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Christianity fellow goy 03/20/2021 (Sat) 23:41:23 Id: 000000 No. 21
If you look at the genealogies in the Holy Bible, you find that they are defined through the father; but (((their))) genealogies are through the mother, as were the genealogies of the (((canaanites))), who worshipped moloch/baal/satan, so it is fairly obvious that (((they))) are not the descendants of the children of Jacob/Israel/Whites, but of their worst enemies, children of edomites/esau/reptilians.
>>21 More of that.
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I want to explain a couple of things. There's quite a lot to unpack here so I'll begin with the whole noah thing. Whether you believe the story or no, Personally I do but that's not the point, Noah was saved by God. Now if you asked the average pastor they would say that he was saved through his faith in God. Which while yes his faith was indeed very strong that's not the reason given in the bible. No the reason Noah was saved was because of he himself being perfect in his generations. We also learn that the reason the flood happened was because the "sons of God" intermingled with the daughters of men. This is in Genesis 6 if you want to read it. However this has massive implications, God said that angels didn't marry in the new testament. So if we take this in a different way and say the "sons of God" are the seed of Adam which makes sense considering that God gave Adam the breath of life. Then we can Assume that noah was saved because he didn't commit miscegenation with other people groups. That's great and all but is noah White? Well in my personal opinion he probably was. Noah came from Adam the word adam in hebrew came from the word ruddy. Look up strong's exhaustive concordance number 119. It literally means to show blood in the face. Something only Europeans can do. This also gives extra weight to other things Semites, Hamites and Japhethites. Were all European. Which means Assyrians Akkadians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians, Libyans, Cushites and yes even the ancient Hebrews were all White. Considering the flood story and that noah was "perfect in his generations" he literally had to be. However in my opinion at some point. The Jews began to mongrelize with other peoples. until only a small remnant survived at the time of Jesus. You can tell if you read the bible. Alright if you go to numbers 25 then you'll see that a man named phineas was praised for the fact that he killed a man who was breeding outside of his people he also killed the women. Not to mention it was called a plague. Later on around the time of David. His appearance was describe twice 1 Samuel 16:12, 1 Samuel 17:42. Both times he was fair and ruddy both traits of Europeans. Considering this around this time the Hebrews were still probably European especially considering Davids appearance. Plenty of other bits sprinkled through the bible gives us a rough idea of what Israel looked like song of solomon 5:10, Lamentations 4:7 it's quite consistent that they were white and had a ruddy complexion. However everything changed after the Babylonian captivity. basically majority of Israel is gone I think they are Europeans but some might not, Only a small remnant remains. They begin mongrelizing with a mixed multitude. Read Ezra 9 for further clarification, Also read Nehemiah 13. Basically Israel's prophets were struggling to keep the Israelites from breeding with other people groups. If you read antiquity of the Jews then you'll notice that the Israelites bred with a group called the edomites. Who mongrelised with a group called the Canaanites who depending on who you ask are the sons of Noah's son's Ham's kid Canaan or the sons of Cain the guy who killed Abel. The Edomites were the progeny of Esau. Who hated the Israelites. If you want to know Esau originally had the birthright but he sold it for some porridge. Obviously not the type of people you would entrust the survival of your people with. But a man called hyrcanus conquered them and assimilated them into the remnant of the Israel people. Mainly Judahites which is why they're called Jews. Now during roman times a quick thing that backs this up is that Israel was called by the name Judea which is the combination of Judahite and Idumean(the greek spelling of edomite). The modern Jew also breeds with anyone from negros to Chinese to Europeans. In other words a mongrel. Jesus was born around this time possibly before it fully completed and considering how God personally birthed Jesus it's pretty easy to assume he was pure. This is why Jesus said to go only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel in matthew 15:24. And looking at 1 peter 1 these places included mainly greek places. The tale of Israel is a sad one a group of people who fell into debauchery due to a king who fell into idolatry due to his wives. and were kicked out of their home by Assyria and the last remaining remnant of them becoming mongrels.
>>21 >as were the genealogies of the (((canaanites))), do you have a source for this? also the Jews didnt adopt a matrilineal heritage until centuries after Christ, are you suggesting that all the Jews magically became Canaanites over night? Or that somehow the Canaanites (which didnt even exist during the time of Jesus because they had already been assimilated into other populations) somehow managed to replace all the Jews and steal the identities from hundreds of thousands if not millions of Jews? And to my understanding the majority of Jews dont even practice matrilineal lineage anymore and consider a child born from either a Jewish father or mother to be Jewish, but thats just my understanding.
>>21 God commanded our ancestors to eradicate the Canaanites/Edomites (babylonian demonic scum)....we didn't....they became modern jews. I mean idk what to say anon, God told us what to do to prevent clownworld and sent many messengers many times.
>>96 No citations, I see; however, even if you are correct, it was the DOCTRINE of the Pharisees and Sadducees that was evil, not their race. >"How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees? Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees." Matthew 16:11-12 KJV Israel's national transgressions are littered throughout the OT, from Israel himself (Jacob, who deceived his father to steal the birthright) onward. Their purity of race had nothing to do with their holiness or wickedness. Intermarriage may have provided additional temptation/opportunity for wickedness, but before any intermarriage occured, Jacob's sons wickedly deceived and slew the men of Shechem's city (Genesis 34) and sold their innocent brother Joseph into slavery after considering fratricide (Genesis 37)... and this is only the first two generations. >>237 Keep your healthy skepticism about this topic. It draws more crazy theories than anything else, maybe even more than Daniel & Revelation. >>288 >they became modern jews. The purest racial descendants of the ancient Biblical Canaanites are alive today, in modern Lebanon: (disable javascript to view the whole article) https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/dna-from-biblical-canaanites-lives-modern-arabs-jews tl;dr: Modern Lebanese are 90%+ Canaanite, Jews and Arabs are 50%+ Canaanite.
>>21 Modern Jews are the mongrlized descendents of Judah of the Bible. Their story begins with Esau, the race mixer twin brother of Jacob, the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. He had a quarrel with Jacob, Jacob fled and in the meantime Esau took canaanites as wifes >1This is the account of Esau (that is, Edom). 2Esau took his wives from the daughters of Canaan: Adah daughter of Elon the Hittite, Oholibamah daughter of Anah and granddaughter of Zibeon the Hivite, 3and Basemath daughter of Ishmael and sister of Nebaioth These and their descendents are the known as the Edomites. Among the Edomites there are the Amelek >12Additionally, Timna, a concubine of Esau’s son Eliphaz, gave birth to Amalek. These are the grandsons of Esau’s wife Adah. which later became the enemy of Israel and are seen as their eternal nemesis. This is who they are, but how did they become known as the Jews, the descendents of Judah and Israel? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edom >The Edomites first established a kingdom ("Edom") in the southern area of modern-day Jordan and later migrated into the southern parts of the Kingdom of Judah ("Idumea", or modern-day southern Israel/Negev) when Judah was first weakened and then destroyed by the Babylonians, in the 6th century BC. The original ones were conquered by Babylon and carried away. The Edomites settled there and took things over, and after the original Judahites returned they fought and eventually >They were again subdued by John Hyrcanus (c. 125 BC), who forcibly converted them, among others, to Judaism Notethat "Judaism" isnt here the modern Judaism. Somewhere in the meantime the Pharisee were founded whichs tradition is based on the oral law which became the talmud and very likely was influenced by babylonian teachings the Judahites brought back and is the foundation of modern Judaism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharisees >The Pharisees preserved the Pharisaical oral law in the form of the satanic bible known as Talmud.
The jews call Europeans esau and amalek and wish to blot out the name of Europe. This is the source of black washing history. This is the source of shitskin migration to white lands. Anti-whitism is encoded into their religion. The anti-white agenda is nothing other than judaism. "wokeism" is nothing other than tikkun olam judaism. Feminism in white countries is tikkun olam and therefore judaism. The androgyny agenda is kabbalistic and therefore judaism. Reminder to all non-jewish, non-Euro gened people as well. Jews are not stopping at white people. Ultimately ALL non- jews are esau/amalek. They only target white people first, primarily, because they are butt hurt about the romans destroying their stupid temple. They will destroy the cultures and genotype and pheno-type of ALL peoples if they are not stopped. Reminder that COMMUNISM is jewish, and so cambodia's khmer rouge was jewish. Vietnam war was jewish. China's one child policy was jewish. Nuking japan was jewish. The transatlantic slave trade was jewish. Ect. TKD. Kikeeeeee...

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