississippi set it at 21, while in Alabama, Colorado, Maryland, or Nebraska, the age of majority is 19.” This includes Europe (which often gets pulled into these discussions due to lower age of consents) - “The age of majority is 18 years in all EU Member States except for Scotland, where children are considered to have full legal capacity from the age of 16 years. But it's not until their 18th birthday that children become adults in the eyes of the law.” 17 year olds are often labeled as “adults” or “almost adults” - sure. Legally. But biologically/physically/mentally? They are adolescents. Physical/biological differences; According to the World Health Organization, the ages of 15-19 are the ages in which pregnancy risks are at their peak. And of course younger. Teenage girls are more likely to experience anovulatory cycles and have an overall smaller hip width. Whereas, pregnancy at ages 20-24 are far less dangerous, and prone to less complications. Neoteny becomes less prevalent as one ages, and the typical 16 year old have more amplified neoteny than your average 25 year old does. They appear more youthful, which makes them distinguishable from adults. I’d like to think of it as that “one year old puppy” look. Not puppies, yet not a mature dog yet. For males, boys are likely to reach growth spurts in regards to their height during early adulthood. In females, girls are likely to experience a fluctuation in their breast size as well as an overall weight increase. Vast hormonal begin to level out during the early 20s. More physical/biological differences; Adolescents: - Rapid physical growth and development - Puberty onset, including changes in body shape, voice, and sexual characteristics - Brain development, including changes in structure and function - Increased energy levels and sleep needs - Developing motor skills and coordination - Experimenting with personal hygiene and grooming habits Adults (roughly ages 21+): - Physical growth and development slow down - Hormonal changes stabilize - Brain development reaches maturity - Energy levels and sleep needs stabilize - Refined motor skills and coordination - Established personal hygiene and grooming habits Mental; Adolescents: - *Impulsivity*: Tend to act on emotions without fully thinking through consequences. - *Emotional intensity*: Experience emotions more intensely, which can lead to mood swings. - *Brain development*: Undergoing significant brain changes, including pruning and myelination, which can impact decision-making and impulse control. - *Identity formation*: Exploring and experimenting with different identities, values, and beliefs. - *Social influence*: Highly influenced by peers and social media. Adults (roughly ages 21+); - *Increased prefrontal cortex activity*: Improved decision-making, planning, and impulse control. - *Emotional regulation*: Better able to manage and regulate emotions.
[Expand Post]- *Stabilized brain development*: Brain changes slow down, leading to more consistent decision-making and behavior. - *Established identity*: More likely to have a solid sense of self and values. - *Independent thinking*: Less influenced by peers and more likely to form their own opinions. Comparison of the average day-to-day life of an adolescent vs an adult; Adolescents: - School or education-focused - Structured schedule with classes, homework, and activities - Socializing with peers and friends - Extracurricular activities like sports, clubs, or hobbies - Dependence on adults for transportation, financial support, and guidance - Emotional ups and downs with rapid mood changes - Exploring identity, interests, and values - Developing independence and autonomy Adults (roughly ages 21+): - Work or career-focused - Flexible schedule with more control over time management - Independent living with personal responsibilities - Socializing with colleagues, friends, and family - Leisure activities like hobbies, travel, or relaxation - Financial independence and self-sufficiency - Emotional stability with more self-awareness and regulation - Established identity, interests, and values - Ongoing personal growth and development Power imbalances; Adolescents are still developing - both physically and mentally - and may require more guidance and support, while adults have reached a level of maturity and should be held more accountable for their actions. Adolescent-adult relationships are inherently imbalanced because adults hold more power due to their age, experience, and social status. This power differential creates a vulnerable environment for adolescents, making them susceptible to exploitation and manipulation. Research shows time and time again that adolescents are more likely to experience emotional manipulation, gr00ming, and even sxual abuse in these unbalanced relationships. Consent is complex, especially when there's such a vast power differential. Teenagers, especially of younger ages, may feel pressured or coerced into consenting due to their desire for approval, attention, or a sense of belonging. A few ways these power imbalances are implemented; 1. Emotional manipulation: Adults may use guilt, anger, or self-pity to control an adolescent's emotions and actions. 2. Gr00ming: Adults may build a relationship with an adolescent, gaining their trust, and then exploit this trust for sxual or other exploitative purposes. 3. Gaslighting: Adults may deny or distort reality, making an adolescent question their own perceptions or sanity. 4. Bullying: Adults may use their power to intimidate, belittle, or humiliate an adolescent. 5. Sxual abuse: Adults may engage in sxual contact or exploitation with an adolescent, which is illegal and/or harmful. 6. Exploitation: Adults may take advantage of an adolescent's labor, resources, or talents for personal gain. 7. Neglect: Adults may fail to provide adequate care, support, or protection for an adolescent's physical or emotional well-being. 8. Authoritarian control: Adults may exert excessive control over an adolescent's decisions, actions, and choices. 9. Discrimination: Adults may treat adolescents unfairly based on their race, gender, sxual orientation, religion, or other characteristics. 10. Retaliation: Adults may punish or retaliate against an adolescent for speaking out or asserting their rights. Vulnerabilities; 1. Brain development: Adolescents' brains are still developing, particularly the prefrontal cortex, which regulates decision-making, impulse control, and emotional management. 2. School environment: Adolescents spend a significant amount of time in school, where they face academic pressure, social cliques, and/or bullying. 3. Social media influence: Adolescents are constantly exposed to social media, which can shape their self-esteem, body image, and worldviews. 4. Identity formation: Adolescents are exploring their identities, including gender, sxual orientation, and/or cultural heritage. 5. Impressionable minds: Adolescents are more susceptible to influence from adults, peers, and media, which can shape their beliefs and behaviors. 6. Lack of life experience: Adolescents have limited life experience, making them more vulnerable to exploitation and manipulation. 7. Dependence on adults: Adolescents rely on adults for financial support, transportation, and emotional guidance. 8. Vulnerability to trauma: Adolescents are more vulnerable to the effects of trauma, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD. 9. Developing coping mechanisms: Adolescents are still learning healthy coping mechanisms for stress, emotions, and relationships. 10. Exploring boundaries: Adolescents are testing boundaries and exploring their autonomy, which can lead to risk-taking behaviors. Additional aspects of adolescent vulnerability; 1. Social media exposure: Adolescents are constantly connected to social media, which can lead to cyberbullying, online harassment, and decreased self-esteem. 2. Peer pressure: Adolescents are highly influenced by their peers and may engage in risky behaviors to fit in or gain acceptance. 3. Mental health: Adolescents are more likely to experience mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and thoughts of self-harm. 4. Substance experimentation: Adolescents may experiment with drūgs, alcohol, or other substances, which can lead to addiction and other negative consequences. 5. Lack of privacy: Adolescents often have limited privacy and may be subject to parental or institutional monitoring. 6. Developing brains: Adolescents' brains are still developing, which can lead to impulsive decisions and limited judgment. 7. Hormonal changes: Adolescents are experiencing significant hormonal fluctuations, which can affect mood, energy, and behavior. 8. Body changes: Adolescents are undergoing rapid physical changes, which can lead to body dissatisfaction and negative self-image. 9. Family dynamics: Adolescents may experience family conflicts, divorce, or other stressful home environments. 10. Societal expectations: Adolescents face intense pressure to succeed academically, athletically, and socially. Power dynamics this vast are not healthy, adults should leave minors alone.
>>464273 he's even dabbing on suicided white boys. smh
>>464285 Yeah, this was a retarded response. Adults "may" do this and that? They "may" cannibalise people. The questions is if they do or don't, nothing to do with an age gap lmao
I notice they're obsessed with power dynamics. Utter fucking freaks.
== The working class have had enough of London's lawless crime. Local residents assist local shop staff to hold down a shop lifter in Carmel, Stamford Hill. == THE. WORKING. CLASS. KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK We got some real live arbeiters here lads! https://nitter.poast.org/instamfordhill/status/1816838077756612942
>>464287 This tbh. Totally neglects the fact a more mature young man would lead a more immature younger woman toward maturity. Especially with rigorous vetting by families etc. Their paranoia about power dynamics and malevolent intention behind every behaviour is kind of like gnostic paranoia tbh.
>>464285 Fantastic post
lovely night out might just go drive my car to a country lane and sit drinking cider and listening to the radio
>>464292 It's likely the result of feminist rhetoric. Everything is penis envy to the dykes, and they fill normies heads with it. And one more thing! They're outraged at this youtuber for having sex with a 17 year old and a possible relationship with another. Yet, they're not arsed about the fact that their media constantly put out movies where "High School" students are having sex with eachother and far older people constantly. They're hypocrites saying what they see as culturally safe.
>>464295 mad thing is neither 17 year old girls nor 30 year old women would ever have sex with me
>>464205 >>464207 >>464208 >>464212 >>464214 >>464216 anything anti-Pali is jevvish and retarded. Palestinians are our allies against the jevvs. the jevvs are gearing up for a massive war in which they use whites to defeat their brown enemies (only for the browns to angerly devour the whites afterwards which the jevvs laugh and rub their palms). this is the worst case scenario and it cannot be allowed to happen what we need to happen is for whites and browns to team up to destroy the jevvs, and then whites need to deport the browns. simple and solves everything. if you see jevvs blowing up brown babies and think, "hah! browns btfo!"- you are being a retarded goy. what you should be thinking, is "wow these jevvs sure are monsters, not that I care about these browns but I hope this makes the browns antisemitic so we get some allies in our struggle against the jevvs!" browns in brownland are literally not a problem at all and there is no reason to wish suffering on them. indifference, sure, "I sure am glad that the jevvs are making a strategic mistake by harming these browns", sure, but if you are cheering on the literal IDF as they further the ambitions of the jevvish race then you are being a retarded goy and should slap yourself in the face for such foolishness. you're literally >>464214. the jevvs want the palestinians dead, the palestinians want to tear the jevvs limb from limb. which of those two things is more congruent with the interests of white people? obviously jevvs getting intifada'd
Especially fond of all these essay posts
>>464296 I've had sex with a 17 year old woman and can confirm: They aren't children.
>>464299 I've never even seen a vagina let alone touched one or put my penis in one
>464297 get a life you complete fucking peasant
a new shark attack video dropped apparently, anyone got/seen it?
People at work keep bullying me for not having a girlfriend Well what would they say if I said I only want a redheaded virgin? Would I then be a racist misogynist? As if I have a choice anyways when literally every woman I've ever asked out has rejected me
Imagine allying with any of the hostile forces currently either embedded or bleeding into Europe? Spic needs to be liquidated along with anyone else.
soy hard about sticking it to the kikes by allying with poos = fucking peasant-tier
purge fucking everything
>>464306 tbh fuck em all if they arent presbyterian blue eyed blonde/red haired english speaking descended from the anglo saxons i literally dont care if they all die
>>464306 1. muslims in france holocaust the jevvs in france 2. france is no longer controlled by jevvs, french nationalists and muslims struggle for control of the french state 3. french nationalists seize control of the french state, deport muslims
>>464305 It means nothing. Sex is great, sure. But it isn't ultimately fulfilling. Often, I would yearn for God after lying with my woman. Yearn for more. In the end, you have sex but you grow horny again. You eat and you grow hungry again. These things aren't the ultimate source of satisfaction. They're perishable satisfactions for a perishable body and a perishable philosophy of hedonism.
If you're not my race religion and culture I couldnt give a fuck
>>464306 tbh, not arse about the semite civil war just want 'em to fuck off
>>464311 I take solace in the fact the bible says that fornication is sinful, so even if women reject me it actually brings me closer to god than a fornicating sinner like you (no offence)
>>464313 >not arse about the semite civil war we are invested in it because the jevvs are our primary enemies. it is the jevvish brainwashing that is preventing our people from realizing how badly we are getting raped to death and acting accordingly
>>464316 but muslims are also doing the raping to death
Might go and play in the garden
I do agree that jews are scum
>>464297 This is for (you) >>464289
>>464317 because the jevvs let them in and enable it. if it weren't for the jevvs they wouldn't even be here. removing the jevvs from power is the first step of solving every problem, if we can't accomplish that then we are doomed
>>464318 Thrilling stuff
>>464321 I totally agree, but also think that the muslims are vile
>>464304 Aussie got his leg chewed off but then sewn back on when it washed up on the beach
>>464323 I'm not saying they aren't. I'm just saying I like the ones that are in the Middle East and resisting the jevvs
>>464326 what makes you like them so much?
>Labour has announced its biggest step yet in overhauling the UK’s approach to the Middle East, dropping its opposition to an international arrest warrant against Benjamin Netanyahu despite pressure from Washington not to do so. Based.

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