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Why do agnostics and "generic theists" become irrationally upset at being told the Old Testament doesn't matter? Anonymous 01/15/2023 (Sun) 06:43:19 Id: 76304d No. 274
I've had this conversation with several people from several walks of life. The general premise (since I lived it) is that... >Went to church as a child >Church taught the old testament stories like David and Goliath or Noah but never taught Jesus' teachings >Came to hate the church growing up for one reason or another >Called myself an agnostic/atheist for a long time >Eventually realized the New Testament tells a completely different tale I know a lot of normalfags who never went through the last step abd are stuck in that pre-NT phase. Regardless of the path they took to get where they are at whether through strong religious underpinnings or near-absence of Christ, they always have a similar story. When I mention that the Old Testament could be safely ignored in Church teachings and that Churches should focus on teaching Children the New Testament though, they almost all without any rhyme or reason become incredibly upset at the prospect of Churches teaching the word of Christ with no mention of the OT until the children are much older. What the heck? Why are these people who hate Christianity or at least are indifferent to it so opposed to the idea of teaching the New Testament beyond nativity scenes? They all universally insist that learning the Old Testament as a child is important, which I don't understand because the OT turns more people away from God for life than if Children were just taught the NT.
>Why do agnostics and "generic theists" become irrationally upset at being told the Old Testament doesn't matter? because even the lost have an understanding of how stupid that is. Doing so would be rejecting the entire morality of Christianity and God's Law which Christ Himself acknowledged and said was meant to be followed till the end of our time.
>>275 The morality of Christianity is found in the New Testament. Jesus and his disciples recognized the Old scripture as being divine and inspired by God the same way Muslims view the bible, but they also recognized that it was the previous contract between man (specifically the sons of Abraham) and God. John 1:17 >For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Mathew Matthew 9:13 makes it clear that Jesus does not abide by the old testament but in salvation and truth. >But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. The morals of the Old Testament are valuable for sure, but they are also the source of sin for young believers and the source of lack of belief when they see the Old Testament quoted by satanists out-of-context. I would rather see a million Christians see the OT as a supplementary book for theological study than one church teach the Old Testament to children before delving into the righteousness of the New Testament.
Yeah it'd be nice if more people understood the bible isn't just a book you read from start to finish and any born again is obviously going to recommend you read the NT first then the OT which is something the average person is actually confused about. But you can even discover the Gospel with just the OT. It's unfortunate that the average person thinks the Bible is a magic book that you read from start to finish and it just tells moral lessons.or it's historically interesting piece of literature. What's interesting is that There was a man named Jesus who made massive validated claims. Messiah's first coming is where everything leads. No one would have said you have to read Isiah, you don't have to read the book of Ruth. But you do have to read what Jesus said that's pretty important, assuming you can read, obviously many christians never got the chance and just heard about Jesus but you have to hear Messiah you don't have to hear the prophets. Christians understand this but certainly non-christians don't since most of them believe Jesus is no different than the stories of Moses and Noah. How do you make a non-christian understand this? By explaining the good news obviously, that's all. Because yeah Jesus isn't special unless we understand why he is special and why salvation is through him and not any of the other prophets which therefore makes his accounts a bit more important. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=satO2kss5xA Most people don't even know the NT is 1st century. They don't anything, I didn't know anything. The devil is always going to cloud people and he will always use the best of the good. We know the devil's favourite thing to attack people with is the Bible. When he was against Jesus the devil's go-to strategy was quoting scripture at him. So the devil will use and does use the Bible to keep people away from Jesus and he does it by making people not understand it's not just a book you pick up and read start to finish like a mystery novel. And most of history people never understood scripture like that but we are spoiled today by having whole complete pocket bibles. That's why obviously you shouldn't hand out Bibles to people, you should give them New Testaments. Now of course some people have come to faith through the Old Testament, but it's more common for the devil to use the old testament to actually throw inexperienced people off track. You'e heard of Mr Beast the youtuber. One of the initial famous things he did was try to read the whole bible in one sitting. He said it's because he wanted to understand it better. I think it may be the best example of this issue. Even though he said he wanted to understand it better he was also recording himself and doing it for fame and money and so God let the devil take him away. He read the KJV which is not for beginners and he read from the beginning. So he learned absolutely nothing about the Gospel. And lots of people who are interested for the wrong reasons will "read the Bible" such as I did, behold, many moons ago. We're pretty dumb and stupid and most people can't just go and read the Bible on a whim and discover truth. Usually there's something else that leads someone to understanding the Gospel then they read the NT wanting to know more about this Jesus person. Because people don't understand going to Heaven is about being forgiven first not being good first. Most people don't believe they need to be forgiven therefore they don't need Jesus therefore they don't care about the NT.
>>277 And the whole point of course I forgot to mention is he never made it past Exodus of course. Non-christians don't consider Christianity to be apart of thew world. To them the Bible invented a type of God, so therefore to be part of this religion you must read this book of this God that was invented. It's just not a history book to them and so when you tell them "you don't really need to learn about the laws of Israel right now." They're so confused and baffled because you're asying that a part of the bible isn't important? To them God doesn't exist in the real world, he existed at church and in the Bible. And I see people online because I don't go outside, there's a new Jesus video game that's out made by christians and youtubers were playing it and they are hearing about the holy Spirit for the first time. No idea what it is but they hear about it. And non-christians will sing amazing grace but not even know what it means but it sounds nice. Grace is not a term in common talk. yeaaaaah. But that's okay everything is pretty okay.
>>278 >Some Jesus game vtubers are playing This? It hasn't released yet but it actually looks like it might be halfway decent as far as Christian vidyagames go: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1198970/I_Am_Jesus_Christ/
(1.61 MB 500x500 my denomination.mp4)

I missed a chance to post this
>>274 >Why do agnostics and "generic theists" become irrationally upset at being told the Old Testament doesn't matter? Because it does matter, but it's only half of book. In some regards, the OT is a "history" of the world leading up Christ's birth. >When I mention that the Old Testament could be safely ignored in Church teachings and that Churches should focus on teaching Children the New Testament though, they almost all without any rhyme or reason become incredibly upset at the prospect of Churches teaching the word of Christ with no mention of the OT until the children are much older. Part of that has to do with how Christ, himself, constantly referred to the Old Testament. You can't talk about Christ without talking about his teachings, and you can't talk about his teachings with referring to the Old Testament. >>276 >but they also recognized that it was the previous contract between man (specifically the sons of Abraham) and God. But, that was ALSO established in the Old Testament (I want to say somewhere in 2nd Chronicles, Ezra, or Nehemiah, but I forget the exact book, it's from that latter period). >>276 >but they are also the source of sin for young believers and the source of lack of belief when they see the Old Testament quoted by satanists out-of-context Anon, by that same playbook, they ALSO quote Christ out of context in order to either justify how it's "immoral" to retaliate against them (Turn the other cheek) or use as "proof" that Christ's goal was to cause chaos (I came not to send peace, but a sword). >>277 >and any born again is obviously going to recommend you read the NT I disagree as, even with the New Testament, you have a lot of people that cherry pick parts of the gospel that they "want" to follow or think sound nice, all the while distorting the word to the point that it means the exact opposite and contradicts what the rest of the gospel says. However, I agree with what you're saying about how people shouldn't JUST read the Bible from start to finish and call it a day. Hell, just reading the Bible just to read it doesn't provide any justice to the word as, if one were to strip out all of the meaning behind it, it's a grand epic saga, itself. If you're not going to be reading it just for that alone, you might as well be reading something that you actually enjoy. >but certainly non-christians don't since most of them believe Jesus is no different than the stories of Moses and Noah I have never seen anyone say this, unless you count Kikes treating Moses like he was the Messiah. >Most people don't even know the NT is 1st century. I doubt that considering how "B.C." and "A.D." are remembered as "Birth Christ" and "After Death". >You'e heard of Mr Beast the youtuber. No. >One of the initial famous things he did was try to read the whole bible in one sitting. He said it's because he wanted to understand it better. Well, that's a good laugh. I remember hearing how, over in the East, even the best and leading monks keep rereading the same Hindu and Buddhist texts they've already read thousands of times because they keep finding something new with each rereading. If people don't understand that it's the same circumstance with the Bible, it sounds like the problem is their own hubris in wanting to sound intelligent. Personally, I'm going through my second reading of the book. >he never made it past Exodus of course. So much for reading the Bible in one sitting. Sounds like your average hack. >Non-christians don't consider Christianity to be apart of thew world. They don't consider ANY religion to be a part of the world. Atheist and Agnostics consider religion to be a backwards idea created by people who were "too stupid" to understand reason and science or were "misled" by absolute charlatans, with the end result of this religion of "Reason and Science" being the Socialist cult that we're facing today. >To them God doesn't exist in the real world, he existed at church and in the Bible. No, it's far worse than that. They see God as the demon that created our "prison" that is the modern world, and their goal is to "exorcise" this demon by destroying the world he created through their magik of "Reason". To put it another way, these people, who ridicule the idea of religion, see that the "problems" people suffer from is due to the structure of the world, and they have made it their goal to change the world, itself in order to solve the problems of man.

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