>Retarded politics because focusing on skin color is retarded
It is objectively not retarded, though. Any difference in appearance correlates to an internal difference, such as mentality. Skin color isn't just superficial. We have an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence that has virtually proven physiognomy to be true and it is a biological law that things that appear different also behave different; this is easily demonstrated with Belyaev's foxes, where selecting foxes to breed based on behavior correspondingly changed their physical appearance and this applies to every other species including humans - it's why we all have different cultures. If two things look different, it is because they are fundamentally different, not just superficially different and this has been further proven with cognitive and forensic science . Thus, race is not just a matter of skin color. The reason you are even able to look at pictures of cute femboys on the internet is because of the overwhelming contributions to technological progress from White people, with some East Asian contribution, as well. That's objectively important and is worth valuing.
>the real enemies are the one from the 1%
And the funny thing is that the 1% uses immigration as a weapon against the poor. Immigration is used to devalue labor and create a never ending cycle of consumption and environmental destruction. Multiracialism is largely a result of the 1% and they are who stand to benefit most from it. Multiracialism is the end goal and optimum state of capitalism, where consumption and production is the primary measure of success, not meaningful and non-materialistic life.
Listen, I don't actually hate other races, but I know who benefits me the most and who I have the most chemistry with. White people provide the most benefit to me and the most chemistry. Why would I want to live in a city of 500,000 of 50% White people when I could potentially live in a city that's 90% White people and thus more beneficial and attractive to me? It is "ethnostates" like Japan, the various states of Europe, White America, China, etc that have brought us the coolest and most useful shit as a species, so how can you have the audacity to say such a thing is "retarded"?