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bois that are cute

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me pic dump jaden 06/22/2022 (Wed) 08:51:25 No. 3132
hi 8chan!!! i was told by 1 person to make a thread for images of me so here i am. i have a lot of pictures and a few videos to get through, so why dont you tell me a kind of pose or angle or body part youd like to see so i have an idea of what to post first! ps if youre confused in im riding a vibrator in the vid of me bouncing
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>>3132 a few more to kick things off
>>3132 Interesting.
>>3134 is this good or bad
>>3135 Oh I have no idea. I'm just here to have fun. It's certainly interesting though.
>>3132 >>3133 cute af
>>3137 thank you thank you
>>3132 More videos would be cool, and would like to see more ass play
>>3135 Pretty damn top tier good tbh
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more meh filler stuff
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>>3139 this first one was a request from my partner at the time, second one is a little boring. im sorry its the best i can do
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>>3141 >>3142 >>3143 this is some of the best content ive seen in ages keep going OP post all you have, also fyi your ass is to die for
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>>3144 thank you that really does make me feel better
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excellent thread OP
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>>3132 Cute rising boner make me spontaneously rise up too
some weird one offs
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>>3156 I guess pantyhose isn't popular among western femboys?
>>3158 worn them once or twice, i never really looked good in them so no pictures
Bro please live in Texas Actually please any cuteboi in this board live in Texas
>>3160 What city?
>>3160 no i live in missouri
>>3161 Austin
>>3164 Okay LIBERAL! Not that far from where I am.
>>3159 OP if you have a crossdresser partner, do you call them boyfriend or girlfriend?
>>3166 ive never dated a crossdresser or any kind of feminine boy, all my boyfriends have been like big tall guys i guess whatever name theyd prefer though
>>3165 What do you look like? You don't have to post here if you don't want to. I have a discord
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>>3169 Well I've been told I'm cute. Got long eyelashes. Black hair that naturally curls. Got a little bit of a belly I'm trimming down little by little. Don't have any pics of myself so random images will have to do. What bout you?
>>3173 I'm masculine cute if that makes any sense.
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>>3174 >masculine cute What're you, gay?!
>>3177 Only if you consider topping cutebois a gay thing
>>3180 Depends if the balls touch.
>>3181 I wouldn't mind touching balls as long as yours are soft
>>3184 Are not all balls soft???
>>3156 I like femboy maid with big figure. Do you imagine being facesitted by smaller crossdresser?
>>3220 big figure? i was about 5'8 and 107 pounds when i took those
>>3222 > 107 pounds Oh you are lighter than you look
>>3223 is this a joke
OP has to officially be the cutest boi poster on this board, congrats
>>3224 We just have different concept of what big and light alright
>>3226 Your posts have strong "send bobs n vagene" energy.
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>>3207 When talking about smooth balls I think of this hentai. now that I check it, there isn't any ball action/emphasis.
a few new ones
>>3249 cute asf
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>>3250 ahha thank you! thats good
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some pics from when i went out in public dressed more or less as a girl first two are the outfit and hair style, mask cuz this was in the middle of covid stuff. i wear size 7 shoes so dont think its big pleas its not third pic was taken when i actually got to the park and sat down there
So cute, I'm obsessed with you in that hoodie
>>3254 What was it like being a trap in public? I don't have the body type to ever pull off being a trap, sadly.
>>3261 definitely really awkward. I wasnt sure whether everyone was staring cause of my unusual outfit (huge pullover with only a girls one piece swimsuit underneath, thigh highs etc) or cause they knew i was a guy. ofc there was actually a lack of clothing covering my ass and cock n balls. this coupled with the fact i was in a relatively conservative area only made me more anxious lastly a group of mostly guys tried to get me to come over to them after id already changed back into regular clothes. which definitely made me just gtfo. all in all it was actually really uncomfortable
>>3254 If I saw you in public, I would have kidnapped you and fed you dog food in my basement.
>>3264 why dog food?
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only guy i was talking to just blocked me, feeling kinda down anyone have any requests? i might take a whole night to fulfill any requests people might have
>>3267 God if only you lived where I am
>>3267 Showing off your butt in tight jeans or bike shorts? and please tease
>>3270 something with jeans i could get done as soon as tomorrow night. any specific pose or you want me to choose?
>>3272 poses like >>3141 fourth pic >>3143 second pic >>3145 fourth pic, with butt and feet facing cam would be cute, but any pose that makes your butt plump would be gold
>>3273 it have to be jeans or can it just be pants
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>>3274 jeans should suffice my good man
>>3273 took these and then remembered you actually did recommend some poses. give me a min
these are alot harder than expected cause the jeans arent very tight. im actually really small so all my “skinny” jeans are still baggy
>>3304 >>3305 >>3306 >>3307 I was hoping you would post your cute gay ass again. thanks bro
your not good at this 'anonymous' thing for one your using you real name and I can see your face in a lot of these photos
>>3346 its not my real name
and also none of these show my entire unobstructed face
OP is the cutest boy on the board
>>3362 thank you i usually say something else other than thank you but i cant really think of anything do you know of anywhere else i can post these? this board is kind of dead
>>3132 i always considered myself straight and only was in to traps but you are hot tot hot, you got discord?
>>3365 4chan has a cuteboys thread on /trash/
>>3373 not for people i dont know very well
Straight male here, but would definitely fuck OP like a girl while he called me daddy.
>>3132 Hi do you have instagram? Sexy
>>3384 i do not
>>3378 >Straight
>>3403 Uwaaaa~ that hoodie + those shorts are super cute, and then the scrunched up socks are just perfect. The baggy sweater is super good too
>>3403 So adorable 💓
grow a bigger penis. The minimum for a feminine penis is at least 8 inches.
>>3132 hey~ if you'd like to, write my name (rhys) on ur butt and I'll cum trib it for you :) I'm 7 inches n thick if that's a motivator <3
>>3403 You're very cute, Anon.
>>3413 Counter-request: Don't do that. Go smaller and cuter :3c
>>3132 Coming back to this thread and cumming to these pics is very comfy
>>4010 For me it's thinking about how he said his bfs were all tall and muscular
your hotter then most female models
>>4011 haha it does motivate me to hit the gym more, it just sucks i don’t seem to be around any boys like this. all the gays i know are either old and gross or young and gross.
>>3378 Same here. This board was made for people like OP. 11/10 would cry tears of joy eating that gorgeous ass. No homo.
long time no see …
Board revive when
>>4021 literally you
>>4021 A fucking LEAF!

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