mass arrests. Them against us. Two tiers. Mobilizing untrained enforcers. "It is ironic that while the Organization has always warned the
public against the dangers of racial integration of our police, this
has now turned out to be a blessing in disguise for us. The "equal
opportunity" boys have really done a wonderful wrecking job on
the FBI and other investigative agencies, and their efficiency is
way down as a result. Still, we'd better not get over-confident or
This was written in 1978. Learn from it. Pierce knew what he was talking about.
"Early last year we began putting a number of new members,
unknown to the political police, into police agencies and various
quasi-official organizations, such as the human relations councils.
They served as our early-warning network and otherwise kept us
generally informed of the System's plans against us."
The Turner Diaries are not scripture. But they contain knowledge, as literature. Still, they were written way before the modern censorship apparatus. If you engage in any uncondone-able activities, make sure you know how to OPSEC, there are plenty of ways to find out about this online. However, it would be much better for you to stick to your local community, in-person. As they are ridiculously short on staff, joining a government service as an informant would be easy, but make sure you can have two faces, and only inform extremely locally.
Otherwise, become stronger yourself, and read. Read books. As PDFs, or physically, but learn. Learn and network. Normies are actually waking up. I'm not joking.
There will be no revolution without you, as you are the revolution. Nothing will happen in two more weeks. Stockholm syndrome is a tight grasp; slaves will defend their master if it costs them their life. because they know not better nor else. We are everywhere, and in greater numbers than could be anticipated. We also have nothing to lose; not our country.
If anything happens it must be of your doing. If anything happens it must be all at once, a torrent; you are sorely mistaken if you believe that the "next big thing" will trigger a bunch of events where you yourself get to sit idly. Did "it" "happen" when Tarrant removed kebab? No. What about after all the thousands of mudslime terrorist attacks? After the ISIS affiliate was caught just a few days ago? After tens of thousands of white girls were revealed to have been raped by pakis, and various documents proving a cover-up were released? Did "it" "break out" and "happen" then? No.
That being said, it is night. Go to bed, and in the morning, go say hi to your neighbour. You may just find yourself some new allies.