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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3994: Fragrant Harbour Edition Anonymous 09/27/2024 (Fri) 19:54:31 Id: 0571c2 No. 477320
Hong Kong jails two journalists for sedition https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cr5482yygp4o
Edited last time by Enoch on 09/27/2024 (Fri) 19:58:31.
>>477319 >On September 27, 2024, the IDF spokesperson announced that the Israeli Air Force had struck Hezbollah's main headquarters in Beirut with the goal of assassinating Nasrallah.[3][4] A source linked to Hezbollah stated to Reuters that Nasrallah is alive, while the Iranian Tasnim News Agency reported that he is safe.[5] A senior Iranian security official also noted to Reuters that Iran is in the process of verifying his condition.[5] I just want Arabs with AKs to go street to street, door to door, room to room and exterminate every single Yehudi in Falestine. Why is that too much to ask?
>>477322 arabcels lack the will
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Hiya, that'll be three Hostage sarnies please
Spicposter looks like THAT?
>>477325 it was too shit, we stopped watching it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FnezLs_1ng ah the weekend, time for goodscreen
>>477331 antisemitism
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>>477328 absolutely no disgusting pancake tits from being morbidly obese lmao, and am hairier, among other things. I've been told I look like Russel Brand
>>477340 smorb
>>477341 hullo la
garlic bread for lunch
>>477343 imagine eating this good
>>477345 Based bulbheads lording it over the crackers
OOH WEE OOH I LOOK JUST LIKE BUDDY HOLLY WOAH OH AND YOU'RE MARY TYLER MOORE I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT US ANYWAY I DON'T CARE 'BOUT THAT NO I DON'T CARE 'BOUT THAT off t'bottleo lads >>477345 >non-citizen finally well and truly in the mask off taking the piss phase of occupation i see
>>477348 buy tinnies lad
I can sometimes smell poo in my brain
>>477350 stop giving rimjobs.
Nasrallah is dead? kikes just can't stop winning
>>477352 has that been confirmed?
>>477353 jews say yes and arabs say no
>>477354 so all up in the air.
I reckon he's dead. Israel always winning is our timeline, unfortunately.
>>477356 I don't think they're winning even if they achieve a complete strategic victory on the ground and I don't think they have any idea of what victory actually looks like or how to achieve it. But more to the point Israel is now a pariah state with a tanking economy.
>>477357 they're winning, lad. bigly. everything else is just cope.
the fact they still exists means they're winning
>>477359 And you accuse me of coiping.
Being in a broke internationally isolated shithole with no resources is not winning.
>>477349 covfefe rum and discount sushi >>477359 the existence of isn'treal doesn't say much one way or the other tbqh not like they'd all just poof into nothingness as soon as the tides turn against them
US will just fully roll up if things start to look bleak anyway. nobody will do shit.
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Apart from combat sports, what sports are fun to watch?
>never goes outside >gets told he looks like Russell Brand (like that's a good thing) do his delusions know no bounds?
>>477363 Preferably yeah because that will just accelerate America's own economic and social woes.
>>477365 I'm just glad we have a confromation of just how swarthy he really is.
>>477364 I don't really enjoy watching combat sports tbh.
Israel is liquidating top brass and you're just coping, quite frankly.
swarthier than russell brand and he doesn't even leave the house. wtf.
>>477369 That's according to Israel only and they can liquidate away they have no idea what victory looks like and you don't either.
well I must say I'm pro israel anyway. so it's a win for smee.
>>477372 Yeah sorry lad never going to see eye to eye with a zionist.
The US lost it's only fuel replenishment ship in the theatre 4 days ago. I really would like to see if someone's compiled the accident rate of the US navy to see if they're actually getting more incompetent.
I'm bullshitting anyway. death to the great satan.
>>477365 >gets told he looks like Russell Brand (like that's a good thing) >(like that's a good thing) what? I just said it matter of factly, at least one person said that and I see it. my lower third isn't as well-developed due to lack of mewing but the eye area is very similar
noshing myself off improved my jawline. never had a jaw workout like it before I tried that.
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>changing IP just to defend your fantasy with more fantasy
>>477378 I am not he. autism much?
>477379 >implying I was talking to you and not spicnigger directly above you
Top quality posting as usual lads.
>477380 I've done him
and that dude is English btw so you can't even say I'm swarthy if I can pass as a pure Anglo
>>477366 tbh yet another endless middle east war will do wonders for the average person's opinion of the establishment >>477372 gayyyy >>477375 good lad was worried there for a second
>>477383 I don't class that or the mr bean phenotype as white tbh.
>>477383 is he? jamie pull up russel brand's family tree >>477385 tbh
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Russell Brand and the only lad I know who looks like Russell Brand are both top shaggers so your story is full of incel shaped holes
>>477387 I'm pretty sure Brand developed his cult following to insulate himself from a fair few rape allegations.
>>477388 Like I said, top shagger
>>477389 Not really lad, the real skill in being a top shagger is making the other party concent. He's more of a middling shagger.
>>477390 You're mad if you think he didn't have bints all over him back in his TV days. Maybe not Lemmy levels, but not far off.
>>477391 I'm sure he did but then again it's not exactly hard when you're rich and famous.
QED top shagger
>>477393 Na middling especially if you still have to resort to rape while having a stacked deck.
I'll rape you in a minute mate
>>477395 Still put you above brand for shagging just because you'll have to get away with it using a bit of duct tape and a ski mask instead of a team of lawyers and an expensive hotel room.
Just finished a big bacon sarnie and ripped a massive fart.
>>477389 keeeeeeeek >>477398 stupendously based
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>>477398 >Just finished a big bacon sarnie and ripped a massive fart this is how we will defeat the jews
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TAKING REQUESTS FOR TONIGHT'S FILM >we need something good for a change
>>477401 the wild geese
shananananafternoon lids >>477398 good lad, do another for smee
Got a new, free arse cushion from the sally army. Need a good pork dinner to break it in.
>>477403 a very smorbafternorius to you too lad
schnaftersnoon, jews just dabbing on everyone once again.
>>477407 tbh smh sneeberschnorp lid
>>477409 goodlad
>>477387 Brand is the most punchable person I'm aware of. If I ever met him, I would have an almost irresistable urge to punch him in the face.
>>477412 it's so good >she got hate for this
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Is it worth joining Reform as a member to try to make it more based when it comes to votes?
>>477401 vampire girl vs. frankenstein girl
>>477415 couldn't hurt tbh there is obviously a leadership struggle going on between nige et al and the real british people the more people in "his" party who are calling for mass deportations the easier
shite site poosted smy poost before it was done
*bans you* in the words of martin luther king jr, its just good bidness
the more people in "his" party who are calling for mass deportations the easier it gets to steer people towards the correct option
>>477417 If we could take over Reform, which has MPs think it's worth a shot. >>477418 Yeah, that's what I've been thinking on, I guess I shall sign up.
>>477420 kek. did farage actually mention marchin looter koon?
>>477422 tbh years ago lads would talk about taking over the tory party (an invite only club predicated on following the orders of the jewish kingmaker who let you in) dead end nonsense smh very sad reform however is very young and best of all has already been granted party status by the powers that be if mark wasn't a spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) leading people down the dead end path of videogoom streams and improperly-filled-out party registration paperwork he'd be telling every single member of PA to join reform to hollow it out from the inside and wear it as a suit nige is a state deradicalisation asset and needs to be treated like the poison he is grateful that he got brexit going but honestly he's an obstacle and needs to be treated as such
Need a gf called Ashlynn
>>477426 >right wing names are all stereotypical redneck,slavic and latino names keeeeeeeeeeeeek ashlynn is like the name of a lass that would live in a place like grayling michigan and live in a single wide
>>477425 >an invite only club predicated on following the orders of the jewish kingmaker who let you in you are literally describing reform
>>477426 keeeking at those leftymong names
its over, the jews won
>>477426 if you remove the non whites from the left wing column it would probably correlate with IQ, intelligent people don't name their children things like "brock"
>>477427 le fuuuuuuuuck
if only everyone thought like I do the shite race would be saved and the jews defeated, its really come into total and absolute clarity over the last few months that our enemy is literally just the jews, non of this nonsense about leftists and globalists and whatever, those people are trivial to take care of, it is literally just the jews.
spic on suicide watch today
>>477430 jews larping lets see them try to do their own little 1991 desert storm in lebanon, so far its just smoke and mirrors
>>477437 Hi Lad
>>477431 Maybe the parents really like The Venture Bros
>steiner coping because he can't nasrallah post anymore the jews are literally cackling at all of us right now
wouldn't be surprised if the entire arabcel world gives in and starts hrt
amazed at how little consideration was given to the now widespread use of AI images in internet content now
>hes pivoting
wouldn't even be surpised that this is a literal JIDF fag being autistic
we have won yidbros
its never been more over
>the media are still talking like "will iran/hezbollah escalate"
>>477449 mong uploader, non whites cannot be chavs, chavs are natives.
Israel seems very eager for open war with Iran and Lebanon
twitter has gotten so boring since the ukraine and israel wars. So many gooning to slavgore and browngore
>>477452 Gooning to JAV is much more fulfilling
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Not seen Wess post for nearly 48 hours he's not dead again is he?
>>477454 No he's out there living his best life lad.
>>477455 >No he's out there living his best life lad. so he *is* dead then
>>477432 >No trailer park girl next door gf to go hunting racoons with rifles for dinner
>>477457 Imagine the encrusted shit that's been there for years.
>>477452 don't like that gore gooning has become acceptable in the eyes of normongs
The gf wants 3 children at least. Time to get breeding.
>>477460 tbh really creepy. So obvious they want us dead too >>477461 Based. That "at least" is very important
If you haven't bred before shartin you have failed as a man.
that's how I'm living my life
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22st has picked out a movie for tonight
>>477465 which film?
>>477466 My Life as a Homosexual Rentboy, by Bins, concluding in suicide by hanging from his own prolapsed snanus wrapped around his neck: 2024.
>>477467 That's not out in HD yet
>>477468 Hehehehe Michael Assbender I like him really, he just has a funny name.
>>477468 Mediocre film. Ok but nothing to write home about, just like most Netflix-produced films.
>>477474 It's actually not a bad tune
>>477468 >not even watching the good one
>>477476 yeah we're not
>>477476 The Chow Yun Fat one is by far the best "The Killer" movie tbh
why are the fags dressed as dogs?
>>477480 good lad
>>477480 was something supposed to happen?
>>477482 common thing for fags to dress like this at pride and be walked around by their 'owner'.
why are dogs sexualized in western society? I don't feel comfortable around dog owners sometimes tbh its some kind of decadence. I agree with I hate dogs livestreams tbh he is right.
dog owners are weird.
still better than coalburners.
>>477488 >actually thought this was a clip from a tv show or film with the baby colour corrected at first but its actually entirely AI we have one year
>>477490 Impressive dingleberry that
>>477480 good lad
>...he fell, to the jeet horde in bodmin
>>477490 classic
>>477488 Keeek but also >>477489 Smh bit spooky this AI
israel bombing beirut again live on bbc news
>>477500 I'm going there soon. will they be prepared for the skibidi rizzler?
>>477502 >US calls for ceasefire >btw here is another $9 billion aid package. keeeeeek
>>477505 jews casually use lazer dazzlers on civilians as well. I AM SO FUCKING SICK OF THE FUCKING KIKES. in high school it was nonstop NYT rants about how bad the US gov was for using willy pete and so forth but the jews just go full bore
>still no response from iran or hezbollah
>he handled the banter
feeling it right now
wews is one sick fella
>>477511 >Bertha and Bonga
>>477511 his tweets have been utter shite for months, can only imagine how insufferable millenyule will be this year, I assume he's already hard at work on it as we speak
>>477507 why would he not be in a bunker that's impervious to airstrikes? sandnigger incompetence is making me sad- I just want as many Jevvs as possible to die, why is that too much to ask?
>>477514 tbh lass
US announced it is withdrawing from Iraq. moderate won the Iran election. it seems like the US and Iran keep signalling to eachother that they want to avoid a war, despite Israel trying its best. I wonder if there is any real possibility of US-Iran war being avoided at this point. obviously if (((Blumpf))) wins, then it's a foregone conclusion, but if Kamala wins then??? the default take would be that it's going to happen no matter what because many Jevvs want it, but many Jevvs also want war with Russia so...? like the Biden administration is telling Iran, "we have no ability to restrain Israel, and if you attack them then we will attack you, but so long as you sit on your hands and let them attack you then we can avoid going to war with eachother"...... is that going to be the policy of the Harris admin? and if so, what would 4 years of that look like, would Israel just keep blowing people up desperately begging for a war and despite the constant provocations everybody will just sit on their hands and seethe in silence? there's no reason why Netanyahu would ever say, "ah fuck it, you goys are a bunch of bitches, we'll get you next time" and then step down and go to jail basically what I'm saying is that there doesn't seem to be any pathway to avoiding US-Iran war so why is Iran still being meek and pathetic. the order to make nukes should have been given by now
>>477518 I love building brown bricks in minecrap
>>477518 Jack Black and Jason Momoa hooked up? Hashtag Epic!
>>477511 embarrassing
reminder that it is forbidden to hike up her skirt and perform the insemination it would be cringe and bluepilled to do so
and for me? well it's got to be first gen 90s mopars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz1towbeG9Q
>>477518 nuke this gay earth
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in other news, for PR purposes zelensky refused a retreat from vuhledar while he was visiting america and now its encircled
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>I autistically follow troop movements and watch combat footage to see violent death
>>477529 russia's ground game is something else. cool video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKqXeE2MU_A it was always mass artillery storm of steel for the russkies, I think they would stomp the amerishart military their artillery and missiles are superior.
>>477534 yikes! sorry 14m88, but i only consume twitter links, x links if you will, if the content is presented directly to me in 8chan post form!
>>477536 >gives him the bat keke based
>>477536 good lad
nasrallahs bunker apparently
>>477539 pretty shite excuse for a bunker tbh that's just a hole in the ground

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