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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3983: England Lives! And Marches On! Edition Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 16:36:55 Id: 4ebd3a No. 467965
Almost 400 arrested in week of riots as suspects appear in court https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/cw5yyynpwnzt >378 people have been arrested after the past week of violent disorder in the UK, the National Police Chiefs' Council says Scotland Yard defends Met Police boss Mark Rowley for being 'in a hurry' after he bizarrely grabs reporter's microphone when quizzed about 'two-tier policing'- while Keir Starmer vows 'standing army' of specialist officers will crack down on rioters https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13711051/Scotland-Yard-defends-Met-Police-boss-Mark-Rowley-hurry-bizarrely-grabs-reporters-microphone-quizzed-two-tier-policing-Keir-Starmer-vows-standing-army-specialist-officers-crack-rioters.html >A fuming Met Police boss Sir Mark Rowley grabbed a reporter's microphone and chucked it on the ground this morning as he left emergency talks over Britain's riots crisis. Shocking moment young girl chants vile racist abuse as her mother smiles and holds her hand en route to anti-immigration protest https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13709969/belfast-protest-racist-mother-daughter-video.html >This is the shocking moment a child was filmed making disgusting racist remarks while skipping hand-in-hand with her mother to an anti-immigration protest.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 12:05:41.
hullo yes kill all pakis alright thank you
>>467965 >This is the shocking moment a child was filmed making disgusting racist remarks while skipping hand-in-hand with her mother to an anti-immigration protest.
>>467956 This exemplifies the classism at the root of these filth's ideas. Someone said if you want to control people make them hungry. I say if you want to control people make them fat and middle class.
All it takes is a little bit of attention from a 5/10 and incels will calmly just become part of polite society.
>>467970 *approaches the migrant hotel*
>no edition number OP you are a scoundrel
>>467971 the scooby doo cartoon films *sips* they were really good
>>467975 *shrugs* I can't count because the jews took me maths books smh
BASED FARAGE >inb4 GCHQ and Met Police and the 77th Brigade start their entrapment proceedures ah yes because somehow, despite being in Parliament, Nigel has done nothing for English nationalism despite, you know, being the only one reporting from the English Channel for years
despite, you know, brexit
I utterly disavow daftyism and advocate purely for Parliamentary solutions problem, glowie?
Starmer reveals powerlessness level >>467972
Thanks to the lad who showed PA being shown as participants in the riot. I've told them and they're fuming. PA were bamboozled by it and condemning the violence
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Distancing himself from the 2024 Race Riots is the best thing Nigel can possibly do. The way forward is Parliament and Reform. NOT riot police and head batterings. Ok thank you. That being said, the pakis had it coming
keeeeeeeeeek Elon Smusk posted this
>>467982 it would be more chad if they owned it and started openly calling for a second holocaust
>>467984 his solution? cryptocurrencies and badly made cars
>>467983 tbh, I condemn those who go door to door killing non-whites and setting mosques ablaze. I am only joining them to try and calm them down from the inside
>>467987 Good lad, we should all follow your example
>>467985 Based NA strategy
Knight Templar Nick Griffin's take is, as always, utterly spot on and flawless Posting this video from last night because it deserves it tbh Every man and woman in the UK needs to see this video (although the syrian lass is cringe when trying to excuse the action of mudslimes) >TOO LONG; DIDNT WATCH its the Jews, dummy!
English defence league is actually the israel defence league
Not the peaceful, gathering of moslems they wanted to show.
Someone wrote "EDL save our tab :)" on the floor in chalk outside the baptist tabernacle near mine keeeeeek
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Mark Collett is to Nick Griffin what Magikarp is to Gyarados tbh For my fellow Pokémon enjoyers
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>>467993 >>467992 My favourite part of the footage of the race riots is the black people you see just standing around. Not muslim, not white. Just a nigger. Even though it was a nigger from Rwanda that killed the lasses. The blacks have no skin in this game (pun intended).
>>467994 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek tbh
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>>467995 for example, check out the nigger just stood in the middle of the square lol muslims dont bother him (he will be a slave in the caliphate) norf dont bother him (ngubu plays for middulsbruh fc)
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>I wish I was back in africa chucking spears
Saw the scum driving around before. Vermin.
>>467992 This is her. Hope she gets murked
>>467965 >daily mail doing stochastic terrorism towards white children after 3 were butchered by a genocidal foreigner
>>468002 BREAKING NEWS: apparently not her still hope she dies
Teacher at Southport community hub where three girls were stabbed to death brands wave of far-right riots sweeping the UK an 'embarrassment to the human race'' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13710617/Teacher-Southport-community-hub-three-girls-stabbed-death-brands-wave-far-right-riots-sweeping-UK-embarrassment-human-race.html >She said: 'It's terrible, they're taking away all the bereavement of the children, just to fuel their anger. You know what love? It's not your fucking tragedy. These cunts don't own it. This could have been our daughters. If this can happen in Southport, it can happen anywhere. Shut the fuck up.
*suddenly remembers Jahans shagged his cat*
Government busy arresting the people who are going to have to fight to get these dangers out of the country https://nitter.poast.org/GoldingBF/status/1820498318717493664
Fucking hell this ugly rancid whore is defending them after seeing that video.
Labour handling this so badly it's unbelievable tbh
>>468005 >it's a niggercattle make us wonder why we should bother saving them episode >it's every episode
>>467978 well done lad, these 77th Brigade spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) need to be called out shamed
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>>468009 >drive this content I think she meant drive discontent idiot woman
>>467992 no sound on that video, what's goin on?
Musk putting in sensible centrist work
>>468018 >sensible centrist now there's a meme I've not heard in a long time...
>>468020 keith flint didn't deserve this
>>467972 elon pls fund my militia thanks xxxx
Mogg squirming talking about Rivers of Blood https://nitter.poast.org/GBNEWS/status/1820481272021708973#m
>>468023 link not working for some reason rate limited?
>>468024 Yeah nitter does that. A few refreshes usually sorts it
>>468025 got it now Mogg is basically tone police Enoch Powell, when he has been proved right on every single point he made
>>468023 he just gets upset at the word piccaninnie and says we need to slow boil the frog faggot traitor
>tfw offended by the "tone" of Enoch Powell's accurate predictions about Britain snowflake
ARMED MUSLIM GANGS ATTACKING LONE WHITE PEOPLE >two tier kier won't mention any of this
rivers of blood? more like rivers of poo
is it kicking off today?
>>468029 Jess Phillips will defend it though
>>468031 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3DyfbhmkhU Andy's got Birmingham and Plymouth streamed
>>468031 There's another 10 scheduled for Wednesday
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>>468032 MEN are to blame
They are worried
That random double space in there. The nonce was shaking as he wrote
>>468038 what the fuck is Rory Stewart's problem turbo levels of retard in that nonce
Ed Ball interviews his wife You can’t make this shit up. Who are these people that think they have a right to dictate to everyone else. https://nitter.poast.org/PolitlcsUK/status/1820392180747252203
>>468040 just saw these same paki rats go running through the street hunting "a white guy"
>>468042 >That was the last thing a 9 year old Afghan boy saw in 2002
>>468040 all it would take is one based whitoid with a big truck to take all of them out at once
>>468047 should have gone with Riot Starmer tbh
Keir Starmer is Anthony Blair's 'Prodigy' after all.
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>>468023 He’s a complete cunt. Within the first minute this stupid ‘toff’ literally makes up a word that doesn’t even exist. >uneradicable It’s fucking ineradicable you cunt
>>468052 Some absolute Norwoods in that video lads
>>468053 what a mong (((maternal grandfather)))
Reform MP sticking the boot in
>>468038 Shut up Rory you’ve never been seen in any of these communities either posh twat Kick his head in Elon lad
pakis are blocking the road puloling whites out of their cars and lynching in birmingham
>>468058 Show tits or gtfo
journo scum shitting themselves
>>468060 >>468061 This is the escalation we need.
>>468061 >>468061 fucking wew I almost want to thank the mudshites for changing the narrative
where's bushposter?
>>468064 Balls deep in some clunge no doubt
>>468065 PHWOAR
>>468067 love it when yanks forget about happenings from a mere few years ago.
>>468069 All the browns had to do was sit tight and tell the odd made up story about being scared they would have the media narrative on lock. Oh well!
>>468069 One of you lads posted about an ethno-racial conflict that made the troubles look like childplay brewing. Been in my mind. I think that's the escalation we'll sea.
police flee while Muslims hunt whites in Birmingham https://x.com/the_moonraker/status/1820540516918034925
they just said on stream "we're going to an edl pub" might be a massacre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3DyfbhmkhU
>>468073 If they get are lads on the ropes they'll hopefully say fuck it and go full Saxon mode on the cunts and remind them of the Raj days
the edl doesnt exist, theres no protest in birmingham, the muslims are just making shit up to justify anti white pogroms and lynch mobs and the police literally are nowhere to be seen.
>>468058 link, source, video? no?
might sell my car to buy a full suit of armour
>>468076 already posted it you twat
"No go zones aren't real" faggots on suicide watch right now. Multicultural Britain in the fucking mud
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>>468069 I wonder if this red pilled him on the failures of multiculturalism at all?
>>468078 >already posted it you twat no you didn't
>>468045 Keeeek
>>468081 >>468060 get twitter
>>468083 Or, even better, don't.
everyone call 999 and yell at the responder that theyre lynching whites in Birmingham and ask what theyre going to do about it
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Hundreds of Muslims now just attacking random white people's cars in Birmingham.
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>>468083 You see this lad? Thisis how to post properly. >>468086 okay thankyou
>>468086 The race war just arrived. I knew their impulse control would escalate the situation. Time to unironically buy some knives.
>quality poost from bins strange days indeed, mama
noticed police drones have been endemic during all this. 1984
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Hundreds of heavily armed Muslims are blocking roads in Birmingham, stopping white people they suspect as "EDL", who run off, leaving their car. These same group chased Sky news live on air, stabbing their tyre's to prevent them escaping.
>>468089 >quality poost from bins now the race war is here, it's bringing out the best in all of us
makes me wish i had started exercising instead of spending the last 4 years eating pies and wanking
>>468086 >>468091 this is exactly what needed to happen tbh. the establishment's best move was to portray the rioters as unhinged extremists and mass-arrest them to scare the rest into submission. but now the moose limbs can't help themselves but chimp out even harder than the whites did, which makes the establishment narrative untenable RECIPROCAL ESCALATION basically we need it to escalate into full-blown race war where no ethnically british men will be willing to work for the police if the police are going to side with the Muslims
whats happening in the uk is exactly what happened in bulgaria during the bulgarian uprising. the turks planted minority groups and armed them to lord over the bulgarians and act as the first line of defence, they were called "bashi bazouks".
>>468093 >eating pies and wanking This in itself is a form of exercise. A wankathon is pretty exhausting.
>>468095 the Bulgarians weren't brainwashed to accept it though
mfw starmergeddon
I really do not care about this race riot larping
>>468093 >makes me wish i had started exercising instead of spending the last 4 years eating pies and wanking tbh
>>468097 there were absolutely a large number of bulgarian traitors, not including an even bigger number that converted to islam. some still exist today theyre called Pomaks.
pig chief destroys microphone when asked about two-tier policing yeah so apparently the idea that ethnically british men won't remain loyal to the police... only applies to some of them, some of these people genuinely support the genocide of their own ethnic group
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>>468094 We need the based poos to join the fray next
they smashed up a pub full of randow whites
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>>468102 that is such an unprofessional and childish thing to do he should have just walked stoically past as if he didn't hear anything or thought the question was not worth responding to the fact he snatched the microphone shows he's emotional and irrational, which implies the establishment are shitting bricks right now
>>468104 link, source, anything? no?
>>468103 yeah were are all the heckin sikhs
>>468098 who would have thought such a boring man could create such interesting times?!?
Muslim mobs, emboldened by @Keir_Starmer are now attacking pubs with innocent families in.
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>>468109 Low IQ Masterace tbh
>>468052 He's so fucking fat I can't believe it. Don't let Joe see this.
Seething and coping that we're blessed with purpose, living in such times.
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>>468112 I wonder what Joe is doing right now?
>>468085 We need to start using the term Natives in all circumstances, instead of "whites" "Whites" is ambiguous whereas Natives reminds everyone what we're really fighting for, where we came from, the fact that this is OUR home and not theirs
>>468115 Hullo I'm here on church street and I've been here for several hours now cultural change is all around
>>468093 Start now. you would be amazed how quickly the body can adapt
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>>468118 This lad is right The time to act is NOW
>pakis are the ones out on a work night hmmm, yet they call us jobless chavs etc
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Can't breach the veitch
THE TROUBLES BEGIN https://youtu.be/kUsgB_65yKo
>>468121 based, where did this happen?
>>468124 Manchester I think
>>468121 >le soviet union >DR3 bit grinch t b h
>>468121 actually a good spontaneous speech
they just lynched another white guy
>>468126 That's Charlie Veitch, only mildly based at best
>>468128 you really need to learn how to make good posts lad
>>468131 oh give over
>>468118 >>468119 think i have a copy of that convict conditioning book somewhere, is that any good?
>>468131 wew how is this all kicking off at the same time, did someone turn the emotional distortion and loosh harvesting machine on the moon up to eleven?
>>468132 its real
>>468133 it's better than nothing. and you'll be able to start with minimal equipment.
yandex isn't working for me. hmm
go up to anyone anywhere and tell them they're lynching white people in Birmingham
>>468133 >think i have a copy of that convict conditioning book somewhere, is that any good? probably idk but nobody got fit by readings books lad, you have to exercise start with daily walks
>>468137 fine on my machine la
>>468138 Already poosted it in the family GC
Not "just being racist" now am I aunty
spamming the videos to all my contacts rn
dont care if it makes work weird tomorrow
>>468142 >you've done her
>>468143 Strongest warrior of the shite race
>>468135 so, it's WW2 again then....
>>468147 weird how they're flying the Palestinian flag. wonder how long it'll take until both sides realize that the Jevvs are their common enemy, and created the whole situation where there are subhuman shitskins in white countries and shitskin countries are war-torn shitholes
>>468147 pretty stupid to antaganoise an entire swarm of pakis like that tbh what did he expect, a fair fight, from THEM? dumb
>468150 Get it through your fucking skull that we can never be friends with these brown cunts. Fuck Arabs. Fuck Jews. Fuck anyone but the native Brits. BRITAIN IS OURS THE REST MUST GO
>>468147 All I've seen are islated White men taking L's all day long. any victories from the previous days already eclipsed.
>>468153 isolated
>>468153 They're ganging up when they know are lads our at work etc. It's going to keep the momentum going.
>>468155 BOG WOGS OUT
>>468153 This completely undermines the governments approach and will wake up more whites to what is happening. And what this lad said >>468155 keeps the momentum going
>>468152 I'm aware. but the Jevvish issue is the root cause of all other issues. what do the browns even mean to express by flying the Palestinian flag? >we are dirty shitskins ruining a white country that are forming angry mobs to beat up white people in their native country in protest of the fact that these white people don't want us to take over their country and also because their government supports Israel like what??? and then normong whitoids will march with Tommeh Rubenstein waving Israel flags reflexively because... I can't even follow the reasoning, I don't think there is reasoning it's important to consider what all parties consider 'the narrative' to be. Chuds need to correct their narratives so that everybody understands the truth- particularly whites, but even Muslims understanding that the West is controlled by a parasitic minority of Jevvs and that is why it supports Israel (rather than 'Christian Zionists' or whatever other retarded deflection) would be a positive development
>>468137 Me too >Too many requests, call pajeet in Delhi for more information
>it's spic
>>468093 Look for an old school boxing club
>>468160 correct your narrative and stop calling them whites, start calling them Natives
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>>468152 >BRITAIN IS OURS THE REST MUST GO now there's a based lad if ever I saw one
>>468164 'Native Europeans' or 'Indigenous Europeans' is good, 'Natives' can work when the context makes it clear that Europeans are the subject of discussion. 'Natives' in isolation though usually refers to Amerindian browns due to the US...
tbh need to start calling them collaborators and occupiers too. reckon youd be able to leverage the shame associated with the word collaborator against police and lefties. though i guess if they had any shame they wouldnt be in the position they're in
>>468166 no it doesn't, you're probably american already if you think that, or worse, brainrotted by US media. Natives means natives regardless of context or lack thereof, but it's not like we're wanting for context in the current situation
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The police are literally allowing gangs of Muslims to walk the streets & savagely beat innocent people. Two Tier Kier has essentially declared open race war on white people
>>468052 is that rev / dobby guy a troon? or just a superincel? troubling voice tbh
>>468168 I agree that trying to reclaim the word native to mean what it's supposed to mean is a good idea. there is a massive contradiction in the leftist dialectic where push this 'anti-colonialist' shite where they worship indigenous peoples and say "we are on stolen chug land blah blah" and all that, but then when it comes to Europe they flip and support the invaders because 'cumskin crackers always bad obviously'
>>468170 that's just what doctor who fans are like
https://www.ringmesh.com/ really wish this wasn't so pricey, would be a good investment rn
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>>468170 idk any of these people and it's embarrassing that Woes does
>>468173 what about a regular stab-proof vest instead of meme chainmail? you know like actual bodyguards and such would wear...
>>468175 stab proof vests aren't as good as you think, they have gaps everywhere and aren't good against blunt trauma. chainmail is genuinely very good against all sorts
>>468175 shh lad, he's enjoying his fantasy
>>468174 he's even bigger than that now. what a big purple mess he is.
anyone else seethe at the troon in that wet fart of a House of the Dragon finale?
>>468173 >>468177 just makes me think of this
got hearsay irl about tommeh-led riots in plymouth tonight or tomorrow night good if true tbh sneed to see some uprisings in the souf
>>468179 not seen yet, but it's clear that show is going the same way the main series went i.e. it's going to get shitter and shitter until everyone hates it
>>468175 think modern chainmail offers more coverage than stab vests, like for the arms or over the armpits
>>468180 such kino
>>468179 really throwing in the troon actors in everything. isn't there a 'non-gender binary' in that too?
>>468110 these are optics tbh
>>468184 based. the child crying out when he 'drowns' is kek too.
>>468182 yeah, I guess I just had misplaced faith in how long the good times would last with GoT at least we got 4 brilliant seasons, but with HOTD we gott 14 episodes before it started to fall apart >>468183 this
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>>468181 >tommeh-led riots lad, we have to call them peaceful protests, remember
>>468185 yes, Emma D'arcy is "nonbinary", even though she still has a woman's name, is a woman, and plays women, she thinks that dressing like a man irl is enough to justify her demanding that everyone uses unnatural pronouns to refer to her
>>468190 based
>>468190 well played Russia

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plus chainmail has the utility of being able to be worn to protect the face and hands. probably wouldnt even have to worry about a wog with a knife at that point, just smash into them and pummel them with your fists tbh
sky news demonising Britain again
specifically linked that ringmesh site because the rings are welded, not butted or rivetted like historical chainmail basically it's stronger and almost unbreakable >>468196 this lad gets it basically I want to know where I can buy surplus of those modern pieces of chainmail pictured, UK police surplus sites are useless, but there must be somewhere you can get that stuff surely?
>>468197 Everyone knows the EDL doesn't exist anymore, and was disbanded in 2013, but somehow the ruling class talk about proscribing that group as it it will change something
what kind of name is "Keir", anyway? never heard of anybody named that
SyrianGirl interviews Nick Griffin (BNP) on Britain's anti-immigration unrest https://youtu.be/cml-meWdMGU
Nosely is back on twitter for those who care https://nitter.poast.org/IamNotMarkC
might've been named after this man. but starmer said he didn't know if it was so. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keir_Hardie
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>they killed the memes, not the idea
>>468183 Remember reading about how gang members know their opponents might wear these so always stab legs necks and armpits etc
>>468199 probably over from europe but i doubt it'd be cheap. could also try and make it yourself, there are videos on making 6-and-1 chainmail on youtube that are fairly simple. just a very tedious process to link together enough rings to make a whole shirt of it
>>468201 It's an Irish name, meaning dark/black apparently
>>468202 >could also try and make it yourself imagine those lips around your cock PHWOAR
>>468209 well, I fucked that up
>>468200 They know. Remember how little 'evidence' it took to convict former NA members, like the swastika cookie cutter couple? They'll ramp things up to "any expression of English identity makes you a terrorist".
>>468211 the numbers of people crossing the line has to become too high for it to be enforceable
>yandex still not working >now forgotten why I wanted to search it anyway smh
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>>468197 >>468200 It's because lefties are low-info low-IQ mongs and still believe the NF exist and control the Tory Party.
>>468213 because it's the only functional search engine in CY+9? jevvgle is so censored/curated that it's unusable even for apolitical normie searches
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>>468211 >swastika cookie cutter wish I had a swastika cookie cutter
>>468215 And basically it is meaningless activity.
>>468209 Unnaturally puffy lip filler lips. Off-putting and somewhat farcical.
>>468203 >one tweet >it's just restating the obvious thing that has already been said for days already in a more long-winded way yep, that's are mark
>>468220 >>it's just restating the obvious thing that has already been said for days already in a more long-winded way why use one word when you could use a thousand?
>>468219 I think MENA foids just have naturally plump lips. the fairer-skinned ones aren't terrible looking
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je keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq
>>468222 Yeah you may be right
>>468223 How small is he? He looks like a fucking grey haired child here.
White people attacked as they drive through Birmingham and not a police officer in sight - let alone the riot police!
are lass
>>468226 5ft8 apparently
>>468226 Smaller than Micron who is 5’7”
>>468229 Bollocks. Two stair Queer is smaller
>>468228 She looks like she's running from a gang of muggers
>>468229 >>468230 Bollocks is he 5 foot 8. I'm 5 7 and take shits bigger than him. 4 foot 7, more like.
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>Foreigners and leftists getting chased out of the area in Plymouth:
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Night night
>>468234 Tbh the fucking 3’4” manlet
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don't care about the olympics bread and circuses biscuit tin nationalism for normies
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>>468235 is that from today?
>>468239 from steve law's x feed just now
>>468228 hope she doesn't have a nigger boyfriend. the pole vaulter one does.
>>468242 why'd you have to ruin it for me like that
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>>468236 hullo
>>468240 could you link me all the good nationalist x feeds please lad? So I can monitor them via nitter would be much apprecaiated
>>468243 sorry lad, it's only fair others suffer like I did on finding out.
>>468235 get in there.
British politicians and media referring to old pakis as 'elders' like they are still living in their savage tribal encla- oh right
heard a tremendous banging and crashing and jumped up in me undies to grab a kitchen knife thinking the rahowa had started but it was just the weather
This is why we shouldn't talk about the olympics, right
Posting about the (((Olympics))) ought to be an insta ban tbh
>>468249 Lies and slander
>>468249 only found info on some pajeet automated website, can't find it anywhere else.
>>468243 you ruined it for yourself lad I hope you learned your lesson
>>468250 Just Þunor testing you to make sure you're ready to defend the race lad. You passed.
Has Tommeh started to amass le based sikhs yet, or are they still busy working overtime to scam the fuck out of boomers?
>>468258 did you not see the last 2 threads? Bins is reborn. all is forgiven.
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same video from plymouth just slightly longer. muslims showed up with knives and started chanting allah akbar, so the protesters chucked some bottles at them and they got ran off. think the coppers actually try to confront one protester, being completely clueless of whats going on, but end up letting the lad go >>468245 ill see what i can do. tbh a lot of the videos just come from nobodies and mostly end up being reposted by other bigger accounts. and some of the accounts on x literally just cherrypick to post demoralising doomer shite 24/7 Steve_Laws_ is a good one to start with tke.media on insta AstGraphism is french rw who was posting videos from the weekend
what has Hitchcuck had to say about all the goings on, lads?
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>>468262 it's all the fault of the devils lettuce
Why would they tell you to go back where you come from, you utter mong?
more thunder do we still need to get off the puter and unplug electronics during storms lads or did the UK upgrade to having proper surge protectors sometime in the last couple of decades? >>468264 stupid skimmed milk retard is wilfully ignoring the armed wog hordes
>>468262 that's one opinion I can well do without tbh
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>>468265 >stupid skimmed milk retard is wilfully ignoring the armed wog hordes this tbh
>>468265 oh that't the milkman? I'd completely forgotten about him
>>468269 keeeeeeeek he also gets front page omg daily heil treatment
>>468264 his church is the bumbum massage parlour where he gets rub downs from thai boys
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could do without the bantu commentary
https://youtu.be/7GeXSgxV9JI?si=jJ1I6tBmynYEe7JZ oh no! not the THREATENING GESTURES!
>>468273 *threateningly gestures*
>>468273 >holiday inn express this was the same one that got torched during the dublin riots too is it just a whole fucking hotel chain of these places they're getting shacked up in then? i thought it was individual hotels made special cases where they basically get subsidised by the government
>>468270 Elon has consistently been more right about things than successive UK governments tbh, has his own space program that Queer Starmtrooper doesn’t So I’ll go with Musk is right
We just lynched that guy thinking he was EDL teehee
Dysgenic lumpenprole can fuck off too (not you wessie)
>>468279 exceedingly honest behaviour to keep one hand behind your back while you're shaking someone elses hand tbh
>>468270 what a shit paper, at least with the guardian even normies know what they're about. daily mail is subversive as fuck. was promoting anti-natalism on the front page today too.
keeek fucking hell "community leaders" what a shitshow
>>468283 who were the community leaders representing the natives? kek, indeed.
>tfw watching the olympics
>>468285 just fast innit.
>>468287 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK that last pic making sure everyone knows shes not a mudshark
>>468190 love them
>>468288 >Not racist just never fucked one
ngl lads, might've lost 2 years salary on the stock market today haha
>>468292 >he put it all on uniparty ltd instead of racism inc
that lad who posted about doing nothing but wanking and eating pies for 4 years did a number on smee tbh.
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>>468295 KEEEEK poor lad
>>468294 dipping choccy wafers in sweetened condensed milk myself tbh
>>468297 that sounds decent tbh
had me goon sesh after toil too
I cant believe you wankers actually used my thread which was a joke I only made a muslim thread for a laugh because I was drunk you stupid twats
why the fuck would you use a muslim thread
>>468299 keeeeeeek
>the swedish pole vault chad who went and kissed his lass in front of the whole stadium after setting the new WR
>>468005 women like her make me not even care about it when white people get killed by wogs so long as it isnt my family, i dont care why care when this is the response
>>468011 > wonder why we should bother saving them episode we shouldnt literally let them suffer they deserve everything they get
>>468020 this is a disgrace how dare you insult the Prodigy like this
>>468037 fuck these fascist wankers
>>468041 based Nigel
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there's another one, delist the board now
https://archive.ph/mqcn4 >War Shatters Dating Scene for Women in Ukraine
>>468037 samefagging gayop troons or do normies genuinely just parrot npc lines?
If this continues with roving bands of groids and paki I cannot see anything but a lockdown and the army being called in tbh.
https://youtu.be/UKkLc2FpQ6Y?si=PgFD1WgtBvpgxdWR matt hamback is en route to the UK right now lads
>>468313 normies just participate in normie things
>>468020 the prodigy dont deserve this
>>468315 shut the fuck up you foreskinless papist rat
>>468315 How did the date go at the weekend la?
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>Is that his security behind him ? >Yes the bully but he stayed on that side of the road,They got heckled by some youngsters a bit further down the road as well which was encouraging🍻 keeek
>a dyed hair rainbow lanyard wearing police officer dusting for prints off an overturned bin near a migrant hotel in rotherham
>>468322 Good lad
Muslims are doing all sorts of egregious barbarisms to Hindus in Bangladesh.
>>468315 he would obliterate queer starmer in a nanosecond >>468323 idk the reference but keeked nontheless >>468324 stupid bitch hope she gets culturally enriched >>468326 good, maybe the jeets will start another race war angle here too
the world is a scary place. i'm too hungover to deal with all the happenings rn
steiner you fucking catholic wanker i hope you die of cancer in the next few weeks i hope you dad goes mental and develops a brain tumour i hope your brother gets hit by a car i hope your mum starts an onlyfans you useless dickhead kill yourself
>468329 rude
spic has finally lost his mind
its so funny how you autistic wankers used to hate me because id have (100+) so I just started using TOR so my postcount resets whenever I want for such austistic cunts you really all are thick as pigshit arent you dickheads lol
what a bunch of stupid wankers you all are boring idiots
>>468332 spic is 94b15e you mong
Forgive me for being unable to discern the difference between the retarded bile of the two cretins.
>>468335 kek I made this, I fucking KNEW this is the type of shite that would happen when the board was relisted, DELIST THE FUCKING BOARD
>>468338 he was back before the board was re-listed
>>468339 not sure if thats true but regardless it should be delisted anyway
a little bit of nonsense builds character dinnae fash yersel aba it la
>steiner actually gets a gf
hitchens is still going on about the letby case
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>>468343 did she do it? genuinely haven't been following this
>>468345 haven't payed much attention to it either but hitchens seems to think she's innocent
Something came into the public domain today, I think, but I haven't checked it out. There were a bunch of vids in my YouTube suggestions.
>>468344 z'blased tbq
steiner's the dumbest out of you swarm of troglydites, that ugly taig rodent. Up the IRA? You mean dead british children? you fucking pathetic crypto-muslim
have a snickers lad no need for this nastiness
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shnig lids, pleasant dreams, can't be up til 6 o'clock again smh >>468341 >someone actually saved that image keeek
>>468351 g n 5'7lad
aus/neets/ is a great board. they are quite the alkies though, so many posts about filling the bin with empty tinnies and the conflicts this causes with room mates kek
bout time for me too tbh
i cant imagine being a taig. or a yank. dunno whats worse. stupid little demons with no cock and no balls.
>>468353 kill yourself you idiot
>>468355 Irish rioted before the English did, English got the idea from the Irish. and hopefully other European countries will follow suit and the whole continent will get very rambunctious
americans are the stupidest little niggers that ever existed HURR IM GONNA CUT MY FORESKIN OFF LIKE IM A JEW you dumb cunts ahahahahahha when americans die painfully i laugh and stroke my English cock
fuck americans
american women are stupid ugly sluts and if they ever come to london ill rape their pussy
>>468360 fuck off and die taig
honestly ban steiner, schizo and spic. steiner openly posts tracking youtube links and never addresses it when called out. he has to go out of his way to add the si= to the links he posts. you lads should pay attention to this
>>468360 I am English and you are a taig rat. you stole my language .you have no culture of your own. you papist parasite. killl yourself
>you need a license to watch a youtube video about trucks in "great" shitain
oh shut up steiner you fucking dumbarse no one in their right mind asked you a fucking thing you glorified serf. in the 15th century you wouldnt even have the right to your own hearth you boss eyed taig lickspittle. youre not even english so fuck off out of /brit/ you unwelcome immigrant
what a horrid little goblin
I have never before in my life seen such a petri dish of gormless arseholes and steiner you are by far the worst of a a bad bunch please kill yourselves and rid our nation of such a mentally deficient sample of genetics
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFECn9zZ5ws just want to be a goat drover in a himalayan princely state
where's 22st been?
>>468372 breeding his groomee
>3 jannies and not one here to ban schizo
>>468374 How does one ban schizo? He just keeps rotating ids.
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>>468376 no way
>>468016 There's no audio and the video quality is shit because it's likely a re-encode from cuckchan.
>>468322 good lad. >468367 no u. stop ruining tor for the rest of us you barmy cunt.
>>468378 milk tbh
>>468376 wholesome tbh
too much happening this past weekend, funny how nothing ever happens but then suddenly it all happens at once
I'm starting to think Nick Land is right, White leftists are worse than Jews.
Racial consciousness is shifting tbh, and there is nothing socialists, or state repression will do to stop it. More immigration and lopsidedness will only strengthen it.
confirmed beyond a doubt that my paternal line is 100% taig recently tbh unless they're anglo-irish from the pale either way it explains why I crave alcohol to function in social settings >>468376 heh
Morning lads >>468386 True but they will double down and we will probably see elites getting targeted next. Bizarre how stupid out of touch and overconfident they are that they think they can just stroll openly in the streets with a bodyguard dressed in office clothes level attire with a pair of slippery leather sole shoes. If a bunch of hood rats decided to swarm them they would all be fucked big time. I’m sure there’s thousands of ethnics like this in Camden who could do this and gang violence is their speciality. Starmer’s bodyguard won’t jewfu his way out of that one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwQxIoXODcI
>>468376 >>468382 Tbh a white man and woman in young love.
>they did the meme
>>468390 inhuman devil looking presenter tbh death to wogs death to journos death to zog
Sonic says TMD
>>468390 >Largely peaceful
>Largely peaceful violence
>>468395 I'm not endorsing this, I just thing it is funny.
>>468395 keeeeeeeeek
>>468396 tbh it's all talk all this "rioting" and not one lynched copper or wog
They are not ever going to round them up. If they did and imprisoned them - which they won’t - they will still propagate and the problem will just get worse. There is only one way to put the fire out and the government won’t do it, it would mean accepting responsibility for the mess they caused and huge economic destruction which would get them lynched tbh. I think they know this
>>468395 >major fed post >Giving the pajeet the attention he wants Better off just ignoring this fat prick he’s been discredited a lot recently and increasingly seen as part of the problem anyway
30p Pounshop Enoch Mosely putting in work >>468402 keeeeeek
saw a hedgepig for the first time in about eight years yesterday hope it wasn't splatted by carcels
>468407 >
This guy's beard looks like it was drawn on by magic marker, yet it is real.
https://www.themainewire.com/2024/08/u-s-state-dept-accidentally-gave-239-million-to-taliban-since-disastrous-afghanistan-withdrawal-report/ U.S. State Dept. Accidentally Gave $239 Million to Taliban Since Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal: Report kino terror happenings inbound
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Good shomrim las, nice poo to start off the day >>468376 keeek DO IT AGAIN >>468409 Who is this mutant?
on the way to the shops the sun was setting and there was nothing in the sky except for the crescent moon and a single star however the moon was facing away from the star on the way home the sky was pitch black the star was no longer visible and the crescent moon was orange
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe1YZSnaTO4 smorbles lads >try book appointment with GP for leg problem >only appointment is at 15:30 >means only a half day of toil today >leg seems to have fixed itself overnight
>>468409 This man eats Cow Pies(tm)
>>468410 >accidentally
>>468410 >By Seamus Othot
>>468412 dire portents tbh protect your tinnies >>468414 keeeek based desperate dan
>>468419 proppa bri'ish culcha that these days dennis the menace and desperate dan probably kneel for niggers and talk about trans rights smh
>>468420 keek looks like a turkish hair transplant
>>468275 Yes, someone posted here that the firm that runs the Irish hotels had a contract till 2035 iirc
>>468422 almost definitely is something like that
>>468421 Think they binned Dan in 2012
>>468413 nigga that's NUTS >>468425 smh the dandy has fallen
Baz is a marked man
>>468427 we are all barry stanton
>>468427 Oh shit they backtraced it
>>468428 Hate that fat cunt
>>468427 It is illegal to have an opinion Literally NKVD tier >OMG A LITERAL NAZIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE! Faggotry
>>468429 >i'm barry stanton an so's me missus >barry stanton, 2024
>>468430 only true oldfags will get this meme
>>468430 he dun goofed smh
>>468345 I recall reading at the time that it was something of a unique case because she was convicted without evidence. They used her diary to convict her.
>>468361 Can't help but think homo erectus invited himself in here
>>468436 the argument for her innocence is that her diary is vague enough that she could have only meant that she felt guilty for not being able to save the children, rather than being directly involved in their deaths
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK please please please
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Do your civic duty and tell mummy not to put the recycling bin out for collection this week. Those empty Becks bottles and cardboard boxes may become vital tools for lads on the street resisting anarcho tyranny. >>468439 Already had 2 scam phonecalls from London this morning, so I don't buy it.
>>468436 saw a few of the diary excepts that were publicly available and it just seems like foid hysterics over losing baby patients tbh don't think she did it also "i think you did it and you could have done it therefore you did it" is not how the law is supposed to work smh think the establishment just wanted a scapegoat to make the whole thing go away >>468439 they tried this before back in 2017 and their little "day without us" was a complete embarrassment for them life continued as usual except everyone was nicer and things worked smoother think it must have been memory holed since the only record of it that i can find is a photo on some archival site
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>>468439 oh wow, that will make a difference imagine if whites did this though
>>468439 typical Africans smh you're supposed to use tools not drink them
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/rotherham-hotel-holiday-inn-protest-riot-b2590969.html >Another young group of men held a banner saying: “Stopping the boats means stopping the stabbings” and other offensive chants could be heard targeting Muslims and immigrants. >stopping the stabbings is an offensive chant targeting Muslims You can't make this shit up
>>468439 >>468442 Think she means tooling up? Either way, yes.
>>468441 Your second paragraph is what I tried to refer to about the uniqueness of the case. My intuition says she's innocent. It's done me well in recent years. Saved me from Tyrone scissorhands
>>468443 >not downing screwdrivers while listening to skrewdriver smdh ngmi >>468446 tbh trust your gut
>Oh now you care about dead babies because it was a blxck CHILD who killed them, where were you when Lucy Letb- She's innocent and should be released and compensated ASAP. >Yeah well what abou- Yes I have always condemned all forms of abortion (baby murder) as well.
>>468423 >>468423 >>468439 >>468439 We call them machetes over here
>>468448 bvsed
>>468428 >insults him multiple times calling him racist and stupid >if you don’t want foreigners you are racist >no I’m not just don’t want them here >you are very stupid and you are making me, a BBC reporter, very angry >WAAAAHHHHHH WHY DO THESE PEOPLE NOT TRUST THE MEDIA Fuck right off with this gaslighting bollocks Pretty stupid of Nolan to go round gaslighting people in loyalist areas I wouldn’t want a beating off them lads or risk leg shootings on behalf of some BBC paycheck
>>468439 >downing tools On the contrary they’ve picked them up machetes hammers etc, if she’s talking about power tools or something we’ll never seen a wog with a drill or similar
>>468451 It's pure Nolan. He winds people up and incites exactly the things which have happened, then switches sides and berates the saps for "impartiality" and to make himself look good. Won't catch a beating off of any Loyalists because he's mates with pretty much all the bigguns like Bryson and Alister and gives them airtime on his radio programme.
>>468444 So what they’re saying is that IT IS Muslims and wogs doing the stabbings?
>>468453 Pity.. fucking ‘orrible cunt tbh. Why are Alister and Bryson mates with him is the question in my head when he’s treating Shankhill poor and elderly like this
Really getting pissed off with this will have to disable “let’s guess what you’re going to type and make you sound like a jeet” >Kb broke bought another cheap one, it’s acting up, spellcheck software made in Bombay Fuck! Next 100 quid I get is going on a proper kb
>>468446 >Tyrone Scissorhands
>>468455 Loyalism is dead & gone at the organised level. Has been for many years now. It's little more than a hollow facade for arms & drugs trafficking. The sectarian aspect is just self preservation as without it they would either get swept away or absorbed by the Republican/Nationalist gangs. Jim Alister may be a sincere unionist but Bryson is no more than just a grifter.
>>468456 I used to have a keyboard from KB Paradise, it served me very well until I spilt water all over it. tbh would get one again because my laptop is fucked
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>>468439 >>468459 Bought a cheap one for my nephew in spring, 30 quid all the silly Leds and kailh (I think) switches. Twas better than I expected but a ton should get you something nice. I like tkl meself.
Yep mine is kb paradise also. Had it for years but tbf it gets no use at all now. Great keyboard though
>>468460 why do they do it
>>468459 I think it might be fine if you thoroughly dry it. I was shocked to learn many years ago that you can put keyboards through a ... I'm having a moment, whatever the washing machines for plates and cutlery are called. I've never used one....
>>468465 woman
>>468466 Dishwasher
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>>468469 why is a twitch streamer there? literally what is this
>>468471 Trump's desperation hitting new levels. Needs the money.
>>468469 (((adin ross))) trump is the epitome of kitsch.
>>468470 no wonder he couldn't wait to release the wogs from prison and free up space for the White man.
Starmer ‘shocked’ about prisons crisis as early release scheme prepared >Government to announce terms which could free more than 20,000 inmates in coming months to manage capacity (From July 2024) https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/jul/10/starmer-prisons-crisis-early-release-scheme
Heard through the vine from a lad in bristol who's just seen 6 marked police cars with sirens on go past his house. Keep an eye out for something brewing there.
>>468476 why don't they just build more prisons? or stop importing criminals?
>>468474 Tbh it’s become clearer. Starmer is a Trotskyist and was part of the International Revolutionary Marxist Tendency - he edited their Socialshits Alternatives rag from 1986-7 Leopard never changes it’s spots JJ Angleton would have had him offed tbh
>>468471 As far as video media goes, Twitch is far from the worst
>>468476 more space for the nationalists and get the most violent browns and blacks back out on the streets to fight.
>non Steinerian burger
>>468483 >still won't unban the official PA accounts
>>468483 why? he's just a retarded grifter who only panders to other quasi-right wing grifters because all the science fanboys realised he was a retard who just owns tech and doesn't actually have anything more to do with it
>>468483 If Starmer and his goons think they are going to win against Musk they’re fucking deluded tbh
YOU BETTER LEAVE BRO! >There are no nogo areas
>fatlass from the plap memes is real
https://youtu.be/FHCiziDnrS8?si=N9z1C95hB_OBr3np they should remake this movie with wogs playing the n*rmans
>>468489 one for wessie that
>>468486 >>468490 hullo lad
https://youtu.be/-7bbOBtjw2E?si=UpV5Mih14dilFtQ5 how long until we see woes on livestream legdropping wogs in the streets?
smh just in time for fallout london, hopefully they can make a children of men mod
>>468489 face reminds me of a lass i knew from uni smh miss her >>468493 be patient lad he's still recuperating from milleniyule he's very busy
>>468494 was looking forward to soyout but they gated it behind gog galaxy or inefficient gog.com conventional downloads which can't be used anyway without having an account for and downloading a patch from nexussoys smh
How do we prepare for a future without politicians?
imagining joe riding on a celtic chariot pulled by fat bazes in transit vans and throwing massive bottles at wogs
>>468497 hang up some bunting and ask mumberg to bake a cake
>>468475 >All these wogs standing around not working
>>468498 vgh >>468500 nothing unusual there lad
Tbh lads never been more clear they’re here to fight us for are country
>>468502 tbh its not a good look they don't even have anywhere near the numbers they think they have
>>468496 haven't used gog-games in ages but you might be able to get it here: https://gog-games.to/game/fallout_london
>>468502 tbqh although you never quite know with niggercattle smh we've been giving them irrefutable evidence for over a decade now and others were doing the same long before us and they still didn't want to see it for my own sanity i'm choosing to believe that they have understood and agreed all along but didn't want to become pariahs and give up all their comfortable things smh but now the camel carrying a truly unprecedented amount of straw has finally perished (from old age mind you not any spinal trouble) better late than never at least tbh they're here now and that's what matters now everybody who's still sane knows they're far from alone in their views the big boys can piss and shit all they want tbh they can't un-radicalise the public
>>468490 you know they would make the english an all nigger cast
>>468507 smh black on black violence
>>468505 This is my coopium too. Still seeing a lot of mong niggercattle but also some relatively based takes from some as of recently.
>>468476 >>468478 >>468481 Tbh Blairite scum should be removed from power through peaceful, democratic means, which they will graciously allow us to achieve because they aren't tyrants just getting started.
>>468511 we need to get back to law and order
NIGEL FARAGE: TELL THE TRUTH AND STOP THE RIOTS https://www.youtube.com/shorts/F9MtgxIE32M?feature=share
I always think about scenes like this when commentators talk about the passive and civilised English character
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOLm_sae4Ow has lived in my head rent free for years but been thinking about it a lot lately snorbius lads
>>468515 shnila
>>468483 Holy based tbh
once again I am asking if the bazzas have strung anyone up yet
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>>468518 no lad, it's a peaceful protest remember?
KEEEEEEEEK domino's pizza getting involved in Baz's doxing attempt
>>468521 sad cunts
>>468521 loads of muslims work at dominos no wn should order from them, ever
Starmer is mentally ill like the rest of his mates tbh
>>468524 he should stick to mushroomposting
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>>468527 fatty carb maxxer hate him
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>>468524 so they are going to deport Tommy Robinson instead of deporting paki child rapists yeah that won't wind up his supporters at all
Sargon fighting tooth and nail in the online streets of twitter while Woes goons
>>468372 Met with breedee. Didn't breed, sadly
>>468531 you stayed with her for a few days, and still didn't breed?
>>468532 Smh he's a smol dik b. Also she got cold teats. It's an ongoing project
not sure why you would go out of your way to pay for brown hands to prepare your food anyway. it's just asking for the shits.
do they even have cells to lock up more than the 500 theyve already got? i figure theyll let them out early gradually and keep the arrests coming for years.
Black people laugh at things like this tbh https://nitter.poast.org/WorldByWolf/status/1820235258765201708
>>468537 Hope the government get the ehcr treatment and they all get let out and compensated
might benefit le extreme right to have prisons full of like minded people with nothing to lose and a lot of pent up anger prison guards are down nation wide, theyre running on skeleton crews. if riots kick off 2011-level some extremists might try to break in and free them.
>>468540 Might even get a few RW incels a shag
>>468534 DOMINOS? more like... DOXminos!!!
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>>468541 >Might even get a few RW incels a shag with each other?
>>468542 Looks grim. Borderline blasphemous.
>>468543 nothing like semen sharing to get the T levels to sky rocket.
discovered a rustlers micro cheeseberger hidden in the fridge wahey get in
>>468546 living the dream
>>468545 they will leave prison as UBERMENSCH!
>>468542 Keek tbh
>murderers released from prison early to make room for people protesting about people who don’t belong here at all murdering their kids
>>468529 >so they are going to deport Tommy Robinson He hasn't incited the riots, but since they keep brazenly lying that he has, probably.
>>468553 He's been trying, and totally lying about events to a massive following. He should be arrested and jailed for a long time.
>>468518 Once again, I ask why haven't you? You do live in this country?
spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)
For smee? Snish Sningers and Sneans
>>468555 to answer my own question, bazzas and deanos are approaching things as if there was still a sliding sclae of daftyism to repercussions (ie that a bit of mild rioting will result in a proportionate punishment if caught, as in the old days of a functioning nation) while chuds know that the state visits the maximum possible pain on dissenters and so do not go daft
>468558 In other words, you want to feel a sense of moral and intellectual superiority without any of the danger. My respect is with the Deanos and Bazzas. Not a Rupert like you.
>>468559 don't get me wrong smh I applaud the prootestors just wish they'd escalate quicker since the longer things go on the more steam is let off smh
>468559 >look at me I'm a huffy poof doing the (You) denials during a normal conversation
Where is Steiner? I feel like abusing him some more with libelous slander
>>468561 done him
Nigger Elf once again looking out for only himself
>>468552 based accelerationist Sir Kier Starmer
>>468564 Top G strikes again
the nigger was actually a Roman Catholic, went to a Catholic school protestant bros... we were right all along
>>468564 that's so embarrassing
>>468564 just sounds like bollocks to me
the milk marketing board poster isn't going to like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XtFyHursTI 21:33 Twitter: Grummz "Fortnight MILK cup" 22:09 Connections to MilkPEP and BRIDGE 22:39 Article: PCGamer "A dairy-sponsored women's Fortnite tournament called 'The Milk Cup' is awarding 'the largest women's esports prize pool in North America' this year" 25:53 Website: gonnaneedmilk Details about the MILK CUP 27:39 Commitment page 29:41 Article: "MilkPEP CEO named vice chair of DEI trade group" BRIDGE 32:31 BRIDGE Email
anyone with telegram know where the protests are actually happening within the various towns? might go to the one in walthamstow because it's the one that's nearest to me
>>468564 He was known to them. It’s been said by ‘Iron Mike G’ from Talk TV amongst many others Niggerball Elf has lost the plot. He needs to hire better researchers and grow a fucking backbone. Grifting baboon
>>468572 Yeah just stand for fucking parliament Bazza and fuck the BNP! Lost all respect for him more concerned about himself >My personal security upped by Government agencies Yeah. Fucking plant
>disgusting fat nigger talking his nigger speak outside my window 2 days in row one day
>>468572 >i believe in democracy >i got rid of the BNP Retarded faggot. Hope zioTommeh turns everyone against him so we can finally move on
>>468575 accidentally empty your chamberpot on him la
>>468576 >i got rid of the BNP not like they were winning many elections before are Nige turned up Brexit was a gift from God and Nigel was the conduit Now is the time for the BNP resurgence
The cunt uses all the same language >Britsh values Even the times called that out as a bullshit phrase Also he’s been drinking before making this tripe can smell it through the screen. Simple as
He's an elected Member of Parliament and a Freemason lads cut him some slack ffs
If he was sitting around in his pants all day like you do, he'd have the same takes as you do But he doesn't, so he doesn't
erm used to be envied you fucking clown
He only has bad takes
>>468530 Woes is conserving his energy lad
>>468534 Dominos opened a restaurant in my village. I know where I'm rioting first even though I dont understand what the context is and why they even replied, does the kid work for them or something?
I'll steal all their cheese pizza NO NOT THAT CHEESE PIZZA
>>468588 >even Nick Griffin gone too woke for /brit/ 'kin 'ell
>>468529 looks like Zelensky in this photo so fucking jewish
>>468586 The super sikrit osintintell337h4xx0rsgchqjeetdivisionunit6million are trying to hack and doxx whoever it is
>>468427 It's the passive aggressive "Thanks." that gets me You know it's a university graduate who is writing that
>>468589 Got forced tbh before Nigger Elf single-handedly slayed the entire party he likes to claim this but Nigger Elf likes to claim a lot. It was the security services that done for them in league with all the usual suspects
Well lads, it looks like it really is kicking off this time Remember your training
Im sure the labour government will be able to sort this mess "two tier keir" definately isnt a nickname that is going away any time soon we're barely one month into a 5 year term see you all on the other side
>>468595 standing back and standing by ready to peacefully vote for a pre-approved candidate SAH
>>468592 If only that fat old cunt's spaz chariot exploded then and there and wiped them all out in a cloud of sparks and vapourised colostomy bag shit smh
btw - muslims will lose they can barely beat up a single old skinhead when the tradie lads who have jobs and families are forced to intervene - not just chavs and scallys and retired old builders - it will get properly tastey the police are not helping whatsoever (because they cant as they are literally indoctrinated communist/marxists) civil war? maybe. revolution? definately.
>>468597 im standing back generally because im an incel and no woman ever gave me pussy so i have no stake in society tbh
this one is for the shaggers to sort out
society is about pussy - making sure women's pussy and the things that come out of it are protected and looked after i have never had a share of pussy i am therefore not a shareholder in society
>>468600 lad, times of war is when incels have the most "sexual mobility"
in times of peace women hold the power but in timees of war it's men who take the reigns in the aftermath incels suddenly get access to the pussy that use to belong to the dead men therefore it's in an incels best interest to participate in war
Join the army get your bollocks blown off but score pussy? Huh?
>>468605 Why is pussy a reward for incels, but is a matter of course for non-incels? its not fair two tier pussy allocation you make a good point though, incels should wait until the war is over and join the winning side to get a slice of the winners spoils which is why you see many paki incels joining islamic state for instance
>>468606 who said anything about joining the army retard
pussy first, war later should be the rule this is why we developed monogamous patriarchal societies tbh
war first, pussy later may be the only option but dead men get no pussy
the real redpill is that feminism caused all of this it made men feel unwanted and care less about defending society plus the feminine instinct to mother the weak and vulnerable "refugees" was unleashed by feminism
>>468612 And who caused feminism?
incel men lead in war though adolf hitler alexander the great (was a gayist which is proto-incel) napoleon (had an incel obsession with josephine)
>>468613 unironically protestant christians the one mistake of society was letting bishops get all the nun pussy so incel friars like Martin Luther became salty and bitter about it
if the catholic church let the incel monks get laid with nuns, protestantism wouldnt have happened pussy for me but not for thee causes revolutions
>>468554 >He's been trying, and totally lying about events to a massive following. He should be arrested and jailed for a long time. what has he lied about?
Matthew Hankinson of NA was at the Southport Riots according to the echo
Auslad, I implore you. Re-mod me. These incels need to be washed from the board.
>>468619 Adil Ray utterly btfo do they think we're stupid and cant see grooming and terrorism going on for decades plus pakis literally openly stating their desire to conquer the UK
>>468620 cant deny truth lad
*re-starts my TOR browser so I am no longer associated with my incel posts*
>>468579 >Brexit was a gift from God and Nigel was the conduit Overselling it tbqh lad.
>>468579 >Brexit was a gift from God and Nigel was the conduit facts
>>468524 >>468529 Poorly phrased sentence. I think what the twit was trying to say was "extraditing social media influencers FROM abroad". i.e. trying to get at Musk or anyone else based, kek >>468615 wrong. go and study some early lives and come back when you are better educated. >>468616 >pussy for me but not for thee causes revolutions FACT combined with belief in le 72 virgins, it's how imams get retarded arabs incels to throw themselves at burger mechanised infantry and suicide-bomb the shite mosques
Former labour MP denying the existence on the English >skip to 1:35 to avoid Tory boy connor prattle
>>468627 Thinking he has the power to extradite Musk. I’m sure orange man would send a drone after the queer if he tried
>on the ENGLAD
>>468630 CAM ON ENGLAD *bang bang bang* 'ANG SUM FUKIN PAKIS
Doesn't seem like anything is planned for tonight but tomorrow is going to be wild if even half the plans are true
le hates niggers zoomer face
manxjak spotted
Steve if you are reading this big fan mate cheers BOSH
>>468628 >Tory boy He's /arelad/ like all the lootisers, unironically. Mong for having been a Tory member at all ever even if he was promoting zero seats at the time.
my comments just get automatically deleted on Nigger Elf's channel. smh.
>>468635 Unfathomably based.
>>468573 >I was arrested under terror legislation He was arrested for sharing a screenshot of a Facebook post that claimed a 15 year old school boy attacked two school girls. The screenshot was faked so the kid sued him for defamation and won. Then in retaliation he released film repeating the accusation in violation of the restraining order. Tommy loves getting arrested for petty shit.
>>468641 Because he's either a complete retard or a state agent. Or both.
fresh kino
>save video frame as wtf why does that even exist one sec
>>468645 Deprived areas of Liverpool look like an old Gmod map.
>>468640 alright lid
hope he's right
https://youtu.be/SW-CcosQXsc This Labour mong is for the woodchipper.
>>468628 GB News is cooking today lol these protests are goldmine for lefty seethe >>468630 what did he mean by this? >>468633 Not gay but he cute! >>468634 keeeeeeeeeeeek six pointed starmer >>468635 England chants go so hard. no other country competes I like "keep st george in my heart keep me english" had fun belting that out all over amsterdam wiv da lads >>468638 kek smh lad keep trying tho >>468648 the solution will just be to shut down the english no matter what they will empty prisons of wogs to house english lads whole WINGS of HMPs will be devoted to English blokes whose only crime was love of country its like the northern irish troubles but instead of it being different colours of irish its basically a Tolkein-esque battle of good vs evil >noo the grooming gang and jihad enjoyers are morally grey! no one in their right mind thinks this
>>468648 >the likely outcome is that an anarchic race war will continue doubt.jpg
>>468648 Sounds good, but he didn't account for the premier league starting in just 10 days >>468650 >keeeeeeeeeeeek six pointed starmer tbh
>>468648 Nick Fuentes says that if the government is not overthrown then they will use CCTV footage to imprison every white rioter for 10 years and otherwise it won't accomplish much. the loss of human capital from having so many based normongs locked up will be crushing it's also extremely suspicious that Rubenstein had a big rally right before the stabbing and then after the stabbing people were saying he was Muslim, when he's actually just some nigger. and Rubenstein says that niggers are fine, the only problem is Muslims and the way you solve it is by fighting for Israel. and he has connections with intelligence agencies and surveillance firms
Labour is also planning on shutting down migrant camps and putting migrants in council housing migrants literally next door to normal middle class families Kier "There is one god and Mohammed is his messanger" Starmer is a BASED ACCELERATIONIST
>>468653 but imagine when the lads get out of prison all hardened by dodging muslim prison shanks and boiling kettle water attacks literally creating a neo-nazi prison gang culture overnight well done sir queer
>>468651 Cringe way of putting it but he's not exactly wrong. The race war against the English will continue to escalate and we'll either defend ourselves or die. Then get blamed after. But it won't matter so long as we live.
>labour never lets them out of prison literally GULAG starmer we are on the based timeline lads no matter what
There will be a lot more lads with swastika tattoos when Sir Kier is done in office thats for sure SIEG HEIL
you can tell how seething the left are >NIGEEEELLLL ITS YOOOUUUR FAULT!!!!!!! >YOUUUU HAVE THIS TO US!!!!!!!!! as if nigel hasnt done his hardest to decelerate the race war from the moment he entered politics
have done*
>>468653 spic fuentes is a mong >>468633 this good lad is getting a free 2 munf 'oliday wiv da lads I'll hire 'im when he's back on the streets >>468648 >it's >it's this cunt will turn me into a new madlad, i sware
>400 arrested they all have brothers, cousins, girlfriends with mates its fucking happening lads
>>468659 farage is the main antagonist in the soap opera of british politics for these mongs tbh.
>>468661 >spic fuentes is a mong explain how his take is wrong? he did go on for like 15 minutes about what he likes about the riots (raising white consciousness, etc.) but ultimately concluded that it 'comes at a very high cost', that cost being that many based lads will get locked up for this and it won't result in a change in goverment policy
>>468664 it's literally the next sentence in my post lad
>>468663 they are so fucked lol even if they know the burning of our towns is really their fault for playing with fire (pun intended) of multiculturalism, they HAVE to double down 14 year old chav? far right someone who knows a kid who was raped or stabbed by a paki? far right bored football fan? far right and Nigel Farage is lord voldemort is so fucking funny to be honest they havent GOT A CLUE
(forgot to post this, necessary to get that toss) >>468664 >>468665 if it were 2 month sentences, sure that's not a big deal. but the government is saying 10 years. sure they could be bluffing to try to scare people back into their houses and defuse the situation but they could also actually do that to at least the more important people
tory scum are SO FUCKING SMUG RIGHT NOW AS WELL LOL even though they are just as much to blame
>>468666 >666 >lord voldemort mentioned
>>468667 giving these lads 10 year sentences will make a hardcore prison culture and when they all get out in christmas of 2034 the country will be EVEN MORE PAKIFIED and they will go full on daft if they havent already been Bastillé Day'd by then
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Haven't seen any MSM call him out, but Debooooker drew to my attention that Starmer did something that would've been wildly inappropriate even when he was DPP, let alone now being the PM. In one of his speeches days ago, he declared as if it was a foregone conclusion that (English) rioters would be convicted. Wonder how many of these >>468662 will be convicted. If it's literally a 100% arrest to conviction rate (completely unprescedented in any instance of mass arrests in any non third world shithole) it could easily be a source of more radicalising of the deano tommeh mongs etc.
>>468671 >if we send them to prison, the problem will go away this always worked in the past, right?
>>468673 probably be more than 7 inmates tbh. keeek.
even before all of this, already more than 90% of the country in a poll said they Wouldnt Fight in the British Army if Conscripted go on Kier, do the needful
>>468675 50% women, 20% ethnics That means of the 30% white men, pretty much 2/3rds already wouldnt fight if we went to war with russia aka the Sith Empire that was before this
interesting how King Charles III is staying pretty fucking quiet about it all
these riots all happening in labour heartlands as well kier only had 35% of the counted votes nationally thats 15% of the entire electorate when you consider turnout lads. do you smell the ashes?
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any idea what percentage of the white british population is against the sentiment behind the riots, i.e. they support the invasion and the extinction of their own kind? is it 1/3rd, 1/4th, what is it? any idea?
>>468679 not sure but I know my whole family is libtarded smh
I took down a pro-refugee sticker today lads. I'm basically the 'ardest man in Engalnd. >>468677 He and William keep their cards close to their chest. God knows what they're thinking or even how much they know about the real world.
>>468681 it's your duty to enlighten them
mummy spent the whole evening yesterday repeatedly mentioning "TINY ROBINSON" and how he was going to "SIEGE PLYMOUTH" and "STOP THE FERRIES" and working herself into a hysteria because other family was going to be there today
>>468679 look at the counter protests its mostly women
>>468685 so in other words, people who would give up the MOMENT any violence is aimed towards them the muslims and police are the only ones who are standing in the way of Big Baz and the St George Preservation Society
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>>468688 its like a renaissance painting kek look at the lads on the right of the frame gesturing towards the heavens as if appealing to their English patron saints we live in the kino timeline lads
>>468690 We will need to call in our kinsmen from around the globe Brenton Tarrant of the far flung Australian clans Patrick Cruisus of the American khaganate the beacons are lit! Bazdor calls for aid!
I want to see baz sitting on a pile of nigger skulls with his bazface helmet with a bunch of sandnigger bitches in chains clapping on a the koran oiled up with bacon grease
>>468693 Cyng Bazatrix of the Norflads laughing and cheering and calling for more pints as his little bazlings kick about the decapitated head of a saracen
>>468695 make those wogs eat that spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) joke pour molten lead in their mouths until they don't want no more spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)
when does the souf ignite
>>468697 Wait and see what happens once Labour has dispersed the bibby stockholm/RAF Scampton/RAF Weathersfield invaders into the shires
>>468697 there was some ruckus in plymouth last night, supposed to be more today I think anyway
no white guilt just arrived in the UK lads he is about to make all the wogs go free
I can see Wessex (not the fat lad who posts here, but the region) rising like norfmen East Angles will continue to farm and pretend they dont exist im amazed luton hasnt kicked off because thats actually where the EDL are but then nothing ever happens does it
the real question is will the Welsh ever grow a pair of balls to go along with their tiny sheep's arsehole shaped welsh penises
in wales the protests cant go faster than 20mph LOL
cornish lads are more likely to rise up against the second home owners than anyone else
>>468700 lock up your sons, there's a homosexual cannibal about.
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>>468696 at least one of the pakis will be getting turned into a kebab for are charlene tbh
england getting to yet another euros final and then losing probably had as much to do with this shit as nigel farage has lol
who here /sausagerollenjoyer/?
>>468708 its like in medieval times when an army on the campaign would loot from the peasantry even if they were under the same king ostensibly
its just like mount and blade lads
>>468710 >its just like mount and blade lads Zased
This is the eye of the storm. Tomorrow is going to be fucking insane.
Elon Musk has gone up in my estimation by sevenfold tbh. I thought he wasa dafty for buying twitter but he has used it probably as well as I could possibly have hoped. He truly is English-loving. Although he needs to unban Knight Templar Sarjeant Nick Griffin NOW. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6k6WFy3YYc
TND lads okay thank you
>>468714 Didnt realise he had been banned tbh he was poosting on there not that long ago. Name the jew too hard?
>>468713 Its funny what having a shit economy and being surrounded by people who despise you and want your kids raped killed or converted will do to a nigga >>468716 he made a few too many subtle references to the synagogue of satan
God works in mysterious ways
2024 was the year the crusades began again
It's real
I wish SA was here to see this kek smh tbh
imagine, 35 days ago, saying that >Nigel Farage would become an MP >Donald Trump would be saved by a literal miracle act of God from an assassins bullet >England would get to a second Euro final in a row (mostly by last minute miracle goals) >England would have national race riots fucking mental month its been lads GLAD I CAME BACK TBH
She could do nothing to stop me
Follow up tweet is incredible
>>468723 why do britoids call shitskins and wogs "asian"? is that some kind of psyops to make it seem like they are not wogs by including them in with east asians?
>>468725 Because they're from Asia you fucking retard.
>>468725 asia minor is the proper name for the middle east and the orient is the proper name for the far east
>>468727 Asia Minor very specifically refers to Anatolia
Military jet just flew over my house here in Liverpool
>>468725 americlap shartica moment
>>468725 Pakis are asian while chinks are east asian. Always been that way tbh. Not naming the muzzie is the bigger issue and a deliberate lie of omission
>>468725 it's basically a euphemism >>468730 nah he's right, it's dumb to call pakis/jeets "Asians" because South Asia is technically a part of Asia. outside the UK "Asian" refers to the Mongoloid race
>>468729 wonder if they're going to skip the firearm police stage and just go straight to dropping thermobarics on the bazzoids smh
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>>468732 outside the UK are gay retards and I dont care
>>468727 wessie?
don't know why people bother explaining anything to steinzog. he just forgets it by the next day anyway.
>>468736 it took you 25 posts to realise? got to up your nooticing game lad
>>468738 I hope he doesnt forget which hole to put his penor in when Mrs Steiner feels horny
did not enjoy the temporary employment agency factory work arc I tell you hwat
>>468739 yeah smh need to spend less time calibrating my spic-dar
>>468741 wessie you BY FAR have the worst life out of literally everyone i have ever spoke to well done you get a gold medal for suffering
>>468727 >asia minor sounds like some nonce website
fucking niggers i swear to god
>>468727 Sam must feel like an absolute top G knowing he was this far ahead of the curve
>>468745 you forgot to add ", nigger" to that
>walk 2.5 miles uphill to toil at 10pm >toil for 12 hours surrounded by wogs and lorded over by jeets >walk 2.5 miles back >get scammed out of the wage anyway because they insisted the timesheet was never signed ("lost" in a shredder) >made to go back to return work boots keeekACK never again >>468743 good thing suffering builds character then >>468746 tbh he's going to start forming the Prisoner Alternative gang if they let them near eachother
Hardline message from the most scared man in Britain
>>468741 been there done that >>468747 chrue, but i needn't get banned; facejew might prove useful in the near future
what the fuck is "Parliament Summer Recess" WHY THE FUCK do useless politicians deserve a summer holiday more than smee?
>>468748 sounds similar to lord dobby's factory toil experience
>>468749 may he be beheaded for treason (with a rusty blunt axe) as is legal and proper
>>468748 keeek smh lad i thought the whole point of agency waging was that the agency has your back
>>468752 how is dobbo these days?
>>468755 i forgot the "sir"
>>468749 >COBRA absolute dorks
>>468756 he's enjoying the goomer neet life he never got to have as a lad. surprised he didn't get arrested for seething in public on stream when he was calling the women who walked past him "vags" keeeeeeeeeek
>>468759 What a true blue aussie AUSLAD where are you sir? its good morning from me
>>468761 best one yet tbh no zio subversion detected
>>468737 >filename Keeek. >>468761 77th btfo forever and ever.
steiner fucked off sharpish after dropping that clanger of a yankpost didnt he
>why do you call them asians theyre from asia you twat
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>>468766 these are "Asians", mong
>468767 No, those are orientals, chinkies, slitty eyes, yeller fellas, mongoloids. Fare East Asians even! Not Asians as we in Britain would calll them.
>>468761 keeeeeeeek. so true.
>>468767 and so are indians, retard
>>468768 >No, those are orientals, chinkies, slitty eyes, yeller fellas, mongoloids. Fare East Asians even! or as I like to call them, 'my girlfriend'.
>>468617 >what has he lied about? The ethnicity of the Southport attacker, the ethnicity of the more recent Sterling attacker as well. He knows what he's doing, he's a Zionist plant and is probably Jewish. https://archive.is/BJ2Eu
>>468772 sorry the religion of the Southport attacker
>>468768 >>468770 what we're saying is that calling pakis "Asians" is something that British English has wrong. Arabs, Indians, and Chinese are all "Asians", technically, but they have nothing in common so calling them all that is retarded
>noooo asia cant have multiple ethnicities so in that case, we must be slavic because continents can only have one ethnicity?
>>468774 geography > your feelings
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>>468776 biology > geography
>>468777 with trips like those... i consneed the debate
although turks, pakis, malaysians and indians are obviously still indians
>>468780 *still aisans FUCK ill show myself out
just saw this lad out by the bog earlier today. he wasn't happy
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speaking of Malaysians/Indonesians... where is the monkey cutoff? like some of the islands have somwhat more civilized 'Mongoloid' races and some of them have very monkey 'Melanesian' races. certainly, Papuans are wildlife, they are literal brain-eating jungle cannibals. but what about the Moluccas? my theory is that Sumatra/Borneo/Java/Bali/Sulawesi are civilized and anything to the east of them are monkey. not sure about Philippines
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I am against calling them asians simply because when the mainstream media and politicians do it, it's an obvious subterfuge that attempts to cover up the fact that these are Muslims and Blacks Everyone knows it's not chinks or indonesians killing and raping our children, stop calling them asians, you're playing into the hands of the enemy
>>468785 exactly. it's a euphemism and mongs are defending it because reflexive 'UK English is automatically the official one'
I would hesitate to even call Indians asians because they are such a diSTINKED phenotype

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>>468037 You call them thugs I call them HEROES
>>468785 >>468787 lets be honest the real issue isnt race its religion JEWS PAPISTS MUSLIMS are the problem Presbyterian and Reformed and Anglicans arent the problem, whatever their race
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>>468790 most retarded post in 817 post thread award
>>468791 yeah? how so?
I look forward to not having a serious reply
>>468791 >he's done him
name one single presbyterian or calvinist or anglican terrorist >jews Jack Straw >Muslims more than i can count >Papists the southport stabber jimmy savile
But of course, dont actually try to debate me. just spaz out like a woman on her period.
>468790 SA? who else here loves christniggers? fuck off either way. <I rebuke you in the name of Jesus
>>468797 looks vaguely polish, because all polish men are bald
>>468798 SA did actually convert me to Christianity and I thank him for it thats why I miss him the unsung hero of /brit/
I owe my conversion to SA wherever you are mate God bless you
>>468801 but do you approve of Anglican clergy being full of mystery meat?
>>468714 He’s not b& he just deactivated his a/c and posts on Telegram now
lives to 400 years old tbh
if a p*lice officer tried to arrest me I would simply kill him, tbqhwy
>>468803 I'm Church of Scotland (Presbyterian) tbh because of my family but I never believed in Jesus until SA posted all that gospel shit back in 2016 when I was a regular user of this chan after MOOT melted down on 4chan the last few years has confirmed God is real and he is enjoying the show. I am convinced that reality as we know it is entirely for God's entertainment and thats why the funniest outcome possible always comes true >catholic nigger spawns anti-muslim riots >trump survives assassin by a millionth of a second >are nige is elected MP plus I have had some personal revelations like when I took magic mushrooms (SA would hate me for saying this but natural psychedelics like shrooms bring you closer to God than prayer)
if everyone knows they are going to be sent to prison anyway, they are going to fight till their last breath, with nothing to lose by giving it their all even sun tzu knew that you never back an enemy into a corner queer keir + the police clearly haven't accounted for this in their militant approach to locking up goodlads
as a calvinist presbyterian I think anglicans have always been essentially tory
>>468814 he's a slapheaded muslim he can fuck off
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the two main problems I have with Christianity are: >why would God choose the Hebrews to be this priestly nation that worships him, and they have to cut their dicks and abstain from eating certain foods and such? what is the point of that? then their pride at being chosen turns them into rotten sinners so the whole Jesus thing happens etc. etc.... it's all really weird >why is the morality that gets taught not really applicable in the real world? it's all stupid common sense shit like "don't steal and respect your parents", instead of actual useful actionable advice that would prove foresight like "oh btw I made niggers for some reason, don't cohabitate or breed with them, they are stupid monkeys" to me it just seems like a temporal explanation for Christianity makes more sense than the religion actually being true the absolute state of affairs, plus the whole AF-osphere gaslighting, are making me curious about Christnaity but there's so much I don't like about it. if it were the absolute truth, then all truth would align with it exactly. the fact that it doesn't mention race makes it look like it was contrived by desert dwellers rather than being actual divine wisdom
>>468816 if you want a theological argument >where did all matter and energy come from other than God? Jonh 1:3 in the bible if you want an athiest argument >why would the apostles all go to their deaths and lose everything they ever had including their lives, if they simply "made up" the truth that Jesus is God muslims had material reward for islam = they conquered the eastern roman empire jews gain material reward for judaism = their religion lets them lie and steal but Christians actually suffer for their religion and those first apostles definately died brutal deaths so if they made it all up, it makes no sense theyd die for it When was the last time dozens of people all died a horrible gruesome death for their faith if the literally made it up and knew it was a lie?
>>468818 >>468816 But, im not gonna labour the point either you believe or you dont as a presbyterian i believe some of us are destined to faith and some arent simple as SA, if he was here, could elaborate further. but i am not SA
>>468814 based hope you lads become more like the nips and just call everyone who isn't britoidic a foreigner and have no foreigner allowed pubs and such
YOU USED THE INTERNET IMPROPERLY! SIR QUEER SAID! https://nitter.poast.org/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1820466209533342044
>>468820 that is already the case not just foreinger but non local ive been in pubs where the conversation stops and the air goes cold as soon as you walk in namely in Berkshire where Im from Bedfordshire its like they can smell the different shire
The only reason I protestant post so much and slag off catholics (like steiner) so much is because my grandpa (god rest his soul) was an elder in the Church of Scotland which is a calvinist church and the national church of scotland it wasnt my choice smh i was born into it
>>468822 wouldn't happen in the south tier blowhard post lad
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>>468825 is that an asian?
>>468822 >its like they can smell the different shite ftfy
because that looks like a nigger to me
>>468826 nig I believe
>>468827 keeek
>>468824 america was founded by presbyterian ulster-scots like my kinsmen tbh https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geneva_Bible >It was the primary Bible of 16th-century English Protestantism and was used by William Shakespeare, Oliver Cromwell, John Knox, John Donne and others. It was one of the Bibles taken to America on the Mayflower (Pilgrim Hall Museum has collected several Bibles of Mayflower passengers), and its frontispiece inspired Benjamin Franklin's design for the first Great Seal of the United States but, that was the 18th century when america was pretty much 99% Protestant English and Scottish and Welsh Trump's mum was a presbyterian scottish woman, just like my mum :3 /BRIT/ WILL HAVE A GO AT ME FOR MY RELIGION BECAUSE /BRIT/ IS A SHADOW OF WHAT IT WAS BACK IN 2016-18 WHEN SA WAS MASTER AND COMMANDER we live in the post-BBK era of darkness
its fine because I know Jesus is on my side and isnt on the side of papists, pagans and athiests
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don't care
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steiner is a good lad with good instincts its a shame that God pre-destined him to hell because his instincts are papist >>468834 >i dont care well this is /brit/ and I am british so why would anyone care what a non british papist cares about?
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>hes not the *real* pope becoz... ive had enough arguments with papists to know its a waste of time im just glad that, thanks to my kinsmen and churchmen and the glorious revolution of 1689, I dont have to care what papists think I miss SA...
and that concludes my autistic waste-of-time protestant posting we're all at war with muslims, now
I think you should shut up, take your meds and go to bed
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>>468839 why? because it upsets you? if you had the love of Christ in you, it wouldnt... just remember if you hate my religion, then you hate the state religion of Scotland. >john knox
mad how after literally 300 years people STILL cant accept Scotland is Calvinist
>>468818 >When was the last time dozens of people all died a horrible gruesome death for their faith if the literally made it up and knew it was a lie? Heaven's Gate was a good example. your apostles were schizos and possibly believed their own bullshit about their cult leader's tricks, and suffered for nothing, but that doesn't matter. what matters is that the stoic philosophy is still valuable, but better if you take it straight from the Greeks instead of having it tainted by Hebrew superstition and supremacism.
Fucking pajocks
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>>468843 whatever i literally cannot be fucked to defend my Scottish religion you dont deserve our faith anyways if you were worthy, you would be pre-destined its not my job to save your soul that is God's power I AM NOT SA
>hopping IPs fuck off schizo christnigger ni lads
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I will post a scottish hymn though and I will beg you read the bible >For God lovede so the world, that he gaf his own bigetun sone, that ech man that bileveth in him perische not, but have everlastynge life >>468847 May Jesus have mercy on your soul at least (100) posts in this thread are me, but you autistic athiests keep spazzing out when you see my post count so I started using TOR because you people are that sad I MISS SA... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_dL-4kgPro
I swear to God I deal with you people like a farmer deals with his chickens STOP BEING AUTISTIC
next time you make a post just think >how would a woman react if they saw my post because for most of you, the reaction would be >woah... his period pains are worse than mine...
>caring about christian sect autism just keep calm and kill saracens tbh
>>468852 true, true steiner i apologise
keep your cunt mouth quiet.
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I will do what I want and you will need to ban TOR to stop me.
And if you ban TOR because of little old me, then I win.
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Steiner and I would have been on opposite sides of the firing line if this was 1642 Yet there is mutual respect How ironic that the YANK IS ROYALIST and the Briton is Dissenter
i eagerly await the godless athiests telling me how my entire family's religion, and my nations religion, is "devout Christian cringe"
>>468843 the apostles weren't schizos lad
I look forward to hearing from the autists how the religion that hundreds of my family faced death for professing in the 17th century is actually jewish
>Tesco have now started selling Tim Tams >decide to give them a try as a treat >wind up eating the whole pack in one sitting
>>468860 but lad they obviously made it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
imagine mostly submerging a gook in a very soapy bathtub so all you can see is her head, then she succs the willy
>>468862 you'll need the extra energy for the race war
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>1st century Christians going to their horrible gruesome deaths because they thought it was funny to pretend this Jesus guy could do miracles and rose from the dead
>>468864 sounds quite nice tbh
>>468858 Cromwell let the jevvs back into England which basically caused everything since then. if the white rice is cooked then it's Cromwell's fault, him and the WWII allies
if Cromwell were alive today he'd be supporting niggers and Muslims against the white British
>>468869 how else was he going to get money to fight the catholics?
>>468870 even though he conquered Jamaica
>>468872 he was a libtard of yesterday, if he were born today he'd be a libtard of today
>>468870 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek no he wouldn't
>>468874 like the Yankoid founding fathers would all have been nigger-loving shitlibs. they were the naive liberal retards of their era and if they were born and raiseed in the modern era they'd be among the naive liberal retards of today
spic did they teach you about the english civil war in school?
obviously if you took any guy from 300 years ago, he would be racist. but if you took any liberal retard from 300 years ago and raised them in a modern upbringing, they would be liberal retards like Vaush, Destiny, etc. >>468876 they don't teach anything, literally anything at all, about European history with the exception of a little ancient Greece/Rome. then when they get to American history, it starts with Jamestown 1618, they say it was a British colony but they don't explain what this "Britain" entity is. it's a deliberate omission to deracinate white Americans from their European heritage
>>468873 >>468875 ah yes he hated the English and loved niggers >We are Englishmen; that is one good fact. >Speech to Parliament (1655) meanwhile you papists https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_African_Company >It was overseen by the Duke of York, the brother of Charles II of England; the RAC was founded after Charles II ascended to the English throne in the 1660 Stuart Restoration, and he granted it a monopoly on all English trade with Africa you people loved niggers so much you set up a company to trade with them >>468877
>>468877 surprised they don't start you off with the first nigger slaves that arrived in shartica
imagine being so ignorant of English history to think the parliamentarians liked african niggers more than the royalists did
it was the royalists who imported niggers to the colonies BASED CROMWELL was more than happy just using irish papists as slaves
the royal family always were nigger lovers
>>468879 there's plenty of muh Trail of Tears, muh Uncle Tom's Cabin type shite. it's basically women's rights, civil rights (niggers), Holocaust class- just a blatant, brazen Jevv indoctrination
>this kills the spic
>>468883 try learning basic English history first m8
I desire not to keep my place in this government an hour longer than I may preserve England in its just rights, and may protect the people of God in such a just liberty of their consciences... t. Oliver Cromwell
It is a sad fact that the royalist nigger lovers (who introduced Jews into england) forced Parliament to seek loans from Dutch Jews...
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_England Prior to their expulsion in 1290, the status of Jews in England was completely dependent on the will of the Crown. English Jews were legally under the jurisdiction of the king, who offered them protection in return for their economic function.[20] As "royal serfs", they were allowed freedom of the king's highways, exemption from tolls, the ability to hold land directly from the king, and physical protection in the vast network of royal castles built to assert Norman authority. THE NORMAN KINGS INVITED JEWS IN
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Anglo saxon England had no jews.
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There is little reason to think that there was any settled Jewish presence in Anglo-Saxon England, although there is considerable discussion of the nature of Jewish religion and its relationship to Christianity in literature.[18] The few references in the Anglo-Saxon Church laws relate to Jewish practices about Easter.
so the royalists invited jews into england after 1066 and the royalists started levying unjust taxes on englishmen but its parliaments fault for relying on jewish loans to fight the kings army in the civil wars k thx
keeek its a hedgetrimmer
shittish need to take a page out of the proudgoys playbook and get those paintball guns going and also get their STOMPING boots on for britannia
>>468895 I know it's totally ridiculous
>>468894 oh boo hoo the king taxed you. that's not a valid justification to team up with JEVVS against the divinely-appointed monarch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzhWOVUG-eo this one is for the lads that don't like the jew links
>>468890 yeah then edward had to tell them to gtfo since they wouldn't toil like everybody else >>468900 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>468898 the king taxed us without consent, and also enforced papistry on us If God appointed the King, why did He give victory to Cromwell? >God is on our side, thats why he let our enemies win
interesting how during a rare britoid happening the board is full of mongs spamming autism
>>468903 >rare we have more happenings than america does dont you have 600 million guns? and you never use them
England does more with some fence panels than America does with 1,000,000 rounds of 5.56mm
>>468904 Americans don't have a strong enough national identity to have a cause to rally around
>>468904 to be fair to the yanks guns being a mutually-assured-destruction deterrent is exactly the point of them and also the lack of them is the reason we're having these happenings happen here
>>468906 because they rejected England in 1776
keep blowing hard lad maybe one day you'll make enough noise to be something more than a landing strip
>>468907 nah, if we had guns we would have shot the entire labour party by now
>>468909 you cheeky cunt
>>468903 smh you should have been here earlier lad
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>>468908 yeah I'm not defending that
>>468912 he was too busy getting his fingers stinky with mrs steiner
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CROMWELL IS THE ENGLISH HITLER 1,000,000,000 DEAD PAPISTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fZ-of7iH7A

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"And let God be judge between you and me." When dissolving the second Parliament of the Protectorate, 4 February 1658, also quote in Famous Sayings and their Authors, p. 6 Me? I would have fought for him. No questions asked. T. Essex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6onHR-f1Ezc
>>468916 the most protestant metal tune in existence tbh total apocalyptic fervour
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Oliver was a good Cambridge/Fenland lad tbh
>>468909 >>468903 none of us are northern lad tbh smh
>>468909 >>468903 its a little bit like expecting someone from Michigan to be involved in a Pennsylvania or Florida happening
Oliver Cromwell was the only commoner to rule Britain and he ruled it with a military dictatorship having suspended parliament He was also a dyed-in-the-cloth dissenting protestant the american equivient would be if a general of the USAF somehow launched a coup on the Whitehouse/Pentagon and disbanded the Senate/Congress and used the USAF to maintain law and order while adhereing to and enforcing AMISH/MENNONITE morals and you call him cringe...
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but yeah. kill muslims n shit
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steiner m8 talk to ur nearest gun clubs please try send us guns we need them more than you
>ohhh noo all of a sudden america doesnt have gun rights
consuming dairy used to make my stomach hurt a little but now I get recurring explosive diarrhoea what are (((they))) putting in the milk
>ITS FUNNY but as soon as the English need guns... we stopped being able to send them over meanwhile when papists were killing Presbyterians https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provisional_Irish_Republican_Army_arms_importation >this kills the steiner
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isnt it funny when you were killing British Presbyterians... the guns arrived... "my little armalite" but now we are at war with muslims you arent laughing anymore are you
>>468931 send guns. or, did you only care when it was Christian vs Christian?
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>Americlaps suddenly forgot how to send guns you sure killed a lot of protestants...
>this cunt posting CIAnigger tier felony shite when we are still at baz throwing an empty beer can at a wog instead of the opposing footie team tier
its still far more epic than anything amerikneels have done all we have was occasional proud goys shite from 2020 and cville.
Catholics killing Protestants? TAKE MY GUNS Muslims killing Christians? I SLEEP >>468938
if americans sent us 1 million guns, theyd still have 599 million left >but you are le no guns.
as per usual. americans are all bark no bite.
im gonna stop bullying you now steiner. but just know, we british do remember how you yanks supported the IRA
the boston mafia is not representative of the entire united sharts
i love america really. im sure they have their own reasons for suddenly forgetting how to send guns?? >>468943 I wish the boston mafia cared about muslims as much as they do Scottish Presbyterians
whitey bulger and the irish mafia procured loads of weapons also supported by drug sales by the aryan brotherhood which is infested with taigoidic ganglander connections which is why the brand made john gotti kneel and kiss the shamrock when he went to prison and got stomped out by niggers
honestly im only joking. God clearly doesnt want the americans to give us guns that would make it too easy
>>468945 even though americans were more than happy to send guns to kill my kinsmen i get it it would be too easy if you help us "no guns"
God obviously wants us British to earn victory on our own it was different with the IRA...
we live in Gods timeline
robotic spam from this mong
even though americans may say they support us...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Harrison_(Irish_republican) its cool as an Englishman i dont expect americans to help unless its catholics vs protestants
its cool even though americans mock us for not having guns all along it was a catholic vs protestant thing
>>468786 Why'd you post a picture of my father and my uncle?
its not like when we gotta go crusade muslims that americans would help us
americans are so based, you see, that le bad teeth british dont deserve their help unless the pope says so
dont worry steiner i still respect americans more for sending guns to the IRA than for helping us fight muslims
you americans are obviously really smart and good guys
Obviously Catholic Irish terrorists need your help killing Protestants more than British + Irish need help fighting muslims https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/ira/reports/america.html https://www.csmonitor.com/1985/0114/anor1.html But please continue to comment on our countries!
noooo dont worry americans we dont need your guns to kill muslims we only needed your guns to kill scottish calvinists in ulster
but thanks for your concern. and please feel free to keep weighing in on our ethnic troubles
I will kill you, fucking shut up. You blithering mongol.
and theres no need to send us guns vs muslims after all, protestants deserve bullets in the head more than pakis do, right?
>>468962 no you wont, faggot Ban TOR if you hate me so much
Go on. Ban an entire browser because of me Because I speak so much truth you coward
I have Jesus on my side you people are hypocrits
i love TOR it kills the /brit/ autist
please go ahead and ban TOR because you're so Jewish you cant handle a single dissenter opinion you're just like the papists back in 1640s
>>468925 who is this mysterious SENDEM BECK I keep hearing about? >>468936 lad muslims are beating up englishmen in the streets with machetes. if you're still peaceposting at this hour it's you that's the fed >le just do nothing meme
having the intelligence and the balls to point out exactly how you idiots are chatting utter shit is my English right
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Ban TOR. Do it. you bunch of gormless idiots Prove me right.
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Us calvinists are used to weak pathetic useless "persecution" and "censorship" by coping seething cunts like (You) but God is on our side not the Kings not the Popes but ours
i find it so funny how americans sent so many guns and ammo to kill Calvinists they wont send a single pistol to fight muslims LOUD BRAGGARTS
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God will grant us victory. In Jesus name.
Go on. Ban TOR. do it you fucking yellow bellied taigs.
God works in mysterious ways and God is a protestant
something happened in the last 30 years that americans forgot how to send us guns as soon as catholics no longer wanted to kill us protestants... convenient
https://youtube.com/shorts/F_R6dGlc0is?si=TtkdXspmSXot2Yn4 *closes thread because its utter shite*
>>468980 coom back in the smorbing
In the midst of life we are in death. I commend thy soul to God, and thy body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection. - Thomas Cranmer He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love, And wonders of His love, And wonders, wonders, of His love. - Issac Watts Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by chance. - Isaac Newton “Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.” ― John Knox We are under God's power, and we can do nothing but by the power of God, and woe shall hereafter be to us if we abuse this power. John Wycliffe I think My Self obliged to take Notice, how well the Army there [Ireland] have behaved themselves on all Occasions, and born great Hardships with little Pay, and with so much Patience and Willingness, as could not proceed but from an Affectionate Duty to My Service, and a Zeal for the Protestant Religion. Speech to Parliament (2 October 1690), >this kills the papist
we dont need your help we arent papists we are BRITISH we dont need your guns
you can keep your fucking guns
>board listed >schizos and mongs spamming shite >useless jannies nowhere in sight
shnite lads, hope auslad delists de board and schizo gets raped to death by pakis or papists or whatever IRL, na night
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fucking slay every papist cunt
PROTESTANT TUNES >this kills steiner the papist implying <n-no im just as bri'ish as you >ok then, wheres muh guns? *crickets chirping* FUCK YANKS=
orange protestant til i die
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4:20 for not in word is the reign of God, but in power? Americans claimed the rights of Englishmen Americans also claimed to only accept government from consent English rights entail English duties and the onus is on Englishmen to swear loyalty to their soveriegn Either Americans are English, and their demand for representation justified, and their loyalty to the King may not undergo alienation Or they are in a state of nature, in which case they have stolen land from the natives whose land the Americans encroached on without any sovereign authority. 1776 was founded on lies and hypocrasy, George Washington turned his coat on the army that fed and trained him, and America was founded out of secret societies of freemasons and deists and whigs It was the revolt of masonic lodges and bored liberal nobles inspired by the American War of Independence (lot of them fought there when they were younger like Lafayette). The French Kingdom ruined themselves lending military support to the Americans, coupled with years of terrible harvests and an extremely decentralized and inefficient tax system as well as the chronic passivity of Louis XVI, so that liberals of all stripes could have their fun massacring hundreds of thousands of actual plebs (first genocide of the modern era was in rural Vendée) in the name of Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité In the cities, and in particular in Nantes and Angers, around 15,000 people were shot, drowned or guillotined on the orders of the représentants en mission and Revolutionary Military Commissions, while in the countryside about 20,000 to 50,000 civilians were massacred by the infernal columns, who set fire to many towns and villages.
guid bless mon presbyterian kinsfawk
>>468986 night laddo
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you are supposed to forget le ira becoz of le islam t. rabbi
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my family will never ever forget the IRA or what you americans did to us fuck you yanks
is there not another mod that's awake when auslad is in a tinnie stupor who can prevent this? sad. i know it's not easy to moderate
>>468997 kill yourself you gotta ban TOR if you want to censor me, papist if you ban TOR I WIN
is this a gchq agent trying to derail us with christian sect autism? fuck off
Morning lads This 77th spammer has got proper pajeet energy tbh
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>>469212 They should have tried talking to community leaders some more.
>>469212 wewlad

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