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anything thread Anonymous 12/29/2021 (Wed) 15:22:18 No. 2419
Had a dream... I was like skating (or something) down this road in my small city that goes up and then left to a bridge which goes over train tracks... It was kind of like my city but not really? And it had this really nice ambiance and tint to it, like just teenager fun vibes with a yellowish color of sorts, like it was a city of youth and stimulation. I was skating down this gentle slope until I came up to some skater boy near the end of the slope who had slipped backwards and grated the back of his arms on the road sliding down a good length of the road. I wasn't just gonna leave him there so I asked him if he was alright bro and he said he fell... I told him yeah your arms are all scraped, and then he told me to check for other scrapes and fucking pulled his yoga pants down... and he had a wonderful ass... not just a bubble butt, but with some bounce on it that made it look cushioned, I didn't see any hairs, well not even a wound of any sort... his skin was pale but his cheeks were kind of a healthy rosy color on some spots, like when you've been out in the cold and your skin turns pink... he was moving a bit up and down as if to try to get me a better view and indeed I did look so much I stared... he was kneeling at that point... eventually I told him you're alright bro and I have no idea what happened after that, not that I'd remember. He himself had a really cute vibe, top cuddlefuckable tbh. Other parts of the dream were me with a bunch of militia guys shooting up gangsters who did a driveby and running to their cars to pull out an insane amount of all sorts of guns and laying them on the grass for us to pick which we wanna rock with, I chose a Steyr Aug, discovered bullpups as I loaded and cocked it... some guy next to me complained because he wanted the rifle too but he found another... Thread about anything you want. Get PPH up and share your trivia!
I really wish a chubby but still cute femboy would sit on my face.
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>>2421 Good taste. Though I'd rather lose my chubby belly for a fat butt.
>>2425 those pics are fucking hot
>>2428 I know. You're welcome.
>>2425 >Good taste. Though I'd rather lose my chubby belly for a fat butt. <Cardio + squats + crunches That and maybe ride your bike more to the local grocery store if you've got one, plus you'll save on gas when not driving on short trips. Also dump all junk food and soda, ESPECIALLY SODA as that's one of the worst things humanly possible to consume. Soda is fucking degenerate. Big healthy firm butts don't come free unless god, Mormon god, or your fairy god mother decides to teleport to you one day and wave their magical wand to give you a big juicy ass that everyone wants to mount. No you've got to work for your glutes with time and sweat but trust me it's worth it anon. Just make sure you read very carefully on how to do these kinds of exercises correctly or you'll just end up hurting yourself in the process. You're gonna make it if your consistent, three times a week should do. Make sure to post the results here so we can analyze your progress and make future suggestions.
>>2431 Working on it. Soda I really rarely drink. Though I like sweet tea.
>>2432 >Working on it Good >Soda I really rarely drink Also good >Though I like sweet tea. Store bought or do you make your own? Hot or cold? I like tea too but I more often than not just drink plain green tea but I like just about anything. Every sweeten your tea with honey? I'm personally not all the crazy about it but you might like it.
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>>2433 Store bought but may have to start brewing my own at this rate with people buying everything out of panic. Along with the artificial supply shortage the government for some reason is doing.
>>2434 Interesting, where do you live anon? I'm in PA/United States currently and I'd say while finding certain stuff is harder now it's certainly not impossible either. You should always have a stockpile and maybe a plan or two just in case shit gets really crazy in the future and it looks like it's going that route especially since the US and China are locked into a sort of unofficial Cold War with each other so expect a lot of psy-ops, misleading news articles more than usually and a lot of proxy wars too. Think it's bad now? It will get worse but don't let that get you down and black pilled as it's just the nature of mankind to fuck things up for themselves and be ideologically driven retards, we'll endure and prosper again in due time.
>>2435 I'm a Texan. I'm more worried about the inevitable societal collapse of the US over the paper tiger that is China.
>>2436 >I'm a Texan Neat, which part? >I'm more worried about the inevitable societal collapse of the US over the paper tiger that is China. I mean as both those nations slowly decouple from each other yeah we'll have some hard times ahead of us but I don't think it will be the end of China or the USA. Social media and it's vapid ill informed ilk who are highly propagandized is a far bigger threat to a stable America than the slight inconvenience of having to move our factories out of China and place them in India, Indonesia, and Vietnam instead since the typical Americunt will gladly drool all over themselves while eating up the bullshit that's spewed in their echo chambers and the Mainstream Corporate media and their hyperbolic approach to everything such as the big three (((CNN))) (((MSNBC))) and (((Fox News)) plus all the foreign media both private and state ran too certainly aren't helping heck they're pretty much dumping gasoline onto the fire every time they give out their one sided hot takes. America's problem is we refuse to live within our means and will cause a shit storm for the rest of the world less they bend to our will or just cut us out entirely and we seem to think we're the center of the universe when that's clearly not the case, powerful yes but that doesn't mean everyone gives two shits certainly. I dunno I'm certainly not gonna go on a killing spree and hunt down leftist or Q-tards just because I have to pay a dollar or two more for certain electronics or clothing because I'm not an insane lunatic and most people aren't lunatics, warped, misinformed, and retarded yes but not total lunatics.
...shit posted the sample version again, sorry. Since your Texan do you look like pic related anon?
I want to destroy all DYELs
>>2437 The Alamo part. I'd say the biggest problem in America is our government. Whether congress or the presidential office, most of the time the interests of the American people are secondary. Only thing most politicians care for is the interests of corporations & filling their own pockets. If the country wasn't so full of NPCs so willing to let daddy government tell them what to do then things could actually improve. >>2438 No. Most Texans don't wear cowboy hats.
>>2441 But you do sit bare assed while exposing your bussy on poker tables?
>>2442 Can't say the opportunity has ever arose.
who here is a /nudist/? i've become a bare-assed little nudist ever since i moved to france (which is full of spots to be naked). wasn't raised as a nudist unlike some. public nudity should be mandated for all cutebois! remember to shave.
>>2441 Remember the Alamo! >>2443 So what your saying is when the opportunity does come to be sexy for everyone on poker night you'd prefer to go the traditional bunny suit route? >>2589 >france
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>>2590 I'm partial to reverse bunny suits myself.
>>2589 Nudism is fun but I have nowhere to do it.
I don't mind public nudity since I was raised as a naturist. Naturists are fine with all bodies. You don't have to be a model. Just remember that nudity is normal and natural
>>2431 Know of any good programs to download for the purposes of food tracking? The one I was using went offline. Also, what's a healthy weight for someone who's 5'11". I'm not looking for body slimness and loss of body fat (Particularly around my waist), not cuteboy physique. >>2437 >we refuse to live within our means What's wrong with that? If you mean in regards to the stigma of buying things you don't want, with money that you don't have, to impress people you don't like; I can understand the concept behind living within your means. However, most of the time I see people declare the concept of "living within your means", they usually make it in reference to how people should be content with what they have and NOT even to attempt to dream of a better life or pursue a goal that's beyond their current ability. A concept which I thoroughly reject. >>2589 >>2590 >>2594 >>2958 My biggest problem with nudity is that all the people who practice it are never attractive to look at. >Naturists What's the difference between you and a nudist?
>>2959 >I'm looking for body slimness and loss of body fat (Particularly around my waist), not cuteboy physique.
>>2589 >France lol where
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>>2959 >My biggest problem with nudity is that all the people who practice it are never attractive to look at. I haven't found this, I have to say. I've found the median naturist to be an open-minded artistic sort in their 20s (this is at the local pool, beaches and hike paths for reference, I actually haven't visited a resort since when I was a teen but they were pretty family-orientated as I recall. Nudity was actually mandatory, which kept out perverts). You would probably be surprised at the number of naturist families there are. But I know it all hinges on the area and all that. For some reason it seems like America has a big age differential in naturism/nudism, with old people being disproportionately likely to practice it. Don't know why this is Just FYI naturists are not swingers, it isn't meant to be about sex and there is indeed a mixture of body types, of the abled and disabled, of lads and lasses. Nakedness itself is not immodest or sexual. Nudity is just a part of life for me, I would be naked all day long for the rest of my life if I could. I think it's hard for non-naturists to understand that it isn't about sex, it's a broader attitude. My parents were Christian naturists and raised me as a Christian naturist would, and it's very hard to erase that conditioning. Wearing clothes at all feels awkward :( >What's the difference between you and a nudist? The words are not synonymous. The naturists are more into the 'natural' aspect such as it is and the nudists simply like to be naked. Naturism is more of a worldview or conviction and is often a subset of some broader outlook on life (for instance: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_naturism). Most nudists are more secluded and like to be inside fences and resorts, or at home. For the reasons I mentioned naturists are a bit more open and unashamed of their bodies than nudists are >>2969 :P
>>2981 Nudity among post pubescents is inherently sexual to the overwhelming majority of people with a healthy sex drive. To pretend otherwise is fucking stupid. Also to call it "naturism" is hilariously retarded. There is nothing natural about being naked in white culture. Whites have not lived in climates where you could get away with being naked for thousands of years. Literally nothing about you or your genetic lineage has any association with nudity as a default. People that want to be naked all the time are either autistic or perverts, probably both.
>Nudity among post pubescents is inherently sexual to the overwhelming majority of people with a healthy sex drive. To pretend otherwise is fucking stupid. The sexualization of normal nudity is pretty recent. Facebook now bans mothers who put up photos of them breastfeeding their kids. That's perverse and it's to do with the sexualization of nudity, something imposed on us by advertisers and capitalists. Isn't it interesting that skinny dipping for children and adult males used to be normal at places like the YMCA, while nowadays it's totally banned while at the same time the cultural overlords are promoting pornography and OnlyFans?? >Also to call it "naturism" is hilariously retarded. There is nothing natural about being naked in white culture. Whites have not lived in climates where you could get away with being naked for thousands of years. Literally nothing about you or your genetic lineage has any association with nudity as a default. Not really true, most white people live in climates where you can be naked without being uncomfortable, but obviously people living in those areas where it is too cold can practice naturism outdoors >People that want to be naked all the time are either autistic or perverts, probably both. If I'm posting here, I'm probably autistic TBF. But naturists are pretty normal people basically, if you ever go along to a nude beach you'll see a good mixture of families, hippies, conservatives, progressives, religious, atheists, young, old... it isn't really something connected to one's personality or lifestyle, apart from having an attitude that nudity isn't something shameful or evil or wrong
>>3000 >>3010 Sorry. I meant 'indoors' when talking about people living where the climate is cold. They don't need to walk around naked outside like I do. Naturism isn't about getting frostbite
>>3010 >Isn't it interesting that skinny dipping for children and adult males used to be normal at places like the YMCA Notice how you specify adult males. Nudity among adult males isn't sexual because most adults males don't experience inherent attraction to each other. That doesn't mean that nudity was normalized back then. Nudity among adult males is still very much normal and non-sexual. That hasn't changed. We still get naked in front of each other in locker rooms and showers. If anything we're more culturally comfortable with nudity. It's even legal for women to go topless in many states. >Facebook now bans mothers who put up photos of them breastfeeding their kids This is such a stupid comparison to make. The internet is filled with perverts that will sexualize a child breastfeeding, and the child can not consent to that exposure. It makes perfect sense for videos of breastfeeding to be banned regardless of whether or not you personally consider them sexual in nature. It's about basic ethics. >Not really true, most white people live in climates where you can be naked without being uncomfortable, but obviously people living in those areas where it is too cold can practice naturism outdoors Whether or not you can get away with being naked here and now is irrelevant. The point being made was that there is nothing natural about being naked all the time. There is no aspect of european culture, or really any culture in the northern hemisphere, where nudity was ever a consistent part of the culture. Clothes have been a vital aspect of the majority of the words ability to survive as well as our basic culture for long enough to be considered more natural than nudity itself. Without clothes we would all be fucking dead. >But naturists are pretty normal people basically, if you ever go along to a nude beach you'll see a good mixture of families, hippies, conservatives, progressives, religious, atheists, young, old... it isn't really something connected to one's personality or lifestyle, apart from having an attitude that nudity isn't something shameful or evil or wrong I would assume most people at nude beaches are there for a novelty and don't subscribe to something nudism ideals. I don't think nudity is evil or wrong. I just think pretending that public nudity isn't inherently sexual is fucking stupid.
Once when I was 5 or 6, I remember sitting across the dining table from my mother. I was doing my homework and she was eating and helping me out. Suddenly, I looked at my mother and it was as if I wasn't looking at my mother at all, but at something else. Her eyes had disappeared and all I could see were her dark eye sockets but the boundaries weren't well defined. Her hair disappeared and her other features were still there but I couldn't focus on them. It was as if I was staring at an outline of my mother's head with her nose and skin translucent. Everything I could see around her also took on a similar condition. And then the feeling passed. It likely lasted only for a second or two and I remember telling my mother that she looked like a monster just now and she made a joke and I laughed but I can't remember what it was. The memory is one of my oldest and it has stuck with me for fifteen years now. I'm probably also not describing it completely accurately as it was so bizarre and I think my english would fail me if I did. I have no idea what it was to this day and I have not had any similar experiences since then. Any ideas on what it could've been?

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